So I tried to buy a wife


Reading about men buying a wife, I (34) decided to try my luck. But like all my attempts at having relationships I failed again. But as they when one door closes another open, in my case it was my second cousin (25) on my father's side. My father is the youngest of 3 and his oldest sibling (deceased) only child had fallen on hard times. My late aunt's only child had been caring for her ill mother for years and had lost her father when she was 12. Having used what money and assets they to support themselves. She was left with almost nothing after the passing of her mother, no job and soon nowhere to live. I lived the closest of all her relatives and I was sent to assist her as best I could. She had left school at 15 to care for her mother and had no work experience. Even a carers job required some qualifications, which she didn't have or the time to get them either. First problem was easy to solve a place to live, I'd her live with me. Qualifications well the family would pay for her to acquire them. But she quickly became my housekeeper, As I'm not the best at keeping house myself and no cook either. It was while she cleaned up my home office, she found my buy a wife file. I got home found my office neat and tidy and the buy a file on top of the stack of files. Realizing she must know my secret and not wanting it known by the rest of the family. I went to talk to her, she said she wouldn't tell anybody as she realized it was my personal secret. But asked why I was looking to buy a wife, instead of finding a girlfriend and marrying her. I told her I wasn't good at having relationships. I'm not handsome [lain at best and awkward with women mostly. She said your good to me and I like you a great deal. I responded so would you marry then, fully expecting a no way response. But I got I will if you want me too and it gives a better future than I get otherwise she answered. I was totally shocked a woman wiling to marry me and good looking as well. I decided to check out if second cousin can marry and found it was possible in the state we were. So, I said if you really want to marry me, we will then. Okay was her reply and wedding planning started, no blowback from the rest of the family. So, engaged she joined me in my bed, and we started having sex. Taking no precautions at all and by the time of the wedding 2 months later she was pregnant and now we've a daughter almost one.
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