Cassie: The Tracker's Tale


(Hi Guy's, I'd like to acknowledge the assistance gave me in creating this story... and blame my lack of understanding for any inaccuracies below!... feel free to message corrections! - MH)

Chapter One.

I sighed...

Too much fat...
And that one was a skinny bunny!... not enough meat, not enough to last very long!
That one lookd like a trophy wife... nice to look at, but with a big ugly husband!...
Middle Eastern...
Real nice!

In my mind, I fucked each of the good looking one's... smiling slightly as I thought about how good it would be, to have my cock buried deep in each of them. It would have been good, having them under me! On top, in them, coming... body pressing in, cock driven deep... the women held in place as they writhed on the end of it. My orgasm making them smile, or frown... fucking, fighting, friendly, forced.
But even though I was getting desperate for sex, I found something wrong with each of them...

Too slow!
Too bony!

Too young!
Too old!

Tit's are too big!
Too small...

Bum to wide!
Not wide enough!

Too hard!
Too soft!

How many times had woman disappointed me, disappeared on me?
Constantly... but going without wasn't helping, though.
My imagination was always better than the real thing.
Still, I looked.
I wasn't there to fuck them, anyway... I'd been sent here for a different reason. For a different person.
I hoped I would be leaving soon... Uganda was OK... but I missed home.
Having sex might have improved my disposition... drink certainly didn't, but it was the only thing available, back at the village.
I continued to survey the women... continued to assess their body's.
One by one, I picked the women out of the crowd and fucked them all, doing the acceptable ones slightly longer... or twice... only to discount them from my thinking, leaving the area littered with the females I had casually discarded.... all of the rejects, now marked as undesireable to me.
When they cleared the area, I was still waiting...

Another influx of arrival's flowed down the stairs, from the airport's terminal, into the luggage area.
Leaning against the wall, only my eye's betrayed my interest in the women, scanning them all, flickering from one, to the other, too the next. That's what you do, when you're hunting for something... someone.
Some of you reading this know what I mean... the hunters will, I'm sure.

Movement attracts attention... movement warns the prey... so you keep movement to a minimum... your eyes do the moving, the looking. The rest of you only moves when it is nessecary to change your field of view. No need for that here... the one that I was here for could only approach from one direction.
Not that one... nor her... nope!
I was looking for a specific girl, looking for... her! That one!
I locked my eye's onto the woman that was just coming into sight... she was the one I was there for.
As a bonus, she looked good to me!
I selected her... targeted her... you know how it is!
Out of all these women... she was the one I wanted to fuck the most!... or maybe that one behind her, instead?... no!, she wasn't as good as the first girl!
The first girl was definately the one I wanted to fuck the most!
I would have the opportunity too... later.

I looked at her, focussed on her, exclusively... admiring what I could see as she went to collect her luggage... willing her to show more of her body to me, wanting her to turn, flex, bend so I could scope her out... wanting her to display herself for me, wanted to see all of her... knowing what I would do with what I saw. Stripping her off, had her naked on my bed, smiling at my face... at my body, smiling... under me, smiling... under my hands, smiling... under my cock, smiling... smiling, smiling as she slipped herself onto my cock.

My hands were clenching and unclenching slightly... twitching with my desire to hold her, feel her... was she the one?
She had to be the one!
I came off the wall, as she walked away, and I followed her... watching that fantastic arse of her's moving. Manouvering, so I could get the best view of her, drinking in the mesmerising movement of her body, her bum, the sides of her breast's showing as she walked, as she turned... heading towards the exit. I followed her, as she walked out to where the taxi's were waiting... I stepped in close behind her and looked down at her bum... protuding out, towards me... begging for it... she wanted it! I wanted it... wanted her!
I wanted to be the one to flip her, onto her back... and then...

Enough!, back too business!...
I spoke her name, hoping i was right.
"Cassandra McGrath?"

