Liz had just walked out of the hospital; her mother had just passed away after a short illness. She now had to make the most difficult phone call of her life.
She got in her car and rang her brother's phone number in Singapore. It went straight to voice mail, so she left a message asking him to phone her as soon as possible.
She now felt alone, very alone. Her brother Don had left the family home two days after her 16th birthday to start a new life as a financial whizz kid. He was 18 years old and full of confidence.
She and her mum got birthday and Christmas cards of him but they never spoke. She only kept his phone number for emergencies so hopefully, he would realise the significance of the message.
She arrived home, poured herself a very large whisky then went to bed.
She couldn't sleep, each time she closed her eyes she saw visions of her mum. Tears flowed down her cheeks and she opened her eyes.
She drifted into a restless sleep and suddenly her phone rang. "Hello,” she said, half-asleep.
"How's the worlds oldest virgin doing?" the male voice replied.
"Who is this, please?" she asked unsure who she was speaking to.
"It's me Don, your bezzy bro," came the reply along with a chuckle.
"Very funny,” Liz shouted. “Mum passed away earlier today or yesterday depending on where you are, “she said. There was a long silence then she heard sobbing.
"Don, stop crying please or I will start and we won't be able to think straight, “Liz pleaded.
"Sorry,” he replied, "It was such a shock."
“I know, “Liz said trying to keep calm.
"I will get on the first flight home,” Don declared, saying that he wanted to help with the arrangements, avoiding saying funeral.
"Okay," Liz replied. "I will get my bedroom ready for you."
"What about my bedroom?" he said in a puzzled voice.
"Oh, that's my studio now,” she said, "I'm a graphic designer."
"Great,” he answered, "so I have to sleep in a pink bedroom with girly things on the wall?"
"I'm 28 Don or have you forgotten?" she reminded him.
"Oh, yes, the worlds oldest virgin, " he said.
"Fuck off you bastard, " she screamed down the phone.
"Sorry, " he replied, "just trying to cheer us up. I will email you when I get a flight. Take care Liz, I'm looking forward to seeing..."
"The oldest fucking virgin,” Liz said finishing his sentence for him.
They hung up and Liz lay down and fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning Liz started the process of arranging her mother’s funeral. Her work was put on the back burner.
She was glad the funeral director would do most of the planning including opening her grave.
She went to the bank where she was surprised to find her mum had opened another joint about which contained a very large amount of money. Then to the insurance company to cash in her mum's policies, not that she expected to get much back.
Tuesday, she went to the church to sort out the service details. She called in the pub across the road from the church and had a pub lunch. It was the first thing she had eaten since Sunday morning. The shock of her mother's death had suppressed her appetite.
That afternoon she got an email off Don saying he would be strong at about 8 pm Wednesday evening and he would find a hotel.
Liz replied saying that he could say at the house because she thought they should stay together until the funeral was over.
She also received a call from an advertising agency that they wanted her to do the graphics for a new range of chocolate biscuits. She explained her situation and they told her it wasn't too urgent. She asked if she could have some samples so she knows what they taste like. After a lot of leg-pulling and joking they agreed, which cheered her up massively. The samples and mock-ups would arrive by courier the next day.
Liz drank a bottle of wine while listening to music and fell asleep on the sofa.
The next morning Liz was in her studio, naked as usual, she didn't see the need for clothes while working on her PC.
The doorbell rang so she quickly grabbed her short robe and slipped the feet into her rabbit slippers and when downstairs. The bell rang again. “Okay, one minute,” she shouted as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
She opened the door, expecting the courier with her new project but stood on the doorstep was a guy, tall, good looking with short dark hair that was speckled with blonde streaks.
"Can I help you?" Liz asked as she was getting a tingle between her legs.
“It’s me, Don," the guy replied. Liz gasped and put her hand to her mouth. Tears started to form in her eyes. "So you're not pleased to see me then?" then he asked.
"Yes, I... I.., “she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. He put his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground, causing her robe to come undone. They embrace for several moments before they separated.
Suddenly she realised her robe was open exposing her body to her brother. Sorry, she said as she quickly folded it back across her naked body.
"Very nice,” Don said and let out a whistle.
"Shut up,” Líz said, blushing bright red. "Come in and I'll make you a nice cup of."
They went into the kitchen a Liz put the kettle on.
Liz kept looking at Don, not quite sure if this was really the brother. He had blue eyes, this guy had grey eyes. Don was a thin long-haired geek; this guy had short hair and an absolutely toned body. He was a son is Adonis and she was getting wet between her legs, something that didn't happen very often.
She handed him a mug of tea. He thanked her and after placing it on the breakfast bar, took her hand in his and pulled her towards him.
"I have missed you so much Liz,” he said looking at her with sad eyes. "I wish, “he paused and bowed his head. "I wish I was there for mum when she passed away, “he continued and started crying.
Liz hated seeing grown men cry so she pulled his head to her breasts and cradled him. It started her off crying.
He buried his face into her cleavage and sobbed his heart out. He placed his hands on her silk-covered buttocks. No male had ever done that before. She shivered even though his huge hands were warm.
She could feel his tears and other bodily fluids running between her breasts. Normally she would have moved away but she felt so sad for Don.
She bent her head and kissed the top of his head. He pulled her closer and kissed her between her breasts. Liz put her hand under Don's chin and lifted his face up. She kissed his forehead then both eyes that were wet with his salty tears. He looked like a lost soul. Liz moved to kiss his mucus-covered nose; it was her brother so it will not kill me she thought.
Liz cupped his face in her hands and kissed Don passionately on the lips and he responded by pulling her gown open and sliding his hands around her body pulling even closer to him. He slid his fingers up and down her spine making her shiver.
Liz was losing control, her whole body was aching to be touched but she knew it was so very wrong to even think about doing anything with her brother. She felt his fingers enter the valley between her buttocks.
Liz thought no, and slapped his hands away and stepped back, revealing her naked body to Don for the second time in less than 10 minutes. This time she didn't attempt to cover herself.
