Connecting With Neighbours Ch 03


Darcy entered his driveway, killed the engine, and quickly opened his front door. He had arrived home before Margot and was uncertain how far behind she was, but, first things first, he needed to answer the call of nature. As he washed up, his phone rang. He quickly wiped his hands and answered the call without looking to see who it might be. It was his wife, and despite his initial feeling of slight agitation, he played a straight bat and diligently followed the conversation. The upshot of her call was to inform him that she had been invited to a last-minute work function and would be home late. Darcy hoped he had said all the correct things and expressed the right amount of understanding, yet all the while, his heart was rejoicing. As luck had it, his daughter was coming home about 9 pm due to band rehearsals. A further stroke of luck was that she was getting a lift home from another parent. He was a free agent, for a few hours at least. It was not as though he did not like being around his family, quite the contrary, but it meant he could relax and watch what he wanted on the telly. He laughed to himself as he reflected on that thought; it was a small upside, if nothing else.

A light wrap of knuckle on timber echoed down the hallway, followed by the sweet voice of Margot calling his name. He had deliberately left the main front door open and had not locked the security door when he came in. Unlike Margot's home, Darcy's front door, while similar in size and also made of timber, only had a single frosted, rippled glass panel at the top. It was part of the original house, but it had been repainted in a Russian Black (a dark blue/black colour) a few years ago while some renovations were underway. The staircase that led to the bedrooms above went immediately off to the left as soon as you entered his hallway. The stairway and floors were all made of polished Brush-box timber, an Australian hardwood with a pinkish-brown look when new that took on a honey colour as it faded and aged. The hallway had a red Persian carpet runner down the middle, and the wall colour was a vibrant hay yellow colour with an eggshell coloured ceiling. The vaulted, high ceiling above the hallway gave a feeling of airiness. The hallway itself was about 3 meters in length, where there was another doorway. Through that door was a large double room, commonly called the formal lounger and dining room. These rooms were in the middle of the downstairs section of his house and made of double brick and high ceilings. They were painted deep red on the walls with the same eggshell colour on the ornate ceilings. Directly beyond was a double door that opened into the family room and kitchen. This area was the most used portion of the house and similar in size to Margot's place. However, the colour scheme was anything but the same. The walls were of half-strength yellow hay with high eggshell coloured ceilings. The kitchen off to the left, as you entered, was an open plan design with white gloss cabinets above and below the marble bench and stainless appliances.

"Hello, Darcy, can I come in?"

"Margot! Yes, please come in, don't hang about on the doorstep." He called to her in a cheerful voice.

"What has made you so chirpy?" Margot asked as she closed the two front doors behind her.

He kissed her tenderly and proceeded to inform her of the call he'd just received. Margot pulled away slightly and looked puzzled.

"This is really weird." She exclaimed. "I received a similar call from my husband on the way home, and to top it off, my son is at band practice until late too." Darcy was momentarily stunned. "That, together with Aziza earlier, and I'm gobsmacked as to what to make of all this, to tell you the truth. Someone is on our side?" She laughed under her breath.

"It's tough to deal with, but I suppose we just have to make the best of any and all opportunities that come our way." He added with a smirk, though he was not entirely comfortable with the overall strangeness of events but had decided to put concern, but not caution, to one side.

"I guess so." She agreed, although her uncertainty was palpable. Darcy took her hand and led her to the family room.

"Lounge or table?" He gestured right toward the red covered lounge or left to the family dining table near the kitchen.

"Lounge, I think," Margot said in acceptance. "It looks comfy."

"Don't get too comfortable," Darcy advised, "those lounges are dangerous!"


"Extremely! They are so comfy that they have been known to lull people to sleep. Especially with the sun streaming in the way it is right now.” He laughed and then opened the fridge. "Vino, Bella?"

"Could I be a nuisance and have red instead of white?" Margot looked plaintively and then added in a mischievous voice as she battered her eyelids, "Please."

"But of course, my dear," Darcy replied in a grandiose manner. "Nothing you ask for is too much."

Margot laughed and made herself at home as he opened the wine and raided the pantry.

"Now, who's fussing?" She asked, her reference to their first afternoon drinks on her deck was still fresh in both their minds despite the passage of a few weeks.

"Touche!" He retorted.

"How was the drive back, apart from the phone call, I mean?"

"Lovely," She said, "not much traffic and lots to reflect upon as I drove." Her voice sounded a bit dreamy. "I really enjoyed our lunch today, thank you."

Margot held out her hand and beckoned him closer. He took hold of her offered hand and kissed it. Margot smiled warmly. "That's not what I had in mind."

Darcy poured some wine into each of their glasses before setting the bottle on the glass coffee table and seated himself beside his beautiful guest.

"I'm afraid I cannot read your mind." He murmured with a slight smirk.

"That's a good thing, I wouldn't want you to know all my thoughts."

"Hmm, I guess not." They entwined arms to propose a toast.

"To us!" The glasses chimed, and they sipped the wine with their eyes locked meaningfully. As she tried to put the glass down, Margot's glass tilted slightly, and red wine splashed down the front of her blue dress.

"Oh fuck, sorry!” She exclaimed and tried to stop the fluid from going everywhere. Darcy got up quickly and got some paper towels.

"It's only a small amount." He said, "Most of it's on you, though, I'm afraid."

"None on the lounge or cushions, I hope?" Margot added, a bit frantic.