The people closest to her got to call her Cassie... she made me call her Cassandra.
She was perfect... but she didn't like me.
I could see that my accent put her off... disturbed her. When she didn't know I was behind her... she'd flinch up tight, when I spoke. It was even worse when I cursed... when I got angry, excited, I slipped into using my mother tongue. She'd really shy away from me then.
I started to watch my temper... not an easy thing. I was a volatile man... and I was drinking too much, these days... it was the only thing to do, around here. That, or have sex... and I wasn't getting anything from Cassie... Cassandra McGrath kept her knee's tightly shut!. Alcohol didn't loosen them either. I tried... I wanted sex. I wasn't going to jerk myself off! I'd fuck a gorilla before I wanked myself. I wanted sex. I wanted Cassandra.

I had wanted to have sex with her from the moment that I saw her.
Even before I knew she was the one I was there to collect, she'd stirred the interest in me.
My mind had taken the way she looked and imagined her naked, in bed with me, so many times in the three months she'd been here.
I wanted her!... but she didn't like me.
Maybe it was a rule that the academics didn't mix with the Trackers... she arrived after I had, she didn't know any better. She was staunchly professional... and vigilant… she never dropped her guard.
She'd be leaving soon.
I'd been without sex for six months now...

I turned over in my bed, tried to ignore Cassie even as I thought of her reaching out to touch me... in my mind.
Wanting to go to her.
I wanted her to come to me...
She'd be leaving soon.
I wanted her...

The daylight was shining on my face!
I'd overslept!... my cock was hard...

She'd come to me... knocked on my door, "had a nightmare", she'd said... came into my cabin, turned off the light.
Came to me.
Moved into my arms.
Came to my bed.
Came to my arms, my body.
The smell of wine was sweet on her breath... but she wasn't so drunk that I took advantage of her.
She said the thought of my cock had made her want me, her imagination had made her wet for me, the reality of it finally touching her made her arch herself up at me... and then I was taking her... and the feel of her, as I entered, was exquisite! Worth waiting for... worth everything.

She was nearly as tall as I was... tall for a woman... and while she met my definition of femininity, there was a toughness and solidity to her. She'd urged me to go at her hard. It soon became obvious that Cassandra could handle a real man, handle real sex, she could handle just about anything that I cared to do to her... better than any other woman that I had ever met. No "Gently!", no "Slow down, be careful". Her size allowed me to really get going.... harder and faster than I'd ever been able to do it... she took it all... and had a surprising passion for that level of physicality, one that matched my own.

She'd been under me as I worked up a sweat, fucking her hard... running my cock from clit to cervix. She'd been working her body too, not trying to hold me close, control me or get me to hold back, not trying to minimise my efforts, but drawing away and then meeting each of my thrust's with one of her own, seeking to drive my cock even deeper.... I was on top, in charge, the way a real man fucks a woman... but she was all woman... more than hot enough to welcome it. She didn't flinch away from it and neither of us stopped until I was finished, we were finished.
It was like she knew that's the way it is meant to be done... was done, where I come from.

Best of all, she liked it like that!
She was the best woman I'd ever had, fuelling my need to please her.
She'd relied on me to give her the best that I could... and I had worked at it.
Worked at giving her the orgasm she deserved.
She was happy to have me drive myself, way up inside her... my body pressing against her's as I took my pleasure from her... using it to excite me further, striving to give it back to her, make her feel good too.

Only at the last fleeting moments, before she came, did she start to lose control, desperate for her orgasm. Desperate to finish it.
I put my mouth to her neck and kissed her and said
"No! Let me do it!"
"Let me finish you off, Cassandra!" and drove her over the point of no return.
Not caring at how loud she was becoming.
Feeling her grip me with arms and legs.
Feeling her ankles suddenly lock behind my arse cheeks, suddenly pulling at me, pulling my cock in deeper. Just like a dirty bitch... like a whore... I loved her sudden expressiveness!
Like she was loving it, loving me.
I loved her too.
Loved that she would lower her guard and let me see what was at the core of every woman when they came, no different to a man in their need to release it... I would still respect her afterwards... and not mention it that moment when her lust had dominated her actions.
"Yes!, thrusting...
"Yes!, thrusting...
"Yes!, thrusting...
"Yes!!... an extra hard thrust!, one that I held inside her, feeling all of me swell and flex along the length of it.. I tapped it deeper still and grunted as it started gushing out of me. Three months, three whole months of waiting, wanting... and I gave her the whole three months worth... groaning... and coming and coming and coming... my breath raggedly blowing against her jaw bone, against her hair, into her ear as I thrust and withdrew. Cassandra understood, could pronbably feel it in her... her arms holding me tightly, gripping, all of her body tight with a corresponding tension that coursed up and down her, the vibration of it reverberting through and through her.
"So good!"
"So damned good!"
"Take it!"
"Take it!"
"Take it, girl!"
"Take it all..."
Take it, hard and fast!"
"Take it all... sexy girl...!!"

