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Boating with My Aunt updateJefferson again my aunt Tracey returned late January 2022 and brought her goddaughter Emily 23 with her. Tracey was back and straight into my bed and had Emily join us. Emily was the only child of very close friends of Tracey and late husband Johnathon, and they were her godparents and Covid took her parents in early 2021. Emily is a shy woman and Tracey had seduced her on her return and had decided to bring her back as our plaything and as a possible wife for me. Well, we married fairly quickly...reading time 2 mingenre
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Lonely ManI met a nice man in his middle fifties single never married and quite well-off and got on with everyone. I heard he was engaged back in his late twenties, but his bride to be, was hit and killed on a crossing by a drunk driver. He never dated thereafter as far as anyone knew. I (33) wasn't dating much at all myself and got promoted and found myself working with the nice man. After several months working together, we were good friends and could talk with each other about our personal lives. I fou...reading time 2 mingenre
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Co-worker to Wife
Private TrainingMy parents died in 2001 and I was raised by great uncle from the age of 2. He was a strange man and had beliefs most people would think strange today or even back then. My parents were killed on 9/11 and didn't my grandparents were unable to take me due to ill health among some of their reasons. My great uncle was 53 and the youngest of my close relatives and by the time I was 10 all my grandparents were deceased. My great uncle raised with the help of a housekeeper as he wasn't married. He work...reading time 2 mingenre
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Thankful Nephew
Using my NeighborI'll call myself John and my neighbor I'll call Susan, we live in a well to do neighborhood and I'm not usually anyone she would interact with. I'm 22 and she's 35 married 2 children married to an older man (53). I was lucky to be in the right place right time, I saw Susan with a stranger and they weren't dressed at the time and were getting it on as they say. Being a nosey person, I filmed her sexual relations with the stranger, not expecting anything to happen. I'm no player in the dating scen...reading time 3 mingenre
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John ?
One mistake and your branded for lifeSo, I then 26 fucked my drunk cousin then 20 and got her pregnant, it could've been anybody. But she was a virgin, and I took her virginity and got her pregnant. Our families blamed me, because I had taken advantage of her drunken state. So, I moved interstate, and I wasn't on talking terms with my family or hers. Only 3 years later I found out I had a son with my cousin then 24. Still not welcome by the families, my cousin was raising our son with the help of our families. A year later I got a ...reading time 2 mingenre
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The Incestuous One
Full SexMy sister had a single vehicle accident and I fixed her and as payment she let me fuck her ass. But it was the best payment as women I dated weren't willing to get ass fucked. Months later she had another accident, but at least she wasn't hurt. But her car was a write off as it had rolled down into a gully. It was an old car but was reliable for her and so I would have to help her someway. I found a slightly later model in fair condition and painted it to match her old car and got everything wor...reading time 2 mingenre
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Lucky Brother
Lottery Win I've never been a ladies' man nor gotten laid except by paying for sex. I don't drink much nor smoke or do drugs. My only vice was buying lottery tickets and the results matched my love life in success. Almost nonexistent, anyway as they say your time will come one day. Mine finally came and I was set for life, my parents were already deceased, I had no siblings. The only relatives I knew of was mother's sister Evelyn 48 and her daughter Rachel 22 and it was Evelyn who care for me after my paren...reading time 2 mingenre
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Duncan the cousin breeder
Daddy's AngelI married at 18 and divorced at 26 and had 2 children with my wife. Married due her getting pregnant and having a son then 18 months later a daughter. At the time of our divorce my son was 7 and daughter 5 and my wife got custody. She quickly moved interstate and my seeing my children was somewhat reduced. Then just over 17 years later, I was then 44 my daughter came to work in my home state. She had had a falling out with her mother over not wanting to go to university like her brother. She wan...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Father
How I Got MarriedJust over forty years ago I got married and still am and had 11 children all grown up and are happily married themselves. My father had died, and I had taken over running the family business and there was a outstanding loan on the books. The loan was to an old army buddy 52 of my father and my father hadn't much bothered with it over the years. But with his passing the accountants and government wanted everything fully disclosed was the term they used. I hadn't much if any contact with my father...reading time 5 mingenre
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Happy Large Family Man
Divorced NeighborI'm John 31 married to Jennifer 27, but we only started dating because her parents divorced. That happen 5 years ago and Marilyn 45 and Richard 52 divorced, they had one child Jennifer. Who was attending the local university at the time, I had just bought the house next door. I'm not an outing going person, I prefer to keep to myself. But did date and had a couple of relationships, anyway Marilyn got the house and alimony in their settlement and Jennifer preferred to stay with her mom. I work fr...reading time 2 mingenre
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John Combo lover
Wild PartyI'm Greg now 56, retired married with 3 grown children. Back when I was 19 almost 20, I went a big party with a group of friends. On arriving it was alot bigger than I had imagined it would be. After a bit of drinking and dancing, I met my older sister Kay 22 and she was there with some of her friends. She and they had been drinking alot and and they decided to stay with me and my friends. We were all drinking and having fun, after a while the party was still going. But we were tired of it and w...reading time 2 mingenre
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My wife caught meI'm married have 2 children and a beautiful wife, I was really horny my wife was pregnant and in the last month of her pregnancy. Sex was off the table and morning sickness ruled our lives. So, I was home alone, and my wife and son were out with her mother (widow) and should've been gone several more hours. Her older sister dropped by, and we started talking, her sister wasn't married and was between boyfriends. Well, things just led to us fucking and my wife had gotten and had returned early, h...reading time 2 mingenre
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Shocked Husband......
