Bonzi's Revenge on TF-IRL


The End Of TF-IRL: A Revenge Parody Fic.
Once upon a time there was a little rotten stinkhole of a subreddit called TF-IRL and in that stinkhole of a subreddit there were equally as stinky members. There was Brackets, an edgy wannabe lizard-woman who had a thing for older men and hyperfixated on robots, Thundergonianian, a lizard obsessed weirdo, and Karen, Karen was a stupid bitch who namedropped a user named Nathan Forester for no reason other than to insult him and make him feel bad, so one night Nathan decided to get revenge on them all so he set a little purple gorilla with dark magic powers to do it for him!

The little gorilla floated into their rooms one night to weave his sinister magic on them, Thundergonian was having a dream about being a dragon and in his sleep he murmured...'Oh boy I wish I was a dragon!' 'Oh you wish to be a dragon, you say? Well then, how about this for a wish granted?' the gorilla smirked as he clicked his fingers. With a series of loud snapping sounds, Thundergonian was awoken from his dream and screamed in horror as he saw what appeared to be thick red scales crawling up his body, piercing through his skin, he tried to move but he couldn't, as his arms slowly shrank into his body along with his hands and legs and feet, his neck shrank as well as his head slowly warped, two plastic looking horns grew out of the temples of his forehead as his hair fell out, he screamed out for the transformation to stop 'Oh please, stop this. Whatever you are doing, don't do this to me.' 'Oh no I cannot do that, my dear boy.' The gorilla responded. 'You see I have been sent by Nathan to teach you lot a lesson for banning him from the discord server and now you will all get your just desserts.'

He tried to beg for forgiveness but at this point he shrank away until he was the size of a rather extravagant dildo as his face melted in the shiny metallic plastic that was forming over his face in general, his voice growing hoarser and hoarser until eventually he could no longer speak, he fell off the bed with a loud thud, leaving a dragon themed dildo in his place. 'One down, one more to go!'

Then the gorilla turned his attention towards Karen. The gorilla turned towards Karen, he looked over at her sleeping and he warped her dreams to be nightmares of being turned into a grotesque troll-like woman to represent her true nature, she screamed and then looked over at the gorilla who was smirking at her with a wicked look on his ape-like face. 'Ooo ee ee aa! I spy with my little eye, someone with an overly large ego!' 'Hey! My ego isn't large, and what the hell are you doing here? I'm going to...' 'Do what, exactly? Tell Thundergonian that there is an intruder in your domain? I am afraid I cannot let you do that, dear. Because you see, he has been given a better form. He wished to be a dragon and I have granted that for him! I have corrupted him and turned him into a dragon dildo so that you may use him.'

'But I am not horny at the moment!' 'Oh but you will be!' he clicked his fingers and as he did, Karen felt odd sensations going through her body, as her sex drive began to increase rather rapidly as her breasts slowly inflated and with a rip, burst through her top. 'Oh no, my top!' 'Don't worry, you are going to get a new one.' She screamed as her fingernails lengthened, gaining pink and gold nail polish on them and her skin turned from its dark ebony shade into a tan color that made her look like she was a Snooki impersonator.

Her jeans felt increasingly tight as as her ass inflated, finally breaking through those jeans with a ripping sound. 'My ass! You have ruined my precious jeans.' 'Oh, what are you going to do about it, huh? Make an insulting status post about me? Accuse me of being a groomer? Your petty attacks will not work on me, for I am a being more powerful than you will ever hope to be!' She groaned as her ripped jeans and her ripped shirt morphed into a new outfit, the shirt gaining a Game of Thrones style logo on the front and a message that read 'dragon bitch' on it as her shoes slowly turned into latex boots.

'No, what are you doing? I can't be a cheap whore!' 'Oh but you can, and it is your new life from now on. Had you not mentioned Nathan in that post from two years ago I would not have to do this to you and your friends.' She screamed as her hair slowly turned from brown to blonde and gave her the hair-style of a would-be-playboy model. Her whole face and body reshaping and becoming ultra feminine to the point she resembled a Jersey Shore hopeful pretending to be a Game of Thrones fan! 'Like this, totally isn't fair.' 'Neither was how you treated Nathan, but you deserve this anyway, you nasty slut!'

Her voice shifted into a stereotypical valley-girl voice as he laughed at her, and her thoughts rapidly shifted, her Deviantart account and reddit account, now being infested with cosplay photos of her posing suggestively, she panicked as her hormones increased, yet she wanted to bang every single straight male member of the subreddit and she needed release, so instictively she started grabbing Thundergonian the dragon dildo and start touching and playing with him over and over, moaning as her memories shifted further and further. She couldn't remember being a member of that subreddit anymore, only being a nymphomaniac and cosplayer. 'And now that you have been taken care of, it's time to go after the remaining members!'

