Forbidden Island


Forbidden Island

an erotic novel

by Eric Shon


Light from the setting sun glinted off the rim of the glass, the fine white wine within it running its legs down the bowl and back into the pool of white gold. The man holding the glass by its delicate stem between two fingers gazed from the veranda of his spacious home at the waves rushing up on the beach in an insistent whisper a mere hundred yards or so away, the warm December ocean breeze teasing the grey-flecked hairs at his temples. The beach wasn’t his; it belonged to no one — or, rather, it belonged to everyone — but he owned the land and the house behind it, so it was his view.
He heard the glass door slide open and he turned to the vision of his beautiful young wife approaching him in that tight, blue mini-dress he liked so much and still wearing the white stiletto heels she knew drove him crazy, a contented smile on her face, wispy strands of her own hair caressed by the wind. He gazed into the the deep blue pools of her eyes and, as it always happened when he did, the story of his journey to here played out in a nanosecond in his memory.

Vance Kemp padded in his stockinged feet to the kitchen and set his laptop bag in the nearest high stool and dropped the mail onto the counter. His tie and collar button already undone on the drive home, he pulled the tie free of his collar and whipped off his jacket and lay them over the back of his sofa. He contemplated whether to cook a real dinner for himself or to just throw one of the many frozen meals he had into the microwave, for what he jokingly referred to his friends as “lonely single guy dinner.”
He stepped toward the refrigerator and glanced down at the small pile of mail he had brought in and noticed an odd-looking stamp peeking out from under the other envelopes of bills and junk. He pulled it out and gazed at the stamp, which appeared to be an image of a shield with a crude representation of a face carved into it. Or was is some sort of mask? He read the post mark. “Coromandel, 3543 New Zealand.” Kemp’s brow furrowed over this mystery. “Martina White-Poole, 285 Ke Tunua St.” He didn’t know anyone named Martina White-Poole from New Zealand, or from anywhere else, for that matter. He peeled the envelope flap up at the corner and created a slot big enough to accommodate his index finger, and he tore the envelope open and pulled out the contents.
“Greetings, Kemp!”
The salutation possessed an odd familiarity.
“I hope this finds you well and chipper! Just wanted to let you know that we’ve moved house permanently to New Zealand to be closer to family.
“Reestablished the biz out of Coromandel-Preece Point giving air tours around and to Great Barrier…”
“Air tours!” Kemp’s heart fluttered as he frantically flipped the paper over to the closing: “Much Love, Marty and Vestra.” A wave of sensations washed over his body upon sight of those two names. Why would they send him a letter?! He flipped the page to the front again and started over.
“Reestablished the biz out of Coromandel-Preece Point giving air tours around and to Great Barrier Island. Bit of a slow start, but it’s picking up.
“Keeping this very short in the case you’re not interested in hearing from us, so just want to let you know we’re getting married 10 December, the typical spring wedding! Of course, you’re invited and we very much want you to come. We realize travel to the opposite end of the planet is already an ordeal without a wedding to sit through, as well, but it’s VERY IMPORTANT to us! Formal invitation in the post when we hear you’ll come (cards are bloody expensive!)”
Kemp flipped the letter over to read it again when his phone chirped from the pocket of his jacket draped over the back of the sofa. The display read, simply, “Kylie.” With an apprehensive sigh, he tapped the screen and placed the phone to his ear. “Hi, sweetheart.”
“OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! Have you looked at your mail, today?!”
“Yes, I did just n—“
“We have to go! WE HAVE TO GO!”
Kemp shut his eyes as the memories from more than a year before flooded into his mind, memories he had decided were better left in the past, yet memories which made his cock twitch to attention.


The island of Nailil loomed on the horizon below them as they approached the coast, the angry buzz of the propellers and the throbbing hum of the engine drowning out normal conversation and necessitating speech to be delivered in full voice over the cabin headphone intercom. The excitement at seeing the mysterious island nation from the air was clearly evident on Kylie’s face. Kemp felt a bit of a thrill at the sight himself.
“As we approach Nailil,” Marty’s confident voice cracked the relative silence of the intercom headphones in a comforting Australian lilt, “you’ll notice under our left wing the demolished shipping docks, destroyed in the ‘90s after the current regime took control of the island…”
Marty had been cause for an amusing and somewhat embarrassing moment on Nagap, the neighboring island and the main focus of their vacation. When Kemp had made the reservation, the soothing voice with the friendly Aussie accent instructed him to seek, upon his arrival at the airport, the tour’s pilot, Marty. When he and Kylie arrived at the sparse airport, Kemp immediately saw the “Westwind Island Tours” banner emblazoned across the fuselage of the Cessna single-engine aircraft, and the attractive, golden tanned blonde — wearing khaki shorts, a light blue oxford shirt with rolled-up sleeves and cinched in a knot around her slim waist, white ankle-height socks, and white trainers, with her hair tied up in a pony tail — cleaning out the cabin with a broom and dustpan, bent over and backing out through the open door, the khakis stretched tightly across her shapely bottom. Then she turned and noticed them approaching.
“G’day!” she chirped, her hair bouncing happily from the scrunchie holding it tightly away from her face. She glanced at the watch on her left wrist. “You would be the three o’clock?”
“Yes, that’s us,” Kemp said.
The cute blond stuck out her hand and Kemp had taken it and shaken it without thinking. “I’m Marty. Vestra will be with us shortly,” then she leaned in and winked with a playfully conspiratorial sotto voce. “She’s off to the loo!”
“Oh,” Kemp said. “I must’ve gotten it mixed up. You’re Marty. I spoke with you on the phone?”
Marty nodded.
“Ah, my bad. I thought Marty was the pilot. Is he here, yet?”
Marty nodded again, now with a mischievous smile.
Kemp looked around. “And what’s his name?”
“Whose name?” Marty pipped?
“The pilot’s.”
“Ah, yeah. The pilot’s name is Marty!” Her face beamed at him as she offered her hand again, which Kemp again reflexively took in his.
Kylie snorted as she caught on immediately while Kemp stared dumbly at the beaming Marty until he caught up with her.
“Oh, jeezus! You’re the pi—“ Kemp rolled his eyes at his own ignorance. As enlightened as he felt he was, he still occasionally fell victim to the old attitudes he was raised with. “I’m sorry! I’m such an idiot, sometimes.”
“Nah, it’s alright,” Marty chuckled. “Happens all the time, ‘specially with blokes your age! Doesn’t bother me one bit…” Her face suddenly darkened with exaggerated suspicion. “…unless it means you wanna cancel ‘cause your pilot’s a sheila!”
“What? No, NO! It’s perfectly alright by me!”
“Great! I’d hate my first solo flight over the ocean to be ruined by some dinosaur!” she winked.
Kemp stood motionless, blinking.
After a brief pause, Marty burst into a hearty laugh.
“God, Uncle Vance,” Kylie snorted again. “You’re too easy!”

Kemp turned his head to the left and gazed out the window, noticing that Marty had rolled the plane slightly to give her passengers a more direct view to the ground. He also noticed Kylie, her body pressed against his to get a view of the demolished docks, with one of her hands on his right thigh. He pulled his arm out from between them to allow her closer access to the window. He lifted his hand to place it on her back, but her open wrap draped over it and his hand came to rest on the smooth, bare skin of her back, atop the knot of fabric holding her bikini top together. She leaned further to his left to get closer to the window just as the wind under the plane buffeted the fuselage a bit, causing Kylie to grip his thigh more tightly.
“Six more days,” thought Kemp. “Six more days and this torture can stop!”
Kemp cleared his throat. “Why did they destroy the docks?” His own voice crackled in his headphones while he spoke, and the system went quiet with a subtle pop when he finished. How the voice-activated microphone resting against his lips could discern his voice from the rest of the racket in the small cabin confounded him.
“Cultural isolation.” The petite, girlish voice of the co-pilot broke over the intercom. “When Chief Dimbari won election in 1993, he carried through his promise to restore tribal primacy to the island nation and expelled all foreign and exploitative entities.”

“Ah. There she is!” Marty had exclaimed at the airport, seemingly almost relieved that the small talk could cease now that her co-pilot was returning. “This is Vestra, our co-pilot, tour guide, and expert on Nailili culture and history. Vestra, this is Vance and Kylie Kemp, our passengers for the afternoon.”
Kemp had felt his heart thump against his breastbone when the slender young woman’s fingers gently gripped his in handshake. Her jet-black hair pulled back in a lazy pony tail framed her copper-bronze face and and accentuated the delicate swoop of her jaw and chin beneath full, sultry lips shaped in a permanent, sexy pout. Her eyes sparkled at him, vibrant icy blue behind long, intensely dark eyelashes. She wore basically the same outfit as Marty — perhaps it was an attempt at a uniform — but the way her slender but shapely body and shiny bronze skin filled it out invited Kemp’s eyes to visit places they really shouldn’t. The cuffs of her shorts gripped her muscular thighs as though desperate to keep them from fleeing, and her oxford shirt, though tucked into her khakis, was buttoned one less loop than her partner’s and revealed the swell and dive of a milk chocolate play land.
“Pleasure,” she had said as she released Kemp’s hand, snapping him out of his reverie. “Pleasure to meet you,” she said to Kylie as she gripped hers. “We will be just a few more minutes to prepare the plane for the flight. Nailil is a beautiful, breathtaking sight to see from the air. I believe you will be very pleased.” Her tongue and lips seemed to move with deliberation to shape her delicate voice into the mix of Aussie and — what, “island?” — accent. Then she turned to help Marty finalize the prep of the aircraft.
Kylie had turned and nearly pressed her face into her uncle’s chest. “Oh, my god, she’s gorgeous!” she hissed.
“So I’m not the only one,” Kemp thought as he nodded his agreement with his niece’s assessment, as he watched Vestra join Marty at the door of the plane, as he saw a peculiar, intimate greeting between them, each with an arm around the other in a sort of mutual squeezing of each other’s hips, as his heart sank just a little with realization, despite his rational acceptance that he had a snowball’s chance in hell of ever hooking up with either of them. “Well,” he thought silently, “at least it’s eye candy for a few hours.”
Once the preparations had been completed and all were aboard, Vestra went over a few safety rules and instructions on the function of the intercom. It soon became very clear why the intercom was needed as Marty cranked the engine to life and all other noise in the cabin was drowned out.
“So,” Vestra’s voice had breathed into their headphones after they taxied toward the runway, “Kylie is your wife, Mr. Kemp?”
Kemp had caught the mischief in Vestra’s tone and turned to face Kylie, who had a shocked smile on her face.
“Eeeww! No!” Kylie laughed!
Kemp, seated behind Marty, caught the smile Vestra shared with her over the joke they probably played with every teenage girl going up in their plane with an obviously older man.
Vestra laughed softly into her microphone. “Just teasing, darling.” How her voice could sound so sexy through the headphones and over all the ambient noise Kemp couldn’t understand. “Poppa-daughter holiday?”
Kemp took a breath to explain, but Kylie’s voice popped into his ears before he could start.
“No, Vance is my uncle. My big brother was supposed to come, but he got an internship in Boston that he really wanted and, like, it’s rare that a sophomore ever, like, gets an internship there and they told him they needed him to start right after the semester so he came home only for, like, a week and had to go, and I, like, really wanted to see him and ask questions because, like, I’ll be going there in the fall, but, like, anyway, so Mom and Dad, like, they already bought all the tickets and the airline, like, told them, and the tour people told them that, like, they couldn’t get a refund for his stuff, and, like, this was my trip for my graduation present because I, like, they told me I could pick what kind of trip for my graduation gift so I told them I wanted to go to a tropical island and they, like, said, ‘Well, we’re not going to some touristy place,’ so they looked online and found Nagap and, like, it looked really cool on the website and so they asked Uncle Vance if he wanted to go with in my brother’s place and so they only just had to, um, like, change the airline ticket so he could come.”
Kemp blinked in wonder at Kylie.
“And Mom isn’t too crazy about flying, especially in a tiny plane like this one because, like, the one from Jayapura to Nagap caused her to almost, like, pass out.”
Kemp’s eyes had darted to Vestra whose eyes, he could tell, had met Marty’s as they shared a silent moment of humor at Kylie’s expense. “What must they think of American kids!” Kemp had thought.
“So,” Kylie had continued, “Mom and me were supposed to do this tour for, like, girls’ time while Dad and my brother were gonna hang and do guy stuff, but, like, with my brother back home, Dad didn’t, like, wanna leave Mom behind with his brother, so he let Uncle Vance take my brother’s place.” Kylie then leaned toward Kemp and muttered, “They probably wanted some nookie time!”
When Marty and Vestra had both laughed out loud, Kylie realized private comments were not private in the realm of the intercom. Her eyes had bugged out of her head and her left hand had come up to her astonished, embarrassed mouth, but with Kemp laughing along with them, she eventually had broken down into laughter, too.

“So, was there a war or something?” Kemp asked as they moved past the ruins of the docks below them. “Any bloodshed when Chief Dib- Dim—“
“Dimbari,” Vestra assisted. “Several outsiders were taken prisoner at the time, but, aside from some …how do you say… manhandling? Minor injuries… no one was hurt, and all prisoners were eventually released.”
“So,” Kemp continued after a pause, “the island is entirely self-sustaining, then?”
“No,” Vestra replied. “Despite the cultivation of livestock and horticulture for food, Nailil does rely on shipment of other goods from outside.”
“How do they receive these goods without a functioning harbor?”
“There is a small airstrip on Nailil. They have a few small aircraft which make a run between there and Nagap to pick up supplies they have ordered.”
“How do they order them?” Kemp was intrigued. “I mean, without modern amenities, how can they?”
Vestra replied, “Oh, don’t let the term, ‘tribal primacy’ mislead you. Before Dimbari took control, Nailil was as modern as Nagap was at the time, and has most likely maintained pace with her. They have a fairly modern utilities infrastructure, wind farm… if you look to the distant hilltop to the left, you can see the windmills.” She pointed to the left of the cabin to the distant smattering of towers visible just beneath the tip of the left wing. “Internet, earthbound communications. The Nailili want for nothing. They are simply a homogeneous, strange, isolated island nation.
“As you will see in a few minutes,” Vestra changed the subject to more tourism-oriented fare, “the landscape of Nailil, though forbidden to foreign visitors, is rich with thrilling sights and beautiful scenery.”
“Strange, though, you said,” observed Kemp. “Why strange? How?”
“Dimbari returned to the cultural forefront ancient Nailili customs that had been frowned upon by modern society. The foreign presence on the island during Dimbari’s campaign resisted his ideals, his… his political… how do you say…?”
“Platform?” Kemp suggested.
“Yes,” said, Vestra. “They resisted his political platform. But once Dimbari succeeded in convincing the Tribal Board to strip all non-native citizens of their citizenship — citizenship granted by earlier, outsider-influenced administrations — the only eligible voters living on the island were native Nailili, and Dimbari won in a landslide.”
“Ah. Well,” said Kemp sarcastically, “nothing like tipping the tables in your favor…”
Kemp felt his stomach rise and he realized they were descending. He looked out the window to his left and saw they had encountered some low clouds, and Marty was bringing them out of it. Vestra resumed her narrative.
“As you will see, now, the capital city, Naililan…”
Kemp peered out through the window again and, again, Kylie draped her lithe body across his lap to enjoy the view, too, this time her forearm lying over and pressing against his crotch.
“…you may notice the modern grid pattern to the city…”
He had already begun to regret accepting his brother’s offer of the free vacation-cum-babysitting gig, and now it was becoming downright dreadful.
“One advantage to a homogeneous population amid a modern urban setting is a very low crime rate…”
Long divorced with only sporadic trysts and even less frequent intimate relationships — the last of which had broken down only three weeks before the trip — being left often to supervise his physically mature, physically affectionate, and physically fit niece whose holiday wardrobe seemed to consist solely of skimpy bikinis and flip-flops, was driving him absolutely bananas! And now he felt himself stirring under her arm.
“Uhh…” Kemp stammered, trying to get back to the utterly boring topic of Nailili politics, “what features of the president’s platform did the foreigners object to? What, are they cannibals? Headshrinkers?”
Kemp heard a sharp sigh in his ears. He looked at Vestra whose expectant eyes were again on Marty. She kept a smile on her face, but it appeared somewhat strained. “No, nothing so bad as cannibalism or the other, but…”
Suddenly there was a loud, heavy thump and a violent jolt to the aircraft and the windscreen was sprayed with a bright red coating.
“AH! BLOODY HELL!” Marty shouted, her voice tinged with panic.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” an equally panicked Vestra shouted.
The plane’s engine sputtered and the entire craft vibrated violently.
“Ah, fuckin’ bird!” Marty sounded deeply aggravated, now, a welcome contrast to ‘panicked.’ “Probably an albatross. Hit the prop and disintegrated. Can’t see shit, now.”
Beside him, Kemp heard his terrified niece. “Ohmygodarewegonnacrash?” He instinctively pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her.
“Nah, nah, nah, we’ll be alright.” Marty’s firm voice and Aussie twang were oddly reassuring to Kemp’s ears. “We’re gonna have to put down, though. I think we have a busted prop.” She throttled the engine back and checked a few gauges on the cockpit console amid the violent shuddering of the aircraft. “Altitude’s good. You got the controls, babe?”
Vestra gripped the wheel-stick. “Got it.”
“Okay, prepare for instrument glide.” Very quickly, while Vestra throttled the engine back even more and pulled knobs and twisted handles, Marty pulled a bottle of water out of the cooler they had brought along and whipped a handkerchief out of a cargo pocket on her khakis. She saturated the rag with the water and then said, “Ready?”
Vestra said, “Ready,” and shut off the engine and the propeller spun quickly to a halt. The cabin was suddenly eerily quiet, despite the sound of air buffeting the fuselage.
Kemp, practically paralyzed with fear himself, felt Kylie shudder against him and press closer to his chest. He squeezed her in even tighter.
Marty removed her headset and then manipulated a latch to her left and opened the window. “When I get my bean out there,” she shouted to Vestra over the din of rushing air, “cycle the engine a few times so I can assess the prop situ.”
“Roger,” Vestra said, seemingly uncharacteristically.
Marty stuck her head through the open window and reached much of her upper torso outside around to the windscreen, wiping away the bird blood with the wet rag as far as she could reach while Vestra repeatedly activated the starter. The rag mostly smeared the blood around, but it gave just a little more visibility than they had had moments earlier. Marty pulled herself back in and spoke while she soaked the rag again, the blood of the recently pulverized bird dripping to the cockpit floor. “Radio Nailil tower mayday. We’ve lost a propeller tip.” She looked back at Vance and Kylie. “As air mishaps go, we’re very fortunate. It’ll be a slow, bumpy ride down to Nailil, but we’ll be able to fly there under power. Just gotta be able to see!” Marty stuck her head back out the window and wiped the windscreen again.
Kemp heard a click in the intercom and noticed Vestra speaking. She had cut her headset out of the intercom to radio the island, but he could still hear her outside his headphones despite the other cabin noise.
“Nailil Tower, Cessna 9281. Nailil Tower, Cessna 9281.” She paused. “Nailil Tower, Cessna 9281. Bird strike, requesting emergency landing.” Another pause. “Nailil Tower, BIRD STRIKE,” she repeated, enunciating deliberately. “Ning dah pah toppeh! We have propeller damage.”
Marty returned to the cockpit, her side of the windscreen a red, blurry mess, but Kemp could make out the presence of clouds. “Think you can get your side, love?” she shouted.
Vestra nodded curtly once and took the rag from Marty. Marty took control of the aircraft, and Vestra repeated the steps Marty had taken to clear her side of the windscreen as much as circumstance would allow.
“Alright,” said Marty, mainly addressing Vestra, “we’re gonna start her back up and run her slow so she doesn’t tear herself apart. I reckon we can stay above stall speed and get dirt under our wheels.” She and Vestra pulled knobs and turned cranks, and the starter whined, and the engine sputtered to life. The entire aircraft shuddered violently.
Marty’s voice crackled into the intercom. “We lost a tip from one end of the propeller blade, a couple inches, maybe an eighth of the radius. One more flap of her wings and that bird might have been able to clear the prop all together, poor bugger! Albatross are huge bastards!
“With the weight imbalance one side to the other, the centrifugal force will make the prop shaft wobble like a drunken ballet dancer.” She offered a reassuring chuckle. “If we tried to run ‘er at normal speed, she’d likely rip herself apart, so we gotta take it as slow as possible. Like I said, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride, but we’ll make it safely to Nailil.”
After what felt like an eternity of vibration to Kemp, the Cessna’s wheels touched lightly to the earthen airstrip on the sovereign soil of the Republic of Nailil.
“Go all the way to the end!” Vestra ordered Marty.
Kemp looked to Kylie as she looked at him, both noticing a shift in their pilots’ concern. He saw Vestra extend her left hand to her left, and he saw Marty’s right hand close the gap and grasp Vestra’s.
They brought the plane to a halt at the farthest end of the runway. “Everybody out!” demanded Vestra.
“What the hell?” exclaimed Kemp, his heart racing in his fear that the two pilots were shaking him down for money. “Is this a kidnapping, or something?” Why was Vestra suddenly barking orders?
Marty and Vestra helped their two passengers out of the plane and, the moment Kylie’s feet touched the grass, started unfastening the buttons of their oxford shirts. “Take your shirt off,” Vestra panted. “Both of you!”
Kemp laughed nervously. “What? Is this a prank, or something?” he said, looking around for the cameras, wondering if his brother had set this up …until he saw the fright in Kylie’s eyes and realized his brother would never do this to her.
“You heard her!” Marty snapped as she untied the knotted tails of her shirt from around her waist. “Get ‘em off!”
“It is no joke, Mr. Kemp,” Vestra said as she whipped open her shirt. Kemp’s heart leapt to his throat as his eyes took in her magnificent orbs of chocolate-tipped golden bronze. She looked past him at the firefighting vehicles, the sirens of which Kemp now heard approaching them from the terminal. Quickly she crumpled her shirt into a ball and threw it into the Cessna’s cabin. His eyes then darted to Marty as her shirt came off, revealing a tan bra holding her hefty breasts fast.
“Take it off, Mr. Kemp!” she hissed as she thumbed the straps off her shoulders and approached Kylie. “This is serious!” In front of Kylie she said, “Help me out, here, sweetie.” She turned around and reached behind her back to encourage Kylie to unfasten her bra. Kylie looked at her uncle, perplexed, and shrugged, and then her hands went to work on Marty’s bra. No sooner had the straps loosened than Marty whipped it off, freeing her breasts, and tossed it into the cabin as well, and then turned to face Kylie again. “Okay, sweetie, no questions, okay?” Her fingers hooked Kylies cover-up shirt off of her shoulders and down her arms, and then came back up, yanked the knot loose from behind her neck and pulled her whole top down to her tummy! Kylie’s hands flew up instinctively to cover her small plump breasts.
“Now, hold ON!” Kemp croaked through a throat that went suddenly dry at the brief glimpse of his niece’s plump breasts and tiny pink nipples.
“No, no, no, no, no, sweetie, you can’t do that!” Marty said as she pulled Kylie’s hands down, and then she hissed angrily at Kemp. “Shirt! OFF!” She quickly untied the back strings of Kylie’s bikini top that was now around her waist, bundled it with her cover-up and tossed them into the plane.
As Kemp undid his buttons, Vestra stepped back from the plane with a worn, bound book in her hands and stepped to the other two women, and positioned herself with Kylie between them. “Take her hand,” she muttered under her breath, and Marty took Kylie’s right hand while Vestra stood and held Kylie’s left hand in her right, keeping the young girl fully exposed. Despite the fear instilled in him by the behavior of the pilots at the approach of the emergency crews, Kemp had a difficult time pulling his gaze from his niece’s supple, young breasts.
Kemp stepped shirtless away from depositing his shirt in the plane just as the emergency vehicles arrived. Young men in heavy firefighting coats and helmets deployed a hose from the small fire engine amid chatter and shouts as one of them inspected the plane. Two more young men in white uniform shirts and brown khaki shorts leapt from the ambulance and approached the small group of travelers.
“Pah dong tee patom pee weh?”
Vestra flexed her hand holding the book horizontal and waved it back and forth. “Mo nintah patom,” and the two men relaxed and started looking around.
Moments later a sedan with the same markings as the emergency vehicle rolled up and a middle aged man with a slender build and golden bronze skin stepped out. He wore a hat that bespoke authority, brown khaki shorts like the ambulance men, brown low-quarter shoes, and nothing else. He was shirtless. The man approached Kemp. “Meerah pin tin rohfatem pra Mindona.” He extended his hand, which, again, instinctively, Kemp took. “Man tehteh?”
Kemp looked over to Vestra, pleading, but trying not to look terrified.
Vestra spoke out of the corner of her mouth to Kylie. “Do not cover up!” Then she stepped forward, stopped, and bowed slightly. “Pahtan toopeh?”
Mindona bowed his head slightly.
“They only address the men first,” Vestra said to Kemp. “I’ll explain later.”
Vestra and Mindona chatted for several seconds and, after a few gestures toward Kemp and toward Marty and Kylie, Mindona approached Kylie. Kemp felt himself seized by a strange urge to intercept this strange man who approached his vulnerable, exposed niece, but Mindona merely extended his hand in greeting — he didn’t so much as glance at her breasts on display mere inches from his eyes, but rather actually seemed more fascinated by her blond hair — and he said as he held Kylie’s hand and bowed his head slightly, “Binbin tau Nailil.” Kylie’s apprehensive eyes darted to Vestra.
“He said, ‘Welcome to Nailil,’” said Vestra.
“Oh, thank you,” said Kylie with an awkward half curtsy. “Umm… it’s a pleasure to be here.”
Vestra translated, and Mindona released Kylie’s hand and stepped to Marty and repeated the gesture. “Binbin.”
Marty nervously replied and bowed slightly. “Benmau reh.”
Mindona turned to Vestra, smiling. He tipped his head toward Marty. “Tolo pepau nabin tah fah?”
Vestra laughed demurely and gave a gentle curtsy and then gestured toward him with her right index finger and thumb about an inch apart. “Tiptip. A little bit.” And she turned her smile to Marty.
Mindona spoke with Vestra for a few more minutes, polling the emergency crews about the aircraft and then directing them away, and then gesturing toward the aircraft himself a few times before he tipped his hat, stepped to his car, and left.
As soon as Vestra visibly relaxed, Kylie’s hands flew up to her chest to cover her nakedness.
“What the hell was that?!” Kemp demanded. He felt Kylie run to him and wrap her arms around his waist, seeking comfort and shelter, but all he noticed was the cool points of her nipples against his rib cage and his hand on her back without the presence of a bikini strap. “What the hell is this?!” he gestured to the terrified Kylie.
“Nailil’s culture is a strange mix of patriarchal and egalitarian,” an exasperated Vestra explained. “The first western missionaries to the island so many years ago shamed with their oppressive religion the Nailili people for their nakedness, as they wore only loinclothes. Among Chief Dimbari’s first acts as president was to erase the western body stigma by outlawing the wear of clothing on the upper body, except when it requires safety. Any display of shame for the body is punishable by the laws. That is why it is imperative you do not cover yourself in public.”
Kemp scoffed. “If that isn’t the most ridiculous thing I—“
“You’re not at home in the States, Kemp!” Marty’s accent cut through him. “You’re in a foreign land where you have to conform to their rules, not the other way 'round.”
“It’s… it’s just wrong!” spat Kemp.
“Gah! Fuckin’ Americans!” scoffed Marty.
“Please! Please stop!” Vestra cried. “We must taxi the plane to the repair hangar. I will explain it all to you tonight at the hotel.”
“Hotel?! Oh, hell no!” snapped Kemp. “We’re not staying on this crazy island one more minute! Call the repair shop or whoever. Call the travel agent, get them to send another plane to pick us up!”
“Jeezus! You don’t get it!” Marty glared at him. “This country doesn’t let people visit!”
Vestra interrupted. “We are to obey the laws of this country, Mr. Kemp, not yours, not ours. Please do not upset the locals with your attitude of entitlement. Due to our circumstance, we are here as privileged guests of the state, which I prefer — and I’m sure you do, as well — to the status of prisoners of the state.”
“Now, please,” said Marty, “let’s all get back on the plane. We’ll get it to the hangar, and I will assess our repair options.” She then turned to Kylie. “And you, missy, keep your hands down and display them gorgeous pups proudly! I don’t know all what laws they have, here, but I’m pretty sure ‘indecent exposure’ ain’t one of ‘em!”
Kylie blushed until long after Marty cranked the plane’s engine to life.

