Corey and Oats VS Nekone


Corey and Oats in..

VS Nekonemancer


Corey and Oats went on many adventures both during the day and at night-fall and sometimes they just went into their computer to deal with the forces of evil, you might be familiar with their battle against the evil Sadistica or their encounter with the brutish clown-freaks known as Dingus and Moronzo, well one day there were in the lounge of their Nile Road home looking at what happened to be artwork of themselves when a cringey fanfic about Giantmicrobes popped up in Mel’s recommendations.

She did not want to click on it but she did and what she saw was enough to disgust her…it was a shipping-fic about Corey being paired up with a female reproduction cell microbe named Maria Ova who was the author’s self insert OC and it made her throw up, Corey saw it and it made him mad. ‘Alright, who is this bozo and why do they think they can write this sort of thing? Has this moron never seen the Giantmicrobes show? I would never leave my friends to be with someone I barely even know.’ ‘I know, these fics are horrible. Why are they shipping their OC with you when you are specifically in a relationship with Alcina?’ ‘Yes, let’s do something about this.’

The duo decided to use a magical item to access the hidden portal of their computer, they gathered all their friends together and waved the item in front of the computer, jumping into it and entering the virtual world, they looked around, recognizing the familiar world of the Deviantart universe and everything inside it, they looked at all the brilliant realms representing really good content.

It was then Oats pointed to a section known as the rejects section, they entered the rejects section and saw what happened to be a bunch of characters that were used for rather uhh..fetishistic art pieces such as inflation, cursed character transformations, and weight gain among others and that was when Corey saw Nekone’s part of this section, which was decked out to look as gaudy and stereotypically edgy as possible, decked out with posters of teen animal-guy characters and her badly designed fanart. ‘Yikes, it’s like 2009 died and its remains exploded all over the place’ ‘I’ll say, like seriously. This chick needs to wake up, because it’s 2024 now and nobody does this shit anymore.’

She was a wereraven/dragon-woman hybrid who seemed to pretend that she was non-binary to be ‘hip’ (because it is supposedly hip for edgy furry characters to be trans or non-binary), with messy dark purple and brown hair, she was the ultimate in edgy cringey fan-girl, she had all sorts of posters of teen animal-boys that had androgynous looks to them, and she was on her computer. ‘Is this the woman who keeps making cringey content?’ ‘Yes, she made that fanfic about me.’ Corey responded.

Corey floated over to where the computer was and read the fanfics…’Ugh, cringeworthy, detestable, gross. Have you not seen a single episode of the Giantmicrobes show? I have a girlfriend in the show, I will never love anyone else.’ ‘But Corey, my beloved microbe senpai, how could you say that? Maria Ova and Corey Covid are my OTP and should be canon in the actual show.’ ‘Ha, you think that the show creators would put in some shitty OC as a love interest for me when I have a girlfriend? You are mistaken. Oh and don’t forget that you called Mel rude just for saying she did not like how you acted like your character should be considered canon and also for saying she did not like the story about your character being paired up with me.’ ‘But Corey my love, you belong with me.’

‘Ick, no I don’t. I have a girlfriend. Your character is a laughing stock of the Giantmicrobes fandom, everyone says she is a Microbe Sue who is a manipulative bitch who only wants me all to herself. And I agree. I don’t want you.’ ‘Why not, don’t you want a microbe who loves you instead of those loser friends?’ ‘Loser friends, loser friends? My friends are not losers, it is people like you that are.’ ‘Yeah, acting like you are a totally hip and edgy character when you are just a creation of some lowly pervy dude with bizarre fetishes.’ ‘Did you just call me a man? I am female, you transphobic assholes.’

‘This is why Mel hates you, seriously, claiming you identify as another gender or even identify as non-binary just because you feel like you were born in the wrong body.’ ‘Yeah, it is not about trying to be hip. Yes, gender dysphoria is a real thing that many people sometimes feel, but you can’t go around claiming you are non-binary when you look more effeminate than the male characters in Fire Emblem.’

‘How dare you, you’re just jealous that I am a good writer and would make a great writer for the show.’ ‘Look, you’re a terrible writer. All of your Giantmicrobes fics are the same, when it’s not forcibly shipping your self-insert-self with me, it’s very much shaming my friends and treating the gang like they are not important. You want it to be all about you.’ ‘No I do not.’ ‘Yes you do, you are one extremely arrogant character both in the fics and outside them. Oh sure, act like Mel is being rude why don’t ya, all she said is that she does not like how you treat her friends.

