My Sisters' Awakening, Part 1


It was the spring of 1960. I was a sixteen year old who had an incredible curiosity about, but absolutely no knowledge of, the intricacies of intimate relations between men and women. I was just returning home from a visit to a friend’s house where I had been instructed on the subject at great length. It was a subject in which my previous knowledge had been limited to a nudist magazine; found discarded by the road, which had had all the genitalia, male and female, eradicated by airbrushing. My instructor had been another fifteen year old friend who had recently had “the talk” and had even been given a book that described and illustrated the processes. I was, of course, not allowed to actually see “the book” because I was among the uninitiated. Of course now having possession of even a limited knowledge rather than diminishing my curiosity increased it.
We lived in a small town on the East Coast. My family consisted of my parents, myself, and my two sisters. At the time the incidents I am about to relate took place, my sisters were twelve and eleven respectively. We lived in a two story, older three bedroom house. The house had a master bedroom and bath on the first floor, and two bedrooms and an adjoining bath on the second. There were doors connecting the bedrooms on the second floor, and doors from each bedroom into the bath. The bathroom on the second floor was an older style, without a shower, and containing a claw-legged bathtub. My bedroom faced the front of the house, while my sisters’ room faced the rear.
My sisters’ names were Rachel, the twelve year old; and Jesse, the eleven year old. My sisters shared a large double bed, while I slept on an old navy cot. My family didn’t have much money, so a lot of the furniture had been purchased from thrift stores and garage sales.
I found that, by cracking open my door to the bathroom, I could spy on my sisters while they took baths. The tub faced away from my door, so I would be behind them while they bathed. With Rachel, I could see her just beginning breasts, which were little more than small bumps on her chest; and her hairless vulva. Jesse appeared to have no boobs at all, her chest seemed as flat as a boy, but her pussy was just as sweet looking. It was incredibly exciting to watch them bathe, especially when they washed their sweet pussies. Immediately they got out of the tub, I would back away from my door, lie on my bed, and jack off!
One night, I got home from working at the burger joint at about 11:30 pm. Everybody in the house was asleep. I went upstairs, started to get undressed, but stopped and went over to the door to my sisters’ room. I opened the door slightly until I could see them on the bed. As usual, Rachel slept on the left side and Jesse on the right. It was summer, so they were covered only by a sheet. Rachel was sleeping on her back and had the sheet only up to her waist.
Curiosity or some other impulse led to me to slip into the room and go stand over Rachel while she slept. I looked down at the small bumps in her pajama top, and slowly moved my hand down to cover the right breast. Rachel didn’t stir, so I moved my hand across her tiny tit, and felt the nipple start to harden. Very slowly, I went to the first button on her pajama top. I carefully unbuttoned it. There was no reaction from Rachel, so I slid the top of her pajamas to the side exposing her left boob. I placed my hand on her now exposed titlet, and could feel her fully hardened nipple in my palm. I massaged it gently. Suddenly, Rachel stirred slightly, and I lost my nerve! I slowly backed away, slid out of the girls’ room, went to my own and promptly jacked off, leaving a large load of cum on the floor of my bedroom.
About a week later, I once again got home late from work, and everyone in the house was asleep. As before, I slipped into my sisters’ room and stood over Rachel. This time, she was sleeping on her left side, with the sheet around her waist. I put my hand down and cupped her small but firm and nicely rounded butt cheek. I then proceeded to cover her tight little butt crack. I moved my hand down to where her butt joined her legs, but her legs were too closed to allow me to feel between them.
Just then, Rachel began to roll over. Panicky, I backed away several steps from the bed. She was now lying on her back, and resumed her rhythmic low snoring. I moved back to her side. This time I put my hand on her tummy. There was no reaction so I moved lower until I had my hand on her pajama and sheet covered pussy. Regaining my boldness, I took my hand and placed it under the sheet so I now had only her pajama bottoms between my hand and her hairless vulva. Moving my hand up, I undid the snap at the waist of her pjs, and they opened wide. I now placed my hand on her bare lower tummy and then slowly slid it down to her pussy. For the first time in my life, I now had a real, live, bare pussy under my fingers. I put my finger into her slit, and slid it down. There was a hint of moisture in her slit, and it made the movement of my finger easier. I felt her not fully developed inner lips, felt the bump of her clit hood, and then moved down to where her virginal vagina was awaiting my finger.
Still she slept, so I slipped the tip of my finger into her sweet hole. There was just enough moisture to make an entry, but once my finger was inserted to the first knuckle, the tunnel became moist and slippery with her girl juices.
