Bonzi's Dum Double Bill.


It is once again time for Storytime with Bonzi and today I have a tale that only a dum dum mother could love! Once upon a time in Deviantart there was a nasty little penis-headed moron named Blueboyjakey, Jakey loved diapers and diaper art (mainly because he himself was such a big baby he identified as an ABDL, more proof of why that community is evil!) and he acted those who did needed to ‘move on’ but it was obviously he was the one who needed to do that.

One day while surfing through the internet Bonzi saw a comment from Jakey that made him go…’Oh my! What a crass and disgusting abomination to mankind. How dare someone make a dumb comment like that. I should teach this overgrown manchild a lesson.’

So he decided to use his magic to transport himself through the computer of the user in question, Jakey was about to go on and post another insulting comment when Bonzi leaped out of his computer screen and introduced himself. ‘Well hello hello there, it looks like we have another little parasite with a kink for being a bad little boy, how delightfully dum dum!’ ‘A talking monkey OC just came out of my computer?’ ‘An OC? An OC? Sir, I am no OC, I am Bonzi, lord and master of the internet. And I am an ape, not a monkey!’ ‘Wow, I must be in one of your fics.’ ‘Yes you are, since you chose to take the unoriginal route and play the villain you are in this fic, and judging by your taste in content, I have made the right choice to target you.’

‘How do you know about my specific kinks, may I ask?’ ‘Well it is obvious, people with diaper fetishes such as yours are terrible at keeping them in the bedroom, they post it all over their accounts. Yes there are some in that community that are nice, but we get sickos like you in it as well, people like you who cannot take a single bit of criticism without going into Karen mode!’ ‘Hey, that is not fair.’ ‘Neither is not getting warnings on obvious fetish art.’ ‘Not every fetish artist needs to be aware of your sensitivities, you need to..’ ‘I know bla bla bla I need to move on, the same old same old excuse you always use.’ ‘Consider the artist.’

‘If it is a well respected artist I expect not to be insulted! Even with tags muted, I see this crap and it makes me hurl up my banana sundae!’ ‘I am sorry you feel that way.’ ‘No you are not, clearly you are triggered and had to make a big dum dum out of yourself.’

‘A dum dum?’ ‘Yes, a dum dum is a type of Were-Aykroyd and you to me have always been one.’ ‘But I am human.’ ‘Do not play dumb with me dumb dum, I know what you are.’ Just as he was about to retort, he saw his Deviantart and furaffinity favorites shifting from diaper-art pictures to pictures of fat were-aykroyd women who were all eating with their masters.

‘Hey, what did you do to my galleries, I do not remember being into this stuff.’ ‘Oh but you do, look at how much you enjoy seeing were-aykroyd dum dums being nurtured and fed! Why, you even posted an I sure as hell wish that was me comment on one of them, you want to be a dum dum mommy so badly, do you not?’

He could not hide it any longer…all this time he had not been a diaper fetishist at all, he was only pretending to like it. He began to remember what Bonzi said earlier as he looked at himself, he felt a series of odd warming sensations entering his body.

The sensation was due to his body slowly gaining weight as his chest and torso expanded, popping up several buttons off of his ratty looking Pikachu button up shirt (which he swore was brand new but he actually got from Temu for a ridiculously cheap price!) and his arms broadened, brown hairs slowly spread across his arms and on his hands.

His hands broadened as his fingernails lengthened and his fingers thickened…’What the hell is going on, am I growing long elegant fingernails?’ ‘Well yes, but you are becoming a plus sized female were-aykroyd, a dum dum wife.’ ‘A wife? But I have not even thought about getting married yet.’

‘You are going to be welcomed to the world of motherhood soon enough, dear. After all, diapers were never your thing, becoming a mother was, I remember when I first met you!’ ‘You do?’ ‘Oh yes, you may not remember this, but I definitely do.’

New memories began to surge into his head, making him remember a time when he was a young were-aykroyd dum dum that was lost and alone in the world and how he had tried to find a master who would love him and appreciate ihm, and how he felt sad when he got ostracized for being what he was. ‘Dum dum could not help being a dum dum, it is not my fault that the humans did not appreciate me!’ ‘Of course it is not your fault, humans do not understand were-aykroyds. Dum dum were-aykroyds are often viewed as a joke species, but you are no joke to me.’

