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Daughter Becomes a Cum SlaveSuck that cock you fucking bitch!… Uuhmm… Yeah!… Slurp on it slut… Fucking slut!… MMMmm… Hey man!… Fuck this bitch’s ass harder than that!” The man screamed at the helpless young woman bound on the bed. Lucy peeked through the keyhole from the bathroom watching the four men relentlessly fuck the moaning woman. Lucy watched as the man fucked the woman’s mouth like a cunt. He used handfuls of her hair to rock her slobbering mouth up and down on his hard cock. Lucy noticed how the strands of spit s...reading time 37 mingenre
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Kiarra Young Juicy
Stranger in my bed - Getting to know youI woke at 6am. The sun was streaming through the curtains yet again. It was still very warm. Dave was still fart asleep poor guy. I went to the loo then down stairs to make some drinks. I was having iced tea. Would Dave like tea or coffee, I thought he is a coffee man after yesterday in the cafe. I carried the drinks back upstairs. Dave had rolled on his back and was now snoring. I placed the drinks on the bedside cabinet. I looked at him, he looked so peaceful. How do I wake him up without eith...reading time 37 mingenre
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SiblingsLiz had just walked out of the hospital; her mother had just passed away after a short illness. She now had to make the most difficult phone call of her life. She got in her car and rang her brother's phone number in Singapore. It went straight to voice mail, so she left a message asking him to phone her as soon as possible. She now felt alone, very alone. Her brother Don had left the family home two days after her 16th birthday to start a new life as a financial whizz kid. He was 18 years old a...reading time 31 mingenre
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My Fucktoy Sister Chapter 01 - Teasing My Pussy For A Stranger I laid breakfast down for my family. My husband, Frank, was a very busy manager at a Medical firm. It was thanks to his hard work that I could live in a beautiful house. I was also very proud of my younger brother, Scott. He’s 19 and was currently studying Law in University. Our parents insisted on sending him to boarding school. Pretty much not long after he hit puberty, he was sent away. I was against it as his sister, not wanting to have my brother being so far away from me. I mean, how ...reading time 29 mingenre
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Stasia Grey
Ella cucks her patient Ch. 09There I stood. Half an hour early in front Ella's door. I was so anxious about it this time. I was sweating bullets dreading what was to come, yet the idea of just leaving and not going trough with this never crossed my mind. In fact her "therapy" was at the center of my life. It was all I thought about every day. Instead of knocking I decided to be bold and just let myself in. Her door was unlocked as usual and when in the living room I saw Ella casually walking around with nothing on except...reading time 36 mingenre
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Cassie: The Tracker's Tale(Hi Guy's, I'd like to acknowledge the assistance gave me in creating this story... and blame my lack of understanding for any inaccuracies below!... feel free to message corrections! - MH) Chapter One. I sighed... Too much fat... And that one was a skinny bunny!... not enough meat, not enough to last very long! That one lookd like a trophy wife... nice to look at, but with a big ugly husband!... Asian... African... Middle Eastern... Spanish?... Ugly!....reading time 35 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Holidays... voodoo style! One evening after dinner Alfred told me. - I am more than delighted with your services, and your kindness. You are really perfect with me, and even more than that! Also, I decided now that the beautiful days are here, to offer you a vacation in the sun in a villa in the Caribbean. We take Victor with us. Maxime told me that with his friend Gérald, they would come and join us in a week, I'll pay them for the trip, I've rented a superb house. Indeed, the residence was truly luxurious. Nothing ...reading time 29 mingenre
Group sex
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Summer Wolfe #1* Hi Guy's this story is a work in progress... I'm trying out a different style of telling the story, but I'm not sure if the website will display what I write correctly. Below is a Chapter written as I would normally do it. Late in Chapter Two I kick off what I want to try... if it looks muddled, that's me trying to explain what both people feel at the same time... it looks ok on my PC! So I'm hoping it will work here. Fingers crossed! (No, I can't even keep explanations short... sorry!) Nope....reading time 32 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