Just as I was sliding my finger in, Jesse awoke. She looked at me sleepily and asked what I was doing. Shocked, I told some cock and bull story about coming to steal a second pillow for my bed. She seemed to accept my explanation, rolled over and went back to sleep, but I was terrified about getting caught, and quickly left the room, vowing it would never happen again.
It wasn’t long before I would break my vow. Again, coming home late, I was unable to keep my mind off of Rachel’s sweet pussy, and how her vagina had almost sucked my finger in. Forgetting the fear of getting caught again, I slipped into the girls’ room. Only Jesse was in the bed. I remembered that Rachel was staying at a friend’s house at the shore for a few days. Despite my disappointment on not seeing Rachel, I approached the bed from Jesse’s side. Jesse lay on her back, snoring lightly, with the sheets pushed down to her waist, showing the flowery top to her baby doll pajamas. I let my hand hover above her pajama top for a moment before lowering it to Jesse’s right breast. I was surprised to feel that, despite what I had seen in the bath, there actually was a slight mound, not quite a real breast bud, under my hand. I pressed my palm down on her nipple to see if there would be a response from my sleeping sister. The only response was a stiffening of the nipple into my palm. I moved my hand in gently circles until I felt the nipple fully harden. I had to see it.
With my other hand, I gently and slowly raised the hem of her pajama top, first exposing her flat belly with its innie bellybutton, and then finally her breast. While her breast was little more that a slight rise in her chest, the areola was widened and slightly puffy, and her nipple stood up like a pink pencil eraser. I had to taste that nipple. I bent my head down and gently, with my tongue, explored the nubbin that arose from her chest. I licked across it a few times and then I heard what sounded like a low mewling sound coming from my sister. With a start, I looked up to her face, but her eyes remained closed and her breathing remained regular. Satisfied that she was still asleep, I continued my oral stimulation of her nipple. Soon, I lifted the other side of her pajama top up to expose her left breast. I proceeded to lick that nipple as well, and once again I heard that mewling sound.
Soon, I needed more than to just play with my little sister’s breasts. I needed to feel her pussy. I gently slid my hand under the elastic waistband of her pajama bottoms until I felt her prominent Mons. I moved my hand down further and guided my middle finger into her hairless slit. Using my other fingers to separate her outer pussy lips I slid my middle finger down between her undeveloped inner lips to the entrance to her vagina. To my surprise, on entering her little slit, I found her to be even moister than Rachel. And when I reached her tiny hole, my finger was well coated with her slippery juices. I inserted the tip of my middle finger into the tight channel. I then slid my finger back up her slit to her tiny clit. When I touched her clit I felt her twitch and mewl once again. Throwing caution to the winds, I moved my finger once again down to her vagina. To my surprise, her legs opened slightly as if to ease my movement to her tiny opening. Once there, I again inserted my middle finger, feeling the walls of her pussy grabbing at the intruding digit. This time I pushed my finger further up into her channel. About an inch in I felt the channel constrict again leaving an opening just large enough for the tip of my finger to penetrate.
Now I needed relief. My cock was as hard as steel. I released it from my jeans and jockeys and allowed it to protrude out in front of me. Jesse was still lying peacefully on her back with her arms down at her sides. With one hand I returned my finger to the scalding caresses of her vagina; with the other I took Jesse’s hand and placed it on my rock hard penis. To my amazement, I felt her hand constrict around my member. I again looked up at Jesse’s face and found that her eyes were open and she was looking down at her hand encircling my cock. At that, I lowered my head to hers and placed a kiss on her lips. She responded and I pushed open her mouth with my tongue. She opened her mouth and took my tongue inside, while moving her hand, ever so gently up and down my penis. My finger was in her vagina, my tongue was in her mouth, and her hand caressed my penis. At that, I lost control and spewed cum all over her hand, her baby dolls, and the sheets of her bed. She was as surprised as I was!
As soon as the surprise wore off somewhat, I found myself just as hard as I had been before my eruption. I was now moving my finger back and forth between her sweet vagina and the nubbin of her clit. She reacted by pushing her tiny hips up to increase the pressure of my finger on her clit. By now we were dealing strictly by senses. We had long since passed any knowledge we had had about what sex was; we were dealing solely with primary instincts.
