Kate's Story Part One: The Twins...


Kate had always liked me. She always had a pat and a kind word for me, when she arrived for her visit's. To start with, I was too young to think of her sexually, too inexperienced.... later, after all that had happened, (Libby's Game) she was still only an infrequent visiter to my home. Maybe once a week... and there was always someone else around. Truth be told... she wasn't really sexy either. No... she didn't ooze sexuality... not like Libby, her Mom held it back, tightly controlled within her.

I didn't need her anyway... being a stud dog kept me busy. Lot's of tight little bitches! Libby kept me busy as well... Mmmmmm! Libby!... Shit! I'm starting to drool just thinking about her!

Kate and I wound up together, in the house when she volunteered to house-sit for Libby. Libby would be away, on her honeymoon, for nearly a month and Kate was the only one who could take the time off to come out and look after the house, me, the breeding stock and the expected litter of puppies. Libby had never forged new friends in town and so her Mom was the logical choice.

As I said, I never really thought about her sexually... until my source of all things sexual dried up. There is nothing more pathetic than a horny dog, with no way to ease the torment. Kate started to look pretty damned good after a day or so. I spent the first few days, tongueing myself, humping the wood pile, trying to hide my horniness from Kate.
She would shower each morning and, in the highlight of the day, she would walk to the bathroom, and back, naked... the first time I saw her I had been forced to re-appraise her, sure... she was 50... but under the clothing she had a body that begged me to service it. Like Libby, she wasn't tall, her breasts were small also... that's a good thing, they were still tight looking, no sag due to weight or age. Trim, fit... Horny dog syndrome!... I wanted her, needed her... she became my focus... I lusted for her. I made her aware of the fact, in my usual subtle manner... OK, fine!... I tried to hump her leg.

It took me a week to seduce her properly.

Kate couldn't ignore the dog, Dumb Mutt... it was always in the way now. But when had it become so stupid that it couldn't work out that it should stand to one side? She sighed in exasperation, walked around the dog again and, after checking the door was locked, went to the bedroom to get undressed. She stripped off, now the dog watched with interest from the door... perving at her... she was sure of it. Damn the dog for reminding her what that was like!
The dog had been sniffing around her all week, constantly, loudly, sniffing her groin... pressing her dresses and jeans back against her, his nose connecting with her firmly. She had been startled the first few times, drawing away, but now it was so frequent she didn't flinch anymore, just tried to push him away when his muzzle pressed in... questing, seaching for the source of... damn the dog for reminding her what it was like!.

Naked now, She tried to walk out the door, to the Bathroom, trying to get past the dog... it just wouldn't move. It forced her to shimmy through the small gap that was left, between his body and the door jamb.

Did she face him... or face away from him? Kate turned away, she wasn't inviting him to lick her out, she just wanted to get past! It didn't make any difference to the dog... his muzzle pushed against Kate's bare thighs as she wormed her way past, parting them... and he got in two full slobbering licks before Kate had pushed through the gap. Broad, firm tongue-strokes from front to rear, that made her...


The memories came flooding back as Dumb Mutt licked me, tasting my body, moving me around with the pressure of his tongue.
I hurried to start the shower... having to wait for the water to run through the pipes and for the shower to heat up.
I closed my eyes and I pictured my first time...
... feeling Dumb Mutt's saliva cooling on my flesh, the evaporation making my skin feel like it was crinkling up... all concentrated around my sex. Better than a finger stroking me... warming me, entering me...
Stop it!, it was a different time, different animal... it won't be the same!.
The memory of being comforted by him... by his size...
I stepped into the shower, mechanically going through the process... 30 year old memories playing with my mind... faded memories, to be sure... but just as sweet as the first time...

The wolf's tongue had felt so good!... I pictured the wolf tongueing a twenty-something Kate, in my mind... the memory wavered... became Dumb Mutt... No! it was the wolf that I had given myself to... loved!