"All good, don't panic." He pulled her to her feet. "It's okay. The lounge is of little importance. You and your dress are another matter."

"It's a wonderful wine, though," She said with a chuckle. "I'm so sorry."

Margot dabbed at her neck and looked down her front. There was a red stain at the apex of the V of her neckline and more stains near her stomach and on her left thigh.

"I had better go and get changed and put this dress into soak." She sincerely sounded disappointed, and there was a look in her eyes as if she were on the brink of tears. "I feel a rather sticky as well."

"Can the dress wait?" Darcy asked as he drew her into his arms.

"I suppose," she replied, "but what about me?"

"Oh, I think I might be able to find a shower around here somewhere."

"Is that so?" She smiled knowingly. "For one or two?"

"I hadn't thought that far ahead." He lied.

"You're such a bad liar."

"Yes, I know." He smirked. "But why waste time going back to your place when you can freshen up here?"

"But I'd only have to put this back on to get home," she indicated her dress with a downward sweep of her hand. "Your offer is charming, my dearest Darcy, but I am wet and sticky. Besides, it will not take me very long to shower, change and return."

"I bet you are wet!" He emphasised the word wet slightly.

"Whatever do you mean?" She asked innocently.

His heart pounded in response to his bold line of talk. He held her gaze as he swept his right arm down and hooked his fingers under the hem of her dress. Margot instinctively moved her knees together and dropped her hand to prevent his progress.

"I did not spill wine down there." She said as her cheeks flushed with colour.

"One can never be too sure." He whispered.

Her hand moved aside, and the tension in her torso melted away. His hand moved under her skirt, gradually worked higher along the warm skin of her soft thigh. Darcy drew her tighter with his free arm and pressed her body against his. His fingers found the lower edge of her panties. The heat of her intimate parts was evident despite the coverage of the material. He pressed his fingertips into the cleft through her underwear and found her hardened clitoris. She bucked noticeably at his touch and fixed him with a searing look of passion. Darcy slowly moved his middle finger lower and pressed a little more firmly into her folds. Margot responded with a light sigh and widened her thighs slightly.

"I was right," Darcy whispered, though his voice was thick with lust. His fingertips received a rather moist reception as they pushed against her labia. The wetness oozing through the thin veneer of her knickers was hot to his touch. He could not stand it. He had to have her, and here seemed the right place and time. Darcy kept his right hand pressed against her mound and moved to undo his fly to release the ragging member trapped inside. Just as he started to try and move her underwear aside, she realised what he was trying to do.

"No, Darcy, not here, please?" She pleaded. "I want you too, but I'm covered in split wine and..." Darcy heard her plea despite the urge to ravage her. His breath was laboured, and his chest heaved with the intensity of the desire to make love to her. She held his cock in her gentle fingers and softly stroked its length.

"It feels and looks bigger this time." She said and giggled. "It feels thicker. It must have been the shorts you had on last time. They must have masked the real you." She could see the brief glimmer of disappointment on his face.

"I meant it when I said I want you just as much as you want me. I'm sure you know that that is the truth from your exploration under my dress?"

He smiled as if he were a child caught with their hand in the biscuit tin.

"You know, you are 100% correct," Darcy said in a confident tone. "It was wrong of me to try and force myself on you." He stopped her protest at his words. "But I know what to do."

He brushed her lips with his and reluctantly removed his hand from under her skirt. He removed his pulsing member from her grasp even more reluctantly and put it back inside his trousers.

"Be careful doing that," Margot whispered. "I will need that sooner or later."

Darcy smiled broadly.

As luck would have it, Margot was neither large of body nor long. She had a slight build and was about 5ft 2 inches tall and weighed about sixty kilos wringing wet, so it was no trouble at all for Darcy to whisk her off her feet and up into his arms. She laughed gaily and rested her head against his shoulder.

"Phew! I like drinking wine, but it does smell a bit when split. I'm sorry I wasted it!" she exclaimed.

"Could be a blessing in disguise, wouldn't you say?"

"Maybe," She laughed, "time will tell."

He carried her effortlessly upstairs to the ensuite bathroom. The downstairs, high ceilings were replicated in all the second-floor rooms, as was the individual room colouring of the walls.

"You guys like colour, don't you?" Margot said as she admired the decor.

"It's in keeping with traditional Federation styling." He explained. "The high ceilings were a feature as well."

The master bedroom was spacious and full of the afternoon sun. The walls were a deep blue/grey with an eggshell coloured ceiling. They entered through the left-hand corner of the room. The large, queen-sized bed was on their right, and off to the left were two doors. The first door opened to a walk-in wardrobe and the second to an equally spacious white tiled bathroom bathed in sunshine.

Darcy lowered Margot to the floor at the bathroom entrance and suggested he would get fresh towels.

"What? Me? Shower with you?" Margot exclaimed in mock shyness. She turned to him, grabbed hold of his shirt and pull him firmly against her body. "What a great idea!"

He watched her as she seemed to glide her way over to turn on the water in the large frameless glass shower.

"It's best to turn the hot water tap onto full. I can adjust the temperature with the cold tap easy enough once we are in." He chuckled.

"You're laughing at me again!"

"No! Well, not really. I am just in disbelief about what is happening."

"It's very, very real," Margot's voice was calm and sounded sexy. She made her way back toward him with her hands behind her back. Her full, rounded breasts strained and swayed slightly under her dress.

