Molly Takes a Black Lover


Nurse Practitioner Molly Kelly glanced at the clock as she hurried out of the urgent care clinic, “God Dammit, no way I’m going to make it to the game on time.”

Her son, Patrick, was playing in his first football game as a member of his school’s freshman team, and her husband, Tom, and oldest son, Robert, were going to meet her at the game. Everything would’ve been fine and on schedule were it not for a late afternoon industrial accident that left a pipe fitter with two broken fingers and a severe laceration. The stitches and x-rays had taken almost two hours, and, with thirty minutes to kick-off, she still had a 25 mile drive to navigate.

The traffic wasn’t too bad, and Molly wasn’t very late, but the first quarter was almost over when she finally entered the stadium. She scanned the crowd and spotted her husband and son sitting where they usually sat back when Robert was playing, next to the band, under the press box.

Robert played football for the same school, and then played in college at Brigham Young University. He graduated the preceding spring and was on his way to the Air Force for pilot training.

Molly kissed her husband, hugged her son, and asked for the game highlights to that point.

Robert smiled, well, so far, so good. Patrick was on special teams for the kick off and forced a fumble to open the game. His team had recovered the ball and quickly scored. On the ensuing kick off, Patrick assisted on the tackle but had been on the bench since. His team was up, 7 - 0.

Patrick didn’t play much as he was a reserve defensive back, but he was on the punt coverage team as well as the kick return team. In the second half the team scored three unanswered touchdowns, and with the game well in hand, the coach sent in the substitutes. Patrick was able to play two uneventful sets of downs before the game ended, and as Molly and her family made their way down to the field, she thought she saw a familiar face.

“Robert, is that your old teammate Samir Rahman over there with the coaches?”

Robert nodded, “Yes, Samir did four years in the Army after high school, and he’s going to college on the GI Bill...I had a chance to catch up with him before the game. He’s one of Patrick’s coaches, and he’s working part time as a bartender at the Indian casino.”

Molly frowned, “You know while you were away at BYU, his father got arrested for drug dealing, and his mother, Maria, divorced him and moved back to Arizona with her family.”

“Yeah, too bad about that. Samir is living in his dad’s mobile home at the Corsican Trailer Park. He told me his dad should be getting out soon. He doesn’t get along well with his mom’s side of the family. They didn’t like it that she married a black guy, and he picks up on that vibe. And his dad has always been a thug...very bad dude.

Molly shook her head and ended the subject with, “That’s a shame, poor guy.”

Molly always like Samir, and he was a good looking kid. He got the best of the African-Hispanic genes, tall and handsome, long, black hair, olive skin, lean, muscular physique. If some Hollywood producer ever wanted to make a movie about a great Native American warrior, Samir would be perfect for the role.

Molly chatted briefly with Patrick before he ran off to the showers with his teammates, and then she approached Samir.

“Hi Samir, remember me, Robert’s mom? Congratulations on completing your Army service, and thank you for helping out with the coaching...I know Patrick will be in good hands with you.”

Samir laughed, “Well, thank you very much. It’s been a while, but how could I forget you Mrs. Kelly? Of all my friends’ moms, you were the best cook...still remember the corn beef and cabbage dinners you used to serve up on St. Patrick’s Day.”

“I always enjoyed having you guys over for dinner, and you’re always welcome at our home. So I guess I’ll be seeing you around?”

“Yeah, I’m home for good now...ain’t going anywhere. Four years was a long time to be gone.”

Molly gave Samir a quick hug and headed for the parking lot; Samir watched her go...that ass.

As she walked away, Samir thought to himself, “Damn, pretty as ever. That long, curly red hair, heart shaped ass, and her breasts were to die for. He remembered first seeing her when she was helping with the girls gymnastics team. The tights she wore, with the hint of camel toe, didn’t leave much to the imagination, and he didn’t realize it was Robert’s mom when he made a foolish, crude comment about her in front of his friend.

However, there was another occurrence that would keep Molly Kelly in his mind forever. Shortly after Samir’s high school graduation, Robert told him the family was planning a trip to Florida that would include a Caribbean cruise, and he asked Samir to come over a couple times a week to take care of his normal chores which included cleaning and chemical testing the pool. The Kelly’s had a very nice home in a gated community. Their backyard was nicely landscaped, with a lagoon like pool, and was completely enclosed by a brick wall for privacy.

