Keeping my husband

group sex

It was my fault. All of it. Everything that had, was, and about to happen was my fault.

My husband never deserved what I did to him or how I treated him. That was all me and my arrogance.

I'm still not sure why I did it. But, I did and know I had to pay the price.

You see. My husband did everything he could for me. I wanted for nothing. From the simplest of things to the dirtiest, nastiest fucking you can imagine. If I wanted it. He gave it to me.

Well, I let my arrogance over ride my smarts and decided I wanted to speed my legs for another man.
It wasn't so much I did it. It is how I did it.
I lied to Jacob all the way around. It didn't dawn on me about the consequences till my husband packed his clothes and left.

It took three months before Jacob would even talk to me and another three months for him to come to the house to see me and still I had to beg him.
I tried several times to give him some pussy. But, he turned me down flat.
Something he had never ever done.
I missed him bad and I missed that big cock of his.
I wanted him in me so bad it hurt. I missed his touch, his feel and his smell.
But, he wouldn't have nothing to do with me and I tried everything I could.

Finally one night in a drunken anger I called him and confessed my love for him and told him I'd do anything he asked if he would come back to me.

He told me to sober up and if i felt the same way in two days to give him a call.
The next morning I woke with a fuzzy head. But, with hope.
I also thought about what I said about I'd do anything if he would take me back.
I knew Jacob. He could be pretty sadistic at times.
But, he never got even. He always got ahead.
But, I was willing to take the chance if he took me back.

So I did as I always did when I really wanted to seduce him.
Nails and hair. A nice massage. A good waxing. I was smooth and clean. I felt good and looked good.

"Okay. Let's talk." I said into my phone then hanging up not waiting on an answer. I knew he wouldn't say anything anyway.
Then I waited.

His hair had changed. It had gotten longer and his blue eyes where not as bright. But, he still had that warm, gentle smile of his.

"These are my terms. You can take them or leave them. It's up to you." Jacob said looking me in the eye without expression.

I knew then this was gonna hurt me in the same manner I hurt him.

Jacob didn't ask for a reason why I screwed another man. He didn't ask nothing.
He just slid a piece of paper across the table to me with four names on it.
I looked them over closely trying to figure out what it was.

"What is this?" I asked confused. I knew they weren't woman he had slept with. He would never do that.

"Your gonna watch me fuck each and every one of them for the next three months." Jacob said still without expression.

"Jacob. Baby. Please no." I begged.

"And your gonna set it up. Your also gonna make sure there taken care of properly before you bring them to me." He said looking me right in the eye.

"But, Jacob!" I cried in pain.

"There is no buts. This is the deal. You make it happen. I know you can. After the three months we will see." Jacob said in a calm voice.
"Oh there is one more." Jacob said handing me one last piece of paper.

Instantly I broke into to tears. The others I could understand some what. They've hit on him for years. But, this was had nothing more to with it then hurting me in the worst way.

"No Jacob. You can't." I begged.

"You make the phone call." Jacob said still without expression.

"But, Jacob!" I begged.

"See you Friday at seven." Jacob said as he turned to leave.

"Jacob! Please!" I cried out to him.

"Friday at seven." He said as the door slammed behind him.

I set there looking at the papers lost in my own thoughts.
How could he and was it worth it. I missed him dearly.
As I set there looking at the paper. It dawned on me these where all woman I'd have to see every day. Look them in the eye and be corigal with.

But, the last one was the one I hated. Jacob knew that. He knew I was gonna have to stop to my knees for this one. He knew that she would relish in the idea of me watching as she screwed my husband in the nastiest ways possible.

I set there in the quite for along time looking at the list feeling numb.
I woke the next morning to my phone beeping next to my ear.
I lifted my head off the kitchen table to see who it was.

"Hey Sara." I said into the phone.

The same Sara that was the first name one my husband's list.
I could see why he wanted to fuck her. She was a hard bodied thing. Always working out and full of energy. She had told me on several occasions if she got the chance she would steal my husband from me.
She was the closest thing to a best friend I ever had. She also flirted relentlessly with Jacob every time she was around him.

"Hey Sara. Why don't you come over. I got something to talk to you about." I said after a few minutes of small talk.

