Perks of the Job


I was put in charge of the equipment and parts storage section of the company, it was promotion. But not the job I had hope to get, but I would do my best as it was only way to advance further. I have 23 people working in the section, of which 8 are female. 2 of the eight are married another 3 are supposed to be lesbians if you believe the gossips and last 3 are divorced or widows and are the youngest women employed in my section. Their ages 37,43,48 and I'm 31 single and wasn't in any relationship. Overtime became available every now and then and it was up to me to choose who got it. Not that many wanted it either, the men usually got most of the shipping and packaging overtime as they worked in that area. There was some overtime in women's area also not as much as in the other area doing the paper and computer work. That where I usually choose who got it, but it was just done on a who wants it basis. Neither the married nor lesbians ever put their hands up for it. Only one woman was required at any one time for doing the overtime. I put up a notice and the 43-year-old got the first few bits of overtime. But as is usually the case when rumors start people forget they didn't want it at the time and only later think they were passed over for it. The 43 had a reputation for sleeping around, which I hadn't heard at the time. None of the 3 were anything to looks at, plain at best and not overweight very much. It didn't concern the married or lesbians, but other 2 thought they were missing out because 43 spread her legs for me. So, 48 offered me sex for the next bit of overtime and I took her up on the offer and fucked her. She got the next overtime, 43 didn't want it at that time anyway. So, once I had fucked one it was proof of sex being required to overtime. Nobody thought it should be reported to higher management and so 43 hearing how 48 got overtime. Offered herself for sex also as she now thought it was the new way to get overtime. Regular weekly sex with each of the two followed. 37 didn't seem to want overtime and it was between 48 and 43. But all good things come to an end 47 met a man and left the company and soon followed by 43. So, my fucking them stopped and they weren't replaced as the company is downsizing and computers are being upgraded to take up the work. I also met a nice woman 27 and we're dating and sleeping together regularly.
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