At the end, after I collapsed my full weight fully on to her, she'd wrapped me in her arms and moaned as she felt my cock continuing to pulse inside her, continuing to flex, occassionally, after my orgasm was done... keeping me close... taking all of it inside. I fell asleep, still on her, still inside her, cradled in her arms.
Smiling contentedly.
Yes... Cassandra was a great fuck and I'd given her my best. Poured my heart into pleasing her.
Passionate, bueatiful... and strong.

So... Cassandra was the first thing I thought about, when I woke up.
She'd been a great fuck!
The best fuck ever... for me.
I wanted her again!
I'd always want her... for more than just the sex... but if that was what it took to get her attention... that's how I would do her... how I would woo her.
I lay in bed, getting good and hard, wanting her... but waiting, so when I rolled over to her, the first thing she would notice would be the biggest, hardest dick she'd ever seen. It was good! being big!. My hard dick was demanding I have her again... wanting to make her come again, the best way to wake up a woman. Letting her know you were hard for her and her alone. I quietly stoked myself, checking how hard I was... I flexed it, felt the stiffness of it... I was ready!

But Cassandra wasn't there.
Had I dreamed that?
She wasn't in bed with me...
It felt real to me... so real!
Did my cock not stretch her out, fill her completely, made her groan and shake with the intensity of her orgasm.
Was it not good for her? Was I good for her?
I had performed well for her... or had I?
Or did I do it so poorly... that I didn't deserve her thanks?
I think not!
It had felt so real!

I should have known that the girl of my dreams would never have relaxed her staunch professionalism enough to screw the hired help.

Chapter Two.

I got out of bed and forced my rock-hard cock into my trousers... I was so stiff from wanting to fuck her. I bent and deformed it and shoved it down the leg, it bulged the leg out, the pressure of pressing against the fabric, it hurt as it cut into the skin of my glans, the meat on my shaft.
Сукин сын, как больно! Son of a bitch, that hurt!
I walked out, to find her... gone!
All of them had gone!
Cassie wasn't in my cabin, wasn't in her cabin, wasn't in the village.
Left, with the others of her party... early this morning... gone!

I picked up my Kalash and walked away... away from the village, where my anger might cause problems. Up, into the hill's, cursing myself.

идиот! (Idiot!)
эта женщина сделала из тебя дурака! (This woman made a fool out of you!)
Ебать! (Fuck!)
Избалованная сучка! (Spoiled bitch!)
Какая у неё была проблема? (What was her problem?)

I stood on a ridge-line and yelled my frustration out over the treetops...
On... on... less angry at her... but still angry at myself... because I'd let her get under my skin.

Passing through a clearing, I saw something to one side of the trail...
The hat I'd given her!
Cast aside, discarded when it was no longer required.... abandoned, just like me.
And there!, beside it... scuff marks in the grass... someone had fallen, sliding, down into the ravine. I crouched down... trying to make sense of what I was seeing. It wasn't steep enough to make someone slip...
Ah! Look, Andrei! those marks... someone... Cassandra!... had been dragged down there! Cassandra who had run away, after sleeping with me. Was this part of the answer, a reason why she left so abruptly?

