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Happy with our New lifeIn the years since our first meeting, we've really clicked as a family. Both Judith and Beryl are very happy with our arrangement and the 4 children we've had. Beryl is pregnant again, making her third child, she is hoping for a boy and is getting checked today to find out if she has succeeded. Judith would like a girl having had 2 boys with me, but she may be passed having any more children. But I enjoy trying, with 4 young children it can be rather hectic around the house at times, especially ... reading time 1 mingenreStraightwritten on
BertramI saw my chanceDivorced and relocated, I was starting again at 52. No ongoing payments to my ex-wife and children, so I made a clean break. Not the favor of the month with any of them, so I relocated several states away and didn't bother to tell them where I was going. They wouldn't have cared anyway, I bought a 3bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood. Planning to keep a low profile for a time, but my new neighbor 61 had other ideas. He was a know all and expected to be told everything. He got shocked when I re... reading time 3 mingenre
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I'm Married againMy old NeighborI (33) was recently divorced and having no children we split everything 50/50 and went our separate ways. I bought a new home with a bank loan and continued in my career. I've only one close neighbor a man of 57, quiet and keeps to himself mostly, but will give you help required. As I was trying to erect a small kit greenhouse and not having much success, he saw me having trouble and came and helped me. The instruction did say you needed two to erect it, I thought I could do it by myself. That t... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Finally a MotherThe InheritancesAt the age of 18 I was orphaned, my parents both died together in a multi-vehicle accident in a snowstorm. No other family I knew of, but the state knew better than me. My father had a brother, and they weren't on speaking terms. He was the eldest by 2 years and a widower and had a daughter 15 at the time of our first meeting. He welcomed me and I settled in and only left to start university. I was into science and wanted to go into research after university after several years and doing quite w... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Making a familySo I tried to buy a wifeReading about men buying a wife, I (34) decided to try my luck. But like all my attempts at having relationships I failed again. But as they when one door closes another open, in my case it was my second cousin (25) on my father's side. My father is the youngest of 3 and his oldest sibling (deceased) only child had fallen on hard times. My late aunt's only child had been caring for her ill mother for years and had lost her father when she was 12. Having used what money and assets they to suppor... reading time 3 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Lucky CousinMy BossI'm the fixer of the business I do everything, and my lazy boss takes all the credit. He isn't the owner of the business just the local manager. He is a user and at 58 he's even too lazy to play golf. He's overweight and in poor health, we met on our first day with business and he ass kissed his way up the ladder and used me to do the work, he claimed credit for and so he kept me close. I'm a year younger than him and the father of his 2 children. He wasn't interested marrying at first, but hear... reading time 2 mingenre
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The FixerDown and OutDown and out is how I like my women, women having a hard time getting by. I've found they are quite willing to do anything I want to improve their lives. I don't hurt them far from it, I cherish them and get what I call OVA sex from them and also help them better their lives at the same time. OVA sex is oral, vaginal and anal sex and with women who are hard up it easier to get all 3 types of sex. Never rush the sex like to take my time, some women when their lives improve move on with their live... reading time 1 mingenre
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Sex ObsessedFormer VoyeurI was always awkward around girls about my age and then young women. Never smart enough to university, but preferred working with my hands anyway. Trained as a cabinet maker and then expanding to become a carpenter. Living in small town more skills you have the better, able to afford my own place at 24. Nothing grand just plain and a little rundown, which I done was money and time permitted. Several months after I'd move in the house next sold and a mature woman 52 moved in. Nothing happened for... reading time 3 mingenre
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Voyeur to LoverProxyShort History: I was born (1996) when my mother was 38 and father 46 and my mother died of cancer at 50. When my mother got at 48, my father thought it better I was away at boarding school. I rarely saw either of them after that, I saw my father for about ten minutes at my mother's funeral and didn't see again for 3 years. My school grades were excellent, and I was also doing very well at sports. But I had little or no contact with girls and being outgoing with boys and stand offish with girls, ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Thankful SonDecided to marry my cousinFirst of all, I (31) was very active dating and found out most women dating me were eyeing my wealth not me after I inherited. I was fortunate to inherit a great deal from my late mother's side of the family. With a successful career also, I was set as they say. My father and mother died when I was 25 in a car accident, and I inherited a large estate at 28 as the only close relative left. Covid having reduced the family numbers in 2020 and 2021, being the youngest and most distance relative and ... reading time 3 mingenre
Incestwritten on
New StartAly Raisman's leotard My sexual fantasy is to be a team laundry supervisor for the USA ladies gymnastics team at the London 2012 Olympics. I am given the teams leotards for laundry and hear they will be needed in 2 days time. I am secretly obsessed sexualy with the top gymnast Aly Raisman (18). Knowing my opportunity I remove both of Aly's leotards and put them in my rucksack. Heart beating like a drum I go to my hotel room. The rest of the team are on my floor too and I see Aly' go to her room with her tight bottom... reading time 2 mingenre
Masturbationwritten on
DaveXiChurch GoerAs a regular church goer, I was living alone and feeling lonely at 25 and my career was boring being a receptionist at a dentist office. I'm no centerfold and I would say slightly above average in looks and body shape. A bit too strait laced for most men and very picky on who I dated, not that there were all that many available to date in our town. At a church picnic I was alone and not looking to hook up with anybody, most were married anyway, and their wives and children were with them. But th... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy I marriedNever thought this would happen May and I have been friends for over 15 years. I have not found her attractive but she does have her moments. She thin and blonde but as a decent set of tits. She is a longtime friend of my wife’s family, so she is like a sister in a way. My wife was away on business and I had bumped into May at the store. I asked her if ahe wanted to hang out that next night. She said yes. I arrived a little early and she was on her lap top on her couch finishing up some work when I got there. I sat across from... reading time 5 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