She looked at his glistening face and took hold of the bottom of her robe and gently wiped away his tears and the mucus. "Drink your tea and then I will put you in bed, you looked absolutely knackered,” Liz said.
"That's the best offer I've had in ages," Don replied. "We might not get much sleep though,” he continued.
"No, you're going to bed to sleep, no 'we' and then later we can go out for a meal."
Don sat drinking his tea and Liz could feel his eyes taking in the sight of her near-naked body. "I do love a woman who shaves her pussy, so clean yet sexy.” Don said as he finished his tea. Liz wanted a hole to open up and swallow her. She blushed and looked at the floor.
He grabbed her hips and drew her towards him, sticking his tongue into her navel. Liz gasped aloud, her whole body stiffened. She could feel his tongue slowly licking her skin in ever-increasing circles on her stomach, making her juices start to flow for the first time since she was a teenager.
His tongue was getting closer to her forbidden area; she grabbed his arms and quickly moved away. Her heart was pounding and her head was spinning. She could hardly speak because her breathing was so shallow.
"You must stop," Liz gasped. "Mother is watching you."
"Mother is dead," Don said sarcastically.
"Her body might be dead but her soul is still with us,” Liz shouted, almost breaking down in tears.
Don stood and said he was sorry. Liz pointed to his crotch and burst out laughing. Don looked down at his bulging trousers; it was his turn to blush.
Liz walked to the stairs and Don followed, taking his suitcase with him. As they climbed up the stairs, Liz lifted the back of her robe exposing her backside. She heard Don stumble and said, "Steady babe, you don't want to damage your thingy." She giggled and reached the top of the stairs. Don was bright red with embarrassment.
"I need the bathroom,” he said.
"You know where it is,” Liz replied. "Just don't take too long because you need some beauty sleep, " she continued, dragging his heavy suitcase into her bedroom.
Liz quickly removed her robe ad put on a pair of white cotton panties and a white baggy t-shirt with a halo with wings and the word pure in large red capital letters across her breasts.
Don entered the room and Liz asked him to select the clothes that he would be wearing in the evening. He handed her a white t-shirt and a pair of charcoal grey chinos.
She stood and watched as he removed his jacket and tie. Then he slipped off his shoes. Liz was interested in what his body looked like and wasn't disappointed when he removed his shirt to reveal his toned upper body. Liz got a slight tingle.
Don undid his trousers and Liz held her breath in anticipation. His back was to her and she saw his black silk covered backside for the first time. He threw the trousers to the floor joining his shirt and jacket. He removed his socks and turn to face her.
She noticed an embroidered Chinese Dragon on the left leg of his well-filled boxer shorts. He moved to the bed and sat down.
Liz walked passed him and picked his jacket and trousers up off the floor and placed them on the armchair. As she bent to retrieve his shirt and socks, Don started laughing.
Liz reached behind herself and started to feel if she had a hole in her knickers of something. She stood up and looked at Don. "What?" she said gets annoyed.
“It’s just your t-shirt, “he said, trying to control himself.”PURE on the front and YEAH RIGHT on the back, it just cracked me up."
"I wore this on a hen night. Don't worry I didn't cop or anything, “Liz replied smiling.
She started to leave the room with his dirty washing when she asked if he was wearing the same boxers that night.
"Sorry, no,” he said, climbing under the sheet and removing them out of sight much to Liz's disappointment. He lay on his back and handed them to her. The silk sheet lay across his lower body revealing a large bulge that was his manhood.
"See you later,” Liz said as she quickly left the room before her emotions got the better of her.
Downstairs she put his clothes on a chair and took the washing into the laundry room. She put his shirt and socks in the machine but lifted his boxers to her nose and sniffed. There was a heady, musky aroma from them that made her put her hand down to her crotch. She turned them inside out and noticed several silvery patches of Don's pre-cum. She shivered and put her tongue out then lifted the boxers up to her mouth.
Something in her head snapped and she threw them in the machine and closed the door.
What the hell was I thinking she said to herself? He's your brother for fuck sake, not a piece of meat. Her heart was racing so she lent on the washing machine trying calm down. I've never been inclined to do that sort of thing before she thought.
The doorbell rang and she hurried to open the front door. It was the things for her new design project, two A3 sized flat packs and four black boxes the size of crisp boxes. The guy handed her the flat packs and offer to carry the boxes into the house for her.
They put them just inside the lounge. Liz couldn't help looking at his crotch. She in her t-shirt and panties we're having an effect on the poor guy. She signed his pad and walked him back to the door. "Thank you so much,” she said, almost leaning forward to kiss him.
"My pleasure ma'am,” he replied, with a huge smile on his face.
She closed the door and went back into the laundry room. As she ironed Don's clothes for later she started thinking about him and if he really was her brother. She couldn't remember him being so forward about sex. Fair enough, he is older but she hadn't changed her outlook on sex and she was only two years younger.
Liz made a cup of tea and sat thinking about how she could prove it really was flesh and blood. He had a small birthmark at the top of his butt crack she remembered. That will definitely tell her she thought.
Her mind drifted back to his boxer shorts. She slid her hand into her panties and started rubbing her pussy which was getting wetter by the second. Her mind was throwing up all kinds of images some nice but some disgusting.
Liz came back to reality, thinking she must start on the design project. She collected Don's clothes and picking up the A3 packages and climbed the stairs. Pausing at the bedroom Don was hopefully asleep in, she hoped he wasn't playing with himself as she entered and placed his clothes on the chair next to the dressing table.
She looked at Don who was fast asleep, lying on his stomach. His legs spread wide taking up most of the bed. Jeez, he's a big guy Liz thought as she picked his suit up off the floor and put it on a hanger. She removed his wallet from the trouser pocket and opened it, being a bit nosey.
She gasped as she saw two pictures, passport size, of her and their mum. The picture of her was taken on her 16th birthday not long before he left home. Tears started to well up in her eyes.