As I stood in the shower I thought more about what Jacob had said.
I figured why not. Atleast he was doing it in front of me.

"Is this a joke?" Sara asked looking at me in disbelief.
"No. This is no joke. I would really like to watch you screw my husband several times over the next three months." I said putting on a fake smile and really building this up to make her think this was my idea.

"Jammie, is he truly as large as you claim he is?" Sara asked in a hushed voice like someone was gonna hear us.

I just looked at her and sent Jacob a text. Five minutes later my phone beeped.
I didn't look at the picture I just forwarded it Sara.

"Jesus fuck Jammie!" Sara exclaimed. "You take that thing every day." Sara asked in awe.
"Not every day." I grinned proudly. "So you interested or not?" I asked with a big fake smile.
"How many times do I get to fuck him and your gonna be in the room." Sara asked.
"At least once a week for the next three months and you can end it anytime in there if you want." I smiled.
"What's the catch here?" Sara quizzed.

Without thinking I told her the hole story.
Sara just looked at me in awe.

"I tell you what." Sara said looking at me with sad eyes. "I'll do it one time and one time only. I'm no home wrecker and want no part of it. But, if this gets you back together I'll do it once." Sara said then gave me a big hug.

Over the next week I talked to the other three women.
One I knew would jump at the chance. My boss Carol.
I liked Carol. She was a very good woman. But, her husband was an asshole.

Tammy was a different story. She was a devious bitch. She liked women as much as she did men.
Tammy gave me her price.
"Yeah, I'll fuck the living shit out of Jacob with you watching. I'll be the best fuck he has ever had as much as he wants.
But, your gonna be my bitch for it. If I'm gonna fuck your husband for you two's sadistic pleasure. Your gonna fuck me." Tammy grinned.
I didn't know what to say. I had never been with a woman.
Sure I thought about it a time or two. But, that was when Jacob and was watching porn and he was drilling me in the ass. I wished there was a woman there to eat my pussy.

I measured her for a minute before answering. I wondered how far she would take this. But, knowing I had no choice I agreed.

"Good" Tammy smiled. "I'll see you at seven. Bring pizza." She grinned then traipsed off.

That was three down.

Angie. Well, Angie is Angie. Her and my husband grew up together. She is a strong will sexy chubby. She really don't care for me at all.
I know her and my husband has never had sex. But, I'm fairly sure she had sucked him off once when they where younger.

"You want to watch me fuck your husband?" Angie chuckled.
"Yes." Is all I said.
"Okay. My house ever Sunday at noon. You can fix dinner while Jacob and I screw." Angie smiled nicely.
"Okay." I agreed solomonly.

I knew Angie was gonna enjoy this way more then she should. I also knew she would not let me live it down either.

Friday night came and nervously sad I picked up Sara.
She was dressed to the hilt. With her build and figure. She is a looker. Thick long blonde hair. Bright green eyes and hour glass figure.
Hell, I couldn't blame my husband for wanting to fuck her. Hell I wanted to fuck her.

"Hello ladies!" My husband said with a big smile as he opened the door for us.

I stood leaning over what was about to happen. I so desperately wanted it to be me in Sara's place.

Jacob was casual about everything. Never pressing. I was in awe at how things where going. It was so unrealistic.

Slowly things started happening. It was slight touches and little smiles. Then it was kisses.

As I stood and watched the two. I couldn't believe this was happening.
He wasn't even gonna take her to his room. He was gonna bang her right her in the livingroom.

Sara was up against the wall with her sun dress pushed up around her waist with her thing through in the floor as Jacob devoured her sex.

I knew how she felt. I envied her. I had so many times felt the pleasure of his magical to guess that I so desperately wanted now.

I watched intently as Jacob brought her to her first orgasm. Then a second and a third.

Jacob fucked my best friend in almost ever room in ever position I could ever imagine.
I woke twice in the middle of the night to the two if them fucking.
I knew each time he filled her pussy with that lovely cream of his.
I also knew that this wouldn't be the only time Jacob fucked her.

I woke the next morning to the sounds grunting sex. I knew, I didn't have to go look.
Jacob was giving her a good bye screwing.

