


I am Roy, some people wish they had my problem. Some people are glad they don’t.

We met in high school, she had a bad reputation of removing virginities from us guys, everyone called her “The Cherry Picker”. I didn’t want it and she did so, I said good riddance. however, when it was my turn to take her to remove my virginity, I saw something more than tits and a hole to cum in. She was smart, boy was she smart. She was also caring and had a lot of potential. I started seeing her more, even though she continued to remove virginity’s form fellow students. She started to become something special to me.
I have to say I fucked her a few times, but it wasn’t very long that we started making love. She was phenomenal at it as one might guess as much practice she has had. Somehow, I knew she was not going to stop having sex with other men. But she didn’t boast about it. she never rubbed it in my face. She never used it against me in any way. In fact, she would boast how much she loved it when we where able to get tougher.
I went to work right out of high school. My parents bought a house and rented it to me for free as long as I stayed in school. If I graduated collage, they would sell it to me for a dollar. I moved in and registered into the local community college.
I didn’t ask her, but Abagail started to stay the night a lot. I liked that. She was mine all weekend. I loved that. Her things started showing up in the bather room, the kitchen, living room and of cores the bedroom.
She went to college, studying computer sciences and development. I told you she was smart. Wile she was at collage and though we only lived thirty miles away from her school she mostly slept in the dorm during the week. I missed her a lot, but every weekend she would take such loving care of me that I couldn’t get it up for the rest of the week if Olivia Newton John herself showed up on my door step. I would call her a lot. Every night in fact and sometimes during the day if I knew she didn’t have class. I liked the daytimes because she was in the dorm by herself and she would have a little phone sex with me from time to time. One day I called her and a man answered the phone. I asked for Abagail. He said she is in the bathroom would I like to hold. I said “Yes.”
She got on the phone and her voice was nervous and broken. I asked how she was doing. She told me great. I said, ‘I just wanted to here her voice it has been a tough day and I need something to look forward to coming home too. I let the incident pass, but I kept thinking about it. This was a day that no one but Abagail should be in the dorm. My heart sank deep as I knew that Abagail was cheating on me.
On Friday I was home early when the door bell rang. I answered it with a smile. Our neighbor Mss. Gloria Stone was at my front door. “Hi,” she said hesitantly, my car broke down and I need some help.
“Uh, I’m an accountant, I don’t know that much about cars, but I can take a look if you want me too.” I say,
“OH, No, no that isn’t it. my boyfriend needs a half inch socket to change my starter on my car. He is a really good mechanic.
“Oh, ok” I laugh. Come on in make yourself comfortable I will be right back.” I answered and head down stairs to get my socket set.
I heard the door as I came back form the basement with my socket set in hand. I almost passed out when I got to the top step,
“Just what are you doing in my home!!!” Abagail demanded.
“Abagail!” I stated firmly to get her attention. “This is our neighbor Gloria. Her boyfriend needs to barrow my socket set. She is here to pick it up.” I hold the tools up for her to see.
“No woman is allowed in this house when I am not home.” Abagail spat out looking strait at me.
I wanted to say what about the man that answered your phone the other day. But I simply say. “My mistake. I invited her inside wile I got the tools.” I handed them to Gloria and nodded slightly. I turned back to Abagail. “Abagail, I love you, why would you be this way” I say as Gloria snuck out the door trying not to be noticed.
Abagail’s eyes started to tear up. In a broken voice she said. “It would kill me if I found you cheating on me.”
“Honey please, there is no one else and there never will be. You are too much of a woman for me as is. You have always taken care of me and I have no…. positively no…… interest in any other woman. Please baby. You are all I want.”
She came to me then, she took my hands and moved them to her lips. The tears started flowing down her cheeks. “It would kill me if you cheated on me.” She said again in a much calmer voice.
“You have nothing to worry about Abagail.” I shake my head and take my hands and frame her face. I look her deep into her beautiful hazel eyes. “Baby, would you marry me?” I asked. Her smile started as she nodded. Then more tears came, and she wrapped me in her arms and whispered “Yes” in my ear.

Neither one of us knew that Abagail was in fact pregnant at this time. I was sort of happy. I was the one who told her, “I think you are pregnant Abagail.” I tell her…. “No that is preposterous. I can’t be pregnant.” I laugh “Why can’t you be pregnant?”
