Hotel Testa Rasata


Holiday Preparations.

Mid-June in the UK can be miserable and wet but my spirits were high because tomorrow my husband Dave and I would be flying out to Italy for a 4 week stay at a very exclusive hotel called Hotel Testa Rasata.

The hotel was an adult only establishment, restricted to a maximum of 20 couples staying at the hotel at any one time.

I knew nothing about the hotel or resort because Dave did all the planning. He told me to trust him and that it would be the holiday of a lifetime. I couldn’t wait to get on the plane and enjoy our 4 weeks in the Italian sunshine.

Dave and I stood in the bedroom of our small apartment packing our suitcases and as usual I was trying to pack too much and had no room left in my case.

Dave on the other hand was a typical bloke so his choice of holiday clothes consisted of shorts and a couple of smart shirts and trousers. I was trying to squeeze everything into one small suitcase so I had dresses for every occasion, swimsuits, bikinis, shorts, tops and of course that sexy underwear for the hot steamy nights that I was certain Dave had planned into our itinerary.

“Dave, can I use some of the space in your case, mine’s full?” I asked with a kiss on the back of his neck, hoping to curry favour.

“Sure, but what is it?” Dave asked.

“It’s all my hair stuff. You know how fussy I am about my hair.”

“Don’t worry about taking any of that stuff they provide everything you could possibly need to take care of your hair. It is a 5* hotel,” Dave assured me.

I finished packing and went for my pre-holiday hair appointment at my usual salon.

“Good afternoon Linda.” Trudy greeted me with her usual cheery welcome. “Usual is it, just a trim and tidy up.”

“Yes please, we’re going on holiday tomorrow so I want my hair looking it’s best.”

I sat in the salon chair and let Trudy my stylist perform her magic. My long auburn hair tumbled down my back and just past my bra strap. I had been growing it for years and took special pride in how gorgeous and luscious it looked. Trudy didn’t have much work to do really, she just needed to trim the ends and give me a tidy up.

” So where are you going on holiday?” asked Trudy

“I don’t really know much about it. Dave has done all the planning. The hotel is called Testa Rasata and is on the Italian coast.” I replied.

“Testa Rasata, are you sure?” Trudy asked.

“Yes, have you heard of it?”

“No but I have never heard of a hotel called that before. It’s just an unusual name for a hotel. I’m sure you will have a lovely time” Trudy answered.

With my hair sorted, I visited the beauty salon next door for a full body wax. I did like to retain a little public hair and quite liked my bush but Dave wanted me completely devoid of body hair, I do hope he hasn’t got an ulterior motive and it’s not a naturalist resort I thought to myself. I’m not getting my tits and pussy out for anyone.

The Holiday Begins

The plane journey was mostly uneventful apart from a comment made by one of the flight attendants.

“Where are you staying on holiday?” She asked

” Oh, it’s a very exclusive hotel called Testa Rasata, I don’t know much about it, my husband booked it” I replied.

The attendant looked at my hair and said “At least you won’t need any hair products”

She smiled and continued serving other passengers.

I turned to Dave and said” Dave, what is that flight attendant talking about? When I told her which hotel we were staying at she started talking about hair products”

“I don’t know honey. Perhaps she has been at the duty free” Dave replied.

The flight landed and we shared a transfer coach with two other couples, also staying at Testa Rasata. Both couples were in their late twenties, roughly the same age as us. John and Carol from Norfolk, Pam and Chris from Yorkshire.

We all got on very well during the couch journey.

“Do you know anything about the hotel we are staying at? Every time I mention the name, I get strange looks.” I asked the girls.

“No” replied Carol “John booked it as a surprise for me.”

“Same here,” said Pam. “Chris has been very secretive about it but has assured me that it will be an experience I will enjoy and remember for a long time to come.”

I looked towards Dave and saw all three men looking very sheepish.

The hotel was beautiful and looked very exclusive but appeared to be deserted. The female receptionist explained that all the other guests were enjoying a hotel barbecue on the beach and we would have the opportunity to meet them during evening meal.

I couldn’t help notice how beautiful the receptionist was. A typical Italian beauty with long black silky hair.

I complemented the receptionist “I hope you don’t mind me saying but you have beautiful hair. It is so silky and in great condition.”

“Thank you signora, it is very kind of you to say so.” She replied “Your hair is also very beautiful. I can see you take pride in how your hair looks. It is such a pity. ”

Dave stepped forward and interrupted our conversation “Here are our passports. I think you will be needing those.”

“Grazie Signore”

We booked into the hotel and were shown to our rooms. We had a beautiful room with sea views and hugh balcony. This was going to be a fantastic holiday.

It was now quite late in the afternoon and we’d had a long journey so we decided to rest before the evening meal. Dave ordered refreshments on room service and we spent the afternoon resting and admiring the view.

“Dave, when we were booking into the hotel I spoke to the receptionist and she complimented me on how lovely my hair looked but she also said, ‘It’s such a pity’. What do you think she meant?”

