Dum Dum Female Problems.


Dum Dum Female Problems

NOTE: This is part of a series of dum dum were-aykroyd transformation stories that take place in a different universe outside of the regular universe the characters are from, this is a continuing series that has now included Corey and Oats as part of the main cast and also includes parodies of fat acceptance/weight gain fics and mentions of body horror or some body horror elements and is not to the tastes of everyone in particular (due to horror content, gross out elements, etc), so if you have an issue with this I really could not give a damn (so none of your petty hate rants or you will be dumified).

For more information on the saga look at the rest of the chapters in the order they appear in before reading this: Aykroydian Nightmare (has the first sort of appearance of the dum dum were-aykroyd, or rather a glimpse of him in the form of a nightmare sequence), To Be The Master's Favorite Aykroyd, Curse of the Dum Dum Were-Aykroyds, Night of the Dum Dums, Spirit of the Were-Aykroyd (the first one to feature Corey and Oats as supporting characters)

Were-Aykroyd Came From Planet Dum Dum, Rise of The Dum Dum Plague, The Dum Dum Plague Begins, Brotherhood of the Dum Dum Were-Aykroyds, Invasion of the Were-Aykroyd Dum-Dums, Corey and Oats in the Case of the Dum Dum Cookies, Corey and Oats VS The Dum Dums, The Dum Dum Spirit's Newest Host, The Were-Aykroyd Master's Lover, The Debut of The Female Dum Dum, Attack of the Giant Dum Dum, A Dum Dum Plot For A Dum Dum Were-Aykroyd, The Return And Rise Again Of The Dum Dum Queen, Tim Gets Dummed Dummed, Domain of the Dum Dums, Wrath of the Dum Dum Master and Dum Dum Proxy and Inside the Mind of A Dum Dum.


Where we last left our brave team of heroes the dum dum master known as Dumius tried to hypnotize Nathan and condition him into becoming a dum dum were-aykroyd wife, specifically a dum dum were-aykroyd wife known as Danielle who is a bit of a troublemaker. And now our heroes had to deal with the possibility of Nathan turning into her again, as if being a were-aykroyd in itself was not needlessly complicated enough, now he had to be stuck with being cursed to be female!

Nathan could not stand this curse, he would have done anything to change it if he could but unfortunately Dumius and that stupid spirit made a change in the original agreement, meaning Nathan had to be the recipient of a were-aykroyd gender bender curse. All because Dumius was lonely. And it keep getting worse and worse each time, because he knew that Dumius loved him, when he was her and had done this to other people he took a liking to, especially since Corey and Oats discovered his social media accounts and his Onlyfans page. ‘Being stuck in this nightmare of a curse where I am a fat female is a nightmare in itself, I mean the female were-aykroyd body is hard to adjust to.’ ‘I can get where you are coming from, Nate.’ ‘Same here, being stuck in the body of a female were-aykroyd must be hard to adjust to in general.’

‘Especially when said were-aykroyd alter-ego causes trouble and has an uncontrollable appetite.’ ‘I hate my female were-aykroyd alter-ego so much, you know in the universe I am normally from, Dan is my were-aykroyd alter-ego and he is much nicer than Danielle and hey at least he is not a dum dum were-aykroyd with leaking melons!’

‘Yeah, it is so weird that when you grow those dum dum breasts and they start dripping milk.’ ‘I am not even pregnant as a dum dum were-aykroyd yet I produce milk anyway? But I am male as a human, how is this possible? I never can figure it out.’ ‘Yeah, you seem to produce milk as a female were-aykroyd and that is weird in its own but it is still odd why that always happens to you.’

Nathan felt a bit uncomfortable just thinking about it, he could not stand Danielle (who had the tendency to conspire against him, and in more ways than one! She wanted to take over him and ruin him) but he was cursed with being her every night and when she took over things got messier than usual. This was made all the worse, by the fact this was an agreement he could not ‘back himself out of’ due to how it had changed from how it originally was. Originally the agreement was he would become a male dum dum were-aykroyd (because he had hopes of becoming a father one day and maybe hoping a female friend of his would get the honor of being a female dum dum, but Dumius, being the bastard he was, changed the agreement to make Nathan female, but was sort of justified in doing so because it got pretty lonely living in a dum dum were-aykroyd universe without a female to rule over his dum-dum-kingdom with!) but now he was cursed to be female and oh boy did he loathe it.