She looks strait at me and said “I have an I.U.D.”
I went to our room. I got the little plastic piece I found in the sheets one morning a couple months ago, then brought it back to her. “You mean this?” I ask.
Her eyes where the size of silver dollars. I smiled. “I didn’t know what this thing was, but I will bet it is your I.U.D.”
She turned white and sank into a chair. Then she got an awful look on her face. She couldn’t speak for over an hour. I was going to take her to the Urgent care, but she finally calmed down enough to let me no, that she would be ok. It was years later that I figured out that the reason she went into anaphylactic shock was because she didn’t know if he/she was in fact mine or not…
She was seven moths along when we got married. She was showing nicely and looked good to me. She took the summer off school for us to get married and to have our son, there was no real honeymoon, but we stayed in bed almost a week strait. She had our son before she returned to school. And we where man and wife.
I took care of our son during the day while she went back to college. She got her degree in computer support and development. She got a job as a consultant which caused her to travel quite often. I finished trade school and got a really good raise in pay. Basically, we were swimming in money.
I staid at the house when she traveled even though we could afford to take me with her it would have been hard on Samuel.
Abagail’s travels took her to places all over the Us, and sometimes into Canada. I really hated her traveling all over. But she would call me every night and I would call her if I needed anything.
I suppose that I knew, when another man answered her cell phone again. “Hello.”
“Is Abagail there?” I stammer.
“Yea she is in the bathroom getting cleaned up. Do you want to tell her you are on the phone?” he answers in a much too cheerful of a voice.
“No just tell her Roy called please.” I managed.
“Ok, no problem.” The strange man answered.
I hang up the phone in tears. She calls me about twenty minutes later. “Hey sexy, how is my two favorite men doing? I see I missed your call. I am sorry but I was in a meeting.” She lied.
“Your friend didn’t tell you I called? He said he would.” I pitch, then continue. “He said you where in the shower cleaning up?” I said as a question. I know she didn’t have an answer for that, so I let her off the hook. “How is the trip, you teaching those people anything?” I say trying so hard to cheer my voice up.
“Uh, Yea, I, am, I am teaching them lots I should be home by Saturday sometime.” She tries.
“I miss you Abagail. You are my girl, you know that don’t you? Come home to me safe and sound please.” I pause but just for a second. “Honey Sam is getting cranky,” I lie, “I have to go. call you tomorrow.”
I set the phone down. I knew but I didn’t want to know. I refused to say it allowed. As I felt my heart rip apart,
Abagail was home one day, and I was off work. Abagail wanted to cook for us, which scared the hell out of me. At one time Abagail was a good cook, but with all her travels she doesn’t have much time to practice. She started looking around for her pone when she asked, “Roy, can you get me my phone out of my purse? The recipe is in it.
“Shure.” I say the only proper answer one gives his wife. I open her purse and look on top, I don’t see anything. I start to dig inside of it and pull it up with two boxes of condoms…. They are not our brand, and a few of them were missing. I cringed and picked up her purse and brought it to her.
“I have a rule Abagail, I don’t go into a woman’s purses, there are things in there no man should even know exists.” I try to play it off as funny. I had gone into her purse before so she looked funny at me when she took the purse.
The condoms where on top of the purse where I left them after digging in it to find the phone. So, when she opened it to look in, I saw her expression change dramatically. She quickly located her phone and took it out. She looked back at me and said, “That sounds like a good rule Roy.”
I went to my study while she cooked. I turned to my laptop and typed in how do you know if your wife is cheating? Of a twenty-question survey she had five of twenty hard on. The other ones actually gave me hope. She still talks about our future with me, not hers but ours. She doesn’t hide or keep her cell phone from me. She has never accused me of cheating, except for the Gloria incident I had never had to defend myself. she has never bad talked our marriage. Actually, she comments how wonderful it and I am. She always looks good and there has been no change there, she is a fountain of information and love she always listens and talks to me.

