Playing virtuals sex games


Alfred, my old boss, fan of candaulism and curious about all modern technology, especially those related to sex, had taken a close interest in the Tokyo Game Show of pornographic virtual reality which took place in Tokyo, Japan. He even made contact with a developer, considering participating in the financing of his project.
He invited her to come and explain his concept to him.
After a good meal the programmer, who was far from the image that I could have of a new generation computer scientist, he was indeed a black man of about fifty years old, quite corpulent, bald, tried to explain his projects to us. .

- Virtual reality (in English, virtual reality or VR) is a technology that allows you to immerse a person in an artificial world created digitally. It should not be confused with augmented reality. It can be a reproduction of the real world or a totally imaginary universe. The experience is both visual, auditory and, in some cases, haptic with the production of feedback. When the person is equipped with the appropriate interfaces, such as feelers, probes, sensors, they can then experience certain sensations related to touch or certain actions (blow, impact, etc.).
The user accesses the virtual set through a virtual reality headset. For the immersion to be total, it does not only use the view of the environment recreated by the software, but also other senses such as smell (diffusion of odors), hearing (emission of sounds) and touch can be stimulated.
The leap-motion will capture the movements of the user's hands without contact, the Oculus Touch (improved controllers and joysticks) will accompany the Oculus Rift and the sensors of the Perception Neuron will be placed on the patient's body. We have developed the Impacto device, which consists in being able to feel, for example, the punches of your opponent, the ball in a series of juggles, the contact between a ball, caresses and vaginal penetration.
So you see, this technology can be used to satisfy the most unmentionable fantasies of the user. Because abnormal or illegal desires can be difficult or risky to satisfy, but virtual reality opens up new possibilities.
The subject is covered with sensors, feelers, probes that communicate with the computer. Software processes the data and makes it possible to reproduce the sensations of the programmed virtual actions.

Stimulators allow the user to feel in real time the sensations he would have felt in the place of the avatar.
- It's very interesting, said Alfred. But are you really advanced in your work?
- Yes not bad. We have a program that is almost ready, we are looking for a "guinea pig" who would like to try! And a stake in our studios would be welcome, because we need to refine the software.

Alfred's eyes began to sparkle, he looked at me like a child staring at a treat.

- I would like to participate in the financing of your project, provided that the guinea pig of the experiment is this young girl? Would you agree my darling to participate?
- Uh, yes, if it's not painful!
- No way ! You are connected to the computer by sensors and probes, even in the private parts of your body, they are tiny. On the other hand, if you agree, so that I can build a scenario, you will have to tell me your sexual fantasies! Especially those that seem the most abominable to you. Are you in?
- Yeah, I'm curious! So there you go, I like big cocks, if they're black, that's really a plus. To satisfy his libido Alfred makes me fuck men with this kind of phallus and often very physically ugly and I love it.
- Do you have a dream or several recurring sexual dreams?
- Yes, but it is not to be admitted!
- That's what we're here for, setting up crazy scenarios!
- Good is good since you care about it! It's often, even though I know they have a very small dick, that I dream that a gorilla with a huge cock takes me or that a farmer I know has me fucked by his goatee!
- Interesting! Well, we're going to write a story, I'll ask you to show us a film, where you are completely naked so that we can materialize the image of your avatar.
- No problem, answered Alfred, I give you videos, where you can study the smallest corners and details of his body, we shot a lot of porn videos, where you can choose his partners.
- Perfect! I will call you when everything is ready!

After three months, he told us that he was ready for the experiment. He arrived accompanied by a black assistant too. In the living room, they installed several PCs and a machine which was not very big. A multitude of multicolored wires terminated by sensors of all shapes and sizes were connected to it. There were also Five 3d Virtual Reality Headsets. It didn't take long to hook everything up.
The two men threw me surprised and lustful looks, because Alfred had asked me to stay in my "secretary" outfit. And it consisted of a completely transparent negligee open in the front that I wore over a very short diaphanous babydoll stopping well above my pubis, slits at the level of the breasts let out my nipples. I had no thong, and my sex well shaved, framed by a garter belt of black lace offered itself to the sight of the inquisitive eyes of the two men. Black stockings and high heels refined my legs.

