Executive Assistance


David parted the horizontal window blinds in his office, looking down to the empty cubicle where the new executive assistant he was promised would eventually sit. His imagination carried him away as thoughts of spying on her throughout the day played in his mind. The desk was positioned to face his office by design, allowing him full view anytime of anyone who would sit in its chair. Smiling to himself as he lowered his hand from the window, he realized knew absolutely nothing of his new assistant, other than she came highly recommended. Her attitude and appearance alone, he knew, could easily and immediately set the bar for their professional relationship. Pondering his last thought, David gathered his briefcase and other materials, paused momentarily in the office doorway then left for his next client meeting.

David’s schedule would have him all over town at various meetings and engagements, and it would be nearly a week before he finally made it back to his office. During his field time, he learned that his new assistant was now settled in and eager to meet. He smiled at the thought of her waiting to meet and wondered if she would have butterflies in the pit of her stomach when they would greet for the first time. David found himself excited and couldn’t help his building arousal. His fingertips lightly traced the outline of his cock through his khakis at the random thought of perhaps cornering her in an office late one evening; rape fantasy always seemed to excite him. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, David gently exhaled before leaving his car and entering the professional building, filled with hope that the new girl would be everything that he found desirable.

As he passed the cubicle on his way to the elevator, David saw there was no one seated at the desk. He considered waiting for her to return, but thought otherwise after a brief moment. Not wanting to look creepish for standing alone outside her cubicle, David continued to the elevator and slipped into his office.

The day went on and proved itself uncharacteristically busy. Between the numerous calls taken, the many little fires that erupted which demanded his immediate attention, and for constantly trying to manage the pile of work before him, David had forgotten about having an assistant altogether. The moment he heard the tap on his office door, however, he suddenly remembered there was indeed someone whose acquaintance he wished to make.

“David, there’s someone I would like for you to meet”, said Alice, the HR manager. “Meet Carmelia, your new assistant.”

Not trying to be obvious, David looked at and took in as much detail of Carmelia as he could. Her feet were beautiful, and he could not help but to imagine holding her toned calf in his hands while slowly sucking her tiny manicured toes. Her legs were toned, tanned, and smooth, and David knew that she had to be serious about both her health and appearance. Carmelia had been blessed not only with an incredible figure, but with beautiful breasts that, in all likelihood, had already brought powerful men to their knees.

Carmelia offered her hand to David, hoping her first impression made would be nothing short of excellent. When her eyes met David’s, she thought she noticed for a split second an odd reaction from him, but quickly dismissed the notion as he firmly gripped her hand and flashed her a warm smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Carla” David said, still gripping her hand.

“It’s Carmelia. The pleasure is mine to finally meet you, and I’m really looking forward to taking your direction in the office…well, anywhere, really.” Carmelia couldn’t believe what she said, but soon relaxed when she realized the two did not seem to hear her comment.

She was caught off-guard by David’s appearance, not expecting that he would be as young and handsome as he was. Her heart began to beat faster as she took in the detail of his face; his smooth skin and neatly trimmed goatee more than complimented the strong jaw line she saw. Entering his office, she immediately noticed he was bald with a clean shaven head, probably done each and every morning. And now, as she stood before him, his dark eyes seemed to pierce straight through her.

“We’re excited to have you on the team, Carmelia” David said. He glanced to his watch and excused himself, awkwardly mentioning a fictitious meeting he made up on the spot, to which he was now running late.


David opened his eyes felt his breathing begin to return to normal. He was a mixed bag of emotions at that moment; furious at himself that he found Carmelia so attractive, because she reminded him so much of a woman he loathed, but still very incredibly attracted to her. He decided he would have her, and in doing so prove to them both he was an experienced lover that would not - could not - disappoint. Glancing down, he saw his ejaculate dripping from the steering wheel and covering the front of his pants. With a heavy sigh, David removed the keys from the ignition and shuffled inside to shower, leaving the mess behind to clean for later.