She hardly ever travels to the same place. I take a long time to think, then I realize, I don’t want to lose my wife. I love her. I know I would be more miserable without her than with her. so, this is what I surmised. She was fucking other men. She is a very sexual woman and I can’t be enough especially when she is away, so she is just filling the void. This is sex not making love. Just like the men at school, she is just getting her rocks off that is it. She isn’t doing it around town so none of our friends will ever find out. God, I hope. So, there will be no humiliation like I see in some cuckold lifestyles. One more thing. I know with all my heart. She loves and respects me. Just me. She may fuck other men, but she loves me. As long as she doesn’t start to have an affair, and fall in love, I will be ok.
I decided one more thing. If I don’t say it out loud it isn’t real. So, neither me or Abagail will say a word. I won’t allow it.
I started to go back into the kitchen with my new resolve but, Sam starts to get fussy, I walk to his play pin where I left him and change his diaper. I look at him closely and wonder for a moment? Is he mine? I laugh to myself. he looks just like me, there is no doubt he is my son.
Life went on and I kept with the denial. “If I don’t say it aloud it isn’t true.
She always took great care of me… one day she had gotten home and instead of dragging me up stairs and more or less raping me as she always had done since she gotten this job, she kissed me at the door and walked in being very coy and innocent. I instantly knew something was wrong. I, believe it or not kept up with her cycle, and I knew she wasn’t dew for almost two weeks. So, I knew that wasn’t it. I tried to seduce her but that was one of the very, very few times she refused me….
Ok now I was getting frightened. We ate a nice dinner I prepared, her cooking skills weren’t practiced so I was the cook. After dinner she waited until I looked tired and actually tried to sneak upstairs to go to bed. I let her think she was getting away with it. However, I snuck into the bedroom just at the right time. She had just taken off her bra and was about to dawn an don’t even think about touching me flannel night gown. When I cleared my throat. She instantly turned and tried to cover her breasts. But she didn’t do a very good job. There where three suction bruises two on one and one on the other…. I walked to her with a forced look of compaction, and slowly kissed her, then I backed away and looked at her breasts. “Baby, would you look at you, what did you do fall down the stairs?” I asked. Then I bent down and kissed each of the hickies several times each. I then kissed the nipples and raised my head up and kissed her. “You need to be more careful. I am just glad you weren’t seriously hurt.
“I will be, trust me I will be much more careful.”
I then led her to the bed and made love to my wife. I guess I was reclaiming what was mine, because I spent a lot of time on her breasts that night.

Three years later:

I am making love to my wife after another trip, this one was for almost four days, I hated her long trips. As I make love to her I notice it feels different. I cum deep inside of her. then I fall to the side not wanting to lay on top of her. I hold her in my arms.
“That was wonderful Roy!!!!! Wow.”
I smile big. “You know you are pregnant, don’t you?” I say and ask at the same time. I hear her stifle a laugh. But I know that she is in fact pregnant. “I am not pregnant.” She states.
“I will buy a E.P.T. and if I am right what do I get?” She smiles. “You always like to pretend to rape me, haven’t you?”
I love to role play with my wife and that one is one of my favorites. “Tennent, land lord?” I ask?
“Sure.” She answers.
“three times not the same day?” I dig for more.
“Sure.” She said confidently.
“I will be right back.”
“Hey what do I get when I am right? She asked?”
“little chance of that… anything you want. For a month. I will be your slave in any way that you want…” I answer as I walk out the door to get an E.P.T.
Forty-five minutes later she was white as a ghost staring at the pregnant symbol on both E.P.T. s.
She was white not because she had to pretend to be molested by me three times, but because, and I knew this then and more so now, she wasn’t Shure he/she was mine. This worried me. Worried me allot. But I let it go. As long as he/she was somewhat my color I can deal with anything else. If he/she came out black or even Hispanic or something I don’t know if I could handle it. it would kill us.
I could handle being cuckolded so long as she didn’t humiliate me doing it. I held her all night long. I think she cried some, I pretended they were tears of joy though I knew they were from fear. I tried to reassure her that I was her rock, and everything was ok….
Six months later she gave birth to my pride and joy little girl. She told me to name her. my smile couldn’t have been bigger, “There is only one name that comes to mind when I see someone this beautiful…. Abagail.” I say. “We will call her Abby though. So, we wouldn’t get confused.”
