The Jailbirds day in court, Penance


An incredible weekend has transpired and now it's time to pay the piper for LanaJo getting charged with a DUI Friday night. As the Bailiff called out All Rise! The Honorable Duncan Malone presiding.

LanaJo was the first name called to appear. LanaJo this looks like your 3rd DUI in 7 years and your 2nd in the past 3 years. This carries automatic sentence guidlines that are rather stiff in this circumstance.

Do you understand the severity of your actions this time?
LanaJo broke into tears, I'm so sorry! Please be lenient, I will do anything the court asks..Please your Honor.

Unfortunately for you there isn't any special circumstances being requested so your sentencing is very clear here today.

Your Honor may I approach the bench?
Are you council today for the defense? Judge Malone asked? Approach the bench then.

As he moved the microphone away, I was greeted by my dear old friend Duncan with a big smile and a Croix what the hell do you think you are pulling in my Courtroom??

Your Honor as you might recall I have a guest house behind my home. If it would please the Court LanaJo could serve her time there on house arrest and be fitted with a bracelet.

Judge Malone called out LanaJo please come to the bench now.

Yes your Honor?

This kind man has petitioned this court to have you serve your time under house arrest in his guest house.
Is there any reason this court needs to deny this request on your behalf?

LanaJo turned to me in bewildered amazement, you would do that for me?

No, I would do that for ElleJo. She will be in the main house. You would be in the guest house under the personal supervision of fthis court. If Judge Malone should visit, you are accountable to him or his associates to fulfill any and all requests that will be asked of you.

You may return to your seats.

An agreement has been reached that pleases the courts needs for this offense.
LanaJo you are to be detained in the property confines as set by this court.

Markers will be placed for the States security on the property of Croix Marmon and you will be required to remain on said property for the same mandatory sentence time of incarceration of 6 months.

LanaJo you have the option to serve your time in the County jail or on the Marmon property. Which of the locations is your place of choosing?

Understanding you are obligated to fulfill all requests made of you by court officers that visit and concur your compliance.

Yes your Honor I understand an I graciously comply with any requirements set by the Court to be confined on the Marmon property.

This matter is satisfied with the requirements of the Court, I turn you over to the custody of Croix Marmon and will remain his subject and that of this court.

Do you understand these requirements as stated here today LanaJo?

Yes your Honor I will do anything asked or required of me while in the Courts custody.

Mr.Marmon are you ready at this time to receive and monitor LanaJo during the time of her incarceration?

Yes your Honor I am.
Let the Courts records reflect this agreement.

Next case Bailiff.

LanaJo was taken by a deputy and processed out into my custody and we were free to leave.

As we walked down the courthouse step to the bottom of the first level, LanaJo turned to me and started crying...

How is ElleJo doing? She will have to stay with me, you know?

Elle is fine, she has picked out a room already in the main house. She took the one by the man cave.

Of course she did, she loves hot tubs! You get on her if she acts up, she needs a man's hand of guidance.

We've been practicing driving to help her get her license, she's a natural, ha ha!

I opened the door of my Phantom for LanaJo, your carriage awaits you young lady.

She melted as her hands rubbed over the leather and wood trim of my Rolls. Everything has always just worked for you Croix, I'm happy for you and I don't know how to thank you for this kindness?

I'm happy to help, my heart was breaking for young ElleJo to be brutally honest, you know better and the time in jail might have done you some good...

Elle is going to have to enroll in a new school here, how are your districts divided?

I'm sending ElleJo to a private school. She's getting her license and she can ride one of the horses and just send them back home and someone can pick her up or bring the horse back to her.

We'll make it work. Go through the guest house and order anything you need to be comfortable. I'll have Judge Malone come over and walk the property and determine your boundaries. I hope you are wise enough to show him the benefits of your rehabilitation, with access to the entire property?

House confinement is pretty straight forward in house confinement..isn't it?

If that's all you want for the next 6 months, it's fine by me, I'd want as much room and freedom as possible. You will have to sleep in the guest house though per the Court Order.

ElleJo walked from the house confidently wearing a pair of denim bib overalls and that was it. No shoes no shirt and she was certainly going to be serviced.

LanaJo, I see you're making yourself at home. I'm hoping Croix will take me, the stables and introduce me to the studs.

We have the rest of the day where Lana isn't monitored electronically yet, what are we going to do for preparations?

Do you want to go anywhere or do anything special Lana? Mom you can wear my orange dress. We both needs clothes let's go do some shopping. Croix is that OK?