He did not think he was particularly attractive but he felt self conscious about himself in that form, that female were-aykroyd body of his was hard to adjust to no matter how hard he tried. And he even tried to get adjusted to walking like dums dum do i.e waddling but he had trouble doing that, it just felt so alien being in that body, and that body was one that he did not like at all.

‘I know you cannot stand being her, which is understandable.’ ‘Yes, we also hate her, for she is a bad were-aykroyd!’ ‘She is always trying to ruin you and that is not okay.’ ‘Yes, she is very dum dum and I understand why you do not like dum dums, they are very overweight and lazy and do nothing but eat.’ ‘As vile and disgusting as Puro and transfurs are, at least I can tolerate dum dum were-aykroyds more because hey, they are Aykroydian!’

‘Yeah, transfurs are disgusting and I should know.’ ‘You faced them numerous times, mommy. And also that evil phoenix who keeps sending them after you and keeps tormenting Matthias!’ ‘Oh how I hate her so much.’ ‘Yes, the almighty producers think that bird would make a good antagonist for him when already has several.’

“Yeah, the producers are cruel like that to him sometimes.”

“Waddling and being stupid is not the thing I want to be known for, it is so degrading.”

“It must feel pretty degrading to be reduced to idiot status.”

‘We have been working on a plan to stop them!’ ‘Yes, indeed we have.’ ‘We now know - what Dumius is like and what he wants from you, and we shall make sure you do not go full dum dum on us.’ ‘He always seems to forget I can return back to normal since the dum dum only comes out at night.’

‘Indeed, we can all work together to stop him!’ Meanwhile in the palace of Dumius the dum dum were-aykroyd, the heavy-set male were-aykroyd dum dum was very peeved off at the fact he always lost to the duo and every attempt he made at trying to get Nathan to become his were-aykroyd wife ultimately ended in failure (but he is the villain of this saga so before anyone complains about a clearly overweight character being vilified, he is not supposed to be sympathetic!) and yet he tried time after time again to do so.

He summoned his two dum dum were-aykroyd henchmen…’Chubs, Sugarsack! I need you both right here and right now.’ ‘Yes, boss?’ ‘As you know my previous attempts in purloining Nathan and making him into a dum dum were-aykroyd wife in hopes of getting my beloved lovey wifey back have all ended in failure, because of that covid microbe and that horse!’ ‘Oh yes, that meddlesome horse and microbe ruin all your plans. Do you want us to go after him again?’

‘I nearly got him last time through hypnosis and I am sure I can get him back, no matter what. No dum dum escapes Dumius!’ he laughed wickedly as he used his powers to teleport himself and his two henchmen to the city. He decided in order to get to Nathan he needed more than just his henchmen, he saw two fat acceptance/fat art creations talking to eachother on Twitter/X in a way that sounded like they had a desire to be overweight. ‘Oh do you think it would be so hot to be degraded into being a fat disgusting nerd?’ ‘Oh yes, I definitely think it would. Or that it would be awesome to get fat and get paid for just being fat.’ ‘Oh yes, a fat stay at home hog of a person and pig out, because I am so totally sure this is not going to end in us being humiliated.’

“Oh yeah I bet you just wanna be a good widdle dum dum piggy huh.”

“Oh yeah, a good widdle piggy.”

That is when Dumius farted on the first person who was named Clovis, and made him undergo a transformation, as Clovis watched his own clothes ripping apart as he turned into a plus sized were-aykroyd to the horror of others who were watching him, and some people even laughed at him, he felt himself getting heavier and dumbier and his posts shifted to reflect this, showing photos of him eating and doing silly things, which caused him even more humiliation.

