Born outside of Wedlock
Richard K
I'm Richard 64 married with 3 grown children, 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. I was born in 1944 to Shellyanne who was 18 at the time and father was Richard 26 at the time. Richard came from a very well to do family and his life was all laid out ahead of him. Marrying my mother wasn't part of the plan, he married in his own social circle and had 2 more children, both boys 2 and 4 years after I was born. Richard did take care of us, he bought my mother a house and found employment for her as well as extra money to make our lifes better. Things didn't go well for Richard, his wife Elizabeth liked to drink. Even before they married, Richard blamed her drinking for the health problems their younger son had. John died at 14 from complications from his life long problems and Bruce the older boy died when he was 20 and at university in car accident. He had been drinking a lot before the accident. Elizabeth fell down the stairs and died 2 years later, she was drunk at the time. So I was his only heir, I hadn't expected to get much and had rarely seen him in my life. But after the losing his family he started to visit more often. I was close to my mother and she wasn't interested in restarting their relationship again. But she didn't try to stop him seeing me, he took us both to Europe and visited his sister Katherine who was married to a count. Katherine's husband Otto was 25 years older than her and they had no children. Katherine was very goodlooking and was 4 years younger than her brother Richard. My mother returned home earlier than me, I wanted to look around Europe a bit more. My father had returned home for business before my mother. I was able to use Katherine home as a base for my touring. Otto was away a lot and I was alone with Katherine, apart from the servants. Onenight Katherine came to my bedroom and wanted sex, I thought why not and had sex with her. This was the the start of 3 months of fucking my aunt. When I returned home, I met and married Susan and we started a family. It had been 3 years since I had returned from Europe and Otto and Katherine came to the wedding. About 10 months later Otto died suddenly and his nephew Karl inherited the title and most of the estate as was the custom. Katherine returned to her family home, I was working for the family company and my family and my mother now lived near the family Estate. Katherine was still goodlooking and she want to have sex with me again. She would arrange for out of town business trips for me and would met me there. She didn't cause any trouble with my family for me. It was just sex, after 5 years of this my father Richard died suddenly while playing golf. Heartattack was the cause and I inherited his share of company and with the help of Katherine I got the job my father had had. Mother passed away in 2000 and Katherine had passed away in 98, I still married to Susan and we still have sex. I retired from the family company, letting my children take over it future. Katherine had left everything to me when she passed away.
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