Libby's Game



The young male lay down in the morning sunlight, that streamed into the den, lightly warming his skin. His eyes closed and he slipped into a Dream...

The Pack-Leader wasn't going to return.

The thought had coalesced slowly, from early on, when he simply wasn't around, to months having past without his presence in the den.

Earlier, when only weeks had passed since the Pack-Leader's disappearance, times had been more difficult; As a hunting duo, the Pack-Leader and young male had coursed through the forest in the Spring and Summer, regularly making kills. Food, ever important as the young male grew towards his full size, was plentiful and nourishing. In early winter, after his disappearance, the pack was forced to stay in the den. Food had became scarce. Some days he had been racked with hunger pangs.

Without the Pack-Leader to lead and guide him, the young male had fallen under the authority of the Alpha-Bitch. Although the den was her's, she had been a fairly recent addition to the pack and seemed to resent the close bond that he had had with the Pack-Leader, prior to his disappearance. She had savagely repressed the young male with her snapping and growling, and barely tolerated his presence. He had felt that he was under threat of expulsion from the den and spent a lot of time watching her, checking that the bitch's demeanour wasn't threatening, and keeping his distance as best as he could. He was nervous around her and couldn't stop himself from rolling his lips up, showing his teeth, when she approached.

Admittedly, if the loss of the Pack-Leader was hard on him, it had been utterly devastating on the Alpha-Bitch. The trauma of the loss of her mate had affected her in ways that went beyond the young male's understanding. She alternated between whining and snivelling to herself in the recesses of the den, to keening out her grief, in True Wolf fashion... he empathised, feeling the loss too, but his own howls just made the Bitch growl and snap at him, driving him away when he sought only to vocalise his own sorrow and to offer support and comfort to her in her loss.
While she pined for her mate, her ribs began to show as she neglected food, her long black fur became matted and dull, as she stopped grooming herself. Any attempt by the young male to assist with grooming was aggressively rebuffed. She did not leave the den, preferring that they both stayed within it's confines.

By the time the snow melted the Pack was in dire straits, from the famine and enforced inactivity. It was the Pack-Leader's Dam that had brought the Alpha-Bitch back from her melancholia, making the Alpha-Bitch focus on her responsibilities again. The Dam was starting to show her age, she had grizzled fur and worry lines were forming on her face. Her eyes, though, were clear and her mind was still sharp and wise... She was the smallest member of the pack and usually totally submissive around the Alpha-Bitch. But she must have had rabid wolf ancestry hidden away inside her, because when she cut loose her anger and frustration on the weakened Alpha-Bitch, she took the Bitch by surprise and completely overwhelmed her. Since that day the Alpha-Bitch had re-asserted her authority over the Pack, but had set aside most of her grief and was displaying attributes, that, while strange compared to the Pack-Leader's, had started to bring the pack to normality, despite their loss. The Pack-Leader's Dam kept watch over her also...

She had begun to venture outside the den, along the trails around the lake, and then, regaining strength, running for miles beyond the lake with the young male accompanying her. Hunting for food was not her priority though, if he attempted to follow the scents of pig and deer he was quickly recalled to the Alpha-Bitch's side. He didn't mind, just being out of the Den was good. She must have hunted alone, as food began appearing regularly and his own ribs started to fill out again, after the earlier famine.

Now, Pack-life had improved to the point where the Alpha-Bitch was tolerant of his presence, his misdemeanours judged and punished in a fair and balanced way. The threat of starvation had receded and it seemed that the pack might prosper again, despite the Pack-Leaders absence. His old habit of rolling his lips at her remained, to ingrained to be let go so easily...

The Dream left the dog, but he continued to sleep.

Chapter One

Libby came out from the Master bedroom of the house and glanced around the large lounge, as she made her way towards the fireplace. That big, stupid, lump of a dog was by the sliding glass door that overlooked the lake, huge head resting on it's paws, snoring softly into the otherwise quiet house, as it slept. She opened the small door beside the fireplace, pulled out two more pieces of wood and put them onto the open fire, replacing the fireguard. The room was warm enough now and the wetback had probably heated the hot water cylinder, but she wanted the water to be extra hot so she could indulge in a long bath when she returned from her run. She could shower, if she wanted to but a deep soak after a run, in the bath tub soothed her muscles.

It was just one of many quirks of living at her Grandfather's old house, so far out of town that it was amazing that it had power lines to the place. No phone, no mobile coverage, mail and food was brought out by one or the other of the Mothers or picked up from town.
After her Grandfather passed away, the place had been standing empty... it had seemed the perfect place to live. Rent free, which wasn't really a problem, but a nice touch on behalf of her Mum, who had inherited it. Her Mother didn't care to be out of touch, in the forest, but wanted to keep it in the family.
Libby loved the peace and solitude that the place gave her. The house was set in a wide valley, slightly away and above a long narrow lake, with views stretching from forested ridges to the North and South and over the lake, to the East, into the far distance.

At first, it had been a place of refuge, where her mother had thought she could go, to get away, be alone, her fears of being followed had haunted her and she could not bring herself to trust other people, that she didn't know. Even worse was her fear of men, she knew what they would do.

After she had found refuge here, someone so different from that earlier experience had entered her life and had shown her that her fears were misfounded. She had learnt what it was like to be truly loved. Happiness had filled her life for 6 months, only for it to disappear, leaving her hollowed out and empty again. Her own inheritance from her Grandfather meant that working was optional. A double edged sword, she had given herself totally over to mourn losing Sam and, with no needs forcing her to get out of bed, to work, to interact with others, to live. She had retreated into the safe-haven of Grandfathers house and wallowed in sadness and anger at a world that could do such things to her.
Bad times... her mother had visited often, bringing food and what comfort she could but Libby hadn't cared enough to prepare food for herself, or Sam's stupid dog, for that matter. The huge beast always was in the way, skulking away from her when she cursed it and even howling on occasion. She swore at it frequently and feed it, if she remembered. It's ribs started to show prominently but she wasn't paying attention to anything other than Sam leaving her... It showed it's teeth at her if she went to close to it. Early on, she would've had it euthanised, if it had of obeyed her and got into the truck, so she could take it into town, to the vet.

It was Sam's Mum that had brought her back to reality... she had arrived like a early Spring storm, buffeting the door open and confronting her about the poor starving beast. The diminutive women had launched into an allegorical assault on her lack of care and need to be more responsible. It was like being confronted by a force of nature and Libby had been so assaulted by the verbal and mental attack that she merely bowed her head and weathered the tirade as best she could. After Sam's Mum had finished venting her outrage she had settled down to pointing out that everyone felt the grief of losing Sam, that Sam would not have wanted her to harm herself in the way that she was and it was time to let some grief go and live again.

She had been right, of course, and after taking stock of how things were, Libby had lifted herself out of her misery and slowly back into a healthy state. It had taken some time, but she was fitter now. Running along the forest tracks had seemed pointless, at first, but just having to focus on the running left her with no time for other, sadder, thoughts. As she gained fitness and ranged further, the land had opened up with ever changing sights that drew her on, simple things... dew on a spiders web, the trout rising along the lake edge, small waterfalls on the streams that flowed into the lake, they all had beauty if you bothered to notice.
The forest seemed to be a benevolent entity, doing it's best to lift her mood. As the running became more rhythmic and flowing her mind had turned to the past without the despair and she could appreciate her short time with Sam, without feeling the loss of him going missing. She had let the dog run with her too, knowing Sam's Mum was keeping a eye on both of their recoveries. He had benefited from the exercise and extra food as well. As it neared maturity, it had become one of the biggest dogs that she had ever seen. His broad head was higher than her hips, he would have been close to her weight. He looked like an agile, lean, but muscular St Bernard with a funny curled up tail. The breed had been developed to guard flocks and to hunt down threats to them, Sam had told her and she could believe it. It's earlier demeanour, one of suspicion and distrust had given way to something... not friendly, it was still stand-offish, showing teeth when she approached, but mostly calm and attentive to her commands. She found that having it around made her feel less lonely, even if she didn't dare risk her fingers by trying to pat it.

The Dog first heard, then smelt the Alpha-Bitch's presence close by and lifted his head off his paws, regarding her quietly as she put on her running shoes. Knowing what the ritual presaged, he rose, stretched and then correctly stood aside as the Alpha-Bitch said "Come on, mutt" and exited the den. On the wide verandah, facing the lake, the Alpha-Bitch stretched for several minutes and then, having sampled the air for game animals and predators, the pack moved off, the Alpha-Bitch leading, on the trail to the Right hand side of the lake.

They moved through the trees beside the lakes edge, passing through clearings, fording streams, the dog taking the lead, protecting the Alpha-Bitch from any hazards that might approach from the front. If a strong scent attracted his interest he would move in that direction. Only if he strayed too far from the Alpha-Bitch's intended route was he recalled. They travelled at a pace that was slightly faster than the Dogs trot, he had to break into a lope to keep in front, frequently. As usual, the Alpha-Bitch was intent on some elusive prey, one that the Dog could not detect. She ignored the strong musky smell of deer that had wafted through the meadow that the pack was traversing, seemed oblivious to the furtive movement of rabbits in the undergrowth and did not veer even slightly when a pig barrelled noisily across the path in front of them... on and on they ran, in what was doomed to be another unsuccessful hunt. They looped around the far end of the lake and started to head back to the house on the Northern shore.

Libby's mind was filled with thoughts of Sam as she ran...

They had met, while she was out for a walk, along this trail. She had been walking, on the Northern side of the lake, the trail wending it's way between stands of large trees and patches of dense undergrowth.

Lost in her thoughts, she'd been startled by a low growl from in front of her. Just up the trail a huge dog stood, menacing her, it's lips rolling up as it emitted the sound, displaying a fine array of teeth. It's muzzle was covered with both wet and dried blood and the light breeze flowing from the dog towards her carried its rank odour to where she stood. She was just deciding whether to back away slowly or wait to see what the dog was going to do next, when a man, carrying a deer on his back and a rifle, appeared behind the dog.

He took in the scene, with a glance and called the dog off "Leave it alone, Dog!"
The dog stopped growling and sidled to one side of the trail, still keeping a watchful eye on the women. Her eyes went from the dog to the man as he came closer, the rifle, knife at his side, camo clothing and the cap that cast his eyes into shadow gave him a menacing air... she was alone, her fear increased as he approached. Up close, she could smell he stank of blood and sweat too, at least as bad as the dog did.
At least he wasn't a giant. He was only slightly taller than she was. She always felt puny around the 6 foot plus people that she encountered, and even more afraid, if they were male, because they were so overwhelmingly big.

***< Should I run? >*** She thought
***< YES! RUN! >***
***< No, it's too late for that. >***

"It!?" she had asked, offended, but afraid to provoke him. He was staring at her... she swallowed nervously.

Sam looked at the woman, he and the dog had meet. Her eyes flicked between the dog, that was still eyeing her up and down, teeth showing... like she was lunch, and himself. He could see a deep slow pulse in her throat and she'd gone pale, her eyes were wide, he noted. We frighten her, he realised and thought...

**< oh, crap... Little Red Riding Hood meets the Big Bad Wolf... is she thinking that I might attack her?!... take it easy, lady!... that's not my style!...>**,

Not that the male part of his brain hadn't instantly begun categorising her as: a couple of years younger than himself..


Slightly shorter than him, with an attractive, expressive face, sensual lips, made for kissing!.
No, REALLY attractive at second look, he imagined her giving him a blow job, lips running backwards and forwards as her mouth took him inside, the head of his cock, wet with her saliva, making popping noises as it exited the suction of her mouth. She had worry lines around the eyes with nicely shaded, fear-filled, brown eyes that were appealing to him...


Long black hair, in a pony tail, he could run it's silken strands through his hands... long enough to hold and pull her back against him... Smallish/slim frame, skinny really, there didn't appear to be an ounce of fat on her body, WOW!... nicely shaped tit's!... a perfect size for her frame, he imagined having his mouth over them, rolling her nipples around, with his tongue, feeling them harden up, as she responded to him...


He couldn't stop... didn't want to stop... the quick montage of having sex with her, multiple times, in multiple positions, both of them having LOTS of fun while doing it, it flickered through his mind like a porn movie.... missionary, cow-girl, doggy style, what else? oh yeah!... anal! She'd be perfect for anal sex... she'd be so tight!

He pictured taking his cock, wet, out from her mouth and bending her over. She used her hands, spreading her butt cheeks wide as he gently placed his hands on her hips and drew her backwards, onto his cock. He pushed the head of his hard-on past her sphincter, giving her time to stretch and accommodate him, before moving it further inwards, further! more! and more again!... the woman, surprised at how thick and long he was, gamely taking it all, eyes wide, but with a dirty little smile on her face, as she looked over her shoulder at him. Finally he was pressed up close against her, skin against skin, fully inside her hot bum. He imagined how tight she would feel as be began to thrust harder and longer, in his excitement, his semen would already be lubricating her, a fantastic slipperiness forming between them.

He let her hips go, held on to her pony tail, pulled her firmly back, against him and took control of her body. He was already close to coming, her body was so exciting as she pleased herself too... they both cried out as his sperm started to gush out, so thick, his cock had to expand to allow it to pass, lining the inside of her butt...


She had been staring at him as he had spent several seconds appraising her
quietly... eyes slowly widening as if his thoughts were on display....

**< Fuck it!, maybe they were! >**
**< Ooops! >**

He quickly shoved his fantasies deep into the darker recesses of his mind and focussed on not scaring the shit out of her, any more than he already had.

**< Umm? what were we talking about? >**
*< "IT?" >* Her question popped back into his head...
**< It? >**...


"Sorry, ma'am, no offence intended... it's just the command, that the dog knows..." the guy said, dropping his voice into a soft placating tone. He pulled off his cap, revealing short blonde hair and a face that looked slightly embarrassed.
"This is private property, what are you doing here?" she had asked tersely, slightly reassured, but knowing that she'd never escape if he, or the dog, attacked her.
"You're related to the old guy that lived at the top end of the lake?" he returned. His normal conversational voice seemed to be a pleasant rumbling sound.
"Yes, his Grand-daughter, I live there now" she supplied.
" Ah, I wasn't sure... well, I had an arrangement with your Grandfather... I was allowed to hunt here, as long as I brought him some of the meat." he said "I was hoping I could continue with the agreement but I didn't know who to ask, so I was bringing this deer to the house, to see if anyone was home. Sorry to give you a scare. I'm Sam, that's Dumb Mutt"
"I'm Libby" she had replied, thinking...

***< OK, he's not looking at me like he was... maybe he doesn't plan to rape me, after all...>***
***< Breathe Libby!, BREATHE! you're over-reacting, you know!... >***
***< Really? >***
*** DON"T TRUST HIM! >***
***< He's kind of cute... >***
***< Shut up! >***

"So, were there any other terms to this agreement?" She asked.
"Yes, I was the only one allowed, no friends, your Grandfather didn't want word to get out that it was a good place for hunting, or have different groups just wandering around. I'd park at his house and, if he was home, I'd ask, if his truck was gone, then he was away and I could go hunting. If the truck was at the house but he wasn't, I'd either wait until he returned or didn't hunt that day... I'd chop up firewood instead."
"OK, that sounds reasonable" Libby had said, "Did you just drop off the whole deer for my Grandfather to deal with?" She imagined a whole deer carcass on the table and a blood splattered Libby going crazy with a meat cleaver.
" No, I'd put the deer in the shed for a few days so the meat could age and then return to bone it out. I take the bones and the off-cuts to feed the dog and take some of the good meat as well, your Grandfather didn't want it all.
Libby thought about it briefly but couldn't see any problems with continuing the arrangement, she could give the meat away to her Mum, if she didn't want to eat it herself. Not having to worry about firewood ticked some boxes too. "OK, we'll keep the same deal. Some meat and the firewood and you will be the only hunter that I allow on the property."
Sam had smiled and nodded his agreement and Libby had lead the way back to the house, the big dog ranged out in front of them both, crisscrossing the trail, scenting the air. Once, he put up a rabbit which sprinted off to the side with the dog chasing it, Sam yelled after the dog "Get him!, getem!, getem!, getem!" but it was obvious to her that the rabbit was making good it's escape. The dog returned to it's position in front of them.
"Why call it Dumb Mutt?" Libby had asked.
"A friend of mine breeds these dogs, that's what he called this one, before I got him and I never bothered to change it." Sam had explained.
It's huge!" she stated.
"Yes, but as my friend keeps saying "Big is better!"" he replied.

They had lapsed into silence. She kept checking that she wasn't out-pacing him, but he was having no difficulty keeping up, despite the deer on his back. His eyes kept dropping down as he walked, looking at the woman's body, her bum moving in an alluring counterpoint to her ponytail.
**< God!, that's a nice piece of arse! I'd like a piece of that! >** he thought, as he appreciated her.
It wasn't like her butt was being flaunted, quite the opposite, in fact, merely the way her body moved, while in motion. Then a new thought, that she would be the perfect woman for him. She looked so sexy, tormenting his thoughts, he wanted her... to feel her skin against his... feel his cock rubbing between her legs... he struggled to keep his eyes looking at her head or his lurid thoughts from showing on his face. His cock started tingling, swelling slightly, the head pressing against his underwear, rubbing on the fabric as he walked. The underwear and the loose camo pants did nothing to constrain him. Each time she checked that she wasn't leaving Sam behind, he noticed her breasts again, in profile, their outline pressed against her shirt, her nipples showed lightly against the fabric. Were they large or small?... he pictured his favourite, small, hard, aroused, with areola that would fit easily into his mouth. He imagined sucking on them again, drawing appreciative sounds from Libby and then she welcomed his boner into herself... He kept imagining the two of them having sex. Over and over, unable to break the cycle. Find her, feed her, feel her, fuck her!. Find her, feed her, feel her, fuck her!

The walk to the house took far too long, his fantasies running riot before they had arrived. At the house, he had walked past the empty Machinery Shed to the one with the freezer in it. He had covered the deer in mutton cloth and hung it on a hook to cool off. Sam had organised a time to return, to cut the deer into usable portions, before he and the dog had walked off to the North, disappearing into the trees. Libby watched him go...
***< Nice looking butt! >***
***< I told you to shut up! >***

Chapter Two

Libby arrived back at the house and, after confirming that Dumb Mutt's feet weren't muddy, let him follow her into the house. He sprawled onto his usual resting place at the front door, the large glass front gave a panoramic view over the lake. The den was warm and he quickly slipped into sleep. Leaving him there, Libby drew a bath and, after stripping off her running clothes, eased into the hot water. She loved a deep hot bath that allowed her to submerge herself up to the ears and soak for long minutes without cooling down. The bath in her Grandfathers house was an old deep enamel one, probably installed in the 1940's, when the house was first built and made at a time when deep baths were standard features. Stripping off, she eased herself into the hot water, taking several seconds for each part of her body to get used to the heat, before sliding the next part in. Once she was lying submerged up to the neck, she sighed in satisfaction, closed her eyes and dreamed of Sam.

Sam had returned to bone out the deer, arriving mid-afternoon in a truck, polystyrene boxes lying in the back, the dog sitting on the back seat. Libby had seen him pull up and went outside to greet him. He was dressed in faded but serviceable jeans and a light brown T-shirt, Sam had walked past her to the shed where the deer was and Libby couldn't stop herself from lightly sniffing the slight eddy of wind that followed his passing, pleased to notice only the faint smell of deodorant on the air. The dog was left outside while Sam took a boning saw, butchers knife, cleaver, sharpening steel and large plastic bags, big enough for a whole leg roast, from a shelf. Inside, the shed had an old solid wood kitchen table, with rounded edges, and a surface crisscrossed with knife marks. She had realised what it had been used for, when Sam had first hung the deer up. It looked like it had been repurposed from the house at some point. This shed also held a large chest freezer that contained items that wouldn't fit into the one that was in the house. Sam used the bone saw to split the deer down it's spine and laid both halves on the table, then proceeded to break them down into fore-quarter's, ribs, back steaks and leg roasts. Libby had been watching his deft hands at work, noticing that they weren't rough and callused, as she had expected, but obviously cared for, with trimmed nails and smooth skin. He was dismembering the carcass with speed and a skill that she found both impressive and disturbing, sure, she could cut up meat, but Sam's cuts were clean and precise. The blades were razor sharp and single deep cuts sliced cleanly though the meat he was preparing... what was he? Butcher? Brain Surgeon? Axe murderer? They talked as he worked and he had stayed with safe topics, gently probing her knowledge on how to prepare and cook the different cuts. He seemed slightly nonplussed that her knowledge was fairly basic and offered to prepare some of the back steaks for her evening meal. She looked at his hands, fingers wet with blood, the knuckles and above now covered in dried blood. She weighed up the implications of letting him into the house, knowing?/hoping?/afraid? that it probably wasn't just a demonstration on how to cook steak that was on offer. She too, had been making her own assessments and recognised that she wouldn't have had any part of this arrangement, if she hadn't been attracted to him on some level.

***< Imagine him in the sack! >***
***< I AM...IT'S CALLED RAPE! >***
***< Stop it, you two! >***

What had followed started as a pleasant evening. After placing the meat he was taking away with him in the Polystyrene bins on the back of his pickup and tossing the dog a fore quarter to eat, Sam had followed Libby into the house. He'd washed up and taken over the kitchen, seeming to know where all the utensils, pots, pans and herbs were stored. When she had commented on this, Sam had laughed and said "This is how I met your Grandfather and convinced him to let me hunt here... he'd caught me red handed, carrying a deer back to my truck and made me bring the deer back here and give it to him. I offered to cook some of the venison back steaks for him. We sat around talking afterward... I guess he liked the food and my company, because he offered me the same arrangement that you've accepted. I cooked for him often and we would just sit here talking, afterwards... I'll miss the old guy."
Darkness had fallen while the meal was being prepared. The dog was allowed inside, in case he chose to wander off, but made to sit, just inside the door.
Sam had found a dusty bottle of red wine that he used to baste the venison, they both had a glass as they ate. The meal had been one of the best that Libby had ever eaten. The vegetables from the refrigerator were ones that Libby liked but in Sam's hands they had arrived on her plate with a taste that had been subtly enhanced.

After dinner, over more wine, they had sat on the couch, both interested enough in each other to trade questions and answers as they grew more relaxed. It wasn't much of a surprise that Sam was a chef, specialising in wild game, he lived 15 miles past the nearest town, but owned and worked at a restaurant there. Libby was enjoying having Sam to talk to, intimate imaginations kept popping into her head, followed instantly with ones that repelled her, scenes of being forced... it became more and more distracting as the wine took effect. She usually only drank alcohol in small quantities and had had nothing in months, the two glasses made their presence felt more strongly than she had anticipated.
She wanted him/didn't.
***< Keep away from him!. >***
Her imagination kept finding locations for her and Sam to have sex... in the bedroom, on the rugs in front of the fire, out on the veranda, in the lake, in a meadow, in the sun, in the Summer rain. She pictured him holding her, caressing her, massaging her body as she lay by the fire... loving her, slapping, punching and raping her. Her body responded to the good mental pictures her mind conjured up, she wanted to feel his hands on her, in her, everywhere/slapping them away from her No!, No!, NO!. She had closed her eyes, desperately trying to stop her warring thoughts, opening them to find Sam regarding her with a querying look. "I think I should go, it's getting late" he had said, as he stood. She said the first thing that her mind, befuddled with wine and her contradictory thoughts for him came up with... "No!", his eye brows rose slightly... had he interpreted that as an invitation to have sex?, she wasn't sure. That wasn't what she had meant! His manner was of someone looking to escape from a situation not to their liking though, Libby had thought. Maybe he didn't he like her that much? That thought shoved her sexually charged/confused ones to one side as she sought to clarify and explain what she had meant.
"I mean, you shouldn't drink and drive, especially over the road to town, it's gnarly!. If you want, you can stay the night, we can top and tail in the bed" Libby had said, hoping to convey that she liked and trusted him enough to be in bed with her, but not wanting anything else at this point.
Sam had considered her proposal and replied "I'd probably be ok to drive, but you are right, the roads can catch you out, if your mind isn't focussed on it, I will stay... thank you." Libby was relieved, thinking that Sam liked her enough to stay but, more interestingly, he didn't seem like a guy who would use the first opportunity to take advantage of her... she hoped. She was pleased he had accepted her offer, hopeful that he understood the unspoken terms of his stay but afraid that he might not respect her as she wished.

***< Libby! What are you thinking?... it's a male! Nothing good can come from this! >***

They placed the empty glasses on the sink and while Sam rinsed the plates and glasses, Libby had moved into the bedroom, closing the door and changing into full length summer pyjamas. Sam didn't come in. Pulling out the hair tie holding the pony tail, her hair spread out across her shoulders and down her back. She had opened the door and found Sam standing away from the bedroom door, by the fireplace, she thought that he had retreated there, so not even the sound of her getting naked could reach him. A small smile had touched her lips, he seemed to be taking a lot of care not to be even slightly threatening to her, a gesture she appreciated, more than he could know. She brushed her teeth in the bathroom, before turning off the light. She watched him, watching her, as she walked through the rest of the house, turning off the lights as she went past the switches. First the Kitchen, Dining Room, Lounge, until her bedroom light was the only one left on. She beckoned to him to follow her and led him into the bedroom. Again he watched as she chose her side of the bed, pulled back the duvet and sheets, lay down and covered herself with them. Only then did he move to pull the sheets and duvet from the bottom of the bed... they were firmly tucked under the mattress and Libby realised that they would have to fully remake the bed in order for them sleep top and tail.
She made a quick decision and said " That's ok. Don't bother with top and tailing, I trust you, you can get in the way it is now." He had smiled, pulled back the covers next to her slightly, and moved to the door to turn off the light. She had listened to the sound of his clothes being taken off, ticking off each item in her head. A long slow rubbing sound as the T-shirt came off. A sliding sound at hip-height as his belt buckle was undone. A zipper being pulled down and, she hoped, only his jeans being lowered to the floor, where he stepped out of them. She heard and felt his hand touching the sheet where the covers had been pulled back, the covers lifted more as he moved into the bed, drawing the covers back up. She had tensed slightly as he had entered the bed, ready to rebuff him if necessary, but he rolled on to his stomach, murmured "Good night" and kept his hands to himself.

