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Keeping my husband It was my fault. All of it. Everything that had, was, and about to happen was my fault. My husband never deserved what I did to him or how I treated him. That was all me and my arrogance. I'm still not sure why I did it. But, I did and know I had to pay the price. You see. My husband did everything he could for me. I wanted for nothing. From the simplest of things to the dirtiest, nastiest fucking you can imagine. If I wanted it. He gave it to me. Well, I let my arrogance over ride my sm... reading time 28 mingenreGroup sexwritten on
JamieMy Sisters' Awakening, Part 1It was the spring of 1960. I was a sixteen year old who had an incredible curiosity about, but absolutely no knowledge of, the intricacies of intimate relations between men and women. I was just returning home from a visit to a friend’s house where I had been instructed on the subject at great length. It was a subject in which my previous knowledge had been limited to a nudist magazine; found discarded by the road, which had had all the genitalia, male and female, eradicated by airbrushing. ... reading time 21 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Lovingbrother44Fun Vacation That is what it is, a milestone of life that requires something put into the bucket list. My fortieth birthday, the entrenching realization of middle age setting in with a building sense of urgency to experience something or anything that can check mark a life with enough excitement to carry oneself for that long steep decline of age. Maybe a long ways to go, but I was bound and determined not to go gently into that good night. So I forced the issue, demanded to my family I needed to do someth... reading time 36 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Sexyqueen123Susan... Part 15Susan… Part 15 Friday afternoon my brother Toby and I got picked up from school and were home early or before the bus dropped off at our stop anyway. There’s something about beating everyone else home that I really enjoy and when I can I sometimes greet the bus riders just to rub it in a little even though I am usually one of them. Angie and her brother ride the same but usually get dropped closer to their house instead of getting off at our stop. As the bus passed she called out and waved, m... reading time 44 mingenre
Exibitionismwritten on
RdDogThe First Descendant - Compelled Gynecology Pt. 1Disclaimer: I do not own The First Descendant nor profit from it. This is a parody, protected under Fair Use in Section 107 of US Copyright Law. The First Descendant - Compelled Gynecology Pt. 1 Synopsis: Freyna and Hailey are embarrassingly ordered to complete their mandatory gynecological exams. ----------------------- Alpha, the Commander of Albion's forces, shook his head. "Every Descendant has to have a weekly medical exam" he repeated. "Including me. it's the regulations from Comma... reading time 16 mingenre
Science fictionwritten on
nightkoscheiAunt Janet’s Wheel Chair I could have sworn my Aunt Janet’s tongue brushed against my lips when she kissed me hello. But, I put it down to my imagination and the commotion at the airport. I couldn’t believe how much she looked like my mother, a perfect match. But, after all, they were identical twins. The identicalness continued from her face and hairdo to the obvious swelling of her sweater, telling me she had the same enormous breasts my mom always was complaining about as being too big. Where they differed starte... reading time 65 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Kaylee A Young Susan...Part 14Susan… Part 14 Boys talk and the stories can get exaggerated to the point that at least a few details become confused. For example, remember the incident where my little brother snatched my towel and left me standing in the open under our porch light in my still wet white lace panties but otherwise naked in front of two boys from around the block? Somehow this became a tale of me stripping naked and flashing them after our friends Angie and Benji, Teddy and Betty left for home that night. Not ... reading time 49 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
RdDogSand Angel Mondays were the worst. All through the college, tales of the weekend's conquests and defeats, often lies but sometimes truths were swapped, traded and bandied about. Naturally, some of them were about me. I had schooled myself not to react, not to show the hurt that they caused. But through the hubbub of people talking, my ears focussed on every person that uttered the word "Slut!", knowing that, in all likelyhood, they were speaking about me... often lies but sometimes containing a grain of ... reading time 81 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Mostly HarmlessThe Butterfly Girls My childhood was perfect. I was the youngest of five children and the only girl. My mother doted on me. I was the girl that she always