Well looky here, as the body shop people were dropping off the newly restored Toronado.
Is that one mine Elle mine!!! Can we go look at it Croix? And she started running barefoot across the black asphalt to the car.

LanaJo looked at Croix, is that one mine?
What's up with that? She gets her own car?

Lana chill, you can't take her for errands and I am gone traveling and won't be home, she needs wheels.

Croix I'm so sorry! that hadn't occurred to me yet. You're a very good man and we are blessed by your kindness. Thank you.

Wow Lana, that is the most humble thing you have ever said. She is more helpful than one might think.

Honk, Honk! Croix! Look at me! Waiving,,
Can we take this shopping?

I walked Lana to the passenger side and opened up the door.
Around the front to Elle's door handing her a card.
Whatever we buy we try? I laugh, yes that's always the deal from now on..

See you girls tonight! As ElleJo looked for the shifter, this one is an automatic tyranny. D for drive and R for reverse.

Got it! Thanks Croix!

At 7:30pm the buzzer from my gate rang in the house, it was my buddy Duncan, Judge Malone. C'mon up my friend, I'm out back on the veranda by the pool.

Duncan went to law school and his brother had a great career in the NBA, both enormous men.

Croix just what in the hell do you have going on?!

Well Duncan, whatever do you mean? Smiling like the Cheshire cat. Can I get you a drink?

You drinking Bourbon, I'll have one too.

Now what's up with the gorgeous woman from court today?

That's LanaJo as you know, she's Mona's sister from Rapid City. She will now be living in the poker house...

Are you saying what I think you're saying?

Oh my, Oh've got to be shitting me!

You set the control measures she has to obey the court or do 6 months in jail. She will be a very willing participant. I raised my bourbon to the Judge, Have Fun your Honor! Laughter broke out.

Duncan said well I will drink to that.

The gate alarm sounded and the girls were on there way up to the house.

We need some help here LanaJo hollered!

We walked to the upper level by my house and the car was packed with bags of clothes.

LanaJo with a side eye look at Duncan, said Judge Molone??? is there a problem?

Not yet, hand me your bags I'll carry them for you. I came personally to set your boundaries and supervision requirements.

Lana? Get the Judge another bourbon. ElleJo how was your drive??

Still wearing her bibs without a top underneath, she ran and jumped wrapping her legs around me, Croix I love it thank you so much!! as she showered my cheek in kissed in front of her mother and the Judge.

Duncan give me some side eye, as ElleJo said the jailbird is my mom. Okay that makes sense.

LanaJo took Duncan by his arm as she handed him a full glass of bourbon on ice.
Come with me young man if you want to see my boundaries, putting her arm around his waste. She looked up and smiled.

ElleJo asked are we starting the show tonight and if yes? Where at?

You girls get rinsed off and we will put on some trunks and finish our drinks in the pool. Hurry back Duncan!

Both girls vanished into their respective abodes.

Elle ask me off to the side, what about your greenhouse? It's fine, that's legal here. Can I join in the show or is this mom's night.

Well ElleJo what would you like to do?

I'd like to see his big dick!.. hammering my mom.
It's alright to be curious, I'm sure he will show it to you if you want.

More side eye and a Rye smile really?
You and I are still good if he does?
Elle, Duncan and I go way back, think of him like he is my brother. We are very close friends.

ElleJo joined her mom in her new palace and neither was aware of the poker room.
I don't know what information if any was share by Elle to her mother.

The Judge and I had changed into some shorts we would wear in the pool while the girls got ready. Duncan are you ready for another drink?

Yah yah please. Here come the girls now in bathrobes? They seem to be having a better time than us.

Now I know why, I'm smelling Duncan's Reserve. Elle reached out her hand and gave the Judge her blunt.

LonaJo was shocked at how casual this night was starting.
Judge can we call you Duncan? or no...

Here Duncan is fine, anywhere outside of this property it's Judge Malone, got it?
We do.

ElleJo walked over in front of Duncan as he blew a big chest full of smoke past her face.
Elle said I am very happy to be standing here with my mom right now, I'm very Thankful....

With that LonaJo stepped behind ElleJo and pulled her robe off her daughters shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. Then Lana opened her robe exposing matching hot pink and black negligee

Full garters, no panties and pink and black glitter applied to they're fully exposed upper bodies.

Elle kneeled in front of Duncan and slipped her arm up the obvious side of his trunks. As his behemoth continued to grow and continued to grow...