She had fallen asleep eventually, waking sometime during the night, on her side, with Sam's arm draped over her side and his hand lightly touching her stomach. More concerning was the erection pressed firmly against the top of her buttock, it's long, solid warmth wrapped around her curves and pressing against her lower back. Various scenarios flashed through her head. He moves his hand lower and uses his fingers to explore between my legs, stroking my inner thighs, to measure my response... He slides his cock down my butt until he could push it back up and inside me. I resist and say "No!" but he doesn't listen or stop, I run from the bedroom, but the dog is guarding the door, it tears my pyjamas off, I'm naked, the man catches me and forces me back onto the bed, I fight, but he's too strong. I scream, but I'm miles from anywhere and no-one comes to save me. He bashes me, rapes me and then he slowly drowns me, in the bath, laughing as he does it... I'm a victim of my own stupidity for trusting a man...

***< I told you not to trust him... now die!, you stupid bitch! >***

Libby's eyes flew open as the bath water closed over her face. Startled, she sucked in her breath, taking the water deep into her throat. Choking violently she convulsed and retched, eyes closed, trying to clear the water from her throat and sit up, at the same time. When her eyes opened again, a huge head was looming over her. Still caught up in her nightmare, she yelled in fright. Dumb Mutt spun and lunged away from the bath, loudly bashing the door frame with his head... in his rush to get away from her. No Sam, no rapist, no murderer, only the stupid dog and Libby falling asleep in the bath, slipping down, under the water.
She climbed out of the bath and pulled the plug. Picking up the towel, she went out to check on Dumb Mutt, drying herself off as she went. The dog was back by the front door, apparently undamaged, despite smashing into the door frame. He watched her approach, sitting up and cocking his head slightly to one side, looking at her. At the risk of losing her fingers, she moved to stroke his head. For the first time ever, he allowed her to do so, without baring his teeth or growling. Libby extended her fingers to rub over his ears, scratch at their base and under his jaw. His lips curved up slightly... a smiling dog look, on his broad face.
***< His fur is so soft! >*** She had never noticed before and continued to pat him for several more seconds.
Libby said "Sorry dog, you startled me" His head straightened up, he quickly licked her hand and gave a short, quiet "Woof"... "Apology accepted" Libby interpreted, smiled at him and patted his head again, still marvelling that such a huge brute could feel so nice to touch. As she turned towards the bedroom to get dressed, his broad muzzle and cold nose pressed between her legs. His long tongue slid across her skin, starting under the butt cheek, travelling sinuously between them and up around to the top of her butt. She gave a surprised squeak, half jumped forward, looked back at the dog and said "I pat you once and you think it's ok to lick my arse?. Think again dog!, I'm not that sort of girl!" Libby gave him another small smile and continued to the bedroom.

The dog's head hurt from the impact with the wall of the den, he lay down and rested it on top of his paws. He thought about what had happened... he hadn't even considered the fact that they didn't like each other. He had reacted to the strange noises coming from her part of the den. He had sensed some threat to her and, as was expected of lesser pack members, acted to defend the Alpha-Bitch. Even to the point that he had entered part of the den that was forbidden to him. Only the Pack-Leader and the Alpha-Bitch had entered that part of the den. He recognised that he had startled her, but after having been driven away, her posturing and reconciliatory gestures had reassured him that he had been forgiven his trespass, this time. In his gratitude for being forgiven, he had been more effusive that he had planned, if he had dared to lick her in the past he would have been punished for it. He noticed for the first time that, up close, the scent of the Alpha-Bitch was not unpleasant, a musky smell emanated from her and her skin was slightly salty to taste. It still lingered in the air and on his tongue and he savoured it again, thinking about what had happened, as he started to groom himself.

Libby got dressed and made some sandwiches for her lunch. She ate, as she reflected on the nightmare... they still came at odd times, tainting her thoughts, like the first time Sam had stayed the night. She had felt his hand and his erection and knowing the feeling of being helpless and the hopelessness, of trying to fight off someone larger and stronger than herself, assumed the worst. Her mind had dressed Sam's actions up with her primal fears, remembering the acts and threats from a different time.

Long seconds had past while she lay, petrified, in thrall to her memories and fear's. She waited for Sam to perform the terrifying scenes from her memory, but all she felt was him breathing, his exhalation lightly and regularly warming the back of her head and neck, gently stirring her hair. His hand didn't move, his cock stayed, motionless, where it was. She could feel Sam's pulse, beating along it's length, slow and steady.

***< Oh God!... Don't torment me any more!. Let me have it, now!, Please!... it's so big!. I can feel it throbbing!, I want it in me!. It's been such a long time!... ... Touch it, Libby!. Please... we want it!. Touch it... you know we want to! >***

***< No!, Libby, don't, get it away from us! Get away from him! >***

Libby had swallowed and slowly moved her hand to lightly brush over his upper thigh, to his hip, feeling his underwear running under her fingertips. He was wearing underwear!. Her fears were lessened by the discovery. Surely he would have stripped off, if he planned to have sex with her, with or without her permission? Sam wasn't demanding to have sex with her at all, the thought replaced her dread with a feeling of relief and left her feeling warm and secure. She had fallen asleep again, obscurely pleased that Sam's body was still pressed, hard and throbbing, against her.
When she had opened her eyes, in the morning, she felt rested. The events of the previous night gave her a measure of confidence about Sam... even if it had seemed foolish and risky at the time. She wanted to look at him, so she rolled over to face him.

Sam wasn't there, she got out of the bed and checked, his clothes were gone. She swung her dressing gown around her body, tied it off and went looking for him. Neither he, nor the dog, were in the house. He had left without saying goodbye...

***< Good riddance! >***

She felt upset that he turned out to be so uncaring, coupled with a feeling of losing something that might have become precious to her.

***< Really?... We're lucky to have survived the night and you miss him?? That's really dumb, Libby! >***
***< Hey! He didn't try anything on... leave her alone! >***

She was feeling tears beginning to form in her eyes when, by the fireplace, she heard the outside door to the woodbox open and chunks of wood being placed inside. She made a small laughing/sobbing sound that she choked back and quickly went to the bathroom for a tissue to wipe the tears away.

By the time Sam and Dumb Mutt had re-entered the house, Libby was dressed and cooking breakfast, presuming that a bacon and egg breakfast would be acceptable to Sam. It turned out well and Sam thanked her. He had had to leave after breakfast... as they walked out to his truck, Libby had felt awkward, she didn't think that she should be forward and ask Sam to visit her again,

***< Got that right!. Tell him to "Fuck Off, and don't come back!" >***

but wanting him to know that he was welcome to.

***< Yeesss! >***

Sam had let Dumb Mutt into the back seat of the truck and turned to say "Thank you for letting me stay last night. I'm sorry if I made you feel that you had to let me stay, after I'd been drinking. I'd like to visit again... if I can?"
Libby hadn't been able to contain her smile of relief "I would like that." she had said.
Sam had reached out, as if to touch her shoulder, but turned it into a small wave instead, got into the truck and driven off...

As he drove into town, Sam thought about the previous night. He knew, now, that Libby wasn't some wanton slut, looking for a quick bang, they would have scratched that itch already, if that had of been the case. That was OK, in Libby, he saw and welcomed the prospect of a longer term relationship anyway... not that he would have refused to have sex with her, if that was all she was wanting. Libby was way to hot to say no to, if the the opportunity came up... but after appearing to be well on her way to being drunk, after only 2 glasses of wine and asking him to stay, she was far too restrained to have been wanting sex.
It had been confusing to watch her, as they talked. To see her, leaning closer in towards him, a small smile on her face... then her face would change, frowning slightly, she would draw away again. Over and over, as if she couldn't make up her mind, whether to let him closer or keep him at a distance. The mixed signals warned him of some conflict going on in her head, making him wary of trying to initiate anything, she would have to fling her clothes off and jump on him, naked, before he was sure she was wanting him... he just couldn't tell...
Sam had spent most of the night, sleeping for short periods, waking up, wanting her badly each time. He'd tossed and turned, trying to get his hard on to cease and desist, but it was there each time he woke, throbbing with a need to take the small woman beside him, who seemed oblivious to the fact. As difficult as it had been, Sam wasn't going to try anything, without Libby giving a clear indication that that was what she wanted. Sam thought she wanted to play the long game... which was fine... just frustrating for him, when he was ready and waiting for her hot little body. His cock teased him as remembered her walking through the gathering shadows, as she turned off the lights, he imagined her without her PJ's, so it was a naked Libby that beckoned to him to follow her into the bedroom and into her bed...
Realising his carnal thoughts about Libby would torment him all day, unless he released the stress, Sam sighed and opened the Glove box, pulling out one of the small plastic bags he kept in there... he had plenty of time to jerk off, thinking about Libby sexing him up, on the way in to town. The plastic bag would contain the mess, as he came. Maybe then he could think about other things, rather than this frustratingly stunning woman he had met.

Chapter Three

Libby didn't normally count the days, they had tended to merge into each other and, as she didn't have work to go to, week ends and week days weren't clearly delineated.
She suddenly became aware of each day that Sam did not return. Before, she had been content to be alone at the house, now she suddenly yearned for someone to talk to. Mid-way through the third day she heard a vehicle on the driveway, she moved to where she could observe who had arrived, it was her Mother's car. She felt a twinge of disappointment and went to greet her, helping to bring in groceries that her Mother always brought out.
Over a cup of coffee, she and her mother had drawn up a shopping list of the things Libby would like next time her Mother visited. She had asked for the basic items that needed to be replaced, then asked for some wine to be added to the list, her Mother had written it down. They talked over the latest news from the town. Touched on Grand-dads house and the forest surrounding it. It was Monday. Tomatoes were cheap at the moment. She'd met a guy.
Her mothers attention had focussed sharply on her, her eyebrows lifted slightly... "A guy?, where did you meet him?"
"Here." Libby had said "Apparently, Granddad let him hunt, in return for some of the meat and firewood in the wood shed. I bumped into him on the track, by the lake and we got to talking"
Her Mother had scrutinised her... "You like this guy, Libby?"
"I think so... it's too early to tell for sure but, yes, he seems a nice guy" she had responded.
Her Mother gave a small nod, not having to say "Be careful", she knew why Libby had returned and had been the one who suggested that she lived away from town. "Do you want to tell me his name?"
"Not yet, Mum, I know you will go to work, digging up any dirt you can find on him. Lets not scare him off."
Her Mother had given a small laugh and said " Only because I love you"
Libby had smiled and said " Love you too, Mum. But I need to pull up my big girl undies and stop being afraid of everyone. This guy's already shown that he respects me." Her face clouded over, "Unlike some"
Her Mother had sighed "I wish I could have prevented that." Libby had responded "But you couldn't have, Mum. This guy seems different. Yes, he scares me too... but I can see that he doesn't mean to. It's me... I'm finding it hard to trust him."
"You have reason not to trust men" her Mother acknowledged, and followed it up with advice... "Take your time with him, Libby, there's no rush. If he turns out to be a keeper, he'll understand and stick around. Not even the girl's evil Mother," She indicated herself, "will drive him away... Just remember, you might need to tell him, so he realises it's your fears that are making you cautious, not fear of him. What's his name, again?"
"Sam", Libby said. Then, realising what her Mother had done, said "Mum!"
"Gotcha!" Her Mother had gloated quietly. Libby shrugged and said "It's a common name, Mum, you won't be able to do anything with his first name.
"It's a start, at least I'll have a name for his dossier" her Mum had said.
She had taken her leave shortly afterward, Libby didn't doubt that she'd be enlisting her friends and contacts, in tracking down every Sam in the area before nightfall. She had grown protective of Libby once she had learned what had happened to her, isolating/insulating her from the causes of her biggest fears and moving her out here. She was still trying to coax her back to normal life, to move back into town. Libby wasn't ready for that.

20 minutes after her mother had left, Sam had arrived. Libby had been outside, chopping kindling wood, to light the fire, when he pulled up. She did some calculations in her head as she went to his truck and, after exchanging greetings asked " You didn't pass a blue car on the way out, did you?"
Yep" he replied, "Only car on the road, I passed it a few miles this side of the Old Mine Road, why?"
Libby shook her head, looked at the ground briefly, looked back up at him and said "You're fucked!. That was my mother"
Sam, clearly not understanding, said "Your mother?"
Libby looked up and said "Yes, she worries about me. I let slip your first name and now she's got your licence plate number too. She'll know your full name before the end of the day and, if you aren't squeaky clean, she'll ask someone to... talk to you.
He had looked at her and said "Look, you don't need to say this crap to get rid of me... if you don't want me here, you can just say so!"
"I do want you here" she shrugged and tried to make him understand " That's what my family is like, that's how they deal with things or conduct business, very cut throat, legal but... that is why my Grandfather owned all this land. He was wealthy! He owned the mines! He had millions, but he retired here. He was a nice old guy... but he knew and helped people, some of them feel like they still owe him a debt. They would do almost anything for him or his family... and some of them know and use people that would break your legs and dump you in a mine shaft!"
He looked incredulously at her. She could picture his mind rapidly sifting through the list of families that were rumoured to be like that, it was a short list... she saw him select a name. He said "He was?..., you're one of the?..."
She sighed, "Carruthers, yes..."
"OK." he said, looking at her as if she had sprouted horns...

***< We'd look so sexy, if we had horns!! >***
***< You're full of shit!.. >***

"You want to start running, or come into the house?", Libby was amused to see a trace of fear in his face, he wasn't good at hiding it.
"No, I'll stay, I'm good" he said.
She hoped he was telling the truth, for his sake, but she accepted his statement at face value and went to collect the kindling wood, taking it inside to light the fire as he let the dog out of the truck and followed, bringing in a box.
They entered the house, the dog in front, depositing itself adjacent to the door. Libby reached out a hand to pat it, pulling her hand back as it's lips rolled up and a low growl warned her away...
***< Nice Doggy!, GOD!, look at all those teeth! >***
***< Nope! >***," she thought ***< Bad idea! Can't touch that! >***
"Oh yeah, sorry about that, I don't think he will bite you, though.", Sam said... "He'll come around, eventually..."

Sam took over the cooking again, taking over her kitchen for his own use. Libby didn't mind. Having someone cook up a meal, such as the ones that Sam created, was a treat and She had been looking forward to it. It looked like the box that he had brought in had all that he required to prepare the meal. He also guided the conversation towards talking about her family, her earlier revelations clearly had put the shits up him, more than he cared to let on. She filled a glass of wine each, thinking that it might soothe his nerves. He took it and sipped some before setting it aside and starting to question her.
"So your mother will have me warned off if she thinks I'm a threat and castrated if I treat you badly?" he enquired.
"Yep, pretty much" Libby said.
"You kept this a secret earlier, because?"
"Because you didn't need to know who I was, it didn't matter then, I wasn't sure that I would like you enough for it to be a problem." Libby replied "Now, I've told my Mother that I do like you and I have no doubts that she will be checking you out. It won't be a problem as long as she thinks you are suitable... so, as long as you meet Mum's approval, you'll be left alone. No pressure!... That's probably no different to the average Mother/daughter relationship, except Mum has more clout around town. Girls listen to their Mums" She shrugged, "usually anyway. In case you are wondering, I like you so far" she pointed at the stove top "being better at cooking than me is good! And when you stayed the other night, you didn't try anything, that earned you enough Brownie points to warrant a second visit"
Sam had smiled slightly "Perhaps I go around seducing women with my food?"
"My Mum will find out. Anyway, its a good start, but you'll need more than that to win me over" Libby had said, wanting him thinking about her, not the threat her Mother might represent. "What are your foot rubs like?"
Sam had glanced at her and replied seriously "The best"
"Well, if you're a good boy, I'll let you show me later" Libby bantered.

***< You'll get us into trouble, what if he doesn't stop at our feet?... don't trust him! >***
***< If he does, we can take him and fuck him silly, silly! It's been so long! We need to let it go! >***
***< Shhh!, it's just a foot rub! >***

He visited several times, to hunt, in the first two weeks. It was clear that his Mother either hadn't connected him to a name yet or, if she had, decided not to interfere. Her Mother routinely arrived with groceries, including the wine Libby asked for, but steadfastly refused to answer questions about Sam's "dossier".
Either way their relationship had developed slowly... Libby wasn't sure if Sam was, by nature, careful in his approach to women, or if he felt restricted by her family ties. His foot rubs were indeed "the best", none of her previous boyfriends had ever taken the time to bother with them. Sam could easily take half an hour per foot, even individually massaging the toes. They embraced when he arrived and when he left, all pleasant enough...
***< Ok very nice >***, she admitted to herself, but he didn't seem to have any desire to move past that. She wished he would, but dreaded the thought, she wasn't so horny that she wanted to leap into bed with him, but having experienced his smooth soothing hands on her feet, she would welcome feeling more of that...
***< No, don't be stupid! >***

On his next visit, Sam seemed agitated, not waiting for them to get inside before asking "What's your Mother playing at, Libby? Its bad enough that I keep looking over my shoulder to see if any henchmen are following me, but she booked a table for two at my restaurant, which gave me the heebie-jeebies and then turned up with MY Mother... the two of them were as thick as thieves and that is making me nervous." Libby shook her head, as perplexed as Sam was, "I have no idea, Sam, she's not saying anything to me, but, you say they were getting along well?"
"Yeah, like they were old friends. I was, like, what the fuck, you know?"
Libby shrugged "Well, we would've known by now if she didn't approve, so I guess she went straight to your Mum for information. >***

**< Sam hadn't lied, Libby's Mum or henchmen hadn't warned him off. His Mother had spoken to him though. She had arrived at the restaurant, the day after he had seen her with Libby's mother, catching him alone as he made preparations for the evening bookings. They had sat down for coffee's and a chat, which wasn't out of the ordinary. Sam's Mum was a silent partner in the venture, supplying most of the money, he kept her appraised on how the business was going. He had expected that she was there for an update, but she bluntly opened the conversation with "I hear you're seeing the Carruthers's girl." Sam had swallowed his mouthful of coffee, set down his cup and replied "I saw you and Libby's mother here last night... did she tell you to warn me off?"
"No, nothing like that. We're old friends. There are ties between our families that you never needed to know about. She needed to talk to me and she wanted to see you too." she shrugged "Last night was just the easiest way for that to happen, without the gossips getting hold of it"
She sighed and rubbed her head, thinking of how to tell him, "When Libbys mother called me, she already knew just about everything there was to know about you, Sam. She hadn't heard anything bad, but, to be sure, she came to me. I filled in the gaps that I could. She now thinks you might be the best thing that ever happened to Libby." She paused and waited for Sam to take in what she had said, and for his response, he nodded to her.

"Libby's damaged goods, Sam, even her Mother thinks so" she said bluntly, ignoring his sudden look of outrage at her phrasing "Two years ago, while you were away being trained, Libby went away to university. Top student, everything her Mother had wished for... then... she stopped calling, disappeared. Her Mother was frantic, of course, it was completely out of character for Libby to not call each evening. her mum threw resources at trying to find her... nothing... for a week. Then Libby resurfaced, miles away from the campus. She had changed, Sam. Several men had taken and abused her during that week. She escaped, somehow, but the old Libby was gone. She couldn't concentrate on her classes. Nightmares about what had happened and fears of being followed. She came home. Her mother doesn't like her Fathers old house, I don't know why, but it seemed the best place to put Libby, so her Mother could keep an eye on her."
Sam frowned, "Put? he said.
"She functions, Sam, and she's improving. But back then, it was like she was fighting with herself... like multiple Libby's, fighting, arguing, inside her head. Sam nodded, thinking about how conflicted Libby looked at times. Back then, she was treating every man as a threat... every man, Sam." His Mother paused again, shook her head and quoted, ""Every man is a rapist...", that was what Libby thought. People noticed, started talking... about the "Crazy Carruthers's Girl". Her Mother took her out to the house, to heal, or not, as the case may be, away from town, away from men... She's watched and prayed for Libby, ever since."
She looked at Sam again... "Then you turned up, out there. A random event... God knows what you did, but Libby has told her mother that you don't frighten her... on purpose. That she likes you... her mother has locked onto you, Sam... you are the first glimmer of hope, that she has felt, that her daughter can be healed and brought back to being the way she was." His Mother was almost weeping now "We thought you should know. We thought it might help to understand Libby, if you knew." >**

After his mother had left, Sam had thought about not visiting Libby again. It was hard to picture the relationship that he wanted to have with her, knowing what he did now. Usually, she didn't seem afraid of him, quite the opposite, in fact. At others her face flickered with... fear, pain and... revulsion? She had invited him into her house and, that first night, into her bed... just to sleep, but still, who would do that if they were afraid of him? They had been drinking though... not a large amount by his standards... but still, maybe that explained the invitation? She had said that she liked him. Sometimes she smiled when he was around. He tried to look at himself from Libby's point of view... They had hugged, but did not make out. He'd given her foot rubs but nothing else. He realised, with a start, that Libby might be comfortable thinking of him as just a friend, to stop at that, platonic only, when he was wanting to be more. But if she couldn't trust him, not enough to let him get closer, he swallowed, have sex with her, love her as he wished, what hope was there for them, realistically?

**< Every man is a rapist!... >**
Fuck! How could he change that perception?
He instantly discarded the first thought that popped into his head, appalled that he had even thought of it...
**< But what if I did do that to her... would it help? >** He looked at it again, playing the scene out, tried seeing it, from Libby's perspective.... No... not helping...
He altered the ending... played it out in his mind... it flowed beyond his initial idea... new possibilities displayed themselves in his mind.
**< That might work!... >**, he suddenly thought, **< if I have the nerve to do it. >**
*< That's a huge risk, that you'd be taking... it could back-fire on you spectacularly... but, yes, it might work... DO IT! .>*
He'd need some help...

Chapter Four

When he arrived for his latest visit, he was better dressed than usual, with trousers and a collared shirt. Empty handed, Sam followed Libby into the house, she looked askance at his empty hands and said, "Were you planning on getting me to cook an evening meal?... that's brave of you!"

Step One: Capture...
No, I've made other plans for this evening." Sam said, taking the initiative.
Libby quirked an eyebrow... "What's your plan?" she asked
"Oh, I've made a booking for two, at my restaurant... I've got the Sous Chef to take over, for the night and I thought I could take you out for a cheap meal, at the local dive." he said with a smile.
"In town?" ***< DANGER! LIBBY, DANGER! >***
"I'm not certain that's a good idea." ***< GOOD GIRL! >***
"I want to show you what we can really do with food. Please?"

***< Yum! Even better than Sam's food!... is there such a thing? >***

"The booking is for the second seating, around 7.30. When we arrive, really, the benefits of being the owner, you know?"
"Just the restaurant? No where else"
"That's right."

***< Sam will protect us! >***

"I guess that's OK then. Dress code?"
"Smart casual."
"No good," Libby said and gestured towards her bedroom "There's nothing like that here, its all at Mum's house. I'll need to have a shower too."
"There's plenty of time, We'll go to your Mum's to get the clothes you want..."

Sam watched as Libby went to her bedroom, emerging with clean clothing in her hands and disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door. He imagined her undressing, discarding each item slowly, revealing herself to him.
Ahhh!... she was every thing he wanted, with the firm, young, sexy body of a siren, the face of a goddess and a dirty inventive mind. He pictured her, naked before him, a demure smile on her face and wicked thoughts inside, taking his cock in her hands, slowly pumping it, watching it swell up, sucking on him, enticing him to perform lewd acts on her.
He knew she secretly lusted for him to take her from behind, rooting her firmly as she pushed back against him. Wanting him to rub her clit at the same time, she in control, willingly, actively participating. She changes position, moves to on top of him and sliding him inside her again, she leans over him and lowers herself until her breasts are bouncing towards his face in time with her motions. The nipples rub on his chest as he looks at her. She presses her body against him firmly, knowing that he cannot go any deeper and increases the speed, moaning softly in pleasure, listening to him too. She could tell he was about to come but, instead of slowing and letting him calm down, she takes control and rides him firmly until he orgasms. He wraps his arms around her slim body, holding her tightly, Libby begs him to hold her tighter, to never let her go, until he's almost crushing her still pushing her down against his thrusting cock.
He closes his eyes and feels his sperm flooding uncontrollably into her, she feels him pulsing and smiles at the sounds he is making, happy that he is satisfied and knowing that he will soon be pleasing her, doing her bidding and making her come too. She keeps moving her body in time with his release until he is finished and starts to soften, then moves to lie beside him, letting him admire her body. He caresses her in gratitude as they both wait for him to recover, before she sucks him until he is hard again, so he can satisfy her needs...
"Ok, good to go!" Libby announced as she came out of the bathroom, hair still dripping water, off the end of her pony tail.

The drive into town took an hour, Libby guiding Sam to her Mothers house once they reached the town. It was in one of the town's oldest suburbs, a large single storied building that spoke of understated wealth to Sam. Not a palace, just a good, solid, well maintained home, with tidy lawns. Big enough to boast a few full sized trees but not standing out from the surrounding homes.