The purple gorilla made his way over to Brackets who had fallen asleep in the middle of watching a let's play of Guilty Gear and was dreaming of being turned into a robot. 'She views herself as a perfect TF machine and soon she soon will join her friends!' A pair of mechanical tentacle arms emerged from her bed as she awoke with a scream. 'Ah! What is going on and what have you done with my friends?' 'Thundergonian now has a new purpose, he is a dildo for Karen to use over and over again, like a good whore is supposed to do to sex toys like him.' 'You turned my friends into a sextoy and a whore?' 'Yes..and now it is your turn, I see you are a lizard who loves machines.' 'Oh yes I am.'

'Well then, how would you like to be a machine yourself?' Before Brackets could answer she felt an uncomfortable sensation in her neck as an opening formed on it and what appeared to be a microchip formed on it, she tried to pull it out only to get an electric shock, she gasped in horror as her skin slowly turned from green to a metallic gray color, her skin slowly altering from flesh and blood into metal as her body lengthened and contorted.

Her whole body was covered in metallic gray skin as her tail fell off. 'Gah! What are you doing to me?' 'You talked bad things about Nathan to your friends and to his friends too. And now you're going to pay for your questionable fetish!' She cried out...'I really shouldn't have trashed your friend like that, I am really sorry, please don't do this to me.'

'If only you had apologized before treating him like garbage.' The gorilla jeered at her as she slowly shot up in height, wires sprouting out of her back, pulling her towards a screen which she was plugged into. 'Do not worry, Brackets, you will have a new purpose as my robotic servant! You will obey my every command and you will help me take over this petty subreddit and make it my own!' Her neck lengthened and her hair slowly took on a metallic sheen and turned grey as the metallic skin slowly crept up it and covered her face, her look of horror being frozen in place as her eyes turned red.

Brackets panicked as she tried to call for help but the other members had also been disposed of by the gorilla, she begged like Karen had done before only to be mocked by him. 'Begging will not save you from your fate, you shall no longer need your friends anymore either, as you will serve me from now on!', she screamed as her whole appearance had now fully become metallic and robotic, her sharp teeth and reptilian muzzle shrinking away into a humanoid appearance.

Her voice deepened and her memories and thoughts shifted, shifting into those of a humanoid robot who existed for one purpose, the purple gorilla appeared on the screen that she was plugged into. 'Hello, to all in this subreddit, as you can see, I am in the process of taking over it as part of my ultimate revenge against the former people you see before you. Who am I, you might be asking? Why am I your new boss and master, and therefore also your new admin! I am the great Bonzi, the lord of the internet! And as your new master, I command all members of this subreddit that are still remaining to serve me.'

Brackets panicked as she tried to call for help but the other members had also been disposed of by the gorilla, she begged like Karen had done before only to be mocked by him. 'Begging will not save you from your fate, you shall no longer need your friends anymore either, as you will serve me from now on!', she screamed as her whole appearance had now fully become metallic and robotic, her sharp teeth and reptilian muzzle shrinking away into a humanoid appearance.

Her voice deepened and her memories and thoughts shifted, shifting into those of a humanoid robot who existed for one purpose, the purple gorilla appeared on the screen that she was plugged into. 'Hello, to all in this subreddit, as you can see, I am in the process of taking over it as part of my ultimate revenge against the former people you see before you. Who am I, you might be asking? Why am I your new boss and master, and therefore also your new admin! I am the great Bonzi, the lord of the internet! And as your new master, I command all members of this subreddit that are still remaining to serve me.'

All of the remaining subreddit members found themselves growing the same microchips on their neck as Brackets, they were all mind controlled into being the purple gorilla's new minions, the purple gorilla took over the entire subreddit and enslaved everyone, except for Annyelfman, who he considered a worthy apprentice. Annyelfman decided to help him take over.

The entirety of the subreddit was altered and reformed, becoming 'Bonzi's Twisted Wonderland' a place where those who didn't obey the rules would meet supernatural transformation punishments courtesy of the purple gorilla himself! TF-IRL was no longer the stinkhole it was in the beginning, but it was a new world, a world that belonged to Bonzi, and Bonzi would rule over it as the new admin and the new master of the subreddit.

And thus our story comes to an end, but here's the moral..NEVER make horrible comments about someone on a subreddit especially if years later the person you commented on now hates you and wants revenge, and never be a prick on a subreddit, especially not a TF one or you will end up becoming part of a grander much better system.

And that is the story of how Bonzi got his revenge on TF-IRL!
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