More than just intrigued, I followed the spoor, finding signs of her passing. The small branches of bushes snapped off, the leaves withering now. This had happened yesterday!
The litter of fallen leaves and twigs had been pulled downwards... a button from her shirt! a torn off scrap of fabric.
Down... she'd been pulled... resisting, down to the bottom of the hill.
And then... my fingers traced the gouges in the dirt... and then she'd been on her back!, her boot heels had scraped up divits where she had kicked out, tried to scrabble up and away from her... attacker... she'd turned and crawled... leaving elbow, hands and knee marks. And here...

marks he had left... when he had... climbed on top, his weight, combined with her's, her buttock's making twin depressions in the soft dirt... the dents showing signes of compression... rolled flatter... as her arse was pressed down, backwards and forwards...
I gasped as I realised that she had been fucked, right here, on this spot.
Who had done this thing to her?!
A gorilla!... surely not?
Not one, but two of them!...
I recognised that bigger set of tracks!
I made sense out of the scuff marks and tracks... I saw, in my mind, what had happened here.
Горилла занималась с ней сексом! (The gorilla had sex with her!)
Она была на коленях из-за этого! (She was on her knees because of it!)
Она стояла на коленях, отдавая его ему! (She was kneeling, giving it to him!)

My mind reeled at the thought of it... picturing it happening... over and over.
Cassie, the slut, taking it, from the gorilla... taking it like she had never taken it from me!... the dirty whore!

I pictured her liking it, preferring it over what I would be able to do... remembering all the times I had watched her, watching the gorilla's... she'd always wanted him!
She preferred animals to me! I was deeply offended, deeply insulted.
I realised... she'd always had the hot's to do it, with the Silver-back.
Those moments when she'd start to perspire... avidly watching what they were doing... wanting it! Wanting him... I could fuck her better than he could, how much bigger was my cock?
How much better would it feel to her?
I started thinking about what Cassie had done with them, what the gorillas had done to her and what I would have been willing to do that to her too, if only she had asked me.
I started picturing picturing her doing it with them, leg's spread, gorilla cock in her... wishing it was me instead. Picturing me doing it to her instead.
My nut's were aching, and my cock started throbbing again... pressing tighter against the zipper. I took it out, thinking about fucking her.
I was immense, compared to a gorilla dick!
I was frustrated at what she had done, and frustrated that I hadn't got to do it to her... all these months of waiting! Wanting! Fuck it! I was going to jerk off now and imagine emptying my load over her slut face and into her slut body!

Zoologist my arse!
Любитель животных? (Animal lover?)
Больше похоже на Любителя скотоложства!!... (More like a Bestiality Lover!)
Дегенерат сучка!! (Degenerate Bitch!)
Аааааа!... Шлюха! (Ahhhhh... Whore!)

I gave another wild yell of anger and frustration and took my dick out the front of my pants. Months! Wasted!...waiting for her to come to me!
Look at it,!... Look!... I was so much bigger than that gorilla!

Посмотрите, что вы упустили, ты тупая сука! (See what you missed out on, you stupid bitch!)
I would relieve my frustration, the tension in my nuts, right now!

I observed Man-thing-Andrei as he continued to rant, it was amazing how much like a Gorilla, like the Silver-back, he was at times.
Such anger!

I'd had enough of the Silver-back's anger, at the moment.
I'd tried the new things the Woman-thing-Cassie had done to him... that she had shown to me.
I'd noticed how much he had liked it, how much the Woman-thing had liked it, too.
I tried to please him, as she had... please myself, as she had.
All had been going well... the Silver-back had liked it, until I'd accidentally choked, accidentally bitten him.
I had been filled with contrition... not that that had helped.
Angry, he had driven me away... at least for now... he'd have me back, when he'd calmed down a little bit... healed, a little bit.
But by then the estrus would have gone... and I wasn't able to ignore the urgent desire to mate, that was in me still.
So, I had been looking for a Black-back, my estrus still demanding satisfaction... knowing that going to a Black-back would be enough to send the Silver-back over the edge... he was angry with me now! To be caught dallying with another gorilla would provoke disaster.
But I really NEEDED a male!

This Man-thing continued to amaze me... both with the tantrum... and his sexual organ, which slowly stiffened.
I canted my head sideways... surely... that was going to stop getting bigger, soon?
Surely... that didn't fit into a Woman-thing's thing?
Surely it would be too big?
So big... so different... so... exciting... I licked my lips... and so long!

He was so LONG!

