Adventures in a shared house part 3: Back story
1990s Libertine
I shared a house in the 1990s with my girlfriend and two other girls. We were all good friends and, as you may have read in parts 1 and 2, after a year or so of living together we all got a bit into group sex in various combinations. That summer – 1993 it was – my girlfriend paused her job in London and headed home to Ireland for a month. One of the other housemates also decided to take a break and did the same, heading to the US to see friends. This left myself and the one other girl alone in our shared house, bumbling along getting drunk in the evenings and having friends over. It was all very civilised – even if it did seem to mean that our on going sexual hijinx as a group were at least paused for now.
However, one day I came home from work to find my now lone housemate lying on the living room floor looking pale and groaning. "what the fuck? You ok?" I asked rushing over to her. "Ive really hurt my back" she said. I just put may bag down and something popped."
Poor girl was in a lot of pain, so I got her some painkillers and pondered what to do. Eventually I called the doctor, who in those days would make house calls if needed. He came that evening, looked her over, told her she'd pulled a muscle and prescribed her some slightly muscle relaxing painkillers to take for 10 days and told her to go to bed. I would have to be her servant for the next two weeks.
I got her to bed and went to pick up her pills. I took them straight to her when I returned and sat on her bed holding a glass of water ready as she opened them.
They were huge. Like massive, waxy torpedoes. "how am I gonna swallow that?" she exclaimed, looking crestfallen.
I laughed... you won't be needing the water, I said, These are suppositories. They go up your bum!
We laughed, her somewhat less enthusiastically than I did. "How am I going to do that, I can hardly move?" she moaned. She had a point. Then we both realised: I was going to have to help her.
By this point she was in a lot of pain and so, wanting to help a friend in need, I said OK I can do it. We are all friends here! And so, very gingerly she got her self turned over and on her hands and knees on the bed, her bottom facing me. "Well go on then, get it over with," she said.
I pulled her shorts down to reveal her (I must say beautiful) ass cheeks and, well, not to be too delicate about it, used one had to spread her cheeks and the other to push the tablet into her sweet, pink asshole. It slipped in surprisingly easily and as I pulled her shorts back up, I made sure to get a quick look at her pussy, just peaking out between her legs. Nice. This was to be our routine morning and evening for 9 more days and I have to say I rather enjoyed it.
As it became apparent did she. By day four, the pain was subsiding and she was much more mobile, but we thought it best to carry on with the treatment. So that evening, I went to her room when I got home from work, and she presented herself to me on her hands and knees as usual and I pulled her panties down, taking a good look at her pussy, and inserted the end of the pill into her ass and pushed gently with my finger.
As I did so she ever so slightly backed onto my finger and so the pill and my finger slipped into her ass. I sat for a moment not sure if this was a horrible friendship ending mistake on my part or the start of something fun.
She started to gently rock back and forth so that my finger was basically fucking her ass and moaned softly. The rocking intensified and my cock started to really throb in my pants. I then took a chance and, extending the thumb on my ass fingering hand, I started to let her also rub her clit against my digits.
She was dripping wet and I worked her clitoris with my thumb while gently fingering her asshole as her moans grew louder and more frantic.
My cock was by now fit to burst and I fumbled inelegantly with my other hand to try and get my cock out.
Wriggling my trousers and pants down with one hand I was now standing behind her, fingering her ass and rubbing her clit with my cock standing out like a flagpole. I slowly started to masturbate with my left hand while she fucked my right until she gasped "for god's sake fuck me..."
So I mounted her and slid my cock into her wet pussy and began to thrust. She, already way ahead, came really quickly, rubbing her clit with her hand while I fucked her. I was on the brink, but being a gentleman, pulled out and came all over her ass. A real wad of hot creamy cum all over the asshole I'd been fingering.
We collapsed on the bed exhausted and slightly nonplussed as to where this left us as friends.
But as we finished her course of pills over the next few days we did it a few more times, often me pushing the pill into her ass with my erect cock and then fucking her anally, sometimes just fingering her and then, when she'd come, being paid by having my cock sucked and coming in her mouth.