She put the wallet down and walked to the bed, Gently pulling the sheet down his back to reveal a strawberry coloured birthmark right at the top of his butt crack. He definitely was her brother. Tears started to run down her cheeks, her long lost brother was back. She rushed from the room at went into her studio and cried tears of joy as she tried to work on the project. She found it hard to concentrate, her mind wandering to the photo of her when she was 16. He had kept it with him all these years she thought, how touching.
Several hours passed before she decided to wake Don up so they could go out for dinner. She went into the bedroom; Don was lay on his back, the sheet just about covering his manhood. She stood for a few moments admiring his naked body. Suddenly she got the urge to have a perk at his penis. She moved to the side of the bed and lifted the sheet. She gasped and put her hand to her mouth. OMG it's huge she thought and it isn't even stiff. She stood looking at it for a while when Don said, "You like it then?"
Liz jumped and quickly moved away from the bed leaving his manhood exposed.
"Touch it; it won't bite you,” Don said, laughing at her.
"No way,” Liz said blushing like a beetroot.
"You have done in the past,” Don said, with an air of superiority.
"No, I haven't,” a Liz replied, trying to think of when she might have done.
"Do you remember that Saturday when mum went on that church trip and we were alone in the house? I was 16 and I asked you if you wanted to watch a dirty movie?"
"No," Liz replied, her face had a puzzled expression.
"Of course you do. We went into my bedroom and I got you to strip to your knickers and bra. Pink if I remember, with red lace panels on the sides of the knickers and the same lace for cups on the bra. I could see your nipples." Liz closed her eyes trying to think.
"After we watched the film I removed my underpants and push you back on the bed. I lay between your legs and removed your bra. Your nice boobs with pink nipples came into view giving me a boner. I couldn't get you to take off your knickers so I lay on you and started to rub myself against them and you naked stomach. You lay with your arms and legs spread wide like a starfish so I could feel your hot pussy thought you knickers touching my full balls. It didn't take long for me to shoot my cum between us. It went all over your stomach and knickers reaching to your boobs. I lay there for ages catching my breath. You just kept your eyes closed. You enjoyed it too, “he continued.
"No, I didn't," Liz exclaimed.
"Ahh, but you remember it, don't you?" Don teased.
“I remember you getting off me. I was covered in your stuff. You went to the bathroom and I had to wipe myself with your dirty underpants. They stunk awful. How long had you worn them, 2 days?" Jayne said.
"A week," Don replied making Jayne heave and distort her face as if she was going to vomit.
"That is fucking disgusting," Jayne said. "I used them on my body you dirty bastard," she screamed.
"And that's not all," Don said, sitting up in bed and looking straight at his younger sister.
"When you changed afterwards I went into the bathroom and took your knickers, no, let's call them panties, a sexier term, out of the wash basket. The material that was between your thighs was soaking wet and I know you didn't pee yourself," he confessed. "I had a quick sniff and put them in my school bag along with your bra." Liz was getting angry and a touch upset.
"At school the next day I told all my friends that I had done it with a bird and had her underwear to prove it. Some wanted to have a sniff so I charged them 50p each to do it. I made £10.50 that first day, “he said triumphantly.
"The first day, what do you mean the first day?" Liz was almost shouting at him.
"Well, that first panty sniffing went so well I decided to take a different pair of you worn panties into school each day. I made a fortune, especially when I took in your panties when you were on your period or your sweaty gym knickers. I could charge £1 and if somebody wanted to taste them £2," he said in a business-like way.
"Even in college, guys we're willing to pay to sniff your panties, " he informed her.
"I made over £3,500 in my little enterprise,” he said smugly.
Liz's blood was boiling and when he told her how much he had earned she snapped and started punching and slapping him as hard as she could. He grabbed her arms and dragged her on top of him. She was trying to kick and bite him so he wrapped his legs over hers so she couldn't move them.
She spat in his face but he laughed make her spit even more. One lot landed right on his mouth so he opened his lips and licked it off.
"You nasty, dirty fucking bastard," she screamed but he held her tight so she couldn't move only spit.
"I fucking hate you. I wish mum hadn't died then you wouldn't even be here," Liz said bursting out crying.
Don released her arms and legs and started to caress her back. Liz sobbed uncontrollably for a sometime before Don said, "Liz I have something to show you."
"I'm not interested you bastard, " Liz replied snuggling down on Don's naked body. His warmth he was giving her was something she had never experienced before.
“I think you might be, “he said placing his hands on her buttocks.
"Get the fuck off me,” she protested and slid off him.
Don slowly left the bed and went to his suitcase. Liz watched as he crouched down to search in the case, his huge ball sack dangling between his legs along with his semi-erect cock. She could even see his butt hole which looked strangely like a closed flower. He stood and turned around and carried a black box slightly larger than A4 size. He stood next to the bed and opened it, handing Liz a rectangular package wrapped in bubble wrap.
Liz took it off him and slowly removed the protection. It was a photo frame and when she turned it over Liz gasped and said "no" in a high pitched almost broken voice.
It was an enlarged photograph of the one in his wallet and at the top, of the frame, it was inscribed 'ELIZABETH' and along the bottom was 'MY ONE TRUE LOVE'.
Liz looked up at Don then back to the photo. Her heart was racing and her breathing had become shallow. She looked up again; Don looked blurred because her eyes were filling with tears.
He reached into the box again and handed her a silk bag. She put the photo on the nightstand and opened the bag. She took out a bra and pair of panties that looked vaguely familiar.
She looked at him, anger swelling inside her again.
"Before you say anything, Liz, it's not what it seems,” Don said trying to reassure her.
"Well, I know what it looks like to me so explain away why you don’t?" Liz replied with loathing in her voice.
"We went out with mum for a meal on my last evening here. You wore that beautiful strapless dress. You looked a million dollars.
Most of the men and some women stared at you. I was so proud of you being my sister.
The next morning was an early start for me, at 4 am, so I didn't get a chance to say goodbye." Don's eyes were starting to fill up now.
"Came into your room for one last look at you. You were on the bed star fishing, the sheets off you exposing you wonderful naked body." Liz tried to interrupt.