"What if I decide I do not want a shower?"

He moved to pick her up again, but she wiggled clear of his grasp. He jumped forward, clasped her waist and pulled her close. Her hip made contact with his groin, and she gasped and pulled back in mock surprise. Margot looked him up and down as if she was assessing if he was suitable for her designs. She moved in close again and ground her hips against his hardness.

Margot snaked her arms about his neck. "You certainly know how to convince a girl."

He lent to kiss her, but she danced away. "Well, get in there!" She said in a commanding mothers' sort of voice and pointed to the shower.

"Okay. Okay." He said and nearly face-planted as his foot got caught in the leg of his trousers.

Modestly, he turned his back to her and removed his clothes and quickly made his way into the steaming water. The water was hot, but he quickly adjusted the temperature. He welcomed the steady flow as it poured over his head. Despite not entering the ocean water earlier, he still felt a salty feeling on his skin. The glass wall had misted with steam, so he was not able to catch a full view of Margot as she undressed. He did not have his glasses on either, so any view of her he might have had would have been somewhat out of focus. He turned to face the shower rose to wash off the shampoo he had lathered into his hair. As he ran his hands over his chest, Darcy felt her presence. His mind instantly sprang to the motor-yacht scene in Skyfall; Bond entered the shower and embraced the girl from behind.

"Oh well, the roles are reversed," he thought to himself. "The same result, though, I hope."

Her arms slipped around his body as Margot pressed her body against his, her beautiful breasts squashed into the small of his back. They were firm yet soft, all at the same time, and he could feel her hard nipples on his skin as her hands caressed his chest and glided down across the flat of his stomach. Darcy caught his breath as her finger made contact with his pubic hair. He could feel her mouth broaden into a satisfied grin as she withdrew her fingers and kissed his shoulder. He reached behind and pulled their bodies more firmly together. The heat of her lower body spread over his buttocks like a warm quilt cover in winter.

"Are you all clean yet?" She asked, her mouth lightly pressed to his shoulder.

"I'm not the one who split their wine." He corrected. "You're the sticky one."

"True. But I'm sure you needed freshening up, didn't you?"

He chuckled. "I think there are a few bits I haven't got to yet."

"Is that so?" Her fingers trailed over his stomach again. "I bet you left this bit for me?"

"I couldn't think of anyone better qualified."

He groaned low and long as her hands found his jutting member. He gasped at the wonderful feeling as Margot nuzzled softly into his neck while she stroked his thickness and cupped his balls.

"Not quite as long as my husbands, but my word, it is thick."

"I'm glad you approve." He said in a husky voice. As she had done during their first encounter, she worked intensely on that most sensitive of spots on the underside of the shaft just below the bulbous head. His body jerked with desire each time she pressed there, and he sucked in a deep breath with each contact she made.

"I think I can sense that someone likes this shower?" She cooed as her hand now pumped him with a firm hard motion. He could not answer. The feeling of her masturbating him in this way was sending him quickly to the point of no return. His whole body quivered with the sheer lustful delight she was delivering to his cock.

Darcy knew he had to stop her because he did not want it to be like this, although he desperately wanted to come. He wanted to make love to this beautiful woman, to feel her heavenly body, not just pressed into or against him but wrapped around him. With an effort of will, he broke the embrace and turned. The water fell on them like summer rain, and he kissed her fully on the mouth. She immediately responded, her own passion on the rise. Their tongues probed, their bodies melted as one, in a heated exchange of mutual desire. His penis throbbed and pressed into her lower tummy as their arms wrapped tightly around each other's backs as if trying to pull their two bodies into one. His need to enter her was urgent. He reluctantly bypassed her inviting breasts and moved his hand down across the softness of her lower tummy, through the light tuff of pubic hair at the top on her mound and straight between her heated thighs. He turned Margot and reversed her against the tiled wall. Her back arched, and she slid up around his neck. With little murmurs, she urged him closer to her. With their foreheads locked together, Darcy looked directly into her melting eyes. He took hold of his male probe and stroked it firmly along the heated cleft of her vagina. She groaned aloud as the bulbous head parted her labia and struck her swollen clitoris. Slowly, he masturbated his cock head against her clit, which made her grunt even louder. He repeated the firm strokes repeatedly, parting her outer lips with the purple head and mashed her clit with it. Her whole body responded to his every movement, with every contact his cock made with her soaking cleft. Margot's hips bucked forward, trying to impale herself.

"Oh, fuck," She groaned as her hips involuntarily humped forward, seeking him.

"Please, Darcy, I need you inside me. Want you inside me." Her breath was ragged, and he could barely hold from blowing his lot. Darcy hoisted her legs up to wrap around his hips and pinned her body to the wall. In the same motion, his cock slid up toward her body. With one deft thrust, he entered her womanly depths.

"Oh, Margot," He could barely manage the words. She pulled his mouth to her own, and just before she kissed him, she said, "Fill me with your come."

