Planning makes my world.
I'm 32 5'6" a bit overweight and going bald. I'm not that great looking and I work as a strategic planner in a multi national company. After university I got this job for planning future directions of the company. I'm not the only one, there is a whole department. As I'm not good looking, I plan my seductions of females well before making a move. I look for the lonely and the less attractive women. Overweight and a disability not a problem. My first conquest was cousin Julie overweight, thick glasses and shy. I knew if I could get her into my bed, I would have great way of getting others as well. It took a about 4 weeks to get her into bed and I still enjoy her company 7 years later. I started by going to places she would be and talking to her. Building a close bond with her and going to some movies with her, among other things. My plan was to bed her on new years eve. Being in a big city away from family makes for a lonely night. It also helped to get her a bit tipsy, but not too drunk that that would regret the night. After Julie came Clare 45 wife of my former section manager, she was skinny and had a annoying high pitched voice that some women get when they start to mature. Her husband kept going away on business trip, mainly to get away from I think. I met her at the department christmas party, I talked to her and after finding out a few bits of info on her habits. I started to make my plans. Six months later I got her into bed and we had fling for a year. Then he was transferred overseas and she was gone. Not that I was only sleeping with her, there was Clare and the old checkout lady 57 Marge divorced overweight and very willing. But she married an old flame and moved away. Even Clare got married and she didn't sleep with me for almost a year. But Ken her husband after the first 6 month turned into a once month guy and she wanted more. So I keep looking for new women, even now I engaged to be married to Pauline 30 great rack and body, plain looking but a good catch. Her fathers the local church Minister. She started with our department last year and is now 8 mths pregnant. We're getting married in 4 mths it helps that Grandfather is paying for the wedding and home for us. But I'm still planning with other women in my sights, I just started cooking lessons as there a woman teaching them, I want to bed.
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