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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 06The next morning at the hotel, baby Maia had not yet awakened to demand her morning breakfast. It just so happened, that it was Eino Tarvas who was the first to open his eyes. Recollecting the previous morning, whereupon Vivian had awakened him with a good morning fuck, he decided to return the favor. Just gazing at the naked feminine beauty of Vivian was sufficient to arouse his libido and stiffen his cock to copulation readiness. As Eino approached her to engage her in a sexual intercourse ac... reading time 31 mingenre
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Awakened Once I had discovered masturbation the switch had been flipped, shit I did it at least two or three times a day. I swore it was going to fall off from being jerked so much. Needless to say sex became a preoccupation of my every waking moment. Be real what eighteen year old male doesn't spend half his life thinking of food and the other half thinking of sex. I had a routine where I would get home from school and head to my room to "do my homework"; which of course required a relaxation session... reading time 42 mingenre
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Kaylee Anna Marie Young
A walk in the parkAlison was lying on her stomach on her bed. She could feel Jerry´s cock head poking in her bum crack searching for her pussy. Lift your butt up a little Ali, Jerry asked; so I can put a pillow under you. Alison lifted her bum up a bit and Jerry shoved a pillow under her tummy and hips. Oh yeah baby, now your butt is sticking up nicely, Jerry said with noticeable excitement in his voice. He massaged Alison bum cheeks and pulled them apart, to view her butthole and pussy. Hmmmm, he grunted and pos... reading time 52 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 12Once the photos were taken, the ladies perceived that Toivo Saar needed some recuperating time before proceeding to a very intense scene. Consequently, Vivian got up to fetch some wine glasses and a bottle of Egri Bikavér (bull's blood) the Hungarian wine Eino had introduced to her. She had in consequence acquired a taste for it, and thus upon registration, she ensured that the hotel would stock this wine in the suite for private consumption. After each one had taken a sip, they were all univers... reading time 35 mingenre
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Forbidden IslandForbidden Island an erotic novel by Eric Shon PROLOGUE Light from the setting sun glinted off the rim of the glass, the fine white wine within it running its legs down the bowl and back into the pool of white gold. The man holding the glass by its delicate stem between two fingers gazed from the veranda of his spacious home at the waves rushing up on the beach in an insistent whisper a mere hundred yards or so away, the warm December ocean breeze teasing the grey-flecked hairs at his tem... reading time 197 mingenre
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Eric Shon
A Casualty of ChanceIf Kelli Zellers had a fault, it was the fact that she couldn't easily say the word, "No". It was a trait borne somewhat out of her DNA, her Mother was such a sweet woman that most who knew her thought she was a prime candidate for Sainthood. Between the selflessness Kelli showed with her Husband and two daughters over the years, not to mention her chosen career as a registered nurse, Kelli had long ago given more than she would ever take on this Earth. That word, "No" often crept out of her lu... reading time 176 mingenre
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Connecting With Neighbours Ch 03Darcy entered his driveway, killed the engine, and quickly opened his front door. He had arrived home before Margot and was uncertain how far behind she was, but, first things first, he needed to answer the call of nature. As he washed up, his phone rang. He quickly wiped his hands and answered the call without looking to see who it might be. It was his wife, and despite his initial feeling of slight agitation, he played a straight bat and diligently followed the conversation. The upshot of her ... reading time 46 mingenre
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A Casualty of ChanceIf Kelli Zellers had a fault, it was the fact that she couldn't easily say the word, "No". It was a trait borne somewhat out of her DNA, her Mother was such a sweet woman that most who knew her thought she was a prime candidate for Sainthood. Between the selflessness Kelli showed with her Husband and two daughters over the years, not to mention her chosen career as a registered nurse, Kelli had long ago given more than she would ever take on this Earth. That word, "No" often crept out of her lu... reading time 180 mingenre
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The Size Matter Society Pt. 01Chapter 00 - Prologue (How everything started) The transformation of our world from a capitalist society to a society where penis size determines social hierarchy was a long and tumultuous process, shaped by a multitude of factors and forces that worked together in complex and often unpredictable ways. Yet, at its core, this transformation can be traced back to a single, catastrophic event that forever changed the course of human history. The event in question was a widespread loss of fertilit... reading time 42 mingenre