At the hangar, while Marty and Vestra conferred with the chief mechanic, Kemp busied himself with the phone on a desk and the calling card he had stuck in his pocket with the number of their hotel on Nagap for the purpose of calling a taxi at the end of their plane tour. A pleasant voice picked up after the third ring, and Kemp asked for room 917, his brother’s family’s room. A recorded voice invited him to leave a message for the guest he was trying to reach.
“Uh, hi, Kev. It’s me. Vance. Ah, we’re-we’re everyone’s okay … there was, uh… a little trouble with the plane and we had to put down on Nailil, and the pilot says we’ll have to spend the night here. Kylie’s fine, a little shook up, but, honestly, I think she handled …is handling it a lot better than I am. We’re a little light on clothes for an overnight stay,” Kemp glanced at Kylie, her pink nipples vividly erect in the air conditioning of the hangar, and he rolled his eyes at the understatement, “but the co-pilot says it’s a nice place. Anyway, we’ll get by.
“Look, I’ll call again when I know where we’ll be for the night and get her fed and tucked in. Uh.. ah, we’re good. Talk to you, then.”


“Okay, there you go, luv,” said Marty in the hotel room as she draped a towel over Kylie’s shoulders. Kylie gathered the fabric around her chest and began fastening it into a wrap as Marty sat on the other bed next to Vestra. With mixed emotions, Kemp noticed that neither of them bothered to cover their breasts. “So, I spoke with the guy at the airport and they have no propellers for a Cessna 182. I called my guy on Nagap, but there was no answer. It’s late so I think he’d already called it a day. I informed Nagap Tower about our mishap and that we were safe.” She looked at Kemp. “Were you able to reach your brother?”
Kemp shook his head. “I’m sure they’re still out doing whatever they had planned for the day. I—“
Kylie leaned in and interrupted him with a whisper and a chuckle, “Nookie time!”
Kemp, amused at Kylie’s quiet impertinence, continued. “I left a message at the hotel telling him what happened, that we’re safe, and that I’ll call them back.”
“Right,” said Marty. “If my guy on Nagap comes through tomorrow and Nailil can send a plane to get it, we could be out of here tomorrow afternoon, earliest, or Thursday afternoon, latest.”
“Shit.” Kemp pressed his hands to his face and laid back on the bed. “Two nights here, you’re saying, maybe? Fuck. What are we supposed to do?”
“I dunno,” said Marty, walking to the sliding glass door. “It’s a nice hotel. Hang out by the pool, maybe? Go down to the beach?” She slid the door open and the sound and smell of the ocean below drifted in.
“What’s the point of this hotel, anyway,” Kemp said, sitting up again, “if the island doesn’t allow tourists?”
“Foreign tourists,” said Vestra. “I know it is difficult to comprehend, but despite its embrace of the old ways, Nailil does cling to some of the modern amenities the 20th century brought along with it. There are many towns and many more small villages from which people do visit Naililan. The beauty of their own island does not escape them.”
At that moment Kylie’s stomach set forth a very loud growl, causing everyone to laugh and Kylie to blush brightly.
“My sentiments, exactly!” chirped Marty. “Let’s head down for something to eat, shall we?”
“Hang on.” Kemp knit his brow. “How are we supposed to pay for food? Do they take credit cards, here? Do they take American dollars? Nagap pahn, even?”
Vestra sighed hopelessly. “Nailil works on a barter system. There is no cash to transact. Besides, we are guests of the President.”
Kemp scoffed. “Barter?! That just doesn’t make sense! What are we supposed to barter with, the shirts off our backs? Oops! That’s not gonna happen!”
“Mr. Kemp, please relax!” Vestra appeared to struggle to hold her temper. “We are not supposed to be here, but the government understands our circumstance. We are guests, here. I have every assurance that we will be treated as such until we can leave.”
“Okay, but that doesn’t explain how we’ll be able to pay for our meal.”
“Do you ever entertain guests in your home, Mr. Kemp?”
“Yes,” said Kemp. “Yes, I do. Or, well, I did — we did — when I was married.”
“Right.” Vestra’s eyes lit up as she found her strategy. “And did you and your wife feed your guests?”
Kemp squinted as though anything else would be absurd. “Of course we did!”
“Right,” Vestra smiled vaguely. “And how much did you charge your guests for the food they ate?”
“Charge? What? No! We didn’t charge them anything! They were our guests.”
“Ah, so you do understand.” Vestra turned and headed for the door.
The simplicity of her argument stunned him silent for a moment, and the three women filed through the doorway ahead of him.
“Ah, ah, ah, sweetie,” said Marty, turning to Kylie. “Ya gotta lose that towel.”
Kylie’s shoulders hunched forward in an immature slouch and she marched back into the room, disengaging her towel as she passed Kemp to toss it on the bed. “This is so weird!” she muttered as she walked past him again.

At table after dinner, Kemp peppered Vestra with questions. “If they’re so hung up on body shaming, here, why do they wear pants and shorts?”
“Health reasons,” Vestra parried confidently. “It’s a tropical island. Bugs buzz around the smelly parts of the body here just like they do you, Mr. Kemp. Nobody likes crawlies on their junk, right? Same reason the ancient tribespeople wore the loinclothes. It certainly wasn’t for modesty.”
“What about when when it gets cold? Hmm? What do they do, then?”
“Jeezus, Kemp.” Marty had lost all professional propriety with him. “We’re two spits from the godamn equator, for christ’s sake. It doesn’t get cold, here.”
Kylie snorted trying to stifle a laugh. Kemp felt outnumbered. Abused.
“And how do you know so much about this place? How do you know their language? You from here?”
Vestra’s bronze cheeks flushed a darker bronze. “My mother was from here. I was born here. My father was one of the foreigners disenfranchised by President Dimbari’s cabinet. Given the choice, my mother chose love over country, and we moved to New Zealand, where I grew up.”
“Oh, christ!” Kemp gasped. “I didn’t realize… Oh, my god! are you in any danger, here?”
Marty and Vestra both chuckled. “Not at all,” said Vestra. “As a semi-citizen of Nailil, I am usually welcomed as a sort of unofficial ambassador of Nagap, however, my visits here are normally preceded by official communications between the islands’ governments. Despite my kiwi accented Naililaha, most people can tell I’m from here.”
“Why did you move to Nagap?” Kylie asked. “Why not back home …here?”
“Well, I found…” Vestra sought a word. She looked at Marty, whose eyes seemed to momentarily glisten. “I found this job. With Marty.”
“But so close to home? Why not here?” Kemp asked, the aggravation gone from his voice and replaced by sincere curiosity.
“It is an odd society. Like I told you, it’s mainly patriarchal, with some uncharacteristically liberal ideas regarding women. However there are still some truly primitive customs I could not abide by …I cannot abide by, and so I stay away, but as close as I can. On Nagap.”
“What customs?” Kylie asked.
“Oh,” said Vestra, nervously. “Well, I don’t know if—“
“Paupau tan ningaoleh, sindah?” Their host slid silently up to their table and spoke to Kemp.
“Ah, no, that’ll be… ah… Prehmah fah kau nandahn,” Vestra replied with a slight bow. The host returned her bow and stepped away.
“Shall we?” Vestra stood.
They headed slowly back to their rooms through the seemingly deserted hotel. Kylie seemed fascinated with the two women — Vestra in particular — and the three women walked abreast ahead of Kemp. “That food was wonderful,” He reflected from the rear. “I don’t know what it was, but it was outstanding!”
Vestra said, “They have a unique way of preparing dishes, here. It’s isolated, so it’s like no other.”
“What about you, Marty? Do you come here often?”
“Nah, Kemp. I’m definitely an outsider, allowed only to see Nailil from the air. Or in pictures taken thirty years ago. I’ve heard the stories of Vestra’s visits, though, so I was basically prepared when we landed.” She reached up and slapped her own bare breasts twice, loudly, and all three women cackled.
Kemp gazed upon the backs of the women and felt sorry for his niece. Stuck in this weird world, relying on two strong women she had met only hours ago, two women on either side of her covered from waist to practically their knees while Kylie was left to just a tiny bikini, her tanned ass cheeks stretching and flexing as she walked between the women, the red, white, and yellow stripes of the sparse patch of cloth clinging tightly to her above the thigh cleft and disappearing into the gap between her—
“Good night, sweetie!” Marty leaned in and traded cheek kisses with Kylie, and then Vestra did the same. Kylie let herself into the room, and Kemp stood with the two women from Nagap, their nipples standing out and bidding him their adieus.
“Look… I’m …I’m sorry for the way I’ve behaved since we got here. It’s just… we had a pretty good scare, and this is such a strange place, and I’ve got a kid who isn’t even mine to look out for, and…” he looked at, and gestured vaguely at, their chests “…JEEZUS!”
“Kemp,” Marty said, “you’re doing alright, yeah? I admit to a bit of apprehension when the ambulance approached, tits out and male-dominated society and all, but I trust this sheila, here, and you’ll do well to trust her, also. Just tone down the histrionics, yeah? And listen to what Vestra tells you. A day or two and we’ll be outa here. Promise.” She stepped to him and leaned in, pressing her right cheek to his right cheek and made a kissing sound. His hands instinctively went up to her back in a very loose embrace, and he felt her ample breasts push her nipples into his chest, and then again as she switched cheeks.
Then Vestra leaned in. “Good night, Mr. Kemp.” Her supple lips were so close he almost didn’t resist the temptation to kiss them. Then her cheek was against his, and her wondrous breasts pressed lightly against him, his hands touched the delightfully smooth skin on her back, and then she pulled slightly away, dragging her nipples briefly across his chest to repeat the cheek kiss on the other side.
She pulled away and Kemp gently grasped her wrists. “Please. You can call me Vance.” Vestra smiled.
“Kemp. I’ll just call you Kemp,” Marty sassed and smiled as she turned away.
As Kemp pushed open the door to his room, he realized he had a hard-on. Walking in to Kylie wrapped in a towel certainly wasn’t going to help matters.
She had turned on the TV and sat, slouched, on the side of the bed, mindlessly switching through the channels. None of the languages they heard was English.
She gave up and switched it off. Kemp sat next to her and put his arm tentatively around her shoulders, and she suddenly turned and hugged him tightly, desperately. “You did okay, today, kid,” he said, his hand coming up from her shoulder and caressing the back of her head. “It was a set of ridiculous — if not impossible — circumstances, and you handled it like a trooper.”
She heaved a huge sigh and was silent for several seconds. “I can’t believe you saw my boobs.”
After a few more seconds of silence, Kemp felt a chuckle emanate from his diaphragm. “We almost died in a plane taken out by an exploded bird, and you’re freaked out because I saw your boobs?”
The laughter slowly transferred to Kylie, who maintained her embrace, perhaps afraid to face her uncle. After her fit of chuckles, she said, “Yeah.”
Kemp moved his hand to Kylie’s back, over the edge of her towel wrap. “Well, for what it’s worth…”
“Please don’t say it,” Kylie warned. And then she laughed nervously.
Kemp kept the compliment to himself. “Well, it was a long, crazy day. We should probably get to bed,” he said. Then, in his head, “And they are nice boobs.”
“Okay.” Kylie turned down the covers of the bed they were sitting on, and Kemp did the same to the other bed. He kicked off his trainers and peeled off his socks. He sat upright and realized with a brief, heavy sigh that he would have to sleep in his cargo shorts, as he certainly wasn’t going to run around in his underwear with his niece in the room. He looked at her in the next bed. Her eyes were closed, but he could tell by her breathing that she wasn’t yet asleep. He stood and removed his wallet and other junk that he always carried around in his pockets and set them on the nightstand, and turned off the light.
Through the still open balcony door, the caress of the warm air and the whisper of the waves rushing up and down the beach seven stories below had sent him into a light snooze when he felt a pressure against him. “Whatsa?” he snorted.
“Uncle Vance, can I lay with you? I’m kinda freakin’ out.”
“Sure. Sure. Come here.” Kemp scooted over and Kylie lay on her back next to him, on top of his arm. “Are you cold? Your shoulders feel cold.” The cool of her skin contrasted with the warmth reflected by her towel onto his left biceps.
“No,” she replied. “I’m fine.”
After a few moments Kemp adjusted his position to make his left arm more comfortable and twisted to his left side, and Kylie then also rolled onto her left side, effectively spooning with him. “Oh, boy,” Kemp thought as his slender niece pushed her ass against his pelvis. “It’s gonna be a long night.”


A light clatter of plates in the hallway outside the room startled Kemp, and he opened his eyes to a ceiling bright with early morning sunlight. He turned his head to face the open balcony door and in doing so, he realized the presence of someone else in the bed with him. On him. He turned his head back and discovered his niece tucked contentedly into his left armpit, her head resting on his left shoulder, her left arm draped across his chest, and her left leg hooked over his left thigh. His left hand rested on her back at her rib cage where he absently caressed her and felt her smooth skin slide under his fingers.
Her bare skin!
At the realization, he tensed and looked down. She was wrapped around him in slumber and the towel she had wrapped around herself the night before now lay open, flat on the bed underneath her!
She stirred when he tensed, and she pushed herself up off his chest and sat up. She looked at him groggily through slit-eyes and stretched, her arms reaching far above her head. “G’morningunclevance,” she mumbled mid-stretch, her plump perky breasts greeting him more enthusiastically than she. Much as he tried to resist, he gazed fully on the little pink nipples that capped her tender, young breasts, bathed in sunlight, wiggling a mere two feet from his eyes. “Igottapee.” She spun away from him and off the bed, her bikini gathered between her firm, tan-lined ass cheeks, and stumbled to the bathroom and closed the door. A few moments after he heard her stream stop, she muttered, “Shit.”
“Uncle Vaaaaance?” She sang her words like a child when she needed or wanted something. “Could you please bring me my towel?”
Kemp scooped up the towel from his bed and rolled over his boner to put his feet on the floor. As he walked the towel to the bathroom door he was relieved no one was around to see his shorts poking out as they bobbed around the end of his swollen dick.
He tapped on the door and it opened two inches, and she stuck a hand through the opening. “Thank you.”
“Mm-hmm,” Kemp grunted as he turned back to the bedroom. When he arrived at the balcony door to take in the view, Kylie called out to him again.
“Uncle Vance, I’m kinda stinky. I’m gonna take a shower.”
Kemp chuckled. “You don’t have to announce your activities!” He suspected she was merely finding excuses to hide her embarrassment for the inadvertent wake-up show she had put on for him moments earlier…and shame on him for staring! But a shower was as good an excuse as any.
While he listened to the spray and splash emanating from the bathroom, he decided a shower was a damn good idea, so when she finally opened the door and emerged wrapped in her towel up to her armpits, its lower hem barely covering the bottom curve of her ass, he padded past her and grabbed the spare towel from the shelf above the wash basin. “How’s the water?”
“Nice,” said Kylie over her shoulder, stringy locks of wet hair flying about as she turned her head. “Excellent, actually. Great pressure.”
Kemp pulled the door shut behind him and turned around to the sight of Kylie’s bikini, untied, wet, and hanging by the crotch on the towel rack. As if he needed the image of Kylie entirely naked and running around with a towel barely clinging to her body.
He stepped out of the bathroom, his own towel wrapped tightly around his waist. Bikini panties notwithstanding, and the obsessive worry about their circumstances on Nailil visiting him briefly, it was a most refreshing, invigorating shower. It seemed, by the sounds emanating from the bedroom, Kylie was trying her luck with the TV stations again while Kemp quickly rubbed a hand towel over his wet, regrettably thinning hair. He dropped the towel in the sink, grabbed his shorts and underwear from the bathroom floor, and padded toward the beds.
“So, you wanna head down for breakfahhhHello!” He rounded the corner and practically collided with Vestra who stood beside the bed nearest the bathroom with her arms up working her hair into a high pony tail and wearing nothing but a pair of very low-cut, sheer panties. On the far bed Kylie sat, leaning back on her hands, her towel now wrapped only around her waist, looking up at her. Instinctively Kemp brought the shorts bundled in his one hand around to the front of his towel. “Holy what the how the heck are you, this morning!”
Vestra smirked a gentle smile, her pouting lips pursing out then stretching across and baring her dazzling teeth briefly.
“Good morning, Mr. Kemp— Vance.”
Kemp stared at her helplessly until Marty, holding a plastic bottle of club soda, popped up from behind the kitchenette counter and startled him, her own bare breasts jutting out at him proudly. This was all still too new to him, and he felt the blood engorging his cock. “G’day, Kemp! How’s the sleep?”
“Good. Raiding our mini-bar?” He held the wadded shorts fast to his towel.
“Nah, they don’t do that, here. Stealin’ your club soda, though. Vestra’s got a couple blood stains in her khakis from that poor bird yesterday. Don’t think it’s gonna work, though.” She bent back down to her task and Kemp heard the sound of a scrubbing brush emanating from her general direction. “Did I hear a call for breakfast? Good idea! Count me in!”
“Yes! Wonderful idea.” Kemp surmised. “We’ll just need to get ready…”
“How long could it take? Just jump in your shorts and you’re halfway there. Sorry luv,” she stood erect and turned her gaze and spoke to Vestra, holding up her khakis. “That’s as good as it’s gonna get.”
“Thanks for trying. I’ll wring ‘em out good. They’ll dry fast enough.” Vestra stepped around the bed to the kitchenette, her tight, brown butt cheeks rocking the leg hems of her panties up and down, threatening Kemp’s towel even more.
“I’ll get dressed, then,” Kemp said as he saw Vestra stoop to slide a foot into her khakis, more to escape the situation developing behind his towel than a response to hunger.