We never really talked about it and, once the pills had come to and end, we didn't do it again – well not until my GF and our other flatmate returned a few weeks later when we did all, much to my relief, pick up with our occasional group sex activities... but that is another story or two... stay tuned.
However, one day I came home from work to find my now lone housemate lying on the living room floor looking pale and groaning. "what the fuck? You ok?" I asked rushing over to her. "Ive really hurt my back" she said. I just put may bag down and something popped."
Poor girl was in a lot of pain, so I got her some painkillers and pondered what to do. Eventually I called the doctor, who in those days would make house calls if needed. He came that evening, looked her over, told her she'd pulled a muscle and prescribed her some slightly muscle relaxing painkillers to take for 10 days and told her to go to bed. I would have to be her servant for the next two weeks.
I got her to bed and went to pick up her pills. I took them straight to her when I returned and sat on her bed holding a glass of water ready as she opened them.
They were huge. Like massive, waxy torpedoes. "how am I gonna swallow that?" she exclaimed, looking crestfallen.
I laughed... you won't be needing the water, I said, These are suppositories. They go up your bum!
We laughed, her somewhat less enthusiastically than I did. "How am I going to do that, I can hardly move?" she moaned. She had a point. Then we both realised: I was going to have to help her.
By this point she was in a lot of pain and so, wanting to help a friend in need, I said OK I can do it. We are all friends here! And so, very gingerly she got her self turned over and on her hands and knees on the bed, her bottom facing me. "Well go on then, get it over with," she said.
I pulled her shorts down to reveal her (I must say beautiful) ass cheeks and, well, not to be too delicate about it, used one had to spread her cheeks and the other to push the tablet into her sweet, pink asshole. It slipped in surprisingly easily and as I pulled her shorts back up, I made sure to get a quick look at her pussy, just peaking out between her legs. Nice. This was to be our routine morning and evening for 9 more days and I have to say I rather enjoyed it.
As it became apparent did she. By day four, the pain was subsiding and she was much more mobile, but we thought it best to carry on with the treatment. So that evening, I went to her room when I got home from work, and she presented herself to me on her hands and knees as usual and I pulled her panties down, taking a good look at her pussy, and inserted the end of the pill into her ass and pushed gently with my finger.
As I did so she ever so slightly backed onto my finger and so the pill and my finger slipped into her ass. I sat for a moment not sure if this was a horrible friendship ending mistake on my part or the start of something fun.
She started to gently rock back and forth so that my finger was basically fucking her ass and moaned softly. The rocking intensified and my cock started to really throb in my pants. I then took a chance and, extending the thumb on my ass fingering hand, I started to let her also rub her clit against my digits.
She was dripping wet and I worked her clitoris with my thumb while gently fingering her asshole as her moans grew louder and more frantic.
My cock was by now fit to burst and I fumbled inelegantly with my other hand to try and get my cock out.
Wriggling my trousers and pants down with one hand I was now standing behind her, fingering her ass and rubbing her clit with my cock standing out like a flagpole. I slowly started to masturbate with my left hand while she fucked my right until she gasped "for god's sake fuck me..."
So I mounted her and slid my cock into her wet pussy and began to thrust. She, already way ahead, came really quickly, rubbing her clit with her hand while I fucked her. I was on the brink, but being a gentleman, pulled out and came all over her ass. A real wad of hot creamy cum all over the asshole I'd been fingering.
We collapsed on the bed exhausted and slightly nonplussed as to where this left us as friends.
But as we finished her course of pills over the next few days we did it a few more times, often me pushing the pill into her ass with my erect cock and then fucking her anally, sometimes just fingering her and then, when she'd come, being paid by having my cock sucked and coming in her mouth.
We never really talked about it and, once the pills had come to and end, we didn't do it again – well not until my GF and our other flatmate returned a few weeks later when we did all, much to my relief, pick up with our occasional group sex activities... but that is another story or two... stay tuned.
Continue to read from the same author
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Adventures in a shared house part 2: CFNM
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