Lost Episode of TftW
first times
Corey and Oats in...
The Lost Episode Of TftW
Corey and Oats went on many adventures throughout their own world and even online and one day something happened to their friend Mel, Mel had been suspended for one day on Furaffinity due to a supposedly harmful story she wrote, the story titled 'Tara the Tattletail Rodent Gets Turned Into A Fat Troll' was supposedly reported for being act of 'harassment' and containing revenge-fic elements.
So that day the duo decided to investigate by entering a combination of keys on the keyboard which opened up a portal in the computer screen, they all jumped through the screen along with Piff and Tangie. They jumped through the online portal and arrived at in a virtual realm which lead to the kingdom of Furaffinitia.
Furaffinitia was very much like the Deviantart Universe only a lot more sleasy due to the heavy amount of content that in these stories would have to be censored, the first thing they saw was the ‘gallery of lost furaffinitia media’ which had lost episode of stories, and Mel saw the story that she had written up there.
Going up to it carefully Piff selected it and it popped up on a screen, the episode began as normal with the ‘Tales From The Web’ opening sequence, but something was off, the music was slowed like in those Youtube videos. Instead of the usual introduction from the unseen narrator character, there was a different kind of introduction. ‘Sometimes on Tales From The Web we vilify people for no reason. And sometime these is a reason for it.’
It showed a scene of the bratty mousegirl character Tara and like in the lost story it showed her complaining about a story her friend had written portraying as ugly, there was some odd dark green liquid next to her where her water bottle was. ‘They think i’m ugly.’ She sobbed. ‘Is she crying because she is ugly?’ Piff asked. ‘I think so.’ Oats added.
Tara cried and cried and as she did, Mel could hear how realistic the crying sounded - it was like the actress playing Tara was genuinely upset. She watched as in the episode Tara put her makeup on and tried to convince herself she was not ugly only to rub the makeup off and accidentally peel her face off, revealing a deformed monster underneath. ‘I am a monster, this is all my fault. This is all my fault.’
She picked up the green liquid and drank it as she became angrier and angrier, turning into a deranged Ratfink-style monster as she was convinced it was all her own fault, she reached for a blade and used it to cut open her stomach, highly realistic intestines fell out. Oats puked as he saw this scene and even though he was a horse and horses can not throw up, he did so anyway.
The episode just got more and more chaotic as Tara went around going on rampages killing off all her friends even if they did nothing wrong, and even actually committing real revenge against her friend who had called her ugly. A warning popped up on the screen saying ‘Do not post this episode on Furaffinity after this point, if you do you will be suspended for violating rule of conduct 11.20: No graphic hateful depictions of death of a character who is between the ages of 13 and 20 years old, this is a revenge fic episode, this is a revenge fic episode’.
This was followed by depictions of occult symbols, and scenes of graphic depictions of people being sacrificed before the episode ended with Tara having slaughtered all her friends with an image of Vincent Price from that Timelife book commercial with glowing eyes laughing like a psychopath.
The narrator intoned…’We all act like monsters sometimes, sometimes it just takes one slip to lose control and become a beast’ before audible sounds of painful transformations were heard. And the episode ended, the credits read written and produced by Alana Smythe.
Corey and Oats looked shocked as they all had some snacks before having lunch. ‘This episode got you suspended? But it did not even air.’ ‘I know, who would have known a website based on the furry community would have a rule that forbids graphic death scenes?’ ‘Yeah, or a rule about occult imagery?’
They looked puzzled as did Piff and they had afternoon tea together before a demon popped out of the episode and tried to kill them all but Aiyido the beholder zapped the demon back to where he came from, Mel clarified that the episode was not meant to be harming anyone and that it was not made to be seen.
The Furaffinity Police Department accepted her apology and unsuspended her, and after that they destroyed the episode and made sure it was never to be found again, and after that they decided to leave.
They found the portal they jumped through last time and jumped right through it, arriving back at the entrance before ending up back going through another portal which took them out of the computer and back to Nile Road.
When they arrived back in their lounge they relaxed and played games before getting ready for dinner, when dinner arrived they had delicious food for dinner, they emailed Jill about their adventure afterwards.
Piff and Tangie went fishing and caught all sorts of fish before they all had a karaoke session, after their karaoke session was over they all relaxed and got ready for bed as Corey put on his bat pajamas and Oats put on his pink night-gown, and they all brushed their teeth.
After brushing their teeth they all went into the bedroom and thanked Mel before jumping on the bed and snuggling up, they all snuggled up and Piff turned off the light, they all had sweet dreams as they snuggled up to sleep.
And thus their adventure had come to an end but more are coming up so stay tuned.
