Rey the Giant Baby
It is time for storytime with Bonzi and today I am going to prove that rude people are all babies on the inside. Once upon in the land of Deviantart there was a nasty little pervert named AlphaRey who was an emo anthro wolf demon who hung out with characters she forced to be her friends, she was non-binary but not really because her maker was actually male and kept insisting on using non-binary pronouns when he didn’t deserve it, why because did not have any brains and even if they did all they ever thought about were diapers, dolls and clowns, they had an unhealthy obsession with clowns and they made clown fetish content almost on a regular basis.
This abomination of a character called someone a party pooper just for having a different opinion when all they did was question why such a fetish existed, ‘Well screw you for calling me a stupid person then, even though I am an emo try-hard who thinks non-binary means insisting people call me by pronouns I want instead of by the actual pronouns of my own creator, go ahead and isolate yourself from me, you know I have done the same to you!’ was just one of many petty insults she used, she acted like she was superior to everyone despite being someone who would be an obvious pedophile in the making, their dragon/raven OC friend was even created by someone who was caught doing sexual acts to others online.
‘Why should I respect the pronouns of someone who does not respect opinions? Double-binary, one-binary, non-binary, who cares, you cause anyone you disagree with pain everytime you argue with them. Do not act like your tendency to lump innocent characters like Noddy into your fetish campaign is not you trying to make your own rule34 of a CHILD character, because it is - and he is not a clown you idiot.’
One day they were looking at a series of clips from a bad porny parody movie called 'Clown Orgy' which was about people turning into horny clowns and fucking each-other and they were getting off on it, they looked around to find some tissues, and a purple cloud of smoke materialized in front them. "Rey, you have been a bad little wolf and you have been very rude as all hell." 'Rude? How dare you!' 'Oh yeah, you have, you act like Nathan has been rude to you and your friends, but you are being rude about his opinion.
'And who are you to tell me what to do, my mom? You are just some lame OC. And so are you. At least Brandon is a cool Kong I can hang out with, you on the other hand are a gross freak of nature with the worst fetishes in the world!" "What? How dare you question my obvious clown hyperfixation.’
'Clowns are not a species, they are people in costumes.’ You are being a party pooper.' 'No, you are. You should act like a grown up and not like a giant toddler, I have not seen such a giant baby in my life. A giant baby? But I am not a baby. "Well what is that underneath your outfit, huh?’
Rey gasped in shock as they saw their underwear swelling and growing larger, morphing into what appeared to be a diaper as they slowly gained weight, tearing their clothes apart. They panicked as their wolf-like ears and tail retracted into their body, their breasts also retracted and their privat shifted to become masculine. They panicked as they instinctively started to waddle and poo in their diaper. Does baby like their diaper?" ‘Baby loves using their diaper!' 'Of course they do.’
Bonzi laughed at Rey as Rey struggled to keep themselves from falling in the baby mindset as they kept growing bigger and bigger, more thoughts wanting to be cuddled and loved by someone as their dark brown and blue hair shrank into their head, leaving them bald as their ears shifted into human
Their whole appearance was being absorbed by the transformation as they couldn't help but cry, as they slowly lost their own memories and personality as their voice grew higher and the lost everything that was part of them, making then nothing more than a mutant baby. 'Aaaw do not Cry, my little baby boo. I am going to raise you and look after you, gorillas are great parents after all.’
Bonzi picked up Rey and used his magic to transform their room into a Jungle themed playroom. "Now this will be your new permanent home, but do not worry, once you are big enough to learn how to behave I will let you explore whenever you want to! But because you were rude about my friend having an opinion different from yours you are going to be here for a long time!"
He removed Rey’s powers "And to make sure you will not get away from me any time soon, I have removed your powers. I already sorted your friends out before and they are all much better off, so remember, behave yourself or else!" "Waaaaaaaa!" "Aaaaaw, poor baby Rey, Rey Bae needs to feed, do not worry, I will feed you the best food I know a baby like you needs and teach you how to be good.’
'Feed?" "Yea, you will feed. Bonzi pulled out a bottle of banana juice and put it into Rey’s mouth, Rey began to suck on the bottle as they thought happy thoughts of being a child to the purple gorilla, their remaining resistance fading. ‘There you go, such a good baby. Papa Bonzi will make sure you grow up right this time. And thus with that his mission was done, Rey was now permanently Bonzi's new baby.’