‘I am not a joke to you?’ ‘Of course not. Dum dum were-aykroyds are considered a joke species in the main universe but not in their own universe! And as far as I know, you belong with a master who cares and loves you.’

He watched his stomach as it began to swell and bulge with fat, pushing several more buttons off and causing his shirt to rip off. ‘Oops, dum dum broke the buttons, tee hee!’ ‘That is alright, my dearest dum dum, you cannot help but break buttons and belts! Because you are too big for them!’

His belly swelled further and further, slowly growing hair on it as it swelled to the point of being pregnant…a miniature dum dum were-aykroyd baby formed inside his stomach and began to make sounds as two round mounds slowly developed on his chested which developed into a pair of breasts which pumped up with fat and began to drip milk, the milk dripped over his shirt which was ripping away.

‘Oooh dum dum makes milk, yaaaay! This is a bit strange, why am I producing milk like I am pregnant?’ ‘Because you are a mommy to be and you are pregnant, dear, you are going to be a mom!’ ‘I cannot be a mom, I know nothing about parenting.’ ‘You should have thought of that before you acted like people who have tastes different than yours need to move on, you should have thought of that before.’ ‘I am so very sorry, please, fix this.’ ‘Nope I cannot do that, you asked for this and this is your true self.’

Dusty walked by and tried to stop Bonzi only for Bonzi to laugh at her…’Well looks like we have got another volunteer!’ ‘What do you mean by that?’ ‘By making fetishistic content only a dum dum mother could love, you have volunteered to be a dum dum mommy tooo!’

Her body slowly bloated and swelled in the same way that was happening to Jakey, swelling with fat as her clothes slowly ripped away, her chest, torso and stomach growing thick hairs on them as did her hands as her breasts expanded, producing milk. ‘This is what I get for being into diapers, I should have known but then again I was ignorant and should have never gotten into them. Now I am producing milk like a cow!’

‘Why yes, you are. And hey, consider this a form of payback for all those Pokemon TFs you do in which they cannot speak English! And especially for making someone I care about nearly lose their respect for Miltank, which is a fitting Pokemon for this spiel because you now make milk like one!’

Dusty moaned as her rear swelled and fattened and produced fart after fart, which made her embarrassed, so embarrassed in fact she turned such a vibrant shade of red that made her resemble a tomato. She groaned as her legs thickened and swelled with fat, the remains of her jeans burst right open leaving her in her underwear as her feet enlarged and her hands became webbed.

The remaining parts of her torn top slowly melded together and morphed into a dress that went down to her knees as her belly swelled and swelled even more, a baby were-aykroyd dum dum developed form within it and then violently burst out, the baby dum dum crawled up to her and exclaimed…’Mommy, mommy!’ ‘I am not your mommy!’

‘Oh but you definitely are a mommy, now.’ ‘Help me, help me!’ Jakey felt a violent shaking sensation in his stomach as he groaned and moaned, growing to six feet as his shoes burst open revealing his enlarged feet with webbed toes, his rear bloated and swelled producing fart after fart, as he could not stop giggling at the sight of himself.

Those new memories and thoughts were influencing his mind even further as his back and shoulders broadened, in addition to this he moaned as his privates shifted into the feminine variant and he started developing more motherly feelings. It seemed like he never had a diaper fetish before (which he did, because he was a dum dum were-aykroyd and dum dum were-aykroyds only like dum dum things, like being cuddled by their master!)

He thought it was silly he had to pretend to be someone he was not to be accepted, pretended to be a male human with a diaper fetish was a difficult role to pull off but he was chosen to do it and he remembered that ‘she’ was a dum dum were-aykroyd who had a reason to be where she was, she was looking for a master to love her (she had been doing it for years, yet no master seemed to be suitable for her, until she found Bonzi, she recognized that Bonzi was the kind of creature who could help her. And helping her is what he did!)

His face slowly plumped up as his neck thickened, developing a double chin as his hair lengthened, turning darker. As his eyebrows thickened and his eyes widened and developed eyelashes, his forehead elevating as his nose broadened, developing a cleft as his features feminized and took on an Aykroydian appearance. ‘Oooh dum dum remembers now! Dum dum was pretending to be non dum dum to be accepted but friends did not understand, because they were not the same species!’ ‘Exactly, you never were into diapers, ABDL or stuff like that, you were always into growing, eating and being a mommy. You like dum dum mommies a lot, and now you are one!’