The woman who came, when Libby knocked, was possibly 50 years old. It was like looking at Libby in several decades time, age starting to have an effect, lightly lined but smiling, attractive face, eyes bright as she gave Libby a hug, nodding at Sam, as Libby introduced him and ushered them in, saying "Libby! its so good to see you!. What brings you to town?"
"Sam and I are going out for a meal, at his restaurant and I needed better clothes to wear." her Mum nodded in understanding and Libby excused herself, leaving them together.
They both scrutinised each other, Libby's Mum gave another small nod and waved at him to follow her, leading him to a kitchen.
" So, Mr Williams... it's good to be able to talk to you, at last." She said, "Can I get you a coffee?"
"Yes, please, Ma'am." Sam replied.
She nodded at the table and said "Take a seat, Libby will be a while."
She sat down opposite him and said "As you know, your mother and I are good friends, I trust her and, because of that trust, I have allowed you and Libby to continue to see each other. You must be aware that continuing to be in my good graces is vital. You're intentions had better be good ones, Mr Williams. If you harm my daughter, I will see to it that you are punished... is that clear?"
Sam frowned, but nodded and said "I like her, respect her and want to make her happy. I can't be sure how things will work out, but I will not hurt her on purpose. I'm not like that, Mrs Carruthers's"
"That's all that we can hope for. Thank you, Mr Williams. You may call me, Kate, by the way. Now, Sam, your mother tells me that your restaurant is doing well. Did you have any plans for expansion into other areas?
Sam's mind floundered for a second, as he changed to the new topic and came up with his short term goals of increasing revenue and possibly opening the business earlier offering a quickly prepared breakfast/lunch menu based on opinions and feedback that some of his regular customers had given him. He was impressed by how knowledgeable Kate was, when discussing business matters. She had a piercing and active mind that he appreciated... when it wasn't focussed, like a magnifying glass in the sun, on his relationship with Libby. He and Libby's Mum were discussing the benefits of, and options for, opening a different style of restaurant in the adjacent city, when Libby reappeared.
They both stopped talking. Sam looked at Libby and smiled widely. Kate looked at Sam, looking at Libby. Libby was dressed in black. Glossy black leather booties, with silver buckles, lifted her heels and added slightly to her height, she was almost as tall as Sam now. Her pants were tapered, loose-fitting around the leg, covering the top of the booties, becoming closer fitting around her hips. A silver coloured belt complimented the buckles of the booties as did several silver bangles on her left wrist. A long sleeved shirt, tucked in at the waist and buttoned up fully , it still showed the start of her cleavage. Libby was wearing a chain necklace that hung down to below the buttoned front of the shirt, drawing the eye downwards. Her hair, now combed and dry, hung down, loosely spreading out and covering most of her back. He thought she had lipstick on, but wasn't positive, as the shade was so subtle. She looked hotter than Hell... in a different setting, with a different woman, he might have leered suggestively at her... and more!... but not here, not with Libby **** and especially not with Libby's mother watching. He smiled, told her that she looked great and escorted her towards the door, thanking Kate for the coffee and the talk. She nodded at them both and said "Have a good time, Libby. See you later!" before closing and locking the front door behind them.

Sam parked the truck in the Managers carpark, at the rear of the restaurant. The carpark was reached through a corridor beside the kitchen. Staff toilets and storage facilities were located on either side of it. The restaurant was nearly full, when they arrived through the Front door, the clatter of utensils and chatting people seemed loud after the quiet of the house. Libby surveyed the people seated as they were ushered to their seats, in a corner, away from the door. There was a mix of different age groups there, two family groups, older couples and a smattering of people her own age.
A little nervous, now they were away from her Mothers home, Libby's THREAT! radar was running on full power. She noticed the males, noticing her, nearly all of them glanced at her, a few of them allowing their eyes to merely meet with hers, smiling at her, before moving on. She realised they were just looking around the room, much the same way she was... it was hard not to look around at happy people, enjoying their evening.
Other eyes were flickering over her body also, most of the males did that... they couldn't help themselves. It was ok... unwanted but not too unpleasant, as long as they looked quickly, once, and then looked away... but a few looks lingered on her too long... blatantly assessing her body, their male imagination stripping her naked, and worse, she surmised. Those ones she noted, but gave the impression that they were ignored. She focussed her attention on Sam, hopefully demonstrating to the rude ones, that she wasn't one of the dishes available tonight. She opened the menu and looked over what was on offer. Their waitress, a pretty, teenaged, girl in a smart dress, gave them time to look and make their selections before arriving at their table and taking their orders. Sam asked for a bottle of Champagne, it arrived sooner than the starters they had ordered and Sam poured it with professional grace, into their glasses, Libby's first. "What's the occasion?" Libby asked, lifting the Champagne in salute, Sam laughed and said "Victory!, I got you away from your house and into town!" She laughed also and he carefully clinked his glass against hers and watched her take a drink before sipping and setting aside his own glass.

Sam was pinning his plan on Libby's reaction to alcohol, she had surprised him with her lack of tolerance to it. He was planning to get her drunk before taking her away from the restaurant. The people that he trusted to be discreet had agreed to assist. Once she was sloshed, he would take her away, to a place where the second part of his plan could be carried out. The Sous Chef, a trusted friend, had been asked to prepare their dishes deliberately slower than the other patrons. Libby didn't seem to notice. Sam and Libby ate and drank, talking to each other. Under the influence of the Champagne, Libby had relaxed and became animated and friendly, reaching out to touch his hands, laughing and enjoying the evening with him. He was delighted at her small displays, albeit semi-drunken, of affection and happiness.
Eventually, all of the other diners, except two women had left. Libby was louder, now, noticeably intoxicated, Sam caught a couple of looks from the older women... he was certain that they knew what was happening to Libby, but they weren't sure of his intentions. The alcohol in her system was rapidly sending her into a stupor. The other customers had finished their meal and were glancing over as they talked. He sat there, having no choice but to wait them out. His friend came out from the kitchen, looking at Libby, and asked if they should call a taxi to take her home. Sam responded that it would be a good idea. The older women seemed reassured and, finally, left.

Libby didn't notice them going, her mind was reeling, eyes glassy, losing focus, her words were becoming slurred now. Her head was starting to sway as she fought off unconsciousness. The voices weren't arguing with each other, for a change... Libby was unprotected, defenceless. Sam helped her up from her chair, she wrapped her arms around him for support and rested her head against his shoulder briefly. His arms were helping to support her, holding her against his chest, it was reassuringly solid, and warm. She felt safe being held by Sam. She lifted her head and pulled his head closer, closed her eyes, gave him a long soft kiss and murmured "I really like you, Sam", Sam looked at her, surprised and replied "I like you too, Libby... this is for the best... OK? "
"Mmmph", she agreed drowsily. Then she pulled him in close again and whispered clearly but so quietly that it barely registered, "Tease me, please me, lick me, suck me, fuck me, Sam!"
He looked at her in surprise... where had that come from? Had he imagined that? Libby was out to it... head resting on his shoulder ***< Nah! No way! >*** He thought to himself.
Sam had to support her as he assisted her down the corridor and secured her into the car seat.

Sam carefully drove to his destination, by the time they got there, Libby couldn't stand anymore. Sam carefully picked her up, looking at her body, in his arms. He imagined taking her to his bed, now, laying her down and taking her clothes off. He could make love to her through the night, his gentle touch bringing out the Libby that he was falling in love with... that he thought was locked away, inside her, struggling to be free.
*< Don't fool yourself, Boy!... you know what that would be! >*
Sam sighed and carried Libby to the door, knocking on it gently, with his foot.
When it was opened, Sam carried her inside, placing her carefully onto the bed that had been prepared for Libby, earlier. He looked at her unconscious form, still wishing he could lie next to her, to hold her... his co-conspirator's were in the room also, they ordered him out... they would take care of Libby and call him when he was needed, to take her away again. He left the house and sought out his own bed. He suddenly felt guilty for what he was doing. He didn't get much sleep.

Step Two:
Libby felt like shit when she woke. She looked around. She was in a strange bed. She was in a strange bedroom. She was naked!.
***< What the fuck? >*** she thought, trying to piece together her fragmented memories. She had been out with Sam, at the restaurant, eating great food, drinking Champagne, having a good time... and then... and then... she was here?
Realisation hit her...
***< That son of a bitch got me drunk! He knows I can't handle drinking much, but he plied me with fucking Champagne! That arsehole! What has he done to me? >***

***< RAPE! >***
***< No!... Not Sam! >***

She kicked her way out from under the bed covers and started to check herself out: no bruising on her body, no soreness anywhere, not inside her. No come (that iccky, yiccky, sticky feeling inside, after sexual intercourse) no pain, apart from the headache. She quickly determined that she hadn't been raped, while she was drunk... she had felt Sam's hard-on... she remembered the dimensions of his long, thick erection and, unless she was fucked by someone with a micro dick, nothing had been inside her. It left her confused... the whole point of getting a girl drunk and defenceless was to take advantage of them... and Sam, clearly, had not done that...
***< What the fuck is he playing at? >***
No answer...

Confused, she looked around the bedroom again, noticing her black clothes, from the night before, folded neatly beside the bed. She inspected then closely, no stains on them either, she noted. She got dressed, looked for a weapon of some kind, but found nothing usable. She went to the door and opened it a crack, looking and listening. She could hear voices talking in quiet tones, to her left... not men she decided, two women. She thought she recognised one of the voices... she walked softly towards them... she was positive that she knew the voice. She opened the door, looking into a kitchen, finding her mother and a stranger, seated by a table, talking to each other. They both looked up at her surprised face. Her Mum said, "Good morning, sleepy-head, would you like some juice" All Libby could say was "Mum?"
"Take a seat, Libby, we need to talk!" her mother said "How are you feeling?"
"Confused" Libby answered honestly, "Where's Sam?"
"We'll let him know when we need him. This is Sam's mother, Fiona", her Mum said, gesturing towards the other woman.
"Hello", said Libby, her mind trying to grasp what was going on, "What's going on?"
"Last night, Sam got you drunk, kidnapped you and raped you, Libby", her Mother stated, matter of factly.
Libby stared at her in horror, her nightmare's realised. One inner voice was screaming in anguish, the other vehemently denying it. "No, no... he didn't", Libby said, at the same time wondering if her self-examination was reliable "I would know if he had done that!... it didn't happen! It didn't happen, Mum, why are you saying that?. He didn't rape me!" she started crying, "He could have, he could have raped me, I was drunk!. I wouldn't have been able to stop him, but he didn't do it... he couldn't do it. Sam wouldn't do that to me!"
"Oh? and why not, do you think?" her Mother demanded.
"Sam didn't... wouldn't... because... because... because he likes me."
The answer to her Mothers question had came out of her mouth, before she had consciously thought of it as a valid reason. It seemed she had heard Sam say that, at some point. "He likes me too much, to hurt me like that", she stated to her Mother forcibly, "You're wrong, mother. Sam didn't, wouldn't, rape me..."
"That's right, Libby, he didn't, he'll never do anything to hurt you, on purpose, because of how he feels about you." her Mum agreed. Libby believed it... Sam would never, deliberately, hurt her. She nodded at her Mother, accepting the idea, then extrapolating it to see where her thoughts took her....
While Libby was looking inwards, obviously distracted, her Mother nodded to Sam's Mother. She pulled out a cell phone, sent a short text. Only seconds later, she received a reply, "Sam's on his way, 10 minutes, he said" She told the others.
Libby's Mum said, "In case you were wondering, Sam brought you here last night and left you, with us. "We", she gestured at herself and Sam's Mum, "took your clothes off and put you into bed. Sam had nothing to do with that. Leaving you without clothes on was our idea, not Sam's."
"Would you like some juice, while we wait?" Sam's Mum asked.
"Yes, please, Libby replied, "you wouldn't have some Panadol, would you"
"Of course"
Sam arrived and both of the Mothers shooed her out, the three of them walkng to the Front door, to meet him. They all met at the door, the Mum's handed over a small wrapped package to each of them, then locked them out of the house. Sam looked worried, asking tentatively, "Are you OK?"
"I feel like shit!. Thanks for the hang over!" Libby said tartly.
Sam's face fell and he said "I'm sorry, Libby... I'll take you home" he turned towards the truck and walked to the drivers side, getting in, waiting for her to put on the seat belt before driving her back to her house. They didn't speak. Not that Libby felt like talking, she was busy thinking about what Sam had done/not done and working her way towards trusting Sam and moving forwards, with him, again.

Chapter Five

When they got to the house, Libby got out and walked towards the house. Sam watched her go, but couldn't bear seeing her walk away from him... he looked away, stared out over the lake.
*< Well... I think you screwed that up, boy! >*
He sighed and looked down, closed his eyes, tightly. They were prickling up. He swallowed. He hadn't cried since his father had died.
**< You really fucked that up, you stupid prick!... >**, he castigated himself.
**< Libby will be better off, without you!. >**
**< Just go! >**

Libby was expecting the truck to be turned off... but it was still idling as she walked away, towards the house. She stopped and looked back. Sam was still inside with his head bowed, eyes closed, not looking at her. She understood what was happening, as soon as she saw him.
***< Idiot! >*** She berated Sam and herself, both.
***< If you let him go, he won't be back! Quickly, before he leaves!...>*** her inner voice urged her...
She moved back, opened the passenger side and sat back down. Sam looked up at her, swallowed and said "I'm really sorry about last night... I think, I should go... and leave you alone."
She looked at him, noting the almost tears and said, "No!... We need to talk about this. Come to the house" She left him there and walked to the house, unlocking the door and going inside. It wasn't warm, the fire needed to be lit. It seemed to take forever for him to turn off the truck and follow her inside, Dumb Mutt trailing behind him.

Both of them were emotionally strung out, needing to be reassured. They tentatively reached out their arms to each other... neither rejecting the others offer. They hugged, feeling the warm comfort, that a caring person gives. They clung together, Sam apologising again "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
Libby said "You didn't, Sam, you didn't hurt me... Thank you.", he nodded.
She moved away from the hug, punching him in the shoulder. Her hand hurt. "Don't do that again!" she demanded. "You understand? Never!"
"I won't"
She hugged him again, feeling his arms closing around her, the palms of his hands against her shoulder blades, drawing her into him, thumbs stroking gently. It felt good.
She moved away from him and said, "It's cold in here... can you light the fire, please? I need to have a shower."
"Sure" He moved away from her, checking around the fireplace, for kindling wood. He placed a firelighter in the hearth, stacked a few pinecones around it and then lit the firelighter, placing the matches back onto the mantle piece. He opened the door to the woodbox, pulled out 2 smaller pieces of split pine and placed them over the pine cones, which were starting to flare up. He looked back to where the woman had been standing, gone now, into the Bathroom. His shoulder hurt... he welcomed the dull ache, it was already fading. Libby wouldn't thump him, if she expected to be thumped back, therefore, she trusted him not to physically hurt her... He smiled... maybe his gamble had worked, after all.

Libby came back out of the shower, refreshed, damp and wanting to feel Sam holding her again. She had dressed in older jeans and an "around home" T shirt, loose and comfortable. She came out of the Bathroom, saw that the fire was burning well, and could see that Sam's truck was still in the driveway. She found him asleep on her Grandfathers couch, facing the fire. The couch was not so close that the heat could burn it's dark brown, leather finish. The fires warmth reached it though, even on Winter nights. There was enough room for two on the couch, she lay down beside him, like spoons. His eyes opened when she lay down next to him. He adjusted his body slightly to better accommodate her shape, lay his right arm and hand along her body and gently pulled her back against him. Libby sighed softly and let herself relax against him. Just enjoying his warm presence, drifting with him back into sleep. Emotionally spent from the previous night and this morning, both were content being on the couch, napping the afternoon away, together.
They got up at different times to go to the toilet, Sam returning from his visit to find Libby waiting to hold him... he lay down beside her, feeling her arm and hands replicate the way he had been holding her, arm resting along his hip, hand wrapped around his body to press lightly against his stomach, fingers and thumb stroking gently.
It was a soothing calming movement, he didn't think that Libby meant it to be sexual, but his cock begin to rise, her hand was mere inches away from it... he imagined her doing the same motion while resting on it. He wanted her to touch him... but he wasn't going to ask. He couldn't bear having her hand, stroking so near to him, but not wrapped around him, as it moved.
He grunted softly and sat up, noting that it was getting dark. We had better have something to eat, he thought, we've skipped lunch and now its getting late. "Time for some food!" He said.
" Oh, good!" Libby said, "I was just thinking that I was starving... whats for dinner?"
Sam laughed, "It must be your turn... surprise me!"
Libby got up and walked to the kitchen, Sam followed her. She mentally catalogued the contents of the fridge and pantry... "Mousetraps!"
Sam's mind boggled "What The Fuck are Mousetrap's" he asked?
"It's what you get, when you force me to cook!" Libby replied, "Get out of my kitchen!"
She pulled out the biggest knife in the drawer and placed it on the counter, in front of Sam, nudging it towards him until he picked it up... "and the knife is for...?"
"Get me a mouse!" Libby told him, straight-faced.
"No!, I'm just messing with your mind"
"Yep!... Mousetraps are Cheese on toast... I can add some tomato, onion and bacon, as well."
"Ok, lots of them, I'm starving too!" He said.
Libby prepared the meal, which they both scarfed down, both of them avoided the wine bottle, settling for juice from the fridge.

After dinner, they returned to the couch, Libby back in front of Sam again. They lay together for a while, but Libby's neck was becoming sore from lying down on her side for so long. When she mentioned it to Sam, he tried to rub her neck, while lying down. She laughed and said, "That's not going to work... close your eyes!"
He did, he felt Libby move off the couch, a cushion went with her... when she told him he could open his eyes again he saw she was lying, on her stomach on the rugs, in front of the fire. She had removed her T-shirt, it was lying beside her. Her bra was still on, still secured across her back, and her jeans were still on also. Her arms were along her sides. The cushion was under her head.
"Rub my back, male!" she commanded.
He smiled and said "Yes, boss!"
Libby's command was a surprise to him... she had never ordered him to do anything like this before... he hadn't thought it was part of her personality... perhaps her growing trust in him, was allowing her to be more expressive. He hoped so and was happy to submit to her demands, especially if this was an indication that the new?/old?/real? Libby was going to telling him exactly what she wanted. He slid off the couch, turned off the lights and returned to her side, kneeling between Libby and the couch, leaving Libby being illuminated and warmed by the fire. He held his hands out towards the flame, trying to make them warmer, cold hands wouldn't be well received, he figured.
He surveyed the skin on her back, it was as flawless as any he had ever seen, or imagined, a few blemishes that didn't detract from the overall package... her smooth olive skin, wrapped tightly around a slender body. Libby had pulled her hair forward, with her head turned towards the fire.
"I'm waiting!" she said, pulling his attention back to his task.
"Sorry, just looking...", he said lightly, laying his hands on her lower back, on either side of her spine and, applying gentle pressure, allowing them to slide up her back, riding over her bra without dragging it along and ending the stroke up at her shoulders.
"Look while you rub, Sam, I'll tell you when to stop." Libby countered.

***< Yeah!, look with your hands! >***
***< No he didn't, so stop yelling about it! >***

Sam chuckled lightly and went to work, with official permission given, he familiarised himself with what was on display. His hands glided over her back, pressing firmly enough that her skin bulged up slightly in front of his fingers following the same path as the first, up her back to her shoulders, then sliding lightly back down to start the stroke again. He repeated the same stroke about 15 times then made a variation. He rolled his fingers over the top of her shoulders and gently squeezed the muscles, rolling his fingers and thumb around the muscles before slowly sliding the hands down again. He continued making small variations after 10 to 15 strokes, he liked feeling her skin sliding past his fingers and hands. He wanted to touch every inch of skin that she had offered to him. He was sliding his hands along her side, thumbs extended towards her spine, moving then up, onto her back to avoid her arms. He stopped to stretch his back, it was starting to ache because of the angle he was working at. Libby opened her eyes to see where his hands had gone... "Hard work?" she asked, "No" said Sam, "working from the side is twisting my back a bit... I just need a short break..." He explained. Libby thought about it and then said, "Sit with your legs on either side of mine... that will line you up better." She closed her eyes again and waited for him to resume. Sam moved onto all four limbs and straddled her body, sitting down across her legs, taking his weight on his knees. He glanced down, he was tucked in just behind her bum. When he leaned forward he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to do this naked, his cock rubbing in the cleft, between her butt-cheeks, being gripped by them gently, rolling forward as he leaned to press against her back, until his cock stiffened. Then it would start to slid backwards and forwards. Adding to it's stimulation, he imagined rolling Libby onto her side and pressing himself into her thigh-gap. It's muscular tightness gripping him as he used his erection to rub into her... "Less looking, more rubbing!, Sam!" Libby interrupted his thoughts, looking back at him.

He focussed again on the back rub, but his cock was noticing the rocking motion being produced and it had its own ideas on what to do... He hoped Libby didn't feel it.

Libby had seen Sam looking at her bum... at this point she didn't mind, his hands working up and down her back was sensual beyond belief, the feel of her skin being gently pushed out in front of his warm hands, or kneaded or the cats-paws relaxed her totally. Sam appeared to have an infinite amount of variations that he could use, he massaged her back, along her spine, along her sides as far as he could. His thumbs were sliding just under her jeans, rubbing under the top of her panties, touching the top of her bum then around to the side of her hips, before beginning their unhurried journey up her body, skipping over her bra, onto her neck, before returning to start over again. Libby was becoming more and more aware of the disruption her bra was causing to Sam. Sam had to lift his fingers over her bra strap, occasionally he timed it wrong and either ran his fingers underneath it, the nails digging slightly into her back, the cups tightening against her when it happened, or rolling the bra strap upwards with his fingers or palms. Eyes closed, she reached her hands behind her, Sam's hands froze while she undid the bra, allowing the straps to fall to the side of her body. She placed her forearms under the cushion...

Sam watched as Libby undid her bra, dropping the straps to the side and placed her arms under her head. He continued with the massage, pleased at the new level of trust that Libby had shown. From his vantage point, he could see the side of Libby's breasts, the weight of her body pressing them outwards slightly. He admired them, but refrained from rubbing his hands over them, instead rolling his fingers over her shoulder to her collar bone and drawing them back again before sliding them around her ribs, close, but clear of her breasts and down her sides to her hips, before repeating the movement. Every time he drew his hands back over her shoulder her upper body was lifted marginally, her breasts were repeatedly relaxed, then compressed, against the bra's cups.

Libby slowly became aware of the slow motion movements that the massage was doing to her body. The entire length of her body was being rocked backwards and forwards as Sam leaned into the strokes of his hands and as he drew them back. With her eyes closed, she could picture herself being slowly, and ever so gently, pumped from behind. She couldn't help but dwell on how it would feel if Sam had his erection inside her while doing that... she felt a warmer core forming inside her, arousing her...

***< Fight it! Fight it, please! I never want to feel a man in us again!>***
***< No, rub us more, Sam!. Slide your smooth fingers over us, around us, into us... tease us, please us, lick us, suck us, fuck... >***
*** Stop that! >***
***< You know what we are feeling... don't deny it, he's making us horny... imagine him making love to us!, so good!. Teasing, pleasing... >***

Her attention shifted... she could feel her nipples rubbing slowly against the fabric of her bra cups, her nipples reacting to the sexual motion and mental stimuli. Her mind focused on that tiniest of motions and she imagined it was Sam's fingers rubbing her breast and nipples, slowly, gently, creating a response in her. It felt sensual, it felt exquisite... it was torture. "Stop" she asked, "Hop off for a moment." Sam complied and she lifted her body up slightly and slid away from the fire an inch or so, pulled her bra away from her hardening nipples, moved and dropped it by the T-shirt and lowered her chest to the rugs. Reaching down her body she lifted her hips off the ground and undid the jeans button and zipper, pushing the jeans and panties down until her butt was free of the jeans. She settled her weight back onto the rugs and carefully checked that the jeans were not so low that he could see, or touch her front. "Too close to the fire", she murmured, "Its too warm"
***< Warm, and slippery! >***
***< Don't do this, Libby... please don't!... its not right! It's not safe! >***

Sam stretched again and watched as Libby slid aside her bra and undid her jeans, wiggling it and her panties over her hips and down slowly revealing her smooth, firm buttocks. He saw her check how much she had exposed and return her hands to by her head, eyes closing again. He moved back to his former position and started the same style of massage again, tentatively beginning to explore the new areas of skin now available to him. When Libby showed a small smile, he added the small variations that allowed him to move towards a more sexual context, slowly, slowly, ready to swap back to the normal style, if Libby appeared to be showing resistance or displeasure at what he was doing. He slid his hands along her sides, this time allowing the fingers to lightly brush over the very beginning of her breast, no response... he repeated it several times, nothing. On the next pass, he deliberately trespassed into what he considered her private property, his fingers gently caressing over and around her breasts, not a grope, just another part of her body being included in the massage. Libby's eyes opened and he felt her tense slightly, he just continued with the sequence, over her shoulder, stroke her collar bones, sweep the hands back, down her back, stop with his hands on her butt, pressing his hands forward again, looking at her arse, moving under his hands... Sliding his hands back up her sides, watching his fingers slid over her breast again... imagined holding them, sucking gently on her nipples... continuing over the shoulder, returning, her eyes were still open, glittering in the flickering firelight.

Libby had thought that that getting rid of the bra would stop the sensations that it had sent coursing through her, but instead it opened a new dimension of emotions. She should have moved further from the fire, she was getting quite warm. As Sam continued to rub and stroke her, her nipples and breasts sent tingling sensations back to her mind, firing her imaginations and thoughts.

***< You know, you just got us topless with a guy, don't you? Are you nuts? You know what will happen! >***
***< It's Sam, he won't hurt us. >***
***< We don't know that for sure! You're showing him our bum too! >***
***< I know.... do you think he likes it? >***
***< OMG, he just touched our boob's! Run! Get up and run away! >***
***< Yes, I felt it too, it didn't hurt. I liked it! >***

Libby's eyes opened, she stared into fire, analysing the sensations, comparing them to the ones that she had experienced before:
***< Hard hands, restraining her, forcing her to do their bidding... Her hands were free. She was free to make choices. >***
***< Too many men, coarse laughter, slaps, jeers, curses, PAIN... Sam, silent, undemanding, obedient to her wishes, intent on applying his warm, soothing hands. >***

***< There is a difference, with Sam, you know! >***
***< NO!... he will hurt us!... maybe?... >***
***< He won't hurt us... we have to see where this goes... >***
***< I don't... I'm not sure... OK... good luck. >***

All unaware, Sam continued the massage. His hands were getting tired, but he was loath to stop, when Libby was offering more of herself as time went by. He noticed she had closed her eyes again and the tension that he had felt had lessened. She was getting warmer to the touch, almost perspiring, as he continued to include running his fingers over her breasts, he had moved his hand steadily down her side as her rubbed, his hands were brushing the underside now, lifting her breast slightly as his fingers passed by them, he moved the hand around them for another cycle, he detected the slightly lumpy feeling of her areola pass under his fingers. Libby's lips parted, the tip of her tongue touched her upper lip, she pursed her lips slightly and exhaled gently through them. His hands returned to the base of her spine, he made this stroke slightly slower, his fingers journey over her areola taking a couple of seconds to pass over them, Libby definitely sighed quietly. He spread his hands broadly across her back,and drew her skin downwards as they travelled to her butt, he briefly squeezed the cheeks, allowing his thumbs to join together and then slid them upwards again, Libby seemed to raise her upper body as his hands approached over and under her breasts, over her areola, her nipples. They were hot, small and hard pressure points in a sea of warmth. Libby's body tightened, then relaxed as his hands passed by...