“Well, that was quite all right!” Marty said as she scooted her chair back to stand, as a slender, brown-skinned, young woman began to clear their table. Her face was serene, and she smiled a lot, and didn’t seem to notice Kemp’s eyes scouring her small, tender breasts, their tips appearing, just like Vestra’s, to have been dipped in liquid chocolate.
“That it was!” observed Kemp, despite his distraction. “Whoever thought seafood was a great idea for breakfast?”
Marty and Vestra shared a pregnant look. “Well, aside from anyone who lives on an island out in the middle of the fucking Pacific ocean, you mean? Yeah, who?”
Kylie guffawed at Marty’s latest dig at her uncle. She seemed to delight in seeing him deflated by Marty.
Kemp pulled his eyes away from the young bus-girl and comforted himself with watching the magnificent chest of Vestra rise above the table and point outward. “You two occupy yourselves here for the day. Vestra and I are headed to the airfield. With any luck Nagap will have the prop I need and Nailil will send a plane. Otherwise I’ll be on the hunt for icy pole sticks and glue!”
Kemp caught Kylie’s inquisitive glance at him, to which he replied with a clueless grimace.
Vestra smiled at both of the Americans. “The beach is only several hundred meters from the hotel. It’s quite nice. Unless you find the hotel pool more suitable.” Vestra leaned in quickly to Kylie and they exchanged quick cheek kisses, and then, to his surprise, she stepped to Kemp for the same, and he found his hands once again confusedly caressing her smooth back.
As Vestra stepped away, Kemp looked at Marty from the distance across the table who subtly rolled her eyes at him and clownishly pantomimed cheek kissing him. “Lord, help me,” he sighed silently as his eyes dropped quickly to her tits, their nipples confined in pale triangles of her natural skin tone and surrounded by the combined effects of island sun and free time, suspended firmly above her taut, tan tummy.
Kemp and Kylie walked through the hallway toward their room, Kylie’s flip-flops slapping the tempo of their pace. She was quiet, and He couldn’t read her mood. He looked down at her beside him. Stoic? Upset? Bearing the hardship? Having a blast? Then, damn it! He was staring at her chest, the flesh of her small, round orbs flaunting youth and defying gravity with nothing but the subtlest jiggle with each footfall. As a reprimand to himself, Kemp paused for a half step until she pulled ahead and her shoulder blocked his view of her nipples. “Hey, kid,” he said after a protracted silence broken only by the ‘slip-slap’ of the girl’s shoes. “I’m really sorry about all this, ruining your vacation.”
Kylie slowed and turned slightly, almost as if to purposely bring her nipples into her uncle’s view again. “Why? It’s not your fault.”
“Well, I know that, but, you’re separated from your parents and stuck in this weird world with your smelly old uncle…”
“I live with my parents Every. Day. I’m actually happy to be away from them where they can’t just come in and ruin my life. And I’m with my cool uncle, not like Mom’s redneck brothers.”
Kemp felt a brief blush. “Really? You think so?”
Kylie answered him with a blush of her own and a shy turn of her head away from him.
“Aw,” Kemp said, and placed his arm on her shoulder. She misread his cue — or he misplaced it — and she stopped, turned, and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “Oh!” Kemp pipped, startled. Reflexively he placed his hands on her back, but then he felt his arms envelop her, his forearms brushing over the taut skin and sinew covering her ribs there, and squeeze her as tightly to him. He felt her breasts, cool and firm, press against his ribcage, her nipples pressing dimples into his flesh there (or maybe he only imagined that) and he closed his eyes and willed his body not to react to the sensation of an attractive, young, practically nude woman’s body pressed to his.
“Oh, Uncle Vance!” she sighed into the hairs on his chest. “I’m so glad it was you I was on that plane with. I thought we were gonna die, but you stayed so calm. It was supposed to be Kurt, remember? Can you imagine the basket case we both woulda been?”
They held their embrace for several seconds. Kemp suddenly realized this was the moment that never happened after they stepped off the plane, the necessary release of fear and terror of an extremely tense moment shared by two people finally safe.
Then Kylie finished the thought that must have lingered “…or my mom?” And then she started laughing. And it infected Kemp, too, and they stood there in the hallway, wrapped around each other, giggling. After they recovered, still clinging to him, she sighed again. “So, thank you for being my rock yesterday.”
“Um…” The moment began to get awkward for Kemp as Kylie clung to him. He slowly slid his hands to her sides with the thought to gently push her back, but his palms came to rest momentarily on the sides of her compressed boobs, so he slid them back. After a few moments his right hand slid down and gave her an affectionate pat on her bottom, only to feel it linger there a second longer than he intended. “Okay…”
She released him and turned down the hallway again, and the fingers of her left hand slid down his arms and clasped the fingers of his right hand, and they held hands all the way to their room.


The beach umbrella shielded them adequately from the blazing midday sun and left the sand beneath them cool under their hotel bath towels. Kemp had lain there on the towel after a brief dip with Kylie, air-drying while watching the other tourists — all of them from other reaches of this island, mind — sunning and splashing and snoozing on blankets and towels as the immaculate ocean crashed gently to the fine sand beach, every last one of them bare-chested. They were of all different sizes and shapes and ages, but none seemed to be encumbered by a self-consciousness of body. He’s eyes favored the younger, slender females, some of whose ages he could not be sure, and all of them within a very small degree of variance from the same shade of bronze skin with chocolate nipples. He repeatedly attempted to stop staring at the most delectable examples, but every time he draped his arm over his eyes, he felt the same uncontrollable urge to look out at them again. On the last such moment, his eyes caught Kylie strolling back toward him from the water, glowing like a beacon amid the sea of bronze bodies against the sea of blue behind her, confident and mature, with a smile for the several small, adventurous, and naked children brave enough to run up to her for a closer look.
“I’ll say one thing,” Kylie said, sighing as she knelt on her towel next to him, “This island sure is beautiful!” He turned to acknowledge her as she swung her arms downward to support her on hands and knees, her breasts dangling before his eyes, yet her nipples managing still to point out toward him. She twisted herself around and planted her butt to the towel and lay back flat, her arms stretched back past her head. Kemp barely managed to stifle a groan. “Nagap didn’t seem as nice. I wonder why that is.”
“Dunno.” Kemp grunted after a short silence. “Maybe it’s just the number of tourists. Nagap is off the beaten path, sure, but it’s not totally unheard of.” He gazed out at the young women lying in the sun, strolling about, splashing in the surf and felt oddly, completely serene. Idyllic came to mind. It was almost perfect in its peacefulness, this island, or, at least, this beach. “You’ve got tourists from all over the world on Nagap and people, you’ll come to find, are assholes.”
Kylie snorted. “No they’re not!” she cackled. “Everyone here seems so nice.”
Kemp tired of the limited view he had lying on his back, so he sat up to give himself the opportunity to scan the many newcomers to the beach.
Kylie sat up with him. “Are we leaving?”
“No,” He said, his brow furrowing slightly as he scanned more. “I mean, if you want to, sure.”
“Yeah, I’m getting kinda hungry.” She stood and slipped her feet into her flip-flops, then bent at the waist to pick up her towel.
Kemp barely noticed her ass stretching her bikini bottoms in his peripheral. “That’s peculiar.”
“What’s that?” Kylie said as she flapped the sand off her towel.
“Well, for a Monday on an island with no real tourism, this beach has become awfully crowded in the last hour or so. Do you suppose all these people are from Naililan proper?”
Kylie looked around, unconcerned, and shrugged. “Dunno.” She returned to her task and folded her towel.

They walked back to the hotel, Kylie the most confident and bold she had been since they had arrived on Nailil. Kemp couldn’t stop availing his eyes to Kylie’s nakedness beside him, so he dragged his step to drop a bit behind so he simply couldn’t see them. But then Kylie would slow her step to let him come abreast again and, before long, they were barely moving.
“Jeez, Uncle Vance! Why are you walking so slow?”
“Could you …just …just walk a bit ahead of me, please?”
“Why?” Kylie’s brow crinkled.
“Because… the…” Embarrassed, Kemp waved his hand vaguely in front of his chest to indicate his issue.
“Oh, GOD, Uncle Vance! What is your problem?” Kylie barked, a bit of amusement in her voice. She turned to face him, swinging her breasts into his view once again, and switched her towel from under her left arm to its new place under her right, and she firmly grabbed his right hand and tugged him along, forcing him to walk directly beside her.
“How do you do it?” he said after a few steps.
“What?” Kylie replied, swinging his arm with hers as they strolled. “How do I do what?”
“This whole …thing,” he stammered. “How are you so comfortable with it all of a sudden?”
“Because it’s not a big deal, here.” She slowed her pace a bit as she chose her words. “It’s not even a thing, here. Back home… Back home, boys at school stare at my chest …stare at every girl’s chest. They make comments, they try to look down my shirt …some girls get groped …actually assaulted, simply because they have these enlarged masses of flesh sticking out from their chests!” Anger flared in her voice, and she paused, seemingly to reel it in. “Here, men have hardly so much as looked at me! Those few who have were more fascinated by my hair and my eyes. As a matter of fact,” Kylie stopped and turned to face him, his eyes nervously shifting from her eyes to her nipples, “the only man who’s looked at my tits since we got here is you!”
Busted, Kemp darted his eyes from Kylie’s nipples to her eyes and held them fast.
“So, for christ’s sake,” Kylie huffed, “look at them! Get it out of your system!”
Kemp stared dumbly into his niece’s eyes, uncertain if she meant it.
“Go ahead,” she demanded, crossing her arms across her solar plexus and pushing her forearms up under her boobs. The movement broke his gaze and his eyes shifted once again to her nipples.
His face flushed with embarrassment and shame for getting so wiggy about Kylie’s comfort level. He returned to her eyes.
“They’re just tits, okay?” Kylie said as she turned away and resumed walking. “Look at ‘em or don’t. Just don’t be all weird about it.” After several steps she stopped and turned to face him, and she smiled. He walked the few steps to reach her and she once again clasped his hand in hers, and they continued back to the hotel. In the lobby they had to weave their way through a throng of people queued up at the registration desk which was staffed with two employees at each of the seven stations.

About twenty minutes after they arrived back in their hotel room, there was an insistent knock on their door. Kemp opened it and in rushed a very worried-looking Vestra, with a similarly concerned Marty a few steps behind.
“Hey!” Kemp chirped, looking at Vestra, clearly disturbed and massaging her forehead at the balcony door as she glared at the sea. “What’s going on? What’s with all the peop—“
“We’ve got a problem,” Marty said through a set jaw beneath her furrowed brow.


“Oh, no,” Kemp wavered. “You can’t get a propeller today?”
“No,” Marty replied, “Nagap doesn’t have one. I spent the day arranging one out of Port Moresby, but my guy on Nagap has only a small plane, so he has to hop down to New Britain and then Moresby, then back the way he came. Then the Nailil cargo jump to get it in Nagap. So, not ’til Wednesday, or possibly Thursday. But that’s the least of it.”
“I don’t understand.” Mild confusion seasoned Kemp’s tone. “So we have to stay here another day or two? That’s not such a raw deal. It’s a beautiful place. Everyone seems nice. What, we’re overstaying our welcome, so they’re gonna stick us in a forced labor camp?”
“It’s worse than that…” The dark cloud over Vestra’s head seemed to block out the actual late afternoon sun. She looked at Kemp and then at Marty, and then at Kylie who, until that moment had merely swiveled her head to and fro as though she were at a tennis match. Vestra stood alone and bit her sultry bottom lip.
“Okay, ladies,” Kemp wavered between concern and the expectation of an elaborate practical joke. “What. The hell. Is going on?”
Vestra began. “I should have looked at the chart. The propeller scare and the emergency landing just… I should have looked at the moons… I mean, I’m an island girl. I should god damn know it’s a full moon. I should’ve looked at the… why didn’t I look on the damn chart!”
“Vestra, honey, don’t…” Marty consoled from across the room.
“Moons? Charts?” Kemp’s face contorted in confusion. “What the ff… HELL are you talking about?”
“The Nailili culture,” Vestra spoke with a wavering voice, “is dominated by a reverence for the moon. It’s phases dicta—“
“Ah, for fuck’s sake!” Marty practically burst open. “Vestra, I love you baby, but fuckin spit it out!” Marty turned her attention to Kemp and Kylie. “It’s the full moon, which means tonight is the fertility festival.”
Kemp blinked at her for several seconds. “So… what’s… so…”
“Didn’t ya see all the people downstairs?”
“Yeah, we saw them.”
“They’re for the festival.”
“We’re required to attend. The entire island is required to attend,” said Vestra
“Okay,” Kemp’s confusion hadn’t dissipated. “Will there be food?”
Vestra scoffed in frustration. “Oh, you ignorant Amer—“
The sound of someone pounding on the door stopped Vestra mid-insult and startled everyone else. The muffled voice of a man seeped through. “Monmon ag gapape doh momil tupahng tam!”
“Shit!” Vestra muttered under her breath, and she went to the door, opened it, and stepped outside. There followed beyond the door a long, sometimes heated exchange in the island language none in the room understood. Kemp scanned the room and regarded Marty as she stared at the door, listening. There was something new about her, a sense of helplessness about the woman who had always, until this moment, seemed utterly unflappable. Her breasts rose and fell with her rapid breathing, and the flush in her cheeks made her seem suddenly vulnerable. Despite her abrasiveness toward him since they landed here, he in the moment found her quite alluring.
The door opened and shut quickly, and a defeated Vestra entered carrying what appeared to Kemp to be rolls of twisted fabric. “We have to go. Here. Put these on. Quickly.”
Vestra caught Marty’s eye and tipped her head, beckoning she follow, and they stepped into the kitchenette. Kemp stood fast with his rope of fabric and stared, dumb, breathless, as Vestra bent forward out of view momentarily and then back again, and tossed her shorts and panties onto the high counter. Beside her, Marty did the same, mere seconds behind as though a visual echo. Then Vestra snatched her swath of fabric from the counter and repeated the motion. She then stepped from behind the partition and revealed the loincloth pulled snugly to her hips! “Come on!” she snapped. They’re waiting!”
Looking at Vestra as her example, Kylie figured out her loincloth and slipped one leg into the loop of fabric. “No, no!” admonished Vestra. “No bikini!” Then she looked at Kemp. “No shorts! No underwear!” She turned back to Kylie and deftly slipped her fingers under the leg bands of the girl’s bikini and yanked it downward.
“Whoa!” Kemp heard himself blurt as he turned and leapt for the bathroom, but not before he saw the two creamy white globes of Kylie’s ass flash into view above her falling bottoms. In the bathroom he decoded the loincloth and put it on. It more or less covered his privates and was like a thick thong over his ass crack, but it all fit very loosely. Suddenly he felt a bit of what he imagined Kylie felt yesterday when they jumped to the ground from the damaged plane!
He stepped around the corner from the bathroom to the waiting women, identically accoutered. He stepped toward them, self-consciously holding up his loincloth in fear it would fall.
“You can’t do that,” Vestra admonished. She stepped to him and reached down to the front of the waist cloth, her slender, bronze knuckles grazing the flesh just below his belly and sending a tingle through his whole body. She tugged and yanked a few times and apparently managed to cinch something tighter, because when she walked away, the thong strap was pushing his ass cheeks apart, and his balls were noticeably more well cupped. Vestra quickly looked everyone over. “Okay. We’ve gotta go. No shoes!” she hissed gently to Kylie when she started to toe her flip-flops on.
They stepped into the hallway and were joined by two dour looking, fit, bronze-skin, middle-aged men, looking much more comfortable in their identical loincloths than Kemp felt in his. They stepped off the elevator and across the lobby, less abuzz than it had been a half-hour earlier. Vestra and Marty assumed the lead, with Kylie a step behind them. One of their escorts walked beside her. Kemp held the rear, next to the other man who, Kemp noticed, appeared to examine Kylie’s rear end. Kemp felt a surge of paternal ire and was stirred to protest, but how to protest to someone who doesn’t speak your language? But then the man turned his head and studied Kemp’s loincloth for a few moments and returned his eyes to Kylie’s, and then eyes forward again.
The men guided the four unintentional tourists down a corridor beyond the registration desk and to a door through which they passed onto a great paved patio bathed in long, late afternoon shadows. Beyond it sprawled before them a great expanse of sand, as though the whole of the hotel had been plopped on a great beach without the accompanying surf. Atop the sand was a throng of naked humanity, a sea of individuals barely wrapped in identical loincloths, weaving their way around hundreds of chairs made of rough-hewn wood and woven rattan facing the stage and set atop small, rectangular tarps and it all was fronted by a small but tall stage upon which stood a microphone stand with a boom on a pivot and five chairs, four of which were arranged to either side of the larger, rattan and wood center chair in a semicircle. Beyond the stage, in the deep azure sky a few degrees above the horizon nestled the moon, its disc not yet fully ablaze with the sun’s brilliance, but in prelude on the rise.
While most of the thronging natives seemed intent on positioning themselves on a tarp close to the stage, the two escorts brought the four travelers to an area more than halfway back from the stage and off to the side. “Gnongnong boo teepat!” uttered one of the men, the one with more hair, pointing to a tarp.
Vestra bowed slightly to the men and smiled thinly. Then she turned and said, “Sit in the chair, Vance.” He looked at her quizzically. Vestra’s eyes quickly darted to the two escorts and then back to Kemp. “NOW!” she hissed.
He sat, a nervous giggle bubbling up from his gut. “Would you care to tell me—“
“SH!” It was so shrill and insistent that he shut up instantly. Then she somewhat ceremoniously stepped behind the right back post of the chair, bringing her knees up absurdly high and pointing her toes downward as she lowered each foot again. “Marty,” she said quietly, and Marty stepped to the left rear of the chair, but without the fancy walking. Then Kemp felt both pairs of women’s hands drape over his shoulders.
Incredulous, Kylie said, “What ARE you two doing?!”
Vestra curtly, quietly, directed Kylie. “Sit at Vance’s feet! Now!”
Confused but obedient, Kylie did as she was told. Kemp looked around and noticed that slowly, one-by-one, other groups on their tarps were creating similar tableaus. After several minutes, their two escorts left them and, amid the din of hundreds of people searching for their spots, Vestra spoke loudly enough for all three to hear. “Okay, this is serious business. It is imperative that you do everything …that we do everything we’re told.”
“Jeez,” spat Kemp, enjoying but not understanding the two women’s hands resting on his shoulders. “What kind of celebration is this?”
“It’s not a celebration, Vance!” Vestra replied. “It’s a fertility rite which honors the powers and the benevolence of Bhangzum, the moon spirit.”
“‘Moon spirit?!’ What the hell—“
Vestra continued, refusing to be interrupted. “Ancient Nailili culture believes it is Bhangzum who controls the sea and who has bestowed upon men the power to create life. It is believed he is most pleased when men indulge in the gift he has given them. When they do not, it is believed the sea will rage and tear at the shores of Nailil as Bhangzum’s revenge. So when Bhangzum is at his most powerful — when the moon is full and can light up the night — when it is believed that Bhangzum is watching them — it is a Nailili man’s duty to appease him by planting the seed of life into his wives.”
“Wait… What?!” Vestra’s brief silence drowned out the clamor of the crowd around them to Kemp’s ears.
“And it is the wives’ duty to submit to their husband, to please him and encourage the seed to reach the fertile soil. This festival is that sacred appeasement.”
“Vestra,” Kemp stammered, “I’m not sure I understand …not sure I want to believe what I think you’re saying. What, exactly, is this about?”
“Fucking,” Marty said loudly in his left ear. “It’s about fucking, Kemp.”
Kemp nearly lost his eyeballs. “You mean they brought us here to watch these people have sex?!”
Kylie’s back un-slouched at the raw words spoken by the adults. She looked around, nervous and fearful of the teeming crowd around her.
“No, Kemp,” Vestra said. “Not to watch. You have to inseminate your wives.”
“My WIVES?!” Kemp made to leap from his chair, but Marty and Vestra held him down. “WHAT wives?!”
Suddenly the entire crowd hushed in the same instant. Startled, Kemp quickly scanned his surroundings and took in an Orwellian landscape of tableaus identical to the one he populated: men of varying ages seated in ceremonial chairs, each with one or more women laying hands on him. He heard Vestra admonish Kylie to her feet. Then he saw on the distant stage the object that quieted everyone. A man, elderly by evidence of his slow gait, wearing a gilded loincloth and some type of botanical headdress, crossed the stage toward the center. He reached the microphone and uttered a couple unintelligible words, immediately after which the crowd quietly gasped and tittered, and four women ranging in age — by what he could gather across the distance — from fifties down to middle teens padded in the usual topless fashion across the stage toward him. Then he felt warm breath on his ear. “The Tribal Council chief of Naililan,” whispered Vestra, “and now his wives.” With a little bow, each woman tugged once gently on his left arm and then went to her chair in the semicircle around the ceremonial one.
The chief raised his hands and face to the heavens and appeared to be within reach of the moon above his head in the darkening sky behind him as he chanted.
Vestra was in his ear again. “I have to translate as he goes, but you must remember to do everything I tell you.” She reached out and tapped Kylie on the shoulder and leaned to her, and he heard her whisper basically the same thing she had just told him, only he distinctly heard her say, “I’m sorry,” before she pulled away and stood upright again. Kylie’s eyes met her uncle’s, her expression fear.
The chief then backed away from the mic to his chair, and one of his wives retrieved the mic and stand and placed it next to him, and lowered the mic on the boom to position it near his face. The chief uttered a few more words and suddenly every woman before the stage dropped to her knees.
“Kylie! Down!” Vestra hissed, then dropped to her knees next to Kemp. He felt Marty do the same to his left. “Sacred commencement,” Vestra whispered.
“Huh?” shuddered Kemp.
She walked on her knees and aligned herself beside Kemp’s right thigh. Kemp looked across to the stage and saw the chief’s wives, on their knees as well, crowd around him. He uttered one word, and one of his wives reached to his loincloth and started twisting.
“The unveiling,” Kemp heard Vestra whisper, and suddenly he felt fingers manipulating his loincloth!
His hands flew down to his midsection and clamped down on Vestra’s hands. “What are you doing?” he rasped, somewhat loudly.
“Shhh!” Vestra hissed. She wrestled his right arm away from his midsection and forced his arm around her back under her armpit.
Marty’s hand fell atop his left hand and pulled it toward her. She turned his palm downward until it faced away from him, and she placed it on her left tit. Kemp gasped and looked into Marty’s eyes. He saw not pleasure, there, but a look of duty. He instinctively squeezed gently, and she closed her eyes, her chin jutting outward as her head rolled back slightly.
Kemp felt the loincloth go slack around his waist, and he was again on alert. He looked at Kylie, on her knees between his knees, her eyes as big as balloons watching Vestra’s hands manipulate the scant ropes of cloth concealing her uncle’s privates. Then quickly but gently, Vestra peeled the cloth away from him, and again he gasped as he was revealed to their eyes in all his glory. In a state of shock over the circumstances, he was flaccid, his penis drooping over the top of his balls, for which, in the flash of a thought, he was strangely grateful; it’s not like he wasn’t still sitting there naked before his niece, but at least he didn’t have a boner.
Then Marty’s hand atop his atop her left tit squeezed his hand deeply into the soft flesh there, and she moaned. He turned at the sound and gazed upon her upturned face, her nostrils flaring and her cheeks flush, and the sudden realization that, despite the very public aspect of it, something he had wished he could do since he met her at the airport yesterday — especially after they landed on Nailil — he was doing, now. And he felt his cock stir. Still concerned about what Kylie was taking in, he looked to her face and felt like apologizing, too.
He heard an electric croak somewhere in the distance, and then Vestra’s voice. “Anoint.” And she lowered her head to his lap, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth, and she licked a wide, wet swath that started at the top of his scrotum and ran the length of his still semi-flaccid dick, the sides of her tongue incidentally brushing the sac beneath his shaft. He grunted and felt an involuntary spasm of his abdominals force his pelvis upward, and a startled Kylie braced herself with her hands on his knees. Then Marty’s face was in his lap, licking up her side of his now growing cock.
“Okay, Kylie,” Vestra reached up and gently caressed the back of the girl’s head. Now you.”
“Uncle Vance?!” Terror etched Kylie’s face
“No!” Kemp rasped so hard he wheezed. “No! She can’t! She can’t! …I can’t!” Suddenly, his vision went dark, and he felt soft, moist pressure on his lips. It wasn’t until Vestra pulled her mouth off his that he fully realized what had happened. He swooned as he felt a sudden rush of blood to his penis.
“Vance, you don’t understand the spot we’re in,” she whispered, her mouth inches from his. “We have to do this!”
“But she’s my niece, for fuck’s sake!” Kemp panted as he felt Marty’s tongue slide up his shaft again.
Vestra whispered, “Nailili culture labels incest only as between parents and children and between siblings. Your brother’s daughter is a suitable wife for you.”
“This is insane!” He tried to raise his hands to his head, but his right was pinned around Vestra’s back, and his left clasped between Marty’s hand and her right tit as she licked the top of his scrotum. His eyes shifted to Kylie’s again, only now she was staring wide-eyed at Marty’s mouth. “M-M-my My daughter!” Kemp’s voice trembled. “We-We-We can tell them she’s my daughter!”
“This culture is about possessing women, Kemp. This rite affirms your ownership of your wives. If you don’t do this, if you don’t assert your claim to these women, someone else will! If you don’t claim Kylie as your wife, tonight, she will be made a wife of the chief or one of the council, and will not be allowed to leave the island! How would you explain that to your brother?”
He instantaneously imagined how that conversation would go: “Yeah, sorry, Kevin. I lost your daughter to the weird island people because I wouldn’t tell ‘em she was my wife and let her lick my cock.”
Vestra kissed him deeply again, this time her tongue parting his lips to find his, but he saw her piercing, blue eyes scan the area behind him, and he sensed it was all a ruse so she could set him straight. It didn’t matter whether or not it was real, though, as he felt the cooling effect of the evening air on Marty’s saliva on his teetering erection. Vestra turned back to the matter at hand and revealed to his eyes his niece staring intently and mouth agape at his now fully erect cock standing above his balls.
“Have you never seen one, before?” Marty asked her.
Kylie’s head swiveled vaguely side to side.
“Vestra asked, “You’re a virgin?”
Kylie nibbled on her bottom lip and nodded just as vaguely.
“Shit.” Vestra pressed her eyelids shut as another domino fell. “Well, all right. Let’s go. Get in there.” She placed the gentlest pressure to Kylie’s pony tail and the girl leaned forward.
Kemp felt the involuntary pull of his arms from the two women flanking him, a last ditch response to the violation of his niece that was about to occur, but Marty and Vestra held him fast as his niece’s tongue poked out of her mouth. His ears filled with a loud hum, as though his brain was ordering yet more blood to his now raging hard-on. He saw but did not hear Vestra as she pointed to a spot at the base of his cock, and Kylie lowered her head to place her tongue there. A dull electric buzz tingled at the very juncture where cock met balls met tongue, and the slow, languid course it made from there all the way up the shaft, her frightened eyes locked on his as though apologizing for following through with this misadventure.
This was wrong. No matter what the local customs were, no matter the law, Kemp couldn’t bear to watch his cute, little niece lick his cock like this, couldn’t bear the shock he read in her eyes. He turned his head to his left and looked past the top of Marty’s head, only to see several dozen other scenes of the same activity happening. He noticed that the grounds were now illuminated against the falling darkness by lights on tall poles, arranged as they might be in a parking lot, shining down a golden glow on every tarp, every man sitting in his chair, and all of his women licking his cock. The vision and the now relatively anonymous sensations on his penis made the whole situation worse!
Another grunt crackled from the loudspeakers, and he glanced at the stage as he heard Vestra whisper, “Fortify.” There he saw the old man’s wives switch from their licking of his surprisingly significant manhood (evident even from this distance!) and each of them, one after the other, parted her lips and slid it into her mouth and back out. Just as Kemp realized this was the next step for him as well, his head snapped to what was going on at his own crotch in time to see and feel Marty’s mouth consume him. Her face moved down closer to his pelvis, her lips sliding over every square centimeter of skin, sending jolts of electricity to and through his toes. “UHHHHHJEEZUS!” he groaned as his cock twitched in a faux orgasm. Then Marty pulled her head up, sucking powerfully on him all the way up.
“Crikey!” she coughed. “I don’t remember ‘em bein’ that big!” She moved her left arm up and wrapped her fingers around his cock and squeezed as she studied it. “It’s a nice one, though.” Then she looked at Vestra, almost guiltily. “…you know …as cocks go.” Then she lowered her head again for a few more strong sucks and Kemp felt his eyes cross and his hands grip flesh where they were.
“NNNGOH. MY. GOD!” he whimpered in pathetic ecstasy. Kylie’s eyes seemed to be permanently bugged, darting from Marty to cock and back to Marty.
Marty gripped his dick again and then waggled it at Vestra. “You ready?” Vestra licked her lips nervously and nodded her head. Marty leaned Kemp’s dick toward Vestra’s face. “Now, just like you’re wetting the vibe for me, yeah? It’s no different, except it’s warm and throbbing and tastes like hotel soap.” Marty quickly winked at Kemp.
He watched as Vestra lowered her face to his cock. He hadn’t imagined quite these circumstances when he fantasized about this, but the anticipation now that it was about to happen was no less thrilling. Her sultry lips parted and her tongue extended very slightly, and then tongue and lips wrapped around the tip.
“Ohh-h!” Kemp heard an unusually high-pitched sound escape his gaping mouth.
“Yeah, that’s it,” rasped Marty as she slid her hand off of his shaft and gently cupped his balls. “Now slide it in.” Vestra’s bottom jaw lowered as she made way for its thickness. “Be careful and don’t let your teeth scratch him,” Marty said, and then she looked quickly up into Kemp’s eyes. “Unless you like the teeth. Do you like the teeth?”
He answered with his eyes rolling up into his head as he shook it side to side.
“Right. No teeth. Now take it in as far as you can.” Kemp’s hips slowly thrust upward as Vestra’s luxurious mouth and tongue adjusted to get his length inside, until he felt the underside of his cock head graze the roof of her mouth. His arm around her back felt Vestra’s diaphragm spasm as she gagged on the tip of his cock at the top of her throat, and she hurriedly pulled her mouth off of him. “It’s okay, babe,” said Marty. “Back to it when you’re ready.” Vestra nodded and gave a little smile through teary eyes.
“Kylie, sweetheart,” Marty said, snapping the girl out of her daze. She gently manipulated Kemp’s scrotum and isolated one of his testes. “Put your lips around that and tickle it with your tongue.”
Kylie’s frightened eyes darted to Kemp’s momentarily, and then to Marty’s, and she shook her head.
“Oh, darlin’, there’s nothin’ to it. It’s just a bag of skin, and it’ll make Uncle Vance squirm a bit! Here. Hold it up to make it easier.”
Kylie’s eyes never left Marty’s as she lowered her face to her uncle’s balls and did as she was instructed. Her gentle, dainty fingers felt cool on the skin covering his balls, and her soft, tentative lips so tenderly caressed the small orb within the sac — just as Vestra sucked his head in again.
“OHhhh!” he blurted as his hips bucked upward again. He swooned as the two novice mouths at opposite ends of his sex sucked and licked him into a frenzy.
“Oooh! He likes that, girls!” Marty chuckled quietly. After a few more seconds, when Vestra took her mouth off of him, Marty grasped his turgid shaft and said, “Let me have another go,” and popped him into her mouth again. As Marty bobbed her head up and down on the head of his dick and her hand stroked his shaft slick with Vestra’s saliva, deep inside his swooning mind Kemp formed the opinion that Marty’s technique was borne of experience, where Vestra was a level one novice, though points for presentation …those lips! And then Marty pulled her mouth away with a slurping “pop” and a grunt.
Marty pushed his head toward Vestra again and said, “More.” Vestra paused, licked her lips, and swallowed, evidently preparing to again have her mouth filled with his thick cock. She dragged her fingers across her cheek to pull some strands of stray hair away from her mouth and lowered her face to the bulbous tip of the pillar of warm, throbbing flesh which now stood, strong and proud, above Kemp’s hips. She gently gripped it at the base with her right hand, her index finger and thumb forming a tight collar where dick met pelvis, with the other fingers of the hand lying over his scrotum and gently caressing him as she aimed him at her mouth.
Kemp swooned yet again as he felt Vestra part her own lips with the tip and slide them over the head. “Ah, gaaahhhhhhd…” he heard himself gurgle, his balls joining him in the expression of joy with an involuntary contraction of his scrotum — popping the isolated ball out of Kylie’s suckling lips — and riding up to the base of his cock and almost reaching Vestra’s lips as she crashed the end of him against her throat. His arms still pulled impulsively against his fleshy restraints, but this time Marty released his left and his hand went straight to the top of Vestra’s head, moving above his left hip, and massaged her softly. She bobbed her head a few more times and then pulled off of him again with another hard, long, slow suck until he popped free.
Marty touched the fingers of her left hand gently to Kylie’s cheek. “Okay, sweetheart. Your turn.” Kylie’s eyes were wide as ever, but now they glistened with something other than fear. The two adult women simultaneously turned their heads to gauge Kemp’s response, which was simply a lolling head as he tried to figure out why the joy on his dick had stopped. Vestra lowered her left arm, releasing Kemp’s right arm from his restraint. As he slid his freed forearm along her back she brought her left hand up to clasp his wrist, but he read her thoughts and rotated his hand around and caressed her left breast, softly rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She seemed almost surprised by her own shuddering reaction.
“Just like I showed Vestra,” said Marty. “Lick‘im here, to start,” Marty held his turgid boner with her right hand and tapped so lightly with her left index finger on the frenulum that his balls leapt up in their sac, “right underneath that little upside-down ‘V.’”
Despite his swooning, Kemp was now very aware of who was doing what to his penis and, through lidded eyes, saw his beautiful, young niece, her eyes now locked to his, open her lips to allow passage of her tongue, which snaked out and flattened itself over her bottom lip and then formed a dull point that arced up and reached for his favorite spot. The timid touch of the tip of her tongue to the underside of his cock head sent a jolt of impossible ecstasy through him, and he groaned a long, growling groan. His cock throbbed visibly and he shuddered. Kylie pulled her head, her tongue, away from his cock and looked to Marty with surprise and a nervous laugh.
“He likes it, don’t he!” Marty smiled encouragingly. “I wish you’d felt it. Here!” Marty reached with her left hand for Kylie’s right and guided her. “Wrap your fingers around him like that and jack him up and down every once in a while between licks.” Kylie pulled up on Uncle Vance’s penis and seemed intrigued by his scrotum pulling up with the skin on his dick, and then she pulled down and marveled at how the skin beneath the head went taut and shiny. And then she licked him again for a nearly identical reaction to the previous.
“Oh! It thumped in my hand!” Kylie whispered to Marty.
“See? That means he likes it!” Marty beamed. “Now kiss it up top, but keep jacking it.” Kemp watched Marty watch Kylie as she did as she was told. His niece’s lips glistened with her saliva under the yellowish glow of the parking lot street lamps. She pulled his cock toward her and bent it to one side and out of the shadow of her own head, and examined briefly in the light. Then she kissed the tip, her top and bottom lips parted slightly. Kemp tingled at the sensation of the slight suction as he heard the smack. And then, without direction, she placed her lips on the tip again, only this time she dropped her jaw and sucked her uncle’s penis into her mouth.
Kemp's whole body shuddered at the move, but it was more shock than it was the sensation of her wet lips gliding smoothly over the crown and a third of the way down his shaft! “Oh, there ya go!” exclaimed Marty. “That’s initiative, young lady!” Kylie gripped the base of his cock and, following the example of her two adult female mentors, she sucked hard on her dad’s brother’s cock as she slid her mouth off of it, finishing with a satisfying ‘pop’ like the other two, followed by an excited gasp. “Wonderful effort, girlie!” Marty said while Vestra fingered hairs away from the girl’s mouth.
Her eyes ablaze with discovery, Kylie looked from Marty to Vestra and back and panted, “Is… Is this a blowjob?”
Vestra tittered demurely and Marty said, “That’s exactly what this is! Yes!”
Needing no more instruction than what she had seen, nor direction, Kylie practically leapt forward again and sucked Uncle Vance’s dick into her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down over it. Kemp had ceased protest, and his hands left the breasts of the women kneeling either side of him and went to the sides of his niece’s head and curled his fingers through her hair. She let out a brief moan. After several seconds of this fervent attention, Kemp felt a tingle start deep inside his core. He began the internal debate over whether to warn her or let her take what comes. But then he felt and heard the head of his dick pop out of her mouth and she said, “What are you doing?” and he realized he’d had his eyes closed. He opened them and saw Kylie looking at Vestra whose right arm extended around Kylie’s ass.
Though Kemp couldn’t see, it was clear what Vestra was doing, as her arm undulated with the motion of her wrist and fingers hidden from his view. Vestra looked deeply into Kylie’s eyes. “Do you ever play with yourself down there?”
Kylie had begun to gently push her hips back against Vestra’s fingers. “Mm-hmmm.”
“Have you ever let a girl touch you there, before?”
“Nuh-uhhh,” Kylie panted.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Kylie moved a little more definitively, now. “No. It feels good.”
“You’re very wet down there…” purred Vestra. Marty’s eyes now flared with intense interest as she stared at Vestra. Her co-pilot slid her hand out from behind Kylie and presented her fingers, glistening with Kylie’s pussy juice, and offered them to Marty. In turn, Marty opened her mouth and sucked them in, never pulling her eyes from Vestra’s.
Kylie grunted again, and said, “Ohhh!” and suddenly the fingers of Marty’s left hand swam before Kemp’s eyes. Before he could resist (he realized he wasn’t ready for this next wrinkle!), Marty rubbed her wet, slick fingers over his mouth and under his nose, and then pried at his lips. He opened them and presently his head was filled with the aroma and taste of Kylie’s wet pussy. He gave up the duty to resist and began sucking hungrily on the fingers in his mouth.
The loudspeakers throughout the grounds croaked as the old chief on the stage, whose surprisingly sturdy cock was nearly balls deep in the throat of one of his wives while the others tended to his body’s other needs, breathed another unintelligible word into the night air.
Marty smiled across Kemp’s lap at Vestra, who nodded. They shared some sort of silent communication between just they two, and then Vestra whispered, “It has to be that way.”
Marty responded, “Right? Better for her if he goes quickly.”
Vestra erected herself on her knees. “Stop,” she said to Kylie, who stopped. “Time to sow.”


