Kuma and Karen Make Animals Out of Themselves.


It is time for storytime with Bonzi and this time it is back with a vengeance and Bonzi-er than ever! There once was a nasty and entitled Deviantart user named the1TruKaren, which was a fitting username because all she did was whine and hate people for no reason, she was a delusional little fuckwit with no personality other than being a basic bitch, she hated Nathan because she believed that Nathan was a groomer. 'That Nathan is a bad person, block him', she commanded Kumadraws334 who had also been accused of horrible things of the sort. 'Why should I block him if he did nothing to me?' 'Because he is a groomer annd because I am the basic bitch of this story who is totally not a villain!'

This of course got the attention of a certain purple gorilla who materialized in her apartment, all dressed in a snazzy black and green outfit. '1TruKaren, still being a bitch I see!' 'Oh no it is that purple ape OC again!' 'OC? OC? I'm Bonzi, the lord and master of the internet and I should have dealt with you with you more severely the first time because you clearly have not learned your lesson!'

'I never learn my lessons because i'm a bad woman.' 'Of course you are, you only exist to be antagonistic towards Nathan who is my friend, even though he did nothing wrong!' 'Did nothing wrong? He is a groomer, that document told me so!' 'You started those accusations yourself, you stupid bitch. Right after Nathan got kicked out of the TF-IRL server, you shitposted about him in the first place even though he did nothing wrong. Oh noes, someone roleplaying with someone who clearly was younger than them online, that person must be a horrible monster!'

'I ain't taking this shit from a talking ape.' 'Well you better start taking it, bitch, because you clearly can't give it, you can't give concrete evidence of my friend's supposed actions so you will have to take it like the good little bitch that you are, you have been bad, very bad!' 'No I haven't.' 'You act like roleplaying with two characters where one is younger than the others is grooming, meanwhile your subreddit has transfur related content, you do know that Changed is used by actual groomers on roblox to get kids to have fetishes they aren't old enough to know about, right? And don't forget how you have Zeydaan as a member and she/they/whatever they are fetishize child-like characters like Noddy!'

'Well I can explain those...' 'Can you? I think you are better off as anything other than yourself and I know how to fix you.' 'Do not even dare or else..' 'Or else what? You're going to accuse you of grooming or misgendering you? You don't even deserve to use pronouns, you are a failure of a person!'

Before she could complain to him Bonzi laughed at her and used his dark magic energy to make a dog collar float over to her and land on her neck. 'A dog collar? A dog collar? I'm a human being, not a pet.' 'Oh but you will be one soon, my dearest Karen. You do like acting like a dog don't you, of course you do, a good doggo is what you shall be!' She tried to pull the collar off but to no avail as it was permanently stuck there and she panicked..'Why can't I remove this collar?' 'Because it's permanently attached to you and will always come back on you even if you do successfully take it off! Now listen up here, you are my future pet, and you will do as I say, no more bitching about people who did supposedly horrible shit, the only thing you will be barking about is how much you love me.' 'Bite me, sicko chimp.' 'Chimp? Chimp? I am a gorilla! Allow me to teach you a lesson in manners.' Her stomach began to gurgle loudly as it slowly bloated up and swelled, growing fur all over it as it pushed against her belt making the belt (which had a rather flimsy buckle to begin with!) slowly creak and break apart as her stomach inflated. 'I am gaining weight?' 'Yes, you are, you need a lot of weight to carry your future offspring after all.'‘

'Offspring? But I am too young to be a mother!' 'Maam, you are an adult and a bitch, and a stupid one at that!'She panicked as her arms swelled and thickened with fat as fur spread all over them, causing the sleeves of her shirt to slowly tear as her back and shoulders broadened with a loud crack. 'Ouch, this seriously hurts.' 'Too bad, you are going to have to deal with that pain, because of all the shit you have put Nathan through!'

She groaned and let out some pained cries as her hands swelled and deformed, causing the black gloves she claimed were brand new (but she really got them from a Salvation Army sale because they were on sale and she was a cheap bitch by default!) to rip apart as her fingernails lengthened, resembling crooked claws.

