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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 13The wedding reception lasted till the wee hours of the morning as everyone had a good time. The highlight of the reception was the opening solo dance of Vivian and Eino. That ubiquitous, traditional bride and groom dance was a pleasant marveling experience for Vivian and went far beyond what she would have expected. When she had finished law school and acquired her position at Kirkland, Mayer & McDermott, she had taken formal ballroom dancing instructions in order that she wouldn't find herself ...reading time 36 mingenre
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Domesticating the Fucktoy“Ok then bitch. You may swallow.” Just as she started to gulp down the man cream, Ryan flung his belt straight up behind her between her legs, the rough leather snapping with a Crack! right onto her delicate pussy. “*gulp! AHH! *Cough” NGHHH!! o-oh my-*cough-gawd!!!” Throat convulsing, Chelsea fell over onto her side and clutched at her sex, while she spluttered and choked on the cum, trying her best to keep it in her stomach. Her pussy burned and a nice red stripe angrily colored her soft sex ...reading time 114 mingenre
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Reconcileation reconciliation no one under the age of 18 had sex of any tipe in this story. Can anyone really explain how it feels, when the wheels touch the earth beneath you near your home after being away for three and a half years. There is an extra euphoria with me because I am home and single for the first time in 8 years. I all but run to the baggage claim to get my duffle and head to the long-term parking. I knew the pickup truck was going to be a disaster, but I paid a service to have it clea...reading time 73 mingenre
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Grandpa Comes Grandpa Comes [Complete] By Dirty Amber Copyright 2016 Dirty Amber ************************************************************ Kathy is sad that her loving giant husband Jack endowed with a monster of a cock is very busy and their hectic sex life has started to dwindle. In comes her widowed father in law, Jon. Jon has kept his lust filled desires for his daughter in law in check but they come out resulting in explosive sex between them. Kathy’s three daughters, Emily 11 years, Kerry 10 yea...reading time 122 mingenre
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The plane crash chapter 19 -23 Chapter 19 - Foraging with Linda We had been stranded now for almost 20 days and had used up all the toilet paper and napkins and now of course the girls were complaining about not being able to wipe their bums when they went for a poo which we always did in pairs behind a large tree surrounded by bushes. That area was getting to smell bad and the girls were running out of places to poo and pee without stepping in another girls poo. I decided on another option and that was to poo and pee in the...reading time 79 mingenre
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Phoenix EnvyCherry blossoms are falling, it's the beauty of the fall. It's a perfect moment in reflection that reciprocates a geisha designated as Phoenix Jade knee down in mediation underneath a cherry blossom tree. It's absolutely spectacular for eyewitnesses, not only because the secluded renown geisha but the beauty of the cherry blossoms falling with the rain dew. Each drip from a cherry blossom leaf represents the Astro Plains which our entire universe resides, and somewhere the supreme goddess but no...reading time 432 mingenre
Science fiction
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Phoenix Envy Glorious Goddess. @
My Daughter’s Field Trip "Well how about THIS one?" Shae held the pink t-shirt up to her chest. I studied the thin fabric, comparing it to the green one with the open shoulders. It was an overshirt, just a little too thin to cover up what was beneath it. Both shirts were pretty revealing, but that seemed to be all that department stores would stock for teenage girls these days. I wasn't complaining. "Does it go with the skirt?" my daughter asked. "Or does the green one go better?" "Honey, you know you're asking the wron...reading time 69 mingenre
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Cabin Fever: Parting ShotThe vacation was going great and it was only half over! Paul was loving these days, this week of blissful serenity out in the remote woods of North Carolina. He was loving them more than he’d ever expected he would. Actually, he’d originally suspected that a week out in the boondocks with nothing to do but drink beer would get incredibly boring incredibly fast. But he couldn’t account for the immense sense of release he felt in throwing off all the stresses of exams and studying. In fact, just ...reading time 176 mingenre
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Forbidden IslandForbidden Island an erotic novel by Eric Shon PROLOGUE Light from the setting sun glinted off the rim of the glass, the fine white wine within it running its legs down the bowl and back into the pool of white gold. The man holding the glass by its delicate stem between two fingers gazed from the veranda of his spacious home at the waves rushing up on the beach in an insistent whisper a mere hundred yards or so away, the warm December ocean breeze teasing the grey-flecked hairs at his tem...reading time 197 mingenre
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Eric Shon
The GovernessIt was hot, very hot and Richard had been walking quickly for over an hour. The sunrays filtered through the treetops, blinding the boy's eyes as he looked up. 'Not much further', he thought as he began to mount the rise that led to the lake. Richard was dressed, as were all boys at the orphanage in long grey flannel shorts, that came to his knee's, a heavy flannel jacket, long grey socks, ending in black boots. His shirt was soaked in perspiration with the effort of the long walk. Richard...reading time 576 mingenre
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Jane Marwood
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