Abagail’s eyes filled with tears as she nodded her head in acceptance. Though Abagail went by Abby in school, I had never called her anything but Abagail. I loved her long name and that is all I would ever call her. she had very few old friends now that called her Abby. I introduce her as Abagail, and she started doing it at work and so on. she has been Abagail since we have been together. So, our daughter was Abby.
Sam took to her really well. We all four continued our life.
Abagail took almost a month off work to try to help Abby to get a good start on life.
But It was about two weeks after she was born that her boss called her and begged her go to Richmond VG. Abagail couldn’t take care of me as she normally did because the doctor would not release her for sex yet and we couldn’t get an appointment in time. So, for the first time ever, Abagail left me a little frustrated.
She was gone for over five days, me and the kids missed her of course. The moment she showed up at the door she grabbed me and dragged me to the bedroom. She stripped me and shoved me on the bed and mounted me, riding me like a flea on a dog. (pardon the cliché.) I loved it more than any other time she has ever made love to me. Because she was doing this against Doctor’s orders. She thought that much of me. My heart was singing. I exploded deep inside her… I was in heaven.
“Wow.” I say as she laid down beside me. I held her tight. “I can’t believe you made love to me before you got the ok form the doctor. Wow that was phenomenal.”
“Oh, its ok Roy, I went to a doctor on Monday in Richmond. I couldn’t wait any longer. He cleared me on Monday for sex. Aren’t you glad?”
Today was Friday. She left on Sunday night. And the overwhelming truth was I wasn’t the first man to
have her after our daughter was born.
I hid the sadness on my face as best I could. I kissed her to cover the tears that where threating to come. I put myself back into denial as quickly as I could…… Ignorance is bliss.
Life went on in my little four-person family. I took care of the kids and worked. My wife worked and when she was home, she would be taking care of the kids and me.
She came home several times with love marks on her. I never look in her purse and she would leave her cell phone out all the time.
Abby was about five when Abagail started going to Atlanta a lot. In fact, she went there almost every week. I didn’t like it. she started to hold back conversation form me, our sex life started to change, I knew she had a regular and she started having an affair. This, I couldn’t live with. I had to confront her. It wasn’t hard for me to get enough evidence to prove my case that she in deed was having an affair.
I knew I couldn’t live with this over my head. Knowing she was screwing around was one thing but falling in love can’t happen. It would kill me. it would kill us…
I called her to our room. She came in looking to be seduced. The second she saw my face she immediately changed her look. “What’s wrong Roy?”
“Abigail, I am not as stupid as I may look. I know what you are doing in Atlanta.” Her eyes widened. “I can handle a lot of things pretending not to know. but I can’t handle this.” I pause for a long time. She started shaking as she stood by the bed. “Abagail. I love you. I have never asked you to change who you are…. And I am not now. But I can’t live with what you are doing in Atlanta. I need you to make a decision. Please, don’t do this to us, to our marriage to me and our kids.
She came to me sat beside me facing me and then she kissed me. I couldn’t keep the tears from coming, I tried to wipe them away but I knew that she knew.
I was so glad she didn’t try to lye or justify what was happening. She got up from the bed and went down stairs, I herd the front door open and I knew she stepped out. She didn’t know I had the window cracked in our bedroom, so she didn’t know I herd every word of her conversation.
“Hi Don. Hey.” Pause “Look, I am calling to say goodbye….” Pause. “Look don this is the last conversation I am going to have with you. Period. I will be hanging up and I will block your number. Do not try to contact me. I won’t be going to Atlanta for a long time now and if I do, I will not be talking to you.” Pause. “yes, he knows.” Pause. “If you try to contact him or hurt my marriage in any way so help me, I will go to your boss. I will lose this job before I will lose my husband. Do you here me. consider this call our good bye and yesterday was our last fuck. Thank you for the memories. Good bye Don…” silence.
It took a while before she came back in the house, she walked up the stairs came in the room. When she stripped down and got into bed, I pulled her to me. I could feel she was struggling, I held her as she mourned the loss of her lover.
She was back to herself in just a few days. I am sure she called her boss and told him no more Atlanta, she is a good worker for them so I knew that they would do ok by her, I started getting back to myself.

Abby was the love of my life, she was eight now and there was one thing that was evident. She wasn’t mine.