“I don’t know honey. Perhaps she had been enjoying the complimentary champagne I saw on the reception desk a little too much.”

All is revealed

It was soon time to get ready for our evening meal. I showered but didn’t bother with washing my hair. It was still good from yesterday’s visit to the salon.

I did notice that although there was plenty of shower creams and lotions, but no hair care products.

I dressed in a beautiful off the shoulder cream dress that would show off my hair to its best advantage. No bra and a very sexy cream coloured thong.

I left my hair down but clipped the hair up on the right side so that my ear was showing. I used a beautiful silver coloured clip adorned with an orchid to compliment my dress. It really looked beautiful in my long auburn hair.

I walked into the lounge where Dave was waiting for me.

“Will I do?”

“Oh, honey you look so beautiful. “Dave said stroking my hair. He didn’t look happy. It was as if he had something on his mind.

We met John, Carol, Pam and Chris by the elevator as arranged to go down for evening meal. We took the elevator down.

Pam looked upset.

“Are you OK Pam?” I asked

“No” replied Pam “I have been doing some research and I now know why we get funny looks when we tell people that we are staying in Hotel Testa Rasata.”

“Carry on Pam.” I said

“Testa Rasata translated into English means shaven head and I now know what Chris has planned for me.”

At that point the elevator doors opened onto the ground floor of the hotel.

The hotel lobby was now crowded with other couples going to the restaurant for their evening meal.

All the women had shaved heads.

I turned to Dave “What the fuck Dave?”

“Relax Honey. All will be revealed.” He said with a smile on his face. How true that comment would prove to be.

The Evening’s Entertainment.

We sat together as a six for our meal. Looking around the restaurant Pam, Carol and I were the only female guests who had hair. Every other female guest was completely bald. A few had a covering of very short stubble but the majority had very bald, very shiny heads.

Needless to say I didn’t have much of an appetite, nor did Pam or Carol. The boys on the other had a whale of a time admiring all the bald women.

We finished our meal and went into the entertainment lounge. The boys ordered drinks and we sat at a table near to the stage.

There was the usual holiday music playing through the sound system. The music stopped, the lights dimmed and a spotlight shone onto the stage.

A very attractive, long-legged woman appeared on stage. Her one distinguishing feature was that she was bald.

‘Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Maria as many of you will already know. Welcome to your evening’s entertainment here at The Testa Rasata Hotel.”

She continued “Now as you will probably have noticed we have some new guests with us this evening. Let us please welcome John and Carol Birkenshaw, Dave and Linda Price, Pam and Chris Smithies.”

The audience clapped and cheered.

“And can we welcome to the stage Carol, Linda and Pam.”

I stood up turned to Dave, leaned into him and said “You’re so dead. I’m going to make you suffer for this.”

Dave just smiled. I walked to the stage.

Carol, Pam and I stood on the stage. “Welcome ladies.” said Maria. The audience clapped and cheered.

The stage curtains drew back to reveal our fate. Stood in the centre of the stage was an old-fashioned barber’s chair. Next to the chair was a table with various pieces of male hair cutting equipment. A set of large Oyster Classic 76 hair clippers, a Boker Manufaktur straight cut razor, a can of shaving foam, a roll of paper neck tape and a white and black striped barber’s cape. To the left of the barber’s chair stood three plastic chairs.

“Ladies, please take a seat.” Maria indicated the three vacant plastic chairs.

We sat to await our fate.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we now come to the lottery draw.” Maria produced a black cloth bag, dipped her hand and pulled out a paper ticket.

“The lucky winner of this evening's draw is ticket number 23.”

A scream of excitement went up from the audience as a young woman jumped from her seat holding her winning ticket aloft. Without hesitation she ran from her seat and onto the stage.

The young woman was strikingly beautiful, not very tall but had a very curvy body; she had ample breasts that were trying their best to escape the confines of the body hugging little black dress that only just covered her bum. Like the rest of the female audience, she too was complete bald but had gone to the extremes of having her eyebrows removed.

“What is your name, my dear.” asked Maria

“Angela.” came the excited reply. “This is only our second night. I was on stage last night having it done” she shrieked.

“How do you like your new look?” Maria asked.

“It felt strange at first but Tom loves it. He wouldn’t leave me alone last night” she giggled “I love it now. I think I am going to keep it shaved.”

“Well, without further delay let us begin” announced Maria.

Maria looked towards us and said “Who is first ladies?”

Pam stood bolt upright from her chair and shouted “Me”

” I might as well get it over and done with.” She murmured under her breath.

Pam sat in the barber’s chair. She looked lost. She was very petite and looked like a child sat in an adult's chair. Pam had shoulder length blonde hair cut in a shaggy bob style.

Another young woman appeared on stage dressed in a white figure-hugging salon uniform; approached Pam sat in the barber’s chair, took a strip of barber's tissue and wrapped it around Pam’s neck. Took the apron, flicked it out and threw it over Pam covering her body with just her petite little head with shaggy bob sticking out of the top. Poor Pam looked terrified.

