Home Alone... Part 12


OMG! Susan and Kylie are guiding Miley from the room, as I sit here stunned. I have now been caught spanking it once again by what seems to be a teen aged dominatrix in training and both of my daughters! The aforementioned "Talk" cannot possibly end well for me. I find myself debating if I should intervene but what exactly can I offer up as a defense? I know that I should not allow Susan to influence Miles in any way as this hasn't worked out well for me with my older daughter, who it seems is enjoying the fact that I now seem to be subservient in my own home.

I can't move. No way can I finish what I started, but likewise I can't seem to process what just happened.

We were having a nice afternoon. Well, mostly. It has for sure been exciting, but this? My life has absolutely, unequivocally gone off the tracks! I mean, everybody masturbates right? We all need a little stress relief. It's perfectly natural. Nothing wrong with it... But... getting caught? Who plans for that? How do you plan for that?

I'm gonna go way out on a limb and say that no one, almost no one? At least, no one normal plans to get caught. Guess what, the internet even has sites about such things so we might have to back up and just say that most people don't plan on or want to get caught. Take it one step further and let me say that having recently experienced it, you do not want to get caught by your kids. (Never even got caught by my mom, might be worse but I doubt it)

Nothing else to do but get dressed and try to face this...

There is a buzz of hushed conversation and even laughter coming from the other end of the house as I emerge. All three girls are seemingly joined in conspiratorial solidarity, as they enter the den. I sit here, feeling like a condemned man. I have no idea what's coming but I'm pretty sure that I am in for a hard time. I can't meet Miley's eyes, she is still blushing, both girls are, Susan however, has once again taken control of the situation.

"You girls really need to learn to knock!" I say. Trying to divert this train before it gets rolling. The girls just look at me as if I haven't even spoken.

"Really, Ed. Nice try but it's obvious to us what was going on and now even Miley knows what a pervert you are. If you wanna discuss that we can or perhaps we can try a different approach? The 3 of us have had a nice chat, Miley is, though embarrassed, she's willing to give you a chance to show her how sorry you are for perving on her earlier."

"What the?" I spit out but am cut off.

"Stop Dad!" Kylie says, and I do. Like a disobedient child caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

Susan smirks at me as she explains. "We have the I-pad and know what you were watching, really naughty Ed. Daddy daughter porn is a bit twisted even for you. You are going to need to do something really nice for us to be willing to let this slide. For her part Miley just wants to go to the pregame and see her new friends, for now. Kylie and I are thinking about what we can do till then. In the meantime we are gonna need you to do exactly what we ask, for the rest of the day anyway."

I sit here as if watching it happening to someone else. I nod and listen as I desperately struggle to figure out what I am about to be asked to do and if there is any way I can talk my way out of it.

"Since we are going into town soon we are going to pick you a different outfit to wear. You jog right? Maybe a jogging suit, something loose fitting I think, let's go have a look at what you've got." Susan turns and heads into my room.

I'm not sure why my jeans and polo shirt are unacceptable but being a minor concession I don't argue, after some debate, wherein I had not real input I am told to strip. "Excuse me?" I say, slightly stunned once again. I guess it never occurred to me that I would get no privacy to change at least.

"You enjoy perving on embarrassed girls, it’s your turn to be the 'only one naked' besides, we've seen it all right girls?" Susan states as she turns to glance at my daughters who are also in the room, having assisted in the selection of my attire.

Miley just mumbles "Umm" as Kylie kind of nods agreement.

Hesitantly I pull off my shirt and unbuckle my jeans. Miley at least looks away mostly until Susan stops me before I can start dressing.

"Boxers? Nah, those need to go." Susan asks, "What else you got?"

Seriously? This girl is gonna dictate my choice of underwear now? "Look Susan!" I say, as I stand there, as if I am in a position to argue.

Ignoring me she turns and asks, "Miley, which drawers are your dad's?"

I watch as my daughter reaches for the drawer I keep my boxers in. How did she, why would she know this? Confused briefly by this minor revelation I stand there as my underwear drawer is rifled through by my daughters and their friend. Apparently I own nothing suitable so as I once again reach for the suit I am expected to don Susan says, "Well I guess it's commando for now then!" As she steps over to me she jerks my boxers down in front of my 17 and 14 yr old daughters.

