(GTS) Devour
The ever consuming hunger grew stronger as the goddess grew closer to the orange planet. It was a hunger that threatened to make her mad, to put an end to the little reason the Titaness had. Their could be no debate, this planet would meet its end.
The Devour with her cosmic eyes looked at the tiny microbes on the planet and what she saw was a people with light orange skin with dark stripes all around their bodies and as she looked further she could see tiny buildings made of elemental stone and sand, skyscrapers made up of hard and durable metal that shined with a silver elegance as the suns rays touched it. But what really caught the eye of the goddess was the golden shrines that rested all around the planet. Shrines that all revealed golden pictures of the sun itself. It was obvious to the Massive cosmic Goddess that these little maggots worshiped the sun and that thought alone brought a smile to her face.
The residents of the Gotholla watched as their once orange sky became covered in shadow and darkness.
Kherkrans, the species that lived on the orange planet where a people that believed that their one almighty sun god was the creator of the universe. The sun was the life giving light that made life possible on the planet of Gothilla that was why that every Kherkran believed that the all consuming shadow was caused by the wrath of the great sun god Inir.
In the sacred golden temple of Inir three priest stand in utter disbelief as they watched the darkened sky.
Priest 1: "High Priest what does this mean?"
High Priest: "It means that the sacred scriptures are finally being realized."
Priest 2: "You mean the ancient texts that speak of the sun gods judgment upon the sinful and disobedient."
High Priest: "Worry not my disciplines, we are the faithful, and we will be spared the coming destruction."
The High Priest speaks words of comfort as he looked at his disciples. He believed in his god and he believed that his long life of faith and allegiance would not go unrewarded.
The Devourer grew closer to the solar star wearing a smile on her face. It never ceased to amaze her how foolish mortals could be, how their limited minds tried to make sense of the universe that surrounded them. Coming ever closer to the star that lit up the solar system billions and billions of miles around the great goddess smile grows wider as she bore witness to a solar flame smaller than her hand.
Devourer: ["Do those inferior beings really believe that this little star is a god?"]
Looking back at the tiny planet that floated from afar, the Titan that saw so much praise and worship wanted to show the little germs how little their religion mattered, and she had the perfect idea in her mind.
The colossus reaches out and like plucking a small cherry, plucks the small star out of its orbit using nothing but her thumb and index finger. With the small star in her clutches, the goddess couldn't feel the cosmic Flames that arose from the stars core and without wasting time brings the small sun up to her mouth, facing the orange planet while licking her lips.
The people of Gotholla where in panic as they saw from within the cosmic depths a being to massive to comprehend a being that looked nothing like their blazing god of the solar flame. This unknown entity was a god in its own right, how could it not be when it was easily playing with the almighty sun that so many Kherkrans had worshiped over the long years of their existence.
Whatever thoughts where flowing through the people of Gotholla, their was one thing that they all knew, as solar winds devastated that many lands and cities throwing many things into the far off depths of space, and boiling the oceans and people alike. This new god cared nothing for them, the Gothollians couldn't make out the Cosmic Colossus fully but they could feel in their hearts that their lives meant nothing to these dark being.
Priest 1: "I don't understand, the sacred texts of Inir, the golden scriptures of the sun mention nothing of this." (Shakes in fear and looks at the High priest.)
Priest 1: "The 100 days of darkness, the Tempest of flames, the Flame of eternal life. The scriptures mention all of these things... But this?"
The High Priest fails to meet the gaze of his fearful Disciple, the only thing that seemed to matter was the cosmic monster that filled the entire sky.
High Priest: ["Was all of my worship for nothing? Did it really not matter in the end?"]
The High Priest of Gotholla thought things he had never once thought before, faith stronger than metal had no use for doubt and yet here in the golden temple of Inir, doubt exists.
High Priest: "You fools, you would dare doubt the words of our lord here at the time of judgement!?"
Priest 1 & 2: "NO SIR!"
High Priest: "Remember our lord like the great flame is shapeless, his ways are not for us to understand, we are his chosen, and through our god we will live forever!" (Raises his fist in the air.)
High Priest: "What we are looking at is probably a messenger sent from on high to test our faith, so do not waver!"
Priest 1: (Bows his head in shame.) "I give honor to the Great High Priest, and ask for forgiveness for the words that I have spoken.
High Priest: "Worry not, for the great Inir will for...."
Priest 2: "What is the messenger doing!!!" (Grabbing the attention of the High Priest and points at the chaotic sky.
High Priest: "Oh lord."
The Devour with star in hand comes ever closer to the little planet. She was far enough that her very being posed no danger to the planet, and yet close enough that so many of the little microbes could bare witness to what was about to happen.
The Goddess brings the star up to her face and with a grin opens her mouth wide enough that her breath washes over the planet making the once clear air humid, and causing the ground itself to uplift changing the landscape with ease. The air Itself would never be the same, forever replaced with the breath of a cosmic monster.
The Titan after keeping her mouth wide open for a few Minutes, to give the little germs a view throws the flaming sun into her maw and slowly brings her lips together, causing the once bright solar system to be deprived of the once warm giving light.