The stylist took the Oyster clippers from the table and appeared to give instructions to the dizzy Angela. The clippers looked enormous in Angela’s tiny hand. They looked like the kind of clippers that a farmer would use to shear his sheep not like the tiny clippers I had seen in Trudy’s hair salon back home.

Thank goodness Pam had gone first. By the time she gets to shear me she should have an idea of how to use them without injuring me.

The stylist flicked a switch and the clippers burst into action sending out their terrible buzzing sound that would soon part Pam’s beautiful hair from her head. The audience cheered and clapped, poor Pam.

The stylist handed the clippers to Angela and guided her hand towards the hair at the top of Pam’s forehead pushing them back towards the crown of her head. The buzz of the clippers changed tone to a dull hum as they ploughed a 2-inch-wide furrow along the top of Pam’s head. I just sat there open-mouthed staring at the virgin white skin that Pam now sported at the top of her head.

Stroke after stroke ploughed through Pam’s hair and within a matter of minutes Pam sported a very short crew cut. The clippers were switched off and placed on the table, only to be replaced with the can of shaving foam. The stylist squirted shaving foam onto Angela’s palm and instructed her to cover Pam’s scalp. Soon Pam wore a cap of shaving foam.

The stylist took the straight razor from the table. Surely, she wasn’t going to let dizzy Angela loose with them on Pam’s scalp. Luckily she kept hold of the razor and commenced shaving the foam and stubble from Pam’ scalp. I looked at Pam’s face expecting her to look upset and worried. What I did see was Pam had her eyes closed and she had a big smile on her face. She looked as if she was in a world of her own and to be enjoying her experience very much.

With shaving foam and hair completely cleared from Pam’s head, she smothered shaving cream over Pam’s eyebrows and with two swipes of the straight razor Pam’s eyebrows were gone. The barber’s cape was removed. Pam looked stunning. Without all that hair hiding her face her petite features jumped out at you. Her eyes now looked large and a piercing blue colour. Pam jumped down from the chair.

“Right ladies. Who’s next?”

I jumped out of my chair. “Me please” and stepped forward. I’m having some of that what Pam’s just had I thought to myself.

I approached the barber’s chair and stepped over a mountain of blonde hair that surrounded it. It was then I noticed a large damp patch on the seat that Pam had just vacated. My, she did enjoy herself I thought.

I jumped up onto the chair, removing my beautiful orchid hairclip and placed it in my handbag. I prepared myself for what was about to come.

A piece of paper strip was placed around my neck and the barber’s cape was thrown over me leaving just my head and my lovely auburn locks sticking out of the top.

I looked to the audience and spotted Dave sat on the edge of his seat, his eyes fixed on the stage and me, a prisoner in the barber’s chair. He looked like a little boy in a sweet shop.

I gave him my most ‘I’m going to make you suffer for this’ stare I could muster and sat back waiting for Angela and her clippers to do their worst.

The stylist spoke to Angela “Do you think you could do this one on your own?”

“Oh yes. I think I have the hang of it now”

Oh my god she’s going solo on me, my poor head I thought.

Angela stood in front of me, clippers in hand and switched them on. CLICK POP BZZZZZZZZZ.

She leaned forward into me and whispered “I’m sorry”

No, she wasn’t sorry. The dizzy bitch was going to part me from my lovely auburn hair that I have been growing, nurturing and loving for the past god knows how many years. She was enjoying it the bitch. I could see it in her eyes.

The cold steel of the clippers pressed against the hair on my forehead. I closed my eyes. This was it, the moment I had dreaded.

The buzz changed to a low-pitched hum as the teeth of the clippers pushed back from my forehead towards my crown. The whole of my brain started to buzz in tune with the clippers. I dared to open my eyes to see a 20-inch length of auburn hair tumble from my head and onto my lap. That was my hair sitting on my lap. How dare Dave do this to me? I looked to the audience and saw Dave now standing and clapping.

The clippers were brought back to my forehead, placed slightly to the side of the last furrow and again pushed back towards my crown. More of my lovely auburn hair joined the pile now building up on my lap. Pass after pass and the pile of hair on my lap grew larger and larger.

Resigned to my fate I closed my eyes. I could now feel the clippers shearing off the hair around my left ear working their way to strip the hair from the back of my head and nape. The vibrating clippers moving slowly across my skin set off emotions I had never felt before even whilst making love to Dave. My stomach muscles tensed and my inner thighs warmed and became wet.

The sensation of the clippers on my skin was over all too fast. Angela handed the clippers back to the stylist. I took the chance to release my hands from beneath the barber’s cape and reach up to feel where my hair had once been. No hair, just a soft pelt of stubble where my auburn locks had once reigned. Tears started to well in my eyes, but I was determined not to cry.

I felt Angela’s hand smother the shaving cream across my scalp. The sensation was indescribable, even the touch of dizzy Angela’s fingers massaging the shaving cream into my scalp was making me wet.