wanted. She dressed me in pretty dresses and curled my long blonde hair, adorning it with pink ribbons. I was taken to ballet lessons and became quite accomplished. I asked for a pony and my parents bought me one. I was the girl that was invited to everyone's birthday party. I wanted for nothing. I asked for it and I got it. One of my special friends at primary... reading time 38 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Stacey SummersExecutive Assistance David parted the horizontal window blinds in his office, looking down to the empty cubicle where the new executive assistant he was promised would eventually sit. His imagination carried him away as thoughts of spying on her throughout the day played in his mind. The desk was positioned to face his office by design, allowing him full view anytime of anyone who would sit in its chair. Smiling to himself as he lowered his hand from the window, he realized knew absolutely nothing of his new assis... reading time 18 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
PherBalGran wants Nephew’s Cock real Bad. I have a very large family who visit me regularly, I love it when they all turn up as it makes the monotony of living alone more bearable. My husband died many years ago and since then I haven't found the courage to date or even want to find a new partner. I'm in my late sixties now and to be honest I think I'm way past anything other than trying to keep going with my mundane life. I have seven grandchildren, four nieces and five nephews who I all adore very much. The youngest is one while the... reading time 27 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Honey WindowcleanerVivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 05Eino’s skillful technique in cunnilingus, produced for the upright squatting Vivian Laaning, an exquisite euphoric orgasm. Although not very vociferous, as she was merely panting softly, there was no doubt in his mind that Vivian had climaxed as a result of his efforts. As if to confirm his supposition, Vivian while momentarily maintaining her position sitting on his face, gazed down to him, and exclaimed, “Oh thank you, thank you, my sweet Eino! You sure can do wonders with that wicked tongue o... reading time 32 mingenre
Straightwritten on
BodingtonA Walk in the Woods, Days Later Part 1Recently, while I was alone in the woods or at least I thought I was at the time, I found myself at the mercy of a couple of girls from a few houses down the street. This was my own fault really, you see, I kind of enjoy the feeling of walking around in nature completely naked. Well, let’s not be silly, I prefer to keep my shoes on, but otherwise you get the picture. I am a teenaged male, nearly 15 yrs old, slim but not athletic really so not muscular. Basically I am average. My sexual expe... reading time 25 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
RdDogMotel blackoutI always enjoy my sales trips. The trips fit into my crossdressing lifestyle and the thrill of being in a different town and different people. After a long day on the road, I had just checked into a motel just about 30-miles outside of Nashville, TN. For my overnight trips, I always bring my special suitcase that has my “girly stuff” (panties, dresses, makeup, lingerie, etc.). Sometimes I would just dress up pretty and cam or play with myself. On a very few occasions I would run into a very hor... reading time 20 mingenre
Transwritten on
MatureBrownManSusan...Part 11Susan…Part #11: After moving into town and finding that we now had a pool and a pretty big as well as private back yard it should be no surprise that Toby for one became pretty popular with many of the kids in the neighborhood who were close to his age. Some younger ones sought us out, as apparently I was deemed as potentially favorable babysitter material if it meant that the kids might get to take a dip to cool off once the weather got warm enough. I would not be surprised to learn that a nu... reading time 25 mingenre
Exibitionismwritten on
RdDogAlice Learn It was a new school, and I was apprehensive and wondered how different it would be from the city, I mean, it was so odd seeing only corn and soybean fields, alongside pastures filled with cows and horses on the bus ride to school. Unlike the city with buildings and businesses, one after another, streets lined with traffic and people, the school entranceway seemed almost vacant. I got off the bus clutching my papers looking for the administration office. I suppose it was not so different h... reading time 22 mingenre
First timeswritten on
JuicyPussy The best days off Ever!I woke up slowly with the sun streaming in through by balcony window. It was a sunny autumn day and best of all it was a day off, in fact I had a couple of days off in the middle of the week. I laid there and contemplated what to do for the day. I was feeling horny, I must have been dreaming as my nipples were hard and my pussy felt moist. A girlfriend had told me about a clothing boutique down the coast that sold clothes, shoes and accessories and they were having a end of season clear-out sa... reading time 23 mingenre