- Here we are going to install miss, the main subject of our experience! If you allow Alfred, we will take off his negligee! I'm going to leave her her babydoll and the garter belt and the stockings, it's in the script, it's the outfit planned in the scripts.

He stared at me a whole bunch of electrodes, sensors, feelers on the body, on the head, the breasts. The vagina and my anus which they were entitled to tiny probes. All this, he tells us, will give information to be able to send the appropriate stimuli.

Stimulators allow the user to feel in real time the sensations he would have felt in the place of the avatar.
- It's very interesting, said Alfred. But are you really advanced in your work?
- Yes not bad. We have a program that is almost ready, we are looking for a "guinea pig" who would like to try! And a stake in our studios would be welcome, because we need to refine the software.

Alfred's eyes began to sparkle, he looked at me like a child staring at a treat.

- I would like to participate in the financing of your project, provided that the guinea pig of the experiment is this young girl? Would you agree my darling to participate?
- Uh, yes, if it's not painful!
- No way ! You are connected to the computer by sensors and probes, even in the private parts of your body, they are tiny. On the other hand, if you agree, so that I can build a scenario, you will have to tell me your sexual fantasies! Especially those that seem the most abominable to you. Are you in?
- Yeah, I'm curious! So there you go, I like big cocks, if they're black, that's really a plus. To satisfy his libido Alfred makes me fuck men with this kind of phallus and often very physically ugly and I love it.
- Do you have a dream or several recurring sexual dreams?
- Yes, but it is not to be admitted!
- That's what we're here for, setting up crazy scenarios!
- Good is good since you care about it! It's often, even though I know they have a very small dick, that I dream that a gorilla with a huge cock takes me or that a farmer I know has me fucked by his billy goatee!
- Interesting! Well, we're going to write a sexual story, I'll ask you to show us a film, where you are completely naked so that we can materialize the image of your avatar.
- No problem, answered Alfred, I give you videos, where you can study the smallest corners and details of his body, we shot a lot of porn videos, where you can choose his partners.
- Perfect! I will call you when everything is ready!

After three months, he told us that he was ready for the experiment. He arrived accompanied by a black assistant too. In the living room, they installed several PCs and a machine which was not very big. A multitude of multicolored wires terminated by sensors of all shapes and sizes were connected to it. There were also Five 3d Virtual Reality Headsets. It didn't take long to hook everything up.
The two men threw me surprised and lustful looks, because Alfred had asked me to stay in my "secretary" outfit. And it consisted of a completely transparent negligee open in the front that I wore over a very short diaphanous babydoll stopping well above my pubis, slits at the level of the breasts let out my nipples. I had no thong, and my sex well shaved, framed by a garter belt of black lace offered itself to the sight of the inquisitive eyes of the two men. Black stockings and high heels refined my legs.

- Here we are going to install miss, the main subject of our experience! If you allow Alfred, we will take off his negligee! I'm going to leave her her babydoll and the garter belt and the stockings, it's in the script, it's the outfit planned in the scripts.

He stared at me a whole bunch of electrodes, sensors, feelers on the body, on the head, the breasts. The vagina and my anus which they were entitled to tiny probes. All this, he tells us, will give information to be able to send the appropriate stimuli.

He made me go up on a table, which they had brought and which looked like that of the gynecological examinations. The tray stopped at my lower back, leaving free access to my sex and my anus. He made me put my feet in a kind of stirrups, my legs wide apart. He could at leisure put the table top in a vertical position.

- We're going to test his reactions!

I realized then that if the images were going to be virtual, the sensations felt by my body would be very real, given the bumps that were looming under the pants of the two men.
On my breasts, he spread the slits of the babydoll, cleared my areolas, stripped my firm globes and began to roll my nipples between his fingers. Green lights began flashing on a potentiometer.

- Good that, you react well!

He leaned his tongue began to lick around my areolas, the intensity of the green lights increased, then his mouth sucked my nipples and his teeth bit the tip of the nipples, the green light went into red.

- Very, very well, the more the light increases in intensity in the red, the more you are receptive, and the more our experience has a chance of success! The goal is for the light to be permanently in the red.