She was beautiful, but she had brown eyes, mine are blue, Abagail’s are hazel, almost green. Also, her hair was dark brown almost black, mine is reddish-blond Abagail’s is light brown.
She is just the opposite of our son Samuel. He is 12 now. He has the same reddish blond hair as me. the same face, we compared photos of me when I was young and they are identical. He has the same birthmarks I have. If you showed me a D.N.A. result of him not being mine, I would laugh at it and challenge the test. No way he isn’t mine.
However, my daughter is not the same. Who fathered her is completely unknown to me? if Abagail new she never said anything to me. As far as I know she has never said anything to Abby either. I felt it was best to stay in the dark on this. My daughter was a great kid. She was a strait A student, smart as her mother. Though I am hoping she isn’t as wild.

Abagail was still Abagail, she would come home sometimes with love marks on her, I would call and men would answer the phone. However, she would always take care of me, I could count on one hand how many times Abagail refused to have sex with me and have most of my fingers left. She was the perfect wife for me.
Ignorance is bliss, I kept myself that way for one reason, it hurt. Of coerce what I dint know didn’t hurt me. My daughter was fifteen when she had a hart to hart with me. “Dad, I think mom is cheating on you.”
I looked at her. “Why would you say that Abby?”
“I called her and a man answered the phone. She was in her hotel room.”
I nodded “Ok maybe she had.”
“Get real dad…. It wasn’t the first time, and she keeps using the same excuses… I know she is lying….” She interrupted.
“Sweetheart….” I start. “I know…. But… please don’t tell me. because this has been going on ever sense, we started dating, and as long as I don’t know. I am ok.” I look strait at my daughter. “I love your mother. This is a part of her she can’t stop. I would be miserable without her Abby. I know that. What she does when she is out of town is of no consequence to me or us as long as I am ignorant of it… I know this is a lot to take in at your age. Baby I love your mom. I won’t change her.” I smile at her, but I see tears running down her cheeks.
“Honey? Your mom is ok, I am not going to leave her and she isn’t going to leave me either.”
Abby looked up at me. “I am not crying because of that daddy, I am crying because you are so perfect. I have the best daddy in the world. Mom is the luckiest woman on the planet. If you weren’t my daddy…. Well let’s just say, sometimes I wish you weren’t my dad…”
I smile bend down and kiss her forehead, then I kiss her tears away. She was something special, and I was the luckiest man alive because she was my daughter….
Just over thee years later disaster struck…. Abagail didn’t call me when she got to Albuquerque NM. This has never happened in our life. Three days passed and every time I called Abagail her phone would go straight to voice mail. All three of us started to become concerned, so I called her boss’s secretary and asked which hotel Abigail was staying in? there was a long silence on the phone.
“Mr. Brown…. I take it you haven’t talked to Mr. Peterson yet????”
“No, I just need the motel my wife is staying at. I haven’t heard from her sense she left and this is very, unusual for us. I need to contact her. if you don’t want to give me this please call her and tell her to call us… this is becoming an emergently.”
“Mr. Brown… I will have Mr. Peterson call you right away…” she finished. I hung up on her damn this conspiracy shit that goes around. I just need to contact my wife….
I paced the house till almost four thirty that evening. Both the kids where there with me. Samuel came home strait from collage. Abby left collage and came straight home as well she was just a freshman.
It was just after four when the door bell rang. Sam answered it and led six people into the house. They all had told him they worked with his mother and needed to talk to his father….
I was in the living room holding my phone wandering what I had done so wrong that Abagail would treat us so horribly. I stood as the crowd came into the living room.
I recognized Mr. Peterson right off. He held his hand to me and shook it. he tried to speak but I could see all the emotions starting to come up in his face, then his eyes started to turn red and well up…
Mrs. Peterson stepped forward. “Mr. Brown…” her voice was flat and empty of emotions. “We are all here to tell you how sorry we are about Abagail…”
I looked at her with concern and confusion on my face… “What is going on…. Where is my wife!!!!” I demanded.
Mr. Peterson spoke. “I am so sorry Roy; your wife Abagail was in a bad car crash with a truck driver… she didn’t make it Roy… I am sorry… she didn’t make it…” Tears started running down Mr. Peterson’s cheeks. I started to take a step back but fell on the floor.