Margot sucked his tongue hard into her mouth as his cock slipped in fully and pressed her backside against the wall. He proceeded to grind himself into her body, and her hips undulated to receive him. Her moans echoed around the walls as he looked down between their joined bodies. He watched, mesmerised, as his cock disappeared deep inside her. It was out of sheer bloody-mindedness that he did not come the instant his cock entered her. Darcy briefly reflected on the long-held fantasy of her but now, he fucking her in real life with one long, hard stroke after the other. His mind was racing. He could feel her touch, smell her scent, hear her every moan, and it felt so magical. The shared feeling between them was so passionate that all he felt was an intimacy that can only be shared by two people that truly desire to give pleasure to the other person they are with. Each inward thrust was greeted with a guttural grunt from deep inside her throat. Margot's head rolled from side to side against the wall, and her torso trembled with the building of her climax. The immense feeling between them heightened their impending orgasms tremendously as they both shook in each other's arms. He felt his cock swell as his climax rushed forward like a train. Margot's own orgasm started to rake its way through her body as well. Her ribbed channel contracted, gripped and pulled him deeper inside as he thrust deeply and then poured his sperm into her pulsing body. Each pulse of his cock sent his seed deep into her pussy and was greeted with a groan of orgasmic lust from deep inside her throbbing body. We were both breathless and unable to speak and barely able to stand. Darcy did not want to let go. He did not want to lose the moment and find it was all a dream. But he knew he had no choice; he was spent. Slowly he lowered her and set her back on her shaky legs. He had never felt so clean, and his skin felt aglow after reaching one of the most thrilling and passionate orgasms in his life.

To prevent her from totally falling to the floor, he had placed his right thigh between hers. Margot's head hung slightly, and he realised she was still pulsing from the intensity of her climax. Her hands and arms were supported by his, and as she sank a little, her dripping pussy squashed onto his thigh. She immediately groaned and spasmed; her body jerked, and she pulled her pussy up and away from his leg. The sensitivity was too much. Yet again, she started to sink, and again she lifted her body away. After another attempt, she settled herself soon his thigh, her pussy oozed cum onto his leg. He moved to kiss her gently as she looked up and then scanned her eyes down along his body.

"I knew I was right a few weeks ago." She said in a husky voice. She breathed deeply and looked him over repeatedly. "You do have a nice package." Playfully she pattered his limp dick.

"You had better be careful," he warned, "it might come back to life."

"I thought I had drained the tank!" She exclaimed and sounded somewhat triumphant. "However, I think I know just how to deflate it again, if it does."

The water was warm and soothing. Margot recommended she give his hair a decent going over with conditioner. She massaged the thick liquid into his scalp. Darcy was surprised with the strength in her fingers as she kneaded his head and temples. He relished her efforts like a puppy having its tummy scratched, and he was equally sad when she finished and directed his head under the water. He emerged from the flow and gently kissed her lips as a way of saying thank you if nothing else. She responded with a passionate and probing tongue. Her arms snaked up and encircled his neck. Darcy dropped a hand to her lower body, and with a delicate touch of his finger, he let his digits meander across her pubic mound. Margot moved her stance and shifted her legs apart, giving him carte blanch access. He tenderly pressed his fingers on either side of her vagina and used his index finger to part her puffy lips. Their kiss intensified as he finger-fucked her liquid hole and teased her slippery clitoris.

"Do you know how damned sexy you are?" Darcy asked as he pulled his mouth away from hers for a brief instant. He mashed her clit and drew his finger up to his mouth, and licked it clean. She shook her head slowly in response to his question. Darcy slid his finger deep into her cum filled womanhood and swirled it around, and mixed the combined flow of their juices. She moaned as his finger kissed her clit on their way back into the hot wetness of her juicy pussy. He withdrew his finger from her pussy and rubbed the wet fingertip across Margot's mouth. She parted her lips and sucked as he slowly began to fuck her mouth with it. Greedily, she began to suck on his finger, her tongue twisted and twirled about, as she groaned aloud. Darcy withdrew his finger from her mouth and placed it back into her vagina. She humped her hips forward as he pushed deeper and then withdrew it and raised it to her lips again. She licked and sucked them again. Her eyes were on fire with a lustful desire.

"What do you want of me, Darcy?" Margot gasped. Her bosom rose and fell with her powerful breathing.

"Well, I have had one long-held desire fulfilled today." He answered, in between kissing her with an equalled passion. "But I think there is something more I could do for you!"

"Oh, and, exactly do you have you in mind?" He did not bother to answer at that time; he knew actions would speak far louder than words.

He dropped to his knees, water streaming over his face, which made any chance of a detailed examination of her womanhood difficult, that he fingered could wait. Right now, all he wanted to do was dive in. He clutched Margot's thigh gently with his left hand to hold her steady and spread her engorged folds open with his right index and middle finger. He swirled his tongue up and down and all around Margot's inviting private parts, flat and hard, from her winking anus, and as slowly as he could manage, up onto her clitoris. Her thighs parted wider, welcoming him as he started to explore her inner wetness.

"Argghhhhh, oh fuck," she moaned and opened herself even more as he darted tongue into her folds and finger fucked her with long, deep thrusts. Margot rocked the back of her head against the wall of the shower as she grasped hold of his hair. Her knees trembled, and her legs were verging on being turned to jelly. She had to fight to keep her body from sliding down the slick tiles as his mouth devoured and pinned her crotch firmly against the wall. She was flooding him with the residual essence of their earlier coupling; a tangy mixture of male and female come.

"Oohhhh...God...Yyyyeeesss," Margot hissed over the sound of the shower. Her hands entwined tighter in his hair, and she pulled his head harder into her crotch. With each inward thrust of his fingers, Margot's hips involuntarily rose to accept them. With each withdrawal, her come filled pussy oozed the pungent mixture of her womanly secretions and the thick load of male sperm he had deposited. The taste was sweet yet tangy, all at the same time, but the heady flavour only served to spur him on.