Clovis then farted on his friend, causing a sentient fart cloud in the form of a spectral were-aykroyd to materialize and possess his friend (named Ryden), Ryden found himself undergoing the same fate as his friend, turning into a plus sized were-aykroyd and undergoing the process of being dummed dummed (even his messages on his phone were affected and so were all his tweets and art posts!) and he released a transformative fart cloud that possessed all of his friends and turned them into dum dum were-aykroyds as well.

‘Excellent, you have done well, my beloved dum dum servants! Now we must find Nathan and make him my lovely dum dum wife!’ ‘Yes, master.’ Dumius, his henchmen and the newly transformed dum dums made their way across the street.

At this universe’s version of the Nile Road residence, the gang consisting of Mel, Nathan, Corey, Oats, the microbes, the Snackle gang, Aiyido the beholder, Wailleo the beluga whale, Piff the Pufferfish, Gomez the piranha, Aiyvan the monster, Anglo the anglerfish and Astro the alien were all keeping an eye out.

Aiyido was keeping watch when he saw the ghastly foul-smelling gas cloud and recoiled in disgust and terror…’Oh my dear dark lord! That is definitely the smell of dum dums alright.’ ‘Oh no does that mean Dumius is coming back?’ ‘Oh it most likely is.’ ‘Oh no, not him.’ ‘Does he not know when to stop?’

‘Oh he likely does not, you know him. Recurring villains never stop, they always come back.’ ‘Like William Afton and Ghostface?’ ‘Yes, like that.’ ‘Oh greegle graggle, Dumius is coming back! That is just great.’ ‘Aiyido, you can handle this, you are a beholder.’

‘You are right, I can, we all can!’, the dum dum were-aykroyds lead by Dumius and his henchmen stomped over to the entrance of the house, and attempted to barge through the door. Mel and the others all gathered around to start their plan to combat the were-aykroyd dum dums that were approaching.

“Dum dums approaching at 1 o clock!”

“1 o clock? But it does not even say that on my clock.”

“The dum dums are coming!”

The dum dums stumbled about and tried to get to the duo but Aiyido and Aiyvan used some magic to zap some of them and send them flying all the way back before Ryden and Clovis attempted to fart on Oats, Oats luckily was immune to dumification and he used some magic to fend them. ‘Tough luck, huh. You try to make a dum dum out of me but I cannot be affected because, I am a horse!’

‘And I am a covid 19 microbe, I am the one who is supposed to be infecting not being infected myself!’ Corey added. ‘I am a monster already, a beholder to be exact - and I have some powerful eyerays that I am not afraid to use!’ ‘I am an anglerfish, but everyone knows that.’ Anglo also contributed. ‘I am a monster as well, not just any monster but the funkiest monster ever!’

‘Hello, my name is Piranha Montoya! You tried to brainwash and transform my friend, prepare to fight!’ Gomez the piranha responded. ‘And I am an alien, my otherworldly powers can easily counter those of a dum dum!’ Dumius smirked as he looked over at Nathan.

‘Do not even think about it.’ ‘Oh but I will, hello, my lovey.’ ‘What do you want to do to me this time, Dumius?’ ‘My beloved dumpkin with two round marshmallows, how could you act like I want to do anything but love you?’ ‘Love him? Love him? All you ever seem to do is try and corrupt this innocent friend of ours into becoming her. You do not love him, if you cared and truly loved him you would help him.’

‘Oh but I am helping him, to become my dum dum lovey!’ ‘He does not like being your supposed wife, what part of that do you not understand?’ ‘Oh but he will and I bet he secretly does.’ Nathan shook his head. ‘In your dreams. I would never admit to liking being a big fat were-aykroyd.’

‘Oh but you most certainly would, admit it, you like it. A whole lot in fact. You even have a bit of a submissive side to you.’ ‘Submissive? Me? I do not ever recall my were-aykroyd self ever being called submissive or acting like that.’ ‘Oh but I do, I remember you even calling me daddy like you were a little girl calling her father!’ ‘Daddy? Okay, I do not remember ever saying that.’ ‘Oh but you most definitely are, I remember you fawning for me while entranced.’

