Found my purpose


Always very well off, raised to succeed and had gotten very bored with my whole lifestyle. Almost the last of my family, I wanted something and couldn't find it. Mainly because I didn't know what I was looking for. I could get any woman I set my eye on, but at 33 that was old hat as they say, no challenge. Able to speak 6 languages but couldn't find what my soul wanted for me to do or be. My late grandfather had always said when you're searching for something and can't identify what is, it's your soul trying to make you find something really special. Claimed his special treasure as he called it was his wife my grandmother. Mine wasn't a woman or at least that what I thought at the time. Anyway, I was travelling around looking for something to get me excited, I came to a small town. It seemed to have no real future, nothing special that could safe it at first glance. Then while sitting in the local diner having a meal, I saw an old poster on the wall. Nothing really special about the poster, just a 1950's advert for a look out that looked over the nearby countryside. Suddenly my interest increased, no reason it just did by itself. I first thought my soul had seen something in the poster, stirred something in it. So, I drove to the look out, at first nothing jumped out at me as they say. But as I studied the view, I was drawn towards a small lake surrounded by trees. The lake excited my soul is all I can say, so I went to check it over. Found a rundown ranch, fences almost falling over and near the lake a house in real need of major renovations. At the entrance to the ranch was a for-sale sign, decided for no other reason than my soul wanted it to buy the ranch. The ranch was occupied by the owners, the sale was a forced sale the bank wanted their money back. Left the owners stay there till it sold, the purchase went quickly. Paying cash makes it go quick, the same day I drove out to actually inspect my property. The former owners had only just been told, when I arrived. three women and a dog, all the cattle, horses and other livestock sold already by the bank. The women a mother 44 and her two daughters 26 and 23, were packing up their clothes and the few keepsakes they had left. My soul then showed me it was the women not the land it had wanted for me, as all thought of the land vanished from my mind. Not that they were anything special in looks or build, realizing it was the women that were my soul interest. I told them I would hire them to help with the ranch, if they wanted to stay. They did and they could keep their house as theirs living quarters. That was 2022 and now my soul is content the ranch is actually a ranch again with cattle, horses, pigs and chicken again. A new house built on it for me and my 3 wives, the women are my wives I'm married to none. But fuck all three, have 3 children with the two daughters and another due in July. My soul is very happy and so am I and my wives.
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