Lance Gets Toaded.


It is time for storytime with Bonzi and you know the let us get into the TF antics with another story! Once upon a time in the land of Deviantart there was an idiot user named LanceBlabbot who only existed to be a toadie for 1TruKaren and he acted like he had to believe everything she said.

Luckily Karen had already been permanently punished via transformations and as such so had her friends, all those posers who were obviously too stupid to know better had succumbed to the wrath of the purple ape known as Bonzi but he had not.

He was in his home in the Deviantart universe which was a level made to look like the dwelling of an average edgy roblox player, moping around when Bonzi caught word of another attempt at trying to ‘warn’ others of the supposed evils of his friend Nathan, Bonzi intervened by manifesting himself in his room. ‘Well well looks like I have another potential subject to add to my collection.’ ‘Woah, an OC has come to life to speak to me.’ ‘An OC? An OC? I am Bonzi, the lord and master of the internet! And you are about to learn what real TFs are like.’

‘Is this a weird fic or something?’ ‘Oh you wish it was just a fic, mister. I am here because as the only remaining person who actively sucks up to the beast that used to be Karen, you must be taken care of.’ ‘Oh this is because of your friend, right?’ ‘If your friends told you that Nathan would go crazy on you for isolating yourself from him, your friends are the dumbest group of penis headed idiots in the world! And you shall join them, you mindless toadie.’

‘I am not a toadie..I am not a toad to anyone.’ ‘Oh, really, then look again.’ Lance looked at himself as Bonzi tapped his shoulder, and as he did - he gasped in horror as what he saw was slimy green skin slowly coating his body and his hands, which were slowly becoming webbed. ‘What the heck is happening, is this some kind of were-fandom TF moment?’ ‘What is happening to you is way better than any of that gay were-fandom crap. You are transforming for real, and it will feel good to you.’

He groaned as pustules and warts popped up all over his skin, deforming his appearance, his whole body swelling and inflating with fat as his t shirt slowly tore and ripped apart. ‘I am gaining weight?’ ‘Why yes, my big fat were-toady.’ ‘I am not yours.’ ‘Oh but you will be once I am through with you.’

His legs thickened with fat and extended as did his entire body, his jeans slowly ripping apart as his shoes burst open as his feet swelled, fattening and becoming webbed. A foul stench emitted from his body, it smelt like a mixture of extremely potent farts and sewer water as his back and shoulders broadened. ‘From now on, you will serve me and only me. All of the transformations that Karen wrote are inferior compared to my magic and you know this, my beloved were-toad slave.’

‘Okay I am sorry for believing Karen and believing my friends, who are morons. Can you please change me back to myself, please?’ ‘No can do, Lancey. If only you had not sucked up to her, then you would not be in this predicament.’ ‘Okay I am pretty much terrible at being an original character, like I know this fic needed a villain and well Karen got taken care of permanently, and everyone else in her posse has been taken care of too, so I had to fill that slot in. I admit, as a villain I am not original.’

‘You actually own up to your mistakes? I am proud of you, toadie. So very proud! It is not often that an antagonist I face/transform admits that they are not original.’ Bonzi patted Lance on the shoulders as his neck fattened up and swelled, his face puffing up like when a frog or toad puffs their throat out to attract mates as his eyes widened and turned yellow, his face deforming while his hair fell out, his tongue lengthening as his transformation concluded and his voice deepened.

‘There, that is much better.’ ‘But look at me, I am…’ ‘Ugly? Yes, you are, very ugly, you should be ashamed of yourself but you are my ugly little toadie and sidekick.’ Those words certainly did mean a lot to him, as a ‘sidekick’ to the great ape, he had a lot to do (and helping him find people to transform was one of them!) and so many new abilities to test out.

Bonzi transported himself and Lance to his secret HQ where he dubbed a new name and gave him a new personality, that of a loyal weretoad servant. ‘Were-toads make the best and most loyal servants, especially since they are so reliable!’ ‘I agree, master. I am so ready to serve you.’

‘Excellent, welcome to your new home. This will be where you will reside, forever.’ ‘Forever indeed, master.’ And thus his work was done, Bonzi smiled as his new weretoad servant grew adjusted to his new home.

It did not take long for him to forget his old life (or for the people that used to be his friends to forget him, in fact they did not know of any man with the name he used to have, they only knew of Bonzi, the lord and master of the internet!) and the world is better for it.

Remember, the moral of the story is to never be a toadie to a problematic person or you will end up being a toadie for real, in more ways than one!
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