

Never a ladies man far from it, called a nerd or geek during my school days even thru university. Only 5'5" and very skinny with thick glasses and started to go bald at 23. I wasn't top of girl's possible boyfriend lists. After university I started a great career and done very well in a short time. At 38 I decided I wanted to be a father and started thinking of how to become a father. A foreign bride was first on my list of possible ways, but dropped as I don't like flying very much. I do fly but only short distances, no long-haul flights. Paying a woman to have a child for me was also rejected as I'm not that confidence in one-on-one talks with women. I prefer to talk to women when I've some advantage, like at work and I'm in the senior position. I don't feel superior to them, I just feel more comfortable talking with them. Not doing well in my search to become a father. I was sent to oversee incorporation of a new acquisition to the company I work for. I wasn't to be there long and mainly to speed up the process, being in a high position in the company I could overcome any problems quicker than the local manager could. While there several employees were concerned about losing their jobs as low paid workers and automated processors were being installed. Most of their jobs were safe as we were just increasing to output with the staff already employed. There was one job that was going as vending machines were being installed to increase space and lunch lady was surplus to requirements and her kitchen area was to be torn out and made into additional storage. The lunch lady was 30 and unattached and had no family or skill set so to be redeploy her in the business. Plain and slender and desperate perfect person to ask to have my child. Especially when she told me she would do anything to keep her job. She lived in a room at a rundown boarding house. I saw my chance straight away and asked to talk with her after work on a possible new job not with her current company. She agreed of course, I took her to park near the boarding house and told her of my desire to have a child and would willing to pay her well to have a child for me. She was a little shocked and asked me how I wanted to proceed. I replied whatever makes you happiest, she then asked would she have access to the child I replied I can't see why not. She agreed straight away and as I was returning home the next day; I asked her to come back with me. She agreed as she had nothing keeping her there, a quick search online about IVF weren't encouraging. Legal hoops to overcome and it was her who suggested straight intercourse as a way of simplifying the process. After health checks and a formal agreement were done, she started sleeping with me. A month later she was pregnant, and I was delighted as was she. In the following months I felt very attached to her and as she was to be the child's prime carer after the birth. I asked her to marry me. Shocked at first and said she would think it over and 2 days later she accepted my proposal, saying she felt safer being married then just having a piece of paper agreement. Now 12 years later I'm the proud father of 6 children 4 boys 2 girls including a set of twin boys. I'm very happy to be married and my wife is my perfect partner, and she runs the house and family, and I earn the money to support us all. Sex is still a big part of our relationship, but no more children. as she had great trouble with birth of the twins our last children. She had surgery to remove any more chance of her getting pregnant again and I had the snip as they say. But I very happy everything in my life now.
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