One Night (Fucking) Stand!
Has anyone ever had a “One Night Stand,” I have, and I’ve lived to tell about it. This story took place in Monroe, La. It was on a Saturday night and I was out on my own. On Winnsboro Rd. there used to be clubs galore. People of all ages hung out on Winnsboro Rd. because that’s what we did. Clubbing has it purpose, you want to have a good time, drink, do drugs, make a hustle on the side. It’s all a part of clubbing.
In my younger yrs, I was known as the Party Animal. In fact I lived in clubs. If you want to engage in a one night stand, go to a club. There’s always someone their who’s willing to suck your dick or some gal who’s willing to fuck you. I liked going solo because of the autonomy it gave me. A few times; I went out with the boys, but they all wanted to fuck my wife.
Here’s the deal, true story. I’m going solo and sitting at a vacated table checking out all of the ass shaking going on around me. All of a sudden, this very attractive female asked if she could share this table with me. Of course I said yes! Her name was Sharon M. When I say pretty, this bitch was front cover magazine good looking. I’m stoked, surprised, not knowing what to say of do. Ugly bitches would try all the times to throw their pushiest on my. Ok, ok, it’s not considered manly to turn down free pussy, even if the bitch is considered ugly.
Sharon M. was so darned good looking, I couldn’t believe my eyes. She stood about 5ft. 8in.125 lbs. the girl had all the bells and whistles a guy wanted in a woman. To me, Sharon was the big Fish I let get away. She stumbled into my life and I treated her like the bitch she was. In spite of her good look, she had some how acquired a low self-esteem. The girl was fucking gorgeous and she might have had 99 problems, but a dick wasn’t one.
She wasn’t on any heavy drugs, the occasional marijuana smoker, a drink here or there, social smoker, an all around good girl. She was unemployment which might have contributed to her low self-esteem. Sharon M. was one persons whom I wish I had back. She was my water and I missed her when my well went dry. I think she eventually moved back to Chicago.
I titled this “One Night Stand only because I was able to get the pussy on the first night, within hours of meeting. To tell the truth, Sharon and I maintained a nearly two year relationship. It’s a shame that what’s good for the gander, is not good for the goose. We fucked on the first night upon meeting, so what! Is there a crime if a female/woman wants to fuck within hours of meeting a man. We men does it all the time.
Deep down, I think Sharon M. was a good person. She met a guy (Me) whom she was willing to fuck on the first night. Initially, I thought she was a gorgeous looking whore who took advantage of the value of her pussy. She was unemployed, her unemployment insurance was about to end. Her plan was to flash her pretty pussy, and I mean; she had a pretty looking pussy. I use too fall into a trance starring at her pussy. I never ate her pussy, because I never trust her, but I has so much fun fucking the shit out of her.
I missed the Fish that got away. Through the use of Facebook and other social media resources. I’ve tried to look her up on various social media connection mechanism, but have failed. There’s this old saying, “love at first sight,” may or may not be relevant, but definitely in my case, it certainly was fuck first, love later
She wasn’t looking for love, but she was looking for financial assistance. She didn’t even love me, she respected me enough to fuck me. The trade off was that I helped pay some of her bills. Oops! I almost forgot; I was married at the time. No good ass me!
This format is good for me, I can openly criticize myself and talk about all the fucked up things I’ve done in my life. It’s not all pretty and some of the shit I wish I could do over. Thank you so much for allowing me to express myself. I stumbled upon this site by mistake, but it has changed my way of thinking. SUCK A DICK! 😂
In my younger yrs, I was known as the Party Animal. In fact I lived in clubs. If you want to engage in a one night stand, go to a club. There’s always someone their who’s willing to suck your dick or some gal who’s willing to fuck you. I liked going solo because of the autonomy it gave me. A few times; I went out with the boys, but they all wanted to fuck my wife.
Here’s the deal, true story. I’m going solo and sitting at a vacated table checking out all of the ass shaking going on around me. All of a sudden, this very attractive female asked if she could share this table with me. Of course I said yes! Her name was Sharon M. When I say pretty, this bitch was front cover magazine good looking. I’m stoked, surprised, not knowing what to say of do. Ugly bitches would try all the times to throw their pushiest on my. Ok, ok, it’s not considered manly to turn down free pussy, even if the bitch is considered ugly.
Sharon M. was so darned good looking, I couldn’t believe my eyes. She stood about 5ft. 8in.125 lbs. the girl had all the bells and whistles a guy wanted in a woman. To me, Sharon was the big Fish I let get away. She stumbled into my life and I treated her like the bitch she was. In spite of her good look, she had some how acquired a low self-esteem. The girl was fucking gorgeous and she might have had 99 problems, but a dick wasn’t one.
She wasn’t on any heavy drugs, the occasional marijuana smoker, a drink here or there, social smoker, an all around good girl. She was unemployment which might have contributed to her low self-esteem. Sharon M. was one persons whom I wish I had back. She was my water and I missed her when my well went dry. I think she eventually moved back to Chicago.
I titled this “One Night Stand only because I was able to get the pussy on the first night, within hours of meeting. To tell the truth, Sharon and I maintained a nearly two year relationship. It’s a shame that what’s good for the gander, is not good for the goose. We fucked on the first night upon meeting, so what! Is there a crime if a female/woman wants to fuck within hours of meeting a man. We men does it all the time.
Deep down, I think Sharon M. was a good person. She met a guy (Me) whom she was willing to fuck on the first night. Initially, I thought she was a gorgeous looking whore who took advantage of the value of her pussy. She was unemployed, her unemployment insurance was about to end. Her plan was to flash her pretty pussy, and I mean; she had a pretty looking pussy. I use too fall into a trance starring at her pussy. I never ate her pussy, because I never trust her, but I has so much fun fucking the shit out of her.
I missed the Fish that got away. Through the use of Facebook and other social media resources. I’ve tried to look her up on various social media connection mechanism, but have failed. There’s this old saying, “love at first sight,” may or may not be relevant, but definitely in my case, it certainly was fuck first, love later
She wasn’t looking for love, but she was looking for financial assistance. She didn’t even love me, she respected me enough to fuck me. The trade off was that I helped pay some of her bills. Oops! I almost forgot; I was married at the time. No good ass me!
This format is good for me, I can openly criticize myself and talk about all the fucked up things I’ve done in my life. It’s not all pretty and some of the shit I wish I could do over. Thank you so much for allowing me to express myself. I stumbled upon this site by mistake, but it has changed my way of thinking. SUCK A DICK! 😂
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The Night I was Fucked twice by then same story
The life of a “Good Dick.”
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