Libby could feel Sam's fingers approach once more, welcoming the feel of his fingers on her nipples, getting turned on as her bum was squeezed, his thumbs running between her legs to stroke her upper thighs and then over her hips and underneath her body to stroke over the parts of her stomach that his fingers could reach. She welcomed his touch, he was arousing her more that she let on, holding her enjoyment inside as much as possible. That didn't go entirely to plan as she was sure she was inadvertently making small noises and otherwise indicating to Sam that she was liking things more than a mere massage should provide.
***< I'm wanting more than that now... should we let him know? >***
***< Yeesss! >***
***< or stop now? >***
***< No.... please, don't make him stop!... I need him too!, get him inside us! >***
What to do?... She wasn't about to roll onto her back, spread her legs and ask "Want a fuck?"...
***< thoughts?... alternatives? ***>
No answer...
***< Oh great.... make it my problem!... Thanks for nothing!. Never mind, I'll think of something. >***

"Stop! Libby said, suddenly.
Sam froze... not sure if he had done something wrong or not. He had been interpreting the small noises as ones that meant she was enjoying what he was doing.
"Hop off me, Sam"
He moved towards the couch. Libby rotated her body towards the fire, her back towards him, and raised herself so that she was resting on her left elbow, right arm below her breasts, palm on the floor.
Sam assessed her new position and weighed up his options. He placed his right hand on her waist, and hoping he was interpreting things correctly, slid the hand over to rest on her stomach, thumb stroking gently. When he wasn't rebuffed, he started to use the same massage techniques that he employed at the beginning of the back rub, but more lightly, the skin being more sensitive than the skin on her back. After a minute Libby eased back so her back was touching his chest... she looked back at him, her shoulder rolling backwards as she did, exposing her breast to his sight, a smooth pale orb, orange in the fire light, with a small, lightly coloured areola and nipple. Libby said "The fire is hot... you can take off your shirt, if you like." Sam would've liked a lot more, but Libby's slow motion progression towards being naked was far more exciting than them both merely stripping off. The feeling of winning her trust and the willingness to remove her clothing, for him, aroused him and he would have been happy to spend all night doing that alone. He sat up and pulled his shirt off, not quickly, just to get it done, but slow enough that Libby appreciated that he was trying to keep things at a pace she was comfortable with.

Libby hadn't seen Sam without a shirt on, but had speculated that he had a trim body and hoped he wouldn't be too hairy... She watched as he took hold of the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing his upper body to her. He was not a heavily muscled superman, like someone who pressed weights at a gym, 24/7, but he was slim, with no fat around his hips and a flat stomach. His pecs and abs showed that, whatever he did do physically, it was enough to keep him in shape. He had only a few moles on his body, that she could see. His blond body hair was barely noticeable in the firelight, apart from a darker patch in the centre of his chest. She speculated that his pubic hair would be a similar shade, curly like his chest hair, longer of course, his erection would stand out from it, it would be hard, and long, she could wrap her hand around it and guide it into her body, She'd feel it throbbing with his need to please her, he would be gentle, she was wet and warm, wanting him. She would give herself to Sam, who cared if she enjoyed herself, take his time to be sure she was ready and understood her.
***< Libby!, don't keep him waiting!, don't make us wait either! >***
"Jeans too" she said.

Sam stood, undid the belt, button and zipper and pulled the jeans down, allowing them to drop to his ankles. He placed them with his shirt and then lay down again, closer to Libby. She lay down, on her side and pressed back against him, her skin on his, feeling warmed by it. Her hair still smelt faintly of shampoo, her head against his collar bone. His legs formed into the shape of her legs, bent, touching each other. he noticed that she pressed the soles of her feet against the top of his feet... Further from the fire, they were colder than the rest of her body.
Thinking that Libby was speeding things up and, wanting to show at least some initiative, he placed his hand directly onto her right breast, moving and flexing his hand several times before moving it onto her left one, repeating the pattern. "That's nice" Libby whispered, wetting her lips again. His cock twitched and started to swell at her words, he had been alternating between soft and semi-hard all evening, taking pains not to let it touch Libby, least he frighten her off. Now, he was pressed against her firmly and he couldn't avoid her noticing if he got too hard, unless he drew away from her. He was sure that if he did that, it would send the wrong signal... one that suggested he had finished, that it was time to stop. Also, he wasn't sure how she would react, if she felt it. Libby pressed her bum back slightly, had she noticed? She did it a second time, was that an invitation? Sam wasn't sure.

**< She wants it! >**
**< I don't know that, for sure"
**< Sure we do, look at her!, she is hot and horny for it, probably dripping wet. She's practically riding you already. GET INSIDE HER!>**
**< I don't want to screw this up! >**
**< No... you're right, we don't... Touch her pussy and find out! >**
**< God knows, I want to, what if she's not ready? >**
**< Slip your fingers under her panties and TOUCH HER PUSSY! >**
**< I'm not sure >**
** You'd better make up your mind before she gets bored and falls asleep! >**

Sam left off squeezing her breast and slid fingers in a long caress across to Libby's right hip. Assessing Libby's expression, he moved his hand around her thigh and carefully slid it under her panties, fingers touching her pubic hair, further , until he reached the gap that had been created between her body and her lowered clothing. Following the curve of her body he found her labia and, as gently as he could, started to massage it slowly. Libby moved against him again, he was certain he felt her parting her legs slightly...
**< Libby's, OK with this...>**
The labia moved slowly aside, as he continued to stroke and then his finger slid into a wetness that coated his fingers, quickly spreading as he continued exploring Libby's body. Her clitoris, he cautiously stroked over and around it several times, Libby squirmed against him as he did...then... down here, somewhere, must be... his finger slid into her, penetrating less than an inch and then back out again, he rotated his fingertip around the skin, just outside and then back into her a second time, stopping at the same point. Libby had sighed as his fingers stroked her clitoris, then gasped as his finger entered her, tensing, relaxing as he withdrew. He continued and, in time with his penetration and withdrawal, Libby started to ride his finger.

***< I can feel his big cock rubbing against me!... and his finger... Ahhhh!, his finger feels so good, inside me!... that's so good. Yes, just gently, slowly, MMmmmmm, that's right... Match what you do, with what I'm doing... keep in time with me... keep in time. Yes... that's it. A little bit deeper now!, No... deeper! More! Pay attention!, I'm pushing harder against you! THAT MEANS GO DEEPER! Oh, good! he noticed. Keep going! Press against the front, just a little bit harder. Keep going, don't stop, don't stop. Deeper still.... deeper... DEEPER! >***
***< Oh... that's right, it's only a finger. MMmmmm, I forgot. Oohhh, fuck! thats good! For a second, I thought his cock was only 2 inches long. God, I'm so close to coming, already! It's been so long!. Ooooh... yes! Should we come, using Sam's fingers only? >***
***< Yeesss!... Mmmmmm... I mean no! I think that he might be... yessss, like that... upset, if we do... oh God!.. that... don't you? >***
***< It's time, then? >***
***< Definitely! >***

"Stop!" Libby said again.
Sam had been trying to match Libby's motions, she had been beginning to gyrate slightly on top of his hand, his middle finger fully inserted into her and he was thinking about moving a second finger inside her, allowing for a deeper, fuller sensation, when she commanded him again. He did stop and removed his finger from her, carefully.
Libby stood, pulled off her jeans and undies. He got a seconds look at her, fully naked, before she walked away, leaving him lying there, wanting all of her, watching her bum as it disappeared into the darkness, wondering **< What's going on, now? >**
Libby returned with the packages that they had been giving at Libby's Mums place. Libby scrutinised them and passed one to him. "For Sam, From Kate" was written on one side. She showed him the second one "For Libby, From Fiona"
"What?" Sam asked
"Emergency supplies, they said", Libby replied, " I'm thinking they were a bit ahead of us in this. Open it up!"
He did and a small box came out... Condoms! Part of his mind said to himself **< Only a 3 pack!, really? Only 3? >**
**< Shut up! They were right... You hadn't even thought about them... Dumb arse! >**
Libby showed him a small tube of lubricant and asked, "Do you mind?" She made a small gesture at herself.
Sam didn't think that she needed it, she had felt pretty wet to him, but hey... what did he know?
"Sure, whatever is best for you" he said.
Libby went off to the bathroom, her naked butt capturing his attention again.

Libby returned to Sam, still lying on the ground, waiting for her. He hadn't removed his underwear and appeared to be flaccid again. "You can take those off", She gestured at them. He finished stripping off and lay back on the ground. His penis was rising even as she watched, twitching up and down, in time with his heartbeat. He had been circumcised, she noticed. It was swelling up thicker, thicker, longer, harder, impressive, in that he wasn't even touching it... she couldn't resist the temptation to help. She reached out and ran her finger around the head, feeling the stretched skin, its springy resistance to being pushed down. The feel of it in her hand sent warm tingling sensations through her. She needed to know what he really felt like.
Finally seeing Sam naked, part of her mind was elated, the other silent.
*** He's hung like a Shetland pony!, fucking HUGE! Thank you, GOD!... Suck him, Libby! Make him as big as you can. I want to see him! >***
She placed the head into her mouth and let her tongue feel it, started to bob up and down, slowly feeding more into her mouth. Sam watched and groaned softly, as she took several inches inside, her tongue feeling slightly rough against his skin. Libby kept working at it until he was fully erect. When she withdrew her head, a small amount of semen stretched between them. Libby carefully cleaned it off his boner. She picked up a condom, carefully opened and removed it from the packaging... looking at it closely in the orange glow of the fire, she worked out the correct side to apply and rolled it down Sam's erection, smiling at Sam when it was ready.
"Any rules, that I should know about, before we continue?" He asked.
Libby was pleased that he'd thought to check... She certainly didn't want him to inadvertently do things that might frighten her. She ran through the list of things that her old memories threw at her.
"Don't slap me, don't call me names or talk dirty to me, don't restrain me.... and don't try and put it in my bum." Sam looked like he understood, he never fully could, of course, but she could see him trying... a look of sympathy on his face.
Not sure if she should surrender her body to him or take control of his, she lay down beside him, side on, looked into the fire, and waited.

Sam looked at Libby waiting for him. Unnoticed by her, his erection was failing already. Doubts that he could give her what she needed were replacing his desire.
**< Just start, she trusts you, wants you and that will make it work >**
He took hold of himself, mentally and physically and moved towards her, guiding it into the gap, rubbing it outside, he started to stiffen again as he felt her body pressing back, against it. Libby reached down, between her legs and guided him into herself. He couldn't really feel much, just trusted that it was aligned correctly, he gently thrust and withdrew, slowly going deeper, until he could feel her body around his head and the top of his shaft. Once the sensation reached him, he took control, Libby removed her hand and he continued to slowly work his way deeper into her body, he reached around her, located her clitoris and started to rub it, in time with his motion. Libby was proactively moving as well, now, moving her body so that, with each of them making only a small movement, his cock was sliding several inches inside her. They stayed with that movement for several minutes, each enjoying the sensations that it created. It was too good, Sam was having to employ tactics that helped him to avoid coming... **< Roadkill, Roadkill, dead cats! dead cats! dead cats! >** the thoughts of something gross and off-putting helped him to keep a lid on his own orgasm. It was a fine line to tread between staying hard, horny and attentive, blowing his load and finishing before Libby, or , worst of all, going soft without either of them finishing.

Libby was ecstatic, it was only after she and Sam had joined together and moved forward in unison that her full trust in Sam was realised. He didn't seek to control her or put himself in front of her needs. Instead, he was a partner that was giving an equal share of effort in their lovemaking. The feel of his body pressing against her, of his hard cock giving pleasure, not pain and gentle hands assisting her on the way, her bodies response to him, lifted her spirit up and showed her how things should be. She started to use him harder, faster, he matched the increase in tempo and energy as she slowly built up the tension inside her, moving herself towards an orgasm. She carefully built it up until it was close... then stopped, letting the feeling subside. Sam lay quiescent, seemingly knowing what she was doing. Not questioning, not taking over... just lying still, cock still firm inside her, waiting for her to begin again. When Libby started again, the wonderful feeling of her orgasm approaching grabbed hold of her mind... until it was the only thing that mattered to her, she started pumping herself harder and faster against Sam, he reciprocated with both fingers and cock, driving her over the edge, into unbearable pleasure...

Sam felt her orgasm take her, she moved from a controlled build-up of speed into a wild and frantic bucking that was impossible to predict, their bodies were slamming together in a completely random manner, driving his cock deep inside her, deeper and harder than he would ever have dared to ordinarily... It was like being fucked by a succubus, he thought,... either that or Libby was casting her own demons out. Now that Libby was orgasming, He allowed himself to focus on his own needs and gave himself over to his own passion, he quickly joined her, for seconds they were both engaged in a hard, deep, fucking, he was holding her tightly now... it was the only way to stay in her, with both of them busy with their own needs, finally she lay exhausted and quiet, out of breathe, on the end of his cock. Sam was still in the throes of his orgasm, still pumping his full length in her, at the same pace that Libby had set... Libby, post orgasm, started to feel the soreness that their activity had caused, feeling Sam's cock pulsing as it emptied, in a series of very quick, very deep and forceful thrusts into her... it started to hurt. "Gently!" she said urgently...
Sam heard her and while still coming, slowed down to a more sedate, but still satisfying speed, until he was finished.

Chapter Six

The rest of the afternoon and evening had past while Libby had reminisced about Sam, and their first time together. She fed the dog. It was late when she went to bed. Her sleep was disturbed as the erotic memories and sexy dreams of her and Sam were manipulated, brought to the fore and eased back into place, in her subconsciousness. Waiting to be examined, accepted and welcomed, when consciousness returned.

It was light when Libby woke, feeling hot and sweaty, just like the times when, after Sam had gone back to town, she would attempt to satisfy her growing sexual desire for him. Her masturbation had provided short term release but it fed her bodies growing demands that Sam be the instrument used to reach orgasm... she reached down and started rubbing her fingers across her thighs, feeling both the sensation of fingers on her skin and the spider web of nerves carrying the sensation deeper inside her, she sighed, and moved her fingers to between her legs. Using her middle finger she started rotating it, the skin of her labia parting and allowed her finger to move against her clitoris. She started sliding her finger in and out of her body as it began lubricating itself as she imagined the sensation of Sam's cock rubbing against her from behind.
***< No, no time for this >*** she thought.
Yoga today, I think, a shower then maybe a run, later, if the weather clears.

She put on her dressing gown and went to light the fire, Dumb Mutt lifted his head and watched her go by. It was getting chilly in the mornings, in a month or so she would be lighting the fire and keeping it burning all day. Luckily the firewood supply was still OK for another year, maybe two.... she would have to sort something out and replenish the stockpile soon or the wood would still be green when she wanted to burn it.

After the fire had taken the chill of the room, Libby changed into her leggings and T-shirt, and her sports bra. The yoga DVD was already set up to play on the TV, she turned it on and settled down to the routine. She quietly compared her body to how she was during the Winter, before Fiona had intervened. Her body flowed into the positions more smoothly, her muscles showed, firm, well defined through her skin... not overtly muscular but definitely not the saggy blobs that she had allowed herself to gain. She worked through the program, she might be fitter than before, but she still pushed herself until she built up a good sweat. It was amazing to her, that her skin had changed too, back into it's natural olivey looking tones, without the pimples that her poor diet had bestowed upon her. She felt good about how she had regained her health, Sam had always commented on how sexy she looked, without even trying to...
***< Oh, Sam... I loved you! >*** the sad thought came to her.

Sam had moved in after 2 months. They were so happy together and they didn't want to be apart. They went to town and beyond often, being close to each other filling their needs completely. Their love-making frequently keeping them in bed for hours... if they made it that far. Once freed from her fears, Libby found she was virtually insatiable when in Sam's arms... she loved to tease and please him and, in Sam, she'd found someone who would do the same to her.

One day, while hunting, Sam saw a stag that eluded him and Dumb Mutt. The next day he left the dog behind, so it wouldn't scare the deer off, went off to stalk it... and never came home.
He'd never been found... as the days had passed, the police used different phrases... Search and rescue, then Body recovery, when weeks had passed, cadaver dogs were used, without success... the search for Sam had been wound down and then discontinued. Just another one of those people that disappeared, going into the wilderness and dropping off the face of the earth. Libby wound down too. Tired, listless, and consumed with grief, she went into the house, and closed herself away.

As always, the thoughts of losing Sam saddened her... but dwelling on him for too long wasn't healthy, she knew.
She sighed, pushed the feelings away and went to have a shower.
It was so good to just stand under the shower head for as long as she wanted, the water almost at the point that it would start to scald, cleaning away the sweat that her workout gave her. She started her standard routine, soap in hand, rub soap over her chest, boobs, the areola and nipples perking up a little, her empty hand followed the same path, rubbing the sensitive parts gently, harder on the normal skin. Along her sides, over her back, swapping the cake of soap into her other hand to get as much coverage as possible. Down, around her buttock, working her free hand into her crack, over her anus. Move the soap to the front, soaping up the pubic hair, her vagina. She lingered there, feeling aroused again, thinking about just staying in the shower and playing with herself... slipping her fingers between... **< Not yet, Libby! >** She sighed and continued to wash, down her legs, feet, between the toes.
She picked up the shampoo, squeezed out the normal amount and applied it to her hair, working it into a lather. She rubbed some of it over her face, her breasts, noticing, as usual, the difference in sensation between using normal soap and shampoo when rubbing herself sexually...***< Mmmm, That feels good, Libby, don't stop! >*** she ignored that and rinsed off her head and body. Stood in the shower, allowing the excess water to drip off briefly before exiting and towelling herself down.
She checked the laundry hamper and decided not to put a load through the washing machine. It was raining today and it would take several days to dry in the Machinery Shed instead of out in the sun... she didn't have a clean bra though, she shrugged, it wasn't like she was expecting visitors. It had always turned Sam on. She would wander out, naked, to perform mundane chores, or to exercise or... she smiled, or if she was just horny for him ***< We were always horny for him! >***, flaunting her body to him. That worked every time, Sam just couldn't resist it, she would saunter past, naked, through his field of view, within minutes they would be making love.
Libby sashayed out of the bathroom, unconsciously mimicking the movement that turned Sam on so much, feeling her nipples perking up as she recalled his hands and mouth on them, teasing her. She cupped them in her hands, her nipples sensitised by the shower, her thoughts and her touch. She moved towards the fire place, lay down, and allowed her hair to fall on the fire side of her body to dry. She dozed off to sleep, her body warmed by the thoughts of Sam making love to her.

The dog had lifted his head, watching the Alpha-Bitch move across the den, before lying down and falling asleep. He had seen her posturing like this before, around the Pack-Leader, arousing his lust, blatantly offering her body and then coupling with him.
Was she inviting him? It seemed unlikely. Certainly the smell of her was more alluring than ever... He had never mated before, only now reaching maturity... but the scent drifting over from her body was tantalising, offering a vague promise of... something, his inexperience and the Alpha-Bitches sudden mood changes made him uncertain... still, some imperative demand inside, made him stand and approach her sleeping form.
He cautiously licked her back, ready to retreat... nothing. She tasted salty, with a smoothly textured skin that was pleasant against his tongue and a vaguely oily secretion that carried her scent onto his tongue and into his nose. He did it again, a long sweeping contact from buttock to shoulder, still no response. He continued, the salt on her skin satisfying a craving that he hadn't realised existed. He cleaned the broader expanse of her back and then worked along her sides, along and over her ribs, her mammeries... now she twitched and made a small sound of appreciation. The noises pleased him, she was welcoming his attention! He explored her body more attentively, focusing on areas that pleased the Alpha-Bitch and tasted best to him. Her neck, behind the ears, her mammeries, around her buttocks, upper legs. She spread her legs wider and he tongued the skin of her smooth inner thighs and then the entrance to her sex, his tongue following the intricate folds of skin, pushing them around gently. They parted under his tongues ministrations, exposing a little nodule that had been hidden from sight. Her scent and taste was stronger here, he focussed on that area, licking it over and over, feeling it pass by, pushing his tongue into her as much as he could, enjoying the delicious liquid that she was producing. The Alpha-Bitch moaned softly and mumbled in a soft voice " Oh God! Yes! that's what I want!... tongue me out, Sam!"
***< MMmmmmm... >***
Dumb Mutt couldn't get enough of the Alpha-Bitch... he pressed his muzzle against her, using a nibbling motion as he tried to get further inside, closer to the source of her secretions. The Alpha-Bitches front legs moved his muzzle back from her body as they came down and entered herself. Better equipped to the task, they penetrated more deeply inside her body, the dog gratefully licked them clean as they exited, tongue sliding over her paws and around her sex, at the same time... The smell of her grew stronger, his saliva combining with the wetness from inside her body. He concentrated on the fluid that she was secreting, it was new and strange to him, but it stirred something inside his mind. That drove him to lick her faster and faster, to keep in time with her front paws as they quickened their pace, licking them where they entered and emerged, rhythmically, from her body. It pleased him that the Alpha-Bitch was now making louder sounds, sounds that welcomed him, into her presence, included him in her activities. He sensed that this was a way to make himself truly welcome in her pack. He continued to please her, until she started to make strange low grunting noises and began shuddering... opening and closing her back legs in a spasmodic, uncoordinated way. He retreated some small distance away and keenly observed her un-doglike behaviour, wondering what it meant.

Libby was dreaming. Of Sam, which wasn't unusual, he was trying to get her attention about something, but he was giving her a massage at the same time, so she wasn't really focussing on what he was saying. The strokes of his hands were caressing her back and sides, rubbing the sides of her breast, over her bum, getting her hot for him, the way he did...
***< good! >***
… then the dream shifted, She and Sam were having sex, it was so good to feel him in her again, making her wet and warm inside, satisfying her needs, filling her with wonderful thoughts of love and lust, blending them together to build her up towards her climax... and he should of realised that she wasn't going to pay attention to that other thing, whatever it was, while he was doing that to her... He finally threw up his hands in disgust and applied himself to the more important task of making her come...

***< Wise man! >*** She thought, laughing at him.
**< It was important, Libby! >**
***< But, not as important as THIS >***,
she managed, as she started shuddering, her orgasm contracting and relaxing her body convulsively...
***< Oh God!, it's... been... such... a... long...fucking... time!..., and... it's... just... so... fucking... GOOD!... >*** seconds passed before it started to fade and she could open her eyes, smiling. She pressing her legs together, Libby enjoyed the pleasant after-orgasm sensations that Sam had made her experience. She rolled over to thank Sam, simultaneously realising Sam was gone and that it just couldn't be.
Only the dog was there, a small distance away, head tilted to one side in a quizzical manner. Oddly, Sam not being there didn't upset her. She had had a wet dream, she decided, not typical for her, but she'd had them before. It felt like a gift bestowed upon her, a good memory of Sam, refreshed and lifted to the surface of her mind. She appraised the dog, her mind intuiting that Dumb Mutt had caused this, somehow.
She sat up, still feeling wonderful, after her orgasm and looked more intently at the dog. He was focussed on her too, like he was studying her, as well.
"Come here, Dumb Mutt!" She commanded. He approached her slowly, good thing too, seated, he stood taller than her. He would have bowled her over easily, if he had of been boisterous. She wrapped her arms around him, her hands barely meeting on the other side of him, and gave him a long hug, laying her head against him... she heard his heart beating. It was a solid thumping sound, filling his chest, booming like a drum, in her ears. His soft warm fur carried the smell of him... it didn't offend her nose. At the moment, in her ambivalence towards him, she would have called it pleasant. He just stood there, big and warm, accepting the hug, before starting to gently lick her back. It didn't feel icky, she decided, noticing how lightly he applied his tongue. Soft, like an oiled hand, massaging, soothing, warming her body where it passed over her skin. The warmth started to go deeper, spreading and intensifying...
***< Oh, I like that! >***
Libby got a sense of what had happened, to make her orgasm happen... it had been awesome, but she thought that being covered in more dog spit and getting dog smell on her hair wasn't a good idea, especially after just having a shower. She stood up.
***< Spoilsport! We were getting horny again! >***

***< We owe him, right? >***
***< What do you mean >***
***< He tongues us all over and makes us come and all you give in return is a hug?. That's not a fair exchange >***
***< Fine! I'll give him extra food, OK? >***
***< That's not what I had in mind... >***
***< You can't be serious!... >***
***< You owe him! >***
***< Eeew! that's gross!... No! >***
***< Just a hand job then!... you've done them before, for less >***
***< On a human!... No! >***
***< You owe him! >***

She stopped hugging him and backed off enough to check him out. The pink tip of his cock was just showing. His balls and sheathe were covered in short dark fur. Each one of his nuts were just smaller than her fist and the sheathe was a good hands span long. Never having seen the dog erect before, She tried to extrapolate that information into probable cock size and came up with something disturbingly large, longer than the average man, she thought... I'd need two hands to handle it...
***< No fucking way! >***
***< Think about it, we owe it to him! >***
She stood and moved away from the dog, going to the bedroom to get dressed, undies, old jeans... no bra, damn, she should put a wash on, a T-shirt and a jumper.