His hands descended slowly on my stomach, I watched the light, it oscillated between green and red. He lingered on the garter belt, his fingers reached my pussy, I felt it was moist. His middle finger crept in, the red light gained at least three diodes, he added his index finger and his thumb began to caress my clitoris in small concentric circles, the red light flashed louder and louder.
His four fingers entered my pussy, then his thumb came to join them and I gently felt his hand slip into my soaking wet pussy. I moaned in ecstasy. The light had reached maximum and was making a faint beep.

- Damn, you like it, you wet like crazy. Look at her pussy sensor! You are a perfect subject for our experiment, you will not be disappointed. I see that like in the videos, you like black people! I think you're going to love the adventures you're going to have! Your reactions condition the behavior of your partners and according to your feelings, the scenario takes different directions, you will see the progress in the helmet. We will follow you on the screen which is here! I concocted a scenario based on what you told me, you will be able to satisfy your fantasies!

He put on big opaque glasses and pressed a button, tingles ran through my body and I immediately swung seamlessly into an unreal world.

- Well, we're going to get down to business, said the count looking at me! Leave her nightgown and take her to the basement!

Two men grabbed me and dragged me away. All the guests followed. They took me down to an illuminated vaulted room, or in the middle of which sat a table covered with a sort of mattress. Leather straps were attached to it. They laid me on my back, arms outstretched tied to the straps. They spread my legs wide and secured them tightly so I couldn't close them.
From my position, my pussy gaped widely. My clitoris was sticking out of my labia ajar. All of this was highlighted, by my garter belt and my black stockings. I wondered what the Count wanted to do with me. The spectators were left on a platform that went around the room. A sound of locking and a door opened.
The two beings who entered seemed to come out of hell. They were naked. There was one who was no more than five feet tall, long black hair falling over his shoulders. Protruding eyes under thick eyebrows seemed to pop out of their sockets. His nose stood out above a mouth whose thick lips protruded over crooked teeth. He had short, hairy but very muscular arms. Above his baleful legs, a sex disproportionate to his small size emerged from a forest of thick black hair. It was wide and half-scalloped, I could see the slit of the glans from which a viscous-looking liquid was already escaping.
He was holding by the hand a creature that she had to be six feet tall. A tuft of faded horsehair was planted at the top of his shell-shaped skull. His arched back was covered with rough hair. His arms were quite long and very hairy. He had a repulsively ugly face. Slime was dripping from his mouth. It must have been two brothers, there was a resemblance. But what caught my attention was the size of the penis. With each step of the monster, he swayed between his legs and his enormous, purplish glans banged against his knees.
They had to know what was going to happen, because they were both making horrible lustful grunts and their cocks were starting to get hard.
For the moment, two men held them chained by the wrists. Seeing my bulging eyes and the gasp of surprise that welled up in my throat, Count Richard gave me the reason for their physical appearance. He had found them, a few years ago, in an inaccessible valley of the Carpathians. The whole world seemed to have forgotten this hamlet, the inhabitants lived like in the Middle Ages. They were the last descendants. Pure product of more than four centuries of inbreeding. Since then, he kept them here. Waiting for a moment like this!
A complaint welled up in my chest when I saw the two monsters. I squirmed in vain on the palliasse

- Nooooooonnn, not that! Not them!! I yelled.

The spectators snickered, the men began to masturbate thinking of what was to come.
The monsters were untied, they rushed at me. I was nailed, and could only fidget in all directions. The smaller one grabbed my right nipple, and with his mouth dripping with drool began sucking it. This one, despite my disgust, reacted and stood up. With his other hand with fingers ending in hooked nails, he kneaded my other breast which, under the excitement, became as hard as wood. His brother spread my thighs, pressed his mouth on my cock completely encompassing it and searched me with his tongue, I felt his warm saliva flowing between my lips. My mind found it excruciating, but my body loved this wild caress, an unhealthy excitement won over me.
Abandoning my right breast, the dwarf clapped his mouth on mine and kissing my chin with his thumb, he thrust his slimy tongue.

- Damn, it's disgusting I thought, gasps of repulsion came out of my throat!

