Story search married

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Always in a rush I was doing well in my career and trying to get promoted as quick as possible, ay 31 and single. Not in any relationship and rarely getting sex, always in a rush. Anyway, there was a young woman 24 working in the same area as me, quite shy hardly ever spoke when I was around. Anyway, I was paired with her to do a job, she was to do the paperwork and I was to make the sure the job was done ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy new Husband
Caught so got marriedMy family is well connected and well off, but that comes with certain obligations. Like keeping the family name out of the news (bad news) and when I 28 was caught fucking the local minister's only daughter 19. I was given two choices marry or be cut out of the family inheritance. I have strong values and of course I married her, I really value money and didn't want to lose access to it and actually have to work to earn it. ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Obligated Man
My three MarriagesI'm Bernard 45 have 5 children and married Kristine 43, when I was 17 I married Kristine and had a daughter Mary and when I was 20 we divorced. I married again at 23 to Kristine and had 2 sons twins Richard and Ryan and we divorced again at 28 and finally marrying again at 35 and having another daughter Elaine and a son Bernard, we are still married today and still have a great sex life like always and we never had any other sexual partners ever. Even ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Family FunI (then 24) went to a family get together single and as a result I am now married. I'm the youngest of 3 and my siblings are both married, and my older brother has 3 children, and my sister has 2 children. My sister is the middle child and came without her husband who was on active duty in the Navy. But she had her sister-in-law (then 21) come with her and we all had great time and I slept with my sister's siter-in-law, and ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Accidental Father
Married Young, Divorced Young and now Married again.I'm Vernon now 39 married 4 children, I married Leslie at 17 and we were divorced at 21 and had 1 child then. Both done university and our family are well off and are neighbors still, so our son well loved and cared for. Leslie went a little wild at university and continued doing so afterwards. Then she died in a car accident at 28 years of age, I was sad she died. But still had my son and still living at home with my parents ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Marrying my DoctorI'm now 39 and I married in 2019, I'm nothing special in looks or build and fairly secure financially. My doctor 35 was working on contract, and she would have to return to her country unless she married or got an extension. Which wasn't looking good due to politics then and even now. I was not great with women and rarely dated, but I got on well with women. Just not in relationships, friends without benefits you could say. As the only single ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Lucky Man
Movie Story comes true for meI've seen old movies where the guy wakes up in a motel with a woman after getting drunk the night before and find out he is married to her. I was away with buddies celebrating a buddy soon to be married. Many drinks were had, and I awoke next morning in my room with a naked woman beside me and I had a hazy memory of a wedding. At first, I thought it was a dream, but then seeing a ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Drunk becomes Husband
Married then Divorced I got married young at 18 I had gotten my girlfriend pregnant, and we were married 8 years and then we divorced. My son was 7 and my ex-wife decided I should have custody of him, she had always seemed detached from him. But during the marriage I put it down to her university studies distracting her. I also was university and graduated a year ahead of my wife. With the divorce complete my ex-wife moved away and so far, hasn't come to ...reading time 2 mingenre
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OrphanI'm Dave 28 Electrician now married to Jane 26 and have 2 children by her. We married last year, after living together for 5 years and having the children. Recently I decided to have a DNA test with and had 1 match. It was Jane she is my sister and we were separated after the deaths of our parents. We were 3 and 1 at the time and Jane had tried last last year to find relatives with ancestry and none had shown up. She ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Married AgainI'm Tony 34 with 1 child Andrea 5 and I recently married Charlotte 32, my first marriage broke up. When my ex wife Dianne got caught in bed with another man Ralph by his wife. Dianne and Ralph married shortly their divorces and Dianne didn't oppose my custody of Andrea. She said her words I don't want to be saddled with your brat and it was in front of the judge as well. She got half the assets and and the debts, I kept ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Tony B
MarriedI married in 2018 and living my husband's family on their 33-acre property, his parents are quite well and so is he. He has only one sibling a younger sister 23 very shy and keeps to herself. It was more than year of me being married to her brother that she relaxed enough to talk to without being told too first. My parents died in 2016 (car accident) and I only have a younger brother 25 mechanic and single. Lost his job due to ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Surprised Sister....