‘That was only because I was under your control!’ ‘Why yes, you were. And do not like you did like it, because you did. You and her are one and the same, so you must definitely like this.’ ‘Yeah I know that but I do not think you can act like I really am her.’

Dumius did not listen to the complaints Nathan made, as he walked into the bedroom and looked into the wardrobe, the wardrobe all had relatively normal human clothes inside it until he pulled out a pair of large size pink underwear. ‘Oh, well then, what about these? I found this pair of lovely pink large sized panties in your wardrobe.’ ‘I do not remember wearing those nor do I recall ever being into wearing clothes made for women!’ Oats blushed as he heard that and he added. ‘Exactly, that is more of my thing. And even if those were in my size, I would not be caught dead wearing those.’

‘Oh but look, they are so obviously yours, my lovey.’ ‘Mine? Mine? I am a male human at the moment, Dumius. What would a man like me do with obviously feminine clothing anyway?’ ‘You would definitely look good with them on though, give them a try.’ ‘No thank you, they probably belong to you anyway, or your mother.’ ‘Hey, what are you saying, are you saying that I would obviously wear those?’

‘Not implying you would but still, those clearly are your thing.’ Dumius was clearly put off by this and he tried to make Nathan wear the underwear but Nathan picked them up and threw them away. ‘Hey, pick up that pair of undies right now!’ ‘It is not my thing, it is yours.’

He stamped his feet and growled at him…’Do not sass me or disobey me, lovey, I know what is best for you, you are mine.’ ‘Only during the night that is, because dum dum were-aykroyds still have to go by the same rules as were-aykroyds in my normal universe!’ ‘That may be so but you are still mine.’

“Do you believe a word that this sicko is saying?”

“He acts like Nathan is his possession.”

“And that is just wrong!”

‘A fat mindless were-aykroyd wife who does nothing but waddle.’ ‘Exactly, that is your real purpose, not to be here with these friends of yours who do nothing but ruin my fun!’ ‘No it is not, I did not ask to have this curse and you know that.’ ‘Oh, I do know, it is just I want to have you - my lovely dum dum were-aykroyd wifey!’

Corey hated how creepily Dumius was talking to Nathan, how it made him squirm every single time he heard that, such a sick and disgusting term and normally food related terms of endearment would make him laugh (and sometimes turn so red he would resemble Hellboy!) but when that were-aykroyd master of his used them on him, it made him feel dirty and not in the sense of the word you are thinking. ‘Ick, why does he keep doing that, calling me his dumikins?’ ‘Yeah it is so super uncomfortable.’

Nathan pretended to flirt with Dumius and patted his large rear before rubbing his belly (and this is as ‘horny’ as this story saga will ever be, after all, this is for everyone. If any fat fetishists out there are disappointed in the lack of horny content, too bad, this was not made for you anyway!) and he rolled his eyes, he did not like the fact Dumius crushed on him as the dum dum wifey known as Danielle and it made him hate said female were-aykroyd all the more.

He had tried numerous times as he could to try and cure himself of his curse, both in his normal universe and in the dum dum universe, but even then those were temporary and he would either find himself forced back into the role of the were-aykroyd or decide it he missed it too much so he would decided to do it again, however the thing was there was no cure for his current state.

“Oh come now lovey, you must secretly like being a dum dum.”

‘What makes you think that I would love being forced into being a dum dum were-aykroyd? You keep forcing this upon me, you always like me more as her and not as myself, you only want the dum dum and not normal me. You throw tantrums every single time your plans get foiled and you will not take no for an answer! I do not like being forced into this role.’ ‘Oh you do not mean that, do you lovey?’ ‘I do mean it, there have been moments I have come close to quitting because of you. I did not want this, you forced this change in the agreement, I was not supposed to be female but you made my were-aykroyd form female when I hoped to remain a guy in that form!’

‘He is right.’ Corey added. ‘We have seen what you do and it is not a pleasant thing, you have done this with other people too. And the punishments you have done on some of them were pretty bizarre too.’ ‘Do not forget your social media accounts including the risque ones. Yeah, those female were-aykroyd dum dums showing off their bodies and being force fed are not sexy!’ ‘Oh yeah and your onlyfans too, like seriously, you post THOSE on your twitter page? You are sick.’