The next morning she was still arguing with her conscience about the depravity of it's suggestions. It had taken on a decidedly sick and twisted mien recently. She kept looking over at the dog, back in the doorway, perfectly content not to have her hand wrapping around him, pumping him gently, surging to his feet, pushing against her, his cock emerging, long and hard and thick, squirting onto her waiting hand... straining and pumping to completion, sperm gushing out... his big brown eyes glowing with gratitude as he finished...

"Shit!" Libby said
***< Fine! I'll give him a hand job... you really are a sick bitch, you know that, don't you? >***
She walked over to the dog, knelt beside him and urged him to stand. She rubbed his chest to measure his demeanour then moved her hand lower to brush her fingers over the sheathe, ready to pull them back if he didn't appear to like it. He just stood still, head turned backwards to observe her. His sheathe felt fuzzy under her fingers, she cupped it in her hand and started to tentatively rub it, gently forwards and backwards, feeling the underlying bone sliding along. She felt the dogs reaction, a thickening sensation as the sheathe expanded in her hand. The tip of his cock started to show as she pumped him, becoming more confident as she did...
***< He likes it! >*** She felt a small surge of accomplishment and smiled as she noticed that, at the base of the sheathe, small hard protuberance to each side starting to form. She braced herself for him to launch himself at her, determined to be in control of him, when he did. The dog was looking at her intently, reciprocating with licks to her hand. She started to pump him faster, squeezing more firmly and felt his hard-on fade away...
***< What? Oh, come on! Really? >***
She kept up the motion, hoping he would respond again, but seconds passed without another reaction, she finally gave up... the dog flopped down, gave her what seemed like a bored look and lay his head on the floor.
Her conscience cackled insanely... ***< You can't even get a dog interested! >***
***< Shut up!... it's a stupid dog! >***
She felt slightly betrayed... against her better judgement, she had tried to be nice to him, but he was just too dumb to know what to do. She got up and walked away.

She washed her clothes and, between the heavy showers of rain, hung them out in the Machinery Shed to start drying. She could bring them in later and put them on a clothes rack, beside the fire, to finish off. After lunch the weather cleared slightly, with longer sunny periods, once it warmed up, she decided to get out of the house and go for a walk. As usual, Dumb Mutt took his position in front of her, zigzagging across the path, scenting the wind and ground as he went. Occasionally he would put up a rabbit, but he was too slow, ... a dumb-arsed, lumbering giant, Libby didn't bother to sic him onto them... they were long gone. He was too slow to catch the fleet-footed rabbits... to dumb to know when he was being jerked off. Libby was still annoyed that she hadn't got the dog up... it shouldn't be difficult, she reasoned, so whats wrong with me? Part of her wasn't coping well with her failure... for someone who had problems: attracting unwanted attention, she now found it was upsetting to her that a dumb dog didn't react to her. Without realising it, it became a challenge to her pride.

They had walked the North side of the lake, through the dense trees, where she had met Sam and beyond that, where it opened up into a series of large clearings. As they were moving through the centre of one of the clearings, Dumb Mutt stopped short, intent on an area in front of them, sniffing the air loudly. Libby looked, but couldn't see anything at all. Dumb Mutt's stance appeared to be hostile, he began growling menacingly. Libby thought that Dumb Mutt wasn't looking towards the distant edge of the clearing, but a point, devoid of any cover, close at hand... growling at nothing... Libby was unnerved by the dog's reaction to thin air... she was about to call him off, when he stopped growling, tilted his head and then sat down. He looked back at her, waiting for her to approach. She gave his head a pat and asked "What is it, boy?" The dog sneezed messily, rubbed his nose with his paw and started off down the track again, once more unconcerned with anything other than finding the next rabbit.

The weather changed rapidly, low clouds boiled over the ridge-line, rain following them, falling in sheets, Libby had only just noticed them and started to return to the house before they were upon her. It fell lightly at first and they made good progress, back through the clearings and into the heavily forested sections beside the lake. The rain settled into a heavy downpour, soaking her clothes. Libby was drenched and feeling the cold, the hairs on her arms standing up from goose bumps.
Libby stopped under a large tree, its branches providing partial shelter from the heavy drops that were falling. She wrapped her arms around herself and took stock of the situation. The dog flung the water away from his body in a massive shudder, droplets of water spraying over her. "Oh, thanks!" she said sarcastically, "Dog flavoured rain, great, just what I needed!"
He came closer and nudged her side, sitting and watching her as she shivered.

***< This isn't hypothermia >***, she reasoned, ***< I'm just chilled, not frozen. >***
***< Or, is it hypothermia... and we are too far gone and now we think it is warm? >***
***< No! I'm sure I'm just cold... see!, I stopped shivering, for a moment... >***
***< That can be a bad sign! >***
***< The house is no more than another 10 minutes away, I'll wait here for a while and see if the rain eases. >***
***< Try not to die!, OK? That would make things awkward.>***

Her cold nipples were pressing against the wet T-shirt. She decided to sit, wrapping her arms around her knees pulling them into her body.
***< Better! >***, she thought. The dog nudged her again, she could feel little waves of heat drifting from his body to hers. ***< Not fair!, the dumb dog is warm as toast, while I'm freezing my tits off!. >*** She knelt and pulled him into a hug, he was like a hot, but damp, blanket, some of the water was transferred away from her and she was warmed across her chest.
***< Oh... That's good! >*** She smiled and remembered Sam saying "Sometimes, big IS better!"

The dog had been assessing the new thoughts that had started to fill his mind... The women was not warm, but he felt warmed by her embrace... **< Affection... she was cold... you offered her your warmth and she accepted your offer. Knowing that she is warmer now, makes you feel good inside. >**
He mulled that over, yes, he decided. It pleases me. He sat, warmed by the thought, noticing her body pressed against him, her mammeries, the smell of her wet body. The memory of the taste of her sexual excretions. And this one?, he asked **< Arousal >** It felt good too, warming him in a different way... not as generalised as affection... he focussed on it, it became dominant, a desire, a want, he needed something, something unknown, beyond his experience... he strained to visualise what it was but, lacking experience, couldn't quite grasp what it was... still, it stirred him.

They both stayed like that for some minutes, neither the dog or the woman making a move to break her hug. Then, Libby looked around, the rain had started to lighten up slightly, she noticed... ***< Good! we can leave soon and get back to the house, hopefully before the next shower comes through. Mental note...bring a jacket, when you come out in changeable weather! >***

She released the dog from her hug, noticing as she did so the pink tip of his dick, extending out the front of his sheathe.
***< He's ready now! >***
***< Do you think I should try again? >***
***< Yeah! go on! >***
She looked around carefully... what were the chances of someone else being out in the rain, walking on private property and being in a position to see her, amounst the trees?
***< No chance >***, she told herself.
She reached out for him, wrapping her hand around him, feeling the soft furriness of his sheathe in her hands again. Libby was expecting the same unresponsive reaction as earlier, instead, he wrapped his front legs tightly around her arm and launched himself at her with a frantic thrusting motion, his cock sliding out towards her, his full-forced thrusting pushing it close to her head. Libby gave a small squeal of shock and then gasped as his semen jetted out of him in long pulsing squirts, feeling them splashing hotly across her T-shirt, over her jeans, her face, closing her eyes to avoid getting it in her eyes... feeling it in her hair, dripping down from her forehead, going into her mouth and down into her throat as she gasped. She shut her mouth, but was to late to prevent herself from tasting it, as it squirted on her face again. She expected it to be a sticky mixture, like a mans, but this was more like tears, very liquid and salty, easily swallowed.

***< Good girl! >***
***< Shut the fuck up!, that's MY throat, he's emptying his balls down! >***
***< It's mine too! Tasted good though didn't it? >***
Libby wasn't going to admit that it wasn't as bad as she had expected.

She had wrapped both hands around it now, trying to hold the dog away and, just, succeeding. His knot was on the other side of her hands, big, bulging, and threatening to push past them. His cock extended out past her two hands with the tip and a couple of inches showing her that the dog's cock was a magnificent, wetly glistening, red/purple monstrosity. She licked her lips nervously, more dog-come went onto her taste buds...
***< Imagine that inside you! >*** she tried not to... failed... it was hard to ignore something like that: huge, slithering, slick with come, sliding backwards and forwards and squirting all over you, inches from your face. The pure animal masculinity of it was exciting, in it's own way. The dog's sudden need for her was obscurely gratifying.
Anyway, she might not have any choice... her arms were getting tired, it was like bench-pressing 100lbs, holding the barbell above her head, its weight slowly overcoming her strength to keep it from coming closer.
***< No!, I don't want to! >***
Libby swallowed, she was feeling the whole thing sliding backwards and forwards between her hands... couldn't stop herself from imagining the dog's cock doing the same thing inside her. She felt afraid. Of him, his giant size, her sudden desire to offer him her body.
***< Liar!, take him in our mouth, Libby, even if you are afraid to let him fuck us, let's see what he feels like, in our mouth!, then we'll be even. >***
She might not have a choice... her arms were burning from the strain, slowly being forced back. Dumb Mutt unlocked his front paws from their grip and moved closer to her side, and tried to move in behind her, his cock slipping out of her grasp. He changed it's position, pointing it towards her arse. She could feel his come squirting over her butt, warm wet lines splashing against her jeans. It dribbled through her clothes, down her crack, her anus, gathering wetly in the bottom of her undies. She imagined his huge cock ripping through her jeans, tearing into her body, sliding deep into her, she would have to submit to being his bitch and having it fully inside her, if she allowed him to get behind her... Libby rotated her body so that her butt was pointed away from him... her head towards the beast, frustrating his efforts.
The dog launched himself over her side, once again using its front legs to grab her tightly. His boner came closer, towards her mouth, his frantic pumping had given way to something slightly more sedate as he swelled larger. If she had to chose between taking him in the bum or in the mouth... she made her choice and let the tip penetrate her mouth, analysing the feel of it... smooth, with a slight give to it and a harder underlying feel, she allowed a few inches to slide into her mouth, she had to gape her mouth as wide as possible, he was thickening up, she was careful not to scrape him with her teeth. Dog-come started to fill her mouth, it didn't taste unpleasant, so she swallowed it. She allowed a bit more of his length inside, it touched the back of her mouth, filling it up with come again, she moved her head and body back and swallowed that too.
**< Good Girl!, Good Girl!, Libby, that's right! >**
The dog hopped forward, seeking to bury his length deeper inside, once again he slid to the rear of her mouth, filling it up with cock and semen. She backed off again and he slid out enough for her to swallow. He moved forward again, she tried to back off, but her bum hit the tree, coming to a sudden stop. He moved forward, she felt the cock hit the back of her mouth, she couldn't move back any more, she was wedged between the tree and the dog, Libby managed a deep inhalation, sucking air around the dogs cock and then he slowly, in a series of small thrusts... pushed... his... cock... down... her... throat...
Libby felt her throat expanding outwards to accept his width, She gagged and tried to push him away with both hands flat on his knot, it didn't move him at all, his knot was huge, rubbing against her face. What little gap that was left in her mouth was filled up with his semen, still being emptied out of his balls, at a lesser rate, but still beyond what she could cope with while he was inside her mouth and down her throat. She gagged slightly, the swollen dick was tickling her tonsils, the knot against her lips. Unable to swallow with his dick in place, semen trickled into her lungs, more back-flowed into her mouth. She was going to drown in dog-come! She gagged again and tried to push him away, failing, she felt her throat bulging outwards, flexible enough to expand a bit more, but not enough to suck air into her lungs with both his full size and his semen. Instead of trying to push the dog away from herself, Libby threw herself away from him, finally escaping his grasp. His massive erection slithered out, still squirting over her clothes. She was gasping, coughing and sneezing. Come was dribbling out of her mouth, her nose...
Libby started laughing with relief.
***< Thank fuck for that! I was about to drown! >***
Dumb Mutt moved beside her and licked her, gently cleaning his come off her face, he didn't try to face-fuck her a second time, Libby was grateful for that, her throat and jaw were sore from their workout.... he just stood there, huge in every way, smiling and panting happily, his breath warming her wet cold face. She hugged him again and said "That was hard work, Dog!, I hope it was good for you!" Dumb Mutt definitely looked like he was smiling. "Yeah, I can see it was, wipe that grin off your face, you perverted animal!"
***< He owned you, Libby! >***
***< No shit?... thanks for the observation!... "give the dog a hand-job Libby, you owe him..." next thing I know, his cock is so far down my throat that I can't breathe... your ideas suck! >***
***< No, you suck... real good! >*** laughter inside her mind.
***< No more clever ideas, OK? >***

Eventually, the dogs boner had retracted back into his body, Libby couldn't help watching the process. The dog spent most of the time licking himself, rolling his long broad tongue over it, again and again, licking his balls, his sheathe... it made Libby feel warm inside, watching him tonguing himself, the slow, long strokes stoking a fire that she kept denying was there. She couldn't look away, it was fascinating to her. When Dumb Mutt had finished, Libby stood and walked off towards the house, Dumb Mutt passing her and leading the way, through the rain.

The house was still warm when they returned, Libby looked at the dog, water was pooling from him, onto the floor. She looked down, at her feet... another puddle was forming. She shrugged, went and got an old towel and gave the dog a brisk rub down, cleaning up the puddle as best she could. She went to the laundry and threw the towel into the clothes basket, then walked to the fire and added some more wood to it. Shivering still, she knelt beside it, enjoying the extra heat that it was throwing out, letting it warm up her still chilled body. Steam started to rise from her swiftly drying clothes. Her nose wrinkled... she smelt like a wet dog... and something else. As she swiftly dried, a myriad of silvery lines were appearing, crisscrossing all over her T-shirt and jeans. She smelt of come... it was all over her. She sniffed at the skin on her arms... dog come. She hurriedly pulled off her T-shirt and lifted her boobs to her nose,... yep! dog come, still soaking wet with it on the undersides of them. She pulled her hair up to her eyes... something was gluing it together, drying in thickening clumps, smelly... dog come! She hurriedly stripped off her jeans and panties... sodden with DOG COME... on her pubic hair, DOG COME on her pussy... she ran her hands down the crack of her bum, past her anus... slick, slippery DOG COME on her hands! It was everywhere! The dog had emptied his balls, all over her body, as well as down her throat... She was absolutely soaking in DOG COME and now it was drying onto her body!
***< Eeeww, gross! >***
She ran to the shower, cranked up the heat of the water and stood under it, soaping herself all over and washing it off, again and again, each time convincing herself that she could still smell the evidence, damning proof that she had encouraged the dog to empty it's huge load, all over her body. Soap!... dog come!... again... dog come! again! Still there! Shampoo!... Dog come! Again!... Dog come! again!... and again!
***< Oh my God! >*** she wailed to herself ***< What if the smell doesn't ever wash off? >***
***< Relax... it's gone! >***
***< You're sure? >***
***< I'm sure! >***
***< Ok... OK! >***

Libby finally exited the shower, towelled herself down, wrapped her hair in the towel and walked to her bedroom, rolling some deodorant under her arms and changing into fresh clothing. As she exited the bedroom she called over to the dog "I smell better now, no thanks to you!"
The dog raised his head and leered at her "You talk to the dog, now, Libby?"...
Libby started, her head snapping around. Sam's Mum was at the kitchen table, a coffee beside her, a box of groceries on the counter... she couldn't stop her head from swivelling towards the fireplace... damp, steaming, stinking and come-covered clothing, lay strewn over the floor.
***< Oh Shit! >***
"Hi Fiona...ah, yes... we're getting along a lot better", she said.
***< Yeah!... REAL GOOD! >*** her inner voice laughed.
"Sit down " Fiona said, " I need to talk to you, about you and the dog"
***< Oh fuck!, we've been busted! >*** no laughter.
Libby sat down at the table. Her heart was thumping in her chest.
" I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but because I was Sam's next of kin, the ownership of his possessions came to me when he died, that includes the dog..." Fiona started. "Do you recall the time I came out and ear bashed you about the condition of Dumb Mutt?"
***< Like we'd ever forget it! >*** Inner Libby said.
"Yes" Libby replied.
"Well, your Mother had told me that you were starving him. I came out here to remove him from your care... What Kate didn't tell me was that you were in worse condition than he was." Fiona sighed, "It was clear to me that your love for Sam was killing you. So I forced you to look after Dumb Mutt, hoping that you would grow to like him... you needed a companion, Dumb Mutt needed care, attention and a place to live... still does.
Now, I have been approached by the person that Sam got Dumb Mutt off. He wants to buy the dog back... I need to know if you want me to sell him the dog, or not. Libby... If you want the dog, I'll give him to you... if you don't, he'll go back... I have no room for him at my place. The choice is yours's.

Libby stood and walked to where the dog was, Fiona followed her, he sat up as they approached... he looked happy that Libby had come to him.
***< I bet he is!, I hope he doesn't decide to try and bang you, that could be embarrassing! >*** Inner Libby laughed
***< Sshhh! >***

Libby bent over and gave Dumb Mutt a long hug, "There was a time when he would growl, if I tried to pat him " She said, " Now, I think he likes me. I know that I want him to be with me.
Fiona smiled and nodded, "Good!, I feel he belongs with you too. Sam spent a lot of time with him... the dog learned from his Master and He has picked up some of Sam's personality, had you noticed? He's a handsome dog, they're brave and loyal to those they bond with... if he's chosen you, then with you is where he should be." Libby stood, gave Dumb Mutt a pat and they returned to the table. Fiona offered to give the truck to Libby too, it had been parked in the Machinery Shed, since Sam's disappearance, and Fiona wanted Libby to take it. Libby accepted with good grace, always conscious of the damning evidence lying by the fire. She was quietly sniffing the air, certain that Fiona would smell the evidence of her illicit encounter with Dumb Mutt. As soon as she left, and it wasn't soon enough for Libby, she scooped up the damp clothing and hurriedly threw it into the washing machine and started a wash.

That night she dreamed of Dumb Mutt.

Libby was Dumb Mutt's bitch... she was naked except for a choker chain and a lead. Dumb Mutt held the lead in his mouth. She was on her hands and knees, the dog repeatedly mounting and fucking her, however he wished.
Fiona and Kate were there, watching, disgusted at what they were seeing... Dumb Mutt kept displaying her body to them, making her turn, this way and that, TURN! TURN! TURN!... letting them see his huge cock slipping into her, her body being jolted forward as she was fucked by him, from every angle, as deep as Dumb Mutt wanted... and he wanted to fuck her deeply, completely dominating her. The dog was every thing she feared a dog would be: aggressive, brutal, unstoppable, uncontrollable. It ignored her cries of pain and took her like a bitch, over and over. Libby was forced into a submissive role, one she despised.

Now they were out for a walk, the dog wearing a black collar and lead. The dog was dragging on the lead, towing Libby along, through the forest, she was trying to command him, but Dumb Mutt was too big and she was forced to go where he wished. He made her turn through the trees, TURN LIBBY!, TURN!, TURN!, TURN! until he stopped under the tree, in the rain. Dumb Mutt waited for Libby to get on her hands and knees, then he put his cock down her throat...his big balls flooding her mouth and throat with his semen...

The scene wavered again...

He had a collar and lead on, Libby was holding it, commanding him, in control... he was LIBBY'S dog, she OWNED him. He OBEYED her. He did what SHE demanded. She derived great pleasure from ordering the dog, he always complied exactly as she demanded... turn this way, turn that way. TURN!, TURN!, TURN!

another change...

Libby was lying on her bed, rubbing herself, thinking of how good the dog was now that they worked together. Dumb Mutt was sitting on the floor watching, waiting for permission, whining in anticipation... she beckoned to him, he began to lick her, wanting to mount her body but knowing that she was the master, not him and that his time would come... after Libby was satisfied. Libby allowed him to please her. She wanted him inside her now and slid onto the ground in front of him... he knew the rules and carefully tried to ease himself inside her, the alignment of their bodies was wrong, he couldn't enter her... " You need to TURN, Libby" the dog said to her, with Sam's voice "You need to TURN!... It's important! Please TURN. Please TURN! Please TURN!"

She finally understood what he meant and TURNED, feeling a great sense of wellbeing... " Well done, Libby! it's for the best, you will see! TURN! Turn! turn..."

Libby woke suddenly, the dream vivid but confusing in her mind... " It's for the best!... Turn! turn, turn..." fading away. She was in control of... Dumb Mutt speaking with Sam's voice? What? She shook her head, confused...
< Thank fuck for that... it was getting crowded in here! >*** Inner Libby said.
***< What? >***
***< Nothing!... OK, I'll try to explain... you're mind isn't really that big, sweetie! I managed to get rid of that other bitch, that freed up some room, but you still share the space with me, when you dream they take up space too... that was a biggy, so I was starting to get squished between you , the dream and the walls!... understand? >***
***< No... >***
***< Well, I didn't think you would, but it was worth a shot!. >***
***< What did the dream mean? >***
***< I'm not allowed to say... rules, you understand?. You will work it out. >***
***< Thanks, for nothing! >***
***< Welcome! >***

Libby gave up and, in a huff, ignored Inner Libby... still thinking about the dream... Turn, turn, turn?

After breakfast, Libby decided that, as the new owner of Dumb Mutt, she needed to get some basic supplies for him. She ordered him into the back seat of Sam's truck and drove into town. After visiting her Mother, she stopped off at a pet store. She picked up some worm tablets and then started to browse the collars and chains. They were arranged in sizes and colours. Red, Orange, Pink, Brown, Blue, Black... tiny, small, medium, large... Libby made her selections, completed the transaction and drove back to the house.
After she had conned Dumb Mutt into eating the worm tablets, she showed him his new collar. His eyes flicked from it to Libby and she smiled at what she interpreted as a disgusted expression... " What's the matter, boy?... don't you like PINK?. He didn't run away when she fastened it around his neck, though. "You're my little puppy, now!", she gloated, hugging him, before walking away.

It felt right, that once he had the collar on, that she would lead him into the bedroom, She had no inhibitions now... she stripped off. Wanted to tease him... she remained standing allowing Dumb Mutt to explore her lower body, sniffing her skin and then licking her. She shivered with excitement, spread her legs apart and felt his tongue pressing through her pubic hair, his saliva wet on her skin, around her arse. She leaned over the bed, using the edge to brace herself, he licked her tits, first, lifting them up each time his tongue passed over them. Then, from behind her, he pushed his muzzle between her legs, splaying them further before noisily sampling the taste of her vagina. Libby swallowed and allowed herself to enjoy the wet, sliding sensation of his tongue on her, penetrating her slightly each time he started the next lick. She slowly lowered her upper body, getting on to her hands and knees, feeling Dumb Mutt getting access to all of her butt, the small of her back, wanting to experience that moment when he mounted her and felt his dog-cock thrusting into her pussy, feeling him experience her, loving her. Feeling his long, thick, cock sliding it's full length into her, feel his knot either inside rubbing the G spot or outside pressing her clit... the anticipation grew in her... until she couldn't remain silent any longer "Now!, fuck me now!"
Dumb Mutt jumped with his front legs, pressed his chest against her butt, it naturally rode up onto her back, his forelegs wrapped themselves firmly around her waist. His boner extended from his sheathe, she could feel it's long fuzziness pressing against her, looking between her legs, she could see his cock squirting come, up against her pussy... tantalisingly close to entering her. Dumb Mutt was stabbing his cock around randomly, trying to find the entrance, Libby wasn't prepared to wait, she wanted it now! She seized his sheathe and tried to assist the dog to find her. It hit her thigh, poked her buttock, rubbed between her swollen labia, ***< Nearly! >*** excited by his proximity... and then the tip speared into her anus. Libby's eyes flared wide, she didn't have time to say "No!", before the dog's next thrust made her arsehole gape and head of his cock was inside her, she grunted, a third thrust and it felt like it was fully up her arse, he started to pump like crazy, still going deeper... his knot pressing it's way into her, starting to swell up, feeling huge beyond belief. The pain was indescribable. Libby gave a short scream and flung herself away from the dog, his legs couldn't hold her frantic movement, she felt his dick sliding out, spraying her arse with come as it went. Libby, still on all fours, whirled as Dumb Mutt tried to re-capture his escaping prize. Libby slapped him as hard as she could across the muzzle, as if he were an offensive man. Dumb Mutt eyes and ears flattened, he growled at her... He was going to have her! Libby slapped him again, Dumb Mutt closed his eyes, shook his head and then backed away, whining and cringing from her. Libby was incensed, she grabbed his collar with both hands and tried to draw him to her, she couldn't shift him, but he moved forwards, reluctantly... " I'm not your bitch!" she yelled at him " You're MINE!... If you ever stick that up my arse again, before I ask you to, I'll have your nut's cut off, do you understand me!" She tried to shake his head, but it didn't move much. Dumb Mutt was licking her forearms, whining in contrition, looking at her face.
***< Even his eyes look remorseful, or maybe he just likes his balls attached to his body! >*** Libby thought.
***< Lighten up, Libby!. You were the one guiding him... it's your fault too... >*** Inner Libby said.
***< I guess so... but that really hurt! >***
***< Try not to take it out on the dog, it's new to him too! >***

"OK, I'm sorry I growled you, but I'm not just a piece of meat for you to fuck the shit out of... be as gentle as you can... " Libby said to the dog and then laughed at herself, "Like you understand me!"
She hugged Dumb Mutt to her, he leaned into her embrace, seeking her reassurance, warm and solid. His smell, familiar and pleasant now. She tightened her arms, pressing her upper body against him, feeling her breasts squashing against him. Libby rubbed herself up and down against his thick fur, stimulating her nipples, she closed her eyes and focussed on the soft rubbing on them and the alternating squeezing sensation.

