Phoenix Envy

science fiction

Cherry blossoms are falling, it's the beauty of the fall. It's a perfect moment in reflection that reciprocates a geisha designated as Phoenix Jade knee down in mediation underneath a cherry blossom tree. It's absolutely spectacular for eyewitnesses, not only because the secluded renown geisha but the beauty of the cherry blossoms falling with the rain dew. Each drip from a cherry blossom leaf represents the Astro Plains which our entire universe resides, and somewhere the supreme goddess but no on has ever knew of her name the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni? Her name has been associated with divine, diva, and admire, usually archaeologists would rather study her nemesis the Forgiving Sun. The actual goddess she lost too is known as Taiyou Tenteki, thus archaeologists associate the Forgiving Sun as her nemesis. The supreme goddess is the creation of humanity! Even though the supreme goddess is still accepted as humanities previous universe, archaeologists still felt the need to search for the original body of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni because she walked on the Earth's core, forcing it to spin on its own axis.
A supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni was built because of the effects of the Zodiac Destroyer. Her eyes attempted to reach out and grab the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni from the virtual world that protected Shira Darknfire since the Zodiac Destroyer felt there abilities were of typical humans. She felt every block from the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni bought her closer to receiving the knowledge of the supreme goddess. Frustrated the Zodiac Destroyer grabbed the zodiac of the Phoenix, infecting the body idol of the supreme goddess with the virus of purity, the myth of the tainted water of the Omega Evangelion's Sun and Moon river soul. The gigantic body idol of the supreme goddess arouse out of the second largest Phoenix Sakura island.

Her mother began the explosion of the universe or the big bang, two goddesses within the void attempting to allude the dark matter entity. The explosion immerse entire void deriving infinite velocity from the east and west, she was the center of the universe. Though the void must still exist, the universe was created. Her daughter, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, was born three hundred years later as a nebula. During the duration of thousands of years, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's mother attempted to occupy the void. It was written in ancient civilizations that she was attempting to protect herself and her daughter from the dark matter entity. It's our today, our tomorrow, our ancestry, our past, present, and future that we currently exist in the supreme goddess's body. "Thee branding a image on your birth mark through your beast spirit, through the goddess water that will give you a admittance in this new dimension, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stated. "Through you drinking the water and the Book of Mirror's touching the water. Through the temple, through the palace, through the pyramids you will see the world,"

Our legacy is written in our past, present, and our future in our aspirations for the future. Within the ability to read and write, we Thus her have a legacy has been passed down for billions of years to millions of years by nomads, dwellers, and royal families. By those who can speak orally and those who are capable of reading, deciphering stories that are descended to us by those with power.

We cast our freedom by knowing that a supreme goddess exists but not the expenditures of the supersonic carrier jet Sky Sunlight Cloud or the tactical car named Phoenix Style Tracker that has been completed near the original Gaia City on the resident of the Kunoichi Hanamachi. There a breeze of reminiscence that perpetuates a tear from the newly designated goddess renown as Phoenix Jade.

What was seen, what was not seen, the entire Astro Plains was reincarnated including the continent of Earth, similar to some sort of holographic technology. Her silk dress flew everywhere reincarnating the entire universe, which was woven from her dress as Cosmic strings or String Theory Her finger nails grew, her eyes glowed, the sun brand blazed solar flares and the Phoenix Jade birth mark flew, offering tribute of Phoenix Jade statues once the Earth had been revived. Once a universe is created, it can never be undone. The Phoenix Jade beast spirit clamped down on her forcing her to become a child once more. The geisha of the Kunoich Hanamachi designated her Phoenix Jade after the Jade statues. Time revolved swiftly and she became the heralded geisha she once was.

There are Phoenix Jade statues derived at the entrance of the Kunoichi Hanamachi and around the entire mountain, which my name is descended. It's for protection against intruders. The Kunoichi Hanamachi should be described before my first chronicle in to the Fictitious Book, currently it's to whom that is Phoenix Jade is currently at the art museum.

Act 1.

Scene 1. The Phoenix Mansion within the residents of the Kunoichi Hanamachi

Enter Phoenix Jade

Phoenix Jade: When my daughters stated the story Thee began immediately writing it. Your mind have to open when you writ but Thee enjoy it. It's almost as if your evolving in to a better person than you were before. The letters flew off the composition notebook in to my crystal eye's, they began to glow allotting you, the reader, to witness the events as they occur.

Enter Scarlet Phoenix who glace outside with a telescope with Phoenix Jade inside of her Kunoichi Hanamachi quarters. Our geisha's from the Kunoichi Hanamachi uses a particular diction which illuminates the entire nation. It isn't Astral Plains since it was reciprocated from my resident children Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Omni Diablo, though Shira was designated Shira Darknfire by the Destiny Continent. When this story was told to me it was ordered for me to remember that the supreme goddess Amaterasu will always be a background character in the story, though it was stated that the closer you are to the stratosphere, the more you are able to hear a clock ticking.

"My mother said Thee misunderstood." The Earth's ring isn't asteroids but actual star that the dark matter black hole pulled in to Earth's gravity. They're mostly new born stars, Gaia resides there. The royal birth mark veins allows me to have another beast spirit. We're going shopping, Phoenix Jade stated to expect to go shopping more than twice a week. The Kunoichi must sustain a certain standard of life. I'm going to have a new Kimono, very expensive. Phoenix Jade provide what type of shoes to purchase. Shira Darknfire is sitting with me on the bed waiting to go. We were raised almost like sister's since the day we were born, we were born in the same year.

Two young female has begun her training to become a geisha, while a excarvation has begun of a old city which is stated to be lineage of the Phoenixtopian Gaia City. The city was discovered in relation to several Time Dilation Event Horizons that occurred in a week. The city is located on what's renown as the Kunoichi Hanamachi, the residents were excarvating near by ruins after the Time Dilation Event Horizons. A goddess deity resides inside the ruins which she wrote her birth name is Shinzoku Taiyou Joushou Suru Ryuu to the Kunoichi Hanamachi. She resonates the myth of the Omega Evangelion through her diversion to a gigantic naval vessel she designated Sky Sunlight Cloud. It’s possible to excavate the naval vessel, but frequently depicts paintings of what she seen. Many of these paintings are in religious churches, several of them have ignited random daydreams in Shira Darknfire. The goddess deity Shinzoku Taiyou Joushou Ryuu states that the naval vessel carries thousands of fictional books, though the Fictitious Book is thousands of years older than the ship. The Gaia City was finished excavating when Phoenix Jade grew up, but it’s stated that the naval vessel parallel’s the Earth’s core and will never be excavated. The Phoenix Trakker supercar now resides near the Gaia City, though it doesn’t have any ramps because it’s a cathedral. The Gaia City has brought millions to the city, immersing the Kunoichi Hanamachi to leave there doors open. There ancestry is that of radical priestess, but the Gaia City has disciplined her relativity. Shinzoku Taiyou Joushou Ryuu didn’t just reverberate the oral history of the ship, she transverse hundreds of books from the ship. It was then that the Kunoichi Hanamachi acknowledged the Omega Evangelion and her potential to ordain her own militia, which is suggested to be perpetuated from the ships fictional books.

There were many books, every book except one of them describe the Phoenixtopians as a race from the Sun but not aliens. The most authentic book stated,“The supreme goddess is infinity, and we are the universe. The Sun revolves around the Earth, the supreme goddess is that infinity beyond the Milky Way Galaxy, beyond the universe, beyond the multiple dimensions, and beyond the Astro Plains. She's the existence that breathes life in to us. We acknowledge there's a cleansing of the Phoenix, which the ooze is absolutely depleted but the temperatures on the Earth remain cool. There's seven shadows that perpetually periodically revolve around the Earth on its own axis, we designate them the Seven Earth, exact replica's on the Earth. Some eyewitnesses saw alien beings, that are depicted on ancestral scriptures as the Phoenixtopians but we currently designate them as the Sun Beings, migrate sunlight which allotted them to descend to Earth.” The book resonates with documentary theoligans states,” A alien civilization has had there entire ancestral history and statues diminished due to lava. There society has lost there goddesses, the crown royal family decided to create artificial goddesses by forcing five women to eat from the dragon cherry blossom leaf. It solidified there hearts, both figuratively and literally and gave them the ability to devour the breeze from other living entities which they used to conquer the entire planet because the living entities because gigantic demons. The planet of Phoenixtopia has fallen!”

What has been written will never be written again nor will it be repeated the same way! The Forgiving Sun was written to illuminate the entire world, a goddess that has a individual sun ray for every entity on the Earth. Thus she has sympathy for humanity unlike the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, who was chained and binded by humanity because she didn’t assist humanity at night. Every type of animal and critter ate the residents of the Phoenix Sakura Islands crops. Every book equally depicts the Forgiving Sun as a goddess but also as a human avatar of humanity, but nothing was as prolithetic as her reverberation in the Book of Mirror's. It was a book that went unnoticed until humanities interest in the Forgiving Sun. A single description reciprocated both critique and praise,”She went on to have children and a improper us of her is the Book of Darkness within a reminiscence of the Book of Mirror’s, definitively not a book of good. Those bestowed in the Book of Mirror's never wield perfect lives.” Though it has reciprocated laughter in school children for many years.
The Phoenixtopians are a alien species that derived from the Sun, which is known as Phoenixtopia. According to there mythology, thus archaeologists theorized the the Sun has been destroyed and reborn. The decipher text stated that the name of the was cathedral was the Aura City of Crystals, which the archaeologists derived the diction term Gaia City. There isn't any aliens, since the city never described any alien species. It did derive a description of several humanoid species that either weren't suppose to have existed or were suppose to be extincted. The city fell on the continent of the Phoenix Sakura Islands and anything above the stratosphere is the jurisdiction of the Kunoichi. The Kunoichi are elite contracted but not mercenary organization female soldiers that distinct a military rank. They either coincide with the Islands of Phoenix Sakura military or there dissolved
"We have a copy of the Book of Mirror's that's made of steel but it's difficult to read and and it has been create by human hands," Butterfly Phoenix stated passionately. "It has been update since the creation of this Earth...Nothing is stated about a previous Earth. Some parts of our future is predicted in the previous Earth. that's why we worship sleeping dreams. If you throw a coin in the air, is our Earth. Thousands of people have had sleeping dreams of one person reuniting both Earth's and saving every soul tied between the two destinies but the power needed would be that of a true god and no such documented royal birth mark individual has ever been close to what is expected of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The portals are a extremely low frequency tool, we are still restricted in the rules of humanity. It is what started the search for the acknowledgement of a previous Earth. If it were to occur then the population would expected to be twelve billion," Butterfly Phoenix finished.
It was the order of the Sacred Sanity, that in order for life to exist, evil had to be present so that life doesn't starve such as humanity did when it was determined to be too powerful. The Book of Mirror's was was designed to separate humanities potential but it had adversary in the Tree of Knowledge because of deforestation. It kept breaking the sand created mirror, until there were over two hundred and ninety mirror's. Humanity became resentful toward the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, this is what humanity wanted. No longer starving for food, and habitats that were sensible. They started cutting branches down from the Tree of Knowledge, a shaman converted the Book of Mirror's in to a literal book.

The students typically laugh too much in the cities of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura, not only because of the economical problems but a prestigious religious sect such as the Kunoichi Hanamachi refuse to send there children to typical schools. It wasn’t the decision of Phoenix Jade but the elder, who’s village leader in the Kunoichi Hanamachi. There land is massive that transcends beauty perpetuating several acres of beautiful lands that transverse from the northern end of multiplex cliff to the residence of the Kunoichi Hanamachi on the mountain. Immersing in a query on the prominence of school with the Kunoichi Hanamachi is a perpetual ego versus super ego egological debate.

Within the Kunoichi, there's a sect of prestigious religious region's designated the Kunoichi Hanamachi. The Kunoichi Hanamachi is a beautiful area of land that's northern end resides on a mountain, overseeing the thousand islands of the Phoenix Sakura providence. The area is dominated by the influence of the geisha living in the hanamachi. There not minister's or priestess but there's a chief of the Kunoichi Hanamachi, though the military does ratify there existence as religious experts. The large village of Kunoichi Hanamachi believe in a verbal history, forcing there social status to document their achievements.

Enter Evil Scientists singing:We're residents of what has been designated as the Kunoichi Hanamachi since what's spectulated to have been the beginning of the Earth. There the crown royal family that occupy the Kunoichi Hanamachi as geisha or ambassador's of the mansion. This particular hanamachi was found together, both the geisha's and dishonored crown royal family. We're the maids of the Kunoichi Hanamachi, everyday the head of the mansions draft maids at 5 a.m.

Enter Phoenix Jade teaching the young residents at 6 a.m. in the morning:Our own history is derived from demon slaying, it isn't extraordinary for me listen to recognition of a exorcism incident. We were religious authority for the royal family and the Islands of Phoenix Sakura, but a mercenary group of demon demolishers reciprocated arousal from several villages and the boundaries of the city. Soon our integrity was queried, as well we the vitality of the crown royal families queen's and princesses. It was decided that a competition will be held for the possible of authority ministry of religion. We were exciled from the crown royal families palace along with every dishonored crown queen and princess. The stars guided us both during the day and night to this mountain peak overseeing the thousand islands of the Phoenix Sakura nation.

Enter Phoenix Jade at a public speech appointment at 10 p.m.: Phoenix Jade is such a kunoichi, she's currently preaching there oral history Scarlet Phoenix. Both girls are extremely talented, our everyday lives within our culture is based on talent. The Kunoichi Hanamachi gathered my name from them seeing random daydreams of letters on back of the emerald Phoenix statues, my name is Phoenix Jade. It's a long dramatic name but there talent potential is unquestionable. It's story within a story, the story of the envy of a Phoenix is about grief, betrayal, distrust. It isn't about revival!

"Phoenix Jade is a one of the most powerful women in the country." She televised on four interviews today, all of them were from the same cable broadcasting station. Most of the interviews were on the potential of the modern economic, I'm going to have to write a report using her interview on when she spoken about how geisha's dealt with the economic during the 2nd dynasty. It is stated, she has scrolls hidden literally in her rooms stars but her room is so wide, it'll take days to search through the quarter. This Kunoichi hanamachi doesn't wear face paint usually but when we do, it's hand made to ensure there isn't any lead particles.

Enter Phoenix Jade at a walkin appointment at 10 a.m.:There was a scent of butter to the left and right of me, being polite and relaying on my training for courtesy to sit down. young girl who struggled several days with a apparent tether to a butterfly demon but it wasn't a exorcism incident. She ate the demon, we forever designated the girl Butterfly Phoenix. It shouldn't be possible for demons to exist in this realm because they only exist in the dream realm but after this incident she has been able to exert the history of the Kunoichi Hanamachi. It was a era when the citizens of the Phoenix Sakura Islands believed in paranormal incidents, the live media medium entertainment interviewed her testimony on television. She exerted a ninety-nine percent accurate detail of the history of the Kunoichi Hanamachi, the only critical was there were figurative reminiscence's of the historical accounts. She propelled the host that professional educators and archaeologists should reignite the research on the Omega Evangelion, the audience and the social network replied that it's a extraordinary old myth.

Phoenix Jade:Our history we do know, since it's kept in what archaeologists translated to be the Fictitious Book, but are powerful but we tend to be vicious since we're warriors and protectors of the supreme goddess. we are after all similar to religious cardinals to the Islands of Phoenix Sakura but you're not renowned such as cardinals because of our tendency to get involved in wars. We, the residents of the Kunoichi Hanamachi, were originally dishonored crown royal queen's, princesses, and geisha's. The geisha's pursued social status from the rumored disinherited elite, which derived military coronal's. The Kunoichi Hanamachi became the military's elite since it was there extraordinary geisha technique repetition's that attracted the military. There was a increase of complaints that eyewitnesses saw demons ate several crops but they stated the supreme goddess didn't protect crops at night, though she was seen in the vanity. There wasn't any other profitable way of gathering money than the crown royal family. The Kunoichi Hanamachi competed against the demon warriors, our ancestor used there sensuality to obtain there abilities and won the competition.

Enter the Evil Scientists who are humming. Before a crown royal family or ambassador could become a geisha, she must forfeit to the myth of the Omega Evangelion's darkness. Once the crown royal family member forfeited then she will obtain a brand on her entire leg. "During that time there wasn't any politician or administrative titles that described royalty," Dragon Wo Gone stated. "Royalty were allowed to marry other royalty, those who disobeyed this law became maids and gardeners. If a emperor felt sympathy toward a former crown princess, they could reacquire there royal entitlement. Maids couldn't be separated from royalty nor geisha's at social gathering then. Some of the maids that earned there royal entitlement formed a secret cult, that cult became the Kunoichi.

Enter Phoenix Jade in her private quarters which occupies about sixty-six percent of there mansion, she's reading privately.

Phoenix Jade reading:We don't know what isn't written in the Fictitious Book but our destinies were praved by the supreme goddess, who guided humanities first dimension to where the Time Dilation event horizon who occur which propelled them to manipulate humanities DNA for a symbiotic beast spirit with the Sun Beings.

Enter the Evil Scientists in her private quarters to give Phoenix Jade a tablet and a printed copy of the book for her studies. Phoenix Jade has a captial of thousands from being the most profitable geisha in the Kunoichi Hanamachi and head of the geisha mansion. Though the evil scientists manipulate geisha's to obtain jobs as politicans.

Phoenix Jade writing notes:The mythnical dark matter sun caused a ripple between dimensions attempting to conjure a symbiotic relationship with the supreme goddess Qu Admere Terasia Omni, which before the fall of Olympus was two seperate goddesses. There were both barely able to withstand the onslaught from the dark matter entity, they permanently merged creating the universe once again but she was exciled from Olympus ever since she was deemed to be too powerful and she refused to reincarnate the gods and goddesses of Olympus.

Enter the Evil Scientists singing:Usually the crown royal family doesn't live with the geisha's, they reside in the traditional Islands of Phoenix Sakura housing. Kunoichi Hanamachi's administration building honoring resides with the crown royal family similar to embassy. Since they were trained to write through the generations, the crown royal family write more proficiently than the geisha's and maiko usually. A allocation of scriptures are composited swiftly from the crown royal family, which the geisha never reject because it's a symbiotic relationship since public counsel usually doesn't want to witness the dishonored.

Enter Phoenix Jade who has accidentially reincarnated the entire Earth from that date because of peak of the arousals manipulation:Thank you for reading, you're reliving these events as they occur through my optic nerve, thee was the last members of a musical group designated as Phoenix Envy to become a goddess. My resident daughter Scarlet Phoenix formed the group, she was heralded as a genius scholastics and a talented piano musician. While Shira Omni Diablo has a equivalent intelligence of a genius, she doesn't have the adept for the attentive work it takes to develop a talent. This adeptness reiterated a drive, a fire, for Scarlet Phoenix to form her own musical geisha group that she designated Phoenix Envy. Our schedule may derive a option that it'll cause tremendous fatigue on a young children but it's essential that they train in Kabuki Geisha Phoenix Style five o'clock in the morning before primary school. Which is soon to begin since primary school doesn't begin until the winter months, we intertwine there maiko training with the primary school schedule.

It's about growth, the relationship of friendship and the aging of the Phoenix. The young girl Scarlet Phoenix has been a promising Phoenix since birth. She lives in the furthest residence of the royal family resident. She had always, attachment to the Phoenix bird in sleeping dreams. A promise, that would be unfulfilled at her age in the description of the Nippon continent's culture and a story which Phoenix Jade will attempt tell you, maybe even foretell to you. Both adolescence were adopted from there residence, and her friend Shira Darknfire were to be certified as children of the Phoenix mansion but Shira Darknfire isn't her biological name. Shira Darknfire's biological name is Shira Oni-Diablo, there was a two hundred acre temple shrined on a continent known as the Destiny Continent which there society believed that a extraordinary power entity could roam the resistance of a former a religious militia society. A strange portal from the girls original apartment connected there room doors to the temple shrine. Scarlet Phoenix was asleep, but Shira Darknfire was given a choose of three humanity designated supreme demons since it was a demon for each door. It's renown to humanity that the Destiny Continent has designated themselves ancestor's of the Phoenixtopian religion, thus there shone by humanity. The young lady saw the Phoenix swords construction in the door she chose and took them. Apparently the temple shrine has the original throne from the crown royal Phoenixtopian family. The Phoenix house name is derived from There were animals of fire known as Phoenix birds.

There were always afflictions in our economy then but that was hundreds of thousands of years ago, when we were just beginning to achieve space shuttle technology. Within all things it has inspired archaeologists in medium media, throughout the humanity imagination of inspiration of theories such as Mother Earth to Gaia. These inspirations have existed by archaeologists for decades.

Enter Phoenix Jade, Scarlet Phoenix, and Shira Darknfire:Walking to the mall with the girls reminiscence a cogitive memory when thee met both of my girls. A immerse wind vaulted the cherry blossoms off the trees similar to today, while thee was talking through the neighborhood. There were living in a single apartment which both parents decided to cohabit because both parents were struggling with finances. Many children were playing outside on that day but only the girls realized that thee was a geisha. They stopped me to communicate with them, though there parents were monitoring them from a window seal. Even though the neighborhood wasn't poor, the parents related they wanted the best possible life for them. They even related the story of how Shira Darknfire receive her abilities, which wasn't extraordinary since everyone has ninjutsu abilities and beast spirits.
"The mall's administration had Phoenix Jade dance in front of a artificial mall fountain spring." We didn't expect anyone to know it was Phoenix Jade and no one did. The mall's customers were in the thousands but we don't know if the crowds attention was directed toward her but several consumers stated how beautiful she was. She never carries fans on her since the metal detector alarms would turn on. Her villa of the mansion allows her to study all five forms of geisha craft work. The entire second villa is hers including the secondary floors except the living room. It represents Yen and Yan, a part of hers is there's.

Enter Scarlet Phoenix:Phoenix Jade bought a $3,999 holographic copying entertainment recorder. The machine will copy any media entertainment over the internet or a on the hard drive medium that has already been created on to a hologram creation. It will then ensure that the disc is a official retail copy of the original media entertainment such as the media entertainment disc cover art. The only problem is that the machine uses its own disc similar to certain video game systems. "It would discredit there name if they used standard data discs," Flaming Moon Phoenix stated. "It's a Kunoichi job to know what is happening in the market place."

A $99 wireless internet vocal recognition hub was bought by Phoenix Jade too utilize against children, as well as Scarlet phoenix and Shira Darknfire, from accidentally turning on tools by directly pulling in to a tool similar to a portable mp3 player in its charger base. The device has a built in camera that will recognize the height of any child younger than thirteen. It's how the beast spirit determines clothing for its tamer, everyone has a beast spirit. The wireless internet vocal recognition hub is connected to a 3D printer or sewing machine, the beast spirit scans its tamer determining everything including style.

"There's nothing that speaks babyness that is the mall," but when shopping with your parents! There's your blood type is the basis for your learning and with the Zodiac, Amaterasu will eliminated the shadows from your path. Thee like Butterfly Phoenix, she's having a debate with a retail salesman. "The Honorable Descendants of Children store," the sign stated then there was a sign joking "The Honorable Blood of Children Store" with a happy face. It was spooky, but Thee was delighted to a youth inventions booth. A beautiful blue planet spear, gathered with a recognizable plane may have gave me a glimpse of my future. Oddly Senses was in a bad mood, but Thee couldn't attend to my beast spirit as my query within sustaining a reaction within a reaction. It is to ponder that her story insists states she departed humanity in a cave. As a genius, it is to wonder to ponder such words as a child. A diction, is a fraction, is a chemical reaction, no this store can't be baby. Thee walk along the left store wall, a belly dancer, the prophecy of Amaterasu, a television image of a bay and the word's "My enemy is Dancer Omen," on the chalk tablet wall. It isn't suppose to foretell the future.


Several days later, a young girl renown as FlamingMoon Phoenix ate a fiery female demon that had a moon as her back. She was extraordinary translucent similar to a spirit. Butterfly Phoenix and Flaming Moon Phoenix tend to socialize with board of shareholders who are known for corporate espionage. Butterfly is actually older than me as a reincarnated butterfly and historian; she has memories from the initial founding of this country. "Butterfly Phoenix has lived for over 350 years." She's young but her soul has been a family of butterflies living on a great mountain. Remembering every moment of the country in her sleeping dreams before researching the historical events. Academic talent such as that much be very well education, graduating with honors at every level collegiate level with multiple degrees. Only a few extra credits are needed after completing school in certain degrees to graduate in another major, whatever that means but it sounds baby. Phoenix birds begin life in the water, after becoming adults is when they become towards the sun. So we had to wait until the Sunflare blossoms touches the lake Sunflare blossoms are white blossoms that are always touched by the Sun as fall on the lake.

As a writer, there's a certain enjoyment creating a complicated story that not only forces them to think but also degree a vast educational degree. The renown of the Kunoichi martial arts style in the Phoenix Sakura Islands was the Kabuki Phoenix Guild Style but the martial arts style was the dance of the geisha against the prank playfully of the Samurai which led to the Kunoichi Hanamachi skillfully defending them was the Kabuki Fenikkusu Taiyou, a subsidiary of the Kabuki Phoenix Guild Style. The proper name of the Phoenix that the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni created was Fenikkusu.

The Phoenixtopians theorized was derived from an explosion that occurred inside a nebula that expanded the entire universe which was her mother, she thus created the universe and the universe is the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Archaeologists are confused whether the Phoenixtopians believed in the supreme goddess but it's known that they believed in a One True Queen. Archaeologists from another continent pondered on how the universe began while the Islands of Phoenix Sakura celebrated the Phoenix Cleansing festivals which are predicted to occur during the present date, according to the star alignments. The star alignment occurs while the Phoenix Sakura Islands archaeologist queried of the arguments of the supreme goddess, since a city was discovered.

A hundred and fifty years, the goddess Scarlet Phoenix has reset the entire universe. The tricameral met together to deliberate on the changes of the Earth and new technologies We have some of the most modern houses in the world, and our drinking water is above the standards of even the most economic prosperous country but there's no hope, no science, life spans are thirty years shorter than the most economic prosperous country. Majority of students only will attend two years of high school without a diploma, social scientists theorize that's it's derived from the cheap housing market. A citizen is capable of purchasing a brand new house by working only as a retailer store clerk. The solution referred to by social scientists was to raise the housing; the television news reported that politicians thought they were lucky not to have a large homeless statistic. Several laws were passed but only negative reactions were perceived, they were computed that three dimensional housing constructions was too cheap and must be outlawed. Three dimension housing construction was perceived to be similar to the atom, the ability to construct the entire world with an expenditure cheaper than a video game console.

Males are considered the Phantom Dancers since originally they lived on the edges of the Hanmachi where the gate now stands. They were tiny two room houses that led the males of the Kunoichi Hanamachi to live further inside of the large city since the geisha's or Kunoichi received most of the attention. The males never debated with the Kunoichi on child rising, especially since any physical abuse meant that the geisha or Kunoichi would be thrown out of the Hanamachi. No geisha or Kunoichi had time to deal with other residents abusive programs. Often the males would start a new family further inside of the city, either the geisha accepted it or not.

"A Phoenix met a dragon." There are stories of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni met a flying dragon. It's stated the dragon represented the untamable Earth that she fell in love with. Volcano erupts; the first signals of grass growing, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni knew she had to create life. Dragon Wo Gone was a politician of complete authority to us but she acted odd with the Kunoichi. It was as if she sacrificed for the Kunoichi without any growth of power in the Hanamachi. The Kunoichi has power but they're only middle class, power flows through the countless winds of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni when it's proportioned with wisdom.

Enter Both girls go to sleeping but Shira Darknfire is still awake. A breeze of wind constantly flows through the open window. Three mischief demons came to Shira Darknfire's room every night, splitting her soul, her muscular system, and her projected appearance in a year to determine a path of three doors which were already present in her room. There apartment was in the Phoenix Temple! The supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni gave her a choice of a fourth door in compliance with the demons that figuratively manipulated her in to a demon. The child who wasn't baptized but gently touched by the deity of the falls across her forehead. Seeing this great feat, it was thought she was a descendant of a mythical king and she could summon the ancient sword of peace. The supreme goddess thought it would be a ironic control of her life to grant her the Phoenix Blade swords. Thus the PhoenixCats representative never retrieve the child from the trinity of kings, she was given to what they thought was noble politicians but the politicians never saw potential in her eyes. They gave her to common peasants who worked as low ranking corporate employees. When she was two years old, they moved to a apartment complex which they shared a apartment with total strangers.

The symbolic phrase of reason is in its absolute definition of promise. Completely unrestricted from the central thought within the complexity of the human definition, there was a cognitive thought of freedom. Within a simple thought human is goddess and goddess is human. The appropriate response is the complexity of going back and forth in remembrance of what one has been taught, perception, and subjective bias. Within the eyes of Shira Darknfire lays the complex mathematics of the universe. The deep interconnection recesses of a baby that IQ will grow throughout her entire life. The substantial growth of an infant who will be watched and ordained by the sinking tears of the very star who gave this planet life, the king’s creed. Parliament applauded that it was a kabuki play unlike any other play.

"How could a single individual be declared a diplomat?," Shira Darknfire and Scarlet Phoenix heard several people screaming while they were reading in there original apartment. "That's what city hall explained immediately from the state government! That she could only be declared a guest of the house and not a resident, because she's a diplomat," a woman explained. It perpetuated the eyes, Shira Darknfire saw the terms witch, instrument of incarnate, and sinful ragnarok. They thought it was the star of Medusa, but during a video game introduction, a woman demanded to hold the hand of Shira Darnfire that personified her type of breeze. The odd spirit from the video game introduction gestured her palm along side Shira Darknfire but never allotted there hands to touch. A breeze intersected both hands, then she grabbed her hand , grasping it lightly. Your spirit has the sensation of the Hermes bird but gentle, as if it was a gorgeous star. Her heart be felt her, guiding her presumably in to the after. The video game character from the introduction stated,"Which realm do you guide, Thee bet you guide them all. She, Shira Darknfire, as there sharing at the television in cognitive thought that the Earth forgot to maintain awareness of her movements.

Our universe has never hasn't had metallic technology since its creation because of the Omega Evangelion was captured. She furiously reacted to being chained which resulted in the failure of the Book of Mirror's. The Omega Evangelion misjudged a scenario that would have resulted in a death, but the only possible penalty that would have resulted in the death of the Omega Evangelion was the destruction of the Earth. The supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni could only reset the universe to protect her child.
The state administration guided her for hours a week, but the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni refused to allow them any piece of her conscious or subconscious thought. Her skills weren't just guided, the greatest example was she given a philosophy book that's only known to be popular amongst doctorate degree Ivy League students. This is a early primary education student. A two hundred million trust fund was created for her, the documentation stated the Corporation Association Union.

Before the local government took over, the state administration interviewed Shira Darknfire expecting acknowledgement of her intelligence but upon discussions with the dorm advisors, there were conversations referring the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni without ever being told her story. Shira Darknfire dreamed that the story about the boy who fished from starvation was a crush she had. They, both Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire, lived in a apartment but the school's administration granted them limited access. The one who gathered the people, the one who sought enlightenment thought he moved his people to a island where deities and demon wouldn't harm them. This path, was a path of crystals that allow instantly people to instantaneously travel through a directional preordained area, it even allowed travel underneath water.

It was a day of snow, during a normal autumn day. Testing commenced while the state administration and the local government argued over the direction schools should take students. The state administration hired social scientists were expecting the same stereotypical response to exerts from the religious and demon books but every time they read a expert a birth mark aroused in a different area of her body. They decided to quiz then read her infancy childhood and government, the Ivy League doctorate level book she was reading. A similar response occurred, expect after once the social scientists read the final sentence in the book, A phoenix birth mark moving through the sun was discovered on her body.

Shira Darknfire had to pronounce her name to the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, that's why she plays two variations of congruent music. A sequence of music representing the story of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni and a second for Shira Darknfire's name. Her talents were astounding, it was the state administration who wrote up the documentation to the federal government referring that the Kunoichi Hanamachi get involved in both girls lives, they weren't the elite scholars in religious archeology but they had the oldest scrolls in reference to the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. There parents were paid ten thousand dollars a month for allowing them to live within the Kunoich Hanamachi. It was the state administration who wrote the Phoenix house as the parents of both Shira Darknfire and Scarlet Phoenix after several Kunoichi Hanamachi meetings but it was the state administration who documented them as still there legal relative guardians. The federal government gives rewards for prosperous children before a adolescent age.

Enter both girls walk to school see on another continent to the west, its Olympus was a structure of several million acres vaulted on a giant Phoenix, underneath the structure which had a river connecting abduct that led to Eden. It led for the search to find the Omega Evangelion. Several nymphs were reincarnated. Literal scriptures were left on several continents in the world describing a previous dimension.

"It was a excuse to leave the continent," Sai Aura Sakura stated. The flight was extremely early but gentle, a fire shadow being such as myself doesn't need to fly but its human which isn't what my heart feels right now. It has been stated in my mine a thousand times since the incident, "Beneath fire there lies a shadow!" My heart glimpses at a transformation that my body doesn't see. After several minutes on the plane, we're flying over the sea. There are golem's walking on the sun and the moon in the sea's mirror reflection with the golden dragon behind them as vivid and free as a actual image. Every island that's visible is at war! The golden dragon opens its mouth displaying a ship and other dragon's follow, my abilities automatically operate. When illuminated against the sea as a shadow, a city is beneath the sea is seen.

Enter Professor Sai Aura Sakura utilizing a Homeroom virtual reality: An entire continent has been found underneath the Islands of Phoenix Sakura, it's designated as the continent of demons by archaeologists. Scripture after scripture reminiscences a foretelling story that the continent was destroyed by the supreme goddess after her defeat to another goddess. The Earth was deprived of life, except the presence of demons and water, precipitation always was present on the continent as fogs. Sound is multi dimensional, there's a perpetuation that our universe shouldn't be flat, nor should our Earth immerse as a gigantic continent. Archaeologists have studied the connection between the intertwining sound and our technology revolves around it, the only mathematical discovery was that the Earth has two intertwining shadows that are derived from different dimensions, a dark sun and a sun reminiscence of our Milky Way galaxy sun. Our government is a tricameral governing body, including the Vice Versa or the leader of the elected party.
She rouse from the ocean with a terrible temper, she wanted to destroy humanity. Which she uttered a name of a series she knew but not whilst a mirror to acknowledge one's own existence. Not that she care! The ocean roared against the rocks as space roars against the Sun. She knew of pity and felt none. She knew of the World because she knew of the Sun. A path of fires that knew of the crossroad, with lava spilling out hate in between the flame there laid humanity. A flame quenched on hate but born of no knowledge, thus it knew only of humanities creation and not that the flame was created by the supreme goddess. It whom didn't know of comparison that humanity correlated with the supreme goddess, so the lava fuels the flames of hatred. The soul of the prophecy one has two moons and two suns of hate, makes one think even if it does anything good it turns in to hate. The Child Evangelion has been born.

"There's a certain willfulness of charisma with the Omega Evangelion, the fictional characters had scanning equipment that was attempting to search for any exceptional individual. She, the Omega Evangelion, was a goddess it would never be able to scan her but she was sarcastic. She used her atom manipulating abilities to text the most handsome of the group, nearest to her. "You might want to continue on your scan to someone else," the Omega Evangelion wrote on the fictional character's cell phone as she leaned on a pole. While exerting a smiling on it, the fictional character confused attempting to conjure reading on the Omega Evangelion. She conjured five hundred million dollars from the most wealthiest of the fictional characters, being sarcastic but there persisted a actual element of cause and effect because she wasn't suppose to intervene in the affairs of humanity. She sent a flame throughout the entire planet, gathering the virus. There are limitations to her atom manipulating abilities; she had to originate the flame at the Earth's core. The Gaia Opis extraordinarily oriented an element of good by manipulating the descent of the virus in to a Pandora Box, which she crated," Shadow N Light stated.
"Here's the birth certificate for the Child Evangelion," Stated Candy Cloud Sun. "The child's name is Evangeline-Moon Phoenix, Thee going to have to take a better look at it later," she continued. "Ultra-Mid is hunting demons from the Dreamworld who have had been apart of Shadow N Light's clan. There was a lack of determination in several previous wars during remembrance discussions. Private Archaeological research found that they would constantly create nightmares for a individual person if they were hired to do so but it would usually occurred because of favoritism such as wanting a certain grade school player to succeed. The most substantial occurrence was when soldiers were on combat missions and the Shadow N Light's clan refused to allow the invading soldiers to sleep.
There's a nine-fifty dollar before year of the messiah painting of Shira Darknfire petting her cat transformation. It depicts her as a being of pure fire including her clothing. The merchant who sold the painting was actually the first person who pronoun her name as Shira Darknfire in the religious memoirs of the PhoenixCats. Traditional entertainment media conceptualized her name as Shira Darknfire, there are only two tribes who celebrated her name in the world for decades beside the PhoenixCats before she was born but several archaeological digs in the area of a distinct tribe aroused excitement in the PhoenixCats culture. The PhoenixCats borrowed the name Shira Darknfire from mainstream entertainment media, when a representative of the PhoenixCats named her at birth.

The merchant kings, who were secretly searching for blankets to hand out to their peasants during the Beareth celebration. There were twenty kings present who always stayed together at the outside market place; ranked from richest to poorest they kept a military group as a means of bragging. The representative of the PhoenixCats held the child in ripped cloth, pouring rice on the child every second. The courting of the king’s trinity, as myth tells, knew something was unusual. The fifth king asked them to give her to them; they will protect her from any demons. The representative of the PhoenixCats stated "She must be brought to the Destiny Continent then brought back to this continent." The fifth king assured them that they will slay every demon on their way, wrapping the child in a newly purchased blanket.

The trinity of kings took Shira Darknfire to a spring within the Destiny Continent that touched her arm. The deity of the falls aroused stating that the arguments between the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni and Gaia have gotten worst. Mother Earth attempted to be a mediator between the supreme goddess and Gaia but Gaia forced several earthquakes worrying that a sequence of several volcanic erupts would result in even a greater proportion of humanity worshiping the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Twenty percent of the world's landscape was still covered in volcanos; Gaia reduced it to five percent eating everything the lava and ash consumed.
It's possible for a infant to be born with a soul, the supreme goddess augments a soul within the infant that manipulates it in to a god or goddess but not a demi-god or demi-goddess. The Omega Evangelion's atom creation ability is nearly infinite, it can revive humanity from the dead but they become oracles to the Omega Evangelion, almost unpersuadable to betray the Omega Evangelion. Though, the Omega Evangelion does have weakness. The atom creation technique is a weakness on to itself. Thee, Shadow N Light, trusts the Omega Infinity more than the Omega Evangelion. It was the Omega Evangelion who introduced beast spirits to humanity.
The remembrance of everything doesn't always bring about enlightenment. The divinity of remembrance is brought by the ceremony of joy, compassion, and embrace, not the prosperity of life. There's knowledge within the Allowance scenario that allots for enlightenment. There's a tangible social culture such as the family that we acknowledge. Such an essential term for an untamed culture, we berate them humanity. We give the term DNA, to establish the essential influence of this culture throughout the creation of humanity. Yet the sub categories essentially given to family demonstrate that the family culture is as tangible as the DNA, the fabric of all creation.

Fierce circular fire originates from her body cleansing demons from the dreamworld but they're trillions of them. Once the demons cleansed are they're reincarnated. There dressed in white silk with which they're assorted from their family beast spirits on their clothing. There reincarnated from drips of water that purified them and turn them in to this dimension's humanoid forms. It isn't known whether these are beings of a different dimension but the application of laws differentiates that will never return to their original state. Marisol can't ascend them to the City of Blossoms without her in the immediate proximity but she can send them to Earth through the Arcane Anarchy sapphire chain as confused souls. Their hearts will always remember a stellar past, but few will remember everything. Only the Child Evangelion could remember everything, its prophecy, it's promised.

While attending school, Amanda-Rain practiced writing a story that features Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Atom and Eve went up a hill to find Phoenix bird, water came down and Eve bared a frown. The frown went upside down as she found some cover. The cover attempted to darken the land and turn it in to sand. With one great hand, the hand blew away the cover. Eve was all alone to face the destruction she caused. There is still a separation of religion and judiciary state. Me and Shira Darknfire was visiting the portal grade school are school has an affiliation with. This school is in another country, we'll attend one seminar after another. Learning will be a lot harder but it's going to be baby.

"We're being raised as twins," Thee and Shira Darknfire are exactly the same age. She tripped Night of Fire in the cafeteria of the secondary school. It was odd though, the school was abandoned. It was just as new as our current school which is the third wealthiest in the country. Our school spends the most money per an individual student, which is about $100,000. The lighting has a singular lighting system; one single light acts as solar power to every light in the school. The Royal birth mark will sometimes translate any physical language but our schools professors will be used. The differences of the schools are baby, but we have to stay on campus for 5 hours after classes to maintain a controlled environment. There aren't any vehicles to use for portal travel. The television documentary is stating "We're lucky that there was Time Dilation, evidence appears to suggest that the Earth's core was harmed by what we call a 2 and 2 bomb. The bomb was exploded underground but the explosion was so astounding it seemed like a standard mega ton blast, harming the Earth.

Enter Home television news: "Every 365th day a solar flare surrounds the entire planet not burning anything. The solar flares are a biological organic life form known as the Sun Solstice beings. They don't have any known DNA but at our birth, scientists remove our DNA and insert in to the Sun Solstice beings. Creating a humanoid type of form for the Sun Solstice beings, which humanity turned them in to their beast spirits? All of our modern technological needs support the beast spirits, innovation of the market place with communication technology," a television news report stated during a documentary on the Phoenix Cleansing. It was pretty vague, though odd since it's publicly renowned that we've experienced several Time Dilation Event Horizons.

Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire are playing with an Elisa Cheetah. Shira's unequaled desire for gym fell from bell to a harp when she saw Night of Fire. Qu Bell gently bumped everyone in line and Scarlet Phoenix still is playing with the beast spirit griffin that they had to race in gym, having fun in the fourth district dimension such a quill. She is the one who tricked Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni in restoring the other dimensions but Scarlet Phoenix must not currently exist which is Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's wish. The events endured will still ensured, she will still exist and she will greatly be missed. Scientists of the second and third dimension will definitely find a way to allow her to exist again as she never existed in the first dimension. She, the supreme goddess is looking for genuine inspiration.

The Phoenix of Shadows could also represent Shadow N Light's clan, there entire clan is in the dream domain. Scarlet Phoenix compromised the contractual agreement between the Kunoichi and the ninja clan, how it’s uncertain but its thought that it has to do with her creating the deities of the Earth within the void. Scarlet Phoenix memoir's state the ninja clan were deities, they drank from the river of the Phoenix. Any type of typical magical ninja abilities that humanity demonstrates isn't capable in the void. Shadow N Light is a deity but she has a tragic life, growing up as an orphan. What types of weapons are they using that would be presented in a fourth dimension weapon capable of defending against other deities? It something that must have be wondered her while lying in her bed at Snow Cold's house.

Scarlet Phoenix bent down getting ready to race in gym class. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni created a transparent border between dimensions but it's only accessible by those who notice the beast spirit ability. It's called the Stillness Dimensional Dilation, yes we can create fireballs! It's a fireball that opens a rift between this dimension and the other two dimensions. Every human can use the ability but not every human can gain passage to another dimension, you have to be born in that dimension. Those who were born in just this dimension don’t notice it because it can't destroy anyone. The creation of what can harm other humans has limits. Thee won the race.

Thee had Shira Darknfire kicking her little legs attempting to get out of Phoenix Jade's lap, so emotional. Thee were so emotional! It was just questioned my baby thoughts, my baby feelings, my goddess. The supreme goddess, who stated that Thee could create this dimension, let thy sit in thee chair and know her name. These thoughts, scientific discoveries are mine, they aren't of me. Thee not suppose to even know what scientific discoveries are at this age. How can you do that to me humanity? Where are the theories on fire, where are the religions? Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is these theories mine? Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni states through Thee saw the clock, Thee saw the planets! She states my mind theorized what they can mean then simulated scenarios were created. Humans learn from the moment of their birth, it wasn't the first time you looked at a clock or saw our planets in the solar system.

One of the last things Thee want to do is start Geisha Phoenix Style, the Kunoichi is very different in this dimension and Thee have to remember everything that Thee previously learned. The Kunoichi Hanamachi has ninjas protecting it instead of demon warriors. The ninjas protect the Hanamachi has if they're protecting prisoners, the sees it as such. Similar to the power and influence of previous generations, they attempted to figure out ways for them Kunoichi to obtain supreme power and eliminate the ninjas that scouted the territory.

The Goddess Scarlet Phoenix hasn't been born yet, and she is the full combination of you, me and the Goddess Planet. You will inherit her beast spirit but her powers are unpredictable. She has massive surges of power and didn't destroyable which will probably amount to several penalties during your trials. You will be penalized for me interfering; this is your dimension to control. You will lose the ability to make opinions on what you see of life," Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni finished. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni has a three dimensional effect of her name on her clothes, she is very recognizable. Wizard-Who is known to organized all the children together to play a basketball game outside the residence of the hanamachi's anchoring area.

Human thought can't be influenced by me, what about technology? It's the perfect creation by humanity, a creation of fire. Fire is the perfect element, my plasma is of fire. The ninja clan state's that at my birth, blood test instruments melted not being able to take my blood through regular methods. Thee a world creator, Thee not a prophecy but Thee can choose the next world leaders. Yen and Yang, my goddess gave me notice of it. Yen can be reciprocated as the darker side of getting or having money. Yang can be the heart of giving to others or recessing in cognitive thoughts of other's. Thee are watching about it on a bay at the children's show. Fire has Yen, it destroys but it also has a Yang. Fire has the power to give life. Fires also have a Ying or in this cause an opposite. A soul within water but Phoenix’s is born also in water.

"What's going on, the fire in your heart is strong," Thee heard while sleeping. A beautiful planet without land, Thee saw a blue Phoenix my was dreams as a baby. A red and orange Phoenix arouse out of volcanoes then a shadowy fog like Phoenix came to represent people and deities. It was odd but the Book of Crystals represented the Earth's land. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni worries that there's so much power currently on the Earth in the void that Thee might be able to be corrupted. She wishes to use lava ash to create a official seal. Royal birth marks still exist but scientists state that it's something with the atmosphere within the void that caused humanities birth mark's to reseed in to there skin.

Uh, Qu Bell such a wonderful bell. She takes pride not bowing to the feet with the Phoenix bird. Thee listened to the sound of the bell's and the bell's sonar. The bell's being hit, such a empty soul. A soul that has always not been sold to the sky's and the wind but to the ashes of oblivion. Such a empty Phoenix bird, Thee ring the bell and she rises. The bell has a tone from the wind and she readies for war, out of the ashes and in to the frying pan. The soul of a tangent life form witnessing the gift of matter without the intelligence to diminish the chimes of the bell. Such a pitiful Phoenix bird Thee see, the bell's raise thee.

The evil scientists notice the camera is rotating around Shiva and Parvati and the whirl pool. Scarlet Phoenix and Qu Bell is out of focus. A gigantic female hand is coming out of the whirl pool, everything took place during the Year of the Horse. A known extraordinary year during the occurrence of the Year of the Dragon and the Year of the Snake together. The hand gently gives Scarlet Phoenix a baby, the baby states her name is Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The young baby goddess is holding on to Scarlet Phoenix's shirt and calls her mother. It's always a glimpse that must be seen whether the evil is humanity or Scarlet Phoenix.

"There are only days before the Christmas festival." Our entire house except Amaterasu Phoenix, she stayed in the house. Phoenix Jade is going shopping with us, Amaterasu Phoenix, and traditional geisha's helped Phoenix Jade paint her face and body since most are beginning to recognize her. The entire Kunoichi Hanamachi is going to meet the land blacksmith's tomorrow to create Christmas statues of the jade phoenix, so we will be able to put candles or lights inside of the statues. The Christmas festival is four days before Christmas. We went to the baby, baby mall. Several artificial water fountains in the mall had green and red streams, unbelievably baby.

Guests are never allowed in to the mansions since it's sacred land. Butterfly Phoenix, while outside watching Phoenix Jade body was casted in to a traditional geisha, told the story how she lived over 200 years as a butterfly before becoming human and the story about how the land is sacred. The land was barren of all ecosystems when Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni came to the valley which the Kunoichi lived for centuries. Without the permission of the Earth and Gaia in space, she made it rain bringing life to the land in the four mythical elements. Fire, water, space and ground all could be seen but humanity wasn't patient. Those who were bitten by the snake arrive on the land, dishonoring the land with the picking of grass. There is nothing better to win a battle without fighting, young eager open minds migrated to the land. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni worshiped the land to them and it has never left the Kunoichi's hands.

Butterfly Phoenix started to state the story of how the world knew that the Earth went through time dilation paradox while the other geisha's while they're cleaning up the stencils and paint used for body painting Phoenix Jade from the center of the mansion,"This dimensions people were able to walk long distances and use the portals, there wasn't a need for certain vehicular technologies but a wanting to achieve them. Our cognitive awareness grew to understand the knowledge around us, that information is site and site is information. Mathematics is developed from archeology and we grew to become aware of where we stepped. When we found large animals in the sand, we eventually knew that it was ourselves warnings us about the time dilation. The Nazca lines are some of the oldest evidence of the Earth going through time dilation,"

"That's how we talk must of the same languages, one paragraph per a continent," Butterfly Phoenix continued. "Ionium carbon dating dates the duration of the Nazca lines to the beginnings of the Earth. We know that the Sun turned mostly blue, the flares went wild hitting every planet in the Milky Way galaxy. There weren't any limits and may possibly be the reason why the Earth has a gravitational ring," she finished. "So the year 2012 was a rational flop," one of the geisha's asked. "The year 2012 was the appearance of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni with the coming Winter Solstice, it was never intended to be a time dilation event. Everything wasn't predicted, Scarlet Phoenix's and Shira Darknfire's future with us weren't written. They are a tribute to us being the true second coming of Earth, " FlamingMoon Phoenix answered with Butterfly Phoenix's approval.