A baby were-aykroyd dum violently burst out of his stomach, looking like a deformed mini were-aykroyd dum dum. ‘Mommy, I love you!’ were the first words to come out of the new dum dum offspring.

Maternal urges and feelings surged into both of the transforming were-aykroyd's minds, as both Dusty and Jakey now had motherly feelings surging through them. Dusty did not even seem to care as she underwent all the same facial and body changes as Jake had, only she was already a woman (since she was one of those people who went trans just to be woke, which was always a dum dum thing to do!) so she just took on Aykroydian features and grew fatter.

Now that the both of them were so close to their transformations concluding as both of their voices shifted to sound Aykroydian, except with Jakey, his was feminine - both both of them were silly sounding which was perfect for a dum dum. Dusty found herself forgetting what she was even doing, as her DA and Furaffinty galleries shifted to be dum dum were-aykroyd transformation content.

Said content was what she always had on there, not diapers or Pokemon..those were most certainly un-dum-dum-like and not suitable for her, she giggled as her mental changes completed, and she remembered that much like Jakey, she was a dum dum who posed as someone she was not to try and gain acceptance. Of course humans could not understand her, she was a were-aykroyd dum dum who had been abandoned when she was young.

All that pretending to be someone she was not was to hide herself from others, from humans who might have viewed her as an abomination or a joke but Bonzi did not see it that way, for the kind ape saw potential in her as he took care of her while she spent time in his HQ.

Throughout this she began to understand the reason why Bonzi was so protective of her and Jakey, he wanted them both to be safe, like he was with his friends. She looked up at him and giggled as both she and Jacey, now totally submitted to their real identities, that of dum dum were-aykroyds. ‘We are ready, Bonzi.’ ‘That is good, because I think you both are deserving of a master who loves you and cares for you!’ ‘Yes, we are, we have been good for you.’

Bonzi thought that since the two dum dums had been good to him, he would award them with what they had always been looking for, a master to love both of them, first he transported Dusty to a palace where she was shown around to a kitchen with all sorts of tasty foods.

Followed by Dusty meeting a were-aykroyd dum dum master who found himself really getting to know her as she truly was and she was given a new name of ‘Dumienne’ , Dumienne now lives with her new master and they have been dating for some time and it was not long until they tied the knot and got married! Now as a mother, she no longer has to worry about trying to be accepted, her old DA account was replaced to fit her new line of work and all her followers were turned into dum dum were-aykroyds to be part of her extended family.

A few months later she became pregnant and gave birth to lots of baby dum dum were-aykroyds who looked up to her as a mother. With Dumienne and her little storyarc completed, it was time to take Jakey to find a master.

Bonzi used his magic to transport Jakey to a glamorous mansion of sorts where he was treated like royalty, as he or rather ‘she’ was dubbed the name of Gigi, now Gigi the dum dum were-aykroyd found herself really adjusting to her life at the mansion and she worked as a food taste tester, working her way up to the top.

As she worked her way up to the top she found herself becoming a real inspiration to those in the were-aykroyd community, serving as a reminder of just how important even the littlest bit of help can do, she met the owner of the mansion who was a male were-aykroyd dum dum master who really spoke to her and loved her for who she was.

The two of them began to date each-other for numerous weeks and months, and eventually the master asked to marry her, and she said yes (and what a cheerful day that was too!), when they got married they both lived at the mansion together and this was just the start of one lovely happy dum dum family.

She got pregnant once again and several more times as she had several dum dum were-aykroyd kids that all loved her for who she was, she had learned so much from this experience. As for where she is now, if you were to ask her if she recalls what it was like before all of this she would not know what you were talking about, because as far as she knows, she prefers to identify as ‘Gigi’ and as a female were-aykroyd, true she does like humans still but never thought of herself as one! Thinking was never her strong suit anyway, but being a dum dum was, and what a happy one she is!

And thus this transformation tale had come to an end as Bonzi teleported himself back into the screen before going back to his HQ, but not before we end this story with a moral, do not act like a dum dum when it comes to the opinions of others or or you will be a real dum dum for real and you might end up liking it!

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