Lesbianwritten on
RobbyAfrican Tiger SafariAfrican Tiger Safari by: Ginger "The Beast" Mason I guess I've always been what you would call a tomboy. I grew up on a rural farm with 4 brothers, and I was the youngest. Our nearest neighbor was about 2 miles away. Needless to say, I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, except for my brothers, who I have to say were always nice to me. Most of the time they let me tag along wherever they were going. Bob, Charlie and Fred were quite a bit older than me, Eddie was closer to my age. He... reading time 24 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Ginger "the Beast" MasonA Goodnight Kiss From Daddy A Kiss Goodnight, From Daddy It was the middle of the night and I was barely awake when my eyes opened. The room was dark, except for the soft pink glow emanating from the night light that sat atop my dresser. I felt flushed, & my breath was deep and heavy. My tired sleepy eyes blinked slowly as I tried to determine whether or not I was still asleep. My knees were up by my waist, spread wide and hanging off either side of my bed. My legs were exposed & cold; my blanket was gone, and my sheet w... reading time 21 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Kiarra GordonThe Jailbirds day in court, Penance An incredible weekend has transpired and now it's time to pay the piper for LanaJo getting charged with a DUI Friday night. As the Bailiff called out All Rise! The Honorable Duncan Malone presiding. LanaJo was the first name called to appear. LanaJo this looks like your 3rd DUI in 7 years and your 2nd in the past 3 years. This carries automatic sentence guidlines that are rather stiff in this circumstance. Do you understand the severity of your actions this time? LanaJo broke into tears, I... reading time 19 mingenre
Confessionswritten on
Lukewood Space1Edging to the limitI must admit, I was impressed as soon as I set my eyes on him. His wrists were bound tightly together with a piece of rope that was fixed to the ceiling through a single brass loop. His feet were drawn back toward his buttocks with another piece of rope pulled through the brass loop, keeping them firmly in situ. He hung like this, suspended in the air, his body forming a lopsided "U" shape. His knees were his lowest extremity at around 3 feet from the floor. He was clothed only in a pair of mat... reading time 19 mingenre
Masturbationwritten on
estimerNew to the blockI retired early being only 42 and I had it made after working 20 long years at the firm. I didn't find the need to keep working because I always had my funds invested in all the right places. Plus I live alone in a cozy two bedroom house, been alone ever since my wife and I divorced about five years ago. I didn't have a whole lot of friends to keep me busy since they were mostly at work and I found myself rather bored half the time. That was until one day when I received new neighbors next door,... reading time 25 mingenre
Gaywritten on
adblmanWed to a PigIn 2069, under the pressure of various extremely political movements, whether it was for the general good or just because they could, were voted laws that would forever change the moral landscape of society. What was now possible went outside the norms of standard sanity, and it would take many years in the future to fully disgest the abhorrent, immoral, obscene, and simply cursed decision to allow marriages between humans and animals. As usual, just like forest fires, it all started with a sma... reading time 32 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
CursedStoriesBetty gets filled by many It was late morning when she climbed out of bed, and headed for the shower. An hour later washed and fed and feeling fully refreshed her mind went to the photo shoot. It had been a while since she had even worn a swimming costume let alone model them, she went to the bedroom and pulled her costumes from her panties drawer. Three costumes, a green one piece and two bikinis, she tried the one piece on first, looking at herself in the full length mirror. Betty looked good 36D cup tits with a slim ... reading time 20 mingenre
Group sexwritten on
Don.Green1Betty filled by manyIt was late morning when she climbed out of bed, and headed for the shower. An hour later washed and fed and feeling fully refreshed her mind went to the photo shoot. It had been a while since she had even worn a swimming costume let alone model them, she went to the bedroom and pulled her costumes from her panties drawer. Three costumes, a green one piece and two bikinis, she tried the one piece on first, looking at herself in the full length mirror. Betty looked good 36D cup tits with a slim 2... reading time 20 mingenre
Group sexwritten on