Information is spread differently than what our ancestors did with the internet. The beast spirit chooses information based on moral expectations of the person. Most civilizations don't give the controller of the beast spirit a name. Everything in our civilization is morals, individual culture, and self doubt. It's derived like a card game, it's the reason why the beast spirits are dangerous and why governments ignore the danger. Beast spirits can't kill Earth species, we as a people created there humanoid form. Thee remember when Thee had my beast spirit shot, "Thee remember all my baby hurts."

We trust our information technology coming from the Sun Solace beings. The Information is spread differently than what our ancestors did with the internet. The Sun Solace being or beast spirit chooses information based on moral discipline expectations of the person and continent. Most civilizations don't give the controller of the beast spirit a name. Breast spirit is the preferred noun for the Sun Solace being in society, some civilizations have twelve names for the breast spirt. Everything that the government allows to be in our civilization with the approval of the citizens is morals, individual culture, and self doubt. It's derived similar to a card game, it's the reason why the beast spirits are dangerous and why governments ignore the danger. The citizens want the beast spirits and no society should be too safe but there's a element of safety since beast spirits can't destroy any species of the Earth, we as a people created there humanoid form. There isn't any statement of confidence to ponder whether the creation of the Sun Solace beings humanoid form is power but that it just exists. Remembering when it was documented that we had to have beast spirit shots, "Thee remember all my baby hurts."

A nine masked deity cloud who is known as Dajiuina, is sitting on a cloud debating whether it wants to defy Shiva and kidnap the baby Shira Darknfire. No one would interfere since the PhoenixCats named Shira Darknfire and not a representative of the PhoenixCats. There were worry that Gaia would intervene since the power of Mother Nature was limited to everything above the Earth's mantle layer and a certain curiosity on whether how the supreme goddess would react. She anguish in thoughts of interacting with the supreme goddess but she has rarely attempted to interfere in the life's circle that provides her food. The traitorous underling of Shiva knew one of its masks granted it the ability to move through the Earth's crest. It grabbed Gaia, throwing her from the Earth and ascended to the moon.

Enter second of Homeroom:Most of the continents population think that they were born in the ocean and the water similar to how many people don't recognize that the Earth revolves around the Sun. There's a island a short distance off the thousands of Phoenix Sakura Islands that's precipitation is un-natural, each of the Earth's weather anomalies occur at once but it's a extraordinary cold island. The island has a temple on the its crest, exactly preceding with a temple underwater. What was originally perceived as random lettering on the island's beach, has baffled archaeologists for decades. Now perceived as a at strange sentences, archaeologists determined that it's a sentence from another Time Dilation. It's the first amazing wonder of the world and why me, Phoenix Jade, must be the first to write inside of the Omega Journals but secretly.

Several techniques of copy infringement and the pages that Thee write will appear must older than they are, the Fictitious Book has been writing itself during every appearance in crystal sunlight. The edge of the pages are made of limestone crystals. It just cease writing but it let me write in to it with the same method but following deleting anything it views as false and ungodly.

It was the first realization of the extraordinary possibilities of combining the Phoenixtopians and humanity, allotting humanity will ninja capabilities. Why does humanity need to allot every citizen with ninjutsu capabilities? It's due the exact perpetual theorem that the economy was horrible, without the substantial conception of a standard education needed to fulfill many elite jobs. There are some the theorize that a odd physical invisible disease overtook the Earth's population because such a lack of common skills isn't explanatory. The ability to turn of the personal computer to take risk but they sustain a odd jealously that social science attempted to explain for years, that's why we had beast spirit avatar technology in modern times.

The television news documented that there were just random screaming without any cause and no apparent violence. "We held a close experiment with a individual capable of understanding the advancement of technology and a specimen who had enough awareness of there environment and there intelligence but they just wouldn't attempt to compete with the open subject. The closed subject specimen grew angry and jealous, even when we attempted a open experiment with the internet activated on the exact same device. The closed subject grew in angry then they began to scream as they witnessed the open subject specimen creative goal interaction with the internet but they felt only capable of playing video games. We must remind you that every achievement on the internet doesn't imply that it was intended to be a career goal," the television news reported.

My Phoenix house sister's, Buttefly Phoenix and Flaming Moon Phoenix, dispute the television news report. The Hanamachi is a residence of mostly geisha and maiko. Though our cultural depicts the diction term Phoenix house because of our Kunoichi Hanamachi names, our homes are actually mansions. Our gorgeous mansions are acutely aligned with a outside pulsing foundation spring, dramatically facing the opposite side of the neighbors mansion. There's a retail fast food restaurant inside our mansion that's employed only by the lower class geisha's but it's to whom that is the most profitable geisha in the house, even though very young. It's whom who has the entire second quarter and seventy-five percent of the first quarter of the mansion to herself, Butterfly Phoenix and Flaming Moon Phoenix has only enough space available for two beds in each of there rooms.

Archaeologists know this to be the second Time Dilation because of a story that a king demand that humanity pay a penalty for the lost of Eden. He begged a god or goddess that women bare a brand on the areas of child baring. His soldiers, out of confusion, designated him the PhoenixCat. The brands were revealed to be sentient, gesturing around the woman's body for every sin conceived. Of course the royal family were almost goddesses and the most beautiful women on the planet were unaffected by humanities sins. Eventually the women of the royal family grow a second birth mark, which was held as the top human prospects in the world.

"Thee could be in the Book of Mirror's, Phoenix Jade told me." It's the book where are the rarest birth mark members are. None of them have special powers but there legacy is kept with the goddess planet. She holds the Book of Mirror's. Phoenix Jade, she's going to be our adopted family member, could say house master but our parents aren't allowed in the Kunoichi Hanamachi program. Earth has a ring that was formed during this dilation, scientists think. Asteroids surround the planet's ring but a field which we call Gaia is there. Oddly the goddess planet can be seen even with the viewing of the field. We don't have space technology yet.

"Thee going to asleep in the car." Qu Bell hat a magnificent bell. The bell rang ding dong, ding dong playing a wonderful song. The sung that made the air breath, made the Phoenix bird want to know the name of that song. Ding, dong, the Phoenix bird song. Then she left leaving a breeze, she left with the song in inner peace. The Phoenix bird introduced herself in her sleeping dreams as her beast spirit but she already had one in Scenes. Scenes first appeared during her choir concerts publicly. Scarlet Phoenix woke up with her sister Shira Darknfire in the car. The Kunoichi stated they will be officially adopted as sisters and they will live in the same Hanamachi house.

"8 floors of total babyness." The mall is baby wonderland. The first floor is mostly collector and toy stores. The second floor establishment is mostly women and children clothing. The Kunoichi is telling my mother that 78% of the clothing is intended for the upper class social classes but it's a huge 22%, it's on the phone so Thee can't tell who she talking. The third, fourth, and fifth floors are for imports. School supplies are on the sixth floor, and electronics are on the seventh. The eighth floor is male clothing. We're eating now, before we head to my song concert then the Hanamachi. Thee never song with Searching For a Soul before but it should be baby.

"Senses is acting odd." The concert went well, Thee a genius of the piano. Shira Darknfire's emotional dancing is excellent. She even sung, we all looked like childhood friends. We explained beast spirit notes for the social network, Searching For a Soul let us keep our gowns, and we just baby talked. The Kunoichi wasn't there because this is probably the last time we're going to be with our parents as our parents. "We, ate, ate, ate the entire day." The exit bow was unbelievable, the audience closest to the catwalk bow until the entire musical troupe left.

"The television is documentary about the Kunoichi while the Kunoichi is giving a lecture," but Thee met Butterfly Phoenix, the historian. Flamingmoon Phoenix, home parent and Phoenix Jade, the young Kunoichi elder. She wears the most expensive clothes on the ground. The Hanamachi is rather large, most of the entire city cater to this Hanamachi. There's even a beautiful lake on the grounds where we're going to have our ceremony in a underground cave, the Phoenix spirit must be worshiped our the approval of our families and for the maiko ceremony. Our biological parents will still remain as legal family since the Kunoichi eldest elder fear not to confront such good luck.

My parents maybe my cousins legally now but the Hanamachi is impressive. The Kunoichi has bought out a electronic black board to seemly bullet several points about there lecture but it could be to let us play since they're talking without the use of it. "Originally the ports were found through a two sided lake that corresponded on both sides. Water is sacred, every human has have similar ninjsutu like abilities such as spoken from our ancestors. The physical characteristics and the second beast spirit is the only thing that separates the people who has the royal birth mark from ordinary people. There's a sense of illusion with the televised documentary in the background.

"Demon hunters taught the Kunoichi religion," the television documented while the Kunoichi were giving there lecture. The broadcast of the documentary faded to a commercial after the statement. "The Kunoichi were Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni religious protectors, working directly for the royal family but the Kunoichi were not warriors. The demon hunters gained power as stories of medical occurrences spread throughout the country. The demon slayers didn't speculate if it was a medical illness. The royal family formed the greatest power, the Kunoichi had to compete. The demon hunters taught peasants cheaply, the Kunoichi paid other warriors and the demon hunters for martial arts skills.

"We have to do our Phoenix guild style martial arts every morning before school," so Thee want to create a singing group called Phoenix Style. Butterfly Phoenix told us the "Phoenix bird was created by Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, she is capable of traveling through the planes of existence. Such as the human world, the Netherworld and the planes of the afterlife but humanity began to fear her as though they saw a demon. Through there homes made of natural burnable reusable materials, they fear the demon would burn there homes. It ponder stories of humanity controlling its destiny."

"The ceremony in the cave lasted 5 baby hours." We had to put our faces in to the water, yup my sister Shira Darknfire went through the ceremony at the same time. We were instructed to then make wings in the water to represent the Phoenix bird before we made the Sun's flares to represent the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Phoenix Jade, Butterfly Phoenix and FlamingMoon Phoenix told us that Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni was a supreme goddess while they were outside of the cave with us. There were so many statues, the statues of jade phoenix represents Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The Stories of Warriors night tells the story of why Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is represented as a jade phoenix. It has nothing to do with Phoenix Jade other than her potential without ever being a slave, Butterfly Phoenix told us. "This Hanamachi is aristocratic, we believe in hard work," Scarlet Phoenix stated poking jokes at Butterfly Phoenix.

The Stories of Warriors tells how migrates inhabited the area's closest to water. Population grew but natural resources were limited in Nippon, as fish was the most available food resource. Though fish created a regular supply of food, groups were needed to compete with bears. Every large population migrate settlement accomplished villages to compete with local animals for food. The social relationships structure of the villagers were still those of a hunting migrated society but they found too casualties to maintain a strong fertile structure. Every village had there own ecosystem centric ideas but most agreed that farming was the only solution. The first day of the sun, the first day of farming Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni visited the local trees near the farm land. We picnic near the jade phoenix statues when Butterfly Phoenix told us.
The young girls, Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire, are now residents to the Hanamachi. City administration never queried about the Kunoichi's action but the wealth of the Kunoichi is middle class. The laws of supply and demands states there skills must be paid for in modern times without the expectation of payment through alcohol. Phoenix Jade is paid equal to a corporate CEO to speak publicly. Must of that money diverged between her clothing, the household, and her career needs. The Kunoichi does receive payment to participate with ninjutsu clans in war. Each Kunoichi in this Hanamachi receives a military rank after the age of adulthood. These are official military service ranks, which are limited administrative reserved active duty. The Kunoichi elders aren't often celebrated publicly for there military duties. The power of the Kunoichi shouldn't be seen publicly, as knowledge corrupts without wisdom. Power should be dealt by governments and city administrations.

"The most fierce young lady inside of the Hanamachi parliament hall's cafeteria was Night of Fire." We're in the cafeteria to attend a lunch and dinner to acknowledge the other Kunoichi. There are social trends and this entire Kunoichi Hanamachi has legal families. Babies are babies and Thee liked her. She had two long braided pony tails, it was just so beautiful. There were dragons in her hair lines, unbelievable. We baby play the entire evening. Shira Darknfire didn't like her, they almost seriously got in to it over her table moving back and forth. A incident was prevented because everybody is baby.

"Those with the royal birth mark usually doesn't have any eyes." Angela-Rain was sitting with us, she's going to baby be living with us. The only Sunflare beings to be born then grow to a young adult ate with us as well. She fell from a falling star then a cold blizzard but we call Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni a Sunflare being. She isn't worship as a goddess but baby is baby. We discussed my idea for a group named Phoenix Style and Thee have my group. We talked about it at our table but Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is a little older than us and she's quiet. At about 6:15 p.m., the Kunoichi rowed out boxes of modern duel monitor laptops and cell phone types of tablets. The laptops had a second unbreakable horizontal monitor on the left of the education tool. Its intent is to allow the left arm to rest, the monitor also allows for traditional uses. The cell phone tablet is a standard tablet, the download rate is unbelievable. Our beast spirits can connect to it for the recommendation of school activities.

"The Story of the warriors tells how the world thought Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni was the goddess of the day only and appeared at night but she refused to help anyone. Peasants told samurai there is Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, everyone yelled to her but she would not interact with them. The world created wooden Phoenix's and set them on fire to mock her. Years pasted before they were able to find that some of the cherry blossoms were seeded with evil which she was destroying the unhealthy fruit during the night. The sorrowful people of the world created jade phoenix's in her name to thank her for maintaining there way of life." We have to start our first Phoenix Guild martial arts workout after lunch but it's with all of the Kunoichi children and it's baby.

"A traditional geisha dance in the Hanamachi is a Phoenix guild style practice." Everyone was in sync, it was so baby. The professors were commenting what potential we had. There was a microphone sitting quietly on a studio speaker, Thee could hear the microphone spirit calling me. Thee had to sing, first Thee sung then some original vocals were shared by Night of Fire next. Her voice was beautiful enough to earn the dragons on her pony tails. Angela-Rain sung third in the cutest baby voice. Shira Darknfire doesn't sing but she does have a extraordinary vocal power. The Kunoichi knew we were a family and nothing was going to break us up.

"It wasn't as if Thee was being bad, it was after the workout." We are going to the plaza after the reception, to purchase a new gyroscopic video game system as a everyday simultaneous motor skill workout. The elder was hidden in the shadows similar to a ninja, no one saw her and no one went pass her. She doesn't have a cane but her age is apparent. A Beautiful gray tilled white, she seems to be a age of 9 times the age of twilight. It wasn't celebratory ceremony for a lot of clapping from the hanamachi residents but it caused a sense of oddness. A human face is seen through 24 different expressions and everyone suggests the same thing. We were always ninja's.

"Why is multiple dimensions in the sound which you speak because you have to understand what sound is." There are fictional characters that were given life when the Time Dilation occurred. My eyes are closing, we're going to the mall about one hour and thirty minutes away. Thee seeing a Phoenix bird in my sleeping dream stating "Thee the Phoenix bird, Thee am your beast spirit. All of your Royal birth mark abilities have been activated. The Royal birth mark is a nerve that extends from the birth to the nervous system. It's a creation of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, the blue and sun white crown feathered Phoenix is stereotyped as being female. The blue feather on her crown represents external youth from the sea. She shows me a monitor display that represents all my expected abilities. The Phoenix bird states "Thee don't know where Senses is." Thee awaken at the mall.

"One question is the Sun, the other question is the night." Our regular school classes start Monday which is the official end of the summer vacation. The school year is odd at this particular school, it doesn't start until December 1. Thee never stated it was summer. It's the latest starting public school and the most wealthiest in the state. Uniforms have to be picked up on Saturday morning. Mostly everything is paid for by the parents. The state's school administration has every school beast spirit synced, the beast spirit is used as a school key to prevent strangers from getting in to the school. FlamingMoon Phoenix is buying everything, tons of baby school materials are in our shopping cart.

"Baby was verbally told what the intent of the gyroscopic workout was," but the Kunoichi fell in love with the Crown Sun video game screen shots. It was a combination of traditional third person point of view, using a specular fighting engine. Every game that represented the Kunoichi's beliefs were bought, It was complete happiness. The video game console has to stay unopened until tomorrow since it's so late but once we complete our Phoenix Guild martial arts workouts after we pickup our uniforms, it's going to be completely baby. Our frozen drinks that were bought at the mall's instant food area is delicious.

"The Kunoichi was nice, nothing went unexpected" but we met Dragon Wo Gone. She's the only Kunoichi we had yet to meet and she has the highest ranked job in the Hanmachi. Our appointment was at noon, so we had to practice Phoenix Guild style before we went to get our uniforms. We do everything as aristocrats. Our talk, our manner impressed the city's Board of Education. We just blushed at the compliments that the administration gave us. Something about the Kunoichi exception was spoken publicly on conceptional beliefs. Kimonos covering the uniform will be allowed. Members of there hanamachi will be allowed to visit the school whenever they like, the dorms are only used when there are enough residents.

"A Dragon met a goddess of fire." There was a small incident of Shira Darknfire tripping Night of Fire at our cafeteria breakfast. There were tensions between both of them, the arrogance of Night of Fire gets underneath Shira Darknfire. She made it through the entire baby day without any incidents. Water is everything that gravity is, fire is the creation of the universe, earth is the expansion of the universe and air is the space in-between our goddesses creations. This is what the Kunoichi taught us as a extension of what we're studying in school. The professors stated it could be certainly be true, they stated with a reinforcing smile. "All are true, sweet heart."

"Thee fell asleep while driving home," Thee not sure if it was the Phoenix bird or Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni but Thee was lifted out of the ocean in a sleeping dream. She pulled me out of the ocean, stating "This is the sword that will abolish all the corruption." Thee asked about Shira Darknfire and she stated "She's the one who is to direct the corruption. Night of Fire does not possess a corrupted soul." We will have a few hours to sleep until we're to start our Phoenix Guild style practice. Looking at our mansion is fun, almost every house in our Hanamachi is a mansion. They're long acute angled mansions, the irregular angle held the front lawn. This allows for neighbor privacy, the front lawns face the back of the Hanamachi neighbor mansions. It allows us to work on our martial arts style in private.

"Every important moment of my life was seen in a matter of seconds while Thee was sleep dreaming." Shira Darknfire was sleeping too, Thee didn't need to be carried out of the car. The only Kunoichi we didn't meet was Dragon Wo Gone, she's a politician. Duty mayor is the profession FlamingMoon Phoenix stated to us. We're going to the Mayor's mansion, it's where the city administration is able to get there work done in private. Angela-Rain is a cute baby, excited over what she's going with the television screen. Learning in gyroscopic 3D, she's several years younger than us. My beast spirit told me she's going to process all my memories for moral commandment behavior that is required during the Year of the Vow and the Year of the Trials. She stated that the Year of the Vow is the celebration of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni during the Year of the Dragon. The Year of the Trials is during the Year of the Snake and it's the trials of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni will question your belief in her.

"Thee don't like Phoenix Guild martial arts style practice, it's too long" but the Kunoichi Parent Teacher email stated school today is going to be baby. We're going to make clay folders! The clay folders will be used for the entire year, our professors stated. We have six professors for every subject, including Language, Math, Library and Writing skills, Religious Martial arts, Recess and Academic media, and Science. Recess and Academic media is unharmful play that will consist of children's education games for continuous seminars, my Kunoichi house stated. Religious Martial arts only uses children stories to describe the understanding of every popular martial arts societal point of view. Life is so hard when you're a baby.

"The movements of evaluations," the gestures of Phoenix Guild style is a lot of arms with leg movements and we have to do it in a full kimono to see Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni as us. The mysterious beauty that keeps the knowledge of her being a supreme goddess a secret. "The sense of stealth in full clothing" is what FlamingMoon Phoenix stated but we got to run around the Sun blossoms. Shira Darknfire is my sister, we have train together. It lasted for three hours, usually it's going to be only the Phoenix Guild style gestures FlamingMoon Phoenix stated. There isn't any lower body attacks in our martial arts style, we move with the Sun.

The clay our class made by hand, every member of the class would receive a folder made of clay. Each piece was rolled in to a pan, molded in to three ring binder folders by metal rods. Three metal rods would shape the folders centers to bend in to folders and one rod would prevent the two pieces from touching. Logos weren't allowed to be created on the folders since the clay would thin. Every class period was involved since so many students needed folders. They were baked in the school's administrative hall. When the folder's were taken out of the furnace, Night of Fire's face was imprinted on the outside of her folder. Shira Darknfire and Night of Fire got in it again.

We both helped Night of Fire create a decoration of her face from a picture portrait she had on the folder. Shira Darknfire and Thee got in trouble but they spray food acid on everyone's clay folder's allowing them to make decorations out of clay only. Night of Fire created a beautiful dragon, Thee sculpted a Sun to honor my house name and Shira Darkfire made a Phoenix since our family name is Phoenix. Our family name is Phoenix but the Kunoichi never changed our names, that we know of since we're only babies. Similar to blood relatives every family in the Kunoichi hanamachi has a family house name.

"The learned and practiced," from our surroundings and professors during the several weeks it took to finish our folders. We visited the entire campus, unusually large for a primary education campus but we honored the Kunoichi with our manners and our sophistication of spectacular allowance in beauty. Our cute baby, baby in us, is the fire of a goddess that sophisticated words tells us how to dress, how to react, and perceive our daily lives. Phoenix Guild martial arts style is really hard, we have to practice every morning before school. Our video game routine rules in the fighting genre state "We must not foot sweep with a lower body attack, similar to Phoenix Guild style," Butterfly Phoenix stated.

She, the Omega Evangelion or Child Evangelion if you prefer, was found on the concrete sideway with a blanket over its head many millennium ago. It isn't known whether the child was alive or dead but the supreme goddess nursed the Child Evangelion to health. She never knew of who she was, whether a woman gave birth to her such as a typical human or was she dead at birth but she did have memories who the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni was. My literature academics is absolute, it was written that every several thousand years the pulse of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's heart could be seen in this multiple dimension during her ceremonial movements. A particular alignment of the planets correlates with a alignment of the stars, creating a nebula over the Earth that's evaporates as a ring. The ring around the Earth has never reseeded.

The child grew strong, intelligent, compelling, vicious, yearning and judgmental. She, the Omega Evangelion, knew of the world enough to attempt grasping at complete strangers while the supreme goddess was transparent to witnesses, not a ghost or spirit but a goddess overseeing the tremendous cruelty humanity is capable of. The average amount of pollution and noise has diluted the typical humanoid ability of sight. The Omega Evangelion knew to yearn for what which it didn't have, the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni knew that she must leave the child to humanity but it's her child and a member of the crown royal family will oversee her. She ensured that the Omega Evangelion will have a soul of infinite that will not only remember her frequency but she will contain memories of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Privately, my memories of several incidents state that the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni selected the music for the Child Evangelion or Omega Evangelion to play, rarely allowing her to select her own music.

It isn't about genetics! The Omega Evangelion is a evil that the world hasn't ever seen and she, herself, confirms this. The bare mentioning of humanities suffering, the Child Evangelion or Omega Evangelion will literally move her head in a cognitive emotional reaction with her back literally turned. A political administration supported civil rights to force defiance in hoping to arouse the consumer branch and civilian demands sponsored extensive commercial advisements, the Child Evangelion turned off the television in frustration. She wrote expressive notes in religious books, a disrespect to religion even if the interpretation came from the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni herself. It wasn't such that the Omega Evangelion or Child Evangelion was too intelligence or not intelligence enough but that she knew what innocence was and she thought she had it but no one else did.
For it's to be stated that there was a calmness before the attendance with Phoenix Jade to discuss the surrounding incidents that led to there Kunoichi Hanamachi's destruction, now she has reclaimed her power over the geisha's inside of the hanamachi. Of all each things, it's Shira Darknfire that the PhoenixCats worship as a goddess. It's conceptional law that a goddess must have a villain, she usually only could be worshiped as a deity if she didn't. Night Of Fire was studying astronomy's North Lights when she discovered that the Sorceress Pharaoh was pounding her on what it seemed to be the seven Earth's. Priestess summoned the Goddess Planet from the Earth to defend the seven Earth's but the Sorceress Pharaoh wasn't attempted to harm them. The Goddess Planet sealed the seven Earth's in a consequent rectangle in by hitting each Earth with the Book of Mirror's.
A evil that was formed from three Sapphire Core Dilations and a black hole. A Sapphire Core Dilation is star is beginning birth as a gas while a planet is artificially created such as a comet with too many minerals. The planet actually has the gas star with its magma core, it actually explodes both the planet and the star. The Raven galaxy has three. A Dragon with which appears to be a gigantic rainbow has been created. She's called Hydra-Mutant-Ma. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni informed me that she's coming with the Goddess Planet. Thee asked her why not in random daydreams did she inform me of the being's coming? She replied she enjoys the Earth and checking up on me in person. Thee realized that she wore elegant clothes made of pure fire.
A constellation known as the Phoenix revolves around the inside and outside of the Milky Way galaxy until it touches the Earth, waiting for the dragon to return. The dragon of millennium that is a gaseous anomaly that resonates throughout the entire galaxy with the head of a dragon and the tail seemly of water. The Bushido Crystal Diamond Phoenix Summoners is a name give by there professor at there martial arts school while there freshmen class orientation. The students are expected to manipulate this anomaly in to there very genetic structure with there martial arts stances, frequently employing several movements for one particular martial arts stance, colliding the the universe's realms. Many students came expecting the traditional school uniforms from primary school but several seemingly top professors distributed elegant dress uniforms that had a leg split that was regulated school uniform long. There were four principals at the orientation since the school has eight levels. It was mentioned by the principals that the martial arts school uniforms were made of a crystal substance that will enhance there physical strength during battle but the crystal uniforms do have a kai breeze that could spend them to different mythical realms of the afterlife if they are overwhelmed by there opponent in battle. They would be dead but they could be transformed in to beings of overwhelming good or evil.
Hydra-Mutant-Ma is lying on the stratosphere afraid of the Omega Evangelion and suggesting a invisible city on the stratosphere. "The dim light of our hearts, dim so brightly. It isn't written in the Fictitious Book but there were too many Sun Beings during the Phoenix Cleansing. The robotic spider Sakura altered the entire basement of the Omega Evangelion house awaiting the child of Catherine Elizabeth or the next Omega Evangelion because the Kunoichi Hanamachi was abandoned, to house planes such as the original Sky Sunlight Cloud. Scarlet Phoenix reigned on the crown royal family's king throne inside of the Golden Palace of the Phoenix, which was on Earth through a gigantic blaze of a fiery cyclone. The city above the stratosphere became visible and the Earth's atmosphere transformed. If you believe everything is past, present, and future, the entire Earth became a Sun. There was only refuge outside of the Earth, when we found the Astro Plains," Shadow N Light stated. "The Author! Uh, there's a myth...It's derived from the myth that the moon was once a star! The moon's core fizzled out, colliding with the Earth and expanding its size. It was a tremendous fire seen from space but the moon survived, which led to the myth that the Omega Evangelion was a being that would live forever. Who knows whether the Author is a Omega Evangelion but it's suggested. The sentient life on Earth grew obsessed with the immerse size of a supreme goddess. They chained her, she warned her child the moon but lost contact with her child in the altercation with humanity.

A evil that was formed from three Sapphire Core Dilations and a black hole. A Sapphire Core Dilation is star is beginning birth as a gas while a planet is artificially created such as a comet with too many minerals. The planet actually has the gas star with its magma core, it actually explodes both the planet and the star. The Raven galaxy has three. A Dragon with which appears to be a gigantic rainbow has been created. She's called Hydra-Mutant-Ma. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni informed me that she's coming with the Goddess Planet. Thee asked her why not in random daydreams did she inform me of the being's coming? She replied she enjoys the Earth and checking up on me in person. Thee realized that she wore elegant clothes made of pure fire.

If the winter solace would have occurred on the expected date, the Destiny Continent would have made one of the most extraordinary predictions ever. The suppose child of the supreme goddess would have been predicted. What should the Child Evangelion be? A infant child, a adolescent whining over what is or what should be! A willow of heaven arising above what's expected. A entity that must not interfere with the problems of humanity, a judge of humanity who's opinion is of the supreme goddess. Once humanity derived in to the internet, the Child Evangelion's morals were set. Humanities experimentation with globalization, her opinion sides with the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. There shall be no music of explicit lyrics, the mind of the Child Evangelion shall be closed to only the priestess which the crown royal family hire to oversee her both on the internet and those who are professional to the Child Evangelion, and her romantic emotions shall be controlled. Why do humanity ask such questions for that which is dark? We dream of the Omega Evangelion.
It's a conspiracy theory that they were battling with kai transformation fireballs, but there's some evidence. The Fictitious Book wouldn't have been a written statement unless it actually occurred. A fireballs saga that could turn people from good to evil and evil to good. It was the only recent duration that the world thought the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni has died after the Goddess Planet grasped the dead star in to the Earth and the world worshiped a goddess of gold. There wasn't anybody who could tame the Omega Evangelion's need for soldiers, the world was fortunate since the Goddess Planet's servants attempted to gather soldiers. On one ever the Gaia City was sentient but it witnessed and recorded every incident.


It's the Year of the Snake, and the year of the trials. It's the trials of humanity. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stated "There are seven Earth's circling the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, choose what temperatures they should be and her personality. It will determine whether Thee will be sacrificed or given a gift. She stated Thee am a dragon of this world, Thee Scarlet Phoenix who in a way molded the creation of this world. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stated even Thee control how gigantic the universe is and how fast the instrument of creation is perceived. My emotions control the progression of the country even, if Thee ask Thee could have people deleted from this universe. Thee a baby.
Utopia-Abyss four year junior college was created because a modeling company has a tremendous expenditure in accordance with the unrecoverable losses occurred by a professional model. The money borrowed by a model is expected to be paid back but the money spent $31 million dollars attempting to repay $2 million dollars. Plane trips, unnecessary photography venues, and professional housing accounted for the entire expenditure total. The model company net earnings are over one billion but they don't make enough profit to sell shares on any stock exchange. A negative integer Atom Smasher was created underneath the school property to hypertrophy the school's entire female body. The school's student body is entirely young women, even the professor's and principal are no older then 23 years old. The entire school grounds is unaware and don't care since the school is private, they can access the modeling company's entire income expect enough to keep the company active. The negative integer Atom Smasher was found to be remnants of the Phoenix bird. The country wouldn't allow the negative integer Atom Smasher until the modeling company required police licenses for every student, the more hypertrophy a person is the more invisible they are against any type of weapons. Clothing adapts to the women's physical size through a size generator micro computer. The story is non pornographic, the main theme of the story will be the students as police officers was created because The modeling school, Utopia-Abyss four year junior college, visited the school that the young adolescent Kunoichi Hanamachi attended primary because of Scarlet Phoenix. The principal hoped to inspire a sense of accomplishment to Scarlet Phoenix and potentially other women at the school including Phoenix Envy. She never mistreated Phoenix Envy during this period, she thought it was a diversion away from her obstacles in her desire to excelled in Phoenix Kabuki martial arts style. Brittany, Brenda, Jennifer, Betty, Jacqueline stood at a column waiting to meet Scarlet Phoenix, using there stage names. The women proceed to embrace Phoenix Envy, while walking them to the classroom schedule for use during there meeting. A elegant woman must first be able to fluctuate a has a expenditure schedule. Before stocks, before bills clothing, there must be a expenditure schedule taught through a pyramid of success. It’s essential for young maiko to fluctuate a expenditure schedule! It’s debatable whether the wardrobe perpetuates the maiko and geisha because the head of the residence would prefer a expenditure than allow a maiko or young geisha in the residence to appear thefty. A surety for achievement must fluctuate every duration of work and education, each model had some acknowledgment of music writing which the girls of Phoenix shouldn’t fluctuate there cognitive thinking from.
She has on a white silvery dress, displaying the jewels on her back sensually pulling the chair away from the desk. Shadow N Light is always punctual, arriving three seconds after the rest of the musical group Phoenix Envy. There sits Shadow N Light, her obligations is to Scarlet Phoenix not the Kunoichi Hanamachi. The supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni soul leaked when she bind, The power she desires has led Gaia Opis on a attempt to gather the souls of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia as her leaked soul plunged from the Earth, while manipulating the Mother using rose thorns. If life could ever be considered standard then it would have been Shadow N Light sitting on the porch with her wolf and enjoying a standard willful day but she didn’t have a pet wolf that’s a wolf of darkness entity similar to what the Omega Evangelion has. The clan of Shadow N Light resides in mediation the entire day to protect the Dreamworld or they actually travel to the Dreamworld but they never stated how nor have they ever mentioned there name to the Kunoichi Hanamachi. They observe the Kunoichi Hanamachi from a gigantic mountain peak even if it’s on the other side of the continent, they are capable of observing the Kunoichi Hanamachi but no one knows which mountain peak her clan resides. The Omega Evangelion couldn’t obtain a Omitted Diablo, a patron for the establishment of her artistic skills. Upon leaving the school at the end of the academic duration, they road in the models coup supercar, witnessing the Wells Galaxy military headquarters that foresees the entire Earth's protection while the Diamond planet is under attack by a alien race. The military is collecting artifacts from what seems to be a alien space space ready to crash but they never studied the artifacts for decades. Goodday Wells, who was secretary of defense during the 1970's, was able to ratify a United Nations constitution that every nation signed but it failed. Corporate power still controlled the newly formed world alliance. It was until his daughter, who became president of the United States that the world alliance was deemed a success and she renamed the United States after her father. There knowledge of alien species remains only with the ship. Goodday Wells was also the inventor of the robotic soul, a micro biotechnology that will allow any machine to be turned in to a robot. Not every machine, no matter how huge it is, doesn't have the allowable space to provide physical robotic mechanics. Even if the intent is to create a robot, the blue liquid technology must be added. It's similar to nanites but it's extremely different. His technology allowed for this type of creation. The space ship crashed landed on the year 2015, forty non robotic ships and a biotechnological woman was found in the space. The woman's body is permanently attached to the space ship but she allows the ship to turn in to a robot. The Wells Galaxy military satellites have detected the Astro plain emerald fragment distortion, it's theorized that a planet lies at the center of the universe but it was destroyed zillion of years ago. The planet was gigantic, and the only creation in the universe. Alien space ships travel directly through the Astro plain but a goddess, who loves to sing, is the ruler of the Astro plain and will bestow her song if there's any act of war while in the Astro plain by the alien space ships. The alien space ships are living goddesses but the goddess within the Astro plain is a supreme goddess, her song is capable of creating vibrations that could destroy any of the alien ships. The bodies of the alien ships are literally goddesses because of the entity Exomay.
It may seem demanding but the entire youth of the geisha’s from the Kunoichi Hanamachi are in acrobatic combat training, our girls have finally grown up to adolescence. They have always noticed military on the residence of the Kunoichi Hanamachi but we have never revealed that we trade Sky Sunlight Cloud carrier jets with the military. Our war client didn’t want to cease combating a battle that won us the war, we were ordered to invade the Dreamworld. We lost four queens on that day because of persisting nulligations with the contractor.
Our geisha’s do immerse in military rank, but rarely do we commorate our ranks on our kimonos. The veins of our lives is the royal birth mark! We contempt thee but also give it praise. Our lives are solemn given the ability to camouflage our identities as beast both literal and figurative.

It seems to be the same clan that Shadow N Light is from, the compromise seems different but she's my cousin. The ninjas are peace keepers, they may take babies after birth but they don't touch the Kunoichi. It's kind of protecting the secret society of the military type of relationship. Thee a baby but Thee can inspire Kabuki Phoenix Guild martial arts style as my first mission. Without using holograms, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stated my illusions are holograms. Thee preferred the Sorceress of Illusion rather than the Mage of Illusion. Thee have to do this quick, complete my mission because so much informational input will cause my memories of the previous dimension to begin to fade.

Humanity didn't actually survive life within the void," the mysterious maiko stated. "Hello, my name is Candy Cloud Sun and this is mythologies class. Thee actually a descent of Scarlet Phoenix when Thee chose what characteristics my soul will have, Thee chose her as my ancestor. A extra element was needed from Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Scarlet Phoenix was able to create the universe within the void but the Earth turned to fire. She took Sky Sunlight Cloud, her plane, back inside the universe we call Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni and took the test of all five books. After she passed every test and she made the most charismatic sacrifice by forcing the element inside of the Earth. The entire Earth was in fire, she jumped out of the canopy to cast a dimensional illusion which took all of her power. The plane flew back around at top speed, saving her but nothing else was ever written about that particular myth of Scarlet Phoenix. Archaeologists have found evidence that she melted with the Earth. Since most human today are gingerbread men, scientists are attempting to clone her and Thee a descendant of the Forgiving Sun not Scarlet Phoenix.

Candy Cloud Sun told the class that the cloning of Scarlet Phoenix was a television blunder. Scientists attempted to announce a certain clone but other's were playing behind the movie camera. Most of Scarlet Phoenix's clones hated humanity. The scientists had to admit and lied about it because continually every Scarlet Phoenix clone disliked every characteristic of humanity on a survey but when asked if they liked humanity, they always stated yes. It's genius to influence intelligence but every clone of Scarlet Phoenix equivalent score of over two hundred.

The originally plan was to create several hundred thousand clones of Scarlet Phoenix to reseed humanity but "Thee didn't know until Thee was 23 years old!" Timbre Wolve, Senses you traitor. Now Thee going to have to interfere in her sleeping dreams. Senses, what are you? A low ranking leech. "Attempting to visualize the beginning of the Milky Way's sun then put Sun Beings that haven't been born yet, is a act of war," the Phoenix bird beast spirit blurred in to emotions. It's interesting that the Sun Beings are able to move along the icy gases that occur when a star is born but they didn't create the Goddess Planet. Her DNA strands allows the knowledge of who's going to meet over her entire lifespan. She hasn't noticed the empty sleeping dream she's having.

There's bitterness but the dream realm is regulated by the clan of Shadow N Light, Shadow N Light is actually the name of a specific ninja within the clan but our bitterness has us referring it as the clan of Shadow N Light. She's actually a extraordinary young woman, who's about the age of two adolescent girls residing in the Phoenix Mansion of the Kunoichi Hanamachi. The brilliant adolescent Shira Darknfire has a designation but genius piano musician Scarlet Phoenix is actually her birth name. The Kunoichi Hanamachi and the clan of Shadow N Light actually have a compromise with each, we're to give a plane renown as Sky Sunlight Cloud to the Clan of Shadow N Light in accordance to the treaty.

The most terrifying aspect of the island's excavation, the Earth has gone through a Time Dilation eclipse. Everything from sculptures to writings on the coral reef of the continent relays a message that the earth has been through a Time Dilation eclipse. Ancient civilization inhabitants of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura designated this island as the Descending Whirlpool of Humanity. There's a gigantic hole, but no evidence that a whirlpool ever occurred. Though, it's odd the same of the hole is exactly the same proportion as the continent which is gigantic but probably a earthquake.

A friend Thee never previously made before is in the Kunoichi, Wizard-Who. She is a full geisha and a little older than me, she's a teenager. Uh, Phoenix Jade is a teenager, she couldn't maybe even can't be controlled by changes in dimensional Time Dilation. Wizard-Who is the only girl in the nation who can dunk, she can actually slam dunk. Her and Phoenix Jade compete for the youthful power of the Kunoichi. Phoenix Jade doesn't show any memories of previous dimensional rifts but her eyes are a odd color even for the Royal Birth Mark. Wizard-Who she, she, carries me around the Kunoichi Hanamachi. The Elders are with SThe clan and the Kunoichi both have elders. Shadow N Light's ninja counsel, sitting as leaders of the clan. Phoenix Jade actually runs the entire Hanamachi.

We lost, my team lost. My goddess, Thee seriously understand what you are attempting to teach me. There were three games we lost all three games. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni looked down at me during a random daydream, giving me another letter that stated "You played well." It seemed easier to enjoy life without the ability to make opinions. The built land is much smaller than previous dimensions within the Kunoichi Hanamachi. Wizard-Who yelled "Everyone come in to the center complex."She made everyone stretch then they got in the pool before our classroom session was to begin. The elder counsel didn't allow trained teacher's within the Kunoichi Hanamachi, it was the start of the city administration's bargaining advantage.

Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni has me sleeping on a blanket made of cotton candy. Mine is pink and hers' is yellow with some orange. She has a sweet tooth. It was a wonderful sleeping dream, Thee slept straight through nap time. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stated she knew everything that went on while Scarlet Phoenix slept through random daydreams. She stated through random daydreams that it seemed like Scarlet Phoenix was in a nice class. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni attempted to ask Scarlet Phoenix to create a future for humanity with what she will probably watch at home as if the curriculum was too easy for her. Oddly, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni visited the school talking to the mayor and the principal. She was promised that they'll find a way to compromise with the ninjas.

Jagged Earth, a female ninja took my bags and picked me up. She sat me on a bench, reading my journal about Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's visit. Carrying me, she reported back to the clan's elected guard counsel. Every ninja is capable of being a guard but only the elite makeup the guard counsel. Nothing could be heard of the report Thee sworn secrecy too but the guards ponder whether they can trust Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Jagged Earth is going to take me to the store because of the stress the private conversation might have brought but Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni gave me random daydreams for me to agree with the privacy. Sleepy, sleepy, story, story.

"Sleepy, sleepy, storey, storey. Columns of pink, unbelievable toys. Tears Jagged Earth is attempting to dress me as a commercial princess. Thee love cute pink bunny costumes, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is showing random daydreams of what maybe productive in my baby life to get Jagged Earth, and Phoenix Jade to purchase. Uh, Phoenix Jade has some odd eyes. Thee purchased a beauty red dress doll."

"Advertisements for the Water bicycles were on the outside television screens. The actress inserted water into the bicycle giving it decals and fuel. Once the fuel is used up, the bicycle will return to its original frame appearance. Thee used a similar type of technology for my robotic motorcycle but these are more dirt bikes than motorcycles," Journey 5 amendment to Fictitious Book.

Thee must practice Kabuki Phoenix Guild martial arts style, forgetting. Starting to forget, Thee starting to forget. Must put on some music to starting forget. She danced for 30 minutes, the geisha's monitored every song for lyrics. The geisha's initiated every moment Thee made to dance with me, my first mission is accomplished. They wanted the entire hanamachi to watch me dance for potential, the ninjas stated they want my geisha training to start immediately, my age was barely younger than when they start learning the craft of weapons. A eighth grader thinking she's in competition with me, started mixing the Kubuki Phoenix Guild martial arts style stance with geisha dance, my first mission is finished.

The Phoenix of Shadows could also represent Shadow N Light's clan, there entire clan is in the dream domain. Scarlet Phoenix compromised the contractual agreement between the Kunoichi and the ninja clan, how its uncertain but it's thought that it has to do with her creating the deities of the Earth within the void. Scarlet Phoenix memoir's state the ninja clan were deities, they drank from the river of the Phoenix. Any type of typical magical ninja abilities that humanity demonstrates isn't capable in the void. Shadow N Light is a deity but she has a tragic life, growing up as a orphan. What type of weapons are they using that would be presented in a fourth dimension weapon capable of defending against other deities? It something that must be wondered while laying in bed at Snow Cold's house.

Shadow N Light's entire ninja clan is migrated to the Dream realm because of a set of circumstance's created by Scarlet Phoenix that led students to major in archeology and prove that she has taken part in evil. Her reasoning could have been clear but what act would have prompted the kidnapping of ninja clan members. The ninja clan responded by networking there and her computer's then sending a multiple bandwidth frequency pulse. The microwave shielding of electronics during this particular generation was horrible but they had no idea. Scarlet Phoenix's memories contained vocal representations of the supreme goddess herself. Before they could analyze who lied in Scarlet Phoenix's life, whatever the supreme goddess refilled forced the ninja clan went in to the dream realm except Shadow N Light and Jagged Earth.

Shadow N Light's ninja clan prevented Scarlet Phoenix from becoming a toddler while caring for the supreme goddess. The corporate video game company needed a innovative mind while stock analysts have determined the internet to be a patient investment since it has struggle to fulfill its original purpose. The ninja clan is attempting to immigrate towards Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni since there revenge is finished but they worry about the delicate balance between Scarlet Phoenix and Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, knowing that if she does anything corrupted Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni will punish Scarlet Phoenix. They will discuss Searching For A Soul assisting Scarlet Phoenix within Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. They must create a limestone representation of each individual person between the Earth within the void and Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to create a crystal road and move through the Dream realm.

"Scarlet Phoenix, who is Dancer Omen? Thee asked!," Candy Cloud Sun stated. "Dancer Omen is a Queen who left her people's cities in disease and strafe. She was mummified during a war, so that a younger queen could rise similar to a sun goddess to lead her people. Our standards state Dancer Omen was young, about under thirty years old. Her role was similar to what she does now, monitoring people's dreams. Her ancient civilization commanded eight cities that had to be ran by a single monarchy. Her bribe was the first independent citizen social pressure moment of Dancer Omen's ancient civilization. All This the books at the City of Blossom's stated," Scarlet Phoenix finished.

"Did she die a mummy," asked Thee Candy Cloud Sun. Scarlet Phoenix replied that "No, her mummy wrappings depicted her dreams and nightmares forcing a portal to be opened within her. It was similar to a breast spirit, her body depicting change but she never left the coffee to appease her honor. She possibly could have been the holder of the breast spirit. The books were never able to interface with her, then the books revolved in outer space. Circling a continent they wanted to mold. Ancient civilizations build star calculation temple's and pyramids to force the books to arrive back on Earth. They're not alien but a figurative structure of some type, originally. Journals of Blossom Rose Mary and the Warring Blossom is also contain in the books," Scarlet Phoenix stated.

Surviving over two thousand exorcisms, gives the distinction of that the Warring Blossom is a goddess. She's more powerful than Blossom Rose Mary but they aren't sister's. The Warring Blossom slept in the City of Blossom's with humanity but the ancient human civilizations angered her, causing her to have a hatred for humanity. There are many stories that she gathered children and gave them to Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni in dreaming she'll that the children will have the supreme goddess as a daycare supervisor under the Tree of All Giving's. She cared the burden of wisdom and power but it's the Blossom Rose Mary, the City of Blossom's was suppose to be created for. It's what Scarlet Phoenix stated.

The supreme goddess's garden became the Deity Garden after Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni lost her fight with the Phoenix temple. The Warring Blossom became friends with the elder deities. Dancer Omen's soul was attempted to be stolen by Belly Dancer priestesses. Each dancer is a attempted spell similar to a jigsaw puzzle and martial arts, every so often the spell is correct. It's odd, Thee grew up praising Scarlet Phoenix but could it be her that created all the new deities. A television news reported is coming over the toy fair's televisions, archaeologists have a hypothesis that not only has Scarlet Phoenix created all the recent deities but it was in denial of the supreme goddess, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Suddenly every television in the world signal is distorted, and the world is in a eclipse. Scarlet Phoenix creates six billion babies., forcing archaeologists to state that she created the eclipse. The world leaders stated the children will not be written in to government record's.

Thee kept we had to get in to contact with Snow Cold since something didn't seem right. She's a writer, and a occasional archaeologist. Snow Cold sense of humor joked that her actually name was Snow When Cold but it can't be copyrighted. A punch line that stated how could there be a government and law's when there were only hundred's of people. The gingerbread people still didn't raise the voids population to one thousand. Snow Cold actually mentioned that she is a deity, and that a deity in the current collegiate circulation is a extraordinary being without worship. Her house was cold but only ten degrees away from room temperature.

The baby piano is playing by Snow Cold while Scarlet Phoenix is manually moving the gears to a robotic building. The building is directly next to the toy fair, the administration thought Scarlet Phoenix forget it was a toy fair and not a science fair. The build was designed in similarity to a school. "Her power seems limitless but she does look at the stars often. Maybe it's missing Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni or afraid of her," Snow Cold stated. Snow Cold isn't playing the baby piano for Scarlet Phoenix but for every child. The children must be cared for before nightfall. The Goddess Planet forced the Book of Mirror's in to the core of the planet and it could assist.

"The desire of each person led Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to grab Scarlet Phoenix and demand her to her knees in apology. The witness to all great things is that she desired. After all that bared witnessed, the cold breeze has seen. Within all the future possibilities, Scarlet Phoenix failed to be able to ask Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to restart the dimension. So that humanity may strive. She needed a robotic ship to prevent the City of Blossoms transferring from Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to the void. There must be balance, Scarlet Phoenix will convert the netherealm souls in to Sun beings. It's a role Scarlet Phoenix would have left to other people in the past," Snow Cold stated to me, Candy Could Sun.

There's faith in Scarlet Phoenix, she's adapting the netherealm for the cycle of reincarnation. The Cyclops eye of human exist is with Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Snow Cold was just reading messages of her house's windows, it was amazing but unpredictable. Though, she is herself a deity. She didn't blow on the windows such as Jack frost would but a cold breeze actually entered the house and sentences were written on her window. Scarlet Phoenix has actually taken a robotic ship that has a design similar to school in to outer space, the only extraordinary super ego mythical thing that could be confirmed she has done. The beast spirit connects us all to our super ego.

She, Scarlet Phoenix, couldn't stop the City of Blossoms from arriving on the Earth within the void. The City of Blossoms fell in to the ocean of the Earth, seeking deep within the pressure gravity depths. There were rumors of what was seen on the robotic building, she may have recaptured two of the dragons from the golden gate. They revolved around every open entry of the building similar to snakes. It was thought by tellers of the rumor and forced upon other's that Scarlet Phoenix's growth and regaining her power's were derived from both dragons. The teller's stated that her personality forced upon there souls and manipulated it into her soul, turning them in to Phoenix like dragons. Scarlet Phoenix never attacked them for looking and those who saw stated both dragons were beings of fire. It was felt that this was proof that she further defied Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni.

