School Days... Tuesday


I spent yesterday evening thinking about the day I had. Some parts were really erotic, a few were almost terrifying. I really don’t like the idea of so many people now having power over me and I worry that I’m gonna get caught doing something that will get me in major trouble at school. Worse it will hurt my mom if she gets a call and I get will never live it down. I have no idea how to make this all go away though and as much as I want to I can’t just skip school! So with a groan I am up and out to meet the bus this morning, barely, as usual.
As I go to take a seat up front, hoping to avoid conflict on the bus anyway, I see Wendell near the back and figure it should be safe to sit with him. After all he is not so far as I know aware of any current events and I think it best to act normally around him. He and I have been friends for a couple of years and as I have said before we built the paths or trails through the woods that started this craziness last week.
Sitting down we exchange brief greetings, he catches me up on his weekend and the bus slowly fills up. A couple of girls look at me as they get on and I find myself hoping Wendell hasn’t noticed any change. Apparently he has his own stuff to think about and an hour or so later, being guys we are getting off the bus without much conversation. He did mention something about maybe taking our rifles out to the woods after school if he doesn’t have too much homework and I agree that sounds like a plan. I am not sure I’m up to it but if he is with me nothing crazy should happen right?
Before you get all upset about us hunting in the summer time, we really almost never shoot anything live except the occasional Blue Jay. Mostly we just challenge each other to see who can hit the smallest or farthest targets, like tin cans or soda bottles that we set up and knock down.
I walk with him into the building and feel a little more confident about my chances of escaping problems today as I am not approached before classes begin. My first couple of class periods goes smoothly and I am thinking that today might be better when I recall that my next class is gym. I try to remember who the girls were from yesterday morning. Are any of them in my gym class? Most that were present were active in sports and a few girls in my class are the type I think.
Nervously I enter the gymnasium. There does not appear to be anyone lurking or even anyone who notices me as I come in. Thus, I make my way to my locker to change clothes. My school gym class requires that anyone who does not have a doctors excuse dress for class. This means shorts or sweats and a shirt. It is too hot for sweats being the end of the year and so I hurry to pull off my shoes, my jeans and pick a locker to put my stuff away. We cannot keep stuff in our gym lockers except during class period unless you play on a team, so I don’t have a set locker. Though most kids use nearly the same one every day somehow.
Feeling good about my day so far, I exit the boys’ locker room. Several guys are tossing a few balls around and shooting baskets on the far end of the court. As I make my way in that direction a ball comes bouncing my way from the near court. I grab it to return it and meet the eye of a girl with her hand up to get my attention. I toss her the ball, and she kind of nods, winks at me and grins as she turns to pass it to her mate who is also looking at me a bit oddly.
Unease begins to rise in me but I shake it off, hoping I am not right and trying not to think about how well things have gone today, until now! Gym class is not on my list of favorite classes and I am glad this is the last year I have to take it. I’m not exactly a jock but I don’t entirely suck either, sports just are not my thing. Being the end of the year we actually get a pretty long free period of just shooting hoops and a few kids are just standing around mostly. Teachers and kids alike are ready for school to let out I guess.
The coaches line us all up eventually and everyone has a turn at free throws, as well as a couple of other points they select on the court. There do give some instruction but really it is basically a lax period. Maybe one of the best gym classes all year!
After class, I change back to my jeans and grab my bag from the locker. We have showers available but we are not required to use them and most kids don’t unless we are really sweaty. Nervously, I exit the lockers, expecting someone to come up to me.
I enter the main building hall and I am en route to my next class when I find myself being crowded by several girls one of whom pokes something into my pocket as another hands me a note. I am caught off guard so fast and they disperse so quickly that it goes unnoticed though I stop in the hall and practically get trampled as a result.
“Look out! Idiot, what’s wrong with you?” People ask, as they try to avoid colliding with me.
My hand instinctively goes in my pocket and I barely stop myself pulling out what can only be another pair of panties from the feel of the material. My curiosity and fear vie for dominance as I shakily open the note.