Then the little hunchback, sat on my breasts and forced me to suck his huge turgid cock, his wild back and forth in my mouth, dragged his brother into his excitement. I felt his oversized, stiff cock crawl across my stomach, a viscous liquid spilling out from under my garter belt. She approached the slit of my pussy. Despite myself, I began to wet, astonishment, I took pleasure in this savage rape!
The little one passed behind me and lifted me up a little. I was able to see the huge purple glans sliding on my mount of Venus began to enter my vulva stuck with cum. I knew I could receive it without fear. But it was so big and long that I still had some apprehension.

- Open up Bitch, his cock will slide better, shouted a guest.

What I did, the huge roll forcing a little sank at once deep in my vagina, he began to come and go in me grunts punctuated each thrust. Behind me, the dwarf lifted my buttocks, his cock positioned itself on my anal orifice and he too pushed all at once and his stake penetrated me. The pleasure rose in me. I was really disgusted by what I was doing, but it seemed to me that their ugliness and monstrous appearance increased my desire. I began to moan with pleasure despite my repulsion!
Nothing mattered anymore except those two big cocks inside my body, their monstrous deformities and their ugliness were forgotten. I gasped in pleasure.

- Ouuuuiiiiiii, ouiiiiiiiiii, again, it's boooonnnnnn!!!
- Damn you hear, this bitch likes it!!
- Listen as she cums, a real sow!!
- You saw what they put on her, she loves it...
- Untie it! Ordered the count, they hastened to obey him.
- You even see detached, she wants more.

I had indeed caught the larger of the two monsters to better impale myself on his huge cock, I screamed with pleasure now by making my pelvis come and go at full speed. I looked at the assistance, a sexual frenzy seemed to have seized it. Bestial instincts resurfaced from the depths. The males excited by the show had thrown themselves on the women whose moans of pleasure mingled with mine. Those who had not found partners masturbated with
force by not missing a beat of the show. My pleasure was increased tenfold, because the men ultimately envied the monsters who fucked the beautiful blonde in front of them. I felt great jets of hot, viscous cum flooding my belly, it triggered my orgasm, screaming, I jerked and tensed like a bow on the cock taut. Then I fell back on the mattress, the dwarf ready to ejaculate had passed beside me, grabbing my blond hair, he turned his head, presented me with his throbbing cock, I took it between my lips, he ejaculated while growling.

- Damn, you saw, she sucks the dwarf's sperm, she swallowed it all, that bitch!!
- Come on, let's leave them, and let's go drink the champagne, concludes the count.

I looked around for Albert, my intuition told me he was there. I saw him approaching, while the giant continued to plow my pussy holding me firmly at the hips, the rigidity of his cock has not ceased despite his ejaculation. Alfred came forward, he masturbated, I think I had never seen his little cock so big and so stiff. He stared at me wide-eyed, watching the huge dripping cock penetrate me again and again. His brother, jumping on the spot, seemed to be encouraging him with little guttural cries.

- Damn, you really enjoyed getting fucked by these two freaks!!
- Ouiiiii Alfred, Ooooohhhh Ouuiiiiiii, they are really awful and monstrous, but it's so boooooonnnnn, I replied with a hiccup!!! I think he's going to make me Jooouuuuuiiiiir again!!! Aaaaahhhhh and the pleasure overwhelmed me again.
- Aaaaaaahhhh.....what a cock he has.....damn I can't take it anymore!! You really are a little bitch.

And I felt old Albert's sperm squirt on my tits.

Then everything changed, like in a video with a crossfade. I found myself in a car. It was the middle of spring, it was not cold. I had put on an old white blouse, almost transparent. My brown areolas stood out under the light veil, my excitement made my nipples stand up, it looked like they wanted to come out through the fabric. I had a very old skirt short, black stockings held up by a garter belt, and a little black thong too. I had taken a change of clothes as advised.
We set off, Fred was at the wheel, Bob the big black one got behind me. He told me that we had about an hour and a half on the road, but that during the trip, he had to thank him for what he had done for me. After he showed me a porn movie with a gorilla fucking a young girl, he told me he knew the owner of the animal. I had then confessed to him, the fantasy that I had of being taken by such an animal, he had managed so that his friend could satisfy my request.
He unbuttoned my blouse, took a nipple in my mouth and sucked greedily, my little cone stretched quickly. His right hand kneaded my other breast. I unbuttoned Bob's fly and pulled out his big black cock. I masturbated by capping and gently retracting his glans. His cock quickly reached its maximum size. He kissed my head asking me to suck him, I tried to do it. Meanwhile, he slipped his hand under my skirt, and insinuated several fingers into my pussy.