Long enough, that Man-thing-Andrei could stroke it, from the oddly shaped head, along the evenly sized shaft, to base, in slow languid strokes, that made his skin stretch... retract, blueish veins showing through the thin skin... it was oddly appealing, watching him do it... his penis made me feel exactly like when I saw a gorilla cock... wasn't that an odd thing?

Perhaps a Man-thing could satisfy me? Mmmmmm Maybe?
I was forever curious, more ready than most to try new things. Mmmhmm
The thought of it was strange, new... but safer than a gorilla-cock , given my present circumstances. Uh-Huh...
But I was considered strange... I was more adaptable!. Mm-Mm-Hmm
I licked my lip's again, watching as the Man-thing-Andrei pleased himself... just like more desperate Black-backs did. Hool!
I was willing to try... and maybe he was as different as Woman-thing-Cassie had been... who knew?
I would find out!
I was up for it!!
Go... Leah!
The rustling in the bushes made me let go of my cock, in a hurry.
I was afraid that I'd been seen... that I was going to be caught, hand on cock... jerking off.
But it was straining forward out of my pants now... it was so obviously an erection that it couldn't be passed off as me taking a piss or something. I grabbed it again and tried to stuff it's hardness back into my pant's... except that an erection that could awkwardly, be flexed and guided down a trouser leg, just would not go back through an open zipper hole. So I wasted a couple of seconds futilely getting it to bend enough to go back through the smaller hole.... It... would... not... go! I struggled with it for a few seconds more before realising the futility of even trying. I turned away from the bushes and tried to will my cock to shrink... wanting, hoping it would start to deflate... it took a while, some times.
I was still hard, looking back over my shoulder, when the bushes parted.

It was only the female gorilla, Leah!
Not someone who could report me!
I sighed in relief, stopped trying to do impossible things with my dick... it just wasn't flexible to bend over double and go back through the zip, in it's present state. But now I could take my time putting it away. I would finish jerking off later...

Leah was still moving purposefully in my direction...

Gorilla Rule #1: Look away. Don't provoke them. Be non-confrontational... Be submissive...

Gorilla Rule #2: Get out of their way: The females were smaller than I was, but they were stronger, aggressive at times... and of course, they were backed up by a 200kg male...
"You want the path... it's your's, Ma'am!"

I stepped aside to let her go on her way... but she followed me, her arms wrapping around my waist... mouth opening to take a mouthful of my cock.

Gorilla Rule #3: Give them what they want.
I flinched away from the teeth that suddenly showing, as her mouth gaped wider, but she just dumped me onto my arse, her body on top of mine, and moved to have another go at it.
"К черту это!"

She'd never been aggressive in the past! What had gotten into her?
"Отойди от меня, Лия!" I said firmly... ("Get away from me, Leah!")
"Нет!... Нет!... НЕТ!!" ("No... No!... NO!!")
She took me into her mouth, and worked all of it quickly inside her head, tightly massaging me with a hot, wet curling tongue, sucking and fucking it like a eight inch lollipop. Her tongue, slightly rough, rasped up and down, it felt like I was on the point loosing the skin on my glans... "Aaa!
"Aaaaaa!... не!" "Ahhhh!... don't
"Нет, прекрати это!" "No, stop it!"
Leah's eye's rolled up to regard me, but she continued to polish the skin off my knob... I tried pulling it out of her mouth, but where a shorter man would have had the space to withdraw, I was too far inside to get it away from her. Even pushing her head away from me, I couldn't withdraw, I couldn't force her head off me!
I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, now she was sucking my cock like it was a banana, if she kept on going the end of my cock would split, all the flesh of it would sucked out into her mouth and the flaps of skin would be all that remained behind... I'd be a eunuch!
"СТОЙ!" I bellowed at her... she lifted her head off, only so she could grunt at me, and I did what Cassie had done, tried to crawl backwards away from my attacker, heels moving frantically.
Leah grabbed me, by the boot's and dragged me back to herself, then moved to straddle me... coarse fur sliding across my bare dick... pushing it tightly against my shirt, against my belly, the head of it finding some relief from the pressure by taking refuge in my navel.