The stylist stepped forward and with straight razor in hand she began to shave me bald. Starting from my crown and working towards my forehead she expertly cleared a path of shaving cream and stubble leaving only the virgin white skin for all the world to see.

I had never felt sensations like this before. It was as if my scalp contained a million nerve endings. My pussy was so sensitive. I wriggled in the chair and just couldn’t keep still. I wanted Dave to fuck me right here and now on the stage in front of all these people.

With my hands hidden underneath the barber’s cape my fingers found my wet pussy and slid inside exploring my wet folds. I was masturbating in front of 40 strangers. A little voice inside my head screamed out. Stop now you stupid bitch before you orgasm and make a fool of yourself.

The stylist continued to rid my scalp of shaving cream and hair. She slowly moved to the sides, removing the shaving cream and hair behind and then in front of my ears, leaving just soft white silky skin.

I didn’t want this to stop but all too soon the shaving foam was being dabbed on my eyebrows and with two quick flicks of the razor my brows were gone.

The barber’s cape was removed and my hands immediately went to my head. I don’t know what it looked like but it felt so good. Soft and smooth. I could feel every touch of my fingers on my scalp. It was electrifying.

I stood from the barber’s chair and looked at the seat realising that I had added to the damp patch. I returned to my plastic seat next to Pam.

Without being asked Carol got up and walked to the barber’s chair. She looked down at the seat, brushed the fingers of her right hand across the damp patch, raised them to her mouth looked at Pam and me, stuck out her tongue and licked the juices Pam and I had left behind.

Carol sat in the barber’s chair with the cape around her. Carol had masses of black curly hair, long luscious curly hair that skimmed her shoulders. It would be interesting to see how Angela was going to tackle such a large mass of hair.

Without hesitation Angela plunged the clippers into the mass of hair and pushed back towards Carol’s crown. The tone of the clippers changed and sounded as if they were struggling.

I know you shouldn’t laugh at people but the sight of Angela shearing Carol’s head reminded me of a farmer shearing his sheep. But I have to applaud Angela because within a matter of minutes Carol’s head was sheared. The clippers had completed their work for this evening and were put back in their box until the next female guests arrived tomorrow.

Carol’s head was lathered in shaving foam and the stylist got to work with the razor shaving her head bald. Carol sat with a dreamy smile on her face.

Pam leaned into me and whispered “Did you use your fingers?”

“Yes” I replied “Did you?”

“Of course I did, could you not tell from the state of that barber's seat?” Pam looked at me and smiled.

“It looks as if Carol is using her fingers as well from that look on her face. That barber's seat will be saturated by the end of the evening” I said

We looked at each other and burst out laughing at our own little secret.

I looked back to Carol who was almost finished. It appears Carol has less self control than me as she sat there groaning with that big smile on her face.

I looked at the base of the barber’s chair to see a mountain of hair.
A strange thought passed through my head. I wondered how many cushions you could stuff with all that hair.

Carol, Pam and I returned to our seats in the audience.

Dave lunged himself towards me, smothering my bald shiny head in kisses. “I’m going to make you pay for this” I said pointing to the virgin white skin on my head. ” You owe me big time Dave Price”

“Don’t worry; I’m going to pay you back.” Dave said with a smile.

The boys went to the bar to order drinks. We, the girls just sat staring at each other. At our beautiful shiny white heads. Pam was the first to crack and burst out laughing.

Carol looked at me and Pam and asked “Did you use your fingers?”

We both just looked at each other and burst out laughing again.

“I thought you did. That barber's seat was soaking” Carol said with a smile.

“Did you?” I asked.

“What do you think” came the reply “These panties are ruined”

The rest of the evening went well. We had found a good group of friends; we talked, laughed and drank wine.

Dave leaned into me “I truly love you. You look gorgeous. Thank you.”

A Night of Endless Passion.

We said goodnight to our friends and returned to our room.

Dave couldn’t wait to rip my clothes off, touching and kissing my scalp. I pushed him away saying “I told you that I would make you suffer.”

I went into the bedroom and locked the door. Dave banged on the door pleading for mercy and telling me how sorry he was.

Dave couldn’t see what I was doing on the other side of the door. I showered, smothered my body, especially my nice shiny head in fragrant oils. I dressed in a black girdle, fully fashioned seamed stockings and a pair of high heels. No panties so that my freshly waxed pussy was on show and to finish off my bald temptress look I put a pair of large hoop earrings in.

What Dave didn’t know is that although I loved my long hair, I loved my shaved head even more.

I opened the bedroom door to give Dave his reward.

Dave didn’t say a word; he was rooted to the spot unable to speak. I held onto his shoulders, stood on my tiptoes and kissed him, Dave was shaking uncontrollably and the bulge in his trousers was growing into more than just a bulge. His hands explored my hairless dome. I could not believe how much the absence of hair could heighten my senses. His touch was electrifying.

Dave placed slight downward pressure on my head and I knew what this meant. I dropped to my knees and unzipped his trousers. My lips enveloped his erect cock.

