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346 stories found
Helping my quiet and timid sonI'm Pamela 57 married to Ronald and we've 3 children 2 boys and a girl. The middle child is Alexander 23, he has always been shy and timid especially around strangers and most of all women outside the family. His older sister use to bring her girlfriends home and terrorize Alexander for fun. Till I stopped her allowance for a month, so she stopped. But the damage was done and I took Alexander for professional help, it help bring him out of his shell, But not the extent I wanted, I heard that whe... reading time 4 mingenreStraightwritten on
PamelaStepson"Jesus, you big pricked fucker!" I hissed between clutched teeth with my sun dressed pushed up over my ass holding on the kitchen cabinet as my stepson pushed his big dick into my overly stretched cunt to the hilt. "You like it you tight cunted bitch." He growled into my ear as he started saw away at my greedy slit. "Fuck me with that big prick." I hissed enjoying the feeling of his cock banging off my ovaries. I guess you could call me a slut or a who're. I kinda fit the bill sense I'm marr... reading time 4 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
Janice Joe Happy endind to sad accident. I'm Reggie 23 now only child of Beryl 45 now and Arthur (wouldn't let me call them Mom or Dad) both born again christians. Frantical christians I would say. Arthur was the local bible basher till his car crashed into a truck and he died 2 years ago. The police found Arthur had had a massive heart attack and was most likely dead just before the moment of impact. Beryl my mother was also in the car and was in hospital for a couple of weeks after. Beryl had some head trauma and some other injuries.... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Reggie KMy Aunt turned me into her playthingMy aunt Penny (Penelope) 47 married to Austin 59 and have 1 child Lucas 29 and he live on the west coast. Austin is a very busy man according to him, but well off and he neglect Penny as I found out by accident. Penny was home fucking some stranger and I saw her doing it and filmed her at it with my cellphone. I had come over for a swim, I was told by Austin to come over anytime I wanted too. I'm Albert 24 youngest of 3 to Penny's brother Thomas 51, my mother Alice 48 was having her ladies group... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Albert the playthingMorning SexThe bedroom is dark and quiet until the alarm blares. I roll over and bury my face against your shoulder. "Oh my God, turn it off," I mutter. You fumble for the phone and manage to stop the alarm. "Work," you tell me. I roll over and snuggle deeper into the bed. "I work from home. Go away," I respond. You curl against my back and press the lengths of our bodies together. Your arm curls possessively around my waist. "You don't really mean that," you tell me. "Come on, darlin, at least a quickie."... reading time 4 mingenre
Romanticwritten on
Trish MaineIgnorance is blissI was obsessed with total-enclosure bondage, and took advantage of my wife's good nature, as I became a "house husband" while she made good money as an office manager. Particularly horny one day, I gave in to my worst impulses, and mailed the keys to my rubber bag, to myself, knowing it would be in my mailbox the next day, through local delivery. Then I tied the bag round my neck, bringing the zippered opening right over my mouth, and the two tiny air-holes in place right over my nostrils, befo... reading time 4 mingenre
Funnywritten on
Ivan DonnellsonOne Night (Fucking) Stand!Has anyone ever had a “One Night Stand,” I have, and I’ve lived to tell about it. This story took place in Monroe, La. It was on a Saturday night and I was out on my own. On Winnsboro Rd. there used to be clubs galore. People of all ages hung out on Winnsboro Rd. because that’s what we did. Clubbing has it purpose, you want to have a good time, drink, do drugs, make a hustle on the side. It’s all a part of clubbing. In my younger yrs, I was known as the Party Animal. In fact I lived in clubs. I... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Jippjo-39Turned myself out (True story) - ChristineI'm a 25 year old "straight" male..for now. I really feel like I'm turning myself out. I've been convincing myself that I can live as a straight male. It would work for a while but then I would start to feel a tingle downstairs and all the nasty thoughts would come rushing in like a tsunami. I'm usually able to fight it off but this time it was different. I started to fuck myself with a sausage because I didn't have my toys anymore. As I was fucking myself it hit me that I had been missing out o... reading time 5 mingenre
Transwritten on