'I have claws now too?' 'Oh yes, you do, perfect for slashing away at unwanted visitors!' Her shirt slowly began to get tighter and tighter as her chest and torso slowly inflated and gained weight just like her stomach, her breasts expanding and filling with milk. 'Milk? Milk? I feel like I am in a cow transformation fic!'

She moaned as her breasts swelled even more, combined with her fattening body this was enough to make her shirt (which she claimed was her best but really she just got it from Hot Topic because it was the only one with a character she had specific feelings for on it), slowly strain and rip apart, letting her massive breasts break free. Kuma looked on with shock, he could not believe what he was seeing, he was frightened but also turned on, he never thought Karen looked so hot but now he was starting to simp over her. 'Oh my, dear Karen, you look like such a hot bitch, I want to make out with you, have beastly sex with me please!'

'What, please don't!' 'Oh looks like you have a new potential boyfriend.' 'No, no please.' Bonzi laughed as he saw Kuma starting to make out with Karen, thrusting against her back and forth as his body slowly began to bloat up and be covered in thick hairs, his hands slowly deforming as his fingernails lengthened, looking like the same crooked claws as hers. He tried to fight it but his urge to bang her even more was increasing!

His shirt slowly strained and ripped as his back and shoulders broadened, he slowly elevated in height to become taller than she was and he began to thrust against her and make out with her, he couldn't help but feel oddly aroused by this as her rear inflated and a canine tail sprouted out from it, bursting her pants apart, her shoes slowly popped open to reveal her feet which were growing and deforming. 'I do love seeing these fools make animals of themselves!' Bonzi laughed.
Both of them groaned and panted as Kuma's feet deformed and a tail like Karen's shot out of his rear and spikes grew out of his back, his neck thickened with a sickening crunch as his ears shfited, becoming pointed, as his hair grew longer and messier as his eyes turned a deep crimson shade of red, his nose slowly swelled as his face slowly pushed into a demonic canine muzzle, his human teeth sharpening to resemble fangs. 'Hey, in this fic I am misgendered as a boy?' 'Male, female, who cares, you are nothing but a worthless beast to me!’

'Worthless beasts?' 'Of course you both are, you are much better as beasts than as people.' Karen begged for forgiveness as her neck thickened and two spikes grew out of her back, two bumps slowly began to grow on her head which throbbed with an increasing level of soreness as the bumps hardened, growing outwards into a pair of curved horns. 'Horns?' 'Yes, for such a horny little doggo! Get it, horny?'

She moaned as her ears shifted to become pointed and her brow thickened, giving her a monstrous appearance as her eyes turned a crimson color and her nose swelled, her face swelling and stretching with a loud crunching noise as it pushed out into a demonic muzzle, her teeth sharpening into crooked sharp demonic teeth with her canines becoming akin to fangs as her voice lowered and deepened, soon she was starting to really enjoy it.

Without a second thought she and Kuma banged each-other even harder than before and Bonzi watched as the apartment dramatically shifted in appearance, morphing into a specialized breeding chamber for the two of them. 'Here you go, a new home for you, since you are my pets. I will breed you to serve me and do as I please! Of course if you misbehave I will make it permanent and you will be stuck like that forever.' 'Please turn us back.' 'Not a chance, you are in my home now, and you are my pets!'

The two former TF-IRL members howled in horror before Bonzi transported them into a special part of the breeding chamber. 'Now, it is time for you both to get acquainted, but I will be checking up on you.' Without any second thoughts (or any thoughts at all) the two of them got comfortable and mated, making delicious beastly love to each-other and within a few months later Karen was pregnant with a multitude of babies.

'Excellent. Having kids should keep those two busy. I have already dealt with the rest of TF-IRL's trashy members so I have no need to go after any more of them, but next time someone makes a claim about my friend like that, they shall pay!' And thus Bonzi used his magic to transform the remaining part of Karen's apartment into his own private throneroom where he sat and gave special rewards for people who respected him.

And thus the story ends but the moral is..don't make bitchy comments and accusations about people you don't even know, even the slightest shitpost can cost you your life, or your humanity. So next time you think about shit-posting, please don't, or Bonzi will get you and make sure you will never be seen online ever again, at least not as a human!

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