"No, please let me finish,” Don said.
"I stood for a few minutes taking in the vision before me. Yes, I was getting aroused but I'm not that sort of person. I bent over and kissed your forehead then I did the same to your breasts." Liz groaned aloud and took a deep breath.
"Finally I kissed your pubic mound, the soft sparse hair covering and the smell was like bubblegum. I picked up the discarded bra and panties and gently wiped them over your glistening pussy. You moved slightly so I pulled the sheet back over you and made my way downstairs not knowing if I would ever see you again." Don finished. Liz looked at him; tears were streaming down his cheeks.
"Why did you take my underwear then?" Liz said puzzled by this action.
"Every night since then I have slept with them on my pillow to remind me of my bubblegum sister, sorry." Don burst out crying and Liz jumped off the bed and threw her arms around him.
"There, there don't cry. I think it's a beautiful story. I wish I'd have had something to remind me of you," Liz said pulling him onto the bed.
After a while, Don calmed down and apologised again. "It's a good job you didn't take all my underwear with you,” Liz said giggling.
"I'd have needed a bigger suitcase,” Don replied giggling too.
"You cheeky bugger, " Liz said, straddling her brother's body. She could feel his manhood stiffening between her legs and she liked it.
She lay flat against his naked body; the aroma he gave off was making Liz feel very strange.
"I'm not mad about you taking my underwear with you," Liz said, "I'm not happy that you took them to school and college and charged guys to sniff them. That was wrong."
"Maybe, but I did make lots of money and the enterprise did get me a good job,”
Liz kissed him and said, "I bet you have sniffed lots of panties since you pinched mine"
"I haven't actually. In fact, yours are the only ones. They have lost their scent but I have that fixed in my mind." Don said, slightly disappointed. “I never had a woman because I only wanted you. At company parties, I wore a wedding band and everybody thought I was married. Okay, I kissed several women but..."
“So, I'm not the oldest virgin in the world then?" Liz asked, trying not to laugh.
"I suppose not,” Don answered, looking slightly embarrassed.
There was a long silence; they looked into each other's eyes, neither knowing what to do next. Liz didn't want to move, she had never been this close to a male since the incident in Dons bedroom.
The tension between them both was electric. They could feel the heat from each other's bodies through the thin cotton Liz was wearing. She could feel his hard manhood throbbing against her stomach and that was making her pussy wet.
Suddenly Don's stomach rumbled and Liz burst out laughing. "That settles it, “she said, "My big brother the oldest virgin wants feeding." He gently slapped her bottom and gave her a kiss, laughing himself.
"Time for a shower," Liz said, sitting up and grinding her pussy against Don's hard-on. He placed his hands on her hips to try and control her movements. Don's stomach rumbled again. "Can't stay here all day," Liz said climbing off him.
She pulled her top over her head and then slid her panties off. "Here catch,” she said throwing the sodden garment at him, "you might need them later."
He caught them and put them to his nose and sniffed.
"Come on you pervert, shower, " Liz said grabbing his other hand and pulling him off the bed.
They went into the bathroom, Liz turned on the shower. "Only got this shower gel I'm afraid. It’s not too scented, “she said as she stepped into the shower cubicle.
Don hesitated but Liz pulled him in under the jets of hot water. She squirted some gel onto his wet hair and then some on her own. They wash, all the time watching each other.
Liz slowly soaped her breasts while Don washed his fantastic upper body. She picked up the gel and Don held his hand out. She squirted some gel in the palm of his left hand then put some into her own hand. She reached down and spread her legs applying the scented gel to her pussy while Don rubbed his gel along his erect shaft, making it foam up. He held his right hand out and Liz deposited more gel.
She watched as he drew his foreskin back exposing his huge red glands that were as big as a baby’s hand. He started to rub the gel on the Liz gasped and dropped the gel bottle onto the shower tray.
She watched as he slowly made the gel foam up making his cock to look like an ice cream cone.
She looked up at his face, water cascading off his head and down his face like a warm rain shower. Drops forming then dripping off his nose and chin.
He smiled so Liz slowly moved her free hand towards his manhood. She got inches away and moves her hand away slightly. She looked at him again; he gave her a big grin so she extended her fingers out and touched his huge swollen glands. She was only just able to wrap her fingers around it.
Don closed his eyes, this was the first time a woman had touched his manhood and it felt wonderful. He lent back and rested his shoulders on the cool tiles. Liz put both hands around his member, gently stroking with one and rubbing his enormous glands with the other. Noticing his eyes were closed Liz stood on her tiptoes and opened her thighs slightly. Taking a deep breath she bent his cock downward and put it between her thighs. As soon as it touched her labia, Dons eyes flew open. The heat from her sex made him shudder. Never before had he been so close to a female's sex organs. Liz placed her hands on his buttocks and slid along his shaft until their pubic areas touched. They both shivered and look at in each other's eyes with a mixture of love and lust.
Don turned off the shower and gently lifted Liz up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he stepped out of the shower, both dripping water on the floor. He carried to the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed then scanned her fantastic body for a few moments before climbing on the bed between her legs and put his nose right against her exposed vagina. She could feel his hot breath and it was making her tingle
Don moved his face and kissed and licked her left thigh just out of reach of her pussy. She could feel his stubble gently scratching her leg. It was a wonderful feeling. He gently bit her thigh then moved to the over one. Hurry up Liz thought, Im going to explode in a minute.
Don moved his face back and let his tongue slide between her pussy lips from the bottom to the top.
"Noooo ssshiiit,” Liz gasped grabbing the sheets and lifting her hips off the bed. Her breathing had got shallow and she could feel her heart racing.
Don spread her labia and inhaled his sister's aroma. It was so sweet and heady. He looked at the pink inners of her sex, which glistened with juice. He started lapping like a cat, sending Liz further into raptures.
He found a hole and slid his tongue inside.
"Fuck me,” Liz screamed as his tongue lit at fuse in her sexual emotions. She was now almost hyperventilating because it was hard for her to breathe and concentrate on Don's actions.