I moved my mouth from hers and placed it back on her tiny breast, sucking and licking at her nipples, one after the other. She was now an active participant, and once again, by her own volition, took my penis in her hand. To make her ministrations easier, I undid my belt and zipper and lowered my jeans and jockeys, and stood by her bed clad only in a T-shirt. While I continued licking and sucking her sensitive nipples, my finger kept massaging her equally sensitive clit. Her legs were now apart, and I proceeded to get on the bed and in between those eleven year old legs. Wanting a better view of her pussy, I slid down until I was at eye level with her beautiful privates. I couldn’t help myself; I had to taste that ambrosia that was leaking from her tiny hole. I pushed my face up into her slit and my tongue slipped into her sweet vagina. Her hands came behind my head and pushed my face even harder against her slit. I pushed my tongue into her hole until I again felt that constriction about an inch into her channel.
I took my tongue out of her vagina, and slowly moved my body up hers until I could feel my cock touch her slippery crotch. Moving my hand down, I grabbed my penis and moved it back and forth along her slit, feeling the exquisite slipperiness. I then guided my cock down until it was aligned with the entrance to her vagina. I didn’t know if it would even fit in there, as tiny as the opening was, but slowly as I pushed forward, it slipped into the slippery warmth of her channel.
Jesse moaned as she felt my penis entering her. Her hips were gyrating slightly and that motion allowed a little more of my penis to enter. Her vagina was incredibly tight and warm and silky. I pushed my cock a little further and once again ran into that constriction that had been felt by both my finger and my tongue. But my penis was not to be denied, and I pushed forward, but the constriction held firm. I pulled back and then pushed abruptly forward and felt the constriction give way. I also heard Jesse give out a suppressed cry of pain and discomfort. I immediately stopped, but Jesse assured me, through her tears, that the pain was not enough to overcome the pleasure that she was feeling from having me stretch her no longer virginal channel to its limits.
After Jesse had a moment to recover from the trauma of losing her cherry, I proceeded to push further into her depths. Now I am not a particularly large person in the penis department. Pretty much average at about 5.5 inches, but Jesse was a small girl, and it wasn’t long before the head of my cock was butting up against the end of her vagina. Having reached the end, I pulled back through that exquisite channel until I was almost out of her vagina, and then I pumped back in the full length. Despite the fact that I had already cum once, I knew it wouldn’t be long before I’d do so again. Jesse, in the meantime had put her hand down between our bodies, and was feverishly massaging her clit. Soon she began to shutter, and gasp loudly. She arched her back adding more pressure to her hand on her clit, and forcing my penis deeper into her tunnel. She came, and so did I. It felt like my penis was on fire as my orgasm took hold, responding to Jesse’s writhing on the bed, I pushed all the way to end of her vagina and began to spew string after string of my incestuous seed into the undeveloped womb of my eleven year old sister. It seemed like my cum would last forever, but after just seconds it was over, and both Jesse and I lay spent on the bed. My penis was deflating inside of her vagina and soon it popped out, bring with it streams of white semen mixed with a taint of blood, that formed a puddle under Jesse’s sweet ass.
After we lay there for several minutes, I finally arose from the bed, picked up my clothes, and went back to my room. Jesse went back to sleep. But we both knew that this would not be the last time!
(to be continued)
© Copyright 2019. All rights reserved.

My Sisters’ Awakening
By: Loving Brother 44
(m/g, inc, bro/sis, cons, 1st)
Part Two
Several weeks passed before another opportunity to experience my sisters’ charms presented itself. This time it was Jesse who would be away on a sleepover and Rachel who would be alone in the bed. Around midnight, after I was sure that everyone in the house was asleep, I once again crept into my sisters’ bedroom, and there was Rachel, lying on her stomach, with even the sheet tossed off, so she lay there in just a T-shirt and a pair of panties. Her exquisite, panty-clad ass exposed to my gaze.
I went over to the side of the bed and, after making sure that Rachel was asleep, placed my hand on these beautiful rounded mounds. The silkiness of the panties increased the sensory delight of caressing that delectable ass. But her ass wasn’t my goal, so I had to get her to turn over so that I could explore the delights on the front side of her cute twelve year old body. I put my hand down so that it cupped her hip and gently pushed upward. Her body took the hint, and she started to roll over. I stepped back a few paces from the bed into the darkness in case the act of rolling over woke her. It didn’t. She continued her soft, regular breathing and her eyes remained closed.
I returned to the side of the bed. Now her panty covered mound was before me. First though, I wanted to explore her cute buds of breast, so I slowly raised her T-shirt to expose them. I put my hand down and felt the soft tenderness of her little breasts and the firmness of her pert nipples. As I had with Jesse, I had to kiss those perfect little breasts. I bent over and kissed first the left, and then right nipple. They became ever more pert with arousal. I put my tongue out and licked each one gently. As I did, Rachel began a soft mewling sound, just like Jesse had. While I continued to lick and suck each tiny breast in turn, my hand moved slowly down Rachel’s tummy to her prominent pussy mound.