Kemp shook himself out of his stupor …almost. “‘Time to sew?!’ Now everybody wants to be dressed?”
The group in front of them and the group to their right, as well as several others throughout the field, shifted positions and moved the men’s chairs to one side in order to allow them to lie on their tarps together. “Good idea!” muttered Marty. “Come on, Kemp!” she said, as she rose to her feet, tugging at his wrists along the way. “Up you go!” Vestra set his chair to one side of their tarp, in line with several others down the row. As soon as the chair was out of the way, Marty dropped to her knees and wrapped a hand around his still rod-stiff cock. “Aaaand, down you go. Come lie with me, buddy.” The beautiful, blond Australian woman tugged him down to her by his dick and lay on her side, and he lay beside her. She maneuvered and coached until his left arm was under her neck.
“Gather ‘round, girls,” said Marty, and Vestra lay down beside him, still to his right — his arm moving naturally to rest her head on it as Marty did on his left — and lay her right arm across his chest. His dick throbbed so hard he barely noticed the two sets of firm breasts pressing into either side of his chest.
“Okay, Kylie,” said Marty to the girl left kneeling between Kemp’s legs. “Crawl on up here and give us a snuggle!”
Kylie did as she was told and tipped forward on her knees, but then planted her toes and raised her mid-section into the air. She hand-walked her way up their bodies until she hovered over the three, supported only by her hands on Kemp’s chest, and her toes planted between his parted knees.
“Come on, now!” Marty cajoled. “A proper snuggle!”
Kylie lowered her midsection to the trio until Kemp’s erection got in the way. “Oop! Uh-oh,” she giggled. Vestra grasped the swollen penis in her right hand and stroked it a couple times, then bent it out of Kylie’s way atop his belly, and Kylie then lay flat on top of him …and it.
Marty caressed the girl’s hair in her left hand and said, “Hey.” When Kylie turned her head, Marty looked deeply into her eyes for a long second, and then pulled Kylie’s head to hers and kissed her on the mouth. At first Kylie didn’t respond, didn’t appear to know what to do. Marty pulled back an inch or two. “Have you kissed a girl, before?”
Kylie shook her head side to side, looking slightly embarrassed at the question.
“How ‘bout a boy? Ever kissed one of them?”
Kylie nodded and smiled, and still looked embarrassed.
“Didja stick your tongues in each other’s mouth?”
Kylie nodded again and this time laughed a rush of air through her nose.
“Well, that’s the way girls kiss, too. It’s okay.” Marty pulled her to again and, this time, Kylie’s mouth opened. Kemp saw their tongues briefly between their lips, and his cock throbbed heavily against his niece’s warm, taut tummy.
When Marty broke the kiss, Vestra reached up to touch Kylie’s hair. “Hey,” she said, gazing into the teenager’s eyes when they met hers.
Without hesitation, Kylie leaned to Vestra and kissed her on the mouth. Vestra grasped her by the back of her head and pressed, forcing both of their mouths open so wide that Kemp thought they must have been licking each other’s throats!
Suddenly, he felt warm breath on his cheek. “Hey.” He turned and saw Marty coming in, her lips parting along the way. As his head swam and Marty sucked on his tongue, he felt Vestra’s weight come off his shoulder, and he felt the pressure of Kylie’s tummy undulate delightfully atop his cock. Then she grunted and moaned. Vestra said to Kylie, but barely loud enough that Kemp could hear, “Let’s spread some of this around.” Then Kylie lifted herself off him and he felt something wrap around his once-again-vertical penis and slide slickly up and down its length.
Marty broke their kiss and sat up, turning to see what was going on and revealed the same to Kemp’s eyes. Naked and in all her glory, Kylie was positioned with her right knee on the tarp to his left and her left foot to his right, kneeling over his thighs while Vestra dipped the fingers of her left hand past the girl’s tuft of light pubic fuzz and into her sopping wet pussy, and pulled them out to smear the girl’s juices on his cock through her fist. Marty reached with her right hand to the girl’s swollen lips and inserted a finger just between them and rubbed soft circles onto her clit. Kylie’s reaction was immediate, her body shuddering in orgasmic ecstasy.
“Ohmygod. I’m sorry!” Kylie hissed after a minute of recovery.
“Sorry?!” Marty chuckled sympathetically. “Nothin’ to be sorry about, there, girlie! You need to get yourself as many of those throughout your life that you can! That was beautiful!” Kylie’s face flushed and she laughed away her embarrassment. “Felt good, though, eh?” Kylie nodded, still not ready to look into Marty’s eyes, still in the waning throes of her orgasm. “Wanna feel something better?”
Kylie looked at her inquisitively, seeming uncertain what her answer should be.
“Come down here and move forward,” Marty directed. “Sit on Uncle Vance’s balls.” Marty guided Kylie with a gentle grasp of her right wrist. The weight of his niece on his thighs and the skin at the top of his scrotum pulled his cock toward her, and he felt the warmth of her lower belly against the underside of it. “See how wet and juicy it is?” Marty said about the penis jutting up between her thighs. “Bend that fucker down and slide your clit back and forth on it, and tell me how it feels.”
With a little help from Vestra, who angled Kemp’s erection toward his belly, Kylie inched herself forward until he felt a sudden lack of friction between his body and hers.
“OoohhWOOH!” Kylie gasped. “Mmmmm…” She wiggled a bit to find a spot. Then she leaned forward and placed her hands on her uncle’s upper arms, just below his shoulders. “Aaaahhhooooff!” Suddenly her hips bucked forward and she slid her slathering pussy the entire length of the underside of his cock. “Ohhhh!” Her head rolled back and her eyes closed and she bit her bottom lip, and her face contorted in a look like she was going to cry. “Omigodomigodomigod ooooeeeee!” she squealed and then she suddenly went rigid, her knees pressing in to Kemp’s ribs almost painfully. Then she began trembling violently, and her arms gave out and her body crashed down onto his chest. He instinctively wrapped his arms around his niece while she humped her throbbing clit and slobbering vagina against his practically solid pole.
She lay there atop him, gasping to catch her breath, and Kemp once again felt a hand grasp his cock. “Come on, honey, up you go…” Marty grunted as she pushed Kylie aside enough to free him. All Kemp could see was the top of his niece’s head and his arms around her, and Marty to his left, and then Vestra to his right, each in turn hide their heads beyond Kylie. He felt what could only be a mouth take him in, suck his length, and then set him free. “Mmmm!” cooed Marty. “Taste that” And then he felt what he could now deduce was Vestra’s lips and tongue slide over the length of him, cleaning Kylie’s pussy juice from it. “Oh, she’s still super wet! We gotta do this, now!”
Marty appeared again from behind Kylie and she said, “Come on, sweetheart, there’s even better to come!” Kylie stirred and turned her head. “Okay, up on your hands and knees. Kemp felt Vestra’s hand gripping his cock tightly while Marty coaxed Kylie to scoot backward.
Reason swam to the fore in Kemp’s thoughts. “No. No, we can’t. We can’t do this.”
“You hush, now,” Vestra’s face suddenly occupied his entire field of vision. She kissed him lightly on the mouth and then his face had one of her tits mashed against it. He happily, hungrily sucked on her nipple.
He then felt a searing heat envelop the very tip of his prick as, now, Marty grasped his shaft and poked at Kylies pussy with it. Kylie caught on and started pushing back, and he felt that searing heat spread and consume the head of his penis.
Then Kylie tensed up. “No. It hurts! It’s too big! I can’t!”
Both Vestra and Marty now had their faces right next to Kylie’s and they heaped words of encouragement on her. You can do this, babe!” “It’ll only hurt for a second.” "It’ll be over before you know it.” “It only hurts the first time, so once you get it over with, every time after will be a lot better.” “Just relax and let the weight of your body do the work.”
Kemp felt his niece relax. She lifted herself up a little bit and then back down on his cock, each time fitting more of him into her tiny, tight little virgin pussy until he felt the crown of his cock head pop past her tight labia and the tip press against a hard barrier. And she stopped again. He wanted her to stop. He wanted this to stop. But the slick opening of her impossibly tight pussy was literally sucking on the throbbing head of his cock where it was wedged up against her cherry. “She’s a virgin!” his thoughts flashed. “I can’t take her cherry! It’s not right!”
“Okay, a few breaths,” said Marty. “Next one’s for the distance, yeah?” Panting, Kylie nodded her head. “How ‘bout you sit up a little, let gravity do the work.” Kylie did as Marty suggested, and Kemp felt the slickened friction of her tiny cavern twist slightly and suck more on the engorged knob at the end of his dick. “I’ve never had a virgin, before” his thoughts diverted. “I’ve never felt that…” Kemp coaxed his niece along with a slight push of his hips upward, pressing his cock head even harder against Kylie’s maidenhead.
Then Kylie sat straight up and let her full weight sit on his hips. He felt an intense pressure through the entire top half of his cock and, just as it was about to be painful for him, as well, the barrier gave an almost audible ‘pop’ and another inch of him slid into his niece.
“Ahh! There you go!” exclaimed Marty.
“NNnnnGAHH! FUCK!” Kylie cried, and fell again onto Kemp’s chest. His arms once again wrapped around her, and with his right hand he caressed her head against his chest. Her vaginal muscles twitched, whether from pain or the last vestiges of her earlier orgasms, he didn’t know. But the squeezing of her pussy around his cock stirred his lizard brain and his hips began to push up and down. His hands slid to her ass cheeks and held her fast as he felt a few centimeters of his cock slide up into her and back out, in and out, each push giving her just a bit more of him. She didn’t move against him, and he couldn’t tell if her grunts were pleasure or pain, but soon he was moving fully half his cock into and out of her impossibly tight, impossibly slippery pussy.
Then she sat straight up, her eyes focused on his beneath her furrowed brow, and said, “Oh, Uncle Vance!”
And she slid down the rest of his length, her ass cheeks coming to rest on his balls. With little warning from his own body, Kemp gurgled a pained gag, and his balls — tortured for two days with visions of naked breasts and his unabashed topless niece’s perfect little titties jiggling before his eyes and three hot mouths and an impromptu orgy with a thousand of his closest friends on this forbidden island — suddenly, forcefully erupted through his violently spasming cock jammed to the hilt inside his brother’s daughter, splashing jet after powerful jet of his cum against her cervix! “OHHHHHAAAAGGGGHHH!!!” His own voice sounded miles away. His hips lurched upward, tipping Kylie forward and she fell again onto his torso, and his arms crushed her against him, his body bucking insanely, instinctively trying to drive his seed as deep into her body as possible, and pumping nearly his entire length out of and then back into her, so hard and so mindlessly that he didn’t notice her third orgasm of the night, or that half the slime that now coated his dick after their orgasms was hers.
And suddenly they were quiet, still, except for their heaving chests as they tried to catch their breath. Kylie lifted her head from his chest, breaking his embrace, her hair wild around her face, and looked into his eyes. “Oh my g—“
Suddenly Kemp grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her face to his, and smashed his lips to hers. Her mouth opened, more in shock than to reciprocate the kiss, but then he felt her tongue eagerly batting his. His hips rocked upward again, his dick throbbing deep inside the girl. Then she pulled her face away from him to stare into his eyes. Kemp saw, there, what… triumph? Accomplishment? Pride?
“Welp!” chirped Marty. “It looks like there’s more where that came from!” She placed her hand on Kylie’s back. “Come on, luv. Give your uncle a rest.” She gently gripped Kylie’s right wrist in her right hand and pulled, and Kylie rolled off and lie beside him, eyes slightly glazed, and a faint smile across her lips.
“Okay, babe. C’mere.” Marty motioned to Vestra as she dropped to her elbows next to Kemp’s left hip. “Let’s get ‘im cleaned up, yeah?”
Vestra assumed the identical position opposite Marty, who took Kemp’s erection in her left hand. “He’s still hard as a rock,” she said as she stroked his cum-slick shaft a few times. “Here,” she said, then, offering a gooey finger to Vestra. “Taste what a man’s cum is like.” Vestra hesitated. “It’s all right. The upside is you can taste her cum, too.”
Vestra leaned in, and Marty slid her hand closer to her. As Vestra sucked in her finger, Marty lifted her chin a bit and wrapped her lips around the tip of Kemp’s cock, eliciting another groan from him as she applied fierce suction. “Hmmhm,” she chuckled as he popped back out. “I got a bit more. He hadn’t pumped it all out, yet! Here. Try it.”
Vestra, though seemingly unenthusiastic, nevertheless tried whatever Marty suggested she do, and when the sight and the sensation of her lush lips wrapping around the head of his cock met his eyes, Kemp let out a happy, yet still disbelieving, grunt, and a dollop of cum oozed through his dick and out into Vestra’s sucking mouth. She squinted and wrinkled her nose, and pulled her mouth away, and his cum clung to her open mouth in a sort of web that stretched from top lip to bottom, and the side.
Marty laughed loud, then said, “Oh! C’mere, baby!” She rose up from her elbows and leaned across Kemp and met Vestra doing the same, and kissed her deeply, her tongue visibly licking past Vestra’s lips and bringing Kemp’s cum to her tongue. After a few seconds Marty broke their kiss and said, “Okay, help me clean him up.” She flashed her tongue and licked the man-and-girl-cum soup off of Kemp from the base of his cock to the tip, causing him to twitch madly on the way up. Then she tapped his balls with her index fingertip and returned her tongue to the base of his dick, this time working on one side. Then Vestra’s tongue was licking and sucking up the gobs of cum that had settled on top of his scrotum.
Before much time had passed, Kemp’s dick was fully erect, clean, glistening of saliva, and throbbing intensely. Without further word, Marty hiked her left leg over his hips and settled on both knees, straddling him. “Okay, a little help, yeah?” Marty was speaking to Vestra, but Kylie, who — though appearing to be near sleep beside her uncle — had been watching them intently, suddenly got up and crawled between his knees again. He saw and felt Kylie’s fingers grip him firmly and press the head of his dick to Marty’s pussy as though returning Marty’s favor. “Nah, better lube it up some.”
On his right, past Marty’s arm, Kemp saw Vestra stick three of her fingers into her mouth and coat them thickly with saliva and then reach back behind Marty, who then cooed delightedly. At the same time he felt the wet warmth of Kylie’s mouth slide over him several times. Then Marty leaned forward. Kylie, laser-focused on the physical connection between man and woman, penis and vagina, held his cock steady and fed it into Marty as she lowered herself onto him. The furnace heat of the inside of her body enveloped him so intensely that, again, for just a moment, he felt as though he was going to cum right away. Her first descent brought him halfway into her body, at which time she reversed and slid out of her body the entire length of him save for the head, and then her second descent brought the pleasingly taut ring of her opening snuggled tightly around the very bottom of his cock.
“Phew!” Marty panted. “It’s been a while! I don’t remember ‘em being this big!” And then she raised herself up a bit and back down. “UUmmffff! Oh, yeah!” Her eyes closed and her head tilted up to the stars as she hunched her back, and a look of ecstasy played across her face. “Yeah!” she panted heavily as she rocked her hips forward and back, sliding Kemp’s cock out some and back into her, “Been a while! Unngghh!” She turned to Vestra. “C’mere, baby. Kiss me.” Vestra didn’t hesitate and leaned in and locked her lips on Marty’s, riding with her as Marty drove Kemp’s cock in and out of her snatch. Marty sloppily broke their kiss. “Oh, ffffuck.”
Marty leaned back, supporting herself with her hands on Kemp’s thighs and giving him the delectable view of his shiny, wet cock, bent the wrong way, stuffed into Marty’s hole and running in and out. “Play with my pussy! Rub my clitty!” Marty panted, and Vestra’s left hand flew to the top of Marty’s hole. “UGGHHH god. Yeah. That’s it!” And suddenly Marty grunted loudly then held her breath, the veins in her neck standing out, and her face turning red. Finally, after a few seconds, she let out all the air in her lungs. “GAAAAHHHHHYEAHH! Crikey! I haven’t come on a dick in SO LONG!” She leaned forward again, looking into Kemp’s eyes more directly than she had done in the prior two days. “To be sure, I don’t think I ever came on a dick like that!” She placed her hands on his chest and shifted her weight to her left, then to her right, in order to work the bottoms of her feet to the tarp. She lifted her ass up off of Kemp’s thighs and the only contact between their bodies was her hands on his chest, and her warm, tight sheath wrapped around his cock, repeatedly swallowing it whole each time she squatted onto his hips. Vestra placed her right hand on Marty’s ass and held her there as she rode his cock.
“This,” she spoke between pleased grunts, “was my favorite…way to make the guys … shoot their loads … quickly … at university!
Kemp felt tickling fingers slide over his balls every time Marty’s ass was in the air and, by Vestra’s position to his right, he deduced that the fingers could only be Kylie’s. She smeared Marty’s pussy juices all over his balls and sometimes up around the base of his shaft in between the slapping contact of Marty’s ass on his pelvis.
Very soon, Marty dropped again to her knees and violently snapped her hips forward and back. “Oh, yeah! Oh, fuck! That’s it! YEAH!” she panted, apparently having found the right spot on Kemp’s swollen schlong deep inside her sopping pussy. Her hips doubled their speed. “Oh! Oh! OH! OHH! OHHH!” she grunted.
It didn’t seem possible so soon after his first incredible orgasm, but Kemp’s scrotum began to contract around his tingling balls, and he felt himself hurtling suddenly close to the edge and unable to stop himself from flying over. He grabbed Marty’s wrists to free his chest from her hands and sat up rapidly, throwing her hands over his shoulders, and he wrapped his hands around her torso and buried his face in her tits.
“AGGHH! FUCK, you bastard!” Marty growled as she pulled his head tightly to her chest and planted her feet beside his hips. “Suck ‘em! Suck my titties! OOH! Yeah get that nip! OhhhhhAAAAAHH!” She clung to his neck as a fulcrum to support her pile-driving pelvis as it drove her hole onto his rigid boner. And then she dropped her full weight onto it and screamed over the top of his head as her orgasming pussy pulsed and spasmed and suckled at the cock it had itself wrapped around.
Kemp’s hands slid down and grabbed the firm flesh of her ass cheeks and bounced her up and down savagely on his cock, the spasms of her orgasm flipping the final switch for his. His face still buried in her chest, he grunted and screamed between her tits as his cock spasmed and jerked and began pumping jiz he didn’t realize was still in his balls into this amazing, blond-haired creature whose pussy was sucking him dry.
And suddenly, her orgasm complete and her body throbbing in waning spasms of pleasure, she became dead weight on him. She fell backwards, though her hands stayed clasped around the back of his neck, and he tipped forward, the shift unexpected, and grasped her in his arms so she wouldn’t crash to the hard earth under the tarp. Her head came to rest on the kneeling Kylie’s lap, her butt on the tarp, and her legs in the air around Kemp’s hips, with his still turgid rod jammed in her slit to the hilt.
“Jesus fucking christ,” Marty gurgled. “That’s some cock you got there, Kemp!”
He could think of nothing else to do, so he slowly withdrew his cock from Marty’s depths, and then slowly shoved it back in, feeling his cum and hers squishing past him and out over her ass cheeks. Still propped on his hands, he looked up from Marty’s dreamy expression and saw Kylie’s firm, young tits mere inches from his eyes. Without thinking, without the remotest consideration that she was his niece, he jutted out his chin and sucked first one, and then the other nipple into his mouth, causing Kylie to coo slightly and bring her hands up to the back of his head to encourage him to continue.
The soft, supple skin of Kylie’s tit against his lips and her hard nipple standing up to his tongue, plus her quiet grunts as his mouth brought her pleasure had his cock throbbing again, still plunged to the hilt inside Marty. He drew his hips away from her and slid himself into her again, and then again.
“Ah, fuckin’ hell!” Marty groaned and bit her lip as she wrapped her legs around Kemp’s midsection and squeezed him deeper into her. “You want some more?” she panted.
“Mmfhmm!” he answered with his mouth full as he realized he had more.
Quickly she released him from her thigh-clench and pushed up on his chest with her hands. He responded to her indications by pulling his heavy dick out of her slowly. “Unnngghhcrikey…” she gurgled just before his cock freed itself of her messy, sopping cunt with a loud ‘slurp’ sound. She rolled away from underneath him, leaving him to continue gorging himself on his niece’s tits. “Okay, babe,” she said to Vestra who had been watching their show in silence, “it’s your turn!”
Kemp heard over his right shoulder the smacks of their lips as the two made out heavily, groaning and mewling in their mutual pleasure. Kylie, moaning herself under the onslaught of Uncle Vance’s tongue and lips on her nipples, arched her back and looked up to the sky and jutted her chest forward. Kemp brought a hand around to her middle back and encouraged her to lie back. Gripping him around the back of his neck, the limber girl rolled back over her ankles and her ass and rested her shoulder blades on the tarp and then hitched her pelvis and released her lower legs, and then spread them either side of her uncle.
Now on his hands and knees above Kylie, Kemp looked down and took in his niece in all her naked magnificence. The smooth, perfect skin of her lower belly beckoned he kiss it, and so he bent his arms to lower his face to her. His tongue snaked into her navel, causing her belly muscles to quiver and undulate, as well as causing her to giggle. Then a light, slightly damp fuzz tickled his chin, and the next thing he realized, he had buried his face into her pussy. It didn’t matter to him that he tasted a trace of his own semen on his tongue as it slapped her clit around, only that it made his niece squeal and moan in ecstasy when he did it.
A moment later he felt fingers prying at Kylie’s at the back of his head, and the pressure that had kept his face smashed into her was gone.
“Okay, Kemp. Up you come,” Marty said, pulling gently at his right shoulder. “Vestra’s feeling left out.” He heard a demure laugh from Vestra as she slid up next to him. “I got her nice and wet for you.” Vestra crawled in front of him, her hands between Kylie’s knees, and then looked at him over left shoulder, apprehension in her eyes. “Go gentle on her, Kemp. She’s never been with a man, before.”
Marty placed her right hand on Vestra’s smooth, bronze right ass cheek and grasped Kemp’s still rigid cock in her left. She gripped and released it a few times, and he noticed it felt a little sticky, like the juices coating it had dried up a bit. Marty simply stooped in and sucked his cock into her mouth, wetting him thoroughly in a few bobs of her head. She returned upright licking her lips. “She’s pretty wet, anyway, but this’ll make it easier on you both.”
She gripped him again and thumbed Vestra’s right ass cheek aside to expose the smooth, dripping wet opening to her body, the bright pink flesh inside in stark contrast to the bronze skin outside. She tugged gently on Kemp to encourage him forward. “Okay, baby, here he comes.” A half-second later he felt his third pussy of the night wrap around the tip of his dick with searing heat. He slid into Vestra much more easily than he did Kylie, but not as easily as he did Marty, and he noticed no maidenhead that he expected. Marty coaxed Vestra backward onto his cock while she still gripped his shaft. Vestra rocked forward a little and, looking down, Kemp could see, between the delectable globes of her ass and just below her puckered butt hole, the forward half of his dick covered in her creamy pussy juice. And then she rocked backward and it disappeared into her again, and he felt her pussy lips grasp him even farther down his dick before she pulled off a second time. She rocked backward again, and he sank all the way into her, his pelvis landing gently against the firm pillows of her ass. “Oooohhhh…” Vestra whimpered.
“It’s good, yeah?” said Marty excitedly.
Kemp felt a smooth, warm sensation against his palms, and he looked at them and noticed his hands had come forward to grope Vestra’s ass cheeks. His thumbs pulled the fleshy orbs away from her asshole and then released them to slap together gently and hide it again. Soon his hands gripped her hips and drove her back to him as he drilled his concrete pole deep into her again and again. The sound of his hips slapping her ass seemed to drown out all the other groups’ moans and groans and squeals and screams. His focus was on Vestra and the hot, wet, tight opening to her body into which he currently, repeatedly, slammed his screaming hard cock.
“Oh. God. Oh. God. Oh! God! OH! GOD!” Vestra panted with each thrust of Kemp’s shaft of flesh into her tiny hole. “OH! OHH! OHHH!” Her elbows bent and her chest dipped to her hands on the tarp as she steeled her body against the onslaught. “OH! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK MEE-YEEEEEEEEAAAAAH!!” Her body shook violently and she pushed herself back on his cock and wouldn’t let him withdraw to thrust again. He felt a powerful fist grip him deep inside her body as the most intense orgasm he ever felt wrap around his cock wracked Vestra’s body before him. After several long seconds, her whole body quivered, and then, with a heavy sigh, she went completely slack and fell forward, face down, onto Kylie, her tight pussy pulling him with her.
Now on top of Vestra, her ass against his pelvis, his knees between hers, his hands beside her breasts pressed outward beneath her chest, and his dick still deep inside her, Kemp gazed down at the sight of one quarter the length of his cock visible outside her pussy, so he pressed himself harder against her ass cheeks, feeling the exquisite sensation of that last length going even deeper inside her wonderful, hot body. He drew himself out of her again, both the sight and the sensation of his cock, wet with her thick juices, further stoking the animal urge within him. He pushed into her again and, along with her groan, he heard a slurp, and then what sounded like Kylie grunting. He looked up and saw his niece, her head turned up, eyes squinted shut over her brightly flush cheeks, riding the sensations of Vestra’s tongue trilling across her swollen clitoris. He felt a renewed, slightly painful surge within his erection with this new erotic vision as more blood locked itself in it. Along with the surge came renewed vigor, and he doubled his pace, stuffing himself deep into Vestra and out again, repeatedly. She groaned anew, each thrust of his cock deep into her well muffling her grunts against Kylie’s pussy, and she neared another orgasm. “OH! GOD! YES! YESS YAAAAAAASS!!” And then she screamed into Kylie’s muff as another intense orgasm wracked her body completely.
Vestra sobbed into Kylie’s pussy as Kylie ran her fingers through her velvety black hair. Kemp gazed at the island woman’s brown shoulder blades, bathed in a sheen of lust-driven perspiration that glistened in the artificial light of the venue. The throes of her orgasm still caused her pussy deep inside to clamp and clutch at him, and he felt a faint tingle again somewhere in his balls. If he could give her one more orgasm, he wanted to see her face when she came. And if he couldn’t, he wanted to be looking at her face when he came.
Kemp reared up onto his knees and grasped Vestra by her hips, and he twisted her torso. “Roll over,” he panted softly.
She did, and her shocking blue eyes met his dreamily. She wore a distant smile, her lips, wet with Kylie’s pussy flow, stretched over her teeth and parted slightly, just enough to allow her tongue to slip out and taste them. She lay her head back on Kylie’s lap; as if the sight of her naked body was not enough for his pleasure, he had his niece’s total flesh to look at.
He cupped his hands each in the crook of Vestra’s knees, and she raised and parted them for him. He placed his hands either side of her chest again and lowered himself to her lush brown lips. She opened her mouth readily, her tongue awaiting his, and they kissed deeply, almost impossibly so, as he sensed he had licked at the opening to her throat. The taste of his niece’s pussy on Vestra’s tongue made his cock twitch with excitement.
He drew back and regarded her full tits, supporting his weight on his left hand while fondling one tit, then the other, with his right, gently pinching her nipples between his thumb and middle finger. Then he grasped the fleshiest part of her left breast and lowered himself to it, sucking the nipple and most of the entire breast into his mouth, where he bathed her flesh there with his lively tongue. She moaned, but he suspected it was at the touch of her own fingers as she played with herself below his sight, where he could feel the occasional drag of one of her fingers against his belly.
Vestra’s fingers of her other hand then curled his hair around them and coaxed his head upward to hers. Kemp kept his chin down and slid his face through her cleavage and up, sliding his body along her torso, her belly against his, until he felt the tip of his cock contact her between her legs. She clasped his head in her hands and turned her chin up, her parted lips beckoning his. As he advanced to kiss her mouth, his penis slid against her hairless vulva. Vestra groaned into his mouth and parted her legs yet more, and he felt the tip of his cock slip into warmth. He pressed slightly forward with his hips, and Vestra popped her mouth free and rasped, “Yesss.” Kemp pushed firmly against the warmth and his cock slipped half its length into her. “UNNgghhh!” they both grunted. He felt Marty’s hand cup his ass cheeks, two of her fingers in the crack and sliding down over his nutsack. Vestra wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed him to her, and the rest of his cock sank into her soaked vagina until he felt his balls rubbing on her ass cheeks.
“Oh my fucking god,” Vestra gurgled. “Ohmyfuckingod.”
Kemp pumped his dick in and out of Vestra’s steaming hole, her heels on his ass pulling him in to her rhythm to set his pace. Shortly after he found it, she bucked and writhed anew, gasping and grunting and screaming as his ramrod drubbed orgasm after orgasm out of her. “Oh. Fucking. GOD. YESSS!” she screamed, each each violent spasm of her body driving him to pound into her harder to the point he was certain he heard an echo of the sound of his hips slapping her ass cheeks.
“She has such fucking awesome orgasms!” Marty gushed beside them while still rubbing his bouncing ass. Kemp turned his head to her and saw her left hand rapidly frigging her pussy as she watched them fuck. He looked up at Kylie, her face flushed, as she ran her fingers through Vestra’s raven hair spread across her lap. She moved her hands to Vestra’s shoulders, and then to her breasts where the thumb and forefinger of each hand trapped and gently pinched her nipples. Then Kylie noticed him looking at her. She dipped her chin downward and looked briefly at Vestra’s face and then back up to his eyes. She smiled expectantly and did it again. It was only when she reached her hands up and grasped him by the back of his head that he realized she was communicating to him to lower his face to Vestra’s. When he did, Vestra’s hands replaced Kylie’s and she smashed his mouth down onto hers in the most wanton, most passionate, most exhilarating kiss he had ever known. It was as though she kissed him with her whole body, and suddenly he felt the tingle in his balls grow more intense. He felt a shiver travel up his spine and his breathing catch. The intensity of his hips pounding down onto Vestra and driving his cock like a piston into a cylinder remained the same, though the length of his strokes decreased progressively until he was locked deeply inside her.
Kemp felt an expansion of his cock inside Vestra that he would have believed swelled his cock to the thickness of a football that ended with a balls-draining explosion of cum inside her deep canal. He felt Vestra slide underneath him, their lips parting, and further up into Kylie’s lap as his orgasm drove his hips to try to get his cock even deeper into her. He heard a man screaming somewhere in the distance whom he thought must be having just as intense an orgasm as he was at the exact same time, only to realize as his lungs emptied themselves of air that the scream was his alone. His cock kept pulsing and pulsing, and his hips resumed their pounding as his balls endeavored to deliver every last reserve of sperm they had to give.
And finally he collapsed onto Vestra, their chests heaving together as their bodies each rode out the remainders of their orgasms. “Ohh, fuck!” he panted. “Ohh, fuuuuuuck.”
“Didn’t I tell ya?” He heard Marty in his ear, though he didn’t remember her telling him anything. “A lot different with a real cock, yeah?”
“Mmm hmmm!” Vestra answered her, and he realized he was not part of the conversation. And then he heard the wet sound of their mouths on each other. He reared up to watch their kiss and the sight made his cock — still buried deep inside Vestra — spasm hard.
“She’s still turned on,” he mused silently. “I’m still inside her,” he observed. “Maybe,” he thought as he pulled his cock back a bit and pushed, “I’ll give her anoth—“ and then a tremendous, painful ache flared through his battered, beleaguered penis. “Ooof! Oww!” he grimaced, his body reversing itself and pulling his entire length out of Vestra’s wonderful pussy. He rolled off of her and over onto his back. “Holy FUCK!” he wheezed. "I haven’t fucked like that since college! Oh! GOD!”
Marty lay across Vestra and grasped his cock. “I gotta taste her cum some more,” she cooed, and sucked his cock deeply.
“ACCH! GOD! Easy!” Kemp winced. “I think I broke something.”
Marty loosened her suction, but spent several long seconds with his waning erection in her mouth, dutifully cleaning everyone’s juices, let alone Vestra’s, from it.
As they lay quietly — Marty across Vestra and her head on Kemp’s lap, Kemp next to Vestra, and Kylie hugging Vestra’s head to her tummy — a thousand people around them in the throes of ecstasy filled their ears with the sounds of a carnal fracas.
“What a weird island,” Kemp mused out loud.
Vestra, after a brief pause, snorted into laughter, and then Marty and the rest joined her.


