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What I found out about my Brother.What I found out about my brother 24 shocked me, I'd always thought he was just a skinny nerd. But I found out he was the local Romeo, not with girls his own age. But with women who were the same age as their mothers, not actually their mothers. Any unattached or lonely woman in her mid-forties to mid-fifties he was their lover. I hadn't thought he would ever get laid, as he never tried to date girls around his own age. I'm 28 married and was sitting in the hairdressers and 2 women who lived in...reading time 2 mingenre
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Sister's respect
What I found out about my Brother.What I found out about my brother 24 shocked me, I'd always thought he was just a skinny nerd. But I found out he was the local Romeo, not with girls his own age. But with women who were the same age as their mothers, not actually their mothers. Any unattached or lonely woman in her mid-forties to mid-fifties he was their lover. I hadn't thought he would ever get laid, as he never tried to date girls around his own age. I'm 28 married and was sitting in the hairdressers and 2 women who lived in...reading time 2 mingenre
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Sister's respect
Man's needs come firstIn my family tradition a man's needs come first, in the old country it's always been that way and carries over to this day. Even in our new country, because of troubles in old country our family travel to a new life here and after 60 years we still practice the old ways. I was born here and married and by chance at the age of 31 2021 I became the family head as the last adult male. I had 3 children already and Covid had diminished the family somewhat. Which is why was family head in both my fami...reading time 3 mingenre
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Traditional Husband
Born outside of WedlockI'm Richard 64 married with 3 grown children, 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. I was born in 1944 to Shellyanne who was 18 at the time and father was Richard 26 at the time. Richard came from a very well to do family and his life was all laid out ahead of him. Marrying my mother wasn't part of the plan, he married in his own social circle and had 2 more children, both boys 2 and 4 years after I was born. Richard did take care of us, he bought my mother a house and found employment for ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Richard K
Mother FuckerI'm mechanic and I 24 still at home and why not cooked meals and my washing done. I keep my mother's car running great and she looks after me as always. My best friend married and moved across town and his mother 49 widow still lives next to my parents and I also work on her old car and keep it running for her. Since her son got married, she lives alone, but has family visitors every weekend and not usually on weekdays as she works as a doctor's receptionist. My parents went away in late April a...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Son's friend.
I married a woman I had only met a week beforeI'm well off and not a great looker, so when a pretty woman showed interest in me. I was hooked, anyway after a week she said she had to return home. I didn't want her to go and decided to go with her. She said her family wouldn't like her bringing a single man back with her, so I asked her to marry me. She agreed and we married and returned together, her family was little shocked by her being married. But it was done, and they accepted it. They ran a gas station come diner in a small town and w...reading time 3 mingenre
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Harem Man
A dirty old man was my Salvation. I'm 35 now and have 2 children 3 and 1, 5 years ago I was about to be evicted and had no job and no prospects also. There was an old man I use meet regularly and he and I use to talk at the diner I worked at. But it closed down and that why I was out of work, other staff at the diner use to tease that the old man fancied me. I always said no he doesn't, and the old man use to come in only on days I worked they claimed. But I replaced another waitress who was sick, and he came in then also. They...reading time 2 mingenre
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Younger Bride
Perks of the JobI was put in charge of the equipment and parts storage section of the company, it was promotion. But not the job I had hope to get, but I would do my best as it was only way to advance further. I have 23 people working in the section, of which 8 are female. 2 of the eight are married another 3 are supposed to be lesbians if you believe the gossips and last 3 are divorced or widows and are the youngest women employed in my section. Their ages 37,43,48 and I'm 31 single and wasn't in any relations...reading time 3 mingenre
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Perks Lover
Drunken NightWe had an apartment block party last Christmas, every resident attended and as we all had no work the next day, we partied hard. I (31) single at the time attended alone as I'd no girlfriend at the time. Can't remember much of the party and awoke next morning in my bed with both my neighbors (42 & 22) in bed with me and we were all naked and we'd had sex. No precautions taken and in March I married the daughter who was pregnant to me, and she and her mother have moved into my apartment. Her moth...reading time 2 mingenre
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Suddenly Married
Pandemic FunShort version, my wife Christine believed the bullshit about vaccines and got the virus and died. Likewise Henry my closest neighbor also believe the same bullshit and is now six foot under as well. Both had underlying health problems and it proved fatal, I'm Elliott 49 with 2 grown children who have their own lives. Henry's widow Caroline 46 also has 2 grown children and they have their own lives as well. As a result Caroline and myself started hanging out together and last year after over a ye...reading time 1 mingenre
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Elliott newly married
Unplanned I wasn't a marrying type of guy or that what I thought about myself. I had 2 brothers who had married and had children and so it wasn't a responsibility for me to continue the family line. I could as I thought have fun, that was how I lived my life. Dating women for sex without ever thinking of marriage, it was how my whole social life was arranged. I would meet a woman and once bedded I would move on. My career was going great and at 31 I was promoted and got a personal assistant Carol 39 wido...reading time 2 mingenre
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Unplanned Parenthood
Breeding SuzieI'm 34 and now married to my neighbor's daughter Suzie 22, I moved into my house in November of 2019. I soon got to know my closest neighbor's Rebecca and her daughter Suzie, Rebecca never married and was more interested in her career and had gotten pregnant at 25 and decided she wanted a career more than marriage and never told the father of Suzie she had gotten pregnant. With her career doing great she bought the house I moved next too, and they both lived there, keeping mainly to their selves...reading time 2 mingenre
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Arthur the Breeder