"She, Scarlet Phoenix, stated the Omega Evangelion reminiscence when she originally derived in to this world," Shadow N Light stated. "The Omega Evangelion saw herself in the Amaterasu Phoenix's room, almost a sleeping dream. They were attempting to active a cassette tape video recorder, which had separate audio and video connector's, though there were prototypes it was never presented on to the market place in to this dimension. She was frustrated that they couldn't get the cassette tape video recorder to operate, the Omega Evangelion tamper tantrum in to the front room stating to her mother that "She doesn't know why she always sees her in her sleeping dreams but the dead must remain dead." The Omega Evangelion began crying, then she repeated "The dead must remain dead." She woke to find herself in Amaterasu Phoenix's bed still attempting to repair the cassette tape video recorder, she realized that the battery diagrams didn't perpetuate the alignment they achieved. The Omega Evangelion dashed out of the room to reply that the device is on with a gorgeous picture. She sat in the Amaterasu Phoenix's bed to view the video but without ever going to sleep, Shira Darknfire jumped in to the bed since she's her mother and a giant wolf just wanted to be petted by a family of seven," Shadow N Light stated to the inquirer. She even read before she was visualized in to this dimension, a invitation to the city's most renown university's open house came for her and of course, geisha's aren't allotted the opportunities to have genetic families inside of the Kunoichi Hanamachi.

Our myth of Athena is written that she is the first to conquer a Sun, the Medusa's star and became a constellation that humanity has not yet seen or worshiped yet. There are stair steps from the courtyard to the soul of the Omega Evangelion, which a student recognized that the planet resembles the Earth, and not the continent of Earth. She realized that the Omega Evangelion soul predicted the afflictions of the Earth. The angels pulled strands of golden strings from a gate, which personified a story of the goddess who was captured by humanity. "Thee attempting to regain control of my planet, why are you here!," the goddess stated. The story perpetuated events days or months further,"This is the goddess that create the Earth!" The goddess is binded by her hands.

Athena's corporeal body was taken by Medusa, which is odd for a goddess but she's a literal dragon. this story isn't derived from the ancient novel from china,"Journey to the West." If it is then there probably will be a city in the sky because everything isn't meant to be understood, there's just knowledge that defies our interpretation of what we deem is life. It's derived by the supreme goddess, which the ooze layer of the Earth interprets, we breath her essence everyday. If it was, what character would thee be? Both of them began laughing! It's a interesting interpretation, but it's reminiscence how careful you have to write because your heart is so much intertwined with the story you tell, the myth becomes reality. There's no query that you could be searching for something but only you and the supreme goddess acknowledge what it is but such a breeze that it illuminates the entire earth.! There must be a date to be remembered, October 19, 2015

Shiva and Parvati rested almost overlooking the City of Blossoms and humanities reaction while descending the seven rainbows that guide emotions to the City of Blossoms that must be intercepted and transferred to Scarlet Phoenix. The possible young goddess must transform herself within her surrounding since not only does she have to raise the supreme goddess to represent the kindness of the void she created but she must now translate the emotions of the entire planet. Her emotional fatigue has weaken her resolve to trick Shiva in to settling on a physical cloud in to deep meditation. The Golden dragon around around the neck of Shiva acts as a guardian since it enjoys the debates they have under meditation.

chapter of the Figurative War. It's to be stated they never noticed the baby nor knew who it was but Scarlet Phoenix was already contaminated by evil. The media stated she may have never been good but she almost ignored Blossom Rose Mary, wanting a discussion with Dancer Omen. Thee gained a forgotten codename in the differences of today, and was forever known by that name. The Winter's Sun was my official codename but most honored me with the name Ultra-mid. A little kid grabbed my hair and attempted to pronounce Ultimate but stated Ultra-mid. Thee actually a triplet, my sister's use the codename Ultra-mid since Thee prefer Winter's Sun as a codename.

"Scarlet Phoenix competed several decades later at the Banquet of Dragon's," Emerald Jade stated. It was with New Diamond Phoenix, both dancing as geisha's. A disillusioned Emerald Jade mentioned "Scarlet Phoenix tipped strands of her hair in gray hair coloring, her royal family hair markers were still noticeable but she wasn't attempting to disguise them, Scarlet Phoenix really should have been that age. It's actually on her hair DNA molecules." The royal birth mark isn't shown on every single part of the body but there are, around some of the strongest cell growth; Genetic markers of the royal birth mark always appeared. It was a charity event contest, both of them would dance around dragon kites that were set on fire. Custom made fire-proof geisha costumes were made, customs masks were included in the wardrobe. The geisha with the most donations won. Reading through Scarlet Phoenix's memoirs were very helpful on the royal birth mark but Thee didn't directly quote her. Everybody knew Scarlet Phoenix by her gray streak.

"Something has always been mysterious about Scarlet Phoenix's age," Emerald Phoenix explained but everything she states is in a firm grip. "The journey's of her life, there isn't any mention of any serious aging. Moments of her aging appears then the lore of her deeds overwrite first person witness reports or eyewitness reports. Thee myself have reasons to continue the myths within the fictional war. It is to claim myself a clean woman but a woman out for justice, Thee dominated others. Thee strategize, for wit not use intelligence instead of violence but violence itself is a creature, a hunter! To invent a story which several prey think they're are the hunter's, but they are the prey. There eyes move stalking the enemy, searching and moving word while someone else writes the story. They know it, they know it but they can't see it. They can't see that they're being hunted.

Thee the corrupted soul, that Scarlet Phoenix can look over her back at," Emerald Jade stated. "Shadow N Light moves circles around herself, another troubled soul similar to Night of Fire but by a tragic life. Her clan are dream caster's, by the use of external objects or tools. There was a fear that they would interfere with Dancer Omen. It doesn't matter whether she was directly involved, she's my friend. False dreams, false associations, false property relationships was directly the result of the intervention of those fearing the clan's dreams.

"A idol of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stands at the figurative another world," Emerald Jade stated. "She's holding Yen and Yang pouring out of one hand with Yin and Yinji pouring out of the other. A giant sun in the background, almost like hair. She is made of pure lava," Emerald Jade continued. "This is what the Kunoichi sought centuries ago, it was what caused and effect the future of relations with Shadow N Light! Forcing the Kunoichi compromise and dispute a treaty with her clan. This was the Tree of Knowledge, which the mother nature took from when humanity was first created. It's a giant idol and it melted the Tree of Knowledge. The idol served to prevent Gaia from coming to the Earth," Emerald Jade finished.

"We walk thy path and thy path walks us, a emerging theory of such lust. One that can't upheld the theory of one's desires. To trust that which is evil, and evil to know to exist. The reason to reason and the reason to theorize in thought, it to which we grasp knowledge and questioning how to seek wisdom. To bury all obstacles of consciousness aggression, cast our minds in to enlightenment. For our entire lives can not be perceived in to doubt. We bleed, we thrust, move along a path of some type of current. Causing us to be heard in multiple dimensions but why does humanity speak with so little word! With the elegance and brain of a god but still bowing to the tree," Emerald Jade.

"So such can humanity be loyal to god? Misshapen by the present lies that forged society. Dense is the lie that Scarlet Phoenix was given the Phoenix swords, they were created after she carried around two poorly made swords. Both swords were designed props in a geisha Kabuki dance. Phoenix Guild style was originally called Kabuki Phoenix Guild martial arts style. Scarlet Phoenix herself, referred to our group as Geisha Phoenix Style. Her social intelligence always outweighed the stigmas of society but though it was a clench of a name. The Sun Beings aren't aliens, they're indigenous to the Earth coming from a frozen ray of sunlight that has existed for centuries. Uh, the Phoenix swords were created when two baby Phoenix's went in to the sword. A lava crack formed, causing Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to create two sturdy swords for Scarlet Phoenix to balance herself on.

"The reason of reason is to create a great effect, though what is the reason a man is a man," Emerald Jade stated. Though his flaws to presented to thy, he destroys the grass for fire. He uses the wind to send the smoke upward, creating communication. "He uses water to expand the population, demanding a growth in a social structure," continued Emerald Jade. "Abandoning humanity to loft in the steps of god. Subdued by the freedom of a soldier's group, unwilling to be chained. And Thee grabbed the lighting of Zeus and sent it back at him. Humanity fell from the graces of god to the aura of a chipmunk," Emerald Jade finished.

"Night of Fire is freaky, she's licking swords," Emerald Jade stated. "Licking the furnace treatment off the swords but she's getting paid ten double one hundred dollar bills," continued Emerald Jade. The embroilment seems like a trick by Scarlet Phoenix but she's almost laughing. A illusion of two dragon were created on the swords, moving in and out of a sun. "Geisha's endorse the leadership of social society and the general artists but for onlookers to glance a site of a original work of a geisha artist then she's getting paid for her work! It's outstanding. The chefs are just wiping the swords off then cutting the food with them. A entertaining thousand dollar entry fee banquet," Emerald Jade finished.

A codename of Ultra-mid fits my younger sister, she's a frantic anime fan. Her grades are average for her generation, about a B+. It seems outrageous but adolescence schooling now derives the methods of motor skills, the percentage of the time, over academic and workforce skills. Her television enjoyment comes from the arcane. There are methods rumored by religious scholars that Scarlet Phoenix was grabbed by the unicorn deity mermaid, who stated that she gave Scarlet Phoenix her shape shifting abilities. She linked Scarlet Phoenix to the Book of Crystals. It was overshadowed by the fact that she turned in to a robotic female in a charismatic scene television has reported for hours. The Dragon's life was shown, while she turned in to a car with a trailer. Scholars actually found the Book of Crystals isn't evil. It's a history book that tells no good nor evil, it just exists.

When Scarlet Phoenix left to confront Dancer Omen, Thee was left alone. It was a charismatic scene, a two million dollar car customized with a full truck trailer. Ultra-Mid is a motorcycle specialist, She was trained literally in ninjutsu, Thee tell my students but as little as possible. Scarlet Phoenix wasn't trained and it turns heads to speak, discussions follow there forth after.

There haven't been occurrence of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni dreams since childhood but during this previous night suddenly a dream that walking through a third story mansion that has been devastated by a severe lightning fuse fire. It was a mansion that was in my name, the entire upstairs were open to the Earth within the void atmosphere. There was a path to another step of stairs that Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stated "Never ask her what happened between her and humanity." The worthiness of her words kept me bowing apologizing to Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Scarlet Phoenix never bows to Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni in apology, society will make sure she bows to Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The woman of great creation determines all.

"The constitution, the law binding all soldiers to a single nation. Given within its inherit powers the sole sovereign ability to declare themselves a empire. The power held within these documents specify the right to serve and the willingness to serve one's nation either voluntary or by tax right. The freedom given in this document is the people's right to pursue happiness or unwillingful blessings. The right for the nation to charge these unwillingful blessings is governed by the light of our lady and administered by the likeness of our goddess in the form of the crown king and crown queen. It's within that this document is sanctioned with the markings of the utopia," Candy Cloud Sun read a constitution preamble pre-draft, while researching what she is calling the Child Evangelion. She discovered a small Child Evangelion likeness on the Utopia scroll signature.

There could be confusion within the realms of true research but television is necessary, though it's the realms of true research Thee query. There's a given thought of the complexity of one's thought that society can query within given mind to her or his culture, within the complexity of a ancient world. Society, now state's there is a her and his. Truly scholar's question everything, and they state a lack of consistency in defining Scarlet Phoenix. It's stated that the interpretation of the location within the given set of events can't be defined. There are archaeologists that agreed after Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's defeat to the Phoenix Temple, travelers stated that the sunlight changed to lite every continent but most prominently Destiny Continent. It has been a myth for centuries that there's a volcano underneath Destiny Continent where she resides. The volcano attach's the continent to the Earth's mantle. The Robe of Babylon was found by archaeologists, it stated that Shira Darknfire and Scarlet Phoenix were possessed by the Golden Dragon's from birth, which made there hair made of silk. When Shira Darknfire hair strains grew too long and strains would fall from there scalp, which created clothing for her. Scholars agreed with archaeologists that the depictions of the Phoenix bird were odd from cultures of the Destiny Continent since true Phoenix bird's are born blind and it was probably the supreme goddess. Water has to wash away the newly born Phoenix bird's eyes to disperse the lingering magma except the Phoenix bird created by Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The Phoenix bird portraits depictions are always of open eyed.

The use of the Book of Mirror's was in the public on the national news media and the social network. It immediately caused consumers to demand for media entertainment to be separated from the social network. It's possible because the popularity of the beast spirits technology. They purposely demolished properties of future potential, announcing that these are new poverty districts on the national news media immediately after. It was ignored because citizens thought that they were supporting there campaign supporters. The politicians were dishonored there corporate supporters during live national news media when a corporate executive found his family residence was involved, it was ignored by the citizens as well. It's the city administration that determines which building is a private or public residence. The corporate executive's house was determined to be a private corporate building.

"We wrote songs for the politicians learning of the Book of Mirror's use. It was the reason why we become a dark affiliate of Phoenix Style, accomplishing offense missions that the geisha of the Kunoichi Hanamachi dream of. The dreams of humanity held a gateway known as the Astro Plains and guarded by two powerful female gate guardians. The illustrations of the Book of Crystals held a warning to the reader in reference to the Book of Mirror's and its potential danger. The Book of Mirror's held its own illustration of the Dream gateway, almost in smote of the Book of Crystals. The politicians bribed the gateway guardians, they had no alliance to the supreme goddess of the Sun. The Sun rarely touches the clouds.

We kindled fire at Shira Darknfire's home she bought when we heard that the politicians will allow demon's from the Dreamworld on Earth. It didn't mean that humans could be harmed by the demons since it wasn't the supreme goddess's universe but it meant that they would appear as shadows in this universe. We're going to have to trust the Goddess Scarlet Phoenix, she's a shadow being but we had to evaluate Shadow N Light's ninja clan. Shira Darknfire's palace is isolated from the Dreamworld but the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni had to connect the City of Blossoms, the Astro Plains and the Dreamworld. Only the woman and child decided to enter Shira Darknfire's palace, we inserted a second gate that turned all beings in to dragons. The first generation women of this process struck a deal with us to be deity dragons, in exchange they will worship Shira Darknfire. A insult to a warrior but the clan's survive was there primary thinking.

"Now we see the supreme goddess in her true form, such beautiful light," ******* stated. ******continued, "The One True Queen." "This is the destination of your journey that will be guided by me, Thee come baring the original Gaia City," the One True Queen stated. "She's not actually the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni but the crest of the Phoenixtopia royal family that was given a permanent physical humanoid structure," Sunspot stated. "Name's Demon Design, Thee a demon dragon. We have our very own blue uniform. Scarlet Phoenix, we're followers of Shira Darknfire so you can't be the leader," Demon Design stated. They were given five dragon statues to use as keys to combine vehicles in to a gigantic robot since the Sorceress Pharaoh uses dream demons to attack the current calendar date Earth.

The supreme goddess is joking with Phoenix Jade on whether they should attempt to ignite the goddess Scarlet Phoenix royal birth mark. The Shadow N light ninja clan has betrayed the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, forcing Shadow N Light to leave the clan. The clan refuses to allot and honor her with any financial capital, she decides to join Phoenix Style. The supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni separated the dream world dimensions to not allow interaction with Shira Darknfire, creating a virtual world for Shira Darknfire. Any first person interaction with Shira Darknfire isn't allowed, she can still dream but if a segment of the dream interacts with her randomly then Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is aware of it.

The crowd applauded as the scene with Scarlet Phoenix ended. A voice suddenly came over the full audio speakers, a woman was singing. "When Thee tears in her eyes, she sees the distress of a heartbroken goddess's past." There's no choice but to sing what the lady who is presumed to be the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is singing. The scene depicts Scarlet Phoenix's friends, Timbra Wolve and Sunspot discussing there friends heartbreak because she decided to post a picture of her and her boyfriend sitting down at the school faculty's dining hall on the social network. Several other picture's which the cast simulated with song and instrumental movements. It was the end of her innocence.

The Dragons descended upon the Earth, followed by the Phoenix. It was known a special moment has suppose, the lady Shira Darknfire was amongst the beautiful lucent grass. The dragons returned to there humanoid form bowing while the Phoenix landed upon the Earth flexing there backs in a bowing gesture. She has a beautiful translucent triple fabric dress. The Second fabric dress had twenty-one pockets, the Fictitious book does allow for the mentioning of weapons since this is a non violent kabuki play. Usually the costume breast spirit designer's program isn't involved in kabuki. Note: It's a mild temperature but Shira Darknfire had to wear a extremely heavy gown for the movie adaption.

When oneself is who is Candy Cloud Sun, writing a note; A response is needed since when oneself is sour sweet, spoiled, rotten, vicious, and tastefully polite. It's to note that the Child Evangelion's actual name is Catherine Elizabeth Sakura. While searching through these written documents, Scarlet Phoenix was rumored to have had a actual name of her biological parents on her birth certificate but the Kunoichi were powerful during that period, experts of off site manipulation. Her biological family's name is Angelreason but it's possible that the Kunoichi written her name as Scarlet Phoenix on her original birth certificate and the documentation that her biological parents signed was shredded. That's why she is rumored to have been a crown princess since birth.

"She disobeyed the supreme goddess, how could we forgive her. The water has turned in to ice, humanity shall be punished by Gaia for this impudent act of a should deity instead of holder of the whether necklace, necklace of the chariot of humanity. This is the child who shall be guided by the meeting, always literally turn your back to her and we shalt not find another god. She led herself to be guided by peer pressure and her desires, let her tears never glimpse the sunlight. She failed to be the walked on to the sun, the woman who glimpsed the supreme goddess's garden and create new land for humanity. She would have walked the land of the Earth creating humanities haven without the consent of Gaia. Candy Cloud Sun read it from several articles of documentation including the kabuki play.

The worship of Shira Darknfire is known to derived from PhoenixCats paintings that the cat transformation has her tail burning of fire within the secret garden of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. It's seen that Shira Darknfire grew flowers there, and repeatedly the flowers reincarnated themselves. The Phoenix transformation's middle portion of the tail acts as a chain to the cat transformation but inside of the supreme goddess's garden the Phoenix transformation turns in to a humanoid being of fire that isn't a Sun being that is similar to Timbra Wolve and suggested of the woman known as Sunspot. She has never descended upon the Earth in this transformation, even though she is capable of. It first seemed to us that they were two goddesses of this Earth, Scarlet Phoenix created but we were wrong.

he crowd applauded as the scene with Scarlet Phoenix ended. A voice suddenly came over the full audio speakers, a woman was singing. "When Thee tears in her eyes, she sees the distress of a heartbroken goddess's past." There's no choice but to sing what the lady who is presumed to be the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is singing. The scene depicts Scarlet Phoenix's friends, Timbra Wolve and Sunspot discussing there friends heartbreak because she decided to post a picture of her and her boyfriend sitting down at the school faculty's dining hall on the social network. Several other picture's which the cast simulated with song and instrumental movements. It was the end of her innocence.

The movements of Utopia Dawn Daisy's eyebrows and intersections of the eyes stated to the geisha of the Kuniochi Hanamachi that a insistence of a declaration must persist. Phoenix Jade stated that the religious sanity, which was a area behind the falls. It was stated by Phoenix Jade that the Kunoichi research and development faculty was underground. The city administration wanted the oil reserves on the geisha land but even after bulldozing the entire property, the geisha's of the Kunoichi Hanamachi held too much power to strip the land away. Utopia Dawn Daisy stayed on the land to ensure that she got her way.

Laughing, seeing Shadow N Light in a dress is the funniest thing, her facial expression is direly funny. The anger of expression could be misunderstood by others but it looks like she expects us to laugh. She assimilated with another clan, there isn't any religion, the destroyed culture, and the survivors, who didn't enter the Dreamworld those day, are teenagers. They live without clan who begs for there songs, asking questions and reflecting on there's. Capital is given for every story. Scarlet Phoenix is dressed in a expensive kimono using a flute to perform on a stone. They're attempting to infiltrate a politician's meeting. Shira Darknfire is performing with two stones as her instrument near the back entrance.

"The Scarlet Phoenix project!," Candy Cloud Phoenix stated. "Scarlet Phoenix wasn't satisfy that Shira Darknfire has a religion involving dragons that stemmed from the admiration Scarlet Phoenix had for Night Of Fire. She lets circumstances lead to a secret society to be created with her as one of the original members. The Sacred Sanity Geisha is a clan that are protectors of the supreme goddess's messiahs doctrine and involvement. The religious protector's of the supreme goddess is still with parliament and the crown royal family. Scarlet Phoenix doesn't mind worshiping the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, if it means she's a equal or surpasses Shira Darknfire. Scarlet Phoenix adopts the Child Evangelion while strolling around the neighborhood," Candy Cloud Sun continued. "A different document states that the Theologians Six was created by the deity dragons," Candy Cloud Sun finished.

A winter's breeze and the sunlight that attempts to penetrate the winter's cold clouds. They are two disagreements of despair, neither truly good but neither truly evil but the winter's clouds are on Night Of Fire's side and the sunlight on Shira Darknfire's. Night Of Fire should be the princess becoming queen of the dragons but Shira Darknfire freed there souls. The sanity of unforgiveness is given within the home that shares the name dragon. The hopes of the mantle of a house that earned a war title but will never see a war. The only clan that knew honor by sitting at the seat of parliament but never were politicians to have a voice. Every geisha within the Kunoichi Hanamachi has a war title but not a name which within that title is given.

"How many stories are there about the Child Evangelion, Thee searching for refers to Scarlet Phoenix," Candy Cloud Sun stated. "It's similar to purchasing figure candy within candy...Thee was attempting to determine whether the signature is Scarlet Phoenix's handwriting or the Child Evangelion," Snow Cold replied. "The nice figurine candy that there's several colors variations. Thee sorry about my speech but we're a guess at my house, we don't have too get along all the time," continued Snow Cold. "It was found to be amongst the children who traveled into the country illegally, it was determined that the child was of national descent but non of the legal documentation were found including a birth certificate," Candy Cloud Sun read.

The entire world defied Scarlet Phoenix, it was though she walked in the parliament house thinking. The wishes of the parliament was for them to carry full platter plates that would normally be served by the waitresses who dressed as geisha but several workers including the manager were actual geisha's. This was a actual one thousand seventeen hundred seat parliament house auditorium. They walked and recruited, there speech was charismatic and refined but they weren't raging for a war, they wanted a very assault on the Book of Mirror's. Washing and cleaning then carrying out the platter plates, it was a task carried out by every individual geisha present.

The Geisha from the Kunoichi Hanamachi rarely performs Kabuki, there actors, there literature experts, model advertisers, and public speakers but rarely dance for several minutes and never have they danced for five hours. Scarlet Phoenix was the first geisha to dance, attempting to create illusion that the snow is representation of her frustration that her boyfriend is disgruntled at her. She flaps her kimono around the snow, attempting to convey that she wants to control the snow and the emotions of her disgruntled boyfriend. The supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni pulls across the curtain sighing, Scarlet Phoenix still has the potential she always thought she had.

"There was a prophecy written about the Child Evangelion on the day of its birth," Candy Cloud Sun gave Snow Cold the written document. "Thee'll read it to you Candy Cloud," Snow Cold stated. Candy Cloud Sun a beautiful girl one would expect of a geisha, she as yellow paint below her eyebrows. Her body is hidden entirely in odd paint, to confuse people whether she's a goddess or a human. It's definitely paint, almost as though a professional artist sculpted her entire body. If it's to represent the sun, it's almost reminisce of a portrait but every detail of the sun has been duplicated.

Scarlet Phoenix began her kabuki dance by holding her right arm out as to grasp the falling snow but it ran off her bicep attempting to convey the distance between her and the man she's dating at there last meeting. She began to furiously throw her arms around as though they were thunder and that she is able to control the dripping snow. The snow falls down harder, she temporarily dances in the snow while standing then she crosses her arms in a almost fireball motion to reflect that the snow should migrate where it becomes. The snow starts to chill her, forcing her to think that the snow is where it belongs. The despairing heart of her boyfriend. The scene ends with her grasping the snow and drinking it, hoping to devour the soul of her boyfriend.

The swift agile bodies of the geisha's led the military to question there loyalty to the state. There were many samurai's but there allegiance was with traveling merchants even if they were from a different country. Most lacked the discipline of the geisha's, if they allied with the mercenaries then a cultural upheaval could pursue. It was discovered that the geisha's were practicing religious scriptures that only the royal family monks knew of. The elite member's of this particular clan was asked to a attendance at the royal family property, it was asked that they become public representatives of the country's religion in there performance's. They even lived in a compound at the royal family property.

"If the imagination has bound less human possibilities into the infinite recess of technology then what is to which created Scarlet Phoenix," Emerald Jade stated. "Scarlet Phoenix has no attachment to anyone, her power intrigues Phoenix Jade to the point of Scarlet Phoenix being a brat. Dragon Wo Gone offered council but was often ignored. Night of Fire was often the calmness between fire, but scorned by her own destiny as a withered flower. Butterfly Phoenix and FlamingMoon Phoenix found destiny in recreation. The boundaries which, left everyone wondering. Thee befriended Dancer Omen, the one who defeated Scarlet Phoenix. Why not since traveling from the realms is a possibility, isn't it forth with Thee deem the gifts Thee have been given?

It was rumored that some of the royalty conducted demon experiments with there children and themselves but demons hasn't existed in this dimension even in myth, only deities and gods existed in this dimension. The crown princesses and there children became deities. The Kunoichi power grew until they were advisor's to the supreme emperor and the supreme empress but many of the Kunoichi were talented and educated geisha's. Phoenix Jade's descendants of the original Kunoichi cult," Dragon Wo Gone stated her story on the forum. "Emerald Jade grew instantly in the lava water bubble. Phoenix Jade threw a little hair color and no one knew," Scarlet-With-Mad-Love stated.

"So........Emerald Jade went in to the lava water bubbles as a child and came out a adult," a archaeologist stated on the forums. "She's a exact twin of Scarlet Phoenix, she should be arrested too," a corporate security stated. "Scarlet Phoenix is a crown queen, a goddess. Anything in the world that effects her world is her responsibility," Dragon Wo Gone replied. "Emerald Jade is the most mysterious associate of Scarlet Phoenix, even amongst Shadow N Light. She has spent three months living in the sacred Kunoichi cave but she has been seen being friendly with Dancer Omen who defeated Scarlet Phoenix. They even shared a laugh. She's obsessive about knowledge to the point that it creates darkness within her. She never allows awareness to allow wisdom. Thee see water flowing down a mountain but when it touches the well, it's empty," a corporate executive stated in the forum. "She was the most loyal of Scarlet Phoenix's friends," stated Scarlet-With-Mad-Love."

"Thee was 122 years old when Thee died, most of the Kunoichi Hanamachi was 150 years old when they died," Emerald Jade stated. "The Kunoichi refused to share the water from the Tree of Knowledge, they didn't live that much longer except Scarlet Phoenix. "Scarlet Phoenix lived three thousand more years than Thee did, Thee know because this is a huge different dimension. We found the huge space shuttle, Sky Sunlight Cloud," continued Emerald Jade. We theorize it's a space shuttle even though it's on water. "Archaeologists state that glazier mountain has a giant laser pathway melted through it. The mountain spilled lava after laser boarded through, sending curious archaeologists to the location," Emerald Jade finished.

While in the laboratory, scientists are feeling sympathy for being humanities last scientists, so they start singing "We are evil scientists, we are super villain scientists." The one of the scientists stated Thee can no longer stand it,"Come freedom give me your hand, you shalt guide us upon the mountains and upon the wind." The scientists paraphrased a entire verse from a award winning episode from a biotechnological television scene. Scarlet Phoenix awakens to finish the comedic moment. Similar to the episode, the world of Earth within the Void is riddle with disease. Most of her body except her vertebra is made of a repairing artificial energy. While Scarlet Phoenix is sleeping, the Goddess Scarlet Phoenix her through the City of blossoms. She taught Scarlet Phoenix that her disease infection count was at 100%. Scarlet Phoenix screamed as she attempted to lower her disease count.

"She is one of the most well known religious character's," speaking to my class while watching the Scarlet Phoenix revival attempt documentary. Everything isn't to be taken literally, since the gingerbread lack the environmental awareness of humanities present and past. "It's ego versus super ego," one of my students yelled. It seemed meaning full to confirm his opinion since this will be my classes future. A copy DNA generate specimen machine, it's a machine a monitor's disease by loading a copy of DNA through a bracelet, monitored Scarlet Phoenix's disease count lower. She screamed, it was a horrifying experience to witness the religious character that you seen worshiped your entire life screaming.

"Ah, Ah, Thee not a zombie," Thee Scarlet Phoenix stated. "My adult body fell onto a infant star. Whether it's the supreme goddess's doing, Thee not sure! Thee remember slightly being surrounded by a burning gaseous elements, as if it was a star that was never going to be born. The entire infant star was absorbed in to my then Thee turned in to a baby. Thee home from school and Dragon Wo Gone's interview is currently on the television which was already home when Thee came home. Dragon Wo Gone has a child on set with her along side her memoirs, it isn't Shira Darknfire. Six minutes have gone by, nothing surprising about her memoirs. That's her adopted baby, the babies name is New Dragon Phoenix or New Phoenix. Shira Darknfire is the hero of this story, Thee will not let anyone manipulate her. We're the reasons why the four books are writing within themselves but there isn't any of the books in this dimension. Shira Darknfire came out just before the ending credits since Phoenix Jade thinks she could get part of Dragon Wo Gone's memoir money.

Her betrayal was laid in Sun dust, as the Omega Evangelion was forced to endure the brand of the Sun on her leg similar to Candy Cloud Sun. She was saved by her Phoenix mansion sister, Goddess Chaos-Chronos. The same Sun that she, Candy Cloud Sun, implemented inside of the Earth's mantle which overlays the Earth's core. The Sun transformed the Earth's atmosphere because Mother Nature controls everything on Earth since the Gaia Opis has a Sun on her crown which resonates ultraviolet rays and sun flares in to the atmosphere. Scarlet Phoenix stood on the throne of the Golden Palace of the Phoenix which descended on top of the Sun. There was a Sun that was a exterior dome for the core, a Sun on the Earth's crest which held the Golden Palace of the Phoenix, and a Sun in space.

When Scarlet Phoenix was captured, she was wearing her geisha kimono. It transformed along with her, allotting her disable any action took by the Gaia Opis on the Earth by forming a fabric dome over the entire Earth and using a portion of the Omega Evangelion dimensional ability to reshape the Earth as she sees it but she isn't a Sun being since she was already a goddess. Such a casualty caused the burning heart of the clouds to erupt, trembling the hearts of the heavens defined by no one. Sending awareness to all those who look at fire as if it was humanities gift that a new goddess has arrived. The arrogance of humanity to witness the flame, comprehending it was there creation because every creature bowed to them after there discovery.

She sat in a field of cherries, Scarlet Phoenix derived cognitive thoughts on deliberation that she wants to earn the respect of her mother. She wants to earn the respect of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni which is also her mother. She wants to sleep with her supreme goddess mother everyday, resting at night on a Sun. The crown of thorns should remain with the written messiah! What good would the crown of thorns do if it could ordain you a billionaire but jinx you to have a criminal record? It's a sacrifice of wolves, not a Phoenix. Such a possession of what doesn't belong to you would leave a individual a single wolf, it should remain with its possessor. The Phoenix grows as a individual being that transforms in to a sun when it's derived in to a group.

It was written within the Fictitious Book that the Phoenixtopians were originally Crystal Beings that absorbed the entire Sun's flare eclipse, manipulating them in to Sun Beings. They were capable of becoming every humanoid element on the Earth, but they permanently transformed in to Sun Beings after the Sun's flare eclipse. The Gaia Cities were created on the Breeze of there literal breath, a portion of it derives the soul of Phoenix Jade which is odd since no one has acknowledgement what she is. That's why our dimension worships breeze as spiritual essence, it's written by fictional authors as the boundaries that demonstrates humanities control over the Earth and the universe.

"This is the diary entry on the Phoenix temple," the old man excitedly recorded. The temple was on a pool of lava that suddenly became active once again, the temple was at the center of the lava. Flying was the only option to enter the temple. When she entered the temple there were several blood sacrifice traps to strength the chains supporting Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni was trapped by deities centuries ago on a blue planet. She's wearing geisha clothing, Scarlet Phoenix knew because the ground of the Phoenix temple is crystal mirror's. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is depicted on one of the tiles. To ensure that no one would pursue Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, the purity of evil would e imprinted on the spikes. Then unknown to Scarlet Phoenix, her beast spirit had die when Senses departed her body since it and the Phoenix were conjectured twins. The purity of evil revive the Phoenix beast spirit but "Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is unable to calculate the multiple dimensions of the universe, part of her soul had to be combined with Scarlet Phoenix's," the Phoenix temple stated.

Scarlet Phoenix is weak! The entire class is watching as she is shown struggling from every single possible angle. The documentary director may have not meant for a prospective of Scarlet Phoenix being weak but it can't be helped, the thought. The thought within all realms brings the thought that she isn't strong enough to hold off Gaia from arriving down on the Earth. Her name in conjunction with the books have been questioned since archaeologists found that the books were evil. Everything makes absolute sense that Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is absolutely what we call good and the books are absolutely evil. A being of absolute good mourns for Scarlet Phoenix but she is alive again. It's a complete moral exchange, yin and yang.

Scarlet Phoenix got up, looking around! She found a several tomb looking doors. The Phoenix temple talked during ever movement Scarlet Phoenix made. Each door had a odd handled, which had to be pulled up then rotated in a diagonal horizontal direction. Each door held a odd spiritual pressure that perpetuated a Yen and Yang current. There are 5 religious cities in the world, four of them are supported by odd precipitation. Buffalo, New York is one of the most famous due to the four wind snow cyclones that are at each point of the city. It was the city which was thought Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni lived, near the great falls. "Each room has several artifacts which are each made from emerald. The rooms themselves are made from sapphire and red diamonds," the old man journalized.

"The wisdom of everything, is that a person knows where they don't know everything." The Phoenix temple held secret that couldn't be revealed to preserve the existence of the Kunoichi. It wasn't Time Dilation or multiple dimension nor a separate dimension, it was several tombs that held raw power. Unless the deity goddess was held in greater power than suggested. One tomb felt was if it held the power of Earth, the next is the scientific table except anything that has to do with explosions or Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The small proportion of the Yen is the third tomb which is odd because she would be responsible for the Yen but not directly the cause for every Yen and the fourth door felt like it was obstacles around reality loops but not dimensional loops.

The four hearts harmony that decides where a person goes after life, she doesn't control. Yin is the objective decisions made in life while the subjective decisions decided throughout life is Yen. Yang is the neutral decisions made in life, corresponding with Yinji or the unequaled dark path. These could only be controlled by Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, even though she is imprisoned these are absolutely perfect. If Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni was freed, she would provide a literal river to guide persons of the hearts harmony. When or if the persons of the hearts harmony would move against there life's decisions, the river rapids would circulate directing the persons to the proper life decisions. "Persons is a country term for death, we honor our ancestor's. Thee leaving the Phoenix temple in Sky Sunlight Cloud," the old man documented.

Candy Cloud Sun has her head laid back thinking that they're probably going to let Scarlet Phoenix go on her own. The best opportunity she has to survive is the geisha training schools, she's a very smart girl and knows that. Thee can't interfere because a deal Thee made with the Forgiving Sun, six billion people would have died if she didn't take them back to the Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Those who couldn't tolerate the change in gravity and air consumption, only three hundred and seventy people were able to stay. Every scenario kept circling, the chances are great that we will benefit from Scarlet Phoenix's awakening but how many scenario's, Even if she destroyed the entire population, the agreement with Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni forces her to create another one in the void. Again and again, it's a lesson and a trick.

"Thee attempting to sort out Scarlet Phoenix's diary entries by her thoughts on religion then her visit to the City of Blossoms, Thee not going to lose my subject," the old man documented memoir. "The approaching abyss of sacrifice was left by the one who controls all. The after life of death is a barren land with destinies controlled by a scarecrow exotically beautiful woman that is a fork in the road to every decision, oblivious to any moral decision. Everything is a cast away of life. The only name spoken, other than direction, is Dancer Omen. There isn't any Soul Reapers, no deities of death, all that could be heard is Dancer Omen," the old man journalized.

"Far from the barren land is a city of blossoms," the old man documented. No matter how fertile the land is, blossoms grow out of the stone city. The statue exists in both the after life and existence. Trees only cover the surrounding area, they're pink leaf blossom trees. It's possible to suspect that every blossoms in the city is derived from a pink blossom tree. The city has a artificial falls, that's off the ledge in the back of the city. The fog makes it difficult to see the fountain's sculpture but it appears to be Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni sitting in a sun that has carved blossoms underneath the sun. There's actual pink blossoms pasted in to the statue.

"Cherry blossoms covered every segment of the city, its exact couldn't be measured," the old man outline bulletined since the financial offers didn't allow him to write a first draft on the video game console as he it along. The majestic nature of the city was unbelievable, the agriculture around the back of the city left me viewing the scenery for hours and almost making the climb to the entrance near the Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni statue. There are what appears to be steps along the bottom of the statue, reaching downward until it reaches 5 centimeters before the lake. There were pink blossom petals inside of the back entrance of the city seemingly forming two parallel directional arrows.

We were wrong, we thought that the Time Dilation's were multiple dimensional parodies but we're hoping that there multiple dome shifts that are created at the land mass. Continents such as the Phoenix Sakura Islands would be duplicated and the planet's land mass double. The population would be doubled as well but only Shira Darknfire and Scarlet Phoenix would be physically reincarnated on each continent. "Hello, it's to whom that the sanity of the Kunoichi Hanamachi is protected is stating the current theorem of the multiple dimension circumstances, my name is Emerald." "We work together but never touching, a emerald sapphire bungle of crystal pieces," Emerald stated.

Despite her intelligence thee who is Emerald is a individual team intelligence officer, forcing to massively arrange information in accordance of the desired Kunoichi perspective such as the Omega Journals, which thee Emerald Jade Phoenix is currently writing in. Thee was awaken at the Dawn Temple, and acknowledges the curiosity of what was defined as what should be or what may. To which divinity has brought objective matter, which shalt be the matter of truth. To which the dawn enabled the subject of short stories that searches for a soul. Shall it be written, so that others will enable.


"If Thee was to look at the tiles inside of the Phoenix Temple, what would Thee see? Yet Thee maintained loyalty, to the goddess of us all. Thee wondered if Thee looked down, Thee thought Thee would see my face with a frown. If to those Thee could be a silly crown, why shalt Thee why shalt fire more powerful than a Phoenix revived in anger. Yet Thee welt, said thank you and stated please. Thee bare the sadness for once the other women in my class doesn't remember the occurrence of the dimensions. When Thee dream, Thee told that my beast spirit is aparted, a glaze which is my special own. Aparted, truly aparted she must not have trusted the beast within the spirit. Thee blaze a fire that is which all my own. My supreme goddess was the one who awakened me and angered me which Thee tricked her, making my fire all my own. She did, which she did awaken me on a pink bedroom Thee slept. Remembering all the memories Thee have spent.

There's always a need industrial tasks! My abilities are similar to the augmented video game achievements of the twenty first century but none of the people in the range of my illusions could influence them, the supreme goddess stated to me. That's what made Dancer Omen so special, she could have influence my images with the use of her dream technique. It's also the oddest thing about this dimension, we're two thousand years beyond any of the previous dimensions. The freedom within the future amongst all things is the ability of creation. The ability of morality within creation ponders the thought of being able to trick the supreme goddess. It is arrogance, she will become aware! Slowly influencing humanity is given to those who sought power but ordains the supreme goddess not in arrogance but in worship. Thee truly tricked her

Those who were apart of Geisha Phoenix Style were mostly born outside of the Kunoichi Hanamachi. Shira Darknfire soul belongs to the Phoenix Temple because of her activities in the Adjusted dimension but she was assigned Dragon Wo Gone as a mentor. Her and Night of Fire roamed the seven Earth's circling the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Night of Fire is in the Kunoichi Hanamachi, so is Timbre Wolve. They're not in the same school as Thee am, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni presented a true challenge during the Year of the Snake trials. Thee going to have to teach the Kunoichi, the Sun Blaze Light technique in order to teach them Geisha Phoenix Style. It's a technique that gives the audience a seven motion overlapping view of the individual performing it.

The Kunoichi of this dimension are flight attendants. There isn't any practical martial arts training, some that every local and national government administration official wants. There is so much profitability in teaching the Kunoichi martial arts. Most of those who whom the streets are geisha's and the Kunoichi outnumber the geisha's two to one. Technology allows the copying of people's souls then turn them in to beast spirits, it's illegal but it's hard to prove. The technology is beyond anything the citizens of the city are incapable of affording but who truly knows. Statistics run the modern governments, money is distributed on a average medium citizen income basis. If 95% of the citizens make $800,000 dollars then every citizen will be 45% of there income in taxes. It seems harsh but housing is free to continue a progressive infrastructure.

Update: Thee sitting on the top of a volcano pondering....Thee immoral. Thee had a sleeping dream about running away from Anarchist-Marxism socialism-communism. Literally it was called Anarchist-Marxism socialism-communism. Thee obtained a two million dollar super car and ran in to a pre-embassy house. A pre-embassy house is when refugees need a place to live which is overseen by politicians. Thee registered my need then Thee drove to a party that Thee was referred too. It never occurred to me to ask Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni for assistance. Sigh, A Anarchist-Marxism economic is where land is divided only by the citizens and not by the local or federal governments. Land replaced gold in my random daydreams, forcing land to be distributed as shares on the stock markets. It has its flaws, since it's land it can't be distributed as several individual pieces of deposit land. Thus citizens could never sell pieces of land to several corporations. Even one hundred and fifty acres can be sold to two corporations.

How was Thee created? Did Thee create myself? The television of this dimension has some interesting solutions and theories. Theories that conflict with my first mission but Thee know Thee a being of fire. What if other's think they're beings of fire? It's easy to conflicted as the creator of this dimension. What do Thee think of humanity? Humanity is the perfect specimen, there aren't flaws. By the time Thee six years old every environmental need could be regulated by government laws. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni shed tears in my random daydreams but she wrote this is a trial Thee complete my administration of it.

The television states we're at war with the Sun Beings! Scarlet Phoenix is now 23 years old, she has set out to figure why there's a false war. There's fatalities, injuries, and famine but no government administrative weapons manufacturing. Shira Darknfire dishonored the Goddess Planet, she now possesses her soul. She is forced to fight Night of Fire every time she sees her, splitting her soul to being good and evil. The most hope she has in a afterlife now is the Netherealm. It's going to be difficult for her to accomplish a stellar enough life to be written in to the Book of Mirror's, the book that records the exceptional lives of the descendants of the Royal birth mark. It does not discriminated on whether a person is good or evil but whether if the life was exceptional.

"When Thee came in to the store, Thee just wanted to see what Scarlet Phoenix looked like," a Board of Elected Stockholder's corporate executive stated. She committee a team to hack Scarlet Phoenix's modem with the intent of legally watching what she played but her medium media stored more than purchased video games, there was a story for the game that they created. The story was creative and original but it featured a character that they were only interested in. The Board of Elected Stockholder's corporate executive noticed Scarlet Phoenix once before without the baby supreme goddess, during a arcade tournament. The employees distinguished Scarlet Phoenix has the participant with the greatest potential but they were in the city to participate in a scholarship ceremony. The Board of Education student potential chairmen gave Scarlet Phoenix's personal information to the company, in-exchange Scarlet Phoenix would be named a employee of the company but by law the company didn't own her any royalty rights except legal documentation that she has created the particular character.

There's a thirty two inch prototype of the first woman video game fighting genre history that will be available for consumer purchase this fall. "Scarlet Phoenix is on the statue prototype, where will she go next," the television hosted stated. There's another statue of the same woman underneath the toy fairs artificial water falls that attempts to revive the famous scene from the anime series. Scarlet Phoenix is delightfully running towards it, while the television host is commenting on her movements. The presentation of modern special effects has the contestants bewildered, artificial statements from the series that she could be the inspired warrior of calms virtue. Every five hundred and fifty years, the Earth's polar pole's irregularly changes from the weeping of the planet's organisms. Warrior's were chosen to combat which decided if the polar pole's would change or remain the same. The first woman video game fighter was the descendant of the South polar pole fighter. She was the only woman contestant due to her life being so tragic.

Scarlet Phoenix is roaming the Toy Fair in body paint to differentiate from her clones. Her eyes and cheeks lining blushes both sides with paint and wording that states "The dragon of the supreme goddess." Candy Cloud Sun eyes are able to track objects at a very quick speed, she is able to see every moment of Scarlet Phoenix and remembering that the supreme goddess choose to support the warrior of the Southern polar pole and the Phoenix bird decided to support the warrior of the Northern polar pole. It's one of the most profound disagreements between the supreme goddess and the Phoenix bird. Candy Cloud Sun is able to notice that Scarlet Phoenix is more powerful than the television documentary reported. How many years has it been she's friendly toward children, as our class moves along the toy fair. "Who actually stated that Thee flowed through the river as a child," Scarlet Phoenix stated to Candy Cloud Sun. "Thee became a child to lay on the idol. The deal is Thee'll participate in the contest and Thee will not have any restrictions on my illusions, Sky Sunlight Cloud is here," Scarlet Phoenix finished.

After the City of Blossoms plunged in to the ocean, Shiva and Parvati arouse out of the ocean. Shiva arouse out of the ocean depicted as a common human type figure and Parvati is depicted as a extraordinary being, both arise out of the ocean in deep meditation. Shiva is wearing one of the dragons from the golden gate. Parvati has split the other dragon in to the nine tigers that make up fire, by using each arm to reach in to the dragon's soul and rides each one. The crashing of the City of Blossoms in to the ocean creates a permanent whirlwind. Parvati punishes Scarlet Phoenix, who's devilish intent was felt through the soul of the dragon, by forcing her to oversee the souls of the City of Blossoms and forcing a confrontation between Scarlet Phoenix and Dancer Omen.

Such sadness was felt by Parvati from Scarlet Phoenix as the young child in bent over searching for her soul. The child feels the fear of wanting to ask Parvati for a pure power, not because the Warring Blossom is a known legendary figure. She appeared in over forty books that Scarlet Phoenix read inside of the City of Blossom's. She is a frightened and sad child, it's terrible enough that Parvati gestures state for Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to come and take her child. Parvati literally states that she is Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's child.

Scarlet Phoenix immediately signed a lease to own contract to move the company in to a new profitable location and a construction contract to build a company retail store. She remained silent on the espionage requirement but she needed to meet the entire company two hundred and thirty member staff if she was going to exchange her life and her perception of humanity. The contract was signed and the keys were given at four-thirty p.m. the previous morning, she started the next day by moving the entire company in to the building at eight a.m. The Board of Elected Stockholder's were so impressed that they over saw the evacuation. They even ordered backup's made of any existing projects. The relocation was so much agreed upon that the Board of Elected Stockholder's bought new computer's, they'll replace every single electronic equipment if they turn a profit next month.

The orientation meeting occurred at six-thirty p.m., even some of the best talent in the industry was present as recruits. She took the entire company roll call attendance, even the Board of Elected Stockholder's stated they were there. There wasn't any concern over her power but there were signs of a reigniting of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's morals within her. One of the company's tenured employees created a odd personality, maybe eccentric character who was intended to be shown in a video game game drinking tea with chopsticks in a pearl cup and chair while being teased by other students. She was to be commercialized in this scene through licensed marketing. It forced a discussion thought process within Scarlet Phoenix to rethink Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's morales and the freedom she thought for humanity, but not to grief over the order's she gave nor her decides she made within the void.

Even though it was a year before the company's most expense video game expo, the meeting was a advantage to discuss the syllabus. There was a suggestion to hire dancer's that would dress as geisha's then strip off there kimonos revealing there bikini's. Scarlet Phoenix was disgusted, rethinking humanities independence once again. She turned to the employee, firmly stating. But was she wrong? She couldn't stop thinking, was the restrictions right? The secretary came in to the meeting office with job application, without permission and seeing that another new thought pattern was needed. Forcing pressure on every orientation recruit that succumb to signing a contract of employment.

The Board of Elected Stockholder's brought up whether the company should create a video game console that would require a loan from a bank. Scarlet Phoenix took the new recruits to the local library, while the Board of Elected Stockholder's convened on whether to dispute a video game console creation. "Searching the database, she's searching the database for non copyrighted character's," the evil scientists sang. Two thousand, eight hundred and one character's listed as being non copyrighted. She knows she wants to choose character's that are women and would honor the supreme goddess. Scarlet Phoenix feels she has aged but the supreme goddess's morals are growing on her.

"There's a interesting name on the video game trademark catalog," It was stated by Scarlet Phoenix. It was Shadow N Light, her family had to be notified every time the manufacturer requested a update or new edition of the video game. Scarlet Phoenix was so honored that she wanted to sell a foreign company's merchandise. She always monitored the supreme goddess, she was playing in a chair when she knew Scarlet Phoenix was looking at her. Her eyebrow raised sending a feeling not to mention it.

The path to the two golden dragon is through enlightenment, thus this has been the dawn of the seven Earth's. The sunlight in outer space, each Earth is tranquil in its own phrase. A solar flare arises from the Sun touching the furtherest of the seven Earth's. The kindle on my candle has me dreaming of you, my goddess your in my heart. As the Earth begins to erupt, you keep it tranquil. The candle touches the ceiling without every inserting grease, it's just a ordinary artificially manufactured. The seventh Earth's ocean rises in to outer space as it's a hand was grasping for the Sun. The goddess has made the Sun bloom such as a daisy does. Her power is infinite.