The Lost Episode Of TftW
Corey and Oats went on many adventures throughout their own world and even online and one day something happened to their friend Mel, Mel had been suspended for one day on Furaffinity due to a supposedly harmful story she wrote, the story titled 'Tara the Tattletail Rodent Gets Turned Into A Fat Troll' was supposedly reported for being act of 'harassment' and containing revenge-fic elements.
So that day the duo decided to investigate by entering a combination of keys on the keyboard which opened up a portal in the computer screen, they all jumped through the screen along with Piff and Tangie. They jumped through the online portal and arrived at in a virtual realm which lead to the kingdom of Furaffinitia.
Furaffinitia was very much like the Deviantart Universe only a lot more sleasy due to the heavy amount of content that in these stories would have to be censored, the first thing they saw was the ‘gallery of lost furaffinitia media’ which had lost episode of stories, and Mel saw the story that she had written up there.
Going up to it carefully Piff selected it and it popped up on a screen, the episode began as normal with the ‘Tales From The Web’ opening sequence, but something was off, the music was slowed like in those Youtube videos. Instead of the usual introduction from the unseen narrator character, there was a different kind of introduction. ‘Sometimes on Tales From The Web we vilify people for no reason. And sometime these is a reason for it.’
It showed a scene of the bratty mousegirl character Tara and like in the lost story it showed her complaining about a story her friend had written portraying as ugly, there was some odd dark green liquid next to her where her water bottle was. ‘They think i’m ugly.’ She sobbed. ‘Is she crying because she is ugly?’ Piff asked. ‘I think so.’ Oats added.
Tara cried and cried and as she did, Mel could hear how realistic the crying sounded - it was like the actress playing Tara was genuinely upset. She watched as in the episode Tara put her makeup on and tried to convince herself she was not ugly only to rub the makeup off and accidentally peel her face off, revealing a deformed monster underneath. ‘I am a monster, this is all my fault. This is all my fault.’
She picked up the green liquid and drank it as she became angrier and angrier, turning into a deranged Ratfink-style monster as she was convinced it was all her own fault, she reached for a blade and used it to cut open her stomach, highly realistic intestines fell out. Oats puked as he saw this scene and even though he was a horse and horses can not throw up, he did so anyway.
The episode just got more and more chaotic as Tara went around going on rampages killing off all her friends even if they did nothing wrong, and even actually committing real revenge against her friend who had called her ugly. A warning popped up on the screen saying ‘Do not post this episode on Furaffinity after this point, if you do you will be suspended for violating rule of conduct 11.20: No graphic hateful depictions of death of a character who is between the ages of 13 and 20 years old, this is a revenge fic episode, this is a revenge fic episode’.
This was followed by depictions of occult symbols, and scenes of graphic depictions of people being sacrificed before the episode ended with Tara having slaughtered all her friends with an image of Vincent Price from that Timelife book commercial with glowing eyes laughing like a psychopath.
The narrator intoned…’We all act like monsters sometimes, sometimes it just takes one slip to lose control and become a beast’ before audible sounds of painful transformations were heard. And the episode ended, the credits read written and produced by Alana Smythe.
Corey and Oats looked shocked as they all had some snacks before having lunch. ‘This episode got you suspended? But it did not even air.’ ‘I know, who would have known a website based on the furry community would have a rule that forbids graphic death scenes?’ ‘Yeah, or a rule about occult imagery?’
They looked puzzled as did Piff and they had afternoon tea together before a demon popped out of the episode and tried to kill them all but Aiyido the beholder zapped the demon back to where he came from, Mel clarified that the episode was not meant to be harming anyone and that it was not made to be seen.
The Furaffinity Police Department accepted her apology and unsuspended her, and after that they destroyed the episode and made sure it was never to be found again, and after that they decided to leave.
They found the portal they jumped through last time and jumped right through it, arriving back at the entrance before ending up back going through another portal which took them out of the computer and back to Nile Road.
When they arrived back in their lounge they relaxed and played games before getting ready for dinner, when dinner arrived they had delicious food for dinner, they emailed Jill about their adventure afterwards.
Piff and Tangie went fishing and caught all sorts of fish before they all had a karaoke session, after their karaoke session was over they all relaxed and got ready for bed as Corey put on his bat pajamas and Oats put on his pink night-gown, and they all brushed their teeth.
After brushing their teeth they all went into the bedroom and thanked Mel before jumping on the bed and snuggling up, they all snuggled up and Piff turned off the light, they all had sweet dreams as they snuggled up to sleep.
And thus their adventure had come to an end but more are coming up so stay tuned.
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