“Wear This to Lunch, Or ELSE!”
No name, none needed I guess. Does it matter? What is in my pocket? On reflection it feels lacy as well as silky. I have to hurry to get to class and have no time to detour into the boys’ room to see though I already dread knowing.
On Tuesdays I have a study period after gym, so the monitor is pretty good about letting us step out to the nearby restrooms as long as we don’t abuse the privilege. I am struggling to wait till near the middle of the period before asking to be excused. Almost no one is actually studying though the class is still quiet. We can pass notes but not talk, usually, so as to not disturb anyone who really needs to study. There is a light chatter today but again school lets out in just a few days. Many of us have only a couple of exams, some are done already with exams and a few are exempt due to grades. Therefore the teachers have been allowing us a bit more latitude the past couple of weeks as days draw to a close.
Finally, out of patience and both nervous and excited I inquire after a hall pass. The fear of my request hits me hard as I wonder how I will comply between classes and before it’s too late. Or worse yet how I will manage to change in a crowded bathroom before lunch, without someone noticing something… my thoughts are thus engaged and I am so distracted I almost miss the fact that the teacher just said, “Hurry back!”
Not until she called my name, “Eddie, I said, go ahead but hurry back! You do not appear to be hurrying.”
“Sorry, um, Thanks!” I stutter, as I grab the pass and make for the hall. A couple of kids snort at my antics but most are otherwise engaged. I do not think anyone in my study hall are in the group that are responsible for my turmoil.
I cut a bee line for a stall and barring the door I pull out the item in my pocket. White, the 1st thing I see. Lots of lace and bigger than I expected, not sure what I expected really but not this anyway. These belong to a girl from school? Or perhaps someone’s mother? Geez, I don’t want to put them on but what happens if I don’t. Would these girls really post pics of me for everyone to see? Could they? I know they have pictures so no doubt they could.
Having little time for debate and having already gone this far down the rabbit hole, I feel no choice, so I quickly strip my jeans. I wore briefs today due to gym class, though I prefer boxers. These are off and I am stepping into the panties as I hear someone enter the boys’ room. As fast as I can without tripping I grab my jeans. It isn’t till I have them pulled up and almost fastened that I notice the lace is scratchy and irritating. Fantastic, I am going to hate the rest of my Tuesday!
Back in class, regretting the decision already, I find it hard to sit still. How do girls wear such things? I am now far more aware of the girls in my class. They do not appear to be fidgeting or adjusting their garments. I cannot wait for the bell to ring! I just want to get up and walk around.
In no time I get my wish, then, I realize it is lunch time.
I grab a couple of granola bars and a juice from a machine, the hot food doesn’t appeal today, and am not sure if I should hide out or just give in and get it over with. As once again I have an internal debate, my solution presents itself as Beth takes my arm. She guides me to a table where Jess and Jenn have kindly saved me a place. This time I am facing the cafeteria, back to the wall. I sit down, resignedly, and the girls greet me.
“How is our pet today?” Jenn asks.
Jess says, “How do you like your gift?”
Cringing at the “Pet” remark, I turn to Jess, “Gift?” I ask, “What gift exactly?” It doesn’t occur to me she means the lace torture device that is currently driving me crazy.
“Well for one thing, we gave you the morning off, and then we picked out something pretty for you to model for us here at lunch!” Jess says, smiling knowingly.
“You are prepared to model them for us, aren’t you?” Jenn inquires.
I want to say, “Hell no” or tell them I won’t do it, but instead I just ask, “And how exactly am I supposed to ‘Model’ anything here in a crowded lunch room? Isn’t it enough that I am wearing the damned things? Seriously, these are the most uncomfortable things ever? Are they supposed to make you want to take them off immediately?” I blurt all this out in a stream and then stop as I realize what I just said. Oh no, what if they tell me to take them off? I would have to remove my shoes, jeans and the awful panties in this crowd. The sweats were easy to slip down yesterday, but jeans are another level of difficulty.