That Saturday, Samir got up early to help his dad with a painting job and worked outside in the sun for most of the day. When he finished, he decided to go over to the Kelly home to use the pool. He had a key and entered through the side gate. When he came around a corner and neared the pool deck, he was startled to see Molly sunbathing nude by the pool.

Samir knew it was wrong to look at her, but he was transfixed. She was lying, fully exposed, on a reclining lawn chair. He pale, white skin glistened from a combination of sweat and tanning lotion, and Samir had a clear view of her entire body. Her breasts for perfect for her size, and somewhat flattened against her chest as she lay there with her arms extended over her head. Her large, pink nipples appeared somewhat erect as if they were being stimulated, and apparently they were. Samir watched as she took her sunscreen bottle and applied more lotion to her breasts and belly and began to massage herself.

Molly’s hands lingered for a moment, fingers twisting her nipples, then she opened her legs and began to masturbate, slowly at first, inserting one finger, then two. Samir saw she had a thick growth of red pubic hair that covered her genitals and anus...for a petite woman, she had a very pronounced vulva that her small hand could barely cover.

Samir opened his fly and took his erect penis in his hand. He began to stroke it, imagining what it would be like to fuck her. Would she like a young black to fuck her? Would she like his big dick? He knew he was much bigger than most. Would she suck his cock? How would she fuck, dog style, missionary, would she ride him cowgirl, giving him access to those beautiful tits, letting him hold her ass? Could she take him in her ass?

As Molly increased her tempo, her hips and legs began to move. Her feet were trembling, toes were curled, and she began to moan, softly at first, then louder. Suddenly she moved to her side, took a pillow, put it between her legs, and her ass was just a blur as she began to hump it furiously. Her back was arched now, her legs began to kick and thrash, and she screamed as an intense orgasm swept over her. Her climax coincided with Samir shooting his sperm all over the potted plant he was hiding behind.

Molly lay there for a few minutes more, then got up and slipped into the pool. Samir used this as an opportunity to sneak back to his car, but the experience would be forever etched in his mind. From then on he often dreamed of fucking his friend’s mother.

Football season came and went. Patrick’s playing improved a great deal thanks to the personal attention he received, and by season’s end he had earned a starting position in the defensive backfield. Robert had already left home for his Air Force duty, and at the team’s award banquet, it was just Patrick and Molly as her husband, Tom, had been called out to a crime scene.

Patrick got an award citing him as the most improved defensive player for the freshman team, and as Samir was telling the gathering about the freshman team’s accomplishments, he noticed Molly. Even standing toward the rear, she stood out in a nicely tailored black business suit and royal blue, silk blouse. They made eye contact and, slightly flustered, Samir briefly lost his train of thought for a moment.

After the festivities concluded Molly approached Samir and thanked him for helping Patrick. The conversation switched to Samir.

“So, how is everything going at school? Are you enjoying your classes?

Samir shrugged, “It’s going well for most of my classes. I had to take a humanities class as part of my general education requirements, and I don’t care about that much. Problem is that there are a bunch of students in the class who are majoring in that stuff, and it’s hard to compete with them…but I’ll get by.”

Molly laughed, “Well, I’m pretty sure you can compete with them in the arts of the western world better than they could with you on a football field.”

They both laughed, but Samir’s focus had shifted to the unbuttoned second button on Molly’s blouse, the black lace bra that was slightly visible, and a small, gold cross she wore on a chain that rested just above her cleavage. He completely missed her question as to what he was majoring in, so she repeated herself with a coy smile, aware he had been looking at her breasts.

“Oh, sorry Ms. Kelly, I’m doing a double major, history and kinesiology. I’d like to go into teaching and coaching for a career.”

“Oh, that’s great, good for you Samir. You’ll be a great coach and teacher. I can tell the kids really look up to you. Are you still working at the casino?”

“Yes ma’am, that’s my weekend job...I tend bar at night in the Arrow Lounge; it’s the piano bar...gotta pretty nice gig. I get good tips and watch a lot of games. Life is good.”

Patrick wandered over, and Molly said her “Good By,” adding, “Maybe Tom and I can come watch a game sometime at the casino...we haven’t been there yet, and it looks really nice from what I’ve seen in their advertising. Take care Samir.”

In December, at Molly’s urging, she and her friends took one of the nurses out to the casino on a Friday night for dinner and drinks on the occasion of her birthday. Molly’s husband was in Washington, DC for a seminar, and he took Patrick with him. She was in need of a “girls’ night out.”

