The Governess


It was hot, very hot and Richard had been walking quickly for over an hour. The
sunrays filtered through the treetops, blinding the boy's eyes as he looked up.
'Not much further', he thought as he began to mount the rise that led to the
lake. Richard was dressed, as were all boys at the orphanage in long grey
flannel shorts, that came to his knee's, a heavy flannel jacket, long grey
socks, ending in black boots. His shirt was soaked in perspiration with the
effort of the long walk. Richard reached the top of the rise and looked quickly
about before hurrying on towards the lake. The lake was in a part of the wood,
which was out of bounds. The boy had heard that it was part of a large estate,
owned by a local farmer. The thought of trespass made Richard look round once
more, as he neared the small jetty at the lakeside. There was no movement in the
wood. Small sounds came from the treetops as birds flew and resettled.
Richard quickly threw off his jacket and shirt, unbuttoned his trousers and
kicked them over his boots. Underneath the trousers were the long old fashioned
underpants that had irritated his skin so much. Richard struggled with his
bootlaces, finally throwing them on to his pile of clothes. Standing up he let
his underpants fall to the ground. Richard was now naked and was already feeling
cooler. The boy ran towards the jetty, his lithe body glistening in the sun, two
more steps.. Richard plunged headlong into the water. The cool water of the lake
felt wonderful against his naked body. For a moment he was able to forget
everything and just bask in the serenity of the moment, heaven beneath an open
It had probably been thirty minutes or more, before the sound of pounding
hooves had penetrated Richard's reverie. Suddenly through the clearing, Richard
saw two horses approaching. He could not make out the detail of the riders at
this distance. He could see dark hair blowing in the wind, from under a riding
cap. He turned quickly in the water and set off at a quick over-arm crawl
towards the nearest bushes on the bank. It became obvious to Richard that the
two riders had not observed him swimming in the lake. Strong strokes brought him
to the bank, just as the riders reached a wooden picnic table planted firmly in
the ground at the side of the clearing. The horses slowed and stopped, the first
rider a young girl of perhaps sixteen years, dismounted as the horse took its
last few paces. Running, to keep pace with the slowing creature she pulled on
the reins and stopped within a few feet of the picnic table.
The other horse slowed some paces behind, standing quietly while it's rider
dismounted. Both of the girls were pretty, in fact the blonde girl was
stunningly good looking, fine bone features, vivid blue eyes and hair the colour
of silver. The second girl had a face of classic beauty, with dark eyes and hair
that glistened black in the sun.
The small bushes surrounding the lake hid Richard well. He could see the two
girls tying their horses to a low tree branch. 'What do I do', Richard thought.
He could see his clothes, lying on the soft grass only a few feet away from his
hiding position.
The girls were talking to each other and laughing. 'That hack is the only
one to take, at this time of year', said Diane. She brushed the nape of her neck
below the neatly pinned blonde hair. 'Everything else is overgrown', she
continued. '...still I bet there isn't a gallop as good as that for miles'.
The two girls looked around. Diane narrowed her eyes against the sun, as
she looked towards the jetty. 'What's that 'ronica?'. Veronica looked towards
the jetty. 'I don't know, looks like a pile of rags. 'Well, they weren't here
yesterday, let's have a look'. Diane strode off toward the pile of clothes
Richard had hastily abandoned. She picked up a garment and held it aloft. 'I'm
not sure what these are supposed to be, either long trousers for a dwarf or very
long short trousers.' Veronica, who was sifting through some more of the
clothes, held up the long underwear. 'Who on earth would wear these, in this day
and age.
'I think where is he, is more to the point'. said Diane as she dropped the
trousers back on to the grass. 'There's no one in the lake. Both girls scanned
the water, there eyes skimming over the boys hiding position. 'I was going to
have a dip, but I don't like the idea of someone being around'. Said Veronica as
she looked across the lake once more.
Diane was looking closely at the rest of the clothes. 'I think it's got to
be a boy. Who else could possibly wear clothes like this?'.
The blonde girl turned back towards the jetty, looking intently at any
possible hiding place. 'The jetty's too low for anyone to be underneath. Lets
walk along the bank'. She said as she walked quickly to the side of the lake.
Veronica followed.
Richard crouched as low as he could in the water. He had seen the girls
approach, but had no idea what course of action to take. 'What on earth do I
do?'. He thought. 'If I'm caught, the beating I'll get will be horrendous'.
Richard remembered the attitude of the orphanage to boys who got in trouble,
while they were outside. It was not a strict regime, but they did not tolerate
any boy or girl tarnishing the name of the orphanage. In fact it had only been
two days ago, at the start of the holidays, that they had been told not to go
near private property.

'Who are you and what are you doing'. Richard looked up to meet the cool gaze of
the two girls as they looked down, over his hiding place. It was Diane that had
spoken. 'Well I'm waiting for an answer'. She continued.
Richard still did not speak. His face was beetroot red. He crouched further
into the shallow water.
'I d' don't know'. Richard eventually stammered. 'You don't know what you are
doing. That seems strange, for someone who is crouching in shallow water with no
clothes on'.
Diane could see the boy's form through the clear water. She estimated his age
to be about sixteen a year younger than herself. As far as she could see he was
a well built adolescent. His face was well featured, brown eyes, a straight nose
and good jaw line.
'Well if you don't know what you are doing, you had better get out'.
Diane's cool gaze never left the boy, as she spoke. 'B'but I haven't got any
clothes on'. Stammered Richard, whose whole body was now blushing with acute
'You will either get out now or I will send for the game keeper'. Diane said
firmly, 'It's your choice'.
The two girls stood back from the bank. Richard had never felt so embarrassed
before. His heart was pounding and he felt dizzy. Slowly he pulled himself on to
the bank. The soft grasses brushing his stomach and legs as he left the water.
He looked up to see the two girls had moved further back.
The girls watched as he slid himself on to the bank. A nice body, Veronica
thought as she looked at the firm buttocks of the boy, lying on the grass before
Richard raised himself on to one knee, holding his hand over his penis and
testicles. Wobbling slightly on one foot he managed to stand up. 'Well' said
Diane, who was now enjoying herself very much. 'You had better come over here
and we can hear your explanation'. The two girls turned and walked towards the
picnic table. Richard followed behind them - his head was spinning. Diane
reached the table first and sat on it's strong oak top. The other girl sat down
on the bench, which was set into the grass.
Richard stood facing the girls. Both hands now covering his genitals. He
glanced back at his clothes lying a few feet away. Diane noticed the look.' You
can have your clothes, when we have had an explanation.' Richard's body had
begun to warm in the sun. He shivered more with fright as Diane fixed him with
her icy stare.
'We will start with your name and where you come from'. Said Diane firmly.
Her eyes looked down over his body. She noted his firm shoulders, narrow waist
and long well muscled legs.
Richard was now acutely aware of the girls interested gaze. He shuffled his feet
in the grass. He could not bring himself to look at Diane, who was now looking
towards the hands covering his genitals.
'I am waiting, I will not ask again.' Diane turned as she spoke, reaching behind
her towards the riding hat and crops laid on the table top. She turned toward
Richard once more now holding one of the crops in her hand.
Richard started to speak, hesitantly at first.
'My name is Richard Chambers, I come from St. Matthew's orphanage.'
Diane reached forward. She held the riding crop out in front of her and gently
pushed Richard's chin up, so that his eyes met hers.
'Look at me when you speak.' she said a little more softly. 'Stand up straight
too:' Richard met her gaze, but found it hard to straighten without uncovering
himself. He was cupping his testicles and penis against the juncture of his
thighs. The thumbs were crossed over at the top of his pubic hair.
'Veronica was enjoying the boys discomfort, and knew perfectly well why he could
not stand any more upright. She also knew that Diane was having the time of her
life with her cross-examination.
'I came for a swim. It was so hot and we're on holiday for two weeks.' continued
Richard. 'I didn't mean any harm.' Richard looked down once more. He had never
felt so ashamed, standing naked in front of the two girls.
Diane and Veronica were both aware of the boy's discomfort, but neither had any
intention of letting him off the hook.
'Look at me and listen Richard. You should be well aware that this is private
property. There are fences all around this estate and you must have climbed one
to be here now, isn't that so?'
Richard raised his head, looking at the girl while she spoke. His cheeks
suffused with red and his bottom lip trembling.
'Yes miss'. He managed to stammer.
'Tell me, what would your punishment be, should I decide to telephone the
orphanage and complain of your trespass. Swimming naked in the lake where there
may be people passing. What do you say Richard?.'
The boy trembled even more at thought of what would happen to him back at the
'I would be beaten Miss.' Richard's reply was barely audible. Diane looked
coolly at the trembling boy, noting the small tear running down his red cheeks.
'Who would beat you?' Veronica asked, speaking to him for the first time, 'and
what would you be beaten with?'.
His breath came with difficulty, he looked near to fainting. 'Matron beats us
with a cane.' he replied, his voice sounding weak.
Diane again took over as question master 'How many strokes would you expect for
something like this?'
'I d'don't know Miss.'
'Well how many do you think?, you must have some idea.'
Richard was feeling very distressed. He knew for certain that the minimum he
could expect would be twelve strokes. He knew of a boy that had left the year
before. He had received eighteen strokes for a far more trivial offence.
'I am waiting for an answer.' Diane held the crop under his chin as she spoke
and raised the boy's head.
'I think perhaps twelve stokes Miss'. Richard shuddered as he spoke.' Maybe
eighteen...', his sentence trailed off into silence.
'Well I think', said Diane brightly that you would be lucky to receive less than
twenty-four. My mother is a magistrate, I think the orphanage would take a dim
view of trespass on the property of a local magistrate.
Richard looked shocked but said nothing. His cheeks were burning and his
shoulders were shaking with dread.
'One last question, before we decide what to do with you.' Richard looked at the
girl, they hadn't decided yet, Maybe there's a chance...His thoughts were
'Where about on your body do you receive the cane?'.
'Er..on the bottom Miss'.
Both girls looked down at the boy's body as he spoke. Richard was standing
squarely in front of them so they could not see his buttocks.
'Turn around and show me your bottom Richard.' Diane said coolly. Richard looked
shocked but did not move.
'I think before you start to disobey me, you had better think about who and
where you are, Richard my boy.'
Richard stood still for a second and then began to turn round slowly. He felt
totally humiliated. He pressed his hands closer over his groin as he turned and
faced the lake. As soon as the boy's back was turned the girls gave each other a
quick smile of triumph.
Diane placed the riding crop back on to the oak table. 'Stand still and don't
move.' Diane said firmly as she got off the table and stood behind Richard. She
placed her left hand on the boy's left shoulder. Richard trembled as he felt her
cool fingers touch his skin. He said nothing as she placed her right hand on his
waist. She saw him involuntarily clasp his hands tighter over his penis and
scrotum. Her right hand slid from his waist, gently moving in over the small of
his back and down on to the hill of his buttocks. Veronica stood up from her
seat on the bench and moved to Diane's right hand side. She wanted to see more
clearly what her friend was doing to the boy.
Richard trembled, stealing himself for what the girl might do next.
'So this is where you receive you punishment is it Richard?' Diane spoke softly
as she leaned her head forward to his ear. Richard felt her hand move slowly
down over his buttocks, stroking first one cheek, then the other. She took her
hand away then brought it back in a sharp slap across his right bottom cheek.
Richard gasped at the sudden shock.
'Surely that didn't hurt.' said Diane brightly. 'You can expect a lot more than
that when Matron gets hold of you.
'Can I get dressed now?' Richard asked suddenly, fearing there might be further
exploration of his bottom.
'You will get dressed. When we tell you to get dressed and not before. Is that
'Yes Miss, I'm sorry Miss.' Richard suddenly remembered the terrible mess he was
in. The girls might only be a year or two older, but he realised that they held
absolute power over him. One wrong word from either of them to the orphanage and
his goose was cooked.
'What position does matron place you in when you are to be caned?' Veronica
asked the boy as she moved round to face him. She lifted her arm and taking his
chin between her finger and thumb bringing his head round to face hers. 'We have
to kneel on a bench and lean over the table.' Richard muttered.
'Does matron take those awful trousers of yours down?'
'Yes Miss.' Richard replied looking into Veronica's eyes. He had never seen such
a beautiful face.
'And how about those awful baggy underpants?, do they come off too?'
'Yes Miss.' replied Richard as he watched her amused expression.'
'So you are in a very good state to have a thrashing right now.' Diane said as
she placed her hand back on to the boy's buttocks.
Diane stroked his buttocks once more and then took her hands off the boy and sat
down on the bench. Veronica followed and sat next to her.
'Turn around and face us.' said Diane. Richard turned round and faced both girls
seated before him. He still had his hands clasped over his groin. He had felt
his penis begin to stiffen slightly while the girls hands had stroked his
bottom, but he managed to contain himself beneath his hands. Diane reached
behind her and picked up her riding crop.
'I told you to stand straight once, so do it. Shoulders back arms down straight
by your sides.' Diane said firmly, as she turned back from the table to face
Richard. Richard blushed profusely 'B'but I'I don't have..' 'We are well aware
of the state you are in my boy,' Diane interrupted 'but you made the choice to
take your clothes off while on someone else's property. So do as you are told
and do it now.'
Richard's head felt dizzy, he dropped his head and slowly took his hands away
from his genitals. He straightened his shoulders and put his head further back,
but could not meet their gaze.
Both girls examined the boy intently.' He really is something special' thought
Diane.' Excellent features. A really well proportioned body and a beautiful
penis. A large tight scrotum too, what more could a girl ask'.
'That's better'. Snapped Diane. 'You are in a lot of trouble and we have to
decide what to do about you.'
''ronica, why don't you go and feel his bottom, and tell me how many strokes you
would think to be an appropriate punishment'. Richard could not believe what he
was hearing. Suppose he could not control his penis. What would happen if he had
an erection in front of them?. These thoughts ran wildly through Richard's head.
Veronica stood up once more and moved behind the boy.
'Now let's have a look at you.' she said softly as she placed both hands on his
waist, pushing him forward slightly. Veronica looked down at his buttocks. She
noted their firmness and quality of skin. She dropped her hands from his waist
on to his buttocks. Her thumbs parting the deep cleavage of his bottom as her
hands moved downwards.
'Bend over, so that I can see properly.' she said as placed her hand round the
boys waist, underneath his arm. She pushed gently on the middle of his back with
the other hand, indicating he should bend from the waist.
'Over you go; that's it.' Veronica whispered as Richard reluctantly bent
'Open your legs, you'll find it easier that way.' still holding the boys waist
she ran her hand down over his bottom and into the crevice between his legs. She
pushed the back of her hand against the inside of his thigh, making Richard open
his legs more widely. 'There that's easier now I can see you properly.' Veronica
said matter of factly. Richard could not believe what was happening to him, he
felt dizzy with the touch of her fingers on his body. The softness of her hand
now parting the cheeks of his bottom. Seemingly oblivious to his feelings, she
moved her soft hands slowly and gently over his flesh. Richard flinched as her
fingertips pulled the cheeks of his bottom apart. She felt his body tremble as
she kneaded each buttock in turn.
'Just stay in that position.' said veronica, 'I want to see how resilient your
bottom is.' She stood back from the boy and raising her arm a little, bringing
the palm of her hand smartly down across both buttocks. Richard startled from
the smack to his bottom, tried to straighten up, but Veronica placed her hand on
the small of his back. 'Just one more smack.' she said brightly 'that didn't
leave any mark at all'. She raised her palm once more and gave the buttocks a
harder smack. Richard jolted with the sting of the slap, but managed to remain
bent over. She could clearly see the imprint of her hand on the boy's bottom.
Placing her left hand on to the small of his back, she gently traced her fingers
over the marks she had just made.
'Now you can stand up again'. Veronica told the boy. Richard stood once more
trying to cover his penis, which to his horror was now in a semi-erect state.
'Arms by you sides, there's a good boy.' said Veronica, knowing that Diane would
want to see whether her ministrations on the boy had produced an erection.
Veronica moved to the boy's side and looked down at his penis which had grown to
twice its size and was pointing forward slightly. Veronica was delighted with
the result. Looking towards Diane she saw her amused expression as she too gazed
at the boys penis. Richard was mortified. His body was trembling under
Veronica's fingers as she ran her right hand over the boy's shoulder and her
left hand over his stomach. 'Why you're trembling'. She said as she moved her
hand up over his chest and teased his left nipple with her carefully manicured
Richard's penis began to throb as she slowly titillated his nipple. His eyes
began to glaze with the sensation of it all.
'What have we here young man?' Diane said as she stood up and stepped in front
of the trembling youth. She looked down and waited for Richard to follow her
gaze before taking hold of the tip of his penis. She held it delicately between
her forefinger and thumb. The sensation of her fingers touching him so
intimately was too much for Richard, his penis burgeoned to a full erection,
pointing straight out in front of him. 'Is this the way you behave in front of
young ladies?' Diane chided him. Richard's cheeks turned an even brighter red.
'I c'can't help it Miss' he stammered.' I'm dreadfully sorry Miss. 'Diane
pinched the end of his penis, making the violent erection complete. With her
left hand she gently cupped his testicles, pulling her nails gently forward over
the tight scrotum. Richard's breath was coming in gasps. He was feeling dizzy
and faint. 'Please Miss, please don't.' Richard managed to say through the waves
of sensation that were passing over him. Veronica was gently stroking the hair
at the nape of his neck with one hand and teasing his nipple with the other as
Diane spoke. 'I think that will do for now.' she said to Veronica as she let go
of the boys scrotum, giving his penis one last pinch. 'Lets sit down and decide
what to do with him.' Veronica stopped caressing the boy and joined Diane on the
wooden bench.
Richard stood where they left him, legs apart and hands by his side. His penis
standing up fully, the tip pointing upwards almost to his navel.
'Look at me Richard.' said Diane 'we are going to give you a choice of
punishment. Then leave you to decide.' Richard looked up towards the two girl's
faces but was not able to look them in the eyes.
Diane continued. 'We can either, tell my mother and have her telephone the
orphanage, or you can accept a punishment from us. I can tell you that our
punishment will not be lenient. Although it will be considerably less than you
could expect from the orphanage.' Diane watched the boy's face as she spoke to
him. She could also see that his penis was still large although now pointing
nearer to the ground.
'You may have a few minutes to think about it, while I have a word with Veronica
and decide what our punishment might be.' The girls got up and walked around the
table and toward the clearing
They stopped some yards away and faced each other. Richard looked at the
girls as they talked. Both girls were wearing riding britches and boots. The
blonde girl wore a silk shirt that was tied in a knot at her waist. Richard had
noticed that she wore nothing under the shirt, as her nipples were clearly
visible through the thin silk. The dark girl, the taller of the two was also
wearing a shirt but this was made of cotton. Large pockets adorned the front but
Richard could see that her breasts were quite large.
Richard still stood as he had been placed. Arms by his side and legs spread
apart... he felt foolish. Occasionally the girls looked over towards him as they
conversed. His penis had not subsided much. He looked down trying to clear his
mind of the girls and how they had touched and stroked him. His problem he
thought at the moment was what punishment the girls had in store for him. He had
already decided, although subconsciously that he would accept their punishment.
On looking at the reception he would receive from the orphanage the alternative,
although unknown could certainly not be worse. It had been known for boys to be
sent to borstal. Who could tell what kind of story the girl's mother would tell
to Matron. Would they have him beaten by the game keeper they had mentioned.? It
seemed likely after the girl's remarks earlier. 'Well one way or another it
would be over soon', he thought. The girls were walking back towards him, still
in conversation. They walked around separate ends of the table and sat down in
front of him.
'We have decided' said Diane simply. 'As you are already aware this is a serious
offence you have committed. Not only trespass. It could have been that Veronica
and I were swimming in the lake before you arrived. That would have been a gross
invasion of our privacy. Lastly you were swimming naked. We could have been most
offended at the sight of you. Therefore we have both agreed that you should be
beaten, either by the orphanage or by us. If I have cause to tell my Mother, I
shall ask her to request that you be soundly thrashed. If you decide to take our
punishment then Veronica or myself will beat you.'
Richard just stared at the girls. He couldn't believe his ears. They were going
to beat him. Two girls, little older than himself.
'Well Richard what do you say'. It was Veronica that spoke this time.
'I'm really sorry Miss, I just didn't mean any harm'. Richard muttered, his
bottom lip trembling.
'Step forward.' Diane said, as she parted her knees to make room for the boy to
stand closer. She leaned forward and grasped the boys hips as he hesitantly
moved towards her. Her hands holding his hips prevented Richard's immediate
reaction to cover himself. 'Put your hands behind you and tell us what you have
decided'. She said looking up into his face.
Richard blushed once more. Acutely aware of his nakedness and his closeness to
the girl. He felt his penis begin to stiffen. The soft, almost tender touch of
her hands on his hips and the fragrance of her perfume played havoc with his
'I'm sorry Miss' Richard managed to stammer, the sound from his lips was barely
'Being sorry is not an answer Richard. We are both still waiting for your
decision.' Diane's hands were softly stroking his hips as she spoke.
'I w'..will take your punishment Miss.' Richard just managed to say the words in
a hoarse whisper.
'So you have decided that we will be more lenient than matron have you Richard.'
Her gaze seemed to mock him as she spoke. 'What's this Richard' Diane looked
down. 'Your penis is stiff again, can't you control yourself.' She looked up at
the boy's face and then down again at the stiffening muscle. She held his waist
with one hand while she gently took hold of his penis with the other. Her
fingers gently encircled the shaft. She slowly pushed the foreskin back and
squeezed, causing the boy to jerk his hips backwards. She tightened her grip and
looked up into his face. 'This sort of thing could get you into a lot of
trouble, what do you say Veronica?' Veronica stood up and moved behind Richard's
trembling body. She stroked the tips of her fingers over his buttocks. Pulling
one cheek of his bottom apart from the other, she slid her slim hand between his
legs and cupped his testicles in her palm.
'I think', said Veronica 'That this young man is in a lot of trouble already'.
She gently squeezed his testicles as she spoke. Diane felt Richard's body
stiffen and tremble as Veronica squeezed the boy's scrotum.
'What do you say to that Richard?' Diane asked as she took her hand from his hip
and scraped her fingernails over the tip of his penis. She held the shaft firmly
while she delicately probed the opening with the nail of her forefinger. She
could feel the blood pumping through the shaft of the penis as she held him
firmly between her fingers. Richard was speechless. His head was pounding, his
vision blurred. The sensation of the girl's hands on his body was too much for
him. She gently let his foreskin ride back up the shaft of his penis as he began
to tremble uncontrollably. Diane looked to Veronica and motioned with her eyes
to look at the boy's face. Richard was breathing in gasps. His eyes were closed
and his cheeks were suffused in red.
'I think today has been a little too much for you Richard. We will postpone the
matter of your punishment until tomorrow.' The boy was taking deep breaths now.
His penis was as hard as Diane imagined a penis could be. She removed her hands
from the boy at the same time as Veronica slipped her hand from between his
'Look at me Richard I am talking to you.' Diane said softly. Richard opened his
eyes and looked at Diane. It was like looking through a mist. His head was
pounding and his body trembling.
'I said we are going to postpone your punishment until tomorrow. Will you be
here by ten o'clock.' Diane took hold of the boy's hips to emphasise her words.
'Y'yes Miss.' Richard stammered.
'I presume that as you are on holiday there will be no difficulty in getting
here for that time.' Richard nodded his head slowly. He felt dazed. The
humiliation and embarrassment he felt was beyond any experience he had ever
'You may go and put on your clothes now, but I warn you, if you are late
tomorrow I shall not hesitate to have mother call the orphanage. Is that clear?'
Diane's voice was firm.
Richard nodded 'Yes Miss.' The boy did not move as Diane still held his hips.
She indicated he should turn with a slight opposite pressure of her hands. She
brushed her palm across the tip of his penis as he turned.
'Off you go then Richard and don't be late tomorrow.' She punctuated the last
sentence with a smack on his bottom. Richard stumbled forward towards his
clothes. He picked up the underpants he had been so keen to shed earlier and
drew them up over his hips. He picked up his trousers.and quickly donned the
rest of his clothes. He turned around and was surprised to see the girls had
remounted their horses. Diane urged her horse forward gently. She leaned down as
they approached the boy and prodded the baggy trousers he was wearing with her
riding crop.
'What time will you be here?' she asked:
'Ten o'clock Miss.' Richard replied: She turned her horse and stroked it's neck
as she commanded it to 'walk on'. Veronica gave Richard a wry smile. 'I bet you
think it was bad luck meeting us today.' She turned her horse and cantered off
after Diane.

Diane and Veronica were sat comfortably in large easy chairs in the drawing
room. Diane's mother sat opposite the girls. Diane and Veronica had been friends
since they both met on the first day of term. They had been seven years old.
Their new boarding school had seemed gaunt and austere with it's stone walls and
buildings. They had comforted each other then. Often sticking up for one and
other during adversity. They were in their final year now. Since their first
meeting they had spent every holiday together. Refusing to go abroad without the
other going too. They had spent the last few holidays at the Manor house with
Diane's mother. Diane's father had died just over five years ago. The girls had
decided that Diane's mother should see as much as she could of her daughter
during the holidays. 'So that's the whole story'. Diane said as she shifted her
beautiful body to a more comfortable position. It was not hard to see where
Diane's good looks came from. Her mother was strikingly beautiful her hair was
pinned up at the nape of her neck. Her breasts pressed against the silk of her
blouse above a slim waist. Her legs were long and slender, tanned from tennis
and walking. 'You think the boy will turn up do you two?' Diane's mother
addressed both girls.
'Yes we do', said Veronica, 'I'm sure we put the fear of god into him and I
think the thought of the orphanage finding out will be too much for him.
'Diane's mother had not been shocked at what the girls had told her. They had
recounted every detail, even the size of the boy's penis. She had laughed when
they had told her of the effect they had had on the boy. 'I think it must have
been the first time he had been touched intimately'. she had said to the girls.
'I know a little about the orphanage, from my duties as a magistrate. The boys
sleep in one dormitory. I imagine there is little chance for sexual encounters
with the girls or masturbation.' Diane's mother turned to take a sip from the
glass she held and thought for a moment. Her beautiful features lit by the lamp
beside her. The girls watched her intently. They both loved her and kept no
secrets from her. Diane's mother was aware of her daughter's fondness for
inflicting pain. For as Diane had inherited her looks she had also inherited the
desire to inflict pain. It was the most rewarding when she inflicted pain on
boys or youths. They had discussed this desire between the three of them many
times over the last year. Two years ago they had employed a young girl of
fifteen as a maid. She was a very pretty young girl and a very willing worker.
It had been one evening during the Easter holidays that Veronica had gone to the
barn. Riding tackle and hay were kept there as well as the straw bails. It had
been twilight as she had entered the barn to fetch hay. She had heard scuffling
and low moans coming from the straw bails. The main light switches were at the
back of the barn door and as she switched them on she heard gasps from behind
the straw bails. Veronica, frightened had run into the house to fetch Diane and
her mother. They ran back to barn together to find the young maid and an even
younger boy from the village, pulling on their clothes. Diane's mother had been
furious: pulling the girl to her feet she sent her off into the house. She took
hold of the young boy, who could have barely been fifteen and pushed him over
the straw bail. 'this will teach you', 'fetch me a riding crop: Veronica had
hurried to the tackle shelves and produced a long slim crop. The boy had not
struggled but had lain quietly where he was being held. She hauled the boy up
again ignoring his pleas. 'Get his trousers down will you Diane.' Diane's mother
held the youth firmly as Diane undid the boy's belt and unbuttoned his trousers.
She slid them down to his ankles and looked up to her mother. Diane's mother
knew what was in the girl's mind by her questioning look. 'and his pants too.'
she had said as she held the boy firmly. Diane did her mothers bidding and
pulled the boys underpants down below his knees. His penis, she noticed was
small and shrivelled lying in front of his testicles. Diane's mother turned the
boy over and asked the girls to hold him down. Diane without knowing why, had
reached underneath his hips. Grasping his penis and both testicles in her hand.
Diane had looked up at her mother, who had smiled at her and nodded her head.
Lady Rawlings had brought the crop down smartly across the boy's bottom, causing
him to yell. He tried to wriggle up but Diane kept a firm hold on his genitals.
The pain in his testicles had made the boy keep still. Diane remembered the
pleasure it gave her to have the boy wriggling helplessly while he was being
beaten. She also knew for the first time that she liked the thought of having
command over a boy.
Diane and Veronica had often talked about that night in the barn and they
smiled, as each knew what the other was thinking.'
'Shall we take Wendy with us tomorrow mother. It might remind her of what her
boy got in the barn that night'. Diane asked:
'You can if you wish I don't need her. Since she has been confined to the house
she has been a different girl. Its not as if she doesn't know what you two get
up to when you are home on holiday.' her mother replied:
'I bet she's not forgotten her thrashing either'. Veronica said. After the boy
had been sent home. Wendy had been summoned to the drawing room. Veronica tried
to recall it as it had happened. Diane's mother had been sat on the centre seat
of the settee. The girl had been stood before her with her eyes full of tears.
'You know I have to punish you don't you girl. I should have you sent to
approved school for what you were doing. You are both under the age of consent
and what you did is a criminal offence.' Diane's mother had told the girl. Wendy
had begged and pleaded for leniency. 'Take off your dress and get over my knee.'
The girl had taken off the dress. 'And the under-slip too'. She had slowly taken
it off and stood up in just her panties. Diane and Veronica had been seated
comfortably in the easy chairs facing each side of the girl. They had enjoyed
her distress immensely.
She had a good figure for a young girl and her small breasts stood firmly above
her flat tummy. The girl awkwardly placed herself over the woman's knee's.
'I think a hair brush would be appropriate, don't you?' She had looked at both
girls as she spoke.' Veronica remembered, she had run to her bedroom where she
had a large wooden backed brush she had brought from school.
Placing her hand over the girl's bottom Diane's mother had taken the hairbrush
from Veronica and had placed it on the settee beside her. 'I think we'll have
those panties off you, would you help me please Veronica.' Diane had smiled at
her mother including her best friend in the proceedings. Veronica had bent down
and hooked her finger under the waist of the girl's panties pulling them down
gently. The girl had shivered as they slid slowly down her legs. 'Right I think
we can proceed.' she said. The girls watched intently as the young maid was
beaten. Her bottom glowing bright red after the first few stokes. The girl had
screamed for mercy after the first ten stokes but the beating continued until
the girls had counted forty strokes.
Wendy had been sent to bed after her beating and had remained there for the next
day in terrible discomfort.
Diane's mother stood up and reached for a small bell push set into the oak
panelled hearth. A few moments passed before the maid entered the room. 'We've
just being discussing your smack bottom,' said Diane. 'We would like to see if
that little bottom of yours has healed yet. Forty strokes with a hairbrush
should have left some trace.' The girl blushed her long eyelashes closing over
blushing cheeks as she looked down in her embarrassment. 'Will you show us
please.' The girl blushed again, a soft rosy glow spreading upwards over her
pretty face. She turned her back towards the two girls putting her hands under
her short dress. 'No not like that.' said Diane firmly.
'Take your dress off so we can all have a good look at you. 'The maid turned
towards Diane. She looked shocked and embarrassed. Slowly she undid the buttons
of her black dress. She pulled her arms through the long sleeves and placed the
dress on the arm of the settee next to where Diane's mother was seated.
Underneath she wore a black slip. The girl pulled the thin straps over her
shoulders and wriggled daintily as it fell to the floor. She was wearing only
pair of brief black panties. Her breasts were quite large. Her slim waist
accenting their size, they thrust outward firmly as she stooped to retrieve her
under-slip. Once again the girl turned her bottom towards Diane, pulling the
waist of her panties down at the back to reveal her well rounded buttocks. Diane
leaned forward and took hold of the girl's hips turning her round. 'I've told
you once already not like that.' Diane brushed the maids hands away from the
panties and hooked her own fingers into the waistband, pulling the panties
gently down the girls shapely thighs to her knee's. 'Now take them off.' She
told her and lets have no more nonsense. Bending with her knee's pressed
together the young maid pushed the lacy garment over her shoes.
'That's right put them over there and leave your shoes with them.' Wendy
stepped out of her high heels and walked back to Diane, covering her small patch
of dark pubic hair with her hand. Diane stood up as the girl approached. Taking
her by the shoulders she made her turn toward the fireplace. 'Shall we have a
little more light?' said Veronica as she turned on the light of the standard
lamp next to her chair. 'That's better'. said Diane. 'She has filled out nicely,
what lovely breasts.' She let her right hand fall from the blushing girl's
shoulder, placing it firmly on her breast. Diane began to caress the breast,
drawing her fingernails lightly over the nipple. Round and round her fingertips
teased until the nipple stood out proudly. 'Please Miss.' The girl muttered her
eyes closed with shame. 'Please don't.' She hunched her back, her shoulders
strained forward. 'Stand straight and put your head up' snapped Diane as the
girl tried to evade the teasing fingers pinching and squeezing her soft nipple.
She slapped the girl's buttocks smartly with her left hand. With a gasp Wendy
raised her head and pushed her shoulders further back.
'That's better, you can always have another smack bottom you know.' Diane said
brightly. 'Now just do as I tell you, when I tell you, there's a good girl.
Wendy was one blush of red, her bottom lip was trembling as Diane scolded her.
'Now we will have a look at that bottom of yours.' Diane quickly turned the girl
around and bent her forward. Taking hold of the maids waist, Diane leaned over
passing her arm around the girl and bringing her hand up underneath so that the
palm pressed against the maids soft tummy.
She stroked her right hand gently over the soft buttocks. 'Look 'ronica, there
are quite a few marks.'. Veronica leaned forward from her chair and gently
stroked the buttock cheeks presented to her. Diane moved her left hand further
down underneath the girl's tummy. Her finger moving over the slim patch of pubic
hair. 'Open your legs girl'. Veronica slapped hard across both cheeks of her
bottom. Wendy had began to tremble as she shuffled her feet apart. 'Come on you
can do better than that'. Veronica said insistently as she pushed the girl's
legs further apart. She could see the fingertips of Diane's hand as she moved
them over the girl's pubic mound. Diane felt the lips of her vulva begin to open
as she teased gently with her fingers. She rubbed backwards and forwards with
the length of her finger between the lips her nails teasing the clitoris into
prominence. Forward and back, forward and back her fingers moved inexorably,
stimulating the trembling female beneath her. She felt the first slight
movements of the girl's hips as she daintily caressed her captive's most private
"Ooooh Miss, plee..ease .. Miss." Wendy gasped as she felt a finger slip inside
her. The girl began to move her hips in response to the rhythm of Diane's gentle
probing. Her breath came faster and her body shivered. Her mouth opened, gasping
for air as Diane moved her hand more firmly inside her. Feeling the moist lips
lubricating her finger, Diane increased her rhythm, slowly and insistently she
probed deeper and deeper into the very core of the girl. The hips that were
moving from side to side began to move backwards and forwards. Reluctantly the
girl moved her innocent young body, pushing her quivering hips forward to meet
Diane's probing fingers. Her naive movements sending thrill after thrill through
her body. Veronica observed the reluctant motions of the girl in front of her
and moved to a kneeling position between the girl's widely spread legs. She
reached down and stroked her gently, her fingers bestowing feathery caresses
upon the girl's inner thighs. Wendy was in turmoil her senses reeling with the
onslaught of passion her mind assailed by a rising tide of sensuality.'
Oooh..Miss....Please...d'doont....'. The lower half of her body seemed as if it were on
fire, her legs trembled and quivered, her knee's turned as if to jelly. Diane
looked down on the helpless girl, watching her tremble with rapture, her knee's
spread wide sinking to the soft carpet below. Calmly Diane moved with her
keeping contact and increasing the pressure of her wrist upon the writhing
girl's clitoris as she inserted another finger inside her. 'Ooooh....Missss.
Pleeeeease....pleeease...'The girls words coming in gasps between in-drawn
breath. Diane was delighted as she felt and saw the tell- tale signs at the
impend of the girls climax. She looked over to Veronica who was caressing the
girls thighs with persistent stokes, moving her hands smoothly upward over the
back of the thighs into the deep crease of the girls bottom. Veronica took her
cue from Diane and splayed the girls buttocks widely apart, her fingers teasing
the sphincter, probing and prising an opening as the girls hips worked
themselves to and fro. She inserted the tip of her finger into the anus and at
the moment of climax impudently pushed her finger straight up into the girl's
wriggling bottom.
'Oooooh...Ooooh....pleeeease...' Wendy was beside herself with sexual pleasure.
'Oooooooooh.....Misssssssss. The girl moaned, her hips thrashing as both girls
cleverly manipulated her climax.
With tenacity they coaxed the last vestige of pleasure from their victim
watching her every movement until she collapsed prostrate on to the carpet
heaving and gasping for breath.
''. The girls moans subsiding as her
orgasm diminished. Even then Diane's fingers did not lose contact with her as
she cupped the fleshy mound and squeezed gently.
Diane laid her head on the girls back. 'There now, there now' she murmured,
gently stoking the softness of the maids buttocks with her right hand, the other
still cupped between the thighs. Veronica stroked her quivering legs until they
lay still. 'There that wasn't so bad was it.' Diane murmured as the girl drew
air in long deep breaths.

Lady Rawlings looked down at the tableau of girls before her. Her maid lay
naked on the floor her legs spread wide. Between them sat Veronica her hand laid
on the back of the girls knee. Diane was sat to the side gently stroking the
shoulders of the exhausted innocent.
'Help her on to the settee beside me. ' Lady Rawlings said softly to her
daughter. The girls got up slowly, helping Wendy to the couch.
'Lay her head on my lap, that's the way.' Diane's mother said as they helped
the naked girl to lay face upward on the soft cushions. Her head rested on Lady
Rawlings knee. Diane's mother gently stroked her hand over the girls glistening
shoulder and down on to her beautiful breast, stroking softly. The girl seemed
to have regained some of her senses and looked up into the face of her Mistress
as she felt the hand gently touch her sensitive nipple. Diane knelt at the side
of the settee looking down into girls face.
'Tell me,' she said quietly 'Did you enjoy that?'. The girl looked into Diane's
eyes. 'Oh yes Miss.' she whispered. Her body shivered.
'Did it make you tingle all over, tell me.' Diane lent close to the girl as she
spoke, Her voice whispered softly. 'Did it make you come?' The girl blushed as
she looked up at Diane. 'Oh yes Miss, yes Miss.' the girl whispered. 'Do you
feel nice now?' Diane reached for the girl's other breast and squeezed it gently
as she spoke. The girl dropped her eyes as she felt the caress. 'Answer me.'
Diane moved her face closer to her. The girl looked at the lips inches from
hers, raising her head she kissed Diane in adoration. 'Oh thank-you Miss
...thank you'.
'You can pop your clothes back on now Wendy then fetch us all a drink'. Diane
said kindly as she stoked the girl's cheek, 'You know we are really very fond of
you'. 'I know Miss. I just get embarrassed.' The girl said softly looking into
Diane's eyes. Wendy dressed quickly and left to fetch the drinks.

'Well,' said Lady Rawlings, 'what a day you're all going to have tomorrow The
girls looked up at Diane's mother as she spoke, smiling gently at her daughter
and her friend. 'I feel sorry for this orphan boy of yours. Not because you are
going to punish him tomorrow but because of his circumstances. Perhaps if he is
as beautiful as you say we could do something for him.' 'What do you mean?'
asked Veronica as she shifted lazily in her seat. Her robe fell open below the
belt exposing her long shapely brown legs right up to the vee of dark pubic
'Well', said Lady Rawlings 'I know a woman that runs a school, mostly girls I
think, but she has a wonderful way of moulding her pupils. They turn out quite
bright but completely manageable, if you know what I mean.' 'You mean they are
submissive?' asked Veronica.
'Yes, I think you would say they are very submissive.' Lady Rawlings smiled. 'I
think punishment plays a big part in her disciplines. Look at the way Wendy has
reformed since her smack bottom. She does exactly as she is told and yet is
cheerful and very caring.

The day dawned bright and clear. The girls were in high spirits as they sat on
the cane chairs of the veranda adjoining the dining room. Diane was helping
herself to more coffee from the silver tray, which the maid had placed on the
cane table in front of them. Diane was wearing a white silk shirt. The material
was almost transparent, even the doubled material of the pockets did little to
conceal the dark aureole and nipple of each breast. She had unbuttoned the shirt
down to the middle of her cleavage and as she leaned forward, her breasts were
completely exposed. Her dark blue skirt was made with a buttoned slit, which ran
from the waist down to the knee length hem. Diane had unbuttoned these so that
the smooth Sea Island cotton material fell either side of her tanned thighs.
'I think we chose the right outfits, don't you?' Diane turned to her friend and
smiled. 'I don't suppose there is a chastisement outfit.' Veronica laughed.
'Have you decided what to beat him with yet?' Veronica leaned back as she spoke
and unbuttoned her thin cotton shirt to the waist exposing her large rounded
breasts to the sun's morning rays.
'That looks pretty.' Diane said, observing Veronica's brown nipples, which stood
out quite splendidly from the tips of her firm breasts.
Veronica shifted in her chair placing her feet on the cane table. She was
wearing a wide skirt that came to just above the knee. She pulled the skirt up
until the hem lay across her hips, exposing her long brown legs. She smoothed
her hands over her thighs lazily. 'I'm looking forward to today, he has such a
lovely body for a boy.' Veronica spoke softly, turning her face to the sun. 'He
is graceful and not too muscular, perfectly proportioned really.'
Diane nodded to her friend in agreement. 'I think he is most unusual and
special, let's hope mother can do something for him.'
'Look,' said Veronica.' My nipples have gone stiff.' Diane laughed, reaching
over and tweaked the tip of Veronica's right breast with her fingernail, before
cupping the firm flesh with her hand. Leaning forward in her chair she brought
her mouth over the nipple and nibbled gently with her even white teeth.
'Oooh don't start that now or we'll never get through the day.' Veronica

It was an hour later. The girls were sat side by side in the Range Rover
belonging to Lady Rawlings. Diane was driving competently down the long drive,
which lead from the Manor into the estate. 'Are you comfortable Wendy.' Diane
addressed the maid seated behind them.
'Yes Miss, thank you Miss.' Diane glanced round at the maid who smiled back at
her. 'You have turned out a nice girl.' Diane said. 'Such a pretty face and body
too, you really are a lucky girl.' 'Thank-you Miss.' replied the maid once more.
They were now heading up the long hack that led to the lake. Diane drove slowly
over the rougher ground. 'Don't the woods look pretty at this time of year.'
Veronica said, shifting lazily in her seat. Diane concentrated on her driving,
her wide skirt laid over her thighs, displaying a pair of pretty knee's.
'I think we brought everything we need, for our task.' Diane said to Veronica.
'If not we will just have to improvise.' 'You will do as we ask today won't you
Wendy.' Diane turned to girl behind her. 'I want complete co-operation from you,
is that understood?'
'Yes Miss.' the maid replied firmly, 'I won't let you down.'
'I do think that girls got a crush on you Diane'. Veronica said. She turned in
her seat to look at the maid who blushed prettily, and dropped her long
eyelashes over her cheeks.
'Here we are.' Diane brought the Range Rover to a halt a few yards from the
picnic table.
'Are you sure we wont be disturbed.' asked Veronica as she opened the door of
the vehicle.
'No I made sure. The keeper is in 'Far Acre' and will be working there for the
next three weeks, so there's no-one to interrupt us.'
'Good' said Veronica jumping from her seat. Her skirt caught up momentarily,
revealing her brief white panties as she slid her feet to the ground.
The girls unloaded the jeep: Two picnic hampers and three large car rugs were
placed on the grass beside the picnic table.
'You still haven't told me what we're going to use on the boy, said Veronica as
she sorted through one of the hampers. The maid approached holding a long slim
package. 'Madam asked me to give you this.' she said as she held out the paper
Veronica quickly tore off the paper and held the long slim cane between her
'What was Madam doing with this might I ask' Veronica looked at the maid.
'It was meant for me Miss.' the girl replied quietly.
'Has she used it yet?' enquired Diane.
'No Miss, the girl blushed. 'She said it was for the next time.'
'Then what I said earlier is true, you are a very lucky girl.'
'Yes Miss.' The girl said quietly.
'There must be enough stuff in here to stock a chemist's shop.' Veronica said as
she knelt over the hamper and sorted the contents.
'Well we have to look after him, I wouldn't want him to be poorly with any
infection.' Diane said as she reached for the cane lying on the picnic table.
'How do you fancy being beaten with this?' she asked Wendy as she slipped the
slim bamboo slowly through her fingers.
'Oh I wouldn't Miss, it looks awfully hard.'
'Well one stroke wouldn't hurt you, and it would be nice to try it.' Diane said
'Oh no Miss, Please Miss, you wouldn't.' The girl looked pleadingly at Diane.
'But you have already promised to do as you are told, haven't you?' Diane looked
inquiringly at the maid. The girl looked at Diane, her bottom lip trembled.
'Please Miss.. not with that, I couldn't stand it'.
'Of course you could, now lets have no nonsense from you.' Diane spoke sharply
to the girl. The maids face fell, her lips trembled at the sharp rebuke and the
thought of the long cane.
'Just bend over the picnic table there's a good girl, one stroke never hurt
anyone.' Wendy trembled, but dutifully walked to the picnic table and leaned her
hips against it, bending forward slightly. Her face turned to look at Diane.
Veronica stood up and went behind the girl raising her loose skirt up over her
bottom. 'Bend forward, there's a good girl she whispered.' Wendy bent over
timidly, resting her head on her hands as they touched the table top.
Veronica promptly pushed the full skirt up over the girls waist, tucking some of
the material into her waistband. Her pretty bottom displayed a small pair of
lace panties. Veronica knelt behind her as Diane watched. Taking hold of the
flimsy lace she slowly pulled the panties, making the girl open her legs as she
eased them down.
'Just lift your foot', Veronica said gently as she pulled the panties over the
girls dainty sandals.
'Open her legs a little more.' Diane instructed her friend.
Veronica pulled the girls legs apart and pushed her ankles further in toward the
table. Standing up she placed her hand on the small of the girl's back pressing
her slim waist down on to the tabletop. Wendy shivered, her body rudely exposed.
'Please d...don't hurt me Miss". She stammered. Her little bottom moved from
side to side in agitation.
'Keep still, there's a good girl.' Veronica said gently stroking her hand over
the girl's naked buttocks.
Diane nodded her head to Veronica. Her friend placed her arm over the girls
waist and pressed down firmly.
'Just keep still, or I will give you two.' Diane spoke firmly.
Veronica slid her other hand over the girls bottom her fingers trailing through
the crease between her buttocks and finding the sensitive lips of sex. Slowly
she teased them with light caresses running her nails through the fine hairs of
her pubes. The girl moved her bottom, the cheeks quivering as Veronica's fingers
slid between the pubescent lips of her vagina. Veronica pressed two of her
fingers together, stealthily she pushed them up inside the girl, the vagina
already moist, allowing her fingers to slide in easily. Veronica cleverly
manipulated her fingers feeling the girl's bottom lift and push back toward her
hand. Diane watched as her friend's fingers slipped backwards and forwards
between the pretty cheeks of the maid's bottom. The girl moved her hips
backwards, her vagina seeking the fingers that gave so much pleasure. Her breath
was coming in audible gasps as the probing fingers played inside her. She raised
her buttocks, her back arching as Veronica steadily increased the tempo of her
fingers. Oooh....mmmm..ah moaned the girl as she bent across the table before
her tormentors. Veronica looked up at her friend and nodded. Diane stood back
from the girl and raised the cane high above her right shoulder. Veronica
increased the rhythm of her fingers inside the girl's wet passage slowly pulling
her hand backwards. The helpless girl raised her pert bottom seeking the fingers
that gave so much pleasure. 'Now.' said Diane. Veronica quickly pulled her hand
away, increasing the pressure of her arm over the girl's back. Diane swung her
arm downwards, the cane whistled through the air in a perfect arc, striking the
young girl across the centre of her bottom. The tip of the cane curled around
the quivering cheeks of the girls thrusting buttocks, biting into the virgin
flesh. 'Aaaarrh...aaaarh.' The maid's body stiffened as if electrocuted. Her
legs kicked wildly as she screamed. 'Aaaarhh....aaaarh..ooh.' Her head tossed
from side to side, her body shaking uncontrollably. 'Oooooh....oooh..Miss...'
Wendy was in turmoil, her thighs rubbing together trying to rid herself of the
pain. Veronica thrust her hand between the injured cheeks her fingers rudely
searching for the girl's moist vagina. Deftly she sunk her fingers into the
girl, swiftly bringing them into play. Her fingers roamed wildly around the
inside of the quivering flesh. Diane dropped the cane and splayed her hands over
the girls thrashing bottom. Her fingers quickly located the neat sphincter
between the quivering buttocks. Deftly she pushed her finger up into the hole.
Wendy writhed beneath them, her body on fire. A myriad of emotions went through
her innocent body as the girls brought her to a shattering climax. Her screams
filled the air as wave after wave of sensation passed through her.
'Mmmmmmmmhhhh..aaarhh..arrrh' The girl was moaning beneath them as they gently
slowed the tempo of their busy fingers.
'Mmmmmmhh...mmmm.' she sobbed, her body was suffused in a rosy glow.
'There..there.' Diane whispered softly to her. 'There's a good girl, hush, it's
all over now.'
Wendy sighed and moaned but her body became still. 'There you're all right now,
just lay quietly.' Diane reached underneath the girls waist her nimble fingers
began undoing the buttons of the maids skirt.
Once open she tugged at the material, pulling it from under the maid's stomach.
Gently she raised the skirt over her bottom, taking care the material did not
touch the bright red weal crossing the buttocks. Veronica put her hand
underneath the girl's tummy to support her while Diane laid her skirt beside the
Taking a bottle from the open hamper, she poured lotion on to her hand. She
applied the liquid delicately to the girl's bottom, softly rubbing it in to the
marked cheeks.
'Oooh Thank you Miss.' The girl murmured as she felt the cool lotion being
rubbed over her wounded bottom.
Diane spent several minutes gently applying more of the liquid. She re-capped
the bottle and placed her hand gently between the girl's thighs. Cupping the
pubic mound she squeezed softly.
'There now how do you feel?' Veronica asked as she carefully lifted Wendy from
the table.
'It really hurt Miss, I didn't think I could stand was awful.' The girl
whimpered as Veronica helped her toward the blankets.
Diane watched as the maid approached, 'You look quite beautiful you know.' she
said to the maid looking at the small patch of hair that ran down between the
girls legs.
'Turn around so we can see your stripe'.
The maid turned without hesitation, showing her bottom to Diane.
'Shall I bend over Miss.'
Diane smiled. Obedience at last. She thought.
'Yes please Wendy.' Diane replied.
The girl bent down touching her toes easily, although she grimaced as the flesh
of her bottom tightened. Diane could not resist reaching between the proffered
thighs and delicately tickling her pubes. Wendy trembled but did not move from
her bent position until Diane patted her thigh and told her to come and sit
'I don't know whether I can sit Miss.'
'Just lay on your tummy, then we can see that delicious bottom of yours' Diane
'All that excitement has made me thirsty.' Veronica said brightly. 'Who would
like coffee?'. 'I'll pour it Miss, I'm all right now.'

Richard awoke with a start. He had had a terrible night. unsure every minute of
the evening whether he would be called to Matron's office. Whether the girls had
decided to report his crime. He had slept fitfully, waking constantly only to
fall back into an uneasy sleep.
He looked at the large round wooden clock hanging high on the wall at the
end of the dormitory. It said six o'clock. Richard jumped out of bed and hurried
to the bathrooms. He filled the large cast iron bath with tepid water, the only
kind they supplied at the orphanage. He shed his night-shirt with which they
supplied to both boys and girls and sank into the tepid water. He scrubbed
himself thoroughly, rubbing his skin red with the harsh bristles of the wooden
He had asked Matron for clean underwear and socks, which she had provided
without asking why. Normally clean clothing was supplied at the whim of the
domestics who worked in the institution.
After soaking in the bath for as long as the rapidly cooling water would let
him, he got dressed.
He was the eldest boy in the dormitory and as such was not asked questions
about where he was going. The rules were strict and it was only the most foolish
boy or girl that broke them. He often went for walks early in the morning even
during term time. He was quite sure no one would question why he was dressed so
early during the school holidays.
Richard had a strange feeling in his stomach. His nerves were on edge with a
mixture of apprehension and dread at thought of what the day would bring.
He sat with the earliest sitting of boys and girls for their meagre
breakfast, however this was one day that Richard could not bring himself to eat
his food. Richard did not possess a watch so watched the clock at the far end
of the room. As soon as the hands read ten minutes to nine, he set off for the
long walk up to the lake.

The sun was already hot he as crossed the fields toward the woods. He
trudged on steadily, becoming more nervous as his legs carried him nearer to the
estate. He was well inside the woods when he saw the faded notice that read,
Private Land, Trespassers will be prosecuted. The fence that provided the
boundary for the estate that lay ahead. Slowly he climbed over the round wooden
posts that ran between strong stakes that were firmly implanted in the ground.
Slower now, he climbed up the hill, which led to the lake. Cresting the
rise he could see the blue water sparkling through the trees. The lake looked
inviting, but thinking about the lake made his stomach churn. If it had not been
for his desire to swim there he would not have had to be here now.
Richard covered the last few yards through the trees with an impending
feeling of dread. His mind had covered every possibility including whether it
might be a game and they would let him off.
As Richard left the cover of the trees he saw a Range Rover parked by the
Picnic table, then further to the left he saw the girls. He could not see
clearly from that distance so he failed to notice that a third girl was present.
Richard felt embarrassment, what should he do. Had he to walk over to them,
or ... He walked on. His head looking toward the immediate ground, he managing
somehow to put one foot in front of the other as he neared the picnic table. He
could see thick tartan blankets lying on the ground near to the table. He
stopped and looked up. 'Well what have we here?' Said Diane brightly as the
boy raised his head. She had monitored his progress from the wood. Perhaps
confirming her first impressions of his physique. The boy almost jumped as she
spoke. 'At least you're on time.' He gazed at the girls his own face already
bright red. He noticed the third girl who had looked at him quickly and then
averted her eyes.
'Well my boy are you ready for your punishment.' Diane looked keenly at him, her
lips displaying even white teeth as she spoke. Richard hung his head.
The maid looked at Richard through her eyelashes. She was pleased they had
allowed her to dress before the boy's arrival. He really was good looking, tall,
with a handsome face. 'We have decided,' said Diane.' to give you six sound
strokes of the cane. It should be a lot more but we are to be lenient on this
occasion. This will be administered by myself. If you do not keep still or I am
not satisfied I will give you more. Is that understood.'
Richard looked at the girls beautiful face as she addressed him. Six
strokes, would he be able to take it like a man. The doubts rushed through
Richard's mind. He had had no experience to compare with this.
' We are to proceed straight away Richard so will you kindly prepare
yourself.' Diane continued.
Richard stood looking dumbly at the girl. Not knowing what to do or what to say.
'We are waiting Richard my boy.' Diane was well aware of the boy's acute
'What should I do Miss.' asked the boy looking down at his feet.
'Take those ugly trousers of yours off... and your clod hopping boots.' Diane
snapped. 'Hurry up I haven't got time to waste with you.' Diane and Veronica
were both well aware they had all the time they wanted.
Richard went down on one knee and started to undo the laces. His trembling
fingers hardly managing to cope with the well-worn laces. He managed to get them
off and then stood trembling before the girls. Reaching for his belt he undid it
and let it hang down from the waist loops of his baggy short trousers. He
unbuttoned his trousers and let them down over his legs. He stepped out of them
and placed them beside his boots. Once again he stood up in front of the girls
wearing his baggy underpants. His shirt lap hung down covering most of the
'Take your jacket off.' Diane said firmly. 'It is far to hot for that.' Richard
obeyed placing the rough flannel jacket over his trousers.
'Come on and the underpants, I'm going to cane your bare bottom. Hurry up you
are slow.' Diane looked up at the boys face, it was flushed with discomfort.
Richard dropped his eyes from the girl's cool gaze and pushed his underpants
down his legs, he took them over his socks and placed them on the growing pile
of clothes. His shirt lap hung down covering his thighs.
'For God's sake take those horrible socks off.' said Veronica, speaking to the
boy for the first time.
Richard bent once more, taking his long grey wool socks over his feet he put
them on the pile. He stood up facing the girls once more.
'Shall we have the shirt off,' Diane asked Veronica innocently, 'It's bound to
get in the way.' Richard blushed deeper at the thought of having to expose
himself. He had blushed every time he had thought of the events of yesterday.
'Of course it will have to come off, it's more like a nightgown than a shirt.
How are we going to get to his bottom with that thing in the way.' Veronica
turned to Richard as she spoke. 'Come on, get it off.' A nervous shudder shook
Richard as Veronica spoke to him. Blindly the boy reached for the buttons of his
shirt fumbling as he struggled to undo them, the shirt parted as he undid the
last button exposing the front of his timid body to the girls.. Richard took the
shirt off and let it fall to the ground beside the rest of his clothes.
He clasped his hands over his genitals aware of the interested stare of his
'Hands by your sides, head up, shoulders straight.' snapped Diane copying the
word's and tones of her own schoolmistress.
Richard breathed deeply, he felt faint. Slowly he took his hands away and hung
them by his sides. He held his shoulders straight.
'That's better, I can't stand sloppy boys.' remarked Diane.
Richard was aware of where the girls were looking. He fought an inner battle
with himself to keep his hands by his sides. Veronica looked at the naked boy as
he stood in front of her. His body was better than she remembered it. She
examined his penis hanging down in front of the neatly bulging scrotum. He had
obviously been circumcised the tip of the penis showing about a quarter of an
inch from his foreskin. His body was slimmer than she had first thought and his
skin had a healthy colour and an excellent texture. Richard stood still as the
girls looked at him. He could do nothing to save his embarrassment. His eyes
were filled with tears.
Diane stood up in front of the boy and took him by the shoulder as she
looked into his face. 'Look at me Richard, I am going to punish you now. I
expect you to take your punishment like a man. Do you understand me.' Richard
nodded making a small tear run down his cheek. Diane looked down gently into his
eyes and tenderly wiped the tear from his cheek.
'It's no good crying, I haven't given you anything to cry about yet.' She said
firmly. Standing back from the boy she motioned Veronica to join her.' He can
kneel on the bench and lean over the table I think.' said Diane. 'Would you
bring that blanket please Wendy.' The maid carried the blanket to Diane who told
her to lay it on the bench at the side of the picnic table. Wendy tried to avoid
looking at the boy's face knowing some of what he must be feeling. At the same
time there was a certain excitement about the proceedings.
'Come here my boy, kneel on the blanket and lean over the table.' Richard moved
to the bench and knelt on it. He leaned over the table supporting himself with
his hands, his elbows straight.
It was as if he were in a dream his head pounded and his stomach churned inside.
Veronica put her hand gently on his back. 'Go down on to your elbows and rest
your head on your hands, there's a good boy.' Her voice was gentle and soothing.
'That's it right down.' She smoothed her fingers over his back as he arched his
spine and pressed his chest to the table. Veronica moved back examining his form
from the rear. His legs were close together and his smooth buttocks thrust
upwards. Veronica looked at Diane who was also admiring the beauty of the boy's
body and winked.. She smoothed her hand across the smooth upturned buttocks.
'Open your legs, you will be much better like that.' Richard shifted his legs
apart a couple of inches. Veronica stooped placing her palms on the inside of
each thigh. Firmly she pressed the boy's legs apart until they were widely
spread. The firm buttocks were now open and vulnerable. Richard gasped at the
smooth contact of her soft hands. 'I think he had better be held.' said Diane.
'Wendy would you hold his arms, go around the other side of the table. '. The
maid obeyed, moving around the table, she pulled Richard's hands across the edge
of the wood. She leaned forward trapping the hands between the table and her
hips, her body pressed tight against his arms. Richard could feel the softness
of her breasts against his elbows. Diane smiled happily at Veronica as they
observed the way Wendy had quickly done their bidding.
'I think if you hold his penis and testes he won't be able to move very far.'
Diane chose the words deliberately to embarrass the boy further. Richard could
not believe his ears. Never before had he felt so exposed and vulnerable. His
body was one complete blush. He rested his forehead on his arms to hide his
face. Veronica felt the nervous trembling under her fingers as she coolly
stroked her hands over his buttocks. Her hand sliding down between the parted
cheeks, her fingers lingered over the tightly spread sphincter before descending
between his legs. She scooped the boy's testicles into her hand and squeezed
them gently. Slipping a soft hand underneath his hips she delicately took hold
of the flaccid penis. 'Wendy heard the boy gasp as he lay helpless before her.
His arms twitched beneath her soft breasts. She guessed what Veronica was doing
underneath the boy. Veronica gently slipped the foreskin back over the rim of
the glans. Her delicate touch causing him to try and draw back. 'Stay exactly
where you are.' Veronica snapped and squeezed the balls resting in her hand.
Slowly she pulled the foreskin back her fingernails gently scratching the rim of
the young boy's penis.
Richard gasped as the girl's fingers gently coaxed his penis into a gentle
swelling. Her fingernails traced a delicate pattern over his scrotum causing the
skin to pucker as if cold. Slowly and deliberately her fingers continued,
ignoring the boy's gasps. Skilfully manipulating the penis she slid the foreskin
up and down the shaft. Veronica felt the penis gradually stiffen she could feel
the blood pounding beneath her touch. The boy moaned as she deftly pulled the
foreskin back down the shaft stretching the skin tight before she started an
upward stroke to bring the foreskin right over the tip of the glans. She
squeezed the end before pushing the soft skin back down the shaft. The boy's
hips began to move reluctantly as her insistent fingers stroked over his
manhood. 'Please ..Miss.. don't Miss..I feel funny Miss. Richard gasped for
breath, his nerves taut with sexual excitement. Veronica felt the penis harden
fully, she had never thought a boys penis could become so hard. She felt the
penis suddenly start to throb as if it had a life of it's own. Quickly she
released some of the pressure. 'There that's given me something to get hold of.'
she said as she gently let go of the boy. Veronica sat down her hips next to the
boy's knee and looked at her friend standing to the other side of his naked
body. She reached under the boy with both hands, twisting her body round to push
her left arm under his hips. She cupped his testicles encircling the neck of the
scrotum with her forefinger and thumb and held his testes like a bag of sweets.
With her right hand she grasped the boy's penis pushing the foreskin back so
that her palm brushed against the rim ensuring the penis stayed erect.