It hurt the night before. But, it hit home when I walked into his bedroom.
Sara was on her back with her tone legs spred wide. Jacob was between them deeply kissing her as he methodically worked his big cock in and out of her overly stretched asshole.
I stood in awe at the he was fucking her. It was so deep and personal.
I watched his shaft as it slid slowly into her ass swell and his large nuts tighten up.
The short jabs and Sara's lustful welcoming grunts told me he was filling her guts up with his love juice.
Then I seen it. It was like gold to me as the white cream started to form around his shaft.
I was powerless. I wanted it so bad to be me.
I wanted push Sara out of the way and climb underneath my husband.
But, I knew better.

When his large prick finally started to soften I was relieved.

"Oh ,hey Jamie. I was just telling Sara bye." Jacob grinned not bother to cover himself up or try to hide his cock.

I just looked at him. Then at his cock.

"Let grab a shower. Then I'll be ready." Sara smiled in the after glow of sex as she pranced past me.

"I'll pick you up at 11:30 sunday morning." I said to Jacob without looking at him as I walked out the door.

"Wow! I can't believe your luck and I can't believe you take a fucking like that on a regular basis." Sara smiled as I drove her home.

I didn't say much. I was to caught up in my own thoughts.
Some how I enjoyed watching Sara fuck Jacob.
In some depraved way I enjoyed it.

"See you next Friday. Same time." I said as I pulled up to Sara's house.
"Jamie. I told you this was a one time deal. I enjoyed it like other. But, I told you I'd only do it once." Sara said with concern.
"I know you did. But, I also know Jacob. He's gonna want some more." I said with a ragged smile.

Saturday was my day with Tammy Jean. It was a little octward at first.
But, Tammy being who she was knew how to make things work.
"Jesus fuck Jamie." Tammy smiled as she laid next to me. "That was the best sex I've had in years."
I don't know if she was lying or not. But, it helped my ego a bunch.
Wednesday night and Saturday was our day.

"So stud. You and the misses have some sort of game going where she wants to watch you fuck a chubby." Angie said with a lear.
"Something like that." Jacob grinned.
"Well, ever sunday after church for the next three months I'm your slut." Angue grinned again.

I hated angie fucking Jacob. It was so vulgar and disgusting.
She was nasty and depraved.
She had Jacob jack off on her face as she set next to me in the floor as I cooked dinner.
This wasn't fucking. It was something else.
Angie relished in the idea that I was watching and Jacob was married.

I really don't think Jacob lied fcking Angie. But, he did it every sunday fo three months.

Tammy got two nights a week. Mainly to keep her mouth shut.
I already knew Tammy was a who're in bed. But, for what ever reason. Jacob fucking her really pissed me off and Jacob knew it.
She would look me in the eye ever time one if them got a nut and smile.
I fucking hated watching them fuck.

Carol was a hole different story. For her age she was sexy as hell.
Carol only fucked Jacob twice. That's all she would let him.
But, damned could she fuck.
She fucked like a woman on a mission and knew just what she wanted.
Both times after they where done fucking ahead thanked me and gave me $500.
In private of course.
I don't know why. But, Carol fucking my husband had no effect on me at all. None. Absolutely nothing.

"Well" is what my phone read when it beeped on the fifth week.
I knew what it meant. I didn't answer back. I just set there for a little bit gathering my thoughts.

"Well, hello stranger." My stepmother smiled with that hate smirk of hers as she opened the front door.

My stepmother is a first class bitch. Her and I never got along. I hated her from the first day I met her.

"Clarissa, I need your help." I said calmly.
"I see. After all these years your here for my help." She said in a tone that let me know I was in trouble.

I didn't tell her everything. But, I told her enough.

"I see. So you couldn't stay off your back and this is your punishment." My stepmother grinned.

I just nodded in compliance.

"Here is my deal for you." Clarissa smiled a nasty smirk.

I knew then and there this was gonna hurt me in ways I couldn't imagine.

"Meet us our house." Is all I typed into the phone.

Jacob's truck was parked in the drive when we pulled in.
God did he look sexy. I wanted him in ways I never wanted him.
But, I knew it wasn't gonna happen.