After the buffet and birthday cake, Molly and a few decided to have drinks in the Arrow Lounge. Samir was on the job and waved as Molly and her friends entered.

It turned out to be a great way to end the evening. The piano player was doing a lot of fun songs, like Oobla Dee, Oobla Dah, and the frozen strawberry daiquiris Samir served up were the best.

At around midnight, Molly’s friends began to leave for home and before long, she, Samir and the bar back were the only two left in the lounge. Samir closed out his register and walked Molly out to the valet, but on the way she stumbled. He caught her in time to keep her from falling, but he knew she was not sober enough to drive herself home.

As Molly waited for the valet to bring up her car, Samir asked her about driving by herself.

Molly giggled, “Yeah, I know I drank too much, but I’m just a little buzzed, and it’s not that far.”

Samir shook his head, “No, you shouldn’t drive. Your husband is the chief of police...think how it would be if you got pulled over or had an accident. I’ll drive you home in your car and just walk from there to my place.”

“Well, if you insist. I’m feeling more than just a little embarrassed right now...I mean, I’ve known you since you were in middle school…”

The valet parked Molly’s Volvo at the curb and gave a surprised look as Samir got into the driver's seat. Molly saw that and was laughing as they drove off.

“I sure hope this isn’t gonna cause you any problems at work.”

Samir knew what she was driving at, but played dumb,”What trouble would that be?”

“Oh, c’mon, you know...young handsome bartender picking up on the MILF customer. You might become famous or unemployed.”

Samir laughed, “No, the valet is a friend. He’ll be cool.”

Molly leaned back in the seat, then kicked off her sandals and put her feet up on the dashboard. Samir noticed her small feet and pink toenails...brought back fond memories.

Molly sensed Samir was looking at her, and dropped her left leg to the floor and adjusted her posture, opening her legs as she did so.

“God, I’m glad you're driving. I am pretty fucked up.”

Molly’s “F” bomb took Samir by surprise. He had never heard her talk like that. He glanced her way and saw how she was sitting, certainly not very lady-like. She was wearing skinny jeans, and running her hand along the inside of her thigh. She knew he was looking at her.

“So Samir, have you got a girlfriend?”

“No, nothing serious. Most of the girls who I knew from school are either married or moved away. I haven’t been dating.”

“Oh, too bad. You should have a girlfriend. Were you seeing anyone while you were in the Army?”

“Yeah, I had a steady girl when I was stationed in Germany. She was nice but didn’t want to come here, and I wasn’t about to stay in Berlin.”

They got off the freeway and turned onto the golf course parkway that led to Molly’s house when she said, “I don't want to be alone tonight; can you stay with me?”

Samir was at a temporary loss for words, “I, uh hmmm, you want me to stay with you in your house?”

“Yes, I do. My husband and Patrick are in Washington, DC for a few days. I’ve seen how you’ve been checking me out all night, and I know you've looked at me before like that. I’m horny, and I think you are too.”

Without saying a word, Samir turned into Moly’s gated community and parked in the garage. After parking he helped her out of the car. She was pretty drunk, and he had to help her navigate around the junk that cluttered the entry.

Once inside, Molly led him straight to the bedroom.

“Make yourself at home Samir, I’m going to be in the bathroom for a couple minutes.”

Samir looked around a bit when he heard the tinkling, seemed to go on for a long time,..”she must’ve really had to go,” he thought to himself. Then, after the sound of the toilet flushing, he heard the bathtub being filled. He pictured her naked, washing her pussy, soaping that red bush...getting it ready for him.

Samir was fully erect now, and got undressed, wondering, “Should I get in bed...maybe put a robe on...turn the lights out?”

He was still contemplating his options when Molly appeared in the doorway, clad only in white lace panties. Her breasts were just like he remembered, C-cup, erect nipples centered on thick, pink areolas, begging to be sucked, flat stomach, and toned legs. She was exquisite.

Upon entering the bedroom, Molly’s eyes were instantly drawn to Samir’s penis.
He was big, at least 8 inches, maybe more. In her younger days, she had been with big men, but Samir was different. His genitals were much darker than his olive skin, almost black. His uncircumcised cock was thick, and so engorged the pink glans was peaking out of his foreskin. It was pointing straight up. His large scrotal sack hung down between his legs like it was straining under the weight of his clearly defined testicles. He was definitely a stud.