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Cousins with Benefits"Mel, are you texting again? Who is it this time?" Mel looked up from her phone and out the windshield. "Oh, just a friend," she replied, grateful that her driving step mom couldn't actually read what was on her screen. "Not another boyfriend, I hope." Mel rolled her eyes. "Come on..." "Honestly, you had how many boyfriends this year?" Mel looked out the window on her right. Always the same conversation with Sally. "Only two, really." "Hmm...Well, I hope you've been safe." Now that was ... reading time 63 mingenre
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The GovernessIt was hot, very hot and Richard had been walking quickly for over an hour. The sunrays filtered through the treetops, blinding the boy's eyes as he looked up. 'Not much further', he thought as he began to mount the rise that led to the lake. Richard was dressed, as were all boys at the orphanage in long grey flannel shorts, that came to his knee's, a heavy flannel jacket, long grey socks, ending in black boots. His shirt was soaked in perspiration with the effort of the long walk. Richard... reading time 576 mingenre
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Jane Marwood
Unexpected Company -- (incest, tease, slow burn, niece, fM, fFM) -- PART 2A bachelor living alone out in the country gets a surprise visit from his sister's kid who turns his world upside down. ================================ "You're dead now, buster!" She turned on me with the devil in her eyes, an evil smile on her lips. She twisted and then stood on the bed looking down at me. Looking up at her I could just see the upsweep of her breasts under her shirt, and her pubic mound tightly concealed by the silky fabric of her panties. She executed a perfect WWF re... reading time 56 mingenre
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Eric Shon
Libby's Game LIBBY'S GAME. The young male lay down in the morning sunlight, that streamed into the den, lightly warming his skin. His eyes closed and he slipped into a Dream... . . . The Pack-Leader wasn't going to return. The thought had coalesced slowly, from early on, when he simply wasn't around, to months having past without his presence in the den. Earlier, when only weeks had passed since the Pack-Leader... reading time 232 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Sand Angel Mondays were the worst. All through the college, tales of the weekend's conquests and defeats, often lies but sometimes truths were swapped, traded and bandied about. Naturally, some of them were about me. I had schooled myself not to react, not to show the hurt that they caused. But through the hubbub of people talking, my ears focussed on every person that uttered the word "Slut!", knowing that, in all likelyhood, they were speaking about me... often lies but sometimes containing a grain of ... reading time 81 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Phoenix EnvyCherry blossoms are falling, it's the beauty of the fall. It's a perfect moment in reflection that reciprocates a geisha designated as Phoenix Jade knee down in mediation underneath a cherry blossom tree. It's absolutely spectacular for eyewitnesses, not only because the secluded renown geisha but the beauty of the cherry blossoms falling with the rain dew. Each drip from a cherry blossom leaf represents the Astro Plains which our entire universe resides, and somewhere the supreme goddess but no... reading time 432 mingenre
Science fiction
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Phoenix Envy Glorious Goddess. @
Siblings loveEverything starts with a story. You know, the kind of story where the pieces of a new reality slowly swirl together only to take shape when it collides with your own predictable life, making you see things differently than when you woke up that day? That's how it all started for me. Lorena, and my little step-brother Beto. We were in a tangled web of lust and desire, having left the well-defined paths of good and evil behind.  I arrived late at night on a night like any other, that night I'd b... reading time 113 mingenre
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Domesticating the Fucktoy“Ok then bitch. You may swallow.” Just as she started to gulp down the man cream, Ryan flung his belt straight up behind her between her legs, the rough leather snapping with a Crack! right onto her delicate pussy. “*gulp! AHH! *Cough” NGHHH!! o-oh my-*cough-gawd!!!” Throat convulsing, Chelsea fell over onto her side and clutched at her sex, while she spluttered and choked on the cum, trying her best to keep it in her stomach. Her pussy burned and a nice red stripe angrily colored her soft sex ... reading time 114 mingenre
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Domesticating the Fucktoy Pt. 2Domesticating the Fucktoy Pt. 2 Chelsea painfully adapts to her new forced life as a plaything. Chelsea really was becoming quite adept in the kitchen. Her doting owners, Mike and Ryan, the two corrupt cops that had kidnapped her four months ago, would spoil her with new ingredients and recipes for her to try her hand on all the time. She had a book propped open on the counter, turned to the page titled “Chocolate Drizzle and Truffle Torte.” She pushed some blonde locks of hair out of her gentl... reading time 101 mingenre
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