I am holding my breath as Jess reaches for my belt buckle under the table. “Let us see them.” She demands.
I have an instant hard on, as she tries to unfasten me. Jenn also reaches for my crotch but finding Jess’s hands there already she pulls away. I glance around and the only person really paying attention to us is Beth and a couple of girls to her left and right look like they know what’s up. I think they are in the teams with the two at my side so It looks like I am about to lose my pants in the cafeteria.
Beth hasn’t said anything other than Hi to me so far today. I know she is not in control of this situation and I don’t blame her for being uncomfortable. We could all get in trouble if caught. She and the two to either side of me at least are seniors this year. So the risk is real, and in some ways higher for them.
Not that this stops Jess, as she finally says to me, “You do it,” giving up apparently.
I unbutton my Levi’s and sit there, waiting for direction. My shirt today is another T-shirt. I like them loose so they tend to be long which turns out to be both a blessing and a curse in this sort of case. I can actually pull my pants down under the table and pretty much sit on my shirt. This way I am still covered unless someone is under the table or on the floor looking around.
Both Jenn and Jess grab either side of my waist and work at my jeans as they tell me to scoot up so they can pull down my pants to get a look. It is awkward, trying to lift my butt without being obvious and it takes a bit but in a few minutes my jeans are around my knees. Once again I am hard as a rod and sitting on a bench in the school lunch room in a pair of panties and a shirt, surrounded by girls who all know it and I have no real choice but to obey.
I am trying to hold onto my pants so I can pull them back up fast. Jenn takes one wrist, Jenn the other as they say, “Let go.”
I do as I am told and I am told to sit back. By this they mean for me to slide away from the table which I do not want to do. It is possible if I sit back that someone on our side of the table might see my crotch and it is pretty obvious that I am wearing bright white lace panties in the light of the lunch room. I want to protest, but the pleading in Beth’s eyes stops me from risking a conflict. My pants are out of reach now by any means so I sit back a few inches.
“As far as you can, and pull up the shirt till you are told to stop.” Jenn now says, as Jess places a hand in my lap and begins ever so lightly to run her fingers over the lace panties.
“These feel nice on you, Eddie! You’re very hard so you evidently like them.” Jess teases.
“I think white may be your best look yet!” Jenn adds. “Why don’t you come around the table and tell us what you think Beth? Maybe Eddie would let you sit in his lap? I’m sure we can screen you for a few minutes.”
“No thanks,” Beth squeaks, I’ve seen him in white actually and I already agree.”
“Hmm,” Jenn seems disappointed and for a moment I fear what else she may ask. “Oh yeah, the original pictures, I almost forgot those.”
“Right,” Jess chimes in, I bet Eddie here remembers them though. “Ok, so here’s the deal Eddie. We are going to take turns teasing you till just before the bell rings. At which time we will let you pull up your pants and go, as long as you don’t make a huge mess all over.”
Jenn then takes over; ”Just know that if you do shoot your load, the second it starts twitching it will be aimed strait under the table at Beth who, in case you didn’t know is wearing a rather long bright royal blue skirt today. I can’t wait to see if you can hold out or if not how the stains will show on her skirt? I guess if you fire off really fast they might dry before anyone notices. Your call either way, but I think you will do most anything to save her embarrassment, but, fire at will!”
I am hard as a brick. I have not cum yet today and have no idea how long till the bell. Could I hold out? Should I even care about Beth’s embarrassment? She doused me yesterday on the bus and that led to… might be better not to think about that right now. Besides, I have other distractions at the moment. My body is not sure if it wants to cooperate with me or the girls who are using it for a toy. Fortunately the discomfort of the panties and the dry rubbing, tickling, touching, even tugging, they leave me able, barely, not to cum all over and though I squirm around and think I am close a few times I succeed in not giving in to their efforts.