He slowly moved up her opening and when he found her clitoris and licked it. Bang, her head exploded with pleasure. She had several orgasms under Don's tongue. She couldn't stand it any more, so she wrapped her fingers in his hair gently pulling it to try and get him off her pussy.
He continued, so Liz pulled harder. Don got the message and slowly licked his way up her body, paying special attention to her breasts and nipples.
Reaching her face he kissed her. She could taste her own sex juices on his lips and started licking his face, savouring each drop she could. Don shifted position slightly and rested his cock on her stomach. He cupped her head in his hands and slowly started to rub against her body, just like he had done all those years ago.
The feeling was more intense now he was older. Liz was all grown up and could understand what was happening.
Not much was happening for Liz though, even after she had opened her legs, allowing Don's heavy ball sack to gently bump against her pussy. She needed more and asked him to stop.
He lifted his head and looked at her. He was so close to cumming. "Okay," he said and started to get off her. "No,” Liz said and dug her heels into the bed and wriggled up the bed until head pressed against the headboard. She pulled him back on top of her a reached between them both and positioned his cock between her pussy lips.
Liz gave him a sexy smile of approval but Don didn't move. She thrust her hips towards him and whispered "please." Don slowly slid his manhood into his sister, slowly and as gently as possible. She could feel her pussy expanding around him, it didn't hurt, just heat and pleasure. He's is such a gently giant she thought.
Don felt the resistance of her maidenhead and knew he would have withdraw slightly to be able to get past it. He knew now his sister really was a virgin. Started to reposition himself by pulling out slightly but Liz panicked.
"No you fucking don't,” she shouted. "Just fucking do it now."
Don gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and thrust forward with all his lower body weight, smashing through the barrier.
Liz let out one almighty scream. Pain shot though even inch of her body and Don's cock felt like she was being murdered by a red hot poker. She didn't like this at all. Each thrust felt like it was tearing her body apart. How the fuck does people enjoy this she thought as Don plunged in and out of her ruined body. She tried to relax which brought some relief.
Don was now well into his stride and he was working up to the best climax he had ever had.
Liz meanwhile concentrated on relaxing her pussy muscles. Then suddenly she started to experience pleasure. Yes she thought and her body started to enjoy a whole new experience.
Sweat was running into Don's eyes so Liz licked it away. After all, he was her brother she thought. She lifted her legs and he hooked his arms behind them giving more power to thrust into her.
Liz could now feel hid manhood touching the very top of her vagina. It was fantastic.
Don released her legs and gasped "I'm... Liz, I'm going... baby I'm going to..."
Liz put her hands on his buttocks and replied: "Do it." Don didn't need a second invitation and gave one last thrust and released his cum into his sister.
Liz felt his seed pumping deep into her body. It was like molten lava spewing into every part of her. Tears of joy we're welling up in her eyes as she too reached her orgasm, the most intense one she had ever experienced.
Their pleasure slowly subsided. Liz nibbled on his ears and thanking him between short breaths.
Don was now lying with all his weight on his sister; he could hear her gasping for air.
"Oops sorry babe," said and slowly started to roll off her.
"No you don't,” Liz said, rolling with him, keeping a firm grip on his manhood with her vagina muscles.
When they had switched positions they kissed and link each other faces smiling with the experience they had both waited so long for.
Looking into each other's eyes they knew what they had just done was wrong, very wrong but they couldn't wind back time and in any case, they didn't want to.
Liz rested her head on Don's shoulder. He pulled the silk sheet over them both and they drifted off into a very contented sleep.
She got in her car and rang her brother's phone number in Singapore. It went straight to voice mail, so she left a message asking him to phone her as soon as possible.
She now felt alone, very alone. Her brother Don had left the family home two days after her 16th birthday to start a new life as a financial whizz kid. He was 18 years old and full of confidence.
She and her mum got birthday and Christmas cards of him but they never spoke. She only kept his phone number for emergencies so hopefully, he would realise the significance of the message.
She arrived home, poured herself a very large whisky then went to bed.
She couldn't sleep, each time she closed her eyes she saw visions of her mum. Tears flowed down her cheeks and she opened her eyes.
She drifted into a restless sleep and suddenly her phone rang. "Hello,” she said, half-asleep.
"How's the worlds oldest virgin doing?" the male voice replied.
"Who is this, please?" she asked unsure who she was speaking to.
"It's me Don, your bezzy bro," came the reply along with a chuckle.
"Very funny,” Liz shouted. “Mum passed away earlier today or yesterday depending on where you are, “she said. There was a long silence then she heard sobbing.
"Don, stop crying please or I will start and we won't be able to think straight, “Liz pleaded.
"Sorry,” he replied, "It was such a shock."
“I know, “Liz said trying to keep calm.
"I will get on the first flight home,” Don declared, saying that he wanted to help with the arrangements, avoiding saying funeral.
"Okay," Liz replied. "I will get my bedroom ready for you."
"What about my bedroom?" he said in a puzzled voice.
"Oh, that's my studio now,” she said, "I'm a graphic designer."
"Great,” he answered, "so I have to sleep in a pink bedroom with girly things on the wall?"
"I'm 28 Don or have you forgotten?" she reminded him.
"Oh, yes, the worlds oldest virgin, " he said.
"Fuck off you bastard, " she screamed down the phone.
"Sorry, " he replied, "just trying to cheer us up. I will email you when I get a flight. Take care Liz, I'm looking forward to seeing..."
"The oldest fucking virgin,” Liz said finishing his sentence for him.
They hung up and Liz lay down and fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning Liz started the process of arranging her mother’s funeral. Her work was put on the back burner.
She was glad the funeral director would do most of the planning including opening her grave.
She went to the bank where she was surprised to find her mum had opened another joint about which contained a very large amount of money. Then to the insurance company to cash in her mum's policies, not that she expected to get much back.