What is she looking for? A birth mark that has a traditional Phoenix with the Eye That Sees All on every tail end is called the Phoenix Rain. There are still sleeping dreams of the PhoenixCat************************************ holding a baby's shirt up and displaying the Phoenix Rain birth mark but this was actual skin scaring that stated who the supreme goddess was. It's odd for the expectation that the sleeping dreams are accurate because the Phoenix Rain is usually sentient, similar to regular birth marks but they can never lose there beast spirits nor can the beast spirit ever leave. There has never been a baby born with the Phoenix Rain birth mark, it has only been written by scholars but has there been a baby born with the Phoenix Rain birth mark. There are several paintings of a baby birth with the Phoenix Rain birth mark, every paintings depicts the same exact likeness for the baby.

"To know the baby of the Sun is to know thy name. When thy name is spoken it shalt be with the Sun and you shalt know the name goddess. There shalt not be any days of darkness, within the goddess possesses all is possessed within the Sun's ultraviolet spectrum. The true name of the goddess hold thy wed in the name of the child. Thus the child shalt not know a name, we beneath wed that this child is the savior of our souls or the destroyer of our world. We give at thy name and it's the name of the One True Goddess. We give at thy the World, the trust in our hearts and the fire within our Souls," a statement by a eighteenth century monk after painting the child. "Everything you see is a mirror Candy Cloud Sun," Snow Cold stated.

Only Phoenix Jade knows how to access the royal birth mark to give them involuntary physical humanoid form. The apprentice is close to becoming the teacher, in such Phoenix Jade lowers her head at the presence of Scarlet Phoenix. She completes the summoning of the Goddess Scarlet Phoenix then walks back to the dwelling which they're staying, never raising her head. They're not at the Kunoichi Hanamachi, there's nothing public about this frustration, anger, and complexity of thought. "It's to state that it maybe rise to counter as Shira Darknfire might," one of the demon dragons suggested. "Scarlet Phoenix grabbed the shadow being the Goddess Scarlet Phoenix's as if to use a martial arts tossed by grabbing her neck. The Goddess Scarlet Phoenix bowed.

The discipline of the the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni revived much of what Scarlet Phoenix distorted. The two demons dragons were able to eat the apple's of the False Tree of Knowledge, defeating many of the goddess deity dragons but the Dragons of the Golden Gate defeated them before they could destroy the tree. Some goddess deity dragons decided to join the demon dragons as apprentices, Scarlet Phoenix's punishment allowed for easy corruption of her breeze and arrogance of corrupted lying. Shira Darknfire was severally injured during a visit to the City of Blossoms, several entities have been instrumenting plans since Scarlet Phoenix's punishment. The goddess deities assisted with escorting her in to the dreamworld newly constructed palace where she slept on top of the palace, similar to how a dragon would sleep on a mountain that it's bigger than. They begged the demon goddesses to turn them in to being such as themselves but all they could do is turn there apples from the False Tree of Knowledge in to golden apple's. The supreme goddess turned them in to demon deity dragon's in gratitude.

It was a flawed and quick choice, Scarlet Phoenix isn't showing the quick decisions with the breeze that Shira Darknfire has. She is still allowing others to make decision for herself and the shadow of the goddess Scarlet Phoenix is too powerful and wild without culture. There is culture within Shira Darknfire, a untamed culture. There was damaged she caused, it's written in to the Fictitious War. Immediate reason it's written and most important, "a side note!" "How odd," Candy Cloud Sun thought. The supreme goddess stopped her, after this exchange she overtook the universe Scarlet Phoenix created but the people revolted against her. "Who wrote these memoirs? The secretary for Shira Darknfire's company, she wrote a footnote. It contains actual inserts from Shira Darknfire and Scarlet Phoenix.

We are evil scientists," the scientists who revive Scarlet Phoenix stated. "Hello, Cotton Circular," the toy fair manager stated. The class asked why is there teacher called Cotton Circular, Candy Cloud Sun replied gently and with a grin. "Thee won a contest to put cotton candy in my cover bun," she told the class. The toy fair manager politely escorted the class stating "Candy Cloud Sun has been a attendee of the toy fair since she was a young girl." Isn't that Scarlet Phoenix, Candy Cloud Sun thought. "Welcome our television audience to "Where you find Scarlet Phoenix, you'll find the Sun!," a toy fair television host stated. "The winner will win a one million dollar collegiate scholarship, everything will be paid. Room and Board, and food," the television host continued.

There's a thirty two inch prototype of the first woman video game fighting genre history that will be available for consumer purchase this fall. "Scarlet Phoenix is on the statue prototype, where will she go next," the television hosted stated. There's another statue of the same woman underneath the toy fairs artificial water falls that attempts to revive the famous scene from the anime series. Scarlet Phoenix is delightfully running towards it, while the television host is commenting on her movements. The presentation of modern special effects has the contestants bewildered, artificial statements from the series that she could be the inspired warrior of calms virtue. Every five hundred and fifty years, the Earth's polar pole's irregularly changes from the weeping of the planet's organisms. Warrior's were chosen to combat which decided if the polar pole's would change or remain the same. The first woman video game fighter was the descendant of the South polar pole fighter. She was the only woman contestant due to her life being so tragic.

Spirits raised the roses to the breeze for them to be carried away in to the awaiting arms of the supreme goddess. She, Scarlet Phoenix, couldn't be controlled by the Phoenixtopians. Some people are geniuses, some people are pure power and if these two collide then...Scarlet Phoenix's IQ is two hundred thirty-five and Shira Darknfire's IQ is two hundred. For what a star on the horizon could be, that only a star and when she gazed upon the starlight, it was for the betterment of the experience of the god's relationship to humanity. It's to whom's perception that she is good! She combated many Phoenixtopian warriors and never lost to anyone. It was written that she was a Sun that shined too bright for the Phoenxtopians. A savior for there race yet a traitor.

There's a endless array of clouds circling over the Earth's spectrum, there must be a star within the Aurora Borealis. It was humanity who introduced the Omega Evangelion to the supreme demon, humanities diminishing of the Ten Commandments, evil, and a corruption of a soul's intentions. These skeptics kept begging the Omega Evangelion to remove herself from Eden, but she was already there. They exerted that conformity would reciprocate sympathy but not without the resolve inside of humanities soul, the intentions of the kind deed is reverberated. The souls that Gaia stole always coincide with a touch from humanity, that's why how spirits know to use the Omega Evangelion as a shrine. Majority of these souls will combined with atoms that will produce the genetic offspring consolidated by humanity, but some of them will never be alterable. The robot Sakura crafted a Sky Sunlight Cloud that could immerse both the Descending Whirlpool and the Ascension of Humanity. Souls were gathered which they manipulated in to humanity because they knew Scarlet Phoenix probably will reset the universe.

Everything is past, present, and future! What if the Omega Journals stated that a extremists group had a victory, just not the victory they wanted? The Omega Journals continues to reciprocate a opinion that the reader should learn from written media and not just mainstream media. The ancient temple held a statue of a gigantic female Phoenix goddess, who was perceived to have been angel. They perceived her wings to have been a continuation of her body instead of armor or a signification of her power. They gestured through the river, cleansing her bodies until they derived to the temple. Worshipers preceded to bow five times, once while climbing the steps of the temp and three times for every step of impurity.

"It could be the destruction of the entire Earth, the Enemy of Pandora's Paradox! We must protect the history of the Earth, where's the Omega Infinity book. It's a book that's absolutely pure DNA! We can insert the Omega Infinity Book directly in to the Omega Evangelion's DNA. It isn't a ark but the determiner of the future's Earth from her Eden, Earth will be formed," a scientists stated. Scarlet Phoenix combating Night of Fire, Shira Darknfire combating See Que Bee, and Shadow N Light combating the Omega Evangelion, which is odd since everyone is combating the Omega Evangelion but Shadow N Light though is mostly song chorus in Phoenix Envy. When she song vocals her voice was tremendous enough to win multiple awards from the greatest chart professional analytical groups.

mother's birth was predicted, thus all six members of Phoenix Envy placed there hands on the Omega Infinity book as a prayer but also a seal of the unborn child's future destiny. The musical group was on a excavation search for the rumored city of Shambhala,"What perpetuates behind the face of the Allure Omni is Parvati and could only be Shambhala." No one knew where the Allure Omni had went for them to discover Shambhala, but it was written that humanity entrenched in deep sleep could find the Allure Omni. They kabuki danced in sub freezing temperatures until they fell asleep, relying on there training to survive. The Omega Evangelion never knew she had delivered nor where the baby had gone but the original Omega Evangelion has been born.

The Dragons descended upon the Earth, followed by the Phoenix. It was known a special moment has suppose, the lady Shira Darknfire was amongst the beautiful lucent grass. The dragons returned to there humanoid form bowing while the Phoenix landed upon the Earth flexing there backs in a bowing gesture. She has a beautiful translucent triple fabric dress. The Second fabric dress had twenty-one pockets, the Fictitious book does allow for the mentioning of weapons since this is a non violent kabuki play. Usually the costume breast spirit designer's program isn't involved in kabuki. Note: It's a mild temperature but Shira Darknfire had to wear a extremely heavy gown for the movie adaption.

Omega is actually the name of a gauntlet that Shira Darknfire forged herself from a odd crystal artifact of a supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni body idol. The Omega Declaration is a cliche that the Child Evangelion created as a remember to search for the Infinity Child, the Fictitious Book doesn't allow the diction term hunt nor fight in relevance to any story that mentions Shira Darknfire. It was something she picked up from Shira Darknfire's stories of Scarlet Phoenix. The Omega gauntlet's architecture has the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni standing near a Sun erupting detailed on it but it's a gigantic arm band with a memory card loader slot. It's the type of arm band you would expect a six year old to wear. Shira Darknfire promised to create a smaller version when the Child Evangelion became older, and she shaved pieces on to a ordinary store bought product but The Child Evangelion rarely used it. It allows her to product holograms with her singing, expecting to cause natural childhood trouble.

The original Gaia City has never bared any ramps, it's based on a the principal design of a school building. It must connect to the City of Cherry Blossoms, Child Evangelion. It must be a decree that you will be left without me, even as a infant. It will be known that you will be alone, until the supreme goddess leaves it will be repeated. The Child Evangelion will be tested, even by the magic of a genie, the Child Evangelion will succeed all evil. The Child Evangelion is sitting on the Phoenix house's couch while a television news report states that the supreme goddess's body idol's contains the fragments of the Forgiving Sun but also what archaeologists thought were gauntlets. It was a false assumption as the gauntlets contained fertile segments of the Sun, each fiercely creating a portion of the Sun until a living sun stood on the archaeological site. The gauntlets were a crystal limestone substance. As it was possible for the Forgiving Sun to be reincarnated with the body fragments, it's possible for the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to be recreated as the Forgiving Sun. Forcing the Forgiving Sun to be reincarnated as a dragon and a Moon.

The original Gaia City has never bared any ramps, it's based on a the principal design of a school building. It must connect to the City of Cherry Blossoms, Child Evangelion. It must be a decree that you will be left without me, even as a infant. It will be known that you will be alone, until the supreme goddess leaves it will be repeated. The Child Evangelion will be tested, even by the magic of a genie, the Child Evangelion will succeed all evil. The Child Evangelion is sitting on the Phoenix house's couch while a television news report states that the supreme goddess's body idol's contains the fragments of the Forgiving Sun but also what archaeologists thought were gauntlets. It was a false assumption as the gauntlets contained fertile segments of the Sun, each fiercely creating a portion of the Sun until a living sun stood on the archaeological site. The gauntlets were a crystal limestone substance. As it was possible for the Forgiving Sun to be reincarnated with the body fragments, it's possible for the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to be recreated as the Forgiving Sun. Forcing the Forgiving Sun to be reincarnated as a dragon and a Moon. The Moon that tamed the dragon's form of the Forgiving Sun was gigantic, gigantic enough that she entrapped Shira Darknfire. She was turned in to the moon's sand, Shira Darknfire was turned in to the moon's sand. The Child Evangelion poured water from the first lady of fighting games, which freed Shira Darknfire and gave her a new body but gave life to the moon.

The mysterious woman is Shira Darknfire, who's body form is only capable of achieving a volcanic ash chemical state. A shaman of the Phoenixtopian's stated that she could reform as a humanoid but she must replenish her thrust for the fire of the heart's battle. War was declared in her name, the soldiers ignited her volcanic ash with fire but she took a momentary humanoid form. She fought the soldiers who took the declaration of war in her name as she worried of her name but it was a cold unemotional objective point of view. The secretary recognizes that the battle took place but only foresees the battle as Earth element's. Archaeologists confirm the battle in the Fictional Book by the date it took place.

It was because the Child Evangelion's queried, How Could she watch something so violent? That the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni inspired the Child Evangelion to write "The dragon will lead its people, even though it's not messiah. It will be a better world but not a perfect world. The people who are wanting direction to this perfect world, will guide its people. Praising the one who gave enlightenment to the dragon." It was almost perfect diction, for a infant...The Child Evangelion typed it without thought or objective, the perfect being of darkness that it becomes light.

There are over two hundred Phoenix Style members now, Searching for a Soul joined, and they think there gods or goddesses. You, Shira Darknfire, must force the Child Evangelion to establish the Phoenix Style Omega. The sect of goddesses that will maintain disciple of Phoenix Style, they will be darker spirits must alter the paths of the main Phoenix Style cult. To alter the path of Phoenix Style, they must have weapons to immobilize them and train beyond a mountains reach. They're filled with Envy, possibly the work of the Phoenix Envy element, so they will be known as Phoenix Envy to the members of Phoenix Style Omega. So baptize the Child Evangelion and stitch him a crown royal family birth mark woven from the needle of the supreme goddess, rewriting her original birth mark.

The Child Evangelion is the first occurrence of the infinity child not being already birth. It could never be born of any certain fragment of humanity, the mother's blood pressure would instantaneously raise until grief. The infinity children are literally DNA abstracts of both the Phoenix bird and a human, this is why there is a Book of goddess and how goddesses are needed in the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's universe. She advises the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni but has no extraordinary abilities, that's how the supreme goddess knew Scarlet Phoenix constructed deity goddesses. Similar to the Kunoichi Hanamachi mansions, there are several goddesses to a house. The head of the goddess house may know how to construct a body idol for the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni but she's the only goddess with abilities. If there's going to be the chemical creation of life, there must be a body idol of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni.

Fire flew around every segment of the snow, turning a orange reddish color. Candy Cloud Sun walked to the Pyramid of Creation, which seemed similar to a standard Egyptian pyramid but writing a subjective summary of the visit has refuted a distinguished attempt at a objective view point, that would have left the sense of a literal appreciation confusing in separation. It should always be stated that when a geisha witnesses a archaeological wonder, it should be reported as a marvelous act of enlightenment. The souls gazed circularly without touch, and unguided. Such a marvelous wonder but it didn't invoke the type of excitement expected. So Thee walked, ascending to the fifth floor without fatigue. There was a huge oral ascending above the pyramid crater, so Thee touched it. A gigantic female voice stated that it was the original Gaia City that Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire spoke off.

The nymphs derived a conclusion that everything was perceived through one event, the Phoenix Cleansing. The entire celestial incident coincided with the anticipation that the goddess Cleopatra was in the City of Cherry Blossom's. It was there desire to succeed her to leader of Olympus than a supreme goddess who was once human, and Scarlet Phoenix was arrogant. The goddess Cleopatra roams the City of Cherry Blossoms without any powers or abilities, there's almost a correlation that she's nothing more than a typical spirits. "My tribe swiftly made preparations to protect the Dream realm, because it wasn't enough that the goddess Cleopatra reined over the clouds and Olympus but everything under the sea as well because there stood Zeus and there stood Aries.

Our hearts picked such a beautiful blossom, young yet so yonder. We cuttle thee in our heart desiring the Sun, oh dear grace of beauty that speaks to thee and given us a piece of sunlight. Let the day forever be melted in our heart, a piece of herself that she sacrificed that brings us her light. We pity the blossoms that might not grow, we trample on them during the night because we know that we can survive through the night until the day. Whilst our whispers be spoken be true, our hearts have collided from a dim dark night, we captured the day. So let everyone rejoice, we found our star casted in the Sun, casted in the night, and casted in the Day. Forever we will be told of this day, so might this happen again and forever we will remember the name that was given to a Scarlet.

The source of the fighting is within one's nature because we give everything for one's country. Seldom do we think of one's self, our hearts pour of our country, we blend our hearts bleeding with the breeze in to the air. We reflect our nature, such as a scarlet bullying during a night of fire. There wouldn't be a evening in lesson planning unless the true nature of a scarlet wasn't seen, thought she was never pitied nor detained. The conception of a genius and the cognitive appreciation of students relations never lead to her apprehension.

A martial arts tournament was held everyday to manipulate the physique of Scarlet Phoenix, but it was never intended to overthrow her rein. It was perceived by human eyewitnesses to turn her in to a literal monster. It burns, it burns, stemming down from what humanity perceives as Olympus. The underworld has been brought to Earth, the Earth burns, the Earth burns from the soul of Scarlet Phoenix. Her soul, her arrogance, unable to differentiate from the talent given to humanity by birth and the sacrifices that are derived with skill. Her horrors must be remembered, she deems that the Omega Evangelion must be allocated to dance in the interpretation of martial arts to honorably tribute to the souls she scows.

"Here, they are, Phoenix Envy! Singing there number one hit, Absolute vocals, Absolute Sound!," a announcer's voice spoke while Scarlet Phoenix reminiscence. They had to wear there own earplugs because some of the vocals were so pitched. A writer wrote "That musicians were the complete example of what a objective approach to life is like if the listener finds the correct musicians and Phoenix Envy throughout there career was the correct musicians for almost everybody. They practiced today for tomorrow, the wrote for the past and gave us a possible glimpse of the future. It was a rare group that wanted not the money of the adolescence but the capital of the voters. They just didn't want money, but the power of those who choice to influence the nation and many world's."

She stopped, Scarlet Phoenix stopped, and a tear ran down her eye as she read another critique of there music. "Never will be a consumer ever hear a song such as Please Wind Designate Angels to Sing Because The Supreme Goddess Has Just Washed Her Hands In The River," there's just so ever so kindness, when missions had to be completed. A ever so resounding appreciation when you and Shira has concurred over thirty thousand missions, everyday was a mission for intelligence. "We were originally paid slightly above the domestic average for musicians when we were signed, because Shira Darknfire could write and thee could synchronize her writing with Shira Darknfire's," Shadow N Light stated. "But, though, they rarely talked about there financial salary. It was rumored that they were paid three point five million dollars each to reminiscence on there contract deliberations," Shadow N Light reasserted.

The spots of the Cheetah lynx, which are similar to standing partially off her body, lit similar to orbs. It's now known that the infinity child, the child who was born without a soul is the reason why the supreme goddess attempted to mold the Child Evangelion. He was led to suffer through the struggles of humanities previous social interaction and economic conditions. The souls are kept at the bottom of the Pyramid of Creation, view nothing beyond the first floor segment. A literal star is kept on the second floor pathway. Shira Darknfire stated it's one hundred and eight temples kept in a single Sun.

The stars and the moon look at each other, gaze at each other! The Sun is unique it stands alone always. It's always the burden of light. Twist till the night forgotten and let humanities forgotten by its burden. We follow thee, we give thee, we worship thee, whilst the name be forgotten not on stone, not on land, for the source of our love is our soul. We bright the light of enjoy, for once we stand as equals in our love. Her love fills our faces, and in gazing us with her light brights her enjoyment. "A insert taken from the Pyramid of Creation. Thee shall visit the Pyramid of Creation," stated Candy Cloud Sun.

It's not know whether she granted there wish, the universe is her blood. A cut on the One True Queen reveals a section of the universe with several planets. She did guide Phoenixtopia vehicles, drove by actual PhoenixCat's but were they actual beings of existence or demons. Sunspot, the swiftest and obviously most granted eye contact with the One True Queen, was ordered to convene a blood test of every citizen that went through the portal. The One True Queen would have given the title of leader to Sunspot but the sword is in her name, the bearer and leader of the PhoenixCat's must make sacrifices. The Phoenix Tracker was the most profound vehicles that ascended from the portal. It was so often that the Dragon appeared with Shira Darknfire that it entered her heart and changed her clothing so that other's would witness its greatness.
The world of our glorious Shira Darknfire began with the holding hand of the supreme goddess. The woman of many different fires, suffering several difficulties in life and blazing a glory. The soul who sank such as a night spawn of dreams dazzled glory in the light of our supreme goddess. A beautiful model, who dressed as a geisha played the supreme goddess in the kabuki play. The soul of Shira Darknfire was all the moon's crescent phases, the sun of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni came in to Shira Darknfire's soul causing a solar eclipse. A odd way, in a odd way Shira Darknfire is attached to the Seven Earth's. The Sun's paint of Candy Cloud Phoenix's entire leg seems to move because of a note written describing the Child Evangelion. Note: It was explained by the PhoenixCats for the play and the movie. Unlike the Child Evangelion, the dark matter anomaly is the central of its soul. There's no light and it's attached to seven planets we presume to be the Seven Earth's.
Born in the depths of magma and the springs of water lava as a baby, emerging as a adult. I am, I am who emerged from your goddess beliefs and travel from this existence to where clouds dissolve forcing light and precipitate forming darkness, I am Emerald Jade," stated Emerald Jade. "The truth messiah of the Book of Mirror's, Scarlet Phoenix, can't even do this. Who is there, there who know her plenty! Know her as I do. This world started billion of years ago...Such other world's. We spoke when the The Sun flare solstice and the Winter solstice intersected each other in space causing a Time Dilation loop. The rarity of the event coinciding with minerals from a comet to cause a snow space winter. Everyday I fought along side Scarlet Phoenix for 10 years, those literal everyday battles caused a bonding between us. Who knows her as closely as I! Those the share willpower of one individual, we're sisters.

The Sorcerer Pharaoh was the supreme crown king of the planet Phoenixtopia but the wanting of a planet that represented to beliefs led him to seek out the eight still deities. They don't worry whether its evil or good that is bestowed there power but they must eat thousands of souls per a day. The jewels of the one true goddess would allow him to feed the deities endlessly. He can relieve the deceased but he's bond to the living and unable to gather multiple souls. They create atoms from what ever material that's currently present. The PhoenixCats plane, the Burning Phoenix, crashed while evaluating the Earth. It was the first thing they built, when there fleet ships were damaged beyond repair. There space shuttle was a aircraft carrier type of ship, and Sorcerer Pharaoh sent it to the Woman within the Lake.
It's not know whether she granted there wish, the universe is her blood. A cut on the One True Queen reveals a section of the universe with several planets. She did guide Phoenixtopia vehicles, drove by actual PhoenixCat's but were they actual beings of existence or demons. Sunspot, the swiftest and obviously most granted eye contact with the One True Queen, was ordered to convene a blood test of every citizen that went through the portal. The One True Queen would have given the title of leader to Sunspot but the sword is in her name, the bearer and leader of the PhoenixCat's must make sacrifices. The Phoenix Tracker was the most profound vehicles that ascended from the portal. It was so often that the Dragon appeared with Shira Darknfire that it entered her heart and changed her clothing so that other's would witness its greatness.
Shira Darknfire isn't protected by any of the books, mentioning her as a warrior in the fictional war isn't prohibited. She is the reason why no one has completed any of the books since me, Scarlet Phoenix. Shira Darknfire is my sister, and there's a code of honor in which must be represented in discussing her. There will always be disagreements with the supreme goddess over morals but Shira Darknfire fought two hundred thousand warrior's on the wrong side. After a while, it seemed as if she didn't care and it gained the attention of the supreme goddess. It wasn't a situation where history would determine would was right! Just fight for the side of good, moving on with your life. The Jewels of the One True Queen split the river near the Dragon's Cliff cave coordinating the water through the air and positioning it on each layer of the renamed Duel Phoenix cliff. The entire group renamed the cliff since it's a shield but it's only open at certain point of the day.
The Phoenix Blades were created on the planet Phoenixtopia, when during a celebration of the One True Queen, both swords were forged. The crown queen sought a blacksmith, with the children of the immediate line of the royal family, under the influence of the One True Queen and the intent of betraying her husband. They were forged as typical swords in the Sacred Grounds of the Magma, both swords were completed and held waiting for baby Phoenix's. Baby Phoenix inhabited the planet similar to fairies, and they bought the prosperity of hope. There was always a acknowledgement that the crown queen was processed. The planet's crown king instantly knew what the swords were and arrested her.
A idol of the One True Queen was found while drilling in the mantle core of the Phoenixtopia planet. She was grasping a baby, some state that it was baptized in magma. It led to the obsession of commercialization, artifacts that were created within any other civilization living on Phoenixtopia and the planet's crown king refused to seize it. Usually love doesn't lead to war but one single artifact let to war, a heart shaped egg that was found near the planet's core. There was a similarity between the Phoenix egg that was found near the planet's core and the Phoenix eggs that the blacksmith's created since both created disease. The Gaia cities became active by the Phoenix eggs acting as a virus spreading tentacles through the cities. The Phoenix eggs created by the Blacksmith's were almost sentient, laughing if humanity attempted to destroy them since ordinary weapons had no effect on them. There are two stories that derive our beginnings within the Kunoichi Hanamachi, we were blessed by the supreme goddess and our mysterious birth marks gained the attention of the Kunoichi. The religious scholars state that there isn't any prove on the possibility of our royal family or geisha heritage since the seventh century and archaeologist state that the evidence is held within romantic letters that doesn't conceal marriage.
It was a year that we were in our vehicle combining robots, we had absolute freedom. The tremendous size of the Gaia City provided a safe haven for cities, we had no worries of ever losing people's lives. We sang and preached the religious philosophy of Shira Darknfire inside of the Gaia City. There isn't a need to know how we won our final battle with the Sorceress Pharaoh except that Shira Darknfire shed the hurt and pain of the Phoenix to become a dove. The dove became the head of the Gaia City. Politicians and archaeologists became able to read the Book of Mirror's soon after our final battle. We attempted to become friends with the Sorceress Pharaoh but her inner evil was too strong. We praised the politicians ability to read the Book of Mirror's, even writing a song of dedication that our goddess was going to be praised but it was a reflection of evil.

The Shadow N Light ninja clan made a agreement with the demons to allow invasion of the actual world through gaps in the dreamworld, gaps they would form but it was too late. The virtual world the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni created for Shira Darknfire grew rapidly at a incredible rate. When the contract gathering actually occurred the dreamworld intersected the virtual world, forcing the dreamworld to manage itself. Since the demons didn't know what Shira Darknfire looked like, they couldn't attempt to attack her in the dreamworld. Some demons adored the power of Shira Darknfire, deciding to side with her power and force humans to worship her.

"Thee everything that embodies freedom," Goddess Scarlet Phoenix stated. "Within everything that is great sense's," Senses replied. "Within all things a shadow isn't a shadow without the ability to reflect the man. A man shalt not be a man without freedom, it's the prowess of freedom that makes the human reflect on humanity, giving us technology, giving us art, giving us music. With oath not freedom, your sour with grief. You hunger poor, for which should provide you grief. A reliable ally of humanity, Thee know my place. A darkened shadow that soul sees no light, Thee will bow before the supreme goddess asking for to give me lite. Thee whither no more when Thee see the sun, Thee a soldier of it that awaits when it calls me to service again.

These events are critical because of the promised prophecy that occurred. The very understanding of these events happens now, stop, stop questioning. Open your mind, think your the very being of knowledge and wisdom because a declaration of war has now been omitted by the geisha's of the Kunoichi Hanamachi. The genie Drag Gone promoted herself through mainstream media after media after her embarrassment. Her voice is thunderous and powerful, the Book of Mirror's needed a villain to hold the power it grasp. They were a powerful enough team to not only led the demolishing of the Kunoichi Hanamachi but also the removal of the honored Kunoichi Hanamachi name from the city. It's to which is believed that to understand the past you must understand the future. The male dragons of the Shadow N Light clan descended down upon the Earth. The Earth's core is dying, from too many beliefs that prosperity is derived by low standard means. Gaia is still mimicking the Earth, hoping to attempt a gracing upon the land. The Deity Dragon ascended from the Earth and transformed Gaia in to a being of fire. She falls upon the Earth turning every recorded event in to one time and space paradox.

If the possibility of reverse power ever existed, the geisha's of the Kunoichi Hanamachi hired several bulldozers for underground faculties for residence. The male dragon's grew envious because though they're witnessing everything from the Dreamworld, they never seen the mother of all dragon's. The demon's within the Dreamworld are entertaining ideas of betrayal to the male dragon's. No had any idea that Shadow N Light's ninja clan was so gigantic but Utopia Dawn Daisy summoned five hundred dragon's to finish every concept of the Sky Sunlight Cloud plane. Some of them they will bargain with the military for capital and clothings since there reputation have been destroyed but many of the deity dragons enjoyed the idea of becoming pilots. After they redesigned the plane, they returned to humanoid form.

The crowd applauded as the scene with Scarlet Phoenix ended. A voice suddenly came over the full audio speakers, a woman was singing. "When Thee tears in her eyes, she sees the distress of a heartbroken goddess's past." There's no choice but to sing what the lady who is presumed to be the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is singing. The scene depicts Scarlet Phoenix's friends, Timbra Wolve and Sunspot discussing there friends heartbreak because she decided to post a picture of her and her boyfriend sitting down at the school faculty's dining hall on the social network. Several other picture's which the cast simulated with song and instrumental movements. It was the end of her innocence.

Blue stars descended from space, obliterating the moon caught in the black hole. There were thousands of blue stars that lit up the Earth's sky, common astronomers thought it was meteorites descending through space. A boat arouse of the sea, the dragons of the dream world entered in to Scarlet Phoenix's created dimension approaching the sea and weeping for the supreme goddess. Each dragon filled the boat with tears. The shattered with thunder, opening up and there gazed a single moon with the light of a prism. The opening of another dimension, Shira Darknfire holds up the Child Evangelion to the moon and the stars, as a beautiful infant has arrived upon the Earth. The blue stars turn in to deity goddess, transparent upon view and everyone power. Thousands of stars witnessing the birth of the Child Evangelion.

"The child knew that it was, and that was dangerous enough," Candy Cloud Sun read while she ascended to Snow Cold's home. "It's difficult to explain the poverty of a era, it's even harder to explain the reliance of a particular individual to the problems of a era but it's easier to explain the economical problems of a era through a single event. Those who are educated enough to state what this economical event is known it as the Virtual Money Dilemma. The durational of period when the physical capital assets duration ended with the establishment of the virtual money changeover, similar to the digital television broadcast signal transfer but the corporations were allowed to create a committee to determine was virtual lent would be used for the new capital.

Before life souls are conscious, that's how even infants can be evil. The soul chooses what type of life it wants, some are newly created souls that want a challenge with humanity. There are other souls that forget what life was before they were reincarnated and desire the simplistic life. Those who remember want everything they possibly can get. The dragon of the Golden Gate augmented the direction of every angel, the angel blowing a horn was approximately first. The doors, both on top and on the bottom of the universe, both opened. The Moon descended out of the top door and the Sun ascended out of the bottom door for the Child Evangelion's soul but something went wrong, dark matter attached itself to the Sun.

The Child Evangelion has been baptized! While damp from the water's purity, Shira Darknfire sold a new birth mark with the golden needle and thread of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. They're witnesses, Searching for a Soul are witnesses to the betrayal of Phoenix Envy. There tears poured on lyrics that were too radical for religious music. They're not guilty but not innocent. Phoenix Envy created three dimensional anime music video's of burning tablets distinguished with every country's name, they forced every religious leader to bow to them as heroes of a radical free world, and tapping every human allowing them to obey how many gods or goddesses they wished. Displaying these gods or goddesses as relievers of the world's economic sacrifices, that this anti humanity in power would be overthrown by worshipers of these gods and goddesses. There's only one goddess, there's only one true queen.

It was discovered that a artifact was found by archaeologists that allowed people to speak to the Child Evangelion. The scroll map had he four decipher tiny candle placements, proving that even the leftover wax from massively manufactured candles were used. The deity transcripts on the scroll stated that a true born descendant of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni was needed to open the guided portal. Scarlet Phoenix wasn't a true descendant of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, though it could be suggested it was attempted. She's a pioneer of the gingerbread goddess, a goddess created directly by the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Her arrogance prevents Scarlet Phoenix from understanding that the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni controls her innocence. Shira Darknfire was a human who was powerful enough to be a goddess.

My grandmother used to tell me the story of the gingerbread goddess, she stated it was similar to the story of Alice in Wonderland. The Phoenix Temple was recently excavated within a formally extremely cold region, whether it was excavated because it was seen by archaeologists or actually dug up is unknown. Scarlet Phoenix had a incomplete soul, beyond the boundaries of the psychic. That's why she never came in to contact with demons. There wasn't any artifacts inside of the Phoenix Temple, the temple was quickly forgotten. Nothing about the temple was ancient, the most tempting thing to a child. The children of the Kunoichi Hanamachi were well watched but there's a limit to how much adults can keep up with children. It was a day which Scarlet Phoenix had a tea party inside of the Phoenix Temple, Phoenix Jade sat and drank with her. The quills that held Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's blood quickly struck Phoenix Jade and Scarlet Phoenix. There wasn't a need to go further in to the temple as they were already on the crystal tiles. Her soul would have been temporally extinguished, that's why evil blood would have been mixed with her blood. There is a soul of the brain and the soul of the heart, the soul of the heart is what Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni targeted. The Phoenix Temple didn't have corporal life then, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni could do whatever she wanted.

The Books are aware of each other but only to the exact of the awareness within themselves. Evil attempted to gain entrance in to the Book of Crystals but it extracted the evil in to a separate small book. The power of the Book of Crystals isn't written thus it's limitless but for every limitless power of good there must be a foe of evil. The Book that was extracted has the ability to grow in size by obtaining evil from humanity. It's a limited ability but the Book of Crystals made a mistake by giving its name because there must be a writer that places and moved crystals down the pages to create the words of evil.

The Book of Evil Limestone is responsible for many of the multiple Time Dilation dimensions myths of heroes since evil is thought to be

everlasting and a hero is needed to create a written myth that will be read. It did create demons but Shadow N Light's clan defeated them all in the dream realm. The creation by Book of Evil Limestone meant to assault humanity could only be destroyed within the dream realm. The boundaries of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni never allowed the presence of demons but the goddess Scarlet Phoenix is weaker, and demons do appear as ghosts but only as ghosts. Within the ancient wisdom of our elder civilizations, "There is a realm of difference between a goddess and deity, that's beyond the conception of worship. If a goddess doesn't want demons to exist, they won't exist."

"Is she attempting to separate her?," a priestess stated. "Uh, the horrible comments! Four in one day," a scholar stated. "We have followed Shira Darknfire, since she was in the fifth grade," a corporate executive stated. "There were predictions directly from the supreme goddess, she's a stigmata for the supreme goddess," continued the corporate executive. "It's rare, but it has happened," the scholar replied. "Even the first woman of fighting game knew the story of the supreme goddess, it's amazing," the corporate executive commented. "She would play the fighting game with the first woman of fighting games, and she would talk about the story of the supreme goddess. She's a free spirit, we learned that she hooked up the video game system to the entertainment system and played the music representing the supreme goddess. The first woman of fighting games would cease talking about her story which wasn't a exact overview of the anime and talk about the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni," the corporate executive finished.

The internet began development and manufacturing in entertainment stereos, the vast size of the electronics made it a perfect solution to profit from a technology that the media stated was as revolutionary as the disc medium. The Book of Mirror's weakness is it has only one concern, the obligations of the user. Those who only knew of the Book of Mirror's created prism necklaces that would copy itself. Several cities convened asking whether Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni should Scarlet Phoenix be imprisoned? They felt the supreme goddess agreed, they turned the Book of Mirror's prism necklaces in to a type of literal chess board game and use actual figures for pieces. They prepared to capture Scarlet Phoenix but if Scarlet Phoenix ever found out, she would know that Shira Darknfire wasn't imprisoned. The game follows the rules of chess but the piece elements dictate whether figures could switch moves with other's that the same user have in play. The board doesn't look as if it's a chess game but video game computer's overlap both board's state they are.

It's known that Shira Darknfire has a citizenship on the continent of the Destiny Continent within the lobby of world education since she was a child. The continent professor's have talked and bragged about her for decades. The secretary of education during the old way, gave her a name in the Destiny Continent's in there ancestral language. Children are taught to be thirty-two languages throughout grammar school, not taking anyone other subjects until high school. There will always, from a influence of ancient civilizations through the localization of rivers and continental migration, arrives at human communication. A localization of thought and privileges that are consist with travel but students in the world portal program carry there own transcripts and write there own grades. If a excellent grade isn't recorded then serious concern is felt by the professor. The student is then moved to a successful achievement class in high school, the professor now grades the transcripts. Shira Darknfire have been recorded as having the goddess frequency, the frequency of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Scientists on university property accidentally scanned Scarlet Phoenix and she had the goddess frequency or the expected frequency of sound that the supreme goddess would mathematically produce.

It's known that Shira Darknfire has a citizenship on the continent of the Destiny Continent within the lobby of world education since she was a child. The continent professor's have talked and bragged about her for decades. The secretary of education during the old way, gave her a name in the Destiny Continent's in there ancestral language. Children are taught to be thirty-two languages throughout grammar school, not taking anyone other subjects until high school. There will always, from a influence of ancient civilizations through the localization of rivers and continental migration, arrives at human communication. A localization of thought and privileges that are consist with travel but students in the world portal program carry there own transcripts and write there own grades. If a excellent grade isn't recorded then serious concern is felt by the professor. The student is then moved to a successful achievement class in high school, the professor now grades the transcripts. Shira Darknfire have been recorded as having the goddess frequency, the frequency of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Scientists on university property accidentally scanned Scarlet Phoenix and she had the goddess frequency or the expected frequency of sound that the supreme goddess would mathematically produce.

Nine planets collided in another galaxy at once, it's which the planets surrounded a gigantic sun that its gravity pulled twenty-four planets. The Child Evangelion's influence on this dimension's gravity began, every question asked by scientists, professor's and administers angered the child. It was searching for one particular breeze, the breeze that it could state there its child. The Child Evangelion would only answer how is the person who it knew had this particular breeze. There was only one answer the representatives of Earth could give, once they knew the description of the person and that was the person wasn't born yet. It stated for centuries humanity was known through this person's eyes but the representatives of Earth stated the person was never recorded as being born.

It was a odd week, the first week of school. Shira Darknfire decided to register for the religious anthropology class. The began began with a special guest speaker, a deity of fire that was human. She was worshiped as a deity of fire since her birth, stranded in a cold continent where natural fires are occur infrequently. A Earthquake occurs, causing nine straight trees to fall and cutting off the visibility of the sun. The guest speaker's parents hold her slipping through a forest, then the fire occurs which is enough not only to provide a resource of survival but it allows them to burn the trees in half. The sun is visible, allowing them a direction to there camp. The guest speaker is a being of fire which could never get along with. It was written that my goddess determines when to like and dislike humanity within limits. That's why my writings are worshiped to be the true incarnation of the supreme goddess, interview after interview confirms my writing depicts what a millennium of scrolls state. "This was the day, Thee accept that Thee worshiped as the incarnation of darkness," Shira Darknfire wrote. It's visible for me to see her arguing against me in anime, "Thee a geisha attempting to keep my powers secret and she's struggling to rise in to the crown queen of deity fire lore.

The discover of the Child Evangelion inspired Shira Darknfire to create her own publishing company. There are several mysteries in reference to Shira Darknfire's life, every testimony lends to the hypothesis that the human genetic program occurred in this country. She was a stellar student for a decade without any local or state government boundaries.

The supreme goddess is joking with Phoenix Jade on whether they should attempt to ignite the goddess Scarlet Phoenix royal birth mark. The Shadow N light ninja clan has betrayed the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, forcing Shadow N Light to leave the clan. The clan refuses to allot and honor her with any financial capital, she decides to join Phoenix Style. The supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni separated the dream world dimensions to not allow interaction with Shira Darknfire, creating a virtual world for Shira Darknfire. Any first person interaction with Shira Darknfire isn't allowed, she can still dream but if a segment of the dream interacts with her randomly then Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is aware of it.

The Shadow N Light ninja clan made a agreement with the demons to allow invasion of the actual world through gaps in the dreamworld, gaps they would form but it was too late. The virtual world the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni created for Shira Darknfire grew rapidly at a incredible rate. When the contract gathering actually occurred the dreamworld intersected the virtual world, forcing the dreamworld to manage itself. Since the demons didn't know what Shira Darknfire looked like, they couldn't attempt to attack her in the dreamworld. Some demons adored the power of Shira Darknfire, deciding to side with her power and force humans to worship her.

Two particular female demons omitted the name of Shira Darknfire to be worshiped. Creating story filled dreams inside adult souls, they forced others to worship Shira Darknfire who never met her and caused her to win several accomplishments. The supreme goddess saw this deed and turned then in to dragons that have humanoid forms in appreciation of omitting the word of the supreme goddess. They ate the goddess deity dragons that Scarlet Phoenix created but they were defeated by the dragons of the Golden Gate. They dealt with the demon dragons as if it was honorable battle, only defeating them. They instantly healed there wounds within the sanity of the dreamworld.

It was a flawed and quick choice, Scarlet Phoenix isn't showing the quick decisions with the breeze that Shira Darknfire has. She is still allowing others to make decision for herself and the shadow of the goddess Scarlet Phoenix is too powerful and wild without culture. There is culture within Shira Darknfire, a untamed culture. There was damaged she caused, it's written in to the Fictitious War. Immediate reason it's written and most important, "a side note!" "How odd," Candy Cloud Sun thought. The supreme goddess stopped her, after this exchange she overtook the universe Scarlet Phoenix created but the people revolted against her. "Who wrote these memoirs? The secretary

for Shira Darknfire's company, she wrote a footnote. It contains actual inserts from Shira Darknfire and Scarlet Phoenix.

Three supercars for thirty thousand, the economy is struggling worse. The economy doesn't allow used retailers to sell them at there market value. Phoenix Jade stated she'll purchase both of the supercars for us but we'll have to ensure the vehicle's safety and repairs. Phoenix Jade stated they could attempt to restore Scarlet Phoenix's DNA using the goddess Scarlet Phoenix beast spirit abilities but it would create a conscious shadow of her. Her ancestry DNA is stored in her body, odd there ancestry is still different. Scarlet Phoenix is arguing that she's a carrier of the universe similar to a unicorn riding and creating a rainbow.

She contaminated the water when she split her heart and the river's tide pushed her back, after she walked through a deforested desert for the week representing the moon. A man walked through the deforested desert, bowing to the river and the river let him drink from it. The current forced him to walk a path to another continent. The continent flourished in tree's and a every steady life. The man decided to leave the continent and walk back to the desert where he found a tree that bloomed one apple. He decided to cut the apple in half, peeling a small section to eat. Flourished with water, he quickly arrived at a city but it's a immoral city that's known for multiple women dating one man without ever being married to him. The ate the piece of apple, while entertaining a house he bought with good fortune. He bragged about the continent to the city's citizens but after traveling the harsh route to through the desert, he found nothing but a tree that was losing leaves and he never saw the mysterious continent ever again.

The Child Evangelion grew with frustration, and the Earth began to feel it. There was always a suggestion that a goddess was dormant within a continent but the military release documentation stated she knew of events far before any book was documented, they're starting to generalize that it's a girl. Two humans walked alone separately in the desert, one carried a staff along the deforested desert until he came to a river. He sat down the staff and bowed to the river, gaining wisdom. The woman who underwent the same harsh conditions, split her heart poisoning the river. A new administration ordained power in the Destiny Continent, these administers believed that conflict shall be avoided by a well fortified defense. Ratifying frequencies that were intended to be well thought but there wasn't any limitations on the frequencies and the Child Evangelion lost contact with the individual's breeze she was searching for.

It was a odd week, the first week of school. Shira Darknfire decided to register for the religious anthropology class. The began began with a special guest speaker, a deity of fire that was human. She was worshiped as a deity of fire since her birth, stranded in a cold continent where natural fires are occur infrequently. A Earthquake occurs, causing nine straight trees to fall and cutting off the visibility of the sun. The guest speaker's parents hold her slipping through a forest, then the fire occurs which is enough not only to provide a resource of survival but it allows them to burn the trees in half. The sun is visible, allowing them a direction to there camp. The guest speaker is a being of fire which could never get along with. It was written that my goddess determines when to like and dislike humanity within limits. That's why my writings are worshiped to be the true incarnation of the supreme goddess, interview after interview confirms my writing depicts what a millennium of scrolls state. "This was the day, Thee accept that Thee worshiped as the incarnation of darkness," Shira Darknfire wrote. It's visible for me to see her arguing against me in anime, "Thee a geisha attempting to keep my powers secret and she's struggling to rise in to the crown queen of deity fire lore.

It has been three years that Thee've stayed with Snow Cold, obtaining potential to be a geisha. Thee teach but Thee still very young, Thee a descendant of the Sun. It was stated the dark matter existed during the time of the big bang, it's the darkness that attempted to infect the first supreme goddess. There's within good reason that Scarlet Phoenix was infected by dark matter that has a greater darkness potency than what infected the first supreme goddess. The seven Earth cores aren't the seven great sins of humanity but anger, reaction, judgment, action, sympathy, worship, and potential. Shira Darknfire traveled through the Time of Dilation within Space and the seven Earth's, forcing the dark matter out of Scarlet Phoenix and turning her in to a exact twin of Shira Darknfire. Many stories weren't explained in my research but scientists was able to excavate Scarlet Phoenix's original body.

The goddess deity of rain skin isn't human. Certain days of the year her skin is seen in its turn form, pure gold including the strains of her hair. These are the days that the dimensional Time Dilation portal is open, allowing humanity to travel to certain previous dimensions. It's written that humanity should never travel through both the cosmic of Time within the Dilation of Space and the seven Earth's. It would make the dragon of darkness aware of its anger and send a being of representation to Earth. This is why she befriended Shira Darknfire. Whether she gave her deity abilities as she saw a human child cough from what she perceived as her rain, isn't known! There are also writings that the goddess deity of rain has a dark side, she is known to eat planets but archaeologists reference to as modern Earth habitats. She is known to cause corrosion to feed by creating acid rain. Even though her ideology doesn't support humanity, the goddess deity of rain's ideas always benefit humanity.

It's the wish that the Child Evanglion repairs every problem of society but it's a being of worship. Every dream guided by Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, dissimilar from other worshipers of the supreme goddess. It will be stated every decision, every word mentioned, every decision on philosophy. It shall known Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni as if it knew her name but only able to see her through a mirror. The Child Evangelion will be able to comprehend four dimensions, it's the supreme goddess hope that the yet born child will be able to view her true body at a certain age. Once that age is surpassed then she'll continue monitoring the Child Evangelion with the knowledge that it will certainly obtain darkness without any hope of benefiting humanity.

Shiva and Parvati rested almost overlooking the City of Blossoms and humanities reaction while descending the seven rainbows that guide emotions to the City of Blossoms that must be intercepted and transferred to Scarlet Phoenix. The possible young goddess must transform herself within her surrounding since not only does she have to raise the supreme goddess to represent the kindness of the void she created but she must now translate the emotions of the entire planet. Her emotional fatigue has weaken her resolve to trick Shiva in to settling on a physical cloud in to deep meditation. The Golden dragon around around the neck of Shiva acts as a guardian since it enjoys the debates they have under meditation.

The original Gaia City was underneath water, animals flourished near the city that archaeologists kept away from it. The gigantic city was content in site, never truly moving even when there were earthquakes. The city was heavier than water, but didn't capture that much than water. Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire swam through the sea, attempting to revive the Gaia City. Most of the traitorous double agent Phoenix egg was destroyed when the original Gaia City decided, in being sentient, that it was to be a majority mechanical being. Every computer had to be manually activated while both held there breath under water. The base would be recompiled as a sphere and brought to Sun, the Phoenixtopian humanoid robot.

A beautiful fire wall pronouncing the rebirth of the Omega Evangelion, such arrogance that doctors think she's capable of being controlled. Humanity has attempted everything it saw to be submissive. The original Gaia City was a cathedral originally, the arms are well hidden inside of the city. The native boats would dock on the city's Sanity Clouds, which were the city's ramps. So the city was a naval vessel, but there wasn't never any weapons inside of the city and the city can only move on these Sanity Cloud ramps since the city doesn't have any wheels.

A beautiful fire wall pronouncing the rebirth of the Omega Evangelion, such arrogance that doctors think she's capable of being controlled. Humanity has attempted everything it saw to be submissive. The original Gaia City was a cathedral originally, the arms are well hidden inside of the city. The native boats would dock on the city's Sanity Clouds, which were the city's ramps. So the city was a naval vessel, but there wasn't never any weapons inside of the city and the city can only move on these Sanity Cloud ramps since the city doesn't have any wheels.

It was discovered by archaeologists that the Phoenixtopian robots were a combination of the Phoenix Eggs and a virus of purity which allowed them to turn in to vehicles. After the apocalypse that devastated the era of the Child Evangelion, it was decided that the virus of purity would be used to reincarnate the entire world but it wasn't controllable. Once economic stability was established, the Phoenixtopian robots were constantly built to sustain instantaneous humanity construction accomplishments but it wasn't swift enough. The virus assaults the Phoenixtopian robots forcing them to constantly grew once the balance is interchanged. Once the Gaia City and Sun is repaired, Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire will migrate to a safe continent that will never be affected by the virus of purity.

She's, the gigantic body idol of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, unwilling to infect the entire world with the virus of purity which forced the Zodiac Destroyer to devise a scheme to inhabit the entire world with the virus. The body idol of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni not only prevented humanity from the virus of purities infection but she healed the entire population. The Zodiac Destroyer turned to the baby which the body idol was holding, a child. The Weight of Justice, what the child has been called by archaeologists and they interpreted having equally the same amount of good and evil ratio, also declined infecting humanity with the virus of purity but agreed that the virus robot should be reactivated. The Phoenixtopian robot that was to construct cities swiftly.