Carmelia rushed home and headed straight to her bedroom. Dropping her clothes to the floor as she approached the bed, she was dying to make herself cum, still in awe over her good fortune. She not only had found her ideal job, but found her boss incredibly handsome, which instantly made her wet when they were first introduced. Carmelia spread her legs and rubbed her vulva, then slapped it hard, relying on the sting to further her excitement. She felt she had already soaked her panties from thoughts of David while driving home, and knew she would climax quickly once she began playing with her clit. Reaching behind her head, she pulled a vibrator from underneath the pillow and set it to randomly pulse. She closed her eyes as she pressed and rubbed the tip of the vibrator along the folds of her labia, occasionally stopping directly over her clitoris, then sucking on the tip as if David himself was standing over her face. True to form, she began to climax and felt her body shake, as wave after wave of pleasurable sensation coursed through her body. Turning the vibration to its highest intensity, she slid the length of the toy inside her vagina and began fucking herself vigorously, as if masturbation would be outlawed the next morning. Lightheaded from more orgasms than she was normally accustomed, Carmelia switched the vibrator off and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling while trying to catch her breath. She knew that she wanted to fuck David, come hell or high water, and hoped he felt the same animalistic attraction toward her.


After her first week on the job, Carmelia felt quite at ease in her new position. She loved the idea that David could watch her from his office any time he wished, and thought occasionally how she might tease him as he did so. If done at just the right moment, she would be seen by none other than her intended audience. The more she considered devising some deviant plan, the more she felt her excitement growing. Squeezing her thighs together, Carmelia momentarily closed her eyes, but was soon interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

“Carmelia? Hi, I’m Tyson, from the mailroom. Looks like you’ve got a little package here with your name on it.”

Carmelia exchanged pleasantries before accepting the package, then sent it aside momentarily, not wanting to appear overly excited. After Tyson had walked away to continue his rounds, she placed the package in her lap and slowly began to unwrap it. When she saw the image on the outer box, she knew it wasn’t safe for her to continue opening at her desk. Quickly grabbing the anonymous delivery, she brought it with her to the ladies room, and once inside, was relieved to see that she was alone.

David stepped back from his window as he watched Carmelia quickly walk away from her desk. He couldn’t see the package on the desk and naturally assumed she had taken it with her. After a few minutes Carmelia returned, and as he peered through the blinds, David noticed she was empty handed. Reaching into his pocket, he produced a small device with a soft-glowing LED, brought it to his lips and softly kissed it, then firmly pressed its contoured button. As he spied from the safety of his office, he watched Carmelia quickly sit upright, her palms pressed firmly against the desk. Watching her sit and barely move, David knew right away that Carmelia had taken the RF vibrator he anonymously sent and followed his direction by placing it snugly inside herself.

David opened the blinds and watched Carmelia as she sat at her desk, motionless. When she finally noticed the blinds had been opened above, she gazed in his direction to see him holding a small device in the air for her to see. With two clicks of the device, David watched Carmelia nearly slide out of her chair as the vibrator kicked into its highest setting. Her eyes locked into his, but it seemed that she only looked straight through him.

Carmelia sat staring at David, not wanting to move from her seat. She had no idea how orgasms she had had already, nor did she realize how long she had been enduring the constant waves coursing through her body. At long last, she saw David reappear at the window, again holding the device. He raised his hand to show her as he switched the vibrator off remotely, then stepped away out of her sight.


In the ladies room, Carmelia quickly found an empty stall and closed the door behind her. She tenderly pulled the vibrator out of her drenched pussy, wrapped it in tissue, and dropped it into her Coach. She had no idea whether she would willingly put herself through such pleasurable torment again in the future, but thought it best to not make any hasty decisions. After a moment of collecting herself, she exited the restroom and walked out of the building, blending into a throng of people leaving for the day.

On her way home, still recuperating from the near convulsive orgasms she had endured, Carmelia couldn’t help but notice a vehicle just a few car lengths behind her that seemed to have been with her for most of the ride home. To play it safe, she circled the neighborhood a few times, so as not to lead anyone to her home, if in fact, she was indeed being followed. After several additional minutes of driving, and satisfied there was no one following, Carmelia pulled into her driveway and made her way inside.