Tuesday, she went to the church to sort out the service details. She called in the pub across the road from the church and had a pub lunch. It was the first thing she had eaten since Sunday morning. The shock of her mother's death had suppressed her appetite.
That afternoon she got an email off Don saying he would be strong at about 8 pm Wednesday evening and he would find a hotel.
Liz replied saying that he could say at the house because she thought they should stay together until the funeral was over.
She also received a call from an advertising agency that they wanted her to do the graphics for a new range of chocolate biscuits. She explained her situation and they told her it wasn't too urgent. She asked if she could have some samples so she knows what they taste like. After a lot of leg-pulling and joking they agreed, which cheered her up massively. The samples and mock-ups would arrive by courier the next day.
Liz drank a bottle of wine while listening to music and fell asleep on the sofa.
The next morning Liz was in her studio, naked as usual, she didn't see the need for clothes while working on her PC.
The doorbell rang so she quickly grabbed her short robe and slipped the feet into her rabbit slippers and when downstairs. The bell rang again. “Okay, one minute,” she shouted as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
She opened the door, expecting the courier with her new project but stood on the doorstep was a guy, tall, good looking with short dark hair that was speckled with blonde streaks.
"Can I help you?" Liz asked as she was getting a tingle between her legs.
“It’s me, Don," the guy replied. Liz gasped and put her hand to her mouth. Tears started to form in her eyes. "So you're not pleased to see me then?" then he asked.
"Yes, I... I.., “she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. He put his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground, causing her robe to come undone. They embrace for several moments before they separated.
Suddenly she realised her robe was open exposing her body to her brother. Sorry, she said as she quickly folded it back across her naked body.
"Very nice,” Don said and let out a whistle.
"Shut up,” Líz said, blushing bright red. "Come in and I'll make you a nice cup of."
They went into the kitchen a Liz put the kettle on.
Liz kept looking at Don, not quite sure if this was really the brother. He had blue eyes, this guy had grey eyes. Don was a thin long-haired geek; this guy had short hair and an absolutely toned body. He was a son is Adonis and she was getting wet between her legs, something that didn't happen very often.
She handed him a mug of tea. He thanked her and after placing it on the breakfast bar, took her hand in his and pulled her towards him.
"I have missed you so much Liz,” he said looking at her with sad eyes. "I wish, “he paused and bowed his head. "I wish I was there for mum when she passed away, “he continued and started crying.
Liz hated seeing grown men cry so she pulled his head to her breasts and cradled him. It started her off crying.
He buried his face into her cleavage and sobbed his heart out. He placed his hands on her silk-covered buttocks. No male had ever done that before. She shivered even though his huge hands were warm.
She could feel his tears and other bodily fluids running between her breasts. Normally she would have moved away but she felt so sad for Don.
She bent her head and kissed the top of his head. He pulled her closer and kissed her between her breasts. Liz put her hand under Don's chin and lifted his face up. She kissed his forehead then both eyes that were wet with his salty tears. He looked like a lost soul. Liz moved to kiss his mucus-covered nose; it was her brother so it will not kill me she thought.
Liz cupped his face in her hands and kissed Don passionately on the lips and he responded by pulling her gown open and sliding his hands around her body pulling even closer to him. He slid his fingers up and down her spine making her shiver.
Liz was losing control, her whole body was aching to be touched but she knew it was so very wrong to even think about doing anything with her brother. She felt his fingers enter the valley between her buttocks.
Liz thought no, and slapped his hands away and stepped back, revealing her naked body to Don for the second time in less than 10 minutes. This time she didn't attempt to cover herself.
She looked at his glistening face and took hold of the bottom of her robe and gently wiped away his tears and the mucus. "Drink your tea and then I will put you in bed, you looked absolutely knackered,” Liz said.
"That's the best offer I've had in ages," Don replied. "We might not get much sleep though,” he continued.
"No, you're going to bed to sleep, no 'we' and then later we can go out for a meal."
Don sat drinking his tea and Liz could feel his eyes taking in the sight of her near-naked body. "I do love a woman who shaves her pussy, so clean yet sexy.” Don said as he finished his tea. Liz wanted a hole to open up and swallow her. She blushed and looked at the floor.
He grabbed her hips and drew her towards him, sticking his tongue into her navel. Liz gasped aloud, her whole body stiffened. She could feel his tongue slowly licking her skin in ever-increasing circles on her stomach, making her juices start to flow for the first time since she was a teenager.
His tongue was getting closer to her forbidden area; she grabbed his arms and quickly moved away. Her heart was pounding and her head was spinning. She could hardly speak because her breathing was so shallow.
"You must stop," Liz gasped. "Mother is watching you."
"Mother is dead," Don said sarcastically.
"Her body might be dead but her soul is still with us,” Liz shouted, almost breaking down in tears.
Don stood and said he was sorry. Liz pointed to his crotch and burst out laughing. Don looked down at his bulging trousers; it was his turn to blush.
Liz walked to the stairs and Don followed, taking his suitcase with him. As they climbed up the stairs, Liz lifted the back of her robe exposing her backside. She heard Don stumble and said, "Steady babe, you don't want to damage your thingy." She giggled and reached the top of the stairs. Don was bright red with embarrassment.
"I need the bathroom,” he said.
"You know where it is,” Liz replied. "Just don't take too long because you need some beauty sleep, " she continued, dragging his heavy suitcase into her bedroom.
Liz quickly removed her robe ad put on a pair of white cotton panties and a white baggy t-shirt with a halo with wings and the word pure in large red capital letters across her breasts.
Don entered the room and Liz asked him to select the clothes that he would be wearing in the evening. He handed her a white t-shirt and a pair of charcoal grey chinos.
She stood and watched as he removed his jacket and tie. Then he slipped off his shoes. Liz was interested in what his body looked like and wasn't disappointed when he removed his shirt to reveal his toned upper body. Liz got a slight tingle.
Don undid his trousers and Liz held her breath in anticipation. His back was to her and she saw his black silk covered backside for the first time. He threw the trousers to the floor joining his shirt and jacket. He removed his socks and turn to face her.