We grant the Ascension of Humanity to comfort to awry souls. We grant the Ascension of Humanity to give judgment to sinners, the Omega Evangelion can be destroyed but only by her destroying another human being or by the destruction of her soul, the Heaven's Soul of Ascension. A pathway was accidentally relayed when the school expanded its size through Earth's portals, since it's a tangible area because her soul is derived from both a Sun and a Moon. There wasn't a courtyard for the school, it was lost during the expansion but the soul of the Omega Evangelion was odd since both the Sun and the Moon were coinciding with a planet and two angels with spears stood on both the Sun and the Moon.

Through people's false beliefs, she gathered followers and reached out to She watched humanity for years, Parvati has found her chance to ignite her revenge against humanity. She revived the original Phoenixtopian body idol using her own extraordinary abilities and the use of the Zodiac Destroyer as her professor to humanity. The Zodiac Destroyer wasn't a messiah, but a written figure to force humanity into jealousy. Parvati wasn't also foolish enough to trust the Zodiac Destroyer. Here are the Phoenixtopian robots, a chance to wreck havoc on humanity without the confusion of worship. Even she was astonish when the body idol of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni bared conscious acknowledgement. It wasn't the typical acknowledgement, it intrigue her to the reaction from the Weight of Justice. Society with a roar, not a pitiful murmur of the memories sins. They sat there singing, one voice gathering a song that there's sympathy but not of a human but of a god. A god that was born, that was designed to call for the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Not because she was needed but because it was her child. This beast didn't know mortal eyes but a fierce that captivates the world and forces it to hear her speak. The design of the modern world shall be through my hand, and with my hand the world shall be given light.

A single decision led to the evacuation of the entire world continents! The Child Evangelion could have burnt the entire world, purifying the Earth and readying it for reincarnation but the United Nations decided to use the virus of purity. She, the Child Evangelion, is the only human on the Phoenix Sakura Islands continent. Over one thousand islands, she's alone! It began with a third born infinity child, a baby that has been severely burned. The virus of purity was applied to the eyes of the baby and she became the zodiac destroyer. The first infinity child wasn't pure evil, she was a uncontrollable zany character. A character that a crowd would ask to spare her life.

"How did the Omega Evangelion die? What's the legacy of the Omega Evangelion?," a enquirer stated "There was a horrible virus that was destroying every portion of life on the Earth, such as the Earth desired. Other than Phoenix Envy and the geisha's of the Kunoichi Hanamachi, there wasn't really a resistance to the Sun Beings but the Sun Beings wasn't interested in prosecuting either. They were written to be warriors, grateful to have combatants to battle! The Sun Beings were arrogant, assuming that the planetary atmospheric changes were there responsibility during the second attempt to adulterate planetary. That's why she was brought back to life," Shadow N Light stated.

The human population injected biotechnology plasma in to the Earth's core to keep the planet from dying. They were hoping that the experimental technology was primitive but the Earth was now what humanity called Mother Nature. She attempted to diverge out of humanities events but the suffering of children couldn't be ignored. She created a technology that forced humanity to create robotic fortresses that she thought will be a profitable technology forever but the robotic cities became abandoned. Mother Earth created five robotic school's with the new technology that represented each primary element, four of which were abandoned. The fifth is in use today.

"A new water bacteria is immune to the current water treatment techniques, Elsa 91428 causes extreme sweat raising the bodies temperature," a television press conference started during the regular news reserve period. "Only natural water aggregation is immune. The administration of city administrators will discuss a project draft plan that allows the entire city to use the valley falls in the Kunoichi Hanamachi. We ill be speaking to vice mayor Dragon Wo Gone and the hanamachi elder's assistant Emerald Jade. The elder we're speaking to, is Elder Angel-Preach CometSun. Land must be licensed from the Kunoichi. The land is sacred and we don't wish to interfere with the beliefs of the city," the mayor stated on the television news.

"There's a certain willfulness of charisma with the Omega Evangelion, the fictional characters had scanning equipment that was attempting to search for any exceptional individual. She, the Omega Evangelion, was a goddess it would never be able to scan her but she was sarcastic. She used her atom manipulating abilities to text the most handsome of the group, nearest to her. "You might want to continue on your scan to someone else," the Omega Evangelion wrote on the fictional character's cell phone as she leaned on a pole. while exerting a smiling on it, the fictional character confused attempting to conjure reading on the Omega Evangelion. She conjured five hundred million dollars from the most wealthiest of the fictional characters, being sarcastic but there persisted a actual element of cause and effect because she wasn't suppose to intervene in the affairs of humanity. She sent a flame throughout the entire planet, gathering the virus. There are limitations to her atom manipulating abilities, she had to originate the flame at the Earth's core. The Gaia Opis extraordinarily oriented a element of good by manipulating the descent of the virus in to a Pandora Box, which she crated," Shadow N Light stated.

"There's a two day delay in television shows that billions of people overheard a audio overlay of the next episode of a series or the movie to appear at that duration. It has been confirmed that it's the fault of the Atom Smasher experiment, it's the fault of the Atom Smasher experiment that the Earth has separated the underlaying Sun and the Sun's overlapping dark matter sun," the television news reported. The Omega Evangelion was thought to have the parietal eye similar to lizards, allotting her the ability to create temporary clones of herself and too illuminate her surrounding for circadian rhythmic combat. It's the technique withheld within the Omega Infinity Book, because it's too tempting for the Omega Evangelion to battle similar to what would be perceived as a demon.

We were wrong, we thought that the Time Dilation's were multiple dimensional parodies but we're hoping that there multiple dome shifts that are created at the land mass. Continents such as the Phoenix Sakura Islands would be duplicated and the planet's land mass double. The population would be doubled as well but only Shira Darknfire and Scarlet Phoenix would be physically reincarnated on each continent. "Hello, it's to whom that the sanity of the Kunoichi Hanamachi is protected is stating the current theorem of the multiple dimension circumstances, my name is Emerald." "We work together but never touching, a emerald sapphire bungle of crystal pieces," Emerald stated.

Despite her intelligence thee who is Emerald is a individual team intelligence officer, forcing to massively arrange information in accordance of the desired Kunoichi perspective such as the Omega Journals, which thee Emerald Jade Phoenix is currently writing in. Thee was awaken at the Dawn Temple, and acknowledges the curiosity of what was defined as what should be or what may. To which divinity has brought objective matter, which shalt be the matter of truth. To which the dawn enabled the subject of short stories that searches for a soul. Shall it be written, so that others will enable.

For the Child Evangelion to understand time, the Child Evangelion must able to conceive time subconsciously similar to a animal. If a thousand islands was created by the god's then it have to be the Phoenix Sakura Islands and Nippon is the duplicate continent. The world's military knew that the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni took over a satellite to monitored her adopted daughter, the Child Evangelion. It was kept classified by the world's military, as every mother would be, she was vicious turn the world's diplomats. "This is the newest chapter in the Omega Journals," Emerald Jade Phoenix stated as the Child Evangelion was reborn out of the sea. "This is the Emerald Sapphire chapter."

Since writing in to the Omega journals, it was decided to change the Child Evangelion's name to Omega Angelion. There are certain short stories that was written by me which the Child Evangelion was stated by the name Omega Angelion. The nemesis villains of the Child Evangelion referred to her as Omega Evangelion. The name Evangelion, which is derived from the Greek translation good news, fits the Omega Angelion. Within all things, to be a entity of good news, you must be a entity of such pure evil that the yang and yen balances itself in to good. This is a book of infinity, the gospel that attempts restoration of humanities soul from the chaos of there own attempts of soul reincarnation. The Omega journals chronicles the perpetual deceptive failed attempts that humanity made of a society free of hatred and the transformation pursued by the human born of hate.

The body idols were originally thought to have been the craftmanship of artisans but there were further explanation in the Book of Crystals. It took five hundred years to find the Book of Crystals, from a even greater perspective it hung from a retro perspective library. Even unless it played ancient video games greatly in a artisan cabinet, its uses were refined to religious and the archaeological hypothesis on war's equilibrium.equivalent to evil. It was actually a excellent video game on-board chip set but it had its way of selecting games that fit customers breeze. Descendants of the crown royal queen were buried in sand and then burnt in lava. The lava chemically turned the sand in to glass, but the body was transformed in to crystal. The sand was perfect for transference that forged imperfect pockets on the crystal body, allowing the crown royal queen to be embody with rubies.

Without ever knowing what she was praising, the Child Evangelion or Omega Evangelion, always praised the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The odd scenario that the fictitious Book never explain, Shira Darknfire never taught the Omega Evangelion who the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni was. Billions are on the internet with there beast spirit suffering from humanities ancestral problems, many of those were worshiping the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni and reclaiming her death in conflict of there suffering. The Child Evangelion logged in online and stated that they forget there beast forms to become human again. Every beast spirit in the vicinity of the Child Evangelion transformed to a human representation then they evolved above the internet to walk around the realm meant for everybody, the universe created by Scarlet Phoenix.

As a writer, there's a certain enjoyment creating a complicated story that not only forces them to think but also degree a vast educational degree. The renown of the Kunoichi martial arts style in the Phoenix Sakura Islands was the Kabuki Phoenix Guild Style but the martial arts style was the dance of the geisha against the prank playfully of the Samurai which led to the Kunoichi Hanamachi skillfully defending themselves was the Kabuki Fenikkusu Taiyou, a subsidiary of the Kabuki Phoenix Guild Style. The proper name of the Phoenix that the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni created was Fenikkusu.

A angry mysterious book known as the Book of Mirror's wanted to conjoint with the Fictitious Book but the Fictitious Book is pure elaborate power. It will confuse the Book of Mirror's, even the original Book of Mirror's. It's open, the original Book of Mirror's, wanting to intertwine the breeze of Evil and Good, Good and Evil. The infusion of the proper two infinity children and Yin, Yang, Yun, Ying caused a integration of kai that warped every type of cloth in to breeze once it was worn. It was the first recognized tournament, the battle between the Omega Evangelion and the Child Evangelion. It's both literal and figurative, poor child didn't know what she was up against when she confronted the Omega Evangelion. The City of Cherry Blossoms explained it the most accurate, "The second Child Evangelion from Rome was genetically a being but a Sun's reflection. A dream of humanity, a memory that shouldn't exist in the Omega Evangelion's life, a being for tense that appeared good but never struggled in the complexity of good and evil. There was such a decisive decision that was made at such a young age. Literally they were a White Dwarf star when the Book of Mirror's combined them.

It isn't know the extent of Dancer Omen's, a body idol, involvement is but the City of Cherry Blossoms arose of the sea similar to the myth of Atlantis. She, Dancer Omen, is a extraordinary body idol. She isn't dead but her heart slowed. Arise, arise, whatever you are that came from the sky. A dwarf that surpasses the billions of stars that fills the supreme goddess's. The Omega Evangelion will continue to eclipse everything around its galaxy, there's never calmness in a soul that's so dark and evil. The articulation of the heart pulses toward the fiery of sadness and the grief of a child who's alone on a Sunday, beginning to query on why hasn't the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni saved humanity. Yet she has never questioned the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni and never will.

The Kunoichi became military specialists, even honoring the ancient history of the Kunoichi Hanamachi. There elite forces, here's the Omega Evangelion who could free a embassy with a mild movement but we sent the elite force's Kunoichi soldiers. She's sympathetic toward the problems of humanity, the destruction of the food atom reservation generators due to magma exposure. The poverty, the suffering, she was forced to give in to her emotions. A expression of heated and untamed emotions within a throughly cognitive thought whether should be accepted in a group or a leader then Rome called. Rome informed Shira Darknfire that genetic matching infinity babies were born and they weren't clones, The Omega Evangelion didn't adsorb them, she witnessed there birth. A day of interest as Timbre Wolve expectedly stated that the Sun Beings name is Senix Phoenix.

This is the first war between Gaia cities, it was stated that the war was declare because the Phoenix eggs had different views over humanity which they claimed to own but the Sun beings only wanted to regain control over the Gaia cities. Technology in this universe is created from extremely gigantic to smaller sizes, the Sun beings began building and manufacturing still large but small robots. The robot that Scarlet Phoenix mimicked one was of those robots, she like other's of her kind was forced in to sentience when the Gaia cities inserted the souls that came from Gaia from the Earth in to the humanoid robots. She was one of the leaders of the Phoenixtopians who wanted only to accomplish the task of regaining control of the Gaia cities but the Gaia cities who forced lavished humanity worshiping them contracted a souls from Gaia but they manufactured a artificial

The mechanical dragon that ate the souls Gaia gave turning them obsessive over the Gaia cities control over humanity. For every evil deed the dragon created, there was good. A merged soul would emerge from the dragon known as the Dragon's Heart. Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire was going to unite the Dragon Heart with the Sun, the robot that Scarlet Phoenix admired. The Phoenixtopians began as crystal entities similar to the Phoenix Eggs, both of there bodies utilize the crystal as a exoskeleton but fire began igniting the Phoenixtopians eroding the crystal exoskeleton, revealing a almost exact replica of humanity. The Phoenix Eggs hatched in to entities of pure crystal. Usually the Phoenix Eggs wings shatter upon hatching out of the egg but a beautiful Phoenixtopian robot who's wings born burn with fire was born known as Dove.

There was a experiment by the Phoenixtopia robots to separate a spider's cephalothorax and the opisthosoma similar to a truck and its trailer. The experiment derived absolute horror and the myths behind the Mutant Phoenixtopian Invention series, it was a experiment in absolute power. They attempted to merge a typical Phoenixtopian processor with the opisthosoma, the cephalothorax couldn't divert itself from the lust of power since she grew wider. She devoured a single robot female then another, never devouring a living animal. She drank the DNA of her victims, replacing there DNA with hers and forcing them to grow exponentially until they were giants. A team of five would have to insert there dragon keys for ten years to combine in to a robot that was capable of destroying the manipulated Phoenixtopian robots. She grew until she became a planet, and robots began living on her but each was in her genetic likeness but oddly something restricted there growth. A second female robot was created that was a basis on her design but it was a manipulation of the first Phoenixtopian robot. She was driven off of Earth as well, which conjured hatred in to the Phoenixtopian robots. She merged with a star which she absorbed the genetic structure of the star since everything in Scarlet Phoenix's universe has a genetic DNA structure, otherwise it couldn't exist in this dimension. The first robotof the Phoenixtopians became a planet which derived the robots migration to there new home.

Sun became the third planet of Phoenixtopian robots! After the betrayal of Candy Cloud Sun, Sun's aura roamed the universe but unaware of itself. We found that a body could be created from a ancient planet that never revived. When we polished the ancient planet's fragments, it was pure gold! To our surprise, she awakened immediately after our repairs but she became shy of the five Suns in the area we chosen to build her. We built a super computer dome to shield her from the dome after she just cradled in her posture. The super computer was absorbed in to her body and she became evil, filling any female robot she transformed evil. A portion of her aura still roamed the universe, we gathered it to repair the spider who never became reactivated again. She joined Sun as sisters. Her, Sun's, original body became active once again and the Omega Evangelion begged her not to harm Candy Cloud Sun.

Usually you wouldn't sympathize with a villain but this golden spider cried in space, and kept just crying because she was a gentle, social, robot with lots of potential before they experimented on her. She was a ark of some type, as her body kept the original DNA sequences of thousands of environments and species that included the foundation for the development of water itself. She wasn't in her spider form when a robotic society decided to augment her in to a planet. How you ask! They manipulated the very thing that she found once again, her heart. The myth this civilization stated for generations is that they found the DNA sequences in capsules but they couldn't reproduce a planet's core capable of handling such potent potential power as the creation of life was. The DNA sequences would have been diminished if she died, so they attached a machine directly to her heart as the planet's core. The supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni gave mercy too this robotic spider, manipulating her directly as the planet by several flares of the Creation of Life nebula which diminished the galaxy several millennium later. The civilization attempted to inhabit a portion of space that hadn't yet been created yet. This later this millennium later, the robotic spider is about half the size of the universe.

To not idol over the possibilities of humanity but to participate in the future.

A couple embrace after the mission to the Astro Plains! What the camera foretells is the grief of a princess who lost her humanity to the battle with the alien entities. There female crystal emissary infected the space.....The divinity sung ceasing the infection but not before the princess was infected. The divinity left scales on the last realm of the Astro Plains, which humanity renovated for use against the alien entity. The princess became the first singer in the war against the alien entity.

The gigantic female crystal emissary was restrained, they interpreted her as a emissary because she wasn't visible in there dimension oppose to those who scouted humanity in another battle. It was win the battle or complete extermination, but there was a fleet of a billion ships through the sacrifice. It was another female emissary who sacrificed herself reincarnating a billion ships with fully crews to combat humanity, but the captured female emissary began to be captivated by humanity which intervened a philosophy to manipulate humanities music.

It was assumed she had taken over the actual space ship because of the stereotype on the emissaries size but there stood a old decade nineteen eighties aircraft carrier, which the crew kept for good luck. She had to be preserved on a volcano, even a gigantic old inactive volcano would be significant. Tourists came from around the world to be haunted space ship eyewitnesses, but the fourteen year old couple were present. It was odd when the tourists group toured the ship because they found a giant crystal female that's bra began to pour out of the ship! It was transforming the aircraft carrier, eventually she transformed the entire naval ship in to a space ship which her chest is a empty city made of crystals but the military knew she was invisible in this dimension while the majority of those who were close to assaulting humanity weren't.

A despicable upheaval the Omega Evangelion had frequent occurrences of incident, even though she's well mannered. She doesn't sway away from incidents, even if it's a crowd of free ticket movies desirer's that accumulate the size of a city to view the anticipated blockbuster. The mall's flat was covered with a inflated mat to protect the contestants while participating in the "Once You Hit The Floor You're Disqualified" martial arts sparring mat. The Omega Evangelion is always considerate as a person but insultingly charismatic in martial arts sparring matches, she played a game of ninjutsu leap frog on the contestants. She was a geisha, she didn't need to participate but it was fun to her, something that reciprocated that the Omega Evangelion was a entity of seclusion.

The blood of the Omega Evangelion never reached a tempurature below two-hundred that's why her ninjutsu costume is on fire, she ignites the 3D printer's plastic.

A flame guided the Kunoichi on a plain ground, there stood their breeze divided. Some desired to summon a supreme goddess, other's desired a deity. Some demanded a warrior, while other's demanded a ancestor but for certainty, everyone related a different summons from there soul. There stood a pregnant kunoichi, the ancient spirit arouse. "You breached this flame of molten lava, thee is the spirit who eat the body of Athena. Thee is the spirit who eat Eden, thee is the spirit who eat Olympus, thee is the spirit who eat Babylon, and thee is the spirit who attempted to eat the Sun of the supreme goddess! Who's sitting there? Who dares to merge with my spirit?," the ancient spirit stated. It glazes upon the pregnant Kunoichi. a^Attempting to merge with her twice, once on the plain grounds and once inside of the emergency room, but failing. The intelligent and sentient spirit decided to merge with her unborn baby, though it succeeded the spirit vanished. The supreme goddess has calmed victory over the ancient spirit, a new Omega Evangelion has been born.

There was a decision to allocate the opportunity for humanities entry in to the realm prior to Eden, a conference with the counsel of authors has led to the deliberation that there's too many Omega Evangelion's currently in this particular dimension. There's fear that a massive dragon baring a single head on its back for every continent of Earth and three central heads, maybe ascend on to the Earth. The most powerful Omega Evangelion, Catherine-Elizabeth, soul has become as tempered as Goddess Chaos. She hasn't aged a single day after the age of eighteen but she has been involved in the injuries of ten thousand people, though she saved five thousand and fifty.

These aborter's of humanity were purely evil, they didn't perpetuate that the Omega Evangelion had similar manipulation over animal spirits that the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Humanity attempted to trick the most powerful Omega Evangelion in to separating itself from it's animal spirits in Eden and travel there themselves. The aborter's of humanity stabbed the Omega Evangelion, a portal to Eden was related to the area of the stabbing. These representatives of humanity discovered they were still assaulted, when they attempted to enter via a odd transference of humanity to familiar.

Such a parry darkness fallen to us all, given a astray from today's pain, we call it war. Tis our hearts plundered tonight's scowl, we hear tears parrying. Forever plucked our hearts, its a city of tomorrow's parrying. We hear a crying, to us and forever more. Our hearts crying sending blossoms flickering, our souls floundered today, tomorrow, and future more. Even our cries cindered, we sought a rainbow but there was nothing but crying and tears. We finally knew there was something frightening, how could the blossoms send our hearts enticing and eternally we wilted given the sight of such a city that should be known as frightening. We read, we decided to seek thee but thee is a city that seeks thee and we gave our tears some more.

Through temptation, we all halted that should they bare demon they will be defenseless. Though no demon nor god walks these plains, there, bares the anger of goddesses. Revealed the Omega Evangelion is no more, walk on a star, a path of the sun's flare's has been taken. Humanities sins will forever be forsaken. There they walk, let there be virtual reality, beast, or human. So it be bared in truth! Truth that there's a manifest destiny of humanity, written in a Magna Carta. We beech these things, come towards a crossroads of our heart, of our souls, and of our wills. It's distinctive of a path that's laid in the common persuasive mind of humanity, but the Omega Evangelion was left with a dream of another. Flown on the hills of a swan and transformed in a entity of the nebula that greets creation, giving raise of mountains and humanity but endowed with the acknowledgement that humanity with personify its suffering. Thus that swan evolve in to a Phoenix.

There laid the dawn, it stared at the Omega Evangelion, it competed with her. For the immorality of who shall rein of darkness on to the Earth. The spirits brought flame, the spirits brought fire, these weren't the typical humanoid spirits often seen in entertainment media. They had no legs, they walked on the aura of the flame that brought them to the City of Cherry Blossoms or was it the city that brought them to it. A prison of some sorts but bigger than any palace of temple dedicated to Marco Polo, it in its awl is a city but the Omega Evangelion came from the ashes a Ragnarok but she doesn't roar, she doesn't screech, and she doesn't howl, so thus she is a Phoenix. Who do you suppose gave the most powerful Omega Evangelion the kimono's of a geisha? The crown queen of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura.

What has been gotten, now has been found! The City of Cherry Blossoms has nine discovered basements, gigantic enough to house another city within a city. It's absolutely reputed amongst that the adduct is indeed a city. There they stood, twenty-three gods or goddesses and hundreds of deities, each representing a element on the scientific periodic scale. Though each god or goddess were priest who became gods or goddesses in there life and afterlife's, a twinkle of spark was given in to there central area of suggested connected breeze. It's usually left empty. The kunoichi squad Phoenix Envy demanded that the Omega Evangelion is fertilized and deemed pregnant since the priest gods and priestess goddesses demanded that the Earth will be destroyed and reconstructed five times. The priest gods and priestess goddesses deemed it would only be fair but they don't have the power to perpetuate the creation of a Omega Evangelion, though she can be fertilized by the supreme nebula of the universe. The kunoichi squad Phoenix Envy demanded that she's ordained as the original Omega Evangelion and the most powerful but she's derived from only a single element of fire her entire life. "Breeze elements are rainbows on the wind, it's not possible to control there orientation in to a entity," the priest gods and priestess goddesses replied." "Sexual female gender is a must," Phoenix Envy queried.

There gestures the first humans in to the Sanity of Humanity, casted in to fore born scorn. Hold your attentiveness high, the cast iron facial sculptures stated that your not welcome. Hesitate and you shall know what a demon is! The original Omega Evangelion wasn't to be born for another one hundred and fifty years, Scarlet Phoenix was a goddess and the only member of Phoenix Envy that was capable of witnessing it. Even though the Omega Evangelion is as powerful as a goddess, it's only a entity that's as close to being a goddess as possible. Each member of Phoenix Envy was buried inside of the City of Cherry Blossoms by Scarlet Phoenix and Omega Evangelion, but the clerks deity elemental priests and priestesses attempted to devour there bodies in darkness. Scarlet Phoenix sent the bodies of Phoenix Envy to the temples that the Omega Evangelion created, since there's a entity that devours darkness present on the temple. Each member was revived but they exist at the age of the original Omega Evangelion.

It was the greatest deceptive plan by Scarlet Phoenix to out duel the Omega Evangelion, if the child of the most powerful Omega Evangelion was going to become the original Omega Evangelion then the gods priests and goddesses priestesses had preclusion of the Omega Infinity book. They wrote and ordained demon after demon inside of the Omega Infinity book, but it was written that Phoenix Envy destroyed every demon since they did have the bodies of Phoenix Envy to devour. There was nothing that stopped the gods priests and goddesses priestesses from rewriting the Omega Infinity book, which the Fictitious book realized that no ceased from rewriting the Omega Infinity book, degraded the most powerful Omega Evangelion. Phoenix Jade was amongst the Phoenix Envy members present, even though she wasn't a member of Phoenix Envy. Her eyes always turned a different color around danger, which Scarlet Phoenix realized. She threw them in to the realms where the temples persisted that the most powerful Omega Evangelion created.

Uh, you want to meet the members of Phoenix Envy, there's actually twelve. A corporation guaranteed top award album musical group needed a charismatic designation for there debut album. The musical group approached Phoenix Envy for cooperative use of the name, they've quickly realized that the advantage that the original members had was negated because Shira Darknfire was a award winning caliber writer. Besides, though, Scarlet Phoenix, Shira Darknfire, Shadow N Light, and the Omega Evangelion, there was Uptempo Slash and Darling Purple Dandelion. The family of Uptempo Slash is military, and Darling Purple Dandelion is a ordinary geisha.

The country had very few economic surges during the last one hundred and fifty years, about one in every fifteen years. It became worst when continent event horizons caused instantaneously livable continent due to the raising of a volcano from the sea or the pouring of lava reacting to a event horizon. Time Dilation doesn't occur except when the lava is cool a flourishing continent is ready for settlement. Our annual GDP was averaged to depict a statistic of two hundred and thirty-ninth in the world. The original members of Phoenix envy requested that there's a war during the youth of the original Omega Evangelion, and there's no better war than poverty.

It was predicted the arrival of the next Omega Evangelion similar to how her

There laid the dawn, it stared at the Omega Evangelion, it competed with her. For the immorality of who shall rein of darkness on to the Earth. The spirits brought flame, the spirits brought fire, these weren't the typical humanoid spirits often seen in entertainment media. They had no legs, they walked on the aura of the flame that brought them to the City of Cherry Blossoms or was it the city that brought them to it. A prison of some sorts but bigger than any palace of temple dedicated to Marco Polo, it in its awl is a city but the Omega Evangelion came from the ashes a Ragnarok but she doesn't roar, she doesn't screech, and she doesn't howl, so thus she is a Phoenix. Who do you suppose gave the most powerful Omega Evangelion the kimono's of a geisha? The crown queen of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura.

Such a parry darkness fallen to us all, given a astray from today's pain, we call it war. Tis our hearts plundered tonight's scowl, we hear tears parrying. Forever plucked our hearts, its a city of tomorrow's parrying. We hear a crying, to us and forever more. Our hearts crying sending blossoms flickering, our souls floundered today, tomorrow, and future more. Even our cries cindered, we sought a rainbow but there was nothing but crying and tears. We finally knew there was something frightening, how could the blossoms send our hearts enticing and eternally we wilted given the sight of such a city that should be known as frightening. We read, we decided to seek thee but thee is a city that seeks thee and we gave our tears some more.

Through temptation, we all halted that should they bare demon they will be defenseless. Though no demon nor god walks these plains, there, bares the anger of goddesses. Revealed the Omega Evangelion is no more, walk on a star, a path of the sun's flare's has been taken. Humanities sins will forever be forsaken. There they walk, let there be virtual reality, beast, or human. So it be bared in truth! Truth that there's a manifest destiny of humanity, written in a Magna Carta. We beech these things, come towards a crossroads of our heart, of our souls, and of our wills. It's distinctive of a path that's laid in the common persuasive mind of humanity, but the Omega Evangelion was left with a dream of another. Flown on the hills of a swan and transformed in a entity of the nebula that greets creation, giving raise of mountains and humanity but endowed with the acknowledgement that humanity with personify its suffering. Thus that swan evolve in to a Phoenix.

There was a decision to allocate the opportunity for humanities entry in to the realm prior to Eden, a conference with the counsel of authors has led to the deliberation that there's too many Omega Evangelion's currently in this particular dimension. There's fear that a massive dragon baring a single head on its back for every continent of Earth and three central heads, maybe ascend on to the Earth. The most powerful Omega Evangelion, Catherine-Elizabeth, soul has become as tempered as Goddess Chaos. She hasn't aged a single day after the age of eighteen but she has been involved in the injuries of ten thousand people, though she saved five thousand and fifty.

What has been gotten, now has been found! The City of Cherry Blossoms has nine discovered basements, gigantic enough to house another city within a city. It's absolutely reputed amongst that the adduct is indeed a city. There they stood, twenty-three gods or goddesses and hundreds of deities, each representing a element on the scientific periodic scale. Though each god or goddess were priest who became gods or goddesses in there life and afterlife's, a twinkle of spark was given in to there central area of suggested connected breeze. It's usually left empty. The kunoichi squad Phoenix Envy demanded that the Omega Evangelion is fertilized and deemed pregnant since the priest gods and priestess goddesses demanded that the Earth will be destroyed and reconstructed five times. The priest gods and priestess goddesses deemed it would only be fair but they don't have the power to perpetuate the creation of a Omega Evangelion, though she can be fertilized by the supreme nebula of the universe. The kunoichi squad Phoenix Envy demanded that she's ordained as the original Omega Evangelion and the most powerful but she's derived from only a single element of fire her entire life. "Breeze elements are rainbows on the wind, it's not possible to control there orientation in to a entity," the priest gods and priestess goddesses replied." "Sexual female gender is a must," Phoenix Envy queried.

It's the type of life that should be documented everyday, the Omega Evangelion. She's going to be bullied everyday, not by criminal organizations but everyday common citizens. Literally everyday she'll have to fist fight her way through life, partially because of the weakness shown by her mother but it's also the common interpretation that the Kunoichi Hanamachi divided the country. The original Phoenix sword is stump, but a extraordinary Phoenix sword from her atom creation abilities and random daydreams. She does have the ability to manipulate her shape more frequently because of her sentient shadow. The original Omega Evangelion is capable of grabbing her shadow as a cloak over her entire body and change it's shadow through a type of telekinesis. She's significantly more violent than the more powerful Catherine-Elizabeth Omega Evangelion but the musical group Phoenix Envy binded her in the same non killing agreement as the more powerful Omega Evangelion.

Mountains arose just outside of the intimate islands of the Phoenix Sakura country, each consisting of a single female body as its peak. Many onlookers pervaded sight that they were the original members of Phoenix Envy, but several members were eyewitness to be slightly outside of the Kunoichi Hanamachi. Though, the Omega Evangelion lived inside of the Kunoichi, inside of the administration building. She traveled frequently outside to the little geisha community village frequently, there a little renown as Scarlet Phoenix practiced her maiko skills. She recognized her immediately, though she was too young to be a geisha.

The City of the Lost Sun is intruded by soldiers to penetrate Eden, the soldiers are ordaining respect for the city, while the administration is repulsive. The tremendous duration of the day of January 1, reciprocated in a feast of eating my first bowl of ramen because of a random daydream that thee ate non alcohol sliced apple broth, rice, lemon ramen with a mysterious woman to celebrate Holy Spirit month. The apple sauce broth thinned the noodles that there isn't any implied energy to eat the entire bowl. Though the day of January 2, was bitter because there were screams of radicalism over my connection the entire morning, the mysterious woman warned me of it in sleeping dreams. They referred themselves to be a prolific religious institution with multiple billionaire supporters. They queried to find someone renowned as Omega and to force it to become a demon, a entity that couldn't be manipulated even by the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Scarlet Phoenix came to query whether if thee wanted to play geisha at the geisha community. Thee convinced her to listen to the voices come over the connection, she laughed as they reciprocated that usually the Omega would be a female since there would be a correlation between women and the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni but since she created humanity, the supreme goddess would occasionally ordain a male Omega.

It was finally related the name of the religious extremists cult, Utilitarianism Utopia. The school relayed a desire for power over the Book that personified control over the universe, it was a corrupted school who participated in demon arts in secrecy. The school would renown its privilege to exert itself as a private institution of teaching, because it wanted to be allotted access to public school academic records and social security numbers of non matriculated students. Every check for illness came back negative for the Omega Evangelion! The cult would allot the school to renovate for attempt to obtain the Books desired, the school intended to use Earth's portals which would expand the size of the hallways.

A natural crow woman of darkness gently asserted itself on a reputed rock carving of four facing but substantially different than the soldiers expected. Each face held a sun or a moon in its mouth, the soldiers hearts trembled at the suspicion that the faces were terrified at both the Sun and the Moon. The Sun omitted the corruption of the government and the country's prominent officials, the Moon ordained the corruption of the people. Opera singing to demons, reciprocating kabuki to the opera worship glorification demons.

It was recognized on the day of January 3. the geisha community only remembers the most powerful Omega Evangelion as Catherine-Elizabeth, though the original Omega Evangelion has a empty void of Eden. She's instructed to absorb every element similar to a gravitational entity to complete her Eden by her sentient shadow, a thousand pound shadowy creature similar to the City of Sun's crow woman. She stated be mindful of her yin and yang path. It will be guided by the Dragoon-Woo-Gone or Dragon Wo Gone, who was transformed from a genie in to a literal dragon spirit, but she is evil and the Dragoon-Woo-Gone is manipulated by the Warring Blossoms. Dancer Omen will always be her main villain, but her fate his a confrontation with the descendant of Scarlet Phoenix. Everything is predicted for her, her entire life...Seen in random daydreams. The supreme goddess's memory is eternal. If there was a day of hestiation then it would be personified on the day of January 4, yesterday was a parent professor meeting the entire day, the principal stated to be aware of neighborhood sparring matches since they can't monitor the entire neighborhood but beware of the martial arts point system since its active outside of school. Dove is now the leader of the Phoenixtopian robots, she turns in to a giant bird. She drags the original Gaia City via the Gaia Ramps since it suffered extraordinary amount of damage through the years and its imprisonment in the sea. Her internal maintenance robot is actually the Omega Evangelion parent guardian, so the Omega Evangelion has to act as a repair module.

Many have forgotten, many have remember well, why do we quell. There was a talisman with many who thought it derived the elements of the land, air, water, and Earth, though all there research was important none of them conjuncted. Nor were they the political strength of the Earth but the four forgotten currents of the Earth that gathers every element. For this, fire chases the Omega Evangelion. No, she didn't chase the most technologically influential element. She fought with fun after the first day of school, riding in the Phoenxtopian robot Dove on her but she recorded that she sparred with nine people everyday before school, usually during the middle of school, and after school. She was every sparring match, it was against twenty-seven people everyday, never saw her equal a match. Though there's great sadness, the Phoenix Egg in the original Gaia City has crumbled away, there hasn't been any acknowledgement of sentience.

There's already a sign of fatigue from the soldiers, since there gesturing through a environment they have no acknowledgement of and not because the archaeologists doesn't have perceptual acknowledgement of there environment and there surroundings. Everything is derived from the sun as a star in the City of the Sun, and the true myth of the Phoenixtopians. it isn't the myth of a vicious war like society but a settled, sophisticated culture. The scriptures of the city indicated that Catherine-Elizabeth was a herald of the Omega Evangelion, even though she was a Omega Evangelion. It's suggested by certain religious cults that she's the mother of the Omega Evangelion, but it's only personified in the interpretation of certain scriptures of the Fictitious Book.

January 4

That particular day, there was a incident that personified the Omega Evangelion fury in sparring matches that occurred everyday. Sophomore collegiate students terrified the entire school with there martial arts scenarios. The Omega Evangelion could have been lost, she has to be protected. Students were angry at the lack of acknowledgement that they can't be protected, thus the fighting increased. The Omega Evangelion fought on the first day of school slightly before noon of the school day.

The Shadow Sentient synchronized her body with the Omega Evangelion, forcing her to choose between the three essential age periods since the students were older. She chose a teenager, which allocated her the attributes needed to her victory.

The Utilitarian Utopia cult believed that the true child of the supreme goddess couldn't have survived the negative emotions of humanities souls, even in the Ascension of Humanity. It's humanities nature to obstruct in conflicted cognitive emotional breeze, if the Ascension of humanity has freedom. It was replicated from the Kunoichi Hanamachi religion, which is older. Ragnarok, the innocent conflicted heart born of fire and strife that it itself didn't presume. The Omega Evangelion is much more powerful, that planet Ragnarok is capable of destroying, the Omega Evangelion has the capacity to destroy half a galaxy. It's written in scripture! The Omega Evangelion mother protects it, and the Omega Evangelion protects the supreme goddess in Holy Trinity but there's inconsistency. The original Omega Evangelion would have to be protected Catherine-Elizabeth during and after born.

January 5

There's deliberations amongst faculty that the Omega Evangelion should be force to become a adolescent permanently with a exception to the academic acceptance to a higher grade. She has too much awareness of her environment to be in kindergarten, but she was actually a week old, far younger than scholars anticipated. She still stood confident throughout the academic day.

"Thee think this is going to be the Holy Spirits holiday to remember," a herald stated. "Wake up, Catherine-Elizabeth! Wake up, Catherine-Elizabeth!," a mysterious voice stated. "There's millions of troops descending from parachutes," Phoenix Envy stated. "Please Shadow Sentient, watch over my child. Fire in my womb please awaken, merge with the Shadow Sentient, and take the Phoenix sword to assist us combating this assault," Catherine-Elizabeth stated. A infant arose grasping the Phoenix sword, but it was different than the sword that the most powerful Omega Evangelion wielded. Immediately the Shadow Sentient grabbed the infant, transforming it in to a elder adolescent. The other six members of Phoenix Envy arose from the mountain peaks outside of the Phoenix Sakura continent, so did thirty-four more women. The apocalypse had preceded its forecast anticipation, and the entire world realized this is prelude to war. October thirty-first began with a bowl of non alcoholic apple sauce, rice, and sesame chicken ramen

Such the days of true infinity bare the diminished enlightenment! Thus dawn the proximity to a apocalypse. There's are suns in the worship of thee Sun room, the soldiers are immediately suffering from fatigue. The threads were being shown, a golden demon devourer that Catherine^Elizabeth hired to guard the temples and paid well to not eat Shira Darknfire. There three essential systems were sewed from golden thread, decades of damaged from military service would have caused a overwhelming amount of fatigue. The gods priests and goddesses priestesses noticed something odd

There's morrow's depicting a sparring match, which was discovered by the soldiers. A reminiscence of a pivotal event before the second apocalypse during the duration of a conformation between the Omega Evangelion and the Omega Infinity, which the Omega Infinity was resoundingly defeated. The Kunoichi Hanamachi had just lost its religious and military status in the current government because of a attempted upheaval by Searching for a Soul. Several crown queens and maiko's were exiled to the most coldest island in the authority of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura. Even Scarlet Phoenix was exiled to this cold island, which immediately related a conspiracy theory to scholars since another Phoenix Envy was created. It was devised of a parachute trainer recruit renown as Upinfluence and a geisha renown as Demon's Desire, along with Scarlet Phoenix.

It was the beginning of envy, everyone was destined to betray this Omega Evangelion and she pertain destiny by defeating the Omega Infinity. The Author had chosen to side with the Warring Blossoms, who was gigantic during this period. She, the Omega Evangelion, took the Omega Infinity's dandelion seed which came from the Divinity of Humanity or the original birth island of humanities population. It foretold the entire duration of existence for humanity, even every single apocalypse to occur once it was taken in to a certain cavern. All eight will form the Dragon's soul.

We will in tomorrow and forever, our today is always defined by our tomorrow's path. Very seldom doesn't freedom utter in a possibility of today's path tomorrow. A ever cold dawn has bronze winter held within water, a name was designated to the child that giant sculptures intertwines a conflict of power. Her name was held in similar constant to Scarlet, Omega Winternightinggale. There was always a hint to whom the Shadow Sentient was, thou the cold silence of a trained warrior hinted, everyone ignored. For if she was to be born, this Omega Evangelion must survive. There's a question, a query, who are these new Phoenixtopians assaulting everything they know and everything we...Usually today Phoenxtopians are delighted to be the beast spirits of humanity since there held in independence and there life expectancy has increase substantially. Such a utter of so many charismatic moments from this Omega Evangelion life, over forty women testifying that "Within everything there's a Scarlet," activating abilities meant for a chosen few. A cherished moment that was ever lasted by Omega Winternightinggale stating,"There will be and always, one Omega."

A dust of a dawn, could be a sculpture of friendship and compassion. The mischief that adorned the two friends, the Omega Evangelion and Demon Desires, apprehended there potential. It was a subsequent trip to a collegiate's museum that perpetuated a undercover investigation for illegal personal on private grounds, the registration bureau actually had Omega Winternightinggale's name on registration. There are many attributes to that propels power, such divinity usually is reciprocated in balance. Even what we derive to be Eden within the Omega Evangelion has balance. It's such a evil, that looks so much like Parvati. Humanity was curious about it, but the evil ate portions of humanity to mold itself new sculptures on its face.

Such a evil mediating on a mountain is almost indefensible but the Ascension of Humanity and the Descending Whirlpool of Humanity both agree that the Omega Evangelion should be protected from this evil within Eden. This Omega Evangelion is opinionated, emotional, and dispassionate toward humanity, a confluent and spontaneous individual that the entity would ignore. It shalt be reminded that it was the Omega Infinity who increased the amount of apocalypses humanity would have to endure. It has never been any warrior similar to this Omega Evangelion, she defeated five billion Phoenixtopian of Sun soldiers. The entire war stopped to perpetuate the soldiers need to combat the Omega Evangelion, even the cannon fire ceased. She fought on pure adrenaline for three months, allocating only ten minutes a day of sleep. Her only weapons were her Phoenix swords and her acknowledgement of the Shadow Kabuki Phoenix style. They vacated the planet with the insurance of the Fictitious Book that there weren't any soldier deaths caused by the Omega Evangelion.

It's a benevolent sight to witness two supreme entities on top of opposing mountains in what we deem to be Eden, but the Omega Evangelion isn't a goddess. Some artists depict the Ascension of Humanity and the Descending Whirlpool of Humanity combating each her below both sides of the mountain peaks instead of readiness to protect the Omega Evangelion from the entity. A body idol was thrown off Olympus by a mischief nymph, a Phoenix was immerse to descent in lava. It was manipulated in to a humanoid woman renown as the Splendid Woman Wondrous. She actually good but the nemesis of the Omega Evangelion. A entertainment area is filled with delegates from the Phoenixtopian of Sun, passively drinking tea. "Such a talented combatant for such a adolescent," a Phoenixtopian of Sun delegate stated. "Why do we want peach, thee wants to spar with the Omega Evangelion again," another Phoenixtopian of Sun stated.

If there's such a thing in infinity, then it will be guided by the confidence in the mysterious. It felt guided by the supreme goddess, a path of fluctuation. There stood a morrow of her eyes inserted by the supreme goddess, almost a ruby sun. They weep of water, shining better as evidence that Catherine-Elizabeth wasn't the original Omega Evangelion. There's the Phoenixtopian supreme commander Dove sweeping by. It should take them close to thirty days to enter the doorway to Eden, since there's false doorways and Time Dilation Event horizon doors. They'll probably meet Omega Winternightinggale before they'll enter Eden. The Splendid Woman Wondrous is a telekinetic that exerts the attribute to obtain five globes of the Earth's core permanently which pertain to be invisible but she's capable of manipulating the five globes of a individual's soul for mapping the outer environment surroundings, power besides her already extraordinary human power, and precise application decisive writing and manipulation. It's rumored she shares the ability with the Omega Evangelion, there able to read a application and precisely acknowledge what's needed to be hired.

"She states that she's a five year old girl! Why do you state that she's a five year old girl? Do we know you, oh great spirits we hear you command of the Omega Evangelion! Isn't it haste, so solute, we determine it is infinity. We resound the spirits we that of fiction to anticipation that her age is determined. Thou most our grateful some envy that to be taken because aren't they wanted anymore, it's a envious consciousness that some are aware of the there current status in being that they long to beside themselves with the Omega Evangelion.

The eight doors of the cavern was the first evidence that there are other Gaia Cities, it was renowned as Geisha cavern. The original beast spirit of the most powerful Omega Evangelion, Senses, was battered and beaten from its betrayal. The Warring Blossoms was the most powerful divinity on the planet, its master didn't fascinate the use of Senses anymore. It begged to be amongst the Omega Evangelion once more, so its the story of Dragoon Wo Gone. She began mentoring Omega Winternightinggale in her mission, the inheritance of the ancient ninja clan rather than heritage of the kunoichi.

The souls that we are interconnected too are amongst our life giving faith to the chosen hearts of our past, present, and future. Our sought souls are given to a quest of hearts though we hold our elements of essential wants casted in our desires. Our paths are fulfilled, yielding fortune. Our kin yield in envy, we bare our hands toward the Sun. Yeast we met our wisdom in her ever shining light, to a path held, held by the hands we place on her Sun. We choose to disagree in agreement for our fortune yields nothing but everything, so we bare witness. Seldom we begin a day with a hopes found in a foundation of given, given to our boundless desires. We always live in envy, though we always bare new desires tomorrow. We kin in friendship!

The dwellings of the Geisha cavern are reverberative cold, even water couldn't dew. It wasn't renown that the geisha's had an actual cavern for the certification of geisha, but it was discovered by the entity Swan who combated the soul afterlife hoarder Unicorn deity. It's immense in a blizzard precipitation storm inside the cavern, there isn't any absolute cause. The musical group Phoenix Envy decided to ponder a little further, Shangri-La was reflected in a mirror of ice which personified Phoenix Envy catching up with Phoenix Envy, though it was never related the heritage of Omega Winternightinggale because of a gigantic problem. The group queried,"How could Catherine-Elizabeth be the Shadow Sentient and currently amongst the living?" They assumed that the original Book of Mirror's was held in the cave but they came to something a little more enticing a Phoenix petrified in a river. Her head of this petrified Phoenix mimicked the Omega Evangelion. Thousands of dew drips fell from the top of the cave, the petrified Phoenix reciprocated that these were DNA sequences of beast spirits which will bring the apocalypse of the fictional gods and goddesses. Each was a literal key, a key that lit the actual human soul, so that when the apocalypse occurs humanity will know that they have one. She also mentioned that "She's Catherine-Elizabeth, she's the most powerful Omega Evangelion."

Glazing at the stars, there's a infinite of light. The aura of stagnates

resonates throughout the cavern utterly the desire to foretell the story of the original Book of Mirror's. It's the personification of the lava and water dew drippings mixture that continually reincarnates the Book of Mirror's. Every other Book of Mirror's is a replication of it, if it was a chess piece it would be a king. It's a interesting theory to compare civilizations to chess, but it queries deliberation. The ideology only is coherent if the leader of the civilization doesn't designate themselves as god or goddess, then the children would become obstacles in there objectives to retain power. "Phoenix Envy is the ultimate series, it would challenge anyone and any where," Shira Darknfire. stated. "There children, they wouldn't remember any quandary with the eyes of green and the preying birds but we're predators," the original members of Phoenix Envy stated. It should be stated that with a designation such as Phoenix Envy every member is a Pawn, except the original members of Phoenix Envy. The original Omega Evangelion, Omega Winternightinggale, is a pawn, you just can't spar or combat everyday and derive anything other than a pawn. The original members of Phoenix Envy are designated to be Queens in a game of chess, which is renowned to be the same designation as the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. There isn't a Knight but the crown royal family is the Bishop.

"You must stay behind your breeze would be noticed by demons, but while sleeping thee became aware of Shangri-La. It was as if it was eyewitness in my memory, she recognized me as child and her as mother. It was finally recognized by me what a coward was and how wrong thee was about innocence. Shangri-La isn't a separate realm but a realm that recognizes us all. Humanity must not awaken the spirits!," Omega Winternightinggale stated. The name breeze derives something extraordinary but when it hards the kai becomes yang, which is fabric from our beast spirits to manufacture clothing. My costume represents a individual girl who witnessed the last meeting of the supreme goddess in prayer. We are our beast spirits, our beast spirits are us! Thee must attend the trip to Shangri-La in Sky Sunlight Cloud. It's pretty old, probably the original Sky Sunlight Cloud.

It was reminiscence by the Omega Evangelion that they were sleeping, every statue touted with another statue. There stood the supreme goddess of Shangri-La, which some religions recognize as a deity. She stands alone, a significance of power, and with eyes that braze red. Hundreds of them awoke at once, recognizing humanity. Not once did they speak or assault us but they did follow us with there eyes. It was the original Omega Evangelion's chance to manipulate the humanity devouring entity in Eden, there remained the possibility of transforming it to a humanoid female. Though it wasn't considered whether it would have a greater potency of power as a humanoid female. We wanted to travel further but a gigantic mountain prevent any usual travel by air or vehicle, but Sky Sunlight Cloud is a specialized military vehicle.

The repairs needed were extensive but the cockpit fits about fifteen people at a monitor, which the Omega Evangelion was never in. The navigation section of the plane was immediately below the satellite portion of the ship. This Omega Evangelion, Omega Winternightinggale loves solitude. It could be raised if the catapult is working, but it's meant to raise something else simultaneously which wasn't complete because of the duration. There was never a robot transformation option on the plane designated as Sky Sunlight Cloud, and there will never be. A treaty ratified that a portion of the Phoenixtopians would remain as beast spirits but the Islands of Phoenix Sakura could never research robotic transformation technology including duplicating the Gaia Cities. A temple approached reminiscence of a multiple head female deity utilizing a banner in both hands, demons are perpetuated on banner.

The crystal hearts of us never sought sorrow, our minds have been seen in the glimpse of her. Our precipitation is our lives that we've lived together yet alone in the same privilege mansions. Thus are hearts are torn together yet separated, we live in envy. Twisted burning in our fated lives, we deem them to be darkness and ourselves a heart that can't be lifted. This is tomorrow, then it's me who sees the frightening red eyes watching. Watching a glimpse of fear in to themselves because we beseech the seed to infinity, calling are names, we speak ourselves humanity. A designation filled with pride and wonder, something extraordinary is left in the snow. A remember of us, and the reminiscence of the dark path we hold to remember by a name.