On the way back to their rooms, they walked slowly together, arm-in-arm with Kylie on Kemp’s left and with Vestra on his right, and then Marty’s arm hooked into Vestra’s free arm. They spoke mostly about the next day and the possibility — the hope — that the part would arrive and Marty’s airplane could be fixed, and they could go home to Nagap. It wasn’t until they approached the lobby entrance where the pathway lighting illuminated them that Kemp realized by way of their reflection in the sliding glass door that they were all four still stark naked. He chuckled to himself as the thought crossed his mind that this realization would have stirred an erection if his cock hadn’t been beaten half to death over the past couple of hours.
They arrived at their rooms, still clutching each other. “Well,” Marty sighed loudly, “that’ll be the night.” Everyone unlinked their arms.
Except Kemp, who was reluctant to let go of Vestra. He turned to her and looked into her eyes as she looked into his, only he didn’t read her expression as apprehension. He leaned in for a goodnight kiss, but Vestra turned her head away.
“Whoa! Hold on, there, cowboy!” Marty said, stepping in and placing her hand on his chest. “Don’t get your signals crossed.”
He took a step back, confused. “But I… I thought…”
“No, you didn’t, and that’s your problem,” Marty nodded sarcastically. “You didn’t think. You felt.”
Embarrassed, Kemp felt himself at a loss for words. He glanced back and forth between Marty and Vestra, his mouth stuck on a dozen first words he wanted to say.
A loud growl from Kylie’s stomach finally broke the silence. “Jeez. I’m starving,” she said, her face rushing crimson in embarrassment.
“How about we get some room service,” Kemp said, hoping to break the tension. Behind him he heard Kylie slide the key into the slot and open their door.
“Good idea,” said Marty. “Because we need to talk.”
Inside the Kemps’ room, Marty grabbed the room service menu and started writing down everyone’s orders, and then Vestra phoned the order in.
“Great!” Marty said. “Mind if we use your shower?”
“Go right ahead,” said Kemp, seated sideways at the foot of his bed and caught a little off guard as he watched the two pilots disappear around the corner into the bathroom.
“Oh, my god!” huffed Kylie as she plopped down next to Kemp with her knees next to his. The she flopped back with her head not quite on the nearest pillow. “That was fucking crazy!” she landed with her right leg bent at the knee and lying flat on its side, exposing her pussy again to her uncle’s eyes. He could make out the slit between her lips, still moist from the evening’s activity, as well as some chafing from something she had never had rub her there before, just below the youthful rise of her fuzzy pubic mound. He thought he felt another erection coming on, but his dick only hurt.
“Hey, punkin,” he realized only after he had said it that he hadn’t called her “punkin” since she was 12 …when she had asked him to stop calling her that.
“Mmm?” she looked at him.
“Are you okay?” he pointed at her vagina, but he meant his question on more than just the physical level. Kylie ran the fingers of her right hand gently over her pussy lips.
“Well, I had always pictured my first time happening in a more romantic setting. And I never imagined being in a crowd of people, but it was totally cool to have experienced hands to guide me. Otherwise, the cast was exactly as I had ever dreamed it.”
“But you’re not sore? No pain?”
Kylie continued rubbing herself. “Meh. I’ve had worse from riding my bike.”
His eyes left hers and traveled along her body toward him until he gazed upon her toes. He stifled the impulse to shake his head, but not the thought that inspired it. He had just had this young, beautiful girl. It’s not as though the thought had never crept up in his mind before, especially since she had grown out of the shapeless form of a little girl and started filling out and making strides toward the beautiful woman she was becoming. But they had always been stray, fleeting thoughts; he had never let himself wish, let alone imagine having her. But there had been those twinges, those moments when he caught a pose or a glint in her eye and he thought “Some day some lucky fuck will have her.” And here he was, that lucky fuck.
When the bathroom door opened he realized he had been staring at the moist slit between Kylie’s pussy lips.
“Anybody else?” Marty appeared from the bathroom clutching a towel to her bosom and using one end of it to friction dry her hair. Vestra followed with her towel wrapped around her hair atop her head and nothing else. Kemp slowly blinked his eyes, marveling over how he just could not get enough of seeing that woman! “Kylie?”
“Nah,” Kylie said. "I’m just hungry right now. I’ll shower when I’m ready for bed. How much longer til the food gets here.”
“It shouldn’t be too long,” Vestra said. “Those dishes should be pretty quick.”
Kemp stood. “I guess I’ll get a quick wash in.” he strode to the bathroom.