***< Oh, that's nice! >***
***< I know!, tell the dog! >***
***< Why? >***
*** If nothing else, the sound of your voice indicates how you feel, let him know he is pleasing you. >***

"That's good, good dog!" Libby said, opening her eyes to see the dogs reaction. His muzzle crinkled upwards, like a small smile, she decided. His fur was so soft! His guard hairs added to the sensation, coarser than the others, they heightened her nipples arousal as they brushed by. She had another thought and swung around the dog, straddling his butt, knees on the ground, leaning over him like a jockey as he sat. She leaned her weight against him and continued rubbing, her pubic hair being brushed, backwards and forwards, by the fur on his back. His tail, curled upwards in the funny way that they did with this breed, was wrapped all the way around her butt. It gently stimulated her, the pain in her bum receded until it blended into a new sensation, pleasure and pain, which was even better than she thought would be possible. Libby needed more of it and sought to enhance and increase the feeling by pressing harder against Dumb Mutts back, pushing her labia and clitoris against the knobby parts of his vertebrae. She was bumping past them, the fur on top, softening it into a long alternating hard and soft pressure on the outside of her vagina. She kept doing it, the dog lay down, it made it easier for her. Libby liked the new position, she was the dominant one, being on top fired her imagination, it was like she was the dog and Dumb Mutt was her bitch.
" That's good, Dumb Mutt, good dog!... you're my bitch! I'm going to fuck you! I'm going to pump you until you love me!"
She reached forwards and rubbed his head, bracing her arms against his solid mass, her whole body moving, stimulating herself against him. Libby's bottom was thumping up and down on Dumb Mutts back now, small waves of pain coming from it. She was panting, moaning softly as a roiling pleasure flowed through her...
***< Let the dog have you now, pain will feel good too, at his point! >***
Libby followed Inner Libby's suggestion, sliding off the dog, onto all fours beside him again. He looked at her as she said urgently "Now!, fuck me now! I need you inside me!"
Dumb Mutt mounted her swiftly, his boner stabbing around like before. Libby resisted the temptation to grab him and try to help, instead she turned her body until he slid into place. His long hard boner opened and stretched her fully, his semen lubricating the way as he settled into a fast pumping action that quickly lifted her arousal to new heights. His knot was outside her, pressing against her legs, rubbing her bum. The pain from his earlier penetration of her arse adding to the overall satisfaction she was feeling now.
***< I love this!, he's just so big, inside me! I can feel his come running out of me, I'm so full of his juices! He slides so deep...>***
" That's it, good dog. I love that, keep going... don't ever stop!... Yes... Yes... a little bit more!... harder now... Harder, oh God!... fuck me harder... faster... yes... yes... oh yeah, Good dog! Good dog... fuck me like a dog! I want to feel like I'm your bitch! Take me! take me hard... I'm yours's, Dumb Mutt! I love you! Now finish it! finish it! Oh yeah, harder! faster!... empty your come inside me!... Oh God!, that's so good!... I'm coming too!"

The thought of being a dog, a bitch, giving herself to Dumb Mutt, being in control, surrendering control, being submissive, being dominant, having him ride her, riding him, refusing pain, welcoming it, whatever she chose, when she chose, EXPANDED and TURNED Libby's mind into new erotic directions and capacities. Her orgasm was a fantastic explosion of thoughts and sensations, one like she had never experienced before... It left her shuddering and weeping at the joy and pleasure that it had brought her... She loved him.

***< That was so intense! >*** she thought to herself.
… silence...
It felt strange, different... Like she was speaking into a huge space, with a faint echo.
***< Hello? are you there? >***
***< Where else would I be? >***
***< That was scary... where were you?! >***
***< Doing some renovations... so we can feel comfortable later... >***
***< You're getting weird, you know that don't you >***

She realised she was still under Dumb Mutt... he wasn't pumping anymore, assuming he was finished, she crawled out from underneath him. His cock was still long and she felt it slither out, followed by a gush of come. She cleaned up the mess and then showered... the pleasure of her orgasm lingering. She couldn't stop herself from wanting more...

Libby spent the next week in an orgy of discovery. The dog seemed to control himself better after the first time, it stopped being a mindless fuck-machine and noticeably slowed down... Libby was happy about that.

Dog sex on the bed was BAD!... well, pretty awesome at the time, but ripped duvet covers and waking up, shivering, discovering that you were sleeping on wet, cold, come-soaked sheets, wasn't much fun.

Anal dog-sex was GOOD if you used lots of lubricant, not just at the entrance, but further up as well. The pain was ok as long as it was enough to hurt a little, excite her, but not so much that she felt like she was prolapsing... no one could be horny, when it felt like they were bleeding out of the bum. Her orgasms were so much better when she combined anal and vaginal sex.

Letting Dumb Mutt's knot get stuck inside her was Good/Bad! No man could ever hope to match the fullness that a knot produced. She loved him doing that. Downside... It locked itself inside you, until Dumb Mutt was finished.

Anal dog-sex on carpets: BAD! Especially when knotted... watching between her legs, as drips of dog come mixed with her own faeces, came out of her and fell onto the carpet, unable to move... and then, having to clean up the mess afterwards. The orgasms were great! but it didn't take Libby long to realise that the wooden floored areas of the house were easier to clean.

In front of the fireplace was GOOD!... It was nice and warm... the soft orange light, playing over Dumb Mutt's body as he approached, mounted and serviced her was such a turn on!... and she could hose the rugs down if she needed to.

Frolicking with the dog, in the woods was GOOD! The thrill of being naked in the outdoors excited her... sunlight through the leaves of the trees making dappled markings on their bodies as they played under them. The dog was very playful when he thought he would get a piece of Libby at the end of the game. Knowing that she would have him turned her on so much! She started going for walks specifically looking for places where she and the dog could have sex, taking the things that she learnt from experience were required... packing food to eat and a blanket and ground sheet to lie back on, toilet paper and cleaning wipes for afterwards... surrounded by undergrowth as the dog licked her out and, at her request, humped her, front on. She loved watching his eyes light up... she would have sworn that he enjoyed it, far more than a dog had any right to. His head would rest between her breasts, with his mouth shut he made low mumbling noises and quiet grunts of pleasure. She could pat or wrap her arms around him, lifting her knees or using her ankles to pull him in, helping to hold him in place and feeling his muscular body move as he sexed her up. She loved him doing that... she loved him.

Having dog-sex in the lake was BAD! She'd tried it once, unthinkingly letting him knot inside her... her tit's and arse had nearly frozen off before Dumb Mutt had finished and slid out, the water was too cold, at this time of the year... we'll try it in Summer, she decided.

Libby, horny again, looked over at the dog, sleeping by the door... ***< I want him again >*** she thought, ***< I'm so sore from letting him fuck me all the time, but I can't help myself. >***
***< One more time and then we'll stop for a few days... >**** Inner Libby instructed.
She went to the bathroom and applied lubrication to herself before turning off the lights, the moonlight shining brightly through the window, showing her the way to his side.

Dumb Mutt heard her approach and sat up, smiling at her through the dimness, she lay on her back beside him and spread her legs slightly. Dumb Mutt stood, moved to stand over her legs and pushed his muzzle into the gap, forcing them to part gently. He tongued her pussy, long strokes that wetted her, inside and out, as she felt her body respond to the stimulation. When she was ready, She spread her legs wider still, indicating to the dog that she was wanting him inside her. He moved his back feet to inside her splayed legs and lowered himself onto her. His cock emerging swiftly from his sheathe, semen squirting as he entered her pussy. Libby felt him fill her up, she raised her knees to hold him in position and wrapped one arm around him. The force of his quick thrusts pushed her entire body forward and back, his cock fully inside her now. Libby reached down with her other hand, wrapping her fingers around his shaft, preventing the knot from entering and locking him inside her. The full thickness and length of him always produced wonderful sensations inside her and, knowing he could maintain his erection for many minutes, she writhed with pleasure, feeling his weight pressing her into the floor. She let the orgasm build inside her until she almost lost control and then ordered the dog off. As he did now, the dog obeyed and slid himself backwards, out of her.... retracting into the sheathe. She rolled onto her knees and leaned forward. Dumb Mutt rode his chest up her butt, onto her back. His hard-on pressed against her crack, she helped guide it until the tip stabbed into her bum hole. She wiggled backwards feeling him work his erection into her until the knot pressed against, then inside, her. He was still pumping, pushing her nearer and nearer to her orgasm, she turned her head to watch him fucking her, the sight exciting her even more and said "Good boy!, good boy! fuck me hard! that's right, " She loved to watch him coupling with her, licking the sweat from her back, all his body working in unison to drive his cock deep inside her... working her fingers inside herself, she came, another deep strong orgasm that pulsated through her, she cried out as she flexed her body while in it's throes... finally still, sated, happy, looking out over the moonlit lake as she waited for Dumb Mutts knot to shrink, freeing her from the lock he had on her.

Libby woke feeling deep pain inside.
***< Bruised, I reckon >*** said Inner Libby
***< I can't help it! >*** Libby said back ***< I just look at him and I want him... it's crazy, but I can't stop it. I come, every time! And every time seems better than the last! I want him in me now! >***
***< This compulsion will have us bleeding out of our butt, unless we take a break!... and his feet are scratching you! Just let him lick you for a few days, OK? >***
***< I guess so, I'll try... but I want him! >***

It took all her willpower not to give in to her need for the dog to be inside her. She tried to ease her rampant desire for penetrative sex by letting Dumb Mutt lick her... it only served to make her cravings more intense. Abstinence was doing her mind in, she managed five days, but it was becoming so difficult to think of anything else but Dumb Mutt making love to her... especially since the pain had gone.

The Watcher!

The woman exited the house and walked over to the collection of sheds... she had left the dog in the house!
He quickly assessed this opportunity and decided it was to good a chance to miss.

He pulled his mask over his head and slung the bag over his shoulders, running the plan through his head as he ran from his location, amongst the trees.

Step One: Capture

He ran as swiftly as he could to the shed, seeing the door ajar, he elected to shoulder charge it. The door slammed open, catching Libby as she was about to exit. She was able to raised her arms slightly before the door smashed into her. The force of the door opening into her, coupled with the pain and the surprise it caused made her step back, into the room. She dropped the loaf of bread. The watcher followed up his charge and tackled her, Libby fell to the floor. He rolled clear swiftly and kicked her in the stomach, when it was clear to him that she had been winded, he took off his pack, placed it on the freezer and pulled the short loops of rope out of his back pocket. He pulled the table out from the wall, picked Libby up off the floor and dumped her onto it. He took up the first loop, past it over her wrist and secured it to one of the table legs. Before Libby could catch her breath and move properly again he had taken control of her other arm and was pulling it sideways to the other leg on the same side as the first arm, tying it off as well. After that Libby couldn't offer much more resistance than a few futile kicks with her feet. Soon they too were pulled wide and tied off, leaving her feet on the ground, her body lying face down on the table. She could move, react but not leave the position that he wanted her in. He watched her look wildly around, see the pack and recognise it, knowing what he kept inside it. He said "Hello, Libby" Her face paled as she said pleadingly "No...NO!, I left you behind! Leave me alone!"
"You left without permission, I wasn't finished with you, Libby... No one leaves without my permission." he stated flatly. " I tracked you down so we can finish what we started."

Step Two: Preparation.
He opened the pack, and brought out a video camera, compact but with a remarkably good quality video picture. He set it up, on the freezer, to cover a view of the bound woman and the space behind her. He turned it on, knowing that Libby could see the red record light too. He rotated the veiwing screen so they both would be able to see it. He pulled out a Go Pro, activated it and placed it on his head. He'd found POV shots so exciting to edit in and view afterwards. A large cell phone ,turned on, it's screen blank, that he placed on the table, near her head.
He brought out the tupperware box containing various items, including the knives. He placed the box on the freezer, opened it and selected a knife, the wicked looking one, he placed it threateningly close to her head where every one could see it... it was more to set the mood, a prop rather than something that he intended to use... he'd used it once, in the early days, a messy session that had taught him not to cut up the toy's. Those who paid to watch had expressed their disappointment. He picked out the other knife, the one with the blunt rounded tip and single sharped edge, his Quick Unpick.
He moved to her hips, not having to untuck her shirt, he lifted it away from her back with his left hand and slid the knife up, taking care not to cut her squirming body, until it came out above the neck line. Turning the blade he cut the shirt back down its length. The skin covering her spine was exposed, her bra still intact. He continued the process with the sleeves, they slid off Libbys shoulders, he drew it out from underneath her and dropped out of the way. He placed his hands flat on her back, gently, like a lover then carefully unhooked her bra, letting the straps slide off her body and onto the table. He used the knife to cut the shoulder staps and added it to the pile, with the shirt. He ran the fingers of his right hand from her shoulder, down the centre of her back to her left hip. xxx< Perspiration...good! >xxx He thought.
"You've suprised me, Libby, you made things even better" He went to work on her shorts, a more complicated process, not helped by Libby's squirming, but they were loose fitting and, now she was secure, he could afford to take his time and be careful not to cut her. Getting himself covered in blood wasn't part of the game. He took the time to listen to her begging as well, he could have cuffed her into silence but every word was sweet to his ears, adding to the realism of the moment. After the intricate cuts had been completed, he removed the shorts... Libby was easily divulged of her panties and she was revealed completely to him. He took the time to admire her body. Oh, the bruising and scuff marks from her re-capture were slightly disappointing, but she had a truly amazing shape, hair and skin colour and smoothly textured skin that just filled ones mind with rich lavish thoughts of spending time sexing her up. Which he would do very soon, his cock starting to throb against his trousers...

xxx< Soon >xxx, he thought. xxx< Theres no rush. >xxx

" I thought it would be easy, just walk in and continue where we had left off. But your dog was always around..." he slapped her lightly on the face with his hand, "I don't like big dogs, Libby." He ran the Quick Unpick, blunt side against her body, from her hip, along her side, around the side of her flattened breast, over her shoulder, he pressed hard enough to leave a mark, softening it as he passed it over her neck, seeing her swallow and then lightly onto her face. He placed it onto the table, beside him and started to take off his clothes.
Libby's eyes were fixed on his body as he stripped, the look of fear growing as each item was removed, until, apart from the mask, he was naked. It made him smile and enjoy the moment even more. He surveyed the bound woman, quietly appreciating her again..."So, here we are, Libby. You're my very own, living, breathing fuck-toy. All trussed up and ready to play, are you ready?
Libby moaned softly with the old fears that were in her mind now.

Step Three: Penetration
He walked to the far side of the table, standing between her legs and looked down. Her hips were on the table, with her legs draping over the side, spread wide, causing her buttocks to protude. He took his cock in his hand rubbed it up and down her crack, stimulating the head with the feel of her skin. The smooth sliding sensation caused it to start to stiffen again, once it started getting firmer he took his hand away, leaving it resting between her buttocks, pumping gently to continue the process. He looked at the cameras LCD screen, Libby's eyes were screwed shut, as if she didn't believe this was happening. He leaned forward wedging his hard-on between their bodies, now when he thrust, the head of of his penis appeared and disappeared rhythmically between in the gap left by her arsecheeks. It felt too good... he stopped thrusting and created a space between between them. Crouching a little bit, he introduced his hard-on to her pubic hair, rubbing the head against it, and then back without touching her skin. He noticed that her pubic hair was longer than he remembered... Should he take the time to trim it for her? No, roughing it was fine as long as it didn't become a habit, he decided. The extra prickly sensation was exquisite, but not as sensual as her skin. He could maintain his erection without the threat of finishing too soon. He alternated that with flexing his cock, when he lifted it, it would tap against her labia and she would flinch. He took hold of his cock and lifted it more firmly against the entrance to her body, sliding side to side, feeling the labia parting as he did so, coating his erection with her moisture. Libby bucked upwards to escape the sensation of his cock entering her. He followed her up, stopping at the same time with the head of his cock now in perfect position to slide into her when she dropped back down. He could see Libby's realisation of that show on the cameras screen, yes, she knew that when she lowered herself, she would be transfixed by his cock. Seconds past, the strain of holding herself away from him started to show, he felt the muscles in her legs starting to quiver with the effort, her eyes were closed, panting through gritted teeth, sweat forming on her back. The tremors grew until her whole body was shaking with effort, she was literally jiggling her pussy around on the top of his boner, the sweet sensation almost to good for him to bear... with a grunt, Libby collapsed, physically spent, for now. He neatly pulled himself away, without entering her further.
He looked at his cock, moisture was covering the tip. Libby wasn't aroused in the slightest, he knew, but still her body was providing lubricant. He milked his cock and a large drop of pre-come emerged. He frowned... he wanted to experience her bodys lubrication, not his own. He walked around the table to Libby's head, gravity making more pre-come to dribble out. Her eyes were still closed, she was still panting heavily from the exertion of lifting herself away from him. He slid his cock into her mouth, grabbed her head and vigorously skull-fucked her for a second, transfering his pre-come and her pussy juice into her mouth. He quickly withdrew his cock, fearing she might bite him as soon as the thought entered her head. It was a good move, she gagged as the realisation of First: what he was doing and Second: what she was tasting hit her. Libby gagged again and tried to spit the come out, but he knew it's stickyness and flavour would linger in her mouth, He smiled and left her to enjoy the taste.
He moved back and put two fingers inside her, slowly pumping them up inside her as far as they would go, then removed them. They were covered with her mucus. He looked at it idly, rubbing it between his fingers and thumb, pulling them apart... he examined it more closely, recognised it for what it was..."Look, Libby!" He said and showed her his fingers, a look of horror crossed her face as she identified it too... " Fertile mucus! He confirmed, "Do you want to have my baby, Libby? Her face screwed up with revulsion and she shook her head. He removed a condom from the pack, carefully ripped open the wrapper and rolled it over his erection. Libby was watching him again, her pretty nose screwed up "You don't want to be a pregnant fuck-toy do you?" he asked, wanting her to focus on after the game. She shook her head... "OK, be good and the condom stays on, be bad, I'll take it off and empty my balls inside you... you'll be walking around with a guts full of arms and legs" he threatened. xxx< Besides, >xxx he thought, xxx< there'll be no DNA inside you. >xxx
He ran his hand down her back, slick with sweat, just enough to start him off, and rolled it around the top of the condom.
He positioned himself behind her again, pressed down on the small of her back with one hand and guided himself firmly against her with the other, wiggling his cock so that her pubic hair wouldn't get pushed inside her too. He increased the pressure incrementally, watching the rounded head of his cock spread her open and begin to disappear from sight. He withdrew, until the thickest part showed, and then slid his head into her body again. Libby was grunting quietly each time now, looking back at him as he thrust into her. He was being gentle, as gentle as a lover, so he wouldn't tear her skin open... Oh sure, he could have just rammed it into her, his cock going into unprepared territory, stretching and tearing her skin as it went, but where was the artistry in that? You take a little more time and even the most unwilling toy's entrance became more elastic and accommodating to being probed... It naturally produced it's own lubrication to safeguard itself from the friction it was experiencing. For a moment he had the thought that a good fuck-toy was worth it's weight in gold, then he brought his mind back to his task...the fuck-toy's body was accepting his full diameter now, head and shaft were being coated in her pussy's lubrication, the depth that he could thrust gradually increasing as his cock was pulled back and pushed forward, slowly penetrating deeper and deeper into her. He withdrew slightly to coat the condom with more mucus and thrust again, the front of his body touching her buttocks. "One more should do it" he thought, withdrew and thrust again, feeling Libbys butt compressed firmly between the table and his body... his cock nearly at maximum penetration, only when he started to hit the extremes would it go deeper...

Step Four: Intercourse
He stood still, just enjoying this initial feeling of pressure around the entire length and circumference of his cock, that Libby's tight body was offering up to him at this stage. He sometimes felt that the initial penetration was the best part of the game. Later, after he had reamed her out, this wonderful sensation would be gone, leaving him with no option but to use her harder and harder to maintain his erection. He mentally shrugged, he'd never done a fuck-toy that had stayed fresh longer than 10 to 15 minutes... the psychological damage wore them out so much faster than the physical. Still, having followed her and re-capturing her was a novel experience... the thrill of finding her and playing with her again was good compensation for her escaping. He'd remember this one as being special.
She was looking forward again and breathing deeply, looking behind you became such a strain at times. He involuntarily checked behind himself, nothing... the door was ajar, the late afternoon sun casting a long shadow past the building and across the yard. He thought to himself... best get a move on, after I'm finished here, I need to get back to the truck before it gets dark. I don't want to be walking over the ridge in the dark, even with a torch.
He turned back to the fuck-toy, noticing that his cock had been pushed hard into the opposite side to the direction that he had turned. He saw Libby's face, wide-eyed at the sensation that this had caused. Always willing to try new things, he did the same action again, rotating his hips fully to the left and to the right, slowly transfering the pressure point inside her, holding it at the extreme range of movement and watching her response on the screen. "Oh, Libby, thats good isn't it" he said, introducing a small thrust and withdrawl to the action. Instead of the typical sliding sensation, he could feel it digging into the side of her pussy, stretching her in odd directions.
xxx< Like face fucking a toy's cheek, I'll do it really hard >xxx, he decided.
"What do you think, Libby?" he asked. She moaned softly in pain. He filed the knowledge away, it wasn't everyday he came up with something new. He increased the speed smoothly up to his maximum, pounding away at her, the slapping sound of their bodies meeting doing nothing to cover her nasal grunts of pain. He couldn't maintain the angles and speed for more than a couple of minutes or so, transfering the pressure from side to side, he slowed down, letting it become a slow action and waited for his heart beat to recover and for Libby to stop her grunting. He withdrew again, said to Libby "Let's take a short break" he went to the pack, brought out two drink bottles. He set one down on the freezer and unscrewed the first, offering it to Libby, who just looked at him and swore at him "You sick bastard!" he shrugged, took a quick drink, rescrewed the cap, set the bottle down.
"Oh, Libby, you swore at me...we can't have that sort of language on the video, Bad Libby!" Secretly pleased at her outburst, he withdrew a shortened riding crop from his pack and, knowing the video would capture the movement, walked over to her legs, tapping the crop against his leg. He repeatedly lashed her arse, red marks forming under the lashes. Libby gritted her teeth but soon couldn't contain the yells of pain, he was starting to lose his erection, he seated it back inside her, pumping gently to get it hard again and continued to lash her shoulders until the she broke down and cried.
Constant pain became boring to his audience.... variation was the key. They were into pain, obviously, but a fuck-toy that only screamed or made extreme sounds wasn't desirable either. Another reason for a quieter session was because of the risk of the authorities being notified, you could gag a toy, but that lessened the impact of seeing their faces crumple at the end and, of course, it was impossible to skull-fuck them when they had a gag in their mouth. Out here, many miles from the next nearest house, that wouldn't be a problem, if Libby screamed... it would add dramatic effect, he decided.

Right now, he wanted tears, pleading and soft weeping, all rated highly with those who would pay to watch the video and himself, of course.
He lay the whip down on the table, beside the Quick Unpick, making sure that it would be in sight of the camera, not that he planned to use it again soon and took up a more forceful cadence and depth. her pussy felt loose and sloppy now, her body's lubrication catching up and overtaking his activity, he'd have to work harder to maintain his erection, with the added risk of orgasming before it was time, if he wasn't careful.
Wanting to make her focus on the pain that the lash had caused he asked "Did you like being whipped, Libby, is your arse sore?" she didn't reply... not the reaction he wanted. He grabbed her pony tail and used it to raise her head, "Did you like it, Libby" he asked again, pulling her head back, to the point where breathing became difficult "No" she wheezed. He released her hair, she didn't have enough energy in her to stop her head from falling, with a thud, sideways onto the table. She closed her eyes. He continued to use her. Stopping often, to allow her to rest, the short breaks making her feel tighter, for a short time. He worked his way through the usual things that the audience liked. And then withdrew again and observed Libby closely.

She was almost spent, he realised. The best part was still to come and the fuck-toy was nearly expended... he chided himself for being so inattentive, during what promised to be the best game he'd ever played. It wasn't just the physical exertion, he knew. The psychological impact of what he did burned out even the strongest will very quickly and Libby had already been used badly... He walked forward and picked up the cell phone, activated the screen and pressed a few more buttons. Crouching down, he stretched out his left arm, tapping the phone against her face. He was careful not to smear anything on the screen, Libby opened her eyes and focussed on it. A Power Point show was playing... No audio, date stamped in the corner:

16 days earlier: Libby mechanically walking along a track, paying little attention to the dog, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.

13 days earlier: playing in slow motion... Libby, in the house, naked, approaching the dog, a small frown on her face, bending over him, breasts pulled down slightly by gravity, the dog looks up at them as Libby pats his head, she turns away, he rises onto his feet and slowly tongues her pussy and arse, she looks back at him, speaks, a small flirtatious smile on her lips as she disappears from view. The dog lay down again and begins to lick his balls, his dick starts to protude from his sheathe.

Libby paled, the shock of seeing herself and the dog, caught on video, feeling like cold water had been thrown over her.

12 days earlier: Libby, inside the house, face in repose, eyes closed, lying naked, on her stomach, on the rugs. The dog moving to stand over her, licking her body, firmly, in long slow strokes, from her buttocks to her the sides of her breasts, along her back, snuffling at her neck... Libby, still with her eyes closed, gets a small, happy expression on her face, spreading her legs. The dog pushing his muzzle into the gap, obviously licking her pussy, over and over again. Libby extending her fingers and rubbing herself, Libby beginning to slowly hump the rug, she starts to convulse harder and harder, finally her eyes open, rolling onto her side, smiling. Looking at the dog. Giving him a long hug. The dog starts to lick her back again.

11 days ealier: Libby, inside the house, clothed, approaches the dog by the door. He stands, she wraps her hand around his sheathe and begins to jerk him off. Nothing happens, she tries harder, faster strokes... Nothing. Libby frowns at the dog and releases him. Speaks, then moves away.

11 days earlier: From a distance, it's raining, Libby in the forest, in a soaking wet T-shirt and jeans, clothes clinging to her body, highlighting her breasts, her hard nipples, shivering, hugging the dog, then stroking it's head, his body... his sheathe, his balls. His erection leaping forth, squirting dog-come over her clothes, face and into her mouth as Libby tries to control his thrusting. He drops her arm and tries to mount her butt. Libby swivels around and takes the dog inside her mouth... His huge knot swelling up outside her mouth the rest buried deep inside it. She moves backwards slightly. Seconds passing as he grips her body with his front legs, his cock clearly outlined, buried down into her throat, the dog vigorously pumping away, his sperm filling her mouth, her swallowing rapidly, trying to swallow it all, failing to contain it, some of it running out of her mouth, she turns her face away, his dick slides out, Libby is laughing and choking simultaneously, the dog staying hard, sperm still coming out out him, slowing down, she was wiping dog-come off her face, licking her lips and smiling at the dog. Watching and smiling as it licks it's huge erection.