I nearly fall over as I stumble. The surge of embarrassment is practically overwhelming. I grab for my clothes and cannot get into them fast enough. Perhaps this reaction is just instinctual in spite of my having been recently exposed similarly; I don't know but even so it also causes me to feel the beginnings of another erection. I never actually managed to release the tension from earlier so I appear to be headed for a very frustrating afternoon. The suit I have on is one that looks and feels silky but is rather durable. It is a little dressier looking than some I have seen, not really for jogging in but more for traveling to and from the gym maybe wearing it over shorts and a shirt even. I have nothing on underneath the pants or the top, however, which zips up the front.

With odd glances from my daughters, the girls depart my room. It is decided that we need to leave early so as to make a stop on the way. I grab my keys, etc., and in no time we are on the road. The girls are having a quiet conversation as we all load up in my truck. Miley is up front and Kylie is behind me with Susan behind Miley. Having never been to Crissy's home I ask, "Got an address for me Miles?"

It seems that she lives out near the interstate so we head that way. Kids today rarely chat vocally, in case you haven't noticed so there is no more conversation as I drive, though all 3 girls are texting on their phones. This is a source of contention at times as it becomes difficult to engage them but for the moment I am relieved to have a minute to enjoy a few minutes of normality. Shortly the snickering and the fact that I notice Miley blushing and cutting her eyes towards my groin when she doesn't think I am paying attention begins to weigh on me. Finally I get a glance at her phone screen as she is flicking through some text messages and viewing a brief video clip. What I see is not good!

"What the hell girls?" I ask as I direct my anger mostly at Susan but also at Kylie. "Are you sending pictures and videos of me to Miley? That's messed up!" I say as I pull over to the side of the road and try to grab at her phone.

"Dad!" Miles shouts as she dodges my grab.

"Relax, Dad, it's not like Miley hasn't already seen you and she wanted to see the rest. We haven't shown her everything, yet... everything she has is below the waist, so your face doesn't show at least." Kylie says laughing.

"Maybe we should let her pick a few favorites to have of the Full Monty!" Susan chimes in.

"Please, girls, this needs to end without anyone getting hurt, especially your mom!" I say directing my look at my daughters each in turn.

"Do exactly as we say Ed, and this will end well for you I think, or you can always head home and call Laura now" says Susan.

I look from face to face and am met with frank stares, poker faces almost, except for the smallest glimmer from Susan. "Fine" I say, "Where to?"

The drive to drop Miles off is uneventful so I begin to relax a bit. Not quite forgetting but not overly aware of my commando status until I get out of the truck to meet Crissy's parents. Susan and Kylie wait in the truck, no doubt scheming what to do with me. I try desperately to block all of this as I chat with Ms. Stiles, not Mrs., explaining that I will be at the game later so we agree to plan on my picking Miley up there.

"See ya later, Dad” I hear as Miles disappears indoors without looking back. No hug, nothing... This is not unexpected but it hurts a little. Ms. Stiles for her part glances at me with an understanding look. Hah! If she only knew!

I am barely out of the cul-de-sac where the stiles live when Susan says, "Head to the adult book store out on the interstate, Ed."

"What? You girls can't..." I say, not knowing at all where this is headed but already not liking it!

"Just drive, we aren't, you are." Kylie grins. Is there a glimmer in her eye now? Shit is that contagious? There ought to be some kind of vaccine!

When I arrive I notice immediately that there is a back parking area and a privacy fence in addition to the front entrance. Being that I have two under aged girls in the truck, tinted windows or not, I head for the more secluded parking. This seems to meet with approval. I am parked a minute or two before the girls look up from their phones distractedly.

"OK, now what?" Knowing I don't really want to hear their answer, but having little to no choice.

"We have reserved a package for you. Go in and ask for it, easy... you don't even have to shop, just pick it up at the register and pay. Try not to be too surprised at the price; after all you get what you pay for they say!" Susan chuckles.

"You are gonna like this Dad, Trust me!" Kylie adds also shuddering with laughter.

"One more thing," Susan says, stopping me in mid stride "no peeking at the surprise, just get in and get out. No time to waste!"