- By the way, little bitch, you still persist in getting fucked by the monkey. My buddy, his trainer, who uses him to shoot zoophilic porn, confirmed to me that the animal has a monstrous cock, even bigger than mine. You're always okay with me filming.
- Well yes, I have only one word!
- You really are a little slut! Continue your fellatio, it's superb!

This excited me even more, I redoubled my back and forth along Bob's tail. My pussy was soaked. Bob exploded in my mouth, I swallowed the thick cum that squirted from the black shaft. Fred watched our antics in the rear view mirror, he called us motherfuckers, stopped the car and begged Bob to
take the wheel. He sat down and took out his cock, he was already hard-on like a donkey. He asked me to step over him and impale myself on his cock. Which I did, the cock slid without difficulty deep inside my well-lubricated pussy. Fred kissed my tits greedily, he sucked my nipples in turn. I moan with pleasure. The jolts of the car and my coos of pleasure soon got the better of his resistance, he ejaculated deep inside my pussy, kissing me.

To feel the warm liquid spreading in my belly, caused my orgasm.

We drove a little longer, then we entered a property, at the bottom, there was a house.

Bob's friend welcomed us, the introductions made, he took us to the basement where the Gorilla was.

They left me alone in a room, telling me that they were going to prepare the video material. The room had two chairs, an unfolded sofa bed, a table, a mirror on the wall near the door, it must have been one-way, neon lights crudely lit the room.

I was sitting in this cellar, not knowing now, if I should leave or stay, I was torn between fear and desire. I was nearing the goal, I was going to realize my fantasy, but my insides were knotted with stage fright. What if that monkey was really brutal, if he hurt me? Perhaps I should have done better not to ask! I was thinking about all this, when the door opened and the gorilla entered. He immediately walked towards me. I raised my hands to stop him, but the quivering of my loins and the cum that began to moisten my thong, made me understand that I would not resist this desire and would succumb to the unhealthy impulse, my body tensed by provocation. The gorilla groaned as he studied the prey offered to him.

He was standing. I examined the large primate, he must have measured more than two meters. I recognized thanks to his slightly red coat, which shone in the light, and the white hairs he had on the front, that it was the gorilla that was in the video that Bob showed me. I was reassured, he had been quite gentle with the girl, he hadn't brutalized her. But I couldn't take my eyes off the nearly a foot huge pink cock that dangled between her muscular thighs, it was limp now. He also had huge balls! He emitted a low growl revealing a terrifying set of teeth. I shudder with excitement at the thought of being fucked like an animal.

He jumped forward, I froze. He grabbed in each hand the sides of my blouse that were floating out of my skirt. He tugged, the buttons popped one after the other, my gorgeous breasts supported by my half-bra popped into the light. The excitement made my nipples harden, they erected into two brown tips of at least three centimeters. The monkey passed behind me and surely as we had taught him pulled hard on the blouse which tore, I gently got rid of the shreds. My bra suffers the same fate.

Bob, Fred and their friend were filming the scene behind the one-way glass. Bob was holding the camera, Fred took out his cock and started to masturbate.

The Gorilla pushed me towards the sofa, I fell on my back, my skirt rose almost to my waist. The gorilla sniffed the air, he must have smelled the cum flowing from my pussy because, all of a sudden, he grabbed the skirt and pulled it down. I found myself lying in a thong, stockings and garter belts. He spread my legs, and approached the muzzle of my cat. He sniffed it, drool dripping from the corners of his lips. He ran a hairy finger over the thin soaked cloth and held it up his flat nostrils. He groaned in satisfaction.