The Bastard "Hey, sis," I said, walking in the door into her house. "How are you?" I pondered, putting my bags down. "I'm good, sis, now give me a hug," she added, before hugging me. "Damn, Alexis, you two are in your forties now, and you still call each other 'sis'?" Louie asked, coming towards us. "Yes," she answered, turning to him. "It's not our fault you're an only child and can't understand why we call each other that, but we do, so deal with it." "Alexis, I didn't say I had a problem; it was just...reading time 44 mingenre
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The Promotion"And the prize goes to Sam Clouston, congrats," the boss said, walking to him. "Sam, you're now the new manager of state sales," he said, shaking his hand too. "Thank you, Mr. Lanon," Sam added. I crossed my arms and scoffed. "And what did Sam do to deserve that promotion? I know I worked my ass off this year; I'm not seeing the boss give me even a pat on the back," I whined, before I went to the bathroom. I went to the urinal and did my business. A few seconds later, the door opened. "Hey, ...reading time 47 mingenre
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Molly Takes a Black LoverNurse Practitioner Molly Kelly glanced at the clock as she hurried out of the urgent care clinic, “God Dammit, no way I’m going to make it to the game on time.” Her son, Patrick, was playing in his first football game as a member of his school’s freshman team, and her husband, Tom, and oldest son, Robert, were going to meet her at the game. Everything would’ve been fine and on schedule were it not for a late afternoon industrial accident that left a pipe fitter with two broken fingers and a sev...reading time 28 mingenre
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Terry S
Mommy's Airport And Prison EnslavementLife as a TSA airport agent could be a bit monotonous. The same routine, with the same clueless, mostly overweight people shuffling their lard asses through the checkpoints, protesting any minor inconvenience, could start to grate your nerves. But Frank, the head of TSA security, actually enjoyed his job - and the unexpected benefits that came with it. When he first saw her making her way down the hall, he smiled. Jennifer Carter, a young mother of one, was definitely a head-turner. She was wea...reading time 196 mingenre
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Kate's Story Part One: The Twins...Kate had always liked me. She always had a pat and a kind word for me, when she arrived for her visit's. To start with, I was too young to think of her sexually, too inexperienced.... later, after all that had happened, (Libby's Game) she was still only an infrequent visiter to my home. Maybe once a week... and there was always someone else around. Truth be told... she wasn't really sexy either. No... she didn't ooze sexuality... not like Libby, her Mom held it back, tightly controlled within he...reading time 31 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Business travel or sexing trip at the Congo ? Seven months later, Marion was with me when I received the Director's email asking me to join him in his office. If I agreed, it was necessary to work out the terms of my trip to the Congo. There were plans to cultivate and harvest medicinal plants. Mr. N'Doumbé wanted at all costs that a secretary accompany the responsible pharmacist and that it be me. The mission should last about two months. - Youpiieeee... the Dirlo asks me if I want to go to Congo, you know N'Doumbé, the black pharma...reading time 61 mingenre
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Cabin Fever: Parting ShotThe vacation was going great and it was only half over! Paul was loving these days, this week of blissful serenity out in the remote woods of North Carolina. He was loving them more than he’d ever expected he would. Actually, he’d originally suspected that a week out in the boondocks with nothing to do but drink beer would get incredibly boring incredibly fast. But he couldn’t account for the immense sense of release he felt in throwing off all the stresses of exams and studying. In fact, just ...reading time 176 mingenre
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Taboo!"Whats going on, XO? "Captain!, we have a situation! "What is it?? "Onboard scans detected an unauthorised item in the Weapons Bay, Sir, Security attempted to interdict it, but the situation is escalating rapidly... we have 4 deaths and 12 confirmed casulties, so far. "How did this happen, XO?... "Possibly sabotage, but more likely stupidity, Sir! "What are we dealing with here!, XO... is it a Nuclear, Chemical or a Biological threat? "None of those... it's an Illegal Organic, Sir! "An Organic?...reading time 167 mingenre
First times
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Mostly Harmless
I heard it through the grapevineAs Kirsty and Rob were both in their early 50´s, it seemed a nice plan to get out of the rat race and to take things a little more easily and lead a less complicated life. So they had bought a finca with a vineyard in rural Spain, on the foot of a mountain range near Valencia. It had a substantial plot of land with an active and healthy vineyard, so they generally hired some helpers to work the land. Recently they took on Dia and Kono, two African men from Zimbabwe. They had made it to Europe an...reading time 39 mingenre