‘Oh you are just attacking me for my sexual preferences and my preferences are deliciously dum dum, so do not question me.’ ‘You like turning people into fat were-aykroyds with no brain, that is your preference!’ ‘I do suppose you are right, but that does not change the fact that my lovey belongs to me and deserves better.’

‘Deserves better than what, oh morbidly gross and stupid one? Deserves better than us? But we are his best friends! We know what is best for him.’ ‘And you obviously do not.’ Dumius smirked as he squeezed Nathan. ‘Ooh but I do and my dummy wumikins needs a master to love her and care for her.’

“Are you kidding me? I do not need you.”

“Oh yes, you do, my dearest dummy dumpling!”

‘You do not even do that, all you do is control him and try to corrupt him into being a dum dum were-aykroyd wife!’ Mel interjected. ‘Oh yes, but what a lovely dum dum wife he makes.’ ‘I do not think my dum dum were-aykroyd form is lovely.’ ‘Oh but I do and it is time you should become her again.’

“If he becomes her again he will cause more trouble than he did last time.”

“Yeah, we have to stop him!”

‘Nooo do not listen to him.’ ‘Yeah, he just wants to ruin you.’ Nathan shuddered as Dumius smirked before launching himself onto himself. His stomach made an unsettling series of gurgling noises as he began to feel increasingly hungry, he charged towards the kitchen and towards the fridge.

‘Oh no, he is going towards the fridge, we have to do something.’ ‘Do not worry guys, I have got this!’ Aiyido the beholder floated in front of Nathan and used a spell to prevent him from attacking before levitating in front of the fridge, Nathan groaned as his stomach grumbled and gurgled and he began to feast and feast, his hunger increasing and making it hard for him to think of anything else besides food.

Hairs slowly crept up his arms as his arms broadened and thickened, his hands slowly swelling in the process while hairs spread all over them and his fingernails lengthened. ‘Food is good for dum dum, dum dum likes food. Wait…I am doing that thing of calling myself a dum dum while transformation again! Oh no, not this again.’

He panicked as his chest and torso slowly began to swell and grow, fat pooling into both of them as two round formations slowly developed on his chest, pushing against his shirt as the buttons on said shirt popped off and he slowly expanded and gained a lot of weight in those areas. ‘Ooooh, dum dum looks so fat and happy.’ ‘Nathan, you can do this, you can snap out of it!’

In addition, his belly slowly bloated up and gained weight, pressing against his shirt which was tightening more and more (and if any fat fetishists out there think this is sexy, it is not, it is disgusting and horrifying and he does not like that he is transforming against his own will!) as hairs slowly spread up his chest and torso and down his stomach. The two round formations that were developing on his chest swelled and swelled, producing milk that dripped onto his shirt. ‘Tee hee, dum dum is going to make milk for her master! Dum dum makes milk, yaaay!’

He could not believe what he had just said, covering his mouth in shock…it was obvious that ‘she’ as in Danielle the female were-aykroyd dum dum was coming through and she was oh so giddy and happy to be trying to take over him, she definitely had her way of making her way known. ‘She is coming out I see, oh and she seems so happy, does she not, lovey?’ ‘Here is a suggestion for you, how about you leave Nathan alone, you monster!’ ‘And what are all you going to do about it, huh?’

Piff the pufferfish stood up to Dumius and puffed himself up….’Do not even dare thinking about harming our friend. I may be just a pufferfish but even a little puffer can be dangerous. Do not even thinking about eating me, either - because I can poison you!’ ‘Aaaaw, is that little fishy trying to threaten me?’ ‘Little fishy? I am the mighty and all-powerful Piff! I am a pufferfish. I am a fugu and definitely not a tacky one!’

Nathan clutched his swelling and gurgling stomach as his socks slowly strained and tore open due to his feet enlarging and developing webbed toes. ‘Ooooh dum dum has nice feet, do you love dum dum and her feet?’ ‘Oh yes, I love dum dum and all of her parts.’ ‘That dum dum is our friend, let go of him please!’