Dave had always let me dictate how much of his cock I took in my mouth but he was like a man possessed. He forced his cock down my throat making me gag. When I thought I could not take any more he placed his hands on the back of my head and pulled me in closer. The full length of Dave’s erect 8 inch cock was in my mouth.

I could feel his cock pulsate and knew he was close to finishing. No, I thought to myself. I want some fun and pleasure and pulled my mouth away from his cock.

I climbed onto the bed on all fours and presented myself to him opening my legs slightly. Dave without any need of encouragement slipped inside me. My pussy was dripping wet and needed no foreplay. I was ready for him. I had been ready for him since stepping down from the barber’s chair.

Dave had always been a gentle lover and took things slowly but my shaved head had unleashed the animal in him. His cock was unrepentant, thrusting and pounding my pussy, his testicles slapping against my inner thighs.

Dave held onto my thighs and pulled me closer to him trying to reach further and deeper into my pussy than he had ever done before, his body stopped thrusting and his cock hardened further, pulsating until he rewarded me with his warm silky cum, filling my pussy.

My body trembled with pleasure, my breath taken away until I screamed out, “Don’t you dare stop now.” Dave started thrusting again but his cock loosened and he pulled away from me.

I climbed down from the bed and stood upright. I had never known Dave ejaculate so much, his cum and my wetness ran down my inner thigh and onto my very expensive fully fashioned stockings.

If this is the result of having my head shaved, then I am going to have to remain bald. Dave and I reached new heights and depths that night in our hotel room.

Sun, Sea, Sex and Wine.

Waking up on the first real day of your holiday is a very special and memorable experience, but waking up after having had the most breathtaking sex you have ever experienced is beyond words. I wanted more. Dave was still asleep. I slid between the sheets and took Dave’s flaccid penis in my mouth, rolling its tip around my lips. Dave didn’t wake up but his cock started to swell, amazing.

It didn’t take long working my tongue and lips on his cock for him to become hard. I climbed on top of him and rode him, now it was my turn to dictate the pace. I slowly moved my body in a circular motion whilst riding him trying to reach every point in my pussy in search of that G spot on my pussy wall. When I found it, I abused Dave and quickly exploded my juice over his groin. Having satisfied myself I climbed off.

“Hey, I haven’t finished.” complained Dave.

“I told you that I would make you suffer and that’s what you get for shaving my head.”

I showered and dressed to go to breakfast. When I say dressed, I mean I wore a bikini and a sarong.

We both had a continental breakfast and went to claim our spot by the pool.

We threw our towels over our loungers ready to settle down for the day sunbathing with a good book.

“Dave, why is no-one wearing clothes?”

” Oh yes, I should have explained,” Dave replied “This is a swingers hotel and clothing is not compulsory except for the dining room and entertainment centre.’

” God Dave how many more surprises have you got for me? I told you I am not getting my tits or pussy for all to see”

“That’s up to you but take a look around, you will be the only one wearing clothes.” said Dave pulling down his shorts, letting it all hang out.

I looked around and he was correct, everyone was naked but I decided to leave my bikini on.

“Oh look, here comes Carol and John.” said Dave.

Oh god, they were walking directly towards us with not a stitch on. Carol with her more than ample breasts swinging freely and although I wasn’t looking, John’s rather large cock dangled between his legs. I was impressed because I thought Dave was big but John won hands down.

Carol and John pulled up a couple of loungers and joined us. Not before too long Pam and Chris sauntered up without a stitch on and don’t get me wrong, I’m not comparing but my tits are bigger than Pam’s and Dave’s cock is bigger than Chris’s.

“Hi everyone.” Pam greeting us with a cheery smile. ” Hey Little Miss Prude, get that bikini off and show us those tits” she added.

“Yes, come on” said Carol “You look like you have plenty to offer.”

I vowed I wasn’t going to do it but I took off my bikini and showed the world my tits and pussy.

“Nice tits,” said John.

Dave laughed.

After a spell of sunbathing, we all jumped into one of the many Jacuzzis doted around the pool. The water felt luxurious bubbling around my naked hairless body.

I’m sure that was John’s hand touching my thigh. I looked across at Dave to see him playing with Pam’s tits. What the hell did he think he was doing? Dave wasn’t on his own. Carol was sat astride Chris swallowing his tongue whilst Chris’s hands busily explored her shaved head.

John moved closer to me whilst his hand explored my pussy. If Dave can do it then so can I. I reached across and took hold of John’s erect cock. He was enormous. How did Carol deal with having that thing inside her pussy.

John pulled me towards him. I stood up and straddled him, lowering myself onto his erect cock until his full length was inside me. John touched parts of me I didn’t know existed.

Anyone walking past would have seen me straddling John. Pam was straddling Dave and Carol was straddling Chris. A couple did walk past and bid us a cheery “Good morning.” We didn’t reply, we were too busy.

How I survived having John’s cock inside me I will never know. I did find it difficult to walk back to the hotel room afterwards though.