Take your pants off Elle demanded, I want to thank you. With that Duncan threw his drink in the pool and stood there naked and getting harder.

Encompassing his gavel with her sweet young marvels, he pulled her face into his hairy groin, she kissed him softly on his stomach.

As she brought his erection thru her ample cleavage as it cleared her bosoms. His gargantuan manhood snapped to attention and smacked her in the bottom of her jaw.

Undoubtedly the biggest thickest cock either of these ladies had ever seen,certainly held.

Elle pulled her long breasts up and down it's incredible length a few times while she tried to comprehend it's capabilities.

His python was 3" wide and forearm long. As her mouth navigated his girth in deliberate head movements, mommy stepped in....

Sweetie let mom take this one! They both kissed and licked down the length of his shadow making manhood until he was good and wet.

Lana pushed her capable mouth over his head and had to reach around him for more leverage. She had to tap out before she had 4" of his Honor in her mouth.

Croix said let's go to the poker room now ladies, as he started walking to the guest house. Through a side door that the girls thought went to the garage.

Gaming tables of every kind were clearly visible in the first room. More obscure shapes haunted the shadows deeper in the darkness.

Lona cut the cards, we're playing a game to choose your penance of pleasure.

Duncan dealt them each 5 cards, now lay them down on the table.
Duncan had a pair of 3's Jack high.

Looking across the table at Lana's beautiful body he missed the three 9's in her cards laying there. I Won!! LonaJo celebrated. What do I get? She wanted to know?

Three nines is 27, Duncan told LonaJo go take the 27 off the wall and read the back of the board.
Lona sauntered over to the wall and brought the number to Duncan without looking at it.

Standing silently turning the card around for them to see. ElleJo said Gitty Up what's that mean?

Croix said there is two Gitty Ups. One is written in a Bull and one is written in a Stud. Yours is a bull mom!

And the lights in the backroom came on revealing a mechanical bull with heavy leather straps at the four corners of the beast.

You have to ride this for thirty minutes without falling off. If you fall off it's upgraded and your arms and legs are strapped in tight, where you only flail around but can't be thrown.

You go mom, you got this! Her breasts bouncing joyfully as she encouraged her sultry mother.

The front was very padded to avoid facial injuries but the latter half was more crude in design.

Lana made her way on her new companion and said let's go boys! In traditional porpoise type motion a rodeo bull never looked better.

Croix turned the dial up a bit and Lana had to hold on, but there wasn't any quick turns, Lana was still trying to be sexy as her equally impressive tits were bouncing occasionally hitter her own face.

Moving the dial to 3 you could hear the leather cradle slapping against her bottom as her eminent demise would soon follow and it did..

Being tossed onto the foam mats, Lana was laughing her ass off, OH that's fun!

Take a drink while I upgrade to Vlad mode.
Vlad mode? What's a Vlad mode? Elle giggled.

LonaJo come get strapped on to Vlad. Turning to see a 9" to 10" long,thick soft rubber dildo that snaps into a track system built into the bull.

Duncan threw her some lube, you'll want this. Now Lona was excited, but Elle was jealous. I want a turn of being slammed!
Elle whimpered as she had somehow been neglected.

Before her back straps were secured she was measured for 7" of slack once 3" were safely inside her. OK Duncan she is ready to pay her debt to society!

Elle made a toast, To paying your debts to Society! As she cracked up!
Can I run this thing Croix? Elle asked?

4 is the max, don't go past it!

Got it! as she reminded her mother she was a jailbird and was going to pay!

Pushing against the restraint straps keeping the 7" between her and the bull. ElleJo started on 1 and mom was doing good.

Her large round boobs were now pulled tightly against the bulls front shoulders and her legs bent with her shins parallel with the bulls spine.

Here comes two!
And with the first thrust about half the slack was being consumed and thrusting almost half this beast into her ligatures of mother.

LanaJo still has a sense of humor and ElleJo is in the panoramic pleasures of her new life.

Mom I love you! Here comes 3!!

Mom looses her battle with gravity and kinetic motion in an audibly beautiful way. Taking the fullness of this penis
to the hilt without further negotiations.
Wham, Wham, Wham over and over.

The leather straps would snap taught then just as fast the rubber Impaler drove with lachrity bask into her mom's now sloppy wet pussy that is gushing cream down her now limp body.

She is merely along for the ride and has 18 minutes left to go of her 30 minutes
LonaJo was telling Duncan thank you, oh thank you sooo muuch!