Out of nowhere a bell rings. I scoot forward as kids begin to get up and make their way to class. My pants are still around my ankles, or maybe my shins. It is not easy though I manage to get them up unnoticed. Jenn and Jess leave disappointed as soon as I carefully zip up. Beth stays and meets me at the end of the row of tables with a brief hug!
“Thank you,” she says, giving me a light peck on the cheek. She really does have on a skirt again today. I wasn’t sure, they could have lied. She certainly looked worried during my treatment. “Not sure how you held out, um… Never mind, I should go!”
“Maybe I’ll see you this afternoon?” I say, as she looks at me confusedly, “on the bus ride after school.”
“I’ve got a ride today,” she counters, understanding. “But I am going home after, so maybe.” With that she turns and rushes off to class.
My eyes follow her briefly, and then I too must be off to class. The strange underwear is still bothersome and I get told several times to be still during the following classes. I consider taking them off numerous times and nearly do so once when I visit the rest room for legitimate reasons during a late period but as the day is almost done. I maintain my diligence and do not risk it, with no way of knowing if anyone else might approach me after lunch to check out my attire.
Was it that no one had been told to? Did some girls know but they were somehow satisfied to see me squirming around so they guessed that I was still going along? I’ll never know for sure I guess.
Nothing else happened that day during school, to my relief. Not that I wasn’t on edge all afternoon and by the end of the day I had a terrible case of blue balls having been teased so at lunch. My day simply couldn’t end soon enough.
The final bell rang at last and having only nominal assignments for the afternoon I was looking forward to some guy time with my rifle and my friend Wendell after school. Beth is his older sister, so I might even get to speak to her for a minute though no way could we really talk around him. Almost I wished he knew about all this weirdness just so she and I could chat without him thinking something up. Though if he knew about all this he would likely freak out!
His parents are leaders in their church and he will probably be a preacher one day like his dad. Well, maybe, preachers’ kids, both boys and girls often go crazy once they get out on their own. We do outdoorsy stuff together but have never discussed girls, porn, sex or kinks, etc. He is very involved in the worship band at his church and I think he is rather devout.
His sisters, however, are a different story. I like them both.
Beth has a boyfriend, I am told, though I haven’t seen him around lately. We have had a number of adventures lately and I am at risk honestly of having to admit I might have a crush! I have even seen and taken a picture of her completely naked! That is a long story which I have already told elsewhere.
Tina is younger than Wendell. That means younger than me too. She is more petite, blonde unlike Beth who is a brunette. I would love to say I have seen her naked but alas only in my imagination. She however has seen me naked which hardly seems fair right? Again, this story has been told as well, but suffice it to say that if Wendell were a party to some of the goings on between his sisters and me it would be very different. Just not in a good way I think!
I am having such thoughts as I board the bus, looking for my friend and my new crush’s brother, when behind me a voice says, “There’s a seat saved just for you in the back.” Hearing her voice I know it is Christy from yesterday, “All the way back on the left against the wall, if you don’t mind.”
Her friend Lynn gets up from mid row and moves back with us, blocking the drivers view as Christy says in my ear, “Drop the jeans and show my little sister your pretty panties before you sit down Eddie.”
Shocked I look back at her to see a knowing grin. As I turn to take a seat I see April kneeling and smiling shyly. I begin to un-do my belt once I am behind the seat back, hidden from view. Most of the kids on the bus are standing as we are parked and still loading. April reaches to help me and I let her. She stops and pulls back as soon as she sees my panties. Apparently she wasn’t expecting them!
I am quick to sit as soon as my pants start to slide down and once again I try unsuccessfully to keep them from going all of the way to the floor. I sit in the corner. On the bench facing forward having squeezed by April, awkwardly, as I duck walk with my pants tethering my ankles. For her part April fumbles with my left shoe and before I realize it my shoe is no longer on me and my foot has been lifted out of my pants. I cannot protest loudly but I try to resist as the sisters pull my leg up and across the seat then each sit down pinning me spread eagle against the wall, right foot on the floor, pants around my ankle. Left foot and leg behind their backs and no way to move or cover myself except for my shirt. I am now facing across the bus and I see several faces from yesterday. Lynn, Christy and April of course, who is practically sitting in my lap and I notice she is wearing a short skirt. Before yesterday I don’t think I had ever paid any attention to her really so I can’t say for sure, but it is rare to see girls in skirts these days. I think I would have noticed her before if it were a regular thing for her. Did she wear it all day or did she put it on for this ride home? What exactly is about to happen in the next 45 minutes between school and their stop?