The Hotel Barber Shop

A week had passed now since my head shave and that lovely silky feeling had disappeared. Now when I touched my scalp the new growth felt like sandpaper. I arranged with Pam and Carol to meet up for a coffee and then visit the hotel hair salon. When I say salon I really mean barber shop that had just 2 old style barbers chairs and a row of plastic chairs for waiting clients.

The salon lacked the usual trappings of a ladies hair salon. The hair dryers, the curling tongs were replaced with hair clippers, razors and shaving foam.

When we arrived, the salon was quite busy with a queue of woman waiting to be shaved. Both chairs were occupied. A quick look around and it was obvious we were all looking to reinvigorate that silky smooth feeling apart from the woman in front of me in the queue. It looked as if she was growing her hair back to some degree. She had a 1/4-inch growth on top and short stubble on the sides and back.

“Hi, good morning, I’m Linda”

“Hi I’m Jenny pleased to meet you” she replied.

“Looks like you're growing your hair?”

“Yes, I think I prefer some hair on my head. My husband sprung this on me” she said pointing to her head. “He loves it but I’m not so sure. I think I want at least some hair on my head, so we came to a compromise. We have agreed on a crew cut.”

The queue quickly went down and it was soon Jenny’s turn. I sat and watched as the back and sides of Jenny’s scalp were shaved and blended into the slightly longer hair on top.

That feeling I got between my legs whilst being shaved returned. I was getting turned on by watching another woman having what can only be described as a brutal haircut. It was soon my turn in the chair. Where it would have taken over an hour at the hair salon to get my hair trimmed, I was freshly shaved and out of the chair within 10 minutes.

I sat and waited for Carol and Pam whilst they were shaved. My new obsession that caused my heart beat to quicken was watching women being sheared or shaved. I left the barbers shop with that lovely warm feeling between my legs and a very stiff clitoris.

My first but definitely not my last experience with a woman.

Carol, Pam and I went to the poolside as the three boys had gone into town for a beer. We soon found ourselves in the Jacuzzi. The feeling of the hot bubbles caressing my naked, smooth skin was out of this world. The feelings between my legs grew and my fingers wandered towards my pussy. Carol must have seen me and moved closer to me. Her fingers rested on my thigh and they soon migrated to my pussy. I felt her fingers enter me and join mine.

Carol stretched over and straddled me. I took my fingers from my pussy and slipped them between the folds of her vagina. Pam looked over to us and wasn’t missing out on the action. She sidled over to us and soon Carol had both of her hands in action pleasing both Pam and me.

I looked over towards the pool bar to see that the boys had returned from town early and were sat drinking beer watching us. They were clearly enjoying the performance. Dave saw me looking towards him, he just smiled and gave me a wave. He clearly didn’t care that I was fucking another woman.

A visit to the town.

Sadly, it was the last day of our holiday and we would be returning to the UK tomorrow. Dave told me that it would be the holiday of a lifetime and it certainly proved to be the case.

The whole experience changed my attitude towards life and what was important to me and in many ways I became more liberal.

My views on sex had changed within a few short weeks and I learned a lot about myself discovering that I loved being shaved and was now comfortable and confident being bald.

I was turned on by watching other women being shaved and I especially loved the nightly entertainment at the hotel, watching the unsuspecting women have their long locks shorn and their heads shaved. I don’t think an evening had passed where my panties hadn’t been wet after the show.

But the real surprise to me was the satisfaction and pleasure I got from having sex with other women. It was a different kind of sex, gentle and understanding of each other's needs. Carol, Pam and I have repeated our liaison since that first time in the Jacuzzi.

Dave and I took a leisurely walk into the local town with a view to buying souvenirs and gifts for friends and family. We strolled through the streets window shopping and stopped for a coffee at a small cafe in the town square. We sat drinking our coffee when one particular shop caught our eye. It was and old-fashioned barbershop.

“Are you thinking what I am thinking?” I asked

” How do you fancy having your first visit to a men’s barbershop?”

“Let’s do it” was my immediate response.

We finished our coffee and went to investigate.

The shop was very old fashioned. It had three barber's chairs, each of them occupied and each tended by an elderly male barber. Along the opposite wall was a long wooden bench that I presumed was the waiting area. Dave sat next to me on the bench waiting for my turn in the barber's chair.

“Next” shouted one of the barbers looking at Dave.

I stood and walked to the now vacant chair. The barber stood back in amazement. “Can I help Madam?” He asked

I climbed into the chair placing my feet on the large wrought-iron foot plate.

“Yes, madam what can I do for you?” He asked “You have no hair to cut.”

“A full shave please” I said with an air of confidence.

A paper tape was placed around my neck and I was caped.

This really was an old-style barber. No canned shaving foam here. The barber used a shaving stick and brush and soon my scalp was covered in creamy white foam. With the experience of years of barbering my scalp was shaved in minutes. A hot towel was placed around my shaved scalp, this was such a treat, the feeling was luxurious. I sat taking in the feeling and caught site of Dave watching. He sat with the biggest smile on his face obviously enjoying himself.