Diane looked down at the helpless boy, his body quivering in front of her. His
buttocks thrusting upward from his steeply arched back. The cheeks of his bottom
widely splayed, an open invitation to her cane.
'Prepare yourself Richard my boy,' Diane spoke firmly as she raised the cane
above her head. Veronica watched as Diane raised her arm. Taking her cue she
tightened her grip on the boy's penis, pushing the foreskin back so that the
heel of her hand was able to rub against the sensitive rim. Richard gasped his
body taut, he felt her fingers squeeze firmly on his testicles as he heard the
swish of the cane. 'Aaarrrhh....aaaarrrrhhhh.' His body bucked as the cane
thwacked across his raised buttocks. 'Aaaarrrhhh'. He screamed as the fire in
his bottom spread through his body. He shook wildly, his body quivering as wave
of pain increased in intensity. Wendy pressed her breasts firmly over the boy's
arms her hands pushing his shoulders back down on to the table.
'There now.' The young maid whispered to Richard, her soft lips pressed close to
his ear. She moved her young firm breasts over the boy's arms trying to give him
Veronica pushed the foreskin of Richard's penis firmly down the shaft,
stretching the skin tightly she rubbed the heel of her hand across the sensitive
rim of the glans. Her deft fingers cleverly coaxing his member back to a full
Once more she tightened her grip as the cane fell smartly across Richard's
bottom cheeks. 'Aaaarrrrhhhh....aaarrrhhh..rrrhhhh. He screamed. His body
writhing in agony as a new wave of pain coursed though him.
Diane looked down at the quivering buttocks. The livid red marks clearly
delineating the path of the cane. She squeezed her legs together and shuddered
in pure sexual excitement. If there is any moment in my life, she thought, that
I am to know my true self, then this must be it.
Diane tried to steady her voice as she spoke sternly to the boy.
'Keep still Richard or it will be worse for you.' She raised the cane once more
and looked across at veronica. 'Three.' Diane said quietly.
Veronica pinched the boy's penis which had become flaccid. Holding the foreskin
over the head of the penis, she squeezed in quick scissors like movements. She
could feel the glans move beneath the skin and the organ begin to stiffen.
Gently she encircled the glans once more, pushing her slim fingers over the rim,
she pushed the foreskin back as far as it would go. Richard gasped as her hands
manipulated him so intimately. Veronica increased the tempo of her fingers over
his penis until she was satisfied that it was perfectly erect. She took a firm
hold of his testicles and once more rubbed the palm of her hand over the exposed
tip of the penis. She nodded to Diane again signalling the boy's readiness.
'Thwack.'..'Thwack.'..'Thwack.'. The cane fell in three quick successive
strokes. The response from the naked boy was immediate.
'Aaaaarrrrhhhh...aaarrr.aaaarrrhhhh.' Richard screamed. The woods seemed to echo
and amplify his distraught cries. His body bucked and became rigid. His mouth
was wide open and yet he felt unable to draw breath. His legs kicked alternately
backward from the bench. He had never experienced such pain. How could he stand
it. Surely no-one could bear this pain.
' can't' He sobbed and
pleaded as his body shook.
Diane pressed her hand between her thighs. Feeling the swollen lips of her
vagina though the material of her dress. She watched the boy's buttocks jerk and
quiver with pain. She felt herself climax, her body trembled violently for a
second and yet she managed to control herself. "Put those legs well apart" Diane
spoke firmly her face flushed with excitement. 'If you disobey me I shall be
forced to add more strokes to your punishment'
' more I can't stand..any more'. Richard pleaded, placing his
shaking legs further apart. Diane bent forward and tapped the cane from side to
side between Richard's thighs causing the boy to open his legs wider. Veronica
was working diligently on the boy's penis, her fingers moving rapidly up and
down the shaft. Her left hand toying with his testicles, bouncing them on the
tips of her fingers.
Slowly under her guidance, Richard's agitation subsided and his penis began to
stir. Her fingers, coaxing and manipulating without respite until the boy's
organ was fully extended once more.
Veronica nodded toward Diane. She watched intently as Diane raised her cane
before bringing it down hard on to the boy's quaking buttocks.
' Aaaaaaaarrrrrrhhhhhh...aaarrrhhhhhpphhhh.' Richard's body shook and quaked,
it seemed every fibre was locked in a muscular spasm.
'Aaaaaaarrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.' He screamed, his eyes rolled as the pain racked his
body. He sobbed and sobbed, his hips twisting from side to side trying to ease
the awful searing pain.
'There it's all over now.' Wendy whispered in his ear, her voice soothing and
gentle.' Richard was too preoccupied with his pain to feel the single tear fall
on his back.
'There that wasn't so bad was it?' Diane said kindly as she placed the cane down
on the grass. 'I want you to stay in that position for a few moments, Do you
hear me Richard.'
'No more Miss ....please Miss, no more,' The boy sobbed.
'There will be no more as long as you do what you are told, is that understood.'
'Yes Miss. I won't move Miss.' Richard's voice trembled as he spoke, his body
'We are going to let go of you now, but you are to stay where you are and you
are to touch your bottom is that clear.' Diane spoke kindly but firmly. 'Yes
Miss..yes Miss.' Richard mumbled through the pain.
Veronica was delicately playing with the boy's penis, stimulating the
thick shaft with deft touches and caresses, slowly causing it to erect once more
under her skilful touch.
Wendy looked toward her Mistress and pushed her body up off the boy. 'Shall I
leave him now Miss.' She asked Diane.
'Yes you can leave him now.' She smiled at the maid. 'You've been a good girl a
very good girl, come over to me.'
The maid walked toward her young Mistress.
'I am very pleased with you Wendy.' Diane said as she put her arms over the
girls slim shoulders. 'I might want you to do something soon, which you may not
like, I am hoping that you will not let me down.' Diane bent her head and kissed
the girl on the cheek.
Wendy looked up lovingly at her Mistress.
'Are you going to beat me again Miss?'.
Diane looked down at her innocent face, 'No Wendy I wont beat you unless you are
'Thank you Miss, I couldn't bear what that boy has just had.'
Diane placed her hand over the girl's breast feeling the hard nipple through her
'We are very fond of you Wendy, I want you to remember that the next time you
are punished.' Diane fondled the girl's breast through her shirt as she spoke
gently to her.
Veronica left the boy with his penis fully erected. She walked over to
Diane and the maid. 'Shall we sit down and have some more coffee and let Richard
reflect on his hurts." She said to the girls as she sat down beside the hampers.
Gradually Richard felt the pain begin to ease as he knelt over the oak table.
His loins were on fire, but the acute desire to rub his bottom had receded.
His embarrassment was total. He had been made to sob and beg in front of the
girls. His penis was still erect and he felt terribly exposed. His legs splayed
wide apart displaying himself rudely.

It was fifteen minutes before Diane and Veronica got up and went over to the
boy. Richard had stopped sobbing but the tears still fell down his cheeks. 'Up
you get.' Said Veronica laying her hand gently over the six bright weals' that
decorated the boy's bottom. 'Let's have a look at you.'
Richard got up awkwardly from the table. His knees felt stiff as he lifted them
from the bench and straightened them. He stood facing the table, the two girls
standing behind him. 'Turn round and let's have a look at you.' Veronica told
the boy.' Richard turned to face the girl his head hung down. His hands were
trying to cover his penis which was still swollen.
'Head up, hands by your sides.'
Richard took his hands away and looked up his face flushed.
His tear stained cheeks blushed bright red.
Veronica took the boy's penis in her hand and squeezed. To Richard's amazement
she pulled his penis forward and held him by it as she led him back to picnic
Wendy watched his face as Veronica held him by his penis. Richard was blushing
profusely. He squeezed his eyes shut as he saw her look at Veronica's hand
holding his erect penis.
'Kneel down on the blanket Richard, I want to see to your bottom' Diane gestured
as she sat down. Richard knealed forward resting on his hands, his arms
'That's fine. Just stay like that.'
'Do you want this Miss.' Wendy held out the bottle of lotion that had been used
on her own bottom.
'Thank you Wendy' Diane smiled warmly at the girl. She took hold of the bottle
and spilled lotion on to her hand. 'Hold this for me.' She handed the bottle to
Veronica who poured some on to her own-cupped hand.
Diane moved around behind Richard proceeded to gently apply the lotion to his
naked bottom. Veronica smiled knowingly at Diane and slid her hand underneath
Richard's tummy reaching for his penis once more. Richard trembled as he felt
their light fingers rubbing the lotion into his body.
Veronica gently rubbed the lotion into his penis feeling it throb as she stroked
Diane parted Richard's legs and applied lotion along the crease of his buttocks.
Making the boy squirm. His penis felt as if it were bursting as their busy
fingers intoxicated his senses.
'Right young man, lay down on your side and turn over on your back.' Richard
just managed to understand. His mind was awash with sensation.
'Hurry up.' The girls took their hands from his penis and buttocks. Richard slid
his knees to the ground laying face down. Veronica put her hand under his hip
and turned him over gently. He closed his eyes, not daring to look at the
girls. He knew his penis was sticking straight up in the air. His humiliation
was total.
'Open your legs as wide as you can Richard, there's a good boy.' Diane voice was
soothing but insistent. Richard parted his legs as wide as he could. 'Bend your
knee's, that's it she said gently as she took hold of one knee and bent it up
and out. Richard had never felt so humiliated. His body trembled and his lips
quivered in distress. Diane stood up looking down on the naked boy, his body
spread before her.

'Come here Wendy' Said Diane looking to her maid. She came and stood by her.
'Just take off your skirt there's a good girl.' Wendy looked at Diane anxiously.
'I haven't got my panties on Miss.' she said blushing.
'That's all right, just take it off.' She undid the buttons and let the skirt
fall over her slim legs. She picked it up and laid it to the side of the boy,
looking down at his penis as she did so. The maid stood up in front of Diane she
was naked from the waist down. She tried her best to hide her embarrassment, but
could not help keeping her pretty legs pressed together. 'Right just step over
here, that's it one leg either side, now kneel down.' Diane instructed Wendy to
sit astride the boy's waist with her pretty bottom facing his head, she observed
the position of both Richard and her Maid. She was satisfied to see Wendy
sitting over the boy looking innocently at Richard's erect penis, standing
stiffly only inches from her face.
'Now Wendy I just want you to hold his legs under your arms, you can do that
can't you.
'Yes Miss.' the maid replied. Diane took hold of one of the boy's legs making
him bend the knee further as she pushed it up over his hips. Veronica took
charge of the other leg doing the same and placing the maid's arm over the back
of the boy's knee. Richard felt so embarrassed as he lay there, his legs bent
back over his body his sore bottom lifted up off the ground.
'You don't need to kneel up, sit your bottom down a bit.' She said to the maid.
Wendy let her buttocks move down on to the boy's chest, feeling his warm body
under the cheeks of her bottom. Veronica moved to kneel by the his shoulder. She
looked down into his eyes. His cheeks were suffused in a bright red blush. He
had shut his eyes tightly, his lips were trembling and his chin quivered as she
stroked soft fingers over his hot cheeks.
'Open your eyes.' Veronica said gently.
Richard obeyed, slowly opening his eyes to look up into Veronica's beautiful
face. Her hair was shining in the sunlight. She parted her sensuous lips and
lowering her head kissed him on the cheek. Richard could not help but watch as
Veronica sat up and began to slowly unbutton her shirt, pulling it from her
waistband and dropping it down over her shoulders and arms. Her naked breasts
stood out firmly as the she gazed down on him. Veronica took her arms out of the
sleeves and leaned over the boy's face. Her nipples brushed across his cheeks as
she moved her body over him.
Diane knelt between Richard's legs and gently cupped her hand underneath
his testicles. Her fingernails gently traced a pattern along the soft underside
of the scrotum causing the skin to contract.
Wendy watched in fascination as Diane took his penis in her other hand and
gently slid her fingers up around the shaft, bending forward she blew on to the
tip of the boy's penis.
Slowly but steadily her hand passed up and down over the glans pulling the
foreskin tight as she reached the base of the swollen organ.
Richard's eyes were misty, his body stiffened as Diane cleverly stimulated his
body to a fever of excitement.
'There there Richard.' Veronica whispered, bringing her lips over the boy's
face. 'It will all be over soon, you have had a traumatic day just relax there's
a good boy.'
She gently stroked the boy's face. His breathing had become heavier and more
laboured, his body was trembling all over as Diane increased the pressure of her
fingers upon his penis. Diane noticed his hips had begun to move in small
gyrations. She gently squeezed his testicles and pulled them forward. His
buttocks moved from side to side as she brought him toward a climax.
She mover her hand from his testicles and placed it over the end of his penis.
She flattened the palm and rubbed it in a circular motion over the lips of the
opening. The boy immediately tried to draw away from the intense sensation. But
Diane held his penis firmly her hand keeping a steady motion up and down the
shaft. Veronica watched his face, his mouth opened wide as he gasped for air.
His breath producing a rasping sound against the larynx as the girl's brought
him inexorably to the very edge of his impending climax.
'Oooooohh....ooh.ohh..ooohh.' Richard moaned.
'Aaah.....hh...hh. He threw his head back. There was a pounding in his ears and
his vision became blurred. Wendy felt the boy buck like a young colt beneath her
buttocks. She pressed down on to his body and felt the soft lips of her vagina
slide over his smooth skin.
'You poor boy, you are tense aren't you, just hang on, you will come very soon.'
Veronica whispered as she pressed her breasts over his chest and shoulder. Her
face close to the boy's trembling lips.
'Ooooooo....oo...ooohhhh..' Richard's head moved from side to side as once more
ran the palm of her hand over the sensitive opening of his penis. She
deliberately stretched the foreskin as tight it would go. Her fingers squeezing
hard around the shaft. Richard was beside himself every nerve in his body
stretched to breaking point.
Without warning, Diane slipped the palm of her left hand between his legs her
fingertips pressed hard against the anus, feeling for the first spasms of his
'Ooooohhh...aaaarrhhhhhhh.' Richard's moans grew louder. His head jerked from
side to side, his mouth slack. Veronica held the boys face between her
hands as she saw his eyes lose focus.
'Pleeeeaaase..Miss...pleeee...oooohhhh...aaaarrrhh.' Richard lost control. His
limbs twitched as if he were having a fit. His eyes staring wildly.
Diane felt the climax approach and deftly pushed her forefinger up into the
boy's anus rapidly moving her finger in and out of the soft tissue of the
sphincter. She watched as the first jets of semen erupted from the tip of the
penis. Immediately she pushed her finger hard up into his anus. She felt him
buck as she curled the finger hard up against the prostate gland. "There my
boy". she cooed. "Let's Have a nice big come from you."
'Oooooo...oooo...oooohhhhh...aaaaaarrrrhhhhh. Richard moaned louder and louder
his imprisoned hips trying to escape. His thighs quivering as his nerves sent
shocks through to his legs. ' Wave after wave of
pleasure rushed through his body. 'There you are, you're coming now.' whispered
Veronica as she moved her lips over his.
'Pleeeeaase........Missssss..' Richard gasped as spurt after spurt of semen shot
from his penis.
Suddenly Veronica closed her lips over his, deliberately robbing him of air. She
pushed her tongue deep into the back of his throat and held him for a moment.
Slowly she withdrew her mouth, feeling his chest heave as he drew in lung full's
of air. Diane continued drawing her fingers firmly up and down the boy's penis.
Her other hand pushing deep between the parted buttocks..
Wendy felt the boy's stomach heave as she rubbed herself over him. Fascinated
the maid watched as yet another stream of semen shot from the tip o his penis
and high into the air.
The boy's climax seemed to last forever as Diane cleverly coaxed every drop of
juice from him. Richard's body trembled from head to foot. His fingers were
stretched rigid, the orgasm had seemed to reach every part of his young body.
His lungs felt as if they were about to explode as he gasped for air.
'Arrrhh.arrrhh. He moaned, all his strength gone, his body drained. Veronica
looked down at him, her breasts gently pressing against him, her face close to
his. 'There my precious boy, it's all over now'. She whispered softly, her
breath sweet on his lips.
'Oh..Miss..Misssss' Richard breathed a deep gulp of air as the last spasm's of
pleasure rippled through his young body. Diane gripped the base of his penis,
squeezing hard. She gently slipped her finger out of his bottom and cupped his
testicles, Squeezing gently as her other hand firmly slid up his penis bringing
the last drop of semen to the tip. Richard looked up at Veronica as if he had
returned from a dream. 'Oh Miss...Miss.' He stammered. Veronica bent her body
over his face and cupped her right breast, gently placing it against his open
mouth. 'There my baby.. there.' She said soothingly as the boy's trembling lips
closed over the nipple.
Wendy looked in wonder at her Mistress watching every movement as Diane gently
wiped a small globule of semen from the tip of Richard's penis. She reached for
Wendy's hand, motioning her to let down Richard's legs. Satisfied, she took the
maid's hand and placed it on the boy's penis.
Wendy closed her small hand around it and squeezed. Diane took the girl's other
hand and placed it between the boy's legs so that she could feel his testicles.
Wendy leaned forward and cupped the testicles, gently moving the balls to and
fro between her slim fingers.

Richard awoke and looked up at the sky, his skin warm from the sun. The girls
had left him lying quietly to recompose himself, the blonde girl ordering him to
stay where he was and to rest. Richard had been near to fainting as Diane had
cleverly prolonged his climax.
He had slept for over two hours, his body exhausted from a surfeit of pain and
pleasure coupled with the lack of sleep he had suffered during the night. He
could not hear the girls and wondered whether they had left him to go home. He
felt the blanket still underneath him and looked around to see one of the
hampers was still by his side, but the Range Rover had gone. He turned his head
toward the picnic table to see the maid watching him intently. On the table was
a Thermos and four plastic cups. Richard raised himself on one elbow and
suddenly realised he was naked. He quickly covered his groin with his hand. The
maid stood and gazed down on him, her almond eye's, examining every detail of
his body. 'Mistress Diane said that I should give you some coffee when you
wake.' She said sweetly. Richard looked down at himself to make sure his hand
was covering his genitals. 'I'll get dressed.' he said as he got to his feet
awkwardly, keeping his hand over his groin.
'Mistress Diane said you are not allowed to dress,' the girl said timidly
looking down. '..and..and.. you are not to cover yourself.. with your hand. 'The
maid's voice trailed off into a whisper as she hung her head.
Richard could not believe his ears. So it wasn't over. His insides churned as he
remembered the position he was in, he blushed, his face turning red in an
instance. He didn't think he could bear more humiliation.
'But..but..' Richard stuttered. The girl turned away from Richard swinging her
legs over the bench to face the table. Her slim thighs exposed for a second as
she pulled her skirt to her knees. She opened the Thermos and poured two cups of
coffee. 'Do you take sugar.' She asked Richard who was still standing covering
himself. The maid had not looked round at him as she spoke.
', yes please two spoons.' Richard replied.
'You can sit down.' Wendy spoke softly, then remembering his bottom. 'There is
a blanket on the bench at that side she pointed to the bench at the other side
of the table.
'Thank you Miss.' Richard replied his hands still placed over his penis. The
maid looked up as walked round the long oak table. 'Richard.' Wendy spoke with
warning in her voice. Richard stood still.
'Mistress said it would be three strokes if I had to ask you to do anything
Richard stood at the end of the table as the girl looked up at him. She looked
Richard blushing looked down at his hands, slowly uncovering himself.
'I'm sorry Miss.' Richard hung his head. His penis moved slightly as his arms
fell to his sides
Wendy looked at the boy and felt sorry for him but she dare not disobey her
'You can sit down.' She said simply.
The maid watched as the naked boy walked around the table. The livid red
stripes on his bottom standing out from the pale skin. She noticed him wince as
he sat down delicately.
They drank coffee as Richard asked about the girls. Who they were and what
they did. The girl told him as best she could details about the family and all
the land they owned. She seemed uneasy as if she had something on her mind,
something she had not told him.
They sat for ten minutes before the girl looked up to Richard, and blushed
prettily as she spoke.
'Mistress Diane has told me to put some more......',
The girl hesitated. '... lotion on your bottom..and..and to make
your...your..,' She blushed bright red, ' make your..penis hard. 'She
blurted. Her eyes looked down at her dainty fingers as she twisted them together
nervously. Richard stared with amazement. He blushed bright red, gasping in
shock at the words. His head felt dizzy.
' do it.' The girl said as she looked at Richard.
The boy hung his head but said nothing.
They both sat in silence for a few minutes. The maid began to look nervous and
'They will be back soon' The girl broke the silence.
'I think it will be best if I do it now.'
'Wh..what shall I do Miss.' Richard stammered.
'Just bend over the end of the table, while I bring the stuff.'
The maid got up from the table and stepped over to the picnic hamper. She
looked through it until she found the bottle that her Mistress had instructed
her to use.
She turned to find the boy already bending over the end of the oak table. His
young body looking lithe and graceful as he bent forward, his arms stretched out
in front of him. Wendy stood behind him and admired his body.
His legs were pressed together and his buttocks were clenched. Wendy opened the
bottle and placed the top on the table. She carefully poured some of the liquid
into the palm of her right hand. She placed the bottle beside the top and gently
placed her hand on the small of his back.
'I have to do this Richard, they will cane you if I don't.' she said softly.
'Please do as I ask you, or it will be worse for both of us.'
Richard raised his head, which rested on his arms.
'I'll do as you say Miss, I promise.'
'Open your legs please, I have to do it exactly as she told me.'
Richard opened his legs a few inches still keeping his buttocks clenched.
'You will have to open them further please hurry they will be back soon.' Wendy
said anxiously.
Richard opened his legs until they were about two feet apart, but the girl was
not satisfied.
'No all the way, like you were before' she said more firmly.
Richard opened his legs as far as he could. The thought of his recent punishment
flooding through his mind as she reminded him.
Wendy gently put her cupped palm over his bottom, the liquid running down his
buttocks. She quickly followed the liquid with her hand rubbing it gently over
his pale firm bottom.
'It..stings ..a bit Miss' Richard gasped as he felt the liquid setting fire to
the weal's across his flesh.
'Relax your bottom, I can't get inside.' Wendy said nervously as her hand rubbed
softly over him.
Richard unclenched his buttocks allowing the maid access to the cleft between
his cheeks. She stroked gently over the mounds of his bottom, her fingers making
their way between the crevice, the tips gently probing at the very centre,
making Richard squirm.
Wendy felt less nervous as she realised how pliable the boy was. She slowly let
her hand slip lower between the buttock cheeks, her right hand sliding from his
back down between the cleft. With her left hand she slid her fingers boldly
between his legs and cupped his testicles.
'OOooh,ooh. Richard gasped as the girl held him between her delicate fingers.
Deliberately she stoked over the boy's scrotum and slipped her well lubricated
fingers tenderly around his penis, pulling it back so she could see it as she
stooped lower. She pushed the foreskin up the shaft and then pulled back down,
squeezing as she drew her fingers down in a milking motion. She felt the penis
begin to stiffen as she skilfully slid the foreskin down over the head and then
up again, stretching the soft skin tight... as Diane had instructed.
'Ooooh..Miss'. Richard moaned softly, as the girl gently played with his penis,
her small hands moving with delicacy and precision.
'I'm sorry Richard but I have to do this.' She said, as she squeezed and pulled
once more.
Richard's body began to quiver under the effect of the girls fingers.
Gently she let go of him and placed her arms round his shoulders pulling him
up. Richard stood up straight at the girls prompting.
She turned him, directing him round the table to the bench, her hands sliding
to his waist as she pushed him forward.
'Just stand there and open your legs wide.' Wendy said as stood him in front of
the bench, facing the table. She stepped around the boy and sat on the bench in
front of him, sliding her knees in between his thighs. She looked up at him and
blushed as she saw the anguish in his face.
'I'm sorry but I have to.' She reached forward and took hold of his penis and
pulled him closer to her. With her other hand she gently stroked the inside of
his thigh upward from the knee until she reached the juncture of his thighs. She
cupped the soft scrotum in her hand, and squeezed the testes gently. Her young
fingers deftly pushed the foreskin back and forth, the young maid imitating the
expert ministrations her Mistress had demonstrated. Richard's body began to
tremble as she slid her delicate fingers up and down his shaft in a continuous
'Plee..ease Miss' Richard moaned as Wendy increased the tempo of her fingers
upon his organ.
'I feel funny..Miss...oohh..ooohh Miss.' Wendy quickened the pace of her fingers
as the boy's thighs trembled and shuddered in front of her. Suddenly he seemed
to go week at the knees. 'Plee..eease Misss..sss,'mm.. ' Richard
stammered as a wave of sexual sensation pervaded his whole body. So intense that
his whole body jolted like a young colt. Wendy deliberately increased the pace
of her hand. She pulled the foreskin right down to the bottom of the shaft
before bringing it up over the glans. With her other hand she quickly felt
between the boy's buttocks, locating the anus with her index finger. 'I'm sorry
Richard, but I have to put my finger into your bottom, I'll try not to hurt
you.' Wendy said breathlessly as she felt for the centre of the sphincter.
'Please Miss, I feel.. oh.. Miss' Richard pleaded.
"Just try and relax your bottom". She pushed against the tightly shut sphincter,
probing quite firmly. Feeling the entrance she deftly pushed her slender finger
up into his anus. She felt his buttocks contract savagely as she firmly pushed
her finger up as far as it would go.
'Oops, there we are, now just try and relax.' The boy was jerking his body
uncontrollably as she impaled him. His knees sagged and shook and his face
'Pleee...eeease.......Misssssss.' Richard moaned as he felt his climax approach
'I'm sorry.' Wendy said softly, 'But I have to make you come.' She pushed his
foreskin down tightly probing deeply with her finger, as his hips moved backward
she found she was able to quickly push a second finger up into his bottom.
'There I think you're going to come now, just a few more little strokes. Wendy
tightened her fingers over the shaft, his scrotum swinging backwards and
forwards between his widely parted legs. ''
Richard's legs shook as he climaxed..his knees quivered and shook and his
bottom trembled as the young maid coaxed him to a climax. She watched the boy
'Come on Richard ..Let it all come out..that's it.. every drop. 'Wendy spoke
softly to him as she quickened her strokes. His semen shooting from the tip and
spilling to the ground. She squeezed the shaft at the base, pressing her middle
finger to the underside, urging the last drops of juice to the tip. She
increased the pressure of her fingers in the boy's bottom curling them upward.
She watched as he through his head back in uncontrolled emotion. She carefully
slid her fingers from his bottom and took hold of his scrotum. Richard was
sobbing with emotion, his eyes tightly shut and his breath coming in quick
gasps. His whole body was shaking rapidly as if in fever.
'' He moaned, as she cupped his testes in her soft hand and
squeezed them firmly.
'Nearly finished..there..that's all of it.' Her pretty face was flushed as she
looked up at Richard through her long eyelashes.
'It's all over now Richard, just relax.' She whispered the words to him, looking
into his face. 'Open your eyes, it's all over now.'
Richard opened his eyes and looked into hers. She stood up still holding his
penis, her left hand cupping his testes.
'You're all right now just relax.' She leaned forward and placed a tender kiss
upon his trembling lips. Gently she released his captive penis and testicles.
She placed her hands on either side of his hips and turned him round so that his
back was towards her. She guided him to the picnic blankets, her hands softly
stroking his waist.
'Lay down here on your back, I just have to clean you up.' She spoke soothingly
to him as one would a child. Richard felt numb his mind in turmoil as he obeyed
her instructions. She watched the boy as he carefully lowered himself to the
ground. He grimaced once as his bottom touched the blanket. "Lay back with your
head on the blanket and open your legs". Richard obeyed, feeling foolish once
more as he felt the girl's hand on his knee, pulling his legs further apart.
Wendy had learned a lot today, not only concerning the physical aspects of the
day's events... but about herself. She looked down at Richard, delighted at his
obedience to her. His timid expression and blushing cheeks denoting her
dominance in their relationship. At first she had been shocked when Diane had
informed her of what she must do. The feeling of shock was quickly followed by
one of anxiety. Would she be able to handle the boy? What if he was to decide to
leave; she would not have the strength to stop him. She smiled down at him,
observing the look of pure supplication as she knelt and tenderly stroked the
burning cheek of his face. "Just lay there and relax a little, you've had a busy
day." She delicately traced her pretty fingers down over his chest and down on
to his tummy. "I have done it! and done it well". She thought, feeling a sense
of pride and perhaps determination. Wendy turned her body round and took some
soft moist tissues from the hamper. She gently took his penis in her hand and
wiped the tip. Very gently she pulled the foreskin down exposing the rim and
wiped behind it. Richard's hips jerked as the tissue grazed the rim.
'There it's all finished.' she said as she laid his penis over his tummy. 'Do
you feel better now?' she asked gently as she sat back on her heels.
'Oh miss I feel so ashamed.' Richard mumbled. 'I don't know':
'Don't cry.' She said as the boy's emotions took hold of him. She laid her hand
gently on his chest.
'I had to do that to you, I had no choice.' She said gently.
'I know,,,Miss ..I'm..sorry ..Miss.' Richard stammered as Wendy looked down into
his face.
'Miss Diane instructed me that If they were not after I' She
did not finish the sentence. 'I was to let you get dressed and go home, she also
said that you may come and swim everyday of the holiday's. She said that you
wont be disturbed and that you were to come.'
Richard had stopped crying and looked up at Wendy's pretty face.
'I think it would be better if you went before they returned.' Richard looked at
the girl thankfully.
'May I get dressed now Miss?' He sat up hoping she would not look down at his
'Yes, that is what Miss Diane said.' Wendy looked into the boy's face.
'She is not cruel really, she very loving, but you have to obey the rules
otherwise she will punish you. Did she hurt you very much?'
'Yes Miss.' The boy answered. 'It hurt a lot.'
'She said that was how it should be. 'Wendy looked straight into the boy's tear
stained eyes.
Richard stood, turning his back as he bent toward his clothes.
'I am truly sorry I trespassed Miss.. will you tell her? 'Richard asked as he
put on his clothes.
'Yes Richard of course' The maid said softly. 'You had better go before they
'Bye Miss.' He said as he started walking quickly away, his sore bottom smarting
as he walked toward the wood. Wendy stood watching him. Her hand pressed between
her thighs. Suddenly she sank to her knees as she felt a wave of passion course
through her young body. "Oh my god" She thought as she quickly slipped her hand
beneath her skirt and rubbed the palm over her pubis. Wave after wave of
indescribable sexual sensation rippled through her slender frame. Her shoulder
shook as she bent her head forward, her fingers busily brushing back and forth
over her clitoris. The orgasm had taken her completely by surprise. Her penned
up sexual passions suddenly explode within her. She lay back on the blankets her
hand still stroking her fingers over the lips of her vagina. Gradually her
senses returned. She lay back looking up at the tiny white clouds moving slowly
over the bright blue of the sky.

'Well I think that's everything.' Lady Rawlings looked up at the two girls as
they sat in front of her ornate desk.
They were sat in the study, the two girls were looking pleased as she replaced
the receiver of the telephone smiling.
'I am sure we have done the right thing, I feel better that he's going to come
to us. I know you will have your play toy, but at the same time we will be
ensuring he has a better future.'
'Is fostering better than adoption?' Veronica asked Lady Rawlings, as she leaned
forward putting her elbows on to the desk.
'Initially yes, it means if the medical centre pass him fit on Monday, he will
be brought straight to us. I have arranged with Jane at the school to supply us
with a governess for the boy. She will arrive the day after you go back from the
holiday. Lady Rawlings closed the file she had in front of her and continued.
'Don't you think it was rather clever asking if the orphanage had an older boy
that she could recommend.
Diane laughed, 'It would be a bit unfortunate if she had recommended someone
'Well I was taking your word that he was obedient and polite. However it was
nice that she put forward your Richard Chambers as being of excellent character.
She said that although he was nearly fifteen, she was sure he would be a credit
to us. Don't forget we have already arranged for the Vietnamese girl to start
work on Monday, if she is as pretty as her photographs I think you will like
'I can't wait.' Said Diane.
'You never could.' Lady Rawlings laughed watching her lovely daughter giggle to
her friend.' I don't know what you two get up to at school, but I can guess it's
not all good.'
'We don't get up to much at school, that's why the holidays are so good.'
Veronica was still smirking at Diane as she spoke.
'You are so good to us, I really mean it and I am sure that we are doing the
best for the boy.' Diane looked lovingly at her mother. 'I am sure there is not
another boy anywhere that has his looks or grace, it seems a shame that he
should spend his life in an orphanage.'
'Well I am sure he will fit in nicely here, Now hadn't you two better go and
fetch our maid.' Lady Rawlings stood and walked around the desk.
The girl smiled up at her mother and thought of what the maid might be doing at
this very moment. She should have finished by now, I gave her detailed
instructions.' Diane smiled at the recollection.
'There is nothing like giving someone a taste of power over their fellow
humans.' Lady Rawlings smiled. 'It worked wonders for Hitler in his early days.'
Both girls laughed at her, watching her slim body turn and open the door of the


'Well my daughter will be up to take you in five minutes, so 'll say Goodbye. We
shall miss you Richard.' The matron who had been speaking stood up and shook
Richard by the hand.
They were in matron's office where Richard had been called to attend earlier in
the week and told he was to be fostered,
'Not just by anyone, but by Lady Rawlings herself.' She had told him proudly.
Richard had not know what to think, he had not been unhappy at the orphanage but
was bright enough to realise that his prospects were not good. Most boys joined
the services, several had joined a year ago leaving Richard as the eldest boy.
What clouded his mind was the experience up at the lake. His body had not
recovered from the beating, or his mind from the embarrassment and humiliation.
He had been excited with sexual sensations that he had never thought possible.
His penis stirred beneath the baggy flannel trousers as he thought of the girls
and what they had done to him.
Would history repeat itself, he was sure that it would. He did not think he
could stand another caning, his bottom was still extremely sore. However he had
no choice to make, Matron had not asked him whether he would like to be
fostered, she had simply told him.
Richard awoke from his reverie to find Matron beaming down on him, her broad
features wreathed in smiles. 'Off you go young man, your car awaits.' She
laughed as she pushed Richard through the door.
Matron's daughter was stood in the doorway. 'I don't suppose he will be taking a
suitcase" she said as she turned and set off down the corridor. Richard liked
Janet, she had been good to the boy, giving him occasional sweets and cake from
the kitchen. She had turned seventeen years of age a few months ago, and had
started to take driving lessons. She had passed her driving test last week and
had not been out of the car since. Taking Richard to the Medical Centre had been
yet another excuse to use her mother's car.
'Thank you for taking me Miss.' Said Richard as they climbed into the car.
'I've told you, you don't have to call me Miss, I'm Janet and as you well know
this is another good excuse to get out in the car. Richard enjoyed hearing her
well-bred accent. It was not as well modulated as the girl's at the lake but it
had a fruity sound as she laughed.
Richard watched her as they drove toward the town, her features were neat and
she had a very pretty mouth, especially when she smiled, showing her brilliant
white teeth.
'I shall be sorry to see you go, but I am pleased for you, it could not have
happened to a nicer boy.' She laughed as she said the last words, but she meant
them. Richard had always seemed to be special and looking at him now, as they
parked the car, she could see the boy's merit.
'I'll come in with you, I have a letter to give to them.' She said as they both
walked up the stone steps of the large modern building. They entered the
building and located the third floor which was sign-posted 'Medical
They pushed through the swing door into an office. A young Nurse of about twenty
looked up at them as they entered. She was dressed in a stiff white tunic, which
revealed the vee of her breasts. Her shoulder tabs were decorated with blue
epaulettes imprinted with narrow gold stripes.
Janet spoke first. 'I have brought Richard Chambers from the orphanage he has an
eleven o'clock appointment here.'
'Ah.. yes, he is to be got ready to go before the committee at two this
afternoon... you will be Matron's daughter.' The nurse smiled up at Janet.
'You have a letter for me?'
Janet handed over the letter to the nurse, who took it and slit open the
envelope with her neatly manicured fingernails.
'I see,' she said a couple of times while she read the letter. After a few
moments she looked up and smiled at the boy.
'If you would come with me Richard.' She turned to Janet. 'I won't keep you
more than a few moments but Matron has requested that you take his clothes back
with you.'
Richard followed the nurse through the grey carpeted office to a white door
situated in the far wall. Richard realised that he had not said goodbye Janet.
They entered a small corridor with doors situated on both sides.
'In here' The nurse lead him through the first door into a brightly lit room.
Richard looked around, seeing a row of shiny metal sinks, on which sat rows of
glass jars and containers. In the middle of the room there was a table covered
with padded rubber. To his left were a series of cubicles which were open-ended
the first of these contained a chair. A trolley of instruments stood in front of
the second cubicle, its chromium plated frame holding glass shelves beneath the
stainless steel top.
'If you would just take off your clothes in there.' She pointed to the first
cubicle. 'I will prepare you a jar.' The nurse moved over to the sinks.
Richard looked up into as he entered the cubicle but could find no curtain to
pull across. Feeling uncomfortable he began to undress. The nurse was still busy
at the sink as he stood in his underpants, the rest of his clothes folded on the
chair beside him.
'Are you ready yet.' She said as she turned toward him with a jar in her hand.
'Ah..' She looked at the boy 'You will have to take those off I'm afraid.'
Richard blushed and bent forward, slowly he took off the woollen pants holding
them in front of himself.
The nurse put down the jar and approached him. He timidly looked up to see her
standing before him. The nurse looked amused at his embarrassment. Her smile
made him blush even more. 'I will see if I can find a bag for these.' She
reached for the clothes beside him and picked up his boots from the floor. She
placed them on top of the pile and gently pulled the underpants away from the
boy's grasp. Richard quickly covered himself with his hands. The nurse smiled
down at him, her red lips revealing even white teeth. Her eyes widened in mock
surprise as she looked down on his naked body. "You're not embarrassed are you
Richard?" He looked down timidly, his hands pressed tightly over his genitals.
'I think I will have to find you something to do with those hands.' She turned
and put the clothes down on top of the rubber-covered table and picked up the
glass jar she had been holding earlier. It was large and rounded with a long
straight stem, the lip being about four inches in diameter.
'Come over here, I want you to give me a urine sample.' The nurse took hold of
the boy's shoulder and led him to the centre of the room. She bent on one knee
in front of him. Deliberately she placed her fingers around the boy's wrist and
gently pulled his hand away from the juncture of his thighs.
'Take your hands away, there's a good boy.' She said softly. Richard was
blushing as he let his hands fall to his sides.
'Now just stand there, with your legs astride, there that's the way.' Richard
nervously stood with his legs apart, his face beginning to turn a brighter red.
The nurse looked up, her brown eyes noting his embarrassment.
'Don't be shy, I am not going to hurt you.' She lifted the glass container up
under his penis, making sure the cold glass touched his testicles. Richard
shuddered as he felt the touch of the container, his scrotum recoiling as she
pressed it against his genitals.
'Now I just want you to urinate in this, take of hold of it, there that's it.'
She took his wrist placing his hand on the rim. Richard took hold of the jar
using both hands
.'That's the way." She smiled as she reached for his clothes and stood in front
of him.
'See what you can do, there's a good boy'. The nurse carried his clothes with
her as she walked into the corridor.
Richard tried to urinate but even the cold of the glass pressed against him did
not help. It was a few moments before he felt the telltale sensations in his
lower stomach. He began to urinate, his bladder disgorging his urine in a rush.
To his horror the door opened and a young nurse walked in bringing Janet with
her. Richard looked at them his face full of anguish, as if to tell they had
made a mistake.
'Ah I thought we would find him in here.' The small blonde hair'd nurse turned
to Janet as she spoke. She did not seem in the least concerned at seeing Richard
naked, or the fact that he was urinating helplessly. Richard's face turned
bright red as both the nurse and Janet turned towards him.
'He is just having to give his urine sample. 'The nurse said to Janet, her tone
quite indifferent to the boy's pleading look.
The epaulettes of the nurse's starched white tunic bore one gold stripe. Her
shapely legs were firm and tanned, her thighs showed through the flap of her
skirt which finished well above her knees. She wore white shoes, the soles
silent upon the floor as she moved to stand in front of him. Janet looked down
at the jar, noticing how large his young penis was as it lay resting on the
glass rim. She had often wondered how he would look without clothes. She
examined his body, noting his perfect proportions. Richard stood helplessly, his
face suffused in red as he continued to urinate helplessly. She observed the
look of pure terror on his face as he tried to twist his body away from their
'I'm sorry Richard, they didn't tell me they had started.' She said softly.
Richard had nearly stopped urinating but could not stop his body giving one
final shudder spilling more urine into the jar. Before he could turn away the
nurse had stooped down and taken the jar. She took hold of his penis, circling
the flesh with her fingers. Deftly she squeezed the last few drops of urine into
the jar. Janet looked down at the boy's genitals as the nurse gently pulled the
young boy's penis. She raised her head to look at his face. A flush of pity went
out to him as she observed his acute embarrassment. Richard could not bring
himself to meet her gaze, but lowered his head to avoid eye contact. The nurse
lowered the jar lifting his penis as she took it from between his thighs.
'Just stay where you are and I will be back in a moment.' She said to Richard as
she took the jar away from him and placed it on the sink. She attached a label
and wrote Richard's name on it.
Janet leaned forward and touched Richard's shoulder. 'I am so sorry Richard, I
had no idea, please look at me.' She whispered softly to him as he looked up a
small tear in the corner of his eye. He had pressed his knees together and had
once more covered himself with his hands.
The nurse returned with a small square of gauze. She pushed the boy's hands away
as she bent on one knee in front of him.
'I'll just do this and then we can try and locate his clothes.' She said to
Janet as she looked over her shoulder. She took hold of the boy's penis and
squeezed it drawing her hand slowly down to the glans.
Richard watched in horror as her hand encircled him, her delicate fingers cool
on his skin. Through tear-filled eyes, he watched the nurse pull his foreskin
back and gently squeeze the tip of his penis. A small drop of urine escaped on
to the gauze pad.
The nurse stood and turned toward Janet, seemingly unaware of the distress she
had caused the young boy. 'I think Nurse Carter has probably taken his clothes
to the locker room, shall we go and have a look.' She waved her hand forward as
she moved toward the door.
Wendy looked at Richard, his hands once more covering his genitals.
'I shall have to go Richard, I am sorry you were embarrassed. I had no idea you
would be naked or doing that. I really do hope you will be very happy where you
are going. If I am allowed I will come and visit you soon.'
Richard looked up at Janet. Her words were just beginning to make sense to him
through his haze of embarrassment.
'Th..thankyou Miss, thank you.' Wendy quickly bent forward and kissed him on the
'Bye.. see you soon.' She whispered as she turned and followed the young nurse
through the door.*

Richard stood in the middle of the room feeling totally naked and ashamed. His
young body trembling as he stood holding his hands over his groin. He had been
standing there for quite a few minutes before two more young nurses entered the
room. They both had dark hair pinned under pretty caps set back on their heads.
The taller and prettier of the two went to the sinks ignoring the boy as he
stood covering himself. The other nurse, a petite athletic looking girl stood in
front of Richard. Both nurses wore rubber aprons, covering their starched
'We will need a urine sample from you before we start.' She said meeting the
boy's eyes.
'I just..just did..' Richard stammered as he looked at the nurse before dropping
his gaze to the floor.'
'It's here.' The second nurse walked across from the sinks to stand by his side.
'I want you to get up on the table, and kneel down on your hands and knee's, do
you think you can do that for me?' She spoke kindly to him. 'I am Nurse Ford.'
The taller nurse spoke again as she placed a hand on his shoulder and turned his
body toward the table.
'This is Nurse Todd, and your name is Richard is that right.'
Richard nodded as he climbed on to the table. Both nurses watched him as he
kneeled down facing them, his face suffused in red. The taller nurse placed her
hand gently on his shoulders and stroked her fingers down his back and over his
upturned buttocks.
'Now we are going to give you an enema, I don't suppose you have had one before
so I will tell you that it doesn't hurt, so just relax when I tell you, all
Richard nodded his head numbly. The small blonde nurse had brought an instrument
trolley up to the end of the table. The instrument trolley had four corner
posts, one of which extended to six feet high. On top of the extension hung a
soft plastic container. The oblong bag was about eight inches long and contained
two pints of liquid. The lower end of the bag was moulded into an adapter on
which was attached a long tube, the bottom of which was coiled up on the
trolley's tabletop. The nurse placed the trolley alongside the table where the
boy was kneeling. Nurse Ford moved behind Richard and placed her hands on his
'Just shuffle back a little bit... there that's it... and open your knees as
wide as you can.' She gently held the boy's ankles as he moved back. She moved
her hands to the inside's of his knees. 'Open up a little more... there that's
it... there's a good boy.' She spoke very softly, as one would to a small
Richard felt utterly humiliated as the young nurse parted his legs. He was well
aware that she had plain view of his testicles and penis hanging down between
his widely spread thighs. His buttocks clenched as she stroked her fingers
delicately over his bottom. Nurse Todd looked to her companion and motioned her
head toward the weals, still clearly delineated across the boy's buttocks. 'You
have been in the wars, haven't you.' She traced her hand across the marks left
by his caning.
'I didn't know they caned you so severely at the orphanage.'
Richard felt the now familiar nerves in his stomach begin to churn. He was going
to explain and then thought better of it. "Yes miss."
He replied his voice a hoarse whisper. The nurse took a pair of thin plastic
gloves from the trolley and slipped them on to her pretty hands.
'Now I am just going to lubricate your bottom for a few moments, so just breathe
deeply and try and let yourself relax.'
She took a tube from the trolley and squeezed some of the contents on to her
index finger. Richard felt her cool fingers part his bottom. He flinched as the
cold lubricant touched his sphincter. The nurse gently rubbed her finger up and
down over his the small opening. The fingers of her other hand pulling the cheek
of his bottom to the side. She probed gently, feeling his bottom squirm under
her hand as she rubbed over the tightly puckered sphincter.
'Now just breathe deeply, in and out, in and out.' Her words set up a rhythm for
the boy to copy.
'There that's the way.' She said, as her finger became bolder, probing more
urgently at the puckered star of the sphincter.
'Oooh... ooh.' Richard gasped as her finger slid neatly up into his anus.
'Just breath deeply, there's a good boy.' She probed delicately in and out of
the boy's anal passage.
'I'm afraid you're a little tight, just try and relax your bottom a little
more.' Richard tried to relax his buttocks, but could not, his bottom tightened
as her finger pushed up into him. He did not see the other nurse stand behind
him. She held a long chromium nozzle with a rubber tube attached to it. The
nozzle had a smooth flange half way down the stem. The flange was about an inch
and a half in diameter tapering back to a thinner section. A soft rubber ring
encompassed the end of the adapter to which the tube was attached. She held it
behind her as Nurse Ford increased the penetration of her finger into the boy's
Nodding her head to her colleague, she pushed her finger further in.
'Just relax now.' She said gently as her colleague moved the nozzle in between
the cheeks of Richard's bottom. Delicately the nurse eased her finger partly out
of the anus. She pulled down on the sphincter with her fingertip still inside.
Richard began to tremble as she increased the pressure of her finger, he gasped
as she stretched the opening. 'Take a deep breath, all the way in, that's it.'
The second nurse placed the tip of the nozzle against the small opening above
her companion's finger. She pushed firmly feeling a small resistance before the
cold steel slid up into the anus. 'Breathe in deeply now.' She said softly as
she pushed the nozzle further in. The flange was now touching the tightly
stretched sphincter.
'Ooh.. ooh.' Richard moaned as he felt the cold appliance invade his bottom.
Nurse Ford stroked her hand over the boys buttocks, stroking softly as her
colleague moved round to the boy's side and placed her hand firmly on his back,
bringing her other hand up underneath his slim tummy. 'Now breathe deeply just
once more, and relax your bottom, just one more push now.' 'Ooooh'
Richard gasped as he felt the cold steel push hard against his bottom feeling
his sphincter stretch over the smooth metal flange.
The nurse stood by his side gently pushing her hand down on the small of his
back. "Keep your bottom up there's a good boy". With her left hand she stoked
underneath him, her fingers running under his tummy and toward his groin. She
nodded at her companion and pushed down hard on the boy's back. Nurse Todd
pushed the flange firmly against the sphincter, watching the skin stretch wide
as the flange disappeared up into the boy. 'Oooo...hh..oohh.' He cried as he
felt his bottom stretched wide. "There we are it's all in now, just relax.' She
said as she pushed the buttocks apart to check the nozzle was being firmly held
in place.
'There that didn't hurt too much did it. 'said the nurse at his side, feeling
his body give a reactionary shudder after the sudden penetration.
Richard could feel the cold steel deep inside him, his anus was contracting,
trying to reject the intrusion.
The nurse stood behind him for a few moments gently stroking the quivering
cheeks of his bottom. She noticed that his penis had distended slightly during
the insertion of the nozzle. She stroked over his buttocks comforting him before
she turned on the irrigator.
'Nurse Ford is going to feel your tummy to make sure you are all right, so don't
worry Richard.' She said softly.
Richard felt the cool water begin to fill his insides, it felt strange as it
passed into his bowels, making his nerves tingle right down to the tip of his
penis. The nurse moved from behind him and around the table, her hips leaning
against the top as she stood facing the boy. She cupped her hand under his chin
and raised his head to look at her. Her strong features softened as she spoke
softly to him.
'It wont take long, and its easier for you when I let the irrigation run in
slowly.' she said.
She stroked his cheek and continued to hold his chin, looking into his eyes.
Richard felt his insides beginning to fill, he felt bloated, his stomach
distended as Nurse Ford stroked his tummy, her fingers cool on his skin.
She stroked her hand back and forth, feeling the lower stomach swell. She felt
his penis brush against her fingers as she moved her hands further down into his
pubic hair. Her other hand ran over his back and down on to his buttocks. The
feel of the boy's skin was delightful, his body looking beautiful as he kneeled
before her.
'There is only a little more and then we've finished.' She said as her fingers
once more bushed his penis.'
Richard was feeling a growing embarrassment as he felt her hands touching him.
He was aware that his penis had grown, the foreskin curling back over the rim of
the glans.
Nurse Todd held the boy's face in her hands. She too, was enjoying the sight of
his body. She had not seen a boy so beautifully featured before. She spoke
gently to Richard whose face was becoming redder by the minute.
'I'm just going to take the nozzle out of your bottom, I won't hurt you I
promise.' She looked deep into his eyes.
'The secret is just to relax your bottom, you can do that for me can't you
Richard felt utterly embarrassed as the pretty nurse stroked his cheek. Would
she see that his penis had grown, he felt his body shudder as the nurse walked
back to the trolley and turned off the irrigator.
She picked up the tube of lubricant her colleague had used earlier and squeezed
a little on to her finger. Standing behind the boy she gently placed her hand on
his buttock, her fingers resting in the cleft of his bottom.
With her right hand she pushed her finger against the opening, making sure the
lubricant penetrated the inside of his sphincter.
'Just relax.' She said as she took hold of the metal appliance. She pulled
gently but quickly, watching the sphincter close back over the stem as she
extracted the flange.
'There that's a good boy.' she said as she delicately slid the rest of the
nozzle out of his bottom. She picked up a gauze pad and held it firmly in
between his buttocks. She noticed that his penis was now quite stiff and was
pointing forward slightly.
'Right if you can just slide your legs off the back of the table and stand up.
I'll take care of your bottom.'
Richard felt awkward as both of the nurses helped him from the table. Nurse Todd
carefully pressed the gauze firmly to his bottom, making sure there was no
Richard was blushing profusely as he stood down from the table his penis was
stiff and pointing forward. Nurse Todd smiled at her companion as she watched
the boy's penis bob from side to side as they helped him from the table to a
cubicle in the corner.
There was a toilet boil and bidet in set in the tiled floor of the cubicle.
'Just sit on here.' The nurse said as she took away the gauze.
'We'll leave you here Richard, just come through that door when you've
Both nurses were looking down at him surely they would see his erection Richard
blushed a deeper red. The nurses seemed oblivious to his plight.

It was ten minutes later when Richard emerged through the door to the row of
baths. Both nurses looked up at his naked body, his hands once again clasped
tightly to his groin. The bath they were stood next to was already half filled
with water.
'Just pop yourself in here, Richard and you will feel a lot better.' The taller
girl addressed Richard and pointed to the water. Richard got into the bath
covering his now flaccid penis.
He sat down, using one hand on the side of the bath as he covered himself with
the other.
'I will leave you to it.' The smaller girl addressed her colleague as she left
the bathroom.
The nurse kneeled by the side of the bath and took a jug she had placed on the
floor. She filled the jug from the bath water behind the boy's back.
'Close your eyes Richard I am going to wash your hair.' She proceeded to pour
water from the jug over the boy's head as he squeezed his eye-lids together. She
got up and fetched shampoo from a trolley at the far side of the room. The
trolley contained an assortment of bottles and jars.
Turning to the bath she observed the boy as he sat in the warm water, his
face screwed up as he squeezed his eyes. His hands were still covering himself.
I am going to enjoy this she thought as she approached the bath. Pouring the
liquid on to his head, she began to shampoo the boy's hair, rinsing it several
times before putting on more shampoo. Gently she massaged his scalp, her fingers
stroking the back of his neck and his ears. She rinsed once more before fetching
clean warm water from the tap at the sink.
'Eyes tight, you don't want soap in your eyes.' She poured more water over the
boy's head.
'Right stand up and I'll do the rest of you.' Richard's eyes were still shut but
there was no mistaking the boy's reaction to her words.
He blushed as he took one hand away from his groin and held the side of the
bath. The girl smiled as she helped him up putting her arm round his waist.
Above the bath was a metal bar, which ran along the entire length of the room.
It held plastic shower curtains at one end. The bar was about two feet above
the boy's head. She took one of Richard's wrists and lifted it above his head.
'Take hold of the bar Richard.' She said gently as Richard looked up . He
clasped his fingers around the bar, his other hand still cupped tightly over his
penis. He blushed as she took hold of his other wrist and pulled it from his
'Both hands on the bar, that's a good boy.' She said soothingly as she exposed
him. Richard felt numb, standing naked before the young nurse. She smiled kindly
at him before walking across to the surgical trolley situated in the middle of
the room. She wheeled it across to the bath and taking a dispenser of liquid
soap she squeezed a generous helping on to her palm. Looking up at Richard she
saw the dismay on his face as she scooped water on to his tummy. Don't be
embarrassed Richard.' She said brightly. 'You want to feel clean don't you?'
'Yes Nurse.' Richard said, his mind in turmoil.' She scooped more water on to
his stomach and watched it trickle down between his legs.
'Well then a nice warm bath is just the thing.' She transferred the soap to her
left hand and proceeded to soap the young boy's stomach avoiding his pubic hair.
She took the jug again and poured water over his shoulders and chest. Soaping
both hands thoroughly, she washed his back and shoulders her hands moving
smoothly over his body.
'I would have thought it would be quite nice to have someone do the work for
you.' She brought her body closer to him as she spoke, looking up in to his
face. Her hands slowly moving over his thighs and down to his knees. She took
her hands away and placed them around his waist, her body touching his thighs as
her fingers gently soaped him. Richard looked at her his face bright red, the
cold of her rubber apron cool against his skin.
"Well, doesn't that feel nice?".
'Yes Miss.' He stammered, his body taut as he gripped the rail above his head.
His chest and shoulders as well as his thighs were well covered in soap suds,
but so far she had not touched his pubic area. "Maybe she would not touch him
anywhere else, he hoped as he felt her soft hands moving over his body. 'Well
that must feel a lot better.' she said as she brought her hand up in between his
legs, her palm stroking the back of his thighs.
'Just open your legs a little, that's it just a bit more.' Richard groaned and
his heart sank as she brought her right hand up between his buttocks, her other
hand pushing his legs apart.
'That's it as wide as you can go.' She pushed his thighs apart until his feet
were touching the curve of the bath side.
Slowly and deliberately she pushed her hand in between his bottom and
underneath him, cupping his testicles in her right palm, the left hand slowly
ascending the front of his thighs. Richard steeled himself for what must surely
come next.
'You do want to be clean here, don't you. He could not help watching as her hand
moved up his thighs and firmly took hold of his penis.
'Most young boys never seem to wash properly here.' She pushed her hand further
in between his thighs and took hold of the shaft of his penis with her right
hand. With the other she pinched the tip of the penis before pulling the
foreskin back firmly. She looked up into his face as she stretched the foreskin
back along the shaft as far as far as it would go. His eyes were shut and his
breathing laboured as she began to manipulate the foreskin up and down the
shaft. She seemed oblivious to his discomfort, her hand steadily soaping over
his penis. She smiled to herself as she felt his penis begin to stiffen. She
looked at him, but his eyes were shut tight, his face suffused in red. Richard
gasped as she pulled the foreskin back once more this time holding the skin and
running a fingertip around the sensitive rim. He opened his eyes and looked at
her as she suddenly squeezed his penis hard. "I'm sorry Richard, did I hurt you?
Her tone matter of fact. She did she seem the least concerned that his penis was
erect. Richard tried to answer, but all he could manage was an unintelligible
whisper. Her right hand moved between his legs alternating between his testicles
and penis as she soaped him thoroughly. He was aware that his penis was now
pointing straight out in front of him. He felt a soapy hand slip between his
buttocks. Her finger probing against the sphincter, delicately seeking the
entrance. Richard could do nothing as he felt her slowly and deliberately
insinuate the tip of her soapy finger into his bottom. Without warning she
pushed the finger straight up.
'Oooh..oo.oh. Richard gasped as her finger sunk fully into his bottom.
'I'm sorry Richard, I'll try and be careful, but I must have you nice and clean
here." She began to move her finger in and out of his bottom, withdrawing as
far as the first knuckle and then pushing up until the finger was again fully
inserted. With her other hand she squeezed the tip of his penis. The
manipulation of her finger inside the boy completed his erection. Richard jerked
his hips violently as her fingers played around the tip of his penis. His knees
trembled and jerked as she pushed her finger hard up into his bottom, the tip
brushing over the prostate gland. Suddenly she felt the penis begin to throb
uncontrollably. Quickly she let go of his organ and quickly withdrew her finger
from his bottom.
'There that seems all right.' She said softly as she took her hands from the
boy. 'Just stay where you are a few moments,' she patted him gently on the
buttocks and bent to get a towel from the trolley

Richard stood trembling, his arms stretched out above him. His penis thrusting
out above his parted thighs. He felt utterly humiliated as he watched the nurse
reach down for a towel. Her shapely body swaying as she bent on one knee. He
felt a sudden chill on his body as the door behind the row of baths opened.
'Are you finished?' He heard a voice behind him.
'Yes I've just got to dry him off and he can go through.' The young nurse stood
up holding a towel as Nurse Todd walked up to her companion.
'My you have been busy.' She said looking at Richard, her eyes glancing down at
the boy's turgid penis.
Richard looked straight ahead, avoiding the girl's eyes. He blushed a deeper red
as she stepped toward him and placed her arm around his waist.
'Just step out and we'll dry you off.' She pulled the boy's arm down from the
rail above him and turned his body toward her. Placing her hand behind his knee
she indicated him to step out of the bath.
Richard's face was ablaze, his head felt dizzy as she helped him from the bath.
He could not avoid her eyes and was embarrassed to see a look of amusement on
her face. The nurse pulled his body towards her as a towel was put around his
'Stand there and we'll soon have you dry.' she said as she proceeded to rub his
shoulders with the towel. Richard looked down as the nurse dried him, her rubber
apron was pressing against his out-stretched penis, rubbing against it as her
body moved. She slipped her arms beneath his, catching hold of the towel and
continued drying him. Her hands moved lower rubbing the towel over his buttocks,
Richard felt his penis being pressed hard against her body as she moved further
forward reaching around his waist. The nurse seemed unaware of his embarrassment
as she bent on one knee, her hands moved the towel down the back of his legs.
Her head was inches from his erect penis as she brought the towel round in front
of his legs and took it in one hand, holding the back of his knee with the
other. She was looking at his penis as she spoke.
'My Richard you are tense, just try and relax a bit, there's a good boy.' She
moved the hand on the back of his knee up to his bottom, her cool hand cupping
his buttock as she dried the front of his thighs.
'Open your legs a little.' She said, pushing the towel in between his legs.
Richard was in a haze of embarrassment as she slid the towel up under his
testicles, rubbing backward and forward gently. He started to tremble as she
brought the towel under his penis, the texture of the material sending shivers
through him as it brushed against the exposed rim of the glans. She pulled on
his bottom as she deliberately brushed the towel over the sensitive tip. Richard
could not help jerking his hips backwards as he tried to escape the sensation.
'There all done, I'll just put a bit of cream in your bottom and then you will
be ready to see the doctor.' Richard felt numb his head was ringing and his
throat was dry. Nurse Todd stood up and turned the boy so he was facing her
'Just bend forward, see if you can touch your toes.' She gently pushed his back
as her hand slid round his waist holding the flat her hand against his tummy.
Richard bent forward trying to avoid the interested gaze of the nurse in front
of him.
'Legs apart.' She commanded as she took a scoop of cream from a jar on the
'Just bend forward a little more.' She bent over behind him and placed her hand
on the left cheek of his bottom, pulling it firmly to the side she exposed the
boy's sphincter. Richard felt cool creamy fingers gently rub against his anus,
her fingers probed gently but insistently against the opening. 'Relax, you feel
very tense.' Richard jerked, trying to straighten his body as she slid her
finger into his trembling bottom.
Relax now, like we told you.' She pushed the finger further in making him squirm
as dainty finger slid up into him. She watched as the sphincter closed over her
slim finger feeling the boy tremble as she pushed it in as far as she could.
Slowly she eased her finger back out so that only the tip remained inside. She
probed the sphincter gently before withdrawing completely. 'That should make it
easier.' She said brightly as she withdrew the tip of her finger from his
'You can stand up and turn back to face me.'
Richard straightened up, his bottom felt as if it were still trying to expel her
finger as he stood straight and turned toward her once more. The nurse dipped
her hand into the jar once more and took hold of the boy's erect penis. Richard
closed his eyes his body trembling as he felt her cool fingers wrap around his
member. She pushed the foreskin back as far as it would go, stretching the skin
'I don't know whether you are aware of it Richard, but both your bottom and the
skin around your penis is very tight. The cream might help. so if you just try
and keep still. She looked up at Richard as she spoke. He could not help looking
back at the girl's pretty face, his head spinning with the sensation of her
fingers as she smoothed the cream around the rim of his penis and down behind
the glans. Richard's thighs were trembling as she pulled the foreskin back over
the glans.
'There I'll get you a gown and you can go through and wait for the doctor.' She
stood fully upright and gently released the boy's penis. Richard stood trembling
as she turned toward the door, his face was bright crimson. He felt a gentle
hand on his shoulder.
'Don't worry Richard, every body has to go through it.' Her voice was soft and
low, as Nurse Ford stroked her hand gently over his shoulder.
The other nurse quickly returned with a white towelling dressing gown which she
held open in front of her.
'Pop your arms in here and I'll take you through.' Richard turned around,
sliding his arms in to the fluffy towelling. She slipped her arms beneath his,
her body pressing against his back as she passed the belt through to the front.
Richard fumbled with the belt, his fingers felt clumsy as he tied the gown.
Although covered, his erection was pushing the front of the gown out like a tent
He quickly thrust his hands in to the pockets and pulled his penis to the side,
holding it against his body. Nurse Ford smiled as she saw the boy fumbling
beneath the gown.
'I think you have just got time for a drink Richard, would you like a little
orange juice.' 'Y..yes.. please nurse.' He managed to say as he looked at her,
noticing the smile on her face.

