Black Sheep
I'm Iain 32 single 3 children and very well off financially, not from hard work but more just plain luck. I was kicked out of home at 14 almost 15 being the black sheep and started travelling the country, doing whatever got me what I wanted. I got in with some fairly shady people, nothing really bad. Cons mainly, but it was thru this I learnt to listen. I would rent a good suit and just sit in a bar nursing the same drink listening to others talking. Sometimes I heard nothing and others I heard something big, like a horse that was certain to win on big odds or shares that were going to rocket soon. I learnt to pick the believable from the crap. Had some misses, but usually made money and that's how I got my money. I heard of a big buy out that was in the wind and used half my money buying shares and then worried I had made a big mistake. It didn't happen at the time I heard it was to happen and I was thinking of selling out. But I got picked up by the police and help for 24 hours then released no charge, I don't even remember why I was picked up. But that 24 hours stopped me selling out and the shares skyrocketed just before I was let out. I waited a few days then sold out just before they peaked and came away with a large profit 4 times my investment. I had other successes and a failure or two, but my Cayman's bank account was always increasing. I heard of building plans and purchased property before it was public knowledge and as I travel around the buyers had trouble finding me and so were desperate to buy it off me. They never suspected I had prior knowledge as I wasn't connected to anyone in the know. Not all my investment were from listening in a bar, but some came from watching finance news and buying and just waiting longer than I usually did. Finally I was able to buy a a house and property to live on and settle down. So I was determined to show my born again father I wasn't a failure. The property I bought was outside of my old sate. I returned to show off my success, only to find he had died 4 years earlier and my mother and 2 sisters were living in a run down house and barely getting by. I went to the old family home owned by their church, my father had given it to them. They had kicked my mother and sisters out as soon as my father passed away even before he was buried, they got by work low paid jobs and living it house that leaked and was rotten. My mother Barbara 50 and sisters Cathy 28 and Kylie 24 didn't recognize me at first, no one from their church tried to help them. They were left to fend for themselves, once they knew who I was, they were happy to see me. I told them I had a house outside of the state and told them they could live with me. As soon as I could I took them back to my home, getting them settled in and so it was. That was early in 2020, we had settled in none of us working. I still dabbled in the stock market and had learnt to use a computer in my travels so I was home most of the time. In April with the pandemic spreading we bunkered down and stayed on the property, we had chickens and a garden planted. Being always together and I was horny and unable to get a woman when and where I wanted. My eyes started to check out my sisters, but it was my mother I fucked first. She caught me masturbating in the shed near the chicken pen and she let me fuck her. Kylie was next to get fucked by me, I made a move on her and took her virginity and once I had done her. I decided to try and bed Cathy, which was harder to achieve. But she finally let me and I was quite happy for a time fucking all three of them and they all knew I was fucking the others. But of course I was more interested in the sex then precautions and Kylie missed her period than another and got tested and was pregnant. All tests showed the baby to be healthy, Cathy decided that if Kylie could have a healthy baby so could she and she got pregnant a short time later after the tests were done. Kylie had twins both girls in May 2021 and Cathy a boy in late July 2021. We always kept to ourselves and nobody knows we're siblings. Barbara is delighted to be a grandmother and still sleeps with me, Kylie is trying for another and hasn't succeed yet. Cathy is thinking about it but hasn't decided yet, both still sleep with me still.
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