My Time had come
I'm now quite happy
Back in high school and college I tried and failed to date the girl I was really attracted too. I was too boring I was told; I preferred study over partying and didn't do reckless things just for a bit fun on the spur of the moment. I liked to think things thru first, so I never dated her. She married a fun-loving exciting guy and very reckless, I focused on my studies than my career. I did do exciting things in my mind skydiving and diving the reefs and learnt martial arts mainly to keep fit. Had my own gym at home, I preferred it to public ones. Anyway, her married came to a sudden end, her husband done one too many risky things and paid the price. Up to her eyeballs in debt and almost one-year-old daughter and no real work skills. I still lived close by her but rarely seen her. She applied for a job where I worked, but was not qualified, lucky for her I saw her that day waiting to be interviewed. I enquired with HR about her prospects, and they weren't good before the interview as she had no work history. I told HR I'd a position for her as my PPA personal private assistant as we were old school friends. Albeit we didn't socialize we were on fairly good terms always, once she missed the job she had applied for. HR sent her to my office telling her there was a possible job available. No other choice so she came to my office, seeing my secretary, who asked her questions related to the job I'd for her. Couldn't just give it to her, then she had to wait to see me. I was at a meeting on my return. I told the full details of the job, mainly keeping track of my meetings and also accompanying me to functions related to my job. It meant travelling and being close by when needed. She was well suited for the job as I already knew her and she me. No other requirements were needed by her to do the job. Sex wasn't on my mind, and I hadn't thought it as possible for years since college. I was mainly helping out an old friend more or less. Two problems she raised straight away her daughter and us travelling was the first, easy as her daughter could come with us. Second, she was already looking for another place to live and travelling to and from work would be a hassle at best. Easily fixed, I own my own apartment and another across the hall from it, I'd bought it just to keep noisy people out of it and also as an investment. Childcare could be arranged if needed, as her job was fully funded by me there weren't any problems with HR in my hiring her and she only reported to me. At worst it would give her work skills for future employment and second it might lead further in our relationship which was also at the back of my mind but not expected to happen by me. She accepted the job and was moved in by the weekend, we got on very well and her daughter was happy with me being around quite a lot. No sexual relationship started at first, but we got really close. Sex between us finally happened between us on her daughter second birthday a Saturday, a trip to the Zoo and a party and after her daughter was in bed asleep. We became lovers and six months later we married, and she was still my PPA just now referred to as my wife. Soon after our marriage she got pregnant, I having already adopted her daughter just before we married. She has learnt work skills and was very good at being PPA and even better as my wife. I'd also gotten promotions and wasn't required to travel anymore, but functions were increased. Only other change was her mother (widow) coming to live with us and becoming our live-in housekeeper and child minder in our own house. That is where are now, the two apartment we still own both are great investments and earn great income more than covering their costs to us.
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