8 days earlier: Libby skinny-dipping in the lake. She dives under the water, then emerges to stand in the shallows, splashing water towards Dumb Mutt. She glances around and then gets onto her hands and knee's, facing away from the camera. She presents her firm arse for the dog, spreading her legs... her black wet pubic hair and vagina showing between her legs. The view is obscured as the dog moves in behind her, rearing up onto her back, body thrusting forward as his hard-on emerges. Libby reaches behind herself, guiding him into her. His cock is stabbing away, Libby saw it enter herself and her back arching as she reacts to it. The dog thrusting, his nuts slapping between her legs... the video skips forward several minutes. Libby is being splashed by waves, she looks cold, shivering, but the dog is still on top of her and she cannot move. More minutes pass, The dog's knot, still swollen, finally slips out of her, a huge amount of come follows it, out of her butt, into the lake. The dog holds his shaft inside her, then it slips slowly out of her too, he rests it on her butt, still squirting a small amount of come onto her bum, he walks away to the shore... Libby does not move for several seconds, then she immerses herself into the water, washing her come soaked arse before moving to the beach. She is blue and shivering, she swiftly dries herself.

5 days earlier: A Moonlit night... Libby, on her hands and knees, shorts down around her ankles, looking back as Dumb Mutt moves to mount her... his huge erection stabbing around her arsehole, Libby reaching back grabbing hold of it and guiding it in, it disappears inside her arse, she allows the knot to go in too, head turns towards him, she mouthes the words "Good boy!, good boy! fuck me hard! Thats right" she saw him oblige her, pumping away for long seconds, Libby coming... The video ended on a frame showing Libby, still under the dog, smiling, bright eyed and happy.

He was watching her expressions change as she watched the video. From the ones he had expected, wide eyed shock at being discovered, embarrassment at being seen, doing the things that she had done with the dog, shame that she took pleasure from it... all these emotions he expected. Then things he didn't expect... tenderness, warmth... love.
He looked at the final screen and realised that it was University Libby, the girl that had been described to him that he had had to aquire: fresh, healthy looking, with a great complexion, a sensual face and vivacious nature. With understated sexuality that couldn't be defined but attracted males eyes, unknowingly beguiling them.

Her eyes were still looking at the screen, intent on it, a yearning look on her face. Understanding came to him. Should he take the time to include this? A quick look at the shadows outside... Why not?
He'd discerned that she was escaping her present predicament by focussing something else... he'd seen it before, with some of the others. It had never been love for a dog and dog-sex, though!... he could use this!
He lay the mobile where she could see it easily and began to speak softly to her. "You fell in love with the dog didn't you, Libby? He gently touched her shoulder and repeated the question... a small measure of her attention shifted to him, Libby gave an almost imperceptable nod and closed her eyes briefly, before looking at the mobile again.
"You didn't mean to, but you were so alone, needing to want, needing to be wanted and the dog was the only thing that you could give your affection to?"
Libby licked her lips, pressed them together and nodded again, tears forming in her eyes.
"Hugging and patting, feeding him, taking him for walks made you feel good about yourself. He made you feel good, didn't he, Libby, you needed him to make you feel happy?" Another small nod, a small smile... looking at the screen.
"You noticed the dog, more and more, took care of him better, but you still had dominance over him. Then, one day, for some reason, you got horny ... by accident, the dog helped you, made it posible somehow, maybe you just needed to hug something alive when you were finished. Did he made you feel good, Libby?". He reached out his right hand, caressed her slick left butt-cheek gently... Did she sigh? Her eyes were closed now. Remembering the moment?
He tried to lead her, guided by what he had observed and managed to capture on the video. "Did he lick your body, make you feel good?" Libby quietly murmured an affirmative. Moving his hand from her buttock, he made long strokes up and down her spine, with the flat of his hand before returning to gently rub and squeeze her arse-cheek. She moaned gently and pressed back against it. "Did he lick your pussy?" He made a fist and nudged it between her legs, fingers extended, trying to emulate a broad muzzle. He didn't pentrate her but stroked her clitoris, she squirmed backwards slightly, as if seeking and welcoming a dogs tongue. Her movement coating his fingers with wetness. She was beginning to pant gently. "And afterwards, to thank him, you played with his dick, he squirted his come into your mouth, you liked the taste and took his cock into your mouth to make him happy. Sucking him off and watching him come made you even more horny and you wanted him inside you" He slide his hand over her pussy and rubbed the skin outside... Libby moaned and he inserted his lubricated middle finger into her, pumping it gently, slowly increasing it's depth as Libby responded with harder and faster thrusting of her own. Libby was moaning loudly now, clearly caught up in her imaginery encounter, she bucked hard against his hand, he tried to emulated the dogs deep frantic fuck motions, pushing his finger as deep as he could into her, she came violently, pushing against his hand with all her remaining strength, still moaning softly. He let her ride it until she slowed down, he slowed down his thrusting too and withdrew his finger. He got up, went to the pack and pulled out a small bag of wipes. He cleaned his finger as best he could, swapping his attention between has hands and Libby, as she came back to herself after her orgasm.

When Libby's attention moved back to him he spoke "When my talent scouts, at the universtity, brought you to me, I thought you were a complete waste of time. Those idiots had used you, before handing you over, and that really fucked your mind over. I put you aside and hoped leaving you alone for a few days might salvage something from the mess they had created. Imagine my surprise when you escaped! We almost had you again, back at the university, but then you disappeared. It took quite a while for my scouts to track down where you had gone. I finally get out here, only to find that you're actually a slutty bitch, hiding in the back blocks and letting your dog root the shit out of've really suprised me, Libby!"
"You've been a really good sport, this afternoon, But I owe you some grief for causing me so much trouble, Libby, so here's whats going to happen."
"When I'm done, I'll leave you tied up here, and head off home. In a few hours, I will send your Mum your dog fucking video and I think I will call her and tell her all about you and your four legged friend. She'll come out here and release you. Do you think she will still love you, once she know's you get off on fucking dogs, Libby?... I think she will lock you away in a sterile institution. She will leave you there, screaming at the walls, for the rest of your life. No one will visit you, no one will ever love you again, not even a dog. The guards will rape you, whenever they like and know one will care. How does that sound to you, Libby?

Libby's face twisted as what he said hit her, she closed her eyes and wept, her tears streaming out and falling to the table. "Please don't" she begged.

He stood, checked that the camera was getting this part and walked back to her bottom and said " I'll see if I can come up with an alternative, Libby, no promises...what do you say, Libby?" She was still weeping, he picked up the crop and lashed her buttocks repeatedly " What... do... you... say, Libby?"
Speaking through her pain and tears Libby said " Please, please don't tell my mother"
xxx< Good! >xxx
"I'm sorry, I let the dog fuck me in the arse" he demanded, "Say it, Libby!" He slapped her again, then put the crop down.
Libby wailed and repeated him, "I'm sorry I let the dog fuck me in the arse"

xxx< Excellent! >xxx

The End Game:

He positioned himself behind her, rubbed his cock briefly against her pussy to pick up some more of her lubricant then quickly used his hands to flare her buttocks apart and pushed the head of his cock up her anus. She squirmed to avoid it but the swiftness and pressure of his thrust let it move inside, she cried out... he kept thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into her, saying as he did, "OK, here's the new deal... you let me have a piece of your arse and I won't tell your mother about the dog... you'll still be here, still have the dog... OK, Libby?"
She heard him, but couldn't reply, the pain was so intense that it felt like he was tearing her apart, her nose was running, tears were falling and all she could feel was his huge length and girth, fucking her more savagely than Dumb Mutt ever had. His full length was being thrust and withdrawn, her arse cheeks were being compressed against his straining body and her thighs were being smashed repeatedly into the table edge. He grabbed her hair, lifting her head high, before slamming it into the table. He tried to do it again, but Libby moved her arms to cushion the blow.
He thought of what he had seen the dog doing...
He started to copy them, then adding extra things, knowing that he would edit in the videos of her with the dog.
He nuzzled her gently, behind the ears. Held himself still, deep inside her arse. Libby's body, quivering with exhaustion, was exciting enough to keep him hard, at least for a while. He leaned over her, biting her several times, sinking his teeth so the marks were vivid against her pale skin. He raked her back with his nails... knowing that those who watched this would use his actions to fuel their own fantasy's... he drew cries of pain from her.
Then he withdrew from her and licked her back, long sweeping movements that gave him the taste of her perspiration... and blood.

"One more time and we'll be done, Libby. Then you'll be free. " He watched the hope blossom on her face, she smiled and nodded slightly..." OK, here we go."... He slid his cock back into her and launched into another hard and fast session, pumping into her as hard as he could, listening to her grunt and cry out, in pain. Her arse was getting loose from all the activity, the lack of friction deprived him of the full enjoyment he deserved. He pulled on her hair, lifting her head and seeing the hope still showing in her eyes. He revelled in his deceit for a few seconds, before crushing all the hope in her, "You're so gullible, Libby" he said, "I'll be uploading your dog videos, combined with what we've enjoyed this afternoon, to my website. Men from all over the world will pay to watch you getting fucked by me and your dog. I'll use your real name too, Libby... It won't matter to you though... you didn't really think I would let you live... did you?" He dropped her head again.
On the video screen he saw her eyes flying wide as his words registered in her mind. He picked up one of the big plastic bags, opened it and guided it towards her head. She screamed, long and loud, the sweetest sound of terror he had ever heard and, knowing that no one could posibly hear it, way out here, he allowed her to scream, over and over. He let her fill her lungs one last time, before enclosing her head with the bag. He watched as her eyes stood out from her head, she thrashed her body around, trying to free herself from it. He watched as she exhaled, mist forming inside the bag, she inhaled, cleaning the bag out of the small remaing amount of good air and then sucking the progressively stale air. She was struggling to take a breath, that had enough oxygen to satisfy her need, he smiled as he watched her fail. He saw her eyes, bulging, pleading with him to take the bag off, knowing that, at that moment, she would have let him do anything, in order to be able to breath again... It wasn't right, he realised... he didn't want to finish off, coming in a dead, expressionless, fuck toy, far better if she was still alive. Those who watched the video would see her looks of disgust and growing fear, as he orgasmed. Now she knew the truth, she might beg for her life too. He took the bag off, the deep whooping breaths she needed to replenish the oxygen she had just lost made his excitment grow and he knew that he was only a few seconds away from ending Libby's game. He began to increase the speed of his thrusting and to let himself really enjoy what he had been doing to her this afternoon, the sensual sliding of her damaged body over the top of his shaft as his body hit her whipped buttocks. He put his hands over her shoulders and pulled her body tightly to him, getting an extra inch of depth, Libby was bucking and fighting against the ropes, desperate to escape now, knowing she would die after he came in her... he felt his orgasm start... he hauled her back again and plunged his cock into her as hard as he could, not caring, now, if he broke her back. The condom broke, but he didn't fucking care, he could feel his hard-on releasing his come into her arse, noticing the extra slipperyness that it caused and he lost himself inside the sensation. For long seconds he heard nothing but his heart thumping, Libby's screams and his own cries blending together, feeling nothing else but their bodies, her arse around his cock and the sensation of his thick hot sperm flowing from his balls, along his erection and into her bum. As his climax passed he remembered to withdraw and empty part of his load over her buttocks, once again focusing on what those who would watch wanted to see.

He looked behind himself again. Definitely moving into twilight, he'd better get a move on. Now that he was finished, He suddenly felt an urgent need to get the truck, to bring it here and clean up the mess.
Still not wanting to block the cameras view, he picked up the plastic bag again and stretched forward to place it over Libby's head. She ducked her head between her arms and lifted her elbows to try to stop him.

A deep growl came from the doorway, he looked around, as the dog entered. He saw blood from deep lacerations, welling out of the beast, dripping on the ground. His mind froze with fear as the dog surveyed the scene and, still growling, walked past him to stand side on to him, beside Libby's head. He stopped growling and whined, licking her face.

xxx< Fuck me!, how did it get out!>xxx He thought, he looked at the blood dripping slowly off the the dog.
xxx< It must have jumped through the door or out of a window.... it's wounded. Can I get to the gun?... No, the fucking dog is in the way and I wouldn't have time to open the pocket and get it out. >xxx
He put the plastic bag onto the table and picked up the knife, transfering it to his right hand....
xxx< Think!. Should I just run?... >xxx
xxx< No! the fucking dog would have me before I went 10 feet. I have to kill it, or at least wound it badly, if I can... Thats right, you stupid fucker... just keep licking her face... >xxx
Should he try to cut Libby's throat, or attack the dog?
xxx< The bitch is just a worthless piece of meat now, not a threat, the dog is the important one, kill the strongest enemy first! >xxx, he reasoned, trying to control his fear. It was a gamble he had to take and his best shot at it was now, the dog was still distractedly licking Libby.
xxx< Go!... >xxx
He slowly stepped sideways around the table and towards the dog, knife held back and low, blade tilted slightly upwards. Too slowly, the dog reacted to his semi-threatening move, but he was already in position and swiftly drove the blade forward, as hard as he could, towards the dogs ribs. He hoped for a hit on the lungs... the dog would quickly drown on it's own blood, or the heart, something that might kill it quickly or not depending on how badly it was damaged. At the very least, it would really fuck the dog over. The blade hit a rib, broke it, but the Quick Unpick was not designed for stabbing, it cut sideways instead of penetrating the chest cavity. The dog yelped at the new injury, turned and lunged at him, teeth exposed, he backed away... towards the door and took another slash at the dog, missing. The dog stopped, and glanced back to Libby, who was turning her head to watch them both. Should he have another try? He lost confidence in the knife's ability to seriously harm the dog... if he could just get out of the door before the dog attacked him... he backed up a step, then another, Libby groaned and then said "Get him!" the dogs head tilted sideways, like he knew the command but was checking he had heard correctly. "Get him!! Dumb Mutt, get'im! get'im! get'im! get'im!"
The dog's head swivelled back towards him and it lunged towards him. He turned to run out the door, hoping to slam it behind him, but the weight of the dog hit him in the back legs, teeth sliding painfully across his buttock, launching him out, through the door and sending him sprawling into the yard. He was panicing now. The dog came at him again, he rolled away, got to his feet and started running.

xxx< No gun, no clothes, it's getting dark, no torch and a big fucking dog is trying to kill me!... >xxx

xxx< Think!, man... you can fix this... get into the forest, lose the dog in the trees, get to where he had hidden the keys, make for the truck, get the spare gun, his spare clothing, come back and shoot the fucking dog and throw the dog-fucking bitch-whore into the acid bath. Clean up the camera and gear and be away from this god-forsaken shithole, back to civilisation, hopefully before morning. >xxx

He felt his arse being siezed, feeling the teeth sinking in and being shaken around, his butt felt like it was tearing. He yelled in shock as the pain hit. He could feel blood running onto his leg. He was released or broke free, he started to run, looking fearfully over his shoulders he saw that he was out-distancing the dog, who seemed only capable of a fast trot... perhaps its injuries were slowing it down, maybe it would bleed out, given time? He reached the track around the Northern side of the lake and started to follow it. Despite the gathering darkness, he could see the dog, still coming on, some 20 yards behind him. He had to slow down, he couldn't sprint all the way to the truck. The dog was faster than him when he was only running, not by much, but noticably closing the distance between them. He allowed the dog to get within 10 yards and then increased his speed, pulling away from it again. How far was it now? Over and over he repeated the tactic, as they moved further along the track. Soon, he should see the tree that he used as a landmark, signalling the spot where he had to turn, to go up and over the hill, towards the old road on the other side of the ridge. Was that it? No, wrong tree, he thought. Or was it... trying to decide, he slowed down, trying to fit the dark outline of the tree into the shape that he usually saw in daylight, he felt the dog grab him again, holding him this time, feeling the teeth being worked into his buttock. Panicing, he tried to pull himself free from the mouth and the teeth that were worrying him, seeing the dogs spittle and blood flying as he was shaken and wrenched in different directions. The dog was working it's teeth into his body and pulling backwards from him. The teeth closed slowly, then pulled away, he saw a large chunk of muscle had been pulled away from him, more blood flowing from the new wound. He gave a cry of shock at the sight and tried to sprint away again, failing. Managing only a quick limp that was just faster than the dog. It kept following him, slower too, it's head drooping, struggling to close with him, but still intent on it's quarry. He worked his way through the trees, managing to keep away from it. It took some time to reach the top of the ridge, he looked back and didn't see or hear the dog.

xxx< Good! I hope the fucking thing's dead >xxx, he thought.

Going down hill was easier, but he had to watch out, that his momentum didn't build up. It was too easy to build up speed and he didn't have the strength to slow himself down again, the ground cover kept tripping him up and he fell several times. He was feeling the cold, shivering as he descended. He finally saw the road, winding along the valley floor beneath him. A sense of elation filled him, almost there! Fuck, he was cold!. He really needed to get to a hospital, it felt like the dog had torn him a new arsehole. Who knows what diseases it had. Injured, bruised and sore from falling repeatedly, but bouyed by having out-distanced the dog, he allowed himself to pick up speed, moving as swiftly as he could, through the undergrowth, stumbling over rocks, that were lying in the dark, difficult to see...

The dog plodded onwards. His savage desire to seek out and close with his enemy, to kill him, had kept him following his quarry up the long hill, he was growing weary though and the man had moved out of sight. He had continued following the man's scent but his progress had slowed even more.
**< You need to protect the pack, but you have to return to the den, and protect Libby >**
The thought started to override his instinctive desire to track, to kill the enemy... He stopped, thinking. He had to turn back. Some new threat could harm Libby, if he wasn't there to protect her. He accepted that was the best thing to do, he turned and trotted back towards the house.

Libby watched the dog drive the man out of the shed. She could hear the man yelling in pain, the sound fading into silence. The wounds from her rape and the continued stress of being tied across the table was causing spasms of pain from head to toe. The fear that he would return at any moment built up in her. With him gone from the shed, she could try to escape from the ropes that bound her. She saw the second knife that he had placed on the table, earlier. Sliding her left hand as far over as the rope would allow, at no point was it closer than several inches beyond her fingers. She banged her hand against the rope, but there wasn't any give in either the rope or her hand. She couldn't move the table, tilt it... it was too heavy and her bound body couldn't apply enough force to it. She put her fingers onto the cell phone and slid it towards the hilt of the knife. The knife rotated , it's blade pivoting towards her. Splaying her fingers, she could touch the blade with her small finger now, she carefully drew the knife closer, sliding it to a place that her right hand could grasp it. The blade was sharp, it easily cut through the ropes that held her left hand. With her left hand free, she, more clumsily, sawed the knife through the right hands restraints. Pressing against the table, Libby pushed her self upright, feeling her body trying to settle back into it's normal posture, everything hurt, but it was still both a physical and mental relief to be off the butchers table. She crouched down, holding on to the table edge for support and then let herself slip backwards into a sitting position, groaning as she landed. She reached forward and cut the ropes on her legs. She lay the knife beside her and pulled her legs to her, hugging them tightly in an upright feotal position and rocking gently, she started to cry.

***< Come on, Libby, not now, keep it together!, we have to get up!>***

She started, then stood up, thinking of what she should do next. She walked, stiff legged, to the pack and emptied it out over the freezer. More ropes, handcuffs, cable ties, matches, latex gloves, leather gloves, things that would cause pain, sex toys, condoms, lubricant. She noted the pack was heavier than it should be. She opened the front pocket and saw a pistol grip. She flexed her right hand painfully a couple of times and then drew the pistol out, checking that the magazine was in and cocking it, a round came out of the chamber, falling to the floor, she didn't try to pick it up. There was a loaded spare magazine in the pocket, as well. She took that in her left hand, walked stiffly to the door and tried to see into the darkness outside... nothing moved.
Libby slowly crossed over to the house, onto the verandah. Something crunched under her feet, the sound of broken glass, she realised, she tried to step more carefully, although it was difficult to see and avoid the glass. She raised the pistol and turned on the light. Empty... she crossed to her bedroom and pulled out clean clothing, socks and undies from her drawers, with the gun close at hand, she put them on, grunting as the welts and bruises gave out extra waves of pain. Strange, that just having a layer of clothes made you feel safer... She slowly put on her running shoes too and then took up the pistol, feeling even better... what next, Libby?... she picked up the keys to Sam's truck, put them into her back pocket. The evidence! They mustn't find out about Dumb Mutt!... She crossed back to the shed, turned on the light and looked in. The video camera's red record light was still illuminated. She crossed over to it, put down the pistol and reached to pick it up. She stopped... She needed to dispose of the evidence... she stood still and wearily let her mind think of what should be done...

Careful not to touch the packaging, she teased a pair of the latex gloves from the packet and put them over her hands. She picked up the camera and pressed the REC button... down powered it. Taking a fresh zip-lock bag from the pile she droppd the camera and mobile into it. She looked around...
***< no Go-Pro, fuck! fuck! fuck! he was still wearing it. >***
The whole thing was on the Go-Pro, including her dog sex admission and imagined dog sex. She felt despair wash over briefly...
***< Fuck the Go-pro, do what you can >***, she thought. She folded the plastic down, expelling the air, before sealing the bag. Picking up a second bag she repeated the process, hoping that the protection would keep out moisture. Where to hide it until she could destroy them? She went back into the house and thought about burying the plastic bag under the cold ashes, in the fireplace. No, she decided, the gun safe? To obvious... She moved the rugs by the fireplace... there was a couple of short planks that could be prised out, with a small space underneath. She got a butter knife, from the kitchen, lifted the planks and placed the plastic bag in the hole, pushing it as far sideways as she could, out of sight. She replaced the planks and rugs, hoping it was enough.
***< I feel broken!... I have to go to town, go to the police... >***
***< Yes... it's going to be OK... Libby!... >***
Taking the pistol up again, she walked to Sam's truck and got into it. She started the engine, put it into first gear and pulled away out into the yard, turning towards the road. She saw Dumb Mutt in the lights, covered in blood, limping towards her. Stopping the vehicle, she got out and went to him, hugging him fiercely. He whined and licked her throat. She felt his blood, cold on his fur, soaking through her clothing. In the lights of the truck his wounds looked ghastly, open cuts, covered in dirt with twigs and burrs mixed in as well. Libby opened the back door, urging Dumb Mutt to get inside the truck. He tried for the back seat, failed to get high enough but managed to drag himself into the footwell, where he lay panting heavily.

Libby drove in to town as fast as she dared, to Fiona's place. She wanted to hammer on the door, smash it open so she could get inside quicker, she knocked and waited. Kate opened the door and stared wide-eyed at Libby, "Libby!, whats happened!?"
I've been attacked again and Dumb Mutt's been badly hurt! What vet can I take him to?"
"I'm not sure... come in, while I check." Fiona said, leading Libby to the Kitchen.
Fiona looked up the local vet that was rostered on for after-hours service and shared the details with Libby. Fiona called through to the after hours phone number and requested that they meet with Libby at the clinic. They both went to the clinic in the truck.

The vet beat them to the clinic, the lights were on and she was waiting for them to arrive. She took one look at Libby, shared a worried glance with Fiona, insisting that she called the Police. She then concentrated on examining Dumb Mutt, questioning Libby about what had caused the damage to the dog. "I know he looks bad, at the moment, but some of this is superficial... all the cuts will need stitching. There does look like there will be permanent muscle damage, which will impede his movement, in the future, but over all, he's not as bad as I would have expected... I think we can save him... He'll have to stay here though, we can keep an eye on him, the loss of blood will weaken him for while too.
Libby was having a hard time focussing on the vet's words, she was starting to shake, now that Dumb Mutt was going to be cared for, the aches and pain were becoming hard to ignore. Fiona took over, confirming that she authorised the vet to do whatever was needed to keep Dumb Mutt alive. Any decision regarding his future would be made later... if it came to him being to crippled to have good quality of life. The police arrived, shortly before the ambulance, they let the ambulance staff take her to the hospital, a female officer in the ambulance with her.
That night passed in a haze for Libby. Examinations, samples and countless swabs, it seemed to Libby, taken. Her clothes were taken away, photographs, questions... Did she know who the attacker was?, where did this happen?, Kate arrived early on, hugging her, holding her hand when she could. Finally, Libby was encouraged to sleep.

Next morning, there were more questions, her mind, clearer now, began to remember more details. She was told that officer's were out at the house, and a search for the attacker was being conducted, he had not been located yet. Kate arrived with clean clothes and she was allowed to leave. They went to Kates place, but Libby was restless, she called the vet, Dumb Mutt had been stitched up, but was still sedated. Libby needed to visit him, to touch him, she cried as she saw all his wounds. She hugged him gently... Kate and the vet left her with him, until she had cried herself out.

The next week passed by, questions, more questions... a pick-up truck had been found on the Old Mine Road, laden with a 44 gallon drum and containers of acid. Everyone knew what that meant... search parties were focusing on that area of the forest. Libby wouldn't/couldn't go out to the house... was too afraid to. Kate was allowed to organise for the sliding door to be replaced. Another visit from the detectives, questions... Libby was living in fear both of the attacker being alive, of him finding her again and of her and Dumb Mutt being found out. New nightmares tormented her sleep... a Lab tech discussing the test results, of the swab's that had been taken, with the detectives...

"Traces of semen, that should get a good DNA result..."
"Yes, there's something else though..."
"Large quanties of Canis lupus familiaris seminal fluid were present in the victims body..."
"You mean?"
"Thats right, she fucks dogs."
"We located this Go Pro, in the forest... can you try to download what's on it?