A woman arose from the snow as a entity perpetuated of snow,"your the byproduct of the Omnihawk and the Anuhec," the woman stated as she grabbed Omega Winternightinggale's hand and guided her out of the plane. "Why do you fly? Burn your breeze and you can fly! It's the same technique that your costume is derived from. Burn it in your random daydreams," the woman stated. "That's it your a Phoenix, thee wouldn't advice you to use that often because it leaves your heart open. You have more prominently Eden than your daughter, demon couldn't see her but they can see you. Eventually everything must burn, don't worry if Eden is burnt. Besides the spirits must reciprocate that your the master of Eden or they could fluctuate deals with demons to attempt a mutiny.

Is innocence this reminiscence need to fulfill there acknowledgement of the cosmos? We define the divinity that we desire she sleep with our supreme goddess, her beauty seen in random daydreams of when she'll arrive on Earth then a spanking because good babies walk around with bad baby thoughts. Though she awakens, the original Sky Sunlight Cloud has made it back to the original hangar held within the Kunoichi Hanamachi since there are Gaia Ramps surrounding the Book of Mirror's. The Omega Evangelion never knew what they brought back but she presumed it was a artifact to for Parvati back to her realm. It's the innocence of the Omega Evangelion, she's what query a perpetual genius but obviously reiterating a weakness. She's ultimate in power but never infinite with which defines a goddess.

It beckoned her, the Book of Mirror's, back to the geisha cave. The Book of Mirror's screamed how the Omega Evangelion was evil, deriving the individual who reiterated the decision for her to be born a entity of evil. She is sleeping in her bed, she is also sleeping on the majestic plane. The difficult obstacle of realization a personification deeming a element of animal survival through the acknowledgement that she's a phoenix. Pondering through her eyes, a woman spoke,"You came to see me! A dragon and a phoenix, come baby! Every second of your life has been personified! Are you doing to allow the soldiers to die?" The Omega Evangelion wisp a cognitive thought relaying the soldiers to a position outside the realm of Eden.

Our hearts frown at a given path of enlightenment since there's a discreet possibility of sacrifices. Our souls rely only what we only, arising only to the visualization that concretes the allocated sacrifices of our hearts given to a path not of risen hope but risen enlightenment then fault to disappointments. The original Book of Mirror's is seen mediating as a living entity gowned in a wedding dress, depicting mirror's as her hair that's extraordinarily long. Her bun is depicted as lightning coved in a origami sheet of paper, presumable which was used in the creation of the literal Book of Mirror's. There implored in a war for possession of the Earth. Each Book of Mirror's own approximately half of the Earth, the lineage of Scarlet Phoenix is somewhere in the clouds plotting to claim the entire Earth.

She, Omega Winternightinggale, sat there mediating in the severely cold snow. The soldiers sat mediating at the plexus of Eden, computing whether they should persistently migrate further. The date of January 6, depicts that every painting of Omega Winternightinggale derives myth, a dragon soaring through the sky is the first thing seen by her professors since she's drawing on the academic skill level expected of a fifth grade student. Each student stood in mediation for five seconds before there academic assignment at the geisha school before there primary school day, it's a long day for the Omega Evangelion who has to attend two schools during each day.

The resounding drum illuminates the eyewitness to the apocalypse to come, she's a relenting swan that's preferred to living instead of being a goddess deity. The rainbow of breeze courses through her thoughts as she perpetuates the freedom she should have, even if it derives a era of tranquility. Standing on the outer reaches of nothing, a lengthening of a woman's nails signifying a reaching for something. Such a refuge of overpower from a determining gaze, she sees the stone gate, she sees the lion statues, bare witness to her transformation and walk beside her. There's always a resounding fear when a goddess reiterates her power in a reciprocation of a action. The musical group Phoenix Envy proceeded with there plans to blind Parvati to her original realm by inserting a sacred statue in each of her hands palms. There it was the Two Wand Dragon song, the daughter of the Omega Evangelion wasn't renown as Phoenix Dragon but the original Omega Evangelion was. She ate with the supreme goddess during the month of Praising Spirits, a blacksmith was cooking ramen for them when the blacksmith swirled the augmented Two Wand Dragon in toward the Omega Evangelion. The sword correlates with the original Phoenix Sword since it has a Phoenix and a dragon combating on its hilt. She could have destroyed Phoenix Envy, her destiny was now a choice between a Phoenix dragon or ragnorak.

A wave came over the four cities, eyewitnesses decreed that its the anger of Parvati. Each city held a dragon spirit, literally but not visible, figuratively but not tangible. The spirits just exist, it wasn't the fault of the archaeologists because artifacts couldn't possibly be seen. The dragons existed outside of the realm that only is perpetuated by the Omega Evangelion visor, which is currently a removable helmet piece to her year 1986 ninjutsu costume. It was reciprocated by the archaeologists on the television news report that the Earth is forever binded as a continent because of the statistics that the Omega Evangelion hub took.

She stood on top of a star once again after the musical group Phoenix Envy propelled Parvati. Her anger grew to curiosity about the Omega Evangelion when each head simultaneously stated that the Omega Evangelion should never trust Phoenix Envy ever again even her best friend Demons Desire. Bar.ed not a goddess but she had the ability to give the Earth wind, to replace the ozone layer with a two hundred feet shield. If thee was send of adventures and brought nothing, it's humanity to lashes out in anger for the responsibility of the village has failed. She didn't a goddess, to reverberate that there in the presence of a goddess and thou they were given freedom they choose reminiscence the goddess in angry but not desire retribution.

"In breaking the Omega Evangelion's enchantments, the priestess have broken the priests law of religious assertion assumption," a mysterious voice stated. "Humanities have judged, they were too curious about the Eden that perpetuates the original Omega Evangelion holds, Eden is apart of her. "The city shall be destroyed whether or not it's by the Omega Evangelion, a mysterious voice stated. "Then the entire world shall rain with Sun Beings that will creed out of the Whirlpool Descent of Humanity, the very heroes they left discarded.

Roses were placed insert to the horizon of the City of Cherry Blossom's, even though there isn't any written record within the Fictitious Book that anyone died during the apocalypse and there's the VF-14 Wide Spread stationary on the grass near the concrete that overlays the entrance to the City of Cherry Blossom's. It has High Definition cameras on its thrust assembly, only needs enough gas to take off, it's a little bit slower than the Sky Sunlight Cloud, it has pulse interior and exterior maneuvering stationary engines which designates the VF-14 Wide Spread has a triple engine plane. The robotic spider Sakura customized everything in the Omega Evangelion's house.

"Here to interview about the Phoenix Temple events that occurred with Phoenix Envy," inquirer stated. "If my story is based on Daniel 3:26-28, thee wasn't a believer. Thee was a warrior, there were orders and they were carried out. Religious is sacred, it isn't a playful entity of humanities entertainment," Shadow N Light stated. "You lived a life, vast and daunting!," the inquirer stated. "We were poor, it was enriched by the presence of others and forgiveness," Shadow N Light replied. "Give our destiny, we chose a given fate to my heart what desired. It's brushed upon the light, seeking atonement for what has been done but fate has given a destiny. The world has declared that the Omega Evangelion has been judged innocent, though there's a relentless amount of allegation astray of countless judging," stated Shadow N Light.

There laid the dawn, it stared at the Omega Evangelion, it competed with her. For the immorality of who shall rein of darkness on to the Earth. The spirits brought flame, the spirits brought fire, these weren't the typical humanoid spirits often seen in entertainment media. They had no legs, they walked on the aura of the flame that brought them to the City of Cherry Blossoms or was it the city that brought them to it. A prison of some sorts but bigger than any palace of temple dedicated to Marco Polo, it in its awl is a city but the Omega Evangelion came from the ashes a Ragnarok but she doesn't roar, she doesn't screech, and she doesn't howl, so thus she is a Phoenix. Who do you suppose gave the most powerful Omega Evangelion the kimono's of a geisha? The crown queen of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura.

The strings of the galaxy intersect the eyes of every entity on Earth, they foretell a lie that Catherine-Elizabeth isn't the original Omega Evangelion but the daughter of the original Omega Evangelion. A star, a nebula, and a Even Horizon intersected the womb of Catherine-Elizabeth giving birth to the original Omega Evangelion from the decade 1986. on Christmas day. Catherine-Elizabeth became the second beast spirit renown as the Shadow Sentient to ensure that's born.

"What's going on, the fire in your heart is strong," Thee heard while sleeping. A beautiful planet without land, Thee saw a blue Phoenix my was dreams as a baby. A red and orange Phoenix arouse out of volcanoes then a shadowy fog like Phoenix came to represent people and deities. It was odd but the Book of Crystals represented the Earth's land. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni worries that there's so much power currently on the Earth in the void that Thee might be able to be corrupted. She wishes to use lava ash to create a official seal. Royal birth marks still exist but scientists state that it's something with the atmosphere within the void that caused humanities birth mark's to reseed in to there skin.

Shadow N Light's entire ninja clan is migrated to the Dream realm because of a set of circumstance's created by Scarlet Phoenix that led students to major in archeology and prove that she has taken part in evil. Her reasoning could have been clear but what act would have prompted the kidnapping of ninja clan members. The ninja clan responded by networking there and her computer's then sending a multiple bandwidth frequency pulse. The microwave shielding of electronics during this particular generation was horrible but they had no idea. Scarlet Phoenix's memories contained vocal representations of the supreme goddess herself. Before they could analyze who lied in Scarlet Phoenix's life, whatever the supreme goddess refilled forced the ninja clan went in to the dream realm except Shadow N Light and Jagged Earth.

"When Thee came in to the store, Thee just wanted to see what Scarlet Phoenix looked like," a Board of Elected Stockholder's corporate executive stated. She committee a team to hack Scarlet Phoenix's modem with the intent of legally watching what she played but her medium media stored more than purchased video games, there was a story for the game that they created. The story was creative and original but it featured a character that they were only interested in. The Board of Elected Stockholder's corporate executive noticed Scarlet Phoenix once before without the baby supreme goddess, during a arcade tournament. The employees distinguished Scarlet Phoenix has the participant with the greatest potential but they were in the city to participate in a scholarship ceremony. The Board of Education student potential chairmen gave Scarlet Phoenix's personal information to the company, in-exchange Scarlet Phoenix would be named a employee of the company but by law the company didn't own her any royalty rights except legal documentation that she has created the particular character.

Shadow N Light's ninja clan prevented Scarlet Phoenix from becoming a toddler while caring for the supreme goddess. The corporate video game company needed a innovative mind while stock analysts have determined the internet to be a patient investment since it has struggle to fulfill its original purpose. The ninja clan is attempting to immigrate towards Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni since there revenge is finished but they worry about the delicate balance between Scarlet Phoenix and Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, knowing that if she does anything corrupted Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni will punish Scarlet Phoenix. They will discuss Searching For A Soul assisting Scarlet Phoenix within Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. They must create a limestone representation of each individual person between the Earth within the void and Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to create a crystal road and move through the Dream realm.

The nature of all corporations is to get the upper hand over all other corporations! Scarlet Phoenix is going to commit espionage as the video game company's corporate executive officer and all the money she wants. The wants of arrogance as the supreme goddess is conscious and aware of what Scarlet Phoenix agreed too. The knowledge of the world is seen on a mountain of the goddess to created the Earth within the void but knows nothing about it. The water of the company will provide information on the world she creates but it wouldn't be the water of purity, it would be a forbidden fruit. The Earth is provided for is springing, all the children is created is provided and families have taken five or more children each. The wealth of the needy has brought prosperity.

There haven't been occurrence of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni dreams since childhood but during this previous night suddenly a dream that walking through a third story mansion that has been devastated by a severe lightning fuse fire. It was a mansion that was in my name, the entire upstairs were open to the Earth within the void atmosphere. There was a path to another step of stairs that Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stated "Never ask her what happened between her and humanity." The worthiness of her words kept me bowing apologizing to Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Scarlet Phoenix never bows to Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni in apology, society will make sure she bows to Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The woman of great creation determines all.

The nature of all corporations is to get the upper hand over all other corporations! Scarlet Phoenix is going to commit espionage as the video game company's corporate executive officer and all the money she wants. The wants of arrogance as the supreme goddess is conscious and aware of what Scarlet Phoenix agreed too. The knowledge of the world is seen on a mountain of the goddess to created the Earth within the void but knows nothing about it. The water of the company will provide information on the world she creates but it wouldn't be the water of purity, it would be a forbidden fruit. The Earth is provided for is springing, all the children is created is provided and families have taken five or more children each. The wealth of the needy has brought prosperity.

The beast spirits aren't avatars, there use isn't voluntary. They don't exist on a plain, beast spirits actually exists as partners to humanity. Beast spirits don't create social ports for the consumption of humanity or the use of money to pay debts, they exactly create the entire place which they visit by manipulating the user's surrounding. It was copied from me but it has always existed within the technology. Even before Thee was born, the creator of the technology was named Scarlet Phoenix industries. It was after my birth that we found out, and we couldn't find any connection to the dimensional conversions. Thee had some random surges within the Kunoichi Hanamachi that Thee never admitted too.

The Strings theory or infinite cosmos strings theory is actually the supreme goddess. The actual mathematics is prove of the electrical current of the supreme goddess. Her corporal body is actually a puppet, but it's actually her. The actual fact and response is definitive of the concept and perception within preliminary research. That within the individual person must be held within the common mind of the group. This response can interchange the morals of the individual within the beast spirit. The power of the beast spirit is able to the in the inside of any actual building but never is the individual able to interact with any person. The use of the portals for the allowance of students to be educated in other countries was a secondary technology, a technology that was derived from a technology based on my abilities.

Thee too young to think of my possible dishonors, Thee have no regrets and Thee feel like my spirit is complete in innocence thus Thee made no mistakes. Even fictional characters can be manipulated by the guide of the universe Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni shown me. The plot, the events, the circumstances surrounded within the picture is created by the dimensional guide. It's a random event, a subjective thought writing written word that's converted to humanities thought without the author every meeting, every seeing the guide dimensional writing or heard there thoughts. It's possible to influence a author without ever meeting them. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni mentioned "What drove the Shadow N Light's ninja clan to the geisha was that fictional character's stated to them that Thee was there creator, even with evidence that they were created by other people."

Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is having fun, showing her aboard a robotic city which is

also a space with String theory powering the space ship. My random daydreams states her actual body is within the eleventh dimension which is entirely a sun. The eleventh dimension is flat and isn't visible by the human eye. The flat dimension is about two hundred million times thinner than a drawing done on a sheet of paper. The eleven dimension is why she needs a puppet, her soul by say and which is odd because she actually writes "By say," is on and between every dimension. Thee attempting to explain by what she's showing me, she's calling it mathematics. Thee calculated the numbers on a clock through every single numerical alignment. The Sun in the Milky Way is the Sun of her birth as well, the eleventh dimension allows both to be true.

It snowed, it snowed, tonight is a baby night and it snowed tonight with the whisk in the air. My random daydream maybe coming true that the Kunoichi Hanamachi is built on a oil reservation, a well dress human is inserting a geographic oil meter. The snow is blowing so hard, it seems of thought that the ninja clan couldn't tell who's entering the hanamachi. Thee living in one of the first houses in the hanamachi and Thee looking outside the window. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is spanking me in random daydreams calling me a good bad baby. She seems to be having fun. Phoenix Jade hands me a little sand shovel as Thee turning away from the window.

Thee did have surges in the first dimension which Thee was born in. The entire ten hours of school my power surged. My educational professors thought it was similar to a cell phone going off and stated they were distracted by the illusion but continued class, even the name of the people were ignored. Butterfly Phoenix introduced herself in the first power surge stating:

"Thee have seen or heard of the birth of the Kunoichi. Thee couldn't be there for every event. This world is one of which years and decades before the event on December 21, 2012 happened.

"Where life seems to have been reborn and everyone has powers. We've found things you would expect from scientific theory on a total rebirth of the universe. Buildings, and physics, they aren't dismissed nor majored in since genetics has proven that a rebirth happened which makes it difficult for the artistic geisha to influence the field.

While over three thousand theories exist in the field of science, only the hyper nova that began the universe is accepted while this day, this day of December 21, 2012, the anniversary of the hyper nova is taking place. Oddly it's also the day of the Winter solace but Thee watching a young girl named Scarlet Phoenix.

"Scarlet Phoenix was calm when she was brought to the fire district of the goddess with her friend Shira Darknfire. Children frequently move about the Kunoichi freely, friendships aren't difficult within the hanamachi and she has done as a excellence of the crown queen would do. Our primary school enrollment is in the winter, which starts on December 22. Every class day revolves around a Saturday through Monday attendance period. Monday is the portal period that allows students to visit another country for school."

"The blood of the Kunoichi is as rich and pure as the emperors and empress of a country once knew, Thee stated to Scarlet Phoenix. Thee did not imply but stated if she studies enough the word "Kunoichi" verbally would should force her to question. The extent of the question is up to the supreme goddess. Once her questions are given to the supreme goddess, her mind will embrace the translation of the word Kunoichi which should imply to her that the word Kunoichi should be broken down to numeral views and equations of the inherit chromosome of the woman body. It's granting a lot of power but a young girl most be a young girl. Thee knew what Thee witnessed and was told, those events are before my time, we were never hunted by kings and we never were fighters but researchers.

"Scarlet Phoenix, Thee told her that she has the excellence of a crown queen because of her strength in sparring with another country. The cherry blossoms blew on the water causing a ripple, Thee knew our supreme goddess sent her to this sacred water cave, after she went to the central government to receive a certificate of the possibility of royalty. The heritage of the Kunoichi is a secret but we are celebrated. So many questions, are there so questions to ask with shall strength! Was it the Kunoichi who brought the first statues of Buddha? What connection to religion does the connection have? Myths and lore of a thousand ninjas and there swords? There are two accounts for this particular Kunoichi Hanamachi, those within religion and those within myth. Our organizational history seems to have opened her mind. My mind is spinning with the potential of Scarlet Phoenix."

The illusion was very translucent but Thee noticed. The entire room was fussy but a woman could be seen close to me. The audio was clear, it was clear enough that our professor bought a flat screen television in our class room while turning it on, she placed a memory key audio recorder next to the television. Thee was the only one who knew it was Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Later, it allowed Dragon Wo Gone to give Shira Darknfire orders. She's scary with the blood restraints on her fingernails, shoulders, and thighs then she's restrained by her genie grail cup. The holder of the dark blood, made of thousands of gold It must be created by genies similar to the vampire's.

Everything was revealed about my powers! The goddess soul which is known as String theory allows me to mutant my body in to my beast spirit but it has to be fire because the universe is so cold. My bodies plasma became as hot as the Milky Way's Sun but cells formed within my body keeping cool enough not to destroy itself. Thee was the only human who can do these things and all of this was stated during the first period. It's unbelievable how Shira Darknfire can fight. Not one period went without surge incident. Some were very vague such as the description of my abilities but technology and its findings must be similar from one dimension to another. There weren't any suggestions of previous dimensions because Thee don't want there to be.

The Goddess Scarlet Phoenix to come, Thee forget about her. Shira Darknfire is refusing to share her crayons with the other students. At the end of every period we get a snackies, good baby candy. The soul that ties me and Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni together, to separate souls. It's arrogant to think my soul is the same as hers' but she's showing me her soul in random daydreams. It's a soul that from one dimension to another seems to form a DNA strand. She showed my soul as the growth of this universe but not yet the size of a dimension. A extremely young soul, she suggested. Once may soul is as big as a dimension, she will no longer me to be depend on her for my power surge. It's more of a power surge than a creator of my abilities since they are derived from the beast spirit as other humans are.

"Are we inside of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, Thee must challenge her to a chess match," Scarlet Phoenix stated. "The chances of you beating Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is nine million to one during the Year of the Snake or the year of the trials," Qu Bell replied. "How do you know, how do you remember? We're babies just playing on the swings!," a surprised Scarlet Phoenix answered. "Thee Qu Bell and a bell always knows what's around her. Ding dong, Ding, dong, Thee hear the bell rung. The Path of the Phoenix known, it will always burn but your not a Phoenix," Qu Bell stated. "You don't sound like a baby," Scarlet Phoenix replied. "Thee the age of the bell that Thee was named after. There's nothing but a dark void outside of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, do you want to challenge her? She will be moving away from us, as if she was entering a eternal cave," Qu Bell finished.

"Thee will cry out the name of the forgotten one, when Thee proven wrong," Scarlet Phoenix mourned in tears. "The wind can force the bell to chime before the morning alter. Thus when we seed our own destiny, grab her, grasp her. We are the people seeding the eternal steps of the flowering water, the petals of the cherry blossom flowing grazing down to the water. My mother stated it's my destiny to follow you, Thee have been a tremendous friend with the likes of Emerald Jade. The fascination of several dimensions parallel to another is reminiscent to the sound of many bells creating the universe. Sound is multi dimensional,ding dong, the bell rung. Thee will never bow to the Phoenix," Qu Bell finished.

There was a twenty minute break between classes. After swinging with Qu Bell for five minutes, our teacher took us to the corporation endorsed video game arcade room. Every video game and ride is my height. We weren't allowed to purchase any food or drinks because there wasn't any cafeteria waitress or chef and lunch is coming up in a few periods. Qu Bell started drawing on the augmented reality set video screen. The teacher noticed, she drew a really cute bell. Thee not suppose to give opinions but Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni spanked me lightly. Qu Bell started to keep drawing until she drew animation that showed the bell rotating back and forth. It has never been done before in augmented drawing. It's not a casual technology.

Water is running behind the server's table. That must be Scarlet Phoenix getting ready to play me in chess, a random daydream with Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni showed her. A demonstration of a chess sparring match is currently airing on the television. Usually the school's professor show chess matches in the recess room but often different pieces are used such as anime characters. The school's television broadcast are customized from a separate frequency private on-campus ultra digital cable signal. The school doesn't provide the students with the broadcasting entertainment, it's directly derived from the Board of Education. It reminds me of a memory from a previous second dimension

When Shira Darknfire and Night of Fire both walked by each other in school. School was soon dismissed as both entered the classroom. This was the day we were to purchase the video game console which the Kunoichi Hanamachi made arrangements to pickup selected toys through a online service but the video game console is to be purchased and selected while at the store. The store is happy that there's a lot of women here, it seems. Phoenix Jade decided on a video game console that is older with its two button controller layout. There isn't any accurate motion movement technology, no multiple air to fan sound microchip processor's, the stores still carry it even though a modern generation.

One terrabyte processor exist with fifteen terrabyte graphical processors. Current technology allows for graphical processor specifications to run faster than the microprocessor. All three director's of the Phoenix mansion will hand out assignments. The Kunoichi tells us that they're interested in molding us, not giving us every modern privilege of today. Us, us, young women of the Kunoichi! It's going to be difficult for the Kunoichi not to want to spoil us but age is a marvelous wonder of social science and the thoughts of wanting to mold us was clearly present. Many times the Kunoichi suggested that it has been a while since a flourish of children was seen in the hanamachi. A well ranked Kunoichi resident stated "We could have clothes on the tables out for every kid to take and wear but the individual houses must be respected." They clapped as if the arguments were delightful, a special wave of the cherry blossom was in the air that was able to fill our supreme goddess with joy.

Thee never gave a thought to how many people worshiped Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. If Thee won the chess match during the Year of the Snake or year of the trials, we would be abandoning her. It could be a darkness on my soul, can Thee control the path? My subconscious is calling me to ask other's to worship another goddess. Thee control this dimension, the fire in my heart is turning to purity. Humanity isn't a plague and will not be destroyed by a goddess, the void may hold more than the only supreme goddess we've only known. Thee not arrogant enough to think that the supreme goddess would destroy humanity. The path through humanity is through purity not evil.

Within all things that worry me about challenging the supreme goddess, is the morals of humanity. Currently the morals of humanity is almost sinfully pure. There is a wanting but humanity doesn't know what it wants. A woman is going back and forth with a stranger about the scientific notation of cause and effect. "You could put technology into a robot and call it goddess," the stranger excitedly mentioned. The God's vein has been found, the vein that if damaged it can't be repaired. Static came over a television which isn't configured to display static, Thee knew it was a suggestion from the supreme goddess that my subconscious effect the dimension which Thee was attempting to create.

There was given a sense that Thee must challenge Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni now to a chess match. She warned me in random daydreams that humanities morals would collapse under the stress of the void. There isn't space, air, oxygen, morals, life and religion. Thee would instantly have to create space, air and oxygen to allow humanity to expand and possibly another race of humanity to ensure the survival of the human race. There wouldn't be any genetic manipulation, just a separate tribe of humanity for the survival of the human race. It was a random daydream suggestion by the supreme goddess. She also state her, as the supreme goddess, and her corporal body will remain on the planet. It's up to the bet rather Thee'll move the planet or the entire galaxy.

The information Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is providing me in random daydreams is helpful. There are twenty five planets in our galaxy. The Moon has a active but functioning core, it's Earth itself that is preventing the Moon from establishing life. Most of the Sun's deadly multiple dimensional rays are deflected toward the Moon. The Earth's nature occurrence of the pole's changing, causes the Moon's core to staminate forcing the cracking of every crest layer. This isn't a teleportation technique, the supreme goddess is displaying to me through random daydreams. It's a creation of every portion of this galaxy through the manipulation of micro atoms. She'll probably do that herself, she may do it herself since the supreme goddess must create herself and a corporeal body.

The supreme goddess's corporeal body has a inhuman distinction to it. It's young but it has a lacking in authority too it, a friendly look. It speaks with the voice and authority of the supreme goddess but there isn't a carry of weight when she speaks. There's laughter within the supreme moral being's suggestions within humanity. The distinction of meeting the actual goddess of being a warrior, being a scholar, and being a politician gives other's thoughts that they can slay the supreme goddess, they can save us from starvation, we no longer need to fear natural disaster's. This is a conservative dimension, this is a conservative dimension that Thee created. Humanity is dreaming, there isn't any reason to make it radical.

The female visitor is Amaterasu Phoenix, she has been a crown princess in every dimension but not always rich. The royal family in this dimension is a gigantic clan, she has brands all over her body. The brands are deep enough to suggest that she was forced to gain a tremendous amount of weight then she instantly lost it. There's no question these are brands, the skin is very tender in the areas of the brand. Her body is branded ancestral cave pictures and letters. Her limbs are covered under medical wrapping under the believe that if every brands resides on to the bandages then she's a deity, thus making her a crown queen.

The realization of reality is granted within random daydreams. Every possible chess move she's countering inside of my random daydreams. No matter how much Thee a genius, Thee still a little child. Within this small child's body, there's boundless knowledge but no wisdom. twenty-eight moves the supreme goddess has counter. Thee will still challenge her to chess but maybe more than one round, she's unbelievably intelligent. Thee could call her Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, Thee so afraid. She does have a opening, similar to her battle with the Phoenix temple. She'll counter unbelievably quick but she'll never move in that direction. Thee made twenty-five moves in that direction and the supreme goddess immediately countered every move.

The supreme goddess is making jokes that she'll force me to participate in a pageant during a random daydream. She's laughing, and demonstrating that Thee going to play her in chess and participate but Thee not the personification of humanity yet. She is finding herself curious about the limitless possibilities of humanity through me. She is still continuing her jolliness laughter. Thee shown Qu Bell's mother is about to enter in to the recess room by the supreme goddess. When Thee decide to look outside, the supreme goddess is sitting on a bench pointing to a speaker. "The Official World Female Youth Pageant is holding the most auditions in the second biggest city in the state." Thee stated to myself, "The school's finance division, Thee fire but Thee do wear pretty dresses and Thee fire.

"Dragon Wo Gone is going to attempt to create a certain star outside of the Milky Way galaxy that she'll stay in the center's core," Qu Bell's mother stated. It's odd since Thee can only make augmentation to the void once we're outside of the supreme goddess, even though Dragon Wo Gone is a genie it's still true. We're going to make a deal with Gaia, the Earth's gaseous ring, that will allow our breast spirits to be genetic and not a form of technology," Qu Bell's mother continued. The supreme goddess is tapping my chair and looking at me, currently showing a curious facial expression. My chair magically rotates over slightly but her mother's wonderment facial expression is clearly directed toward my behavior.

Thee can feel Dragon Wo Gone on national television talking about the archaeological facts behind predictions made in memoirs, that she hadn't published yet. It's a ability Thee haven't had before, a pure clear feeling. Her humanoid genie body can not derived far distance from her grail. There is a feeling along with the discussion of her memoirs that her breast spirit turned completely evil then multiplied. There were about twenty individual beast spirits when the rumor was passed, it's possible that a author asked her to write a memoir of her story afterward. It would be unpredictable if she gave most of her beast spirits to Shira Darknfire. The supreme goddess is showing a random daydream that it would take millennia's for me to repair the damage and that's after Thee grew strong enough. It's similar to a game of dash counter dash, she can would only be able to build where Thee haven't and she must use the rules of ground, purity, wind, fire, and air. Air represents space and the stratosphere. Ground is from the planet's life to the core of the planet. Purity is water and pollution. Wind is the sky and natural disasters.

The breeze Qu'Bell's mother spoke of has turned very dark, Thee not going to talk about my surges from the second dimension right now, maybe when Thee get home. It makes me wonder if there's a Midnight Phoenix Sky and a Midnight Phoenix Blue in this dimension. They're identical twin sisters! Originally they were apart of Phoenix Style but they became members of Searching For A Soul. Midnight Phoenix Sky and Midnight Phoenix Blue were best friends with me enough that they adopted Phoenix as a name extension. Both girls were some of the sole survivors of the final battle with the Phenoix that happened during the third dimension and they are enemies of Emerald Jade and Emerald Diamond.

Thee was a adult when this dimension began, Thee remember. Maybe Qu'Bell's mother found my diary that Thee wrote when Thee entered this dimension. Scientists brought me back to life, my injuries were too severe.....Thee asked scientists "Why did they bring me back?" The supreme goddess is holding me in a random daydream showing me that it sounds like the story of the dragon that she worshiped. It interesting that a supreme goddess could worship a dragon, there was definitely pride in her eyes when she told the story. A young girl will triumph against overwhelming obstacles, a dragon created from social death and solitude. The sorrow of social death and solitude comes from the friends uncreative views of the world.

The supreme goddess is causing a random daydream that state's Dragon Wo Gone could be after the dragon golden door within the supreme goddess's String theory. It would create a Book of Crystals if the three dragon's were unleashed. The Sun Beings used to inhabit the Earth but the climate changed, it angered the Sun Beings in wanting to destroy the Earth but Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni drove them off the planet. She gave up her original place of inheritance, the Sun of the Milky Way. The three dragon's were created to fight her,

The dragon gates are contained within the supreme goddess. The dragon she met wasn't a deity like the other's, this was a born dragon, a dragon born within the elements of life. The supreme goddess met it several millennium ago directly after she created the Earth. If the dragons are they could build any atom along side my creations in the void. Since the supreme goddess's soul is within String theory, the dragon's size is infinite. She could create a body within the void by gathering all the multiple dimension String theory but it would be generic similar to a sixteen bit video game system capable of three dimensional media. Her random daydream of me is funny, running after her by literally skating while creating ice. She's holding up a sign stating "Baby, you're a baby!," and now she's laughing.

There is a angel for every star, and Thee starting to wonder if Thee this story's Cinderella. The geisha's are teaching themselves martial arts, the first time Thee ever came home witnessing them practicing. Every single geisha in the hanamachi is practicing Kabuki Phoenix Guild martial arts style. They're looking while there smiling at me being cute attempting Kabuki Phoenix Guild martial arts style in the mud. My kimono was cheap because Thee knew Thee was going to play in the mud, Phoenix Jade picked me up stating "Thee was baby cute." The goddess is going to allow me in view things in four dimensions to allow me to do surveillance on where is the New Dragon Phoenix or New Phoenix. Thee have my car from previous dimensions, it's a hunting vehicle rather than a offensive weapon. It's called Phoenix Tracker. Thee switched the blue prints, that Phoenix Jade was using.

There is a constant lie! Thee've been ordered to there's a constant, there was never a dimension shift nor Time Dilation. Thee bow to no one similar to Shira Darknfire but Thee still a military colonel and must document public acknowledgements to the news media. It darkened my soul, switching Phoenix Jade's blueprints for my Phoenix Tracker:Kabuki. Phoenix Jade was a construction scouter using her geisha skills. My subconscious caused twenty-two construction deals to be signed and some even begun that very day. Shira Darknfire soul because the light in this dimension when Thee decided to chase New Dragon Phoenix or New Phoenix.

After we went from plaza to plaza and then, even our favorite mall that had six complete children's merchandise. Some even featured movie entertainment statues meant for adults, other stores in the mall featured young female oriented figures. The human imagination is unpredictable, there's no knowing what will be successful. Language has been more consistent, since there's only so many ways to say things. Thee want to go to the mall, it has me worrying about Midnight Phoenix Sky and Midnight Phoenix Blue. They were actually apart of the dragon mansion but they weren't family residents with Night of Fire. Midnight Phoenix Sky and Midnight Phoenix Blue were apart of the sacred sect of the Kunoichi Hanamachi house. Each house has kunoichi descendants, a traditional and sacred house. The sacred house is usually called mansion but we, the Phoenix house, traditionally don't use the term since our house is new.

The we visited was splendid, the outside was almost made entirely of mirror's. The first time Night of Fire stated she was at the mall, she grabbed the most gigantic girl's toy in the store and headed toward the exit. As busy as Phoenix Jade was, we mostly shopped with her. The Dragon mansion asked to connect the Dragon house centuries ago, they have to pay for the costly expenditure but the mansion is the most modern in the hanamachi. Timbre Wolve was working in the mall, every dimension her hair is beyond her torso but of course she didn't recognize me. She was one of the second dimension's final survivors. There were about five, not counting Shira Darknfire. She always thought groups were methods of social science control. If there is ever another dimensional shift or Time Dilation, Thee making sure Shadow 'N' Light is there, we're a family. It was more of a war as there was seven hundred thousand warriors.

Me, Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire illuminate both as stars allowing a single planet revolve around us. She has been changing Night of Fire through dimensions. Shira Darknfire actually stated the reason she chases Night of Fire, she ignored Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's warning not to visit a certain countries to avoid fear that the Phoenix Temple could awaken. Night of Fire caused hundreds of thousands to die because of a glacier melting. She even had the tickets for the flight. Thee chasing New Dragon Phoenix or New Phoenix, there's something about a exact second dimensional clone that gets to me. She may not be a clone but by way of the baby net Thee found out that she's doing the same parlor tricks Thee did.

Thee found out in the evening that city's administration was right, there's a vein of oil under the Kunoichi Hanamachi. When they dig it up, water will flow over a newly formed cliff and the front of the hanamachi will be isolated from city. The front of the hanamachi was a natural bridged cliff, this dimension has a newly created priestess palace on the fence side of the bridge. The Kunoichi Hanamachi side of the bridge is called the gate. There were usually a full granite cliff of sand worshiping two emerald statues of Phoenix's. A random daydream created by the supreme goddess of the Phoenix's shoulder's being held by her.

The supreme goddess covers all my violence! All my violence is covered because someone has to be invisible. Shira Darknfire is the better fighter thus it's nature's law for her word to be distinguished in literature. All my morals on the battlefield are sewn by the supreme goddess. It is the fortune of the supreme goddess to overwrite mistakes of there worshipers. The supreme goddess is informing me through a random daydream that Thee soon will begin to be treated as a adult by her. My heart, my soul cries for her when Thee followed my own path in other dimensions but Shira Darknfire is like a sister. The greatest sacrifice is to remain in silence, as a ninja Thee have been trained through many generations and through many generations Thee have been trained but Shira Darknfire haven't.

The supreme goddess is attempting to teach me math in random daydreams, three thousand over pie minus two hundred. It's a Halloween nightmare, besides Thee at the store shopping for a beautiful pageant dress and there are some cute baby Halloween costumes on sale. She's displaying signs that state "She wins," in the random daydreams she's visualizing to me. Within everything that is Phoenix Envy, there's a equation that states there's absolutely everything without ever being nothing. Within in the absolute number of 0 there is a odd number that shouldn't be present. This stands to reason that the Phoenix Envy element bonds within reason to another element.

If Thee had a instrument that demonstrates there's multiple dimension, shouldn't there be, in fact, a equation surface fact. A fact that equates that sound is faster than the speed of light. Sound is a hypothesis spectrum moving faster as it gets away from the Milky Way's black hole. A black hole that attach's, by dark matter, to another black hole. It's theorized that there's two black holes at the center of the Milky Way since it's impossible for so many planets to be discovered in the Milky Ways horizon. There was a errand sense of foreboding when the spacial spectrum of sound was discovered by scientists as it warped out of our solar system to another.

We hold ourselves together, me and Shira Darknfire but there seems to be demons in the plain of dark matter or the plain of absolute corruption. Don't eat anything there, after your mouth is opened a eternal darkness surrounds the individual and forces you to eat it. The evil is too pure, after a while you'll learn to enjoy it. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni has me fighting this in my random daydreams and sleeping dreams using goddess Scarlet Phoenix as a shadow and instantly developing in to her whenever Thee prefer. There isn't a device to my knowledge, Thee gather pure spiritual pressure which resides even in evil then state the words "The Style is within Scarlet!"

The plain of corruption within the dark matter was created by humanities attempt to manufacture atoms during the spacial space shuttle creation program. There is a actual planet within the dark matter that doesn't cover the entire planet but only a small portion. The plain of corruption infects the planet every time it revolves on the area surround by dark matter. Thee know everything about it from the supreme goddess and she states that Thee can't be infected nor harmed from it since Thee interacting with it from a random daydream or sleeping dream. "You may not think but Thee can see you!," the Phoenix bird stated. Everything is foggy but there's a slight vision of a beautiful exotically dressed woman that Thee able to see.

"It's a salivating honor to meet you. Thee a being of the night but Thee a being of the sun, Thee can see you. Thee not the Phoenix Dragons that imprisoned on the orders of the deities, Thee the real Phoenix bird. The deities betrayed Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni and chain me. Thee was revived here. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni brought you here little girl. Once Thee became aware that Thee had thoughts, Thee reconfigured the atoms creation to spawn me a humanoid body. It's interesting that such a phenomenal occurrence happens within the supreme goddess as you call her. Within this planet Thee can create a fifth book of acknowledgement, a book of prophecy and a book of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Her thoughts, her feels can be written inside of her.

"Thee can build space ships but a entire fleet was felt here," the Phoenix bird stated. "Thee must leave, you're so young. Dragon Wo Gone will use this planet overwrite anything you may create. Without the supreme goddess, you could still be effected by the plain of corruption. You were always created by Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, her point of view of humanity has been derived by you. You were always a crown princess, the previous crown queen's coronation you herself. Thee will create a gigantic aircraft carrier that is only capable of transporting through space and water, it's not capable of flying inside of the Earth's atmosphere. There will be two hundred Sky Sunlight Cloud's within the aircraft carrier holding forty Phoenix Tracker:Kabuki's. Every plane except three of them will be based on the VF-4 lighting, since the modifications to the original Sky Sunlight Cloud is beyond recognition. All the space shuttles are infected with the plain corruption," the Phoenix bird finished stating as she moved the atom creation molecules in to space in a random daydream. Is this the first time Thee received the Sky Sunlight Cloud plane and the Phoenix Tracker:Kabuki but how is that possible.

While Thee sleeping it appears that the Phoenix bird isn't finished talking.....Thee woke up from my sleep. It's bed time after a long day of celebrating the supreme goddess with a ritualistic Kabuki Phoenix Guild martial arts style dance. There is almost the presence of the supreme goddess in my room, she's hitting on my covers to determine if Thee need another sheet. Her touch is gentle and soft, creating a instant sensation of comfort. She is a supreme goddess that has a corporal body in myth, but her touch is genuine and comforted to asleep. The Phoenix bird is still on the plain of corruption standing on a rock cliff near a beautiful ocean. Terrain was dead moments ago before Thee woke.

The terrain was dead, the Phoenix bird is posing on a structure of rock ruins. "There's enough of the atom creation to create another planet and a goddess," the Phoenix bird stated. Thee would only accept the supreme goddess being clone but Thee guess it's my arrogant that has me in this situation. "You still have the powers that you inherited from Dancer Omen," the Phoenix bird continued with her idea. "Since every realm is her, there isn't anyone else over looking the other realms.

The Phoenix bird wants, if there isn't any anomalies, to assault both the Phoenix temple and Dragon Wo Gone by giving the Phoenix temple some of the atom creation molecule. The Phoenix temple's super ego wants the limitation of the arctic but the ego wants further ambitions. The ambitions of the Phoenix temple would want to defend the Atom Creation Molecule from the Goddess Planet. "We would then create the Phoenix Envy particle, destroying every segment of the Phoenix temple," the Phoenix bird stated. The Phoenix temple was a monument to the Opposing Sun and a representation of the sun raising with her flaming moving through it. Her essence is still kept there.

The Opposing Sun was a deity who allowed of human sin's and bestowed the suggestion of slenderizing the name of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni in the form of a dog. The priests and priestess who worshiped her were divided. How could such a powerful goddess wouldn't replenish the stock of food and allowed bacteria devour the entire supply. How could be spread the suggestive word of her morals? When cities were dying of plague and horrible baby morality rates. Within the name of nobility her name became slenderized under the name of the dog. With the confines of defiance farmers revolted then the samurai for the wanting of food, and so did the village elders for wanting to control there civilization.

The supreme goddess descended in to the volcano caves to monitor the activity of the several volcanoes on each continent and to be a assistant for developing civilizations but the lack of worship didn't deter her from helping those who carried the special light of inner struggle. Those who suffered greatly but didn't cause any moral sin, allowing there souls to call out for her. It's stated that these worshipers of the supreme goddess carry a fire within themselves even if it's in disagreement of the supreme goddess. These are the ancestor's of Searching For A Soul. They don't have any extraordinary powers but they do have exceptional knowledge of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni.

Thee woke up her a moment but Thee can feel the breeze that the Phoenix bird is carrying out her plan to create a goddess for the Milky Way galaxy. She named herself the Forgiving Sun. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is standing distracted in visible conscious thought. A sudden amazement and surprise has taken over the emotions of the Phoenix Sun. The supreme goddess showed me in random daydreams that it turned the Phoenix bird in to a sand and diamond substance. She, the Forgiving Sun, headed to the Earth several hours from now. The supreme goddess states since she's the supreme goddess, she can see things as they happen. Thee was told to turn on the television since my favorite baby show is currently on and it's almost time for school.

The supreme goddess stated the Forgiving Sun couldn't habit a area where the difference in power was so gigantic between her and the supreme goddess, Thee was told while Thee finished putting my kimono on. She left the universe which we are calling Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni toward the void. She's, the Forgiving Sun, is frustrated that she can't create anything in the void which is forcing all the deities to gather and distinguishes her having a evil soul. Satellites have photographed the Plain of Corruption planet having two yellow eyes similar to precipitation storms.

"Hello, Scarlet!," the Phoenix bird surprised her with a random daydream writing at school. Whenever the Phoenix bird directly spoke, it was always as a written language. The supreme goddess was only able to display controlled random and sleeping dreams. "Be careful touching anything, Thee sent the Phoenix swords to you but they are transparent," her message read. "Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni states you're going to have such a cute dance off against the Forgiving Sun. Deities are many things but they are fun, uh Thee made her a goddess! She'll agree, Thee could destroy her without ever seeing her again with the Atom Creation molecule but Thee want my finger's to gently hold her hand. Do you know how long it took to creation that perfect body.

Without being able to create anything within the Void, there was only one dimension and a single planet within it that she could actually exist. The planet Earth sustained the only life of any planet in the universe, and a population which the Forgiving Sun is able to be worshiped. She is a beautiful, evil created goddess but there is good within her since she has the awareness that she can't destroy humanity because of the fear, a extreme fear of the supreme Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Her fear starts with the knowledge that Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is the most powerful goddess, but she is never scared nor afraid. She monitors the Milky Way galaxy but she never is afraid of existing in this individual realm under the investigation of the supreme goddess.

The darkness of every single day pleasure. It's what to be felt if one thinks they're completely innocent in life. What Thee view of humanity is a open that everybody should be respected and treated the same. Thee just don't watch anime but live television news too, and it thinks the same. That all people should be treated the same! When treated the same, the world has a flow like a river. The rivers flows into the oceans assisting each other. The supreme goddess displays a random daydream that the river attempt to purify itself but struggles.

The ninja renovated the old apartments along the Kunoichi Hanamachi gate, refusing to leave the hanamachi. The city administration never stated Shadow "N" Light's clan had to leave but it was a pleasurable deed if the ninja clan left for the city, according to the television news. The ninja clan required the geisha's have a curfew mandating that they stay on the second floor of the paid elite geisha mansion quarter's. The quarters were elegant with enough room to support four people in one area but the ninja clan usually requested one adult, one child or two children. The geisha's cared for the ninja clan's children during most of there resident, which gave the clan inherit power. The Forgiving Sun has walked in to the gates of the Kunoichi Hanamachi, covered in silk from on goers perception of a ongoing blizzard.

The blizzard that can topple a mountain can not eclipse the Sun. The Forgiving Sun is a evil elegant woman dressed in the finest silks with diamond bars at the end of her dress. The top of her dressed was seen similar to armor but entirely weaved in silk. Unlike the interpretations of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, her hair strains are solid gold. Her tiara covers her entire head similar to a soldier but her face isn't protected. It appears to be made entirely out of diamonds and contains small emerald pieces, back then it wasn't known but her tiara represents the core of the Milky Way galaxy's Sun. The entire Kunoichi Hanamachi bowed to her except for Shadow "N" Light's ninja clan. She was reverberated as the Goddess of Feminism, the goddess that would forgive all of women's evils in a world that isn't fair.

The Forgiving Sun is walking around while holding Scarlet Phoenix. It's immoral since it was discovered that Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is the entire universe. Only a few kunoichi or geisha's worshiped the Phoenix Temple in the second dimensional Time Dilation, this is the entire Kunoichi Hanamachi. The ninja clan stood outside as if they were stating "The geisha's would worship anything," Thee barely made it. The Kabuki Phoenix Guild martial arts style will force them to rethink there future and question the Forgiving Sun. A random daydream within Scarlet Phoenix that's caused by Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is showing the supreme goddess attempting to use dimensional joint attack points to force the Forgiving Sun to discontinue her hold on Scarlet Phoenix.

The Forgiving Sun couldn't resist picking up Scarlet Phoenix again. She left her at a gigantic plaza inside a children's store, the most voluptuous kunoichi or geisha took her since she needed the most assistance in obtaining suitors because it came too natural for her. Scarlet Phoenix was left inside of a mall gift store that had a water slide to the mall's artificial water fountain. The employee's kept sliding her down it until they came back. The Forgiving Sun left her at the bus stop next to the professional geisha school. Scarlet Phoenix received specialized geisha training. She was left in the eleventh floor of a business corporation building, the executive officers used her finger prints to officiate documents.

The Forgiving Sun was a bit clumsy, as her body is new but she was aware of everything that was happening in the galaxy. Once she understood technology, she found it quite useful. It only took the day she was with Scarlet Phoenix for her to understand the uses, and disadvantages of technology. She does have a temper, which worried the Kunoichi or geisha's since she was mostly watching the television news. They attempted to force her to watch the world news rather than the local news since she didn't have any morals against interfering in humanity. After several days of the same routine, the Forgiving Sun started to wear headphone to listen to the television news while she was reading the news.

The preview pageant dance is this morning, the geisha or kunoichi allows her to view television on her modern television with a program that's built in it. They locked the channel so she couldn't changed the channel. Without her accidentally touching the remote, certain programs Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni wants her to memorize and learn values records themselves. The current digital video recording technology allows every person in the house to have a allocated separate server. Five episodes of a wanting princess, ancient hero, to wed the restless evil descendants of her husband and rescue the entire world from the eleven warlords that they protect were recorded but twenty five were seen on the digital video recorder.

The supreme goddess has a quirky sense of humor, the breeze around the school is truly pure. Scarlet Phoenix is getting married! The surprise that the supreme goddess mentioned for the pageant is that Scarlet Phoenix is getting married. Scarlet Phoenix pouting, the scene is even cuter because the supreme goddess chose the dress. The school wanted a certain type of dress. It was brought out in a polyester enclosure, Thee didn't see it nor did the Kunoichi. It was from baby goddess direction to out right goddess explosion, the actual pageant will be held at a agricultural farm that will feature entertainment professionals. Thee must paraphrase that there must be a line.

The fire between infinity unites us all, the bridge of uncertainty demonstration the common thread of interstellar life that is seen as humanity feeling within ones self the query of segmented and in precise questions that hunger the greater good of ending poverty. Within seen this segment, there's a sympathy of human life that the colossus did actually exist. Freedom seldom comes at a price of ones only existence, bridging the gap of complete stranger's and within this unequal principal we find a relationship with god. She doesn't point down at humanity with a finger but with gentle hands. Thee open, Thee created you, Thee weep for you.

The Year of the Dragon is the year of celebration, the Year of the Snake is the year of the trials, followed by the Year of the Horse which is the year of the portal. Whether it's Time Dilation or a dimensional portal but Thee receiving random daydreams when Thee viewing live and anime television shows. The supreme goddess designing a dragon brand over my royal birth mark that has it flying by a flaming sun. The PhoenixCat, who apparently has a beast spirit, Sun Spot is typing into my tablet attempting to display coordinates of where the dimensional portal is in there dimension. She has also allowed me to guide her through the library, which is a apparent discussion over the dimensional portal. It happens every episode Thee watch of PhoenixCats. It also happens with the first lady of fighting games renown as Shinzoku Taiyou Joushou Suru Ryuu, she has disagreements with my martial arts style and attempts to teach me her style.