The nurse had just handed Richard his drink when a young girl dressed in a blue
tunic dress entered the room, she stood just inside the doorway facing the row
of baths. She had a pretty face, her lips freshly made up with pink lipstick.
Her dark eyes had also been freshly made up with a pale blue eye-shadow
accenting the dark mascara of her long eyelashes. She looked toward the nurse
standing by Richard's side.
'Is this Richard Chambers?' She asked reading from a paper she held in her
'Yes this is Richard.' The nurse replied 'What do you want?'
'I have him down here for a haircut, have you finished with him.' The girl
walked towards them as she spoke. She stopped in front of Richard and looked
down at him as he sat drinking his orange juice. 'It say's he has to have a
haircut.' she repeated to the nurse. 'We haven't got long so I had better take
him now.' The nurse touched the boy's arm and motioned for him to give her the
glass he had been drinking from.
'You had better go, you don't want to keep the doctor waiting.' She slipped her
arm under his and helped him to his feet. Richard followed the girl out into the
corridor. He followed her as they passed several doors on either side of the
long passageway. The girl turned opened one of the doors and held it for Richard
to enter. "Here we are" She smiled at him as he passed before her into the room.
Bright lights illuminated two examination tables. To his left there was a
leather chair with an adjustable head rest, behind this were two wash basins
attached to the wall. A trolley stood next to the chair, on top of the trolley
were chromium plated cases. The girl turned to face Richard. "If you will sit in
that chair for me Richard." She smiled at him once more, her eyes looking
straight into his, with a directness that made Richard blush. Richard noticed
the badge on her tunic as he lowered his eyes. The embroidered motif read
"Freda's Hairdressing". She moved behind the chair and began to pump the foot
pedal until Richard's seat was raised to her satisfaction. She smoothed her
hands over the boy's hair, feeling the thick texture. Taking a cloth from a hook
at the back of the seat, she threw it around him and gently tucked it inside the
top of his dressing gown. She took scissors from one of the boxes on the trolley
and moved to his side. "Turn your head to the right.' She gently pushed his head
so that he faced the examination table. Richard could feel her soft breasts
press against his arm as she moved around him, her scissors snipping at his
hair. Her hand gently held the back of his neck as the scissors passed over his
hair neatly trimming around the ears.
'You're from the orphanage aren't you?' She asked as she gently moved his head,
her scissors busy on his hair.
'Yes Miss.' replied Richard. 'I'm being fostered by Lady Rawlings.'
'Well I'll have to make you look smart for her then, wont I?'
Richard felt the girl's body press against him as she shifted her position
around the chair.
'You are a nice looking boy, we don't often get such nice looking one's as you.'
Richard blushed at the compliment. Her breasts pressed even harder against his
arm as she moved position once again.
The girl looked up as two people entered the room. A woman dressed in the same
uniform as the hairdresser and behind her a young girl of about sixteen. She
wore a dressing gown similar to Richard's.
'Just the two of them this afternoon Gillian.' The woman addressed the girl who
was cutting the Richard's hair. She turned to the girl behind her. 'Just get up
on to that far table dear, I'll be with you in a minute.' She looked at Richard.
'My, we have got some good looking one's today.' She smiled at the boy and then
turned her head towards the girl behind him. 'Just these two and then we have to
go downstairs to the ward.' The girl behind him nodded as the woman turned to
the young girl nervously seated on the examination table. The girl had jet black
hair that was cut in a line just above her shoulders. Her face had an oriental
look, with smooth olive skin. Her eyes were set wide apart, with a pretty nose
and mouth. Richard noticed her eyes were a beautiful almond shape. She looked
at him with interest as the older woman pulled a plastic curtain across the
room, separating the two tables. Richard could now only see their shadows as the
woman spoke softly to the girl.
'Right, just slip your gown off and lay down flat.' Richard could see the
shadows move as she spoke, but could discern nothing more.
'That's finished you Richard, just wait there while I see if there is anything
else.' The girl behind him spoke as she put down the scissors. She walked to the
plastic curtain, pulling it aside as she walked through to where the young girl
was laid on the examination table. Richard could just see her legs as the
curtain was pulled back for a second. He could see the shadows of the women as
they talked in whispers.
The young hairdresser came back through the curtains, smiling as she approached
the chair. She leaned forward so that her face was close to his.
'I'll just take this cloth off you.' Her body pressed hard against his knees as
she reached behind him for the ends of the cloth.
'You will just have to pop up on the table a minute Richard.' The boy looked at
her not understanding what she meant.
'Just lie on your back on the table, While I get my things, it wont take long.'
Richard seemed puzzled but did as he was told, feeling no alarm as he laid down
looking up at the ceiling. The girl brought the trolley to the side of the
table, before going to the sinks, filling a small jug with warm water. She
returned to the table and bent over the boy.
Richard looked up at her as she bent her pretty face over his.
'Now you just lie back and don't get embarrassed. I'll be as quick as I can.'
Richard had no idea what was about to happen, but he felt uneasy as she spoke.
'You are a lovely looking boy you know, I bet all the girls fancy you.' she said
with a cheeky smile. Richard blushed as she bent her head closer and kissed his
cheek softly.
'Just lay back and relax.' The girl straightened up as she said the last words
and took hold of the cord of his dressing gown. Gently she undid the knot and
laid the ends of the cord on either side of his body. Richard felt her soft
fingers part the dressing gown, slowly exposing his naked body to her view. She
pulled the gown fully open, tucking the flaps at either side of his body. For a
moment she stood over him looking down at his naked body. She leisurely examined
his form her eyes noting the slight movement of his penis as it rested neatly
over the scrotum. Strong thighs, lovely flat stomach, delightful slim build and
that innocent young face. "Better make the most of this" She thought, as her
eyes roamed over his supine form. 'Just lie still.' She said as she continued
her examination of his body. Richard was blushing profusely as he watched the
girl looking at him, powerless to stop her. She placed her hand on the thigh
nearest to her and pushed her fingertips between his legs.
'Open up a bit for me.' She said to him as she pulled his thighs apart. She
smiled at him as she turned to the trolley and took up the scissors.
'I am just going to trim you a little, nothing to worry about.'. She looked at
the boy's pubic hair, she noticed that the hair had not grown down in between
his thighs or much above his penis. This was not to be missed, she thought as
she touched the penis with her fingertips, watching it move with the sensation
of her cool fingers. Gently she curled her fingers around his penis and pulled
upwards, stretching it out from his groin. Out of the corner of her eye she saw
the boy turn his head away in embarrassment, his bottom lip trembling. Carefully
and gently she snipped the ends of the pubic hair from around the base of the
penis. Feeling the organ throb beneath her fingers as she stretched the skin,
she squeezed harder, pulling the skin tight as she exposed the glans.
Richard gasped as he felt her fingers squeezing his penis, her hand gripping his
penis firmly, he felt his penis throb and yet could not control it as it
responded to her expert manipulation.
'Don't be shy,' she said, 'There's not much to trim.' She pulled the penis
harder feeling the tip with her thumb. The boy's hips squirmed involuntarily as
her nails scratched gently over the opening of the penis. Bending lower over the
boy, she placed the scissors on the table between his legs and slid her
fingertips gently under his testicles, slowly curling them around his scrotum
until she held his testes in the centre of her palm. She lifted them up, looking
'There is a little hair here that could do with tidying.' The girl said as she
pushed down with her hand, her fingers squeezed his penis deftly pulling the
foreskin over the glans. She felt the organ become stiffer, the blood engorging
the shaft as her soft fingers gently squeezed his testicles.
"Better hurry" She thought as she pulled the foreskin up and down over the
glans. Ignoring the boy's gasps, her fingers moved faster over his penis. The
once soft flesh now hard and erect. Richard was trembling all over, his head
moved from side to side as her fingers pulled the foreskin up and over the glans
of his penis, her other hand fondling and squeezing his testicles. Just a little
more, she thought, I wouldn't want sister walking in right now. She pulled the
foreskin down once more, this time tightening the grip of her fingers around the
shaft as she stretched the skin down to the base of the his young penis. She
kept the skin tightly stretched as she squeezed his testes firmly with her other
hand, making him gasp with a mixture of fear and pleasure. Suddenly she felt the
flesh throb with greater intensity. Quickly she released the pressure on his
testicles and loosened her grip around the pulsing flesh of his penis.
'Sit up Richard.' She spoke gently as she released her grip on his penis and
gently let go of his testicles. Richard heard her voice faintly as if it were an
echo. His ears were ringing with the rush of blood to his head. He managed to
push himself up to a sitting position, the girl helping him with her arm around
his shoulders.
'Turn over on to your knees, there is only a little bit to trim.' Her face
pressed close to him as she whispered. Richard turned over away from the girl
and got to his hands and knees, the dressing gown falling around him.
'Shuffle your knees open a bit, that's it.' The girl lifted the dressing gown
up, baring his bottom. She paused for a moment examining him before she pushed
the gown further up over his back until it hung across his shoulders. She let
her hands slide back down over his buttocks, feeling the muscles tense as her
finger tips slipped between the crease.
'You have to open your legs wide for this.' She pushed his thighs apart until
his knees were near the edge of the table. Richard was blushing vividly, his
body trembled as she stroked her hand between his legs, smoothing over the
inside of his thigh before curling her fingertips around his erect penis.
'This wont take a minute, so you wont be too uncomfortable,' She pulled the
penis downward and curled her fingers tighter around the shaft. Quickly she
manipulated the foreskin backward and forward until the boy began to groan.
'Pleease...Miss..' Richard's breath gasping as he pleaded. 'I f.feel..funny..'
The girl smoothed her other hand gently over his buttocks as she spoke to him.
'All right Richard, don't worry I wont make you come, just relax a bit now while
I finish you off.' She reluctantly took her hands off the boy's penis and turned
toward the trolley. She soaped a small shaving brush and turned back toward him.
Bending over the table she smoothed her hand over the boy's raised buttocks and
slipped her fingers down into the cleft of his bottom. Her fingertips teased the
tiny hairs behind his testicles. She pushed the brush up behind her hand,
soaping the skin behind the scrotum. She took a small razor and pushing his
testicles forward, shaved a small patch of skin between his bottom and
testicles. "There that didn't take long.' She took a cloth, immersing it in a
jug of warm water, she wiped off the excess soap from around the boy's genitals.
Richard groaned inwardly as he felt her fingers close around his penis once
more. At the same time she began to apply a cooling lotion to the skin between
his legs. Her fingers smoothing the lotion over his testicles and between the
cleft of his buttocks.
'You can sit up now Richard.' She said letting go of him. Richard tried to hide
his erection as he turned over and sat up. His face was bright red and his
lips were trembling.
'Sit and face me a minute" She said. Richard turned awkwardly and sat facing
her his legs hanging over the side of the table. He tried to close the flaps of
his dressing gown but she took hold of his hands and placed them on the table at
each side of his hips.
'Don't be shy, I think you are a lovely boy.' She looked into his eyes as her
face moved close to his. The boy was blushing furiously, his lips trembled as if
about to cry. Her hips pressed against his knees and he felt her fingers stroke
upward to the top of his thighs.
'Mary hasn't finished shaving the girl yet, so you just sit and relax.' Her hand
curled around his penis as she spoke.
'You certainly are big for your age.' She said as she stroked her fingers down
the shaft of his penis, her other hand pushing between his thighs and cupping
his scrotum.
'There just look at you.' Richard could not help looking down as she manipulated
his erect penis, her fingers cool and soft. He jumped as he heard the curtain
being quickly pulled aside and saw the older woman approach. The girl turned her
head toward her companion.
'Have you ever seen anything so beautiful.' she said as she moved her body
aside. She kept a firm hold of his penis, displaying his erect organ to the
'Don't you think it's wonderful?'
The woman smiled as she saw the blushing boy squirm with embarrassment. 'He is
rather special isn't he, but I think you had better let him get himself in order
before he goes through to the doctor.'
Richard was horrified, as the girl exhibited him, like a prize animal, her hand
still clasped firmly around his penis. He did not know where to look, his whole
body trembled as she pushed the foreskin back exposing the glans fully. Tears
filled his eyes at the humiliation as he gasped for breath. Through the tears he
watched in horror as the young oriental girl walked through from behind the
curtains and stood next to the woman, both of them looked down as the girl's
fingers slid over his erect penis.
The olive skinned girl looked over at the boy sat on the table, her face
expressionless. She watched in astonishment as the young girl steadily moved her
hand up and down the boy's erect penis. She could see the acute look of
embarrassment on his face as he squirmed his hips to and fro. She saw his body
quiver suddenly as the girl's fingers sought the more sensitive parts of his
penis. She studied his face, watching as the tears begin to run down his cheeks.
She saw the girl pull the foreskin back firmly as she moved her body in front of
the boy, hiding him from view.
'There Richard, don't be upset I'll let you go now, it's just that you're such a
lovely boy.' The young hairdresser whispered as she gently let go of his penis.
'You just sit there a minute and relax, I'll leave you to settle down before I
fetch the nurse.' She gently pulled the flaps of the dressing gown around the
boys hips and over his penis. She took hold of his hands and placed them over
his lap. She turned to the older woman and moved away from the boy.
'I'll go and fetch the nurse to take them in to the waiting room.' She walked
from the room as the woman lead the young girl past Richard and toward the door.
Richard sat alone, he was trembling from head to foot as the tears streamed down
his face. He dried his eyes on his sleeve several times before he managed to
stop crying. His tears were not just the result of his embarrassment, but more a
culmination of the weeks events.

It was ten minutes before the nurse walked in to the room, Richard noticed she
was the same girl that had bathed him earlier.
'Come along Richard, it's your turn next.' Richard got down from the table as
the nurse called him. He was feeling much better and his penis had diminished in
size so that he was able to follow the nurse without holding it to his body. She
lead him into the corridor and through several swing doors.
'Here we are, go through there.' She pointed to a door on the right of the long
corridor, she pushed it open with one hand, letting the boy pass through in
front of her.
Inside the room was an office desk facing the door. On the left side of the
desk was a long leather covered seat which faced a row of chairs. A girl sat at
the desk, she would probably be about twenty years old. She was wearing a red
and white striped blouse, open at the neck. Her elegant face wore no makeup
except for a pastel shade of lipstick. She wore slender horned rimmed glasses,
which gave her a studious appearance. The Oriental girl was already seated on
one of the leather covered chairs. She did not look up as they entered, but sat
forward, looking down at her bare feet, her elbows resting on her knees.
The nurse held the boy's shoulders and stood him in front of the desk.
'This is Richard Chambers.' The secretary looked up and smiled at the nurse as
she finished speaking. She glanced at Richard, her eyes looking over him from
head to toe. 'Thank you nurse' The girl said quietly, turning once more to
Richard. she pointed to the row of chairs where the young girl was already
'Just take a seat over there.' She did not smile as she watched the young boy
sit down next to the girl. As the boy sat down the secretary returned to the
papers in front of her and started to write. She looked up occasionally as the
minutes ticked by. Richard sat quietly, he could see the girl seated next to him
out of the corner of his eye, but he dare not turn his head to look at her. A
few more minutes passed before a buzzer sounded from an intercom on the
secretary's desk. She stood up and addressed them in a clear voice. 'Would you
both come with me please.' She said formally. She stepped from behind the desk,
her shapely legs moving gracefully as she came to stand in front of them. Both
Richard and the girl stood up at the same time. He noticed that she even more
petite than he had first thought, her head just reaching his shoulder. The
secretary turned away and lead them through a door situated to the side of her
desk. She stood in the doorway and held the door open for them. They entered
a long room, their bare feet feeling cold against the white tiled floor. Running
down the sides of the room were long glass cases, so tall they reached to the
ceiling. These were filled with medical instruments and apparatus. In the centre
of the room were two wide examination tables, the tops covered in white cloth.
Attached to the tables were stirrups, leather slings draped between their forks.
Next to the tables was a complicated set of weighing scales, the chromium plate
shining under the strong overhead lights. The young secretary closed the door
behind them and turned toward Richard.
'Give me your gown please.' she looked at the boy coolly and held out her hand.
Richard blushed a bright crimson, the colour spreading over his face in an
instance. He looked at the secretary as if not believing what she had said.
'Your dressing gown please.' She said insistently. Richard dropped his head in
embarrassment as he slowly began to undo the cord. His ears were ringing as he
opened the gown, not daring to look into the secretary's face. Slowly he pulled
his arms from the sleeves and held the gown in front of him, hiding his body.
She took the gown from his fingers and placed it over her arm, watching the boy
cover himself with his hands. She did not seem the least perturbed by his
'Turn and face the wall.' She said as she reached for his shoulder with her free
hand, indicating him to turn around. Richard obeyed as her cool fingers touched
his shoulder. He stood with his face a few inches from the glass doors of the
instrument cabinets.
She observed the marks on the boy's bottom, but did not comment.
'Let me have your gown now.' She addressed the young girl and held her hand out
for the garment. The young girl did not blush or look embarrassed, she undid the
cord and quickly took off the gown. The secretary took it from her and placed
both gowns on a hook behind the door.
'I see you're not as shy as our young friend.' She said as she looked at the
girl standing naked in front of her. The girl stood quietly her hands at her
sides. Her slim body glowing under the strong lights. Her breasts were very
large for such a slim build. They stood out firmly above her tiny waist. Her
hips curved out above her slender thighs. Her prominent pubic mound was soft and
fleshy and had been completely shaved. The secretary could just see the crease
of her sex as she stood with her legs pressed together.
'Come and stand over here.' She said simply, taking the girl by the shoulder and
standing her near the scales.

There were three doors situated at the opposite end of the room. Behind the
middle door was the Doctor's office. To the left was the Medical store and drug
lock-up. The right hand door led to the committee room.
The doctor was standing by her office desk, her body bent to the side like a
ballet dancer as she took off her coat. She looked up as the door opened.
'They are ready for you doctor,' Her secretary looked admiringly at the young
doctor as she spoke.
Sarah Wallis was twenty eight years old. She had been a doctor at the Medical
Centre for two years and had already been made head of the Medical Examination
Department. She had joined the Medical Board after her compulsory year of
hospital duty. Sarah was ambitious. She had learned early in her days at the
department that as long as she accommodated the committee's requests, her
career would be guaranteed. It had been a nervous time for her in the early
weeks. She had not known the routines or how to deal with claims for industrial
injury. These claims made up over sixty percent of the work of the examination
board. Doctor Sarah Wallis had learned quickly, often using her authority to
ensure she got her own way. Her first real test of her own determination had
happened only a few months after her appointment to the board. A young man had
claimed for injury against a construction company. He had suffered groin strain
and had been sent for examination to the centre. She remembered how he had
appeared very good looking and quite self assured. She remembered him standing
in the examination room, quite at ease even though he was only wearing his
underpants. The nurse had given her his notes and she had asked him about his
injury. She had been nervous and because of this she adopted a rather abrupt and
aloof manner. As she stood talking to him she began to realise that perhaps he
was more nervous than she. She had asked him pointedly why he was claiming
compensation. He had replied that the strain had caused him to take a lighter
job and that it hurt when he made love to his wife. She had noticed his
embarrassment as he answered. 'Well I will take a look at it, take your
underpants off and lay on the table.' She remembered vividly his look of anguish
as she had told him to strip. He had laid before her nervously as she put her
hands on his thigh. 'Show me where you feel the pain.' She had asked him. He had
pointed to the inside of his thigh, high up toward his groin. It was then she
knew that she was in control. Here was a man ten years her senior acting as
nervously as a school boy. She had felt the inside of his thigh, pressing firmly
with her fingers. He had moaned a little as she located the sore tendons. She
had called the young nurse, asking her to hold his penis out of the way as she
pressed her fingers higher. He had blushed bright crimson as the nurse took hold
of him, cupping his testicles and lifting them to the side. She had taken hold
of his penis and stretched it upward. The nurse had not been the least perturbed
by her request, nor by the fact that the man's penis had began to stiffen. Sarah
had made a mental note to keep this girl as her assistant and to try and find
another like her. She remembered pressing her fingers against his thigh to feel
for the extent of the strain and moving her hand up to the his groin gently
probing the flesh. After taking her hands away she laid the flat of her palm on
his lower stomach, just above the pubic hair. "Any pain here?" She had asked
noting his blush as she gently stroked her hand lower over his pubic hair. Her
fingertips had touched the base of his penis beneath the nurses hand. "Er.. no"
he had stammered as she pressed firmly on the base of his penis before taking
her hand away. The young nurse followed suit and let go of the man's penis. He
had looked quite comical as his penis stood straight up above his thighs, his
face now beetroot red. 'You don't seem to have any sexual problems.' She had
said as she looked down on him. 'Do you usually get an erection during a medical
examination.' He had no answer, just a look of pure anguish as she took hold of
his penis and drew the foreskin down. 'Does it hurt when you ejaculate.' She had
asked him coolly.
'I don't k.know.' He stammered.
'Well we shall have to see, just put your hands behind your head and try and
'What a..are you g..going to do.?'
'Would you see to him nurse.' She had sounded stern, ignoring his question. The
nurse had moved behind his head and had made sure his hands were secure. She had
turned to the young doctor and raised her eyebrows enquiringly.
'Shall I stay here doctor?' 'Yes I think so.' Sarah had replied as she curled
her fingers around the shaft of his penis and proceeded to draw the foreskin
slowly up and down. The young nurse laid her hands flat upon the man's chest and
began to tease his nipples with her finger nails. It was not long before his
hips were writhing under the soft caresses of their hands.
She had thought how easy it all was as she spoke firmly to the him.
'Lay still, or I will turn you over and do it the other way.' She had slipped
her other hand between his legs and pushed her finger up in between his bottom
cheeks. Quickly she had located the sphincter and without warning had thrust her
index finger up into his bottom.
It took no more than five minutes, before he had started to moan and gasp for
air. She had pulled her hand from his bottom and reached for a glass test tube
from the trolley beside her, leaning forward with her arm outstretched she
handed it to the nurse. As soon as the young nurse had taken the glass Sarah
pushed her finger back in between his buttocks. Once more she located the
sphincter and pushed hard against it. Her finger slid upwards into the anal
passage. She curled the finger upward against the prostate and massaged it with
a firm motion. The man had groaned loudly thrusting his hips upward. The nurse
moved from his head and neatly placed the container over the tip of his penis
just as he ejaculated.
She remembered how humiliated he had been. How easy it all was as she squeezed
the last of his semen from him. The man had shuddered and moaned, his face
bright red with embarrassment as she chided him.
'Well you are a big baby, I couldn't see any strain there.' She had pulled his
penis from side to side.
'Still I suppose we will have to give you the benefit of the doubt.
'Y..y.yes' He had stammered as she held his penis firmly, feeling it
going softer beneath her fingers. Sarah had noticed there was a new look of
respect on the nurse's face. Sarah had instructed the man to stay exactly where
he was while she took the nurse through into her office. She had questioned her
closely about her feelings during the man's examination. Although she was only
nineteen, the nurse had admitted she would love to work permanently with her and
that she had enjoyed having that sort of control over a man. It was then that
Sarah knew the real thrill of domination. "I have a bright idea". She told the
nurse. "Follow me back into the examination room." The man was still laid on the
table, his penis now flaccid between his legs. She noticed that his head was
still resting on his hands.
'You have had twenty minutes to relax, so I am going to ask the nurse to make
you ejaculate once more while I examine you.'
The man had turned his head toward them looking astonished as they stood on
either side of him. She ignored his protestations and his blushing face as she
leaned low over the table examining his flaccid penis.
'Just relax now.' She had placed her hands on the inside of his thigh, pulling
his leg toward her.
'Would you, please nurse.' She had nodded toward the man's genitals and then up
to the nurse. The nurse had tried to hide her delight as she gently took hold of
his penis. Sarah had been surprised at how expertly the nurse's fingers coaxed
the organ to erect. It took longer the second time but it was still no more than
ten minutes before Sarah was holding the test tube over the end of the man's
penis, catching the flow of semen as he ejaculated.
He had moaned and thrashed his hips, but the young nurse had held him firmly,
squeezing his testicles hard at the moment of climax.

A year and a half had elapsed since that day. During that time the young nurse
had helped Sarah find another assistant, equally discreet. The nurse had helped
with her knowledge of the committee, telling Sarah their likes and dislikes.
A few months later, Sarah had taken on two new secretaries, both of whom, shared
her ambition and enjoyed her sexual activities with the younger patients.

The secretary watched the young doctor as she hung her coat on a hanger and
placed in on the rail. A pure silk blouse covered her slim shoulders. She wore
no bra. The shape of her nipples was clearly visible through the material. Her
breasts were small and firm. Around her slim waist she wore a wide leather belt
with a pretty buckle. Her skirt was fashionably short, showing her brown knees
and trim legs. She wore high heeled shoes of black leather.
'Who have we got today.' She asked her secretary as she began to unfasten the
leather belt around her waist.
'We've got a girl and a boy, The boy is from the orphanage, he's going to be
fostered and the girl is from immigration.'
'How old are they.'
The young secretary smiled.
'I think you will like these two. The boy is fifteen tomorrow and the girl is
'Are they nice looking.' The doctor looked at her secretary. She stepped out of
her skirt, her pretty brown legs moving daintily as she kicked off her shoes.
Her grey blouse shone under the lights as she unbuttoned it, revealing a trim
tummy and firm breasts. She wore only a pair of brief panties, the sides ending
in a thin silk string tied in a bow.
'Nice looking would be an under statement. The boy is most unusual, in fact I
have never seen a body or face so perfect. The girl is Vietnamese, very pretty
and trim. I think you will be delighted.'
The doctor smiled.
'Do you think I ought to greet them like this.' She twirled around, her slim
body moving gracefully.
'I think you look marvellous.' Her secretary said as she placed her hand over
the doctors firm breast, her fingers gently caressing the nipple. Her face was
blushing red, but she could not resist the impulse to touch her body. Jill had
been the last of the team to join the young doctor, she had quickly fallen under
her spell. She admired her more than any person she had ever known, and although
she did not know why she felt sure that she would do anything for her. She
looked up at the doctor as she stood holding her breast and shyly tilted her
head, kissing her on the lips.
'My you are in a mood today, if you are a good girl I might call you in at the
appropriate moment, and if you are a bad girl I might just smack your bare
bottom. Now what do you think I should wear?'
'Well, there is Lady Todd-Berresforsd heading the committee, Maggie Forbes and a
woman from Immigration. I haven't met the woman from Immigration yet.'
'OK I think I will wear a plain white blouse and navy skirt. That should look
efficient enough. Ask Jane and Francis to start while I get ready will you?' The
doctor's secretary took her hand away from the erect nipple and picked up her
clip board.
'Will you remember your promise?' she said shyly as she went through the door.

Richard stood facing the glass cabinet, he had been looking at the various
instruments without understanding any of their uses.
He heard the door open as the doctor's secretary came back into the room.
She walked toward the girl, standing near the scales behind Richard.
The nurse's will be through in a minute, so just be patient. She spoke to them
both as she passed them, walking through the door into her office. The girl
looked around as the secretary left the room. She had been through so many
formalities during her immigration. She had thought she would never get to
England. It had been the Church Army who eventually arranged her final visa, a
few weeks before the first troubles. Since that time she had travelled
continuously until a post as servant to an English Lady had been arranged. She
was determined that nothing should go wrong at this stage. Her name was Neijiet,
which most people had had difficulty in pronouncing. She had agreed to have it
changed to Annette, which was the nearest sound to her own name. She had been
nervous and embarrassed when the woman and taken her to be shaved, but she had
decided that what ever she was asked to do, she would obey without question. She
did not want to return to Vietnam, having no family or friends she would have
been destined for shipment to the hills, where girls laboured throughout the
day, sleeping in crude huts at night. She had heard that people grew old very
quickly there. The woman who had shaved her had said that Lady Rawlings was a
kind woman, and that she would be very happy there.
She looked at the boy as he stood facing away from her. She examined his body,
noting the six stripes across his bottom. It was not unusual in Vietnam to be
beaten by one's family, or the authorities, and this did not seem a severe
beating. She admired his body, she had not seen a boy so good looking either in
Vietnam or since she had landed in England.
The door from the secretary's office opened and two young nurses walked in. They
were dressed in starched white tunics, their bare legs visible to mid thigh. She
noticed that they were both tanned, their skin shining with health. Both nurses
were tall, one had blonde hair which was cut short around her head, showing off
her pretty features. The second nurse had dark hair which was cut straight
around her neckline. She was extremely pretty, she smiled at the girl,
displaying strong white teeth.
'Up on to the scales please.' She motioned to the girl to stand facing forward
on the platform. The dark haired nurse marked the weight on her chart as the
scales steadied.
'That's fine, now just stand against the measure on the wall, facing me.' The
nurse watched as the girl stepped off the scales and walked to the wall near the
office door.
'Put your back flat against the wall, and press your shoulders back, that's it.'
The young girl obeyed, her breasts jutting forward as she pressed her shoulders
'That's fine, now go with Nurse Falmer and get up on the far table will you.'
The girl followed the blonde nurse to the second of the examination tables.
Richard could hear the instructions the nurses were giving but could see nothing
but vague reflections in the glass in front of his face.
'Right young man, it's your turn now, come over here to the scales will you.'
Richard turned, his hands still placed over his genitals as he walked toward the
nurse. She looked very pretty as she smiled at him.
'I hope you are not going to be shy all through the examination are you.' She
looked at his hands covering himself.
'Just stand on the scales facing me.' Richard did as he was asked and stood
facing the nurse. His face was now level with hers as he stood up on the
platform. She noted his weight from the digital scale and picked up her
clipboard that held Richard's details.
'all right Richard, up against the measure, that's it.' Richard stood with his
back to the wall measure, still covering himself with his hands.
'I'm afraid you will have to stand straight.' She said kindly. 'Just drop your
hands by your sides and press your shoulders against the wall. Press your head
back that's the way.' Richard reluctantly let his hands drop to his sides, his
face blushing as he uncovered himself. He pressed his head, back looking
straight at the young nurse as she smiled at him. She moved to his side to take
the measurement from the chart. Richard could see the examination table with the
young girl laid upon it. She was stretched out on her back, her head was toward
Richard, he could see her breasts jutting upward. Her legs were close together
her toes pointing forward.
Her smooth pubic mound pale under the overhead lights. The nurse moved back in
front of Richard, her eyes glancing down at his groin, as she laid her hand on
his shoulder. He noticed her look and blushed as her eyes met his.
'Just get up on the table and lay on your back, I'm just going to take your
blood pressure.' She led him by his shoulder to the table. Richard climbed up
aware that the nurse was watching him. He could not help blushing again as she
laid her hand on his chest, smoothing it up over his nipple. She moved to the
top of the bed and took hold of his head gently, placing it so that it was
tilted back slightly. Richard laid there feeling very nervous as the nurse drew
up a trolley containing a blood pressure strap and gauge as well as other
'Keep your head like that Richard.' She said softly as Richard tried to look to
see what she was going to do to him. She took his right arm and wound the strap
around the part above his elbow. Richard could feel the strap tightening as she
squeezed the lemon shaped rubber pump between her fingers. She watched the gauge
on the trolley, reading the pressure.
The nurse finished the reading and marked the result on Richard's chart. She
gently released his arm from the strap and pushed the trolley back from the side
of the table.
She looked down at the boy laid before her, examining every inch of his body.
She noticed his tight scrotum, the testes bulging below his penis. His thighs
were pressed together tightly as if trying to hide his genitals from her. She
looked up toward his face, he was staring up at the ceiling his head in exactly
the position she had placed it. She took a needle and syringe from the trolley
and fitted them together. Walking around the table she took hold of his other
'You will just feel a little prick in your arm Richard.' She said softly as she
located a vein on the inside of his forearm. Carefully she pushed the needle in
to the vein and pulled a small amount of blood into the syringe, before
extracting the needle.
The nurse took the syringe back to the trolley and opened a small circular
plaster which she placed on the boy's arm. Gently she stroked her hand over the
boy's tummy, her fingertips just brushing the top of his pubic hair.
'You can get up now and stand over here.' Richard sat up, his face red with
embarrassment. He tried to turn his body away from the nurse as he swung his
legs over the side of the bed.
'Just stand here.' She gestured to an open area on the floor. Richard stood
facing her. He could hear the girl being asked to sit up on the examination
table behind him. Sarah was delighted with the sight that greeted her.

Sarah looked over at the girl laid on the examination table. Her lithe young
body supplicant below the nurse attending her. She walked toward the boy stood
at the far end of the room.
'Have you taken the blood sample nurse?' She asked as she stood in front of the
naked boy. She placed her hand under his chin and raised his head until his eyes
met hers.
'Well my boy, I will start with your respiration, jump up and down on the spot
until I tell you to stop."
Richard looked into her eyes feeling vulnerable at the intensity of her gaze.
She stepped back, motioning him to start. Richard began to jump up and down on
the spot, he became acutely aware of his penis slapping up on to his stomach and
then down on to his thigh. Sarah watched the boy, she admired his graceful form
as he moved before her. 'Try jumping a little higher.' She looked at his face
and then down toward his penis as it slapped between his legs.
Her head bent forward as she placed her stethoscope into her ears and picked up
the end in her left hand.
'Right Richard you can stop now.' She placed her hand on his shoulder and drew
him closer until the front of her tunic pressed against the boy's naked flesh.
The stethoscope felt cold against his chest as she moved it up over his heart.
He could smell her sweet scent as she dropped the stethoscope and moved closer
to him, he felt her cool fingers under his chin as she tilted his head back.
"Open your mouth, there's a good boy." She pushed her fingers inside feeling
around his teeth and gums. Her body was pressed hard against him the stiff tunic
rubbing against his penis as she examined him.
"That seems fine Richard." She said as she took her hand out of his mouth and
stepped back a pace. She placed the palm of her hand flat against his stomach
and stroked slowly downwards until the tips of her fingers brushed his pubic
"Turn your head to the side." She commanded. Richard turned his head as he felt
her fingers stroke lower over his pubic hair and down over his penis. He felt
her gently cup his testicles weighing them in her palm.
"Cough for me will you Richard." She gently lifted his testicles as she spoke.
Richard blushed as he felt her soft fingers between his legs.
"Herrruum" Richard coughed lightly.
She placed her other hand under his chin and turned his head towards her,
looking him straight in the eyes. Richard could not avoid her gaze, her eyes
held his.
"I want a nice big cough this time." Her fingers gently caressed his testicles
as she spoke.
"Turn your head again." Richard turned his head and felt her hand lift his
testicles once more. This time he managed a cough that seemed to satisfy her.
"That's fine now just once more." Her hand gently squeezed his testicles and
pulled them forward slightly. Richard coughed once more. He felt his penis begin
to stiffen as her soft cool fingers enveloped his scrotum.
"You can turn your head forward now Richard." She moved back a pace, her hand
still cupping the boy's testicles. Richard turned his head toward the doctor,
her eyes met his as he faced forward.
"You seem very well developed for such a young boy." She pulled his testicles
forward squeezing slightly as she took a firm hold of his penis in her other
hand. Richard jerked his hips involuntarily as her fingers touched the sensitive
rim of the glans.
"Don't worry Richard I'm not going to hurt you." She spoke gently as she pulled
back the foreskin, exposing the glans fully. Richard blushed as her gentle
fingers pushed the foreskin back, he could feel his penis becoming hard against
her fingers.
"Just relax Richard, you seem very tense." Her voice was soft and gentle, her
breath sweet against his face. Richard began to tremble as her fingers pulled
the foreskin up and down the shaft of his penis.
She watched the boy's blushing cheeks, his head tilted down as he tried to avoid
her gaze.
"Your foreskin seems a little tight, but otherwise you seem to be all right in
that department Richard, just turn around and touch you toes, legs as far apart
as you can manage, there's a good boy.
She let go of his penis and gently withdrew her hand form between his legs. She
watched as he turned round and stood with his legs astride.
"Over you go, that's it." She watched the boy bend forward and grasp his ankles.
His firm buttocks thrust upward toward her. Her eyes widened as she saw the six
neat stripes across his buttocks. "What on earth are these Richard, have you
been beaten?" Sarah felt a thrill of excitement run through her as she tenderly
stroked her fingers over the weal's. "Er.. y.. yes Miss." Richard's humiliation
was complete. He felt utterly foolish, bent forward holding his ankles while the
doctor brought the memories of his beating flooding back. "Were you beaten on
your bare bottom?" Sarah asked admiring the neat spacing of the stripes across
his buttocks. "Y.. yes Miss." Richard grunted, his cheeks burning at the
humiliation. "Who gave you the caning then, was it Matron?" Richard began to
shake as the doctor stroked her hand gently over his bottom, her finger tips
penetrating the cleft between his cheeks. "Er .. no Miss.. it was the ladies up
at the Manor House.. um.. I was.. er trespassing." Sarah felt a thrill of
delight. "You mean you were beaten by Lady Rawlings?". Richard felt weak the
blood was rushing to his head as he bent over still grasping his ankles. He
could feel her fingers gently part his buttocks as she examined his bottom. "N..
no Miss it was her daughter and another young lady." Sarah smiled to herself.
She was delighted with the knowledge she had gained from the boy. Somehow she
would get to meet that particular family before long. She thought to herself as
she stroked her fingers over the boy's upturned buttocks.
"Now just relax Richard and try and keep your bottom loose." She bent over the
boy and placed her arm around his waist, bringing her hand up against his lower
"Nurse, would you please?" She motioned to the nurse who was standing behind
her. The nurse moved forward and placed her hands on either cheek of the boy's
bottom. Gently she pulled the cheeks apart as the doctor slipped on a rubber
"Just relax" The words proceeded the doctor's probing as she carefully pushed
her forefinger past the sphincter and up into the boy's anus. Richard clenched
his buttocks as he felt her finger push rudely into his bottom.
"Relax, it will be a lot easier for you if you do as I say."
Richard tried to let his muscles go slack as he felt a second finger enter his
"Oooo..oh. ..aarghh." Richard moaned as his sphincter was stretched wide. He
felt the flat of her palm move down over his stomach, her fingers brushing his
pubic hair as she forced the fingers of her other hand up into his bottom.
She felt the boy's body tremble as she stretched the sphincter wider, her
forefinger located the prostate gland. She gently massaged it with the tip of
her finger as she slid her other hand lower, until she was able to hold the
boy's penis between her fingers. Richard squirmed as he felt the acute sensation
of her fingers stimulating him, his penis began to throb as her hand closed over
She felt his semi- erect penis begin to jerk as she pushed the foreskin back
over the glans.
"Hold still for a moment Richard, I've nearly finished." She spoke soothingly to
the boy as she gently withdrew her fingers from his bottom, watching the
sphincter close tightly as her fingers slid out of his anus.
"There you can stand up now." She smoothed her hand over his buttocks, as the
nurse gently released the pressure of her hands on the cheeks of his bottom. The
doctor still held his penis as he stood up, he had never felt such an acute
sensation. It seemed as if an electric current had passed through him when she
had massaged his prostate and the tip of his penis at the same time. He dare not
look up as he stood with his erect penis thrust out before him. He was trembling
from head to foot and felt quite dizzy. The doctor let go of his penis and
motioned for the nurse to lead him back to the examination table. As Richard
turned he found himself facing the naked Vietnamese girl who had an amused
expression on her face as she looked down at his penis thrusting forward from
between his thighs. Richard blushed once more as the nurse lead him past the
girl to the examination table.
"Just lie there and relax Richard." She said kindly as he climbed on to the
table and lay down on his back. The nurse stroked her hand gently over his chest
and stomach before taking hold of his penis which was sticking straight up in
the air.
"My, we are tense aren't we." She smiled at him as she stroked her fingers over
the bell like glans of his manhood.
"You just lie there, there's a good boy." She gave his penis one more stroke
before turning away.
The Vietnamese girl stood in front of the doctor her breasts thrust out in front
of her as she stood with her back straight.
"Right, if you will just jump up and down on the spot, until I tell you to
The girl obeyed instantly jumping high, her firm breasts jiggling up and down as
she moved. The doctor let her jump for quite some time, watching her pretty body
ripple smoothly. The girl was breathing quite deeply as she came to rest.
The doctor placed her stethoscope to the girls chest, with her left hand she
gently lifted the girls breast, moving the instrument underneath.
"That seems fine, now push your chest out, that's it arch your back." She placed
her hand over the girls right breast kneading the flesh before taking hold of
the nipple between her thumb and forefinger. She tweaked it slowly rolling it
between her fingers. It erected almost immediately and the doctor drew her nail
over the puckered skin of the tip.
"Now let's try the other one she said to the nurse as she moved her hand over
the other breast teasing the nipple with her nails. She watched as the nipple
also erected. The girl did not seem perturbed but the doctor noticed that her
eyes had a glassy look to them as she let the nipple go.
"Place your legs apart as far as you can go, there that's it." She spoke
reassuringly as her hand slid down the girls stomach and over the newly shaven
pubic mound. She cupped the girl gently, as she spread her legs. The pubis felt
smooth and soft, she felt the girl quiver as her fingertips moved delicately
over the lips of her vulva.
"Turn your head to the side and cough." The girl coughed as the doctor felt
between her legs. "Once more, that's it." The girl coughed again as she felt the
doctor's soft fingers squeeze her pubis.
"Turn around and bend over, spread your legs as far apart as you can so I can
get at you properly." The girl obeyed stretching her legs widely before bending
right over. The nurse leaned forward and placed her hands on either side of the
girls bottom pulling the cheeks widely apart. The doctor put on a clean rubber
glove and bent over the girl. She slid her arm around the girls waist and cupped
her pubic mound with the palm of her hand.
"Just relax and it should not feel too uncomfortable." She pushed her finger
into the neat little sphincter, probing gently until she felt the muscle relax a
little. Slowly, inexorably her finger pushed up into the opening, pushing
against the rim as she brought her other fingers into the entrance of the young
girl's bottom.
"Now just relax." She pushed firmly with her hand until it slid up completely
into the girls bottom. The young girl jerked at the intrusion and her knee's
sagged a little as the doctor explored inside her. She felt the doctor's hand
deep within her and an incredible pressure against her sphincter.
She was determined to make no fuss and managed to stop her self from crying out
as she felt the hand being withdrawn from her bottom.
"There you can stand up now." The girl stood up stiffly, her sphincter felt as
if it were on fire. The doctor took her arm from around the girl's waist.
"If you would take her to the other table and put her in the stirrups I will be
with you in a minute." She spoke to the nurse who had been holding the girls
buttocks apart. The young girl looked flushed as the nurse lead her away to the
far end of the room. The doctor took off her rubber glove and threw it in the
bin with the one she had used for the boy.

Sarah was undecided about what to do next, she had an idea forming in her mind
that she felt would be pleasing to the committee. She looked across at Richard
lying face up on the table. His young body laid supine, his penis had not yet
subsided fully as it lay along his hip. She walked over to the boy and gently
rested a hand on his stomach. She felt the muscles twitch beneath her fingers as
he reacted to her touch. She delicately lifted the boy's penis with her other
hand, holding the tip between her thumb and forefinger. She beckoned to the
nurse stood at the foot of the table.
"I think his foreskin is a little tight, although he has been circumcised I
think he might have some difficulty in the future, what do you think?" The nurse
looked up at her and smiled.
"Perhaps a little therapy might help, he will have to have some for his bottom
so possibly this could be done at the same time."
Richard looked up dumbly as the doctor and nurse discussed his penis. His face
was bright crimson. He felt his penis begin to stiffen once more as the doctor
casually pulled the foreskin down over the rim stretching the skin as far as it
would go.
"I think you could be right, I'll recommend something in his notes." Sarah took
a firmer hold of the penis and pushed the foreskin back up over the glans, it
stiffened fully as her fingers stroked over it once more. With her other hand
she pinched the very tip and pushed the foreskin over her fingers.
"There seems to be enough skin so I think therapy should be fine." The nurse was
smiling as she placed her hands on the boys thigh, her left hand stroking down
over his knee.
"I'll just pop your legs in the stirrups." The nurse smiled down at him as she
spoke. She her hand beneath his knee and lifted his leg over the stirrup, laying
it so his ankle was supported by the leather strap. The doctor let go of the
boy's penis and lifted his other leg, placing it in the stirrup. Richard felt
utterly humiliated as he lay there, his legs spread widely apart and high above
him. The doctor moved around the table and stood at the end between the boy's
legs. Only the small of his back was in contact with the table his buttocks were
splayed apart revealing the small neat sphincter. The doctor took a long
flexible tube of about an inch diameter. One end had a flexible opening.
Attached to the other end was a lemon shaped rubber bulb which when pumped would
widen the opening. The tube ended in an eyepiece. The doctor took a small amount
of lubricant from a jar on the trolley. Gently she smeared the puckered
sphincter of the boy's bottom. "Just breathe deeply now will you Richard. I am
just going to have a look in your bottom." Richard did not answer but began to
breathe deeply as he had done for his enema. Sarah gently pushed the end of the
tube up into his bottom. It slid in easily as the flexible opening was tapered
to facilitate an easy entry into the anus. "Right breathe deeply.. in.. out..
in.. out.. That's the way." She watched his chest rise and fall as she began to
pump the rubber bulb. Richard tensed as he felt his sphincter being stretched.
He began to gasp as he felt an incredible pressure against his bottom. "Just
relax.. there's a good boy." Sarah continued to pump. "Oooo.. aaaarggghh.."
Suddenly the boy lifted his buttocks from the table, his legs flexing wildly in
the stirrups as he tried to escape the incredible pressure in his bottom. "All
right Richard, I've stopped pumping now try and relax.. put your bottom down ..
there that's it." She watched as Richard warily let the tension go out of his
legs. She placed the eyepiece to her eye and twisted the lens round. switching
on the lamp in the lens head. After a few minutes she took the eyepiece away and
unscrewed the valve on the end of the rubber bulb. Richard felt the pressure in
his bottom ease as the end deflated. Sarah stroked her hand gently down the
inside of the boy's thigh. "There it's all over now.. and you seem fine. Your
bottom is a little tight but I think we can do something about that for you."
Sarah would normally have taken a sample of sperm from the boy, but today she
had other ideas.
"Nurse, I think it would be a good idea if you were to see what you think about
his bottom, you might have a look at the foreskin too, and would you ask my
secretary to take the details of his previous illnesses?" Sarah had not
forgotten the favour she had promised to her young secretary. The doctor ran her
hand along the inside of the boy's thigh once more before moving away from the
table. She walked over to the girl who was laid on the table behind Richard. The
girls legs were held high in the stirrups, her naked pubis openly displayed. The
girls arms had been placed on the table above her head making her breasts stand
out firmly from her slim torso. The doctor moved between the girls legs and
gently placed her hand over her pubic mound. With her right hand she gently
teased the neat lips of the prepuce causing the girls hips to squirm.
"I am just going to have a feel inside you so just relax." She smiled kindly to
the girl as she spoke. Gently she teased the lips apart her finger gently moving
up and down the neat crease.
"Nurse would you hold her please." The doctor motioned to the nurse who stood by
the side of the table. The nurse moved to the head of the bed and leaned forward
placed her arms across the girls shoulders and holding her waist just below the
under-part of her breasts. She had helped the doctor many times before and knew
exactly what was required of her. Sarah pushed her fingers delicately between
the lips of the vulva and up over the clitoris. She rubbed gently to and fro
over the flesh, watching the girls face intently as she slowly increased the
pressure of her finger. Slowly the girl's hips began to move as Sarah increased
the speed of her fingers. the girl's eyes already betrayed the sensations she
was feeling as the doctor manipulated her fingers cleverly over the clitoris.
The girl's face began to blush prettily as she felt the doctors fingers move
further inside her. The nurse brought her hands up over the girl's firm breasts,
her palms rotating slowly over the erect nipples. Sarah felt a tremor of
excitement run through her as she cleverly caressed her fingertips over the
girls pubis. Her right hand was thrust up in between the young girl's thighs as
her fingers delved deeper into the moist vagina.
The girl moaned softly as Sarah's fingers suddenly pushed further inside her,
she moved her hips involuntarily as the doctor's fingers began to move in a slow
circular motion.
The nurse moved her head close to girls ear. "Just relax and let yourself go,
there's a good girl." She softly brushed her lips against the girls cheek. Her
hand kneaded the flesh of the firm breasts, her finger nails gently scraping
against the erect nipples.
"Ooo..ooh." The girl moaned as the doctor began to manipulate the clitoris. Her
fingers worked diligently deep inside the girls vagina. The girl's mouth was
open and her breathing had become rapid as they cleverly brought her to the edge
of her climax,
"Just relax now." The nurse whispered gently in her ear as she pinched the girls
nipples hard. At the same time the doctor increased the motion of her fingers,
exploring every part of her moist vagina.
"Aaa..rgh..arraagh." The girl's body writhed beneath their hands as they brought
her to a reluctant climax.
"" The girl fought for breath as they cleverly
prolonged her orgasm, her young hips lifting from the bed as sensation after
sensation washed over her body.
"Just a little longer, then we've finished." The doctor spoke as she took her
hand from the girls clitoris and pushed two fingers deftly up into the young
girl's bottom.
"Aaarrrghh..aaarrrghhh." The girl's hips rose further off the table as the
probing fingers brought her orgasm to new heights.
"" The girl moaned softly as the doctor slowed the speed
of her hand and gently withdrew her fingers between the girl's buttocks.
"There did that make you feel nice." The doctor looked into the young girl's
blushing face.
"Open your eyes there's a good girl." The young girl opened her eyes and looked
at the doctor, her cheeks suffused in a red glow.
"Tell me how you feel." The doctor asked her more insistently.
"It felt wonderful doctor, I feel funny all over." The girls voice sounded shaky
as she answered.
"Well just lie there and relax for a few moments." She looked at the girl's
breasts as the nurse gently stroked her hands over them. Her chest was heaving
as she tried to get her breath.

Richard looked up to see the Nurse and the secretary bending over him. The nurse
moved to the end of the bed and stood between his legs as they hung in the
stirrups. The secretary stood by his side and looked into his blushing face. Her
eyes gazed at him coolly beneath her glasses. Her lips were parted, displaying
even white teeth. She leaned forward over the boy's naked body.
"I am going to ask you a few questions, try and answer them as best you can."
Richard's body jerked as he felt the nurse take a firm hold on his penis and
stretch the foreskin down over the shaft. The secretary glanced down at the
nurse's hand as she manipulated the boy's foreskin.
"Have you had chicken pox?" She turned back to face the boy, looking him
straight in the eye. Richard was utterly humiliated as she looked at him, she
seemed unconcerned at what the nurse was doing.
"Did you hear the question?" She addressed him once more.
"I don't think so miss." Richard stammered as he felt the nurse pull his
foreskin up over the glans of his penis.
"Whooping cough?" She looked at the clipboard as she marked the form.
"Nnn oooohh Mm..iiss." Richard could hardly speak as the nurse deftly pushed a
finger deep into his anus.
The secretary carried on asking him questions, seemingly unconcerned at the
boy's discomfort and humiliation. The nurse worked his foreskin up and down,
probing with her finger deeper into his bottom.
"Would you just hold his penis for me a moment?" The nurse asked the secretary
matter of factly. Richard could not believe his ears. He watched dumbly as she
placed her clipboard on his stomach and firmly took hold of his erect penis, her
manicured fingers encircling the bell like glans.
"Push the foreskin down would you while I pop another finger into his bottom."
Richard watched in horror as she pushed the foreskin down the shaft, bending
forward a little to watch as the nurse pushed a second finger up into his
bottom. Richard gasped at the intrusion. He felt his nerve ends tingle as the
secretary pulled his foreskin back up the shaft. Richard hips squirmed as their
fingers aroused him.
"Try and keep still, I don't want to nip your skin." The secretary looked into
his eyes as she spoke. Richard blushed a deeper red and looked away, his lips
"I think that will do for now." It was the doctor's voice that spoke.
"I would like him fit for the committee."
Richard watched as the secretary gently released his penis from between her
fingers. He felt the nurse also withdraw her fingers from his bottom.
His penis was standing straight up in the air. The secretary smiled at him with
an amused expression as she stood back and looked at him.
"You are tense aren't you." She picked up her clip board off his stomach and
smoothed her hand up over his chest.
"Just try and relax a bit more, you have to go before the committee in a few
Richard hardly heard the words through his haze of embarrassment. His lips
trembled, his eyes downcast as the secretary looked over his body, her eyes
lingering over the juncture of his splayed thighs. His penis felt so hard it was
almost painful, his feelings were in turmoil as he laid there so rudely
displayed. He felt the nurse take hold of his leg and carefully lay it on the
bed between the stirrup post. She moved to the opposite side and released his
other leg.
"Just you relax now." The nurse smiled as she moved away, the secretary
following her. Richard laid his head back and looked up at the ceiling. He could
hear the Vietnamese girl being asked to get up off the examination table. He
heard several movements over the next five minutes as the nurses prepared for
the committee room. He closed his eyes and thought about what his future had in
"Come along Richard time to go." He opened his eyes and looked up to see the
nurse bent over him, her face close to his.
"Wake up, time to go." She whispered once more. She placed her arm across his
knees and slid his legs to the side of the table.
"Jump down Richard." Richard slid his bottom off the table, his body pressed
against the nurse as she steadied him. He looked around to see the doctor and
the other nurse were standing near the door to the committee room. The young
girl still naked stood facing the door in front of the doctor.
"Come along don't keep us all waiting." The nurse took him by the shoulders and
walked him over to the door. She pushed him so that he stood behind the naked
girl, his body almost touching hers.
Richard instinctively covered his genitals, the backs of his hand touching the
girls bottom as the nurse pushed him forward.
"Let me tell you both, you will not attempt to cover yourselves, you will do
exactly as you are told quickly and without fuss. I assure you I will see to it
that you are punished if you do not obey. Is that understood." The doctor raised
her voice on the last sentence. Both Richard and the girl stood up straight.
Richard uncovered himself and placed his hands by his sides.
"That's better, now I want you answer any questions you are asked quickly and
clearly, don't forget to speak up. You are to stand up straight and look at the
person if you are being spoken to. I shall walk in first and I want you both to
walk in behind me. Are you both ready." She walked past them and placed her hand
on the door knob, she turned to look at them.
"Yes doctor." They replied in unison. The doctor opened the door and walked
through. They entered a large room, its highly polished wood floor shone under
bright overhead lights. At the far end of the room stood a large polished table,
behind which sat three women. To the right stood a smaller table which held a
typewriter and computer screen. A young girl of about seventeen years old sat
behind the desk, she was pressing buttons on the computer keypad. On the right
of the girl was a cloth screen and behind this an examination table complete
with stirrups.
Richard looked at the three women as they sat behind the large table. The woman
in the middle was about thirty five years of age. She wore a silk blouse and her
fair hair was tied in a bun behind her head. She had fine boned features and
bright intelligent eyes. She was talking to the woman on her right who wore a
navy blue uniform. She looked about twenty years of age. Her dark hair was also
pinned back, her neat white collar and tie gave her a rather severe look,
although in fact her features were very pretty. The woman on the left was older
and quite plump, her fleshy features accenting the heavy horn-rimmed glasses
she wore. In front of the table was a dais, it was about eighteen inches high
and about six feet long. The far edge of the dais was beneath the table the near
side extending to about four feet in front. The doctor stopped in front of the
dais and stepped to one side. The nurse behind Richard took hold of his
shoulders and placed him beside the girl.
"Stand up straight now." She whispered as she stood to the other side of him.

"Step up on to the Dais" The doctor tapped the girl on her bottom. She stepped
up on to the platform and stood in the middle facing the three women sat at the
"Up you go Richard." The nurse stroked her hand down the boy's back and gave his
bottom a light smack. Richard stepped up and moved forward on to the dais until
he was standing beside the naked girl. He was blushing profusely, acutely aware
of his nakedness. The room was cooler than the examination room and it seemed to
accent his naked state. His scrotum tightened as the cool air enveloped his
body. The girl stood beside him, her back straight and her breasts jutting
forward. Her nipples stood out firm and hard.
"Doctor would you do the girl first." Lady Todd-Berresford looked up as she
spoke, her eyes travelled up and down the naked boy and girl standing in front
of her.
"By all means." The doctor answered, stepping up on to the platform. She stood
by the side of Annette.
"I have examined her this morning, I have not had the results of the blood test
yet, but the ones from immigration taken six months ago are clear. As you can
see she is well formed and is physically healthy." The doctor placed her hand on
the girls chest above her breasts as she continued talking to the committee.
"Her breasts are quite large for someone of her race." She traced her fingers
down over the girl's right breast and cupped the under-part, lifting the breast
upward." They are quite firm and are not pendulous. She has a well muscled
physique with no history of any disorder." Her hand travelled down on to the
girls lower stomach. "She has reached sexual maturity, although there is no
indication that she has yet had sexual intercourse."
The three women watched intently as the doctor made the young girl part her
legs. She slid her hand between the girl's legs and parted the lips of the
"She seems to be particularly sensitive, so I would suggest that as yet she has
had no sexual contact." The doctor let go of the girl and turned her round.
"Bend over and touch your toes." She instructed, pushing the girl over.
"Spread your legs, that's the way." The women watched as the doctor parted the
girl's buttocks, displaying the neat sphincter.
"She is neat and clean in this area, her diet will have been high in fibre and
as such there are no swollen veins." The doctor stretched the buttocks wider
apart causing the girl to gasp.
Her legs are strong, and she shows no trouble in her joints. Her feet are small
and neat with no deformity." The doctor ran her hand down the back of the girl's
"Stand up and turn around." She commanded. The girl obeyed, turning to face the
committee. Her face was flushed more from embarrassment than bending over. Her
lips were trembling, but she stood up straight placing her hands by her sides.
"If you would like to have a closer look at her, I have the examination table
ready behind the screens."
Lady Todd-Berressford looked to the woman from immigration. "Will you need to
have another look at her?". The woman shook her head. "No she has already been
examined by my department, and although I am here as a committee member it would
seem rather inappropriate." She smiled at the chairwoman.
"I understand." She turned to Mrs. Forbes.
"How about you Maggie?".
"Yes I think I will." She turned toward the doctor.
"If you would be so kind as to arrange her."
The doctor turned the girl around and they both stepped off the dais. She lead
her around the screens.
"Just get up on to the table." The nurse moved behind the screen and helped
place the girl's legs in the stirrups.
Richard watched as The woman got up from the table and walked round behind the
screens. He was acutely aware of the interested gaze of the chairwoman as she
looked over his body.
Maggie Forbes stood over the girl, looking down at her lithe young body.
"Would you give me a rubber glove please nurse." The nurse handed the plump
woman a glove from the trolley. The doctor smiled to herself as she watched the
woman bend over the juncture of the girl's parted thighs. Deftly she held open
the lips of the vulva and slid two fingers straight up inside the girl. The
doctor watched the young girls face as she grimaced and bit her lower lip. The
woman moved her fingers roughly inside the girl making her hips writhe.
"Just you keep still. "She spoke sternly to the girl as she began to move her
fingers rapidly inside her. With her other hand she drew her finger up between
the crease until she located the clitoris which she immediately began to
massage. The girl could not help moving her hips as the woman roughly brought
her to a state of sexual excitement. The girl began to moan as the woman
increased the speed of her fingers, giving her no respite.
"Ah, you cant help yourself can you." She said to the girl as she delved even
deeper into the moist vagina.
"A...aaargh..aaargh...ghh." The girl cried out as the woman's fingers brought
her to a climax. The woman turned her hand and penetrated the girls bottom with
her thumb. "Well that didn't take long did it, what a sensitive young girl you
are." She continued the pace of her fingers as the girl's body shook in a series
of spasms.
The woman slowed the pace of her fingers as the girl's body became less tense,
her thighs quivered as the orgasm subsided. The woman thrust upward once more
before she withdrew her fingers from the girl's vagina.
"You just lay there, for a bit." She turned to the nurse and the doctor who had
been stood watching.
"I think you are right, she is extremely sensitive. Shall we get back to the boy
now?". She turned abruptly, shedding the rubber glove and dropping it in the
Richard watched as the woman returned to her seat, her face looking flushed. He
had heard the girl moaning and understood what had been happening to her behind
the screen. The doctor stood on the dais beside the boy.
"This boy is fifteen years old. As you can see he is well built and in good
physical condition. He has had no recurring illnesses and suffers from no
deformities." She ran her hand across the boy's chest and down on to his
stomach. There are only two minor problems. Although he was circumcised as a
baby, his foreskin seems rather tight." She brushed her fingers down over the
boy's stomach and took hold of his penis, drawing it away from his body. She
took hold of the tip and pulled back the foreskin with her other hand.
"There seems to be plenty of skin, so I think it will just be a matter of
therapy." Richard face turned a bright crimson as the doctor took hold of his
penis. He looked straight ahead as the women watched the doctor manipulate his
"Turn around and bend over." She let go of his penis and watched him turn
around. He bent over and grasped his ankles.
"Legs apart." She tapped the inside of his thigh. Richard shuffled his legs
wider apart.
"His sphincter is rather tight also, it could give him problems later on, so I
am recommending therapy for this too." She bent over the boy and stretched the
buttocks apart.
" Nurse would you lubricate a glove please." Richard began to tremble as the
doctor stretched his buttocks further apart. He saw the nurse's feet as she
walked past him.
"If you would nurse." The nurse put on the rubber glove and bent over the boy.
The doctor held his bottom at either side of the cleft and stretched the
buttocks apart.
"Just relax your bottom, there's a good boy." The nurse spoke softly as she
gently pushed a lubricated finger up in to the boy's bottom.
"As you can see it is very tight, but I don't think it will be a long term
problem." The doctor addressed the panel. The Nurse withdrew her finger and
patted the boy's bottom.
"Stand up straight and face the front." The doctor instructed Richard as she let
go of his buttocks.
"We will pass on your recommendation for therapy, but you haven't mentioned
whether he has reached puberty yet." Maggie Forbes smiled knowingly at the
doctor as she spoke.
"His testicles are in place and of course he is capable of an erection, we have
not tested him for a sperm count." The doctor smiled back at the chairwoman.
"I think you ought to check whether he has reached puberty, or that he is
capable of ejaculation." Maggie Forbes looked up at Richard's face, observing
the boy's acute discomfort.
"I think the easiest thing would be to do it here and now, so if you would like
to come round to the examination table in a few moments I will get him ready.
Richard could not believe his ears. The doctor turned him away from the table
and lead him toward the examination table. The young girl was standing by the
side of the screen as the doctor pushed him toward the table. Her face was
flushed and Richard detected a look of pity in her eyes as she watched him sit
on the table. The nurse quickly fastened his legs into the stirrups. This time
she brought the leather straps over the top of his ankles and buckled them
tight. She pushed the screen away from the table and pulled the trolley around
toward her as she stood between the boy's open legs.
"Would you ask Miss Watts to fetch me a test tube." The doctor addressed the
young secretary.
Richard looked around as the doctor spoke, he could see the secretary watching
him, her desk only a few feet from his widely splayed legs.
"If you would like to gather around the table, I think you will be able to
observe first hand." The doctor smiled as the women got up and approached the
examination table.
"I think nurse if you would stand by his head and provide a little stimulation."
Richard could see the women gathering around him as he lay looking upward. He
noticed to his horror that the young secretary had also joined the group, she
looked amused as she saw his expression.
Richard's body jerked as he felt a cold cream being applied to his bottom. He
saw the doctor lean forward and felt her soft fingers gently take hold of his
The nurse gently took hold of his arms and pulled them until they were stretched
out towards her. She leaned forward her pretty face looking down on his. She
placed her hands on his chest and gently tweaked his nipples. He felt the doctor
squeeze his penis, pulling the foreskin down the shaft until the skin was
stretched tightly. The doctor spoke to the second nurse who stood next to her.
"Would you put a little cream just around the rim nurse." Richard gasped as he
felt the cold cream being applied around the sensitive glans. He felt a hand
being stroked over his stomach as the doctor started pulling the foreskin up and
down his penis in a steady rhythmic motion.
Lady Todd-Berresford was stood by the side of the table. She watched intently as
his penis began to stiffen. She placed her hand gently on his thigh. "Just you
lay back and relax, there's a good boy." She stroked her hand up and down the
inside of the boy's leg as she spoke softly to him. The second nurse had cupped
his testicles in her hand. Her soft fingers gently moving the testes up and
down. She watched the doctor cleverly manipulate his penis to an erection. She
looked down between the boy's parted thighs as she concentrated on her task. Her
lips were moist and her mouth partly open as she gently pushed her hand between
the splayed buttocks. The doctor continued her manipulation of the now erect
penis. Using both hands she pulled the foreskin back and then flattening the
palm of her other hand she slowly brushed it in a rotating motion over the
sensitive opening. Richard's body jerked violently as he tried to escape the
incredible sensation on the tip of his erect member.
"I think if you just pop a finger in." She murmured to the nurse stood next to
her. She watched as the nurse slipped a finger neatly up into the boy's bottom.
Richard squirmed, his breath was coming in gasps as he felt the finger being
slipped up into his bottom. The sensations were just too much for him and his
whole body began to tremble as inexorably they aroused him. The young secretary
watched as his body began to jerk, his hips writhing under their clever fingers.
She looked into his face, it was suffused in red, his lips were trembling. " I
don't think it's going to be long before we need that test tube." The doctor
glanced round to see her other secretary had already entered the room and was
holding the test tube ready. Her eyes were bright with excitement as she watched
Sarah pull the boy's foreskin up and down over the rim of the glans.
"" Richard moaned as he felt his climax approach, he
could not stop his hips from moving under their clever fingers.
"Not long to go now, just let yourself go there's a good boy." The nurse above
him spoke soothingly, her fingers pinched hard on his nipples. Richard's head
moved from side to side, his hips writhed as the doctor increased the tempo of
her soft fingers up and down his penis. She nodded to the nurse standing beside
her who deftly pushed a second finger up into the boy's bottom. She could feel
his penis pulse as her fingers located the prostate gland.
"Test tube." The secretary reached over and placed the test tube on to the end
of the glans. She watched in fascination as a stream of semen shot up into the
glass, followed by another and another. The nurse pushed her fingers even
further into the boy's bottom as she squeezed his testicles with her other hand.
"Aaaaarrggh...aaaaa.rrgghh." Richard cried out as his body tensed, his legs
unable to escape the straps that held them. His hips writhed uncontrollably and
his head thrashed from side to side.
"There there it's all over now." The nurse whispered softly as his body shook.
"Mmmm..mmm.mum.." Richard moaned his whole body racked with sensation. The
secretary took the test tube away from the end of the boy's penis, holding it so
that the semen did not spill. The doctor began to slow her strokes, her fingers
squeezing hard. She squeezed, drawing her fingers up along the whole length of
the shaft. She beautiful lips were parted as she bent her head low over the
boy's genitals she watched the last drop of semen escape from the opening.
Gently she laid her hand on his tummy and stroked gently. "You can relax now
it's all over." She took her hands away and watched as the nurse gently slipped
her fingers from his bottom. Richard felt dizzy, his head was spinning. He
looked up to see faces swimming before him..then blackness.