It's tongue pressed my labia wide and I had writhed as inches of it stroked my clitorus... taking seconds to pass over it... wide, long, bringing a concentrated build up of tension. It built up quickly into an almost unbearable intensity of pleasure. Then it would pause, briefly... then start over again... lifting my desire, my need for satifaction, for sex... with a sudden click in my mind... I had wanted him to be in me, fuck me, make me come! Dirty thoughts of being under the wolf (Dumb Mutt!)came to me. I visualised giving into his wishes, submissive, serviced by him... a submission that gave him free rein to fuck me hard, with the proviso that I came too, either before or after, he came in my body.
I could feel the wetness forming inside me... lubrication produced as my body recognised my desire for what I wanted to happen... (just like I now felt when I looked at Dumb Mutt!)
I'd looked at his shaft as he continued to lick me... much like the wolf himself, well built, but underweight...as long as a man, if somewhat skinnier. I didn't care, I wanted it in me. The wolf had moved, he was fully behind me now, massive muzzle between the legs I had willingly parted for him, giving him access to my body.
Was this what a bitch felt, at the point that they became willing? An sudden overwelming desire to be taken? Is this why they pushed their butts back, into the faces of the males, offering themselves like animalistic sluts... inticing, exciting the male until they took them, demanding it?

I had never felt so... free, so wanton... I had wanted this animal as I had never wanted a man. I had lifted my bum to give the wolf better access, felt him remove his head from between my legs, then move to press himself against me, ready to mount me.

His front legs had hopped, his chest rode up my back, forelegs moving to grip me tightly. The shaft on his dick rubbing my pubic hair... looking back between my legs I could see it in my bush, thrusting quickly, liquid squirting out, dripping from my hair, hitting my stomach, thighs, running down my legs. It seemed a hugh amount. I could see and feel his blind thrusting, not quite in the right spot. I had reached back and taken him in my hand, guiding him as best I could, feeling his rigid meat sliding, to and fro, in my hand. My hand was coated in the liquid and I felt the barely restrained power contained in his cock. The anticipation of having this pumping, squirting, thing inside me filled me with lust and, after several stabbing motions that missed, I brought it into my body...

He'd taken me gently, gripping me firmly with his paws and, in a single continuous movement, slipped his cock deeply into me. I arched my back in reflex, as inches of wolf cock expanded inside me, filling me up, feeling big. For some seconds, we both stilled... as we stayed like that, I examined the feeling of him stretching my vagina, filling my body, his member, swelling up, thicker, now more substantial than the men I had experienced in the past, feeling very hot, it was throbbing as his pre-come exited him and found a new home inside me.

I had welcomed the wolf into me!, and he'd felt good! I'd experimentally moved back against him and, in response to my unspoken wish, he began to thrust himself deeper into me. I gasped, it was suprising how much deeper he could go. Our mutual lubrication had flooded my body and, apart from the sense of a pleasurable probing deep inside me, what I felt the most was how fat his cock was. How thick it had become and how it felt as it took up more and more space inside me, displacing everything else and then rubbing the nerve endings in an irresistably erotic way, forceful enough to make me know this was an animal, but restrained enough not to fear it's domination. I couldn't stop myself from moaning as I submitted to him. I was his bitch... yes, very much so... the thought of that, my acceptance, excited me, I felt perspiration forming on my back. Would it hurt me?... it didn't seem so... only if asked him to. His tongue caressed me, licking my back, as if he knew my thoughts. I was grunting quietly at the end of each thrust, both of us exploring the depths that he could plumb.

As our momentum built up, I could feel a pressure forming, pressing into me at the end of each thrust. Looking back between my legs I could see he was swelling up at the base of his cock, his knot, swelling larger as I observed it... it pressed against me, withdrew, pressed forward, withdrew... the wolf, by accident or design, was slowly working it to a point where it would disappear into me. I could feel the pressure as it displaced my labia, pressed in more, my body opened before it, accommodating this extra large thing that he wanted inside me, demanding entrance.
I wouldn't need it, I knew, the feeling of his boner in me, coupled with what the wolf was doing with it and my salacious thoughts, was feeding the fire in me... I could feel my approaching orgasm, building up quickly, starting around his cock, spreading upwards through my chest, I arched my back again feeling every muscle tighten in the second before I lost control... (letting Dumb Mutt finish off too...)