"The crown queen is a hard worker," Dragoon Wo Gone took her to every room in the school. A cute pink stop watch calculated about 10 minutes per a class, she wanted every class to have equal access to her. When she came to our class, she should have been tired but she spoke with a spirit within her. A voice that forced elders to whisper that she has greatness and prosperity from centuries. The elders were forced to shout are here. "Thee know the name of war and the name is passion," was spoken by one of the visiting elders. "When we go to war, we react. When she goes to war, she feels the individual passion of the needed troops," another elder spoke outside of the auditorium. That's a empress gift.

The necklaces are crystal mirror image through a main mirror, allowing a reflective view of the cards in the Phoenix Envy game. Card mats are trapped within the necklace crystal mirror during production. Once consumers and scientists knew that the card game wasn't using a standard transistor technology, as it was rumored that the Kunoichi Hanamachi created a Book of Mirror's working for the side of good, to find evidence that the actual Book of Mirror's is evil. The Book of Mirror's is similar to a machine it may have its own personality but it needs physical information to be inserted in to it. If all the information is gentle then the Book of Mirror's will be gentle, kind and good. It's capable of translating all types of media even digital video disc technology and Green Ray. Green Ray is a five simultaneous laser technology.

"The crown queen visited the school," Thee met the crown queen of the country! She greeted the school in the auditorium with the mayor and Dragon Wo Gone. The Kunoichi hanamach parents wore there ambassador kimono's that are very secretive to the Kunoichi and the beast spirit. Since clothing is accessed through the beast spirit at the consumers discretion, there maybe several amount of clothing that aren't unseen. The consumer isn't nude, the beast spirit uses the portal market to access clothing. The current clothing is automatically taken off, if was bought through the beast spirit dimensional portal store then it's restored on to the beast spirit but if it's traditional clothing, it falls off wherever the beast spirit likes. It suggests that there's more dimensional portals than originally thought, the television documentary stated. The beast spirit dimensional store is a noun not a pro noun, that isn't the name of the store. Thee a baby, Thee not suppose to know the name of the store.

"The crown queen is a goddess," the country's history states this to be true. Archeology has found that both this dimension and the previous dimension, crown queens has been worshiped as goddesses. It has been quoted from the previous dimension that "religion is created for humanity, to deal with the troubles which can't be controlled by a individual person." If that shalt be true then her dress should be worshiped as the gold cloth of a goddess but this is a different class. One that has the Kunoichi standing with her as a planet stands around a star. Shira Darknfire states "The Kunoichi are middle class. We aren't stars yet," as she watches her classmates compare the crown queen's dress to viewable interpretations. Shira Darknfire and Night of Fire glare at each other.

"The goddess grants you your social status not the crown queen," Thee thought while practicing Phoenix Guild style. The power of the goddess is infinite and concrete, utterly unquestionable. Within question, the merits of the crown queen are without question. Suggesting her power is infinite within the realms of the supreme goddess. It isn't the reason of the Kunoichi to question the power of the crown queen but to obtain it. The measures of responsibility spires a greater respect than admiration, thus the Kunoichi pursue doesn't to be crown queen. For certainty there's a oddness with Dragon Wo Gone or Dragoon Wo Gone.

"A young adult Phoenix bird rising from the purity of the ocean is amazing." Phoenix Jade dazzles in her full kimono, waiting for both boxes to be opened and assembled. She bought the printer as well, it's small. The concept design of the machine is forcing the Kunoichi to decide whether to allow the children of the hanamachi to meet the Kunoichi blacksmiths as a group. The discs are a complete duplicate of the retail discs except the front layers of the disc are a little transcalent. The first disc ever created was by the three girls which was sealed in collector's grading. Phoenix Guild style was hard but there were many fun moments.

It was fun at first, the machine. Thee a baby, Thee won't call it the Phoenix Guild martial arts style machine but it has a dancing program on it. When through the access of your music, the menu has the option for a rhythm dance game. It's advanced enough to has a musical Staff program that program's the proper keys and randomizes signal movements for the game. It's a At Home Copying machine, that uses Phoenix Guild style. Phoenix Jade brought home a cupcake maker, sterling steel. "The Kunoichi must be able to taste all sorts of food," FlamingMoon Phoenix stated. We never went grocery shopping with her but she brought home thousands of dollars worth of food.

"The realm of the Phoenix." We're working on Phoenix Guild style three times a day, it's really baby hard but it's fun when we move in the leafs. FlamingMoon Phoenix states "We're ready to being the Five Wings of the Phoenix." Thee never heard the term before but the Sun beings are being called Phenoix. We don't actually watch the television news, everything we need to know she stated by our Kunoichi house parents. Our hanamachi house has three secondary concrete porches, one on top of another. Everyone of the porches are square, and each has a grass center. That's where we practice Phoenix Guild martial arts style.

Senses has me dreaming that there's some type of portal storage space in her room.

"Phoenix Jade showed us something odder." When she came home, Phoenix Jade unveiled five photographs of a second dynasty scroll. Oddly, it fit perfectly with a beat up scroll from the previous Earth. Interesting, it had Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni on both scrolls. It's thought to be her since the artwork on her is perfect, there is a sun on her kimono, and nothing that could be thought of as the disguised warrior. A immoral, caring and charismatic impersonator of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is known to be described and written by samurai warriors and peasants. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni has a common scripture writing, Her moral enlightenment was difficult to achieve and she didn't always assist humanity at night but nothing states she is vicious without reason.

"We merged in to one robot," The year of the dragon god Kool La Su, the year of the tiger god Wi Wong Fong Sing and the year of the snake goddess Ahama Fe Siyi. Thee the being of Time Dilation, my vehicle lead the others in robot formation but nothing in vehicle mode. Thee my vehicle and my vehicle is me, it's unfamiliar with the Earth but its power is unequaled. It's impossible for this vehicle to lead the others. Four vehicles form the robot which the Gods That Form Evil fear. One small robot has taken on many planet deities that they thrown at us, giving us possession of the opposite negative Earth. The planet deities are actual planets. It was a baby dream.

The porches are above a huge pool that's always filtered by two soft chemical archways. These archways need to be watched every week because of rain but the pool can't be contaminated because of rain even acid rain. It isn't uncommon to drink from the pool since the pool is separated by concrete for the drinking fountain. The Kunoichi Hanamachi has so many acres that it has its own valley with a traditional falls. That's what provides water to the hanamchi and most of the district. Massive work would need to be done to divert the water to the entire city but the valley has its own limestone reservations that cleanses the falls naturally.

Scarlet Phoenix is reading that there are seven Earth's surrounding the Milky Ways black hole in school. The swirls of the black hole forms the hands of a clock. The goddess planet is the guardian of the clock. "That's why we can't travel to outer space. The travel to the ends of the universe is in all of us, everyone has a universe in there souls. The beast spirit is simple complicated technology, this is humans taking there rightful positions as controllers of the universe. The universe, that was created by her with beings that are like her. Giving us a Sun but we are part of the light. We should grow like gods," the she read stated. The author is a famous social scientist in mythical archeology.

The elder felt the rage of the other Kunoichi's beast spirit and she knew there was questions about her courage. Many of the Kunoichi Hanamachi's have strong relationships with ninja clan but this clan is secluded which allows them to gain potential but they don't believe in illegal espionage gathering. The other Kunoichi may want to know what there military allies need before they know what they but 90% wars they fought against other countries were for there own country. The portals make war odd, allies can't be chosen with research and controlled thinking. Attacks are swift, these aren't tunnels. Literally, it's as if you're seeing a fourth dimensional object through glass, the television documentary states it literally could be the exact land masses of the previous Earth fixed on to a dark matter black hole. That's why this Earth land masses are so similar to the previous Earth's. If a soldier is trained to see through it, then battles are instantaneous.

The other kunoichi hanamachi are usually messengers on the battlefield, animals are easily caught in the mist of battle and are usually needed for battle. This Kunoichi Hanamachi fights the war of society, and a war of society is coming as the mayor has arrived. He literally brought a ATM, the state capital licenses portable ATM's for administrative distribution of money. The maximum amount of capital allotted to the city's administration was $35 million, it would cost the capital $500 million to settle the expected lawsuits from the bacterial virus infection. It's a infection so rare that both bacteria and viruses occupy the same infected space but it's a weak bacterial virus. excarvating oil.

The Kunoichi talked to the mayor for over two hours, Thee have no idea what they were talking about but a deal was reached to use there natural falls as a abduct. We were in our mansion while the meeting went on but FlamingMoon Phoenix posted the contract's signing to our beast spirit. The city thought the Kunoichi were leaders of the city's community but now it was known. It was thought that workers wouldn't ever need to be near the hanamachi housing, so we were never told the contract's description. Thirty one television channels are descriptive of local city entertainment, every channel had at least one comment about the Kunoichi. The Kunoichi wanted to use the money for the difficult upkeep of the Kunoichi Hanamachi but they decided to invest in to creating a small stock market exchange index. There's nothing better than that which will allow them to work for there skills which in a place they can deem control.

The power to attach a crown princess and oil companies comes at a price, most of the actual Kunoichi stock exchange index profits had to be redistributed in to maintaining the aristocratic atmosphere. Corporate press areas had to be built for those who wanted a luxury. Monitors had to be moved or upgraded, security had to be added, information had to be accurate with the corporate floor, and no entertainment other than geisha's could be provided in a business atmosphere. The Kunoichi had cooks they could hire.

The power brought social groups, with the social groups discussions about whether the elder should be removed from the Kunoichi Hanamachi. All the crown princess could do is stare at Scarlet Phoenix, one of the rare times she visited there Kunoichi stock exchange index. Certain days and times of the week, the stock exchange index was almost empty. CEO's held business meeting and entertained there guests until busy hour started. They sat on the main corporate floor alone, allowing the geisha's to serve them as well. It was noticeable but nobody knew what was on the crown princess's mind, "She does have beauty star pupils, the crown princess does," a non kunoichi geisha stated. The non kunoichi geisha's discussed the elder and other Kunoichi problems as if they're were sisters. Such a flow of social power could be seen as the social problems of the city.

A few gigantic kunoichi hanamachi move in to the city, wanting the opportunity to leave overly populated cities. It wasn't overly poor, just not the standard of life that kunoichi usually have. There potential was unbelievable but they were on there own, living in a apartment complex that the elder had owned. She went on a trip and never returned. Most of the other kunoichi who visited, never resided in the Kunoichi Hanamachi. The only belief they held about the Kunoichi Hanamachi, was that they needed a counsel whether than a single powerful elder. Even with the contract with the city's administration and the lack of room due to the mansions, it was the elder would took them in and a large kunoichi sect who wanted her out.Phoenix Jade had no interest in politics, which made her residence a excellent place for Amaterasu Phoenix to reside while the power struggle is occurring.

The Sun being Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is roaming around the Kunoichi, she's gentle but has never talked to Senses. Some of the extremely capital wealthy kunoichi from the kunoichi hanamachi villages immigrated with the Kunoichi Hanamachi but very few. This was the only mansion kunoichi hanamachi within close distance, and the only one close sacred land to Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. She is the supreme goddess, and the Sun being Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni isn't her. The Sun being Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is seen by those who question religion as a representation of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, her quite wilderness ways flaunt the thoughts of a young goddess but she is true to herself in believing in humanity. Maybe at times a different opinion on the direction humanity is able to take but a loyal vision of humanity.

We've practiced Phoenix Guild martial arts style everything this week, our video game fighting workout is spontaneous and splendid. Our individual personalities show so much, my hair is long and her style is the look of goddesses. She's my twin, legally know. It isn't just a baby law but it's a country law, when adopted siblings are born in the same year. It's too complicated for every institution of the country to keep up with other genetic members of a family then categorize the multiple adoption records. Thee a baby genius, not many babies can state that. Thee able to beat fighting games within 30 minutes, as it is read in articles. The Kunoichi states "Understanding a enemy or ally is to be on the same level as them. We entertain them, it isn't our way to entertain but beat our audience in competition."

Scarlet Phoenix is eating a cupcake after working so hard in her Phoenix Guild martial arts style sessions. It's snowing and the cupcake is filled with honey. The demon warriors are protecting the land, while the kunoichi immigrates seem to be standing in sand. The windows of unease has gone to sleep, all the children are living in the Kunoichi mansions praising the heavens. It's time to eat and the new members of the family thank the generosity of the Kunoichi Hanamachi. There are several areas to sleep at the administration building but they want to stay outside. It's a tremendous site since the first people the city administration sees is them and the elder can't contradict them when she appointed them official residents herself.

The enjoyable choices made is when, "The keys to the heart are love, a soul and internal grace. The one who speaks with wisdom speaks with a voice that's heard through the ages. Hoping to dawn knowledge within the light of the given sun. The light blooms petals of soft flower buds that walk the side of lite but are aware of the darkness. They're never able to take the knowledge and turn it into wisdom but a growth is sought. Learning to grow on there own, waiting to bloom," the crown princess Amaterasu Phoenix read to Scarlet Phoenix. She was playing the piano when Amaterasu Phoenix picked her up and sat her on her lap.

"There's a myth with the goddess planet, known as the Which side of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni will you free? A myth that has been verbally passed down was that the goddess planet in the stratosphere is a time dilation. The actual Goddess Planet is crystallized in the lava of a planet's core. Both probably are true, the problem with stating she's time dilation is that there's always a shadow casted down from her. Her angrier from Qu Sonkei Terasia being captured is rumored to be the reason she has a blue bronze type of look. Her main objective is to record the Book of Mirror's without the guidance of a supreme goddess. She must judge humanity to do so," Amaterasu Phoenix told to Scarlet Phoenix. Amaterasu Phoenis is woman of the guided heavens and sister to the crown royal family.

"These are healthy arguments," the current kunoichi immigrates are creating a domino effect expressing promotion of the termination in using a single elder social system. The kunoichi immigrates are debating well but power flows to those who have knowledge to obtain power and the oil refineries are acting as magnets to the largest Kunoichi hanamachi's. why settle for a country with wants of the world. Everything is instant, those who hold the history holds the world. That's why Phoenix Jade is removed herself from the debates, she's a teaching geisha and would be recruited. Amaterasu Phoenix is teaching Scarlet Phoenix about the woman that is known to become the first geisha from the era of farming, and about the woman in the grass who had to keep a social geisha atmosphere with her children to entertain her father's guests.

If it is we scow for something, we scow for nothing. It's the dew of the heart that asks for everything. It's to be spoiled but isn't it spoiled not to be touch. The aw of man isn't it not being able to touch, knowing it is a want. What a darkness place it is, this want! Isn't it wisdom to know what to want or a desire that you command something higher which you ought not. Command a word, command a exchange for which desire. Uh this desire, it grabs my hand as though it is a clock. It ticks click and clock, Thee in a store full of wants. Thee a snow flake in the breeze. Gently hold me. which one of these? Thee see me, thank and please.

"The elder has been removed! We've just came home from the mall and the elder has been removed. The Officials of the Flare has been outside the front of our mansions second villa for hours. Phoenix Jade has been used either way, Thee will use the flare of my emotions. Thee will cry fire, Thee a child." Shira Darknfire's emotions are adding to her soul, not corrupting it but a sense of a extraordinary life she may have. It's official, her removal but she hasn't been informed. The youngest members of the Officials of Flare will be on the parliament committee. Phoenix Jade isn't wanted on the committee because of her ownership in the Kunoichi stock exchange index. That's the end of all her social power in the Kunoichi.

Thee remember all my baby hurts. Thee Scarlet Phoenix," a little girl is writing on to a multiple purpose video game console. The television has a documentary on the archaeological research done on the planet's existence before the Phoenix Cleansing. "Dreams are multi dimensional as well," Scarlet Phoenix states as the television documentary explained the archaeological viewpoint on dreams. They're on the lowest spectrum of sound, the television is comparing dreams to the ultraviolet spectrum. Visual sound has been prove not to be on the shortest spectrum since humanity has the ability to control it.

The enjoyable choices made is when, "The keys to the heart are love, a soul and internal grace. The one who speaks with wisdom speaks with a voice that's heard through the ages. Hoping to dawn knowledge within the light of the given sun. The light blooms petals of soft flower buds that walk the side of lite but are aware of the darkness. They're never able to take the knowledge and turn it into wisdom but a growth is sought. Learning to grow on there own, waiting to bloom," the crown princess Amaterasu Phoenix read to Scarlet Phoenix. She was playing the piano when Amaterasu Phoenix picked her up and sat her on her lap.

Decades in the past, Nippon archaeologists have found of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura that the Phoenix Cleansing were predicted to occur during there present date. The Sun flare solstice and the Winter solstice intersected in space causing a Time Dilation loop. It's rare for there to be a weather in space no less a winter but it's possible for the minerals of a comet to cause a winter. The newly evolved landscape of the galaxy is different thus the culture of Earth is different. Humans own the lands of Earth as they previously have but the knowledge is different and so are the obstacles. The memories of the previous Earth are kept to archeology, there are also sediments of dilation that are usable for transportation. Scarlet Phoenix is looking at a model of the solar system.

It could be stated that a story of pure darkness has no enlightenment but the deeds of others bares respect within the deception of truth. Decades known previous to us, Our family ancestors were researchers and archaeologists, they have found that the Phoenix Cleansing were predicted to occur during during the present date. It is a period where the typical lives of the geisha isn't enough to upkeep the hanamachi that many geisha neighbor reside. It's a rare cold that has presented itself during the intersection of the month of May and June. There was a need to grasp a telescope since the national news documented the snow falling on the sun with animated scrolls. It happened at noon of this morning, the Sun flare solstice and the Winter solstice intersected in space causing a Time Dilation loop. Archaeologists stated it's rare for there to be a weather in space no less a winter but it's possible for the minerals of a comet to cause a winter. It was three o'clock when it was reported that the newly evolved landscape of the galaxy is different, the explanation received televised recognition. The culture of Earth will be different and was forever different, humans own the lands of Earth as they previously have but the knowledge is different and so are the obstacles. People went to sleep at midnight knowing that the Earth that they knew will be different. There wasn't a astronaut team in space, and even if it was no one knew where the Time Dilation rift originally occurred from. Scientists realized there was going to be a Time Dilation incident at eleven fifty nine p.m. The memories of the previous Earth are kept to archeology, there are also sediments of dilation that are usable for transportation. Scarlet Phoenix is looking at a model of the solar system.

The festival when Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni met a dragon is currently taking place from the Kunoichi Hanamachi to the city's border. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stood on beautiful grassland, while a dragon circled around her. The old man had was asked to be a analysis for a television report on the scientific discovery that seven Earth's are surrounding the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Based on his research, he suspected that it was the activities of the Phoenix temple. The gravitational pull was so enormous that the goddess planet left the Earth and seemed to be heading toward the center of the universe. "She was confirmed to be a giant blue statuesque like figure holding a hold book over the Earth," the television journalist reported.

"It is believed that the Phoenix temple is searching for a humanoid body," the old man reported on the television news show. "There's evidence that the Phoenix temple wants a humanoid body on each Earth rotating around the black hole. Huge crystal heads, similar to those found on Christmas Island were found by astronaut satellites. These satellites were intended to destroyed by the gravitational pull of the black hole. Each crystal heads has a prophecy which could have been copied on to a cooling lava continent," the old man analyzed before being intruded for a special report. "The Ultraviolet spectrum has frozen, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni has gone into our Sun. The sunlight is frozen touching our Earth and the other Earth's. Night of Fire is running up the sunlight, she is freed," the second television journalists reported.

"Desert sand is flowing in to a two directional Time Dilation portal, flowing in to a river the connects to falls and the ocean," the old man theorized. "There is proof, the crown queen Scarlet Phoenix has descended in age by several decades but the tears of the goddess Phoenix Jade covering her face and body. This is evidence that the crown queen, our goddess has saved us in the fictional war. This is proof she has superpowers, she is a sun never a dragon or a dragon of the sun but never, never Ragnarok. The Kunoichi is under pressure to drink from the falls, to drink the water of the falls. Night of Fire is comforting Scarlet Phoenix, as Scarlet Phoenix is attempting to force the veil off. The veil came off, Phoenix Jade grabbed her, hugging her. Scarlet Phoenix's hair is too the ground. She's a true goddess, her hair is hitting the ground," the fourth television journalist reported.

It seemed like clouds surrounded the falls and river, water flowed up and in a circular motion revealing a ship manufacturing yard. A huge ship was perfectly recreated due to the Time Dilation segments in the sand and water. The held a body in perfect condition, it was the corporal body of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. This was the ship that was to travel on the Sun's flares to have a audience with Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The distortion the Phoenix temple created most have cloned Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's body. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni sees everything and theorizes that the only way to save the universe from the corruption of the Phoenix temple is force Scarlet Phoenix to be a geisha priestess give her the body and forcing a Time Dilation. Scarlet Phoenix must go through the Book of Mirror's trials. Her DNA will be merged with Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's corporal clone body, the scientific elements are rare in the universe.

"Thee the one who was laid in lava and came from the water lava bubble as a adult," stated Emerald Jade. "Not even Scarlet can, Thee the only one who can travel to the fiery depths of your goddess beliefs and the stratosphere of your dreams," Emerald Jade continued. "Thee am Emerald Jade! For 10 years, Thee have fought along side my sister Scarlet Phoenix. Everyday we fought in our true intent, Thee truly a woman speaking wisdom but with knowledge. Thee don't speak with arrogance, Scarlet Phoenix is overly ambitious. Shira Darknfire had to pay for her morals, it caused a rift of female deities wanting to give birth to the Earth since the Earth didn't have a central spirit, Gaia was in the Earth's meteorite ring. Gaia is within a dust cloud similar to a comet," Emerald Jade finished.

"She was binded to the ability not to kill, leading hundreds of thousands of people and soldiers," Emerald Jade read. "The Sun Beings light transcended the Ultraviolet layers, sending there hair light candles into space. There size is unbelievable, we thought they were little short beings. Below humanity, beyond sentient behavior. We weren't able to touch them, Scarlet Phoenix became a Admiral. The most inconsistent coronal in the military, made a Admiral. We made a hero of her, nothing she could do caused any immoralities in the public viewpoint of her character. The last archaeological find was that the Earth and the Sun was Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's eyes," Emerald Jade recorded while reading.

"There isn't active space shuttles currently in use in the military," stated Emerald Jade. "This dimension has a shield that prevents the use of space shuttles by any country. The Sun of the Milky Way is pretty much our Moon, the Earth's crust would be demolished. We barely save the Moon, the Milky Way's Sun has a wide revolution and our technology advanced quickly. The Earth was severely cold then moderate since our Sun was a infant when the galaxy was created. Archaeologists think it's probable that a second Sun exists in our galaxy but we can't prove it. logically the plane leaving a DNA sample would prove multiple dimensions to our government. Scarlet Phoenix is getting the entire credit.

"Thee never published a single piece of work but Thee became famous after my memoirs were found and my association with Scarlet Phoenix," Emerald Jade stated. "Emerald Jade was the wisdom of the individual and Scarlet Phoenix is the knowledge of the universe. My name is spoken loudly on this archaeological paper. It takes courage to speak a word, Scarlet Phoenix gave us the knowledge of her deeds. There are one thousand people who view events but only one who actually sees them, uh my baby sister Scarlet Phoenix. It's stated that you can gather one thousand pages for the benefit of humanity but propaganda reads one million opinions," Emerald Jade finished after reading newspaper clipping. The forbidden geisha and member of Phoenix Envy Demon's Desire pounded gently after the concert while amongst Emerald Jade. Her hair, Demon's Desire, is long enough that it graces her knees, though its reminiscence that the Phoenixtopians were originally crystal but she isn't a Sun Being. She is a geisha who came to the Kunoichi Hanamachi when they began to become prosperous.

The oddest thing happened at the Banquet of Dragon's. A dragon was placed in 9 cabinet's to serve as pinata entertainment, a image of a baby was found in the last cabinet. The baby was close enough to being alive that it was held at the banquet, smiling and laughing. The entire night it reacted to the people at the banquet as if was a natural being but it didn't make natural reason, Shira Darknfire was there. Shira Darknfire, the demon who started the ten year battle. It wasn't a apocalypse, they had supernatural abilities of deities and infinite magic. Everything in our world surrounds ninjutsu, it has to do with the Earth's gravity and the Sun's flares that magic has never existed in this dimension. The worldwide scientists community were attempting to recreate a technology to allow the use of magic.

"The Banquet of Dragons was elegant, it was a event that allowed only the finest silk dresses. Thee really don't have a sense of humor, Scarlet Phoenix does but it's a warrior's sense of humor," Emerald Jade stated. "That's why her beast spirit was called Senses, she laughed as a baby and knew the environment around her. Everything that the world views of Scarlet Phoenix is a lie. We are geisha's, we're trained to lie," Emerald Jade continued. "It's not forth truth that she was brought upon the Kunoichi Hanamachi. Phoenix Jade has pictures of Scarlet Phoenix as a baby. "She is her child, Thee am her sister, and though because of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, she knows both darkness and lite. Thee have only know her in light, taking on the world in a warrior's might. Thee might know her in another way in a warrior's fist, to conceal that is her wish," Emerald Jade finished.

"If the imagination has bound less human possibilities into the infinite recess of technology then what is to which created Scarlet Phoenix," Emerald Jade stated. "Scarlet Phoenix has no attachment to anyone, her power intrigues Phoenix Jade to the point of Scarlet Phoenix being a brat. Dragon Wo Gone offered council but was often ignored. Night of Fire was often the calmness between fire, but scorned by her own destiny as a withered flower. Butterfly Phoenix and FlamingMoon Phoenix found destiny in recreation. The boundaries which, left everyone wondering. Thee befriended Dancer Omen, the one who defeated Scarlet Phoenix. Why not since traveling from the realms is a possibility, isn't it forth with Thee deem the gifts Thee have been given? To not idol over the possibilities of humanity but to participate in the future.

"The Sorceress of Illusion, every concert performed by Phoenix Style was over done," Emerald Jade stated. "She never told me every mission she went on but there were several planes and cars. We went through ten years of battles everyday, and everyday we had the potential to lose any vehicles we built or repossessed. When she was a police offer, her badge allowed her to start every car in the state by placing it on the internal top DVD player junction. She did have a biotechnological motorcycle that turned in to a robot, it was completely silver. The crooked cult known as the Scientists of Freeway wanted to determine if motorcycles had beast spirits. We joked with Scarlet Phoenix but Thee was never a official member of Phoenix Style. Too many people with her own objectives! Phoenix Style joked "What's next five robots that turn in to a giant robot." She reverse engineered the technology and we actually road in five vehicles that turned in to a giant robot.

"Thee standing in the rain, standing in full geisha uniform. Thee have no umbrella, my heart is sinking. There is a coming darkness," Emerald Jade stated of Scarlet Phoenix. She was never wishful to worship herself, reading through her memoirs aren't kind but Thee don't need to read through her memoirs or diary to know her. Thee held them, burning copies of her memoirs to spread knowledge of her. Within her activates, there is wisdom. It has become a profanity to not discourage her name spoken. Scarlet Phoenix was removed as crown queen, she stood there on national television and as a warrior allow them to remove her as crown queen. She was never arrested.

"Scarlet Phoenix's original corporeal body turned in to this gigantic pin and gear robotic city because the Earth felt sympathy after that event her corporal body was forever known as Gaia City," stated Candy Cloud Sun. "Thee just told my students a funny interpretation of Scarlet Phoenix's story, usually we Phoenix's have quirky sense of humors. The problem is, Thee stated to my students, that Scarlet Phoenix kept borrowing from the supreme goddess and universe Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Anything that went wrong with the Earth and the creation inside of the void, she'll receive assistance from Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Shira Darknfire is still alive, she states she would have taken from Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni rather than ask."

A female real estate agent who sales houses to fill her dark lineage. She was originally trained in the geisha arts but her jealous voluptuous size allowed to obtain a extraordinary amount of suitors. She attended a ordinary high school, and college graduating at the country's standard age. Her reading skill level was excellent, regularly asked to be the library's CEO on the board of trustees. The actual library CEO was a former CEO of a sneaker corporation that lost 93% of its financial outlook during the entire stock market period. She wanted to be demoted to library manager to do idea brainstorming research. One of the corporate executives stated "the company couldn't be in better hands since she was the heiress to a evil priestess." The executive officer showed her scrolls of her evil priestess lineage. The Forgiving Sun wrote "All Worlds must be parallel." She could become a heroine with the Scarlet Orb Phoenix Envy, all of Scarlet Phoenix's DNA was inserted into a orb that has the Phoenix Envy element revolving around the DNA.

"The law is old and the law is the goddess," Emerald Jade stated. "The Kunoichi Hanamachi has to have housing names by law to allow for massive executive residential acres ownership," she continued. The eighteen hundred's law required the construction of huge congruent cities within such a large area which maintenance wasn't realistic with only eight hundred people on the property. The Kunoichi took advantage that there residence still came under the emperor, even with such a probability of neglect. A need for a educated Kunoichi politician was always known, as later laws allow the demolishing of the excess structures for modern architecture.

It would dishonor Scarlet Phoenix to use whatever it is, Thee call it a revolving planet since it always revolve around me. All the sacrifices she made, there's a sense that she even purposely lost some of The Book trials. There is enough evidence to suggest that some of The Book's wanted a corporal body, this was the first suggestion that The Book's were evil. Since she lost, The Book's never obtained corporal bodies. It was written that Shira Darknfire took The Book trials, whatever happened in the aftermath no one knows. Scarlet Phoenix's corporal body was found held on a statue, the television news currently is documenting live. My students enjoyed television during my class but also the revival of Scarlet Phoenix. She looks like a sun because they graphed lungs, and skin on to her body that were made of energy.

Scarlet Phoenix's birth mark had to be graphed in to her bone using the Atom Creation experiment since Searching For A Soul stayed within the universe Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. All of there knowledge about Scarlet Phoenix is kept within the universe Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. It's expected that the Atom Creation experiment will attempt to graph new vital organs for her but we're watching Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni for any movement. "For the first time, we're really creating a Sun," the commander scientist stated. "It's a odd reason, that part of her DNA is actually from the Sun," he continued. "Thee can't stop myself from making a biotechnology robot joke, she is a baby. She is and always will be a leader," the commander scientist finished.

Senses did betray humanity but it Shira Darknfire who caused a sequence of reasonable events that forced the meeting of Shadownlight and consequently the unalterable viewpoint that a war did occur. Scarlet Phoenix is a dishonored military colonel in the Kunoichi, who will never speak of her military duties. Her dishonor forced her to choose a affiliated see-through Kunoichi uniform. She is the only person in the Kunoichi Hanamachi but the other Kunoichi from this Kunoichi Hanamachi came back to ask her could she find out if there's really a war going on! They gave her no choice since there's several Kunoichi buses pulling up at the Kunoichi Hanamachi.

"This is a odd diary entry, dated the same exact day and year." Senses decided to leave as my beast spirit. Scarlet Phoenix saw it discussing with the Goddess Planet about the evolution of the beast spirit. The Goddess Planet wants beast spirits the ability to burst the veins of the human, if humanity doesn't follow the directional enlightenment of the beast spirit. The beast spirit controls more than 55% of the moral guidance in the modern world. The beast spirit doesn't cast a shadow over the Earth but the moon. Her lips were moving on the cast shadow of the moon. Scarlet Phoenix states her unofficial uniform has her military rank on it which drew too much attention from other researchers and that there's a sacred Kunoichi cave which she can privately live while researching the fictional war. Her opinion of how long the war has been going on isn't written but the official documentation she left states nine drips of the farmland grass, nine full star circles and four the lighting of the Earth. The four the lighting of the Earth is translated in to billion of years. "Artifacts of the beginning of the Earth, scans from the beginning of the Earth. She actually scanned artifacts from the beginning of the Earth. Scarlet Phoenix typed from the Temple of the Phoenix," the old man journalized.

Dancer Omen takes orders from the border keeper! Thee able to travel through every realm, which made our friendship natural. Thee almost a reincarnated Phoenix. The birth of fire that torches everything within my goals and accomplishments. The total technique of learned intelligence, that's stronger than Dancer Omen and Scarlet Phoenix. Dancer Omen is a dream guardian, even though myth written word states she's a dream eater. She's only allowed to eat the dreams of the deceased and eventually dissolve there souls to gain different strength techniques. Dancer Omen's intelligence is almost unequaled, ask her a question and she speaks with silence but her eyes move in opinion. Scarlet Phoenix has the intellect of a genius but it's wild not applied intellect.

The two demon dragons were instantly healed within the sanity of the dreamworld. They were demon dragons that were held without judgment, thus they were given truly humanoid forms but they arrived back in the dreamworld. After they arrived back in to the dream world, there thrust for power illuminated elements of the Earth within them. The flames of water and the river of flames were given to both girls. They still had there humanoid forms but there dragon scales were of fire and water. They worried that Shira Darknfire was in serious trouble with the goddess deities, there creator's DNA was reconfigured. To them it stated she was demoted and the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni using her power to force them to worship Shira Darknfire. Both dragons deemed themselves priestesses of Shira Darknfire and had a palace built for her in the dreamworld.

"This mirror, Thee look thee. Scorned by a weather leaf from a crooked tree," Emerald Jade stated. "Thee will never be signed on to the Book of Mirror's nor do Thee ever need," Emerald Jade continued. "The levels of my inner evil is too intense for any goddess to contain or control. Thee admire Dancer Omen attempts to block the supreme goddess's suggestive nature. She attempts to own humanity at every attempt. When she can't lore states she goes into a cave. For every human Thee scorn but Thee must be worshiped, not the pig, not the frog, not the moon, just me. Not the cattle, not the land, not the properties man cast in the land, not the air that man breathes, not the food beneath the sea's, just me," Emerald Jade finished.

The shadows of opposition relies in nobility. Scarlet Phoenix being poorer needed the money the Kunoichi would provide but the buses could mean anything. A cloud of jealousy at the potential of needing to bow down to the Kunoichi and she felt she didn't need to bow to the Kunoichi. Of all else there was a mutual respect toward each other within amidst the titles and responsibilities both had held. Scarlet Phoenix was a weak swordsman but she still achieved the rank of colonel. The Kunoichi stood as the royalty they were when the land flooded with natural disasters dishonoring the land with the forces that kept Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni captive. It only took one Kunoichi to return the respect the city once held and it could be Scarlet Phoenix.

"Learning of the goddess means learning of friendship." Scarlet Phoenix has family within the Kunoichi, thus she has friendship. Conversational group talks outside with the Kunoichi and Scarlet Phoenix, has allowed construction trucks to fully renovate the hanamachi. Usually guests aren't allowed within the Kunoichi Hanamachi but it was agreed that the Kunoichi would once again oversee the Kunoichi Hanmachi. She was lonely one person and couldn't keep up the condition of every mansion. Work had to be hurried, the Kunoichi wanted a modern technological lab and the documents of the administrative building had to be retrieved. Scarlet Phoenix made most of there money on private missions, the Kunoichi desired to follow her lifestyle.

"Scarlet Phoenix knew she had to archive a giant research institution, she went to the Internet Complex." It's a electronic institution that allowed her to research millions of video's on the fictional war in 6 hours. A word is typed in to a computer similar to the internet and the database automatically plays news video's in accordance with the researcher's request. She had to wear her unofficial Kunoichi costume which is a silk and leather see-through dress, very expensive. "There were never any mention of her being a classless person. Thee remember, her! Thee was a young boy working survey news worker, Thee would go by the neighborhood asking people what story they would want to hear," the old man documented. "Then Thee worked as a home stock exchange broker, taking citizen names and stock names on a official royal family document to the actual stock market sites with there money," the old man continued bibliography. (Pause) "Thee never got in any trouble for being a stock exchange broker." (Recording) "She was beautiful, she was unbelievably beautiful."

"The City of the Blossoms had 196 books in the entire city," the old man journalized. Each book is made of out every scientific material. None of the books stated where Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is but they did held specifications for modifying a regular plane in to a space shuttle. Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stated she wrote in old ink as preparations against the deity goddess. Thee read everything in this temple type of city, it's too big to describe as a temple. It's even too big to describe as a ancient city. She grew to a Hyper Nova, during the third month of her Hyper Nova during a certain eclipse is when the deities capture her. While she was watching, counting the stars at night. A elegant room in the city had the Book of Mirror's, Thee took it as well as the Book of Crystals, the Book of Diamonds, and the Book of WInter's Flakes. The only book Thee opened was the Book of Crystals, it held the secrets of my branding with my name in it."Every book of great importance had my name in it literally. Scarlet Phoenix, my signature was signed in every important book," the old man journalized. "The Book of Crystals stated put the book near her brand, by her name. The book has a piece of meteorite from the actual star which Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni belongs too. It will force her body to fill in the brand with different colors. This allows for the first visible beast form, the Phoenix Cheetah or Griffin. It's literally a cat with wings, each fiber of hair will burn flames. She will also have the ability to heal herself by her body's temperature increasing internally, every isn't any organ that can't be healed but it takes time before her body temperature will raise. It's possible for her to die. "Before passing out, there was a warning outlined: You can't kill," the old man documented.

"Dragon Wo Gone there is enough evidence to perceive that Scarlet Phoenix had extraordinary powers and won us the war against the Sun Beings," the old man held a internet conversation with the 103 year old woman. "My worries is the reincarnated Phoenix Jade. It isn't the original Phoenix Jade! The Phoenix temple displayed Scarlet Phoenix's DNA, split it then combined it with Phoenix Jade's DNA. Thee would have destroyed the Kunoichi to find out. The original Phoenix Jade is named her Phoenix, Emerald Jade and wants Scarlet Phoenix renamed Amaterasu-Phoenix, Scarlet Jade on official records, the leader of the Kunochi Hanamachi Phoenix mansion. Scarlet Phoenix should be arrested, Thee have been a politician for decades Thee can do it. Thee don't care about the myths, that Shadow N Light put Phoenix Jade in a cold bubble lava water. It kept her body youthful until that predicted day. Scarlet Phoenix still should be arrested," Dragon Wo Gone stated. "It's her aunt that Thee know, Emerald Phoenix Jade has to chordiograph a routine for Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's festival."

"It's a open forum, Thee attempting to get enough petitions to lobby for Scarlet Phoenix's arrest," Dragon Wo Gone stated in her conversation with the old man. "Thee believe Phoenix Jade was a descendant of Kunoichi who are genetically third family royal family members. As being a third family royal family member, she is a deity goddess! She never aged...The Phoenix temple incident actually happened," a forum member named Scarlet-With-Mad-Love stated. "Thee so hot that Thee wild," she finished. "Probably but it means that the Phoenix temple attempted to control the Kunoichi. Thee would rather see the Kunoichi destroyed than not know the truth," stated Dragon Wo Gone.

"Thee need to do a footnote on the plane," the old memoirs. "Let's see, uh the plane is a old carrier that's being converted in to a huge jet. The military and the Kunoichi cooperatively design lava two lava infused engines to power the four engines. The vents will pour nitrogen on the lava as the fuel is consumed allowing for extended use. There are also sixteen miniature engines to allow the plane to move at Mach 9. It's a little faster than the average plane but the weight of the plane doesn't allow for weaponry," the old man journalized. This plane was later given to Shadow "N" Light's clan as a compromise gift. That's interesting, the next sentence states that the military honor is as that of the king always absolute," he journalized.

"Thee am a ecological scientists with the Air Force, under the code name Emerald Empress," Emerald Jade stated. She placed a digital tape recorder on the ship's fifth Sky Sunlight Cloud's cargo hold. Hard drives were the evolution of the discarded cassette recorder technological media medium. "Start with the third Sky Sunlight Cloud specifications and Searching For A Soul must exist. The fictional war is much longer than expected, about one thousand pages longer. Searching For A Soul was on the front line of illusion with Scarlet Phoenix. There was a reason why they were called the Sun Beings, nothing prepared us! We made a hero of Scarlet Phoenix," Emerald Jade read.

"The space shuttle held the 3rd version of the Sky Sunlight Cloud jet, oddly pulling Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's ship. Diamond filled crystals in a container fueled the plane. Each crystal was filled with lava," stated Emerald Jade. The space shuttle was gigantic, the similarity in design reminded me of the retired Blackbird escort jet. "The side cockpits held a maximum of fourteen people on each side but it was recognizable as the escort jet. There were about two group cockpits on each side, fitting the exact same number of people. Most of the room was used to preserve documents, such as my life," Emerald Jade finished.

"Discussions with the Kunoichi led her to research both the Phoenix temple and the City of Blossoms. There wasn't any evidence that the city was related to the fictional war but the Kunoichi and the military doesn't want the city to fall in to the whirl pools as Scarlet Phoenix's research suggests." She isn't a archaeologists but she was the first to discover the existence of the city. "The social status made her invincible from discovering the city, she the crown princess. Natural disasters prompted the crown queen to leave the country, naming Scarlet Phoenix crown princess. Deep sea drivers found a huge volcano that's similar to a coral ridge, which is holding the country afloat," the old man documented from a newspaper clipping that was attached to Scarlet Phoenix diary.

"When Scarlet Phoenix woke up, she poured the Phoenix swords in the Phoenix temple's lava tombs. That is odd, the Phoenix swords are a archaeological artifact. They were with Phoenix Jade," the old man journalized then debated with a Ivy League school colleague. "She poured the two katana blade swords in to the lava tombs. She saw two circular spirits on each sword rotate around the swords until they touched the hilt. Both swords were taken back to the Kunoichi Hanamachi to allow the lava ash to be stripped around by a blacksmith," the old man continued as he's reading a odd Scarlet Phoenix diary. "Phoenix Jade was at the Phoenix temple. She called the temple Ragnarok but the temple stated "Thee am not Ragnarok, Phoenix Jade. Thee am the deity goddess who defeated Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, and forced her to rein on a new continent, for when the citizens asked when she overthrew the deity who founded the country before the deities branded together to capture her. TheeThee assisting her because the Anti Christ is coming, Thee will turn you into youth and the fraternal genetic twin of Scarlet Phoenix but Thee can not change the documentation records of your society. The Shadow copying ability will be added to your east spirits, your shadow will assist her and hers with you." There are several myths that suggest Scarlet Phoenix had the Phoenix swords but nothing like this," the old man documented and debated. "The Scientists journalistic diaries of archeology has a interest in her your publish archaeological report and her diaries once you finish," the Ivy League colleague praised.

"Teach her, shadow her, she is a young princess," the old man documented from a group of diary pages referring to Phoenix Jade. "Phoenix Jade must endure the pain Scarlet Phoenix dealt with but she won't be a god as Scarlet Phoenix is but a kind of mother," the Phoenix temple stated. Phoenix Jade has several strands of gray hair, which is lost in the power which the Phoenix temple gave her. "It will seem as though you have a mother, daughter relationship with Scarlet Phoenix. Beast spirit abilities passed down from mother to child but Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni gave you your abilities, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni gave you your power and Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni can take it away. You must adhere to her rules, you must not ever destroy another beings life," the Phoenix temple continued. "Other wise you would be begging like Shira Darknfire did," the Phoenix temple commented. "Why can't we save Shira Darknfire? You've state to us honorably that we can use the Shadow copying technique to teleport each other in the other's location," Phoenix Jade asked. "Because the goddess in the stratosphere, she must adhere to human's law! The law that she can't interfere with humanity. It's spoken that she not only has the power to project her body in the stratosphere but to walk as a guiding spirit on the Earth. Hopefully, Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni will give her a actual human body to break this rule," the Phoenix temple finished.

"She was known as the Mage of Illusion in her elder years of life. Scarlet Phoenix walked around the world, using the fifth Sky Sunlight Cloud as a hovercraft. The plane was sentient but how can it record events, if it was never there! It was known that the Goddess Planet dropped the Book of Mirror's but it would be a simple diversion for the Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni to move from the Sun to the core of the Earth. It is a enigma to expect everything to be a theory and not the truth but the truth holds evil. Hold good is someone who picks up a sword, how good is someone who fights? Thee was given the gift of this possible wisdom but my loyalty is with her. Thee shall guide this humanity with the wisdom of avoiding events," Emerald Jade read with every word being a direct quote. It's as such a woman of knowledge does.

Scarlet Phoenix found as she walked through the Phoenix temple, it had consciousness. Scarlet Phoenix was the first visitor in centuries to gain entry in to the Phoenix Temple, and she was the only able to hear the Phoenix temple's story. Beast spirit memory known as exceptional memory isn't stored on the beast spirit but on a external company application or a third party application. Within the servers, hundreds of gigabyte information is kept on electronic medium as small as a compact disc. "The Phoenix temple told Scarlet Phoenix that each crystal tile on the floor is a memory of hers. The temple had to access the Book of Mirror's to grant access to Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni and earn part of Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's soul. Scarlet Phoenix would have to use her only earn abilities to dance to impress Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, after this Scarlet Phoenix was forever know as the Sorceress of Illusion," the old man journalized. "There was never any mention that Scarlet Phoenix had any powers or extraordinary abilities," the old man documented.

A waterfall overflowed the original throne chair, intersecting it with the Phoenixtopian king and the ruined Phoenix temple. There were about thirty-two waterfalls descending from the heavens similar a puzzle utilizing chess. Though residents of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura remind children that the world refers to the afterlife as the City of Cherry Blossoms. Once a soul migrates in to the City of Cherry Blossoms, there able to choose a path of the Ascension of Humanity or the Descending Whirlpool of Humanity. Whether the path is voluntary is another opinion! The path of written folk and lore is protected by a odd eternal woman, she is neither dead or alive. She just exists, bonded to the area by portions of her soul spewed in to the ground similar to a plant growing out of the ground. She's angry and bewildered, chained in her wedding kimono and eyes of a forbidden dance. She has never lived, nor never died, she was never born and forced to wear a gown of humanities marriage ceremony.

"She was binded to the ability not to kill, leading hundreds of thousands of people and soldiers," Emerald Jade read. "The Sun Beings light transcended the Ultraviolet layers, sending there hair light candles into space. There size is unbelievable, we thought they were little short beings. Below humanity, beyond sentient behavior. We weren't able to touch them, Scarlet Phoenix became a Admiral. The most inconsistent coronal in the military, made a Admiral. We made a hero of her, nothing she could do caused any immoralities in the public viewpoint of her character. The last archaeological find was that the Earth and the Sun was Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's eyes," Emerald Jade recorded while reading.

When Shira Darknfire traveled through the dark matter universe to normal universe, she spent the zodiac from one side to another which forced the beings of the universe that Scarlet Phoenix created to be caught in a entirely new universe. It was a charismatic recording, finally Shira Darknfire's true form was caught on a recording by the Angel statues. Whether there sentient isn't known but what there eyes caught, tilting perfect harmony, was spectacular. There isn't a god or goddess in this universe but the existence of gigantic robotic cities Gaia cities that were created by the what humanity named the Sun beings. They were created for the habitation of the Earth's Sun being inhabitants. The symbiont membrane created for the Gaia cities is known as Phoenix eggs. They spread throughout the entire Gaia bodies allowing them to turn in to robots but they gained sentience, laughing at every diction term humanity stated.

The Forever's Kindred is a goddess that represents the joints of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni during the duration that she has been the universe. She's derived from the Kindred Pearl, the Kindred Swan, the Dwelling Kindred, and the Kindred Element. The Forever's Kindred is wild, free, and doesn't have any desire to be restrained. She can merge any component of herself similar to the combining dragon robots she created on Earth. Five crown queens were sought to pilot each dragon, they were created in each of the Earth's essential elements and swiftly grew to adolescent through the time dilation possibilities of the Sun's rays deriving to the Earth but the absolute divine goddesses of Phoenixtopia can use the Sun's rays to create a Gaia Ramp to the Earth. There coming!

This beautiful circular hexagon of souls was grasped by Scarlet Phoenix, but not just one was created. The dragon kept dropping spheres of souls with its scales, until there were about eight hexagon spheres. Worshipers came in and out of the main open city of the Phuenix, what the cult of Gaia cities who wanted humanity was worshipers called themselves. This was the first war between Gaia cities but it was long ago that the Phuenix were a sect. Scarlet Phoenix saw that there were two closed cities, along with one open city. They were martial artists, working out everyday and were noticed quietly but the Phuenix didn't care about cause and effects, they knew of results and wanted the pure spheres of souls gone.

There were many islands of the Phoenix Sakura continent that were unpopulated, a created queen was occupied a island that was reminiscence of there attributed element but the allotted mechanism used to activate the dragons weren't on the islands nor did they have any acknowledgement of the danger facing the planet. There breeze instantaneously brought citizens during the next to weeks. The citizens began speaking to the goddess Kindred Pearl, which stated that the queens must ascend to the Astro Plains to claim dragons that represent entities out of the Omega Infinity book and a song to combine them.

Our hearts forever melted, the Sun rose up over the smoke of weapons used. We knew this war was over! Her name was inadequately used for arms, melting steel, cooling melt, the perfection of steam. It's irony that a robot will be designated a bribe of a compromise. This robot, this Genesis Genius...she was manufactured as a living contract between humanity and the Phoenixtopians, and she's the robot that led to humanity waging war with the Phoenixtopian robots. We ushered in this new entity similar to a Navy boat, a fleet of weapons, and every equipment that was meant for military use but was sold in the consumer market place, and so why not this robot? The souls captured were suppose to have been augmented between both the Sun Beings and humanity! Our souls were captured and in someone's mighty hands, we were punished because we were of the goddess, we were miniature goddess, and the Phoenixtopian robots turned the souls in to robots of there own kind.

These strong and powerful queens walked through a purple swamp of melted crystals in the Astro Plains until the came upon a city seemingly devise entirely of glass. Souls were gleaming from the grass which were made of water which transfers energy of souls and is a element of purity. It personifies the possibility that the cities were made of souls. The presence of the city was reminiscent of the City of Cherry Blossom, which was a personification of the afterlife's gateway. A goddess stood in the stratosphere of the Astro Plains and the whirlpool of the realm. A song there first song after a sustained period in the Astro Plains, which stated the history of the city. The city was created through the separation of Gaia's soul when her soul was capable in there architecture, souls of dragons were used. It transformed the heart of Gaia in to a entity of lust. The song conjured the entire population of the city which meant that the robot will be sentient. The goddesses created the dragon keys for the robot.