I don’t remember the next several months. I know there was a funeral. It was closed casket. I know that the kids held me up as we took her to the cemetery to lay her to rest. And I know I didn’t want to leave just in case she woke up….
The trucking company settled out of court for a great deal of money. I thought it was ridiculous but they payed without flinching.
The first thing I can remember was waking up in our bed holding on tightly to Abagail. My heart jumped as I thought the nightmare was about to end and I kissed her. it wasn’t Abagail. It was Abby that I was holding so tightly.
I have no idea why she let me kiss her like I just did, however she only kissed me back. “I am so sorry Abby; I should have never….”
“Never kissed me dad. Is that what you are saying you shouldn’t kiss your daughter…”
“No. Sweetheart, no I am not saying that…. But I thought you where your mother for a moment… I am sorry. I almost touched you inappropriately…. In fact, the kiss was a little over the top…”
Her answer wasn’t what I expected. She grabbed my face, turned it to her and crushed her lips to mine. Her lips were soft and warm. Her tongue grazed across my lips. I parted them and her tongue invaded. Her tongue danced a sonnet of love in each of our mouths. It was a good minuet before she backed off and looked at me…. “Was that inappropriate, daddy???” she said bitterly. Then covered my mouth again and kissed me just as passionate as before.
I finally stopped the kiss. It was beginning to get out of control. “Abby, Abby please. You should neve kiss your father like this!!!” I stated flatly.
“You are not my father dad. You know that. You have known that for years now. Mom confessed it to me one night when she was a little drunk…. She said she doesn’t know who the sperm donner was that made me… but she knows it wasn’t you…… so… Daddy, or would you rather me call you Roy?”
I looked at her full of shame.
“Dad… dad, you told me that you knew. I know you did. but I loved you for a long-time dad. I loved you as a woman. Not just as your daughter….”
“When did Abagail tell you about your lineage Abby?” I asked.
“It was in my senior year of high school dad. We were studying D.N.A. in biology. You remember I took samples of you, mom, Sam and myself and sent them in for analysis. Well when the results came in, I found out that mom is my mom, but Sam is only my half-brother. I also found out that you are Sam’s father. I also found out that you are not my biological dad.” She looked at me very soberly. “Other students found out things like this. Some of them got angry and some of there parents even got divorced when they found out… Me,” she blushed a little and looked down. “Me. I got excited. I have always loved you more than a girl should love her dad… I just got all excited when I found out that it is ok for me to do it…”
I didn’t know what to think. She had declared her love for me just after my wife’s, her mother’s death. I didn’t know what to do. “Abby. Let’s, take this slow. We shouldn’t make any life changing decisions for at least another six months…”
“Ok dad, or would you rather I call you Roy?”
“Abby, you are a woman full grown… what you want to call me is up to you… just don’t call me late for dinner.”
With a big smile she finished. “Ok, Roy.”
I wandered if I was just demoted or promoted.

We didn’t last six months. Abby slid right into her mother’s place. She slept with me in our bed from day one, and never got out of it. we didn’t do anything but I woke several times touching her more like a lover than a daughter.
We had several talks about what was going on and her determination was not going to change. It was about three months when I woke with a really good feeling in my groin. I reached down and guided her head up and down on my dick… As I woke, I realized it wasn’t my wife. As my conciseness started to become more forefront in my mind, I knew I wasn’t going to stop it….
I came in my daughters’ mouth and pulled her to me as soon as she had finished swallowing the last of me. I kissed her like a lover and then rolled her over on her back and pulled her panties off her.
I could hear gasps of anticipation and excitement. I started eating her pussy licking up and down her slit. She started to feel the pleasures. I started to find her little button with my tongue and lips. She screams out her first orgasm loudly rapping her legs firmly around my head, squeezing me like a grape. It was a few moments before she started to back off and calm down.
“oh my god dad…” “Oh my god that…” “Oh my god… no wander mom was suck a slut…”
I rolled over and snuggled beside her. I took her in my arms and held her.
“Dad?? Dose that happen every time???”
I looked at my daughter… “You don’t know” I put my finger down to her pussy. She opened her legs for me to explore. I start to insert it in her labium, it was blocked in less then a half inch. She was still a virgin. Withdrawing my hand from her pussy, I looked at her. “That wasn’t your first orgasm was it???