The Golf ClubI'm a member because it is the done thing in this town to be a member for someone of my social standing. I don't play golf, my prefer sport is sex. The golf club is a great help with my sport as a lot of older members have younger wives, who they neglect while playing golf. I decided to entertain these lonely wives while their husband chase a little ball around the course. I don't succeed all the time, but enough to keep me interested. But as I was getting older and not in any relationship, I he...reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Man gets married
Not married at the timeI've not found my soulmate as yet, but I've had relationships no wife among them. Anyway, I 27 do okay with women usually, just haven't found on to marry as yet. Anyway, I moved to the city and already well off and having a great job. I bought a house with 3 bedrooms and a single bathroom and attached double garage. I was settled and not in any relationship at the time, I got a call from my sister 30 (only sibling). Her mother-in-law 52 (mil) had a problem, her apartment building had a fire and ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Brother fucks MIL
Getting Pregnant Working low paid jobs and getting used and having no future as I saw it. That caused me to get depressed and I would've probably done something if I hadn't seen a story about a woman improving her life by getting pregnant to an older man. Short version the woman stated how she seduced a single older man and they married, and she got pregnant, and they went on to have 3 children together. The older man was 28 years old than her and was well off, I thought if I could find such a man my life would ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Life Changed
Family HonorI'm the youngest of my family and attending the local university, at 24 I wasn't great on the local dating scene. Meaning I didn't date, I've asked and was always refused. No real prospect of it improving in the future, but then fate took a hand in my future. My father's uncle's younger daughter 19 got pregnant and the man responsible cleared out as soon as he heard. It may sound old fashion these days but, in our family, it seen a huge disgrace and the family wanted to cover up the disgrace asa...reading time 3 mingenre
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Honor Bound
AdoptedI was 1 when I was adopted and never knew my mother who I later found out passed away when I was 6. My father was unknown and so in my final year of university, I done a DNA test to find out if I'd any relatives at all. I knew on my mother side I'd none, but there was a chance I might have some on my father's side, but it wasn't a high chance I thought. Suddenly I was contacted by lawyers and found out my father had been searching for me all my life. My mother had disappeared and had me and then...reading time 2 mingenre
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Found Son
My StepmotherMy mother Mabel passed away of cancer when I was 14 and my father Eric married again when I was 22, I wasn't keen on him remarrying at the time. I was a late children, my mother 36 at my birth and my father 45. So he 67 when he married Julianne 32 and I thought the age gap was too big. But as I was at university and not home much anyway, I wasn't too concerned. I already and a trust fund and was set for life. But I had to return home due to the corona virus and Eric had to keep away from everybo...reading time 4 mingenre
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Eric the younger
Back in 2015I was living quietly alone in my home and got new neighbors, a recently married couple. I was 34 at the time and worked from home and quite well off due to inheritance from my late parents. I wasn't dating or in any relationship, used a local lady 47 to get my rocks off. She cleaned my house and needed extra money and we came to a mutual beneficial arrangement. The newlywed couple were loud neighbors, well he was always shouting. He 35 had a high stress job and the slightest thing set him off, s...reading time 3 mingenre
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Accidental Husband
Favor for my sisterI'm the youngest of 5 and my sister is the oldest and at the age 38 she wanted her younger brother than 27 to provide sperm to get her wife than 33 pregnant. Yes, my sister is a lesbian has married her longtime partner. First choice was a sperm bank, but the forms soon changed their minds. The old folktale of a turkey baster came to the fore next and it soon was dropped also. Finally direct injection by me was desired as the least troublesome method. My sister is on the chubby side and her wife ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Good Brother
Playing House with my new familyI married my wife 24 in 2019 and moved in with her and her family, which her mother 51 widow, older sister 27 single and younger sister 22. Of course, we all know the pandemic started in 2020 and the lockdown that followed. As the only male in the house and my wife already pregnant, but still providing me with regular sex. Well, we could be heard by the others and after a time. They asked my wife about sharing me, she agreed and asked me to have sex with her sisters. Shocked at first, but I stil...reading time 2 mingenre
Group sex
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Group Husband.......
Sadness to HappinessMy wife died in a car accident with her parents, and I (36) was left with my 2-year-old daughter. At the funeral was my sister-in-law (32) 5mths pregnant with her son at the time, the father of the child had left her pregnant and broke and so her had been living with her parents. But stayed home the day of the accident due morning sickness and not wanting to go shopping. I was living in our forever home as my wife called it and my sister-in-law (SIL) was staying the condo her parents had at a re...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy again
Sister DearestI'm Neil 34 and I live with my only sibling Pamela 32 we're alone since our mother Heather died 3 years ago. Our father died in 2001 and so we've stay close and have been fucking each other Pamela was 20. Heather was bed ridden due to lung cancer for about 4 years and Pamela was her fulltime care provider. I had done university and gotten a great job after and lived at home while university. Heather's health hadn't been good for many years, Pamela couldn't go to university, as she had to care fo...reading time 2 mingenre
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Neil A D
Making up for lost timeBack in the 60's in Ireland you were lucky if a girl let you feel her tits after taking her out a few times. The first girl that let me feel her tits got very "horney" but would not let me go any further. Time passed and I got married to another girl and forgot all about this first tit feel I had. Then two years ago my wife’s nephew was getting married. The night before the wedding we met up in a hotel where the wedding was being held. I could not believe my eyes when I saw that the brides...reading time 2 mingenre
First times
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Great Fun turns to marriageI was 26 when I started fucking a work colleague then 44 and divorced. We had great sex regularly and it was just for our mutual satisfaction. I got promoted and still kept up the relationship, why not it was great sex and no hassles at all. I still dated and hadn't found a permanent girlfriend. But after a while I started wanting to start a family as my siblings had, feeling somewhat empty when at family gatherings and looking at my nieces and nephews. My sex partner has a daughter (only child)...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Man
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