A good Deed 2There was a slight change in my work requirements made by Cheryl, she decided I should get married as there might be some talk with the 2 of us being alone quite a bit. But she still wanted me riding her and so she selected her only daughter Karen 24 as my wife. Karen is the youngest of 2 and is very shy and is going to the university in the city and while she home Cheryl got her to join us in ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Gordon boss rider
Married due to a mix up and a threat of a shotgun.Years ago, my next-door neighbor's daughter got pregnant, the father wasn't happy to say the least. When pressed she named "James" as the father, I'm James not the James responsible, but the only James the father knew. My parents were in the same church as our neighbor and believed I should take responsibility for my actions. Even with the daughter saying it was another James didn't change their willingness for our marriage. So, I duly married my wife and probably ...reading time 2 mingenre
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James happily Married
Married Divorced Short history I married at 20 and got pregnant soon after and then had a miscarriage and was left unable to have any more children as a result. My husband wanted children and divorced me a year later. Depressed and rejected I moved away from family and friends to find a new purpose for my life. But kept in touch every now and then, after seven years I met a much older man. He had children and had lost his wife ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Very Happy again
My Grandma's Gambling Habit updatedLast year my grandma Heather lost gambling on a horse and needed a loan. I loaned her the money and she came over later with a cake as a thankyou and caught me masturbating. That's how we started having regular sex together, when her was raised she moved in with me. Sex is a regular thing between us still and she has gotten her friend Briony 61 widow to fuck me also. Briony is a quiet reserved woman who rarely go ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Kevin I
My Sister, Girlfriend and WifeI've 1 sister and after years apert and both having failed relationships we came back to living together. One thing led to another, and we started a sexual relationship and thus she became my girlfriend. Then she got pregnant and after every test showed no problems we decided to marry. Even with the same surname it was a hard thing to do, because we were apart for years and had different state licenses and showing those we married and then we ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Not so Virgin SisterMy sister the perfect bride married into a wealthy family last month. On getting engaged she had to prove she was a virgin and was examined by a doctor for the grooms family. Which she passed as she was at the time a vaginal virgin. Her vagina had never been fucked, but her ass I've been using regularly for over a year. Her vagina is the only hole I hadn't cum in and it wasn't because I couldn't have fucked ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Sister Fucker
Twin BrothersI met my now husband just after university, he was a smooth operator and seemed to be a real go getter. Anyway, he got me and only after I married him, did I realize I had married the wrong brother. My husband wasn't the one I saw pictures of skiing, riding horses and parachuting. It was his brother the book worm, the one who I dismissed as boring. On my visits to their family home estate, I saw trophies, pictures ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Satisfied Wife
Gated CommunityReally long story short. I'll say I'm 55 and I'm married have 2 grown children who are out making their own lives. I like sex and my wife isn't so keen anymore as she has several health issues. But does provide me with sex, we live in a quiet gated community and know everybody who lives here. We're at the younger end of the people who live here, and most are over 60 and either married or single i.e., divorced or widowed. ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Family FarmI've always been a farmer and had left home to work on farms around the country. Being the younger son and the older would inherit and the farm was too small to split up between us. So, I travelled around working and saving my money as much as possible. I don't drink much and never smoked or do drugs and met a nice girl in my travels and we married and had a daughter and my wife got killed in ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Farm owner
DrainedI joined a country folk group, not expecting I was joining a sex club. I was 46 recently divorced and just wanted a social group to distract from my divorce. Most of the group were women ranging in age from 35 to 70 and the few men were around 60 married to women in the group. None of the group nor me were what you could call stunningly attractive, average is term I use, and it is overstating it a bit. After my meeting ...reading time 2 mingenre
Group sex
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Totally Drained Regularly
Happily MarriedI'm now 42 married and have 2+ children, my wife is 39 and an only child. Her father passed away in early 2021 heart attack at 63 and her mother 57 came to stay with us. In 2022 my wife asked to include her mother in our lovemaking, which was a bit of a shock at first. But I'll do anything to please my wife and her mother started joining us and as my wife is again pregnant (7months) her mother provides most of my sex at ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Blessed Man
StepmotherYou hear all the stories of the evil stepmother, well mine isn't anything like that. She is the nicest woman I've ever met, except for my late mother I should say. But I was 6 when my mother passed away and I have little memory of her. My father threw himself into his work and for 20 years or so that was all he done. He was older than my mother by 7 years and he had married her at 39. He was 42 when ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Ex Stepson
Beautiful RelationshipI'm 27 married 2+ children, I married when I was 23 and married my boss's daughter and everything is perfect. My wife is a stay-at-home mother 25, and we live across the street from her parents. Nothing out of the ordinary in that. Her mother is 51 and her father 63 and he seemed to lose his sex drive and started playing golf and not fucking his wife all that much. My wife really loves her mother, and she asked me to take up the slack ...reading time 2 mingenre
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MIL's Stud
Drunken NightYou hear about people getting drunk and waking up married. I've always thought it a load of bullshit and I've been drunk many times and never ended up married in the morning. Getting drunk only led to me getting married, the place the end of year work party. I was the only single male; she was the only single female at that party. We drank too much and ended up in bed together and had sex. We were both a ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Turned out Great
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