Darcy was a man on a secret mission; to give her an orgasm she would remember for a long time. Her whole body trembled as he repeatedly stabbed his tongue tip onto her sensitive clitoris and then gouged it down deep into her sexy cleft. Margot's breathing had become more deeply laboured and grew harder and heavier. He drove two fingers, palm upward, deep into her body and curled them around when he felt her pubic bone. He knew he had found that slightly more fleshy spot, Margot's G-Spot, and started a remorseless attack on it as well as her clit. She was moaning and thrashing in ecstasy. The louder she moaned, the faster he flicked his tongue on the hood of her clit, and the more firmly he pounded into her with my two fingers, up and over, directly onto her innermost sensitive place. Incoherently she moaned, which were interspersed with expletives. These were coupled with violent convulsions across the full extent of her thighs and pitching thrusts from her hips. Her stomach heaved in concert with her ragged breath and the convulsed waves of the building climax that coursed through her quaking body. All the while, the volume of her verbal reactions increased. His fingers were pushed up full inside her pussy, targeted on her g-spot, time and time again, his thumb crushed across the hard hood of her clit; she to be on the brink of losing all self-control. Suddenly her eyes flashed wide as she reached the brink of yet another climax, the pinnacle, but one unlike any other.
Her whole torso quaked and heaved like she was about to explode physically. Margot relinquished his hair and threw her arms wide to push against the walls as if to establish herself. The room filled with the sound of her approaching climax together with the sound of her primal screams and, as her arse lifted forward, she grabbed the back of his head and started to fuck his face with her pussy.

"Ohhhhhhh, fuck... Darcy!" she screamed, her whole being cavorted. He pushed his fingers deep one last time and curled them. That did it, she exploded. Margot bucked in an erratic contortion, pulled his hand away from her body, her eyes rolled back in her head. She gushed her first jet of fluid, her first-ever female ejaculation. She shot a hot wet splash on his face, quickly followed by a second torrent and a third. His face, her thighs and her pussy, were covered with her delicious nectar. Margot screamed in ecstasy as she spasmed violently as she held his head in front of her spewing groin. Her whole body had jumped and bucked with pleasure for what seemed like ages, the whole sequence, to Darcy at least, was reduced to slow motion. He tried to catch every drop of her squirted orgasm in his mouth, but all too quickly, it was washed away by the shower.

Margot was spent. She was so sensitive, she had no choice but to push him, bodily, away and to slide, with what remained of her self-control, to the floor of the shower. He helped her down, gently moved her still trembling limbs until she was comfortably seated on the floor. Margot leant back against the tiles in the corner with her eyes closed. Her muscles twitched involuntarily that indicated there were still organic spasms running through her body. Darcy looked at her magnificent full breasts, the nipples full and hard. He admired her chest as it rose and fell in time with her heavy breathing, which was, ever so slowly, coming back to a normal pace. He sat beside her and pulled her close. Her head found his shoulder and nuzzled in as the warmth of the shower continued to caress their glowing bodies. There they remained for another few minutes, quietly wrapped in each other's arms. The euphoric bliss of such a profound shared sexual encounter was palpable. In a drowsy whisper, Margot broke the silence.

"I think…" She started and then stopped herself mid-sentence. Darcy got the impression she was initially caught in the moment and then thought better of uttering the words in her heart. With her eyes toward the ground, she continued, "I think we should dry off?"

"I guess you're right." Darcy, ever the gentleman, smiled and helped her to her feet. He wondered what she was about to say but knew it was not something he should pursue. He wrapped her in his arms and embraced her tightly as he turned the water off. "I'll get you a towel."

Deftly, he scooped up two fluffy white towels. To give his guest space enough to dry herself, he stepped onto the floor mat. They dressed quietly, and Darcy suggested he go and put the kettle on. While he did that, Margot said she would go home and quickly change into clothes devoid of red wine and then she would gladly come back and take tea with him.

The late afternoon sun was not warm enough to allow for tea on the deck, so Darcy settled for the kitchen table. The room was comfortable, warm and cosy, just the right ambience to enjoy some more quality time with a woman he knew was stealing his heart. When she walked in, his jaw all but dropped to the floor. She wore skinny leg dark blue jeans and a plain white crew neck jumper; both close-fitted, and both showed off her feminine curves to perfection.

“Oh, Margot,” he gushed. “You look stunning!”

She looked at the floor, a little embarrassed at his compliment. With a shy smile, she accepted it and thanked him for his kind words.

“You have been busy!” She said quickly as she turned her attention to the setting up on the table.

“Just threw it together. It’s nothing flash, I’m afraid.” He humbly said.

“It’s perfect, thank you.” Then she added, “Just like you.”

It was his turn to feel embarrassed. “Did you drink too much wine earlier?” It was a lame attempt to deflect the compliment.

Over multiple cups of tea and a biscuit or two, they discussed many things but avoided the topic of Aziza. It was one issue that defied rational thought and required a lot more contemplation before being talked about openly.

“Um, Darcy?”

“Yes, my darling,” He responded without a second thought. As soon as the words had been said, though, he wished he had not. His anxiety rose as he thought he had ventured one step too far too soon. Margot fixed him with an admiring gaze, and as he uttered those words, the look in her eyes softened, and a warm, inner glow fell across her face.