Jude2020One Night standI (39) wanted a baby and being successful career wise and not interested in having any relationship I decided to have a quick relationship (one night stand). I know it can take time to get pregnant and one night mightn't be enough. But I monitored my cycle and when it was at its height, I picked up a man and slept with him. Failed at the first try but really succeeded on my second. Now I've twins both girls and couldn't be happier with 2 adorable healthy baby girls. I'm happy being single and ha... reading time 1 mingenre
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Happy MotherWork ColleagueI'm nothing special in looks and quite fit as workout and play sport. Never good enough to make it my career. Anyway, at 28 I was single and between girlfriends and a work colleague was dumped by her boyfriend. She 25 had just asked him about their future together and he just dumped her straight away. It completely shattered her self-esteem, and she was always unhappy at work afterwards. As I had no current girlfriend I decided to try and cheer her up and boost her self-esteem. I asked her out a... reading time 2 mingenre
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Becoming a Husband ShortlyHorny WidowsYears ago, I got a room at a house ran by 2 sisters 50 and 48. Their lates husbands had worked in the mines, where I was now working, and they died in the same accident. Always worked together on the same shift, as I didn't like the other miners. I was straight back to the house I boarded at after my shift, I was doing a correspondence course to qualify for a better job than working underground. But then there was a problem in the mine, no deaths that time. It flooded ground water kept at bay by... reading time 2 mingenre
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Quite Willing BoarderSex CrazyEver since I became aware sex, I've wanted to have sex. But it was years before I lost virginity. I was still living at home and was training as an electrician. Working for our next-door neighbor, only having a few months left as his apprentice. He was in a lodge and went away to a grand council he called it. His wife called it a waste of time and an excuse just to get drunk. So, he left around midday Friday and would be back Monday morning, but it was lunchtime before he got back. His wife had ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Happily Satisfied How I got MarriedAt the time this started I was 23 and travelled around working whatever I could get. I'm good with my hands and can do most jobs, just not smart enough for higher learning. It not that liked travelling the work was always of short duration. I arrived at my now hometown and asked about any work going at the hardware. One of the customers 39 said she had work available and asked me what I could do. I replied I do any manual work required fencing, digging, minor plumbing and electrical and carpentr... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Lucky Lucky ManA better futureAt 33 unmarried and just getting by, I was approached my boss 56. After some small talk he asked to stay back after work and see him. I stayed back and after everyone else was gone, he asked was I in any relationship at the time. I wasn't and said so, good was his reply. Then he straight asked me about having a child for him saying I would be well looked after. He hadn't ever married and now wanted an heir to inherit his company. No real close relatives in his family and never close to any of th... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Wife/MotherBreedingNever a ladies man far from it, called a nerd or geek during my school days even thru university. Only 5'5" and very skinny with thick glasses and started to go bald at 23. I wasn't top of girl's possible boyfriend lists. After university I started a great career and done very well in a short time. At 38 I decided I wanted to be a father and started thinking of how to become a father. A foreign bride was first on my list of possible ways, but dropped as I don't like flying very much. I do fly bu... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Nerd to BreederVS Porcine Pervert.Corey and Oats in.. VS Porcine Pervert ---------------------------- Corey and Oats really knew how to appreciate Mel and protect her, one instance in which they helped her was when she had to deal with yet another advertisement online for a fetish game, this time it was one that perverted elements of superhero comics and had heroes being brainwashed and violated by a pig-like villain known as the Porcine Pervert. ‘Ugh…that stupid pig-man. I just dealt with the previous version of this fetis... reading time 7 mingenre
Sadomasochisticwritten on
MM1302Returned after years awayThe town I (33) was born was like a magnet to me, drawing me back. I left at 18 join the military and after several hitches, returned home as I saw it. I was never a smoker or heavy drinker and dabbled in the stock market with my spare cash. So, I had a nice nest egg on my return, not what I would call rich but comfortable. I was an only child and had no real close relatives left at the time. So, I returned and bought myself a house as close to my childhood home I could get, my childhood having ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Lucky HusbandShort of MoneyI'm now 22 and worked 2 low paid jobs as I partied instead of studying and failed to get into university like my oldest brother (28). My other brother joined the Marines (25) and so I was living in the city away from our parents and then I lost one of my jobs. No savings to fall back on and having a very hard time finding another job. I'd to go to my oldest brother for help, he was doing great in his chosen career and had his own apartment. I rented a room (dump) overpriced and damp. But it was ... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Former Loser SisterSingle AgainDivorced after 23 years of marriage and still fairly well off and not willing to marry again at that time. I had hired a cleaning service to keep my apartment clean and do my washing and it worked for some time. But then they reduced their customers to just doing business and corporate offices not private homes. So, I'd to find another cleaning service and found none wanted private homes as it according to them cost them money. So, I decided to hire a cleaner myself to do my cleaning and washing... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Happy Horny DivorceeBull MilkerOnly those who have tried milking a cow can imagine how pleasurable it is to milk a bull. Maria used to milk her cows in the evening when their udders were already swollen with milk. That evening in the stable there was a large breeding bull that was mooing with that low and deep tone that spread throughout the stable. It really was a large breeding bull and Maria, curious, approached him to make sure everything was okay. When she got closer, she saw that the bull was visibly excited, his penis ... reading time 4 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on