It was Molly’s first time with a black man, and the sight of him in his aroused state had an immediate effect. Her upper chest and neck area began to flush, and she felt a tingling as the blood flow to her genitals and breasts increased. She cupped her breasts with her hands, felt her nipples harden even more, then reached into her panties. Her clitoris and labia were swollen and sensitive, and she felt her wetness.

They stood there quietly for a moment, eyeing one another before Samir broke the silence, “Take off your panties.”

Molly smiled, licked her lips, then hooked the waistband with her thumbs and pulled her panties down over her hips, letting the white lace fall to the floor. She stepped out with her left foot, grasped her panties with her toes and tossed them to Samir.

“Now that you have me naked, what are you going to do with me?”

“Lie down on the bed.”

Without saying a word, Molly pulled the sheet and blanket down, fluffed her pillow, and laid down. She was so turned on by the way Samir was looking at her, like he was no longer a kid, a predator, and she was his prey.

“Spread your legs for me me your pussy.”

Molly opened her legs for Samir, placing her left foot behind her right knee, “You like that Samir, like my pussy?”

Samir stood there a moment, taking it in. Molly’s thick growth of red pubic hair covered her mons pubis, extending down to her anus, but did little to conceal her clitoris and pronounced labia. She was swollen, wet, and her pink slit was plainly visible. She rubbed her pussy with her left hand while massaging her breasts with her right. A soft, long moan escaped her as she raised her hips, offering her sex to him, followed by, “Fuck me...please fuck me.”

Samir joined Molly in bed and took her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and shuddered as she felt his big, calloused hand on her vagina.

“Oh baby, that pussy is so wet, like hungry for my cock.”

Samir put his middle finger deep inside her, and Molly responded by thrusting her hips, “Aaaah, fuck me, fuck me….”

Samir kissed her on the mouth, a deep French kiss, then moved to her neck with a playful bite just below her neck while breathing into her ear with his nose...that brought a squeal.”

Samir smiled, “Sensitive?”

“I’m gonna fuck you Molly, but you gotta work for it. You like to suck cock?”

“Ooooo, yeah, I wanna suck your cock.”

She tried to move down on him, but he stopped her, “Not so fast...I said you gotta work for it.”

Samir let her go for a moment and got on his back, “Use those nice titties on me...drag em up and down my body. I wanna feel those big nipples all over my body, especially on my cock and balls.”

Molly knelt beside Samir and began to work her magic, lightly tracing her breasts up and down on his torso. After a minute, she grabbed his cock and tried to put it in her mouth, but he stopped her.

“Not yet girl, you gotta earn it. You can rub your tits on my cock, but no touching and no sucking until I give you permission. Now move your ass up here, so I can play with you.”

Molly did as she was told and began to work on Samir’s cock with her breasts. He was rock hard and oozing pre-cum which she tried to catch on her nipples. Samir guided her to a position where she was straddling him, and with her legs spread wide, she presented her sex.

“You can eat my pussy if you like. I…ooooo fuck.”

The words caught in her throat as Samir’s thick middle finger penetrated her deep. He was on her G-spot, and she collapsed on him, moaning.”

Samir continued to finger fuck her, “No one told you to stop...keep painting my cock with those nice titties, and you better be working hard if you want me to fuck you...damn your pussy is tight, wet and tight.”

Molly ignored him and grasped his penis with one hand and his scrotum with the other. Samir was all over that, but it was Molly’s turn.

“Bitch, you don’t listen very….”

But he was unable to get it out before Molly took his cock in her mouth, alternating with deep throating and using her tongue on his sensitive frenulum.

Samir forgot all about being the tough black stud...he was getting the blow job of a lifetime, “Oh, ahhhh fuck…yeah, fuck, fuck!”

Molly had him now and paused, turning to him, “I want your tongue in my pussy and your nose in my ass.”

Samir clutched her ass with both hands while sucking her clit and labia. She whimpered a bit before grinding her cunt into his face. The sudden assault hurt his jaw, and now his nose was flush against her asshole...he could smell her, and tried in vane to penetrate her anus with his tongue.

Samir was completely at Molly’s mercy now and tried to get her off his cock, so he could fuck her...he knew he wouldn’t last long if she kept doing him with her mouth, but she was strong and clung to him with a death’s grip. She was deep throating his cock now, slow and deliberate, and when he felt his cock itch and go numb, he knew he was finished.