Bonzi taught them everything and also taught them how to behave and be a good baby and eventually with all the training, baby Rey grew into a responsible and adorable mature young monkey as she took on monkey-like traits and reformed (because they had been raised by Bonzi, their species switched to monkey) and no longer had desires to do clown fetish art or anything regarding diapers ever again.
And no longer did anyone berate Bonzi's friends again, for Bonzi had taught them all a lesson.
This abomination of a character called someone a party pooper just for having a different opinion when all they did was question why such a fetish existed, ‘Well screw you for calling me a stupid person then, even though I am an emo try-hard who thinks non-binary means insisting people call me by pronouns I want instead of by the actual pronouns of my own creator, go ahead and isolate yourself from me, you know I have done the same to you!’ was just one of many petty insults she used, she acted like she was superior to everyone despite being someone who would be an obvious pedophile in the making, their dragon/raven OC friend was even created by someone who was caught doing sexual acts to others online.
‘Why should I respect the pronouns of someone who does not respect opinions? Double-binary, one-binary, non-binary, who cares, you cause anyone you disagree with pain everytime you argue with them. Do not act like your tendency to lump innocent characters like Noddy into your fetish campaign is not you trying to make your own rule34 of a CHILD character, because it is - and he is not a clown you idiot.’
One day they were looking at a series of clips from a bad porny parody movie called 'Clown Orgy' which was about people turning into horny clowns and fucking each-other and they were getting off on it, they looked around to find some tissues, and a purple cloud of smoke materialized in front them. "Rey, you have been a bad little wolf and you have been very rude as all hell." 'Rude? How dare you!' 'Oh yeah, you have, you act like Nathan has been rude to you and your friends, but you are being rude about his opinion.
'And who are you to tell me what to do, my mom? You are just some lame OC. And so are you. At least Brandon is a cool Kong I can hang out with, you on the other hand are a gross freak of nature with the worst fetishes in the world!" "What? How dare you question my obvious clown hyperfixation.’
'Clowns are not a species, they are people in costumes.’ You are being a party pooper.' 'No, you are. You should act like a grown up and not like a giant toddler, I have not seen such a giant baby in my life. A giant baby? But I am not a baby. "Well what is that underneath your outfit, huh?’
Rey gasped in shock as they saw their underwear swelling and growing larger, morphing into what appeared to be a diaper as they slowly gained weight, tearing their clothes apart. They panicked as their wolf-like ears and tail retracted into their body, their breasts also retracted and their privat shifted to become masculine. They panicked as they instinctively started to waddle and poo in their diaper. Does baby like their diaper?" ‘Baby loves using their diaper!' 'Of course they do.’
Bonzi laughed at Rey as Rey struggled to keep themselves from falling in the baby mindset as they kept growing bigger and bigger, more thoughts wanting to be cuddled and loved by someone as their dark brown and blue hair shrank into their head, leaving them bald as their ears shifted into human
Their whole appearance was being absorbed by the transformation as they couldn't help but cry, as they slowly lost their own memories and personality as their voice grew higher and the lost everything that was part of them, making then nothing more than a mutant baby. 'Aaaw do not Cry, my little baby boo. I am going to raise you and look after you, gorillas are great parents after all.’
Bonzi picked up Rey and used his magic to transform their room into a Jungle themed playroom. "Now this will be your new permanent home, but do not worry, once you are big enough to learn how to behave I will let you explore whenever you want to! But because you were rude about my friend having an opinion different from yours you are going to be here for a long time!"
He removed Rey’s powers "And to make sure you will not get away from me any time soon, I have removed your powers. I already sorted your friends out before and they are all much better off, so remember, behave yourself or else!" "Waaaaaaaa!" "Aaaaaw, poor baby Rey, Rey Bae needs to feed, do not worry, I will feed you the best food I know a baby like you needs and teach you how to be good.’
'Feed?" "Yea, you will feed. Bonzi pulled out a bottle of banana juice and put it into Rey’s mouth, Rey began to suck on the bottle as they thought happy thoughts of being a child to the purple gorilla, their remaining resistance fading. ‘There you go, such a good baby. Papa Bonzi will make sure you grow up right this time. And thus with that his mission was done, Rey was now permanently Bonzi's new baby.’
Bonzi taught them everything and also taught them how to behave and be a good baby and eventually with all the training, baby Rey grew into a responsible and adorable mature young monkey as she took on monkey-like traits and reformed (because they had been raised by Bonzi, their species switched to monkey) and no longer had desires to do clown fetish art or anything regarding diapers ever again.
And no longer did anyone berate Bonzi's friends again, for Bonzi had taught them all a lesson.
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