I took my hands away from my body... suddenly aware that I had given in, masturbated, came, while thinking about the wolf. Thinking about Dumb Mutt as well... my memories were so old... faded, I had been thinking about both of them, needing the dog as a living framework, to overlay the wolf's likeness onto. The wolf had been good!... and so was Dumb Mutt, in my mind, but would he be good in reality?. I let the thought run free, as I dried myself. Walking back to the bedroom to change into my clothes... Dumb Mutt was sitting by the Front door, I watched him, watching me... tail thumping, enthusiastic... allowing myself to think about the posibilties he offered. Knowing it was only a matter of time before I was offering myself to him... feeling his warmth inside me. Seducing myself with my fantasy's.

Why did she cry?

They weren't the tears of a mis-directed thrust that your spears your cock into soft tissue... not the "Oww!, fuck! That hurts!" or the "Not so hard... not so hard!... oh God!, Oh God! OH GOD!... ", tears brought on by a full-on skin-slapping arse-ream... or my huge knot stretching her arse-hole WIDE as it emerged prematurely... no... this was a different sort of pain.

I had taken care to be gentle with her. Oh!, she had a few scratches on her legs where my claws had caught her, but they were superficial things... marks that would fade in an hour or two.

I had felt her orgasm being transfered from her body, to my meat. A quivering, shuddering movement, Kate had sighed in enjoyment, softly grunted her fulfillment... and quivered with spent passion... made happy sounds... I had slipped out of her... we were finished, no damage done, successful in every way... and then the tears came. They were tears of sadness... but they were not over me. I did wonder, what cause did Kate have to be so sad.

Why now, after so many years?
I had given in to my desire, used the dog, thinking about the wolf, as Dumb Mutt had gently, suprisingly gently, ridden me to an orgasm... I had thought about the wolf, of course...
I shouldn't have come back here... not to stay for such a long time... it was easy to leave after a brief visit and not dwell on the memories. In town, working, forgetting about the wolf... forget about those days with him. But my feelings for him, my sadness at losing him couldn't be avoided this time, they kept building up, building up, like a storm approaching, closer, closer... until it released a deluge on you... a deluge of emotions... and so I had cried for this ghost from the past.

I needed to go to town, needed to get away from here, at least for a while... I needed more food for the dog's... I convinced myself. I left Dumb Mutt outside and set off, into town. I stopped off at home... relaxing, now that the constant pressure of wanting the dog... wolf... had been removed. I made a cup of tea... relaxed...

Kate wasn't home yet... I was at the outer boundary, refreshing my scent marks, when I heard the sound of car tyres on gravel, a strange car... visitors. I finished up peeing on the tree and headed back towards the house. In the distance, I could see two females, strangers to me, walking from the car, towards the house. They knocked on the door, called out... shrugged to each other, looking around. They circled behind the house, back towards the sheds... looking for someone.
I observed them as I walked closer. In the heat of Summer, they were dressed in loose shirts, over bikinis, they looked like they were from the same litter... identical, blonde, young, good looking, with firm bodies, there is nothing in the world so inticing as innocent young meat!... sorry... I am a stud... it's natural for me to think like that!
Still unseen, I closed in on them from the side... they disappeared into the Machinery shed, now given over to housing the breeding bitches with young litters. I walked through the door, silently appraising their breeding potential... yes.. I know... to much to hope for... but thats a dogs mind for you...

The one closest to me noticed me and nudged the other... they both looked at me, seeing me in the door-way, blocking the exit. They stiffened in shock as they saw me. A huge dog, in his prime, eyes gleaming as I surveyed them... trespassers... they froze, standing very still... like prey does when it hopes that you haven't seen them... bad news, girls!

I'd played those games with Libby... feigning indifference to her body... catching her off guard and then leaping onto her back, cock stabbing home, following up with the hard, almost brutal, sex that I knew she wanted... I wanted these girls... I was so horny for them!... but they were shrinking away from me. They would run away, screaming if I pressed forward now... so I just stood still, eyes intent on them, blocking the exit... maybe they would calm down... maybe they would let me show them some things that would make their eyes bulge out. Maybe I could entice them to get down on their knees and let me pop their virginity...