He awoke from a faint to see the pretty young secretary looking down at him, her
soft eyes smiling. "You fainted, it was just all too much for you wasn't it."
She stroked a hand over his chest. "Do you think you can sit up, I've brought
you a cup of sweet tea."
Richard slowly began to sit up, his legs had been freed from the stirrups and he
swung them over the edge of the table. The young girl put her arm around his
shoulders and handed him the cup. Richard sipped the sweet tea and looked
around. The committee room was empty except for Annette who was stood at the end
of the table. The secretary rested her hand on the boy's knee.
"It's all over now, I am just waiting for the transport to take you to your new
home. The committee passed you both fit." Richard became acutely aware of his
nakedness again as the secretary moved her hand gently over his thigh.
"I'll take your cup and you can both wait here while I fetch you something to
wear." She took the cup and patted his knee.
"Don't worry everything will be all right now." She looked into his eyes, and
smiled reassuringly. Richard looked at the naked girl as the secretary left. She
stood upright with her hands by her sides, making no effort to cover her
nakedness. She spoke as soon as the secretary had left the room.
"It is better to do as they say. For me it is a big opportunity and I think for
you also." Richard nodded. The girl spoke with very little trace of accent to
her voice.
"It just embarrasses me so." Richard looked down at his hands covering his lap
as he spoke.
"I feel sorry for you for what they do, but for me it was the same. The woman
was very rough."
"I felt sorry for you too." Richard looked at the girl once more as she spoke.
"If we both do as we are told I think we will be all right." The girl smiled.
Richard had not seen her smile. Her teeth were white and even and her pretty
eyes sparkled beneath her long eyelashes. The door opened and the secretary came
through pushing a trolley. On top of the trolley was a pile of clothes. She
wheeled it up to the examination table and reached underneath for a packet of
moist tissues. She stood in front of Richard as he sat on the edge of the table.
She pushed his knees apart gently and took hold of his hands, moving them to his
sides. Deliberately her fingers encircled his soft penis. Carefully she pushed
back the foreskin to reveal the glans.
"I'll have to clean you up a little bit before you can get dressed. I hope the
clothes you have been sent fit you both." Richard blushed in pure anguish, he
felt utterly humiliated as the girl pushed back the foreskin and wiped around
the rim of his penis.
"Just stand up and bend over so I can wipe your bottom." Richard stood and bent
over the table. Gently the girl parted the cheeks of his bottom and wiped away
the excess of cream from around the sphincter. She tapped his bottom.
"OK you can stand up now." She looked at his blushing features. She softly
stroked her hand down the side of his cheek. "My you have been through it today
haven't you." She looked kindly at him, her eyes dropping to his penis which had
began to stiffen.
"Come here Annette and put this on" She took a white garment from on top of the
pile. Annette looked at the garment and then put it on over her head, her full
breasts jutting forward as she moved her arms through the sleeves. It was a
simple shift that came to mid thigh. Her olive skin looked darker against the
white of the dress.
"Now you Richard." She handed him a white T shirt, which he put on drawing it
over his head. It fitted his slim body well. The secretary looked down at the
boy's penis as it hung below the shirt. She handed him a pair of white shorts.
He quickly put them on, happy to cover himself. The shorts also fitted well,
they were of a good material and felt so much smoother than anything he had ever
worn before. A world apart from the baggy flannel trousers the orphanage has
"I am afraid there are no under-clothes at the moment, but I am sure Lady
Rawlings will see to you both when you get there." She handed the girl a pair of
canvas slip-on sandals and passed Richard a pair of white socks and white
training shoes. Richard kneeled down and put on the socks and shoes. They felt
really wonderful. He could not remember ever having put on new clothes before.
"If you will both follow me please." The secretary turned and moved toward the
door. Richard began to follow with Annette at his side. She whispered to him.
"This dress is very good material, I bet it cost a lot." Richard looked at her
and smiled back as he saw her pleased expression. They followed the secretary to
the lift and then down to the Lobby. A large car was waiting outside the main
"Follow me." The girl turned her head back toward them as she lead them through
the large glass doors to a waiting car. She opened the rear door and motioned
for the girl to get in. Annette stepped into the car and slid over to the far
side of the back seat, her skirt riding high showing her slim brown thighs.
"In you go Richard." Richard moved himself to the middle of the seat as the
secretary got in beside him. The driver was a woman of about forty years. She
turned back to the occupants. "Are you all in?" The Secretary nodded to the
driver and turned to Richard and the girl. "I know I probably don't have to say
this, but I do want you to be on your best behaviour." She placed her hand on
the boy's knee. "Are you looking forward to your new home."
"Yes miss."
"And how about you Annette."
"Oh yes miss."
"Good well just do as you are told when we get there, both of you." They both
nodded. Richard looked down as she stroked over his bare thigh, tracing her
fingers up to the hem of his short trousers. "I know you have had an
embarrassing day Richard, but Lady Rawlings may want to have a quick look at you
after she has read the medical report. Please try and not be shy if I have to
take your trousers down." Richard's face turned beetroot red as he heard the
words. She looked at his face, her pretty eyes noting his blushes.
"Will you promise me." She took hold of the boy's chin and raised his head to
look directly into his eyes
Richard's lips were trembling as he looked at her. She rested her right hand on
his lap as she looked at him. Richard could feel the pressure of her hand over
his penis.
"Well are you going to promise me."
"I'll try miss.. . I really will." Richard managed to stammer. She moved her
hand over his groin stroking gently. "I hope you do Richard, I hope you do." She
patted his groin before removing her hands and facing forward in the car. The
car had left the town and was heading through open country. Richard looked out
of the window, his face still bright red. He felt Annette slip her hand over his
and squeeze it. He squeezed back and looked at her quickly. She smiled before
turning back to look out of the window. He glanced down at her slim legs, her
skirt was quite short and had pushed up to her hips. She seemed aware of his
gaze as she squeezed his hand once more. They rode on in silence, enjoying the
countryside. Richard tried to think positively, he hoped that he would not have
to bare himself again, but his previous experience was not encouraging. The car
headed down the long driveway to the Manor House. It pulled to a stop outside
the main entrance. Solid stone columns supported a tiled portico which covered
the large oak door of the entrance. It was a truly impressive building with it's
row upon row of high windows reflecting the sunlight. Russet ivy covered much of
the stone walls, it's winding branches reaching up to the small windows of the
fourth floor. Both Richard and Annette looked around at the large house and
grounds before being ushered in through the doorway by the maid. The maid lead
them through to the drawing room where Lady Rawlings sat behind her ornate desk.
Wendy gave a quick smile of recognition to the boy but had turned away before
noticing his face blush.
"Ah Miss Holden, they said you were on your way. "Lady Rawlings got up from
behind her desk as she addressed the young girl. Richard and Annette followed
her further into the room.
"Would you fetch some tea Wendy?" She asked the maid. Lady Rawlings moved around
the table and stood in front of Richard and Annette.
"Why they are both delightful." She spoke to the secretary as she looked them up
and down." Do you have any paperwork to complete from the authorities."
"No Lady Rawlings I think it is all done, I have the medical reports." She
handed a buff envelope to her. Lady Rawlings took the envelope and returned to
her seat behind the desk. She opened the envelope and began to read from the
sheaf of pages it contained. There was silence in the room until she had
finished reading.
"Are you aware of the nature of the boy's medical report." She asked the young
girl who had brought them.
"Yes I was present at the examination, er. do you want me to show you." Lady
Rawlings looked up at the girl with an amused look. There was obviously more to
the secretary than she had first assumed. But of course if she was not extremely
competent they would have not sent her in the first place. Lady Rawlings looked
over at the girl and boy as they stood in front of her desk.
She spoke to the boy. "Have you had any trouble going to the toilet?" She looked
him straight in the eye.
"" Richard stammered, his head dropping to avoid her eyes.
"Look up Richard, and shoulders back." The secretary spoke firmly to him as she
moved to his side.
Richard looked up to see Lady Rawlings smile at him. " How about your penis have
you had any pain, it says here that your foreskin is very tight." Richard
blushed at the mention of his penis.
"No..Miss it seems all right." He stammered once more.
"I think we will have a look just the same." She turned to the secretary. "Would
you like to show me please." Richard blushed once more as the secretary moved
behind him and put her arms around his waist. She slipped her thumbs inside the
waist band of his short trousers and undid the top button. Richard could feel
her breasts pressing against his back, and the sweet smell of her perfume as she
looked over his shoulder. She undid the buttons one by one, her fingers brushing
over his pubic hair as her hands moved lower. When she had undone all the
buttons she bent down behind him and pulled the trousers down over his legs. She
placed her hand on his ankle and indicated him to lift his foot out of the
"And the other one." Richard stepped out of the trousers which the secretary
picked up and placed on the side of the desk. Richard's face was beetroot red as
he stood naked from the waist down. His T shirt barely covering the upper part
of his penis.
"Hands above your head." The secretary spoke sternly as Richard hung his head.
He raised his arms, he could not help looking into the young girls face as she
moved in front of him. She took hold of the hem of his shirt and pulled it over
his head. Richard stood naked in front of the young girl apart from his white
short socks and white shoes.
"Stand up straight, head up, arms by your sides." The secretary lifted his chin
as she spoke, her voice was stern. Richard was looking straight at Lady Rawlings
as the girl moved away to place the shirt on top of his shorts. She stood to his
side and took hold of his penis. "Open your legs." Richard obeyed as she lifted
his penis. "Move closer to the desk so that Lady Rawlings can see you." She
pulled him forward by his penis until his thighs touched the edge of the desk.
"It is difficult to see unless the penis is stiff, shall I manipulate it." She
glanced at Lady Rawlings who was admiring the boy's body.
"Er..yes I think so." Lady Rawlings spoke quietly. The girl took a firmer hold
of his penis encircling it with her forefinger and thumb. With her right hand
she pinched the end of the glans. She pulled the foreskin back as far as she
could and then up again, the softness of her hand brushing against the sensitive
tip. Richard began to stiffen almost immediately. He blushed deeper as she
pulled the foreskin up and down the shaft of his penis.
"If you can see now Lady Rawlings, the skin is quite tight as it goes over the
head." Her delicate fingers pulled the foreskin back and them up to the rim
slowly, before pushing it over and up to the head of the glans. Richard's body
trembled as her fingers stroked over his penis. Lady Rawlings was delighted at
the exhibition, she watched the young girl cleverly manipulate his penis,
leaning forward in her chair as it became fully erect. She looked at his
blushing face, his lips trembled and his eyes had become glazed.
"I think that will do, it does seem a little tight but obviously nothing to
worry about." She watched as the girl turned the boy around and bent him over,
making sure his legs were widely spread. The girl spread his buttocks apart,
revealing his neat little sphincter.
"The doctor said she would visit to recommend some therapy, but she says there
are no signs of any serious problem." The secretary looked up to Lady Rawlings
before she let the tightly spread buttocks close back together. Lady Rawlings
was not looking at the boy's sphincter, but at the neatly spaced stripes her
daughter's cane had made upon the young boy's bottom.
"You can stand up now." Richard stood up and turned around as the girl prompted
him. His penis was still erect and stood out in front of his hips.
"Go and stand by Annette." Lady Rawlings instructed him. "You seem a very
competent young lady if I may say so." Lady Rawlings spoke to the young
secretary and smiled. "I hope you will visit us again. I am very happy with them
both and I am sure they will both be happy here." She watched the girl smile at
the compliment. The maid knocked once and entered the room carrying a large
silver tray with silver teapot, hot water jug and china tea service. She looked
at the naked boy, noticing his erect penis and blushing face. She thought about
what she had done to him in the woods that day as she placed the tray on a small
occasional table. The table stood at the far end of the room, around it were
several chairs and a matching settee. Lady Rawlings got up from the desk and
walked toward the young boy and girl." Come and have some tea and then I can
find out all about you both." Richard looked at her as she stood in front of him
acutely aware of his nakedness. His penis was still swollen, although not fully
erect. She looked down at his genitals and smiled at him kindly. "Don't be
embarrassed Richard you are amongst friends here." Richard nodded dumbly, he
blushed a deeper red as her hand gently touched his hip. "Er..c.ccan I get
dressed now madam?" Richard stammered, hardly daring to look at her." Lady
Rawlings looked at him her face becoming stern.
"You will soon learn that in this house you wait to be told what to do, do you
understand what I am saying to you." Richard blushed and hung his head. "I'm
very sorry madam, I.. d..did'nt mean any harm." Richard apologised nervously,
his bottom lip quivered at her stern rebuke. "I will make no more of it this
time." Lady Rawlings was pleased with the way she had handled the boy. She had
always found it advisable to stamp her authority early in any relationship.
"You may sit down on that high backed chair over there." She pointed to a chair
near the table where the maid was pouring the tea. Richard stumbled over to the
chair, feeling utterly ridiculous at being naked in front of every one. He sat
down on the chair, its cold leather seat against his bare flesh. Wendy looked at
the boy out of the corner of her eye. He was sat with his back straight, his
legs parted slightly with his swollen penis laid over his testicles. He sat with
his hands on his thighs, not daring to cover himself after the warning the girl
had given him. The young secretary and Lady Rawlings sat side be side on the
settee. Annette was made to sit on a chair facing Richard. The maid handed tea
to her mistress and to Miss Holden. She then handed a cup to Annette, pointing
to the sugar and milk on the tray. She gave the girl a friendly smile as she
handed the cup to her. She poured another cup and brought it over to Richard,
standing in front of him. She handed him the cup and smiled in sympathy, she
whispered as she bent her head forward. "Don't worry Richard you'll be all
right." Richard nodded dumbly as she turned away. Both the girl and Richard sat
quietly as Lady Rawlings and Miss Holden discussed the girls history. They
talked about her as if she absent, several times mentioning her bodily
attributes or her obedience or willingness. "Annette why don't you just pop your
dress off so I can have a good look at you, there's a good girl." Lady Rawlings
turned toward her, her voice sounding kind but firm. The girl blushed, but
without hesitation stood upright. She raised her arms over her head and
gracefully pulled the dress up. Her firm flesh rippled as she took off the
dress. She placed the white tunic over the chair she had been sitting on and
turned to face Lady Rawlings and the young secretary.
"As you can see she has been shaved for her examination, although the
hairdressers said her pubic hair was very neat. The girl stood still, her arms
down by her sides.
"Turn around." Miss Holden ordered the girl as she got up from the settee and
stood next to the girl. She cupped her hand underneath the girls breast and
pushed it up gently as if weighing it.
"Turn around." She instructed sliding her hand down to the girls waist and
turning her. "That's it now just bend over and show Lady Rawlings that pretty
bottom of yours. The girl blushed as she bent forward. "Open those legs a little
more that's the way. Lady Rawlings looked at the pert bottom and the neat crease
covering her vagina. Miss Holden bent over the girls back and put her arm
underneath her, sliding it under her tummy until her fingers located the lips of
her vulva. She slid her other hand over the girls bottom and between her legs.
The girls legs quivered visibly as the secretary parted the lips of her vulva
and stroked a finger down inside.
"She is very neat isn't she." Lady Rawlings said admiringly as she watched the
girl begin to tremble. Miss Holden took her hand away from the girls vagina and
stroked slowly over her buttocks. "Right you can stand up now." The girl stood
up and turned around to face them again. Miss Holden returned to her seat
leaving the young Vietnamese girl standing naked.
"You may sit down, put your dress on the back of the chair." The girl sat down
placing the palms of her hands flat down on her thighs.
"They do make a handsome couple don't they." Lady Rawlings examined them both as
she spoke.
"Well if everything is all right I had better be heading back to the medical
centre. We close at half past five. Miss Holden got up and placed her cup back
on the tray. "Goodbye Richard." She held out her hand to the boy who took it
nervously. "You are a lovely boy I know you will be happy here." She leaned her
face forward and kissed him softly on the lips. She turned to the girl and
reached out her hand. The girl stood up and shook hands. "Goodbye Annette and
good luck." She smiled kindly at the girl and leaned forward and kissed her full
on the lips. She turned to Lady Rawlings. "Goodbye Lady Rawlings it was most
nice meeting you." Lady Rawlings smiled. "..And you too. Wendy will show you
out." Wendy bobbed a curtsey and extended her arm toward the door. She followed
the girl as she left the room.
"Stand up both of you and I will get Wendy to show you to your rooms. Annette
you will be sharing a room with Wendy for the time being. It should make you
feel more at home as you will be working with her. Richard you will have a room
of your own as we have no other male people in the house. I understand it is
your birthday tomorrow, Diane and Veronica will be home from shopping later on.
So tomorrow you can both go to the lake with them."
Richard and Annette stood facing Lady Rawlings as she talked to them. Richard
was still blushing at his nakedness, he had been aroused when Miss Holden had
fondled the girl in front of him. His penis, although not erect was swollen and
was pointing forward. This had not escaped Her ladyship's notice and she looked
down at his groin.
"Richard I think you have had adequate time for you penis to subside. I hope you
are not thinking lewd thoughts about Annette here." Richard coloured up
immediately, blushing from his face to his chest. Lady Rawlings stood up. "You
might well blush young man" She reached forward and took a firm hold of his
penis squeezing it tightly. "I wont have any nonsense in this direction." She
looked down and pushed the foreskin back until the glans was totally revealed.
"Do you understand me?"
"Yes mm...madam" Richard stammered as Lady Rawlings chided him. Her fingers
pushing the foreskin up and back down over the shaft.
"Well I'll let it go this time, you've obviously had a traumatic day both of
you." Wendy appeared back through the door way. She was not surprised to see Her
mistress holding the boy's penis. "Would you take Annette and Richard to their
rooms. If you would take their clothes up too. Diane is fetching a whole
wardrobe for both of them. They can have a bath and then come down to dinner. I
think it would be better if you were to supervise their baths on this occasion.
Although I think in future Annette make take hers on her own. I want you to make
sure that the boy is scrupulously clean, that includes his genitals and his
bottom. I also want you to make sure Annette is aware of how to wash in future.
That is the same way that I showed you. I hope you understand what I am saying."
The maid blushed slightly but answered quickly. "As you wish Madam." Lady
Rawlings let go of the boys penis which was now fully erect. "Off you go then
you two. I expect you down at eight o'clock for dinner. "Yes madam they replied
in unison.

Richard and Annette followed the young maid up the stairs and down a long
Richard walked behind Annette, he was acutely aware of his nakedness, his penis
slapped from side to side as they walked quickly to one of the rooms on the left
of the corridor. They stopped outside. The girl took a pace back to make room
for the maid to enter, her bottom pushing against Richard's hips. "Annette this
is my room and will now be your room too." Wendy smiled at the naked girl.
"Through there, you will find the bathroom. Will you fill the bath for yourself
and I will come through in a few minutes to make sure you are all right." She
smiled once more and gestured for the girl to go in the room.
"Now Richard if you will follow me." She looked down at the boy, noticing that
his penis was still not completely flaccid. They walked further along the
corridor and entered a room on the right. Richard looked around the bedroom it
was large and beautifully furnished. A large double bed dominated the central
space. Fitted wardrobes surrounded the room on three sides it's mirrored doors
making space for the large window which overlooked the gardens. The room was
bright and cheerful and Richard could not help thinking how different it was to
his dormitory in the orphanage. "The bathroom is through here." The maid lead
the way through the doorway situated to the side of the bed-head. She bent over
the white fitted bath and pressed the lever for the bath plug. "I'll run your
bath Richard and then you can sit and soak for a few minutes while I see to
Annette. What do you think to your room, it's lovely isn't it." Richard nodded
as the maid turned toward him. He had covered his genitals with his hands and
stood looking embarrassed. "Don't worry Richard, you will like it here I know."
She smiled kindly at him as she turned both taps on full. She turned to face him
and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Lady Rawlings is really very kind and so
is Diane, it will only take a little while for you to settle in." She looked
into his eyes.
"I am sure I will like it Miss, I just feel embarrassed. Richard said quietly,
his eyes looking down as he spoke.
"It is just something you will have to get used to. There that seems to be full
enough." She turned off the taps and tested the water. "Just pop in the bath and
I'll come through in a little while." She turned and gave Richard a little kiss
on the cheek before walking through the door to the bedroom. Richard stood for a
minute and then slowly tested the water with his foot before getting into the
bath. He sat down carefully in the hot water. Looking around the bathroom, he
noticed that there was a toilet and bidet as well as a shower cubicle in one
corner. There was also a long table, the surface was covered in pale orange
rubber. The legs of the table were chrome and the feet ended in small wheels
with rubber rims. Richard sat back in the bath and let the water soak his body.
He felt nervous but excited at the prospect of his new home.

Annette looked up from the bath in which she was sitting as the maid entered the
"I have left Richard to soak for a while so I suppose we had better get
started." The girl looked up to the maid and smiled.
"Shall I stand up, if you have to wash me?"
"Yes I think that would be best." The maid blushed as she approached the girl.
"I have to do what madam say's." Wendy blushed once more as she spoke gently to
the girl standing facing the taps.
"I understand." Annette gave a little smile. Wendy took the soap and dipped her
hands in the water. Gently she began to soap the girls back and then lower over
her bottom.
"You will have to open your legs a little."
The girl obeyed immediately, pushing her feet as far apart as the shape of the
bath would let her. Wendy slid her hand between the girl's bottom and through
her parted legs, her fingers sliding smoothly over the smooth pubis. With her
other hand she began to soap over her tummy.
"Just bend forward a little so I can soap between your bottom." She cupped the
girls pubis with her left hand as slid her fingers up between the girl's
buttocks. Annette felt a gentle pressure at the opening to her bottom as the
maid probed with her finger. Slowly she felt the fingertip tease the sphincter
until the maid pushed her finger firmly up into her bottom. The girl shivered
slightly as Wendy pushed her finger further in.
"I hope I am not hurting you." She said as she began to ease her finger back and
forth making the girl squirm.
"It's all right Miss, it doesn't hurt."
"Please call me Wendy, we are working together and as far as I know I don't have
any authority over you."
"Thank you.. Wendy." The girl gasped as she felt the maid begin to probe the
crease of her sex. Her legs quivered as Wendy quickly slid her finger down the
crease and deftly up into the girl's vagina. She blushed as the girl turned her
head toward her and looked into her face.
'I am sorry but it is madam's instructions." Wendy said as the girl looked into
her eyes. "I know you didn't hear her say so, but she means me to do this to
you. I'm as embarrassed as you are." The girl smiled at her
"I know it is just a bit, well... embarrassing... aa..aarrgh."
The girl gasped as Wendy pushed up a second finger and began to work them
around inside her. The maid's right hand pushed again, her finger sinking deep
into the trembling girl's bottom.
"Just a few more minutes and then I can let you go. Wendy began to work
diligently with both hands upon the trembling girl. Annette could not help her
hips from squirming, Her knee's quivered as she began to feel sexually aroused.
"AA..rrrghhh..aarrrgghhhhhh...pleeease." The girl gasped and moaned as Wendy
increased the pace of her fingers. She was nor sure whether Lady Rawlings had
intended her to go this far, but she remembered when she had first been bathed
by her Ladyship. Lady Rawlings had excited her so much that she had had two
orgasms in quick succession.
"Ooo..ooohhh.aarghh....ooohhh." The girl let out a long wail as she came to a
climax, her knees quivered uncontrollably as the maid's fingers roamed
insistently deep inside her.
"Oooo..ooohh...ooohhh..oooohhh." The girls breath came in gasps as she shook
from head to toe.
"There I've nearly finished." Wendy said softly, slowing her fingers to a soft
caress. Gently she slipped her finger from the girl's bottom and stroked her
hand gently over her buttocks.
"Can you stand upright" She asked gently as the girl stopped shaking.
"Yes I think so." Annette straightened her legs and put her shoulders back as
the maid began to soap gently over her breasts.
"You have a lovely figure, and your skin feels so nice." Wendy talked softly to
Annette as her hands soaped over her body.
"This is the first time I have ever done this to a girl." I hope you aren't
cross with me, but I think it was what lady Rawlings wanted, she did it to me
when I first came."
Annette looked at Wendy, her face was flushed but she gave a little smile.
"I enjoyed it, you were lovely and gentle." Wendy smiled back at her.
"I just know that we are going to be friends."
They both looked up as Lady Rawlings entered the bathroom. Wendy blushed and
dropped her hands from the young girl's body.
"Don't stop if you haven't finished yet, I don't want to interrupt you. If you
would call me when you are finished I think it would be better if I were to show
you how to bath the boy. You may bring Annette, it will be part of her duties
"Yes Madam I've nearly finished." Wendy blushed once more as she looked up at
her Ladyship. She noticed the amused expression on her face and wondered whether
she knew what she had done to the girl.
Wendy turned once more to the girl as her mistress left the room.
"I had better just rinse you off and help you dry, I don't want to keep her
Ladyship waiting."
She rinsed the girl quickly and helped her from the bath. Annette's graceful
form stretching as she stepped to the floor. Wendy reached for the warm bath
towels and proceeded to dry her. Her firm breasts jiggled as she rubbed the
towel briskly over her olive skin.
"Open your legs a little so I can dry your bottom." Wendy turned the girl as she
spoke and went down on one knee. The girl was stood facing her. Her shaven pubis
inches from the maid's face. Wendy brought the towel up between the girl's legs
and rubbed backwards and forwards, the texture of the cloth causing the young
girl to quiver as it rubbed over the crease of her sex. "I'll just talc you and
then you can get dressed." Wendy reached for the container and shook a liberal
amount on to the palm of her hand. Gently she cupped it between the girl's legs
and gently drew her hand back and forth feeling the smoothness of the skin.
Annette put her hand on to the maid's shoulder to steady herself as the maid
pushed her hand boldly between her legs. "I think that will do, if you will pop
your dress on while I tell Madam." She smiled at Annette as she left the
bathroom. Wendy was in high spirits as she walked down the stairs toward the
drawing room. "There you are Wendy, all finished upstairs are you?" Lady
Rawlings was smiling at the young maid. "I suspect you are enjoying yourself
having some measure of responsibility over others."
"Yes Madam" Wendy blushed dropping her head shyly as her mistress gave her an
enquiring look.
"Tell me, did you wash the girl as I instructed?"
"Oh yes Madam." Wendy looked up into Lady Rawlings face. "I think I did what you
"You washed her bottom properly?"
"Yes Madam" Wendy hung her head once more"
"And her vagina, did you wash inside?"
"Y..yes Madam." Wendy blushed an even deeper shade of red, but managed to look
up at her mistress again.
"Good I am glad to see that you are learning obedience. I want you to look after
the girl and show her her duties. She will have a uniform like yours from
tomorrow and she can start work alongside you. Now let's go and see to young
Wendy followed lady Rawlings up the stairs and into Richard's bedroom. "Go and
fetch Annette and bring her through to the bathroom." Lady Rawlings instructed
as she entered the bathroom doorway. Richard was sat in the bath, his knees
drawn up to his chest. He looked up, startled as her Ladyship entered the room.
His cheeks began to colour up as he looked at her. "If you will stand up please
Richard." She turned away from the boy and took a container of liquid soap from
the shelves above the sink. Richard stood up slowly, his face already bright
red. He stood facing toward the end of the bath, his hands clasped over his
groin. He watched with dismay as both Wendy and Annette entered the bathroom.
Lady Rawlings turned toward the boy. "Now we will have no nonsense with your
hands." She looked down at the boy. His knees were pressed together and both
hands clasped tightly over his genitals. "Put you hands on top of your head,
that should keep them out of the way." She smacked his bottom lightly as he
hesitated. "Do as I say at once". Richard lifted his hands and placed them on
his head. He was acutely aware of his nakedness. Lady Rawlings looked the boy
over. He really has such a beautiful body and face she thought as she placed a
hand on his hip and turned him to face her. "Now Wendy and Annette if you will
come nearer." She placed her delicate hand between the boy's thighs and pulled
his legs apart.
The two girls stood next to Lady Rawlings as she poured the soap on to her palm.
Slowly and deliberately she placed her hand between the boy's legs and cupped
his testicles. She lifted them gently drawing them forward from between his
thighs. "You have to be reasonably careful with a boy's testicles." She
addressed the girls. "They are very delicate and if you squeeze them too hard
you can cause quite a lot of pain." Her hand began to soap between Richard's
legs. "Now I will show you how to wash his penis." Delicately she took hold of
Richard's penis and drew back the foreskin until it was stretched tight. The boy
shuddered as she soaped around the rim of the glans. "This is where boy's fail
to wash, if you draw the foreskin back tightly you can soap behind the rim."
Both girls watched intently as her Ladyship continued to smooth her fingers over
the boy's penis. Richard shivered as he felt the velvety fingers stroke over his
genitals. His eyes were tightly shut with embarrassment and to his horror he
felt his penis begin to harden. Lady Rawlings felt it too and stroked harder her
finger nails scraping over the rim of the glans. "All boy's are sensitive here
so don't worry if the penis becomes stiff, in fact you will find it easier to
handle." Richard was trembling from head to toe as her Ladyship continued to
stroke her hands over his swelling member. His knees quivered as she pushed a
hand between his legs into the crease of his bottom. "Now I'll just turn him
around and show you how to wash his bottom."
She took hold of the boy's hips and turned him to his side. Richard turned
awkwardly, he opened his eyes to the see the girls watching him. "Now bend
forward, that's the way." She pushed him forward and slid her hands down to his
buttocks. "Boys never think to wash their bottoms so you must make sure that he
is absolutely clean here." She pushed his bottom cheeks apart and indicated the
sphincter with a soapy finger. "You should be able to push a finger right
inside, I know it is a little tight but it will be good therapy for him." Lady
Rawlings gently teased the orifice watching as it contracted at her touch. "Now
just relax Richard, I am not going to hurt you. Do you hear me?" Richard mumbled
as he tried to relax his bottom. "Ooops there we are." Lady Rawlings deftly
slipped her forefinger inside the boy's bottom. Richard tried to stand upright
as the finger invaded him. "Keep still." Her Ladyship commanded as she began to
move her finger around inside the boy. She quickly located the prostate gland
and stroked her finger gently over it. She felt the boy shudder as she moved her
finger inside him. "Now if you turn him further to the side, you can soap his
penis at the same time. She moved the boy round, her finger still moving
insistently inside his bottom. With her free hand she took hold of the erect
penis and began to pull the foreskin backward and forwards. "Please.. madam I
feel funny... I think I'm going to..." His voice trailed off as her finger
stroked over his prostate. His knees began to tremble violently as she pushed
with her finger hard up into his bottom, at the same time pulling his foreskin
back tightly. He felt the inevitable approach of an orgasm. Helplessly he stood
there as her fingers cleverly brought him to the peak of sexual sensation. His
body quivered violently as her fingers seemed to probe the very core of his
body. He gasped for breath as he began to ejaculate.
Both girls watched fascinated as semen spurted from the end of the boy's penis.
"A..aaargggh..a..rrgggh." Richard gasped as her Ladyships fingers worked
incessantly. She pushed a second finger into his bottom as he spurted his semen.
His body shivered and shook as she extracted every last drop from him. "There
don't worry about that." She said soothingly. "All young boy's find it difficult
to control themselves." Her finger slowed their pace. She slipped her fingers
from his bottom and slid her hand between his legs. She cupped his testicles and
squeezed them firmly, at the same time tightening her fingers on the base of his
penis and drawing the last drops of semen from him.
"If he happens to do that when either of you are washing him, make sure that you
clean the tip of the penis and wash behind the glans again." Richard could not
believe his ears as her Ladyship addressed the girls. He felt so humiliated. But
he realised his ordeal was not over as he listened to her Ladyship instruct the
girls. "You may wash the rest of him and them dry him. Make sure that you put
plenty of talcum powder between his legs and between the cheeks of his bottom."
Lady Rawlings took her hands from the boy and dried them on a towel she looked
at both girls as she turned to leave. They were both watching the boy intently
as he stood with his hands on his head, his face bright red.
Richard was in a daze as the girls began to gently wash him. Making him kneel
to rinse his bottom and then stand before them while they dried him. Their soft
hands caressed him as they applied talcum powder to his penis and testicles. He
gasped and shivered as they bent him over softly running their hands between his
buttocks to apply more powder. "There I think you will do." said Wendy as they
gently led him to the bedroom.
They dressed him and sat him on the bed. Wendy bent before him and gently took
his face between her hands. "I know you are embarrassed Richard but we are your
friends so let's have a little smile shall we."
Richard looked into Wendy's sweet face and then toward Annette who was watching
him intently. He tried a little smile, but could not help blushing. "There now
you just lie on top of the bed for a little while and rest, Annette and I have
to go and prepare dinner. There is a clock over there, you have an hour before
you need to come down for dinner."
She pushed Richard gently down on to the bed and bent over him kissing him
gently on the forehead. Annette bent forward and kissed the boy too, her soft
lips pressed gently over his.

Richard lay there looking up at the ceiling as the girls went downstairs.
The sunlight was still quite strong as it rays filtered through the window and
he began to doze.
Diane and Veronica were sat at the dinner table as Richard came through to the
dining room. Wendy had woken him and had watched him while he washed his face.
She had combed his hair and ensured that his clothes were straight.
"You can sit over here between us." Diane said as Richard looked for somewhere
to sit.
"Mother always sits at the head of the table and Wendy and Annette will have
their dinner in the kitchen after they have served ours." She pushed back her
chair and moved to sit to her right leaving a space for the boy. Veronica
beckoned for Richard to come and sit between them. "Well from what I understand
you have had quite an eventful day." Richard looked down and blushed. He had
not seen the girls since they had caned him in the woods. The memory of it came
flooding back as she addressed him.
"Well have you lost your tongue?"
"N'no Miss."
"Well then tell us what sort of day you have had."
"I..I... well I had a medical.. .and then they brought me Miss."
Richard managed to stammer.
"Well what did they do to you at the Medical Centre, you were there for four
hours." The girls giggled at the boy's discomfort watching him blush an even
deeper red and hang his head lower.
"I am waiting for an answer Richard." Diane took hold of the boy's chin and
raised his head.
"They examined me to make sure I was healthy." Richard raised
his eyes to meet hers and blushed profusely as she looked at him with an amused
expression on her face.
"Did you still have those stripes on your bottom when they examined you."
Richard bit his lower lip " yes Miss."
"Let him eat his dinner now Diane." Lady Rawlings spoke gently as she took her
"You will have plenty of time with him tomorrow, I thought you could all go to
the lake and take a picnic."
"All right mother." Diane looked rueful but smiled at her mother. Both Wendy and
Annette served dinner. Richard had never tasted such excellent food, nor had he
ever tasted wine. Lady Rawlings smiled to herself as she watched the boy eat.
Although he was obviously hungry she was pleased to see that he had excellent
table manners.
"You may have some more wine Richard" She gestured for Wendy to refill his
glass which he had emptied.
"I will allow you two glasses with your meal."
It was an hour before they had finished and Lady Rawlings rose from the
table. "I think it is time that you were going to bed Richard." Diane made to
get up from her chair but Lady Rawlings held up her hand.
"I am going to let Wendy and Annette take Richard to bed, I need to talk to you
two down here."
Diane pouted at her mother. She was anxious to have a look at the boy again
after all she thought I did find him. Lady Rawlings smiled, knowing her
daughters thoughts.
"You will have plenty of time together tomorrow."
"Oh all right." Diane pouted prettily.
Richard was led upstairs by Wendy, Annette followed close behind them. They
entered the bedroom and Wendy sat on the bed with the boy facing her. She
unbuttoned his shirt and the waist band of his trousers. Annette stood behind
him and slid the shirt off his shoulder and down his arms. She folded it neatly
and placed on the chair by the window. Richard watched in embarrassment as the
maid slowly unbuttoned his trousers and slid them down his legs.
"Step out of them, that's a good boy."
Richard obeyed and stood naked before the girl. Wendy placed her hands on either
side of his hips and looked at him.
"You really are a beautiful boy Richard, it's no wonder they have fostered you."
Richard blushed once more as the girl looked over his body, her gaze resting on
his penis. His scrotum tightened as her cool fingers gently slipped between his
legs and cupped his testicles. With her other hand she gently took hold of the
tip of his penis between her thumb and forefinger.
Annette stroked her hands over the boy's shoulders and down over his back on to
the twin hillocks of his buttocks.
Richard blushed as the girl looked up at him, his penis stiffened almost
"My you are sensitive aren't you." Wendy looked up into his face.
"Come on we had better let you wash your face and clean your teeth." She stood,
still holding the boy's penis she led him to the bathroom sink. She let him go
and fetched him a new toothbrush and paste. He stood before the sink his penis
sticking straight out in front of him. She smiled at Annette as Richard began to
clean his teeth. Richard felt absolutely foolish as he stood before the girls.
His penis touching the cold porcelain of the basin as he leaned forward to rinse
his mouth.
"Come on then Richard hop into bed." Richard followed the girls through to the
bedroom. He held his hands over his groin, pressing his swollen penis to his
stomach in order to hide his erection. Wendy had turned down the bed and stood
watching him as he sat on the crisp sheets.
"Come on swing your legs over." she pulled the covers further back. Richard put
his legs into the bed still holding both hands over his groin. Wendy did not
pull the covers over him but pulled both hands away from his groin and placed
them by his sides. She took hold of his erect penis and bent over him. She
kissed him full on the lips. Richard gasped as he felt her tongue push into his
mouth and her hand close tightly over his penis. She pulled away and stood up
releasing his penis.
"I am just going to let Annette kiss you goodnight and then I'll tuck you in.
She stood back to let Annette lean over the boy. Annette gently kissed Richard
on the lips, the flat of her hand laying on the boy's stomach. As she kissed him
gently she felt Wendy take hold of her hand and place it on the boy's penis.
Wendy guided her hand down over the erect organ, squeezing on top of her hand.
Annette blushed but took hold of the penis firmly. As soon as Wendy saw the girl
needed no further instruction she let go. She watched Annette firmly pull the
foreskin down as she kissed the boy hard on the lips.
"Sweet dreams Richard." She stood up and released her grip on him. Wendy pulled
the covers up over him and tucked them around his body. "There you will feel
wonderful after a good nights sleep.

Richard lay awake after they had gone. His penis was still hard as he thought
about the tender kisses and the feel of their hands on his body. It was the love
and tenderness they had shown that had affected him the most. During all his
time at the orphanage he had rarely been kissed or shown any tenderness.
Although he felt terribly embarrassed about the things that had been done to
him, he also felt a sense of belonging for the first time. He slept soundly. The
softness of the bed and the luxurious feel of thick crisp sheets, so different
from the orphanage, lulled his body.

Richard awoke instantly as the curtains were drawn back. Strong shafts of
sunlight filled the room. He opened his eyes to see the young maid silhouetted
against the window. She turned to face him as she let go of the curtains.
"So you're awake, I came in earlier but you were very soundly asleep so Madam
said I should leave you."
She came over and sat on the edge of the bed. "You look as if you have slept
very well" She stroked her hand gently down his cheek. "I'll just get you a cup
of tea from the tray, how much sugar do you like?" Richard struggled to regain
his senses, for a moment he had not realised where he was. He looked around the
room noting it's splendour. He felt snug in his bed and relaxed letting his head
sink back into the soft pillows.
" two spoons Miss." He tilted his head watching the maids pretty bottom as
she bent over the tray.
Wendy brought the cup of tea over to the boy's bed and sat on the edge as she
handed it to him.
"Happy Birthday you are fifteen today." She took the cup from him as he
struggled to sit up in the bed.
Richard had forgotten that today was his birthday. The Orphanage had very few
funds with which to celebrate birthdays. It had been usual for Matron to put
candles on a small cake at tea and for everyone to sing Happy Birthday.
"Here you should be able to manage it now." She steadied the cup as she placed
it back in his hand. Richard took a few sips, it was the first time he could
remember ever having had tea in bed.
"Is that why I am being given tea in bed Miss...because it's my birthday."
"No silly boy, everyone has tea in bed in the morning." Richard sat sipping his
tea as the maid looked on.
"Where's our birthday boy?" Richard heard the voice from the corridor and
watched as Diane and Veronica came into the room. Annette followed close behind,
her arms full of parcels.
"You are a late riser on your birthday, I can never wait to open my presents."
Diane gushed as she flopped on to the other side of the bed. Veronica sat
herself on the end and reached for the parcels. Annette laid them on the bed
next to veronica and stood back. She was dressed in a maids uniform, matching
Wendy with a black silk blouse and short black skirt. Both Diane and Veronica
were in their night-dresses. Diane wore black and Veronica dark blue. Both night
dresses were short displaying their pretty brown legs.
"Come on then put your cup down and open your presents."
"Presents..Miss?" Richard looked at the parcels. "Are they for me?"
"Of course they are silly, you're the only one with a birthday around here."
Veronica laughed at him. Her white teeth sparkling between her pretty lips. Her
night-dress was cut low in the front and Richard could see the deep cleavage
between her breasts. "Come on open them up." Richard looked amazed as Diane
reached for some of the parcels and handed them to him. Wendy took his cup and
Richard reached for one of the parcels. He began to open it.
"That one's from Annette, We took the liberty of buying for her as she hasn't
any money of her own yet."
"Thankyou Miss." Annette smiled prettily at Diane. "I will pay you back as soon
as I can." Richard finished opening the parcel it contained a pair of
"Oh Thankyou Miss, th..they are wonderful." Richard managed to stammer. They
proceeded to open all the parcels, soon there was a mountain of paper on the
bed. Richard could not believe his good fortune. There were books on wildlife,
novels, a pair of brightly patterned training shoes, a small collapsible fishing
rod and a track suit.
"Let's clear all this stuff off, you can put them all away later." Diane stood
up from the bed and every one helped clear the paper and presents from the bed.
"Right we ought to give him his birthday bumps now, Wendy you grab an arm,
Annette you take the other arm, come around here that's right." Diane directed
the two maids, who took hold of Richard's arms. Richard was in too much of a
daze to realise what was happening. Before he knew it Diane had whipped the
covers from the bed revealing his naked body.
"Come on 'ronica grab a leg." Both girls took hold of his ankles and pulled his
legs toward them. Richard blushed as he looked at the girls holding his legs
"W..what are you going to do" He looked up to Diane.
"Give you your birthday bumps silly, right every one on the count of
three..One...Two..Three." They hoisted the boy into the air above the bed.
"That's one, fourteen more to go." They were all laughing as they hoisted the
boy again. Richard was acutely aware of his nakedness. His penis flapped wildly
up and down against his hips as they bounced him in the air. Both Diane and
Veronica were enjoying themselves immensely. Diane watched the boy's penis and
testicles jiggling about as they threw him upwards. His buttocks coming together
and parting as he went up and down.
"Just one more big one to finish with." Diane called as they through him high
into the air." Richard came down on the bed with a thump. The softness of the
bed cushioned the impact. The maids let go of his hands and Richard immediately
reached down to cover himself.
"Not so fast young man." Diane shouted as she brought his leg up and over.
Veronica copied her with his other leg until Richard was pinned to the bed on
his back with his knees resting on his chest.
"There are fifteen smacks to come yet, Hold his legs you two." She showed the
maids how to hold his legs his knees still pressed tightly on to his chest. "Now
'Ronica you can do the smacking and I'll Hold him still." Diane shuffled herself
on to the bed and placed her hand on the boy's tummy her arm brushing the back
of his thigh. "Are you ready 'Ronica?" Veronica nodded and raised her hand, the
palm stretched flat.
Richard blushed as he felt Diane's hand slowly stroke over his stomach, her
fingers brushing over the pubic hair. Gently and deliberately she moved her hand
lower until she was able to curl her fingers around his penis. With her other
hand she cupped his testicles and pulled them up out of the way of his bottom.
"Come on 'Ronica fifteen smacks." Diane tightened her grip on the boy's penis as
Veronica brought the palm of her hand down across his upturned buttocks. "That's
one" Diane called as Veronica raised her hand once more. She tightened her hold
on the boy's penis and pulled the foreskin back sharply as a second smack fell
on to his bottom. Richard looked up, he was acutely embarrassed as he saw Wendy
and Annette looking down at his face and then glance toward Diane's hand as she
slowly pulled his penis. Richard could not help himself as he began to stiffen.
"Look everyone he is getting hard" Diane shouted as Veronica slapped the boy
across his buttocks once more. Richard turned his head into the pillow and shut
his eyes as the girls watched his penis begin to erect. By the time Veronica had
finished her fifteen smacks his penis was standing straight up. The glans was
fully exposed as Diane pulled the foreskin back holding him tightly around the
base of the shaft.
"Well Richard, how did you like your smacks?" Diane leaned across the boy's body
so that her face was next to his. She released his penis and cupped his chin
with both hands. "Come on look at me when I'm talking to you." Richard turned
his head and opened his eyes. His face was bright red and full of anguish.
"My you are a shy boy, I really don't know what we are going to do with you."
She looked him straight in the eyes. "Richard, we're going to give you another
little present now, but I don't want you to bury your head in the pillows on
your birthday, so keep looking at me. Do you understand." Diane spoke gently to
"All right Miss." Richard looked into her eyes as she pressed her face closer to
his. She reached down, and grasped his penis once more. "If you two girls kneel
by the bed you will be more comfortable." Wendy knelt down still holding the
boy's leg. Softly she began to stroke the underside of his thigh, her hand
stroking down over on to his upturned buttocks and then back again. Diane looked
across at Annette who had copied Wendy and was stroking the boy's leg in a
soothing fashion. Veronica had already moved between the boy's legs and began to
gently stroke her finger up and down between his bottom cheeks. Her left hand
gently cupping his testicles. Diane looked deep into Richard's eyes as she
slowly pulled his foreskin up over the glans of his penis and then down again.
Richard was trembling. It seemed that he was being caressed on every part of his
body. He squirmed as he felt veronica's finger probe the sphincter of his
bottom. "Just relax, there's a good boy." Diane spoke soothingly to him, her
lips close to his. She watched his face grimace and guessed that her friend's
finger had entered the boy's bottom. "Just relax." She increased the strength of
her strokes on his penis as she spoke. Richard was in a haze of sexual ecstasy.
Diane looked deep into his eyes, watching every facial expression. "You are
going to come very soon, aren't you Richard?" She spoke softly her voice nearly
a whisper. "Answer me, there's a good boy."
"A.aaarrrgh...aargh..y'.yes Miss." Richard stammered as he felt Veronica's
finger push further into his bottom. Diane felt the answering throb through the
boys penis. It excited her to be able to watch the boy so closely and to have so
much control over his body. Veronica increased the pressure of her finger in the
boy's bottom at the same time she began to squeeze his testicles. Diane watched
as the boy's eyes became glazed, his lips drawn back as he gasped for air.
Deliberately she closed her mouth over his as he ejaculated. His body stiffened
as he fought for air. Veronica watched as his semen spurted upward. She felt his
sphincter tighten as his hips writhed and trembled. She squeezed his testicles
tighter as her finger stroked firmly inside his bottom. Diane lifted her lips
from his and watched, fascinated as he gulped for air. She quickened her strokes
watching the boys face grimace as wave after wave of sensation washed over his
body. Firmly she squeezed from the base of his penis slowly upward until her
fingers were over the rim of the glans. Richard's body shuddered as the last
drops of semen were wrung from his body. "There, there, you did feel that very
deeply didn't you." Her voice, low and soothing. "We will let your legs go now,
you must be getting cramp." The maids gently let his legs rest down on the bed.
Veronica stroked the insides of his thighs with soft gentle touches, her fingers
trailing up over his trembling knees. Diane took the boys face in her hands and
gently kissed his lips. Richard nerves were in turmoil. He felt utterly spent as
if he had run a long race. He gulped for breath and his body shook as the girls
bent over, soothing his body with gentle caresses.
Diane kissed the boy once more and got up carefully from the bed. She looked
down at his body. His penis lay between his legs, the foreskin laying behind the
rim revealing the soft bell shaped tip. His body is extraordinarily beautiful
she thought. Perhaps with careful supervision he could be moulded, she was not
quite sure into what but her instincts told her he had a great potential. "Right
Wendy and Annette, you two can clean him up and help him get dressed for
breakfast." Diane turned and left the bedroom taking Veronica's arm as both
girls walked along the corridor.

The Range Rover was just reaching the clearing. The sun was bright in the sky
and the day was already very warm. Diane was driving with Veronica sat beside
her. Richard sat in the back between Wendy and Annette. Both the maids were
dressed in thin cotton shift dresses, while Diane and Veronica had chosen loose
blouses with ruffled gypsy skirts. Richard was wearing his new tracksuit. The
girls had filled his wardrobe with new underwear as well as shirts and trousers
from their shopping trip. Diane brought the vehicle to a spot just by the table
where Richard had received his caning. A small shudder went through him as he
thought back to his ordeal.
"Come on everyone let's get out and enjoy some of this sunshine." Diane jumped
from the car and opened the rear door for Wendy. It took several minutes to
unpack the picnic baskets, towels and blankets. The maids laid out the blankets
in a sunny spot by the side of the lake and placed the hampers by the side.
Annette helped Wendy take some bottles of wine from the Rover and laid them in
the shallow water under the jetty. Richard meanwhile helped remove two folding
chairs and erect them by the blankets. He looked up to see Diane and Veronica
strip off their blouses and skirts, underneath they wore skimpy white bikinis.
Their golden skin glowing in the sunshine. Richard turned his head quickly to
avoid staring at their lithe bodies.
Diane moved to the blanket and sat down on it while Veronica sat on one of the
chairs by her side. Richard stood awkwardly not knowing what to do next.
"Why don't you go for a swim you three." Diane called to the maids as they stood
by the jetty. Wendy and Annette came and stood by the boy. "I didn't have a
costume to lend to Annette." Wendy said. "Shall I lend her mine, I don't mind
not going in."
"She doesn't need a costume here and neither do you for that matter, just get
your clothes off and jump in, it's beautiful today."
Wendy blushed, "But..but I have my costume in the Range Rover."
"Wendy I thought I had sharpened up your attitude to obedience, it seems I was
"But ..Miss..I..I ..." Wendy's voice trailed off into silence. She looked down
at her feet, her face blushing.
"Now do as you are told, you have just earned yourself a smack bottom."
"Oh..please Miss no..I..I'm sorry."
"Well it's no good pleading after the event. I will wait until after lunch
before I smack you. I just want to relax now. Diane laid back on the blanket and
closed her eyes. Veronica watched on with amusement as Wendy stood blushing
furiously. She looked at the girl's face and raised her eyebrows as if to say '
I told you so.' Wendy began to undress slowly. Her fingers trembled as she undid
the buttons down the front of her dress. Annette looked at her enduringly and
Wendy nodded. Annette too, began to undress. Richard did not know what to do, he
stood there numbly as the girls stripped. Wendy shrugged off her dress and stood
up in just a brief pair of panties. Slowly she hooked her fingers in to the
waistband and slipped them down her slim thighs. Annette was already naked as
Richard looked toward the girls. He dropped his eyes as Annette stepped forward
and gestured him to take off his clothes. Wendy was still blushing furiously as
she turned and took hold of Annette's hand and led her to the water's edge.
Veronica watched Richard as he took off his tracksuit, her gaze dropped to his
groin as he fumbled, vainly trying to hide the front of his underpants. He did
his best to cover himself, aware of his nakedness as he took off the new
underpants they had bought him.
"Off you go then and join the other two, just leave your clothes where they
are." Veronica spoke kindly to the boy. Richard turned quickly and ran off to
the lake. He was acutely aware of his nakedness as he felt the cool air brush
his skin. He could see the girls heads as they swam out from the shallows. He
ran through the water until it was deep enough for him to plunge headlong into
the cool water. He swam out a little way and watched the two girls swim toward
him. Wendy seemed to have forgotten some of her embarrassment as they laughed
and played in the water.
It was some time later that Wendy called to Richard "You can stay in the
water for a little longer, but Annette and I have to go and prepare lunch."
Richard nodded and carried on swimming. He had made sure that his body was
hidden under the water. He had noticed that both girls had not played in the
shallows either. He watched as they waded up on to the bank. Their young bodies
glistening in the sun, Annette's skin glowing dark against the paleness of
Wendy. Diane watched the two young girls approach. It was the first time she had
seen Annette naked. "Come here Annette, I haven't had a good look at you yet."
Annette walked toward the reclining girl and stood with her arms by her sides.
"Kneel down beside me." Annette obeyed, kneeling with her knees together and her
bottom resting on her ankles. "Kneel up, that's the way. Now place your knees
further apart." Annette raised her self on to her knees and placed them wider
apart. "That's it, Now I can see you." She raised herself on to one elbow and
placed her hand on the girls hip. Gently she traced her fingers over the girl's
stomach and down between her legs, cupping her smoothly shaven pubis. She rubbed
gently back and forth pressing with her middle finger until she could feel
between the lips of the labia. She watched the girls face grimace as she slid
her finger up into her vagina. "Did they shave you at the Medical centre."
"Yes Miss, before the examination."
"Do you like it like that." Diane pushed her finger further up into the girl.
"Ooh..yes Miss it's all right."
"Well I think we will keep you shaven for a while I rather like it." Diane sat
up, keeping her finger inside the girl. She pulled the girl forward so that she
was knelt over on her hands. Diane placed her other hand on the girls bottom and
stroked her fingers down over the buttocks and into the crevice of her bottom.
Firmly she probed between the cheeks her finger locating the sphincter. "You
have a lovely body, you are a lucky girl." Diane pushed her finger deftly up
into the girls bottom, and started to rotate her other finger inside the girl's
vagina. "Are you a virgin" Diane asked the girl as she pushed harder into the
girls bottom.
"Oooh..Yes Miss."
"But I can tell that you are enjoying this." Diane increased the pace and
firmness of her fingers, making the girl squirm.
"Tell me does this feel nice." Diane pressed harder and increased the pace of
her fingers.
"Y'..yes..Misss...Oooh ....ooh Yes Miss."
Diane noticed that her hips and began to move from side to side and her mouth
hung open as she breathed. Veronica had been watching the proceedings and moved
off her chair to kneel in front of the girl. She cupped her hands underneath
each of the girl's breasts and took the nipples between her fingers and thumbs.
Diane heard the girl gasp as Veronica squeezed the nipples hard. She pushed
harder with her own finger inside the girl's quivering bottom and looked up to
Wendy who stood watching.
"Why don't you stroke your friend."
Wendy knelt down quickly, her young breasts bouncing as she moved. Carefully she
began to stroke one hand over the girl's back and the other between her thighs.
Annette began to writhe beneath their fingers. Her breath coming in short gasps.
"I can tell you are going to come soon, you are lovely and wet." Diane spoke
soothingly as her fingers moved round inside the trembling young girl.
"A..aaaargh..aaargh." Annette's body stiffened and bucked as she climaxed. Her
small hips jerking backward and forward violently. Diane kept up the relentless
pressure of her fingers, suddenly pushing a second finger up into the helpless
girl's vagina.
Veronica squeezed hard on the girl's nipples.
"There what a nice big come, I bet you are feeling that all the way to your
"Ooo...oooh..Misssss..pleeeeeease..ooooo" The girl's body shook violently her
legs trembled. The soft flesh of her buttocks quivered in ecstasy.
"A..aaaarrrgghhh...oooOOhh." Annette's knees suddenly gave way and she
collapsed, her body laying prostrate over Diane's legs.
"Oooh Miss..Oooh."
"There don't you worry." Diane gently slowed her fingers inside the girl's
vagina and slipped the finger from her bottom.
On a sudden impulse, Wendy bent forward and kissed Diane on the mouth. Her young
lips soft and yielding against those of her Mistress. She leaned back quickly
and blushed as she realised what she had done.
"Why you impetuous girl." She looked across at Wendy who hung her head.
"I told you she had a crush on you." Veronica said laughing.
Diane stroked her hands softly over Annette's bottom while she recovered and
then gently turned her over. She cupped her hand delicately over the girl's
"What a lovely little pussy you have, and so sensitive too." Annette looked up
at her Mistress.
"Thankyou Miss." Her lips were trembling.
"I think you have two admirers." Veronica laughed.
"How about some lunch, do you think you can manage that Annette."
Annette got up quickly. "Oh yes Miss, right away Miss."
"You may both dress before I call Richard in from his swim."
Wendy looked at her Mistress. "Oh thank you Miss."
Veronica leaned across to Diane as the maids dressed. Gently she placed her hand
on her friends tummy and slid her fingers down inside her bikini bottom until
her fingers found the crease of Diane's vagina.
"Just as I thought, you're all wet." She whispered into her ear.
"I know I can never help myself." She laughed and lay back down, rolling over on
to her tummy. Veronica's trapped hand lay beneath her as she clenched her
buttocks , pressing her pubis against the gentle fingers.
"Not now, later." She whispered to Veronica as she released the pressure of her
"Why did you let them get dressed" Veronica asked Diane.
"Because my dear friend, it will increase Wendy's shame when I make her take it
all off again for her smack bottom."
"You do plan your entertainment well." Veronica laughed. "Can I have my hand
back now," It was Diane's turn to laugh. She released her friend's hand and
rolled over on to her back.
"Why don't you go and get Richard out of the water and dry him off, I'm just to
hot and lazy to move."
Veronica got up and picked up a large towel. She walked down to the water's
edge, her long lithe body moving sensously.
Richard was enjoying himself tremendously as he swam through the cool water. As
he turned in the water he could see Wendy and Annette laying out food on the
Picnic table and Veronica walking toward the water with a towel. He started to
turn back toward the deeper water when he heard her call.
"Richard, time for lunch."
He swam toward the shallow water, floating on his stomach until he felt the
gravel of the lake bed touch his knees. He knelt forward in the water and
covered his groin with one hand while he stood up. Hesitantly he walked toward
the waiting girl. As he climbed the bank he placed his other hand to his groin.
"Come on Richard, its time for Lunch." She stepped forward and put the towel
around his shoulders. "Follow me and I'll dry you off." Veronica turned and
walked back to her chair while the boy followed. Once seated she beckoned
Richard to stand nearer to her, opening her legs so that he could stand close to
the chair. He could not take his eyes off her beautiful body as he stood
shivering, his hands pressed tightly to his groin.
Veronica reached around and pulled the towel from his shoulders. She began to
dry his chest and arms.
"Turn around" She pushed at the boy until he was stood with his back to her. She
dried his shoulders and back and then moved the towel down over his buttock.
Such a lovely bottom she thought as she pressed the towel to his cheeks.
"Bend forward." She pushed at the small of his back. "Open your legs." Richard
obeyed spreading his legs. His hands tightly clutched over his penis and
testicles. He blushed as he felt her hand part his buttocks and the towel being
rubbed up and down between them.
"Turn around again." Once more she pushed his hips until he stood facing her.
"Did you enjoy your swim." She asked looking him in the eye.
"Yes thank you Miss."
"Take your hands away and stand with your legs astride." Veronica looked into
his eyes as she spoke, watching him colour up as it dawned on him what she had
said. She gently took hold of his wrists and pulled his hands away from his
groin. Richard averted his eyes from her gaze and shuffled his feet apart.
Slowly and deliberately Veronica lifted the boy's testicles so they were laid in
her hand and began to dry his penis as it lay on top. She dabbed at it gently as
she gently caressed his testicles, drawing them forward from his groin. Richard
bit his lower lip as she took hold of the tip of his penis and pulled the
foreskin back, wrapping the towel around the shaft. Richard trembled as she
rubbed the towel over the sensitive rim. "There that should do for now."
Richard sighed with relief as she stopped rubbing. She let the towel drop to the
floor, but instead of letting go of his penis she pulled him forward and pushed
her hand between his legs and into the crease of his bottom.
"You seem to be dry enough Richard, go and sit on the blanket and let the sun
warm you up a bit." Veronica let go of his penis and pointed to the blanket
where Diane lay. Richard quickly knelt on the rug and laid down on his tummy.

Richard had been made to sit naked between Veronica and Diane while they ate
lunch at the picnic table. Diane had placed a towel on the rough wooden bench so
that his bottom would not catch splinters.
Both Veronica and Diane had dressed over their bikini's making Richard feel even
more naked.
Annette and Wendy sat opposite them, Wendy occasionally getting up to fetch
items from the hampers.
"Right Wendy and Annette, if you will pay attention to me I would like to have a
serious word with you both." The girls looked up as Diane spoke in a firm tone.
Wendy began to blush immediately as her eyes met those of her mistress.
I think that I am a reasonably easy person to get along with but, and I repeat
but, I will not tolerate disobedience. Wendy chose to disobey me this morning
and as Richard already knows to his cost I will not be disobeyed."
Wendy's face blushed even more as Diane looked straight into her eyes.
"Richard go and sit over on the blanket, this does not concern you."
Richard got up from the bench not daring to cover himself as the girls eyes all
glanced down at his genitals. He quickly stepped over the bench and walked
toward the blankets. Laying down on his stomach he turned his head away from the
table and toward the lake.
"Wendy from now on I will ask you to do things only once, if you do not obey me
instantly I shall cane your bottom so that you won't sit down for a month. Do I
make myself clear?." Diane reached over the table and raised the maid's chin
until their eyes met.
"Y'..ess Miss." The maids bottom lip trembled as she answered Diane.
"Do you realise that you have let me down in front of both Richard and
"Y..ess Miss, I'm really sorry." Wendy's voice was a mere whisper.
"You have control over the boy, you are to bathe him every morning. What
possible difference does it make if he sees you naked?"
"I know Miss... I'm sorry I truly am." Wendy voice trailed off as she spoke in
earnest tones to her mistress.
"Don't you like Richard?."
"Oh yes Miss I think he is a wonderful boy."
"Then what's the matter with you then?"
"I don't know Miss, I really didn't think I'm so sorry."
"But you do know that I shall have to punish you, don't you Wendy?"
Wendy looked deep into Diane's eyes, she trembled as she spoke but there was a
look of love and courage. "I know you have to punish me Miss Diane, I... I..."
Wendy burst in to tears but continued.
"I..I love you Miss." She hung her head as she uttered the words. Diane reached
across and lifted her chin once more so that their eyes met.
"I know you love me, I have always known." Diane's voice was soft and low as she
whispered the words to her maid.
Diane looked into her eyes for quite a few moments before she let go of her chin
and sat straight on the wooden bench,
"Annette you are to help Wendy clear the table and then you are to strip her
naked. She is not allowed to do it herself. Wendy you must kneel on the bench
like Richard did, your knees must be as far apart as you can get them and you
must arch you back so that your bottom is thrust upward. Annette is to fetch the
cane from the Landrover when you are ready and bring it to me. I know I may
sound cold hearted but I must have your obedience and respect. Wendy I am going
to give you three strokes of the cane, they will hurt but you will thrust your
bottom toward me with each stroke."
Wendy looked at her Mistress her eyes full of tears. "I will do as you ask Miss,
I promise I will."
"Come round here Wendy and stand in front of me."
Wendy got up from the table and walked around to stand in front of Diane. Diane
quickly pulled the girl forward until she was stood between her thighs.
"Come here my precious girl." Diane gently drew Wendy forward and down so that
she could kiss her gently on the lips.
Wendy felt Diane gently press her mouth on hers and responded by hungrily
fastening her lips on those of her mistress. She pulled away, shocked at what
she had done, but Diane smiled and pulled Wendy forward again, this time she
kissed her gently but pushed her tongue deep inside the girl's mouth.
"There my precious girl, be ready to receive my cane, and I promise to fill your
day with more ecstasy than you thought possible.
Veronica watched as the maid bent her head toward that of her mistress, she had
never seen such love and supplication.