Feeling invigorated after the stiff spray of steamy hot water, Kemp strode out to the bedroom area to find three stark naked women seated on the beds on either side of a room service cart and gorging themselves on local island delicacies. “I hope you’ve left some for me!” Kylie giggled and scooted to her right to allow him access.
“Okay, elephant in the room,” Marty said after the last bite was taken and the last morsel was swallowed. “Kemp, I love ya, mate, but there’s a couple things ya gotta understand.” His brow furrowed as he wasn’t sure what she was getting at. “I’ve seen the way you look at Vestra. You probably think you’ve kept your thoughts to yourself, but you’re an easy read, fella!” She chuckled. “I don’t know if you’ve sussed it out — I’m guessing not since your heart’s been on your sleeve since we arrived here — and we’re used to keeping it on the quiet around customers because we know that some folks do get quite squirmy about it, but—“
“You’re gay,” said Kylie, matter-of-factly.
Marty — mid-speech and now speechless — threw up her hands in mock exasperation. “Well, so much for my coming out speech. Yeah. We’re gay. Vestra’s m’girl.” She reached a hand out to Vestra who took it, her smile beaming true.
“Big deal,” shrugged Kylie. “That was a no-brainer. Anyone could see that. Right Uncle Vance?”
Three heads turned, three sets of eyes fixed on Kemp, who sat on the bedspread with his mouth slightly agape.
“NO?! You couldn’t tell?” Kylie was incredulous.
“Weh- Well, I-“ he stammered. “I had my suspicions, but, down at the… at the… thing downstairs… I figured, maybee… you’re bi?”
“Uhh-huh,” Marty smiled. “Any glimmer of hope to cling to, Kemp.”
He looked to Vestra who smiled at him with a sympathetic “poor you” expression. Then he looked back at Marty. “But… But…” Then he looked at Vestra again. And then again at Marty. “But you told me she was a virgin, but I… I… there was no… nothing…”
“No cherry?” Marty blurted.
“Yeah, that,” Kemp said, blushing slightly.
“I never said she was a virgin, I said, ‘She’s never been with a guy before.’ We dykes… you know, there’s these things called dildos we use on each other when we fuck.”
Kemp smiled uncertainly, sensing sarcasm. “What’s the point of that?”
“Whaddaya mean, ‘What’s the point?’ It’s female physiology. It feels fuckin’ great having something stuffed up there!”
Kylie snorted at Marty’s crude but frank talk.
“Yeah, but it just proves you like penises,” he stated confidently, though he sensed he was on thin ice. “Why not just get the real thing?”
“Yeah, we like the penis. We just don’t like dicks.”
Kylie let out a hearty guffaw.
Kemp wrinkled his brow curiously. He sensed that Marty was trying to rile him, but he needed only to look at her tits jiggling as she moved, and nothing seemed to bother him.
Vestra chimed in. “Be nice, now, babe,” she said to Marty. “What she means,” she said to Kemp, “is that we like the concept of the penis, the physicality of it, we just don’t care for the brain attached to it.”
“You could do without the men,” Kylie encapsulated the discussion.
“Yeah,” said Marty, sarcastically. “Men. Who needs ‘em?” Everyone laughed easily.
“Until we want a baby,” Vestra said. “Science hasn’t figured a way around that one, yet.”
“Fuckin’ men!” Marty growled clownishly. More laughter.
Kemp said, “Well, I don’t fancy myself any kind of stud, but you both seemed pretty happy with my …uhh, with me, downstairs.”
“Oh, Kemp!” Marty sighed. “Okay, look. I’ll be straight with ya. Ten, twelve years ago I was a university wild child, fuckin’ just about any guy that looked at me twice. My god,” she shook her head and stared at something on the carpet. “Those were crazy times! I can still look back on those days and get wet over the memories of all the cock I got. But on into third year I realized something was missing in all that fucking, and fucking more wasn’t getting me any closer to finding it. My grades were poor — I barely made it through that year — and I destroyed a lot of friendships along the way.
“Then, in the final year, cruisin’ for the rocks, I accepted a professor’s suggestion I get a tutor for Calculus — because out of all that mess, I knew I wanted to be an airline pilot — and my grade to that point wasn’t even good enough to get me into airline stewardess school! So, he introduced me to this gorgeous Kiwi girl, Robin. I couldn’t nail down the feeling at the time, but we just clicked and …well, long story short, we found ourselves on her kitchen floor with our faces in each other’s muff, and I realized I had been angry-fucking all those fellas all pissed off that I wasn’t falling in love with any of ‘em the way all the fairy tales growing up told me I would! That girl filled me up in ways no guy ever did. And, you know, of course I thought I was ‘going through a phase,’” she bracketed her sarcasm with hooked fingers in the air, “and ‘experi-menting,’ but Robin broke through without even trying and allowed me to see past the expectations put on me by society and understand what I had been repressing practically my entire life to that point. And, still, just to make sure, I went on a tear through the men’s dormitories the last couple of weeks before graduation only to realize what Robin opened my eyes to was true.
“So, yeah, Kemp, I know a good fuck when I get one.” She finished with a facial expression that read “I didn’t intend to share that much, but there it is.”
“And… and…” Vestra stammered nervously, “to be truthful, Marty and I have discussed this …what we have between us …could be impermanent. I could change…”
“We all evolve at our own pace,” Marty injected. “I’m hyper sexual, and I learned fairly early on who I was, sexually. Vestra comes from an environment of sexual repression. She’s never been with a man — well, never had been with a man — and because of that and because of my experience coming up, I’ve felt she hasn’t seen the full picture. My conscience warns me that, as I take that dildo, shaped and contoured and sculpted to look exactly like a well-endowed man’s dick, and I stuff it up her cooch to make her feel incredible, is she ever going to wonder what it’s like with a real dick attached to an actual man? She assures me that she won’t, but she doesn’t know. Love is love, but the fucking is different. I won’t say one or the other is better; each has its pros and cons when compared.
“Since we fell for each other, I’ve proposed that she experiment; find a fella she likes, let nature take its course, ride that pony around the pen a few times, and assess her feelings then.
“I love that girl,” Marty pointed at Vestra with her thumb, “and I want her to be happy. If her being happy means being with someone other than me, then so be it. She’s too precious a soul to be burdened with a life she assumed was hers to live before she knew of every opportunity for her happiness.
“But we’ve never found the right time. Or the right fella. So when she told me about this fucking fertility festival …or fertility fucking festival, as it turns out…” Marty chuckled at her own humor, “I knew this was the opportunity. Sorry, Kemp, but I have to admit you wouldn’t have been my first choice for Vestra’s first straight fuck, but I did notice how you looked at her with a look in your eyes of fascination rather than lust or impending conquest. And I saw how you treated Kylie, how you sought to protect her, and how hard you struggled to keep from looking at our tits bouncing around in front of your face because I know how crazy American men are about tits. And it’s not like we really had any choice in the matter, but I said to Vestra, ‘This is it, babe. Kemp’s your sample. Don’t think of this fuck festival as a punishment or a violation; think of it as the moment of truth.’
“And god damn if I wasn’t wrong about you, Kemp!” Marty slapped her thighs with both hands. “Gentle when you needed to be, and a nice, thick cock with enough to go around for three women’s screaming orgasms!” She glanced at Kylie who was blushing at the memory. She winked at her. “You’re a real trooper, kid.”
Marty stood. “And with that, I think it’s time we call it a night. Vestra and I are up early for the airfield, and we have a lot to talk about tonight.”
Marty stepped to Kylie and gave her a brief hug, and the standard double cheek kiss, and she did the same with Kemp. Then Vestra approached him. Her arms came up, her elbows at her ribs, and he matched her. They lightly grasped each other’s forearms. He turned his head slightly to offer his cheek to Vestra’s, but she diverted her head and met him with her lips on his. It happened quickly and he was barely able to react before she broke it off, her eyes meeting his seriously as she stepped away to Kylie, and then he witnessed the same goodnight between Vestra and his niece.
The two women wheeled the room service cart out into the hallway as they exited with one final call of good night to him and to Kylie as the door closed.
“Wow!” sighed Kylie. “What a night!”
“Oh, god, Kylie!” The immensity of the evening’s activities began to bear down on Kemp. “I’m so sor—“
“Shh.” Kylie stepped to him and grasped his face in her hands and kissed him tenderly but briefly on his mouth. Then she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, stretching, pulling her taut, naked body against his. “Don’t apologize,” she cooed into his ear. “It was actually amazing!” She hugged him tighter.
He responded, his arms curling around her smooth, bare back, her tits spreading across his chest as they were pressed between them. “I’m glad you feel that way, but your first time should have been in a romantic, fantasy setting with the man of your dreams.
Kylie spoke softly into her uncle’s ear, ”But it was.”
“Huh?” An odd shiver braced Kemp’s body.
She relaxed her grip and, as he released her from his she stepped backward, a serious look in her eyes as they met his, and he felt something sliding along the top of his cock.
“Ooop!” Kylie giggled as she stepped away from him, and his cock, now erect — somehow again — sprang up from between her thighs.
“Well, hello!” Kylie giggled at his penis as though it were a precocious puppy. He saw a brief twinkle in her eyes as they again met his, and then it faded. “Okay, I’m hitting the shower.” She turned for the bathroom and disappeared around the corner.
Kemp sighed deeply as he sat on his bed. His hands came to his forehead and covered his eyes. “Holy FUCK!” he whispered loudly, and he fell back on his pillow as the images of the immediate past hours replayed in his head.
Disturbed, he opened his eyes to darkness and Kylie’s voice. “Up… up… there you go.” He felt warmth cover him and then soothing heat tucking against his left side and wrapping around him, his left arm wrapping around it. And then the fertility fucking festival resumed play in his dream.


As a sensation of pleasure embraced Kemp’s being, an amalgam of women’s faces swam before his eyes as one, as a disjointed and electronically distorted voice belted out utterances he at once understood and did not, and a searing hot grip consumed his cock head. The woman before his eyes who was every woman he ever knew but no one he recognized smiled at him dreamily and uttered those electronic distortions. Then her eyes locked on his and she gave an unexpectedly clear and present, undistorted grunt. His eyes opened on the patio door, sunlight blazing on the curtains, and felt a weight atop him. He turned his head and found Kylie there, her face just above his, her eyes closed, smiling lustfully, as her tight, wet cunt swallowed his swollen, aching cock to his balls.
“Unnngghh!” she growled, smiling and licking her lips as she savored the sensation.
“Kylie! NO!” Alarmed, Kemp reached up for her shoulders, but she rested on her hands on either side of him, outside of his shoulders and when he lifted his arms, he battered her arms out from underneath her, and she fell onto his chest, giggling as his cock slid part way out of her. She wrapped her arms around and underneath his neck, holding herself tightly to his body, and she bowed her back, driving her pussy down onto him and seated him fully inside.
“MMmmm!” she moaned throatily. “I dreamed all night about yesterday evening! I just had to feel your penis inside me again!”
“Honey, we can’t do this!”
“Why not?” she cooed into his chest as she arched her back and drew a few inches of his cock out of her. “We did it last night!”
“Last night was different! We had no choice!” He gasped as she reversed her motion again and her pussy lips kissed his pubic bone. “UUUUHHHNNgggghh!”
“Oh, the girls were right!” she raised her head to look into his eyes. “It feels so much better this time!” She raised her pussy and lowered again, wetly massaging his cock in her tight flesh.
“Kylie,” her uncle protested — weakly, he noticed.
“Shh!” she scolded. She rocked gently forward — sliding him again a few inches out of her — and kissed him on his mouth, her tongue licking at his lips, and he regrettably responded by parting them and freeing his tongue to wrestle with hers. She lifted herself a bit higher for a more direct angle for kissing and she gasped. “OOOH! I like it this way!” She began bouncing her hips up and down over his, rapidly popping her uncle’s cock into and out of her pussy, which generated more giggles and coos from her chest.
After a few seconds of that, Kemp surrendered, groaning disgustedly at himself as he gave in to his lust. “God, DAMN it!” He wrapped his arms tightly around his niece’s back and rolled to his left, momentarily pinning her right leg and right arm beneath them, and put her on her back.
“Oh! OHH!” she exclaimed as he pegged her to the mattress with his swollen cock.
He reared back onto his knees, grabbed Kylie’s legs, and placed her calves on either side of his neck, and then he leaned forward again, placing his hands on the mattress to either side of her shoulders, forcing her ass to tip upward. Lost in his desire, he began pounding his cock into his niece’s tiny, tight, inexperienced pussy like a pile-driver, his pelvis and hips and balls crashing repeatedly against her stretched ass with a slapping sound that, somewhere deep in his consciousness, he imagined could be heard all the way down on the beach. Not to mention Kylie’s screams.
Her uncle drove into her pussy again and again, and with each thrust pushing his thick cock into her and filling her fully, Kylie let out loud yelps that reverberated within the room. “OH! GOD! YES! UNCLE! VANCE! YES! JUST! LIKE! THAT! OH! GOD! DAMN! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!”
He wanted to come, badly. He was torn between the wrongness of having sexual intercourse with his niece and the impossibly hot, tight young woman he was fucking. He wanted to come, to get this over with, and to try to reset his relationship with his niece, to get it back to what it used to be, to what it’s supposed to be. He wanted to come, right NOW, but the previous evening’s activity had left him absolutely drained and there was no sensation whatsoever of impending orgasm, just the prolonged delicious sensation of a hot, wet, impossibly tight pussy sucking on his cock as he rammed it in and out.
He drove and drove and drove his turgid pole into his niece, feeling no closer to orgasm, yet feeling the most dizzying pleasure coursing thought his body. Beneath him, Kylie was reduced to long, sobbing moans as her own body was wracked with the throbbing sensations triggered by her uncle’s flesh piston.
Suddenly she looked up at him, an expression almost of fear in her eyes as she gasped, and then the veins in her neck and forehead expanded and pulsed and her face turned red. Her legs contracted powerfully, pulling at his strong shoulders and shortening the strokes of his steel-hard cock stuffing into her red-hot hole. And then she screamed, her head thrashing left and right, her ass rubbing up and down against his belly and hips in the pattern her body demanded of his to bring her internal explosion to the fore.
After holding herself rigid, panting, for nearly a minute, her legs finally released him, and he was able to resume his cadence of sliding the full length of his cock out of, and then back into her suddenly noticeably slicker pussy. Then she went completely slack, tears welling in her eyes and now truly sobbing.
Kemp panicked and reared up fully to his knees, and Kylie’s legs spread and fell off his shoulders, and her pussy released him, his cock springing free and flinging her juices in a wild arc over her body. She rolled to her left and curled up into a fetal ball. “Oh, no! Kylie! I’m so sorry!” He frantically dropped down to console her, instinctively spooning in behind her to wrap his arms around her body, wet with perspiration, and hug her tight. “What’s wrong, honey? What did I do? I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
“Hurt me?” Kylie sniffled. “You didn’t hurt me.”
“Well, then, what’s wrong? What did I do?”
“I have never felt so fucking incredible in my life! It just welled up on me and I couldn’t stop. I’m sorry if I scared you.” She pressed her elbow into his belly, which made him roll slightly away from her, and she slid her right hand over her hip to his still-rock-hard cock he had absently pressed against her ass. She grasped him tightly, reminding him just how hard and horny he was, and she guided the head of it to the dripping entrance of her pussy, and then pushed herself back onto it.
With a groan, Kemp fell to his side and resumed fucking his seemingly suddenly insatiable niece. He reached over her right hip and slid his hand down her belly, realizing as he did so that, aside from sucking on her tits and briefly licking her pussy last night, he hadn’t so much as touched her before. His fingers slid through the sparse fuzz of her pubis and snaked through the slippery folds of flesh and found her budding clit, hard and firm and riding the underside of his dick.
Kylie gasped at his touch, and her body shuddered anew as another orgasm wracked her being, another pathetic wail sang from her throat, and another surge of her orgasm juice lubricated his cock.
Kemp switched his arm position and wrapped it around her, and he rolled onto his back, pulling her with him, his cock never leaving her sucking hole, and he lay on his back with her on her back atop him. He slid his hands down to her slick, sweaty hips and fucked into her from below. She pointed her heels to the ceiling and spread her legs, and her hands flew to her crotch to continue the frigging of her clit that her uncle had started.
After only a few strokes, Kylie sat up and her pussy swallowed Kemp’s cock to the root again and he, for the first time since his dick slid into her this morning, felt the tell-tale tingle in his balls.
He placed his hands on Kylie’s back and pushed her gently forward. “Put your feet on the bed, by my hips.” She complied. He placed his hands under her taut ass cheeks, palms up and lifted gently. “Put your hands on my knees and bounce your ass on my cock.”
“Like Marty did last night!” She did it instantly expertly, lifting her ass off of him, sliding his cock out of her until just the tip remained enveloped in her pink canal, and then quickly back down to fully consume him again. “Oooh!” was all she said, and her pace doubled instantaneously.
“Ooohyeeahhunnngh!” Kemp gurgled as he squeezed his niece’s firm, sweat-covered ass cheeks. He reveled in the sensations vibrating through his aching cock as Kylie bounced and savaged his midsection, his balls sloshing and rocking with each impact of her ass to his hips. He then felt his scrotum tighten, drawing his balls up close to his body, and a wave of ecstasy wash up from deep within.
“Oh! Uncle Vance! I’m… I… ahhh… AHHH. AAAAHHHH!” She hunched her back, glinting with diffuse morning sunlight through the patio curtain, her shoulders between her knees as she let out a girlish squeal and slammed her ass down firmly. Again her body trembled mightily as another orgasm tore through her. In this position, Kemp could feel her pussy throbbing and contracting the entire length of him buried to the balls in her, as though it were truly sucking on his cock to get at his cum. And it might as well have been doing just that, because in the next instant the sensation and the tingling in his balls overwhelmed him, and he exploded in a tremendous burst of ecstasy he could feel blasting her cervix and splashing back over and around the head in jet after pulsing jet of hot cum.
Kylie went limp again and almost slipped off sideways, but Kemp, in his own stupor, managed to catch her and pull her down to him, her sweat-slick back against his soaked chest, and they lay there panting with his hands cupped over her titties, his fingers rubbing gentle circles over and around her nipples.
“We really shouldn’t do this,” he panted in her right ear.
“If it feels like this every time?” she marveled. “Just try and stop me!”
He wrapped his arms around her fully and nuzzled her neck, kissing her gently there. She squirmed her approval, her ass wiggling atop his pelvis, and her pussy stroking his still rock-hard cock, still stuffed almost to the hilt inside her. He responded by rocking his hips upward and pushing the remaining inch or so of his cock into her. Immediately, he felt a warm trickle over his balls, and realized the commingling of his cum and her juices were oozing out of her cunt around his cock.
“We’ve made a mess,” Kemp cooed to her. “We should get cleaned up.” He unwrapped her from his arms and placed his hands under her shoulders and pushed her gently upward. She sat up and was seated once again with his cock jammed to the balls in her pussy.
“Mmmmm…” she moaned. She wiggled a bit, then she twisted her torso to look into her uncle’s eyes, her blond hair falling, messy, to her shoulders which gave her a coquettish look. Her eyes closed to dreamy slits as she forced motion on his cock. Then she leaned gently to her right side and kicked her left leg over his left leg, and followed with her right, spinning on his cock like a door on a hinge.
Sparks flew again in Kemp’s brain as the twisting sensation of Kylie’s pussy around his cock brought a completely new experience to him. She completed the 180 degree turn and, her knees astride his belly, she lay down on him, her small, firm titties spreading between them. She rocked her hips and pulled him out halfway, a slurping sound filling the room. And then she lowered onto him again.
“I want more!”
Surprisingly enough to him — especially after the performance last night — he felt ready to give her more! He slid his hands down her back to grasp her ass again, holding her firmly in place while he pushed his cock through her cum-slick cunt.
“Unghh god, yes, Uncle Vance!” she groaned wantonly. “Fuck me some more!”
A loud rap on their hotel door startled them to a standstill.
They lay quiet for several seconds, motionless save for Kemp’s cock and Kylie’s cunt throbbing excitedly into one another. Then another knock on the door.
“Yes?” Kemp called out.
“Are you two done in there?” came Vestra’s reply.
With the whispered laugh of a mischievous child caught, he pressed on Kylie’s arm to encourage her to slide off of him. The sensation of his clock sliding out of her made both of them groan sadly, and Kylie kissed his fleeting lips as she rolled from him onto the bedsheets.
Kemp stood and pulled on first his underwear and then his shorts as though he hadn’t spent the entire evening before completely naked with the woman. Kylie remained naked and spread-eagle on her back atop the bed.
He opened the door and Vestra walked in, her hair pulled back in an elastic tie to lift her hair off her shoulders, which accentuated her smooth neck and alluring jaw line. “Good morning, wooly man!” she said, stepping to him and rubbing his scruffy cheek with the palm of her right hand. Despite the activities of the evening before, Kemp still couldn’t keep his eyes from lingering on her chest as she walked past him, a knowing smile playing across her face. “Sounds like you two were having fun.”
“Well…” he stammered.
“Mm-hmmm!” Kyle hmm-ed suggestively as Vestra plopped onto the edge of the bed.
There followed an awkward silence until Kemp managed to tear his eyes away from the syrupy nakedness that was Vestra. “Hey, I thought you and Marty were off to the airport this morning.”
“Nah,” Vestra sighed. “I mean, she did, but she left me to sleep in a bit.” Vestra looked around the room, at Kylie propped against the headboard with her legs spread wide, and then at Kemp. “Have you two had breakfast, yet?”
“Eh… no, we hadn’t gotten that far, yet,” Kemp muttered, sheepishly. “Let me wash up a bit—“ He touched his cheek where Vestra had greeted him moments earlier. “And I probably should shave. The hotel did provide a razor and some cream. Give me ten minutes?”
“Sure,” Vestra shrugged. “I’m not in any hurry.”
Moments later, his face once again smooth — or as smooth as the cheap razor the hotel had provided could manage — Kemp shut off the water tap and mopped his face with a towel. After a few seconds he noticed it was quiet. Had Vestra and Kylie abandoned him for breakfast? Then he heard a somewhat muffled voice, and he assumed they had stepped out to the balcony to soak in the sun and fresh air.
Still dabbing at his face with the towel, he stepped out of the bathroom where he heard an odd sound, like that of someone briefly blowing a raspberry, and a muffled voice from which he could make out no words. Then Vestra said, “Just do what you feel being done to you.” He emerged from the bathroom and rounded the corner into the main room and found Kylie lying on her back on the bed, her head toward the foot at the corner, and Vestra lying on top of her, knees straddling her head, and her face buried in her pussy. Vestra’s Khaki shorts and panties lay in a heap at the foot of the bed.
“Unngghh, yeah…” Kylie moaned, her neck craning, and her face turning outward — eyes closed and mouth open forming a relaxed “O” — from beneath Vestra’s soaking pussy. Kylie’s upper arms rested on Vestra’s calves, and her hands on Vestra’s ass cheeks and, after her brief moment of acute pleasure, she turned her face in and planted her lips firmly over Vestra’s dripping pussy hole.
“Ooof! Yeah!” Vestra grunted. “Suck on my clit like that!” She rocked her hips gently, grinding her clit against Kylie’s lips and tongue. Then Kylie moaned anew, rocking her head face-outward again. “Hm-hm… feels good, yeah?”
“Mmmmyeahh,” Kylie mumbled before she dove into Vestra again.
“HOLY—!” Kemp dropped his towel and his mouth gaped open.
Kylie’s eyes opened at the sound of his voice, and she pulled her face away from Vestra to look at him. “Hi, Uncle Vance!” She smiled. “I asked Vestra what it was like to lick a girl’s pussy, and she’s showing m— nnnngghh!” Kylie’s eyes closed and her mouth opened again as Vestra interrupted her with some kind of oral magic.
Against all probability, after more fucking than he had ever done in a twelve-hour period at any other time in his life, Kemp once again felt his cock swell uncomfortably against his shorts.
Then Kylie slid her hand along Vestra’s bronze ass cheek and poked her thumb into her cunt, sliding it in slowly until her hand appeared to have no thumb at all. This caused Vestra’s back to bow upward as she appeared to try to jam even more of Kylie’s thumb into her.
Kemp was riveted by the display of his niece sixty-nining with perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever met, drilling her thumb into and out of her snatch. He unfastened the button of his khaki shorts to relieve his aching, overworked cock only to discover that his underwear also made him uncomfortable. His shorts now around his ankles, he stretched the waistband of his briefs down under his balls, which gave a bit of relief from the weight of his blood-engorged cock.
When Kylie eventually opened her eyes and saw him, he realized he had been standing there slowly stroking his cock. She smiled and stretched out her right arm to him and wiggled her fingers at his cock. He complied and stepped out of his shorts toward her hand and let her grip it, her warm fingers gently wrapping around him. She squeezed it a few times, and then said, “Do you want to fuck her?”
He felt his head bobble up and down subtly.
“Can my uncle fuck you?” she asked, seemingly speaking directly to Vestra’s vagina.
“Mmm-hmmm!” came Vestra’s reply from deep within Kylie’s labia. She attempted to reposition herself, but Kylie’s left hand pressed down on her back.
“No, no! Stay like this. I wanna see it going in!” Kylie tugged at Kemp’s cock and he stepped to the bed. She continued pulling, and he had to mount the bed on his knees either side of Kylie’s head, each knee between Vestra’s knee and Kylie’s ear. He let Kylie guide him all the way to Vestra’s waiting hole. He felt the juice- and saliva-slick tightness of her entrance as Kylie wiggled the head of his cock into position and, then, as he felt Vestra’s opening expand around the tip of it, Vestra rocked backward and his cockhead was swallowed up in a cocoon of searing heat.
“Oooff!” he grunted, and his hands came up involuntarily to Vestra’s waist to support the fucking that was about to commence. Vestra shifted forward a bit, her tight pussy pulling him forward with her, and then she rocked back again, pulling fully half his length into her. He gripped her hips more firmly and shoved his hips forward forcefully, and sank himself all the way until he felt the tight ring of her pussy opening against the base of his pubic bone and the rest of his cock throbbing in hot, moist ecstasy.
“Oops!” The intensity of the moment was broken by Kylie’s giggles.
Kemp paused with his cock still buried to the hilt in Vestra. “What’s so funny?”
“Your balls dragged over my nose!” Kylie cackled again.
He recalled a vague sensation at the bottom of his scrotum, but his focus had been on the furnace consuming his cock. “Sorry…”
“No, it’s okay!” she giggled again. “I just hadn’t considered them in my plans!”
“Well, if you like, we can change posi-OOOoooFFF!” He swooned as Kylie — taking her cue from the start of the festivities of the prior evening — sucked half of his scrotum into her mouth, her tongue batting the ball around gently. Kemp trembled from the onslaught of sensation and held his cock deep inside Vestra.
Suddenly Vestra flinched and chirped. “Ooh! Do that again! Lick my clitty with your uncle inside me!” Kylie did as she was told and Vestra gasped and moaned and ground her ass against Kemp’s pelvis. “Ah, FUCK! JESUS CHRIST, Kemp! Fuck me!”
He pulled back and unsheathed the full length of his dick, save for the very tip, and slammed it back into Vestra, this time keenly aware of his ball sac bouncing over the giggling Kylie’s nose. After only a few strokes, Vestra seized and went rigid, and then began to tremble while Kemp continued to drill her cunt and Kylie licked her nubbin.
With a mighty groan, Vestra pushed hard against Kemp and commenced to slam repeatedly backward into him as hard as he fucked into her, eliciting staccato screams from her as her orgasm gripped her. Finally, she went limp and slid forward, pulling him forward with her until he felt about to topple onto both women. He placed his hands down on the bed either side of them and Vestra’s cunt freed his cock and she rolled off of Kylie and onto her back beside them. “Whew, FUCK!”
Now on his hands and knees above his niece, he regarded her smooth, flat tummy that terminated at her sparse, matted wet pubes which seemed to poorly conceal her- “OOooFFFff!” Kylie sucked on his balls again, this time bringing her hands to his pussy-slickened shaft to squeeze him. His arms lowered his upper torso in order to accommodate his desire to watch his niece devour his balls, which brought his face within inches of her fuzzy pussy lips. He gazed upon them for a mere few seconds before he was consumed with the desire to bury his face in her. He crept forward a few inches to give his tongue comfortable access to her clit, sliding his knees forward to tilt his torso to a comfortable angle for his neck.
“OHH! Uncle Vance!” Kylie breathed when his tongue slapped her clit for the first time, her lips releasing his balls to the comparatively cool air of the room around them. With the fingers of his right hand he spread her taut lips and exposed her bright pink inner labia and gazed upon the glistening entrance to her body, the entrance he, only an hour earlier, had his cock stuffed into up to his balls. He pulled upward on her lips and stretched the soft, delicate, pink flesh there, which brought her smooth, innocent clitoris into full view. He lowered his face to it again, and opened his mouth and flicked it savagely with his tongue, eliciting an immediate squeal from his niece.
He felt Kylie squirm a bit, and then she pressed her head against his thigh. Her grip on his cock became firmer, and he felt — slightly painfully — a downward pressure exerted on it. Suddenly, with a brief “raspberry” from her lips, he felt the head of his cock consumed in her warm, wet mouth. “MMMmmmmm…” he grunted animalistically as Kylie’s lips slipped around and over him. She kept adjusting her body position beneath him, and he adjusted to try to accommodate what he thought she wanted until — apparently finding the angle she sought — her lips slid over most of his length. He locked his hips above her and let her bob her head up and down off the bed, sucking him deliciously while he continued to suck and lick at her clit.
He could resist the bright, glistening pink flesh of her inner lips no longer, so he extended his right middle finger and slowly slid it over her clit and into the opening of her body. He felt her hips undulate slightly forward as though enticing the finger to enter her fully, and so he did, sinking it into her past the second knuckle. She gave a deep moan and another upward surge of her hips. He withdrew his finger and then pressed his ring finger against it, and sank both fingers into her. This caused her to gasp and grasp at him, with her hands coming up to his ass cheeks at the bottom of his back, while her stomach muscles rippled and drove her pussy onto his fingers. Something in her motion triggered a reflex in him, and his hips bucked, forcing his dick downward, and pinning Kylie’s head to the bedspread. In just the briefest of instants, he felt his cock head press against the top of her throat and slide downward all the way in, his balls just touching the tip of her nose before she gagged, her body bucking violently against the sudden blockage of her airway.
Horrified at what he had done, Kemp quickly jerked his ass upward, removing himself completely from Kylie’s mouth. Kylie retched and coughed beneath him, one hand grasping his dick firmly as if to keep it away from her mouth.
“What the fuck, Uncle Vance?” Kylie said, dazedly coughing and laughing.
“Oh, god! I’m sorry, Sweetie!” he said. “I… It… Whatever you did felt too good. It was like an instinctive response. I don’t know. Here…” He slid his hands under both her ass cheeks and rolled over, pulling her over with him until she lay atop him. “Now you’re in control.” Almost immediately she adjusted and resumed sucking on his cock. He pulled her pussy down onto his face and resumed sucking on her pussy.
He could feel Kylie’s inexperience as she licked and sucked and bobbed her head on his dick, doing what she thought she was supposed to do, so he encouraged her with moans of approval when she did something right, and silence when he didn’t care for what she did until, soon, she had his balls tingling.
Then he felt and heard the bed shake as Vestra got up. Barely above a whisper she said, “Can I try some?”
Kylie’s mouth paused with him deeply engorged, and he felt more than he heard her reply: “Mmm hmmm!” And suddenly he felt the cool air of the room around his cock. But not for long, as it was quickly absorbed in a new wet warmth. His response was immediate, his hips bucking upward and forcing more of himself into Vestra’s mouth. He didn’t imagine she had any more experience giving head than Kylie did, but she was somehow better at it.
He lapped contentedly at Kylie’s tiny, wet, pink pussy while the girls traded him back and forth between their mouths, experimenting with techniques to make him moan. Then they traded some whispers, and Kylie uttered an enthusiastic “Mmm Hmm!” She sat upright, her pussy mashing down over his mouth and nose, causing Kemp to push up on her ass cheeks to encourage her to kneel over his face rather than sit on it. The sequence of events made him oblivious to the other sensation of Vestra straddling him, until he felt her fingers grip his cock and guide it into her pussy. “UmmmmummmUNNnngghh!” he heard himself grunt into his niece’s pussy as his cock was enveloped in tight heat.
“OhOH! Ahhh, fuck!” Vestra cried as she sank down onto Kemp’s pelvis, causing him to involuntarily heave his hips upward. Above him, beyond the ass cheeks that practically dominated his view, he saw the bronze fingers of Vestra’s hands grip Kylie’s upper arms for support. Then he heard an alluring giggle, and then the lip-smacking sound of deep kissing. Mere seconds later, amid her pleasured moans, a new dollop of juices drooled from Kylie’s pussy onto his tongue.
The moans from his niece, the juices, the idea that she was making out with Vestra and getting wetter from it, plus the exquisite heat sliding up and down on his cock, all became too much, and Kemp felt his hands swing up and grasp Kylie’s ass cheeks and hold her firmly against his mouth to muffle his agonized grunts as his cock swelled and exploded inside Vestra. He heard her moaning and riding his cock frantically, but he could tell she didn’t come. When she stopped and rolled her weight off of him, he could feel that his cock was already limp. Dead. He was done.
Kylie giggled again, and she leaned forward and crawled away from Kemp who simply lay still listening to Vestra and Kylie make love without him.
After an indeterminate time punctuated with several orgasms between the two women, there came a knock at the door. Kemp got up, lazily held an abandoned towel around his waist and opened it.
Marty rushed past him. “Is Vestra in here? Get dressed! We gotta—“ She halted in her tracks when she saw Vestra intertwined with Kylie on the bed. “Ah. There you are. I kinda figured I’d find you here.” She turned around to look at towel-clad Kemp again, and then back at the two on the bed. “Everybody having fun with my girl?”
Kemp stammered sheepishly, the proverbial child with his fingers in the cookie jar. “Yeah… um…”
“Oh, don’t be ashamed about it! I was hoping she’d do this! Just…” It was Marty’s turn to stammer. “…I just didn’t expect to see such a contented look on her face, god damn you all!”
After a few awkward seconds of silence, Vestra started to giggle, and then everyone relaxed and joined her.
“Come on, babe!” Marty called to Vestra with outstretched arms. “I need you at the air strip. The prop’s arrived and their mechanic is putting it on as we speak. As long as nothing else rattled loose on the descent, we should be outa here by five o’clock! There’s some documents need signing, and my pidgin Naililaha is maxed out. You two,” she gestured to Kemp, “get your things together and wait for my call. Maybe get something to eat and wait downstairs. It’ll make it quicker to pick you up.”
“Excellent timing!” Kemp said. “We were all just about to head down for breakfast.”
“Breakfast?!” Marty stared at Kemp, a bemused expression on her face. “You may have missed lun— JESUS CHRIST, how long have you people been fucking?” Laughter peppered her speech.
Vestra disentangled herself from Kylie and scooped up her panties and khaki shorts. “It was amaaa-ziiiing!” she sang to Marty as she pulled on her clothes.
“Right. See you in a couple of hours.” Marty turned for the door with Vestra on her heels, and in seconds they were gone.
Kemp turned to Kylie to find her crawling quickly toward him on the bed. Then she leapt into his arms. “We’re going home!” She hugged him tightly and then kissed him on his lips platonically. Her eyes met his deeply, and she kissed him again on his mouth, her tongue licking at his lips until he obliged, and they made out passionately for several seconds.
When they broke, he held her in his arms and lost himself in her eyes. “You know this stops here, right?” Kylie nodded, disappointed. “You can never tell your parents about this.”
Kylie smirked and snorted. “You think I’d tell them about this?” She looked down between them, at her bare tits pressed into his chest. “Or this?” She gently ground her belly against his flaccid cock.
He laughed a puff of air through his nose then leaned down and kissed her mouth again, briefly. “Let’s get dressed and eat.”


