My old Neighbor


I (33) was recently divorced and having no children we split everything 50/50 and went our separate ways. I bought a new home with a bank loan and continued in my career. I've only one close neighbor a man of 57, quiet and keeps to himself mostly, but will give you help required. As I was trying to erect a small kit greenhouse and not having much success, he saw me having trouble and came and helped me. The instruction did say you needed two to erect it, I thought I could do it by myself. That the most we had been together since I'd moved in next to him. We became good friends and would dinner together after that about one every week or so. He had no family I found out overtime and helped anyone who needed it. At my job other women were having babies and would bring them into work at time. That sort of made me clucky and I started wanting to have my own baby, but I hadn't been dating and only man I was regularly seeing out of workhours was my neighbor. I also didn't want the hassle of marriage again and thought of getting IVF to have a child. But the legal huddles were too invasive for my liking, and I dropped it as an idea. Then just by chance my neighbor and me were talking and the subject of children came up, not us personally having children just as we watched the neighborhood children playing. He said his only regret was not having children himself, he said he had chances and let them slip away. A day later I thought again about what he had said and thought maybe he could father my child for me. I let it go at the time, but it kept coming back to my thinking. Finally, I decided I should at least ask him and if he refused not a problem. I waited until we'd dinner together again and asked him straight out I'm not one for beating around the bush. He was shocked, but importantly didn't refuse me straight away. Saying he would think on it, two weeks later he said he would be happy to help have a baby and asked how I wanted to proceed. I hadn't really thought that far and not wanting to put him off, said straight sex would keep just between us was my preferred way. He looked a little shocked but said OKAY let me know when you want to try. I thought for a minute and said might as well start tonight. So, we did and had sex regularly for several weeks, just when I started thinking it wasn't going to happen, I got pregnant. The test was a bit of a shock at first, I thought I would've a baby boy or girl I wasn't concerned which. But tests said I was having twins, totally unexpected by me, but once I came to terms with it, I was very happy. My neighbor/lover was also very happy, especially as it was a boy and a girl. Both born last May, and I've returned to work and their father watches them while I'm at work. another benefit of using your neighbor to father your children.
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