It was half an hour later that Diane stood behind the naked body of her maid.
Wendy was knelt on the strong wooden bench, her knees spread widely apart and
her back arched so that her quivering bottom thrust upward. Veronica sat beside
the girl's knee and slipped her hand between her thighs. Gently she stroked
upward until she was able to cup her hand under her pubis. Wendy gasped as
Veronica gently teased open the lips of her vagina and slipped a finger up into
"Keeps still there's a good girl." Veronica began to rotate her finger causing
the girl to squirm her hips.
"Let yourself go, it will make things a lot easier." Veronica increased the
pressure of her fingers as she spoke. Diane looked across at Annette standing on
the other side of the table. The young girl's pretty face looked toward her
"Will you hold her arms please." Diane gestured toward Wendy who's body was
pressed firmly down on to the table top. Her hands gripping the far edge.
Annette bent forward quickly and held the girl's arms. She looked up at her
mistress to see if she had done it correctly. Diane nodded toward her and moved
closer behind Wendy's upturned bottom. Veronica pushed another finger up into
the girl's vagina, she felt her hips buck as she pushed both fingers firmly up
into her.
"" Wendy groaned at the extra intrusion. Diane watched as Wendy's
bottom pushed upward. Without warning she raised the long cane above her head,
her eyes fixed on the pale quivering flesh of her target. Measuring her stroke
expertly she brought the cane down in a perfect arc.
"Arggh..arrrrggh..arrr..rrgh." Wendy screamed as the bamboo bit into her flesh.
Her buttocks quivered and shook as she tried to escape the pain. Veronica pushed
hard with her fingers and increased their tempo as the girls body shook from the
agony of the stroke.
"Push your bottom out Wendy," Diane spoke firmly as she raised the cane once
more. Wendy was beside herself with pain, she could hardly hear the words of her
mistress. The pain seemed to invade every part of her body.
"AAAaaaargggh..arggh..aarggh." Wendy's body went rigid as a second stroke struck
her across her quivering buttocks. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably as the
pain seared through her body. Two bright red weal's marked her bottom, they
reached across the middle of both cheeks. Diane admired her handiwork as she
stood back and raised the cane once more. She looked across at Veronica who
immediately increased the tempo of her fingers inside the trembling girl.
"Ooooohh..arrrgh..oooohhh..please Miss...I'm... arrgggh." Wendy was beside
herself with agony her head thrashed from side to side as Annette held her arms
tightly. Diane lowered her cane, waiting for the girl to steady herself. She
moved forward and gently stroked the inside of her widely spread thighs.
Veronica could feel the girl beginning to respond to her ministrations, she
brought her other hand up under the girl's tummy and stroked the tips of her
fingers gently over her clitoris, at the same time Diane gently parted the
girl's buttocks taking care to keep her fingers away from the bright red weal's.
"Oooohhh..arrgghh..ooohhh." Wendy moaned as sexual sensation mingled with the
"Arrrfgggh...arggghh..oooohhh." Her hips began to rotate as Veronica and Diane
worked busily with their fingers. Diane pushed a slim finger against the girl's
anus and probed gently until she had insinuated the tip into the opening, slowly
she pushed until the knuckle disappeared into the hole.
"Oooooohhhh...oooohhhhh." Wendy moaned as she felt the intrusion her hips moved
more rapidly as the girls worked on her.
Diane nodded at Veronica who increased the pace of her fingers once more. Diane
stepped back quickly, pulling her finger from the girls bottom. With one
continuous movement she raised the cane and brought it down hard, it's whippy
bamboo curling around the juncture between the girls bottom and thighs.
"Arrrggh...aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhh." Wendy screamed, her orgasm of pleasure
spilling into pain as the cane bit into her flesh.
"Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhhh.....aaarrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh." Her screams echoed
through the trees of the clearing as she bucked and thrashed with the pain and
pleasure. Diane dropped her cane and moved behind the girl, quickly she pushed
her finger back inside the girl's anus. Veronica pushed upward with her fingers.
The poor girl squirmed furiously as they made her come. Annette watched the
pitiful tear stained face of her friend as she gasped in anguish and torment.
She bent her head and fastened her lips over Wendy's, kissing her firmly as
Veronica and Diane moved their fingers relentlessly inside the sobbing girl.
Wendy's body stiffened as they prolonged her orgasm, her mouth wrenched from
Annette's soft lips as she gasped for air.
"Oooo..oooohhhh...aaaarrrrggggghhh." She trembled from head to foot her nerves
on fire as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body.
"There my precious girl," Diane spoke soothingly as she began to slow the pace
of her finger pushed fully up into the girl's bottom. "Try and relax a bit it's
all over now, you've nothing more to fear."
"Oh Miss..please it all over." Wendy gasped as she tried to speak.
"There there, just relax we'll help you over to the blanket" Diane gently
withdrew her finger from between the girl's buttocks and took her around the
waist. The three girl's helped the naked girl over to the blanket where Richard
was lying and laid her down.
"Why don't you go for a swim." Diane said kindly to Richard as she knelt down
beside Wendy. Richard got up immediately not daring to cover himself after what
he had heard of Wendy's thrashing. Diane looked directly at his penis and then
up toward his face as he began to blush. "Off you go then I will call you when
you are to come out.
"Thankyou Miss." Richard hurried off toward the lake glad to be out of the way.
He plunged into the cool water and swam a fair way out before turning and
looking back toward the shore.
Diane looked down at her maid. The three stripes were bright red across her
bottom. Two were across the middle of the buttocks about two inches apart the
third was on the lowest part of her cheeks, just above the thighs.
"Annette fetch me the bag of medicines from the hamper will you, while Veronica
and I see what we can do here." They gently lifted the naked girls hips until
her bottom was thrust upward. Veronica rolled up one of the large bath towels
and placed it underneath her hips. Wendy was still sobbing from emotion as Diane
gently stroked her back and thighs. Annette handed the bag to Veronica who took
some antiseptic cream on to her fingertips. Delicately she applied the cream to
the weal's causing the girl's bottom to squirm. Diane slipped a hand between the
girl's legs, her thumb pushing up between her bottom cheeks and her fingers
slipping between the lips of her vagina. "Keep still while 'ronica puts some
cream on you, there's a good girl. We don't want you catching any infection."
Annette watched as the two girls stroked gently over Wendy's body their hands
softly caressing her. Her bottom was thrust upward prettily by the rolled bath
towel. Annette sat at her head and gently took her hand in hers as she watched
the girls soothe and caress her friend.
They continued for about ten minutes while Wendy ceased her sobbing and lay
there quietly. "Come around here Annette will you." Diane pointed toward Wendy's
legs. Annette let go of her friend's hand and walked round until she was stood
at the girls feet. Gently Diane parted Wendy's legs so they were spread quite
widely apart. "Now kneel in between her legs, that's the way and just pop your
dress over your head you don't need that on now." Annette knelt down between
Wendy's legs, quickly she hitched up her dress and drew it over her head. Her
young breasts wobbled as the material brushed over them. She wore no panties and
her firm young bottom glistened in the sun as she sat back down on her heels.
"Right Annette do you think you know how to make a girl come?" Annette's pretty
face coloured a little as she looked at her mistress.
"er..yes I think so Miss."
"Good then start gently and we'll see how well you do." Diane placed her hands
between Wendy's legs and slid them up until they were pressing her thighs open
either side of her soft pubic hair.
"Now very gently just start by rubbing over the lips of her little pussy."
Annette shuffled closer and gently placed her delicate fingers on the lips of
the naked maid's vagina. Slowly at first she traced her fingertips along the
crease with soft feathery movements. Carefully she teased open the lips and
traced a finger along the inside. Little by little her tiny fingers opened the
girl's sex, she leaned forward slipping two fingers up inside the moist orifice.
"That's the way, I'll just help you a little by popping a finger into her
bottom." Diane moved her hands upwards parting the girl's buttocks, gently she
slipped her forefinger deep inside Wendy's anus.
Annette became more bold as she felt the girls pubis press down on to her
fingers, she pressed harder, pushing her fingers deep inside the girl's moist
sex. Wendy began to moan. The soft flesh of her inner thighs quivered as she
moved her hips in a rhythmic pattern.
Veronica moved toward Wendy's head, kneeling beside her she cradled her head on
to her knee and stroked her hair.
"oooOOOHH...oooohhhh." Wendy moaned in delight as Annettes busy little fingers
delved into her syrupy vagina. Veronica reached beneath the girl's left breast
and took the nipple between her finger and thumb and squeezed gently. Wendy
began to move her hips in a rapid motion as she approached her climax.
"Oooohhh..aaarrrgggghh.." Her breathing became rapid and her legs began to move
up and down the blanket as Annette increased the pace of her fingers.
"I think Wendy is going to have another little come aren't you Wendy."
"Ooooh...y..esss Miss...ooohhh..aaaarrrggghhh." Wendy's hips bucked in sudden
spasms as her climax overtook her.
"Don't stop Annette until I say so." Diane looked at the young girl as she bent
to her task. Her breasts wobbled deliciously as she worked her fingers deep
inside Wendy's quivering body.
"There, what a nice little come you're having." Veronica whispered softly to
Wendy as she bent her head forward, her lips kissing Wendy softly on the cheek.
She squeezed hard on the girl's nipple as Wendy gasped and gulped for air. Diane
pushed her finger hard into the trembling bottom in front of her and brought her
free hand down sharply across the red weal's on the girl's heaving buttocks.
"Oooo...aaaaarggghhh...mmmm..mmmmm." Wendy gasped and murmured as her orgasm
reached it's peak, the smack on her bottom heightening the sensation as she
"" Wendy moaned more softly as her orgasm passed.
Annette looked at Diane and then slowed her fingers to gentle caresses. Slowly
Wendy stopped moving her body and just lay exhausted, her legs splayed open wide
and her lovely raised buttocks relaxed.
"You did very nicely Annette, I think you must have done that before."
"Oh no Miss I have never done anything like that before."
"Well I think tonight you can bathe Wendy and then put some more antiseptic on
her bottom and after that I want you to make her come again."
"Yes Miss" Annette looked down as she answered.
"You do intend to do as you are told, don't you."
"Ooh yes Miss, I promise to do as you say."
"Can you hear me Wendy."
Wendy turned her head toward Diane and pushed herself up slightly. "Yes Miss."
"Did you hear what I have instructed Annette to do to you."
"Y'..yes Miss. Wendy stammered.
"Good we don't want any more disobedience do we?"
"Oh no Miss I promise it will never happen again."
"Good, well in that case you may bathe Annette first and make her come while you
are bathing her."
"Yes Miss, I promise Miss."
"Right do you think you could bear to turn over and lay on your back."
Wendy gingerly lifted her hips off the towel while Diane withdrew it. Carefully
Wendy turned her self over and slowly let her bottom sink to the blanket.
"There that wasn't so bad was it." Diane knelt over the girl, her head a few
inches away from Wendy's blushing face.
"I know your beating hurt you, but I think it was about time that you were shown
what happens when I think you have let me down. You know I think the world of
you don't you." Diane lowered her face over Wendy's as she spoke.
"I'm sorry Miss, I promise I will never let you down." Her eyes looked
pleadingly up in those of her mistress.
Diane bent her head and kissed her full on the lips, forcing the young girls
mouth open with her tongue. She placed a hand over the girl's breast and
squeezed gently forcing her tongue deeper into her mouth. Diane kissed her until
she was breathless, pulling away she saw a look of pure love and adoration in
the young maid's eyes.
"There it's all over, lay there and rest while 'ronica and I go for a swim."
Diane turned to Annette "You can lay there with Wendy or go for a swim it's up
to you."
"I'll stay here if it's all right Miss."
"OK, by the way you may both dress before Richard gets out of the water."
"Thankyou Miss" Wendy answered this time, her face still flushed from the
afternoons events.
Veronica and Diane had finished their swim and stood on the small jetty looking
out toward the middle of the lake where Richard was swimming lazily. Diane
raised her arm and called to him. Richard turned his head in the water and saw
the two girls. He acknowledged with a wave and set off toward the shore. It was
several minutes later that he was wading through the shallows. The girls were
sat on the blankets. They had all dressed and the picnic hampers had been packed
away. Richard tried to look nonchalant as he approached them, but he could see
that they were amused rather than fooled by his act. Diane stood up and picked
up a towel.
"Come here and let me dry you off you look rather cold." She looked down toward
his penis which had drawn up and wrinkled with the coldness of the lake water.
Richard stepped forward to stand in front of her, he could not help trying to
cover his genitals with his hands. Diane reached forward before he could cover
himself and took hold of his penis.
"My you are cold, kneel down on the blanket and I'll give you a good rub down."
She kept hold of his penis as he knelt timidly in front of her. Diane followed
his movements, kneeling so that her body was close to his. She took her hand
from his penis and draped the towel around his shoulders. "Now let's see what we
can do for you, the water must be very cold." With calculated coolness she took
his shrivelled penis in both hands. She rubbed gently, her warm hands
stimulating his penis. Richard was blushing profusely as she looked him in the
"Dry your arms and shoulders Richard while I warm you up a bit, my you are
cold." She cupped one hand beneath his tight scrotum and began to rub gently
back and forth at the same time she gently pushed the foreskin of his penis
backward until the rim of the glans was revealed. Richard blushed a deeper red
as she looked at him, her face but a few inches from his. "Don't be a shy little
boy, you were all shrivelled up down here." Her eyes dropped to his penis and
Richard could not help look down at her gentle fingers as she pushed the
foreskin back tightly and pinched the tip of the glans. Richard felt himself
beginning to harden and looked at Diane in panic as she slowly slid the foreskin
backward and forward, her fingers rubbing over the sensitive glans, pushing the
foreskin back, stretching it tightly.
"There that seems better, stand up and I will dry your legs."
Richard groaned inwardly, his penis was standing out in front of him as she took
the towel from his fingers.
"Hands by your side that's a good boy." Richard stood up blushing furiously as
she began to dry his legs. He could see the girls watching him. All eyes seemed
to be on his penis as she pushed his legs further apart and brought the towel up
underneath his testicles. Diane's face was only a few inches away from the boy's
erection as she dried his thighs. Deliberately she took hold of the tip of the
penis between her finger and thumb and squeezed the tip of the glans, causing
Richard to jerk his hips backward.
"Turn around and bend down and touch your toes, I want to dry your bottom."
Richard coloured up once more as she looked up at him, but turned and slowly
bent his body over until his hands could grasp his ankles.
"Further apart that's the way." Diane pushed at his legs until his thighs were
widely splayed.
She took a small part of the towel in her hand and gently wiped down between the
cheeks of his bottom. Cupping his scrotum in her other hand she stood up and
bent over him. She dropped the towel and placed a hand on his back. Letting go
of his scrotum she smacked him across the buttocks smartly.
"There you're all done now you can stand up." Richard straightened up his penis
still standing out in front of him. The softness of her hands and the smell of
her exotic perfume playing havoc with his senses.
"Annette would you dress him for me." Diane looked across at the new young maid
and pointed at Richard's clothes.
"Richard go and stand in front of Annette." Richard felt absolutely humiliated
as he hesitantly walked to stand in front of the pretty young maid. His penis
was still stiff and wobbled up and down as he walked. He felt foolish having to
stand naked in front of the young girl. He dare not look her in the face as she
knelt in front of him holding his underpants.
"Lift your leg. "She said matter of factly as she held the pants open at the
waist for him to step into.
"Now the other one." Richard felt waves of embarrassment pass through him as she
pulled the pants up over his legs. Deliberately she took hold of the shaft of
his penis and as the pants reached his hips she pulled sideways, placing the
penis inside the waistband of his underpants. Diane looked on with an amused
expression at the way in which the young girl had handled the boy.

The two girls were both naked, their skin soft and suffused in a rosy glow from
their baths.
Wendy was laid face down upon her bed, her rounded buttocks pushed high
into the air by two pillows which had been placed beneath her hips. Annette's
gentle fingers delicately rubbed ointment into the livid weal's which delineated
her bottom cheeks.
"Oooh that feels so soothing." Wendy squirmed her hips, her pretty bottom moving
seductively from side to side.
"Push your knee's a little further apart I can't get at you properly." Annette
murmured as she slipped a hand between the soft flesh of Wendy's bottom.
Deliberately she pushed her hand underneath the prostrate girl, cupping her
fingers under the gentle swelling of the young maid's pubis. Annette felt a
tremor run through the body beneath her as she gently pushed two fingers up into
the crease of the parted lips of the vagina. With a firm movement she pushed
further up inside the moist orifice.
Wendy gasped at the sudden intrusion, her hips lifting off the pillows. Annette
stood up from her kneeling position beside the bed. She kept her fingers pushed
firmly into the girl's vagina as she straddled Wendy's body, sitting lightly on
her back facing her legs. She bent forward over the girl's bottom and pushed her
other hand between the cheeks.

Annette worked her fingers diligently, she was determined to make her friend
come quickly. Wendy had made her stand with her legs wide apart while she had
bathed her. Her clever fingers had penetrated both her vagina and her pretty
bottom, making her climax twice before Wendy had let her get out of the bath.
"Relax now, Miss Diane said I should make you come too, so please open your
legs as wide as you can." Annette's voice was a whisper as she bent forward to
her task. Her dainty fingers moved insistently in the syrupy vagina, her other
fingers delicately teased the opening of her bottom. Annette pushed with her
forefinger against the tightly closed sphincter of Wendy's bottom. She watched
as her finger slid up into the hole. "" Wendy moaned as
Annette moved her finger in circular motions inside her bottom. She moved her
fingers faster inside the girl's vagina, pushing her fingers to the limit, at
the same time she thrust a second finger up into the wriggling bottom.
I...I'm..ccc..coming..oohh " Wendy was beside herself with ecstasy as Annette's
busy fingers brought her to a climax. "Does that feel nice?" Annette murmured to
the girl as she increased the pace of her fingers. "Oooooohhh..y..yes, it feels
wonderful..aarrrgggh arrrgh. Wendy groaned once more as Annette bent her head
forward and bit the quivering buttocks beneath her. Slowly she decreased the
pace of her fingers, watching the quivering body of the girl beneath her as her
climax subsided.
Later the girls lay side by side on the bed. Annette gently stroked her delicate
fingers over her friends breasts, the nipples hard and pointed quivered under
her gentle caresses.
"Do we have to bath Richard tonight?" Annette whisper as she turned her
head towards Wendy.
"No I think Miss Diane and Veronica are going to do it." Her friend replied
as sat up. She looked down at Annette and stroked her hand down over the girl's
tummy, her hand cupping the smoothly shaved pubis. Annette squeezed her legs
together, trapping Wendy's fingers between the juncture of her thighs. "I think
we had better just check to see that I am right about Richard's bath. Do you
want to get dressed and come with me?".

Richard was laid in bed. He had not seen the girls since they had eaten dinner.
It had been nine thirty by the time Richard had got to his room. He had been
given no instructions as to what he should do, so he had put on the new pyjamas
he had found on the bed and after brushing his teeth had climbed in between the

Shafts of sunlight filtered through the serrated edges of the palm tree leaves
which covered the conservatory roof. It was another hot day and the skylights of
the large glass building had been opened allowing the lazy hum of summer sounds
to enter the glassed area. A gentle whisp of cooler air could occasionally be
felt through the large opened glass doors which lead to the garden lawns. The
design of the conservatory followed the lines of the old Crystal Palace. It had
been added to the original building some years after and had been used
extensively by the family ever since. The smooth marble floor was laid out in a
mosaic pattern. At the sides were beds of palms, grasses and exotic plants. Lady
Rawlings sat at an ornate desk which had been placed at one end of the building.
In front of her were several cane chairs and table with a glass top. Wine
glasses and a filigree silver serving tray containing thermos jugs stood
together with cups and saucers and several different bottles of wine. Beyond the
table and chairs were two massage tables, their shiny leather surfaces standing
three feet high from the floor. Behind these Veronica and Diane were busy
arranging bottles and jugs on a small chromium trolley. They were both dressed
in tennis whites, their short pleated skirts revealing small white panties as
they bent over the top of the trolley.
It was the day that Richard was to begin his therapy. The medical centre
had arranged for the doctor and her staff to visit Lady Rawlings that afternoon.
She had spoken several times with the doctor on the telephone and had been left
with the impression that they both understood each other well. The doctor had
also arranged for someone to come and prepare Richard for his therapy but had
given no hint as to what form this might take.
Lady Rawlings looked up from the papers she was reading and saw her
maid Wendy approach. Behind Wendy was a young girl dressed in a white tunic. Her
dark hair was pinned behind her head, and on top she wore a neat cap with the
word "Freda's" written across the front.
"This girl had been sent by the Medical centre to em.. see Richard,
Madam." Wendy was not quite sure how to announce the reason for the young girl's
"My name is Jill, Madam. I have been sent to prepare someone called
Richard chambers." She transferred the bag she was carrying, to the floor and
took a piece of paper from her pocket. "It says here he is to be shaved before
he has some therapy on his bottom Madam."
Lady Rawlings, was rather startled at the forthright way the girl announced her
task. Instead of answering straight away she turned to her maid. "You may go
back to what you were doing." The maid gave a little bend from the knee and left
the girl standing in front of her mistress.
Lady Rawlings looked at the girl, hiding the amusement she felt at the
matter of fact way the girl had announced her self. "I see .... and how is he
to be shaved, totally or just the area around his bottom?".
"Just the area around his bottom I think madam, we usually tidy them up a
bit if they are very hairy, but Doctor said this was a young boy." The girl
turned her head as Diane approached, her eyes taking in the girl's svelte figure
and the beautifully tailored tennis outfit.
Diane smiled as she spoke, her well modulated voice instantly capturing
the girl's attention. "You work at Freda's in town don't you? I didn't know they
went in for pubic hair dressing." She laughed, her beautiful face mesmerising
the young hairdresser.
"We have a contract with the medical centre we do all the work there."
She spoke seriously to Diane.
"Would you have time to do another little job while you are here." Diane
had an idea forming in her mind as she remained smiling at the girl. "It is
going to be a couple of hours before the People from the medical centre get
here, so there is plenty of time to do Richard, and I would rather like you to
shave one of my maids. Is that possible?.
"Yes, certainly if she wants it doing." The young girl replied.
"My maids do exactly as I say, she might be a little embarrassed, but I
can assure you she wont make a fuss, not unless she wants a smack bottom." For
the first time the young girl showed some expression on her face. "Do you smack
their bottoms if they don't do what they are told?" Her expression showed an
interest in the subject.
"Of course, neither my mother or myself allow our staff to be
disobedient, and the girl in question is in no position to argue, so will you do
it." Diane had observed the girl while she was talking to her, and thought she
detected a quickening of interest when she had mentioned smacking her young
maid's bottom.
"Yes, of course, when would you like me to do it, now?"
Diane smiled at her. "You sit down and have a cup of coffee, or a glass
of wine if you prefer, I will go and fetch her. Her name is Wendy by the way.
"Thankyou, where shall I put my things?". The girl looked around as
Veronica joined them.
"You can put them over here on this trolley, I have arranged the other
bottles and things that the Medical Centre sent over this morning." Veronica
picked the girls bag up from the floor as she spoke and walked with her toward
the trolley.
"Are you going to join in my little bit of fun?" Diane asked her mother
quietly. Lady Rawlings smiled at her pretty daughter. "No, but I will attend
when the doctor gets here. Make sure I have a word with her in my study before
she comes through here will you."
"OK mother, I'll go and fetch Wendy, will you see to a drink for the
girl." Diane walked through the magnificent open walk-way which lead into the
main part of the house and up the main staircase towards the bedrooms. Wendy and
Annette were ironing clothes in the airing room on the first floor. "You can
leave the ironing for now both of you." Wendy and Annette looked up as Diane
spoke to them. "I want you both downstairs, in the conservatory."
"Yes Miss, at once." Wendy replied. Diane walked with them as they left
the room. "You remember what I have told you about disobedience, don't you
Wendy." Wendy looked up at her mistress as they walked down the corridor side by
side. "Oh yes Miss, I wouldn't disobey you again."
That's very good Wendy because I am going to have something done to you
which you may not agree with. But I promise you, one complaint and I'll bend you
over and give you six of the very best. Do you understand me?" Wendy looked at
her young Mistress, her face wore a worried expression. "Will it hurt, I mean
what you are going to have done to me?." Diane smiled at her, of course not, I
would not hurt you, unless it was to punish you." Diane looked at Wendy. There
was definitely a look of love and supplication on the young maid's face.

The girls stood around one of the massage tables. The young hairdresser
was busy laying out her things. Wendy stood in the middle of Veronica and Diane.
She already had an idea what was about to happen and was blushing profusely.
"This young lady is going to shave you between your legs, so I want you to do
exactly as she tells you, so no nonsense now, is that clear?" Diane turned
toward the young hairdresser. Wendy will do precisely what you ask, so if you
would like to instruct her we can begin."
The hairdresser turned toward Wendy. She showed no embarrassment at all as
she looked the blushing young maid up and down. Wendy wore a black dress which
buttoned down the front. Around her waist was a small white pinafore.
"Get undressed please, and lay on the table." She watched as Wendy blushed
an even deeper red and began undoing the top buttons of her dress. Diane slipped
behind her and undid the pinafore. As Wendy reached the buttons at the waist of
her dress, the young hairdresser could see the girls breasts as the material
sagged open. Wendy finished opening the buttons and reluctantly let the garment
slip from her shoulders. Diane caught hold of the dress and placed it with the
pinafore on the other massage table. Wendy was naked except for her small
panties. "Pop your panties off and lay on the table, will you." The girl walked
around to the head of the table as she spoke. "We'll have your head at this
end." Wendy was blushing from head to foot as she pushed the small panties down
over her thighs and stepped daintily from them. Trying to cover herself as best
she could she sat on the low table. The hairdresser immediately placed her hands
on the blushing girl's shoulders and pulled her backwards until she was laid
down fully on the table. "Now I think we will have you turned over on your
front.. there that's the way." She helped Wendy turn over so that she was laid
flat on her stomach. Moving around the table she placed her hands on the girls
hips. "Now if you will just get up on to your knees, there that's it. No not on
your hands, go down on to your elbows." She manipulated the girl's body as she
spoke to her. "There now just get your knees as far apart as you can, there
that's it." Diane looked down at Wendy, her bottom was thrust up into the air,
her thighs spread widely apart. Her head was turned to one side, her pretty face
was bright red. The young hairdresser looked at the four stripes across the
girl's bottom. Three red stripes neatly spaced and a fainter one at the juncture
between thigh and buttocks. She said nothing but a quiver of excitement ran
through her. "Perhaps you can give me a hand." The hairdresser spoke to Annette.
"Come around here and put your hands on either side of her bottom, like this."
Annette did as she was bid, and placed her hands on Wendy's bottom cheeks close
to the crease of her buttocks. The young girl took a jug from the trolley and a
small soft brush. "Now just hold the cheeks as far apart as you can while I soap
in between." Wendy blushed at the absolute humiliation of it all, she moaned
softly as she felt her buttocks being spread apart. Her body was a delight to
look at. Her back curved upwards from the bed, her firm buttocks pushed high.
Her knee's were spread widely apart so that they rested on the very edge, each
side of the massage table. She was well aware that all her femininity was on
view to the onlookers. Jill looked down at the girl, the young Vietnamese maid
was holding the cheeks of her bottom well apart. The neat little star of her
sphincter was being tightly stretched as Jill placed her own hand between the
crease of the buttocks and stroked her fingers down between her thighs. Her
finger nails delicately brushing through the puff of pubic hair covering the
girl's vagina. Wendy trembled as she felt a finger probe between the lips. She
quivered as the shaving brush was thrust in between the cheeks of her bottom.
She felt the soapy liquid slurp in between her thighs as the hairdresser moved
the brush with quite vigorous motions from the top of her buttocks and down over
her pubis. The girl seemed oblivious to the maids, embarrassment or discomfort.
She put down the brush and continued soaping the distraught girl with her hand.
Her finger lingering over the swelling of the pubis. Jill watched the girl's
hips tremble as she pushed her fingers firmly over the pubic mound. The flesh
felt firm under her hands. Gently she let the tip of her finger penetrate the
lips, feeling for the clitoris. The girl shuddered, her buttocks quivering as
she felt Jill's finger push further into the already moist orifice. Annette
stretched the buttocks wider as Jill brought her other hand up between the
cheeks and impudently pushed her forefinger up into the young girl's bottom.
Diane looked on as the girls fingers played back and forth between the
out-stretched thighs. "Will you pull the buttocks further apart when I tell you"
The girl took a small safety razor from the trolley and bent forward over the
thrusting buttocks of the young maid. Annette did as she was told and stretched
the cheeks wider, allowing the girl to shave between the crease. She worked
steadily until there was not a trace of hair up to the lips of the Wendy's
Vagina. She smoothed her finger down between the girl's bottom, feeling the
smoothness of the flesh. "Right I think we are ready for you to turn over now,
you can let go of her bottom and help her lay on to her back." Annette obeyed
letting the tightly stretched cheeks of her bottom relax.. Wendy moaned as she
felt relief after having her buttocks stretched so widely. Her legs and back
ached after her strained position.
They turned the girl over until she was laid on her back. Diane noted that
Wendy kept her head turned to one side. Her cheeks were bright red. "Right pull
your knees up." Wendy was slow to obey. The girl quickly caught hold of Wendy's
leg and pushed the knee up until the girls foot was flat on the table just below
her buttocks. "And the other one." Annette helped Wendy place the other leg in
the same position. "Right now just let your legs fall outwards, .... relax them,
there..that's the way." Wendy turned her face in to padded surface of the bed as
they exposed her so openly. Her mouth opened wide but made no sound as she felt
the shaving brush being thrust rudely up and down over the lips of her vagina.
Both Veronica and Diane gently held the girls thighs open, supporting her knees
which extended over the sides of the bed. Wendy blushed as she felt the young
hairdresser stroke her fingers over her pubic hair. She watched as the girl
reached for the shaving brush and brought it between her thighs. She felt the
bristles penetrate between the lips, shuddering as the rough texture of the
bristles brushed over her clitoris. "" Wendy gasped as
the brush was rubbed vigorously in between the tender lips of her sex. She tried
to raise her knees but felt gentle fingers pull her thighs even wider apart.
"The young hairdresser was quite enjoying herself. She had sensed immediately
what Diane and the other girl had wanted from her. Quickly she began to shave
the small curls of hair from around the lips, occasionally she would push her
fingers into the crease and gently tease the lips apart, shaving the minute
hairs from the crest. After several minutes she ran her fingers over the whole
area of the pubis and down between the crease of her bottom. "I think that
should be fine. Shall I put some cream on her, otherwise she might develop a
razor rash." She looked at Diane inquiringly.
"Yes I think you had better, nothing looks worse than a sore pussy." The
young hairdresser smiled at Diane. "To do it properly might take a few minutes,
is that all right." Diane smiled and nodded meaningfully to the girl. "I would
rather you did it thoroughly... er it doesn't matter if she becomes..em aroused,
I certainly don't want her to be sore." The girl understood immediately. She
took a hot flannel from the bowl and squeezed off the excess water. Bending low
between girl's legs she slapped the hot flannel over the smooth fleshy mound of
the pubis. Briskly she wiped the cloth over the soft flesh, quickly applying it
between the buttocks. She pushed hard, ignoring the girl's moans as she wiped
her bottom. The rough material making the girl's bottom squirm from side to side
as wiped over the sensitive sphincter. She turned to the trolley and took a tube
of cream. She watched the girl shiver as she squeezed a generous amount over her
naked pubis. Gently but firmly she began to move her hand between the maid's
thighs. Her fingers slipping in between the crease of her sex. She looked at
Diane once more to make sure, and gently increased the tempo of her movements.
Wendy began to moan softly as she felt gentle fingers slip into her. Slowly,
inexorably she felt herself being seduced by the girl's clever ministrations.
Suddenly she gasped as a creamy finger slid upward into her vagina. "Just relax
now." She heard Diane say as another finger slid up inside her. Diane watched as
the firm young body below her shivered with sensation. Her young breasts heaving
up and down as she began to breath more deeply.
"AAAaaaarggggghhhhh..MMMMMMMmmm." Wendy could not help herself as she fought to
contain her feelings. Veronica moved to the girl's head and gently placed her
hands over her breasts. With her finger nails she scraped over the nipples until
they became firm. "Just you relax now, there's a good girl." Wendy could not
help herself, her hips began to gyrate as the hairdressers clever fingers
increased their pace. "OOOOOOOOOOOoooohhhh...aaarrrgh." Her body quivered as she
felt a finger being pushed rudely up into her bottom.
"Arrrrhhhhhh.eeeeehhhhhhhhhh....pppleeease..pleeeeaaaase. "The sensation was too
much for the young maid her hips thrashed under their fingers
...eeeeeeeeeeeeehh. ...I..Immmm ..coming .Aaaaaaarrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Her head
turned wildly from side to side as the girls extracted every last sensation from
the young girl's body. ", " Diane stroked her fingers gently up and
down the inside of Wendy's thigh. She felt the shivers of sexual sensation begin
to abate as she caressed her flesh. The hairdresser slowed the motions of her
hands and gently extracted her finger from the girls bottom. She looked up at
Diane, and smiled, her white teeth showing between her pink lips. "I think you
did very nicely, come and sit with me over here while we let Wendy recover her

Jill sat beside Diane on the cane settee and looked across at Veronica and
the young Vietnamese maid as they helped Wendy sit up upon the massage table.
Her slim naked figure pale against Veronica's hand which gently stroked over the
young girl's breasts. "Annette would you come here a moment" Diane's voice broke
the silence as she called across the room. She turned her head back toward Jill,
"How often do you think we need to shave Wendy to keep her nice and smooth?"
"Oh I think about once a week should be sufficient. It will keep her nice and
smooth and if you rub plenty of cream in, she won't get sore." Jill looked up as
she finished speaking and watched Annette stand in front of her young Mistress.
"Would you like to check Annette to see if she needs shaving again, it must be
nearly a week since she was at the Medical Centre." Jill looked at Diane and
smiled as she answered. "Yes if you like." She looked up at Annette. "Come and
stand in front of me." Annette moved sideways until she stood in front of the
young hairdresser. Swiftly Jill placed her hands behind the girls knees and
pulled her forwards. She pushed both hands up beneath the young maid's dress and
quickly pulled down her panties before she could protest. Leaning forward she
pushed the flimsy material over the girl's ankles. "Just lift your foot so I can
get them off, there's a good girl." Annette blushed as the girl took her panties
from her and laid them on the side of the settee. Jill looked up at the girl's
face as she slowly pushed her dress up to her waist. "Just hold your dress up
like that and open your legs as wide as you can." Annette took hold of the dress
which was bunched around her waist. "As high as you can, there that's the way.
Jill watched the girl bite her lips she pulled the material of the dress up
above her waist and shuffled her legs apart. Annette was now completely naked
from the waist down. Her shaven pubis seemed to accentuate her nakedness. Her
body looked delightful. Her firm stomach gently curving inwards to the plump
flesh of the pubis. The muscles of her thighs tightened as she stretched her
legs further apart. Annette felt feathery fingers gently caress the inside of
her thigh. "Open up a bit more, that's the way." Jill leaned forward and cupped
the girl's pubic mound. Gently she moved her hand backwards and forwards over
the lips of the vagina. She could feel the girl tremble as she teased open the
lips with the delicate probing of her fingers. "She is still very smooth, but I
might as well do her again while I am here. Shall I get her up on to the
table?". Diane smiled. The young maid looked delightful, her hips swaying as
Jill rubbed her hand gently between the lips of the vagina. "Yes if you would, I
don't want to keep you from your other work, but I would appreciate it. I will
send for Richard so that he is ready by the time you have finished Annette."
Diane smiled again as she watched Jill turn the girl and give her a little tap
on the bottom. "If you will go and get your things off and lay on the table on
your tummy, I will be with you in a minute." Jill said to the girl as she gave
another little smack to her bottom. Annette walked toward the massage table, her
face was flushed as she faced Wendy and Veronica. Wendy was standing by the side
of the table, her naked body contrasting sharply against the black leather
covering. "Pop you dress over your head" Veronica held her arms out to take the
dress as she spoke. "Right up on to the table with you, there's a good girl".
Veronica helped Annette into a kneeling position, pushing and pulling gently
until the girl was knelt with her knee's wide apart and her bottom thrust
upward. Her head was turned to the side and resting on her arms. Annette could
feel the strain in her back as Veronica applied more pressure, pushing her
shoulders down so that her bottom tilted further forward. Veronica moved her
hand slowly up over the cheeks of the maids buttocks and down into the crevice
of her thighs.

Veronica looked over toward Diane and the young hairdresser. "Annette is
ready if you would like to start." Diane looked toward her friend. "We'll be
there in a minute, Wendy, would you come over here please." Diane beckoned with
here hand as she spoke. Wendy's face was still flushed as she crossed the room
toward the two girls. She was acutely aware of her nakedness. She felt the cool
air between her thighs, accenting her nudity. She could not help herself as she
tried to cover her pubis with her hand. It felt strangely smooth to her touch.
She had never felt so naked. "Just stand in front of me, my you look delightful.
Now stop being silly and put your arms by your side." Wendy looked down, her
long eyelashes closing over her blushing cheeks. Reluctantly she let her arms
fall to her sides. Her legs were squeezed together modestly as she stood in
front of her mistress. "Stand up straight and stop being stupid." Diane said
sharply. "I wont tolerate any nonsense, so you had better do as you are told
first time. Now stand with your legs apart and put you hands on top of your
head." Wendy jumped at the rebuke. She quickly opened her legs and placed her
hands on top of her head. "Now stand up straight instead of crouching forward,
we will have no more disobedience today. Do you hear me young lady." Wendy
quickly straightened her body. Her young firm breasts bouncing as she stood to
attention. "Feet further apart, come along now." Wendy quickly shuffled her feet
so that her legs were wide apart. "Now look at me, when I am talking to you."
The young maid looked down at her Mistress, "I am sorry Miss."
"That's better, now we can see you properly." Diane leaned forward and ran her
hand upward on the inside of the girl's thigh. She cupped her fingers, and
brought her hand up between the girl's legs. Gently she rubbed her fingers
backwards and forwards over the lips of the vagina. Her long finger nails
teasing open the plump folds of skin at either side of the crease. "My you do
feel nice and smooth doesn't she Jill." Diane took hold of Jill's wrist and
placed her hand on the leg of the naked girl in front of them. Jill smiled
quickly at Diane and began to stroke upwards with her soft fingers, she reached
between the girl's legs and pushed her fingers upwards between the buttocks.
"Yes she's nice and smooth now."
"We had better go and get on with Annette. You can stay where you are Wendy
until we are finished. No on second thoughts you can go as you are to mothers
office and show her your nice little pussy." Abruptly Diane let go of the girl
and stood up. "Off you go and don't dawdle." She turned the girl around and gave
her a smack on her pretty bottom. "You can take your hands off your heads but
you are not to cover yourself, do you understand,
"Yes Miss." Annette stammered.

Richard watched the flurry of excitement as the small birds chased away a
Magpie. He was kneeling on the window seat, his elbows rested on the stone sill
enabling him to hold the binoculars steady.
The sound of footsteps caused him to look round. "You must be Richard." A
young woman had entered the bedroom. She wore a nurse's uniform and was carrying
a bag. Richard looked startled as he stood to face her. "I am from the Medical
Centre where you were examined last week, I have been asked to come and see
you." The young nurse smiled at the boy and proceeded to the bed where she laid
down a large black leather satchel she had been carrying. Richard watched the
nurse as she began to take several items from the bag. She was a strikingly
beautiful girl of about twenty years of age. She smiled at Richard as she
unwrapped some small tubes from their packing. Her teeth were white and even.
Her face was extremely pretty. Her brown eyes narrowed as she looked over toward
Richard. He blushed a little as their eyes met. Her uniform stretched tightly
across her breasts as she stood with her back straight. She shifted her legs
apart. the hem of her uniform stretched tight against her legs. The skirt was
quite short revealing beautifully tanned thighs, perfect knees and shapely
calves. Richard blushed again as she caught him looking at the tops of her legs.
She smiled to herself and moved forward toward Richard who was now sat facing
her. "Stand up and lets have a look at you." She motioned with her hand for him
to step forward. Richard could not bring himself to look her in the eye. He
shuffled forward and stood with his head bowed looking at his feet. She gently
cupped his chin and lifted his head. "The doctor is coming to start your
therapy, so I have to get you ready. They didn't tell me you were a shy boy".
She smiled kindly at him. You needn't be embarrassed there is only the two of us
here, so just relax there's a good boy. Richard blushed once more. The smell of
her delicate perfume and the gentle stroking of her fingers on his cheek played
havoc with his senses. She stood back and dropped her hands to his waist. "Right
we had better start hadn't we young man". Richard was dressed in a white Tee
shirt and blue shorts. His long legs bare, apart from short white sports socks.
He had not been wearing shoes. What are you going to do Miss?, I didn't know the
doctor was coming today". Richard's face had a look of anguish as he spoke to
the nurse. "You needn't call me Miss. I am Nurse Susan Harvey... just call me
nurse if you like." Her fingers stroked down his cheek and under his chin.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, let's have your Tee shirt off first
shall we". The young nurse stood closer to the boy, Richard felt the hem of her
uniform touch his bare legs, then the gentle touch of her hands as she held his
waist. She quickly pulled the shirt up from his shorts and slid it up revealing
his chest to just below his arms. "Arms up above your head...there that's the
way". She pulled the shirt over his head and laid it on the window seat behind
"Now the shorts". She reached towards him and pulled him forward by the
waistband of his shorts until she could sit on the bed. Quickly she undid the
waist catch and pulled down the zip fastener. She placed both palms on either
side of his waist and gently slid the shorts to the floor. Richard blushed as
she bent to release the shorts from his feet. She sat up and looked at the boy's
face. Richard blushed once again. "Now you're not going to be embarrassed all
afternoon are you Richard?"
"er.. No Miss." Richard stammered as he looked down at her pretty face.
"That's a good boy, now we just need your underpants and your socks off then I
can start." Slowly and deliberately, she tucked her thumbs into the waistband of
his underpants. She lifted her head to look at his face. Richard was blushing
furiously, he felt dizzy as she gently slid the pants down until they reached
the base of his penis. "Try not to be shy there's a good boy." Richard felt her
breath on his stomach as she lowered her head. She pushed the pants lower,
slowly revealing his penis and scrotum. Her head moved forward, her cheek
brushing against his thigh as she pushed the pants to the floor. "Step out of
those and then give me your foot." Gently she took his foot and slid off the
sock. Her cheek brushed against his penis as she took the other foot and
repeated the procedure. Richard quickly placed his hands over his genitals as he
balanced on one foot. The nurse sat upright once more and placed her hands on
the boys waist. She was smiled at the way his hands were clutching his genitals.
"Now we can't have you being so nervous can we Richard?" Gently she took hold of
each wrist and pulled his hands away, placing them at his sides. "Now just stand
up straight, head straight, chin up, that's the way." She lowered her head once
more and looked at the boys body. She noticed the firm stomach and well muscled
thighs. She noted that his penis had become slightly fuller in shape than when
she had first uncovered him. The cool air from the open window seemed to accent
Richard's nakedness as he stood still wondering what the nurse was going to do
to him. He shivered as he felt her hand slowly stroke between his thighs, gently
pushing his legs apart. "Now I am going to give you an enema, not a big one,
just two of these small bags full". She picked up a clear plastic bag from the
bed and showed it to him. Richard's face was beetroot red as he looked down at
the bag she was holding. It was made of a soft plastic which moved as the liquid
inside was disturbed. It seemed to mould itself to her fingers as she held it in
her palm. One corner of the bag had a blue plastic tube protruding from it, The
tube was about six inches long and had a seal over the end. She put the bag down
and took a small box from the contents of her bag. Richard watched as she
unfolded a square of plastic about the size of a hand towel and placed it over
her knees. "Now Richard come around to my side." She placed her hands on his
waist and pulled him around until he was stood by her side his shins just
touching her thighs. She placed her right arm around his waist and stroked her
hand down over his bottom cheeks. Richard blushed as he felt the delicate touch
of her fingers on his bare skin. He looked down in embarrassment as she placed
her other hand on his knee and delicately brushed her fingers up between his
legs. She pushed her hand up between his thighs until she was able to gently cup
his testicles in her palm. She encircled the penis and scrotum with her fingers
and pulled the boy's genitals forward. "Just bend forward over my knee there's a
good boy." She gently tapped his bottom as she pulled forward on his genitals.
Richard bent over the young nurse's knees until his hands were touching the
floor. He felt her pull his penis forward so that it rested between her thighs
before taking her hand from under his stomach. The plastic sheet felt cold
against his skin as the weight of his body pressed against it.
The nurse placed her left arm around his waist and pulled him gently towards her
until she felt comfortable. His body did not feel heavy as most of his weight
was taken by his hands and knees. She gently stroked her hands over his
buttocks. a slight shiver ran through the boy as she delicately pushed her
finger tips between the crease of his bottom and pulled the cheeks apart. "Are
you all right Richard, you're not uncomfortable are you?"
Richard mumbled indistinctly.
"Answer me, there's a good boy."
"I' miss." Richard managed to stammer.
"Good, I'm just going to lubricate your bottom, so the tube will slide in nice
and easily." She reached beside her and unscrewed the cap from a tube of
lubricant. She applied a small amount to her finger, She placed her wrist on his
nearest buttock, holding her finger away from his flesh. with her other hand she
gently pulled the cheeks apart. With the merest pressure she stroked her
lubricated finger over the sphincter, she felt his body jump as the cool
lubricant touched the sensitive opening of his bottom. She continued stroking
with her finger increasing the pressure as the lubricant moistened the skin. She
reached for the tube once more and placed the long nozzle against the opening of
the sphincter. "Just relax now Richard." Gently she inserted the nozzle and
squeezed some more lubricant from the tube. Richard shivered as he felt the cool
liquid enter his bottom. She pulled the nozzle out slowly allowing more
lubricant to spill between the cheeks of his bottom. Her finger became firmer
this time as she rubbed over the opening of his bottom. She teased the orifice
with her finger tip and without warning slid her finger up inside his bottom.
"Argh.Mmm." Richard squirmed as he felt her finger enter deep inside him. "Just
relax, I'm not hurting you." She pushed her finger in and out of his bottom
until she felt satisfied the passage was lubricated. Gently she let her finger
slide out and reached for the first of the two enema bags. She pulled away the
seal and pushed the bag between the lower part of his buttocks with the pipe
pointing upright. She bent the plastic pipe over and pushed it deftly up into
Richard's bottom. "Oooo Miss." Richard gasped at the intrusion as the Nurse
pushed the bag firmly between the cheeks of his bottom and began to squeeze
slowly. Richard felt the sterile water squirt up into him.
The nurse smiled to herself as she felt Richard's body through the thin plastic
sheet. She thought she could detect an increased pressure on the inside of her
thigh which could only mean that the boys penis was becoming hard. Slowly she
pulled the empty bag away from his buttocks watching the sphincter contract as
the tube slipped out. "There that wasn't so bad was it?". She stroked her hand
over his buttocks, watching them flex as if to deny further intrusion. Richard
mumbled, she could see his face was beetroot red. "What was that Richard, are
you all right down there?"
"Er..yes miss." Richard felt totally humiliated as he lay naked over her knee.
He could feel his penis starting to harden against the softness of her thighs.
"Just the other one then, try and relax your bottom." Richard mumbled once more,
but the nurse noticed the buttocks unclench. Once more she pulled his buttocks
apart and pushed the second bag between the under-part of the cheeks. She teased
open the orifice with the tip of the tube, feeling the boys body squirm as she
pushed all six inches up into his bottom.
"Urghghh..Mmm" Richard moaned as he felt the tube push upward inside him. "Just
relax Richard," She squeezed the bag firmly sending a gush of water up into him.
"Argghh..Ooo." Richard gasped as he felt the cool water jet into his insides.
The nurse kept a steady pressure on the bag until all the contents had entered
his bottom. She quickly withdrew the tube and put the bag on the bed beside her.
"Now I just want you to stay like this for a few moments and then I'll take you
through to the bathroom."
When she had been briefed for her visit to the Manor House, the doctor had told
her that Richard was very special. She could see now that the she had not
exaggerated. The boys proportions were perfect, his face, although now
extremely flushed was quite beautiful. She slowly stroked her left hand over his
back and gently toyed with the hair on the back of his neck. Her right hand
moved gently down over his buttocks, her fingers dipped between the inside of
his thighs. "We'll just stay like this for a couple more minutes Richard, so
that the enema can do it's work. Are you all right?"
"Er. .yes Miss." Richard was intoxicated by the gentle smooth hands slowly
caressing his body. Her fingers at the nape of his neck seemed just as intimate
as the soft caresses over his bottom. Richard felt his penis stiffen. Try as he
might he could not control himself. The nurse felt it too, she smiled as she
drew her fingers up between the cheeks of his bottom. She moved her thighs
together trapping his penis between them. The plastic sheet could not disguise
his erection. She squeezed her thighs together, feeling an answering throb from
the boys fully erected penis.
"I think that's long enough now Richard. if you can try and get up, but keep
bent over I'll help you to the bathroom." Richard blushed furiously once more as
he realised that he would not be able to hide his erection. "Now I want you to
squeeze your buttocks together as tightly as you can. Do you think you can do
that for me?" The Nurse placed each hand on either side of his waist as Richard
pushed himself up. As soon as his weight was on his legs he quickly put both
hands over his penis, cupping it to his body. The Nurse watched with amusement
as he crouched forward, vainly trying to cover his penis. She turned him around
until he was facing the bathroom door and stood up. Placing her hand upon his
back she guided him through the bathroom door to the toilet. "Right Richard
just sit on there and try and expel all the water." She lifted the seat cover
and turned the boy so that he was facing her with his back to the toilet.
Richard's face was bright red as she pushed him down on the seat. He sat with
his legs tightly together, his hands clutching his penis to his stomach.
"I'll just run a bath while you are doing that." She leaned over the bath and
turned on both of the gold taps. The plug control was already in the closed
position. Richard was numb with embarrassment. The pressure in his stomach was
quite strong and yet he hoped the nurse might leave before he had to evacuate
his bowels. Mercifully she turned and left the bathroom leaving the taps of the
bath running. Richard blew out his breath in relief as he unclenched his
buttocks, the water gushed out instantly. Quickly he stood and wiped himself.
His penis stood out and upwards from his body as he wiped himself and threw the
paper down into the bowl. He had just managed to flush the toilet and cover his
genitals with both hands before the nurse entered the bathroom. This time she
was carrying a large plastic enema bag which she placed on the side of the bath
before turning off the taps. Richard stood as straight as he could without
uncovering himself. He watched as she picked up the bag and turned to face him.
"Right I am just going to give you a rinse and then you can have your bath."
Richard looked perplexed as she took his arm and gently pulled him forward so
that he was facing the side of the bath. "Now if you can bend over and rest your
hands on the side of the bath." Richard looked alarmed as she pulled one hand
away from his groin and gestured for him to bend over with his hands on the
bath. Richard obeyed managing to conceal his genitals until he was well bent
over. The nurse leaned over and gently parted the boys buttocks. "Just relax
there's a good boy." She deftly pushed the bag between his cheeks and pulled the
seal off the long tube. She pressed her fingertip firmly against the sphincter
and drew her finger forward, stretching the skin. Without warning she pushed the
whole of the tube up into his bottom and squeezed the bag firmly.
"Argggh..Misss." Richard groaned as the cool liquid squirted up into him. The
Nurse leaned her body over his to stop him straightening up. Richard could not
help shivering as the gush of water seemed to continue for ever, engorging his
stomach without respite. He felt an incredible pressure as the water surged into
his bottom. She squeezed the bag until all it's entire content's had emptied.
The nurse gently pulled the nozzle out, feeling the boy shiver as she pushed two
fingers hard against the sphincter. "Right if you just step backwards Richard."
She manoeuvred the boy until he was crouched over the toilet bowl, his legs
either side of the porcelain. She did not let him sit but held him so that his
buttocks were just above the seat. "Now just take your hand away so I can see
between your legs. Richard slowly uncovered himself as the nurse held his waist
and bent down on one knee, her head now only inches from his semi erect penis.
"Put your hands on my shoulders, that's the way, now see if you can let all the
water go." Richard was absolutely humiliated as the young nurse peered between
his legs. Gently she cupped the palm of her hand beneath his testicles and
lifted them. "Are you having trouble evacuating Richard?" Richard's stomach felt
bloated and uncomfortable. The nurse placed her other hand over his stomach and
pressed firmly. The pressure was too much for Richard to bear. He felt the water
suddenly gush down into the toilet bowl. The nurse watched as clean water jetted
from between his legs.
"Right you can sit down now" She let go of him and moved back observing him as
he sat on the toilet seat. Richard immediately clasped his hands to his groin.
He pressed his legs together dropping his head, more to avoid her steady gaze
than to make sure he had covered himself.
"If you just make one last effort... as if you were having trouble going to the
toilet." Richard strained feeling foolish. He could no imagine that there was
anything left inside him. He felt drained and totally humiliated. He looked up
blushing again as she smiled kindly at him. Her beauty intimidated the boy.
Susan was aware of her looks... not in a vain way, but she was cognisant of the
effect she had on her patients. She had been fully briefed by the doctor on how
to handle Richard. She looked down at his naked body. He was everything she had
been lead to expect and more. If there were no alternative instructions from the
doctor, she would often try and put patients at their ease by asking about their
interests or family. No such subterfuge was required today, the doctor had been
most explicit. "All right Richard, you've been a very good boy so far. Just hop
into the bath and I will clean you up a bit." She motioned toward the bath with
a graceful movement of her arm. She watched with amusement as he timidly stepped
into the bath. He crouched down in the water still covering his groin. Susan saw
no reason why she should not extract the maximum enjoyment from the situation.
She moved to the side of the bath, standing over the boy. "Right young man,
stand up and face me." Her voice, kindly but firm. Richard looked up, feeling a
terrible sense of deja vu as he looked up into her face. Reluctantly he put one
hand on the side of the bath and managed to haul himself to his feet. He stood
crouching forward, his face almost touching hers. She looked at the boy's
blushing cheeks and trembling lips. His dark eyelashes closed with
embarrassment. "Susan felt a stab of pleasure as she lifted chin and watched him
timidly open his eyes. "I think we will have both hands on your head. That
should keep them out of the way." She took hold of both his wrists and moved
them away from his groin. Richard had blushed to an even deeper colour as he
lifted his hands and placed them on his head. "Legs apart, come along we are
going to be late for the doctor if you don't hurry and do as I say." Richard
obeyed moving one leg a few inches. Without warning he felt a sharp slap across
his bottom. "Come along now open them up properly. " Richard stared
incredulously at the nurse, his humiliation total and complete. "I'm...s.sssorry
miss, I mm..mean nurse." Richard stammered. All right Richard, just stand up
straight legs nice and wide." She watched fascinated as the boy obeyed
immediately. Susan smiled to her self watching his lithe young body strain as he
stood with his back straight, his legs spread wide. She looked down at his penis
as it hung down over his testicles. Richard was in a daze as he looked straight
ahead, not daring to look into her face. She leaned forward and took a liquid
soap container from the corner of the bath. She squeezed a measure into the palm
of her hand. Cupping her hand into the water she began to apply the soap to the
boy's shins. She felt his body tremble as she gently smoothed her hands up over
his knees and on to his thighs. She took repeated scoops of water as she soaped
his legs thoroughly. Occasionally she looked up into his face, noting the
trembling lips and blushing cheeks. Deliberately she put her hand under the
boy's chin and turned his head so that he could not avoid looking into her eyes.
She held his head still for a moment before she spoke, her words calculated to
cause him acute embarrassment. "You know I have to wash your penis and in
between your legs and bottom, so I hope you are not going to make a fuss. Now
stand quite still while I soap you." She watched his face as her words took
effect. Watching the boy's face she purposefully took hold of his timid penis
and held it firmly in her hand. She placed her other hand beneath his testicles,
drawing the scrotum forward. Almost immediately she felt the penis begin to
stiffen. She pushed the foreskin back, letting the heel of her hand rub over the
sensitive tip. Richard's whole body began to tremble, her words and actions
totally humiliating him. She studied the exquisite look of anguish on his face
as she brought his penis to a full erection. His eyes were shut tightly and his
breathing was laboured. Deftly she pushed the hand holding his testicles through
the parted legs and in between his buttocks. She felt the boy gasp as her finger
stroked over his sphincter. She pushed the skin of his penis back and drew her
hand from his bottom. Letting go of him she stood back and waited silently. She
thrilled at the sight of the naked boy, his trembling body heaving as he gasped
for breath. His penis stood upright from between his parted thighs. His torso
stretched tight as he held his hands on top of his head. She waited until the
boy opened his eyes. His immediate reaction was to cover himself as he saw her
looking at his down at his groin. He had barely lifted one hand from his head
when the young nurse spoke. "Stay as you are, I don't want to have to tell you
again." Richard stifled the reaction to cover himself and placed his hand back
on his head. He could not help looking down at his erect penis, horrified at his
exposure to the pretty nurse. "I want you to bend over with your hands on the
end of the bath." Susan spoke firmly but kindly to the boy. She felt a thrill go
through her body as Richard took his hand from his head and bent over. He rested
his hand on the edge of the bath between the taps. She stepped closer to him and
laid her hand gently on the cheeks of his bottom. "Move your legs as far apart
as you can Richard there's a good boy." Richard mumbled, the words were
indiscernible as she placed her other hand between his shoulder blades. "Bend
your elbows and straighten your legs. I want your bottom as high as possible."
She watched with delight as he lowered himself until his head was almost
touching the taps. He had straightened his legs, keeping his knees firmly
together as he raised his bottom. Susan could not help herself as she stroked
her hand over his firm buttocks. She raised her hand and brought it down sharply
over the cheeks of his bottom. She felt a thrill run through her body as the boy
started like a young colt. "Come along Richard open those legs, you know I need
to wash your bottom." Her words and actions were deliberate, she knew the effect
they must be having on the young boy. She smiled to her self as he moved his
legs as far apart as the bath would allow. To her delight he had arched his back
pushing his bottom up toward her hand. "That's better Richard" Her voice
speaking softly to him as stroked her hand over his bottom. She took her hands
away from him and scooped water over his back and buttocks. She admired the
beauty of his body as she applied soap to both hands. Deliberately she placed
one hand beneath him and took a firm hold of his penis. Firmly squeezing the
erect organ, she placed her other hand on his buttocks. With a calculated
movement she pushed her fingers between the cheeks and located his sphincter.
"Stay perfectly still Richard." Her voice was firm as she pushed her finger
deftly up into his bottom. She felt the sphincter tighten over the knuckle of
her finger as she pushed it up fully into his anus. Richard gasped at the
intrusion, his body jerked as she eased the finger slowly in and out of his
bottom. She felt his penis throb between her fingers as she located the prostate
gland. She pushed the foreskin of his penis back firmly, at the same time
curling her fingertip up inside his anus. She felt his penis begin to throb
violently as her fingers deliberately brought him to the edge of a sexual
climax. Abruptly she withdrew her finger from his bottom and let go of his
penis. Although she had not had instructions to the contrary, she did not want
the boy to ejaculate. She stood back several paces from the bath and smiled as
she observed the boy trembling and panting for breath. His naked body bent over
delightfully exposing his upturned buttocks. "All right Richard you can step out
of the bath now and I will dry you and take you down stairs." For a moment
Richard did not move, his body was shaking and trembling. It was several moments
before he stood up. He felt utterly humiliated as he stepped from the bath
toward the waiting nurse. His penis bobbing and wobbling as lifted his legs over
the side of the bath. She picked up a towel and bent on one knee in front of
him. She proceed to dry his thighs, not daring to touch the penis until the boy
had got himself more under control. She dried him thoroughly making him turn and
bend as she dried between the cheeks of his bottom. "Right Richard I think you
will do." She stood in front of him and looked him straight in the eye. "There
was no need for all that fuss now was there Richard." Richard managed to blush
an even deeper red as she leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. The
material of her tunic brushing against the sensitive tip of his erect penis. She
turned and walked into the bedroom. Richard stood where he was, not knowing what
to do with himself. "Come along Richard I am going to take you down stairs in a
moment." Richard walked through to the bedroom, he held his erect penis clasped
to his stomach, doing his best to hide his erection. "The nurse looked amused as
he entered the bedroom. "Just sit on the bed while I go downstairs to see if the
Doctor is here."
Susan was delighted with herself as she descended the wide oak banister'd
staircase. She had been part of the doctor's team for six months and had already
enjoyed many occasions such as this.
She had come to Sarah's notice during a general meeting of the nursing staff at
the Medical Centre. The doctor had asked Susan to stay behind after the meeting.
She had talked generally to her at first and then asked her to make an
appointment to see her in her office. It was at this meeting that Sarah had
brought the subject around to sex. She had examined Susan's attitude carefully
eliciting more and more information as she had put her at her ease. Susan
remembered blushing at many of the personal and intimate questions, but had
answered truthfully. Sarah had carefully built up a profile of the young nurse.
It was a week later that Sarah had sent for her. She had been surprised to find
two other nurses already in the doctor's office. She blushed even now as she
The two nurses were sat at each side of the doctor. As Sarah entered they moved
their chairs back from the desk and sat watching her as the doctor invited her
to sit in front of the desk. "I enjoyed our little chat the other day and I
think you would make a good member of my team. As you know we deal with a
variety of examinations, some of which require discretion. I had better
introduce you to Nurse Ford and Nurse Todd." The two nurses nodded to her as
they were introduced. "If you decide to accept my offer, you will be working
with them." Susan had nodded her head to the nurses and turned back to face
Sarah. "If you would like time to make up your mind, tell me. If you are ready
to make a decision now then I will continue." Susan had already decided, she
could not explain why but she had felt attracted and yet somewhat in awe of the
young doctor. "I really would like to work for you. I will try hard to please
you and I have always got on well with my contemporaries, so I am sure we will
get along." Susan had smiled at the pretty nurses as she spoke. "Good, I took
the liberty of getting your file from records. You had a physical about eight
months ago. So I would like you to have another one. Apart from that you will be
able to start from this coming Monday if you agree." Susan had nodded her head.
"That would be wonderful and I am sure I can get a medical from my doctor fairly
quickly." She had been puzzled at the doctors knowing smile. "I have had a word
with your head of department to see if a transfer could be arranged should you
wish to take the job and they have agreed. It is not necessary for you to go to
your doctor for your medical as I am going to give you one now." Susan had felt
shocked as the doctor announced that she would be giving her a medical
examination. She could not explain why but she had felt embarrassed. "If you
would stand up and undress please. We might as well get started straight away."
Susan had stood up numb at the thought of undressing in front of the doctor and
smiling nurses. Nurse Todd had moved from her chair to stand beside her. "I will
see to your clothes as you take them off." The nurse had announced brightly.
Susan had felt slightly dazed as she began to undress. The young nurse helping
her, laying her clothes neatly on a chair as stripped down to her panties and
bra. "Nurse Todd had moved behind her and had unhooked her bra before she had
realised what was happening. Susan had stood in front of the doctor, her arms
folded over her breasts. Her legs pressed firmly together at the knees as Sarah
moved around the desk. She took her stethoscope and placed it into her ears.
"Right hands by your sides, now breathe deeply." Susan had shivered as the cold
diaphragm of the stethoscope touched her flesh. The doctor had turned her around
to face the young nurse, placing the stethoscope on her back. She had felt
Sarah's gentle fingers stroke over her shoulders as the cold metal moved over
her back. "You seem healthy enough, do you keep fit." She had asked Susan as she
turned her around to face her. Susan remembered only being able to mumble as she
felt the nurse behind her place her hands on her waist. Her naked body had
trembled as the nurse hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties and
quickly pulled them down to her ankles. "Step out of them would you." The doctor
had smiled as she stood back from her. Blushing she had obeyed as the doctor
looked over her naked body. Susan shivered, remembering how she had been made to
stand with her legs wide apart and cough as the doctor's gentle fingers cupped
her pubis. They had taken her through to the examination room and laid her down,
placing her legs in stirrups. The nurses had stood to each side of her as the
doctor stood between her outstretched legs. "Now I want you to relax and let
yourself go." She remembered the events vividly. She had felt the doctor's
gentle fingertips open up the lips of her vagina. Slowly she had felt a delicate
probing as a finger was inserted into her. She had begun gasping for breath as
Sarah had began to stimulate the delicate tissues of her moist vagina. One nurse
had leaned over and had taken both nipples firmly between the finger and thumb
of each hand. The second nurse had stroked delicately over her tummy and thighs,
feathery caresses accentuating her nakedness. Words, that she now used herself
had increased the eroticism of her ordeal. "I want to feel inside your bottom,
so just relax your buttocks while I pop a finger in, I will be as gentle as I
can." Susan involuntarily clenched her buttocks as she thought of what Sarah had
said to her. "My my, you are a sensitive girl aren't you, just relax it will be
over soon." The words had sounded far away like an echo as the three girls had
brought her to a shattering climax. She remembered the nurse pinching hard on
her nipples as the doctor's finger thrust up deep inside her vagina. A second
finger spearing her bottom as the nurse leaned over her. They had held her in a
state of pure abandonment as the nurse kissed her hard on the lips, her tongue
thrusting to the back of her throat. The sensations she had felt had been an
exquisite mixture of shame and wantonness as they skilfully held her climax. Not
once but three times they had aroused her to such a passion that she had flayed
her head from side to side, her hips thrusting upwards off the surface of the
table. It was if she had been in a dream the skilful way their fingers had
caressed her. The impudent finger pushed between the quivering cheeks of her
bottom as they induced yet another orgasm. She had felt drained as they gently
kissed and caressed her. It was with gratitude that she had looked into Sarah's
eyes as they helped her up from the table. On an impulse she had kissed the
young doctor hungrily on the lips.
Her looks and willingness to learn had quickly promoted her to a special
relationship with Sarah. Over the following months she had practised many of the
things she had learned. How to control a situation or how to cause acute
embarrassment with just a simple word or action.

Lady Rawlings sat back at her desk. She brushed a hand over the Sea Island
cotton dress she was wearing. Crossing her long legs she pushed back on her
chair. Feeling the warmth of the sun on her back from the open window she looked
down at her body. Her legs were firm and tanned below the short hem of her
dress. Her breasts were firm and without need of support. She unbuttoned the top
two buttons of the white cotton dress, feeling the sun against the upper part of
her full breasts. She sat with her head back, deep in thought. Her sojourn of
quiet contemplation was broken by a knock at the door. "Please enter" She called
sliding her chair forward once more. She smiled as Wendy peered her head around
the high oak door of her office. "Come in Wendy, what can I do for you?" Lady
Rawlings tried to stifle a chuckle, watching the blushing face of the naked
young girl as she timidly entered the office. She walked awkwardly, trying to
keep her knees together as she moved to stand in front of the desk. The surface
of large desk was clear except for a telephone and diary. Wendy stood to
attention, her flesh pale and shivering with embarrassment. She held her hands
at her side although doing her best to conceal her naked pubis by crossing one
leg in front of the other. "What on earth are you up to Wendy, walking around
the house without clothes on?" Wendy looked utterly distressed as her Mistress
addressed her. "Miss Diane told me to come and show you Madam." Lady Rawlings
smiled, knowing full well the discomfort the girl must be feeling. "Show me what
Wendy?" She had of course already noticed the freshly shaved pubis. "This
madam." She looked down as she spoke but kept her legs pressed tightly together.
"Oh you have been shaved, well I can't see you properly like that open your legs
so that I can see." Wendy blushed, the colour suffusing her pretty cheeks.
Reluctantly she moved her legs apart, her beautifully slender body moving
gracefully despite her embarrassment. "Come on girl wider than that, I can't see
you at all." Wendy timidly moved her feet further apart, her thighs opening to
reveal the smoothly shaven lips of her vagina. "That's better, I can see you
now." Lady Rawlings leaned forward and looked over her desk at the naked girl.
The plump flesh of her pubis stood out from between her parted thighs. She
looked delightful, her beautiful full breasts standing out firmly above her
slender torso. "You are such a pretty girl Wendy, come around here and stand by
me." Lady Rawlings spoke kindly watching the girl blush once more as she stepped
around the desk and stood by her side. "Now bend over the desk with arms
stretched out in front of you... that's it... tummy flat on the desk. Open your
legs that's it.. and push your bottom up... there that's the way." Lady Rawlings
instructed the girl until she was positioned to her satisfaction. Delicately she
ran her fingers over the inner part of the girl's thigh. She felt the flesh
quiver with anticipation as she softly touched her fingers to the lips of the
girl's vagina. She moved her hand in between the pretty cheeks of her bottom and
then down again, cupping her pubis firmly. Wendy wriggled her bottom prettily as
Lady Rawlings parted the lips of the labia, and teased the inner tissue with the
very tip of her finger. Without warning she pushed a finger straight up into the
moist opening. "Oooohhh.. M.m. madam." Wendy gasped as the finger penetrated
her. Lady Rawlings stood up, keeping her finger firmly inserted into the young
girl. "Keep still now, you look so delicious like that." Lady Rawlings quickly
stroked her other hand between the parted buttocks and moved her fingers
delicately over the girl's sphincter. Deftly she probed the opening, watching
the young body squirm. "Ooops, there we are, now doesn't that feel nice." She
pushed hard against the puckered rosebud of the opening, watching her finger
disappear up inside the trembling bottom. "Oooo... aaarrrgggghhh Mmm...Madam.
Wendy squirmed and wriggled her hips from side to side as Lady Rawlings quickly
set to work with her fingers. Without respite she rotated her finger against the
sensitive membranes of the vaginal wall. Pushing, probing and squeezing she used
her consummate skills to excite her maid. "I am going to make you come and there
is nothing you can do about it my pretty girl." She accented her words with a
firm push up into the quivering bottom, inflaming the senses and passion of the
prostrate girl beneath her. She watched with fascination as the slender young
body bucked and writhed with sheer abandonment. Gently she moved her thumb over
the girl's clitoris, rubbing gently against the sensitive projection. She felt
the clitoris harden and swell as the pubis naively pressed against her hand.
Her finger pushed hard into the vagina, moving faster as she felt the girl raise
her bottom. "There I can tell you're going to come aren't you?" "Mmmffffhhh..
Arrggggghhh.. I..I amm ..." The girls voice trailed of as Lady Rawlings deftly
slipped a second finger up inside her vagina. She drew the nail of her thumb
over the swollen clitoris at the same time pushing her finger hard in between
the wriggling cheeks of the girl's bottom. The response was immediate.
"Ooooohhh.. arggghhh.. ooooOOOHH... pleeeeeeessseeee." Wendy's body tensed as if
she had been struck by lightening. Her pretty legs shaking uncontrollably as
Lady Rawlings thoroughly pervaded her body. Wave after wave of indescribable
pleasure coursed through the young girl. Her lungs gasped for air, her slender
waist heaved up and down as her orgasm continued was cleverly prolonged by Lady
Rawlings. There, there you are having a big one aren't you." She scraped the
nail of her thumb once more over the sensitive nub of the clitoris. "Let
yourself go, there's a good girl. Wendy heaved and writhed her body shone with
perspiration as the intensity of her orgasm increased to an unprecedented
summit. Lady Rawlings slowed the pace of her fingers before gently with drawing
them from the girl. She leaned over her, stroking her back and buttocks
tenderly. "There my pretty girl, just lay quietly and don't move, I will be back
in a minute." Her Ladyship walked from the room closing the door softly behind
It was several minutes later when her Ladyship returned. Wendy looked up from
the desk to see Annette, still naked follow her Mistress into the room. She was
carrying both her own and Wendy's clothes. Wendy stood upright from her prone
position. Although naked she gave a curtsey to Lady Rawlings. "I think you had
both better go and have a quick bath. I shall need you in the conservatory in
ten minutes." The smile from Lady Rawlings to her young maid was warm and
affectionate. Wendy blushed prettily, her pale flesh showing a red mark across
her tummy where she had lain on the desk. She stopped in front of her Mistress
and blushed once more. She looked coyly at her Mistress, her long eyelashes
fluttered against her blushing cheeks. Lady Rawlings took her hand and drew her
forward so that the girl's naked body was pressed next to her own. She tilted
her head and kissed her tenderly on the cheek. "You run along now and have a
nice bath." Lady Rawlings could not suppress a smile as she noted the intense
look of love and supplication on the face of her pretty maid.