Her fears keep her awake at night and although her body was healing, her mind was wound up like a spring.
Another visit from the detective in charge... They sat down in Kate's kitchen... "You were aware, that a vehicle had been found on the Old Mine Road?"
"Yes" Libby replied...
"We found containers of industrial strength acid and a barrel on it... we believe that your attacker was going to kill you and place your body into the acid to destroy any DNA evidence."
"We've had teams searching in the area... yesterday, we located human remains, that fit your description...a naked male. The medical examiner's report indicates that there were large wounds on his body, as if he was attacked by a wolf... or a large dog."
"Dumb Mutt killed him?... you're not killing my dog because he saved me!" Libby's anger fired up, in defence of Dumb Mutt.
He held his hands up, to calm her, " No Ma'am, the remains were found at the bottom of a small mine shaft... it looks as if he fell into the pit. The body was naked, he had broken legs, cracked skull, probably from the fall... the examiner thinks he died from the injuries to the head and hypothermia... probably the night of the attack. We've identified the body, from dental records and documents that were in the truck... our investigation is proceeding at his last known address", He waited... Libby sensed there was something else... he seemed reluctant to tell her... was this it then?... Had they found out about her and Dumb Mutt?

***< Canis lupus familiaris sperm... You're a dog fucker!... you're a slutty bitch, hiding in the back blocks and letting your dog root the shit out of you... you've really suprised me, Libby!>***

***< Thats, right...she fucks dogs... look at this Go-Pro video, her attacker recorded everything on it. I've zoomed it in, as close as posible!"

The word's roiled through her head... the video played...
They knew! She felt the blood draining from her face...

The detective was looking at her, compassion showing in his eyes, " I'm sorry, Ma'am... but... there was more than one body in the mine shaft... we found a wallet belonging to Sam Williams. We've used dental records and have confirmed the body's identity..."

***< OH, SAM! >***

Fiona and Kate came into the room, the detective gave them a nod and left them to console Libby. They were all crying. "They told me earlier", Fiona said, "They say it would have been instantaneous... he didn't suffer, Libby! , remember that... he didn't suffer!... and now we have him back. We can be grateful for that too..." Fiona told her. Libby gave a small nod and managed a small smile, through the tears...

Life went on, no event or catastrophe stops it... Dumb Mutt was released, stiff and sore, scarred for life, but still bueatiful to Libby. They were both still healing. She moved back to the house... knowing that her rapist was dead, removed the fear of living there again. The signs of the investigation still lingered... she wiped off the dust, cleaned, scoured and disenfected the table. Went for a short walk to gently exercise Dumb Mutt. Lit the fire, spent the evening patting and hugging Dumb Mutt... it was enough to be able to hold him. She had heavy drapes installed on the big window, they could be open or pulled closed, as she wished.

The bruises on Libby's face had changed into a yellow/purple montage. The vivid hues starting to fade, but not by much. She had driven into the city, hoping that the distance from home would stop people from connecting her with the recent events. She had wanted to be discreet but she wanted a gun more... the other pistol had been taken away during the investigation. It was now afternoon. Libby had been into several gun shops... lots of male buyers looking at racks of rifles, semi automatics, good for self-defense. Good for shooting people. The salesmen smiling and extolling their virtues. No one had approached Libby to enquire after her needs, as she browsed the pistol sections. Some of the displays allowed her to pick the pistols up, hefting their weight and trying to fit them into her small hand, but with no-one trying to sell her anything or offer advice, she had passed on from one shop to another, now she was out in the suburbs, trying another shop, slowly heading to the city limits, on her way home, without a pistol. As she entered, she noticed that this store was aimed more as a hunting/outfitter type establishment. There was only one person at the counter, an older man who glanced up as she entered, looked away, frowned and checked out her face again... ***< ah, the bruises >***, thought Libby. Still, he politely asked, "Is there something I could help you with, Ma'am?"
"I'd like to buy a pistol" she replied.
"I hope you don't want to shoot whoever did that to you" he said gesturing towards her face. "Wouldn't be right, me selling you a gun for that... best leave it to the police to sort out"
"No, he's dead already" said Libby, "but I want to discourage anyone else from doing it"
He mulled over her statement and replied "Good!", Libby thought he was referring to the first part of her statement, but wasn't sure.
"Well then, I have several pistols that might be suitable, do you have any experience with pistols? Ideas about makes, models, calibre..." Libby shook her head and replied " No... well, basic stuff, but I'll need your advice."
"The pistols are over here", he said, leading the way to another counter. "Ok, with your hand size I suggest that you look at the 9mm calibre range. The .45 pistols tend to have grips sized for men... He brought out two pistols and laid them on the counter top, Are you left or right handed, Ma'am?" he asked. "Right handed" Libby replied. "OK, take this pistol in your left hand and the other one in your right." Libby picked them both up, noticing and commenting on the weight and size of the pistol in her right hand. "Yes" He said, "Also notice that your hand does not go as far around the grip, that one is sized for a large hand, it will be harder for you to be accurate and control the pistol after firing it. The other one is for carrying concealed... built to be slimmer and weighing less. It is also good for a smaller hand, it is a 9mm... it's not as powerful as a .45, but still very effective, the police use them extensively. The recoil is less too, another bonus.
Libby nodded her understanding. He took the larger pistol away and brought out several more, laying them out on the counter. "These are all the 9mm ones that I have at the moment. I can get others in, probably overnight, if you choose something out of the catalogues. Feel free to handle them." She did and they spent some time discussing the different attributes of the pistols on display: magazine capacity, weights, advantages and disadvantages as Libby picked them all up and looked at them. She picked out the one that she thought best suited her, not pink!... a SIG SAUER P365 XL, the others were cleared away...
The shop owner brought out the official paperwork, she filled out the questionaire and he sent it away for the background checks to be completed for Libby Ann Carruthers.
While he waited for a reply, he continued to ask about how she planned to carry it, concealed or not concealed. She decided that holstered seemed best. Under what circumstances did she expect to need it? Places that she shouldn't wear a gun, State regulations, storage options, ammunition. The benefits of joining a pistol club, practicing and becoming proficient, Libby asked if around her home would be OK... he looked at her and said, "As long as your neighbours aren't annoyed it should be ok... you don't live in town do you?" Libby shook her head and they moved on... whether to keep it loaded or not... he suggested keeping the pistol chamber empty, for her day to day use, but with a loaded magazine inserted. It would take conscious effort to complete loading it, adding another second to get ready to shoot, but it could be done quickly if she needed it.
The AFT reply came back, confirming that Libby was cleared to purchase the pistol. He placed a new pistol, still in it's box onto the counter.
She was looking at holsters, trying to decide what to get and asking questions about them. She was wearing one, the shop pistol in place, on her right hip, her right wrist kept hitting the pistol as she walked about. The shop owner suggested that she moved it around to the rear, but the pistol grip faced the wrong way, making it harder to draw. She swapped to a left handed holster, made out of sturdy black leather. It had a belt clip which would slide over a belt, removing it when it wasn't required would be easy. She clipped it behind the second belt loop on her jeans, it rested, out of sight from the front, on her left buttock, both arms could swing freely now. The grip faced her right side. To reach and draw it, she could just put her right hand behind her back. "What do you think?" she asked the shop owner. He shrugged and said, "Some people just stuff them down their pants or in their pockets, that holster seems a better solution to me... You won't be able to sit down, with it on, though." She placed it on the counter, along with boxes of ammunition, a spare magazine, cleaning kit, gun oil, earmuffs, safety glasses, and targets. Finally she surveyed the counter and asked... "Will that get me started.?" "Yes, Ma'am" he replied with a smile, "It's good to see someone who gets what they need at their first visit", He added up the cost, she noticed he gave her a discount and paid him in cash. He found a box, placing everything into it and thanked her for shopping at his store, before she left.

There was no other way to look at it. He needed a new location and new breeding stock to continue. He scanned his list for viable candidates. It was depressingly short and in the weeks that followed, it turned out that, except for one, all had disappeared, were out of reach or unsuitable for his needs. He was uncertain if he should pursue the one that he did know about either. The news of what had happened was common knowledge now. He had seen her at the memorial service, dressed completely in black and lightly veiled.
The rumour mill thought she was a little weird even before she was tied down, tortured and screwed by some out of town nutter. She was being called "The Black Widow", apparently TWO bodies had been found in the same mine shaft... the gossips speculated that she killed them both and chucked them into her favorite hidey hole. Her family was rumoured to be into that sort of thing. He sure as hell didn't want to end up like the last guy that "visited" without permission. Rumour had it that she was being used to make a snuff movie, apparently they were still a thing, in some circles. Who knew?
They also said that she was more than a little bit strange... the trauma making her stay away from town...

He contacted the only person that he thought could assist in getting close to her, carefully defining his needs and plans. After a short time he was passed on to another. Days passed before he was told a time and place to meet...

The instructions were clear. Drive here. Park there. Wait there. Do NOT wander and he would be contacted.

The house looked empty. A big open glass front looking out towards him, heavy curtains pulled back to the sides. A pickup truck was parked in the open bay machinery shed. Nothing moved... he walked to the short jetty, on the lake. He scanned the area again... nothing. He waited... becoming more and more nervous. Beginning to doubt that he had the right time, right day, had he misunderstood the instructions? He felt he was being observed, judged. If he tried to leave, would he make it?

Scanning the area again, he saw her approaching, walking along the track towards the house. The dog was ranging out in front of her. At this distance, all appeared to be well. The dog was nearest to him, he started to appraise it. It seemed to be moved freely, probably at the upper weight range for it's breed. A superb speciman, he thought. The woman was fine looking also, he hadn't had a chance to see her up close, for a while, and she was looking better than he had thought would be posible. She was striding out towards him now, she held a black cube in her hands, he noticed, idly rolling it from hand to hand, tucking it into the pocket of her short sleeved puffer jacket as she closed with him. Her breasts pushed forward slightly, capturing his attention, as she placed her hands behind her back, into her back pockets. The dog came closer to him. Up close, he was an ugly mass of crisscrossing scars, the fur growing back in, but it still looked like it had been sliced and diced by a maniac with a knife. He wasn't acting like he'd been reunited with a long lost friend but not threating him either, it circled him, sniffing his scent from his stomach, his butt and then his groin, it was hard not to flinch away from that scrutiny, but after satisfying his curiousity, the dog stepped away. The women nodded to him, not speaking. She was just standing there poised, wary, waiting... hands in her back pockets... the silence lengthened, he noticed a slow pulse, growing more prominent, in her throat ** the thought entered his mind. "I'm James Higgins, I was told you would be expecting me?" he said.
She nodded to him and then spoke "I am, my Mother said you wanted to discuss something with me... come up to the house" she turned and walked away, towards the house. A pistol in a black holster, clipped to her belt, showing after she turned.

Oh! No!... crazy lady had a gun! His heart began thumping, realising that her hands hadn't been in her back pockets after all... He would have cut and run, right then, if he thought that either the woman or the dog would let him go. She glanced back at him, catching him looking at her butt...
***< Relax! ... he's just seen the gun! >***

"You want to start running, or come into the house?" She asked...
***< Thats what you said to Sam >*** Inner Libby noted...
"No, it's all good" he said.
Libby smiled at him and turned toward the house again.

He followed, making sure he kept a respectable distance away from her, trying to force his eyes to remain on her head, not to stare at her body.

Inside the house the dog parked itself at the door as Libby made her way to the kitchen table. She unclipped the holster and placed it on the counter beside her. "I'm going to have a coffee, would you like one?" she asked.
Yes, Ma'am, thank you" he repied.
"You can call me Libby, if you like" she offered
"And I prefer Jim." he countered.
She filled the kettle with water, placed it on it's stand and turned it on.
He looked around the house, surveying the large open plan room, the fireplace being the major feature, dominating one wall, Deer skin rugs scattered around the floor. Several rooms leading off from the Lounge. He didn't want to talk about the reason for his visit, without having Libby's full attention. The coffee wasn't bad, he decided, after sipping it cautiously...

Libby listened carefully as he explained that he was looking for somewhere to relocate his breeding kennel, the lease on his current property was ending and would not be renewed. Libby asked why he he thought her Grandfathers place was so important to his plans, when there were bound to be other properties, closer to town that would be suitable also. Jim pointed to the dog and said "I breed those, Anatolian Karabash... Dumb Mutt is one of mine, so I know his blood line and because big is better and he is the biggest one in his line, I need Dumb Mutt to be my stud. I sold him to Sam, he was a good friend of mine, he employed me as second chef at his restaurant. I did try to buy him back earlier... but Sam's Mum said that you two had bonded." He thought he saw a thawing in Libby's attitude.
"I think we can come to an arrangement then" she said. "You can set up your kennels here, temporarily, and we can see if the arrangement will work out. Would some of the Machinery shed be useful as a shelter?"
"Extra protection from the weather would be good" Jim said, "They're a hardy breed, but the puppies would benefit from having somewhere clean and dry to live."
"Ok... But Dumb Mutt is mine! you can have the use of his services, but he remains here. The females come to him, understood?"
"Thats fine," he said, "usually the bitch comes to the male. They cope with changes better than the stud... anything else?"
She was looking at him speculatively... probably working out how much she could gouge from him, for this, or belatedly deciding to shoot him, he thought.
"Firewood!" she stated, suddenly.
"What?" asked Jim
"You will supply or chop up firewood and keep the shed full!... Do you hunt?"
"Yeess?" he said slowly.
Great!, if you like, you can hunt here too. Sam used to hang the deer in the shed to age, you can do the same, if you wish. I get some of the meat though... agreed?", Libby defined the parameters of the arrangement.
Sam hunted here? Jim wondered... looking out, over the lake and into the forested distance... it did look good.
"Agreed" he accepted.
Libby felt a burst of satisfaction. She had security. She had Dumb Mutt. She had a sense that everything would work out.

The WATCHER withdrew from his vantage point. His presence had gone unnoticed by the people in the house, and his leaving was not observed by them either. He made his way to where the others waited and went to report to the old man. He filled him in on what he had seen and done.

To say the old man was displeased with him, was an understatement.
*< You TURNED her towards bestiality?... into a dog-fucker? That was helping her? >*
*< You led her into debauchery and WATCHED as it fucked her?? That was the help, that you gave her? >*

He looked at the Old Man and conveyed to him:
**< I did the best I could, with what I had available to me... I wasn't strong enough to make contact! and you know how difficult it is... >**
**< I could barely influence Libby, she was nearly crazy from her sense of loss... I managed to make her dream... I managed to truly influence her once, just once! ... thats all I could achieve, even after months of trying!. It was impossible to make her want some unknown stranger! >**
**< The dog was there. Having known it so well and having it accept me as it's leader, I had a small measure of control over it. I showed the dog how to truly love her... Libby chose to give love to it and receive love back from the dog... OK! I admit that it wasn't ideal and that it got out of hand!, I'm sorry!. >**
**< But that bond saved her life when she was attacked! The dog ran through a plate glass window, because it loved her! Their shared love made her want to live and save the dog afterwards. >**
**< I have succeeded, Old Man. No matter what methods I had to use, I've succeeded in making her interested in living again! >**
**< Look at the results.. her overwhelming fears are as dead and buried as her attacker. She has grown in strength and she has a chance to love a man again! and that's a better outcome than you, or I, dared to hope for... >**

In the end, the Old Man conceded that, despite his unorthodox methods, he had done well.

*< You will maintain your watch over her? >*
**< Of course! >**
*< You will tell me everything that happens? >*
*< You've done good work. Keep it up, Sam... >*

He made his way back, sending his senses out, probing the darkness, past the newly installed heavy curtains and into the house.


It's late. The lights are out, Jim has gone. Libby is in front of the fire, smiling into the flames... Happy...
Dumb Mutt comes into the ruddy fire light, the red glow reflecting off his fur and showing his scars. Libby caresses them, him, and then slowly and gently starts rubbing his sheathe, he responds, tentative, but willing. She quickly strips off her clothes and offers her body to him... the dog waits, knowing it is better if he does... Sam melded with the dog's mind.
A shared conciousness, he, guiding the dogs actions, gaining access to a physical body, the dog sharing the emotional results at a level beyond a dogs normal capacity, his mind continuing to grow in intellect, holding new concepts... including the human capacity to love, far stronger than that of an animal. A willing and equal partner for the duration of the symbiosis.
Both of them experiencing the sensation of mounting the woman's body.... wrapping his front legs loosely around her, so Libby can still move underneathe them. Penetrating her with just the tip, and a short length of boner, at this stage. Stretching and preparing her for more, later. Still, they enjoyed sensation of being in her bum, pumping with small shallow thrusts and the response that they elicit in her... Libby could move herself forward and backwards, underneath them, easing the dogs erection further inside or out, in control of how their lovemaking proceeded. She started to work the dog harder...

No, he wouldn't be telling the Old Man everything... he was a bit of a prude, to be honest...

They prepared to leave the dog's body, it's subconscious drive to mate would maintain its current motion, until they returned, they had discovered. Gathering their will, they flung their shared consiousness towards Libby... it had become easier, when both their strengths had integrated more fully, he had noticed, but they still hadn't been able to break through and contact Libby, directly. Each time they managed to get closer... they kept trying... and now, they surpassed their previous effort again... once again they reached a new limit. She was there!... just beyond their reach!


Something brushed their augmented mind, like a strand of a cobweb on their face, unexpected, soft, but sending a shock through them, nontheless. Some... thing?, someone? was attempting to assist them. They seized the strands that were offered and drew themsleves into Libby's mind.


Libby's mind had the appearance of her house... they were in large, darkened room... by the unlit fire, in the lounge, Sam thought... noticing that in here, he and Dumb Mutt had seperate bodies. He was a man, again.
***< It's about time, you guy's got here! >*** Libby's voice snapped authoritatively, from the darkness.
**< Sorry it took so long... It's not an easy thing to do. >** Sam said apologetically. He looked towards the voice and asked... **< Libby? >**
***< Sort of... think of me as her sub-consciousness... self aware, but not showing on the outside... you know me though, Sam, I'm the one who got Libby to do all those naughty, sexy things you liked... with you, with Dumb Mutt. It was for her own good!... you got that one right!. We really are kindred spirits, guardian angels, if you like, trying to help her...

I bet you really loved doing us anally, you and the dog, didn't you?... You never could get Libby to try it, when you had a human body, did you? I couldn't budge our Libby on that one either, God knows, I tried!... but you found a way around it, and got her to take the dogs cock instead... very inventive, Sam!?. You really had a fixation on doing her anally didn't you? >***
Dumb Mutts tongue lolled out of his mouth, laughing, as Sam started guiltily... more than a little freaked out that this Libby knew so much about them.
***< I thought so!, we're going to get along just fine, Sam... and I have some surprises for you! >***
***< Just wait a second, while I strengthen the contact point... if we lose it, we might never re-establish it and I don't want that, after all the effort it took for you guy's to make it... there! that should do, for now. No escape for you, my Love! >***
>>>< Let me set the mood!... >*** Libby snapped her fingers, the fire flared into life and Libby moved from the darkness, into the orange light... Sam's jaw dropped... **< NICE! >** he thought... this Libby was dressed in a tight fitting black latex top, her breasts lifted, nipples hard and pushing the material out. It showed the tops of her breasts, as well as her cleavage. The sides peeked through small tear-dropped shaped holes. A sort of hood? cowl? rose above her head. She wore a very short dress of the same material and a pair of black stiletto-heeled thigh-length boots. Her skin and body were blatantly flaunted in a way that Libby would never have dreamed of... a single set of jet black earrings hung from each of her ears.
He noticed small black horns, curving backwards, adorned her head... Shit!, that thing he'd thought was a hood... wings! they just unfurled!
Sam couldn't help being aroused by the sight of Libby, with the persona, and hot body, of a small sexy devil.
Libby laughed... played with her hair and said ***< Do you like it? I plucked it out of your head, Sam... you were the one who thought our Libby was a succubus, remember?. I grabbed your idea and ran with it... I quite like this... it's very different from my usual style... but so liberating!
Our Libby is getting pretty close to this now... minus the horns and wings, of course. That would turn too many heads!. But none of us want her to go too far down this road... we don't want a wanton slut that will fuck anything!, anyone! That would be bad and will lead Libby down the path of self-destruction... trust me, she doesn't have the right personality for it... she's basically a sweet girl that needs to feel loved, you were the one for her before... now both of you are needed to make her complete again.

So, tonight, with both of your help, we will finish her transition and stop it before she goes to far, into self destructive habits.. We still need her to take one final step... now we are all here, we can move forward, together and end Libby's game, at a point where we all continue to benefit. It's for the best!, to coin a phrase. OK? >***

**< Does Libby know that WE are here? >** Sam asked
***< I don't think so, she's a little pre-occupied with banging the dog, at the moment... >*** Inner Libby smirked, ***< Go ahead... let her know!... >***

There was no need...

***< Sam, is that you?, am I going crazy?... how did you get in my head? >*** Libby asked tremulously
**< Yes, It's me... and the Dog is with me too... both of us had to team up, to make this happen... You helped too >**
****< Yes! Here too! >****
***< Me?, how? >***
***< He meant me! >*** Inner Libby said
**< No one knows for sure... >** said Sam
****< Geez, Libby, I'm just a dog, as if I know about that shit?! >**** said Dumb Mutt
*** Stop that!... it's so confusing >*** Libby said, closing her eyes and trying to sort out the multiple conversation's that had started in her head, while the dog mechanically continued to fuck her.

Inner Libby suddenly shunted Libby's consciousness sideways... caught by suprise, Libby became the dog, alone in it's body, it's base instincts to breed, still on auto-pilot. She was enraptured by the all encompassing sensation of having an erection, of having it deep inside a female, the heat of the bitches body along some of her length and the wonderful sliding sensation that sex gave a male. Unprepared and untutored in being a male, the instinct to breed filled her thoughts...she demanded more... pumping harder and harder, she was deeper inside the bitch now! Her knot pushed past the bitches sphincter muscle and then swelled up, locking her inside. She gripped it's body firmly with her front paws, wrapping them tightly around her as the bitch became unwilling and tried to scrabble away from her. She wanted to keep going deeper and deeper!, faster! faster! harder! More! Feeling her semen pumping out of her throbbing cock, filling up and overflowing the females arse! She felt it dribbling out of the females body, down her balls and onto the rugs underneath them. The body underneath her was yelping now, as it was swiftly jolted forward, in time with her frantic pumping.. it was in pain, but Libby didn't care... She would fuck the bitch, so deep, her cock would come out it's mouth!... suddenly another presence was with her... Dumb Mutt asserted the Host's right to control his own body, stopped her from brutally fucking the small female body underneath her and reproached her sternly...
****< Stop!... Bad Libby!, we don't do that, we don't cause pain!... Sam is not used to it! >****
Instantly Libby felt shame... she was as bad as the others, using her body without thought of the consequences or caring for the one she loved...
****< Yes, too easy to lose control!, to cause pain! >****, said Dumb Mutt
****< So change!... do it like this, Libby! >****
He showed her how to please the body underneath them, using their strength and skill to bring pleasure. He slowed down, the yelping stopped. Dumb Mutt licked it's back, tongueing it around the shoulders and neck. Feeling the way Dumb Mutt enjoyed eliciting a heated response from a female. It was so good, being a male! but so different... Some minutes past as Libby learned. The body underneath them began to move and make sounds again, sounds of surprise, she could tell it yearned for more, it stopped trying to escape and it presented itself properly to Dumb Mutt, once again offering her body freely, sounds of gratification, satisfaction, the bitch wanted more now... the body underneath them had it's own demands:
"Harder! faster! and deeper!... tease me, please me, lick me, dick me! fuck my arse, you sexy bitch!"
****< You see how it is done, now? >****
***< I'm sorry... yes I see. >***
****< It would be good if you remember! You can try again, later!... Go now! be with Sam! >****
Once again there was a sideways push, from Dumb Mutt back to her own body... she knew that she would be able to do it for herself, now that she had experienced it.
**< Oh Libby! It hurt so much! but now it's so good! I never knew anal sex was like this! >** Sam was groaning softly, the feeling of Dumb Mutt's long slow pumping, as he moved his swollen knot and cock backwards and forewards inside her. It was so deep inside Libby's body. It was like nothing Sam had ever experienced. The sheer size causing a sensation of pressure and fullness that he had never imagined.
***< What until I get the dog locked inside our pussy! That will really blow your mind! >** Libby promised him...
**< Better than this? >** Sam asked
***< Oh yeah!, this is good too, but the other way will blow your mind, I promise!! >***
Dumb Mutt's mind joined with them as well, they all shared the build up towards their mutual orgasms..
***< You're all going to love being here with me!, I have so many things to show you... to tell you.>*** Inner Libby said to them all.

..***< I LOVE you both, all... 3 of you... shit! you know what I mean!! >*** Libby said suddenly...

..**< We LOVE you too, Libby! >**......
/ / / / / / / / Sam and Dumb Mutt replied,
****< We LOVE you too, Libby! >****....

.***< and I Love you all, also! >***..... Inner Libby finished...

Their passion and their LOVE: The Womans, The Man's and that of the Dog's, rose... expanding their minds yet again...

...and the threesomes mutualistic coupling continued, into the night...


***< Well finally!... End Game! >*** Inner Libby thought.

***< Thank God! It's done! >***
***< These late nights are getting tiring... worth it though!>***


***< Cool!... thank you!>***


***< Ummm, God? >***


***< Can I keep the little slut dress?. I'd like to keep the Succubus wings and horns, as well... imagine the Street Cred, at the Office parties!. >***

***< It drives Sam wild too... It really turns him on. He thinks I look great in Black!.>***

***< Oh, God!, I can't wait to seduce Sam... I was always horny for him! It shouldn't be too hard to get him alone, just the two of us... I'll wear the slut dress, pull Sam in close, flaunt my body, kiss him and softly whisper: Tease me, please me, lick me, suck me, fuck me HARD in the bum, Sam!... and he will know it's just the two of us, making love... I'll blow his mind away with how good it will be, with just me. Can we bend the rules a little?... is that OK with you?... as a bonus for all the good work?, please? >***
***< Hello? God, are you listening to me?,... about the slut dress? >***
***< Ummm, God? >***
***< You know you created man, in your shape... YOU wouldn't be hung like a Shetland Pony, would you??. I don't suppose YOU and I could... >***
***< Right! >***
***< We'll do him too!***.
#< GOD ># RIGHT! #< GOD >#.

The End.
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