"What do we do now?" Hottie#1 whispered to the other... I could have given them a couple of ideas... sexual things their innocence would never have let them think possible... my saliva started to flow... not wanting to drool, I swallowed it back. I could run my tongue over them, caress them, spear my cock through the centre of their innocence... awakening them to the posibilities and pleasure of Dog-sex... make them want me, crave me, be a bitch for me... be my sex-slave, adoring my masculinity as I taught them how to please a dog... how a dog could please them, in ways a man never could...

"Let's just wait in here for a while", Hottie#2 said quietly...
"and... I think I'll fuck the dog, while we wait"

My jaw dropped, SAY WHAT?

I saw naked interest, flaring in Hottie#2's eyes. I saw her posture change, a slight alteration, as she suddenly flaunted her sexuality, projecting it out at me... if she had of been a bitch in heat, she would have been fluffing up her tail and rubbing her butt against my nose.
My assumption of complete innocence disappeared, I walked closer, unsure if I had heard correctly and what I was seeing was really naked desire for me. Now their individual scents came to me... the smell from Hottie#2 was like an olfactory banner reading "I'm wet for you!, fuck me!"... her bikini bottom was getting moist... she was practically dripping with her desire... not her first time then? Oh well... What about Hottie#1 then?

Hottie#1 gaped at her and said in disgust, "What!... thats just wrong!, Tina! how can you say that, when you know it's my turn to go first!... I let you do that German Shepherd, first... remember? "

My head swivelled towards her... BOTH of them?

Hottie#2 pouted and said, "Fine! I'll stand guard then. He'd better have enough left for me though... or you won't her the end of it, Tania!"

Soft, sweet and innocent went out the window...

They were dog-sluts... my kind of girls!

I walked closer, around them, I sniffed their arses, the good old "Hello... you smell great, I want to fuck you" sort of greeting and was rewarded with both their scent and their exhalations of excitement. Tania dropped to her knees beside me and cautiously patted my chest. I smiled to reassure her... YES! TOUCH ME!
She interpreted my mouthful of teeth and not ripping her arm off as being receptive and hugged me, pressing her body to my fur. I snuffled her waist, then lifting her titties up from her chest with my muzzle. She gasped at the sensation so I let them drop, licking one in apology. My tongue flicked lightly over her nipple, she turned away. Bending lower, she took my sheathe into her hand, I thickened more at her touch, her grip widening as the tip showed, the sharp point extending, sheathe retracting as the thicker part lengthened into sight. Tina gave it a couple of experimental pumps, smiling as I hunched up and recipricated by pumping her hand. I started squirting, liquid hitting her lap, running between her legs, soaking into the bikini bottom.
" You'd better take that off", Tina said, "or you'll stink like a bitch until you wash it!"
"The door!", Tania reminded her, but stood and slid them off, moving to drape them over a wire kennel. She picked up some empty feed-sacks and placed them on the ground, a makeshift cover for us to lie on.

She spent the next minute trying to fend me off as I stuck my nose between her legs, licking, sniffing, massaging her body with my tongue... tasting her, teasing her... she displayed the usual mixture of defiance and desire that dog-girls always seem to have. They want it... but they just will NOT let you have it right away.... I never could figure that out. Perhaps it was because it is more exciting than just saying "Go for it?".
Tina was calling encouragement to me from the door... "Lick her, dog... taste that pussy, good boy, yeah... give it to her!"
Tania was getting more flustered, getting red, irritated at Tina, at me, but excited also. I was trying to get inside her, lifting my body, cock standing out from me, squirting, thrusting, lashing her with liquid whips of semen. She was dripping wet, inside and out. Finally, she lowered herself to the floor, lying on her back. I almost ripped my cock off, on the concrete floor in my eagerness to enter her... Soft warm meat enveloped my tip... yes!... thats right! thrust, thrust!, thrust... I grew longer, encased in Tania's heat, her arms and legs holding me on, tightly trying to keep some measure of control as I boned her like a bitch in heat... her breath jolting out of her in a series of gasps, grunting as I tried to fit more and more into her... My knot demanded entrance, her pussy lips forced wider to accomodate it. Tania moved one hand, encircling my shaft in front of the knot, keeping me outside. I continued to try forcing it through but she kept a tight grip on me.