‘Yeah, as if I would leave my friends just because Maria Ova thinks I should marry her.’ Corey snapped. ’You should be ashamed for doing this. Fanfiction can be good sometimes but this is just cringey, I used to be like that but test audiences did not like my gloomy goth persona and I got compared to Kristen Stewart which pissed me off so I decided to just be myself.’ Mel responded. ‘But Corey is my microbial husbando and I must have him.’ ‘No, you cannot have him, he is our friend. You cannot take my friends away from me, your dark powers do not work here.’

‘We shall see about that, cringey fan-girl squad attack!’ She exclaimed, summoning hordes of cringey fan-girls who tried to ship their OCs with Corey but Corey shot out some spikes at them and defeated them using the power of the love he had for his girlfriend Alcina, which made them all explode into red and gold pieces. ‘Sorry ladies, but this microbe is taken.’ Nekone then summoned her Nia lookalike squad who were all brainwashed teenagers who had turned into clones of Nia from Xenoblade 2. ‘Oh boy, what is with you and Sadistica ruining characters by hyperfixating on them too much to the point of doing your self-insert OC selves turning into said characters because they like them so much? Yeah Sadistica and Dingus were very much clown fetishists, to the point that Dingus very much was a gross clown fetishist wet dream come true, but come on, Noddy, and Nia of all characters?’

Oats used his magic to fend off some of them while using his magic to undo the brainwashing, which made some of the Nia lookalikes return to normal mentality-wise. ‘Where are we?’ ‘You are in the domain of the most infamous bad user in the Deviantart universe, Nekonemancer, Nekone thought she could punish people who called her fics sucky by turning people into clones of a character from a game she likes.’ ‘She did what? Oh she is in for it now.’

He used some more magic to revert them…’She? She? I am non-binary, I use they/them pronouns, respect me you transphobic biggot.’ ‘Oh shut up Nekone, you pull this crap on everyone who hates you. You’re just another lame attempt at trying to be hip and woke - by identifying as another gender, you’ve got a feminine body and you are female according to your bio, so therefore, you cannot just make us respect you or your pronouns because you are an evil person.’ ‘You are only saying I am evil because you hate my fics.’

‘Everyone hates your fics, Nekone. Have you ever seen any episode of the Giantmicrobes series? In the show, Corey has a girlfriend and he has one in real life. You are trying to claim yourself as Corey’s one true love when he already has one.’ ‘Yes, how would you like it if I tried to steal you away from your lovers or friends in stories and portray them in the same way you portrayed my friends?’ ‘Okay I admit I would not like it.’ ‘Your cringey fanfics offended my friend greatly, and you should be taught a lesson for that.’

She summoned her stereotypical British chav-punk minion who was dressed in an outfit that made them look they had not changed since the late 2000’s and had messy dark brown hair with blonde highlights, she was smoking a cigarrette and looking like she was looking for a man to ‘make love to’. ‘I am going to tear you limb from limb and it will be fooking mint.’ ‘What the hell did this harlot just say?’ ‘I think she said it will be fooking mint when she kills us, Corey.’

Mel took an offense to this…’Is this really what Nekone thinks that British people sound and act like? I was raised in England prior to coming to New Zealand, and Jill and James raised me there, but none of the Brits I know from there or anywhere in England talk like this. This is basically just what Americans think us Brits act like.’ ‘Yeah, mommy this definitely sounds offensive to me.’ ‘Believe it or not, not all of us swear or smoke or use bizzarro slang that makes us impossible to understand.’

‘I am going to kill you and it will be fooking mint! Fooking mint! I’m gonna scoff yous!’ The wannabe punk yelled as she charged towards Mel but Mel punched her in the stomach and kicked her onto the ground. ‘Oh can it, you stupid stereotype! Seriously, what is with Nekone not knowing how actual Brits act despite claiming to be from England in the bio?’ ‘Yeah, she should know better.’ ‘I told you I use they pronouns, you jerks.’ ‘Oh shut up Nekone, we don’t have to respect your stupid pronouns because you use them to make yourself seem superior t others, you are a horrible person and always will be.’

Corey tossed a giant tube of sorts to Mel who then injected the tube into the British punk-chav stereotype’s belly button, Mel then activated the switch which connected to the tubes and turned it on, causing gas to be pumped up into the stereotype punk-chav (named Skav)’s stomach as gas and smoke were inhaled through her lungs, both of each slowly caused her to inflate rapidly and swell up, getting bigger and bigger until she got too big to move and exploded into pieces, Corey saw that Nekone had summoned an army of rubber pups who were former humans brainwashed into acting like they were slaves to her dressed in rubber dog costumes and gear that looked like it was from an adult store.