Molly felt Samir’s cock start to throb, and a few drops of sperm leaked onto the back of her tongue. She thought to herself, “That’s it?” when his hips began to buck and thick spurts of hot cum shot out against the back of her throat, one, two, three before she began to choke on it. As she swallowed what she could, she thought, “Damn....”

Molly stayed with Samir and continued to stroke his cock as he went flaccid then hurried off to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and peed before hurrying back to bed with a damp washcloth for Samir. He hadn’t moved and was still on his back. His flaccid, uncircumcised cock was lying to the left, and there was a small accumulation of seminal fluid on his thigh.

Molly cleaned him up then snuggled up next to him, and they kissed.

“So, how was it?”

Samir smiled and stretched out, “Man, that was good, real good, but I’m sorry I couldn't last. I really wanted to give you what you needed.”

Molly giggled, “Well, I enjoyed making you cum like that; God that was something else the way you kept shooting your load…is it always like that for you?”

“I cum hard a lot, but you had a lot to do with just now. And your pussy is the everything about it, and just so you know, you about dislocated my owned me.”

Molly was looking down on Samir, smiling, “Oh, poor baby. I’ll try to be more gentle next time. I loved the way you gave me head, your tongue and lips on my clit, the way you were holding my ass, and licking my anus, like you owned it. I love the way experienced guys are into that, but just so you know, that’s a one way street with me. I don’t do that.”

Samir laughed, “Yeah, we’re like dogs I guess. Do you do anal?”

“Yes, I do, and I like it, but it’s been a while. My husband and I don't do much in the bedroom any more...he’s a lot older than me and just seems he’s not interested.”

Molly started stroking Samir’s penis, “Let’s change the subject...see if we can make that beautiful cock angry again.”

She knelt beside Samir and began to play with his genitals in earnest, stroking his cock with one hand and massaging his testicals with the other.

Samir let out a moan, “Aaaaah, loving that. Move your ass closer, so I can play with you.”

Molly did as she was told and began to use her mouth on Samir’s penis, flicking at it with her tongue and kissing him up and down his shaft while she stroked him. It had only been a few minutes, but Samir was regaining his erection.

Samir was exploring her pussy, toying with her clitoris and labia, “Gotta say Molly, you gotta nice clit, and I love those big pussy lips, and the red’re like wow, just fantastic.”

Molly stopped stroking Samir’s penis straddled him, spreading herself open with her hands, “You’re like a little kid...What do you like most about me?”

Samir pressed his nose against her anus, and licked it, “I love it, damn, your pussy is hot...don’t ever shave it.”

Molly returned to playing with Samir’s penis, “Well, sometimes I shave or wax it for special occasions, like a surprise. Maybe I’ll surprise you sometime. For now, use your mouth on me again...suck my clit and tongue fuck my cunt.”

Samir rolled to his side and clutched Molly’s ass with both hands while drawing her clit and labia into his mouth. She squirmed and cried out when he began working over her clitoris with his tongue and lips, and responded by taking his penis in her mouth.

Molly was loving Samir’s youthful body and that black cock, and it wasn’t long before she had his hips thrusting in response to what she was doing to his cock and balls with her mouth. But finishing him off with another blow job wasn’t in her playbook...not this time.

When the pre-cum started to flow, Molly pushed Samir to his back and straddled him, rubbing her vagina on his chest, “Hey can you do me a favor?”

“Yeah, name it Molly.”

She hopped off him and went to her closet and rummaged around for a moment before emerging with a set of handcuffs.

“I want you to put these on me when we fuck. Chain me to the bed, and then do whatever you me good.

Samir smiled as he took the handcuffs from Molly. Molly whimpered as he slapped her ass hard, leaving a pink handprint, “On your back bitch and spread your legs.”

Molly set a pillow next to the vertical posts on the headboard and placed her hands over her head as she laid down. Samir tied the handcuff chain to the headboard with a nylon stocking and straddled Molly as he cuffed her wrists. It was a new experience for him, and the realization he had a woman completely powerless and under his control was a huge turn on. He sat on her, rolling her ripe nipples with his thumb and fingers.

“Damn Molly, I didn’t realize what a horny little slut you were….are you ticklish?”

Samir began to trace his finger tips lightly down the length of her arms, over her armpits, and down her rib cage to her belly which brought a squirm and gasp from Molly.

“Oh God, please don’t tickle me I can’t…Aaaaaah, Aiyeee, stop, please sto... aiyeeee, no, no, no!”

She hadn’t yet gotten the words out when Samir began tickling her armpits and ribs.