The towel was removed and my scalp lathered up again and shaved. I was then treated to a scalp massage with the barber rubbing scented oil into my scalp.

I looked in the mirror. This was a head shave like no other. My head shone like polished glass.

I was ready to jump down from the chair thinking he had finished with me.

“No madam, not finished. You want full shave.” He said.

The shaving stick and brush returned and my cheeks, chin and neck were lathered up.

My face was shaved with his straight razor. Now that was a unique experience.

We walked down the street away from the barbers. “Dave, he shaved my face”

“You did ask for a full shave.” replied Dave laughing.

We strolled through the streets making our way down towards the sea front.

“Dave look” I pointed out a tattoo artists shop. “What do you think?”

“You want a tattoo?” He queried

“I will if you will.” I said.

We walked into the shop. The tattoo artist was a young woman with long black hair and really quite striking facial features. Her arms were covered in tattoos and it would be difficult to find a piece of skin that wasn’t inked.

“I love your look madam” she said.

“Thank you, we both want a tattoo but don’t know what to have.” I said to her.

We looked through some designs and chose a Celtic band on our right upper arm with the words ‘TESTA RASATA in a Baroque style font interwoven within the design to remind us of our unforgettable holiday.

Dave was paying for our tattoos when I noticed a small room off to the side of the main shop area. The sign on the door read ‘Piercings’

“Do you do the piercings?” I asked the tattooist

“Yes madam.”

“Can you do me now”

“Certainly, what do you want?”

“I’ve always wanted a diamond nose stud.” I replied

Dave looked astounded.

I was soon sat in the chair having my nose pierced and adorned with a diamond stud.

Within the piercing parlour was a display cabinet showing off various pieces of jewellery and metal ware.

” What are those?” I asked pointing to one particular item.

“Those are nipple bars and those are nipple rings.” She replied

‘I’ll have a nipple ring please” I said as if I was ordering a pack of sweets.

Before I knew it my right breast sported a beautiful gold nipple ring.

“You will enjoy the ring” the tattooist said “It will heighten the sensitivity to your nipple.

Back at the Hotel.

Dave and I approached the reception desk in the hotel foyer to collect our room key.

I noticed that the new arrivals were currently checking in and there were five couples in total. Tonight, was going to be a busy night on stage and those clippers were going to be working overtime.

I did notice some of the women and all of the men taking an interest in my freshly shaved scalp. The couple currently checking in looked very young and I would say they were in their very early 20’s. The young woman had beautiful auburn hair down to her bra strap and it was not unlike mine had been before I was sheared and shaved only 4 weeks ago.

“Welcome to Hotel Testa Resata Mr and Mrs Fletcher. I see you are on honeymoon. You are in the honeymoon suite.

As the couple walked away from the reception desk, I heard the woman say to her husband.

“Pete , have you seen that woman she has a shaved head?”

“Yes Jayne, I saw her, don’t you think she looks attractive?” replied her husband.

“Perhaps she does but I don’t think I could ever do that; I just love my hair too much.” She replied.

The couple got into the elevator to the honeymoon suite.

Our last evening at Hotel Testa Rasata

As usual we sat with Carol, John, Pam and Chris in the entertainment complex.

I took a keen interest in seeking out the young couple that I had seen in the hotel reception early that day. When I saw them, I noticed that the woman looked very upset. I wonder if she knew what was about to happen to her.

The lights dimmed and the spotlight lit up the stage and Maria made her appearance looking as beautiful and as bald as ever.

She welcomed everyone to the evening’s entertainment and introduced the new guests to the rest of the audience, finally asking the new female arrivals up onto the stage. All five women obediently obliged as they stood on stage like lambs to the slaughter.

The stage curtains opened and the barber’s chair stood there in all its glory.

All the women gasped but poor Jayne burst into tears.

“Now ladies and gentlemen, the winner of tonight’s lottery is.” announced Maria as I sat there holding my ticket number 37 hoping that my ticket would be the winning number. Please, please let it be me.

“Number 37.”

“Bingo I screamed” waving my ticket in the air.

I ran down to the stage to claim my prize.

After getting my crash course from the resident stylist on how to use the Oyster Clippers. I stood with clippers in hand waiting for my first victim.

I could feel I was getting aroused already and the clippers weren’t even switched on. The damp patch in my panties was forming already.

Maria continued with the show “OK ladies who is first for the barber’s chair. I think we should let the newlywed go first, please step forward Mrs Fletcher and take your seat.”

Poor Jayne trembled as she walked towards the chair, tears clearly welling in her eyes. The stylist caped her and pulled her long auburn hair from beneath the cape to let it flow down the back of the barber’s chair.

Maria announced “OK let us begin; we have very busy evening, lots of heads to shave.”

The audience applauded and I stepped forward with clippers in hand. I turned them on and was surprised at how powerful they felt buzzing in my hand.