Dumius smirked and furiously made out with Nathan as Nathan saw his own jeans slowly beginning to strain and tear due to his legs thickening and swelling and his stomach swelled even more and pushed against his belt, his belt swelled and enlarged pushing against the belt, his belt unbuckling itself before snapping open as his belly burst right through it. ‘Teee hee, the belt is broken! Dum dum broke her belt, tee hee!’

‘Oh yes you most certainly did.’ He rubbed his transforming subject’s growing stomach as it gurgled, Nathan blushed and tried to fight him off, as the dum dum were-aykroyd master hedonistically massaged his belly and cuddled him (and this is as ‘steamy’ as it gets here, people. Sorry but if you want fat people smut you are going to have to go Patreon or Onlyfans or sofurry or other smut sites, like that, we have standards here!) and squeezed him tightly.

All this disgusted the duo and they wanted to stop him from crossing any boundaries, especially once Dumius smirked and rubbed his stomach a couple of more times, making out with him while he was transforming, a couple of loud explosive farts emitted from his rear as his rear fattened up, pushing against his jeans and slowly causing them to strain and tear even more.

The fat continued to pool into his legs which caused them to thicken even more and made it difficult for him to break free, and with another loud series of explosive farts - he found himself unable to control his flatulence, or his hunger for that matter. ‘Dum dum still hungry, dum dum needs to grow!’

‘You are not a dum dum were-aykroyd, you are our friend.’ ‘I know, I know it is just…I cannot control myself as a were-aykroyd!’ He managed to break free of Dumius and his grasp as he tried to run, but as he tried to run he found it very difficult to do so because of his fattening legs which made it look like he was ‘waddling’ .

In addition to this his privates shifted to become feminine and he examined his fattening body while his shoulders and back broadened, his body grew in height to six foot one as he found himself still growing and bulking up. The process of becoming a were-aykroyd was not supposed to be like this, that is for sure, in the past he did not have to deal with turning into this type of were-aykroyd, originally in his main universe he turned into a supernatural version of Dan Aykroyd and he still did, it was just in this one…’Dan’ had a dum dum counterpart and Danielle had made her name and presence known and boy she cause trouble for both of them and for the gang in general!

Nathan had his very first exposure to what it would be like to turn into a dum dum were-aykroyd, in the form of a nightmare spell from the original very first installment of his journey - while in his main universe, basically his master would often flip between being nice to him and being controlling to him, making him do as he said.

You see, a nightmare spell is a kind of spell that makes it seem like you are in the waking world but warps it into a living nightmare representing what you are afraid of the most and in the case of some Were-Aykroyds, it is being made into ‘dum dums’, in the normal universe (which is the universe Nathan and his friends all reside in), dum dum were-aykroyds are a joke species (nobody takes them seriously, because of their comical personalities and slight lack of intelligence!) yet in the Dum Dum universe they are considered a legitimate type of were-aykroyd.

In this particular nightmare spell effect Nathan was given the chance to go with his ‘master’ to a concert where he thought he would be able to rock out at the concert of a rock band known as ‘The Screaming Banshees’ only to be possessed by his master into saying that he is Dan Aykroyd himself and be turned in a horrifying manner into a ‘dum dum’ version of Dan to be ridiculed by said master.

Since then he has had a phobia of going ‘dum dum’ to the point that if it were to actually happen to him he fears he would never be able to live it down (I mean imagine going to a concert of a band you like only to turn into a were-aykroyd dum dum and making an idiot out of yourself!) and searching for a master - after said master disappeared, time after time again - had been a daunting task for him. Sometimes they ended up getting lost, sometimes they would be assimilated to being too dum dum to even think properly, sometimes a new were-aykroyd master would take their place, and sometimes they would stay and not be around to help him, Dumius however was his recent one and to say he never got along well with him - would be an understatement! ‘I do not know why it is so hard to be a were-aykroyd in this world, nor do I understand it.’ ‘I know, you keep losing more and more masters and you do not have anyone to go to to help you with your curse.’ ‘I have tried curing myself numerous times, I have tried to rid myself of my curse but the curse either pulled me back in or I decided I miss it too much.’