He knew exactly what to do as he used special dip which was in a canister, he knocked over the canister and watched as the rubber skins of the pups slowly peeled of and melted in a grotesque Cronenbergian fashion and watched as they melted completely, reforming back into normal human being as their transformations had been reversed. ‘I don’t remember being in this place, what are we doing here?’ ‘Ask Nekone, she is the one that took away your humanity and brainwashed you into being hypersexual rubber dog slaves.’

‘She did?’ ‘Yes and she will get punished for it.’ Oats saw a group of maid-drones including ones that were half dragon-women just like Nekone and he used his magic to fend off some of them. ‘How many times must I tell you, maids are not sex objects, you freakos!’ Mel screamed as she knocked some of them onto the ground. ‘And sheesh, how arrogant do you have to be to think everyone has to be like you in a literal sense?’ ‘Yeah, Agent Smith called, he wants his special ability back!’

He used some magic to transform the maid-drones back to normal and explained what she had done to them, Nekone realized she was running out of options for minions to send after the duo since the duo already defeated all the worst that she and Sadistica had used, so she just sent a brainwashed teenager who had been turned into a Christmas elf. Mel managed to use some light magic to turn the teenager back to normal and helped him regain his memories.

‘A scumbag like you does not deserve respect.’ ‘You deserve to be punished for making those stories about me.’ Corey added, shooting spikes at her and knocking her onto the floor, he then roared as he mutated into his ‘mutant’ form, growing taller and developing sharp teeth and bat-like wings as he flew around her. ‘Okay okay I am sorry.’ ‘You better be, you caused me and my friends so much trouble.’

Oats reached for Nekone’s dragon-head staff and destroyed it with his own magic, causing all the magic from it to leave it and be sealed in the box that had been retrieved from as Nekone found herself growing weaker and weaker until she collapsed on the floor, her powers drained from her body and she no longer could use them. ‘It is good you are sorry but you must stil lbe punished.’ ‘For your abusive behavior towards Mel, you are grounded until the Giantmicrobes show gets any news of new cast members.’ ‘While you are grounded, you are not allowed to post any more of your fanfics and you have to take down that fic about me.’ Corey added.

‘Also, you have to delete all the other ones as well, and your more fetishistic ones must be removed as well. And naturally like with Vyond troublemakers, you have to now eat lumpy potatoes for every meal!’ ‘Waaaaa.’ ‘How would you like me to make you into a motorcar because when you cry, you remind me of one?’

A portal popped up in the ground, pulling Nekone threw it and pulling her from her domain through a swirling vortex that pulled her into a prison-like dimension where she was grounded for a really long time, she was prohibited from writing any more Giantmicrobes fanfiction again and she underwent fetish aversion therapy (in the end she was now permanently scarred by them and what she had done, no longer finding clowns, rubber pups, child-like characters or even maids or British stereotypes attractive) and she vowed to change her ways, which she did as she deleted all her fetish work because they brought her bad memories instead of good ones and deleted every fanfic she had ever written because they now made her feel bad.

The duo decided to have afternoon tea before going back to the main portal entrance area and jumping through it, arriving back at their home at Nile Road. Mel was glad to receive an apology message from Nekone who had made up for her rude behavior, and they all played games for a while.

“Do you feel better now, Corey?”

“Oh yes, look, better fanfics about me have been written.”

“I am glad that you have found much better fics about your show to read.”

“As am I.”

An hour later they gathered into the lounge for dinner and they had some delicious food for dinner, playing around and hanging out and having a good time, after dinner they relaxed and a couple of hours later they emailed Jill about their adventure and what had happened. They had a karaoke session and played music for a couple of hours and even played some games.

When it was time for them to go to bed they rushed into the bedroom, Corey put on his bat pajamas and Oatsie put on his night-gown which was pink as the two of them along with all their friends went into the bathroom to brush their teeth, Anglo then helped them back to the bedroom and to pick out some friends for snuggle time.

They all snuggled up as they jumped into bed, Anglo and Aiyvan said goodnight to everyone and turned out the lights. They all drifted off to sleep and had sweet dreams as they did so, and thus another adventure had come to a conclusion but more are coming up, oh yes more are coming up so please stay tuned.
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