Richard felt utterly ashamed and humiliated. He is was acutely aware of his
penis swinging from side to side as his bare feet trod the stairs behind the
nurse. She had come to get him from the bedroom, not letting him having anything
to cover himself merely ordering him to follow her down the stairs. She turned
to him as they rounded the curved banister leading to the ground floor. "I think
the hairdresser is in the conservatory, which I think is along here is that
right?" Richard nodded his head dumbly. He had scant knowledge of the
architecture of the house, but was reasonably sure that they were going the
right way. Richard blushed as she looked down at his groin. He had tried
covering himself while walking down the stairs, but the awkwardness of holding
the banister and his groin at the same time and been too much. He also had not
expected the nurse to stop and turn around quite so quickly. His embarrassment
quickly turned to anguish as they entered the conservatory. Both Veronica and
Diane were seated around the coffee table talking to the young hairdresser.
Richard immediately covered his groin with both hands. He stood behind the nurse
as she stopped in front of the girls. "Is that you hiding behind there. Come and
stand here." Diane's voice sounded firm. Richard obeyed immediately moving
around the nurse to stand in front of the girls. The young hairdresser looked at
her watch as she stood up. "I will have to do him straight away. The doctor will
be here in a minute." She addressed her remarks to the girls, ignoring Richard
except to take his arm and lead him to the massage tables. "Right up on here as
quick as you can, on your hands and knees." She turned away from him as he
struggled up on to the table. "I could do with some more warm water." She said
to Diane as she arranged her implements upon the trolley.
Richard had been naked many times in front of both Diane and Veronica. His shame
and embarrassment rather than diminishing seemed just as acute as when they
first met. He was blushing profusely as the young girl turned to him, laying her
hand on his bottom. "Shuffle your knees apart there's a good boy." Her soothing
voice calculated to increase his shame rather that put him at ease. Diane placed
a jug of steaming water upon the trolley and turned to the boy. Bending low she
placed her hand beneath his chin and turned his head towards her. "Now you just
do what you are told. You are in a very good position for a smack if you
Veronica left her chair and walked over to where Richard was knelt. She stood
directly behind him admiring the firm buttocks and parted thighs. She noted the
tight sac of the scrotum, the testes bulging from within as placed her hand
between his legs and delicately cupped his testicles. I think Gillian would like
you down on your elbows Richard. "Her soft words and gentle touch caused Richard
to blush an even deeper red. He slowly let himself down on to his elbows. He
realised with utter misery that his bottom was now fully exposed to her gaze.
Veronica gently drew her long fingernails along the underside of his testicles.
She saw his body quiver like a bow string. Without touching any other part of
him she scraped her nail over the very tip of his penis. She watched fascinated
as his body jerked in response. "You had better keep still now Richard, while
Gillian here shaves your bottom." Veronica moved away, allowing the young
hairdresser to stand behind the boy. She watched as Gillian thrust the soft
bristles of her shaving brush up into the cleft of Richard's bottom. It was a
deliberate action and elicited an immediate response from the young boy. His
hips jerked forward as he tried to escape the discomfort of the brush against
his sphincter. "Keep quite still, there's a good boy. I am not going to hurt
you." Gillian was in her element. The girls had been more than friendly treating
her as an equal, which she knew she was not. But their attitude had been far
from condescending. She knew Diane had immediately recognised her interest in
the stripes on her maid's bottom. Suggesting perhaps that if Richard was not
compliant, a sharp slap or two might be in order. She moved the brush in deft
strokes up and down the cleft of the buttocks. When the whole of the anal area
was thoroughly lathered in soap. She took her razor and shaved gently and
carefully between the cheeks. Taking a hot flannel she rinsed the area and
leaned forward to examine her handiwork. "I think I will need some help here she
said to Diane and Veronica. Could you hold the cheeks of his bottom apart so
that I can shave closer. Richard's body shuddered as he felt his cheeks being
pulled apart. He felt utterly ridiculous as they stretched his flesh,
completely exposing the puckered opening of his bottom. He tried to pull away
from their hands as Gillian pushed a soapy finger up against the sensitive
sphincter. Diligently she ran her soapy finger up and down over his anus. She
took her razor once more and shaved around the puckered skin. She noticed the
boy had kept his body absolutely still as she used the razor. It was all
completely unnecessary, she thought. The boy had no hair at all between the
cheeks of his bottom apart from the fine hairs that cover all one's skin. But
she was sure that the actual shaving of his bottom was not really the object of
the exercise. "I think we will have you over on your back." She said firmly to
the boy. "If you would hold his legs for me I would appreciate it." She smiled
at Veronica and Diane. She noticed a knowing smile on Diane's face as the girls
helped Richard to turn over. They immediately seized his legs and pushed them
backwards and out over the edge of the table. She was able to see the boy's
face. His eyes were shut tightly, his eyelashes pressed firmly against his
blushing cheeks. His parted lips drew breath noisily. She looked down over his
heaving chest to his penis which was laid over his tummy. His buttocks had been
forced back above the surface of the bed. She waited a moment until the boy lay
still. Both the girls looked at her as they held his legs tightly against there
bodies. " I am going to shave around the base of your penis Richard, so I want
you to be a good boy and not move while I have the razor in my hand." Gillian's
words were designed to cause embarrassment. They were also a prelude to what she
was to do next. Deliberately she reached forward and took his penis gently
between her thumb and forefinger. Lifting the timid flesh away from his tummy
and stretching it upwards. Richard groaned, turning his head sideways as if to
escape his predicament. Gillian reached for the tip of his penis with her other
hand. Holding the glans between her fingertips and thumb she pulled the foreskin
down the shaft. Richard tried in vain to pull his bottom down on to the bed.
Diane spoke sternly. "Just you stay where you are young man, you've already had
a taste of the rewards disobedience brings." She turned her head toward Jillian.
"I think it will be so much easier to deal with his penis if it wasn't so soft,
don't you?" Gillian smiled. "Of course, perhaps a little stimulus at your end
might speed things up a bit." She looked at the boy's face , making sure his
eyes were tightly shut. She grinned at Diane and nodded her head towards the
boy's tumescent organ. Diane laid her free hand on Richard's chest and ran her
long fingernails over his nipple. Veronica copied Diane's actions, squeezing and
pinching the other nipple. Richard groaned and writhed within the confines of
his position, his breathing becoming more laboured. His mouth was open as he
shook his head from side to side, his eyes shut tightly. Gillian could feel his
penis throbbing violently as she diligently ran her fingers up and down the
shaft. She placed her hand underneath his testicles and squeezed feeling his
penis throb as she excited the young boy. "Right young man, I advise you to keep
still while I shave around your penis. Richard opened his eyes to find all three
girls looking into his face. He blushed immediately the colour rushing to his
face. Diane smiled at him. "Just keep still, we don't want Gillian to cut you
now do we?" Gillian quickly soaped around the base of his penis and began to
shave the very base of the shaft. "There all done now just between your legs a
little." She soaped beneath the tight scrotum and shaved the area. "All right I
think we can relax your legs a little. I'll just wipe you off and put on some
cream. We wouldn't want your little bottom to get sore now." She took the
flannel and dipped it in the hot jug of water. She pushed the cloth in between
the cheeks of his bottom, wiping it as one would a child. "Now your penis, just
keep still." She draped the flannel over the upright organ and squeezed, feeling
the boy shudder as the hot cloth enveloped him. "Right my boy, just a little
cream, I'll soon be finished." Richard shivered as he felt her gentle fingers
smear cool cream up in between the cheeks of his bottom. He tried to force his
bottom down, but the girl's held him tightly as she delicately inserted the tip
of her finger up into his bottom. "Oooo..oooorrggggh. Mmmmppffff." He groaned
loudly as her finger was pushed right up into his bottom. She slid her finger
back out of his anus and stood back. "I told you to keep still you naughty boy."
She smacked him hard on his upturned buttocks. Richard jerked his hips, his
bottom smarting from the smack. "Now are you going to keep still, come along
answer me." Richard opened his eyes, really not daring to look. "Ooohhh..
y'" He stammered. Gillian was in ecstasy, the thrill of smacking
his young bottom made her giddy with pleasure. Richard moaned, his hips moving
gently in swaying motion from side to side. Gillian smacked the boy squarely
across both buttocks. "Now I'm not going to tell you again." Her senses so
heightened by sexual sensation that she had to shake her head to clear it before
putting more cream on both hands. She stood between his widely splayed thighs,
once again applying cream to his bottom. She teased the opening of the sphincter
before pushing her finger straight up inside him. She grasped his penis firmly,
pulling the foreskin back to completely expose the glans and most of the shaft.
"Ooooorrggghh.. arrrrgggghh..oh " Richard groaned. His chest heaved as he fought
for air. "Pleeeesssee.. Misssssss.." The young boy was beside himself,. He had
lost complete control. His head thrashed from side to side, his mouth slack.
Both Diane and Veronica watched in fascination as Richard's body began to
shudder and shake. Their fingers busy pinching and squeezing his nipples.
Gillian felt the boy's imminent climax. She bent her head forward over the
throbbing penis. Drawing her lips back she took the glans of the penis between
her teeth. She bobbed her head up and down quickly three times, allowing her
teeth to scrape the sensitive rim of the glans. She pulled her head back Just in
time to watch his semen spurt up into the air. "Arrrrrggggghhhhh...
aaaaaaarrrrgggggghhhhhh..ooooohhhhhh. Richard moaned loudly, his body tensing so
tightly that the muscles of his chest and legs stood out in sharp relief.
"Mmmmmpppfff.. ooooggghhh. Pleeeesssseee Misssss...ssss. I c..c,can't stand
any moreeeee..arrrggghh." Gillian gave a final push with her finger into his
anus, before withdrawing it and cupping his testicles. She squeezed them firmly,
hearing the boy gasp as she increased the pressure. "There, there, Richard you
are all right now. What a baby you are.." Gillian spoke soothingly, watching the
approving look from Diane as she stroked her hand gently over the boy's chest.
Gently she released the pressure on his leg, motioning for Veronica to do the
same. They placed his limbs gently on the bed and began to stoke his body
soothingly. Veronica leaned over and held his head as she kissed him hard on the
lips. She thrust her tongue deep into his mouth and held him until she felt him
fight for air. "There there my precious boy, what a nice big cum you have had."
She stroked his cheeks soothingly, kissing him on the forehead and cheeks. She
noticed the big tears in his eyes as he looked up into her face. "Don't cry,
there's a good boy, we all love you. Just you lie still and I'll send for a nice
cup of tea. Gillian now stood to the side of the boy. She held his penis gently
in the palm of her hand, carefully wiping a soft damp cloth around the glans.
"I'll Just clean you up a bit, just you lie still now." She wiped between his
bottom her gentle ministering in contrast with her previous actions.

Richard was seated on the settee in the conservatory, his naked body contrasting
starkly against the brown hide. It had been half an hour since the girls had
lifted him gently from the massage table and instructed him to sit and wait on
the cool leather.
Wendy had brought him a cup of sweet tea. She had redressed in a clean uniform
with starched white apron. Richard had blushed as she looked down at his
nakedness while handing him the drink. Since the visit from Wendy, Richard had
seen no one. He had heard voices several times from the corridor beyond the
conservatory and had sat to attention his hands covering his genitals in case
someone should walk through. He blushed again at the thought of what the girls
had done to him. He had dried his tears with the back of his hand and his
blushing face now bore streaks across his cheeks. It had not just been the
humiliation of their actions, but the love and tenderness they had shown towards
him as they gently kissed and caressed him before helping him from the table.
Richard quickly placed his hands over his groin, his knees pressing together
tightly as he heard several footsteps approach. He looked up to see Lady
Rawlings quickly followed by the doctor from the medical centre and the nurse
who had bathed him earlier.
"Right young man, let's have a look at you." The doctor said brightly as she
moved in front of Richard. "Stand up and come over here." The doctor moved
toward one of the cane chairs and sat down as the Nurse and Lady Rawlings looked
on. Richard stood timidly his hands clasped to his groin covering his genitals.
He moved awkwardly to stand in front of the Doctor,. "Take those hands away and
let me have a look at you." She reached forward and placed her hands on either
hip pulling him forward. Blushing profusely Richard let his hands drop to his
sides acutely aware of the gaze of the three women as they looked down at his
groin. Delicately the doctor placed her fingers around his flaccid penis and
gently lifted it upwards. She pushed the foreskin back gently so that the glans
was fully exposed. She encircled the shaft holding the foreskin back and
deliberately ran her fingernail around the rim and over the opening gently
teasing the orifice with the very tip of the nail. Richard reacted immediately,
his hips jerking back at the intense sensation in the tip of his penis. "Keep
still young man, I'm not going to hurt you." The doctor spoke sternly as her
fingertips squeezed and manipulated his penis. "That's better the doctor pulled
the foreskin over the rim of the glans and then jerked the timid flesh back,
stretching the skin tight as she felt the penis begin to erect. Richard blushed
once more as he felt his penis harden between her fingers. The doctor continued
her manipulation, ignoring the boy's distress as his penis erected mightily. She
moved one hand between his legs and gently cupped her hand around his scrotum.
She squeezed with increasing pressure until she heard the boy gasp. Richard
looked down with horror as his penis erected, jutting upward from between his
thighs. "Right lets have a look at the foreskin young man." She looked up into
his blushing face as her fingers once again pushed the flesh back over the
glans. "The skin seems to be a lot easier than I remember at his examination at
the Medical Centre. I think perhaps the problem has been that he has reached
puberty late, or perhaps lack of opportunity for masturbation." The doctor
addressed the nurse and Lady Rawlings. "I think probably lack of opportunity, I
don't suppose there is much privacy at the Orphanage." Lady Rawlings smiled at
the doctor as she spoke. However since he has been here I have had his baths
supervised and I make sure that his genitals are thoroughly washed. Perhaps the
manipulation of the skin has had some beneficial effect." Lady Rawlings smiled
watching Richard's face as he blushed once more. The doctor nodded as she tapped
the boy's penis with her fingers. "Tell me Richard, have you played with this
while you were at the orphanage." She looked up at his blushing face, his eyes
were tightly shut as she continued to tap his erect penis from side to side.
"Come along answer me and look at me when I am talking to you. I am sure Lady
Rawlings would not hesitate in smacking that bottom of yours." Richard opened
his eyes and looked down at the doctor. His body trembled as he watched her
place a hand between his legs and firmly cup his testicles. Her pretty face
smiled up at him as she squeezed the testes her other hand pushing the foreskin
of his penis back over the glans, stretching the skin tight. Richard's whole
body shuddered as he answered her. "er.. N'no Miss... I haven't.. er done
anything like that." Lady Rawlings smiled to herself as she heard the reply. She
had had a feeling that her daughter's summing up of the boy had been correct, it
would have been unusual for a boy to faint had he been accustomed to sexual
arousal on a regular basis. "I think that you are telling me the truth Richard,
now turn around and bend over and touch you toes. I want to examine your
bottom." Richard blushed once more, his face was suffused in a deep red hue. He
turned slowly as the doctor released his penis and testicles. He felt absolutely
humiliated as he faced toward Lady Rawlings and the young Nurse. "Now bend right
over and touch your toes, legs well apart.. there's a good boy. Richard bent
over, the blood pounding in his head as he stretched to touch his toes.
Immediately he felt the cheeks of his buttocks being pulled apart. The nurse
moved forward and handed the doctor a rubber glove from the bag she had placed
on one of the chairs. She took a tube of lubricant and removing the top
carefully smeared the gel on to the fingers of the glove which the doctor was
now wearing. "Would you hold his bottom please Nurse." Richard felt his buttocks
being stretched once more and almost immediately the cool touch of the doctor's
finger at the opening of his sphincter. Breathe in there's a good boy." The
doctor's voice spoke soothingly as she gently teased the tightly puckered
sphincter. "Relax now.. that's the way." With these words she pushed her
forefinger firmly up into the boy's bottom. Richard jerked his body in an effort
to stand upright, but felt the firm pressure of the nurse's hand pushing against
the small of his back. The Nurse moved closer to Richard bending her body
forward over his back to hold him still. She smoothed her hand over his buttocks
and pulled the cheeks apart once more. "Now you stay quite still for the
doctor.. there's a good boy." Her words punctuated by the doctor's finger
suddenly penetrating even further into his bottom. Lady Rawlings watched the
boy's body shiver suddenly as the doctor's finger rubbed over the sensitive
gland of the prostate. "Arrggghh..." Richard groaned as he felt an
incredible pressure deep in side his penis. "Quickly the doctor withdrew her
finger and motioned for the nurse to release his buttocks and let the boy up.
Lady Rawlings watched as Richard stood facing her. His penis was erected to such
an extent that the tip was pointing up towards her. "Right young man." The
doctor tapped his bottom with the palm of her hand, we'll have you up on the
table and see what we can do for you. Off you go, climb up onto the table and
get on your hands and knees for me would you. She smacked his the cheeks of his
bottom with a light slap and watched as the boy stumbled forward to the massage

The nurse stood beside Richard as he knelt upon the massage bed. She laid out
various lotions and apparatus on to the table, which stood along side. Beside
the tube of an endoscope she placed three small chromium inserts. These were
small tubes measuring approximately one inch in diameter and four inches long,
the top of tubes narrowed to a rounded point. The base of the inserts reduced to
half an inch before widening into an oval flange. The nurse turned to the doctor
as she finished her task. "I think we have everything Doctor." She smiled as she
watched the doctor move between the boy's legs. "Just shuffle your knees further
apart and move backwards until you are further up this end." The doctor spoke
gently to Richard as she helped him move his body until his knees were widely
spread and his feet protruded over the end of the bed. She moved closer to his
upturned buttocks and gently ran her hand over the smooth skin of his bottom.
"Now just go down on to your elbows and try and arch your back so that I can get
at your bottom. Richard groaned as he lowered his body and rested his head on
the firm surface of the massage table. "Turn your head the other way so that you
are facing the nurse.. that's the way." The doctor completed her positioning of
the boy and stood back. Richard's buttocks were now thrust upwards, his back
arched in a concave and his chest pressed against the crisp white sheet of the
bed. The doctor steeped forward immediately behind his buttocks, looking at the
boys penis and testicles hanging down between his widely spread thighs. His
penis was still swollen but was not completely erect. Quickly the doctor took
the lubricant from the nurse and squeezed some on to her gloved hand. She gently
applied the cool lubricant between the widely spread cheeks of the boy's bottom.
He fingers smoothing and then probing insistently against the puckered star of
the sphincter. She probed gently, the lubricated rubber glove sliding across the
smooth skin. She reached for the endoscope from the nurse and applied more
lubricant to the narrow end. "Now breath deeply... in, that's
it." She watched as Richard took up the cadence of the breathing she had
indicated. Deftly she pushed the endoscope up into his bottom, watching the
involuntary shudder of the boy's body as the cold steel slipped up into his
anus. "Relax.. there's a good boy." She pushed the endoscope further into his
bottom, watching the stretched skin of the sphincter slide over the holding
flange. "There's a good boy.. that didn't hurt a bit now did it." She ignored
the muffled reply from the boy. Taking the rubber bulb between her finger she
began to squeeze in quick motions, carefully watching the sphincter stretch as
the steel pincers opened up. "Argghh... arrgh.." Richard groaned as he felt his
bottom being stretched. His hip jerked and trembled as the steel pincers
stretched open the sensitive membranes of his anus. "There I think that will
do." The doctor had deliberately stretched the sphincter wider than was
necessary for the endoscopy. "If you come around her Lady Rawlings you can see
how resilient the sphincter muscles are, I don't think you will have any trouble
with his bottom." The doctor took the other end of the endoscope and turned the
eyepiece which in turn turned on a small light situated between the open pincers
between the boy's buttocks. She held the eyepiece to her eye and looked into the
apparatus. She could see the narrow passage way of the anus quite clearly. "If
you would like to look through here you can see that anal passageway quite
clearly." She handed the eyepiece to Lady Rawlings. Lady Rawlings looked into
the eyepiece, marvelling at the clear view she had inside the boy. "The wonders
of modern science". She mused as she handed the instrument back. The doctor took
the endoscope from her ladyship and slowly released the air valve which at once
reduced the pressure from the muscles of the sphincter. Richard breathed deeply
as he felt the relief of the incredible pressure stretching his bottom. "Now I
am going to put an insert into his bottom, these are fairly small and he should
be able to one inserted for an hour at a time. If he doesn't respond to this
therapy we can always use a bigger size, but I think these will be quite
sufficient." The doctor spoke to Lady Rawlings as she gently pulled the
endoscope from the boy's bottom. Richard sighed with relief as he felt the
instrument slide out of him. He watched as the nurse took one of the small metal
tubes and squeezed lubricant on to it. Her delicate fingers moved up and down
the shaft spreading the glistening gel over the entire surface. She handed the
insert to the doctor who took the tube into her gloved hand and proceeded to
probe the opening of the sphincter with the narrow end. "If you watch how I do
this Lady Rawlings I think it should be no trouble to insert it for an hour each
morning and possibly one hour at night." Richard's body shivered as he felt the
cold metal being pushed against the opening of his bottom. His back ached as he
tried to move his bottom to escape the pressure of the metal against his bottom.
His hips jerked as he felt the sharp smack of Lady Rawlings hand across the
cheeks of his bottom. "Keep quite still Richard." She commanded as the doctor
deftly pushed the insert neatly up into his bottom. Richard grunted as he felt
his bottom being stretched. "There's a good boy, nearly all in now." The doctor
pushed the insert firmly and watched as the flesh closed over the narrowed part
of the tube, the pressure of the muscles pulling the flange tight against the
sphincter. "There you are now, I want you to lay flat on the table and close
your legs together." Richard's body was trembling quite visibly as he moved his
chest forward on the table. The pressure in his bottom was quite intense as he
lay flat on the massage bed. "Now close your legs together as tightly as you
can." The nurse moved around the table and took hold of the boys feet, pressing
his legs together. Richard felt as if his whole bottom was being stretched. The
pressure was intense, he could feel his penis tingle as the insert pressed
against the prostate gland. "Now Richard up on your feet, I want you to walk to
the end of the conservatory and back, up you get." Richard could hardly move as
he tried to turn his body to the side. He felt the soft cool hands of the doctor
and nurse help into a sitting position. He tried to ease the pressure on his
bottom by taking the weight of his body on his hands. Tentatively he slid his
feet to the floor, the pressure in his bottom increasing as he straightened his
He waddled rather than walked towards the ornate French windows at the end of
the conservatory. He felt absolutely naked and humiliated as he turned to walk
back towards the young women. He instinctively covered his genitals with his
hands, clutching his penis and testicles close to his body. "Come along, you can
walk straighter than that." The doctor spoke firmly. "Hands by your side stand
straight up and walk towards me." Richard blushed at the rebuke. He let his
hands fall to his sides and blushing profusely he walked slowly towards the
doctor. She stood with her pretty legs astride and her hands on her hips
watching him intently as he tried to walk as upright as he could back towards
her. "That's better, now I want you to touch your toes and then stand up
straight. You can do it until I tell you to stop. Come along now over you go...
right down.. that's it touch your toes .. now back up again as straight as you
can." She watched fascinated as the boy's lithe young body bent and straightened
the blushing face contorted with effort as he attempted to straighten his body.
The gasp from his lips as the pressure in his bottom increased from the
stretching and bending. "I think that will do for now, back up on to the table I
want to start the therapy on your penis." Richard coloured up once more as the
doctor mentioned his penis. Lady Rawlings helped the doctor and nurse position
the young boy facing upwards upon the massage table. The doctor moved to his
side and grasped his penis firmly. Ignoring the look of anguish on his face, she
quickly pulled the foreskin back and took the tip of his penis between the
finger and thumb of her other hand. "I think you had better have some tissues
ready." She turned to the nurse as she spoke. "I think if you were to come
around to the other side you will be able to see better Lady Rawlings." She
motioned to the far side of the table. "Now you can do this at anytime, it's
merely putting your fingers over the glans like this." Lady Rawlings watched as
the doctor placed the two fingers and thumb of one hand over the glans of his
penis and pulled the foreskin up over them. Richard jerked his hips violently as
the doctor stretched the foreskin. He gasped once more as she pulled the flesh
back down until it was stretched tight. "You can see he is fully erect now and
of course this makes the therapy far more effective. Richard began to gasp and
groan as the doctor's fingers firmly pushed the skin of his penis up over the
glans and over her fingertips. The nurse moved toward the doctor's side as she
heard the boy groan. His chest was heaving as he fought for breath and his hips
moved from side to side as he tried to escape the sensation of her fingers. "I
think he is going to ejaculate soon nurse would you hold the tissue." The matter
of fact tone did nothing to diminish the boy's utter humiliation or the
helplessness of being brought to an impending involuntary orgasm. "The foreskin
certainly seems a lot easier." The doctor's fingers increased their tempo as she
addressed Lady Rawlings. Richard's hips writhed uncontrollably as the nurse held
a tissue above his penis. The doctor quickly took her fingers away from over the
glans and firmly cupped the boy's testicles. She looked at his blushing face
noting his open mouth and heaving chest. Firmly she squeezed the scrotum as
semen erupted from the tip of his penis. The nurse neatly caught the first jets
of semen as they spurted from the tip of the boy's penis. Richard was beside
himself the insert in his bottom seemed to be increasing in pressure as his
buttocks squeezed together tightly together in the throws of his orgasm. Gently,
the nurse laid the tissue over the doctors hand watching as the last drops were
coaxed from the boy's trembling body. The doctor squeezed his testes pushing one
finger against the flange of the insert inside his bottom. "There now you just
relax while nurse cleans you up." She spoke soothingly to the helpless boy. Lady
Rawlings could not help leaning over Richard and gently taking his head in her
hands. "There my young man.. you can relax now." She leaned her head forward and
lowered her pretty lips on to his. She kissed him gently stroking his hair.
"There there.. just you lay there and relax." Lady Rawlings stroked her hand
down his chest and on to his tummy. She looked at the doctor who was gently
extracting the last drop of semen, her fingers pressing the flesh in a milking
motion, squeezing the shaft as she drew the last droplet to the tip. The nurse
gently wiped the tip before the doctor gently laid the flaccid organ against his
They left Richard and walked toward the corridor leading to her Ladyships
office. Richard lay looking up at the Glass roof of the conservatory. He
shivered occasionally as the effects of his orgasm and the sensation of the
insert in his bottom played upon his nerve ends. His embarrassment was without
relief, he blushed as his thoughts passed over the day's events. Since being
caught naked in the woods he had had little respite from constant humiliation
and yet for the first time in his life he felt some security and affection. The
orphanage, for all the goodness and charity that it offered had never been able
to bestow love and affection on any of the boys and girls. Matron had always
been kind although occasionally strict, but Richard could not think of one time
that she or any of the staff had shown any affection. His thoughts returned to
the present on hearing the return of Lady Rawlings and the doctor and nurse. He
turned his head to see the doctor approach the bed. "There are you recovered
now?" She did not wait for a reply but deliberately ran her cool fingers down
over his chest and tummy and gently took hold of his penis. Richard blushed
immediately, turning his head as the doctor took two hands to his penis, gently
pulling the soft folds of his foreskin down over the glans exposing him fully.
"Now Richard I am going to have another little look at your penis, so do try and
relax this time there's a good boy." She pulled the skin of the penis firmly as
the nurse stepped forward and gently cupped his testicles. With her other hand
she took the boy's nipple between finger and thumb and squeezed. Richard blushed
once more as the looked into his face. "Now the doctor needs to get your penis
nice and stiff so just relax." Richard blushed once more, a deep flush colouring
his face and neck. Lady Rawlings moved around the table so that she stood
looking between his parted thighs. Instinctively she placed her hands gently on
his knees, her touch immediately accenting the vulnerability of the naked boy as
he laid before her. The doctor smiled at her Ladyship as she quickly brought
Richard's penis to an erected state. His hips had already began to writhe in
small gyrations as she skilfully aroused him. Richard felt absolutely helpless,
every nerve seemed to be stretched to breaking point as they skilfully played
with his senses. The nurse bent her head close to his face, her hand still
holding his testicles firmly. "There my young man you are in a state aren't
you." She squeezed his nipple firmly at the same time squeezing and releasing
the pressure on his testes in a series of quick motions. The doctor looked at
Lady Rawlings. "If you wouldn't mind.." She nodded at the box of tissues on the
table beside her. "I want to remove the insert this time." Lady Rawlings smiled
and took several tissues from the box, she moved to the doctor's side and
watched as she cleverly manipulated the flesh of his penis. She could see the
organ pulsating as the doctor quickly pulled the foreskin down the shaft and
held it tight. She flattened the palm of her other hand and rubbed it over the
tip of the penis in a circular motion. The effect was almost electric, Richard's
hips began to move violently his bottom almost lifting off the table as he tried
to escape the acute sensation of the doctor's hands. The nurse saw the change in
the boy and squeezed his testicles hard, pulling them up from in between his
thighs. "Just a few more seconds there's a good boy." The nurse whispered as she
increased the pressure on his testicles. Quickly the doctor reached beneath the
nurse's hand holding his testicles and located the flange of the insert
in-between the boy's writhing bottom. She pulled the foreskin quickly up and
down the shaft causing the boy to gasp. "Are you ready?" She looked over at Lady
Rawlings. "Argghh...argghh" Richard screamed as semen spurted from the tip of
his penis. At that exact moment the doctor pulled the flange of the insert hard,
forcing his sphinter to stretch wide as the tube slid from his bottom.
"Argghhhh.. arrgggghhh.. argggggggghhhh." Richard screamed, the sensations
seemed to much to bear. His mouth sagged open and his chest heaved as he fought
for breath. "There, let's have all of it there's a good boy." The nurse bent her
head close to his, her arm still stretched across his tummy as she squeezed his
testicles. "Just a little longer and it will soon be over," The words seemed to
excite the young boy even more as yet another jet of semen erupted from his
penis. The doctor began to slow her hand, she pulled the tube from between his
thighs and laid it on the bed. She held the base of the penis firmly and pulled
upwards causing the last of the semen to appear in a small globule at the tip of
glans. Lady Rawlings wiped her tissue once more over the sensitive opening
watching the boy's knees quiver at the acute sensation.
She threw the tissue on to the table and moved to the head of the bed bending
over the boy. "Well Richard you've been a very good boy and you deserve a kiss."
Richard looked up as she lowered her beautiful face to his. He felt her soft
lips close over his, the sensation overwhelming him as she thrust her tongue
inside his mouth. The nurse watched suddenly squeezing his testicles as her
ladyship kissed the boy. She held the pressure for a moment before releasing the
scrotum and gently stroking her hand over his chest and tummy.

Richard watched the flock of small birds flying above the glass roof of the
conservatory. A gentle breeze permeated the air through the opened French
windows situated at the end of the glass building. The cooler air seemed to
accentuate his nakedness as he lay quietly looking up at the ceiling. It had
been over ten minutes since the doctor and nurse had left him. He could still
sense the gentle touch of the nurse as she had stroked her hand over his chest
and tummy while Her Ladyship had tenderly kissed him upon the lips. She had
instructed him to lie still and rest. The low drone and hum of summer insects in
the garden were the only sounds he could hear. Through emotional fatigue he
began to doze, his eyes closed and his breathing deepened.
Richard was woken abruptly from his dozing state, he had been neither awake nor
asleep although a heavy torpor had seemed to invade his body.
"Come along then you've had enough rest." Richard opened his eyes to see the
Nurse bending down over him. Her pretty face smiling as she pushed a hand
beneath his head and put a glass of orange juice to his lips. Richard sipped the
orange juice looking down at his naked body. The nurse took away the glass and
gently let his head back down on to the table. "Right Richard do you think you
can turn over for me and get ip on to your knees." Richard groaned inwardly,
slowly turning his body over so that he lay on his stomach. With an effort he
got to his hands and knees. He was not surprised as the nurse placed her hand on
his shoulders and pressed. "Down on your elbows there's a good boy. Richard
obeyed arching his back so that his chest was pressed against the table. He
placed his hands together and laid his head upon them. "That's the way." She
punctuated the remark by slipping a hand beneath him and cupping his testicles.
Richard blushed furiously as she took hold of his penis and pulled the foreskin
back. "It doesn't seem quite as tight Richard, I think we are making progress."
Richard felt more hands gently part his buttocks. "Right keep still young man,
while I replace the insert." Richard had not heard the Doctor approach.
Involuntarily he clenched his buttocks against the impending intrusion. "Right
young man, we'll have none of that. Relax your bottom properly." Richard felt a
lubricated finger gently probe the puckered star of his anus. "Hold still I
can't get at you properly if you keep squirming around." A sharp slap across his
bottom accompanied the instruction. Richard blushed once more his face bright
crimson as the nurse watched his face intently. "Now don't be a naughty boy, let
the doctor get at your bottom properly." Richard felt the finger gently probe
around the opening of his bottom. He grimaced as he felt the acute sensation of
her finger as she slowly pushed it up into his anus. He grunted as she suddenly
pushed her finger up even further into the tight orifice. "There that's better
now just relax while I insert the appliance." The nurse was acutely aware of the
young boy's embarrassment as the doctor slowly withdrew her finger and placed
the tip of the cylindrical insert up against his sphincter. She watched his body
shudder as the cold metal was pushed hard against the puckered opening. "Right
breathe in deeply, come along now in... and out... in and out.... in." Her
sentence stopped abruptly as the insert was deftly pushed up into his bottom.
"Arggggghhh.. mmmm.. mm. Richard groaned as the metal slid upwards into his
bottom. "There now that went in nicely." The doctor looked across at the nurse
who was gently stroking her hand over the boy's shoulders. She placed her hands
on either buttock and spread the cheeks wide. She had never quite analysed her
own feelings or predilections but this moment seemed immensely satisfying.
Perhaps it was the feeling of power coupled with a certain sexual domination.
Whatever the explanation she knew exactly what she liked and what gave her
satisfaction. She squeezed her legs together, her pubis pressed against the edge
of the table. The thin material of her white coat transmitting the cold of the
table's steel edge. She reached forward and took a firm hold of the boy's penis.
Just you keep still now while I manipulate the foreskin." Richard grunted as he
felt the doctor pull his foreskin back. He grimaced as he felt her deliberately
tighten the skin and at the same time squeeze his testicles firmly. The nurse
watched intently. The boy's face was coloured bright red as the doctor proceeded
to pull the foreskin back and forth along the shaft of his penis. "Relax there's
a good boy." The doctor was well aware of the feeling that must be running
through his body as the penis became erect. She could see his sphincter had
contracted over the metal flange of the insert as she expertly brought him to a
full erection. The nurse was gently stroking his back as the doctor increased
the pace of her fingers. Richard groaned loudly as the doctor's delicate fingers
pulled the foreskin firmly up the shaft. His body began to tremble as she deftly
placed her flattened palm over the tip of the penis and rotated it. Richard
tried to raise his hips to escape the intense feeling but the doctor held him
firmly. "Just you keep still if you don't want another smack." She increased the
tempo of her fingers once more, gesturing to the nurse as she did so. "If you
would..." The nurse quickly picked up a tissue and held it under the boy just
below the tip of his penis. "Arrggghhh arggggghhh.. mmmn..
please miss..ssss." The sensation in his body was incredible. Richard's hips
bucked and shook as he climaxed. Semen spurted from the tip of his penis in an
agonising jet. The nurse held the tissue nearer to the tip as the doctor
manipulated the foreskin at a rapid rate. Without warning she took hold of the
insert in his bottom and pulled hard. The boy reared up on his hands as the
sphincter was stretched wide over the larger circumference of the middle of the
tube. "Arrgggghhh ..arggggghhh Pleaeeees miss ssss." The boy's head shook from
side to side as the doctor laid the insert on the bed beneath his widely
stretched legs and pulled his testicles backwards squeezing them firmly. "Let it
all come out there's a good boy." She gave him no respite as he ejaculated,
rapidly pulling the foreskin up and down the shaft of his penis as she squeezed
the testicles still harder. "Arggghhhh.. arggh..arggghhhhhhhhh.." Richard was
beside himself as she squeezed the last drop of semen out of his penis.
They left the boy to recover for a few moments before Nurse Harvey helped him
from the bed. "Right young man I am going to give you a nice warm bath. It's all
over now so I hope you are going just relax, what do you say?" Richard managed
to mutter "Y'yes miss.. Thankyou."

Shafts of sunlight filtered through the panes of the high window. The mullions
casting shadows across the carpet. Lady Rawlings leaned back on her chair and
looked across her desk at the young woman. Surely this could not be the grand
daughter of Harriet Marwood. Or even the daughter of Henrietta who had
safeguarded her mother's reputation, even enhancing it over the years. The young
woman could be no more than nineteen years old. Her face was surely the face of
an angel. Her sweet voice was soft with a delicate precise timbre. Jane Marwood
was indeed beautiful. Her delicate features smiling beneath jet black hair. Her
slim shoulders were set straight as she sat primly in her chair. Although her
body was slender, her breasts were full and firm, stretching the smooth cotton
of her shirt tightly. She wore a short skirt which finished half way to her
pretty knees. Her legs were long and slim. Lady Rawlings remembered how
gracefully the girl had moved when she had first walked in. "I am sure we will
get along well together Lady Rawlings." Jane was saying. I have only had one
other charge before and that was for a period of six months. The rest of my
experience has of course been at my mothers school. She did explain to you I
think that at the moment it was not possible to take Richard. She does not
object in principle of course, I mean about Richard being the only boy. But as
yet we, or rather she does not have the appropriate facilities. Lady Rawlings
was listening to the girl but her mind was elsewhere. She had severe misgivings
that Jane would make a suitable School Mistress or Governess for the boy. What
Lady Rawlings had in mind was a strict disciplinarian. Someone who would
completely understand the nuances and subtleties of the kind of psychological
moulding she had in mind for her young charge. Jane had already sensed that her
Ladyship was not paying full attention to her. She was aware of the visual
impression she made. She had prepared herself for the eventuality of being
taken only at face value. Now it seemed was the time to reveal her determination
and dominance. "Lady Rawlings would you stand up please" Jane's voice quickly
bought her ladyship out of the reverie with her own thoughts. "I won't tolerate
young girls that don't pay attention in class." Jane's voice was still sweet and
gentle and yet there was a subtle determination to her tone, almost
imperceptible but Lady Rawlings was quite sure of what she heard. Lady Rawlings
stood up, almost instinctively. She could not help the look of surprise on her
face as she first began to realise the role play the young girl had instigated
with one simple command. "What is your first name, quickly girl answer me," Lady
Rawlings smiled but answered in a slightly timid tone. "Victoria Miss, but most
people know me as Vicki." Jane nodded, watching her Ladyship as her face put on
a serious expression. "Well Vicki, I am afraid I shall have to punish you. You
have been a very naughty girl and I will not tolerate naughty girls. This is for
your own good and I want you to take it without fuss. Come here and stand in
front of me." Lady Rawlings obeyed, standing to attention in front of the slim
young girl seated in front of her. She wondered how far Jane was prepared to
take the charade. Jane remained seated and reached up underneath the cotton
tunic that her ladyship was wearing. "Hands on your head, there's a good girl."
Jane said sweetly as she gently pulled her ladyship's panties down over her
knees to her ankles. Take your shoes off and put your panties over there on the
chair. Her ladyship was at a loss for words. She had been given no time to
protest. Almost in shock she obeyed the young girl, taking off her shoes and
stepping out of the lace panties before laying them over the chair. "Stand in
front of me Vicki, now hands by your sides... head up and look at me." Victoria
Rawlings had not been spoken to this way since boarding school. It unnerved her
in a way and yet she was determined that she would continue at least for a time.
Jane stood up and held Victoria's chin with gentle fingers. "Look at me Vicki, I
don't want to punish you, but I must." Her eyes had an expression of gentility
and kindness as she spoke. She let go of her Ladyship's chin and quickly
unbuttoned the front of her cotton tunic, before undoing the belt. Lady Rawlings
felt the soft gentle touch of the young woman's fingers as she quickly went
about her task. Lady Rawlings shivered involuntarily as Jane exposed her. Apart
from the dress that now hung open her Ladyship was naked. Jane gently slipped
the garment from her shoulders, exposing her completely. "Take your dress and
put it with your panties." Victoria Rawlings did as she was told. Even though
she understood the real purpose of their interplay she could not help a shiver
passing through her body as she laid her dress on the chair and stood back in
front of her young interlocutor. "Right my pretty girl, go over there and kneel
on that chair." She pointed to the Chesterfield chair which was placed beneath
the partly open window. Lady Rawlings hesitated, surely the girl would not dare
beat her and of course she had nothing to beat her with. She walked to the
chesterfield and knelt on the seat facing the padded backrest. "Come along
Victoria, not like that. I want one knee on each arm and lay your tummy over the
top of the backrest. Hurry up now, I don't want to have to add to your
punishment." Lady Rawlings felt herself blush for the first time since she had
left school. If she were to kneel on the chair as instructed, her legs would be
spread apart to the extreme. She also realised that as she were to lean over her
bottom would be thrust upward while her head and shoulders hung down over the
other side.
Surely now was the time to call a halt to the proceedings. Something inside her
told her no, carry on after all she was in control. She carefully stood on the
seat before placing one knee on to the padded arm of the Chesterfield. Holding
on to the backrest she was just able to stretch her legs far enough apart to
place the other knee on the opposite arm. She shivered as the cold leather on
the top of the chair-back touched her tummy. Jane watched her the lithe body of
her ladyship as she spread her slim supple legs, her knees pressing into the
leather of the arms. Her bottom thrust up into the air as she leaned over the
back of the chair. Her buttocks were parted exposing the tiny sphincter. Her
pubic mound looked plump and fleshy beneath the neat triangle of soft blonde
hair. Lady Rawlings fought her desire to get up and call a halt instead she let
her body relax, her back arched gracefully over the back of the chair. "Aren't
you ashamed of yourself." Jane spoke softly and soothingly. "Having to be
smacked like a baby at your age." Victoria felt cool soft fingers gently caress
her naked bottom. The velvety touch slowly moving down over the cheeks,
delicately moving between the cleft of her bottom. "Don't you dare move my girl
or there will be extra smacks to follow." Lady Rawlings bit her lip in
preparation for what she now knew must surely come. It was without warning.
There was no lifting of the caressing fingers as the first smack landed on the
juncture between thigh and bottom. Smack.. Smack... Smack.. Smack.. and on it
went, ten hard smacks in quick succession. The hand that had caressed her bottom
now pressed firmly on the small of her back, holding her securely in place.
Don't move there's a good girl, I am afraid there is more to come. I have to
punish you properly. I am sorry to say that you will now receive ten strokes of
the cane. Lady Rawlings was quite beside herself as she heard the warning of
more to come. "I think I will have to call a halt." She was surprised to hear
her voice tremble. "It's all right Victoria, the strokes are not for you and not
today, but I do want you to stay just where you are. Your poor bottom is quite
red." Jane gently stroked over the reddened buttocks with gentle fingers. She
slipped her dainty hand between the cleft of her ladyships bottom. Delicately
she placed a second hand up between the widely spread thighs and cupped the
fleshy plump pubis. Two slim fingers penetrated her in unison, one pushing up
into the surprisingly moist vagina. The second finger pushing up into the anus,
impaling the reddened buttocks on the end of a finger. "You naughty girl, you
are quite wet, what on earth have you been thinking of. You are obviously quite
incorrigible and I am afraid you must be made an example of." Lady Rawlings
felt herself blush. She could not remember the last time she had felt quite so
embarrassed. She could not help move her hips as Jane's finger gently stroked
the inside of her moist vagina.

Jane quickened her fingers, rejoicing in the reluctant movements of the hips
beneath her. "Stay still you naughty girl" Her lady ship felt the finger being
quickly withdrawn from her bottom. Almost instantly she felt two sharp slaps
upon her upturned buttocks. "Now do as you are told, you naughty girl".
Immediately Jane pushed her forefinger up into the naked woman's bottom,
watching her squirm as she proceeded to quicken the pace of her fingers within
the moist vagina.
"Why I do believe you are going to come, what a naughty girl you are showing off
your feelings in this way. If I catch you getting wet like this again I shall
stand you up naked facing the classroom and show everyone what a lewd girl you
are". Lady Rawlings shuddered, her hips quivering as she reached her orgasm. She
could not help herself as her hips squirmed deliciously. Jane increased the
pressure of her finger in her Ladyships bottom as she thrust her other hand
deeper into the woman's soft vagina. It was the combination of young girls
physical ministrations and the imagery of her words that caused her ladyship to
react so quickly. She shuddered as she felt a second wave of intense sexual
sensation course through her body. Jane quickened the pace and pressure of her
fingers as she felt the lithe tanned body squirm and buck beneath her. She
leaned her body over the slender back of her victim and gently slowed the pace
of her fingers as her ladyship spent once more. "There, there my pretty girl you
are having a big cum aren't you. I can see you that I shall have to keep a close
eye on you if you go on behaving like this." Jane slid her fingers gently from
the warm sensitive flesh of the woman's vagina and gently took hold of the
prominent clitoris, she pinched quite sharply. She watched as her Ladyship's
body stiffened and then shuddered as another wave of sexual pleasure washed over
her. Delicately she withdrew her finger from between the quivering buttocks and
stroked her hand lovingly over the blushing flesh of her Ladyships reddened
bottom cheeks. "My, my you are a naughty child." Her words subtly reducing the
status of her victim from woman... to girl... to child. Jane continued stroking
her Ladyship, first withdrawing her hand from the pubis and stroking gently
beneath her tummy, her other hand bestowing feathery touches over her Ladyships
quivering buttocks.
After a few moments Jane straightened up and walked back to her chair. "I would
like you to get up and come over and stand in front of me. I want you to put
your hands on your head and stand in front of me with your legs spread apart. I
do not want you to speak unless I tell you to. You may answer me now... is that
Lady Rawlings got up awkwardly from the chair, her beautiful body glistening in
the sunlight from the window. She walked as instructed towards the young girl
and stood in front of her. She was totally embarrassed by the situation she
found herself in, she spread her legs as wide as she could and placed her hands
on top of her head. She felt utterly humiliated as the young girl leaned forward
in her chair and cupped her delicate hand between her widely parted thighs. She
shuddered as the young girl's fingers pushed upward into her vagina. Her
ladyship was about to protest when the Jane suddenly pulled her hand away and
stood up. Her body pressed close to the naked woman. Without warning she took
both nipples and pinched them at the same time leaning forward she kissed her
ladyship on the mouth, her tongue thrusting between the parted lips. Jane could
feel the woman tremble as she kissed her. Letting go of the her nipples she
placed her hands gently on either side of her head and pulled her face away. As
she drew back, her Ladyship could see a wistful smile on her face. "I think we
ought to start our interview again your Ladyship.. now that you have seen my
curriculum vitae so to speak. Her ladyship smiled. "I think I will just put my
dress on... and yes I think we do have a lot to discuss.
Jane had watched her Ladyship dress and they now sat in easy chairs at the other
end of the room. The large mullions of the window diffracting the sunlight into
soft patterns upon the carpet. Lady Rawlings stretched lazily in her chair
stretching her tanned legs out in front of her. "I see what you mean now, in
fact you have crystallised my ideas in the short time we have had together."
Lady Rawlings smoothed her hand over her legs as she spoke. "I can see that your
methods are far more subtle than I had realised. Of course! periods of absolute
normality punctuated with extreme embarrassment and subjugation." Jane smiled,
her pretty lips poised to speak. "And of course this will eventually lead to the
boy having no control at all. In other words he will become sexually aroused on
demand. He will have a complete reliance upon the female. He is already as you
say intimidated by female beauty and if he is kept completely out of contact
with boys of his own age he will not be able to compare his experiences. In fact
it would not be advisable for him to have any authoritarian contact with any
male." Jane leaned back in her chair and continued. "He will feel totally
secure, he will know that he will always be loved and cared for, at the same
time on a different level he will be in a constant state of embarrassment and
sexual awareness."
Lady Rawlings smiled at Jane. The afternoon had been a revelation to her,
although she had clear ideas about the future of the boy, it had not always been
possible to map out the practicalities of his upbringing. Having Jane in the
house would be more than a pleasure and even though she knew her daughter would
be taking a keen interest in the boy, she realised that constant supervision was
the best solution. Diane and Veronica would be back at school for their last
year and she herself had many commitments, not least of which was her duty as
magistrate for the Manx judiciary.
"If you are able to start here soon I think it would be advisable for you to
have complete supervision of the house staff. As you know we have two maids. One
of which has just arrived as a refugee. They are both extremely pretty and may
on occasions provide you with some amusement. There are also two girls in the
kitchen. Rachael and Claire, they are seventeen and eighteen years old and live
here. In fact we are very self contained. The estate office is situated in 'Far
Acre' That is six miles away. We have over sixteen staff who run the farm
estate, none of these have any contact with the household. In fact we allow no
visitors at all. Provisions are delivered to the gate house lobby and are
brought up by the kitchen staff each morning. The house as you saw when you came
is completely walled off so everything within the gardens is private to myself
and household staff." Jane smiled as her Ladyship explained the intricacies of
the household. "Most large estates like this suffer from gossip, especially in
the villages. For that reason I have chosen that everyone who works here lives
in. None of the staff have any family, so apart from shopping trips to Douglas,
they have no contact with the outside world. Even though I have had on occasions
to discipline all of the staff we have a very pleasant happy atmosphere. Jane
smiled. "Do you mean by discipline that you have caned their bottoms." Lady
Rawlings gave an impish smile to her new young governess. "Yes all of them at
one time or another, and I am sure you will be doing the same after all they
will be your responsibility.

"Tell me about the maids and the kitchen staff and what their exact
responsibilities are, and then you can tell me about Richard." Lady Rawlings
smiled. "I think if I am going to be talking for the rest of the afternoon we
had better have some tea." She rang the bell cord hanging from the wall at the
side of her chair. "Wendy, who answered the door to you, will probably answer
the bell. I will get Annette to bring the tea tray and you will be able to have
a look at her. I will tell you about the kitchen maids first. They are Rachael
and Claire. Rachael is from Douglas and was up before me in court as a ward. Her
mother died just after she was fifteen, her father had abandoned the family
years before to live on the mainland. I don't think there was too much love in
the family and I took pity on her and gave her a job here. She is under a
supervisory order until she is twenty-one years old. In essence that means that
she is legally in my charge. If she were to leave she would be brought back or
jailed upon my decision. She has responded well to kindness and has become an
excellent member of the household. She is well built, certainly not plump but
shall we say well rounded. I showed her kindness and apart from one little
incidence which was the first time I punished her, her conduct has been
flawless. In fact the only time she makes a mistake is on purpose" Jane nodded
her head. "Tell me what little incidence and what you did about it."
"I thought you would pick me up on that. She spilled a large copper cooking pot
of soup all over the kitchen floor just prior to dinner. Diane had brought
Veronica to the house for the first time and was rather annoyed when we could
not serve soup. They laughed about it afterwards, but I do think Diane was very
annoyed at the time."
"How did you punish her?"
"A good smack bottom of course!"
Jane waited knowing that if she did Lady Rawlings would go on with her story.
"I was rather tempted to punish her there and then in the kitchen but I was not
sure how she would react with Claire present so I waited until the next day and
had her come here to my study. I chastised her verbally but with I hope
understanding. She broke down into to tears and said that she admitted it should
not have happened and that she thought the world of me and would do anything to
make it up, In fact I seem to be suffering a lot with hero worship at the
moment, Wendy is just as bad." Jane smiled, her understanding of human nature
surpassed her years. "It is very normal for girls to get a crush on their elders
and betters as well as their peers." Lady Rawlings nodded her agreement. She
brushed back her hair with her hand and smiled at Jane. "Of course I already had
an inkling of how the girl felt and I really was hesitant about punishing her,
however there was something in her voice that prompted me to carry out what I
had already planned. I told her that in view of the seriousness of the occasion
I would have to cane her bottom. To my surprise she blushed bright red but
nodded her head and said 'I know madam.' She might have heard that Wendy had
already had a smack bottom with the hairbrush I imagine the girls do confide in
each other occasionally. To cut a long story short, and I will have to if I am
ever going to brief you on the rest of the household. I told her to take off her
kitchen coat. It is a white coat and often their only clothing apart from
underwear, it often gets very hot in the kitchen. She obeyed without hesitation
although I must say she looked very shy and embarrassed. She was wearing a lace
bra and panties underneath, obviously not expensive but quite pretty. Her figure
is quite astounding without clothes and of course kitchen coats do conceal most
of ones shape. I made her stand in her underwear while I fetched a riding crop
from the cupboard... I didn't have a cane at that time. I noticed she had kept
her flat shoes on so I made her bend over and take them off. She really looked
very pretty bending over. Her breasts are very large and I remember wanting to
see how firm they were, so I instructed her to take off her bra and lay her
upper body flat on the desk. She seemed extremely shy at having to take off her
bra, but she obeyed without hesitation. She really has quite magnificent
breasts." Jane smiled. "I always strip the girls at school quite naked it
increases their shame and of course makes them feel far more vulnerable. Unless
of course we are doing an exposure." Lady Rawlings looked quizzically at the
young girl. "Exposure? I am not familiar with the term."
Jane smiled. "It is when we want to make a girl particularly embarrassed in a
certain situation. I will make her hold her skirt to her waist and pull her
knickers down as far as her knee's. It is quite effective. I'll explain some of
our methods to you when I start.. I am presuming that I will be starting."
"Of course Jane.." Lady Rawlings pretty lips drew back in a smile, revealing
perfect white even teeth. "I had decided that you were perfect for the job
during our little interlude earlier."
Jane smiled at her ladyship adjusting her body lazily in the easy chair. "Do go
on with your story."
"Well I waited until she was bent over the desk and laid the crop on the top
beside her head so that she would see it close up. I stood behind her and pulled
her panties down to the floor. She had bent over with her legs together so that
I had no problem in taking them down. I lifted her feet one by one and took her
panties off. I remember saying 'right my girl, up on your toes and get that
bottom high in the air.' She obeyed immediately she really pushed her bottom up,
arching her back. She looked quite magnificent bending naked like that. I took
the cane and put tapped it upwards between her legs. I said 'As high as you can
with that bottom' or words to that effect. She really strained to get her bottom
higher and as arched her back I gave her the first stroke right across the
middle of her bottom. She shook furiously with the first stroke but managed to
remain bending over. I gave her a second just above the first one. She really
quivered with the pain. I could see her face quite clearly as she had laid her
head towards the side I was delivering the crop. I remember telling her to get
her bottom higher as I gave her one more right in the juncture between her
buttocks and thighs. She really broke then, she twisted her body to the side and
looked straight at me, her breasts were heaving as she twisted body on the desk.
I really felt sorry for her, but I had decided to give her four and I was
determined that she would receive them all. 'Back flat on the desk and get that
bottom up, you have one more to come. If you do not obey me I shall give you
six.' I think those are the words I used." Lady Rawlings looked intently at
Jane, she could see the excitement in the girls eyes as she recounted the
details of the young maid's punishment. "I had to wait while she regained her
composure. She was really trembling by the time she was back in position. I
remember thinking how hard it must be to offer your bottom up for punishment
when your whole body is on fire with the pain you have already received. I made
her wait for a few moments knowing that every nerve was on edge waiting for the
last stroke. I stood back and sliced her buttocks from the top. It was more of a
downward stroke. She broke immediately. She slid to the floor and lay there
writhing on her bottom. It was such a pretty site. I remember chiding her
'What's the matter have you no modesty look at you' or words to that effect. She
really did look delightful. She had a little tuft of hair between her legs and a
beautiful plump pubis. I watched her as she thrashed about on the floor, trying
to get the sting out of her bottom. When she finally did get up I took her over
my knee and put some cream on her bottom. I could feel her pushing her pubis
against my thigh as she laid across me. I stroked in-between her legs and she
climaxed almost immediately. I am sure she now looks forward to being punished
more than anything else. I am sure she still feels pain just as much as the
first time she was beaten, but I think the thought of what is to happen
afterwards sees her through her ordeals."
A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. "I think Wendy has taken far
too long in answering my bell. Perhaps this will give you an opportunity to have
a look at the girl in more detail." Lady Rawlings turned her head toward the
door. "Come in." Both Wendy and Annette appeared through the door pushing a tea
trolley. They wheeled it into the room adjacent to Lady Rawlings and her young
"I took the liberty Madam of bringing both tea and coffee. There are some cakes
as well Ma'am." Lady Rawlings laughed. "You have been busy, I thought you were
taking a long time answering the bell." Wendy stood up primly "I'm sorry Madam,
I just thought as it was already passed half past three, that you might be ready
for tea."
Lady Rawlings smiled at her young maid. "You are perfectly right this time
Wendy, Would you and Annette care to pour."
Lady Rawlings turned toward Jane. "Will you take tea or coffee?" Jane looked
intently at both girls watching their movements. "I will have tea please."
Lady Rawlings let the girls pour the tea and uncover the pastries before she
spoke. "Wendy and Annette come and stand in front of me, I want to introduce you
to Jane Marwood." She watched Jane observing the girls as they moved to stand in
front of the easy chairs. Jane looked the girls up and down as they stood side
by side. Wendy with long slender legs stood a head taller than Annette. Both
maids were wearing short black dresses, showing off their bare thighs to pretty
effect. Lady Rawlings smiled up at them. "This is Jane Marwood, who will be
taking over the supervision of Richard's education as well as his physical and
moral well being. She will be in complete charge of the household during my
absences and will have charge of the day to day running with myself. I think you
may address her as Miss or Miss Marwood." Lady Rawlings turned to Jane with a
warm smile. "What would you prefer Jane?" Jane smiled up at the girls. Her
beautiful delicate features giving no hint of the discipline that she was about
to wield. "I will be quite happy to be addressed as Miss and I am sure that we
will get along splendidly." Both Wendy and Annette bobbed a little curtsey and
said, "Yes Miss." in unison.
"Good I think we will all benefit from Jane's presence." Lady Rawlings could not
help thinking how true her words might be. She continued. "I will inform you of
which rooms Jane will occupy when I have time to show her round. I wish to
inform Richard myself so I would prefer it if you did not mention it yet. I will
be visiting the kitchens later so again I will inform Rachael and Claire. Off
you go, you may come and collect the tea things in half an hour."
Jane watched as the girls walked primly from the room. She was delighted with
them both, she turned to Her Ladyship. "They really are very pretty girls and
obviously most obedient and willing. I would say Wendy is already bound by love
and I imagine Annette is not far behind."
Lady Rawlings nodded. "You are right, I think Annette is most grateful for her
situation here. Her life in Asia I understand was most traumatic. She seems
determined to do exactly what she is told in order to keep her position. I would
imagine she is willing to put up with most things, she is old enough not to
forget the violence or her hunger and poverty in Vietnam."
"I would like to hear about Claire if you feel like indulging me." Lady Rawlings
laughed her pretty eyes revealing the merriment she felt. "You really are going
to keep on the straight and narrow aren't you. But of course you are quite right
we have so much to discuss we will be in conference for days." She sat back and
swung her bare legs up underneath her. "I really do feel like a pussy cat that
as had the cream, What you did earlier has proved very therapeutic." Jane
smiled. "I am sure I enjoyed it as much as you. You have a beautiful body and
you really do move so prettily when you are aroused." Lady Rawlings was
surprised to feel her self blush. "Do you realise you have made me blush, not
something I have done for a long time." Jane laughed. "I think we are all
capable of embarrassment in the right circumstances. I was rather apprehensive
when I came here. I have always wanted charge of a young boy and I was rather
worried that mother's description of the boy was overly flattering. I must be
honest and say until I had met you I was not sure that your standards would meet
mine. I don't mean that as a detrimental remark but more in the way that when
you want something as badly as I do, you are in fear of being let down. Let's
talk about Claire, as you probably have gathered I would like to talk about the
boy last."
Lady Rawlings was looking intently at Jane, her voice was quiet and serious as
she spoke. "I will tell you about Claire, but let me put your mind at rest on
Richard. He is everything you have been led to expect. His physical appearance
is exceptional. For my daughter to enthuse about Richard the way she did I knew
he must be above the ordinary. When I first saw him I knew she was right. But
let me continue with Claire. She is from the same orphanage as Richard. I saw
her there.. oh it must be four years ago. I had been invited to present the
education certificates to fifteen year olds. Claire I believe was in the form
below. I noticed her initially because of her beauty. She stood out from the
others not just with her looks but her graceful movements, even in orphanage
clothing she had an air and manner that didn't belong in those stark, austere
surroundings. I mentioned her to Matron who said that she was a quiet unassuming
girl. She was bright in class and yet showed kindness and deference to the
others. I decided to bring her here. She is, like Rachael and Richard under my
legal guardianship until she is twenty-one years old. She is seventeen at
"Why did you decide to use her in the kitchen, if she is so graceful I mean?"
Jane inquired.
"Well Wendy was already here and so I started Claire in the Kitchen with perhaps
the thought of moving her later on. It was after I had disciplined Rachael that
I was in the kitchen one day and noticed that Claire was wearing perfume. I
immediately recognised it as Chanel 5. So I knew it must have been mine,
obviously taken from my dressing table. The girls help clean the rooms so Claire
would have ample opportunity to take a quick dab of perfume. I questioned her
immediately and she admitted trying some on. I think my best ideas come on the
spur of the moment. I instructed Rachael to take Claire up to the bathroom and
wash her from head to toe. Up in between her legs in her bottom in fact
everywhere. Both girls were blushing furiously but I continued to instruct them.
After Rachael had bathed Claire she was to bring her as she was (naked in other
words) down to my office where she would receive the cane. Rachael told me later
that Claire had climaxed as soon as she had began to wash between her legs. In
fact I believe she climaxed three times before Rachael had finished." Jane was
leaning forward her eyes sparkling as Lady Rawlings recounted the events. "I was
in my office by the time the girls came down. Claire was blushing from head to
toe. It was the first time I had seen her naked. Her body is quite beautiful she
has quite large breasts for such a slender frame and her waist is absolutely
tiny. She has long slender legs and only wisp of hair between her legs. The girl
was covering her pubis with her hands. I remember hair squirming as she stood in
front of me. One thing I did notice was a certain excitement within Rachael. She
had obviously enjoyed bathing the girl and I suspect making her climax. I made
Claire stand to attention with her hands by her sides. She was shivering from
head to toe. I fetched the cane (I bought several soon after I had had to use a
riding crop on Rachael) and swished it through the air. Her look of anguish was
exquisite. I bent her over the desk with her arms outstretched on either side.
Her breasts were nicely squashed against the leather surface. I instructed
Rachael to stand to the girls side and put one hand underneath her tummy. I
reached between the girls legs and placed Rachael's hand so that she was cupping
the girl's pubis. I told her to take a tight hold knowing that her fingers would
press into the vagina. I made Rachael press down on the small of the girls back
with her other hand. I gave her four sound strokes of the cane in quick
succession. She bucked and reared but managed to stay bent over. As soon as
Rachael had released her she slumped at my feet holding on to my legs, pleading
that she was sorry. She really was in quite a state. I felt so sorry for her
that I sat down and took her over my knee immediately. The most unusual
occurrence was that Rachael took a tube of cream from her pocket. The same make
of cream that I had used on her, and handed it to me. "I thought you might need
this she said." Can you imagine, she was hoping that I would do to Claire what I
had done to her."
Jane smiled. "You obliged of course."
"Yes of course." Lady Rawlings laughed. "But I began to understand that Rachael
was really fond of Claire and that she genuinely hoped I would treat her in the
same way. I mean even to bringing the same type of cream down from the bathroom.
I always keep some here anyway. I instructed Rachael to stroke the girl gently
while I rubbed cream on her bottom. It was really a revelation of her feelings
for the girl. She stroked her hair and then I noticed her put her hand under the
girls breast. I put cream on her poor bottom. The marks were quite livid and I
had to be very gentle with her. I pushed my hands between her bottom cheeks and
popped a finger into her vagina. I could feel her move her hips almost
immediately and it couldn't have been more that a few minutes before she
climaxed so strongly that I thought she was going to have a fit. Rachael in the
meantime I am sure was squeezing the poor girls nipples. Since that time they
have become inseparable, really good friends and I am sure that hop into each
others bed. They share a bedroom through choice although I have offered them
bedrooms of their own."
Jane leaned back a smile on her face. "I am really looking forward to being
here. I think that I will have to plan my contact with all the girls rather
carefully, but I am sure that tenderness coupled with discipline will give me
the control I need. What I need now is to discuss Richard in detail, so that we
are both in absolute agreement about his upbringing."
"I have no doubt we are already in perfect agreement, but I will give you a run
down on everything that has happened so far. I have received his school reports
from the orphanage and all his medical details."
Lady Rawlings proceeded to tell Jane about Richard, interrupted only by the
maids clearing away the tea trolley. They talked at length, the sun's rays
slowly diminishing through the study window. It was early evening by the time
they had finished. As they got up from their chairs, Lady Rawlings said. "I have
an idea how you could see Richard and yet still meet him on fresh ground on
Monday morning. That is if you would like to stay for dinner. I will ask Wendy
and Annette to have their meals with Richard in the small drawing room and we
will eat in the dining room. Claire and Rachael enjoy eating in the small
conservatory which is just off from the kitchens, so you will be able to meet
them on your own terms. How would that suit you?" Jane nodded her agreement.
Lady Rawlings continued I will put Richard to bed early and you can see him when
he is asleep. He has been at the lake with Diane as Veronica is shopping in
Douglas. He is usually tired after swimming all day, so I think you would be
able to leave about nine. How long does it take to get back to the school?"
"Oh.. about ten minutes I suppose, there is never any traffic around here and
the road is good for a country road."