Wham, wham wham wham. ElleJo was rubbing her clothes washing her mom being fucked hard. Mom is it good? Oh baby it's so wonderful! I love it!!!

Croix give her four fingers and a thumbs up!
The large soft silicone rubber balls
wer now being flattened as the weight of Lana's body and the gears driving the bull upward crushing her womanhood without mercy!

LanaJo had lost her ability to speak in full sentences. Her body covered in sweat, staying in the uphoric state of a constant organ that started in waves 23 minutes ago!

Croix take me from behind right now! Right Now Croix! I wanna cum all over your dick!

Fuck my pussy hard Croix get me ready for my penance! I'm going to be a bad girl...

With one minute of time to go she turned the dial to 5!!!

No Elle! Not to 5 that's to much!!!

LonaJo screamed in extasy as her mechanical bull bucked her to a level uphoric pleasure she had never dreamed possible!

As Elle joined her mother in a orgasm filled with profanity, she rolled the dial back to zero and Duncan checked LanaJo for a pulse as he took her spent body off of Vlad the Impaler!

As Lana gathered her senses again, Elle grabbed Duncan by his Monolith of meat and said....

Your HONOR, I need have been a very bad girl to my mother. It's your sworn duty to punish me severely....

Do you want to ride Vlad? He asked? No
I want you to hammock me in the man cave!

Croix immediately warned her about the physical differences between my skinny 8" and the mammoth that awaited her bliss that would surely see clarity during this act.

I'm going to the man cave then Duncan said. I thought all the toys were in the poker room?

As we walked down the hall past ElleJo's new room she ducked in and grabbed the olive oil, well need this...

Turning on all the lights in the cave, Croix said I wished I would of had this recorded before.

Dunken you're going to want to see this again trust me!
ElleJo kneeled down and licked his head. You make me feel what I imagined in my orgasm watching mom!

After her words of encouragement to his manhood. Elle scooted her bottom to the edge of the hammock laying back across it sideways as she had done the night before with Croix.

Taking the olive oil bottle and pouring the balance inside her snatch. Reaching backwards she wanted to hold the handrail on the wall.

As she hoisted her body up the inclination from the support ends leaving the arc of a swing and kinetic energy to be released.

Duncan stepped in and placed the head of his throbbing cock nervously at the entrance of mostly undefiled flower.

Push into me a little now Duncan and stand your ground like a man. Her young clitoris was engorged with anticipation as Duncan slowly pushed his thick head in and out a few times....

Now what do I do? Croix set the camera in it's position and said be ready to give her a hug!

With that ElleJo let go of the handrail and as her body under gravity like a massive roller coaster hurling down the track!....
She cried, bellared and came to a stop with 10" of his enormous cock inside her young body!

He instinctively held her close as time stood still as he stood deep inside her.

Her shallow past breathes being and indication of her pain! She smacked her hands on his back and cried out,

Take me hard!!! With 4" of his monolithic pire unused. He fell forward with ElleJo in his arms to pusher back up the radius of peral.

Laying flat over her searching for traction with his feet. Pushing into her with malice the wall anchors holding the hammock broke free from the wall!..

They're bodies crashing to the floor from 4' up in the air. With 270 pounds of Justice about to ring out as his gavel slams her body into an immovable surface.

With 10" of your Honors 14" gaining momentum as his body was about to devastate her innocence...her arms and legs wrapped like a slamming cell door!

She slapped his back and he kept thrusting himself into her. LonaJo was rubbing her pussy begging Croix to take her!

Pushing her over the top of Duncun face down, Croix found her sweet asshole and drove his spire into mom's ass. Forcing with the weight of three bodies his massive tool into ElleJo's fully. Creating another four inches of depth within her.

For the second time I was shooting my cum deep into her mother's ass. Writhing in extasy and exhaustion we could barely get off of poor Elle. With great foresight I grabbed the camera before Duncan withdrew his cock from little ElleJo's body.

Inch by inch he crossed what looked like timezones of distance. You could hear the vacuum he created sucking the once virgin...olive oil from within her.

Her young pussy was more gaped than 💔 damaged. As Duncan rolled off and his massive load of cum run out of her slowly like a spilt bucket of paint.

Lana wasted no time burying her face in her daughter's pussy eating every bit of cool and the Judges load.

ElleJo rocked her hips as she had her last orgasm...!

I hope you are enjoying 😉
The Jailbird plays poker, coming soon.

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