My Wife rewards MeI'm Chris 34 (Christen) married to Marla 32, 4 children and another on the way. I married Marla 8 years ago while working overseas and we came home and settled in our present home. Quite happy with how things were going. Then 2 years later there was trouble in homeland and her brother, father and mother died as a result, Marla was desperate to get her sister Kala 30 out to join us. Kala wasn't married as she was to look after her parents and after would go to her brother's home as a honored rela...reading time 3 mingenre
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Christen 2 wives
Trophy WifeMy uncle 64 married a 20-year-old because she looked great, and he wanted to show her off. She came from a poor family, and she was desperate after the pandemic had taken most of her family. Mainly due to no money for medical help and so they didn't get help. Nothing was ever free for them, so with only a younger sister 16 left marriage to my uncle was her only hope. She must have been really desperate to marry my asshole of an uncle. But due to my uncle's many health issues she at least didn't ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Horny willing Nephew
Why NotI'm Norma 46 divorced 2 grown children who have their own lives, married and pregnant at 17 so didn't go to university. My husband Mark finally decided he wanted to be free of me and we divorced, I got the home and an old car. He got his freedom (his words) and departed I got a job to get by and was doing okay until the business was bought out and merged with another. Still employed, but no extra work for extra cash and so it became a little harder to get by. Anyway we got a new manager Gerry 30...reading time 3 mingenre
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Norma J
One fuck and I was HisBrief history, I'm Lucille 25 and answer to Lucy and married at 20 2 children and one on the way. My husband Leroy was a Rev Head, liked driving fast and I got pregnant to him and we married and in late 2020 after being in lockdown due to the pandemic. On his first out of the lockdown he went driving, I stayed at home I was pregnant with my second child and had to visit the doctor and my mother Deborah 46 widow was picking me up. Leroy must have got carried away as he crashed his car rolling 6 t...reading time 4 mingenre
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I married my bossI got job at 16 and worked on a property just outside of our town, working with horses and property caretaker. After 5 years the property was put on the market and sold, my parents and 2 siblings had moved interstate the year before and I stayed put as I was earning good money. With the property sold I lost that job, but the owners I had worked for offered me another job interstate (not near my family) and I accepted. The previous caretaker retired he 67, the property I was the caretaker, and th...reading time 5 mingenre
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Happy Husband/former employee
I was told to MarryShort History: I was a bit of a wild youth between the ages of 14 and 19 and finally got into big trouble. My family then had enough of me and were willing to get me locked up, it was them who had kept me out of jail before. But enough is enough and they and were thru with covering up for me. Realizing I was in big trouble I asked what I could do to make up for my actions. I was told to marry a family business customer's daughter; I asked why I needed to marry her. I was told it would cement the...reading time 2 mingenre
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Forced Husband
Fucking the Family updateKristine and I married in April, and she was pregnant by July and not to be outdone her sister Janice got pregnant in September and their mother Carol is a bit clucky I think also. But I'm still get awesome sex from her not much from her daughters due to morning sickness and other things that affect pregnant women. reading time 1 mingenre
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Randy George
I went to a partyDoesn't sound all that exciting, except I was single going to the party and next morning I was married. At 31 great career and in no relationship, having just split up with my girlfriend. The party games started, and I remember a game called spin the bottle and then everything gets hazy. I woke up in a hotel room with a naked woman 27, I couldn't remember. I went to the bathroom and on returning saw a paper sticking out of my coat pocket. It was my marriage certificate, the woman still asleep in...reading time 2 mingenre
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Surprised and very Happy
I married for moneyShort history my family had money and I got to go the best schools, but my father lost all the money. But he decided to take responsibility and jump of a cliff, I was his only child, and I was at university at the time. My father was a risk taker and took too many risks each time hoping to get back what he had lost and add to it as well. My mother wasn't well after giving birth to me and she passed away when I was 12. Luckily for me my university fees were all paid up before my father died not b...reading time 3 mingenre
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Bought Husband
Not planned, but I'm got married.Years ago, I was more into parties then relationships. Then after a boring party I was heading home and came across 2 women who car had broken down. I've always been a car nut and had built my own cars since the age of 7. I got their running but told them it wouldn't last as there were many problems with their car. The women who were fruit pickers and wouldn't make the next picking area in time. Asked me if there were any cleaning companies in the area that might hire them. I didn't know of any,...reading time 3 mingenre
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Accidental Husband
The Maid now my WifeI'm Jason 32 and until recently lived and worked overseas, I'm a person who get want he wants. Meaning if I think I should get or have something I get it, I don't I should have things outside my range however. But things within my orbit I expect to get, so while working overseas I didn't expect to clean my apartment or keep it clean either. I hired a cook and a maid for that, the cook was in her late fifties and overweight. The first was similar and got ill and was replaced by a younger maid Mar...reading time 4 mingenre
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Jason is married
Split FamilyMy father had only one sibling an older brother who he didn't get on with. My uncle had done very well and was rich compared to us. My father owned his home and worked as a mechanic and was happily married with 3 children, I being the youngest at 22. My uncle had no children and married late and wanted to start a family at the age of 61. His wife was only 32 and my uncle had a prenup insisting she provide him with a child. No pregnancy followed their marriage and he became restless, she was desp...reading time 4 mingenre
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Very Helpful Nephew
My Mother-in-LawMy mother-in-law 49 didn't like me very much before or after I married her only daughter. The usual things like I wasn't good enough or had no future. But her daughter loves me and as it turned out I had a great future, albeit unknown to me or anyone else at the time. I was raised in state care and had no family at all as far as I knew. No, I didn't do a DNA test and found unknown relatives. But shortly after I married my wife a lawyer appeared and was interested in me, and he wouldn't say why. ...reading time 3 mingenre
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New Nephew
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