It was nine o clock in the evening when Lady Rawlings and Jane Marwood slipped
quietly into Richard's bedroom. The room was dark apart from moonlight from the
stone framed window which cast a silvery light over the bed. Lady Rawlings
reached down and turned on the bedside light. A soft glow lit the room and for
the first time Jane Marwood was able to see her new charge.
"Isn't he beautiful." Jane whispered as she bent over the bed watching the young
boy in repose. Richard did not stir as Lady Rawlings carefully lifted the covers
and drew them back to the end of the bed, fully exposing the boy's naked body.
Richard was laid on his back with his head turned to one side. Jane examined the
boy carefully from head to toe. Indeed he was more than she imagined. She looked
at the pale smooth skin, his graceful torso and legs before focusing her
attention on his penis and testicles. His penis was slightly laying across his
thigh. Jane was sorely tempted to gently cup his penis and testicles in her hand
but knew that the risk of waking him would spoil her future plans. After a few
moments Lady Rawlings raised an enquiring eye to Jane. The girl nodded and Her
Ladyship gently drew the covers back over the sleeping boy. As they descended
the stairs Jane could not help the excitement in her voice. She put her arm
around Lady Rawlings and kissed her tenderly on the cheek.
Lady Rawlings smiled. It was now time for her own curiosity to be filled. "I
know it's late Jane but I would like you to do one thing for me before you go. I
know we have spent most of the day going through our arrangements, but it will
not take long." Jane leaned against her companion. "Of course anything you want
you only have to ask." They entered the small sitting room to the right of the
staircase. Lady Rawlings immediately sat down on the large settee looking up at
the young girl. "What is it you want." Jane smiled down at her Ladyship as she
"I want you to strip off your clothes so that I can have a good look at your
body." Jane looked shocked for a second and then smiled. "I suppose fair is fair
and I did take you rather by surprise." Without hesitation she began to undo the
buttons of her shirt, the white silk contrasted starkly with tanned flesh as she
slowly revealed her naked breasts. She pulled the silk from beneath the broad
leather belt and shrugged off the garment on to the floor. Her breasts were
magnificent, jutting straight out from above her narrow waist. Quickly she undid
the leather belt letting it drop to the floor. Her red fingernails flashed in
the light of the fire as she undid the waistband of her skirt. It slid down her
tanned thighs to her feet. She stood for a moment, her splendidly proportioned
body glistening with health. She hooked her long delicate fingers into the
waistband of her panties and pushed them down over her beautifully proportioned
thighs and over her knees to the floor. She kicked them off and stood in front
of her Ladyship. Her nipples stood out in sharp relief against the contours of
her firm breasts. The dark aureoles were large and plump accentuating the firm
flesh of the nipple. Her waist, so tiny against the plump firm flesh of her
breasts. Her hips swelled below the tiny waist, a beautiful curvature to the
slender legs below. Lady Rawlings leaned forward and cupped her hand between the
girls legs. Her fingers gently caressing the prominent mound of her smoothly
shaven pubis. Without warning she slipped a finger between the fleshy mounds at
either side of her vagina. "Why Jane you are quite moist. Why don't you come and
sit on my knee." Jane moved forward gracefully, her ladyships hand still cupping
her pubis as she sat down on her knees. "Now lean back on the settee so that you
are laid with just your bottom on my knees. Jane smiled, almost shyly as she
leaned back on to the soft cushions and swung her legs up on to the other side
of the settee. "Open up a bit I want to have a little look at you." Her
Ladyships voice was soft and low as she gently parted the girls thighs. "Now I
can get at you, my you have a nice plump pussy." Gently her ladyship parted the
ripe folds of the labia and pushed her finger firmly up into the girl. She could
feel and immediate response as she slowly rotated her finger up inside her juicy
orifice. She pushed a second finger up into the moist flesh quickly jack-knifing
her two fingers. With her other hand she drew back the prepuce exposing the hard
nub of the clitoris with feathery strokes of her fingers she watched the
clitoris swell. Jane had never been so expertly seduced before. She could not
help herself as her hips began to undulate in circular motions between the busy
fingers of Her Ladyship. "Try and control yourself a little longer I want you to
have a nice big climax. There I can see you are losing control." Lady Rawlings
quickened her fingers until the girls hips strained upwards beneath her. Just as
she began to climax Lady Rawlings pinched the clitoris hard. The girl bucked as
she pinched and rubbed the tender flesh, her other hand busy deep inside the
girl's vagina. "There you are feeling that aren't you." Her Ladyships words were
calculated to increase the girls passion. "Argghhh mmmmnnn oooh yes sss. Jane
arched her back, her bottom was lifted up off her Ladyships knees as she
climaxed. "Arggghhh aarrggg mmm." She felt completely out of control as a finger
suddenly speared up into her bottom. "Arrrgghhh.arrrggh." Jane rolled her head
from side to side as wave after wave of sensual pleasure coursed through her
body. Gradually her orgasm subsided. She felt the finger being withdrawn gently
from her bottom and the delicate feathery strokes of Her Ladyships fingers over
thighs and tummy. "Just you relax for a few moments, while I stroke you gently,
there my poor baby there..." Lady Rawlings cooed softly to the young girl.
Feathery touches caressing her fine skin.
It was several minutes before Jane moved lazily off her Ladyship's knee and on
to the cushions beside her. She curled her pretty legs beneath her and leaned
against the back of the settee with her body turned toward her companion. "That
was wonderful, Thankyou. May I kiss you?" Jane leaned forward without waiting
for a reply and kissed the beautiful lips of her Ladyship. Her breasts were
thrust against her body as she pushed her tongue deep inside her mouth.
It was past ten-o-clock before Jane stood in the hallway of the Manor House. The
outside door was open as they walked through to the stone steps leading to the
drive. Jane's brand new Austin Healey stood gleaming beneath the portico lights.
"I will see you late on Sunday evening, my bags will arrive some time on
Saturday, I would prefer it if only you unpacked the large one. Everything else
can be done by the maids." Lady Rawlings smiled. "You have your own canes then?"
Jane smiled impishly as she opened the door of her car and swung her pretty legs
over the sill. "Oh yes a huge variety... and other things as well!" She started
the car and slammed the car door shut. Leaning out of the window she shouted to
Lady Rawlings, her voice only just audible against the revving engine. "It's my
turn next."


"This is Richard Chambers" Jane relished hearing those words as she stood in
front of her desk facing Lady Rawlings and the boy. Her memory of Richard was
accurate but she had not been able to see his eyes or the profile of his face
from the front. "Step forward Richard and greet your new governess." Lady
Rawlings pushed the boy forward until he was stood directly in front of Jane.
Jane placed her hand under his chin and raised his head so that she could look
directly into his eyes. "I am Miss Marwood... your Governess." She spoke slowly
and insistently as she revelled in her first contact with the boy. I am going to
be teaching you your lessons and I want you to work hard and be obedient... do
you understand?" Richard nodded his head. "Yes Miss Marwood."
"Well done, you need not call me Miss Marwood unless you want to attract my
attention, please address me as Miss when answering my questions."
"Yes Miss." Richard's face had coloured up at the touch of her hand and her
steady gaze. He was completely mesmerised by her beauty. Her gentle touch
against his face had made him dizzy. He looked at her through a haze of
embarrassment, not daring to catch her eye.
" Right you can go and sit at that desk over there, you will see that your books
are in the drawers at each side. We will be starting with English, so if you
would like to find your books for that subject while I see Her Ladyship out.
Jane followed Lady Rawlings out of the study and closed the door behind her.
"Please call me Victoria, I only get called Her Ladyship by officials or
peasants." She laughed as Jane took her arm. "He looks everything I expected and
his demeanour is perfect. I shall need about three weeks before I first start
to mould him. As we discussed he needs to feel secure and loving towards me
before I can begin to influence his nature." Victoria smiled. "I understand
perfectly and I know attention to detail is as important to you as it is to me.
Would you like me to send Wendy in at eleven with morning tea? I already know
the arrangements you would like for Richard."
"That would be fine I will ring if there is anything else."
Richard sorted through his books but his mind was in a turmoil. He had felt
clumsy and awkward standing before her and what was worse he knew he could not
help himself. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. His feelings
of inferiority were such that he found it almost impossible to articulate.
Jane had dressed impeccably for the occasion she wore a blue silk shirt with a
large cameo broach at the collar. Her skirt was fine blue cotton with pleats at
either side. Her tanned legs were covered in sheer silk, which accentuated their
perfection. Jane had deliberately worn high heels so that she would have extra
height. The dark blue of the Italian leather neatly encased her dainty feet.
Jane re-entered the study, which her ladyship had carefully set out. The large
desk faced the smaller one squarely, they were set about six feet apart. Her
ladyships attention to detail and been impeccable. Pens, exercise books and
paper had been supplied to both desks. A carafe of water had been placed on the
corner of her desk next to a bell push. Jane sat down, her fingers brushing over
the fine yew surround of the desk and on to the thick leather covered top. She
looked across at Richard who sat expectantly with his English text and exercise
books open. Jane did not speak but looked intently at the boy, watching him
blush as he met her gaze. She looked down and opened the middle drawer of her
desk. She had to stifle a giggle as she saw all of her canes had been neatly
laid on the green baize of the drawer lining. On top of the canes was a hand
written note. "Enjoy... V" Jane smiled to herself and closed the drawer. She
looked up and addressed Richard. "Come and stand by my side and show me your
text and exercise books will you Richard." Her voice was cool and precise. She
watched him get up from his desk, noticing his grey worsted jacket and grey
short trousers were obviously brand new and being worn for the first time.
Richard walked forward and stood at the side of her desk. She leaned her body
towards him and put her arm around his legs drawing him closer until his body
was touching hers. She kept her hand on his thigh, feeling the warmth of his
body though the material of his short trousers. "Now show me where you are up
to." Jane spoke softly almost intimately to him as he placed his books upon her
desk. "Er.. I am up to here." Richard pointed to a passage from the test book.
"We were doing comprehension Miss." Jane smiled sweetly, looking up into his
face. Richard turned his head toward her, aware of her gaze. She felt a thrill
as he blushed profusely, quickly turning his head back to the books in front of
them. Jane looked at the text and pointed with her pretty fingers at the start
of the passage of text. Read this chapter for me Richard, I want to see if you
pronounce the words correctly. You can pick up the text book and stand up
straight. She could feel the boy's discomfort and embarrassment emanating from
him as she slowly let her hand trail down over his short trousers and on to his
bare thigh. She lightly played her fingers up and down his leg as he began to
read. His voice was almost trembling as he started the first passage. "Clear
your throat Richard and start again... a little louder and firmer this time."
Richard straightened his shoulders and held the book up higher as if it would
project his voice further. Jane relaxed her body as the boy began to read. His
voice was clear and his pronunciation good although Jane thought, his accent
could do with a lot of modification. Gently she stroked his thigh her fingers
occasionally pushing up beneath the trouser leg. Richard was blushing a bright
crimson by the time he had finished the chapter. Jane let go of his legs and
leaned back in her chair, her breasts thrusting against the silk of her dark
blue blouse as she altered her position. "Very good for a first attempt Richard.
Go and sit down and write an explanation of what Sheridan meant to say by
introducing that character. Do you understand what to do?"
"Er Yes Miss I think I understand." Richard stammered as he stumbled rather than
walked back to his chair. Jane watched him as he left her desk, she was almost
sure she could detect a slight bulge in his trousers.
Richard worked silently he had had no time to crystallise his thoughts about his
new governess. He was embarrassed to distraction by her beauty and could not
bring himself to look her in the eye.
They both sat in silence as the hours passed by. Richard had become absorbed in
his work and was determined to do his best. Jane watched as he wrote his
paragraphs on to spare sheets of paper, altering them several times before
finally copying them to his exercise book. Jane sat at her desk writing busily.
Rather than leave anything to chance she was composing a programme of events to
give to Her Ladyship. She had already laid out a profile of what would be
happening with Richard over the coming weeks, this was already several pages
long. She was now composing a programme of events and suggestions with regard to
the rest of the household staff. She had talked with Lady Rawlings the previous
evening and explained that her acceptance within the household must not just be
based on authority alone. Much of what she was now writing clarified and
recorded their conversation.
At eleven-o-clock precisely Annette entered with a small tea tray which she
placed on the desk in front of Jane. She removed a glass of orange juice from
amongst the pot and jugs and placed it in front of Richard. She smiled at the
boy and turned to Jane. "Will there be anything else Miss?" Jane shook her head.
"No Thankyou Annette, that will be all for now." She watched the girl leave and
turned to Richard who was still writing. "You may have a little break and drink
your orange juice if you like. Or sip it as you work if you would prefer."
Richard looked across his desk at Jane. "He could not help dropping his eyes in
embarrassment as her she fixed her eyes on his. Her beauty overwhelmed him.
"er.. Thankyou Miss." Richard drank from the glass and then looked down once
more at his books.
They worked through the day breaking for lunch in the smaller of the two dining
rooms. Jane ate lunch alone with the boy watching him intently. She noticed
that Richard avoided her gaze when ever possible. She was aware the effect she
had on him. Once out of the corner of her eye during the morning she had seen
him glance at her as she had leaned back in her chair. She had deliberately
stretched her shoulders back feeling the tightness of the silk against her
nipples as her breasts thrust forward. She noticed that he had coloured up
immediately and bent his head back down to his work. Jane had planned her
strategy carefully avoiding all physical contact until late in the afternoon.
She walked got up from her desk and moved behind him. Carefully she leaned over
him. Her breasts pressed against him as she bent over and placed her cheek next
to his. "Right Richard let me see what you have written." She flipped over the
pages of his book to the start of his essay. She could feel the heat from his
cheeks as he blushed profusely. She placed her cool delicate finger tips on the
nape of his neck stroking his hair gently as she began to the read through his
work. Richard was in turmoil, he felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment as
she leaned against him. Her fingers were cool and gentle against his neck, her
perfume intoxicating his senses as she whispered softly to him. "You are a
clever boy, you seem to understand the characterisation perfectly and you have
written so much.. what a lovely boy you are." Her voice was low and sensual as
she moved her cheek against his. Richard began to tremble unable to control his
emotions. Her proximity and the intimate way she touched him destroyed his
equilibrium. Her low sensuous voice flattering and praising him was just too
much. Jane sensed his agitation at once. She knew exactly the effect she was
having on him. Gently she withdrew her face from his and delicately placed a
small kiss on his burning cheek. She stood up taking his book from the desk. "I
will read this through to correct any small mistakes you might have made and let
you have it back in the morning. She moved to the side of the desk and stood
with her legs astride. "You may get up now and go and play outside if you like
as long as you are ready for dinner at seven. If you would like some tea you can
go and see Rachael or Claire in the kitchens." She noticed Richard was
studiously avoiding eye contact with her. She also knew that unless she was
mistaken he would have an erection. "Come along then up you get, you really have
done wonderfully well today." She could see the boy's absolute anguish as he
pushed his chair back. She smiled as he turned his body away from her to get up
from the far side and walk around the back of the chair. She watched with
delight as he furiously tried to adjust his trousers while his back was turned
toward her. "Come along Richard, don't you want to go out to play." Her voice
was light and cheerful." Richard turned toward the door trying not to look at
her. There was a bulge in his trousers which he could not conceal. His head was
throbbing as he stumbled toward the door. Her voice made him stop in his tracks.
"Come here Richard and stand in front of me." Richard quaked as he heard her
instruction. Shame-faced he turned and stood in front of her looking down at his
feet. Jane examined him closely as he stood before her. It was with delight that
she saw the shape of his penis pushing hard against the material of his trouser
leg. He had obviously not been able to adjust his penis upwards or to the side.
It must be quite painful she thought pointing downward like that while it was
obviously so hard. She took Richard's face between the palm of her hands. Her
fingers cool against his burning cheeks. She raised his head and looked into his
eyes. "It is normal manners Richard to turn toward ones teacher and ask
permission before one leaves the room." Jane felt a thrill inside her as she saw
the helpless look of supplication in his eyes. "I'm sorry Miss he stammered."
Richard was near to fainting as Jane let go of him and turned him toward the
door. "Off you go and play. Richard turned the handle of the door and stumbled
out. His face was burning and his head pounding as he walked along the hallway
and up the wide staircase toward his room.

Jane and Victoria were seated in easy chairs by the fireside in the small
drawing room. They had eaten dinner together with Diane and Veronica in the
small dining room. Jane had explained her intentions to the gathering, talking
for almost and hour. She had patiently answered both Diane's and Veronica's
eager questions as well as ascertaining from the girl's the exact events leading
up to Richard's admission to the household. Jane had been very impressed with
Diane's easy manner and openness, her summing up of the boy's emotions were both
incisive and accurate. Veronica too, she thought certainly understood the subtle
nuances that were required in dealing with the boy. Victoria leaned forward in
her chair and rang the bell cord on the wall by the fireplace. "I usually drink
wine in the evening, would you like to join me. I have some excellent clarets as
well as a fine selection of Southern and Northern Rhone's. One of my favourites
is a burgundy from the Cote de Nuits, a La Tache which I think you might like.
My late husband was a firm disciple of the growers from Vosne Romanee and
purchased futures for many years before he died. Our cellars here are
absolutely perfect in all respects, even to a temperature of fifty-five degree's
and as it is a hobby of mine I take pleasure in having wines that Fortnum's are
having to pay four times the price for." Jane laughed, she knew the wines her
Ladyship was talking of very well, and indeed their high prices. Wendy knocked
and entered at her Ladyships beckoning. "Wendy dear, would you fetch a bottle of
La Tache from the cellar, take it from any of the racks from row D." Wendy
bobbed to Jane before answering her Mistress. "Yes Miss.. shall I bring the
Italian glasses with it?" Lady Rawlings smiled. "Yes Thankyou I think that would
be an excellent idea." Jane looked at Victoria as Wendy left the room. "I am
impressed, she seems to know your cellar well and what glasses you might
require. Her Ladyship sat back in her chair, crossing her tanned legs. She
unbuttoned the pleat of her dress, leaving her legs bare almost to her panties.
"I do like to get comfortable in the evening, it's so cosy in here that I
sometimes stretch out by the fire and listen to the Radio or just read." Jane
looked over at Veronica's bare legs. Her body was quite magnificent, her muscle
tone perfect, even for a girl ten years younger. Victoria was well aware of
Jane's examination of her legs. She uncrossed them and stretched them out in
front of her, slowly smoothing her hand over her thigh. "You really have
beautiful legs, why don't you pop you clothes off and come and lay over my knee.
I would love to have another look at that bare bottom of yours." Victoria
smiled, I would love to, but instead I thought I might come and have a look at
how you have settled into your rooms. The West Wing has the most beautiful views
and is the only suite of rooms that has it's own study, apart from Diane's."
Jane smiled knowingly. "I think that would be an even better idea. I really do
love the rooms, the bathroom is amazingly opulent and I love the Louis
furniture. Are you sure I am not taking up some of your living space?
"Of course not, my own suite is even larger and I assure you no less decadent.
We had most of the Manor refurbished over two years ago. I think I realised then
that I didn't want a house that was constantly full of tradesmen and always in
need of repair. So the whole house was rewired as well as new plumbing. I had it
done while we went to our Villa in France. I don't think I could have stood the
upheaval. Rather than have local tradesmen in the house I engaged Harrods new
property services. They sent a designer and an architect so that there was
continuity throughout the design scheme. I must say they did a beautiful job.
You ought to see Diane's rooms if you think yours are luxurious. She really is
an imp, she picked everything herself. I remember the designer from Harrods
saying that her ideas and tastes would do justice to any of the Royal
households. She really did cost me a fortune though. We have mains gas too,
although none of the surrounding villages have. It pays to sit on the same bench
as the Director of the Gas Board." Jane could not help laughing. "I suppose you
are financially very secure, not that I mean to pry." Victoria's eyes twinkled
in merriment, her red lipstick framing her even white teeth as she smiled. "You
must never think that there is any question that you cannot ask. The answer is
yes, My late husband's family have had this land since sixteen fifty-one. I was
the sole heir when my husband died. The estate has over two thousand acres,
divided between here and the mainland, much of which is farmed by tenants. There
are several companies on the mainland of which I am the major shareholder and in
addition I own a large portfolio of properties in London. I also own a large
estate in the South of France. We have a Villa there which is built on the
coastal estate. It is really beautiful. We have our own beach which is
surrounded by cliffs. It is impossible for anyone to get to the beach unless by
boat and as it is covered by an old French estate law which is marked on the
coastal water charts as being off limits. I will take you there at the start of
the summer holidays as we will all be going then. That's about the size of it
really, even with taxation I seem to be increasing both the income and the
holdings. Of course the family solicitors and accountants are so well
established (their firms are both over three-hundred years old) that I have very
few decisions to make. However I do go to all the major board meetings and
decide on various recommendations and acquisitions"
Jane was not only suitably impressed by the scope of Victoria's wealth but also
by the acumen her ladyship must have in business. Even with inherited wealth it
has to be managed properly.
Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." Veronica
called as she got up from her chair and pulled a small refectory table between
their two chairs. Wendy entered carrying a silver tray which held a bottle of
wine and two glasses. She bent over and placed the tray on to the table. Jane
was delighted to see that the cork had been pulled and was being held by a twist
of lead foil to the neck of the bottle. The dust on the bottle had not been
disturbed apart from the neck which had been wiped clean. Jane smiled at Wendy
as she spoke. "That looks very professional Wendy, you have obviously done this
before. Wendy bobbed a curtsey to Jane. "Yes Miss, Madam showed me how to
present the wine properly." Lady Rawlings smiled at her young maid. "You do it
very well all the same. It is getting rather late and I don't imagine we will
need anything else. Why don't you go and get your night things on and you and
Annette can come down and say goodnight." Wendy bobbed to Her Ladyship. "Shall I
tell Annette to put her night things on too Miss. "Of course and don't be too
long as Miss Marwood and I will be going to bed ourselves soon." Wendy bobbed
one more curtsey and left the room. Jane looked at Veronica with an enquiring
eye. "Is it usual for them to come down and say goodnight or are you doing it
for my benefit. Veronica laughed. "Well they always come and see if there is
anything else I want before they retire, but not as a rule in their night
clothes." Veronica said no more but leaned forward and poured wine into both
glasses. She handed one to Jane and held her glass up in front of her. "Here is
to you Jane, it is so nice to have someone to discuss things with." They both
drank from their glasses Jane took her drink and settled back in her chair.
Veronica put her glass down and stood up, moving over to Jane she leaned over
and kissed Jane full on the lips. "Don't spill your wine... I just wanted to do
that I feel very warm towards you." Jane understood how Lady Rawlings must feel.
"I do understand Veronica, it must be hard, even having such a lovely daughter,
to find someone to share your thoughts with. I have always had my mother, but it
does seem easier when you are not related. It is often hard to think of one's
mother or I suppose one's daughter as just a friend. Jane raised her glass
toward Victoria. "Here's to you.. and to us together, what do you say?" Veronica
gave a low chuckle. "An admirable toast." She took her glass and touched it
against Jane's.
Both women turned their heads towards the door as they heard the sound of
someone knocking softly. Lady Rawlings called for the girls to enter as she got
up from her chair. Annette and Wendy entered the room, both of them looked up
timidly to their Mistress as they stood on the rich olive green Axminster,
their bare feet just visible under their long dressing gowns.
"Lady Rawlings addressed the girls. "I know you have met Miss Marwood briefly,
but I would like her to have a closer look at you both. So you first Annette off
with your dressing gown and stand in front of Miss Marwood. "Victoria's voice
was soft but firm. Annette obeyed immediately taking off her new dressing gown
she moved in front of Jane. She wore a silk short night dress that finished just
below her hips. The matching panties were trimmed with a ruffled lace. Her
pretty cheeks blushed as Jane looked her up and down. Without warning Victoria
moved behind her sand pulled her panties down to her knees. "Hand above you head
now ." She warned as she took the hem of the night dress and pulled it up and
over the girls head. Jane leaned forward and pulled the flimsy panties down to
her feet. "Take those off and give them to her Ladyship." She commanded smartly.
"Now stand straight with your arms by your side so I can have a proper look at
you." Annette blushed but did as she had been told. Her firm breasts stood
proudly above her slim waist. Jane looked at the girl's smoothly shaven pubis.
The plump flesh between her legs had been lightly talcum powdered. "Open your
legs." Jane commanded as she got up from her chair and stood in front of the
girl. "She placed her hand gently on the girl's breast, tweaking the erect
nipple with her delicate fingers. "You have a lovely body, you must be very
proud of it." Jane smiled kindly at the blushing girl. With out preamble she
cupped her free hand between the young maid's legs, squeezing the soft mound of
flesh intimately. Jane moved her face close to girls blushing cheeks, at the
same time she felt the moist lips of the labia part as she slipped her
forefinger up inside the young girl. Jane looked intently at the girls face as
she slipped a second finger up into her. Annette had began to tremble as Jane
quickly moved her fingers inside her, arousing the sensitive membranes of her
most intimate part. Jane squeezed the girl's nipple hard as she watched her
close her eyes. Her pretty lips were parted as she drew deep breaths of air in
response to Jane's busy fingers expertly arousing her. Involuntarily she
squeezed her thighs together unable to disguise the wave of sexual arousal she
felt course through her trembling body. Victoria looked over at Wendy and smiled
at her. Wendy's face was blushing furiously, her delicate lips trembling as she
looked at the naked body of her companion. Victoria was sure that is was not
just the embarrassment she felt for her friend but the knowledge that it would
probably be her turn next. Jane took her hand from the girl's breast and slid it
around her waist, gently indicating that the girl should kneel. Annette was
thankful for the gesture she was trembling from head to foot. She sank
gratefully to her knees and then forward on to her hands. Jane had kept up the
insistent rhythm of her fingers during their change of position. Now as she bent
over the her she was able to explore the cheeks of the maid's bottom with her
free hand. She slid her fingers down the crease of the buttocks quickly locating
the sphincter. Without warning she deftly slid her forefinger up into the girl's
bottom. "Arrggghh" Annette wailed as Jane quickly thrust her finger even further
up into her anal passage. The girl's body moved sensuously as Jane brought her
to a reluctant orgasm. Annette could not help herself as she threw back her
head, moaning loudly as she climaxed. Wendy watched on helplessly, aware that
her turn was to come. She squeezed her legs together miserably aware that she
was already wet between her legs. Lady Rawlings observed the proceedings,
occasionally casting an eye over to Wendy who was trembling visibly. She had
decided to observe rather than participate in order to see how Jane coped with
the girls. Annette could control her limbs no longer and sank to the floor as
her climax receded. She was only just aware of Jane's fingers being gently
withdrawn from her vagina and her bottom. Her face rested on the carpet as she
became aware of gentle fingers being stroked down her back and over her
buttocks. After a few moments caressing the prostrate girl Jane spoke gently to
her. "Get up now and go and sit on Her ladyships knee." Victoria smiled knowing
that Jane was aware that she had been dying to stroke the girl and yet had
desisted for the sake of her new governess. Jane sat back in her chair. "Why
Wendy you are trembling come and stand in front of me you poor girl, whatever is
the matter don't you think your friend enjoyed that." Wendy's face was a picture
of distress as she came to stand in front of the new governess. "Well Wendy
don't you think she enjoyed it." Wendy managed to stammer an answer. "er.. I
don't know Miss." She looked sheepish as she answered. The cool stare of the new
young governess unnerved her. "Well turn around and ask her, there's a good
girl." Wendy blushed a deep red and turned to Annette who was sitting on her
Ladyships knee. Her head was laid against her Mistress's shoulder and her eyes
were closed. Lady Rawlings softly stoked her fingers over the girl's breasts and
tummy her other hand gently holding the girls waist. "D'..did you enjoy that
Annette?" Wendy's question was awkward and of course unnecessary. Annette looked
up at Wendy her eyes appearing unfocussed with a dreamy expression. "Yes it was
lovely." Her voice was soft and low, full of sensuality. Wendy turned to the
young governess. "Well off with your things, I want to have a good look at you."
Wendy blushed but something in the young woman's voice made her obey
immediately. She quickly took off her dressing gown and stood up straight in her
night dress. The silk material was quite transparent and Jane could easily see
that Wendy had no pubic hair. "Come along off with the rest." Wendy blushed
again but the effect was negligible against her already burning cheeks. She took
off her night dress taking it over her head and shaking her hair as she laid it
on the floor. She was tempted to cover her pretty breasts but one look at Jane
stopped her. Instead she pushed her pretty panties down to her ankles and
stepped out of them. "Wendy could not help immediately covering her pubis as she
straightened up. "Hands on your head, come along quickly girl." Jane's voice was
stern and sharp. "Walk to the end of the room like that and then walk back
towards me." Wendy blushed and bit her pretty lip, her long eyelashes dropping
to her cheeks as she heard the command. "Blindly she placed her hands on her
head, her knees squirming together as she tried to hide her intimate part from
Jane's examining stare. "Look at me Wendy." Jane's voice penetrated the girl's
haze of embarrassment. Wendy reluctantly opened her eyes and looked at the
pretty young woman sat before her. Jane smiled at her "Don't be a shy girl, we
are all friends here, just do as you are told.. we don't want to get off on the
wrong foot do we." Wendy could not help responding to the friendly smile. "I'm
sorry Miss." she turned and walked self consciously toward the door at the far
end of the room, turning her body around she stood for a moment as if waiting
for further instruction and then walked slowly back to the chairs by the
fireside. Jane was delighted with the girl. She did not like girls that were
brazen or brash. It was the delicate nature and timidity of a sensitive young
girl that appealed to her. She stood up as Wendy approached and stood in front
of her. Placing her hands on the girl's shoulders she turned her round and
quickly bent her over. "Hold on to your ankles Wendy there's a good girl." Wendy
quickly took her hands from her head and grasped her ankles. She gasped as she
felt the smooth palm of Jane's hand run down her back and over the twin hillocks
of her bottom. "Legs apart, come along now." Jane forced her hand between the
trembling girl's thighs making her spread her legs wider. Wendy grunted as she
shuffled her legs apart still managing to clasp her ankles. She shivered as she
felt Jane's hand under her tummy quickly moving across the sensitive flesh to
cup her naked pubis. She shuddered as she felt Jane's other hand move over her
buttocks and part the cheeks of her bottom. She could not help shuddering as she
felt a finger probe the tender opening of her sphincter. "You naughty girl you
are all wet." Jane chided as she pushed two fingers up between the smoothly
shaven labia, delicately sliding them up and down the plump folds of flesh.
Deftly she pushed her fingers straight up into the vagina. Jane was delighted to
find the girl so wet. Quickly her fingers sought every part of her tight little
orifice. Her experienced hands quickly stimulated the girl to arousal. "Oop's
there we are." She pushed her forefinger up into the girl's bottom
simultaneously pushing her other fingers further up into the vagina. Suddenly
she pulled her fingers from the girl and held her hand flat against the
trembling girl's tummy, pulling her finger out of her squirming bottom. She felt
the sphincter firmly contract over her knuckle as she withdrew. Jane quickly
pulled the bending girl towards her chair and sat down placing the naked girl
face down over her knee. Before the Wendy could protest Jane had pushed her hand
between the parted legs and slid her fingers between the fleshy folds of skin.
Immediately she pushed two fingers back up into the moist vagina and proceeded
to explore and stimulate the sensitive opening. Wendy could not help thrusting
her hips forward against Jane's hand, her young body responding naively to the
woman's expert ministrations. Jane felt beneath the girl with her free hand,
cupping her young breast she pinched the nipple, it's point was hard with
desire. "My you are a sensitive young thing I see I shall have to take you in
hand." Her words were designed to inflame and embarrass as she cleverly moved
her fingers inside the tight warm passage. "Arggghh mmmmmnnn Misss...sss.
"Wendy could not help herself moaning as Jane cleverly kept her balanced on the
very verge of an orgasm.
Her fingers seemed to know exactly what to do to bring the girl's naked body to
the peak of excitement. "Jane took her hand from the soft flesh of the girl's
breast and began to stroke her shoulders before moving lower and gently running
her fingers down over the quivering buttocks. She felt the vaginal muscles
expand and contract, squeezing her fingers as the girl climaxed. She raised her
free hand and brought it down sharply over the soft flesh of her bottom cheeks
slap.. slap.. slap. The young girl bucked and reared as she exploded into her
orgasm. She had never felt like this before, she raised her head and wailed as
wave after wave of intense please gripped her. Both Annette and Lady Rawlings
were startled by the intensity of the writhing form as she lay straddled naked
across the knees of the new governess. In contrast to the girl's writhing body
Jane looked cool and calm. Her delicate features were perfectly made up, her
shiny hair neatly pulled back into a velvet bow at the back of her head. She was
looking down at the naked girl on her knee, her face a picture of tenderness and
love. Annette looked lovingly at her as she brought her young companion to an
intense pitch of ecstasy. Jane was in complete control of the girl's emotions,
playing with her body so expertly that the poor girl could not help but writhe
uncontrollably under the experienced hands of her young tormentor. "Arggghhhh..
mmmmnnnn.. mm" Please.. Miss... please.. no more." Wendy's voice was low and
pleading, she gasped for air as Jane's finger once again moved firmly inside
her. "Arrrggghhh.. mmmnnn." Wendy thrashed her head from side to side as Jane
played with her body like a Maestro would play a beloved instrument. Jane
decreased the speed and pressure of her fingers as she felt the young girl begin
to hyperventilate, her slender torso heaving in quick spasms. Jane knew that the
girl would not be able to withstand any further stimulation without fainting.
With the utmost tenderness she gently pulled her fingers from between the girl's
legs and laid her hand gently over her quivering buttocks. She put her other arm
around the girl's slender waist and gently turned her over, placing her head
lovingly next to her own, against the cushions of the chair. Jane lowered her
head and kissed the girl full on the lips thrusting her tongue deep inside her
mouth. Pulling her head away, she looked into her eyes. "What a beautiful girl
you are Wendy, just lie quietly while you calm down." She kissed the girl
again." Jane was delighted to see the innocent look of love and tenderness
within the young girl's eyes. She stroked her tender breasts with soft downward
strokes over her nipples, gently moving her fingers down over the soft flesh of
her heaving torso and tummy. "Just relax my darling little girl, and let me take
care of you." Jane was delighted as she felt the young girl take her hand and
squeeze it, before softly nestling her head against her shoulder.
Both Jane and Her Lady ship sat quietly occasionally caressing the naked young
girls upon their knees. The flames from the fire cast a rich orange glow upon
the girl's naked flesh.
It was over half an hour before Jane gently moved Wendy to a sitting position
upon her knee. "You can get up now Wendy." She said softly as she helped the
girl to her feet. You too Annette, I want you to stand over there side by side
so I can have another look at you both before you go to bed." The two young
girl's did as they were bid, standing side by side in the warm glow of the fire.
"Don't they make a lovely sight your Ladyship?" Jane enquired as she got up to
sit on the arm of Her Ladyship's chair.
"Right you can put your night-dresses back on but not your panties. You will be
much better without those with you both having been shaved. You can take your
dressing gowns over your arms it's very warm in the house." Both Jane and
Victoria watched as the girl's obeyed Jane's instructions. They took delight in
watching the girl's stretch upwards as they put the flimsy garment over their
heads. "Turn around and off you go then. I will be up to kiss you both goodnight
when you are in bed." Lady Rawlings looked across at Jane, marvelling in the
young woman's ingenuity. Of course what could be more effective in binding the
girls to her than kissing them as they lay tucked up in bed. It would make them
feel totally secure and childlike. Jane watched the girls turn and leave the
room their pretty bottoms naked below the short hems of their night-dresses.

Rachael and Claire stood in front of Diane's desk. Behind them Veronica was
seated on the arm of one of the leather Chesterfield chairs. She was looking on
with interest, noting the girls humility in her presence. The study door was
open revealing the opulent drawing room beyond. Diane's suite of rooms were
situated on the second floor of the east wing of the Manor house. Behind her
desk the large ornate stone framed window looked over the picturesque gardens
below. "Now I want you both to listen carefully and obey the instructions I am
about to give you. It is of paramount importance that you obey me to the letter
and clarify any queries you may have before you go, is that clear?" Diane's
voice was firm but pleasant. She looked the two girls over, as she sat back in
the exquisitely carved high backed chair. She was amused to see the slight
wariness in their faces as they stood before her, wondering why they had been
summoned to her rooms. Rachael was sure by her Mistress's tone that they were
not to be chastised for some misdemeanour, she had already searched her memory
for a reason to be called but could find none. "You may have heard that Wendy
and Annette have been looking after Richard, whom I know you have already met."
Their duties have been to look after his room and clothes as well of course as
his personal welfare. As you are probably aware young boys do not always take
care of their personal hygiene as they should and to remedy that, Lady Rawlings
has supervised the boy's bath-times. She has also instructed Wendy and Annette
how to bathe the boy. There will be times like today when no-one is available to
look after Richard so I am going to instruct you how to wash and bathe him."
Diane looked at the girl's faces and saw the merest hint of a satisfied smile
on Rachael's face. "She was sure that the girls already knew about Wendy and
Annette bathing the boy and possibly most of the detail." You must remember that
although Richard is not much younger than you he is still a young boy. I do not
want any casual conversation or gossip with him. You must be figures of
authority and make sure that he does exactly what you tell him to do, is that
clear?" "Yes Miss Diane." They both replied in unison. Diane noted that they
were quite relaxed now that they knew the reason for their visit to her rooms.
Previous visits had not always been pleasant. Diane proceeded to tell them in
detail the precise way in which they were to handle Richard. She noted Claire's
faint blush as she told them how to handle his genitals and how to make sure
that his bottom was perfectly clean. She was sure she detected a sly smile from
both girl's as she told them to expect his penis to become erect.
Veronica got up and walked through to the drawing room. "I'll leave you to it
for a while, give me a call when you've finished." She called to her friend as
she disappeared through the door. Diane continued with her detailed briefing to
the two young girls. "Now words are important. The boy is not going to obey you
if you are not in command and the tone of your voice and choice of words are
just as effective as your actions. Do you understand me?" Both girls nodded
vigorously. Diane looked at Rachael's face, her big brown eyes bore little
trace of makeup and yet she could have graced the cover of any magazine. Her jet
black hair was cut straight just above her shoulders. Her hair shone in the
sunlight from the window as she nodded her head. She wore, as did Claire, a
white nylon kitchen coat. Diane could see the darker colour of her bra and
panties through the material. Although Rachael was the largest of all the
girl's, her body was not fat. Diane had seen her naked many times and had often
marvelled at her firm, well toned figure. "Right let's get down to a more
practical demonstration of how I want you both to behave." Diane got up from her
chair and moved to the open doorway of her drawing room. "Rachael, take all your
clothes off and when you have done so I would like you to come to the bathroom.
Claire you may follow me now." Diane did not wait for a reply as she proceeded
through the doorway and into the drawing room. Diane had just had chance to see
the shock on the young girls faces before she had turned to leave the study. She
knew that if she were not present Rachael would not be able to plead or protest
her instructions. She could here hurried whispers and then quick footsteps
following behind her as she passed through the drawing room and into the hallway
which led to her bedroom and bathroom. Diane entered the bathroom to see
Veronica sitting on the side of the large tub in which hot water was steaming.
Veronica had filled the bath to half full before switching off the gold plated
taps. She smiled at Diane and Claire as they entered, noticing Claire's blushing
face as she hurried to keep up with her young mistress. "OK Claire you are going
to be you - and Rachael is going to take the place of Richard. Now obviously
there will be two of you bathing Richard so Veronica will take the place of
Rachael. Rachael entered the bathroom just as her name was being spoken. She was
blushing profusely, one arm was crossed over her breasts, while her other arm
was pressed to her body with her hand over the dark hair at the juncture of her
thighs. Her shoulders were hunched forward as if trying to lessen the fullness
of her breasts. "You silly girl what on earth do you think you are doing. Stand
up straight, and put your hands by your side.. you look ridiculous like that."
Diane's voice was sharp and clear, it's amplitude increased by the marble walls
of the sumptuous bathroom. Rachael blushed an even deeper shade of red as she
reluctantly let her hands fall to her sides and stood up straight. Her body was
quite magnificent. The flesh of her breasts swelled from just below her
shoulders. Her upper chest was quite broad which tended to separate the firmly
rounded orbs of her breasts. The bottom of her rib cage swelled the flesh of her
torso accentuating the firm stomach muscles. Her waist narrowed down to the
soft pliant flesh of her tummy which dipped and then swelled into the swollen
mound of her pubis. A small triangle of black hair neatly delineated the top of
her firm thighs. Her long tanned legs were well muscled, the skin glistening
with health as she stood timidly in front of her mistress. Diane looked at the
girls face, the lips of her wide sensuous mouth trembled as she stood naked and
shamefaced. "Right as I have told Claire you are going to take the place of
Richard so that I can show you both exactly what I want. Veronica will take your
place, so although you are our model for this evening I want you take notice of
everything that Veronica does." Diane smiled. "Of course you will feel what she
is doing won't you." Veronica moved toward Rachael and took her arm pulling her
toward the bath. Come along into the bath, we haven't got all night." Rachael
blushed as Veronica helped her into the bath. Diane noticed the stripes faintly
visible on the girl's buttocks. "Do as you are told and take note of Veronica
and Claire's words as well as actions, you don't want me to add to those stripes
on your pretty bottom do you." Rachael Blushed and turned to Diane as she
stepped into the water. "No Miss, I'm sorry." Diane smiled kindly at her. "All
right Rachael, stand up straight and take your medicine." Veronica took hold of
the girl's hip and turned her round to face her. Now Claire and I are going to
bathe you so stand up straight, hands on your head like a good girl. Diane moved
behind Claire and whispered gently in her ear. "You are in charge so take
control of the situation." Claire stooped over the bath, her body moving
gracefully as she picked up a perfumed bar of soap from the ornate gold tray
which was set into the marble wall. "Stand up straight there's a good girl she
said softly. She averted her eyes from Rachael's gaze as she smoothed her hands
over the soft flesh, delicately applying soap to her tummy. Veronica sat on the
side of the bath and began to soap the girl's legs, her long fingers lovingly
caressing the smooth skin at the backs of her knees. "Now I want you to be
obedient to Claire." Veronica's instruction was more designed to encourage
Claire to take charge than to admonish Rachael. Claire understood what was
required of her and slowly her hands became boulder. Occasionally she glanced
over at Diane and Veronica to receive their nods of approval as she became even
bolder. "Right open your legs so that I can wash between your bottom." Rachael
blushed as her young companion moved her legs apart. "Now bend over so that I
can get at you properly." Little by little Claire began to ignore the
embarrassment her friend must be feeling, instead she concentrated on what she
must do to satisfy her mistress. "Quickly now bend over." She slapped the plump
firm buttocks as she pushed down upon the girl's naked torso. "Over you go
that's the way. Her fingers became bolder, firmly pushing her hand between the
soft globes of flesh she pushed her forefinger hard against the sphincter.
Rachael squeezed her buttocks together trying to stand up as she felt an acute
pressure against the vulnerable sensitive membranes of her bottom. Claire
immediately pushed down on the girl's back and withdrew her hand from between
her buttocks. Slap.. slap.. slap.. She smacked the tender buttocks hard,
watching the resilient flesh of the cheeks become red. "You naughty girl, now
you keep still while I wash you properly." This time there was no resistance as
she firmly pushed her soapy finger against the tightly puckered star of the
young girl's sphincter. "Relax now... oops there we are." She remembered Diane's
words exactly as she pushed her finger firmly up into the quivering bottom.
Rachael moaned as she felt the long slender intrusion into her tender young
bottom. "Now straighten up there's a good girl." Claire's instruction was
followed by her hand pushing up underneath the girl's breasts. Rachael
reluctantly stood up aware of the extra pressure of the finger inside her as her
sphincter contracted. Without warning Rachael felt soapy fingers slide down over
her tummy and over the sensitive flesh between her legs. "Arrggghh arrggh" She
could not help crying out as Claire pushed a finger between the sensitive folds
of flesh. "Stand up straight there's a good girl." Claire chided as her fingers
gently probed the crease between her legs. Arrrggghhh arrgghhh. Rachael could
do nothing as Claire's busy fingers found her most private passage. "Ooooohhh..
ooo." She felt weak at the knees as two slim fingers gently squirmed their way
up into her tight orifice. "There we are, we do want to be clean all over don't
we." Claire was now enjoying herself immensely. She could see that her friend
was becoming sexually aroused. Veronica stepped forward and took hold of the
girls nipples, tweaking the hard nubs of flesh between her elegant fingers.
Rachael moaned as together the girls brought her to a state of sexual arousal.
"There.. there try and keep still won't you." Claire's voice was soft as her
busy fingers moved quickly inside the girl's vagina. She pushed harder with her
finger inside the quivering bottom, making her young friend squirm. "Come along
now there's no need to blush." Her voice was soft and low as she looked up into
Rachael's blushing face. She could see that her eyes were tightly closed, her
pretty lips trembled as she increased the speed of her fingers. Veronica tweaked
the nipples harder as she felt the girl begin to tremble from head to foot. "It
will soon be over now Claire whispered softly, her fingers seeking the most
intimate of places inside the girl. "Argghh arrgghh... argggggghhhhhhhhhhhh."
Rachael's whole body stiffened as she began to climax. Claire could feel the
subtle contractions inside the girl's vagina as her busy fingers quickened
inside the sensitive flesh. Veronica slid her hand down the girls tummy and
scraped her finger over the nub of the clitoris as Claire quickly manipulated
her fingers up inside her. "There, there.. you are in a state.. you poor girl,
you've no control at all." Claire's words preceded a firm push with her finger
up inside the girl's bottom as she climaxed. "My you are a sensitive girl..
aren't you. She punctuated her words with firmer movements between the girl's
legs and bottom cheeks. Arggggghhhhh agggghhghhh.. ooooooooohhhhhhh. Rachael
was beside herself, drowning in sexual ecstasy as their fingers played
diligently inside her. "Arrggghhhhh arrgggghhhhh." Wave after wave of sensation
enveloped her body. Her breasts thrust forward as she heaved for breath, her
buttocks quivered as her body shook. "Well who would have thought you that you
would be so sensitive, you poor girl." Claire's words made Rachael shudder once
more. Slowly Claire let her fingers become still inside the girl. She held her
firmly, feeling Veronica remove her hand from the clitoris. Gently she withdrew
her own finger from the sphincter and patted the soft mound of flesh of the
pubis as she slid her fingers out of the tight vaginal passage. Veronica put her
hand around Rachael's trembling shoulders and held her steadily as they let her
body sit down in the warm water. They laid her head back against the slope of
the bath and gently stroked her breasts and tummy. Diane was delighted with the
performance, she leaned forward and gently kissed Claire's cheek. "Good girl."
She whispered. Claire moved away from the bath as Diane knelt beside Veronica
and lifted Rachael's head between her hands. "She pressed her lips to the girl's
and kissed her passionately. "I am going to leave you now, come and see me as
soon as you are ready I will be in my study. Veronica and Diane stood up and
left Claire alone with Rachael.

Richard sat on his bed, his face blushing furiously as he looked up at Claire
and Rachael. "Now don't make a fuss there's a good boy... off with your clothes
and come through into the bathroom when you have undressed." Claire's voice was
friendly but firm as she addressed the young boy. Both Rachael and Claire were
wearing crisp white tunics which Diane had given them. The hems were cut short
to mid thigh, which showed off their bare legs to best advantage. Diane had
insisted that they wore no underwear, knowing that they would be more aware of
their own bodies as they bathed the boy. "Hurry up there's a good boy." Rachael
spoke softly to Richard as she leaned down and gently stroked his blushing
cheek, before turning and following Claire into the bathroom. Richard was
dumbfounded, he sat unmoving as he took in the situation. He felt totally
humiliated as he slowly began to take off his clothes. He had always dreaded the
humiliation of being bathed by Wendy and Annette, but now he was to be bathed by
two young girls that had never seen him naked. Richard had only briefly met
Claire and Rachael when he had been the kitchen for tea. He had felt more at
ease with them because of the fact that they had not been privy to the previous
humiliations that he had been subjected to by the other girls. Now it was all to
change. Slowly his trembling fingers undid the buttons of his shirt. He took off
his shirt and trousers and then his socks and shoes. He could not bring himself
to take off his underpants and after some deliberation he timidly walked into
the bathroom naked save for the cotton garment. Rachael and Claire turned toward
him as he came into the bathroom. Rachael smiled as she noticed he had kept his
underpants on. "Come and stand by the bath there's a good boy. Why on earth are
you wearing those, you can't wear those in the bath you silly boy... come here."
Rachael sat on the edge of the bath and beckoned the boy towards her.
Reluctantly Richard moved to stand in front of her, his face coloured crimson as
she lifted his chin to look into his eyes. "My you are a shy one." She said as
she deftly pulled his underpants down to his knees. Richard looked down his face
was burning red as she instructed him to step out of the pants. Richard could
not help clasping his hands to his groin as she uncovered him. Claire put her
arm around his waist and gently urged him to step into the bath. "Come along get
in and stand up facing the taps. We are going to give you a nice warm bath,
aren't we Rachael." Richard stepped into the bath acutely aware of his own
nakedness and the gentle touch of their hands as they helped him in. "Stand
straight now, hands on your head, lets have no nonsense." Claire spoke firmly as
she pulled his hands away from his groin and made him put them on his head. She
stood back and admired the boy's naked body as Rachael picked up the soap and
began to soap his legs. Richard stood straight his eyes tightly shut as he felt
gentle hands begin to soap his body. He was trembling from head to foot as
Rachael covered his legs and thighs with soapy lather. Claire began to soap his
shoulders, her delicate fingers caressing the back of his neck, while she ran
the fingers of her other hand gently over his chest, her nails softly teasing
the brown aureoles of his nipples.
They soaped him thoroughly although deliberately avoiding his genitals and
buttocks. It was with delight that both noticed his penis begin to erect. Claire
looked up at his face which was beetroot red. His eyes were shut tightly and his
lips were trembling. "You needn't shut your eyes Richard, we are not going to
wash your hair tonight." Rachael looked at Claire with amusement as Claire
continued. "Come along open your eyes there's a good boy. Richard opened his
eyes and looked at the girls, he blushed an even deeper shade as they smiled at
him. "Don't be a shy boy, look here what is the meaning of this." Richard could
not help looking down as Claire deliberately took hold of his semi-erect penis
in her slim fingers. "Why is your penis getting stiff?... are you not able to
control yourself." She looked Richard straight in the eyes as she firmly
squeezed the organ, pulling the foreskin back as her hand slid down the shaft.
With her free hand she cupped his testicles drawing them forward from between
his legs. Rachael took her cue from Claire and slipped her hand between his
buttocks, rubbing her fingers up and down between the crease she located the
opening of the sphincter. She gently probed with her forefinger until her
fingertip rested against the puckered orifice. Without warning she pushed her
soapy finger straight up into his bottom. "Arrgggh" Richard gasped as he felt
the rude intrusion stretch the membranes of his sphincter. "There that's better
I can make sure your bottom is nice and clean. Bend over and put your hand on
the end of the bath and then I can get at you a little easier." Rachel spoke her
well rehearsed dialogue as Claire helped the boy to bend over. Claire retained
her grip on his penis as she placed her other hand on his back pushing him down
until he was bent over with his hands resting on either side of the taps.
Richard's body was trembling from head to foot as the girl's quickly stimulated
him. Rachael pushed deep into his bottom with her finger until she located the
sensitive prostate. She quickly curled her finger rubbing the fingertip over the
gland. She felt the boy jerk and try to straighten up as she manipulated her
finger within him. With her free hand she smacked his bottom smartly leaving a
red imprint of her hand across his upturned buttocks. "Try and be a good boy
Richard, we have to wash you thoroughly you know." Rachel spoke firmly as she
continued to probe deep within him. Rachel could see Claire's hands busily
moving under the boy's tummy. Claire was pushing the foreskin back until the
skin was stretched tight and then pulling upwards. She reached her other hand
beneath him and took hold of his scrotum squeezing gently but firmly as she
quickened the pace of her fingers up and down the shaft of his penis. "Right
stand up straight. Hands back on you head there's a good boy... quickly now."
Claire's voice was firm as she got the boy to stand upright. His face was
contorted with anguish as he placed his hands back on his head. Richard felt
utterly humiliated, he could not help looking at Claire with an anguished
expression as she briskly pushed his foreskin back exposing the glans of his
penis fully. He trembled as he felt Rachel push her finger even further up into
his bottom. "Right keep still and try not to wriggle while I soap under your
foreskin. Young boys never seem to wash themselves properly there so do try and
keep still." Claire was totally aware of the humiliating effect their words and
actions were having on the boy. She squeezed her legs together sensitive to her
own nakedness beneath the cotton tunic. Rachel stroked her free hand over the
front of the boy's thighs and cupped his testicles as Claire reached for the
soap. "Shall I hold his testicles out of the way while you soap his penis?" She
asked Claire sweetly, noting Richard's look of abject embarrassment. "Now look
at me." Said Claire as she began to soap around the rim of his penis. "This is
where young boys need to keep clean." She deftly rubbed firmly backwards and
forwards over the sensitive flesh causing Richard to bend forward in an effort
to pull away. Rachael quickly pushed her finger even deeper up into his bottom
making the boy stand upright once more, Richard began to tremble as the girls
quickly brought him to the edge of a climax. His body shook uncontrollably as
they cleverly excited him to a fever pitch. "Arggghhh.. pleeee...ease Miss... I
can't stand it.. mmmmnn." Richard maoned and groaned as the girls increased the
tempo of their fingers. "Come along there's a good boy try and keep still."
Rachael cooed as she watched the boy ejaculate. Semen spurted from the tip of
his penis as his whole body heaved with emotion. "Argggghhhh...
mnnnnghghg..oooohhhhh pleee...eease Missssss..sss." Richard was close to
fainting as the girls continued to excite him. His knee's began to buckle as he
continued to ejaculate. He moaned incoherently as Rachael squeezed his testicles
firmly, simultaneously pushing her finger hard up into his bottom. "Arrggghhh...
arggghhhh" Richard moaned and groaned as the girls extracted every drop from
him. The boy's chest heaved as he fought for breath. Claire immediately slowed
the pace of her fingers. She looked at Rachael indicating the boy's distress.
Rachel relaxed her grip on his testicles and gently pulled her finger from his
bottom,. She reached her hand to the boy's blushing face and caressed his cheek.
There, there Richard you have been a good boy, try and stand still for another
minute while we rinse you off then you can get out. "Open your eyes and look at
me." She smiled sweetly at him as he opened his eyes, she could see the look of
utter humiliation on his face as she stroked her hands over his body. They
rinsed him gently and helped him from the bath. Rachael took a soft bath towel
and began to dry him. She heard him groan inwardly as she took his penis and
began to pat it dry, carefully avoiding rubbing the towel against the sensitive
glans. They led him from the bathroom and into the bedroom and sat him on the
bed while Rachel took a new towelling bathrobe from his wardrobe and beckoned
him to stand up in front of her. She slipped the garment over his shoulders
aware that her breasts were pressing against his chest as she helped him put his
arms into the sleeves. Rachel left the dressing gown open in front so that the
boy was fully exposed as she turned him toward Claire who had picked up a hair
brush. Deliberately Claire reached forward and took hold of the boy's penis,
feeling the softness of the now flaccid flesh as she pulled him forward until
she was able to sit on the bed with Richard standing facing her. She looked up
into his blushing face as she began to gently brush the neat pubic hair around
his penis. "You have a really lovely body Richard, why do you get so embarrassed
in front of Rachael and I?... don't you like us?" Richard blushed profusely as
Claire continued to brush down over his pubic hair. "Of course Miss... I
like you I ...I just get embarrassed." Richard stammered. "Well try and be a bit
more at ease the next time we have to bath you. We do have other work to do you
know... and Lady Rawlings would be cross if she thought you were being
uncooperative." Richard blushed once more as she squeezed his penis, he could
feel himself beginning to erect and was powerless to stop it. Pleee..ease d..
don't Misss I feel funny." Richard gasped as Claire pushed his foreskin back
over the shaft of the penis until the skin was stretched tightly. "Don't be a
silly boy... you should have more control over yourself." Claire chided him as
she gave his penis one last squeeze before letting go. She stood up and walked
to the dressing table. She took a decorative tin of talcum powder from the
dresser top and put it into the pocket of her tunic. Rachel stepped forward and
turned the boy around until he was facing her. She put her hands on his
shoulders and looked into his eyes and smiled sweetly at him. Her pretty eyes
twinkled beneath the long lashes as she looked closely into his face. "You
really must not get so embarrassed Richard, you really are a lovely boy. Sit on
the bed and lie back I am just going to check you over before..." Rachael cut
her sentence short. She pushed Richard down on to his bed and sat down beside
him. Richard tried to cover himself as the dressing gown parted leaving the
front of his body totally uncovered. "Lie back there's a good boy and put your
hands behind your head." She watched as Richard obeyed. Gently Rachael pushed
his legs apart and took hod of the timid flesh of his penis. With finger and
thumb only she pulled the foreskin down and placed the flattened palm of her
other hand over the sensitive opening. Slowly she rubbed the flattened palm over
the very tip of the penis, rubbing gently in a circular motion. Richard jerked
his hips at the excruciating sensation right at the very tip of his penis. "Keep
still now, I just want your penis to become a little stiffer so that I can look
behind the foreskin properly." Richard blushed profusely as Rachael looked at
him. Her pretty face smiling down at him. Claire came and sat at the other side
of the boy. She leaned over him, her head next to Rachael's and lowered her face
until her lips were almost touching his. "Just relax there's a good boy. Rachael
is going to have a little look at your penis. We really care for you Richard so
try and be good won't you." Richard looked into her eyes, seeing her
affectionate expression. "I'm sorry miss.. I just can't help it." A tear rolled
down his cheek as he looked into her eyes. "Never mind Richard, I know it must
be difficult." She leaned her head forward and placed her lips over his. Richard
could feel her tongue push past his lips and deep into his mouth. The combined
effect of the kiss and the acute sensations of their hands upon his body
overwhelmed him. His chest heaved as he fought for breath, his body tensed to
breaking point. Rachael increased the motion of her hands upon him, sensing just
how sensitive the tip of the penis must be by the boy's reactions. She watched,
fascinated as the organ erected fully. Gently she pushed the foreskin up and
down the shaft at the same time increasing the pressure of her open palm upon
the tip of the opening. She could see his slender hips writhe as she increased
the pressure. She stopped abruptly as she felt his penis suddenly begin to throb
beneath her hands. She quickly took her hands away and without knowing why
gently squeezed his testicles. She got up from the bed and tapped Claire on the
shoulder. "I think it is time Richard came to the kitchens for his tea she said
knowingly to Claire. Claire patted Richard's blushing cheek as she took her lips
away from his. She could see that his eyes were unfocussed and that he was in
distress. "Oh dear Richard was that to much for you. I suppose it has been quite
traumatic for you." She got up and stood by the side of the bed looking down at
him. "Stand up there's a good boy and we will take you down for some tea.
Richard sat up feeling rather groggy as his hands groped to find the cord and
fasten his dressing gown. He was unable to hide the bulge of his erect penis as
he stood up. Rachael looked down and laughed, you really will have to do
something about that Richard." He blushed furiously as he put his hands into the
deep pockets of the dressing gown and clasped his penis to the side as he
followed the girls out of the room.

Richard ate with relish the food that Claire and Rachael had prepared for him.
His earlier embarrassment had now completely disappeared, The girls had been
careful not to refer to his bath and had instead talked to him about the estate
and the different areas that he would find interesting Claire had noticed a
slight furrowing of his brow as she mentioned the lake. She was aware of the
happenings there from Wendy and instead of rapidly changing the subject she
talked of the wildlife to be found in the woods at the other side of the lake.
Rachael listened to the conversation as she busied herself about the kitchen
clearing away plates and utensils. She was aware of the clever way that Claire
had handled the conversation and without resentment realised that she could not
have done so well. Rachael finished clearing up and turned to Claire. Right I'm
finished shall we see Richard to bed?" Claire smiled knowingly. "I would like to
pop by the living room on the way if you don't mind." Rachael watched Richard
get up from his seat. "O.K. lead the way and we will follow." Rachael said as
she followed behind Richard as Claire led the way out of the kitchen.
Claire opened the door to the living room without knocking she was not surprised
to see Diane seated on the settee or Veronica seated opposite her. "Oh sorry
Miss I didn't realise you would be in here." The lie slid smoothly from her
tongue as she moved into the living room. Rachael pushed the boy forward and
entered the room behind him. "Ah.. there you are Richard I trust you have been
bathed, come and let me have a look at you." Diane smiled at the boy as she
spoke, wickedly aware of what she had instructed the girls to do to him during
his bath. Rachael pushed the bewildered boy towards the settee. "That will be
all then Claire and Rachael, I will see that Richard gets to bed on time."
Gratefully Claire and Rachael turned to leave, their part in the charade now
over. Claire quickly took the tin of talcum powder from her pocket and placed it
on the arm of the settee as she moved toward the door. Diane looked up at
Richard as he stumbled rather than walked to the settee. "Did you have a nice
bath.?" Diane looked up sweetly at the boy watching him blush as she asked the
question. "Er,, yes.. er Miss." Richard did not know what to say he was
overwhelmed by the beauty of his young mistress. Diane was wearing a short
night-dress over which she wore a light silk dressing gown draped across her
shoulders. The neckline of the night dress was cut low and showed her firm
breasts almost to the nipple as she leaned forward. Her bare legs glistened
with health and vitality as she lazily stretched them out in front of her.
Richard could not help looking down at her as she rubbed her thighs together
before putting her feet on the floor and sitting forward. "Come closer Richard I
can't see you properly if you stand there." Richard shuffled forward until his
dressing gown almost touched her shins "That's better I can have a look at you
now." Without warning she reached for the belt of his dressing gown and pulled
the ends of the cord. Before he could protest she had opened the gown wide
bearing his body to her gaze. "Hands on your head there's a good boy I don't
want any disobedience." Her word managed to stop Richard in the act of quickly
clasping his groin. Reluctantly he diverted his hands, slowly raising them above
his head. She looked intently at his body, ignoring his blushes. Richard looked
up towards the ceiling as if to distant himself from the embarrassment that he
felt. Diane held the dressing gown open while she examined his body in minute
detail, noting the firm stomach and thighs, before moving her attention to his
genitals. She continued to look at him for several minutes before moving her
gaze up to his blushing face. Richard lowered his head just as Diane looked up
at him. He could not help blushing profusely as their eyes met. Quietly Veronica
got up and moved behind him, gently holding his wrists, she took his hands from
his head and placed them at his sides. Slowly she pulled the dressing gown from
his shoulder and let it slip down his arms and onto the floor. "Right turn
around so that I can look at the back of you, come along lively now." Diane
watched his face as she spoke, knowing that the boy would have to reveal his
nakedness to her friend as he turned to face away from her. Diane took hold of
his waist and turned him noting the helpless look upon his face as he did as he
was bid. Richard blushed once more as he saw Veronica look into his eyes. She
placed a hand under his chin and lifted his face so that he could not avoid her
gaze. His face felt hot against her cool fingers. "My you seem to be on fire
Richard, have you got a temperature." Richard could not avoid Veronica's cool
gaze as he mumbled an answer. "N..n'no Miss I d..d'dont think so." "Well I think
we ought to check you just the same." I'll go and get a thermometer, I think
there is one in the medicine cabinets in the dispensary next to your mothers
office isn't there. Veronica looked over the boy's shoulder to her friend seated
on the settee. Diane smiled with delight, knowing exactly the instrument her
friend was thinking of. "Yes I am sure I saw one in there the other day." Diane
replied as she took hold of Richard's hips and moved him to the side of her legs
so that he was facing sideways to her. "Right Richard let's have a look at you,
bend over and lay across my knees, I want to put some talcum powder on your
bottom." Richard blushed immediately, hardly believing what he was hearing as
Diane placed her hand on the small of his back urging him to bend forward.
"Right Richard all the way over, come along now... that's it over you go." She
positioned the trembling boy so that his hips were laying across her thighs. She
relaxed her legs, parting them slightly as she pushed her hand between the lower
part of his buttocks. She took hold of his penis and testicles from above the
scrotum and positioned them comfortably between her legs. Veronica watched as
Diane deftly positioned the boy, pulling herself and the boy back onto the
settee so that his head and legs were resting on the cushions with his bottom
raised up across her shapely tanned thighs. She noticed that Diane's night-dress
had been pushed up revealing the delicate lace of her brief panties. Richard's
head was spinning with shame. He felt absolutely humiliated as he was positioned
like a young child into such an embarrassing posture. "Pass me the talcum powder
before you go would you." Diane said to Veronica with an impish grin. Veronica
passed the decorative tin of powder to her friend. She was almost laughing as
she headed toward the door. Diane looked down on Richard's firm upturned
buttocks as she took the lid off the tin. "Right young man we will have no
nonsense now, just relax your bottom so that I can powder between your cheeks.
She looked at Richard's face, his head was turned to the side facing towards
her. She could see that his cheeks were a deep beetroot red as he laid quietly
with his eyes tightly shut. She stroked her hand sensuously over his back and
down across his raised buttocks, marvelling in the perfection of his body. Diane
had him right where she wanted him. What a lovely plaything she had. A naked boy
across her lap, malleable and supplicant, hers to do with whatever she wished.
The turn of events since their first meeting in the woods could not have turned
out better. A thrill ran through her body as she thought of the endless
possibilities she would have to enjoy herself with him. She could feel a slight
tremor run through his body as her fingers gently stroked over his naked bottom.
She shook talcum powder over the small of his back and onto both cheeks of his
bottom. Putting the tin down beside her she used the very tips of her fingers to
pull the cheeks of his bottom apart. "Just relax now, I'm not going to hurt you.
Richard shuddered as he felt the light but incredibly intimate pressure of her
fingers parting the cheeks of his bottom. He could not help instinctively
tensing his buttocks as her fingers pressed against his naked flesh. Without
warning Diane slapped her hand smartly across both cheeks of his bottom. "Don't
you dare tense your bottom like that now push it up and relax your cheeks or I
will smack your properly you naughty child." Diane's words were designed to
humiliate and reduce him to the status of a little boy. Diane placed her
fingertips once more inside the cheeks of his bottom and delicately pulled the
flesh apart revealing the puckered star of his sphincter. Now relax Richard
while I put some more powder on you, you've made me spill most of it by having
to smack you, you naughty boy. Diane let go of his bottom while she poured
talcum powder over the reddened flesh. "Right relax this time or I shall get
very cross, now push your bottom up and let the cheeks of your bottom go slack."
Richard groaned as he pushed his bottom upwards, arching his back so that his
hip were raised barely touching the flesh of her legs. To his horror he suddenly
felt her squeeze her legs together, trapping his penis between them as he
strained to raise his bottom.