I noticed that the monstrous sex was beginning to gain momentum. The gorilla ran a finger inside my thong and tugged. The fabric yielded easily. He spread quite violently, my legs, my shaved pussy offered itself to his gaze. With his huge fingers, he rubbed the lips of my vagina, and inserted his stubby index finger inside. He searched my pussy, scratching as we should have taught him, my protruding clitoris, he added another finger in my vaginal canal. I moan with pleasure.
I dared to take the big hairy hand and push it to get the fingers deeper. Then he brought his huge mouth to my cock, which the excitement made throbbing and profusely wet, and with his thick rough tongue he began to lick it. He insinuated it more and more deeply, and as I opened as wide as possible the
legs to facilitate penetration, of this drooling tongue. He sucked with delight the cum flowing freely from my pussy. His cock was now monstrous, although I was used to getting fucked by men with huge cocks, I still got a shiver thinking about what I would feel when he penetrated him, but I tell myself that I wanted only one thing, it was to feel this colossal cock sinking into me. I thought I was really just a bitch.
Bob, mounted on a kind of stepladder, was still filming, he didn't miss a beat of the show, zooming in on my sex and on that of the monkey, the sofa bed had been placed so as not to miss any of the antics, he had taken out his enormous black dick that was taut like a bow. Fred was still masturbating and was on the verge of ejaculation, he called me a fucking bitch, muttering:

- It's not true, it's not true, it's not possible, she likes it, this chick is a real slut!

A loudspeaker diffused the sounds of the room. My little cries of pleasure and my gasps reached them clearly.
The gorilla stood in front of me, his enormous cock erect towards the ceiling. I sat down on the bed, with a little apprehension, I grabbed the gorilla's cock with one hand. My hand did not go around the pink cylinder. I approached my mouth and surrounded the penis of my lips. I sucked it gently inside my mouth cavity, the monkey gave a grunt of satisfaction. With my other hand, I gently caressed his balls. He grabbed my head and started pushing his cock into my mouth. He was going deeper and deeper, I thought she was going to choke me, but he ejaculated, I wanted to spit out the hot, viscous cum, but he held my head down and I could only gulp it down and swallow it, if I didn't want to choke me. I didn't hate the wild taste, more salty and acidic than human semen. He withdrew his cock, dripping with saliva and semen, which had not swelled despite the ejaculation, from my mouth. He gently pushed me back onto the bed. His big hairy hands began to knead my breasts, the excitement had already made them hard as iron, the nipples were full of blood and erected to the maximum, but it seemed to me that under the rough caress, they doubled in volume.
I arched my back, moaning on my back, stroking the hair on his arms.
He picked me up like a wisp of straw and placed me on the table facing the one-way mirror, my long black-sheathed legs dangling from the knees. I guessed what was going to happen, a huge shiver left my pussy and went up to my chest, her heart began to beat harder, cum flowed from my sex. I spread my legs as much as possible, my belly surrounded by the garter belt throbbed while waiting for this huge penetration, my pussy yawned widely. My breathing quickened, my breasts heaving rapidly. The gorilla approached his disproportionate glans to my vaginal orifice, I went to know his penetration!
His back was facing the mirror, Bob could no longer see anything. Not wanting to miss anything, he entered the room so he could film. The gorilla must have gotten used to it, he didn't move. Bob slowly approached to film the close-up action. It turned me on even more to see someone watching me get fucked by the monkey and filming.
His cock had entered my pussy lips. The rest had a little trouble getting in. The walls of my pussy stretched and tightened under the enormous pressure of this roller which sank in me. My vulva well lubricated, allowed the cock of the primate to gain centimeters by centimeters. I groaned and moaned with pleasure. The gorilla entered a little more than half of his tail inside my offered pussy. But he must have found that the penetration was not going fast enough and not deep enough. He withdrew. He lay down with his back on the table, his legs dangling, his
enormous penis of thirty centimeters, hard like wood pointed towards the ceiling. His trainer had to teach him several positions. He grabbed me by the hips, lifted me up and impaled me on his cock. My walls, distended by the first penetration, facilitated the insertion, I cried out with pleasure. I screamed asking him to fuck me deeper, gasps of happiness escaped my mouth. I got up and went down quickly bringing the pink column to the depths of my privacy. The primate growled contentedly.
Bob thought that he was so hard on his cock that he was going to burst. He was aroused as much by what he saw as by the cries of pleasure from the magnificent blonde. I had leaned over the gorilla, to rub my breasts on the powerful torso covered with silky hair, and he could see my anus which opened and closed under the onslaught of the gorilla.
Unable to stand it any longer, he shouted to Fred, who had ejaculated long before the spectacle offered, to come and finish the film. He put down the camera and approached my buttocks. He grabbed me at the hips, hands under the garter belt, I understood what he wanted to do and slowed down to allow him to enter me from behind. I screamed again as Bob's big black cock entered my ass.
I tilted my head back to allow him to kiss me greedily. Bob grabbed my tits and he kneaded them hard, he pulled me and pinched my nipples, with rage, he sodomized me with vigor as if to punish me for having taken pleasure with the gorilla. I fidgeted in all directions so my pleasure was great. Bob, unable to hold back any longer, released his seed deep in my buttocks with a loud cry.
I had succeeded in completely swallowing up the gorilla's pink cock, and he slogged me with great jerks. I felt with each thrust my spunk flowing out of my pussy, onto my stockings. Suddenly, the monstrous sex contracted in my belly, I was ready to cum, the monkey pushed his cock completely and released large spurts of sperm, this ejaculation triggered my orgasm, my vaginal walls contacted and forcefully compressed his huge phallus.