Coarse fur rubbing, grating, on the delicate skin of my cock!
I let go my breath, drew in another, tried to sit up... Leah shoved me back down again...
"Успокойся, Лия... Успокойся!!" ("Calm down, Leah... calm down!!")
I tried to sooth her, if only she would get off me, stop doing this... she'd gone crazy!
I noticed my groin was getting wet... she was leaking over me! Estrus!
Leah slid further up me, the fur bacame finer, softer, then there was then no fur at all, just warm skin! A gap, that my cock, previously pressed down, rose up into... wetness on my glans... lubricating it, Leah huffing as she wiggled around sightly, I knew she was adjusting herself to take me into herself. I started doing movements of my own, making my cock slip away from her, I focussed on what part of Leah I was touching... Not in her cunt! Not in her cunt! No! Ha, I evaded it, again... again and again!
I tried to sit up again... another shove.

My cock was covered in her discharge now! So wet and slippery!. I had hardly any control over where it was going, it slipped all over the place and with Leah trying to get it into her and me trying to keep it out of her, moving around, stroking the outside of her pussy... but sliding away, every time. She had no chance of getting it into her now!
I shouldn't have done it, but I laughed at her as she grew more and more frantic... trying to make it happen, stabbing herself at my huge dong, but failing... her skin had been made smooth and slippery and she could only torment heself as my cock careened past the entrance, her big labia rubbing by me, one side, then the other, then splitting apart and touching on each side of my glans... deep enough to tease her as my firmness tormented her. She tried to do it slow, she tried to do it fast... harder, softer... softer... softer... almost crying in frustration now... I enjoyed teasing her... but it wasn't really sexual... it wasn't like Leah was going to get anywhere with me... she'd give up and wander off as soon as she realised it wasn't going to happen! But I enjoyed watching females lose their inhibitions... Cassie would have been fun to tease, if only she'd come to me, for real! Tease her pussy, make her beg... I would have given Cassandra satisfaction... if she had of come to me.

Why was I was still hard, anyway?
Because I liked teasing her! and it wasn't hurting me... or Laeh.
Well... time to stop... Cassie might be a degenerate!... but you aren't, now quit it, Andrei!

Leah lifted herself up slightly, placing her hands on the ground, leaning forward, a hand to each side of me.
Ah... good!
Good! she was leaving now!
Off you go!, Leah!
I lay still, not wanting to give her a reason to pause, or delay...

Leah was leaning forward... lowering the weight of her body onto to my chest, then her hand snaked between the gap in our body's, that she had created... latching onto my cock, there was a sudden realignment of it and I felt her labia on each side of the glans again... more than that, she was snuggly, warmly, bulging around the head of my dick... one ich up inside her... I felt her hot skin, wet skin, surround me... I tried to squirm away again, but that only moved me deeper, so I stopped and tried to back up, pull out of her... but Leah slammed herself down onto it... trapped underneath her, my erection, with nowhere else to go... was forced inside her tight, tight cunt.

Chapter Three.

Leah was so tight!
My cock almost snapped as it bent.
It bent and flexed as she tried to drive it inwards... unfortuantely it didn't pop out... I might have managed to escape, if it had. Instead, Leah put her hand back around it, supported and constrained it's tendency to bend and slowly, slowly worked me deeper into herself... pumping, groaning t herslf... I was groaning too.
Leah was tight... Aaaaaaaaaaa!

If you ever imagined sex with a gorilla before this... and I certainly hadn't... what would you think of?
A loose, sloppy fit, so that you'ed only just be able to feel the edges... am I right?

Leah was tighter than any woman.... that surprised me, shocked me... made my find think of a comparision, something I could relate to.
Tighter than a teenager...
Tighter than the tightest, smallest, teenage virgin, you've ever balled.
Can you relate to that... or imagine it?
I could, I'd done plenty... they wanted me to!

So I noticed and compared her tightness... and it was good...
Noticed and compared how wet she was... that was good too...
Noticed that she took all of me inside herself...
How many girls/women could do that without flinching, Andrei?
How many woman have got control of you... got on top of you?
Did you ever imagine that it would happen to you, one day?