I kept glancing over as the dog pummelled Tania, hard and fast... It was a good thing we were used to dogs being enthusiastic... even so, she'd be sore later.... he was huge in every way.
It had been an interesting year for the two of us... after we had discovered each others interests.
Tania had walked in on me as I used the family pet... it was a shocking scene... I had no idea that she was into the dog too... I expected her to scream. Instead, she had gotten down and dirty with both of us. The two of us shared him together... often... then broadened our horizons. We made friends with the neighbourhood dogs... strays... any old mutt we could lay our hands, as long as they were up to the task. Not many refused. After a few close calls we developed a system where one of us kept guard, leaving the other sister to enjoy herself. We learned to be quick... when we had to be. Sometimes a 30 second root was more fulfilling that a 20 minute knot session at home... the planning, thinking about it, how big would he be? dropping your panties for him, feeling him penetrate you... coming inside. A small degree of risk... bolstered the excitment, made the orgasm better.

Watching your identical twin getting done, was such a turn-on... like an out of body experience, like watching yourself, imagining yourself, feeling the same gratification as a dog serviced you... seriously kinky... serious fun. It was hard to look away, keep checking the driveway, when Tania was getting balled out by a big dog, both of them grunting with pleasure. Grunting is a little undignified, but when you have 60, 70 or so pounds of dogmeat, going at you hard, you're goin' to grunt... if not from pain... then from simple compression of your body. Dog's grunt too... they are honest during sex... they work hard at it and you KNOW when a dog is having a good time. Our new friend was really enjoying fucking my sister. I eased my bikini down a little bit and slid a finger into myself... I wasn't surprised to find that the throbbing inside of me was accompanied with wetness too. I stroked and poked myself in time with the dogs efforts... he was slowing down now... the initial frantic need for satisfaction fufilled... I hoped he was quieter with me... I was still aching from the German Sheperd and was hoping for something less energetic, pleased now that Tania had gone first. My blood was pumping harder... I was sure Tania's was coming now, being pounded, pink suffused skin, moaning softly... twitching... coming. I took my finger out of myself... I didn't want to join with her in that, just yet. I had to swallow down my excitement... ease back... not yet!

I lay on top of Tania... feeling her body shuddering, the time between her convulsions increasing. I withdrew from her body, still swollen up, at my maximun length and girth... 8 inches of shaft, 5 inch around the circumference... leaving her stretched out on the floor... stretched out inside too, a dreamy smile on her face telling me it had been a good one for her. I licked her pussy clean, like a good host should, until the sensation became to much, too good, too soon and she crossed her legs, denying me access. Far too late for that!, MY girl!
Tania groaned and rolled onto her stomach, slowly getting herself to rise onto her knees. Tina walked over, bikini bottom swinging in her hands. She rubbed Tania's bum lightly and said, "That looked like fun!... my turn... watch the road!"

I turned my gaze towards Tina... leering at her as I smelt her musky readiness and she saw my dick close up... NEXT!