Clarissa didn't even acknowledge me as she went to great Jacob.
Right there in the drive way she started making out with him.

"Come on young man. You have a pussy to destroy." Clarissas smirked walking past me holding my husband's hand.

I watched the most vial sex I had ever seen in my life between them too.
It was like it was meant to be.
I felt pains deep down that hurt in ways I could never imagine.

"Look at that. Jammie. See the way he stretches my pussy out." Clarissa grunted with a smile as she leaned back cowgirl style facing me riding Jacob on the couch.

I fucking hated her. I always had. But, this was on a new level.

I knew she was gonna fuck him longer then her pussy wanted her to.
She wasn't fucking him for pleasure. But, spite.

"Jacob! You want stick that big cock of yours up my tight little ass?" My stepmother grunted hard as she impaled herself on my husband's hatd cock.
"FUCK YESSS!" Jacob grunted as he held her tight ramming hard into her.

Clarissa broke free of his grasped and jumped off his cock.

"Grab the lube Jammie." Clarissa sneered at me then turned and bent at the waist and started violently sucking my husband's cock.
I knew I had been bested and submitted to her.
I knew my stepmother would do things and was able to do things I never could.

"Here." I said as I set the gel down next to them on the couch.
"Oh no honey. I'm gonna need you to do it. I got a cock to suck." Clarissa leared as she stroked my husband's iron hard prick.

I didn't want to do it.
Sure, I was licking Tammy's asshole like a champ.
But, this. This was different. This was way different.

But, for the first time Jacob acknowledged me. It wasn't what he said. But, the look on his face.
I don't know what it was. It wasn't sarrow.
It wasn't anger that I had come a custom to.
It was something else. Hope. Maybe.

"Lube the inside too. Jammie. Make sure you don't miss anything." Clarissa growled as she sucked my husband's nuts.

So gentle I stuck one lubed finger into her asshole and slowly worked it around and in and out.

"God Yesssss." Clarissa moaned. For some odd reason I wanted to keep going. I enjoyed the feeling of my finger in her asshole.
"Don't stop till I tell you to." Clarissa moaned as I pushed my finger deep into her puckered shithole.

"Jesus Fuckkkkk!" Jacob grunted as I finger fucked my stepmothers asshole.

"More lube. More fucking. Jesus Fuckkkkk." Clarissa moaned as she continued to violently suck my husband's cock.
Willing I did as I was told only this time I added a second finger and started ramming them hard into her asshole.
I didn't need to be told a second time to add more lube or another finger. I just did it.

I didn't know how long this was gonna go on or what was gonna happen. But, I relentlessly finger fucked Clarissa holding onto her ass cheek to steady her o drove my fingers hard into her asshole, shoving them as deep into her as I could.

"Fuck my pussy with that big prick of yours. While your who're wife fingers my asshole Jacob." Clarissa growled as she held the back of the couch looking my husband in the eyes.

It didn't bother me she called me a who're for some reason.

The feeling of Jacob's cock as it slid into her nasty slit was amazing. Clarissa's asshole contracted and shuttered around my fingers.
I knew she had a orgasm. Then I seen it. Her cum poured down my husband's shaft as she slowly slid up and down and collected on his big nuts.
I so badly wanted to be in Clarissa's place. Feeling my pussy being stretched to its limits and his big cock head banged into my cervix.
But, I also knew it wasn't gonna happen no matter how much begging I did till he was ready. If he ever got ready.

We missed all appointments that week. It was a constant fuck fast at my house.
Clarissa and Jacob slept and fucked in mine and Jacob's bed. I was aloud in very little. Mainly to change the sheets or bring them something to drink.
The only time I spent any real time in my own room was if Clarissa wanted me to do something with her asshole.
Hold it open while Jacob fucked it. Lube it up or clean it up.
All of which I did without ever saying a word.

Clarissa never spoke to bad to me. But, she did let me know in several occasions she was better at fucking then I was.

But, things where also wearing on me. All of it. Everything combined. After Clarissa left.
Jacob went back to fucking Tammy and Sara. Angie was gone and Tammy told me I didn't have to come see her anymore if I didn't want to.