“I like that, thank you. I like that, and you, a lot!” Their hands entwined upon the table. “It’s not what I was going to say, but…” she trailed off and looked at the table briefly.

“This has something to do with what you were going to say earlier, after the shower?” He boldly enquired. “I got the sense that you left something unsaid upstairs.” He stroked her hand to try and convey a feeling of safety, to give her the confidence to say what was on her mind.

“Oh, That! Yes, well, exactly, it is that.” She was obviously conflicted about what to say, but Darcy knew he could not attempt to preempt her words. Margot took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, all the while she looked meaningfully into his eyes.

“Today has been beyond words, and thank you for making it so. It has been a special day in many ways.” She gently lifted his hand and kissed it and then wrapped his hand in her own and held it beside her cheek. “We are good together. What I mean is, we like each other.” Darcy nodded but did not say a word. He knew Margot had to get through this on her own.

There was a pause, and when he had not acknowledged any of what she has said, she blushed noticeably.

“Bastard!” She accused with a laugh. Her eyes twinkled with impish mirth. “You are not going to make this easy for me, are you?”

He laughed aloud and shook his head. “No, I am not. I really like you as well, to use your words, but if you have something to say to me, please, just say it. I won’t bite, promise! I’m all ears if you haven’t noticed.” To emphasise his point, Darcy flicked his ears.

“Self-deprecating humour, I get it.” Her unmistakable laugher filled the room.

“Margot, can I make a suggestion, please?”

“Sure, my Mr Darcy!”

He looked at her quizzically and let her nomenclature pass unopposed. “It is getting on to late afternoon, evening, and our day together has been absolutely fabulous.” Margot nodded and remained silent (was this a bit of retaliation, he thought with amusement). “How would you like to finish our day together off with dinner?”

“Absolutely, Darcy, that is a lovely idea. Do you have somewhere in mind?”

“Yes, I certainly do. I assume you like Italian, not pizza and pasta, but real, homestyle, Italian cooking?”

“Yes, please, that sounds perfect. Thank you.” She was taken aback by his sudden offer, but the idea had a lot of appeals.

“You needn’t change. I’ll do a quick change, though and then we can go if you like?”

Darcy did not wait for her reply. He raced upstairs, grabbed the first pair of dark blue jeans he laid his hands on. A plain, white, T-shirt and a casual jacket, and buff coloured boots completed his makeshift ensemble. He felt as ready as ready could be. A splash of Tom Ford cologne finished the makeover.

“My, my,” Margot cooed when he re-emerged downstairs. “Don’t you look handsome! I think I can go out with you.” She added with a broad smile.

The restaurant was a 15-minute drive and given it was nearing mid-June, the sun had already set. It was situated on the main road that went through Balmain, an inner-city suburb of Sydney that was now a trendy, affluent area. The restaurant was a converted Balmain terrace; narrow frontage, two-story facade, with wrought-iron balconies on both floors. The forecourt had been levelled to provide al fresco dining, and the front balcony downstairs was used predominantly for cafe service. The interior had a rustic feel with pine wood floors, small square tables with red and white check tablecloths and functional (and stackable) chairs.

“Ciao, Buona sera,” Gino, the owner, called out as soon as Darcy and Margot entered. “How are you, Mate? I haven’t seen you for a while.” Gino did a double-take on Margot and then looked at Darcy briefly. A hint of a smile crossed his lips.

“Good to see you too, Gino, my friend.” Replied Darcy as he and Gino shook hands. “This is Margot, a good friend of mine.”

“Buona sera, Signora,” Gino looked admiringly at Margot, took her hand and lightly kissed it. “Welcome, and I hope you are hungry.” As he finished his greeting, he turned slightly toward Darcy and winked. Darcy smiled and felt a little awkward; he knew that Gino was guessing what was afoot.

Gino was a typical Italian in many ways. Dark hair, blue eyes and an olive complexion and a very cheery disposition. He was a skip, meaning he was born in Australia, but his parents were originally from Naples. He was in his mid-forties, Darcy guessed, about six foot tall with a bit of a rounded middle. Gino called himself stocky when he talked about his build. He had been in the hospitality industry for many years. He started in cafes owned by his parents before he and his brother ventured into restaurants after they retired. Gino and his brother had bought the restaurant outright two years earlier and had brought the chef, a woman of five-foot, from Sicily, with them from their previous venture.

“Thank you, um, Gino isn’t it?” Margot inquired. “I had a big lunch, but Darcy twisted my arm to dine with him, so here we are.”

Gino showed them to a table Darcy had sat at many times, right at the restaurant's rear near the kitchen and the bar. It was a cosy table, away from the bulk of the patrons should the restaurant fill up.

“Gia will be with you in a moment,” Gino added as he held the seat for Margot. She smiled graciously and looked admiringly at Darcy.

“Two glasses of Sangiovese?” Gino asked and then, surprisingly added, “On the house.” Darcy laughed inwardly. From previous discussions with Gino, he knew that the restauranteur had been married twice and was currently going out with a woman fifteen years his junior.

“Si, Gino, and thank you,” Darcy answered.

“You have been here a few times. I take it?” Margot asked with a grin.

“Um, yeah, I guess it shows.” Replied Darcy.

“With your wife, I assume?” Her question was a little edgy.