This wasn't happening!... I watched the glimmer of something appearing in the eyes and on the face of Leah, as she tentatively started to have her way with me... slowly starting to work her body up and down on mine... her face, full of estrus's lust, changing from a bestial cast to a softer one as she felt me moving within her, tightly touching her where she needed it the most. Her eye's softening as she found me to her liking. Her body responded to that liking, by taking all of me inside and bouncing on top of it gently...
Liking it...
Liking it...
Liking it...
Liking it...
Lifting up... liking it.
Pumping down... liking it.
Lifting up... liking it.
Pumping down... liking it.
Her eyes widening... liking it, appreciating it...
Experimenting... liking it.
Slower... liking it
Faster... liking it.
What ever she wanted... liking it.
Anything she could think of... liking it.
In control of me... liking it.

I closed my eyes, but that only made my other senses more acute.
The soft huff's as she exhaled, mostly in time with her thrusting, but with the occassional quiet moan of... happiness... pleasure?, accompanied with a... sucking sensation on my cock, as if her muscles were spasming in orgasm already... the gentle flexations were running up and down me and although she was tight all over, each momentary relaxation massaged a response out of me...
She felt good.
I clenched my eye's tighter...
She felt good.
Turned my head away, trying to deny it.
She felt good.
Put my hands on her hip's, tried to lift her off... Leah pushed herself back down on to me...
She felt good.
I felt desperation rising inside me...
She felt good.
I had to get away from the way she made me feel...
She felt good.
I wanted to meet her body with mine!
She felt good.
I clenched my teeth... wanting it.
She felt good.
Her pussy was sucking on my cock!
She felt good...
As she lifted and dropped... and I couldn't hold myself back anymore.
She felt good...
I thrusted against her... the smallest amount...
She felt good!

I felt my cock flex, throb... with desire... with satisfaction... and my eyes flew open and I realised, with dread, that I liked it... I liked having my cock in her... liked feeling my cock in her tight, tight body and that that I would come, if we continued.
It wasn't Leah that frightened me now... it was myself.
She didn't carry the seeds of my degeneracy, they had always been inside me!
Growing... sprouting, inside me, sending ideas into my mind... sickening ideas, but stimulating... exciting.
She felt good.
Oh God... help me!
She felt good.
I was pumping up against her.
She felt good.
I was getting desperate to have more.
She felt good.
I was a degenerate!
She felt good.
Stop! I commanded my hands, still on her hip's, as they pulled her downwards, to meet me.
She felt good!
Stop! I commanded my cock, feeling pleasure as it slithered inwards and outwards, wanting longer strokes, wanting faster strokes, welcoming the flexing as it got more intense... the desire to come almost at the point of running away from me, away from my ability to control it, almost at the point where I would just give in to it and fuck her hard and fast and empty my aching bllls into her, take all the pleasure that I could from this encounter... fuck her, love it, wanting to do it again... and again...and again... cursed by an attraction to animals that I would never be able to foget... or forgive myself for.
She felt good!
Desperate to get away from her...
She felt good.
Away from my feelings...
She felt good.