Uh, you want to meet the members of Phoenix Envy, there's actually twelve. A corporation guaranteed top award album musical group needed a charismatic designation for there debut album. The musical group approached Phoenix Envy for cooperative use of the name, they've quickly realized that the advantage that the original members had was negated because Shira Darknfire was a award winning caliber writer. Besides, though, Scarlet Phoenix, Shira Darknfire, Shadow N Light, and the Omega Evangelion, there was Uptempo Slash and Darling Purple Dandelion. The family of Uptempo Slash is military, and Darling Purple Dandelion is a ordinary geisha.

A song sung by Phoenix Envy

River is time

Flowing with knowledge.

There's a mountain that has my spirit rising

My goddess be my friend and we will reinvigorate

the world to begin again

Be my friend, there's a river that home to a mountain

that when you stand, you can feel the love of the goddess flowing

There's a spirit, there's a sunlight that keeps begging me

That there's hope

When there's hope

Her home will be calling

That there's a paradise, there's a life, unlike we perceive

Our hearts hear her calling, please don't let your voice fading

See the cherry blossoms go up

With our hearts flow up

River please guide me to my friend

And the wind pressure moves through me

The cherry blossom leaves are ever glowing

The Sun shines through me

There's a gentle grace

There's a gentle embrace that forges me

Can you be so ever kind to fill me with the knowledge Thee need

Thee feel the tides leading me to purify

So Thee could ever be

In your paradise, in your present

Forever I’m growing

There be divine, there be heaven

With the goddess knowing our name

Our name will fill the galaxy, will fill the universe

And she'll finally state humanity is her friend

We'll finally be filled with the knowledge to hold her hand.

The entire song is played while the curtains are closed, Scarlet Phoenix begins to play a melody on her guitar.

"The eyes begone our life's, what experiments we bestow the interpretation of out dimension! Before Shira Darknfire began her corporation, there was a breeze that could be heard for a entire district that she had a exemplary writing ability. The Islands of Phoenix had allocated a entire manga demographic corporation for Shira Darknfire because it was felt that she was a princess! Everything was prepared in arrangement of her collegiate writings, character outlines and sketch conception, corporation name, and the approximate date the story's merchandise would be available at expo's. They even had Shira Darknfire's bank identification and processing number to allocate money to her bank account. She stated "The only worry is maintaining her copyrights, you just never knew what technology may be presented to the market such as the holographic technology shown at the video game expo and was used by sports team to practice," Shadow N Light stated. She attempted to designed the characters herself but it has been so long that her skill level was scattered. "What really happened that there's a lapse in the Fictitious Book with the Author incident?"

"What actually occurred that the Fictitious Book derives a character known as the Author? Scarlet Phoenix became a One True Queen, worshiped by the Sun Beings because Candy Cloud Sun betrayed the Kunoichi Hanamachi. She is the descendant of the Forgiving Sun, though Scarlet Phoenix wasn't evil. She still had to abide by the moral laws ordained by the supreme goddess, but the Gaia Opis was independent of her. They thought they controlled her, the Earth, and the universe. There climatic atmosphere visualized everyone's beast spirit in to a separate transformation. There was acknowledgement of a myth of a young girl who thought she requested the assistance of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni but when scholars inspected her writings, it insisted the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni beckoned her. A confusion persisted that though every story was accurate they couldn't determine who was revolving around who. A almost Sun and the moon comparison scholars correlated," Shadow N Light.

It was twist the dawn that a member of Phoenix Envy song the national anthem prior to there concert, her voice was extraordinary but she lost some congruency in her voice because of her frequent rehearsals before the concert. There were eight humanoid dragons in canyon, each of there wings intertwined. There so reminiscence of humanity, that even archaeologists couldn't differentiate them from robots. Cherry Blossoms graced both Scarlet Phoenix and Night of Fire, as both of them stared at the canyon's bottom. Pink cherry blossoms around Scarlet Phoenix, and purple cherry blossoms around Night of Fire, there they stared at a bridge guiding the differentiated paths influenced by infinity, foretold by the Earth's core and witnessed by the Milky Way galaxies Sun.

There was a canyon that held a waterfalls with every cliff in between Scarlet Phoenix and Night of Fire. A gigantic city stood on a large stone slab at the edge of the farthest cliff. The city never weathered nor deposed due to the constant pouring of water on the wooden timber. A sudden splashing of the river ordained that Scarlet Phoenix has crafted some gorgeous architectural marvels during her duration as queen of the continent of Earth. Such forgotten praise has beseech the heavens cast on humanities poverty, we shed tears, they shed tears, the female angel wing statues that cover half of the canyon's inside shed tears. We bend to thee, open up a door to the forgotten realm of the Sun that thee may sit on, thee may sleep on and know eternal life.

"The dragon statues were pure 100K gold, painted and embroiled in jewels. Each painting of the dragon statues represented the color of the jewel place on the statue. They were split in halves with a 50K silver dragon in the middle," Emerald Jade stated. Contest winners would be able to combine both pieces of the 100K golden dragon but judges wouldn't allows contestants leave with just a half of the golden dragon. "Scarlet Phoenix carried the transparent baby around the entire night, stating she will redimensionalize the baby girl. Phoenix Jade agreed but she stated there are restrictions on how many children they can redimensionalize since they don't want it publicly seemed that they're worshiping another goddess. After the Phoenix temple lost the battle for Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni's corporal body, it did what every other deity goddess would attempt to do; It attempted to gather more worshipers," Emerald Jade continued. The banquet lasted for five hours, "Scarlet Phoenix immediately flew to the Phoenix Temple. The Phoenix Temple agreed to allow Scarlet Phoenix the use of the Water Lava Bubble pool but it stated "She will never be allowed to worship it," her ties to another goddess is to strong and it isn't looking to start a confrontation. Scarlet Phoenix named the baby New Diamond Phoenix. New Phoenix for short but Phoenix Jade designated the child's name to be Catherine-Elizabeth," Emerald Jade finished.

"New Diamond Jade has had a prophecy," Emerald Jade stated and paused. "It's against Scarlet Phoenix, she will challenge her. Even after the defeat to Dancer Omen, Scarlet Phoenix never knew fear and she eventually defeated Dancer Omen but it created a hunger in her. My observations of the culture of humanity isn't as confident as my scholar achievements but it was evident that she was salivating for something. Her intelligence always out thought her sensations, she was the supreme commander of hundred thousand's soldier's. Excuse me, my speech slender when Thee talk poorly of my sister. She lost a great battle but remained known as a outstanding soldier then she lost to Dancer Omen. Scarlet Phoenix memoirs state she was only a geisha in a tent but she was on the battlefield. When soldiers compliment her on commanding such a large armada, Scarlet Phoenix states she was grasping for a blossom stuck in the snow. Amanda-Rain chanted her name is Catherine-Elizabeth.

Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire ran furiously after the Omega Evangelion in there visual beast spirits through the city streets. The city in the stratosphere was absolutely empty because of the fear that persisted while Moon Groove was a colossus bounty hunter and its overseer. They ran in to the eight floor bank that's attached to a mall, the Omega Evangelion sparred with both women but she was able to escape in to the mall. The Fictitious Book is salivating from this confrontation, personifying obvious sentience after the combination with the Omega Infinity book inside of the Goddess Deity of the Falls. Five dojo's queried to the Kunoichi Hanamachi divine religious overseers but Phoenix Jade is a chief religious overseer of the Kunoichi Hanamachi.

There was a television series that stated "There's a ancient oral history of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura that a infant will be in servitude to the crown royal family for the entirety of there life," the Omega Evangelion postulated while running from Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire. "It's exact truth, what should she do with the knowledge and acknowledgement of this truth," she continued postulating. "Should she become confused, or should she rise to become a Phoenix? Until she's able to postulate why the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni warned her not to become chained as a Phoenix, she can't have sympathy for humanity. Of course, there's sympathy for children because of the world we created for them.," she focused her cognitive thoughts on prevailing against both women when they almost caught her postulating while slowly gesturing jogging in the middle of the lane street lines.

Come to me angel, uh my goddess. Let this cane be my flame, let it guide me through this burning sand. Come to me my goddess! Bare this sand as the forgotten souls, it blows dust covering the Sun and covering the entire realm. So this let it be bare the sins of a thousand sand pebbles, of tomorrow and today, thee will see there goddess. My body is pulsing, as some sins are more powerful than others. Such a path thee couldn't bare if the cane didn't able thee to convert stones in to water, what such a inevitable path those who has taken. Shall hold this cane at my side and at a distance, so no demon shall conquer me. The reach of my flame is eternal, no evil shall ever reach me. Those to attempt shall me caged, so let them be immoral or man. Thee praises one goddess.

A blaze of come forth not be or be that not, whether a dragon could be or a goddess is that not of existence. It's be that existence is potential, we know that we exist so we deem we have potential. It's a vast quandary that resonates whether our destiny is deemed by our souls or the tremendous responsibility of humanity, we deem it not exceptional, not extraordinary but the whimpering cries of the blistering deemed which cries of demons. Contracting a sin for the elegant fortitude for potential but it could never substantiate everything humanity desires because it wants a foretelling of its deeds and the good of humanity it has done.

The equality quandary when viewed from a visual only interpretation has the distinction to incongruently perceived two exceptional entities as equal. There are certain things in the world that could be explained by mathematics. The greatest example of this the Continent of Earth, every mathematical equation states that the Earth is circular except one but the one over seeds the other's. Science is the distinction of querying a question, not a previous known answer! The Earth is the Earth is a fascinating resolution answer but we wanted a mathematical interpretation why the Earth is a continent. Both of there abilities are boundless but a goddess can possess a planet and a Night of Fire can level continent in a matter of hours.

Such responding heart of our goddess, our supreme queen, gave us aspirations. We breathe thee breath, utter cold as a single individual which she has given us unity. She is our community, she is our cities, she is our, country, and she is our nation. We breathe a single breath in the cold, when we accept her that single breeze is united in to a fog that resists any foreign entity. This is our home, she is our home! She has built a house, and she has built our houses, our nation is pure determined and filled with fire. Her eternal flames touches every house, and we know our pride. It's firm to what we perceive in tomorrow, she knows no fear of the Omega Evangelion since what is taught can't be what's feared.

The Earth that the supreme goddess envisioned for the beholders of goddess will or the Will of the Goddess was perfect but she wouldn't mold the planet's she created, there was a penalty for her imprisonment. Archaeologists always conceive alternate scenarios for the goddesses creation of life, then they conjure conjecture in television testimonials while intertwining splendid research with subjective interpretation but Pandora's box was created by the supreme goddess to manipulate every planet in the universe to a mathematical circular form. It's renown as the Enemy of Pandora's Paradox, because humanity was originally created with the supreme goddess and given birth by the supreme goddess. She wasn't born pregnant, she was the central developing element of the big bang. Her mother created the universe but she created everything in it. Humanity was forced on to the Earth after a central war of the gods and goddess, because humanity inhabited no planet. The approximate date of humanities birth is the date that humanity took its first breath on to the Earth, and it became aware of sin.

Everyday Scarlet Phoenix stated that she saw the Garden of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, it's one thing to hate humanity until your responsible for its suffering. It was always perceived that Scarlet Phoenix was a goddess, because she was the individual who was most frequently with the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni but though she was perceived to be a divided lower goddess. If thee sees a creation, it can be deeded to be recreated because it has been seen with the eyes of a goddess. There a labyrinth inside of the Golden Palace of the Phoenix that allots a goddess become absolutely powerful which the Phoenixtopian's afflicted on Scarlet Phoenix. There were five statues that dedicated to the sun, the moon, the comet, and the atom. The combination for humanity to allocate in to goddess has been forgotten in reminiscence, verbal stories related inconclusive reference.

"Scarlet Phoenix has been arrested," the television news documented but there isn't any restraints on her. They're just walking to the side of her. The news reporters are calling the circulation of comments a new religion. Religious leaders are displaying support for her, so that they're not pushed out of the path of a new religion. "You are arrogant Scarlet Phoenix, you are a wild spirit and everything the critics think you are but you are also very beautiful. The fictional war isn't called fictional because there was a actual fictional war but for the hero it created.

Without the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, the Moon is the greatest breed to humanity, the Sun is humanities greatest obstacle, the comet is Gaia, and the Atom is Eden within the Golden Palace of the Phoenix. Scarlet Phoenix best reminiscence of society without a goddess but she is a goddess, that's why Scarlet Phoenix and the Omega Evangelion coincide with each other. Similar to the Author, who gestured underneath the final step in the palace that supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni stood on the top step, begging her that she'll write a story that will be remembered for centuries. The Author reminiscence and demanded that she'll create a story that will be remembered for centuries. There's a collision of fate which derives between the Scarlet Phoenix and the Omega Evangelion, that the goddess is a judge and jury for the Omega Evangelion. She stated the things of a goddess, "How dare they presume humanity touch her in which that they dare to forget they saw and is her dimension. There hands aren't just filled with evil but a inconsistent and incongruent curiosity that attempts to define life that which is only crafted by the supreme goddess. How dare they? Thee stomps her feet, thee sees the wicked deeds, and let them be chained so they can do no more harm!," Scarlet Phoenix stated. After all the Omega Evangelion is a weapon, if the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni didn't restrict...Eden would be stained. She trumps at the night, never seeing any consciousness within the eyes and Eden. Ever reacting to anyone in Eden, they see her and she sees them.

There's lust and a flame in one hand, weeping even fire can weep, that the hope of the Author lies in the past and not the future which humanity telegraphs but though it's a flashy, beautiful picture. It's a trial, held in a famous old movie of not only what we hold as evil but also the human soul. It's for what Thee've been told, it has been before sewn which Thee stand her, Thee standing my ground. So, What would we do with this princess that wishes to be queen? This lit of flame gazing through the night, what should we do with this Night of Fire. This scorch of flame that attempts to divide humanity and state, "These are people that will be born again, reincarnated as a flame, as a dragon, as the water, as the breeze, as the Phoenix, and as the Sun touching the ground that stated everything is interconnected."

Within the denotation of politics we give raise to conjure politics. Our society is strong, but we conform to absolution. Our individual strength is given to the delusion that we ordain the state as our birth right from the goddess and not a individual human. Our economy is prosperous, the deeds of infinity. It's given that our crops will be plentiful, our markets are fibrous, and our health is adequate. We deed our opportunities as intellectual equalities because opportunities transverse equality. If we talk a farmer, thee is a wealthy corporate executive, why do thee care about the farmer? Because a successful farmer may have the potential to become a successful corporate employee. "Shadow N Light how long have you had those souls on your back," Curious reporter stated.

Even if there's a perpetual revival of the country or upheaval of the country's economic, there's a subsistent notation that a sacrifice was inherent. The duration of the constitution's reform, economic legislature, deliberate ramifications on query the parliamentary state, should such rebut of a sacrifice should be reconstitute in the open public. If what we want, if what we need isn't reconstituted in open public then the general masses shall win the electoral authority of the government. It's we would divide they, even in country's of absolute authority. It's the individual who define the entity of the country and not the gods or goddesses. The human can struck us down but we can rise as gods or goddesses and cause a revolution.

We halt a queen that's given us the privilege of the remembrance of a forgotten realm, that's rich in the concept of learning. We deem that such a concept eternally over humanity, we just don't use fire but we are fire. Such a conception has never been deemed in a species of humanity, for us all and until tomorrow. We came before humanity, but breathed the air of the Earth. Our cultivated lives are seen in this queen, our hopes, our requests are fulfilled in this queen. The Sun has given us a Scarlet, let no one deem take her away. There is a concept of a man, but today let us celebrate her.Her to which has given humanity to the species of the sun, gracing the heavens who has been falling to Earth.

"What magazine are you writing for?," Shadow N Light queried. "The, We Acknowledge, We Knowledge magazine," the inquirer stated. "What's Scarlet Phoenix's full name," she continued. "Scarlet Nightingale-Bloom Phoenix," Shadow N Light replied. "Our paternal DNA is a exact match descending two generations of grandfather's," she reciprocated. "It's a little controversial, you and the Omega Evangelion had the same grandfather when your ninja clan captured the Kunoichi Hanamachi," the inquirer inferred. "The Omega Evangelion was always a ugly duckling, attempting to become a swan," Shadow N Light replied. "Though thee is the second Shadow N Light," she continued. "Which is shown by the souls jewels on your back?," the inquirer sarcastically implied since she desired to report on the apocalypse. "My mother was the first Shadow N Light, though she's still alive," Shadow N Light finished.

"We didn't have a good practice," the Goddess Chaos Chronos stated. "How about manipulating the Author in our dimension for this particular concert. We can't manipulated her dimension but we can teleport her to this dimension," Shira Darknfire stated. The body idols normally kept the evil in the Astro Plains within them, writing scriptures and concealing evidence of previous dimensions. The Earth is the center of the universe. There was only one body idol that was sentient, which was the body idol near the Earth's core. It was myth that the head of Medusa would petrify any of humanity that would come in to contact with, but the star of Medusa is capable of turning any human in to a colossus golem made entirely of stone. Within everything there stood Night of Fire standing in front of the Earth continent with charisma, separating the poverty of the Earth and and stating that "they have the right to be with there god or goddess, allotting them to be paid for everything they crafted." She didn't assert a demographic with the Phoenixtopians or humanity, she just lit a blaze of fire that was meant to light a blaze to Scarlet Phoenix.

"Thee am the Omega Infinity, the Omega who wants to rule the universe," the Author stated who's renown to Phoenix Envy as Omega Infinity. "Shira Darknfire would state she's the only Omega would could use Thee in a sentence, but you have to deliberate past scriptures, past myth. There was a new technology that was advertised and bought by the Omega Infinity, a technology that comprised research with vocal activation and holographic television technology. She ran a scenario who did the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni actually lose too in combat, ninety-nine percent of the results came back Athena. Over a hundred test were compiled a day for three months, never had the scenario projected incorrectly. The supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is the mother, the Omega Evangelion is her daughter, and Athena is the niece. They awoke Athena with the Atom Smasher experiments," Shadow N Light stated. The inquirer queried,"Do You believe the Author's synopsis?" "No," Shadow N Light replied. "The world's religious believes have to be respected, besides the analyzing memories, the creation of the eyes, her predictions of the past, present, and future within microseconds of the event that stated the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni is too powerful to lose any confrontation that isn't written in scriptures. The Author did explain that Athena's myth coincides with Medusa and Medusa was a actual star," Shadow N Light finished.

To write about a myth, you must know something about myths! A girl worships a goddess for fertility, famine, for the parallel inevitable realization that there's something beyond stars. She lost the realization of what books she was choosing until the books choose her. Each book interconnected to the next, Shira Darknfire read them beside her as her best friend then but they became best pin buddies. The continent of Earth is surrounded by too many waterfalls not to compliment the Goddess Deity of Falls as her best friend. The Continent of Earth is surrounded by twenty-two waterfalls, even the Grand Canyon is a waterfall. Shira Darknfire kept visualizing diction references that summarize each page, but the supreme goddess refused to allow the description to allocate to either girl but it was a certainty of a triple pyramid paradox that led to her description as a demon.

Thee gazes at the dark of myth, so that other's doesn't creep behind me. It's a song that thee knows firmly, the chaos that intersects the creation of the universe. A twilight of what's perceived as good and what's perceived as evil. A scarlet has sat on that inter perplexing stigma that everything humanity perceives as good is evil and everything that's perceived as evil could be good. If you divide that spectrum, how could a scarlet ever sit on the spectrum of good. It's impossible for a supreme goddess to grant every wish desired by humanity, during the morning, noon, and night. We cast her because we deem these deeds to be inadequate for a supreme goddess. Our hearts are thrown a sunder, cast in darkness but never knowing truth.

"How did the Omega Evangelion die? What's the legacy of the Omega Evangelion?," a enquirer stated "There was a horrible virus that was destroying every portion of life on the Earth, such as the Earth desired. Other than Phoenix Envy and the geisha's of the Kunoichi Hanamachi, there wasn't really a resistance to the Sun Beings but the Sun Beings wasn't interested in prosecuting either. They were written to be warriors, grateful to have combatants to battle! The Sun Beings were arrogant, assuming that the planetary atmospheric changes were there responsibility during the second attempt to adulterate planetary. That's why she was brought back to life," Shadow N Light stated.

The human population injected biotechnology plasma in to the Earth's core to keep the planet from dying. They were hoping that the experimental technology was primitive but the Earth was now what humanity called Mother Nature. She attempted to diverge out of humanities events but the suffering of children couldn't be ignored. She created a technology that forced humanity to create robotic fortresses that she thought will be a profitable technology forever but the robotic cities became abandoned. Mother Earth created five robotic school's with the new technology that represented each primary element, four of which were abandoned. The fifth is in use today.

"A new water bacteria is immune to the current water treatment techniques, Elsa 91428 causes extreme sweat raising the bodies temperature," a television press conference started during the regular news reserve period. "Only natural water aggregation is immune. The administration of city administrators will discuss a project draft plan that allows the entire city to use the valley falls in the Kunoichi Hanamachi. We ill be speaking to vice mayor Dragon Wo Gone and the hanamachi elder's assistant Emerald Jade. The elder we're speaking to, is Elder Angel-Preach CometSun. Land must be licensed from the Kunoichi. The land is sacred and we don't wish to interfere with the beliefs of the city," the mayor stated on the television news.

"There's a two day delay in television shows that billions of people overheard a audio overlay of the next episode of a series or the movie to appear at that duration. It has been confirmed that it's the fault of the Atom Smasher experiment, it's the fault of the Atom Smasher experiment that the Earth has separated the underlaying Sun and the Sun's overlapping dark matter sun," the television news reported. The Omega Evangelion was thought to have the parietal eye similar to lizards, allotting her the ability to create temporary clones of herself and too illuminate her surrounding for circadian rhythmic combat. It's the technique withheld within the Omega Infinity Book, because it's too tempting for the Omega Evangelion to battle similar to what would be perceived as a demon.

For the Child Evangelion to understand time, the Child Evangelion must able to conceive time subconsciously similar to a animal. If a thousand islands was created by the god's then it have to be the Phoenix Sakura Islands and Nippon is the duplicate continent. The world's military knew that the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni took over a satellite to monitored her adopted daughter, the Child Evangelion. It was kept classified by the world's military, as every mother would be, she was vicious turn the world's diplomats. "This is the newest chapter in the Omega Journals," Emerald Jade Phoenix stated as the Child Evangelion was reborn out of the sea. "This is the Emerald Sapphire chapter."

Since writing in to the Omega journals, it was decided to change the Child Evangelion's name to Omega Angelion. There are certain short stories that was written by me which the Child Evangelion was stated by the name Omega Angelion. The nemesis villains of the Child Evangelion referred to her as Omega Evangelion. The name Evangelion, which is derived from the Greek translation good news, fits the Omega Angelion. Within all things, to be a entity of good news, you must be a entity of such pure evil that the yang and yen balances itself in to good. This is a book of infinity, the gospel that attempts restoration of humanities soul from the chaos of there own attempts of soul reincarnation. The Omega journals chronicles the perpetual deceptive failed attempts that humanity made of a society free of hatred and the transformation pursued by the human born of hate.

The body idols were originally thought to have been the craftmanship of artisans but there were further explanation in the Book of Crystals. It took five hundred years to find the Book of Crystals, from a even greater perspective it hung from a retro perspective library. Even unless it played ancient video games greatly in a artisan cabinet, its uses were refined to religious and the archaeological hypothesis on war's equilibrium.equivalent to evil. It was actually a excellent video game on-board chip set but it had its way of selecting games that fit customers breeze. Descendants of the crown royal queen were buried in sand and then burnt in lava. The lava chemically turned the sand in to glass, but the body was transformed in to crystal. The sand was perfect for transference that forged imperfect pockets on the crystal body, allowing the crown royal queen to be embody with rubies.

Without ever knowing what she was praising, the Child Evangelion or Omega Evangelion, always praised the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. The odd scenario that the fictitious Book never explain, Shira Darknfire never taught the Omega Evangelion who the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni was. Billions are on the internet with there beast spirit suffering from humanities ancestral problems, many of those were worshiping the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni and reclaiming her death in conflict of there suffering. The Child Evangelion logged in online and stated that they forget there beast forms to become human again. Every beast spirit in the vicinity of the Child Evangelion transformed to a human representation then they evolved above the internet to walk around the realm meant for everybody, the universe created by Scarlet Phoenix.

A wave came over the four cities, eyewitnesses decreed that its the anger of Parvati. Each city held a dragon spirit, literally but not visible, figuratively but not tangible. The spirits just exist, it wasn't the fault of the archaeologists because artifacts couldn't possibly be seen. The dragons existed outside of the realm that only is perpetuated by the Omega Evangelion visor, which is currently a removable helmet piece to her year 1986 ninjutsu costume. It was reciprocated by the archaeologists on the television news report that the Earth is forever binded as a continent because of the statistics that the Omega Evangelion hub took.

She stood on top of a star once again after the musical group Phoenix Envy propelled Parvati. Her anger grew to curiosity about the Omega Evangelion when each head simultaneously stated that the Omega Evangelion should never trust Phoenix Envy ever again even her best friend Demons Desire. Bar.ed not a goddess but she had the ability to give the Earth wind, to replace the ozone layer with a two hundred feet shield. If thee was send of adventures and brought nothing, it's humanity to lashes out in anger for the responsibility of the village has failed. She didn't a goddess, to reverberate that there in the presence of a goddess and thou they were given freedom they choose reminiscence the goddess in angry but not desire retribution.

"In breaking the Omega Evangelion's enchantments, the priestess have broken the priests law of religious assertion assumption," a mysterious voice stated. "Humanities have judged, they were too curious about the Eden that perpetuates the original Omega Evangelion holds, Eden is apart of her. "The city shall be destroyed whether or not it's by the Omega Evangelion, a mysterious voice stated. "Then the entire world shall rain with Sun Beings that will creed out of the Whirlpool Descent of Humanity, the very heroes they left discarded.

Roses were placed insert to the horizon of the City of Cherry Blossom's, even though there isn't any written record within the Fictitious Book that anyone died during the apocalypse and there's the VF-14 Wide Spread stationary on the grass near the concrete that overlays the entrance to the City of Cherry Blossom's. It has High Definition cameras on its thrust assembly, only needs enough gas to take off, it's a little bit slower than the Sky Sunlight Cloud, it has pulse interior and exterior maneuvering stationary engines which designates the VF-14 Wide Spread has a triple engine plane. The robotic spider Sakura customized everything in the Omega Evangelion's house.

Spirits raised the roses to the breeze for them to be carried away in to the awaiting arms of the supreme goddess. She, Scarlet Phoenix, couldn't be controlled by the Phoenixtopians. Some people are geniuses, some people are pure power and if these two collide then...Scarlet Phoenix's IQ is two hundred thirty-five and Shira Darknfire's IQ is two hundred. For what a star on the horizon could be, that only a star and when she gazed upon the starlight, it was for the betterment of the experience of the god's relationship to humanity. It's to whom's perception that she is good! She combated many Phoenixtopian warriors and never lost to anyone. It was written that she was a Sun that shined too bright for the Phoenxtopians. A savior for there race yet a traitor.

There's a endless array of clouds circling over the Earth's spectrum, there must be a star within the Aurora Borealis. It was humanity who introduced the Omega Evangelion to the supreme demon, humanities diminishing of the Ten Commandments, evil, and a corruption of a soul's intentions. These skeptics kept begging the Omega Evangelion to remove herself from Eden, but she was already there. They exerted that conformity would reciprocate sympathy but not without the resolve inside of humanities soul, the intentions of the kind deed is reverberated. The souls that Gaia stole always coincide with a touch from humanity, that's why how spirits know to use the Omega Evangelion as a shrine. Majority of these souls will combined with atoms that will produce the genetic offspring consolidated by humanity, but some of them will never be alterable. The robot Sakura crafted a Sky Sunlight Cloud that could immerse both the Descending Whirlpool and the Ascension of Humanity. Souls were gathered which they manipulated in to humanity because they knew Scarlet Phoenix probably will reset the universe.

Everything is past, present, and future! What if the Omega Journals stated that a extremists group had a victory, just not the victory they wanted? The Omega Journals continues to reciprocate a opinion that the reader should learn from written media and not just mainstream media. The ancient temple held a statue of a gigantic female Phoenix goddess, who was perceived to have been angel. They perceived her wings to have been a continuation of her body instead of armor or a signification of her power. They gestured through the river, cleansing her bodies until they derived to the temple. Worshipers preceded to bow five times, once while climbing the steps of the temp and three times for every step of impurity.

"It could be the destruction of the entire Earth, the Enemy of Pandora's Paradox! We must protect the history of the Earth, where's the Omega Infinity book. It's a book that's absolutely pure DNA! We can insert the Omega Infinity Book directly in to the Omega Evangelion's DNA. It isn't a ark but the determiner of the future's Earth from her Eden, Earth will be formed," a scientists stated. Scarlet Phoenix combating Night of Fire, Shira Darknfire combating See Que Bee, and Shadow N Light combating the Omega Evangelion, which is odd since everyone is combating the Omega Evangelion but Shadow N Light though is mostly song chorus in Phoenix Envy. When she song vocals her voice was tremendous enough to win multiple awards from the greatest chart professional analytical groups.

"Here to interview about the Phoenix Temple events that occurred with Phoenix Envy," inquirer stated. "If my story is based on Daniel 3:26-28, thee wasn't a believer. Thee was a warrior, there were orders and they were carried out. Religious is sacred, it isn't a playful entity of humanities entertainment," Shadow N Light stated. "You lived a life, vast and daunting!," the inquirer stated. "We were poor, it was enriched by the presence of others and forgiveness," Shadow N Light replied. "Give our destiny, we chose a given fate to my heart what desired. It's brushed upon the light, seeking atonement for what has been done but fate has given a destiny. The world has declared that the Omega Evangelion has been judged innocent, though there's a relentless amount of allegation astray of countless judging," stated Shadow N Light.

There laid the dawn, it stared at the Omega Evangelion, it competed with her. For the immorality of who shall rein of darkness on to the Earth. The spirits brought flame, the spirits brought fire, these weren't the typical humanoid spirits often seen in entertainment media. They had no legs, they walked on the aura of the flame that brought them to the City of Cherry Blossoms or was it the city that brought them to it. A prison of some sorts but bigger than any palace of temple dedicated to Marco Polo, it in its awl is a city but the Omega Evangelion came from the ashes a Ragnarok but she doesn't roar, she doesn't screech, and she doesn't howl, so thus she is a Phoenix. Who do you suppose gave the most powerful Omega Evangelion the kimono's of a geisha? The crown queen of the Islands of Phoenix Sakura.

It was discovered by archaeologists that the Phoenixtopian robots were a combination of the Phoenix Eggs and a virus of purity which allowed them to turn in to vehicles. After the apocalypse that devastated the era of the Child Evangelion, it was decided that the virus of purity would be used to reincarnate the entire world but it wasn't controllable. Once economic stability was established, the Phoenixtopian robots were constantly built to sustain instantaneous humanity construction accomplishments but it wasn't swift enough. The virus assaults the Phoenixtopian robots forcing them to constantly grew once the balance is interchanged. Once the Gaia City and Sun is repaired, Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire will migrate to a safe continent that will never be affected by the virus of purity.

It's a conspiracy theory that they were battling with kai transformation fireballs, but there's some evidence. The Fictitious Book wouldn't have been a written statement unless it actually occurred. A fireballs saga that could turn people from good to evil and evil to good. It was the only recent duration that the world thought the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni has died after the Goddess Planet grasped the dead star in to the Earth and the world worshiped a goddess of gold. There wasn't anybody who could tame the Omega Evangelion's need for soldiers, the world was fortunate since the Goddess Planet's servants attempted to gather soldiers. On one ever the Gaia City was sentient but it witnessed and recorded every incident.

She's, the gigantic body idol of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni, unwilling to infect the entire world with the virus of purity which forced the Zodiac Destroyer to devise a scheme to inhabit the entire world with the virus. The body idol of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni not only prevented humanity from the virus of purities infection but she healed the entire population. The Zodiac Destroyer turned to the baby which the body idol was holding, a child. The Weight of Justice, what the child has been called by archaeologists and they interpreted having equally the same amount of good and evil ratio, also declined infecting humanity with the virus of purity but agreed that the virus robot should be reactivated. The Phoenixtopian robot that was to construct cities swiftly.

We grant the Ascension of Humanity to comfort to awry souls. We grant the Ascension of Humanity to give judgment to sinners, the Omega Evangelion can be destroyed but only by her destroying another human being or by the destruction of her soul, the Heaven's Soul of Ascension. A pathway was accidentally relayed when the school expanded its size through Earth's portals, since it's a tangible area because her soul is derived from both a Sun and a Moon. There wasn't a courtyard for the school, it was lost during the expansion but the soul of the Omega Evangelion was odd since both the Sun and the Moon were coinciding with a planet and two angels with spears stood on both the Sun and the Moon.

Through people's false beliefs, she gathered followers and reached out to sShe watched humanity for years, Parvati has found her chance to ignite her revenge against humanity. She revived the original Phoenixtopian body idol using her own extraordinary abilities and the use of the Zodiac Destroyer as her professor to humanity. The Zodiac Destroyer wasn't a messiah, but a written figure to force humanity into jealousy. Parvati wasn't also foolish enough to trust the Zodiac Destroyer. Here are the Phoenixtopian robots, a chance to wreck havoc on humanity without the confusion of worship. Even she was astonish when the body idol of the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni bared conscious acknowledgement. It wasn't the typical acknowledgement, it intrigue her to the reaction from the Weight of Justice. ociety with a roar, not a pitiful murmur of the memories sins. They sat there singing, one voice gathering a song that there's sympathy but not of a human but of a god. A god that was born, that was designed to call for the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni. Not because she was needed but because it was her child. This beast didn't know mortal eyes but a fierce that captivates the world and forces it to hear her speak. The design of the modern world shall be through my hand, and with my hand the world shall be given light.

A single decision led to the evacuation of the entire world continents! The Child Evangelion could have burnt the entire world, purifying the Earth and readying it for reincarnation but the United Nations decided to use the virus of purity. She, the Child Evangelion, is the only human on the Phoenix Sakura Islands continent. Over one thousand islands, she's alone! It began with a third born infinity child, a baby that has been severely burned. The virus of purity was applied to the eyes of the baby and she became the zodiac destroyer. The first infinity child wasn't pure evil, she was a uncontrollable zany character. A character that a crowd would ask to spare her life.

A angry mysterious book known as the Book of Mirror's wanted to conjoint with the Fictitious Book but the Fictitious Book is pure elaborate power. It will confuse the Book of Mirror's, even the original Book of Mirror's. It's open, the original Book of Mirror's, wanting to intertwine the breeze of Evil and Good, Good and Evil. The infusion of the proper two infinity children and Yin, Yang, Yun, Ying caused a integration of kai that warped every type of cloth in to breeze once it was worn. It was the first recognized tournament, the battle between the Omega Evangelion and the Child Evangelion. It's both literal and figurative, poor child didn't know what she was up against when she confronted the Omega Evangelion. The City of Cherry Blossoms explained it the most accurate, "The second Child Evangelion from Rome was genetically a being but a Sun's reflection. A dream of humanity, a memory that shouldn't exist in the Omega Evangelion's life, a being for tense that appeared good but never struggled in the complexity of good and evil. There was such a decisive decision that was made at such a young age. Literally they were a White Dwarf star when the Book of Mirror's combined them.

It isn't know the extent of Dancer Omen's, a body idol, involvement is but the City of Cherry Blossoms arose of the sea similar to the myth of Atlantis. She, Dancer Omen, is a extraordinary body idol. She isn't dead but her heart slowed. Arise, arise, whatever you are that came from the sky. A dwarf that surpasses the billions of stars that fills the supreme goddess's. The Omega Evangelion will continue to eclipse everything around its galaxy, there's never calmness in a soul that's so dark and evil. The articulation of the heart pulses toward the fiery of sadness and the grief of a child who's alone on a Sunday, beginning to query on why hasn't the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni saved humanity. Yet she has never questioned the supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni and never will.

The Kunoichi became military specialists, even honoring the ancient history of the Kunoichi Hanamachi. There elite forces, here's the Omega Evangelion who could free a embassy with a mild movement but we sent the elite force's Kunoichi soldiers. She's sympathetic toward the problems of humanity, the destruction of the food atom reservation generators due to magma exposure. The poverty, the suffering, she was forced to give in to her emotions. A expression of heated and untamed emotions within a throughly cognitive thought whether should be accepted in a group or a leader then Rome called. Rome informed Shira Darknfire that genetic matching infinity babies were born and they weren't clones, The Omega Evangelion didn't adsorb them, she witnessed there birth. A day of interest as Timbre Wolve expectedly stated that the Sun Beings name is Senix Phoenix.

This is the first war between Gaia cities, it was stated that the war was declare because the Phoenix eggs had different views over humanity which they claimed to own but the Sun beings only wanted to regain control over the Gaia cities. Technology in this universe is created from extremely gigantic to smaller sizes, the Sun beings began building and manufacturing still large but small robots. The robot that Scarlet Phoenix mimicked one was of those robots, she like other's of her kind was forced in to sentience when the Gaia cities inserted the souls that came from Gaia from the Earth in to the humanoid robots. She was one of the leaders of the Phoenixtopians who wanted only to accomplish the task of regaining control of the Gaia cities but the Gaia cities who forced lavished humanity worshiping them contracted a souls from Gaia but they manufactured a artificial

The mechanical dragon that ate the souls Gaia gave turning them obsessive over the Gaia cities control over humanity. For every evil deed the dragon created, there was good. A merged soul would emerge from the dragon known as the Dragon's Heart. Scarlet Phoenix and Shira Darknfire was going to unite the Dragon Heart with the Sun, the robot that Scarlet Phoenix admired. The Phoenixtopians began as crystal entities similar to the Phoenix Eggs, both of there bodies utilize the crystal as a exoskeleton but fire began igniting the Phoenixtopians eroding the crystal exoskeleton, revealing a almost exact replica of humanity. The Phoenix Eggs hatched in to entities of pure crystal. Usually the Phoenix Eggs wings shatter upon hatching out of the egg but a beautiful Phoenixtopian robot who's wings born burn with fire was born known as Dove.

There was a experiment by the Phoenixtopia robots to separate a spider's cephalothorax and the opisthosoma similar to a truck and its trailer. The experiment derived absolute horror and the myths behind the Mutant Phoenixtopian Invention series, it was a experiment in absolute power. They attempted to merge a typical Phoenixtopian processor with the opisthosoma, the cephalothorax couldn't divert itself from the lust of power since she grew wider. She devoured a single robot female then another, never devouring a living animal. She drank the DNA of her victims, replacing there DNA with hers and forcing them to grow exponentially until they were giants. A team of five would have to insert there dragon keys for ten years to combine in to a robot that was capable of destroying the manipulated Phoenixtopian robots. She grew until she became a planet, and robots began living on her but each was in her genetic likeness but oddly something restricted there growth. A second female robot was created that was a basis on her design but it was a manipulation of the first Phoenixtopian robot. She was driven off of Earth as well, which conjured hatred in to the Phoenixtopian robots. She merged with a star which she absorbed the genetic structure of the star since everything in Scarlet Phoenix's universe has a genetic DNA structure, otherwise it couldn't exist in this dimension. The first robotof the Phoenixtopians became a planet which derived the robots migration to there new home.

Sun became the third planet of Phoenixtopian robots! After the betrayal of Candy Cloud Sun, Sun's aura roamed the universe but unaware of itself. We found that a body could be created from a ancient planet that never revived. When we polished the ancient planet's fragments, it was pure gold! To our surprise, she awakened immediately after our repairs but she became shy of the five Suns in the area we chosen to build her. We built a super computer dome to shield her from the dome after she just cradled in her posture. The super computer was absorbed in to her body and she became evil, filling any female robot she transformed evil. A portion of her aura still roamed the universe, we gathered it to repair the spider who never became reactivated again. She joined Sun as sisters. Her, Sun's, original body became active once again and the Omega Evangelion begged her not to harm Candy Cloud Sun.

Usually you wouldn't sympathize with a villain but this golden spider cried in space, and kept just crying because she was a gentle, social, robot with lots of potential before they experimented on her. She was a ark of some type, as her body kept the original DNA sequences of thousands of environments and species that included the foundation for the development of water itself. She wasn't in her spider form when a robotic society decided to augment her in to a planet. How you ask! They manipulated the very thing that she found once again, her heart. The myth this civilization stated for generations is that they found the DNA sequences in capsules but they couldn't reproduce a planet's core capable of handling such potent potential power as the creation of life was. The DNA sequences would have been diminished if she died, so they attached a machine directly to her heart as the planet's core. The supreme goddess Qu Sonkei Terasia Omni gave mercy too this robotic spider, manipulating her directly as the planet by several flares of the Creation of Life nebula which diminished the galaxy several millennium later. The civilization attempted to inhabit a portion of space that hadn't yet been created yet. This later this millennium later, the robotic spider is about half the size of the universe.

To not idol over the possibilities of humanity but to participate in the future.

The Wells Galaxy military headquarters that foresees the entire Earth's protection while the Diamond planet is under attack by a alien race. The military is collecting artifacts from what seems to be a alien space space ready to crash but they never studied the artifacts for decades. Goodday Wells, who was secretary of defense during the 1970's, was able to ratify a United Nations constitution that every nation signed but it failed. Corporate power still controlled the newly formed world alliance. It was until his daughter, who became president of the United States that the world alliance was deemed a success and she renamed the United States after her father. There knowledge of alien species remains only with the ship. Goodday Wells was also the inventor of the robotic soul, a micro biotechnology that will allow any machine to be turned in to a robot. Not every machine, no matter how huge it is, doesn't have the allowable space to provide physical robotic mechanics. Even if the intent is to create a robot, the blue liquid technology must be added. It's similar to nanites but it's extremely different. His technology allowed for this type of creation. The space ship crashed landed on the year 2015, forty non robotic ships and a biotechnological woman was found in the space. The woman's body is permanently attached to the space ship but she allows the ship to turn in to a robot. The Wells Galaxy military satellites have detected the Astro plain emerald fragment distortion, it's theorized that a planet lies at the center of the universe but it was destroyed zillion of years ago. The planet was gigantic, and the only creation in the universe. Alien space ships travel directly through the Astro plain but a goddess, who loves to sing, is the ruler of the Astro plain and will bestow her song if there's any act of war while in the Astro plain by the alien space ships. The alien space ships are living goddesses but the goddess within the Astro plain is a supreme goddess, her song is capable of creating vibrations that could destroy any of the alien ships. The bodies of the alien ships are literally goddesses because of the entity Exomay.

A couple embrace after the mission to the Astro Plains! What the camera foretells is the grief of a princess who lost her humanity to the battle with the alien entities. There female crystal emissary infected the space.....The divinity sung ceasing the infection but not before the princess was infected. The divinity left scales on the last realm of the Astro Plains, which humanity renovated for use against the alien entity. The princess became the first singer in the war against the alien entity.

The gigantic female crystal emissary was restrained, they interpreted her as a emissary because she wasn't visible in there dimension oppose to those who scouted humanity in another battle. It was win the battle or complete extermination, but there was a fleet of a billion ships through the sacrifice. It was another female emissary who sacrificed herself reincarnating a billion ships with fully crews to combat humanity, but the captured female emissary began to be captivated by humanity which intervened a philosophy to manipulate humanities music.

It was assumed she had taken over the actual space ship because of the stereotype on the emissaries size but there stood a old decade nineteen eighties aircraft carrier, which the crew kept for good luck. She had to be preserved on a volcano, even a gigantic old inactive volcano would be significant. Tourists came from around the world to be haunted space ship eyewitnesses, but the fourteen year old couple were present. It was odd when the tourists group toured the ship because they found a giant crystal female that's bra began to pour out of the ship! It was transforming the aircraft carrier, eventually she transformed the entire naval ship in to a space ship which her chest is a empty city made of crystals but the military knew she was invisible in this dimension while the majority of those who were close to assaulting humanity weren't.

A despicable upheaval the Omega Evangelion had frequent occurrences of incident, even though she's well mannered. She doesn't sway away from incidents, even if it's a crowd of free ticket movies desirer's that accumulate the size of a city to view the anticipated blockbuster. The mall's flat was covered with a inflated mat to protect the contestants while participating in the "Once You Hit The Floor You're Disqualified" martial arts sparring mat. The Omega Evangelion is always considerate as a person but insultingly charismatic in martial arts sparring matches, she played a game of ninjutsu leap frog on the contestants. She was a geisha, she didn't need to participate but it was fun to her, something that reciprocated that the Omega Evangelion was a entity of seclusion.

The micro biotechnology went horribly wrong in women, causing the extreme hormone growth in women while it turned in to Phoenix type deities from exposure. The government can't create a solution since the micro technology eliminated disease in every woman. The entire Earth's sea are derived in lava. The micro biotechnology attracted all 4 orbs to the Earth. The military attempt to increase the micro biotechnology in women pilots for space militarism. Similar to the book, "What lies Earth, Why lies Earth, How lies Earth," the goddess who created the universe was found in a cavern that was deep within the Earth. She was barely breathing when the government found her. Think Tanks mathematics predicted that the growth of the universe will cease without her. The government decided to use there micro biotechnology to revive her. She moved and merged with the Earth's core, reporting to the government that the Earth's core was barely liquidized. The goddess created veins throughout the planet for reasons that are unknown to the government. This stories author was selected by the government to take a extraordinary train, that the orbs are magnetically attached to it, to the expected coordinates of the goddess. She wields two orbs in each hand, referring to the balance of yin and yang, the other's are position in direct contrast of her feminism. The train has a goddess statue attached that's the front of the train, it's extraordinary swift capable of sustaining constant ultra sound speeds without precise railing. The government warned that there's a gate of goddess statues that need a soul don't allow them to touch you. The trip is bizarre, the goddess statue absorbed particles from the Phoenix's we passed, transforming them in to costumed humanoids. When they arrived at the goddess, she had a orb glowing from her chest. It was determined she didn't have a soul, the author had to jump in to her body. The Dragon Author would act as a soul for the goddess and she will be reborn, though he would seemingly have to permanently exist in the goddess's body.

"Admiration from the Utopia Alyss school, has led to evil priestess to create the Sovereign Disc Football League. The league's Board of Governors will be 44 beautiful women. There bodies growth occurred due to bonding with evil planet spirits. Fear of the influence has made a collegiate draft impossible, the Utopia Alyss school has overwhelming wealth. Any move in the market place nor in competition decisions will be made that will anguish the Utopia Alyss school. Every player will participate in the Furious with Speed draft competition. Older players will be in the Adopting for a Franchise draft and younger players will be in the first ever regular draft. Shizuru Yamashori is expected to be the first pick in the draft, she is a cornerback position player," television news. A mysterious woman stated,"We're here to ensure our bank statements qualify to begin a new sports league.

"A memo was given out to the Board of Governors stating that the logo will be a cheery blossom tree with a wind twirling leaves and the football. There will no cheerleader teams but Thee young 22 year old student is eager to join as a cheerleader. A complete background check on her is requested by the Board of Governors since a young girl her age will help with the disadvantage against the Utopia Alyss school.," the mysterious woman announced on her cell phone. She is the perfect specimen to be a under study for the Board of Governors. She agrees to allow the evil priestess spirit in to her body! Her entire body grows and changes, she questioned the opportunity privately but when asked to always agreed. The Board of Governors stated everything upfront, she had the opportunity to record everything but she had a evil hunger that could be molded by the evil priestess.

A martial arts tournament story about each character attempting to prove they don't have darkness in there souls. The main character is a nineteen year old woman who was adopted and trained for martial arts since birth. There is only one weight class, the two hundred and fifty plus weight class. Thus her body has been pushed to be a elite, a elite ninja. They frequently use glowing katana blade’s that are tranquilizer once the nemesis is struck because geisha and maiko are elegant.
A flame guided the Kunoichi on a plain ground, there stood their breeze divided. Some desired to summon a supreme goddess, other's desired a deity. Some demanded a warrior, while other's demanded a ancestor but for certainty, everyone related a different summons from there soul. There stood a pregnant kunoichi, the ancient spirit arouse. "You breached this flame of molten lava, thee is the spirit who eat the body of Athena. There's always a reciprocation of a query when to cease watching a live action arcane movie? Random daydreams deliberate on a correlation of the Thee vs. the We, our expectations of what will be viewed in interpretation of what actually was. Three demons attempting to insert pins similar to the messiah who sacrificed himself for humanities sins in religious books on to yourself, though they burn in fire, is a expectation of the arcane movie your viewing. No matter how vivid the random daydream is interpreted, it's a vision of the imagination. The Fictitious Book assured that the two Omega Evangelion didn't cause the deaths of anyone during the apocalypse, though the influence of the tremendous breeze caused the intervention of the Author or the Omega Infinity. She strained the merged infant back in to the womb of Catherine-Elizabeth with the Phoenix sword. It wasn't until December twenty-forth that the original Omega Evangelion was born.

Thee is the spirit who eat Eden, thee is the spirit who eat Olympus, thee is the spirit who eat Babylon, and thee is the spirit who attempted to eat the Sun of the supreme goddess! Who's sitting there? Who dares to merge with my spirit?," the ancient spirit stated. It glazes upon the pregnant Kunoichi. a^Attempting to merge with her twice, once on the plain grounds and once inside of the emergency room, but failing. The intelligent and sentient spirit decided to merge with her unborn baby, though it succeeded the spirit vanished. The supreme goddess has calmed victory over the ancient spirit, a new Omega Evangelion has been born.

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