After the day I’ve had I am already so hard it hurts. April appears to be slumping down and in no time she is down on her knees again, kneeling on my jeans actually. Effectively keeping my legs spread and lifting up on my shirt as she smiles up at me, “Let me see?” she asks.
I relent, of course. What would you have done?
She knots my shirt like girls do in the summer to show their tummies only a bit lower. High enough to show her my underwear, she then touches me very lightly. Almost as if she had never seen or touched a dick before. I recall my lunch treatment and the ride home yesterday after school. I nearly cum right then, instead I jerk, or jump as if shocked!
She in turn bumps against the seat back behind her and the girls sitting there turn to me and say, “Watch it!”
“Sorry!” I quickly say; hoping they don’t stand and turn, or not knowing for sure what they might see, look down. They return to their music and shared headphones so detection avoided for now.
I am completely vulnerable now and I know it. I look to Christy, “What are you up to?” I ask as I shift my glances from her to April, then back across to include Lynn who is obviously watching me while monitoring the bus.
“I think April did ok for her 1st try yesterday but she needs practice. You didn’t complain now did you? So, lucky for us,” and with this she seems to include me! “A little bird told me you would be primed and ready when you got on the bus today.” Christy said. “So no need for Lynn or I to help.”
I cannot formulate a response so I simply sit there exposed and waiting. Taking this as consent, April again takes her hand and places her palm on my cock and balls, outside the white lace panties. Looking at me she asks, “Do you always wear girls underwear?”
I nearly choke as Christy snorts a laugh. “Get on with it girl, pull them aside or rip them off it don’t matter. They might be pretty but they are in your way!”
I am stunned she is encouraging her little sister to suck me off again or is she making her do it? The girl certainly seemed eager enough yesterday but then she didn’t know what would happen when I came. Now she seems almost timid. This makes it somehow even more erotic, if that makes any sense?
My cock is not exactly fully restrained by the lace panties and April easily moves them to the side. No lube is offered as she looks to Lynn inquiringly, so she turns back and licking her lips she dives in head first, so to speak!
I come so quickly it shocks us all, I guess I was truly primed as promised. It is all I can do not to scream out and I have to bend low and cover my own mouth to stifle my release. I come back to myself to find I am holding April’s head down on my cock and she is having a hard time breathing. Immediately I relax my grip and she comes up as it were for air, gasping. Tears in her eyes, either scared, lustful or angry, I’m not sure which.
Stunned Christy looks down at her sister who also seems stunned as she rubs her throat and jaws. Then it hits me, this kid just deep throated my cock! I shot my entire load strait down her neck and kind of like yesterday she didn’t get a choice to spit or swallow. I wonder if she will now be scared to ever try giving head again or will she become the pro she could be?
Christy seems upset with me, almost as if it happened too fast and it’s my fault.
It certainly wasn’t my idea but she is right about one thing, so far I’m not complaining. April slowly peeks up from behind the seat back and our substitute driver is so bust trying to stay on route he never notices. Turning to sit once again she takes my cock in her right hand and squeezes me firmly. It is quite soft now having had a long day. I reach to move her hand gently hoping for some relief.
She in turn grasps my hand and places it under her skirt on her thigh near her own panties. Turning her face to mine she says softly “Ok, your turn,” as she once again grips my cock in her fist.
My fingers slowly caress warm flesh and find soft cotton. I am not surprised to find she is wet, though I have so little experience I feel like I am fumbling around. For her part she is definitely enjoying the experience and in a very short time she is breathing heavy and grinding on my hand. My cock is once again rigid and she is tugging on it rhythmically.