She smiled at me with a nod… holly shit……
That day I spent most of it wandering what I was going to do. To continue a relationship with Abby would be so inappropriate and out right wrong….
What about Samuel… what about Abagail’s parents Abby’s grandparents….
That very night we had a long talk with each other. She insisted on sitting on my lap the whole time. I talked about how wrong people would say it was. How we would probably be arrested. We talked about Samuel and her grandparents. We finished on what sort of future we could have…
She had answers to everything. She had already told Samuel about her lineage. She told him that she was going to seduce me and eventually become his sister mom…. She already talked to her grandmother and grandfather too.
They had always known about Abagail’s promiscuity. She got it from her mother as it turned out. they want so much to see her happy and had for the whole time we where together. They where happy to tell me that they would supported what was going to happen with me and Abby???
I was dumb struck.
Two months later Abby gave me some paper with photos of a house on it. “It is a house in another state. We can move there. If you like it. Grandma and grandpa will move there with us. They have to sell there house here before they buy another one. We have the insurance money so we can buy it now and move as soon as your bosses approve your transfer. I have all the cost expensed out and moving costs. They have a grate collage for Sam and I.”
Again, she had answers to everything. Then she kissed me hard. Next thing I new her hands started caressing my body. She had found my erection with her ass and started grinding on it as well.
I held her shoulders. “Did your momma teach you all this?”
“Dad… I knew a lot of what momma did. But momma never taught me anything about sex. This is all O.J.T. but I like my teacher.” She kissed me again as she kept rubbing her bum on my hard dick. She started hugging me while she kissed me and grinding even harder. Finally I took her ass in my hands and adjusted it so it wasn’t so rough on it. Then I started kissing her neck. She took off her blouse and allowed me access to her breasts less the bra. I began to kiss her nipples and grip her ass. Her moans where pushing me hard over the edge. I felt my climax building, but just before it came, she grabbed me and shot liquid all over my pants. She yelled her orgasm into my mouth and cried out screaming “Yes, yes. Yes.” I had never been with a squitter before. It was hot, then it got cold. I laughed as she kissed me and continued….
“It even gets better….” she shouted throughout the house.
We got up and cleaned up. I put my shorts in the Landry and we went to bed. Abby had recovered from her squirting orgasm and snuggled to me like a leach. I was getting used to it and somewhat liked it. She felt like her mother was beside me. I loved her mother so much, and I missed her. so, I wandered how much of our love was for Abby and how much was wanting her to replace her mom.
Abby was such a different woman than Abagail. The most obvious was Abby was still a virgin. Abagail lost hers well before we met. She told me the story about it and but it can’t be repeated here as she was far too young to be doing such a thing. But Abby was still a virgin and she was in her first year of college. There was nothing wrong with her. She is pretty as a peach and sexy too. There where several men come to see and visit her. However she had shown know interest in any of them.
Abby dressed down quite a bit. Wile Abagail wore sexy hot dresses skirts and blouses even to work, Abby was happy with a pull over hoody and jeans. I bet Abagail had one hundred thousand dollars’ worth of shoos in her walk-in closet. Abby has one pair of sneakers, one pares of boots, one pare of sandals and one pair of flip flops. Total that adds up to almost hundred fifty bucks. And that is pushing it.
It isn’t that I haven’t offered her finer clothing, or anything like that. She just can’t see the point of wearing a ten-thousand-dollar dress when a fifty-dollar pair of jeans works just fine.
After her mom’s death I offered her to go and pick out anything she wanted. She refused and when I told her I have to remove all her clothing that Abby didn’t want for sanity reasons. She went into the closet and helped me clean it out. We sent all the cloths to a local high-end thrift store. He took the cloths and sold most of them with quite a profit, he sends us a very large check that I gave to Abby, she sent it on to a good charity.
The next morning, I woke early and was holding Abby in my arms, her head on my chest. I lay there thinking of how much I love my wife and little girl. But Abby wasn’t a little girl any more. She was in collage and able to make her own dissections. I started caressing her soft skin, she came to bed naked all the time. I don’t know why; I sort of liked it. only wore panties during her cycle. I then started kissing her. I kept my supple kisses to her cheeks then her neck then down to her breasts, finally her nipples and stomach.