David stepped from his hiding place in the shadows and silently followed Carmela into her home, where she went straight to her bedroom. Before she could react, David pushed her from behind face-down onto the bed face down and climbed on top of her body to keep her from moving about. At first terrified, Carmelia didn’t know what to do, but the very moment she heard the intruder’s voice, her body began to relax and she felt oddly at ease.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are…is this some kind of game to you? Who put you up to this? Sheila? Was it that fucking cunt, Sheila?!” David screamed.

From beneath him, David thought he heard Carmelia trying to suppress laughter.

“There’s not a goddamn way in hell that you could look so much like her - not a fucking chance!But, you know what? That’s OK, because I’m going to teach you both, once and for all, what that bitch could never figure out for herself.” He thumped his chest as he spoke. “I’m the best lover you’ve ever had, and I don’t give a fuck what kind of shit you said in the past. That shit don’t even matter!”

Carmelia thought what he said was odd - did he somehow believe they were the same person? She suddenly wasn’t so sure whether he was simply laying the groundwork for some twisted fantasy, but decided to roll with it, anyway. “She said you had a little dick, didn’t she? That you weren’t man enough to do the job and make her cum - am I right? She probably fucked your neighbor to get herself off, didn’t she? Didn’t she?!”

David pushed himself off of her backside, dropped to his knees and reached up her skirt. Carmelia‘s panties, in which she had already orgasmed several times and were so very wet, came off easily. Carmelia gripped the fabric of the bed comforter as she felt David spread her legs wide and bury his face into her backside. She lightly moaned when feeling his tongue push against her pussy, now so wet with anticipation she could feel the wetness itself running down her thigh.

“Are you having trouble getting it up?“ David dug his fingers into her ass checks and spread her further. She could feel his tongue probing her pussy, licking the folds of her labia until finally landing on her overly sensitive clit, which he began to suck. He was putting forth an enormous amount of effort to please her, she knew, and had the notion it was her insults that triggered his performance. “Ah, that’s what it is…you just don’t know what the fuck it is that you’re doing, is that it? Whoever fucked you last…she tossed you a bone and gave you a pity fuck, didn’t she? Didn’t want to see you cry like a little bitch - am I getting warmer?”

Carmelia felt David slide his fingers into her pussy and begin fingering her roughly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation, but believed he could still do better hearing the right insult. “Who the hell fucked you over so badly? A girlfriend? Your ex-wife? With that last comment, David stood and grabbed Carmelia by the ankles, twisting her with enough force to flip her body to her backside.

“You bitches are all the same! You never know how good you fucking have it - always on the lookout for the next guy. Well, I’m the best fuck you’ll ever have!” With that, he unclasped his belt and quickly dropped his pants. This game he was playing - or whatever it was - obviously excited him; his thick, hard cock popped out of the front of his pants the moment there was no resistance. Carmelia saw his cock spring out and nearly gasped. It has been a hot minute since she had seen such a veiny tool, and she couldn’t wait to have it deep inside her. David pulled Carmelia’s body to the edge of her bed by her ankles and spread her legs further. Grabbing himself, he slapped his cock on Carmelia’s clit and watched as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. With saliva dripping from his mouth, he spit both onto his mushroom head and Carmelia’s pussy, then began easing himself inside until the tip of his cock disappeared. Then, without warning, he forcefully pushed his cock deep inside her wet hole and gave several hard, rapid thrusts, feeling his ballsack slap her ass each time.

“Are you even in yet?” Carmelia asked, feigning boredom. The more she degraded him, she knew, the harder he would try to please. Although not entirely concerned at this point of his outbursts, she thought better to still keep an eye on his reactions. No sense in trying to manipulate someone to get the best fuck of your life, if it might end with actual physical injury. “You know what? My tiny little fingers fill my cunt better than you…”

Midstroke, David leaned forward and let loose his hand, his fingers flying by and just grazing Carmelia’s nipples. The sudden stinging sensation made her eyes grow wide, and she nearly came when the second slap against her tits sounded. Doing her best to wrap her legs around him, Carmelia tried desperately to pull him closer, but seeing he was now dropping to his knees to again go down on her, loosened her grip. David’s mouth covered her pussy entirely, and he licked and sucked with a fervor as he teased her cunt with deft mouth and fingers.

