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Depressed MotherMy family is quite well off financially and I 27 still at home with mother 48. My father having died while fishing in a freak lightning strike that hit his metal boat (aluminum) just over seven years ago. Until early March 2023 my mother's mother lived with us, but she had a stroke and passed away. She was the last of my grandparents and I've no aunts, uncles or cousins as both sets of grandparents only had one child each. With her mother gone my mother became very depressed, I did date fairly r... reading time 3 mingenreIncestwritten on
Loving Willing Son My Aunt wanted meMy aunt 48 never married and calls herself a priestess and is into the occult. My parents call her wacko and strange. But we live in the next state so not much interaction with her. I never done very well at school and became a mechanic as I (27) love cars. I got a job in the same city as my wacko aunt at major dealership. I found a room to rent while I got my bearings as they say. My aunt knew I was in town as it wasn't a secret, and her mother told. Our family is well off, and I was thinking ... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Selected AnchorDivorcedI divorced my husband of 5 years for having affairs and failing to get me pregnant. Donald my now ex-husband always bragged how great he was and failed at everything he touched. He was 7 years older than me when we married and was well-off self-made according to him. Only after our marriage I learn it was his family money that propped him up after his every failure. With 6 months he was caught by a husband in bed the husband's wife, they divorced. Donald, I forgave my second big mistake, the fir... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Second Time LuckyNot again.I won't do that again... This is all Mum's fault. She was the one who asked me to assist her, in the Breeding shed. Her usual helper was sick and Mum needed someone to help... it was the school holidays, I was at home, doing nothing, and so she coerced me into helping her. Sure, I liked the horses, I'd had one of my own for years, although he was too small for me to ride now. I was mildly offended by the job at first, offended by the fact everything seemed to be aiming at helping the stalli... reading time 7 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Mostly HarmlessTutoringBack when I was at university. I tutored to make extra money and saved it as I didn't date, I'm the nerd of my class and never even try to ask girls out. My family is okay financially not rich comfortable is a better term, both my parents have good careers. Anyway, one of the girls in my class was really into partying and her grades suffered greatly. I was hired by her parents to stop the slide as they termed it and help her pass the upcoming exams. Both twenty and as different as apples and ora... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Tutor to husbandCreaming my Cousin Married againIn the first part of my story, I recently divorced and back in the market as the say. I'd met my cousin Nancy and joking made an offer to father a child for her. After almost 2 months she turned up at my place wanting me to her pregnant. Short version I did, then offered to repeat if she so wished. I moved into her apartment building and my plan was to visit Nancy regularly for sex. My ex-wife Hazel transferred into the area and got an apartment same floor as Nancy. One benefit for was seeing my... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Morgan BTo my AdvantageI've never been great with women, but I had a great career and got a great job overseas. Because of civil strife the country I went to was still recovering and good paying jobs were prized above all else. The strife now gone or under control at least, I was able to get a house in a good neighborhood. But it needed servants to run it for me, which were highly sort after jobs. My basic need was for a housekeeper/cook and a maid, I got the housekeeper/cook and 2 maids. A family combo you could call... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Figure HeadLiving OverseasAt 35 I got a transfer overseas in business I worked for, it was promotion and a chance to prove myself for higher jobs. My accommodation would be all paid for by my employer and I had the choice of a housekeeper or maid. Depending on where I chose to live, if I chose a house in the suburbs, I would get a housekeeper. An apartment I would get a maid, as the apartment building had a restaurant and room service with 24/7 catering. I chose the apartment as it was closest to my workplace and nightcl... reading time 5 mingenre
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Happy EmployerAffair on the sideI married at 19 and have 4 children with wife, who after our fourth child went off sex for quite a while (2years). I really like sex and was very lucky to find a willing replacement for my wife. I was 32 at the time my wife 31 and my new sex partner 46 and my wife's aunt younger sister of her mother. Her aunt was divorced and lived across the street and my wife, and her aunt had no secrets from each other. My wife knew it was a problem for us with her not wanting sex at all. Her aunt didn't have... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Horny willing HubbyDay at the lake One Summer my boyfriend was obsessed with filming me in different situations. Flashing truckers on the freeway or answering the door semi nude for the delivery guy or girls. He found a guy on Craigslist who came over to make a porno film. He worked as a truck driver. One day he got a week day off and said hey let's go to the lake with the boat. That summer he obsessed with filming me in different situations, so I knew I would be naked some were on the lake. So off we went because it was a Wedne... reading time 4 mingenre
Exibitionismwritten on
Bonnie McBest day of my life I was doing yard work for this lady I used to go over there every day. One day I was taking care of her year when her brothers dog came over. He lived with her mom who was being taken care of by home nurses. The dog’s name was bishop a hyge beautiful male dog of course nurtured. The lady told me that he is a sweetheart. The dog came to me and I definitely knew that I would love to have bishop mount me and have his way. Every now and then I would have to give bishop a bath and the lady was out of... reading time 2 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Jonathan kelly It all started after a tragedyI was almost 21 and attending university, I got news of both my parent's death in a car accident. I was totally shocked and very sad at the news, but I'd to pull myself together as the oldest of their two children. My sister almost 18 at the time hadn't been told and I was required to accompany the police officers to be with her when she was informed. Of course, she was devastated by the news and hugged each other for over an hour. I made the funeral arrangements and after the funeral and we wer... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Just got Horny BrotherHousekeeperMy father (60) hired a housekeeper to run his house after he and my mother divorced, she was slender and in her early fifties. My mother moved aboard and I as the youngest of 3 was still attending university. So, I (20) moved in with my father as I'm shy and a loner and attend the local university close to my father's home. My father is usually busy and if not with business than playing golf. After a month I was settled in and able to relax with the housekeeper a lot more than when I first moved... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Horny studentMy exhibitionist mom- book one/ chapter 2- the day afterNote: This story is part of a series of books called "My Exhibitionist Mom" by Jill Jacobson, available at (NOTE: ALL CHARACTERS DEPICTED AS OVER 18) The next day after my slumber party Mom acted normal, like nothing happened. After I got back from the mall, Mom called out from upstairs, "Hi Honey, let me see what you got!" I went upstairs, and it turned out that Mom was talking to me from the bathroom, with the door wide open. She was standing nude above the toilet, and when I wal... reading time 7 mingenre