I surprised her by shoving her to one side, I rolled her over, but wrestling with each other, I was suddenly on top of her, I siezed the moment and tried withdrawing from her body. I looked down at her pussy, seeing my cock buried in the smoothness, the outside smeared with the liquid from inside her. I was feeling my cock tighten with it's unnatural want, as inches of it exited from her.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... it was glistening with my pre-come and wet from her body but despite wanting to return to her hot tight box, I continued to pull it out.
She felt good.... but not enough to keep me here!
I wasn't going to give in to my desire, to plunge my full length back into her welcoming body...
Leah's ankle's wrapped around my arse and she slowly drew me back down onto... into... her.
I looked at her in anguish... shivering withthe delight of returning to inside her... No!
She still felt good!
She would always feel good...
Give up!
You like it!
Her leg's flexed, my cock was driven deeper... the angle had changed... she noticed the difference and smiled at me, relaxed her legs and, as I tried to withdraw again, dragged me down once more. I was trying to push away with my arm's, but Leah reached up and took hold of me. Did the thing with her leg's again.
She felt good.
I whimpered... No!
I'd forgotten about it while I was trying to escape.
She felt good.
She felt good!
Leah was starting to pant now...
She felt good!
I could tell she was getting excited...
She felt good...
Moaning, her hands on my back urging me to help her...
She felt good!
Just like women did... that non-verbal request...
Help me, help me.. God! help me!...
She felt good!
We were in the missionary position mow...
She felt good!
I withdrew, feed it back into her...
She felt good...
and the feeling, the desire to finish off inside Leah was swamping my judgement...
She felt good.
That part of me that I had just discovered talked to me...
She feels good!
Telling me how much better she would feel...
She felt good!
If I just let go and do what I wanted...
She felt good!
Let go...
She felt good!
Let go!
She felt good!
I thrust with her, held it still inside her,
"Это то, чего ты хочешь?" (Is this what you want?)
"Да!!" I answered myself. (Yes!!)
She felt good.
I did it again...
Again... again...
I was aware that both Leah and I were going faster, harder, she felt it too... I surrendered to my pleasure, gave in to my minds wishes...
I wanted to come, I was going to come... nothing was going to tstop me now, not Leah, not myself.
Released from the shackles, I had tried to bind myself down with, the way she made me feel flowed through me.

I did to her, all that I wanted to, all that I had held within, all these year's.
I fucked Leah in a way that I would never have been unable to fuck a woman, without breaking her.
Leah took it all, got it all, as I fucked her as hard as I could. I did what I wanted to, to her.
I didn't care about her, love her or anything like that... Leah was just the receptacle for my cock now.

I was going to do whatever I could to make it happen.

I smashed myself into her small, tight, body, lifting and thrusting myself as hard as I could... feeling her giving way in front of me, the inside of her gripping me tightly as I withdrew... the tension between us growing as her muscles started to clench and unclench... I could tell something was happening to her too... but I didn't care what it was... I fucked her with wild abandon, my approaching orgasm taking precedence, my freedom from constraint lending to me a savageness that I had been repressing...

Cassie came to my mind now, now I was about to come... how I would have liked to have her under me at this moment! Taking and plundering her body... enjoying having her... on the end of my cock.
Cassandra was a dirty bitch anyway, she'd probably like it!
She'd feel good!
She'd feel so good!
Yes, I would love to have been able to do this to her...
Take it, Cassandra!
Take it!
Take this!

My come felt like it was erupting down my cock, in my mind I wanted to be coming inside Cassandra, I closed my eyes... seeing her, feeling her, fucking her... filling her,
Cassandra, who like animals... my instinctive "what a slut!" dampened as I tamped my cock into Leah... I was enjoying an animal... what did that make me?
I didn't feel so much the degenerate, anymore... this was good... I was n't hurting anyone... wasn't hurting Leah.
If I wasn't a degenerate... maybe Cassandra wasn't one either... even if we were, we had something in commen, after all.
More than ever I wanted Cassandra to be mine!
Mine... alone!

My come gushed out as I puntuated each thought with another thrust...
Take it from me, Cassandra
Take it!
You're so good!
It was so intense, I banged it into her again...
She was coming too!
She felt so good!
I felt the girl dragged me in deep, responding with her own orgasm...
I flexed another shot into her...
She felt so good, as she came in my arms!!
Again... so good!
Again... so good!
Again... so good!
I slowed down...
So did she...
She'd enjoyed it... I'd hoped she would!
I thrust my way to completion, saying what I needed to say to her, as each stroke finished and I held myself in her tightly... embraced her tightly...
"Мне очень жаль!" (I'm sorry!)
"Мне очень жаль, Кассандра!" (I'm sorry!, Cassandra!)
"Я не понимала!" (I didn't understand!)
"Спасибо!" (Thank you!)
"Спасибо, что показала мне, Кассандра!!" (Thank you, for showing me, Cassandra!)
"Спасибо за понимание .... Кассандра" (Thank you for understanding... Cassandra)
"Я люблю тебя!" (I love you!)

I made sure I didn't fall asleep, this time.

I thanked Leah too...

Thank you, Leah!
You were a big help!
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