I felt all powerful as I was going to drastically change the appearance of five women. The feeling between my legs grew in intensity as my femininity wet my pussy lips and my clitoris swelled.

I stepped up to Jayne with her eyes now full of tears, she looked up at me and pleaded “Please don’t.”

leaning into her and said “Sorry” as I placed the clipper blades onto Jayne’s forehead.

I wasn’t sorry because I was going to enjoy every second of this experience. I do hope Dave is filming this on his mobile. I’m such a batch I thought to myself.

I pushed the clippers across Jayne’s head towards her crown watching a strip of virgin white skin appear in the wake of the clipper blades. That sight of what I had done to Jayne’s scalp sent my senses into overdrive. My body shook and my sweet juices trickled from my pussy soaking my panties.

Strip after strip I removed those beautiful auburn locks from this young sweet newlywed’s scalp until all that was left was a blanket of stubble covering her head. What Jayne didn’t realise or appreciate is that she was probably going to experience the best ever sex she had ever known and on her wedding night too.

I took the shaving foam and massaged it into Jayne’s scalp, feeling the soft tiny bristles of what was left of that beautiful auburn hair whilst imagining her on her wedding day wearing a beautiful white wedding dress with her hair in an updo, her makeup perfect and here she was just one day later sat in a barber’s chair in front of forty strangers being stripped down to the basics.

I knew how she was feeling at this moment in time, but after the initial shock of losing her hair she would come to love the real her and not the image society expected and sometimes demanded to see.

The hotel stylist took over and expertly shaved away the remainder of Jayne’s hair to reveal a most stunning woman. Jayne was beautiful without all that hair she hid behind. She had perfect bone structure and was without doubt one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Perhaps it was just the way I now looked at women. A real woman behind the mask.

Jayne took her seat at the side of the stage whilst another woman took her place in the barber’s chair. Jayne looked more composed now and even happy with the result of her shearing as her hands and fingers explored her freshly shaved head. I even saw a gentle smile as she experienced the newly found sensitivity of her scalp.

Back to work. I had another four women to shear and to hopefully point them along the path of liberation and from the trappings of what society expects us to look like.

I was enjoying myself so much wielding the clippers like a musketeer in a sword fight. My clitoris was so hard and I don’t think my panties could take much more. I really do hope Dave is recording this. Dave has got a busy night ahead of him when I get him up to our hotel room. Poor man, I was going to abuse his body.

We said our goodbyes.

After a very busy night poor Dave was exhausted. My newly found air of confidence and sexual liberation was putting Dave under pressure and I sometimes think he regretted letting the demon out of the box.

After breakfast we said our goodbyes to Carol, John, Pam and Chris and vowed to keep in touch but before I left. I had to speak to one last person, Jayne.

I found her and her husband Pete by the pool. Pete wandered off so I could speak privately with Jayne.

“How are you after last night?” I asked.

“I was upset at first and shocked to say the least but now I think I love it, Pete certainly does.”

I laughed “Yes it certainly releases the animal in our men.”

Jane giggled “He couldn’t keep his hands off me, he was obsessed with my bald head and would stop kissing it. I’m exhausted.”

“Use that power to your advantage, take control and you will have your man following you around like a little puppy begging for attention.” I said.

“What will other people think though?” She asked.

“It doesn’t matter what other people think. It’s how you feel about yourself. Getting my head shaved has changed me and how I feel about myself. Like you I also had long auburn hair but now it’s gone, it’s not coming back.”

Jayne just smiled.

“I have changed so much in the four weeks since being shaved.” I showed her my new tattoo and lowered my top to show her my nipple piercing.

“Wow! Have you had those done whilst on holiday?” She asked.

“Yes and I’m sure that if I hadn’t had my head shaved, I would still be the same old boring Linda with the lovely auburn hair. Here give it a try.”

I handed Jayne the business card that I picked up from the tattoo parlour.

I leaned into her and kissed her on the lips. She didn’t resist and kissed me back. We smiled and said goodbye.

Back Home.

It took some explaining to my parents but they now accept my new look. My younger sister Claire loves it and vows that she is going to get the look. I think I will hold her to that one day.

After their initial shock my friends and work colleagues love the new Linda. Whether they like it or not, I do and it is staying.

Having said that it is now almost a month since we returned from holiday and my scalp has a coating of fine auburn hair.

I opened the door to the salon and give a cheery hello to Trudy.

“Oh, my goodness me” said Trudy “Did you get a crew cut on holiday?”

“No, but I will explain. Can you fit me in?”

“What for? You’ve nothing left to style.” said Trudy.

“A head shave.” I replied.

“Take a seat and tell me all about it and I want to know everything.” she said with a cheeky grin on her face.

A weekly visit to Trudy’s salon for a shave and head massage is now booked into my diary.

Dave and I have booked a return visit to Hotel Testa Resata at Christmas and we will be joined by Trudy and her husband.

I do hope I have that winning lottery ticket when Trudy takes to the barber’s chair.


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