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My Sister’s Family When my sister Tracy, and her husband Tony invited me out to their farm in the country for a few weeks, I was more than a little surprised. Sure, Tracy and I had always been close as brothers and sisters go, but apart from the occasional family get-together, we hardly ever saw each other since I'd moved to the city. On the phone, Trace sounded her usual bubbly self and reminded me that I hadn't visited them since the Christmas before last. She suggested I come on out for a bit and enjoy the "la...reading time 76 mingenre
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Removable Drive H:Kelly Brown #1: I loved what technology could do! I turned on the computer. Plugged in my mobile phone. Downloaded my footage... taken at maximum resolution... Brought it up on the main monitor, the biggest one... large! almost life sized! I stood, pulled off my shorts and undies and sat back down on my gaming chair. Turned on the fan. Hit the Play button... The picture wobbled erratically at first, until I had pushed the mobile onto the blu-tack on the window, then it showed the view that I had anticipat...reading time 35 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Lilith. Rags to riches part 3. My first paid JobJack sat on the bed. He was shocked at how he had reacted to his daughter having sex with him. It takes two to tango he thought and it was his fault in the first place. If I hadn't got the urge to wank into her knickers or describe how he and Elisabeth had made love for the first time, we wouldn't be in this situation now. He could hear her banging about in her bedroom right above his. She was slamming wardrobe doors and drawers shut and stamping her feet. She was one anger lady. He put his boxe...reading time 43 mingenre
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Drinks With IvyWarren stopped eating, and glared at me in frustration, "Ok Wesley, spill it. I know that you're withholding something from me. You've been smiling continuously since you got back from your business trip!" "I have not!" I smirked, denying my brother's accusation. "Will you please tell me why you've been so cheerful recently?" he asked gently. "Ever since your divorce, you've shut yourself off from everyone. Seeing you like this brings me great satisfaction, Wesley. So, tell me!" He impl...reading time 33 mingenre
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Stars -Screen Test Part-1 CHAPTER 1 "First, take off your top," I suggested, playing with one of her long blonde pigtails. Chrissy nodded and reached for the bottom of her tube. She slid it upward. Slowly, her prepubescent chest came into view. Girls are maturing faster these days, but little Chrissy was still plenty ripe, at nine, for the PT market. Unless she had a sudden growth spurt, she was at least a couple of years shy of training bra time. The areolae were large and pink, vivid on her creamy skin, the little p...reading time 92 mingenre
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Kiara Youngest
Aves de la NocheAves de la noche Birds of the night in Latin American culture relates to the complicated relationship between machismo and homosexuality. In a culture that emphasizes the manliness of most men homosexuality the acceptance of the faggot is a complicated but ever present issue. Gay men generally present as feminine but are very careful to segregate themselves from the overwhelmingly masculine majority. There are circumstances where the two cultures do cross but the rules are complicated and the ...reading time 95 mingenre
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Bobbi Satin
My Neighbor Teenage Daughter Chapter 1 -- in which we meet Joe and Ginny Virginia (Ginny) McCormack showed up in my yard one Saturday morning in early August as I was mowing my lawn. A chunky kid, not fat, but certainly thick -- what you might call 'heavy boned'. She had just celebrated her ninth birthday a month before. I knew because she had invited me to attend the family dinner after. She was tall and heavy for her age, had a broad face with coarse features, somewhat dark complexion and mousy brown hair cut quite short...reading time 35 mingenre
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Baby Driver
Playing virtuals sex gamesAlfred, my old boss, fan of candaulism and curious about all modern technology, especially those related to sex, had taken a close interest in the Tokyo Game Show of pornographic virtual reality which took place in Tokyo, Japan. He even made contact with a developer, considering participating in the financing of his project. He invited her to come and explain his concept to him. After a good meal the programmer, who was far from the image that I could have of a new generation computer scientist,...reading time 33 mingenre
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