Lynn and Christy are rapt and the route has reached a point where we must stop what we are doing almost before we notice. It is all I can do to not stumble after them as they stand to leave. Had they invited me I would have gone. Is anyone at their home now? What if I hike back over to their stop after I get home, would they meet me?
Still horny and now frustrated again, I get myself in order as the bus proceeds to my stop. Shoe tied and pants uncomfortably fastened over my rigid member I manage to extricate myself from the bus without making a scene.
I notice Tiffany and Leigh across the street a few houses down and briefly wonder if they are going to try for a repeat today. Unsure what to want or expect I check the mail then make my way towards the front door, reminding myself as I go to lock the door once I get in. Though I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I did consider leaving it open, Hah!
Climbing the steps to my porch I spot Beth sitting on our swing. “Uh, Hey!” I say as I fumble with the mail, my bag and my key. “What’s up?”
“I had my friend drop me here, hope you don’t mind?” Beth responds, almost unsurely, which is unlike her at least prior to a few days ago. “I guess I wouldn’t be shocked if you hate me right about now.”
I am frantically hoping that Leigh and Tiff don’t come this way, or know Beth is here! “It’s ok, how long have you been waiting?” I say as I open up the house and set my stuff inside the door. As I turn back she has stood up and taken a few steps toward me.
“That’s not important, I need you to forgive me. Tell me what to do and I’ll try to make it up to you for getting those crazy girls involved in this.” I have never seen her so emotional, or so serious.
My thoughts turn carnal and I feel a surge in my loins as I think of what I would like to ask of her. I want her to strip and I want to ravage her, here and now. I want her to help me set up the other girls who started all this. Lindsey, Robyn, even her sister! I can’t do any of that though, now can I? She is my best friends older sister. I am at a loss for words or ideas.
“I’m so sorry.” Beth says again, now almost in tears. She actually begins to undress right here out on my porch. “You don’t believe me. I don’t blame you, but I’ll prove it.”
Her top is nearly unbuttoned, and I surprise myself when I say to her, “Stop!” She is down to the lower buttons and her bra is mostly exposed. She is not trying to cover anything. I can see the flesh above her navel and her shirt is out of her skirt. “Maybe you had better come inside?” I suggest, thinking frantically what to say to her. I really like this girl. The Beth I have seen this past week is vastly better than the Beth I knew before and that makes it almost worth the trouble I have had.
I step indoors and grab my stuff. Making a bee line now for my room trying to put some distance between us for a moment so as to clear my head and the images of her naked in her room followed by the image of her disrobing on my front porch!
I call out to tell her I’ll be right back out and she answers me very close and quietly, “I’m here.” With a start I turn and she has removed her blouse and is standing in my room beside my bed. “What do you want to see next?” She asks me, as if she wants to do this!
I am absolutely torn now! I desperately want to rip her clothes off or to make her slowly display herself for me and yet knowing that I could, I can’t. “Just stop. Wait, ok?” I choke out, as I reach to gather her shirt up from the floor. I try to hand it to her but she won’t take it.
I reach to wrap it around her shoulders and she reaches to embrace me. We hug awkwardly, and then become more comfortable in the embrace. She lays her head on my shoulder and I think she may be crying! Neither of us says anything for a time.
The moment passes and we part. She blushes, “So you don’t want to see me naked now is that it?” She sounds hurt. “Do I disgust you after all the mess I’ve caused?”
“God, Beth, will you take a breath?” I grouse at her exasperated now. She has no clue and keeps jumping to the wrong conclusion.
“Don’t say that, Eddie.” Beth scolds, and it takes me a minute to catch that she is referring to me saying “God.”
“Sorry, uh, listen ok?” I start, “I really like you, and you know that! But you are Wendell’s sister and I hope my friend. What has happened has gotten out of hand and it’s neither of our doing alone. I don’t know how to stop it so I try to do what I can and hope it ends in a few days when school lets out.” I do not add that I am worried about us getting caught but I don’t have too.