“We shouldn’t be doing this,” he had said, gazing into her adoring eyes as she gobbled his painfully rigid cock into her hungry mouth.
“Oh, god. Don’t start that again!” she had said, momentarily pausing her oral manipulations. On her knees, her dress hiked up over her hips, she had resumed sucking him through the fly of his slacks. Pleasure consumed him and he rocked his head over his right shoulder and took in the San Francisco skyline.
As if the prior six months hadn’t been an agony of anticipation and planning for this trip, the additional concern and apprehension — and excitement — of seeing his niece again after more than a year made them almost unbearable.
Their arrival back on Nagap after that tumultuous week had been comparably uneventful. Their unanticipated stay on Nailil had eaten up most of the remainder of their vacation and, after saying their good-byes to Marty and Vestra, they had only two more days with Kylie’s parents before heading back to the U.S. — two days of stolen glances and yearning that the world they had returned to would not understand or tolerate.
Upon their return home, Kemp had resumed his life 30 miles away from his brother’s home, enough of a distance for he and Kylie to keep space between them. They saw each other again briefly at the going away party her parents threw for her before the start of her first semester at UK, but, fortunately, her friends kept her busy, and Kemp was able to make a brief goodbye and an early exit. Since then they had kept in touch through e-mails and the occasional phone call. Until their letters from Mary and Vestra had arrived.
He knew the moment he had seen Kylie in the hotel lobby, wearing her tight blue mini-dress and white stiletto pumps, that he had already lost the fight. The layover in San Francisco was a flimsy excuse. There were other flights. It was worthwhile to reacquaint, converse at more depth about what was going on in their lives, have a nice dinner, and to see if he would be able to keep his hands off her.
He would not. There wasn’t even a dinner or conversation.
“So my parents bought the Christmas break with sorority sisters story,” she said from the seat next to him on the plane as they waited for the rest of the passengers to board. She wore a different outfit, a sunny t-shirt with a short skirt and flats, daring in the late fall U.S. weather but ideal for the late spring New Zealand weather that awaited them. It still took Kemp some getting used to seeing her dressed at all, as his clearest memories of her the past year had remained the topless or naked Kylie on Nailil. All he thought, now, was that he would have to endure her delectable body right next to him for the next 24 or so hours before he could touch her again.
“What did you tell them? Did they invite you over for the holidays?”
This was better, he thought. Dinner and conversation last night would have been distracted and strained, each of them knowing they simply wanted to consume each other. They had more than an entire day ahead of them on a couple different planes for conversation.
“Yeah, they invited me, but I’m on an important business junket in Europe, after which I’m going to spend the holiday roasting on a beach in Dubai. And I am going to miss you terribly.”

The next day — two days later by the calendar — Kylie and Kemp stepped, exhausted, from the Immigration terminal at Auckland International Airport to hoots and hollers from one woman in the crowd of people awaiting their own loved ones. Marty rushed toward them and, again, Kemp was struck by how odd she looked with clothes covering her body.
“G’Day, you two!” she beamed, looking absolutely thrilled to see them. “How was the trip?”
Kylie feigned collapse against her uncle. “Oh, god,” Kemp sighed. “Destroyed. This was worse than the trip last year to Nagap. Maybe twice in two years is too much.”
“Nah, You’ll perk up once you see Vestra. She’s looking so forward to seeing you both!”
“How long a drive?” Kylie asked as Marty took her suitcase handle from her and dragged it through the lobby.
“A couple hours, unfortunately.” Kemp basked in Marty’s warm Aussie lilt as they walked. “Maybe you can catch a nap in the car on the way.”

A little over two hours later they rolled up to a modest home in a quiet neighborhood some distance from the bay that had accompanied them for much of the last hour of the drive. Kemp had ridden in the passenger seat of Marty’s car while Kylie stayed in the rear seat, where she had promptly fallen asleep and remained so until several minutes before they arrived.
As they deposited their things in the living room of the home Kemp looked at the spartan accommodations and said, “Really, Marty, we could’ve booked a hotel. We don’t want to put you out like this.”
“Shut up!” Marty cackled. “You’re family, here. I wouldn’t dare put you out in a hotel!”
“Well, that’s incredibly kind of you, Marty,” he said. He looked around some more. “So, where’s Vestra? Is she here?”
“Oh, yeah, she’s here. She’s preparing something for you. A bit of a surprise.” Marty turned and faced the rest of the house. “Vestra, dear? Are you ready?”
A muffled reply came from somewhere beyond the living room, followed by the sound of a door opening and then closing, and the subtle creaks of a wooden floor with someone walking gingerly, barefoot along its planks. Then Vestra appeared in the archway of the hall leading from the living room, clutching a gorgeous, plump little baby in an orange onesie.
Kylie gasped. “Oh, my goodness!” She ran the few short steps to Vestra. “And who are you, ya little cutie?”
Kemp smiled at the little chub. “She’s an adorable little thing! Are you babysitting?”
Marty smiled at him and then looked at Vestra, who smiled back at her.
“And what is your name, scrumptious little button?” Kylie cooed at the child.
Vestra took a deep breath. “She’s Kylie Kemp White-Poole Hauser.”
“Ohhh,” Kylie melted. “She has the same na—“ Kylie gasped ant stood bolt erect, then looked wide-eyed and mouth agape at Kemp.
“What?” he said to Kylie, his eyes going wide with concern.
“She has our names,” Kylie said to him. Then she turned to Marty, who had sidled up to Vestra and the baby. “She has our names!”
“If she had come out a he, he woulda been Kemp Kyle.”
“OH MY GOD!” Kylie was beside herself, choking back the tears that were winning the fight. “Is this your baby?!”
Marty smiled and looked at Vestra, who quite practically beamed, tears welling up in her own eyes.
“Oh, Uncle Vance!” Kylie blubbered before she broke into sobs and ran to Marty and Vestra and wrapped her arms around them. “She has our names!”
“Whatwhat… why did you name your baby after us?”
“Oh, Kemp. Forever slow. I told ya. Yer family.” She squeezed Kylie’s arm to get her to break her embrace, and she wrapped her arm around Vestra’s waist, nudging her to accompany her on the short walk to him. “Vance Kemp. Meet your daughter.”


“It’s probably the jet lag more than anything else,” Marty said as she rushed from the kitchen with a glass of water, “but it’s definitely quite a shock. I don’t know any other way we could have broken the news to you.” She arrived at the sofa and handed the water to Kemp, who had practically collapsed upon learning he had fathered Vestra’s child. “We definitely didn’t want to tell you in a letter or a phone call. And we definitely couldn’t NOT tell you.”
Kemp looked to his right and gazed upon his niece bouncing the baby on her knee. “You’re my gorgeous little baby cousin, aren’t you!” she cooed into her face. Kylie looked at her uncle. “You want to hold her?”
“Hold her?” he stammered, “Uh… I, uh…”
Vestra stepped to Kylie and took the baby, and then placed her on his lap.
“She’s so agreeable!” Kylie said. ”And so adorable! Aren’t you!” she cooed at the kid some more.
Kemp looked down at the baby in his arms and could feel his heart melting. He looked at Marty, then Vestra. “So how did… how did…?”
“How did she get pregnant?” Marty asked, sarcastically. “Gee, I dunno. Let me think about that for a minute.”
Everyone giggled a bit.
“It’s amazing that you didn’t knock all three of us up in those weird, crazy couple of days!”
Marty stepped to Kemp and took Kylie the younger from him and set her on the floor where she promptly crawled to Vestra. “There are some discussion we need to have, but that can wait until dinner, after you both have rested up a bit, maybe a nap.”
Marty grasped the handle of Kylie the elder’s suitcase and rolled it away toward the hallway, and Kemp and Kylie rose and followed her with his suitcase in tow.

Kemp was awakened by the sensation of Kylie snuggling up next to him on the bed, naked and freshly showered. “I find it interesting that they put us up in the same room, no questions asked,” she said, resting her chin on his chest. “Don’t you?”
“Well,” he said, caressing her wet hair at the back of her head, “the last time they saw us we were like a couple of rabbits. We left that whole taboo thing in a trampled heap behind us. They probably figured we never stopped.”
“But we did.”
“Necessarily so, for appearances’ sake. I’ve kept my distance because I knew I’d never be able to keep my hands off you, and around family, that’s a dangerous thing.”
“But every time we’re together, you say, ‘We shouldn’t be doing this.’”
“Because we shouldn’t, by all sorts of rules, laws, and moral decency. But what have I done every single time I’ve said it?”
“Hmm-hmm…” Kylie laughed and smiled demurely, and then she slid up and kissed him softly on the mouth. “You’ve fucked me cross-eyed.” She slid her left hand down over his belly, his belt, and atop the fly of his jeans, rubbing the growing lump within.
“Ah-ah!” he shook his head. He lifted his head and kissed her briefly on the mouth. “I have to shower, and we have to get ready for dinner.” She rose with him, and he placed his right palm on her left breast and squeezed it softly, and kissed her once more on the mouth, lingering a bit longer. “Jesus fucking christ, you’re like a drug!”
He stood and undressed, and she clownishly pouted at his swollen cock as it waggled in front of him while he pulled off the last of his clothes and made his way to the guest bathroom.

Dinner was a minor feast put on by Vestra’s mother, Tanela, and brought back to Kemp the wonderful, exotic aromas and flavors of their three days stranded on that upside-down and backward island. He was in the middle of drying the heap of dishes after he had offered to help clean up when Tanela graciously relieved him of the task and bade him return to the others’ company.
He settled down on the sofa with a glass of red wine, and Kylie snuggled up against him, claiming the nook under his right arm. “Your mum’s a sweetheart!”
“Yes she is,” replied Vestra. “And you’re a darling for helping her clean up.”
“Yeah, Kemp,” barked Marty in her tone that signaled impending sarcasm. “I was wrong about you from the start.”
The group indulged in idle chit chat, mainly questions from the American guests about New Zealand and the North Island community Vestra and Marty now called home, while Kylie the elder and Kemp traded holding and playing with the baby. When Kylie the younger began to fuss, Tanela appeared from beyond the living room. “Pe nene tauntong Kylie?”
“Yes, mama. Pu le taun. Thank you.”
Tanela swooped down and whisked the cranky baby away, muttering soupy gibberish at her — or was it Naililaha? Kemp would never know.
Seated in the love seat opposite the sofa where Kemp and Kylie sat, Marty and Vestra looked at each other nervously and sighed. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became awkward.
“What?” Kemp sensed it. “What’s wrong?”
“Telling you about Kylie — baby Kylie,” Vestra struggled. “We both viewed it as a huge risk.”
“Risk?” Kemp was perplexed. “Why risk? How?”
“Well, she’s your baby. While we both felt you needed to know about her, we also feared you might try to take her away from us.”
“Take her away?! Why would I do that? I couldn’t do that!”
“That’s what I said to her,” Marty piped in. “But as we discussed it, I realized it’s a flip of a coin.”
“Family law, here, is fairly balanced. It doesn’t place supposition of care on the mother. It only takes a halfway decent solicitor to massage precedent, and we’re suddenly sharing custody.”
“And the US is viewed here as a sort of Shangri-La for children,” Marty added, “so, with her American heritage clearing the immigration hurdle, the Kiwi courts might easily hand her over to you.”
“So, you’ve studied this.”
“Good god, have we studied this!” Marty cried. “How many times?” She looked frantically at Vestra. “How many times after we decided to tell him did we decide not to tell him?” Vestra smiled exasperatedly. “How many times did we decide we should move to the US, instead?” She looked again at Kemp. “Because we wanted you to know. We wanted you to have the opportunity to be in her life. Because this kid is gonna have questions. And we don’t want her answers to be fading photographs in dusty old books of a man she’s never met.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry about me,” Kemp said. “I’m divorced with no children, I live in a two-bedroom condo, I’m a bit of a workaholic, and I don’t know the first thing about raising a child. I don’t even have a pet for fear the poor thing would starve to death! I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that there’s a kid crawling around this world with my DNA inside her!”