She noticed an embroidered Chinese Dragon on the left leg of his well-filled boxer shorts. He moved to the bed and sat down.
Liz walked passed him and picked his jacket and trousers up off the floor and placed them on the armchair. As she bent to retrieve his shirt and socks, Don started laughing.
Liz reached behind herself and started to feel if she had a hole in her knickers of something. She stood up and looked at Don. "What?" she said gets annoyed.
“It’s just your t-shirt, “he said, trying to control himself.”PURE on the front and YEAH RIGHT on the back, it just cracked me up."
"I wore this on a hen night. Don't worry I didn't cop or anything, “Liz replied smiling.
She started to leave the room with his dirty washing when she asked if he was wearing the same boxers that night.
"Sorry, no,” he said, climbing under the sheet and removing them out of sight much to Liz's disappointment. He lay on his back and handed them to her. The silk sheet lay across his lower body revealing a large bulge that was his manhood.
"See you later,” Liz said as she quickly left the room before her emotions got the better of her.
Downstairs she put his clothes on a chair and took the washing into the laundry room. She put his shirt and socks in the machine but lifted his boxers to her nose and sniffed. There was a heady, musky aroma from them that made her put her hand down to her crotch. She turned them inside out and noticed several silvery patches of Don's pre-cum. She shivered and put her tongue out then lifted the boxers up to her mouth.
Something in her head snapped and she threw them in the machine and closed the door.
What the hell was I thinking she said to herself? He's your brother for fuck sake, not a piece of meat. Her heart was racing so she lent on the washing machine trying calm down. I've never been inclined to do that sort of thing before she thought.
The doorbell rang and she hurried to open the front door. It was the things for her new design project, two A3 sized flat packs and four black boxes the size of crisp boxes. The guy handed her the flat packs and offer to carry the boxes into the house for her.
They put them just inside the lounge. Liz couldn't help looking at his crotch. She in her t-shirt and panties we're having an effect on the poor guy. She signed his pad and walked him back to the door. "Thank you so much,” she said, almost leaning forward to kiss him.
"My pleasure ma'am,” he replied, with a huge smile on his face.
She closed the door and went back into the laundry room. As she ironed Don's clothes for later she started thinking about him and if he really was her brother. She couldn't remember him being so forward about sex. Fair enough, he is older but she hadn't changed her outlook on sex and she was only two years younger.
Liz made a cup of tea and sat thinking about how she could prove it really was flesh and blood. He had a small birthmark at the top of his butt crack she remembered. That will definitely tell her she thought.
Her mind drifted back to his boxer shorts. She slid her hand into her panties and started rubbing her pussy which was getting wetter by the second. Her mind was throwing up all kinds of images some nice but some disgusting.
Liz came back to reality, thinking she must start on the design project. She collected Don's clothes and picking up the A3 packages and climbed the stairs. Pausing at the bedroom Don was hopefully asleep in, she hoped he wasn't playing with himself as she entered and placed his clothes on the chair next to the dressing table.
She looked at Don who was fast asleep, lying on his stomach. His legs spread wide taking up most of the bed. Jeez, he's a big guy Liz thought as she picked his suit up off the floor and put it on a hanger. She removed his wallet from the trouser pocket and opened it, being a bit nosey.
She gasped as she saw two pictures, passport size, of her and their mum. The picture of her was taken on her 16th birthday not long before he left home. Tears started to well up in her eyes.
She put the wallet down and walked to the bed, Gently pulling the sheet down his back to reveal a strawberry coloured birthmark right at the top of his butt crack. He definitely was her brother. Tears started to run down her cheeks, her long lost brother was back. She rushed from the room at went into her studio and cried tears of joy as she tried to work on the project. She found it hard to concentrate, her mind wandering to the photo of her when she was 16. He had kept it with him all these years she thought, how touching.
Several hours passed before she decided to wake Don up so they could go out for dinner. She went into the bedroom; Don was lay on his back, the sheet just about covering his manhood. She stood for a few moments admiring his naked body. Suddenly she got the urge to have a perk at his penis. She moved to the side of the bed and lifted the sheet. She gasped and put her hand to her mouth. OMG it's huge she thought and it isn't even stiff. She stood looking at it for a while when Don said, "You like it then?"
Liz jumped and quickly moved away from the bed leaving his manhood exposed.
"Touch it; it won't bite you,” Don said, laughing at her.
"No way,” Liz said blushing like a beetroot.
"You have done in the past,” Don said, with an air of superiority.
"No, I haven't,” a Liz replied, trying to think of when she might have done.
"Do you remember that Saturday when mum went on that church trip and we were alone in the house? I was 16 and I asked you if you wanted to watch a dirty movie?"
"No," Liz replied, her face had a puzzled expression.
"Of course you do. We went into my bedroom and I got you to strip to your knickers and bra. Pink if I remember, with red lace panels on the sides of the knickers and the same lace for cups on the bra. I could see your nipples." Liz closed her eyes trying to think.
"After we watched the film I removed my underpants and push you back on the bed. I lay between your legs and removed your bra. Your nice boobs with pink nipples came into view giving me a boner. I couldn't get you to take off your knickers so I lay on you and started to rub myself against them and you naked stomach. You lay with your arms and legs spread wide like a starfish so I could feel your hot pussy thought you knickers touching my full balls. It didn't take long for me to shoot my cum between us. It went all over your stomach and knickers reaching to your boobs. I lay there for ages catching my breath. You just kept your eyes closed. You enjoyed it too, “he continued.
"No, I didn't," Liz exclaimed.
"Ahh, but you remember it, don't you?" Don teased.
“I remember you getting off me. I was covered in your stuff. You went to the bathroom and I had to wipe myself with your dirty underpants. They stunk awful. How long had you worn them, 2 days?" Jayne said.
"A week," Don replied making Jayne heave and distort her face as if she was going to vomit.
"That is fucking disgusting," Jayne said. "I used them on my body you dirty bastard," she screamed.