Nathan sighed, feeling his face as his hair lengthened and darkened, he felt his chin and neck swelling with fat, making it look like he was growing a double chin as his eyebrows thickened, his brow elevating itself as these changes were happening, he gasped at the sight of his own appearance. ‘Oh god, I look like her now!’ ‘You may look like her but you do not have to be like her, you can stop this and stop Dumius.’ ‘Oh but she is mine, she will always be my dum dum were-aykroyd.’

Piff barged toward Dumius and used some special attacks to ward him off, desperate to keep him away, Corey, Oats and all the others joining in to make sure the pufferfish was not going to lose or get himself hurt. Which fortunately, he did not and he was able to prove his bravery.

‘Aaaaw, what is the matter, my dearest dum dumikins? Do you not like playing with me? I thought dumikins loved playing with her master!’ ‘You cannot tell Nathan what to do, you monster.’ Oats exclaimed, he trotted over and used some magic to prevent all his friends from being transformed. ‘My dumikins does not belong to anyone except me, she belongs to me and only me!’

“Do you even know what you are on about?”

“Exactly…Nathan is his own person and not yours to control.”

‘Oh but the dum dum is mine to control and use, her hunger is always growing - along with her body!’ ‘That is the part I despise about being a dum dum, growing so much and gaining so much weight but not knowing your own weight!’ ‘And why would you need to know that, my delicious dump-cake?’ ‘That is just so disgusting, those terms of endearment may sound hilarious when Bonzi and Adam use those, but not when you use them!’

Nathan attempted to keep himself from giving in to the hunger that was growing from within as thoughts about food and serving his master entered his mind, he felt a bit light-headed as his eyes widened, one eye turning from brown to green while eyelashes blossomed around them. He tried to adjust to his body as he waddled and wobbled, those dum dum faults sneaking into his head and making him think about eating. ‘I am a good dum dum who loves to eat! Dum dum loves eating, dum dum is good at eating, tee hee!’ ‘Nathan, snap out of it.’ ‘Yeah, you are not a dum dum, you are our friend!’

He looked over at the duo and began to cry….’I know I know, but these dum dum urges are taking over even more so than usual and I do not like them!’ his shirt slowly ripped apart even more as the two massive dum dum melons on his chest leaking more and more, dripping with milk. ‘Dum dum has the best milk makers ever, tee hee. Oh no, no…I am so sorry.’

Nathan was struggling to keep his humanity as his nose broadened and developed a cleft, his features feminized and took on an Aykroydian appearance as his voice underwent a similar change, warping to sound Aykroydian but also feminine and a bit silly sounding. ‘Dum dum is so good and tubby wubby, me like being tubby wubby.’

‘That is right, dum dum loves being tubby wubby!’ ‘No he does not, that is your friend, not your dum dum were-aykroyd wifey!’ ‘Oh yes, she is, dum dum wifey is my dum wifey regardless of how well you do in your attempts to stop me!’ Corey and Oats used their combined powers to do battle with the were-aykroyd master known as Dumius.

The transforming Nathan was still panicking and trying to adjust to having such a heavyset build and large belly (Still think this is sexy or hot or that you want this, you sickos? Well this is something you do not want to happen to you because you too could be forced to be a were-aykroyd dum dum if you even think about having erotic fantasies about this!), he groaned as his jeans ripped open due to his expanding body, leaving him in his shorts and he charged towards the wall of the house. ‘Oh no, it may be too late to save him.’ ‘We can still save him, it is not too late.’ ‘So let us go then!’

Nathan smashed through the front door and began to rampage around the city, going around various stores and cafes and raiding them of their food, not in control of his or ‘her’ own body, but luckily the duo along with the others including Aiyido the beholder caught up with him.