Wendy and Annette had just finished helping the new visitor unpack when Veronica
walked in. "Well done Trishia I see you've actually managed to put all your
stuff away. I don't know why you bother carting all that luggage around for such
a short stay." Patricia smiled at Veronica. She was used to having her leg
pulled about the amount of clothes she had. Patricia was in the same year as
Veronica and Diane at their boarding school. Diane had arranged for Patricia to
stay for a few days before they all went back to school for their last term.
Patricia was very tall and slim, in fact the tallest girl in the school. Her
aristocratic good looks and bearing were coupled with an excellent sense of
humour which made her one of the most popular girls at Charnwood. Veronica,
Diane and Patricia had been firm friends for years and had come through the
rigours of their formative time at boarding school with a sense of fun and
irreverence which was the envy and of many of the younger girls at school.
Patricia was wearing a beautiful French negligee which just managed to cover her
hips. Her long legs were fashionably slim. Her tiny waist and small firm breasts
were clearly visible though the diaphanous white silk of her negligee. "You know
I'm a sucker for clothes and I know you'd be disappointed if I didn't have at
least a dozen new outfits to show you and anyway you know I wear them
beautifully." Patricia laughed at her friend. Her rich chuckle echoing around
the lavish guest bedroom as she put her arm around Veronica's shoulders.
Patricia's long blonde hair cascaded over her bare shoulders as she hugged her
friend. "Come on then let's go down I want to see this new young plaything of
yours. Wendy heard the remark and instantly thought of Richard and the certain
embarrassment he would be put through at the hands of the three girls. "Will you
need anything else Miss?" Wendy asked primly standing in front of the new girl.
Patricia looked at her. "No Thankyou Wendy, you and Annette have done a most
professional job and Thankyou for the extra hangers you obviously knew I would
need them." Patricia looked at the young maid, although only a cursory glance
Wendy was aware that her eyes had taken in every contour of her body. "I think
Wendy remembers the amount of gear I brought when I stayed last year." Patricia
laughed again. "I will have a glass of wine when we go down stairs, you know how
I love the contents of your cellars." "Yes Miss, I'll bring one to the living
room, Lady Rawlings has already opened a bottle for you." Patricia threw her
head back and laughed. Her beautiful face was wreathed in merriment as she bent
forward and took Wendy's face between her long delicate fingers, holding her
head she kissed her full on the lips. "There's no need to blush you pretty
little girl, I just love coming here. Off you go and get my wine while Ronica
and I go down stairs." Patricia and Veronica were laughing like young school
girls as they descended the stairs towards the living room.

Richard moaned with dread as once more Diane's hand slipped between the crease
of his bottom. He could feel his penis stiffening involuntarily as she continued
to squeeze the tumescent flesh of his member between her legs.
Diane could feel his penis stiffen as she squeezed her legs together. She
stroked his bottom in slow sensuous motions, her fingertips grazing over the
tender membranes of his sphincter. She looked up as the door to the living room
opened admitting both Veronica and Patricia who were laughing as they walked
into the room arm in arm. Veronica held out a long thermometer toward Diane. It
was nearly half an inch in diameter and about ten inches long. "I'm sorry but
the only one I could find was an anal thermometer, I hope it will be all right
for him.. he does look rather flushed." Diane took the thermometer from
Veronica, smiling as she also handed her a small tube of lubricant. Richard
could not see who the other person was with Veronica. He already knew from her
laughter that it was not Wendy or Annette. He was blushing profusely as he felt
a hand on his cheek. He could not see who it was stroking his face as his head
was turned toward the back of the settee. "He does seem rather hot.. perhaps you
should go ahead and put that thing into his bottom." Patricia smiled as she
kneeled down beside the settee her hand still gently stroking Richard's cheek.
With her other hand she gently caressed his back her hand moving slowly down his
body until it rested on the hillock of his buttock. "Shall I hold the cheeks of
his bottom apart so that you can get at the sphincter?" Diane smiled wickedly at
Patricia as she nodded to her. "Yes that would be helpful." Diane looked down at
the boy's face seeing the abject horror on his blushing countenance. She
squeezed her legs together feeling the erect penis throb as she rubbed the flesh
of thighs together. Richard was mortified with embarrassment. He felt cool
fingers insinuate themselves between the cheeks of his bottom and pull the flesh
apart. He felt utterly humiliated as his buttocks were stretched widely apart
exposing his sphincter. He jerked his bottom feeling cold liquid being rubbed
against the sensitive opening. "Keep still now.. and let Diane put some cream on
your bottom." The low well modulated voice of the new girl only increased his
embarrassment as he felt a cold object being pushed firmly against the timid
flesh of his most intimate opening. "Keep still there's a good boy." It was
Diane who spoke this time. " I don't want to hurt you." Her words were
punctuated with a firm push of the thermometer. Richard shivered as he felt the
cold tube of glass slide up inside him. "Arrggghhh..arrgghh." He could not help
groaning as Diane pushed the thermometer further in. He felt utterly helpless as
the glass tube probed deeper and deeper into his bottom. He shivered more with
embarrassment than physical discomfort as the girls handled him intimately.
"Keep still now, I have to keep it in for about five minutes, so just relax the
cheeks of your bottom there's a good boy." Richard felt the pressure of the
fingers against his buttocks relax and then to his horror a hand slip between
the cheeks of his bottom just at the juncture of his thighs. He could do nothing
to prevent Patricia's gentle fingers encircle the sac of his scrotum and squeeze
and caress the sensitive flesh. "How have you settled into your room? Do you
like my new decorations to the house?" Diane continued to stroke Richard's
buttocks as she spoke to her friend. She smiled and raised her eyebrows to
indicate Patricia's hand pushed between the cheeks of the boy's bottom.
"Patricia grinned and licked her lips as she answered. "The room is fabulous as
you well know, it is far to rich and lavish. Your mother has already told me how
extravagant you have been, however she did say she was very pleased with
everything." The girl's talked together, seemingly ignoring Richard's naked body
as he lay over Diane's knee. The thermometer which was protruding from the
centre of his buttocks moved suddenly as he tried to contract his sphincter. He
could not help himself as he felt his penis responding to the gentle caress of
Patricia's hand which was still pushed between his thighs as she held his
testicles. Richard was aware of an increasing ache in his penis, aware of every
intimate touch of their hands caressing his buttocks and squeezing his
testicles. He was almost beside himself with emotion as several minutes later
Diane gently extracted the large thermometer from his bottom. "Right.. let's see
what's cooking shall we." She read the thermometer which indicated a temperature
of ninety-eight point six degrees. "Well there doesn't seem to be anything wrong
with you so turn over and I can powder your front. Richard quaked as he heard
the very words he had been dreading. How could he possibly turn over and reveal
his erection to the girls. Surely they must be aware of the state he was in.
Blindly Richard tried to cover himself as he felt the girls begin to turn him
over. He had shut his eyes, contorting his face as he squeezed his eyelids
together. His face was burning red as he blindly tried to put his hands over his
erect penis. He felt a stinging slap on his buttocks as they manoeuvred him,
first on to his side and then on to his back so that his buttocks were rested
across Diane's thighs. "Come along now hands behind your head and lay back, you
are a naughty child." Diane admonished him as she admired the form of the body
below her. Richard's penis was standing straight upwards as he lay with his hips
raised across her legs. Patricia sat back on her heels, carefully examining the
naked young body in front of her as she finished helping Diane manoeuvre the boy
into position. Richard groaned once more, the only articulation he was capable
of making to signify his extreme embarrassment.

Wendy knocked and entered the room carrying the wine Her Ladyship had chosen to
welcome her daughters friend. "You can put it over there on the table and then
come back in about ten minutes and take Richard to bed." Diane called to the
young maid. Wendy had certainly expected the girl's to be up to something with
Richard in the room, but she had not been prepared for what she saw. She could
not take her eyes off the boy as he lay with hips thrust upwards and his penis
standing straight up from the juncture of his thighs. "Come along Richard hands
underneath your head and open your eyes. I want to introduce you to Miss
Patricia who will be staying a few days. Come along do as you are told or I
shall give you a good smack you naughty boy." Richard opened his eyes to see
both Diane and Patricia looking down at him intently. Veronica moved to stand
behind Patricia, resting her hands on the girl's naked shoulders. "This is our
friend from school, you may call her Miss Patricia." Richard mumbled, his face
flushed beetroot red as his eyes met hers, he was able to see her incredible
beauty before he quickly averted his eyes. "You needn't be so shy, she's not
going to bite you." Richard dropped his eyes, looking down the length of his
body. He was horrified to see Patricia's hand reach out and rest on his tummy,
just above his pubic hair. "Put some powder on here and I'll rub it in for you."
She said to Diane as she began to move her hand in a circular motion over the
boys soft skin. Diane poured talcum powder generously over his tummy, moving the
tin above his penis she shook the tin instantly covering his penis and testicles
in powder. Patricia moved her hand down over his pubic hair and delicately took
hold of his penis between her slender fingers. Richard groaned feeling his penis
throb as her cool fingers brushed over the very tip of the glans. He watched in
horror as she slid her fingers down the shaft pulling the foreskin until the
skin was stretched tightly from underneath the bell shaped head. She held him
firmly as she cupped her other hand underneath his testicles raising them from
between his legs. Richard felt his penis begin to throb uncontrollably between
her fingers, he could not inhibit the involuntary movements of his hips as she
slowly slid the foreskin back up over the rim of the glans. "Well you are a
sensitive young boy, however I suppose you can't help yourself. You just try and
keep still while I rub this into your penis." Patricia deliberately drew
attention to his erection as she quickened the motion of her fingers up and down
the shaft of his penis. She squeezed his testicles in quick motions, letting her
fingernails trail across the underside of his scrotum and the perineum of
sensitive flesh between scrotum and sphincter. She smiled displaying beautiful
white teeth as Diane slipped her hand between the boy's legs and pushed her
fingers up between the crease of his bottom. Richard reluctantly thrust his hips
upwards as he felt Diane push her forefinger against his sphincter. "Arggghhhh
arggghhh." He groaned out loud as he felt her finger push past the sensitive
opening and spear his bottom. "You are a baby aren't you." Said Diane as she
pushed her finger deep into his anus. Veronica knelt down beside the settee and
delicately scraped her fingers over the boy's nipples. She leaned her head over
his and looked into his eyes. "Just relax, there's a good boy while I give you a
little kiss good night. He watched mesmerised as Veronica lowered her beautiful
face over his. He felt the merest pressure as she touched her full lips to his.
The kiss acted as a cue to Patricia who increased the speed and pressure of her
fingers upon the young boy's member. Her long nails occasionally grazing the
sensitive rim around the glans at the head of his penis as she rapidly pulled
the foreskin up and down the shaft. "Argggghhh
argggghhhhh..argggggghhhhhhhhhhhh.. pleeeeease.. Richard was unable
to control himself as Patricia skilfully manipulated his most sensitive parts.
Diane curled her finger inside him, moving her fingertip firmly over the
prostate gland. "Arrgggggghhhhh arrggggggg.. mmmmmmpphhh." Richard's moans were
cut short as Veronica fastened her lips over his. She held him in a long kiss
before raising her head and watching as he gasped for air. Patricia increased
her grip on his penis and quickened her tempo as she felt the flesh throb
uncontrollably. "There's a good boy, just relax now." Veronica's words excited
the boy even further as semen spurted from the tip of his penis.
"Arrrrrggggghhh.. arrgggghhhh Ooooooooo ohh oh..Pleee ...eeease n'no
mmoore. "Richard cried out almost incoherently as the girl's prolonged his
orgasm. Patricia coolly squeezed his testicles, watching as the sticky white
fluid continued to erupt from the tip of the penis. She squeezed her legs
together in delight as she watched the boys hips writhe uncontrollably in front
of her. His orgasm seemed to go on forever as they stimulated every part of him.
Patricia squeezed from the base of his penis, pulling her fingers slowly
upwards. She watched fascinated as the last drops of semen escaped from the
opening. The girls looked on intently, noting his every movement and expression
as his body subsided from the frenzied gyrations of his orgasm. Their soft hands
stroked him gently, Diane pulled her finger carefully from his tender bottom.
Richard's body shivered in small spasms as he lay helplessly before the young
girls. Veronica got up to fetch the maid as Patricia laid his penis down between
his legs and moved closer to his head. She looked down at his face for a few
moments before bending her head and kissing his parted lips. Wendy returned with
Veronica, they had brought warm water, flannels and a towel. Wendy watched
intently as they carefully washed the boy's penis and testicles before soaping
his tummy and chest. They washed him and patted him dry, before turning him over
and washing between the cheeks of his bottom He blushed profusely as they made
him kneel. His knees were rested on the settee cushions to the side of Diane's
thighs. His body formed a bridge over her legs with his hands pressed into the
cushioned seating at the other side. Patricia powdered between the crease of his
bottom her slender fingers intimately running over the membranes of the
sphincter. Diane cupped his penis and testicles as they hung downwards. She
applied powder, marvelling in the soft feel of the flesh as she caressed him.
They made him stand beside the settee as they handed his dressing gown to Wendy.
"He doesn't need that on, it's a warm night. Take him to bed now, there's a good
girl." Diane smiled at the young maid as she instructed her. Patricia took hold
of Richard's penis and before he could protest pulled back the foreskin. "Will
you put some more talcum powder on his penis, especially behind the foreskin
before you tuck him in." Wendy blushed as Patricia indicated the tender flesh.
Richard tried to cover himself but was stopped by a sharp slap across his bottom
from Diane. Hands on your head, quickly now. Richard's face coloured a deep red
as she took his wrists and placed his hands on his head. Patricia pulled the
boy's foreskin further back stretching the skin. "Can you see where I mean
Wendy?" Patricia was enjoying herself watching the young maids cheeks blush a
deep red as she was made to look down at Richard's penis. "Yes Miss, I'll put
some on, shall I take him up now?" Wendy was feeling sorry for the boy and hoped
that she might alleviate him from any further embarrassment. "All right Wendy
off you go, you may put your hands down now Richard and walk with them at your
sides. Off you go then both of you." Diane spoke kindly as she watched Richard
walk stiff legged behind the young maid.

Lady Rawlings looked across the magistrate's court at the young defendant. His
face was blushing with shame as she summed up the proceedings. He was seventeen
years old and from a good family background. His parents, it transpired had
recently moved to the mainland and it was during this short period, while
staying with school friends, that he had committed the offences for which he was
now on trial.
He was tall and good looking and Lady Marwood had decided earlier that day that
perhaps this was an ideal opportunity to repay a few favours, both good and bad.
She watched the face of the burly sergeant who was standing behind the
defendant. He had an expression of eager anticipation on his face, which her
Ladyship found distasteful. As she reached the words "Pure hooliganism" She
noticed the sergeant smile with satisfaction. These words could only mean one
punishment in a Manx courtroom... The Birch! "So young man, I am afraid that I
have no alternative but to sentence you to six strokes of the birch." The
sergeant almost liked his lips as the sentence was pronounced. Lady Marwood's
eyes however were on the young defendant. She saw his face turn ghostly white
and his hands clutch the rail of the dock as he heard her words. "Take him down
would you sergeant." She watched the sergeant take hold of the young man's arm
and roughly escort him from the dock.
Lady Marwood had always been irritated by the obvious delight the sergeant took
in birching young boys. She had heard small snippets of gossip amongst the staff
at the courtroom cells pertaining to the sergeant's interest in young men. It
was rumoured that he took delight in keeping them stripped naked for several
hours before he applied the birch. Lady Marwood had no intention of letting that
happen on this occasion. Before the court had convened she had checked to make
sure that the medical officer was still on holiday. The rules forbade any
birching without medical supervision. She had arranged after hearing the
evidence, that he be transported to the local women's jail. The governor, who
was a personal friend of Her Ladyship had made the rest of the arrangements for
her. Lady Rawlings left the courtroom and retired to the Judges chambers. She
had decided to forego the pleasure of seeing the sergeant's disappointment at
losing the pleasure of birching the young man.

Sarah Wallis looked at the naked young girl standing before her. The girl was
quite pretty with firm young breasts, narrow waist and long slim legs. Beside
the girl stood two female warders. It was normal practice for the warders to be
present during a prisoner's medical examination. The young doctor had already
examined the girls heart and respiration and had donned rubber gloves in
preparation for an internal exploration. Without hesitation Sarah knew what was
expected of her at this stage. 'If we can't have a little enjoyment.' She mused
as she looked at the girl's breasts, noting the erected nipples. Sarah had
caught the pretty blonde warder looking at her when they had first brought the
girl into the examination room. She knew immediately from her admiring glances
and demure looks that the young warder was interested in her. Both warders were
dressed in dark jackets and skirts. Each wore a white cotton shirt with
navy-blue tie. The taller of the two warders wore her jet black hair tied back
in neat bun. The skirts they wore were cut to the knee. Both girls had excellent
figures, their long legs had been tanned by the summer sun, were in sharp
contrast to the pale flesh of their naked charge.

Sarah had received a phone call from Lady Rawlings during the morning. She had
easily changed her day's schedule at the medical centre and instead attended the
women's jail as requested. It was not until Sarah had arrived that she was
informed of her duties for that day. Normally the prison authorities resident
medical officer carried out the medical examinations, but as he was on holiday,
she had been asked by the governor if she would she be able to deputise for him
as there were several new admissions to be examined. It had only been ten
minutes ago that she had been asked by the governor to attend also the birching
of a young man who was being escorted to the jail. It was then that Sarah
realised why she had been asked by Lady Rawlings rather than the governor to
deputise for the regular medical officer.
"Place your legs apart for the doctor." The sharp command came from the taller
dark haired young warder who bent down and slapped the inside of the young
girl's thighs, making her stand with her legs spread widely apart. "Hands behind
your head." Another sharp command followed by a harder slap upon the girl's
bottom. Sarah looked at the young blonde haired warder who had placed the girl's
hands behind her head. She could be no older than twenty-two she thought, yet
her authority over the prisoners was absolute. Sarah stepped forward and placed
her hand between the young girl's legs. "Breathe in deeply." Sarah spoke sweetly
to the young girl as she firmly pushed her finger up into her vagina. The girl
gasped as she felt the cold rubber of the doctor's glove enter her. "Deep
breaths now and try and relax." Sarah was well aware that the girl would find it
impossible to relax as she began to rotate her finger, causing her slender body
to squirm. Another smack descended on to her beautifully rounded bottom as the
warden admonished her once more. "Keep still for the doctor." Sarah increased
the momentum of her finger, causing the young girl to tremble from head to foot.
Abruptly she withdrew her finger and gestured for the warders to bend the girl
over. Sarah could not help being surprised at the alacrity in which the two
young wardens dealt with the girl. One pushed her down while the other put her
hand between the girl's legs and pulled upwards. The girl was now bent well over
with her legs widely spread. Sarah quickly spread some lubricant on to her
finger and stood behind the girl. The pretty young blonde warden deftly took
hold of each buttock and pulled the flesh apart, looking toward Sarah with a
timid smile. "Arggghh.." The girl could not help moan as her bottom cheeks were
firmly pulled apart. "Keep still girl.. or it will be worse for you." The warder
admonished the girl once more as Sarah gently pushed her finger against the
tightly puckered sphincter of the young prisoner. "Big breaths now." Sarah spoke
softly to the girl as one would to a nervous animal. "Hold still while I feel
inside your bottom"
Sarah pushed firmly against the sphincter with her forefinger, she felt the
muscle of the sphincter contract over her finger as it slid right up inside the
young girl's bottom. "Oops.. there we are." Sarah slowly rotated her finger
inside the girl, making her gasp at the intimate examination. With her free hand
she felt between the pale smooth flesh of her widely spread legs, locating the
soft folds of flesh covering her vagina. Without preamble she slipped two
fingers gently up into the vagina. "Arrgggghhhh." The young girl moaned as she
felt the doctor's fingers slide into her.
Sarah quickly began to rotate her fingers, occasionally making a scissors motion
as she stimulated the sensitive membranes inside the tight fleshy orifice. The
young girl could not help responding as the doctor probed inside her. She
clenched her teeth as one of the wardens suddenly grasped her nipples and
squeezed the soft flesh. The warder pulled hard on the delicate nubs of her
breasts, stimulating the tender flesh to hard points of desire. Sarah smiled
seeing the warden that had been holding the girl's buttocks, bend on one knee
and start to softly caress the insides of her thighs.
Although she could not see her, Sarah was also aware of the second warder
squeezing and caressing the young girl's nipples. "Arrrgggghhhh...ooooohhhhhh."
The young prisoner moaned loudly as she was reluctantly forced towards an
orgasm. "Just relax there's a good girl." She heard one of the warders say as
she began to climax. "Arrrrrgggghhhhhh...ooooohh.. Please I.. I can't stand
it.." The young warden who was gently stroking the girl's thighs smiled up at
the doctor and suddenly slapped the girl hard on the bottom. Sarah watched the
naked young girl as she fought for breath, her young flesh quivering erratically
with sexual excitement. She bucked wildly, her hips writhing in abandonment as
she reached her orgasm. Sarah diligently kept up the pace with her fingers, only
slowing as the girl gasped, pleading for them to stop. Gently Sarah took her
finger from the girl's bottom and withdrew her other fingers from inside the
moist vagina. Almost tenderly she cupped the pubic mound and squeezed
reassuringly. "There... there.. that wasn't so bad was it now?" The warders let
the girl up, gently holding her upright between them. Sarah smiled at the young
prisoner. "Off you go now.. there's a good girl." The warders both smiled at the
young doctor. Sarah again noticed that demure look from the younger of the two.

John Gilbert was standing in the centre of the tiled admission room. To one side
of the room was a small leather padded trestle. Several lengths of rubber hose
lay on the stainless steel trolley. Around the room were other trolleys and
shelves containing an assortment of syringes, nozzles and various medical
apparatus. To the far end of the room were two large baths; lower than domestic
baths, they had large support handles set into the sides. One of the baths was
half filled with hot water. The young man looked at the two nurses standing in
front of him. Both wore white linen tunics with rubber aprons. Behind him
standing legs astride were the two young female warders who had escorted him
from the cells at the courthouse. He looked at the nurses in front of him. One
of them he estimated to be about thirty-five years old, the other was much
younger. The older of the two smiled at him, not unkindly as she addressed him.
"I hope you are going to co-operate so that we can get this over quickly. Do you
understand?" John nodded his head. He shivered at the thought of what was in
store for him.
"Right strip down and put your clothes over there." The nurse indicated a small
table to his right. John blushed profusely, he had never had to expose his body
to a woman before, at least not since he was a child. He began to undress,
taking off his jacket and tie... then his shirt, socks and shoes. There was
complete silence in the room as he looked up to the nurse from placing his shoes
by his pile of clothes. She made no comment but stood waiting for him to
continue. He undid his trousers and sliding them down his legs, stepped out of
them and carefully folding them, placed them on the table. He straightened up
and turned to face the nurse. "Take those off too and come over here." The nurse
moved toward the trestle without a second glance at the young man. John lowered
his underpants and stepped out of them. He held them to his groin, crouching low
as he placed them on the table. He was aware of the young nurse's interested
gaze as he stood covering his genitals with his hands. The two warders smiled at
each other, as they looked his naked buttocks.
He walked toward the trestle crouching low as he tried to cover himself. The
nurses moved to his sides and taking his arms pulled him forward. "Right young
man, bend over the trestle so that your hips, not your tummy, are resting on the
bar. John felt their soft hands coax him forward. A firm pressure against his
shoulders bent him over. He had to uncover himself so that his hands could
support him against the wooden legs of the trestle. The nurses manoeuvred him
until he was bent well over with his hands on the floor. They took hold of his
ankles and spread his legs. The warders moved forward. One stood facing his
head, leaning forward she put her hands on either side of his waist. "Just keep
still now, while nurse gives you an enema." John mumbled incoherently. He had no
real concept of what was going to happen to him, other than that he was to be
birched. The second warder and the young nurse knelt behind him, one to each
side and held his legs apart. The senior nurse picked up a large syringe, which
had already been filled with distilled water and a mild purgative. She
lubricated the large stainless steel nozzle and moved behind him. Placing her
hand between the crease of his bottom she introduced the nozzle to the opening
of his bottom. "Now take a deep breath." She instructed as she pushed the nozzle
firmly up against the tightly puckered sphincter. "Once more now." With those
words she pushed firmly, hearing the boy gasp with shock as the cold metal
suddenly entered his bottom. "Another deep breath." She instructed as she
pressed the plunger firmly. John tried to rear up as the first jets of water
entered him. The warder had watched the nurse and as she had pressed the plunger
she pressed firmly down on the naked boy's waist, making sure he could not move.
"Arrgggghhhh..oooojhhh. John could not help crying out as the nurse pressed the
plunger all the way in. Quickly she withdrew the nozzle, watching the sphincter
close tightly as the nozzle was removed. "Just stay there a minute." She
instructed once more. She laid the syringe back on the trolley and took a gauze
pad which she pushed rudely between the cheeks of his bottom. "Right if you
would take him over there to the cubicle please." The warders helped the boy up
as the young nurse placed her hand between the cheeks of his bottom, pressing
the pad against his sphincter. Between the warders and the young nurse John
walked awkwardly to the toilet cubicle which was situated in a small room
leading off the admission room. The cubicle had no door, consisting only of two
small tiled walls standing about four feet in height. They left him sitting on
the lavatory seat and walked back into the admission room.

It was not long before he felt unable to control the pressure of the water in
his bowels. He evacuated almost immediately, feeling utter relief as he
dispelled the entire contents of his bowels. He wiped his bottom and pressed the
handle, which was set into the wall. He sat back down on the toilet seat and
contemplated his fate. It was the first time he had been alone since sentence
had been passed. He had no idea what happened next; he had heard rumours that
four strokes of the birch was a really severe punishment. Boys at school had
talked of the horror of six strokes of the birch, but no one he knew had ever
experienced it. He just managed to cover his genitals with his hands as the two
young warders appeared. "I hope you have finished." The pretty young warder said
as she beckoned for him to get up. John stood, his hands clutching his groin.
"Right now, hands by your sides and stand up straight." The young warder took
hold of his hands and pulled them away from his groin. "You will learn that
there is no privacy for anyone in Jail, so you had better get used to it." John
blushed profusely as the young women stood back and looked him up and down.
Right come along, so the nurse can clean you up. The warders escorted him to one
of the baths. "Step in and stand facing me." The warder waited until he had
stepped in; she took him by the waist and turned him to face her. The younger of
the two nurses stepped forward with a flannel and container of strong smelling
liquid soap. She walked around the bath to stand behind the naked boy. Taking
the flannel she dipped it in the water and poured soap on to it. Resting one
hand against the small of his back she started washing his bottom. "Stand with
your legs astride." She instructed, adding more soap to the flannel she pushed
the material between the cheeks of his bottom. "Come along get those legs apart
so that the nurse can get at your bottom." The young warder pushed her hand
between his thighs, pressuring his legs apart. John was blushing profusely as
the nurse bent him forward. He could feel her fingers as she dropped the flannel
and impudently pushed her hand between the cheeks of his bottom,. He gasped as
he felt her finger push up into his sphincter and penetrate deep into his anus.
"Hold still there's a good boy." She pushed harder this time feeling the plump
flesh of the prostate gland. "Do keep still." The warder said sharply as he
tried to evade the intense pressure from within his bottom. Several times john
had tried to cover his genitals, but the warder had firmly moved his hands to
his sides. The young nurse moved her finger vigorously in and out of his bottom,
occasionally applying soap between the crevice of his buttocks.
"Arrgghhh..ooohh." He cried out involuntarily as she gave one final push before
withdrawing her finger from his bottom. The nurse stepped around the bath and
stood beside the warder. The second warder moved behind the boy and taking both
his wrists pulled his arms behind him. The nurse looked at the blushing young
man straight in the eyes, as she took hold of his penis in one hand and
testicles in the other. Her soapy fingers pushed the foreskin of his penis back
as she pulled his scrotum forward from between his legs. John threw his head
back in anguish and humiliation as she soaped his genitals. She deftly
manipulated the foreskin up and down the shaft until she felt it become stiff
between her fingers. Taking more soap and scoop of water in her hand she
continued to soap around his genitals. He tried to evade her touches but the
prison warder held his arms tightly.
John closed his eyes as he felt his penis erecting. He could not bear the
further humiliation of seeing the young prison officers looking at him. He felt
utterly stupid being made to stand naked while a young girl washed his genitals
as if he had no feelings. Once the nurse was satisfied she took a jug from the
trolley and poured water over his erect penis. "Come along step out of the bath,
I want to dry you." John suffered further humiliation as the young nurse dried
him. Casually she moved his erect penis from one side and then to the other as
if it were nothing more than an arm or a leg. "Turn around and bend over and
touch your toes." This instruction was followed by the warders physically
bending him over from the waist. He felt the hands of one of the warders part
his bottom cheeks while the nurse deftly slipped the towel between his legs and
dried between the cheeks of his buttocks.
"Right stand upright and let's have a look at you. John felt his hands being
grasped behind his back as he stood up. The nurse stood back and looked at him.
John felt absolutely humiliated being made to standup, legs astride, in front of
the young nurse with his penis erect. He blushed to an even deeper red as he saw
her smile at his penis standing straight out from between his thighs.
One of the warders went over to a cupboard at the far end of the room while the
second warder held his arms behind his back. She came back with four leather
cuffs. Each cuff had a small metal ring attached to it. Quickly she knelt down
between his legs and strapped a cuff to each ankle. She then moved behind him,
together the two warders strapped the remaining cuffs to his wrists. "Come over
here and bend over and touch your toes." The nurse moved toward the
chromium-plated trolley that was situated near the bath. The warders took his
arms and walked him toward the nurse. John was almost in a daze as they bent him
over once more. He felt the nurses soft fingers gently rub a strong smelling
antiseptic over his buttocks. Standing upright once more John looked down at
himself to see that his penis, although still swollen was hanging down between
his legs. One of the warders took a clip from her tunic pocket and placing his
wrists together behind his back, clipped the leather cuffs together. The warders
stood on either side of him and held his arms. The led him through the doorway
and along the corridor to the doctors office. Sarah was just finished her cup of
tea when she heard the warders knock at the door. "Come in." She shouted as she
got up from the corner of the desk where she had been sitting. She faced the
door as they entered, her eyes quickly appraising the naked boy as he stood
between the two warders. Sarah felt a stab of pity as she looked at the boy's
blushing face and trembling body. Sarah had been aware of her own sexual
predilections for a very long time. She could not help feeling excitement at the
prospect of seeing the boy being birched; at the same time she felt compassion
for him. He was obviously not a village lout, but a very sensitive young man.
She looked at his body as one of the warders unclipped his cuffs and pushed him
forward. Raising his chin she looked into his eyes, seeing the fear and
trepidation he was experiencing. "This won't take long and I am sure it will all
soon be over." She said kindly as she placed the stethoscope in her ears. She
listened to his heart, which was beating wildly. She moved the stethoscope
slowly over his chest. She made him turn around by gently placing her hands on
his shoulders. She listened again moving the stethoscope over his back. "Just
bend over, there's a good boy." She spoke softly to him as she pressed her
fingers gently against his shoulder. John bent over and grasped his ankles. He
felt the doctor's delicate fingers lightly brush over his buttocks. Sarah softly
placed her thumbs between the crevice of his bottom and pulled the cheeks apart.
Satisfied she told him to stand and face her once more. John obeyed, embarrassed
by the sheer beauty of the young doctor, as he stood naked before her. Sarah
gently cupped his chin and turned his face to the side. She stroked the soft
palm of her hand over his chest and stomach; moving her hand down further she
felt his penis throb as she slipped her hand between his legs and cupped his
testicles. "Cough for me will you." She lifted his testicles gently, feeling a
thrill at her intimate contact with the boy. John coughed weakly, his cheeks on
fire with the embarrassment and humiliation he felt. "Cough again... a nice big
one this time. She lifted his testicles feeling the soft balls of flesh move
within the scrotal sac. "There nearly finished now." Sarah took his penis
between her fingers and gently pulled the foreskin back from the glans. She
moved the turgid flesh upward to examine the opening and then gently let go. She
noticed that the flesh had began to swell as she placed her hands on the boy's
shoulders. She could see his bottom lip tremble and his eyes near to tears as he
looked at her. Sarah could not think of anything appropriate to say, although
she was determined to show him kindness when this was all over.

The warders escorted the boy along the wide corridor. His hands had been clipped
together behind him and as he walked shakily towards the heavy blue door at the
end of the corridor he felt near to fainting. They stopped in front of the door
while one of the warders knocked. As the door swung open the warders took a firm
grip on his arms. Before he had time to protest they had quickly moved him to
the centre of the room. Two more female warders held him as they expertly
clipped the cuffs around his wrists to narrow chains hanging from the beam above
his head. Pulling the chains, the warders quickly had his arms hoisted into the
air. They clipped the chains together and fastened the ankle cuffs to rings set
in the floor. In a matter of seconds, John had found his body stretched tight.
His legs were astride and his arms pulled outwards and upwards. He could not

As he looked around the room he was aware that there were several other people
stand ing to the side of the room. To his left was a steel table holding
stainless steel dishes. There was also a variety of medical instruments as well
as bottles and gauze's. To the side of this, there was an oxygen cylinder, its
rubber hose was attached to a face mask which rested on the table. He looked at
the assembled people without recognising the governor, or the magistrate who had
sentenced him. The young blonde warder moved to the window, which was directly
in front him. He watched as she took off her tunic jacket. Her firm breasts
pushed against the white cotton of her shirt as she moved toward an oak barrel
in the corner of the room. She pulled out a long bundle of birch twigs, which
had been soaking in brine. The twigs, which were forty inches in length, had
been expertly bound at one end to make a comfortable handle. She moved directly
in front of him, holding the birch down to let the brine drip from the twigs.
John could not believe that this pretty young girl was to be the one to beat
him. The young warder looked at him before moving behind him. She stood to one
side and shook the last drops of brine from the birch. There was complete
silence in the room. Sarah, who had entered quietly as they were fastening the
young man to the beam, was also surprised to the see the young blonde warder
taking the birch from the barrel. Sarah caught the eye of Lady Rawlings and gave
her a quick smile of greeting before moving to the side of the room. They both
looked at the prison governor.

"John Gilbert, you have been found guilty of causing damage to public property
while drunk and incapable. You have been sentenced to six strokes of the birch.
Sentence will commence forthwith. Doctor Wallis is there any medical reason why
sentence should not be carried out?" The governor looked across at Sarah. "No
governor." Sarah managed to say, hoping that she had managed to conceal the
excitement she felt. The governor moved to Sarah's side and whispered. "Will you
take up your position." Sarah had read the instruction leaflet, which she had
found in the medial officer's desk draw. It stated that the prisoner must be
examined for heart rate, breathing and rupture after every stroke. Sarah stood
in front of the young man. He was trembling visibly as he looked into her eyes
with a pleading expression. Sarah kept her face impassive and slipped her
stethoscope into her ears. She stepped back as the governor nodded to the pretty
blonde warder. The young warder raised the birch, holding the handle with both
hands, she brought it down in a perfect arc hard against the middle of the boy's
buttocks. "Argggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." John screamed in agony. Hardly
recognising his own voice as the pain seared through the very core of his body.
He had not expected the pain to be so great. The birch twigs had moved against
each other as they bit into the flesh, nipping and trapping the tender skin.
"Argggghhh..oooohhhh." He could not help himself crying out with the pain.
Through a haze of pain he was aware of the young doctor moving the stethoscope
over his chest. Her face was almost touching his as he felt the palm of her hand
press against his stomach and slide down over his penis and between his legs.
She cupped his testicles gently. "Cough for me please." She moved her cheek next
to his, so that he would cough over her shoulder. He was aware of her breasts
pressing against his chest as she squeezed his testicles. John managed to cough
to her satisfaction. Sarah moved back and nodded to the governor. "Please mark
one." One of the young warders marked a cross in one of the six boxes that were
printed on the punishment form. The governor nodded to young blonde warder
holding the birch. Sarah watched as the young girl raised the birch and then
turned her attention to the naked young man in front of her. As the birch struck
a second time across the centre of his buttocks, he threw back his head in
anguish. His body stiffened for several seconds before he was able to scream. As
he screamed Sarah stepped forward and cupped his testicles. There was plenty of
movement to check for a rupture and she did not think that she would be able to
make him cough through the pain he was feeling. She thrilled as his body
thrashed in front of her. She squeezed the testicles gently more to give comfort
to him in his anguish. Letting go she placed her stethoscope against his chest
and checked his wildly beating heart for irregularities.
When she had finished she looked across at the governor. The governor nodded her
approval at Sarahs methods and nodded to the young warder to continue. "Mark
two." She said as the birch was raised once again. The pretty young blonde
brought the long bundle of twigs down hard. "Thwaacck" The birch twigs bit into
the young man's flesh in exactly the same spot as the other two strokes. Sarah
moved around the prisoner and looked at the bright red wheals, which covered the
entire buttock area. She placed her stethoscope against his back as he screamed
in anguish. "Arrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....arrggggggghhhhhhhhhhh
The veins of his neck stood out above his straining sinews as he screamed and
screamed. Sarah slipped her hand between his legs and once more cupped his
testicles. She fondled the captive flesh as he tried to move his body in relief
against the pain. The governor looked enquiringly at her as she slid her hand
from between his legs. Sarah nodded. She knew that he was fit and well yet felt
that each time she nodded she felt like an emperor at a gladiatorial games,
where a thumb turned down meant death or mutilation. "Mark three" The governor
nodded to the warder who raised the birch high above her head. Sarah could see
the hardened nipples of her young breasts press against the thin cotton as she
raised the birch. Sarah was fascinated as the young girl brought the birch down
hard. She watched the twigs splay out across the cheeks of his bottom as the
birch bit home. Sarah moved around the quivering boy, his movements were erratic
as he tried to deal with the pain. His screams filled the room as she moved
toward him. His penis was thrashing from side to side as he tried to rid his
bottom of the pain. Sarah felt a thrill run through her body as she gently
squeezed his testicles. She didn't know whether he was aware of the gentle
pressure of her fingers as he shivered and quaked. As his screams subsided she
could not help moving closer to him. Still squeezing his testicles she
whispered. "Give me a nice big cough there's a good boy." Sarah was aware of the
effect this would normally have on a young man of his age, but she was not
really sure if he heard her. She nodded to the governor once more. "Mark four".
Almost immediately the birch came swishing down through the air, landing with a
loud "Thwaaakk." against his buttocks. Sarah watched as the young man's body
stiffened as if in a trance. He cried out his voice sounding hoarse and weaker.
"Arrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh.. ohhh ohhhh.. Please no more I
can't stand it." Sarah moved forward quickly and placed the stethoscope on his
chest, he was perspiring heavily. She slipped her hand between his legs,
deliberately brushing over his penis, before cupping her fingers around his
testicles. She moved her head closer and whispered in his ear. "Give me a nice
big cough, there's a good boy, come along now." Even through his anguish she
felt sure he was aware of the delicate fondling of his testicles. She moved back
and nodded quickly to the governor. "Mark five" Sarah watched as the young
blonde raised the birch with both hands. She caught Sarah's eye as she held the
long birch above her head and gave her a knowing look. Sarah watched the young
girl bring the birch down hard onto the centre of the boy's bottom. He screamed
in pure abandonment as the twigs bit and pinched every part of his buttocks.
Arrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh.oooohhhhhhhh. Sarah moved close to the boy, as she
pressed her hand against his heaving stomach. She placed the stethoscope against
his chest and as her hand slid down over his pubic hair she felt herself
suddenly orgasm. The orgasm took her completely by surprise; she squeezed her
legs together and bit her lip as she slipped her hand between the quivering
thighs of the naked boy. She struggled to control herself as she cupped his
testicles in her hand. Outwardly her expression gave the impression of trying to
listen to the stethoscope amidst the young man's screams. Inwardly she felt the
orgasm course through her body. She squeezed his testicles hard before letting
go and standing back.
"Mark six. Thankyou ladies." The governor moved around to have a look at the
boy's face, which was still contorted in agony. "Your punishment is over, you
will remain fastened for thirty minutes after that you will be checked over. If
you are pronounced fit you will be free to get dressed and leave. I hope this
has taught you a valuable lesson young man." John could hardly believe it was
over. He had never thought, even in his wildest dreams that it would be possible
to receive so much pain. He sobbed, tears rolling down his cheeks. He felt
totally wracked with emotion. His pain was so intense, it was as if red-hot
pokers had been applied to his bottom. The governor turned to Sarah. "Thankyou
Doctor Wallis, you were most efficient and conscientious. I would like you to
check him in about ten minutes but first would you like a cup of tea." Sarah's
emotions were in turmoil; was it possible to behave so normally after such an
experience? She wondered.
Lady Rawlings caught Sarah's eye as she was preparing to leave. "Can I have a
quick word." Sarah nodded and moved closer to her. "I am afraid my arrangements
were short notice, but I hope you found the experience worthwhile." Sarah nodded
and smiled. "I didn't know what to expect but It was certainly a new
experience." The rest of the staff had left the room apart from, Her Ladyship,
Sarah, and the young blonde warder who had wielded the birch so efficiently.
"Why don't you check him over while I go and have a word with the governor."
Lady Rawlings smiled as she moved past the doorway.

Sarah turned toward the young man who was still sobbing with anguish. She placed
her stethoscope on his chest. His heart was still far faster than normal, but he
was in good shape. She was about to leave when the young warder tapped her on
the arm. "I am going to do something now, you can stay and watch if you want."
She dropped her gaze demurely, looking up at Sarah through lowered lashes. Sarah
was intrigued, but made no comment. "My name is Rebecca." She said shyly as she
moved in front of the naked boy. She held the birch out in front of her and
brushed the twigs over his chest. John opened his eyes and looked at the young
girl, his eyes moved to her delicate hand holding the birch. "Did it hurt you?"
She asked innocently. The boy blushed, tears rolled down his cheeks. "It feels
like I am on fire." He managed to whisper. "Well it's all over with now so I am
going to put it back in the brine." She moved to the corner of the room and
placed the birch back in the barrel. She moved back and stood in front of him
once more. She held out her hand and cupped his chin, forcing him to look into
her eyes. Sarah stepped back into the corner of the room and watched the young
warder as she stood in front of the naked boy. "Don't you feel ashamed standing
naked in front of a girl, especially after she's given your bottom a good
birching?" The young warder asked. She reached forward and stroked her hand
across his chest, moving her hand until the fingertips rested against a nipple.
She pinched the nipple between her finger and thumb until she felt the flesh
harden. She placed her other hand on the opposite nipple and repeated the
The boy blushed an even deeper red. "And how about this." The girl took her
hands from his chest and reached down, placing her fingers delicately around his
penis. "Fancy being so helpless that I can do what I like with you! Don't you
feel ashamed?" John closed is eyes in acute embarrassment, as the girl pushed
the foreskin back and exposed the glans. "Open your eyes and look at me, you
wouldn't like me to give your bottom a few sharp smacks would you?"
She started to manipulate the foreskin, pulling the skin forward and squeezing
before pushing it back until it would stretch no further. John opened his eyes,
large tears were rolling down his blushing cheeks. "That's better... now tell me
what is the meaning of this?" She tapped his penis, which had begun to swell.
"Do you always display yourself so blatantly?" She continued moving the foreskin
up and down the shaft of his penis, her innocent expression belying her actions.
"Answer me. I can see I am going to have to smack you if you don't answer me."
John didn't know what to say. "er... no miss." She pushed the foreskin back
until it was fully stretched at the same time she scraped the nails of her other
hand across the underside of his testicles, before taking a firm hold of them.
"Now do you see how helpless you are." She squeezed the soft flesh of the balls
carefully, so as not to cause him pain. She felt the penis begin to throb in her
hand. "Why you naughty boy just look at you." She took her hands away and
watched his penis throb up and down. "Look at yourself you bad, bad boy." John
closed his eyes in acute embarrassment. He felt absolutely drained. "I said look
at yourself or I will smack your bottom, so do as you are told and do it now."
John opened his eyes, first looking at the girl and then downwards to his erect
penis. He groaned with embarrassment as he watched her slender fingers curl
around the throbbing flesh. Deftly she slid the foreskin up and down the shaft
watching his face as she increased the speed of her hand. He looked at her
through a haze of embarrassment as she aroused him. Gently, she slipped her
other hand between his legs and squeezed his testicles. She shivered when she
heard the boy gasp and moan. "Come along young man, let's have a nice big cum."
John could contain his emotions no longer. "Arrgggghhhhh..oohhh" He moaned as
she increased the tempo of her fingers up and down his penis. She quickly moved
her body sideways, just avoiding the first jets of semen as they spurted from
him. She squeezed his testicles hard and increased the grip on his penis as jet
after jet of semen spurted to the floor. "Come on now, there must be some more
left." She whispered softly as she began to slow the strokes of her hand.
Argggghhhh.. arrgghh.. please... it is so sensitive.... no more pleeease.
Rebecca slowed her hand but did not stop. "You are so helpless you can't do any
thing about it can you." She stopped the movement with her fingers and after
squeezing his testicles hard, she let go of him. John gasped as she squeezed his
scrotum. His whole body sagged between the chains as she let go of him. The girl
walked away from him and across to Sarah. "I am going to fetch him a drink.. are
you coming?"
John felt drained, his bottom was on fire and try as he might he could not ease
the pain. If only he could rub it or put some lotion on it, he thought.
It was about ten minutes later that Rebecca entered the punishment room. She
looked at the boy as he hung, straddled between the chains. His head was resting
on his chin and his eyes were closed. She touched him lightly on the shoulder.

Jane Marwood had done as she intended. It had been exactly three weeks since she
had started to teach Richard his lessons. She had assimilated well into the
household. Her manner and style commanded respect without the need for obvious
rule. Lady Rawlings had ensured that the maids and kitchen staff were aware of
her position' in fact the young girls now often referred to Jane if they needed
instruction about various household matters. When Diane and Veronica had left to
return to school with their friend Patricia, Richard's routine had been firmly
established by Jane. He had been bathed both morning and night, by either
Rachael and Claire, or Wendy and Annette. Jane had deliberately kept her
relationship with the boy to that of teacher and pupil, her evenings had been
spent alone with Lady Rawlings. For the past two days she had made sure that
although he was to be bathed as normal he must not be made to ejaculate. This
was in preparation for the first part of a carefully detailed timetable that she
had agreed with Lady Rawlings. Jane's heart fluttered as she sat at her desk.
Her silk skirt and white blouse felt cool against her naked skin. Today she wore
no bra or panties only a delicate suspender belt which held up sheer stockings
encasing her beautiful legs. She pressed her thighs together, feeling a tremor
of excitement run through her body at the prospect of the morning's proceedings.
It was eight-thirty, still fifteen minutes before Richard was obliged to attend
his lessons. She looked over the room noting that everything was in order.
Jane sat at her desk and opened the centre draw. Her long eyelashes accenting
her beautiful profile as she looked down into the it. She moved her hand over
the rattan cane, her delicate fingers lingering over the ridges the bamboo. She
picked up several long ribbons of soft chamois from the back of the draw and
laid them alongside the cane. Closing the draw she stood walked over to the
window. The sun was already casting it's gentle warmth through the tall Georgian
windows as she examined her appearance in the wall mirror attached to the oak
panelling of the wall opposite her. She noted with satisfaction the clear
outline of her breasts as the light from the window shone through the sheer Sea
Island cotton of her blouse.

The hands of the large clock on the wall slowly moved to indicate eleven thirty.
Jane Marwood looked across at her pupil. Richard was bent down over his books,
his face still red with embarrassment at the sharp rebuke he had just received
from his mistress. Jane had made sure that he could not keep his mind on his
work. Several times that morning she had leaned over the boy, her soft breasts
brushing against the nape of his neck as she pretended to look at his work. She
had also crossed over to the window, standing against the strong sunlight she
had made sure her body was angled perfectly for him to see the outline of her
breasts through the sheer cotton of her blouse. She had also caught Richard
looking at her several times as she sat at her desk. On the last occasion she
had sharply reminded him that he had only five minutes left to complete the test
she had set him at the start of the day.

"Right Richard, bring your book over here and let me see how well you have got
on." Her voice sounded light and cheerful. She watched as Richard stood up
clumsily and lifted the foolscap exercise book from the desktop. His cheeks were
suffused in a deep red blush by the time he had reached her desk. Jane was well
aware of the discomfort she caused each time she looked directly into his eyes.
Jane had always been aware of her beauty and she was conscious of her every
movement. A simple parting of the lips, sometimes dropping her eyelashes and
tilting her head upwards, angling her body in a pretty pose or gently touching
someone's hand. She had developed her physical grace to perfection. She looked
at Richard who was standing in front of her, his awkwardness in marked contrast
to her poise. "Give me your book, there's a good boy." Her voice was almost a
purr. She took the writing book from his trembling finger. Looking down she
could hardly be bothered to read the words he had written, her mind was already
on the course of events to follow. She flipped the page back and fourth,
checking what she already knew, that he had only managed to write one and a half
pages. Her distractions and been completely successful, keeping him from any
semblance of concentrated effort. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with
surprise. "It seems that you have wasted the whole morning Richard. I can see no
evidence of any proper effort and you have not even started question three. What
do you have to say for yourself?" Richard dropped his eyes and blushed an even
deeper red. "I... I.. d'don't know miss. I know them I j'just couldn't do them
in time." Richard's voice trailed off into silence. He bent his head and began
to shuffle his feet. Jane spoke sharply to him. "Stand straight and look at me
when I am talking to you. Do you mean to tell me that you have no excuse for
this work".
Richard quickly raised his head, looking shocked at the sharp rebuke of his
mistress. It was the first time he had heard her use that tone of voice.
"I' I'm sorry miss." Richard could hardly speak. His legs were trembling as he
watched her sit back in her chair. Her eyes never left his as she deliberately
folded her hands across her lap. "Look at me and listen carefully Richard. I
have great faith in your ability to do good work. This morning you have chosen
not to and I don't know why. You yourself have admitted that you have no excuse,
is that correct?" Richard was trembling visibly as he began to answer. "I'm
sorry miss, I promise I won't do it again." Jane leaned forward and looked deep
into his eyes. I am afraid Richard that your behaviour will have to be
corrected. I intend you to become a well-educated young man whether you like it
or not. I am very sorry but I am going to have to punish you." Jane leaned back
and slowly opened the centre draw. She took out the long rattan cane and placed
it on the desktop. Inwardly she was delighted by the shocked expression, which
appeared on the boy's face as the cane came into his view. "B..but m'mmiss."
Richard stammered as tears began to form in his eyes. Jane quickly interrupted
him. "I'm sorry young man, but is for your own good. Go over to your desk and
undress, quickly now, I don't want to waste the rest of the day."
Richard was unable to move; the words shocked him. He could hardly believe this
beautiful young woman was going to cane him. He began to tremble from head to
foot, hardly able to put one foot in front of the other as he stumbled back to
his desk. He turned to her, his voice pleading. "But.. miss."
Jane found it difficult to keep the thrill of excitement out of her voice as she
spoke sternly to her young charge. "If you delay any more Richard I will double
your punishment." "She watched with satisfaction as his trembling fingers
started to undo the buttons of his jacket. "Come along Richard everything
off... quickly now." Jane stood up taking several ribbons of soft leather from
the draw and placing them on top of the desk. She closed the draw and moved to
side of her desk. She watched intently as the boy undressed. He had taken off
his jacket and shirt and laid them on the seat of his chair. He was naked above
the waist but seemed reluctant to unbutton his trousers. "Take your shoes and
socks off before your trousers... quickly now, I have warned you." Jane's voice
was stern. Her words seemed to have the desired effect as Richard bent over and
removed his shoes and socks. "Come along... drop your trousers." Tears were
rolling down his cheeks as Richard undid the buttons of his trousers and pushed
them down to his ankles. He stepped out of them and placed them on top of his
clothes on the desk. Jane felt an involuntary shiver run through her body as she
watched the young boy stand up in just his underpants. "Right young man come and
stand in front of me." She picked up the cane and held it across her thighs. She
stood with her legs apart and waited for Richard to stand in front of her. He
was clutching the waistband of his underpants as if they might fall. His whole
body trembled with fear and trepidation, his face flushed a deep red as he stood
before her. "Drop your pants Richard and bend over my desk." Richard's
humiliation was complete as he stood in front of his beautiful young teacher. He
looked up to her face as if to plead with her once more. Jane let go of the cane
with one hand and gently stroked the boy's cheek. "Be a brave boy Richard, I
have to do this for your own good". Her voice was soft, almost tender as she ran
her fingers gently down the side of his face and over his shoulder. "Come along
now, take off those pants, I really don't want to punish you more than is
necessary." She thrilled as she watched him nervously push the pants down over
his hips and then down his thighs. He bent low and picked up the underpants,
clutching them against his genitals as he stood up. Jane smiled to herself as
she reached forward and took the garment from his trembling fingers. Richard was
mortified as she looked into his eyes. "Take your hands away and place them by
your sides. Stand up straight and look at me." Jane looked down at his genitals
as he reluctantly uncovered himself. She raised the tip of the cane and placed
it under his chin. "I want you to look at me Richard." Jane's voice was now
gentle and soothing. "I am going to give you six strokes on your bottom and I
want you to take it like a man. No nonsense, otherwise I will increase it to
twelve. Because you are new to punishment I am going to secure you. So bend over
the desk." She lowered the cane and placed it with his underpants on the side of
the desk. Richard shivered as he felt her gentle hands on his naked flesh. She
turned him around to face her desk, placing the flat of her palm against his
tummy she bent him over until his chest was pressed flat against the top of the
desk. Bending to one knee behind him she boldly stoked her fingers up the inside
of his thighs, making him spread his legs. "Please miss.." Richard stammered.
"It's no good pleading Richard, my mind is made up. Now get those legs apart."
Quickly she took the ribbons and tied them around his ankles, fastening the ends
of the soft leather to the legs of the desk. She then moved to the other side of
her desk and taking his wrists, pulled his arms forward and deftly bound the
wrists together. She attached the other end of the soft leather to the handle of
the centre draw. "Now Richard I have not bound you tightly, but if you do not do
as I say, I will fetch the maids to hold you down is that clear." Jane heard the
boy mumble an affirmative reply as she moved back around the desk to stand
behind his naked body. Although she had not bound him tightly she was well aware
that he could not move his bottom but a few inches. She stood back admiring her
handiwork. Richard's chest was pressed flat against the inlaid leather top with
his head turned to one side and his legs spread widely apart. Jane relaxed as
she examined the naked body stretched before her. She noted his firm buttocks as
she bent forward to look between his outstretched legs. His penis hung down
below his testicles, which she noticed were tightly encased in the scrotum as if
he were cold. She moved forward and placed a hand on each buttock gently pulling
them apart. She heard the boy gasp as she ran her forefinger down the crease of
the buttocks and over the sensitive sphincter. "Right my boy, get that bottom
up, come along up on your toes," She watched as he obediently straightened his
legs and pushed his bottom upwards. Jane felt a quiver of excitement run through
her body. She was aware that the boy could not raise his bottom any higher, but
could not resist the prospect of increasing his embarrassment. "Come along you
can do better than that" Gently she cupped his scrotum and carefully squeezed
his testicles, pulling the scrotum backwards towards her. She thrilled once more
as he gasped with shock at the intimate way she handled him. Keeping hold of his
testicles she delicately encircled his penis with the finger and thumb of her
other hand and pushed the foreskin upwards, uncovering the sensitive glans.
"Come along get it up further, there's a good boy." Richard could do nothing but
mumble. She noted that his face, which was turned to the side, was covered in
one deep blush.
Letting go of him she stood back and once more took up her position. Taking the
cane she lowered it so that the tip rested on the centre of his buttocks.
Richard quaked visibly as the cold rattan touched his flesh. Delicately she
stroked the cane up and down over the cheeks of his bottom. She felt the smooth
cotton of her blouse rub against her nipples, which were hard with desire.
"Come along Richard keep it up" With these words she abruptly raised the cane
and brought it down hard across the very centre of his bottom. The effect was
electric, his shoulders heaved as he strained to straighten up and his mouthed
opened wide in a grimace of anguish. "Arrrggghhh.. arggghhh." Richard groaned
as the pain of the stroke seared through his body. Through the deluge of pure
anguish he heard her voice softly whisper. "That was number one." His shoulders
quivered as he felt her tap the under-part of his buttocks. "Get your bottom up,
I shall not tell you again." Her voice was now firmer and more husky. "Come
along now." Richard strained to push his bottom upwards at the same time trying
to clench his buttocks together as if somehow to protect the sensitive flesh.
"Don't you dare clench your buttocks." With all the will power he could muster
Richard forced himself to relax his buttocks. No sooner had the flesh relaxed a
second stroke bit into his tender flesh. He tried to rear up but could not move
his hands. His whole body seemed helplessly pinioned to the desk. He cried out
loudly, his throat almost constricted with the effects of the pain. "Arrggghhh..
arrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." "That was number two." Jane's voice was soft, almost a
mumer. Without warning Richard heard the swish of the cane as once more it
sliced though the air. He could not believe the intensity of the pain as the
bony rattan cane bit deeply into his flesh. Arrggghhh.. arrggghhhhhh..
arrgggggggghhhhh." Jane squeezed her legs together as she felt a thrill run
through her body. She pressed her hand between her legs and breathing deeply
waited for the feeling to subside. She watched as Richard thrashed his bottom
from side to side. Three bright red weals delineated his quivering buttocks.
"Get that bottom up Richard" She said firmly as she raised the cane once more.
"That was number three and you have three more to come." For the fourth stroke
she sliced the cane down across the top of his buttocks. 'Thwack'. She delighted
in the satisfying sound of the cane as it bit once more into his soft flesh. She
watched delightedly as he threw his head back and screamed. "Arrgggggggghhh
hhhhhhhhh arrrgggg gggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh." "That was number four." Her words
were barely audible as without respite she raised the cane again and brought it
down hard. Richard was beside himself with pain as the bony rattan cane bit into
his bottom. This time Jane had aimed carefully for the tender under-part of his
buttocks. Her aim had been true and she watched his body quiver uncontrollably
as he tried to rid himself of the pain "Arrrgghrgggggghhhhh.... Arrrggggggghhhh
oooooohhhhhh." Richard screamed, his flesh felt as if it was on fire. His body
was quivering uncontrollably his mouth wide open as he fought for breath. "That
was number five, you have one more to come. Jane was not sure that she had
managed to keep the excitement out of her voice as mercilessly she raised her
arm for the sixth and final stroke. She aimed for the centre of his bottom and
brought the cane down hard, watching as if in slow motion, the wicked rattan
strike his flesh.
His flesh seemed to envelop the bamboo as it bit deep into his buttocks. The
effect of the last stroke was beyond anything Richard could have imagined. His
whole body stiffened for an instance as if had been electrocuted. He tossed his
head and screamed. Argggghhhh .. arrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
arrrggggggggggggggghhhhh. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he tried to escape
his bindings. His whole body was writhing in agony.
Arrrggggghhhhhh..arrggggggghhhhhh...ooooohhhhhhhh. Please misss.. misss n'nnoo
more. He shook uncontrollably as the pain coursed through his body. "Pleeeeeeese
misssss." He was near to fainting as he tried to form his words. "Pleeeaaase...
miss, no more."
Jane smiled with satisfaction as she laid down the cane. She leaned over his
quivering naked body and gently stroked her hand over his shoulders. "There my
boy, it's all over now. Try and relax... there's a good boy. Softly her fingers
trailed over his back and down over his upturned bottom. She bent to one knee
and deftly cupped his scrotum with one hand while the other delicately encircled
his penis. She pushed the foreskin back over the glans and squeezed the timid
flesh. Pulling the foreskin down again she began to move her hand up and down in
a milking motion. She heard the boy gasp as she cleverly manipulated his penis.
She slowly increased the tempo of her ministrations as she felt his penis begin
to stiffen. "There, there now, it's all over, just relax." Richard gasped as she
tightened her grip on his penis and pushed the foreskin back as far as it would
go. She punctuated the stroking of his penis by gently squeezing his testicles
in a similar rhythm. Richard's emotions were in turmoil his breathing heavy and
laboured. He felt totally trapped and humiliated as she cleverly aroused him.
She worked diligently, ignoring the moans and groans of the naked boy. Abruptly
she let go of his testicles and slid her fingers up between the crease of his
buttocks. Locating the sphincter, she teased the delicate membranes around the
opening. With great care she inserted her finger into the orifice, insidiously
probing until she felt the sphincter dilate. Without warning she pushed her
finger firmly up into his bottom at the same time pushing the foreskin of his
penis back, fully exposing the glans. She ignored the boy's gasps as she quickly
located the prostate gland. Curling her finger inside him, she stoked the
prostate, feeling his penis throb between her fingers. "There's a good boy, just
relax it will take the pain away." Richard's whole body was trembling, his body
wracked with emotion as his mistress expertly brought him to new heights of
sexual sensation. Feeling his penis throb uncontrollable Jane quickly pressed
her finger deeper into his bottom, increasing the tempo of her strokes as she
squeezed his penis as hard as she could.
She smiled with satisfaction as the boy moaned uncontrollably. A jet of semen
erupted from the tip of his penis on to the carpet below. Jane moved her hand up
and down the shaft of his penis with increased speed, her nails gently grazing
the rim of the glans as her fingers moved down over the tip. Richard shook with
emotion as she relentlessly milked him of every last drop of semen. He felt
drained as her fingers slowed and her grip relaxed. Jane extracted her finger
from his bottom and took hold of his scrotum. She squeezed firmly watching the
last drops of milky white semen escape from the tip of his penis. "There..
there, just you relax, while I fetch the maids to attend to you." Richard was
beside himself with emotion. He could not have believed that he could feel any
more embarrassment and yet he was to be subjected to even greater indignities.
Jane knew her job well, after all she had been trained by the best. Richard was
her charge and she had made but a small start. He would over the next few years
be subjected to humiliation, pain and sexual pleasure. He would be trained to
associate pain with pleasure and humiliation with adoration for his mistresses.
This for Richard was just a beginning.
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