.I had never known such enjoyment, I cried my happiness. And I fell panting and exhausted on the monkey's chest, stroking his head.
I then rolled to the side, Bob had taken over the camera and was still filming me, I smiled. Then I looked at the gorilla, thinking he too was satisfied. But his cock did not seem to have lost its consistency and was still imposing.
The monkey got up, he grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to bend over the table, my buttocks offered, I didn't have time to make a move, when his huge cock made its way between my soaked globes of sperm, and began to penetrate my anus. I screamed, but nothing helped.

- Oh fuck ! said Bob let him sodomize you, I'm filming it's great!

The primate put a hand on my head to be able to penetrate me more easily. The pleasure returned to my body, as if by magic, I moaned again with pleasure as I felt the huge phallus sink into me. Soon I felt the throbbing of his huge cock in my anus, pounding my innermost hole.
I shivered with ecstasy following this brutal sodomy, delighted to be treated like an animal by the wild monster. I turned to him, with a vicious look, eager to contemplate what he was doing to me with his relentless violence. Although he couldn't understand, I begged him to increase his pace and devastate my body. I could barely contain the cries of pleasure that the monster snatched from me when he plunged between my buttocks, having never experienced such penetration before. The steady pounding was going to make me cum a second time soon, A long shiver ran through me from head to toe. The gorilla roared beastly, satisfied to have ferociously sodomized his consenting victim, His huge foot long cock had penetrated me completely, opening a huge passage. The huge balls pounded my ass every time the iron hard phallus entered all the way to the bottom of my anus. The pounding of the huge cock was relentless, ever deeper and more powerful, I thought I was going to be torn in two by this violent assault. I could barely catch my breath, but I encouraged him with obscene words, before he exploded and spilled his seed in her ass, which I so desperately wanted. A cascade of sperm spurted from the pink sex, which brought a roar from the monster. I felt filled with the gorilla's sperm, I squeezed my thighs and a huge shiver overcame me and brought me to the climax of enjoyment. I screamed again.
The satisfied gorilla headed for the door, his owner ushered him out.

I was still on the table exhausted, sweaty, catching his breath, I continued to cum loudly for several more minutes. Bob and Fred couldn't believe it. They looked at her blissfully. Bob had stopped filming.
I looked at them, asking them if they thought the movie was good, thanks to the actors. I tell them that I had never enjoyed like that. They told me that he didn't believe me when I told them that I wanted to be fucked by a gorilla, and that they were convinced that I was going to chicken out.
Bob confessed to me that he had locked the door so that I could not go out, and that they were enjoying the spectacle when the monkey raped me. I laughed looking at him.

I was totally lost in my depraved fantasy. Was it real or had I imagined the monster ejaculating his cum inside me?
Then I woke up. Finally, I had dreamed of big black cocks and more perverse couplings, so the virtual experience had been a success, magnificent virtual images.
Surprised to find myself there, I looked around me. But why were the two blacks naked, their big cocks glistening with cum, hanging limply between their legs, a smile spreading across their faces? And why was semen flowing from my vagina and my anus onto my thighs? It was not virtual! Even Alfred had ejaculated on my breasts.

- Excuse us, said the computer scientist, but it was so realistic, we followed your adventures on the screen, but we couldn't resist! Alfred told us we could fuck you! And we don't regret having done it, you really know how to give pleasure!

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