Aiyido and Anglo - with the rest of the group - were in a supply store and they all saw what appeared to be a crimson haired streamer wannabe and a bunch of Inkling rejects harassing the employees of the store. ‘Oh greegle graggle! Every store has one of these.’ ‘Yep, what a Karen.’ ‘Look mister, I do not care if you do not sell magical serums, I need a grimace shake serum for an adventure totally not trying to cash in on a promotion from last year!’ ‘For the 500th time, we do not sell serums or potions and the grimace serum promotion was only available at Monstro Mart last year during the Grimace birthday celebration, and no I cannot ebay it for you.’ ‘Ick, I am going to have to pull out my TG and reprogramming serums in that case.’

Before the irritating little Karen could even think about it though, Aiyido shoved her out of the way. ‘Honestly, people like you can be sooooooo annoying! You really graggle my greeglers!’ and floated over to Nathan. Nathan (in his/her) dum dum state, farted on the Karen and her inkling wannabe friends, turning them into fat dum dum were-aykroyds with some of the female ones becoming like ‘Danielle’.

Nathan ran through the store in his dum dum were-aykroyd form eating everything in the store but he snapped out of it when Mel told him that she believed in him, he did eat a bit more food in his transformed state before falling into a food coma and falling asleep in his were-aykroyd form.

He had odd dreams of transforming into a fat were-aykroyd and eating a lot of food with no means of controlling himself, he even had dreams of being a ‘wifey’ and being pregnant with dum dum were-aykroyd spawn in his transformed state, an hour later he woke up.

Corey, Oats, and the others used their magic to help him to get up. ‘Guys, can any of you tell me what happened to me earlier? I do not know where I am.’ ‘Well your master showed up to try and brainwash you into being a were-aykroyd wife, you went on an eating spree and nearly raided this entire store for food!’ ‘Luckily we followed you and we were able to stop you before you went too far, and well you went into a food coma.’ ‘I had to shove some stupid karen out of the way to do it but I managed to help save you from becoming too stupid.’ ‘ Thanks, guys. Wow, I really did go into a food coma, huh? That is pretty terrifying. It sounds like she is getting worse, by the way what was that Karen complaining about anyway?’ ‘Probably something dumb.’ ‘Yeah. That figures, what a greeglo-greegler!’ Dumius materialized in front of Nathan and next to the duo. ‘I am very impressed with you, my little dum dumikins. You proved you have an appetite as big as your body and that you are skilled at being a good dum dum, did you enjoy yourself?’ ‘No, he did not enjoy himself.’ ‘Have you any idea of the suffering he is going through?’

‘Oh come now, I thought it was fun and it was cute seeing your friend as my dum dum wifey, although I did not fully make his mind stupid enough to accept my orders, it was a lot of fun for me.’ ‘Not for us though. You did a bad thing.’ ‘I am just doing what every self respecting dum dum master would do.’

Nathan sighed as he looked up at Dumius, not happy about the ordeal he had gone through and just about what he had done. He knew it was not his fault but he felt like it was, and he watched as he saw himself slowly revert back to himself from being a plus sized female were-aykroyd. ‘That is much better!’ ‘Nathan, you are you again.’ ‘And you are not a dum dum!’ ‘At least not any for a while, i’ll probably go back to waddling and a dum dum again in the next few nights though.’

‘We will be ready for that though’ ‘Oh yes, we will.’ ‘Thanks again, you guys.’ ‘No problem.’ Dumius looked madder than ever. ‘Ugh! I have lost yet again and I was so close to having my dum dum sweetie pie with me once more! Oh well, it is not the end of my world, I shall come back for more - remember that!’ ‘Yes, we know, you always DO come back.’

Dumius used his dark powers to turn into a cloud of smoke and disappear, and the group of friends all transported Nathan back to the version of Nile Road that existed in their universe. For the next couple of hours Nathan spent his time readjusting to his normal form before doing some research in the lab, and the gang all supported him!

Of course his stint as a dum dum were-aykroyd was not over, for this was just one night, but he knew that he would be likely to transform back into Danielle in the next few nights to follow, but he made sure to keep himself safe from going all dum dum again - thanks to his friends.

And so another chapter in the dum dum were-aykroyd saga has ended, but more are coming up in this saga so stay tuned.
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