ChristineMy CousinI'm the only child of my late parents; they passed away a month apart in late 2023. I was born when my mother was 40 and father 45, I was 33 when my mother died first of heart attack. My father wasn't well and would pass away 28days later, natural causes, went to asleep never awoke again. I've relatives mostly old ones, one who is 30 now a second cousin. Related on my mother's side her niece had a daughter; she is like me in many ways. Lost both parents over the years mother in April 2024, finan... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Cousins are bestProperty Dispute I bought a house and several acres and moved in and was settling in, when a neighbor 59 I hadn't yet met came to my front and threaten me with legal action. He said I had stolen an acre of his land. I had my property refenced before moving in and I said I would check on it with the local council and do as they say. He then threatened to punch my lights out and I told him to leave. He threw a punch and as I was a martial arts trainer in the military, blocked and sat him on his ass. I then called... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Lucky RyanLong time best friends finally made itHi guys this is my first sex stories and my first experience on sex. I'm an average looking guy . I'm 5'9'' and have a good length of 6.2 inche dick and a quite satisfing duration. This is a story of 2107 April , her name was Preethi, she was chubby with a stats of 34C-28-38 with a nice big ass curves which drives any guy .. u could just live ur total life just by seeing her lower curves.. We were very good friends and to mention my female interaction sucks .. we u... reading time 5 mingenre
Romanticwritten on
PraveenMy NeighborI've lived in my apartment for 6 years and don't socialize with the other tenants at all, the walls are paper thin and who hear everything in the next apartment. But I'm lucky as I have an apartment at the corner of the building and so only one neighboring apartment. Carpets on the floor cut out most of the noise from below and above. My neighboring apartment had 3 young women living there, mostly as they didn't seem to be there every night or at least all there together. Two of them were to be ... reading time 5 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Good Horny NeighborBlack SheepI'm Iain 32 single 3 children and very well off financially, not from hard work but more just plain luck. I was kicked out of home at 14 almost 15 being the black sheep and started travelling the country, doing whatever got me what I wanted. I got in with some fairly shady people, nothing really bad. Cons mainly, but it was thru this I learnt to listen. I would rent a good suit and just sit in a bar nursing the same drink listening to others talking. Sometimes I heard nothing and others I heard ... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
IainInnocent woman turned toy- Chapter2Hello everyone, this is mike. Hope you guys liked the first chapter of "Innocent Woman Turned Toy- Chapter2". In the last chapter, I observed several typos. I hope you all forgive me for that. I'll try by best to keep the typos as low as possible. Reeba and I reached out respective homes. The next morning, we met again in the college. She was reading a paragraph from our literature book and was crossed my seat. I usually sit in the last. As she was returning back, I grabbed her ass and squeezed... reading time 5 mingenre
Exibitionismwritten on
Mike ReliamUnwanted Dog Sex 2Hi guys, so this is a real story of how i got raped by a Dog. About me: i was an 18 years old Boy when it happend, still a virgin and i was skinny and didnt Had much hair on my body Overall and im also just 1.65m high. I looked more like 15 or 16 some people would say. I Always had to proof my age when i wanted to buy alcohol even when i was already 25, which was pretty annoying but on the other Hand i will still look young when im 60 or 70. Im from Europe By the way. So what happend? I just w... reading time 13 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
D-DMoving to a FarmLast year my grandma Helen died of the corona virus and I was living with her at the time. I started living with Helen on the deaths of my parents 4 years ago in a car accident. My father parents had passed away years before and he had no siblings. Grandpa Frank had died in the same accident as my parents. Helen had 2 daughters my mother Belinda and Clare 37 my aunt widow no children. Clare lived on her late husband's family Chicken farm, left to him years before on the passing his parents. So a... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
BarneyI think I'm in love with my brother...I have a confession that I need to get off of my chest. It's been driving me crazy not talking about it but my brother and I would be disowned by everyone we know and love if they knew. I've been having sex with my brother. Ever since we were kids I have felt an attraction to my younger brother. We are a year and a half apart and are now 19 and 21. Our dad constantly worked and was never home and my mother worked from home and was in her office most of the time so it was pretty much just my bro... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