"Sara I can't do this anymore. I want my husband. I want him to fuck me or divorce me. At this point I don't care." I sobbed to Sara.

"Well, Jammie that us up to him. But, I have talked to Tammy some and she says your very much the nasty little slut." Sara smiled at me taking me back in shock.
"Please Sara. Don't you say a word." I begged.
"I won't. But, I didn't know you swung that way." Sara grinned.
"I don't. I mean. I never. Okay, up till Tammy I had only dreamed about it a few times. I didn't want to. But, I didn't know anything else to do. So I slept with her. I didn't figured it mattered any. I had already spred my legs for another man. What would a woman matter." I cried.

"Don't worry. Tammy would be glad to have you over anytime you like. But, shes pretty well done with fucking your husband. Not that she doesn't enjoy it. But, yes can't do it to you any longer. Carol says you owe her ten more sessions and she plans on collecting some day.
Me. Well, I kinda like banging that big prick your so found of. Not that I blame you. So here is what we are gonna do." Sara went on to tell me her plan.

When she was finished i looked at her with hope and joy. She had it all worked out. There was just one thing she left out.

"Sara?" I said kinda confused. "Where is the part where you quit fucking my husband." I asked in earnest.

"You don't get it do you?" Sara giggled.

"Get what?" I asked confused.

"Oh, God bless you. Honey, it's not him I'm after. It's you. That is the only reason I agreed to this the hole time. Sure I like fucking your husband. But, your the one I really want." Sara smiled at me leaving me confused, excited, hirny, hopeful and sad at the same time.
"Let me explain it to you this way. I'm gonna get your husband to start fucking you again and take you back. Your gonna swear your undieing allegiance to him. You got it so far?" Sara asked me with a smile.

I just nodded yes.

"Good." She smiled then continued on explaining that we would let Jacob know that I was a more then willing bed partner for them and sense I fucked up and fucked around it would only be right that I join them on occasions.

"I'll go in first and talk to Jacob. I'm gonna explain to him that unless you get to join in on the fun, there will be no more pussy for him." Sara grinned.

"Sara what about Clarissa. She is not gonna like this." I said in a worried tone.
"Don't worry about that bitch. Carol said she would take care of her for you." Sara smiled.
"Sara how long have you guys known about each other?" I asked curiously.
"Sense the first week. We just didn't know what to do. Yes, Tammy went a little far and Carol didn't go far enough. We all thought this would end as quick as it started though. But, damned can Jacob hold a grudge. All three of us tried to convince him to forgive you. But, damned did you piss him off." Sara said in an honest tone.

"What about Angie and Clarissa?" I asked curiously.

"Wellllll Now. Angie. Knows nothing about any if the rest if us. She thinks she was the true love that got away and wanted to show Jacob what he missed. Truthfully Jacob didn't like fucking her.
Clarissa. We had know idea who she was. It took us a bit to figure her out. That woman is evil in ways you can't imagine. So she has to go." Sara smiled.

Sara did as she said she would while I set in the car a nervous wreck. I couldn't believe I agreed to this.
But, sense this all began I did realize I liked woman too and wasn't sure i was ready to give them up.

"Sara says she won't fuck me anymore unless you get to join in." Jacob said flatly as I stood in the kitchen with stage freight. "Is this a plan you to set up between yourselves to get me to take you back?" Jacob asked me.

"No Jacob it's not. But, I figured she is your wife and I always have wondered what it would be like to be fucked by both of you. So I figured I've done fucked you and know what your like. Well, I figured as good as you are in bed. Together you would be outrageous." Sara said before I could answer.

"Well." Is all Jacob said looking at me with that naughty little grin of his that's so cute.

"If that is what you wish. Then I'm fine with it." I said quietly looking at Jacob.

"You sure?" Jacob asked me with a challenging look.

"Yes." I stated holding my ground meeting his gaze with the same hard look knowing I had won this round.

I wished Sara wouldn't have been there that night. I wished it would have been just Jacob and me like it once was.
But, I couldn't change that. I knew I had to do something or I would never get my husband back or our long sleepless nights of love making back.