Devourer: ["Now they will see who the real god is here.]
Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters. https://www.patreon.com/DarkMatter1234
The Devour with her cosmic eyes looked at the tiny microbes on the planet and what she saw was a people with light orange skin with dark stripes all around their bodies and as she looked further she could see tiny buildings made of elemental stone and sand, skyscrapers made up of hard and durable metal that shined with a silver elegance as the suns rays touched it. But what really caught the eye of the goddess was the golden shrines that rested all around the planet. Shrines that all revealed golden pictures of the sun itself. It was obvious to the Massive cosmic Goddess that these little maggots worshiped the sun and that thought alone brought a smile to her face.
The residents of the Gotholla watched as their once orange sky became covered in shadow and darkness.
Kherkrans, the species that lived on the orange planet where a people that believed that their one almighty sun god was the creator of the universe. The sun was the life giving light that made life possible on the planet of Gothilla that was why that every Kherkran believed that the all consuming shadow was caused by the wrath of the great sun god Inir.
In the sacred golden temple of Inir three priest stand in utter disbelief as they watched the darkened sky.
Priest 1: "High Priest what does this mean?"
High Priest: "It means that the sacred scriptures are finally being realized."
Priest 2: "You mean the ancient texts that speak of the sun gods judgment upon the sinful and disobedient."
High Priest: "Worry not my disciplines, we are the faithful, and we will be spared the coming destruction."
The High Priest speaks words of comfort as he looked at his disciples. He believed in his god and he believed that his long life of faith and allegiance would not go unrewarded.
The Devourer grew closer to the solar star wearing a smile on her face. It never ceased to amaze her how foolish mortals could be, how their limited minds tried to make sense of the universe that surrounded them. Coming ever closer to the star that lit up the solar system billions and billions of miles around the great goddess smile grows wider as she bore witness to a solar flame smaller than her hand.
Devourer: ["Do those inferior beings really believe that this little star is a god?"]
Looking back at the tiny planet that floated from afar, the Titan that saw so much praise and worship wanted to show the little germs how little their religion mattered, and she had the perfect idea in her mind.
The colossus reaches out and like plucking a small cherry, plucks the small star out of its orbit using nothing but her thumb and index finger. With the small star in her clutches, the goddess couldn't feel the cosmic Flames that arose from the stars core and without wasting time brings the small sun up to her mouth, facing the orange planet while licking her lips.
The people of Gotholla where in panic as they saw from within the cosmic depths a being to massive to comprehend a being that looked nothing like their blazing god of the solar flame. This unknown entity was a god in its own right, how could it not be when it was easily playing with the almighty sun that so many Kherkrans had worshiped over the long years of their existence.
Whatever thoughts where flowing through the people of Gotholla, their was one thing that they all knew, as solar winds devastated that many lands and cities throwing many things into the far off depths of space, and boiling the oceans and people alike. This new god cared nothing for them, the Gothollians couldn't make out the Cosmic Colossus fully but they could feel in their hearts that their lives meant nothing to these dark being.
Priest 1: "I don't understand, the sacred texts of Inir, the golden scriptures of the sun mention nothing of this." (Shakes in fear and looks at the High priest.)
Priest 1: "The 100 days of darkness, the Tempest of flames, the Flame of eternal life. The scriptures mention all of these things... But this?"
The High Priest fails to meet the gaze of his fearful Disciple, the only thing that seemed to matter was the cosmic monster that filled the entire sky.
High Priest: ["Was all of my worship for nothing? Did it really not matter in the end?"]
The High Priest of Gotholla thought things he had never once thought before, faith stronger than metal had no use for doubt and yet here in the golden temple of Inir, doubt exists.
High Priest: "You fools, you would dare doubt the words of our lord here at the time of judgement!?"
Priest 1 & 2: "NO SIR!"
High Priest: "Remember our lord like the great flame is shapeless, his ways are not for us to understand, we are his chosen, and through our god we will live forever!" (Raises his fist in the air.)
High Priest: "What we are looking at is probably a messenger sent from on high to test our faith, so do not waver!"
Priest 1: (Bows his head in shame.) "I give honor to the Great High Priest, and ask for forgiveness for the words that I have spoken.
High Priest: "Worry not, for the great Inir will for...."
Priest 2: "What is the messenger doing!!!" (Grabbing the attention of the High Priest and points at the chaotic sky.
High Priest: "Oh lord."
The Devour with star in hand comes ever closer to the little planet. She was far enough that her very being posed no danger to the planet, and yet close enough that so many of the little microbes could bare witness to what was about to happen.
The Goddess brings the star up to her face and with a grin opens her mouth wide enough that her breath washes over the planet making the once clear air humid, and causing the ground itself to uplift changing the landscape with ease. The air Itself would never be the same, forever replaced with the breath of a cosmic monster.
The Titan after keeping her mouth wide open for a few Minutes, to give the little germs a view throws the flaming sun into her maw and slowly brings her lips together, causing the once bright solar system to be deprived of the once warm giving light.
Devourer: ["Now they will see who the real god is here.]
Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters. https://www.patreon.com/DarkMatter1234
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