A.S.Found Family I was adopted and knew nothing of my parents, my adoptive parents only interest in me was the money they got to have me. Finally at 15 I ran away and got a job, not much but it was just enough to keep me. With me working no more hand out for having me, so they weren't interested in having me brought back. a few years later and several career changes, I got a job in a warehouse as a stacker. Slowly moved up the ladder, never had enough money to smoke of drink alcohol or drugs. I'd learnt to keep... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Real Family man My career was why I went aboardJust out of university and wanting to fast track my career, there was only one option go aboard. The politicians here are too busy playing crap politics, nothing is getting done and so I went where it is done. I got more experience in a month than I would in 3 years back home and not on tiny little crap projects, but major projects like we use to do back home before the politicians went mental. Anyway, I was almost 26 went I arrived here and not much of womanizer before. But as I got use to the ... reading time 5 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Husband of Four WivesSteamy days with cousinsMe and my cousins used to be always playing games hidden form the adults from the age of 8 itself. I have 2 cousins who are santhosh and kishore and I have to say they are younger than me by 2 years. Santhosh and me will unknowingly start smooching thinking its a game . He will touch me and kiss me in neck thinking I am sleeping.Attimes we will look at the mirror while touching each other. This was happening for a lot of times as yeara passed . Oneday when we were around the age of 19 santhosh a... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
SwethaFucking my friend's wife on their anniversarySo, like most Saturday nights this summer, Anna came by my place tonight. But tonight was different in a most awesome way. She came over on her anniversary. As soon as I let her in, Anna left no doubt about her intentions. Without saying a word, she pressed her body up against me and kissed me on the mouth hard. I kissed her back, pushing her up against my door as my free hand wandered up the front of her shirt. She was braless and I took full advantage, savoring the soft feel of her tits in my... reading time 5 mingenre
Group sexwritten on
wzzzyzkFirst time with my sister (story)This story is based on my real life fantasies. It was a normal day. I am a senior in high school living with my sister (let's just call her Julia). I came home from school one day to find my sisters room door open. I walk in to find her sleeping half her body covered by the blanket. I sit there and stare for a moment looking at her body. my sister works a lot so it's not a surprise to see her sleeping. ( this next part is based on a foot fetish, If you do not have a foot fetish skip the paragrap... reading time 11 mingenre
Incestwritten on
ThetabooheroA bit obsessed with cummingWell my latest best friend was my dick.It aquired that status after it started getting hard constantly.I wasn't too shy about it either.I had introduced him to all my family and many friends.It was pretty big because I got the same stunned reaction from all who met him.I immediately named him "reality."Because even back in the early 70's,I knew most girls needed to get a grip on reality.!! I was always grabbing it because it stuck out and would get painfully hard so I had to jerk off so the rele... reading time 6 mingenre
Masturbationwritten on
Mike G smooth-handjobaddictAn unexpected swapmy wife Juhi and i went to alibag for an overnight holiday. it was a bungalow with big rooms and we took one. it appeared to be empty and we were told that there is one other couple who came and went out. we had our lunch and siesta and in the evening went for a swim. there are a few hotel boys who were around to help and were happy watching Juhi who was in a two piece bikini. at 45 if you can do it you can think of her body.firm boobs and rounded well curved ass taken care by regular workouts. ... reading time 5 mingenre
Swingerswritten on
raulAdventures in a shared house part 3: Back storyI shared a house in the 1990s with my girlfriend and two other girls. We were all good friends and, as you may have read in parts 1 and 2, after a year or so of living together we all got a bit into group sex in various combinations. That summer – 1993 it was – my girlfriend paused her job in London and headed home to Ireland for a month. One of the other housemates also decided to take a break and did the same, heading to the US to see friends. This left myself and the one other girl alone in ... reading time 6 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
1990s Libertine