Samir mercifully stopped tickling Molly after a few seconds, “I thought you said you didn’t like it?”

“I don’t like it...I’m very ticklish, especially my feet.”

Molly realized as soon as she saw the look Samir gave her that she should have kept her mouth shut about her feet. He rose up to his knees and milked his cock over her face, depositing his precum on her lips and nose, and as she shook her head and tried to wipe her nose on her shoulder.

Samir left the bed, went over to Molly’s laundry hamper and retrieved a pair of black nylons, “Now let’s see just how ticklish those pretty, little feet are?”

Molly began to kick her feet and beg, “No, please no...not that,” as Samir doubled one of the stockings over to create a loop over her ankle and pulled the loose ends through then tied it to the bedpost, “One down, one to go.”

Then Samir held Molly’s other foot, tracing its outline with a finger as she flexed her toes and twisted her ankle, “Such a pretty, dainty little for a glass slipper.”

Molly moaned as Samir began to suck each of her toes, paying special attention to place between each toe and the ball of her foot.

“You like that, huh? Better than tickling?”

Molly moaned again, “Ooooo, yes, loving that, but please don’t tickle my feet?”

Samir shook his head, “No, I can’t let you off without tickling those elegant feet.”

Molly began a futile struggle against the handcuffs and restraint on her right ankle as Samir affixed the stocking to her left ankle and secured her to the bed. And there she was, helpless, completely at his mercy, tied spread eagle to her bed.

Samir sat beside Molly looking down at her with an evil grin, “What shall we do now?” She screamed as he traced his index fingers in a circular motion on her arches, “Aaaaaa, fuck, Mother Fucker, stop, please stop.”

“Oh, I like it when a woman talks dirty to me. I’ll stop, but you gotta talk dirty, filthy dirty. Now what do you want me to do to you?”

Molly was panting as she twisted against her restraints, “Fuck my cunt...gimme that big black cock, stretch my pussy.”

Samir smiled and cupped her vulva, putting a middle finger inside her,”Not a bad start, but more filth. Would you let me fuck your ass?”

“Oh yeah i want that big cock in my ass...hurt, me with it...make me squeal like a pig.”

Samir smiled and withdrew, licking his finger, “Oh my, squeal like a little piglet?”

Molly gasped and moaned as Samir placed his finger on her anus and penetrated her, “That is a tight little asshole…I’m looking forward to destroying it, but first,it’s going in your cunt.”

Samir put Molly’s legs on his shoulders, gave the bottoms of her feet one last kiss, then placed his glans against her pussy. Molly gasped and adjusted her hips as she felt the pressure, and then he was inside of her...with two thrusts, he had her fully penetrated.

“Damn girl, your pussy is so wet, so hot, and nice and tight. You like my black dick inside you?”

“Ohhhh, fuck, ahhhh shit, loving fucking this big black cock. Fuck me harder, and suck my nipples.”

Samir moved he legs to his waist and strapped her on as he continued to fuck her.

“I’m loving those big nipples, so fucking hard...gonna bite you.”

He sucked her left nipple hard, abrading it on the edge of his teeth before he bit her, just hard enough to get a shriek, before he moved to her right nipple and did the same.

Molly twisted underneath Samir, “Harder, bite me harder.”

Samir grinned, “Be careful what you ask for girl,” as he bit her left nipple again, this time much harder.

“Owwww, fuck...not that hard fucker!”

Samir refocused on fucking her, taking her ear in his mouth and whispering, “Gonna make you cum now, think of that. Want me to put a black baby in you?”

He was nibbling on her neck now as he fucked her...Molly could feel his scrotal sack and those big testicals slapping against her ass with each thrust. He was playing her body like a fine violin, “Yeah, I want your baby, give it to me, fuck me harder.”

Samir was getting close now. He looked down on Molly and saw her flushed skin. He began to grind on her clit with each thrust which got her moaning, low pitched at first, then increasing in volume...she was going into an orgasm and the screaming began, “Ahhhhh, fuck, fuck, fuck, eeeeee.”

As Molly climaxed, it triggered Samir’s ejaculation, and he buried his cock deep, right up against her cervix as he filled her with his seeds.

Molly responded with, “Oh God, Oh God, it’s so hot, your cum is so fucking hot, fuck.”

Samir unlocked the handcuffs, and they laid there together, both physically spent; each knowing this was the beginning of a dangerous, potentially life changing affair, sexually addicted to one another, consequences be damned.

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