“What if we get caught, or expelled before then Eddie? I need to graduate, my folks would kill me!” She exclaims.
Her open shirt is very distracting but I can’t reach out to button it for her as I fear where my hands might stray and her arms aren’t in it at any rate. I wonder what her folks would say about her standing in my room with her shirt half off. Ugh, distractions…
“What are we going to do, Eddie? Anything, name it!” She continues looking at me desperately.
Glancing at her navel as it plays peek-a-boo with me, I ask her, “Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
Blushing now, I think, “I did. But he’s done.” She responds and I think she has noticed that I have taken an interest in looking around the room instead of looking straight at her. “Why won’t you look at me, Eddie? You have seen me naked once, I have seen you several times. What gives?”
I try to look at her, only at her eyes. “Why ask about him now?” she asks me, “What could he possibly matter to us right now?”
Then it hits me, “What if we acted like we were dating, in public, or on the bus maybe and school at least?” I suggest hesitantly. “I mean, if we stick together like a couple then these girls who are striking out at me for you might let off?” Some of them anyway, I think.
She looks at me dully, then with a bit more interest. “It might work, though I’m not sure about those two at lunch. Their crew seems to have taken a personal interest and today I am sure they were disappointed you didn’t deliver for them!” With that she laughs and glances at my crotch, which shows a slight bulge as usual when she is around.
Had I not had some relief on the bus I would have had no composure at all when she started to disrobe. Still I am very nearly hard again and her state of dress isn’t helping. Uncomfortably I shift and she looks up at me.
“Oh, sorry,” she says once again. Finally she gathers her shirt around her and covers a bit more demurely. “So if we did that, the dating thing, it couldn’t be just an act.” She says.
This catches me off guard. Is she saying we’d actually have to like, kiss and stuff? I am certainly up for that but I don’t know what her brother is gonna think about it. Almost in unison, we look at each other and ask.
“What about Wendell,” Beth adds, “and Tina?”
Frankly I had not even thought about Tina for at least half a day, certainly not since Beth started taking off her shirt! This is of course a valid question. In the end we decide we just have to see what everyone’s reactions will be. This reminds me that I was supposed to meet Wendell in the woods this afternoon. I point this out and she explains that she wouldn’t be here if he were home. Apparently he had to go to the church for a special practice after school. The church band is preforming tomorrow night for the Wednesday service. This makes me wonder if I will have to start going to church with her family and then what her folks would think about that. But I decide to leave that for another day.
Tina went along for the band practice and Beth was supposed to be at her friend’s house for a while but came here instead. This makes me feel a little bolder and I am actively admiring the view, when Beth decides to turn away and put her arms through her blouse. I guess I was too obvious?
I reach to gently touch her shoulder, she turns slightly and stops trying to cover herself once again. She turns to me hesitantly now, shyly even. Unsure perhaps if I am now going to claim what she offered earlier. Slowly facing me, I gather her blouse, and starting in the middle I button one then another closure until I reach her waist. I start to reach up and do the next couple over her cleavage but chicken out.
She and I both blush now and she says, “Somehow you’re still shy! How very sweet!” then she grabs me and hugs me fiercely. I hug her back of course and she can’t help but notice I am hard as a brick. “I guess I should leave so you can take care of that raging monster!” she teases me.
It is all I can do to not ask for her assistance but I think we have covered enough relationship ground for one day, so I bite my tongue. She went out the back door and as far as I know left undetected. This put her on a shorter path home and though I offered she wouldn’t let me walk her home today.
Simply saying “Maybe later, Thanks” and smiling at me. She departed after giving me a kiss on the cheek again, like at lunch but more of a kiss and less of a peck.
My restraint knows no bounds today apparently as I so much wanted to turn my lips to hers and steal a first real kiss in that moment. I think she knew it too as she broke off to go with a twinkle in her eye, not the same girl on my back steps who entered the front an hour or so ago.
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