Darcy proceeded to tell her all he knew of Gino and the restaurant. It seemed to allay some of her apprehension.

“That’s why he winked at you, isn’t it?”

“I guess so,” Darcy responded. “But I cannot be entirely sure. I guess he has made an assumption.”

“Not exactly discrete, wouldn’t you say?” A sudden recollection of Aziza’s comment early passed across his mind.

“A calculated risk.” Darcy felt a bit admonished. “I did not expect him to be here; he is not always.”

“Okay, but as long as there are no more surprises, Darcy. I am not too good with surprises.”

“Um, well, Gia knows me as well.” He added. “She is the waitress Gino mentioned. She virtually runs the front-of-house for him. She knows who I usually come here with, so that you are aware.” He suddenly regretted coming to this place.

“Darcy!” Margot said through clenched teeth. “This is madness.”

“I’m sorry. I did not think beyond the food and the place being quiet. We can leave if you want?”

“Do you think it safe to stay?” Margot asked pointedly.

“Yes, I do.” He tried to sound defiant and confident, but he was feeling anything but. “I will ask Gino to kind of forget we were here if that will make you feel better.”

“No!” She shot back, “That will only add to his assumption. We are two friends having a meal together. Let us not add to his speculation.”

“As you wish.” Darcy sounded dejected. “I am sorry, my darling. I did not think it through, did I?”

“Not entirely, no, but I forgive you.” She smiled and quickly reached across the table and gently squeezed his hand, a gesture that did not go unnoticed at the bar. “It’s the thought that counts.”

“Hi, how are you?” Her dulcet tones were familiar to Darcy. “Long time, no see.”

“Gia! How are you? How’s the new house going?” Darcy replied conversationally.

“Great, and thank you for asking. I’m surprised you remembered.” Gia smiled warmly and then realised Darcy was not with his wife.

“This is Margot,” Darcy interjected. “She is a very good friend of mine who I thought I’d introduce this restaurant.” He hoped he sounded convincing.

“Pleased to meet you, Margot,” Gia said with a sly, sideways look at Darcy. She extended her hand to Margot and shook it briefly as a further greeting to this new customer.

Margot smiled warmly at Gia, and they exchanged a few polite pleasantries before Gia turned to the bar and presented them with the red wine offered by Gino. Gia leant in closer and started to explain the specials. Her slightly accented English and the alto nature of her cadence made the restaurant appear more romantic. Darcy could not help but notice the depth of cleavage Gia was showing either. He had always loved watching her chest sway rhythmically as she crossed the room.

Gia was of Italian and French parents who still lived in a small village near Monaco. Darcy guessed she was in her late twenties and was working her way around the world with her boyfriend. She had recently negotiated a six-month lease for a fully furnished apartment right on the water in a new development near Barangaroo. From the images she once showed him, it seemed to be an outstanding deal. She was a fraction taller than Darcy and had a sturdy yet very feminine, curvaceous build. Darcy had only seen her in the restaurant setting, which meant she was usually dressed in black, body-hugging jeans and a black T-shirt. However, today, over the jeans, she wore a black shirt that was unbuttoned to a modest extent yet still displayed a fair potion of chest.

“She’s lovely,” Margot said as Gia left them to consider dinner choices. “Nice breasts as well, wouldn’t you say?”

“I didn’t notice.”

“Liar,” Margot laughed, “I would have thought it strange if you hadn’t.” Margot straightened her back and put her hands in her lap. This had the effect of pushing her own breasts together and outward. Her nipples could be seen as they projected through her plain white jumper.

“Are you a bit cold, my sweet?” Darcy asked, his eyes riveted on Margot’s chest.

“No, not really, just wanted to make sure you knew who you’re dining with.”

“How could I forget! More wine?” They had both drained their glasses quickly. Darcy guessed it might have been to settle nerves generated by the initial exchange with Gino. He turned in his seat to get Gia’s attention as he held up his empty glass and two fingers. Gia nodded her understanding and continued to organise some new customers.

Darcy had his back to the front door, which meant he could not see the bulk of any patrons in the restaurant but rather looked toward the large specials blackboard at the rear. Margot had the opposite view, and Darcy noticed, with great interest, how she watched Gia approach. Gia stopped and stood beside Darcy, her hand on the back of his chair. Darcy looked up and was surprised by what he saw.

“Two more Sangiovese?” Gia inquired as she leant forward again and looked straight at Margot. What Darcy had noticed, however, was that Gia had unbuttoned her shirt further down to mid nipple level, he gauged, and by the way she leant forward andher positioning; it was not entirely for his benefit. “And, Lemon Sole for mains?”

“He usually has the Lemon Sole,” Gia laughed but still looked in Margot’s direction, “but now and then, he surprises me.”

“Lemon Sole sounds wonderful. Thank you, Gia.” Margot answered, her eyes wandered from Gia’s face to her prodigious breasts and back again.

“Make that two, please,” Darcy added with a knowing smile. Margot nudged his foot under the table.

Gia took their orders and went to enter them to their bill at the bar. It was only two table widths away from where they were seated, and as soon as Gia got two fresh glasses, she caught their attention.

“Would you care to try this Zinfandel from Puglia? We have run out of the other.”

“That would be perfect, Gia. Thank you.” Darcy confirmed. Gia smiled and filled two glasses and brought them to their table, together with the bottle. As she placed the bottle and the glasses on the table, Gia, yet again, lent in close in a conspiratorial fashion, the bulk of her breasts on full display.