Not wishing to be spotted or recognized I hurry inside. It doesn't occur to me that someone I know might already be inside or even work at this place. The 1st thing I notice is that the place carries a lot more stuff than I ever imagined. I see books, magazines and videos of course, but also toys and outfits. There is far more than I care to or at least have time to explore with my daughter in the truck outside. It takes me a moment to locate the register and check out with my package. Not sure what I was expecting but at just under $180 I'm certain it could have been worse. My apprehension is escalating as I climb in tossing the package into the passenger seat.

I am pulling out of the lot when Susan suggests we head over to the school sports complex early. I figure the team is there warming up, stretching etc., and having no idea what else to do with the time before the game I point the truck in that direction. Not to mention that if the girls get distracted watching the boys it could work in my favor.

The arena is medium sized I guess, there are stands on all sides just not a lot of them. Frankly I have no idea how many it can seat, but most games are not packed unless of course it is Home Coming week or we make the playoffs.

The parking are is almost vacant as we pull in so we are among the first to arrive. Hmm, I’m not sure if that is good or not. The girls suggest that I park near the far end of the parking area back by some trees, near an outlying building and as there is shade I agree. I am about to climb out of the truck when Susan says, "Wardrobe change, Ed!"

Huh? I think. As I turn to see if I miss heard her I see that she and Kylie are rummaging thru the package from the store which, to be honest I had almost forgotten! "I don't have" I start to reply, then I realize that I might actually, damn.

"Kylie, why don't you take a stroll around for a minute and check out who is here and where? Maybe you can find Miles" Susan adds. "Meanwhile I'll see to Ed here."

Part of me wants Kylie to stay and part of me thinks it might be good if she isn't here if I am about to have to change clothes in the truck. As she heads towards one of the small buildings around the field Susan climbs up front and directs me to remove my pants so that I can try on one of my new purchases.

I sit there looking at this teen aged girl. Wondering what if anything I can do to fix this but I know it doesn't exist. I don't even try, I just slip off my shoes and slide off my pants then glance towards her as I unzip my top, wondering what I am about to be given.

She watches me intensely, only glancing around once to check for passersby. As I am now completely nude, I am almost rigid when she says, "Hand me your suit then hold out your right hand, palm up."

I do and she proceeds to squirt a large glob of lotion in my hand before I realize it. What the hell? I can't just sit here bare ass naked and jerk off in the parking lot on school property! As I begin to protest she pulls out her phone and looks at the screen. "Better do something with that" she says with a smile.

"Like what exactly?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"Massage it into your groin and balls; rub it on your ass if you like. According to the stores website it feels amazing. I might keep some for myself if you don't use it all." She replies.

Again, I think, WTF? Hesitantly I comply and it truly doesn't feel bad. It has a warming pleasant sensation. She did not say to stroke myself so I am avoiding my cock entirely, in hopes that my boner might deflate. As if there is much chance of that happening, can you imagine? I am looking for a napkin or something to wipe my hand on when Kylie steps up to my door.

"Well!" She says as I practically jump out of my skin. "Having fun you two?"

"God, don't do that! Where did you come from?" I choke out as I attempt to get my pulse down, hyperventilating.

Looking at Susan, Kylie asks, "Is he about ready?" Then glancing at my lap she smirks and says, "Looks like it."

I realize now that not only is my hard on even more rigid, my pubic area has gone from warm to tingling and the sensation is increasing. I start to ask what is going on as my daughter opens my door and begins to pull me from the truck! Susan is behind me pushing and in moments I am out in public naked. I try desperately to get back in the truck but Susan has grabbed the keys and has hit the door locks. She shakes out some sort of flimsy robe and I grab it slipping it on. It's really more of a wrap, or maybe a dress, I have no idea. Certainly it is better than nothing.

Enraged I turn on the girls as they sprint towards the nearby building. Not having shoes I am at a disadvantage but I am close as they head inside. I find myself entering what must be a women's restroom, as there are no urinals. Guess I missed the sign in my haste, not that I care at the moment as long as it is otherwise unoccupied! Both girls are standing next to a row of sinks, huffing slightly from the exertion.

"Kindly explain this, Please!" I shout, gesturing around, at myself and our surroundings.

"You might want to rinse the lotion off now while we do" Susan suggests.

Which I find to be a good idea actually as it is almost burning now. The water is running and though it is not hot it is not frigid either. I rinse my hands and begin to dampen my groin, the relief momentarily assuaging my fury. This is short lived as I realize that I am rinsing off my pubic hair in addition to the lotion. OMG!
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