Gently I massaged her mound over her panties and, in the process, moved my fingers downward into the space between her thighs. I could feel her dampness through the panties, as my fingers explored all the way to her sweet entrance. I moved my hand up and under the waistband of her panties and lowered it to the top of her crease. Using two fingers to spread her outer pussy lips, I slid my middle finger down and over her clitoral hood. I brought my finger back up and pulled the hood backwards exposing her by now engorged clit. I gently rubbed around her button and felt her start to respond to the stimulation. First, her legs parted somewhat, and then her hips began a slow gyrating movement. She was obviously in a high state of arousal, and was, when I turned my head, awake and watching my movement intently. Receiving no rebuke, I began to slowly lower her panties down. She lifted her cute ass up to allow me to slide the panties down her legs and off.
My hand then returned to its ministrations of her pussy, but I desperately needed some attention of my own. I undid my jeans and lowered them, and my jockeys, to the floor and kicked them both off. My rock hard erection was now exposed and Rachel took hold of it without my having to ask. She gently slid her hand up and down my cock as I moved mine down her slit and inserted my middle finger into her now sopping wet vagina. I pushed my finger, or more accurately, allowed her vagina to suck my finger deeper into her hot tight channel. A short way in I ran into the same obstacle that I had with Jesse.
Much to Rachel’s disappointment, I removed my hand from her pussy and reached up and pulled her T-shirt over her head. She now lay totally naked before me. I quickly shed my shirt as well. And then, I began to kiss my way from her sweet lips down over her neck and shoulders to her now fully aroused tits. I kissed and licked both before resuming my oral journey down her torso to her pussy. I climbed onto the bed and began to lick and suck on her precious pussy. The taste of her juices was intoxicating, and I inserted my tongue into her sweet vagina and pushed it up until it too reached the barrier of her cherry.
I then began licking my way back up her body as I moved my body forward until my cock was touching her soaking wet pussy. Taking my hand, I aligned my cock with her virginal entrance and began to insert it into her sucking pussy. It was only a second before my cock reached the obstruction of her cherry. I drew back and forced my cock forward into and through her hymen, deflowering her in one stroke.
Rachel only whimpered a bit when I took her cherry. I now had claimed the cherries of both my sisters. Once past that obstruction, I buried my cock deep into her pussy until I felt the barrier of her cervix. My cock was now inserted to the maximum in her hot, wet pussy. I drew back and pushed forward again until my balls were right up against her ass. The feeling of being totally immersed in her pussy was indescribable, and I knew that I wouldn’t last long.
I took my hand and found her clit between us, and as Jesse had done, I began to massage her little button, while I stroked my cock in and out of her tightening hole. It only took a minute of this clitoral stimulation to have Rachel moaning and thrashing her hips upward to meet my invading cock.
My orgasm was soon upon me but little did either of us know that Rachel was only about two weeks away from her very first period. Her very first egg was, as we were rutting, making its way to the walls of her uterus. I’m not sure that even if I had known I would have stopped, but I didn’t know and I began to spurt string after string of my incestuous cum at her now fertile womb. Rachel climaxed and that made me shoot even more cum into her waiting vagina. Finally I was spent, and I lay there on my sister, with my penis slowly shrinking in her vagina until it, as it had with Jesse, fell out of her pussy followed by a small flow of red-tinged white cum mixed with girl juices from her orgasm.
We lay together for a short while, but I was afraid to fall asleep lest we get caught by our parents in the morning. I left her bed and returned to mine.
© Copyright 2019. All rights reserved.

My Sisters’ Awakening
By: Loving Brother 44
(m/g, inc, bro/sis, cons, 1st)
Part Three:
For the next two weeks, I avoided the girls’ room because, having had sex with both of them, and taking both their virginities, I didn’t know what I could do when they both were in the bed together. If I fondled one, and the other awoke, would she be angry? Would one be as jealous of the other to warrant telling our parents? Assessing that discretion was the better part of valor; I determined to only visit the bedroom if it was only occupied by one or the other of the girls. Two weeks came and went, and then three, and still Rachel hadn’t had that first period that should have occurred. Neither she, nor I, understood the significance of that, since neither of us knew that her first period was imminent when we had sex.
As it happened, it would be Jesse who would be the first to be alone one night when Rachel was having a sleepover at a friend’s house.
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