Lesbianwritten on
jill jacobsonMy old NeighborI'm 32 single and live alone in a 2bed apartment, supplied by my employer. I'm not great with relationships but have had some success. My closest neighbor is 53 widowed no family living close by, she works at a lawyer's office in the same building as I do. My employer owns the building, and I see her sometimes in the elevator going up or down. Not really on speaking terms, anyway she was a quiet neighbor and unless you see her you wouldn't know she was home. Several months ago on Saturday, she w... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Mutually Horny NeighborsI married on a WhimSelf-made and very well off, I 34 (2015) decided I should start a family and not wait any longer. With no current girlfriend, I was investigating my options. I was away stay at a hotel and saw a beautiful woman then 26 (I later found out) and so I found everything I could about her. She was single unattached and lived with her mother then 45, widow, both worked at the hotel and lived in one room together. Neither dated nor had much interaction with outside of their work. I saw her quiet demeanor... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
SoulmateWilling AuntMy mother's sister 48 got divorced and became a drunk and had lost all her self-esteem. I was away working at the and came back several months after the divorce was finalized. I her oldest nephew at 29 and oldest of my mother's 3 children. I hadn't any relationship and would usually fuck anything with a heartbeat, my close friends reckoned anyway. My aunt is quite good looking for her age if a couple of pounds overweight. Her own 2 children kept their distance while she was drunk, they prefer he... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Ever willing NephewSaw my Sexy Neighbor at a Strip ClubI'm 32 (2022) was single and career doing great, not so much in relationships at the time. I was assigned to take a very important client around the city during his rare visit. I was told anything he wants he gets and not to upset him. He (59) was a Born-Again Christian preacher who didn't practice what he priested. But it wasn't any of my concern, anyway he wanted to see strippers. So, I took him to a strip club where he behaved very poorly for so called Preacher. He also wanted a lap dance, an... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Perfect I hired a wifeBack in 2021 I was almost 40 and successful in my business and had put off marrying till I had succeed in my business. After getting thru the pandemic and my business had returned to its pre pandemic levels and still improving. I was hiring more staff, one of the applicants was a homeschooled born-again Christian woman (25). Raised to obey without question and was like she just came out of the early 1800's. Her parents had both died as a result of Covid and she herself had gotten it but recovere... reading time 5 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Very Happy HusbandMarried my secretaryAt the time I was 43 recently divorced and promoted, my ex was also a career person like me and decided she didn't want children. So, we divorced no alimony just split everything 50/50. In my new job I got a secretary 26 as I was in and out all day and she stayed in the office and kept me up to date on everything. That was October 2023, she was pretty and reserved not shy only spoke when she had something to say or answer. The business Christmas party, she got drunk (spiked punch), and I took ad... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
HermanMy BrotherI've always been a shy person and done well at school, I've one sibling a brother 2 years older than me. Both born to mature parents my father was 42 when I was born and mother 39 and they passed away in 2020 in a snowstorm highway accident early in that year. I was 27 at the time and still living with my parents, my brother was working in his chosen career in the state capital. After the passing of our parents, we decided to live together and moved to the west coast to restart our lives without... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Brother's WifeMarried a teacherAt 33 (2017) I'd had 5 years old daughter and had been widowed 2 years earlier, my wife died of cancer. I've a great career and able to work from home mostly but had to go into work some hours each week. Which I managed by going in after dropping off my daughter at her school and returning before she finished. But it helped working for my family's company and my special arrangement was because of my family tries. Approved by my grandfather who was the chairman, those arranged by my grandmother. ... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Made my daughter very happy.Horny bitchHi. I do not know if this the right place to put this, but I have gotten my 6 month old dog pregnant and my vets are worried since she is at the age of starting sex. So I started noticing recently that she would through her ass in my direction and begin to to grind her winking pussy at me, I would start fingering her for a couple of minutes and she would cum all over me and go to sleep. But this day was different. She didn't want me to finger her this time. So I slide my thick cock into her and ... reading time 3 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
DonnieMy hubby new girl friend daughter I was married to my hubby when I was 25.We had 2 kids ,who are grown up left home. I am 50 now ,few months ago he left me for another woman. We are divorcing. At the moment I am going to work come home and eat and watch Tv and go to bed and some nights I watch porn and and have fun with myself. Recently i bought a big strap-on. I use it often on my self. Week ago, young girl long jet black hair with nose ring came to where I work .She said you are Paul Batty wife are you not ,she had smile on h... reading time 4 mingenre
Lesbianwritten on
Maggie BattyPlans MadeI'd planned a trip camping by a remote lake with my new girlfriend, we had become lovers. I (27) thought a camping trip would be perfect way to get her alone for the long week and have lots of sex. Only been together about 2 months, but she blindsided me by breaking up with me. My planned trip was known by my family, not the reason I'd planned it. My cousin (25) was into nature and asked could she join me. I'd decided to still go to the lake as I'd nothing planned and had already rented the RV f... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Always Willing Cousin