Several hours later in the guest bedroom, Kylie slithered up Kemp’s naked body, her chin and cheeks wet with her saliva after sucking his cock to rigid attention. She pressed her lips to his, and he opened them, and she sucked on his tongue while she slid his aching hard-on into her hot cunt.
She settled into her position on her hands and knees over her uncle and slowly worked him in and out of her hole. “You were so sweet with Kylie tonight,” she said around pleasured grunts.
He slid his hands over Kylie’s impossibly smooth ass cheeks. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she panted. “I think you’d make a great daddy.”
“Mmmm…” he sighed. “You sure about that? ungghh. I’m a terrible uncle.” Kylie snorted, her diaphragm convulsing and causing her pussy muscles to clench. “Ooohhf!” He started pumping his hips upward to shove his dick inside his niece.
“You should think about ways to keep her in your life.”
Kemp slid his right hand up between their bodies and pressed against Kylie’s left tit, and she lifted her chest to give him access. “You’re awfully chatty tonight.” He squeezed her breast, forcing her nipple to protrude through the ring created by his thumb and forefinger. He sucked ravenously on it.
“I’m serious,” she said as she arched her back to try to force more of her tit into his mouth and doubled the pace of her gyrating hips, forcing her pussy onto the full length of his throbbing cock and back out in a quick, staccato rhythm. “Every girl needs a daddy.”
Kemp grunted and released his suction on her tit, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her down onto him. He sucked briefly on her smooth, long neck, groaned a long breath, and then locked his hips in their upward position while his cock delivered the load from his balls in powerful spurts into her tiny, clutching snatch.
They lay panting for several minutes, and then Kylie slid off of him to snuggle at his side. “Hmm-hmm…” she laughed seductively.
“Now baby Kylie isn’t the only kid crawling around in the world with your DNA inside her!”
Kemp snorted and rolled toward her, gently pushing her to a spooning position. “You’re terrible!”
“Just like you,” she giggled as she wiggled her ass into position against his pelvis. “I’m a terrible niece.”

The conversations of that first evening played back often in Kemp’s mind throughout the rest of the week leading up to the wedding. He and Kylie enjoyed the local sights by day, but they spent their evenings dining and chatting with Vestra and Marty, and playing with Kylie the younger, and the nights wracking their bodies to mutual exhaustion. The more time he spent with them, the less he thought back to the wild three days he spent with them on Nailil, and the more he felt himself falling in love with them, with Marty’s and Vestra’s strong drive to be a family, with his niece’s incomprehensible desire to be with him, and with his beautiful baby daughter.
His words from their first night in country began to ring hollow in his ears. His baby had crawled into his heart. With each day that passed he found himself dreading the day that drew nearer when he and Kylie would board the plane heading home.


It was so inauspicious that Kemp thought it laughable, but it’s how most great ideas start. He had vowed to himself before the trip that he would leave work at home for the most part, but he had acknowledged to himself — and had promised the senior partners — that he would check his e-mail every few days in case any fires had to be put out. For his peace and quiet, Marty had cleared space on her desk in their office for him to place his laptop.
He woke it up and opened the network settings and found a small list of nearby wi-fi signals. “Marty?” he called to her across the house. “Which wi-fi network is yours?”
“Don’t have wi-fi, mate,” she shouted back.
He reached over and wiggled the mouse sitting at the ready before Marty’s computer only to discover that her computer was password locked. “Can you log me in to your computer? I just need to check some work e-mail.”
A few moments later she entered, leaned over the desk, tapped a few keys, and stood erect. “There ya go.”
“No porn sites, now.” Kemp looked at her, certain she was joking with him, but he was met with a stern look. “Wouldn’t want them mixed up with mine. Different tastes, you know?” She winked and left him laughing.
He finished up his task and closed the browser window he had opened, which revealed a document that appeared to be a flyer for their air tourism business. “Fly Westwind Tours, your best value air tours over the North Island.”
In that moment, Marty walked in. “You all right? Need anything?”
“What’s this?” He pointed at the computer screen.
“That? Ah, just an idea I’ve been working on for a new flyer for the biz to place around town. It’s been slow. I can thread a needle with my plane, but I can’t fuckin’ figure out how to get people in it. I’m terrible with advertising. Vestra’s no better.”
“Mind if I play with it?”
“Not at all. Why?”
“It’s what I do,” Kemp said. “Well, what I used to do. I’m a junior partner, now, but I was a decent pixel jockey in my day.”
Marty stared at him for several seconds. “Yeah. I don’t know what that means, but knock yourself out.”
All he had to work with was the word processing app that had most likely come pre-loaded when they bought the computer, but he knew it was a decent tool for basic layout and moving text and images around, and in roughly 30 minutes he had created a document rich in color and stock images that was also adequately informative of their business.
“CRIKEY!” Marty exclaimed when he presented the inkjet-printed copy to her in the kitchen. “You did this just now?!” She called to Vestra. “Babe! Come look at this!”
Vestra toddled in with baby Kylie on her hip. “What’s that, love?” She leaned to one side and craned her neck to view the paper Marty held for her. “Oh, that’s slick! ’Fly Westwind. Ride the Best Winds?’ A little corny, but…” She shrugged and looked at Marty. “Where’d you get this?”
Marty gave her a goofy smile and tilted her head and darted her eyes toward Kemp.
“Jesus CHRIST!” Vestra looked up into Kemp’s eyes, her expression incredulous. “You did this?!”
“Yeah,” he laughed uneasily. “Why are you both so shocked?”
Vestra said, “Well, to this point, you’d proven yourself good for only one thing.” As she turned away, she paused and bumped her hip slightly upward, the hip which in that moment supported baby Kylie, and winked.
They all three laughed, then Vestra returned to the care of the baby.
“Funny, that,” Marty mused. “It never occurred to me to ask what you do for a living.”
“Advertising,” said Kemp.
“Well, I’d already gathered that.”
“Is there a print shop in town, or anything? We could print up a couple hundred glossies and drop them off at some hotels in town, or maybe even in Auckland. Are you friends with any taxi drivers?”
“No. Hadn’t thought of taxi drivers.”
“Oh! I could make tri-fold pamphlets. Easier to hand out.”
“Slow down, Kemp! How much is this gonna cost? We have a wedding to put on in two days!”
He shook his head. “Nothing. It’ll cost you nothing. Consider it part of my wedding gift to you.”
“What’s part of your wedding gift?” Kylie came in from the small back garden where she had spread a blanket to lie in the sun. Kemp’s eyes took in the ravenous beauty in her bikini.
“Get dressed,” he said, excitedly. “We’re headed into town on a mission.”

Several hours later as the sun burned on the horizon, the Uber crunched the gravel in the driveway under its wheels as it departed, and Kemp and Kylie stepped into the living room.
“Jesus christ, Kemp! What have you been doing?!” Marty shouted.
“What? We just picked up the flyers at the printer’s and spread ‘em out to a couple of places,” Kemp replied. “I mean, that’s what I told you we were gonna do. Why? What’s wrong?”
“I got twelve fucking phone calls in the past 90 minutes! I’ve booked three flights next week. THAT’S OUR HONEYMOON WEEK!”
“But I thought you weren’t booking any fli-“
“THAT’S BESIDE THE POINT!” Kemp couldn’t read Marty. Was she angry? Sad? “It’s money we can’t turn down!”
The phone rang.
“Shit!” Marty spat.
“Westwind Air Tours,” Vestra spoke into the phone. “Mm hmm. How long are you in town? Oh. Next week? Ah, let me… look…” Vestra covered the mouthpiece of the phone and looked at Marty, her eyebrows raised.
Defeated, Marty hissed at her. “Friday!”
“Yes, how does Friday look for you?” Vestra said into the phone. “Two o’clock? Yes, two is fine. Just let me get some information from you…”
Marty looked at Kemp, amazed shock on her face. “Un-fucking-believable!”


“What a beautiful day for a wedding!” Kemp said.
“What a beautiful wedding!” Kylie said from her place to his right on the sofa. “Your friends are all so nice. And your dresses! Oh, my god! So simple! So elegant!”
“Yeah,” Marty said from her position, wedged against Kemp to her right, “we didn’t want the traditional huge, white flowing lace and taffeta one-wear-only monstrosity, and especially not two of them fighting for attention!”
“We thought it best to wear simple, matching dresses,” said Vestra wedged between Marty and the left arm of the sofa, “comfortable for dancing any time, not just our wedding day!”
Kemp revisited the picture he saw when they emerged from the house, their simple dresses, white, belted waists, cut at the knees, white stockings, white pumps, everything matched except for their boutonnieres pinned above their breasts, Marty’s golden wattle (as he learned later) to represent her Australian roots, and Vestra’s dazzling blue single viola to represent the island nation of her origin, though he couldn’t determine if it was dazzling because of its color or because it was on Vestra who, for the first time since his arrival to their home, had made his heart flutter like it had done on Nailil. Oh, if he could have just one more time with her…
The catering crew clattered around about the house as they cleaned up and gathered the rented flatware, dishes, and crystal. Tanela emerged from the hall into the living room with baby Kylie in her arms and a large diaper bag slung over one shoulder, and approached the two brides and the two American guests, all four of whom had plopped, exhausted, onto the sofa. “Okay! I go now.”
Vestra leapt up from the sofa. “Okay, Mum! Tung ke nau nook!” She cupped baby Kylie’s face in her hands and cooed baby talk Naililaha to her, then kissed her cheeks about a dozen times. She gave her mother a hug, awkward around the baby and the shoulder bag, and then they double cheek kissed, and Tanela and Kylie were gone.
“She’s taking Kylie all week?” Kemp asked.
“Yeah,” Vestra said, her voice tinged slightly with sadness. She plopped back on the couch next to Marty. “But I’ll miss her.”
The sound of a male clearing his throat came from behind them. All four on the sofa turned their heads in the direction of the young Maori catering crew chief. “Miss Martina, we are through, now. Thank you for your kind generosity.”
Marty waved at him. “Thank you, Nigel! It was all wonderful!”
Nigel bowed slightly, stiffly. “Good night, miss.” And within several seconds, the house was completely quiet.
Kemp looked at his watch. “Wow! I didn’t realize how late it was. That was one hell of a party!”
“Was the music alright?” Marty slurred slightly. Kemp hadn’t noticed it before. “Wasn’t too stuck in the past?”
He furrowed his brow, contemplating the music he honestly couldn’t remember, which he figured was a good thing. “No, the music was fine.”
Kylie shrugged. “I thought it was great.”
“I haven’t danced that much in years,” said Kemp. “My feet are aching!”
“I’m not sure I’d call what you were doing ‘dancing,’ Uncle Vance,” smirked Kylie. “I’m not sure anyone would!”
“Hey, now!” he said while the women chuckled at his expense.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Marty said. “She was a good D.J. My feet are sure hurting, too.” Marty extended her right leg, pointing her toes out across the room, and then rotated her ankle, drawing circles in the air with her toes.
Kemp gazed at her shapely leg, made more alluring by the sheer, white nylon sheath covering its length and accentuating the curves and sinew of her muscles. He thought it a shame she wasn’t wearing her shoes, but this wasn’t the time to be perving on the bride.
Then she drew her knee up, bending her leg and causing the hem of her dress to slide up her thigh, revealing the lace garter at the top of her stocking, and Kemp felt his penis twitch.
He checked his watch again. “I feel terrible that we’re taking up your honeymoon time, now. You guys should have booked a hotel or… or… we should book one and leave you alone.”
“Nah, what are honeymoons for, anyway?” Marty mused. She draped her leg over his left thigh, suddenly making him regret he wasn’t on the loveseat opposite for the view her pose afforded there, yet causing an unwelcome stir in his trousers. “In the traditional sense, it’s the bride and groom — supposed to be — the bride and groom’s first night together, fucking their brains out and, hopefully, making a baby right out of the gate.” She adjusted her position slightly, her right leg sliding a little further up Kemp’s thigh. “But do you see anything traditional here? I mean, two dykes who’ve been fucking each other’s brains out for several years already with no baby to show for it, YET…” Vestra snorted and giggled. “…with a baby fathered in a bizarre tribal ritual on a culturally remote, backward, Australasian island by some random guy, statistically, when you think about it, who’s been banging his own niece for over a year!”
“Ooookay…” Kemp said, feeling a bit insulted and maneuvering to rise from the sofa. “I think we’d better get-“
“No, no, no!” Marty placed her right hand high on his thigh. “Please! I… I’m just rambling. Feeling good. Happy.” She looked up at Kemp and smiled. “I just want you to know how incredibly happy I am — we are…” She grasped Vestra’s right hand in her left. “…that you came all this way to see us, to share this time with us.” Kemp felt the hand on his thigh squeeze him where it rested. “I don’t think you understand how important it is to us that you’re here. With us.” He felt her squeeze his thigh again, more forcefully. “On our honeymoon.” Her hand slid slowly off his thigh and onto the fly of his trousers.
“Whoa!” Kemp flinched and tried to withdraw from Marty but for being wedged in place by two bodies. “What the—?!” He heard Kylie’s gasp on his right.
Vestra leaned across Marty’s lap and slid her hand atop Marty’s. Kemp felt relief that Vestra was coming to his rescue, for clearly Marty didn’t know what she was doing. But Vestra’s hand slid beyond Marty’s and found his burgeoning cock through the folds of his trousers and underwear. Vestra turned her head and put her luscious lips to Marty’s ear. “He’s getting hard!”
“What are you what are you doing?!” The two brides’ hands worked at the fly of his trousers. And then Kylie’s right hand was on his right thigh, squeezing him there and encouraging the activities. On Nailil, he understood. It was compulsory. With Vestra in the hotel room the next day, it was experimental. But these were two lesbians who had professed loudly that they had no use for a man!
Marty turned her head slightly toward Kemp to answer his question. “Something about a ‘traditional’ honeymoon.”
And then he felt his dick spring free as Vestra’s and Kylie’s hands pulled the elastic waistband of his shorts down under his balls.
Marty slid off the sofa to her knees next to his legs. She pushed at the coffee table, and Kylie and Vestra on either side of them slid off the sofa as well and pushed the coffee table all the way until it bumped into the loveseat. Marty slithered around Kemp’s left shin and snuggled in between his legs, her eyes locked on his all the while. She licked her lips and lowered her eyes to his twitching cock. She lowered her head and snaked out her tongue, and licked him from the top of his scrotum to the tip of his dick, and then drew lazy circles around his taut, stretched frenulum. “Mmmm…”
Kemp’s head lolled backward. Even though he had fucked Kylie every night since they had arrived, this unexpected blowjob had him trembling like a teenager and feeling like he was going to explode at any second. Marty opened her mouth and lowered it over him, closing her lips around him as she slid his length in until he poked her throat. And then she slowly slid him back out, sucking on him savagely until he came out with a pop. Marty gazed at his now glistening cock head and licked her lips again. She stood and reached around behind her back, unzipping her dress and letting it fall to the floor, revealing a white lace bra and nothing else. Had she been wearing no underwear all day?!
Kemp’s being was consumed in pleasure again while he watched Marty’s strip tease by Vestra and Kylie taking turns going down on him, each sucking him hard and deep, bottoming out at the top of their throats. Then they pulled away, and Marty stood above him. She stepped forward and placed her right knee outside his left thigh, and then her left knee outside his right. She arched her back deeply, pressing her tits in his face, the lace of her bra scratching his cheeks. He felt a hand — he knew not whose — grip him and position him until he felt a wet, hot cap come to rest atop his cock. Then, suddenly she lowered herself onto him, taking almost his entire length in one go. “OOooo-hooo-hooof!” Kemp cried as ecstasy swallowed him whole, his hands sliding along the stockings over her thighs and coming to her ass and squeezing her tightly. Marty started bouncing gently on him, sliding his cock halfway out of her pussy and back in again, grunting and mewling with each downward thrust until she went rigid and had a quiet orgasm. Then she leaned against him, his face buried again between her boobs, and she kissed the top of his head. “Kylie. Come here.” Kylie knelt on the couch to Kemp’s left. Marty caressed the back of his head, keeping his face in her chest. She resumed slowly fucking him with slow, subtle undulations of her hips. “You gave Vestra a baby on Nailil…unghhh. Now, we didn’t… we weren’t planning on a baby then. We talked about having one some day, some how — artificial insemination? Adoption, maybe? — but not then. Until it happened…ummmff. And sweet baby Kylie is the most precious thing to happen to us! Uhh… god… So here’s the deal: we want another baby. We want it to have the same father as Kylie. And this time …unnngggghaaad… it’ll be me who goes through all the hormonal bullshit that comes with birthing the little bugger!” She began lifting up higher on her strokes. “Kemp,” she panted, “do you understand what I just said?”
He nodded in her bosom. “Mmmf-hmmf!”
“Same deal as with baby Kylie, yeah?”
“You’re game?”
Marty stopped fucking and turned to Vestra. “Well, that was easier than I’d anticipated!” She resumed riding Kemp’s pole and turned to Kylie. “Right, so the rest of your stay will be like the fuck festival on Nailil. We’ll be like a carnal fertility clinic with a one-man sperm bank. You’ll fuck either of us as often as you can muster — and even Vestra, if she wants to — but I get all the cum! Every last drop. Understood?”
Kylie wore a mischievous grin. “We’re gonna make a baby!”
“Right!” Marty grunted as she picked up her pace. “First deposit!” She ground her pelvis into Kemp’s, moving her hips as though she were trying to keep a hula hoop going. “Ahhh… faaaaahck!” She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and shoulders and rode out a shuddering, minute-long orgasm. “Oh! God damn! Why can’t Vestra have a cock like that?”
Vestra and Kylie chuckled. Kemp did not, as he was pumping his hips toward his own orgasm, his balls tingling in their indication that they were about to send the sperm. “Oh! Oh! AH!”
“You ready?” Marty said to the top of his head.
“Yeh… YEAH!”
Marty shifted her weight and placed her stockinged feet on the sofa cushions and drove her cunt down savagely onto his throbbing cock until he screamed out, “UUNNNNGGHHGAAAAHD… DAMN!” and his cock gushed forth in an explosion of the first cum of his life with the deliberate intent of creating another life.


Everything had happened so quickly after that night. Westwind Air Tours’s phone rang off the hook for the whole following week, just from the distribution of one simple flyer. Kylie had taken on the task of answering the phone while Marty and Vestra accommodated their customers. Kemp had played around with ideas for Marty’s and Vestra’s company that had popped into his mind and within the week had created an entire billboard and handbill advertising campaign — concept as well as graphics — for Westwind Air Tours. By New Year’s Eve he was fielding calls from other businesses seeking his expertise on their advertising needs. And every night until he and Kylie boarded their flight back home on January 2, he had fucked all three women to the point of exhaustion, dumping every load of his cum into Marty’s vagina.
After a week’s deluge of e-mails from major companies in Auckland, Kemp had quickly arranged a six-month sabbatical to return to Coromandel to accommodate these companies’ requests, and soon found himself setting up his own advertising agency in Auckland and resigning his partnership in Flagg-Roysdon.
And now, three years later, the president and CEO of Kemp & Associates, already the third largest (by revenue) — and still fastest rising — advertising agency in Auckland, stood on his veranda and gazed into the blue, seemingly bottomless pools of his young wife’s eyes. His right arm snaked around her waist along the smooth fabric of the tight blue mini-dress he loved so much, and his right hand slid down to her tummy and caressed the growing, and now very obvious, bump that in approximately four months would bring his fifth child into the world.
“Mrs. Kemp,” he said, dizzy in the grasp of her eyes.
“Mr. Kemp,” she responded, tipping her head back to receive his tender kiss.
He heard the glass door slide open again, and before he could look around to see who approached, he heard his favorite voices.
“Poppa! Poppa!” The two children sprinted to him, the elder just past her fourth birthday, and the younger now almost three years old. He broke from his wife’s embrace and dropped to his knees, and the children practically dived into his arms.
“Hi, Kay-Kay! Hi, Jules! Oh, my! How I have missed you guys!” He kissed them both on their cheeks and hugged them tightly once more before he rose to his feet. The President and CEO, and the Vice-President and COO of the largest tourism company in all of New Zealand — known now as Westwind Transport Enterprises — approached him with his other two children.
“She fell asleep in the car,” said Vestra, “so she’s a bit cranky.”
Kemp plucked his 13-month-old daughter from her mother’s arms and hugged her gently. “Aww, how’s my beautiful Roda?” He frowned clownishly at her to mimic her groggy expression. Then he leaned in to the other woman. “Marty…” They traded cheek kisses. Then he caressed the back of the six-month old baby she held in her arms. “Hi Reg! How you doin’, buddy?” Reg smiled at his Poppa. Kemp kissed him on the back of his head, and then turned to Vestra and traded cheek kisses with her. “How’s Mum?”
Vestra sighed heavily. “Exhausted. And, I’m sure, happy to see us go!”
“Okay! Okay! Let me go say hello to your mum, first!” Mrs. Kemp said to the older children who pestered her as she approached the group.
Marty’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, my, Kylie! You’ve gotten so big! My god! It’s only been a week since we last saw you!”
Vestra danced over to her and placed her hands on her tummy, singing to it. “Nung to pa te na-meh!” Kylie looked at her quizzically. “‘May you come out fat and happy!’”
Kylie let out a hearty guffaw. “Oh, god! I hope not. My hips are only so wide!” All the women laughed.
“How was Melbourne?” Marty asked.
Kylie wrinkled her nose. “It was surprisingly chilly!”
Kemp chuckled to himself; Marty just refused to call him by his first name. “Not this year,” he said, shaking his head. “If we take number two from Bertram & Sayles by this time next year, maybe they’ll notice us.
The ladies and the children chattered away toward the house, and Kemp returned to his wine on the railing overlooking the ocean. Kylie wasn’t really his wife, of course, but with a hefty diamond ring on her finger and “Kemp” on all her official documents, it was an easy ruse to pull off. She had gone back home after that winter break and changed her major to Marketing and, since Uncle Vance’s business venture in New Zealand had taken off, his brother and sister-in-law were delighted when she accepted his offer of a job in his new company, unconcerned by the great distance because she was safe with family! Her parents didn’t handle the news of her “surprise” pregnancy too well, though, especially when the “young fellow” “ran off” and left her to her own devices. But have no fear, Uncle Vance agreed to take care of her and make sure the baby was well cared for. As long as there was never a call for a DNA test, their secret was safe.
The “carnal fertility clinic” with Marty during the girls’ honeymoon week had proved successful, obviously, and resulted in the tow-headed bundle of energy named Julia — Jules, as Kemp loved to call her. Of course there were the products of at least a half dozen subsequent “fertility clinics” — Roda, his second of two daughters with Vestra; and Reginald, his only boy and second child with Marty. With Kylie now around permanently, the oldest child was now referred to as Kay-Kay, or K.K., short for Kylie Kemp, to avoid confusion. Four children under age five are a lot to handle for anyone, let alone two women who together helm perhaps the most successful business enterprise New Zealand had ever seen, so, as much as he would miss them, Kemp accepted that he had probably seen his last “fertility clinic.” It didn’t matter, though. He had Kylie here permanently, now, and they still fucked like rabbits.
The Auckland business magazines didn’t make too much fuss over the idea of the three heads of the two most dynamic companies to hit the island all living under the same roof of the sprawling mansion at Gordo Point, just north of the Auckland city limits, especially once they learned how the two companies were related — of course without being given the actual details of their relationship — and how the house is divided into two separate but spacious living quarters. Fortunately, the married ladies’ administration of five fleets of vehicles — seven planes, three helicopters, a dozen motor coaches, 28 9-passenger caravans, and two luxury yachts — kept them too fascinated to suspect there might have been anything more going on under that roof.
Kemp stared out at the ocean and reflected on the turn of his life in the past three and a half years, and could only shake his head and smile. To think he owed it all to one poor, unlucky, slow-winged albatross.
He downed the last of the wine in his glass, looked out at the horizon once more, and then stepped back in to his unlikely existence, sliding the glass door shut and leaving the ocean to whisper to itself.
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