VS Porcine Pervert.


Corey and Oats in..

VS Porcine Pervert


Corey and Oats really knew how to appreciate Mel and protect her, one instance in which they helped her was when she had to deal with yet another advertisement online for a fetish game, this time it was one that perverted elements of superhero comics and had heroes being brainwashed and violated by a pig-like villain known as the Porcine Pervert.

‘Ugh…that stupid pig-man. I just dealt with the previous version of this fetish game and now this stupid porno parody version of MHA comes up? Well I am sorry but I am not into degrading someone and banging them in an animalistic manner.’ ‘You tell them mommy.’ ‘This is not right and I do not like this.’

‘Let’s go and fix this!’ The duo hopped into the bedroom for a minute before pulling out an item from the bedbox which they used on the computer, opening up a portal form inside the screen which they jumped into and arrived into the world of the game.

When they arrived in the world of the game, Mel looked and was disgusted at what she saw, a ton of transfur rejects that had just emerged from a banned Roblox game that was an export of Changed, a group of dragon-women who were dressed in those ‘sexy’ halloween costumes you see every year at costume stores and gross pig-monsters dressed in fetish gear. ‘Who the hell designed this game, mods for some discord reddit with a thing for forced transformation?’

‘Yeah..ugh, more gross pig-men? I already dealt with more of these exact same freaks before, deformed overweight nerd mutants, freaking clowns, sumo wrestling demons, and jingo-ist pigs who think everything great comes from America, a bad scare 'em straight villain, and now this? Don’t those pig guys know when to quit?’ ‘Well, let’s start to teach them how to behave.’

A massively overweight pig-like villain jumped in front of them, he was very grotesque and had a messy mane of hair and scruffy hair all over his body, he was wearing a black costume that looked like he wanted to go as Venom but rather just went with a gimp from Pulp Fiction cosplay outfit. ‘What is the matter, do you not like my domain?’ ‘No we do not, look Mel is just looking for friendly TF content that does not sexualize transformation and make identity loss sexy, meanwhile you are out there parading around in that stupid gimp outfit advertising a game that kids should not know about yet.’

‘If kids play my game it is not my fault.’ ‘Oh but it is, you are the creator or the creator’s avatar in this world, you have to either admit that you are a dirty groomer for essentially grooming kids into having these things or I will hand your ass to you personally on a gold platter.’

“I’d like to see you try, pig-mutants, attack!”

“I don’t think so, let’s get them.”

Mel saw the pig-mutants in the gimp outfits and she managed to fight them off before they could put their sweaty armpit stink on her, the dragon ladies hissed and accused her of being a horrible person for kinkshaming them for their outfits only for her to grab them and stuff them all into a meat grinder, grinding them all into meat which she fed to some of the feederism pig-mutants which made them all throw up because they had eaten their friends.

She charged towards the transfur rejects and shoved them into a giant fire-pit which made them melt into a pile of goo which was then flushed down a giant toilet, followed by some of the transfur rejects turning back to normal.

Aiyido the beholder blasted them with his eye-rays, and Oats fended off some of the sexualized pony-girls with his magic, as Corey shot some spikes in the direction of the ‘fat pig spawn chamber’, taking precise aim and throwing them at the spawn chamber which exploded, destroying any and all pig spawning hives.

All of the people that had been brainwashed into being love-slaves for the perv porcine mutants, Mel then jumped into the air and onto the ground before digging her left boot into Porcine Pervert’s stomach, knocking him down onto the floor. ‘Like it or not, mister this is a family friendly show and we won’t have you showing your kinks to innocent kids.’ ‘Yeah, nobody wants to see naked pig-men or pig-men in stripper outfits.’ ‘Yeah, I hope you are rich so you can pay the high amounts of therapy bills the poor young players of this game will receive for having been exposed to this game.’

‘You are just shaming me, I am a proud horn-hog with no thoughts apart from wanting to corrupt all of mankind, because I am the obvious villain.’ ‘Of course you are, being the obvious villain means you will get defeated.’ She kicked him a few times before punching him and spanking him. ‘Bad piggy, bad piggy!’ ‘Hey, that hurts. Yet it feels good to be hurt by you.’

Mel punched him and kicked him before doing a backflip and sticking the heel of her boot into his groin, causing him to yelp in pain…’Owwww, my pork and beans!’, ‘That should teach you not to shove your fetish everywhere!’ ‘Yeah.’

‘I am sorry, I did not know any better. I was just a villain character created for this game, I did not know this was just a porno parody of an anime that is very beloved.’ ‘Well it is, you are a villain in a hentai parody of My Hero Academia.’ ‘Oh, well then I am sorry.’

‘Good but you are still going to get punished. For subjecting me to this grotesque fetish game as well as subjecting kids to it, you are grounded until character TFs stop using MC in them, and while you are grounded, you will be subjected to fetish aversion therapy and eat nothing but mashed potatoes for every meal!’ ‘Nooooooo. Waaaa, it is not fair.’ ‘Keep crying like that and i’ll turn you from a pig into a motorcar and sell you to Eucalyptus back home.’

Mel called the authorities and the authority agents arrived and took him away, taking him away to a maximum security prison, and in that prison he was subjected to fetish aversion therapy which he had to endure for several months, he was traumatized by the end of it because he had now become afraid of the very things he fetishized after having several nightmares of being sent to a hellish dimension for his bad tastes.

He had nothing but lumpy potatoes for every meal afterwards, and the duo known as Corey and Oats stopped for lunch before having some afternoon tea and jumping through the computer’s portal, arriving back in their home with Mel at Nile Road.

When they arrived back at Nile Road they all gathered around the table and waited for dinner as they communicated with their friends, and when dinner arrived they had some delicious food for dinner, after dinner they relaxed for a bit.

Corey emailed Jill about their adventure afterwards before having a karaoke party, after they had their party they relaxed. Mel had gotten over what had happened before and was fine once more, as she helped the duo celebrate.

An hour later they all got ready for bed when their party was finished and Oats put on his pink night-gown, Corey put on his bat onesie as they all brushed their teeth in the bathroom, after brushing their teeth they all went to bed.

The duo picked some friends to snuggle up with as they all jumped into bed, Anglo turned the lights off before using his light to help his friends see as they drifted off to sleep, having sweet dreams as they did so.

And thus their adventure had come to an end, but more are coming up so stay tuned.
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