From the door, I watched Tina repeat the process of introducing herself to the dog... we had encountered a few that weren't receptive, it had scared the shit out of us... our faces at dog height, trying to get them interested, jerk them off and, instead of responding positively, having them menace us with teeth and growls instead of lust. Not much chance of that with this one... but there was always that moment... when you committed yourself to get within range of a dog's teeth. Tina reached out to touch his sheathe, then moved her hand over his knot, the slick cock, still squirting quietly, wetting her fingers. She put her hand to her nose, then touched it with the tip of her tongue. Tasting him... tasting me. Then she bent underneath him and took it into her mouth, swallowing his juice as she slid more and more down her throat. The dog gave a startled gasp and started to thrust again, unable to resist the warmth of Tina's mouth. Tina managed to take a couple of thrusts, letting him down her throat, until he became to much to cope with, too much liquid to swallow and she took her head away... the dog followed her, trying to grab hold and continue deeper inside her mouth. Tina evaded his attention, swivelling away, present her bum to him instaed. The dog was keen, he knew what she was offering him... his huge dong slid all over her backside, between her legs, up her back as she tried to give him what he wanted... both of them getting frustrated, "Lend a hand, Tania, please" Tina asked.
I walked over, took control of the dog's cock and guided it into her bum. With the dog thrusting and my guidance, it slowly humped it's way into her... an inch at a time and not without some discomfort... I rubbed her bum as the dog stretched it wide to accommodate him. She moaned, "Big! isn't he", I commented... smirking at them both. "Ahhh, yesss!... ummm... watch the road!" she whispered.
I left him introducing more of himself to her and walked out into the yard and over to the car, listening to how quiet the two of them were, listening for other vehicles on the road. Thinking we might need them, I took some toys out of the car and walked back to the shed... the dog was still in Tina, standing still now... she was the one doing all the work and she wasn't happy about that. "He's stopped... you used him too much! Tania!" she said, pouting.

"Sorry, I replied and showed her the cowboy hat, her eyes brigthened and said, "Are you sure it will work?" she asked. I shrugged and slipped the hat over her head, tilting it at a jaunty angle. Then rubbed her come-soaked skin... "It does for guy's... why wouldn't it work?" I asked?. Tina nodded, shrugged too and braced herself backwards...

It was quite nice, feeling Tina's body pushing back against me, sliding along me, a tight compression, squashing my meat. Sometimes you don't want to be the one doing all the work. I didn't know what they were planning... I didn't really care. I just held still, enjoying the feeling of my meat being squashed by her tight arse.
Tania moved along our flanks, patting us both, crouching down to look up, between our legs, at my knot filling the space between Tina's butt, her body sliding forwards and back... looking as the movement of her sister covered and exposed my cock to her view. Tapping her finger against me.
Tapping lightly again, on the base of my tail... on my butt, rubbing my bum hole... WHAT? I rotated my head and chest around to see what was going on... Tania slipped her longest finger, covered with a surgical glove, into my hole... wiggling, pushing and working it further inside... I tried to lunge forward, off the tip of her finger, Tina took the length inside, absorbing the new pressure with a grunt as Tania continued to remorsely impale me, my virgin bum falling victim to the dirty little girl.
Her finger tip!... Oh no you don't!...
1st joint... Oh fuck!
Knuckle!... Oh, my God... thats feels so big!
So long!... thats only a finger's length?... it feels huge!
All of it was in me!, Tania's hand rubbing against me, the finger stroking inside, rubbing... feeling weird, feeling... WEIRD!... feeling...good... that's just WRONG!... but so good! I started to pump her finger... one inch of finger moved backwards and forwards inside me... but my cock moved 5 or 6 inches in and out of Tina, she moaned as I sped up... I was moaning too...

"I'd never have thought, that dogs would have a prostate..." Tania commented to Tina, speeding up to met my body as I increased speed, losing myself in the sensation of her finger rubbing some unknown part of me...
"He's is really goofing off on it though, isn't he?"
Uh-huh! yeah... Uh-huh!! I was!
I'd never felt anything like it! The finger deeply inserted, stroking me gently, the whole length of of my boner thrusting and withdrawing in time with it, quickly building up a tension inside.
With Tania's finger milking me, my orgasm hit me like a frieght train... no!, more like a slow motion train wreck, our bodies mashed together, driving me far up inside her, both of us crying out at the sensation, making sloppy sounds as I pumped her... and the mess! Tina got the works!. I emptied my nuts into her. Was she coming too? I didn't care... my own orgasm was all consuming, all I could focus on was the pulsing sensation that filled my mind... cock thrusting, finger pumping satisfaction... it just kept rolling on and on...

I could feel it gushing from him, into my bum, a rush of sperm that filled me completely, leaking from me. So hot! I could feel thick creamy come flowing out of me, down my thighs, pooling at my knees. The dog's orgasm slowly wound down until only his cock was flexing. The rest of him was still, head resting on my back, seemingly too exhausted to do anything else..