Carmelia’s head swam as David continued to pleasurably assault her pussy. He had been extremely generous with his attention; licking, sucking, and fucking her since first following her inside the home. She would, of course, lay there and take it for as long as he wished to deliver. But moments later, Carmelia was surprised as David stood and pulled her off of the bed, commanding her to drop to her knees before him.

“This is not your fucking free ride; don’t you think that for one goddamn minute…open your mouth….wider…wider!” David bent over her and wedged his thumbs into her mouth, spreading her mouth and jaw wide. “You’ll treat my cock and give out what it wants; right now, it wants your throat.” His stretching her mouth caused Carmelia’s eyes to water, although she was turned on when he spat into her mouth. “There,” he said, “now you’re ready.”

Now standing before her, David pushed his cock into Carmelia’s open mouth, then slapped her hand away when she attempted to reach for it. Grabbing the hair on either side of her head, he guided her mouth up and down the length of his shaft, occasionally pushing her so forcefully, she could feel the bulbous tip of his cick slam into the back of her throat. With each thrust he gave, copious amounts of saliva fell from Carmelia’s mouth and onto the floor. Her eyes watered profusely, but she was incredibly turned on and couldn’t keep her free hands from playing with her pussy. Rubbing herself vigorously, she brought herself to orgasm once again before feeling David’s hand gathering a fistful of hair behind her head. She cried softly in pain as he pulled her to her feet by the short hairs of her neck and led her across the room to a large, overstuffed chair in the corner. Once he had bent her over the backside of the chair, he knelt and spread her cheeks once again, spitting directly onto her asshole. He slid his fat thumb inside her anus and waited momentarily for her body to finish shaking before speaking again.

“I knew you would love this part, having your tight little asshole stretched. You want my cock inside and gaping you, don’t you?”

“Yes…” Carmelia said softly.

“I’m glad to hear that, seeing how you don’t have a fucking say in the matter…”. David squared his body behind hers and spit on his dick, wetting the tip just enough that it would slide inside of Carmelia. “Grab yourself and spread”, he commanded, “because this is going to feel a little overwhelming.” Not knowing Carmelia was something of an anal slut, he pushed his cock inside her and slowly moved his hips back and forth. Before long, however, Carmelia reached behind and grabbed his legs, forcing David to fuck harder.

“Well, I know what your weakness is now…you’re an anal amateur, aren’t you? Did you learn this by watching your gay porn in mom’s basement?”

David dug his fingers into Carmelia’s waist and pulled her onto his cock, now fucking her tight ass with as much force as he could muster. Carmelia heard his breathing quicken and felt his cock pulsating inside her, and she knew he wouldn’t last much longer. As his pace slowed, she knew she would need to act quickly, if she wanted the adventure to end exactly how she wanted.

“Real men cum in a woman’s mouth…but you go ahead and do your thing, playboy.”

His thrusting slowed until he finally pulled out of her ass, spun Carmelia around and forced her to her knees. She willingly opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue, inviting David to unload the hot cum he was dying to release. Jerking his cock in front of her face, he tilted her head back to ready her to accept his jism. As he pumped his cock with a tightened fist, he felt Carmelia’s soft hand cupping his balls and could no longer delay the inevitable. With a gutteral roar, David let loose and covered Carmelia’s mouth, tongue, and nose with every last bit of cum his body produced since first meeting her.

David collapsed to the floor and lay staring at the ceiling. With the mess still dripping from her face, Carmelia stood over his shaking body and pissed on him, watching his face as she did. His eyes never left hers as the urine splashed from his chest, neck, and face. Lowering her body to his, she grabbed his face and plunged her tongue in his mouth, kissing him deeply. She knew that she had finally met a man who, with the right motivation, could make her sexual fantasies into reality.

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