Abby was awake now obviously and enjoying the attention I was serving her. this was the first time I had initiated anything with us. Abby began to moan her pleasure as I made my way between her legs, spreading them and taking her pussy with my mouth.
Her climaxes started softly but straightened quickly. She started to cum all over my face soaking the bed and my face.
Finally, I rolled over and laid beside my daughter and pulled her over on top of me. she looked at me in a confused state not knowing what I expected her to do.
“Abby,” I said all so softly. “I know it hurts the first time, so I want you to control the pressure and the pain. I want you to let yourself down on me. it will fill you and take your virginity. If you want that to happen, it will this morning.”
The look on Abby’s face was amazing. I had previously refused to do this telling her to wait, wait till at least we could figure what we both wanted. I know she wanted to give it to me. I know she wanted to take the next step with us, and I know there was no changing her mind. She was old enough to make up her own mind and by god I think she did.
She raised up on me with a smile I will remember the rest of my life. She backed up and took my cock and lined it up to her pussy. The smile on her face had gotten bigger if that was possible. Then with a sinister grin on her lips she dropped all her weight on my cock. I felt my cock ripping through her hymen, as it impaled her. I could see pain on my daughters face too.
She sat there with her pussy lips up against my balls. I had made sure there was plenty of lubricant to keep the pain some what tolerable. But I didn’t expect her to drop on it like she did. I held my daughter and she held me back. I kissed her slowly and she started kissing me back.
“You are the only man I ever want daddy, dad, Roy. you are mine. And if I ever catch you cheating on me so help me god I will kick your ass to the moon and back.”
I smiled.
She continued. “I know you where always faithful with mom. You told me she took good care of you?”
“That she did baby.” I answered.
“Well, I am going to take just as good care of you as she did. maybe better, I hope. And all I want is to know that you will never cheat on me. that is it. that’s all I want.”
“It’s a deal baby.”
“Oh, one other thing. Dad if you don’t mind…. Quit calling me baby. Please…”
“Ok, Ba…. Honey.” I laugh.


Abby and I have been together for fifteen years now. We actually had gotten married. It took some work but we made it happen. Something I know about Abby is when she put her head to something it is going to happen. We loved each other as much as Me and Abagail loved each other. Although Abagail cheated on me constantly, I do believe that she loved me.
Abby never cheated on me nor did I cheat on her. we where a blessed pair. People would talk about our age difference. But no one questioned it when Abby would spout out. “Yea, I seduced my dad after my mom died. Married him and here we are…”
People would laugh, we looked nothing like the other. And no one really didn’t know us. Well, except for Sam.
Sam found a wonderful woman in collage. She treats him ok, but I am his dad and no one can treat my son like I would want them too. Truly she dose him good, I can see that he loves her and that is what counts.
Abby and I had my third child. I wanted to give her this before I left. She is a little girl, we named her Abagail after her grandmother that she would never meet.
But now it is my turn. The doctor diagnosed me in a regular checkup after he found I had lost almost forty pounds in six months.
Prostate cancer stage four. Abby wouldn’t understand when I refused to fallow the doctors orders and not go to the kemo and radiation treatments.
I tried to explain that it is time for me to go see her mom. I missed her still, though I love Abby with just as much heart as I ever loved her mother, I still love her mom.
I told her that if I went to the treatments that it would shrink the savings account to nothing. Even though Abby had a good job, I didn’t want to leave her destitute.

I held my father, my lover, my husband in my arms. I loved him as much as I loved anyone in the world. He was my future; I knew this when I was as young as six years old. No one could come anything close to as handsome, as my dad. My three days that I can remember being the happiest was when I gave birth to our daughter, when I married my dad. When he asked me to marry him. and when I had gotten the D.N.A. results from school.
I had never been happier than that day. But dad and I had had many days that have been wonderful.
Today I pay the price for loving a man thirty years older than I. I have to watch him die. I hold him, he is a tough man, and I know he fights the pain. But I know he isn’t fighting moving on. I know he wants to go see mom. I miss my mom too. but I am really going to miss my dad, my husband. As I feel him take his last breath, I think to myself. ‘How is mom going to take it when I get up there and clame him back from her?” I love my husband.

Thank you for reading.
R. Lee Benton
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