“I have only rung up two glasses on your bill, but you can have the bottle. It’s a little present from me for you both. You make a nice couple together.” She lightly placed a hand on each of their shoulders as she quietly made known her observation. Margot’s hand lay upon the table close to Gia, and just as she was about to leave them, Gia gently squeezed Margot’s hand and said, “If you are dating, he is a good man, from what I know of him.” Gia chuckled slightly and looked briefly at Darcy, “No offence, but she is beautiful, not like your wife at all.”

“No offence taken, Gia,” Darcy spluttered, “But we…”

“It’s okay. I know the signs.” Gia broke across his protest. “I am not going to say anything nor make judgements. If you were to come in here with your wife, to me, it would be as if tonight did not happen at all. I just want you to know that one hundred percent.”

“Thank you, Gia,” Margot said. She seemed reassured by this lovely young woman and her assurance. Gia nodded, smiled and left them.

“I think she likes you,” Margot said as she raised her glass to Darcy. They toasted each other and drank deeply. “I’ll go home pissed at this rate.”

“I think she is flirting with you,” Darcy observed.

“You think so?”

Darcy laughed aloud and agreed wholeheartedly.

“She does have nice tits though,” Margot announced in between sips of wine.

“You noticed?” Inquired Darcy, though he knew full well Margot had.

“No more than you,” Margot corrected politely. “But, I wonder if I can do something about it?”

“Would you?” Darcy was a little incredulous.

“God yeah,” Margot replied instantly. “I have not had a lesbian encounter since before I was married. It would be interesting to make love to a woman again, especially one as attractive as Gia.”

Darcy looked a bit crestfallen.

“You men!” Margot said as she drained her glass and refilled it. She was obviously settling in. She reached across the table and grasped his hand blatantly, and kissed it. “There is no way I want to substitute your cock for pussy. Understood? The way I see this working,’ she continued with renewed fervour. “We have each other, despite our inherent limitations, but we should not be so shortsighted and deny or ignore other, let us call them opportunities, should they arise, agreed?”

“Agreed.” Darcy nodded to add affirmation to her commitment and felt embarrassed he had reacted in such a shallow manner.

“Look, I am not saying that to stroke your ego. I mean it one hundred percent. Remember this afternoon?”

Once again, Darcy nodded and looked directly into her face. Her eyes sparkled, despite the low lighting of the restaurant, and he noticed the way Margot inhaled deeply before she continued. She was gorgeous, he thought. However, he was also curious where her conversation thread was headed.

“I’m falling in love with you.” She blurted unerringly as her eyes brimmed with tears. These were not tears of sadness but pent up happiness. “It’s no false declaration, nor is it the wine talking. It helps though,” She laughed under her breath. “On top of that, I am fully conscious of our circumstances, but that is how I feel. To tell you the truth, I am shit scared to admit it.” She sniffed quietly and used her napkin to dab at her nose. “Between my feelings for you, Aziza and her wild talk, and the way you made me, um, how to put this, um, the climax today, my head is in a spin.”

“Margot, my darling,” he lifted her chin. “I was scared as well because of my feelings. I could not reveal them because I thought it would frighten you away. Oh my god, I love you, too! I cannot put it any other way. I honestly love you. As for the other things you mention, well, Aziza, we can discuss another time. The climax,” he smiled sheepishly, “if you like, I can show you some info, not porn, I mean proper information on the topic.”

They both had tears in their eyes. Margot thanked him for his kindness and offer. They looked at each others, tear-streaked faces and laughed, not a simple, stifled chuckle but full-on belly laughter, the sort that invokes more tears, sore tummy muscles and the need to pee.

“Look at us,” Margot gasped eventually. “We must look a sight!”

“Speak for yourself.” Darcy retorted but still laughed. “But, Margot, I’m glad you said it.” Then he added, finally being able to pull me together. “I love you.”

The rest of their meal was extremely delightful yet seemed to be a blur in Darcy’s mind. So much had happened in that one evening alone, not to mention the day at the beach. Gia continued to flirt with Margot sporadically, which she enjoyed with wholehearted delight, but her eyes always found their way back to Darcy. Those doe eyes conveyed a feeling he had not felt for many, many years. To be sure, this was all new and exciting and wonderful, but there was a depth to their feelings that even he could not begin to fathom.

“This is my treat,” Margot stated demurely yet with a slight assertiveness as they ended their meal. She rose, a little unsteady at first, and stepped across to the bar. She and Gia talked quietly together. They both sniggered and looked at Darcy from time to time as Margot waited for Gia to finalise the bill. Darcy watched them approvingly as Gia shook Margot’s hand and bade her a good evening.

“I hope to see you again soon,” Gia called as they made their way to the door.

“Ciao, Gia,” Darcy called. Margot waved goodbye, and they walked back to the car, arm in arm. Once inside the car, Margot opened her hand. In it, she had a small piece of paper. Slowly, Margot unfolded it, read it and then showed it to Darcy.

It was Gia’s mobile phone number. “She wants to see me for coffee,” Margot said quietly. “I hope you don’t mind?”

“No, not at all, my love.” Margot drew his head close and kissed him passionately.

“We had better get going,” Margot pointed at the clock on the dashboard display. “We have a curfew, remember?”
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