I pulled my finger out of his bum, carefully rolling the glove off my hand. He followed it backwards, withdrawing from Tina as he did so. She sighed as he exited her, then slowly stood, carefully straightening up, groaning as she did.
I examined her... the dog come was flowing slowly down her legs, some of his fur had been shed, it was sticking to her back. I rubbed my back with my hand and examined it... hmmm, it was on me too!
"We'ed better clean up and wash off, we both look like we've been with the dog" I said, placing the sacks back on the pile. Tina nodded and we both went out to the car. The dog followed along behind us.
"The lake look's good!" We both took our towels down to the beach and waded in... washing our bodies and bikini bottoms as best we could, waiting for gravity to do it's thing, letting the dog come drain out, before putting them back on.
We were towelling off, on the beach when a blue car pulled up beside the house. Tina and I looked at each other and walked back to our car... time for the tricky part!

Beach bunnies... I thought as they walked closer. I frowned slightly as I thought how odd that was... What are they doing out here? They looked like poster girls, ready for Spring break... a day at the beach... the boy's would be all over them like a rash. No boy's here though!
The dog was with them, circling them closely, scenting the air. Sniffing them closely. Thank goodness he hadn't attacked them!

Sisters, I had surmised when I saw them at a distance... identical twins, I amended to myself as they neared. Young, lush, late teens/early twenties.
I didn't think they were from town... there were other well known places to swim, closer to town... hangouts for people their age. No-one drove for an hour, over rough roads, to have a swim out here.

They seemed a little uncertain of themselves as they walked up... like trespassers... in the wrong place.

"Hello, girls, can I help you", I asked... still looking them over... seeing how the dog stayed close to them, how they weren't frightened by him... seeing the matching scratches on their legs... scratches, just like the ones on my thighs, after the dog had been with me. My recognition of what the scratches meant sent a small thrill through me. I pictured their bodies under him, taking him... enjoying him the way I had. They knew what it was like, they would understand.

Tania didn't say anything... just looked at me.
Great!, I guess that made me spokesperson. How to explain? It was hard enough for us to grasp what was happening, how it could happen... why the two... three... of us had come all this way, let alone what to say now we were here, wherever here was... I got the cardboard box out of the car.
"All right!, quiet!", Fuck!... I had said it out loud... the woman tensed... she must have thought I was being rude to her. I took a breath and tried to be coherent.

"Some... one... asked us to come here and bring... them, here, to you!", I said... that wasn't so hard!

The woman scanned our empty car... unless we had someone trussed up on the floor or in the trunk, there was only Tania and I here... she took a step back, suddenly looking apprehensive... the dog switched from sniffing our butts to a defensive position, standing between us and the woman, crouching slightly...
When I had wanted to be eaten by this dog... I hadn't meant with his teeth... now, he was scaring me... us, Tania and I took a step back... this wasn't going well.
I placed the box on the ground and held my hands up... and pleaded with her... "Look! it's not easy to explain!... do you belive in ghosts?. My sister and I... my whole family... there is this thing... it wanted to come here... it told us to come here... and now it wants to be with you!" Tania nodded... she would have been hearing it speak also.
"Can I just show you?... it doesn't hurt people... it just wants to be here!"
I opened the box and pulled out the cloak...

The girl drew something out of the box, a long, heavy, thing. It took a second to register that it was a wolf skin. I knew it... knew him... I dropped to my knee's in shock and I guess I kind of... wailed. His body had disappeared... I never knew what had happened to him afterwards. I took the skin off the girl, held it in my arms, against my chest... I HEARD a sigh... it spoke to me... "I'm back!"...
I fainted.

The woman took the cloak from my hands and then toppled over, to lie still, on the ground. Tina looked at me, "What happened?" she asked... like I knew!
Luckily the woman came to quickly... she sat up still holding the skin. She hugged it to herself and closed her eyes... then she stood, looked at the two of us and said, " Come up to the house!" and lead the way to the front door...
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