It was noon before we climbed out of bed. I was sore, battered and bruised. My pussy and my asshole where sore and red.
But, I was refreshed.
I felt good.
I will admit if I had known a few years ago how much more fun and third partner was I would have mentioned it way earlier.

Sara and I took turns fucking Jacob later that evening and into the night.

"So Sara says you have something to tell me." Jacob said in a flat tone as we stood in his livingroom.

"Jacob. I love you. I love more then anything in the world. I fucked up. I don't know why I did it. I promise to god it will never happen again. Please Jacob take me back." I said in a pleading voice.

"Sara said your willing to let her be an occasional bed partner if I do take you back. Is that correct?" Jacob asked flatly making me real nervous. But, I had no choice in being truthful to him.

"If that is what you wish. I am willing." I answered softly and scared.

"Is that what you want?" Jacob asked staring me down.

"Jacob I want you back. I don't care. If we have to get an extra person in bed with us then that is what I'll do." I said in honesty.

"Have Sara drive you home." Is all Jacob said.

On the drive home I was quite for the most part. Except for what little Sara wanted to talk about.

It was two days before I heard from Jacob.
"I'll pick you up at 7." Is all the message said.

To say the least I was ecstatic and filled with joy.

I went all out to look good for him. From a manicure to a waxing. I wanted to be my best.

I set nervously waiting on Jacob not knowing what was going to happen.
When I heard Jacob's truck pull up I almost fainted.

He took me to a nice dinner where we had a long serious talk.
I did admit to him at first it hurt me to watch him fucking other women.
But, some where along the lines I started enjoying it.
I also told him about Tammy and I and why I did it. I didn't need to. But, I wanted to be as honest as I could with him.
In true Jacob fashion he admitted he like fucking Sara and the threesome we had was a blast.
He also admitted he enjoyed fucking my stepmother. But, was not interested in doing it again ever.
I told him about Carol and me owing her.
When the subject of Tammy came back up. I told him she wanted to sleep with me still.
Jacob looked at me with a serious look kinda scaring me.

"That is up to you. But, there will never be another man between your legs. Ever." He said in a tone I knew I better pay attention to.
I agreed to him.
For probably two hours we just talked.

"Jacob." I said with a fear. "Will you forgive me." I finished with a scared tone.
"Jammie, I should have handled this differently. But, I was hurt and a little crazy. I will never hurt you again." Jacob said in a soft carrying tone.

That night we fucked like new lovers. We fucked in ways that we had never had sex before.
I will admit. I wanted to prove I was a better lover then any if the rest of the women he had fucked lately.
If there was nothing I wasn't willing to do. The sun was starting to rise when we finally paced out exhausted from sex.

Jacob was still asleep when I woke. Slowly I creeped to shower and got cleaned up.
I wanted to be fresh and clean when I woke Jacob.

"Jammie, what are we gonna do about Sara?" Jacob asked as I laid in his strong arms happy to be where I was at.
"What do you mean?" I asked softly.
"Well, she thinks she is still gonna get to have a threesome with us on occasions." Jacob said kissing me on the back of the head.
"Well, do your have a problem servesing two woman at once." I smiled over to look at him in the eye.
"Do you think it's a good idea?" Jacob smiled.
"I tell you what." I smiled. "I promise you it won't bother me as long as you never meet her without me and you never leave me." I grinned.

For the most part our lives are back to normal. I do make sure I never let Jacob leave the house with a full nut sack.
Our toy selection has changed a bit to include a strapon and a couple other women toys.
Sara and I are still very good friends. Usually we never plan when we have a threesome. It's just something that seems to happen.
Angie still glares at me ever time I see her around.
Tammy and I have only met a couple times. But, I called Jacob both times before I agreed to meet her.
She never tries to force anything and both times where during a lunch break when we had been working long hours and where stressed out and needed some relief.

Carol just smiles at me. I will say I get a couple days of vacation and my Christmas bonus is a little better then it was.
She did tell me one day after a meeting g she had taken on a much younger lover and thanked me for opening her eyes.

We still haven't heard anything from Clarissa. Not a word.

Things are gonna be alright with Jacob and I.

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