"And that's not all," Don said, sitting up in bed and looking straight at his younger sister.
"When you changed afterwards I went into the bathroom and took your knickers, no, let's call them panties, a sexier term, out of the wash basket. The material that was between your thighs was soaking wet and I know you didn't pee yourself," he confessed. "I had a quick sniff and put them in my school bag along with your bra." Liz was getting angry and a touch upset.
"At school the next day I told all my friends that I had done it with a bird and had her underwear to prove it. Some wanted to have a sniff so I charged them 50p each to do it. I made £10.50 that first day, “he said triumphantly.
"The first day, what do you mean the first day?" Liz was almost shouting at him.
"Well, that first panty sniffing went so well I decided to take a different pair of you worn panties into school each day. I made a fortune, especially when I took in your panties when you were on your period or your sweaty gym knickers. I could charge £1 and if somebody wanted to taste them £2," he said in a business-like way.
"Even in college, guys we're willing to pay to sniff your panties, " he informed her.
"I made over £3,500 in my little enterprise,” he said smugly.
Liz's blood was boiling and when he told her how much he had earned she snapped and started punching and slapping him as hard as she could. He grabbed her arms and dragged her on top of him. She was trying to kick and bite him so he wrapped his legs over hers so she couldn't move them.
She spat in his face but he laughed make her spit even more. One lot landed right on his mouth so he opened his lips and licked it off.
"You nasty, dirty fucking bastard," she screamed but he held her tight so she couldn't move only spit.
"I fucking hate you. I wish mum hadn't died then you wouldn't even be here," Liz said bursting out crying.
Don released her arms and legs and started to caress her back. Liz sobbed uncontrollably for a sometime before Don said, "Liz I have something to show you."
"I'm not interested you bastard, " Liz replied snuggling down on Don's naked body. His warmth he was giving her was something she had never experienced before.
“I think you might be, “he said placing his hands on her buttocks.
"Get the fuck off me,” she protested and slid off him.
Don slowly left the bed and went to his suitcase. Liz watched as he crouched down to search in the case, his huge ball sack dangling between his legs along with his semi-erect cock. She could even see his butt hole which looked strangely like a closed flower. He stood and turned around and carried a black box slightly larger than A4 size. He stood next to the bed and opened it, handing Liz a rectangular package wrapped in bubble wrap.
Liz took it off him and slowly removed the protection. It was a photo frame and when she turned it over Liz gasped and said "no" in a high pitched almost broken voice.
It was an enlarged photograph of the one in his wallet and at the top, of the frame, it was inscribed 'ELIZABETH' and along the bottom was 'MY ONE TRUE LOVE'.
Liz looked up at Don then back to the photo. Her heart was racing and her breathing had become shallow. She looked up again; Don looked blurred because her eyes were filling with tears.
He reached into the box again and handed her a silk bag. She put the photo on the nightstand and opened the bag. She took out a bra and pair of panties that looked vaguely familiar.
She looked at him, anger swelling inside her again.
"Before you say anything, Liz, it's not what it seems,” Don said trying to reassure her.
"Well, I know what it looks like to me so explain away why you don’t?" Liz replied with loathing in her voice.
"We went out with mum for a meal on my last evening here. You wore that beautiful strapless dress. You looked a million dollars.
Most of the men and some women stared at you. I was so proud of you being my sister.
The next morning was an early start for me, at 4 am, so I didn't get a chance to say goodbye." Don's eyes were starting to fill up now.
"Came into your room for one last look at you. You were on the bed star fishing, the sheets off you exposing you wonderful naked body." Liz tried to interrupt.
"No, please let me finish,” Don said.
"I stood for a few minutes taking in the vision before me. Yes, I was getting aroused but I'm not that sort of person. I bent over and kissed your forehead then I did the same to your breasts." Liz groaned aloud and took a deep breath.
"Finally I kissed your pubic mound, the soft sparse hair covering and the smell was like bubblegum. I picked up the discarded bra and panties and gently wiped them over your glistening pussy. You moved slightly so I pulled the sheet back over you and made my way downstairs not knowing if I would ever see you again." Don finished. Liz looked at him; tears were streaming down his cheeks.
"Why did you take my underwear then?" Liz said puzzled by this action.
"Every night since then I have slept with them on my pillow to remind me of my bubblegum sister, sorry." Don burst out crying and Liz jumped off the bed and threw her arms around him.
"There, there don't cry. I think it's a beautiful story. I wish I'd have had something to remind me of you," Liz said pulling him onto the bed.
After a while, Don calmed down and apologised again. "It's a good job you didn't take all my underwear with you,” Liz said giggling.
"I'd have needed a bigger suitcase,” Don replied giggling too.
"You cheeky bugger, " Liz said, straddling her brother's body. She could feel his manhood stiffening between her legs and she liked it.
She lay flat against his naked body; the aroma he gave off was making Liz feel very strange.
"I'm not mad about you taking my underwear with you," Liz said, "I'm not happy that you took them to school and college and charged guys to sniff them. That was wrong."
"Maybe, but I did make lots of money and the enterprise did get me a good job,”
Liz kissed him and said, "I bet you have sniffed lots of panties since you pinched mine"
"I haven't actually. In fact, yours are the only ones. They have lost their scent but I have that fixed in my mind." Don said, slightly disappointed. “I never had a woman because I only wanted you. At company parties, I wore a wedding band and everybody thought I was married. Okay, I kissed several women but..."
“So, I'm not the oldest virgin in the world then?" Liz asked, trying not to laugh.
"I suppose not,” Don answered, looking slightly embarrassed.
There was a long silence; they looked into each other's eyes, neither knowing what to do next. Liz didn't want to move, she had never been this close to a male since the incident in Dons bedroom.
The tension between them both was electric. They could feel the heat from each other's bodies through the thin cotton Liz was wearing. She could feel his hard manhood throbbing against her stomach and that was making her pussy wet.
Suddenly Don's stomach rumbled and Liz burst out laughing. "That settles it, “she said, "My big brother the oldest virgin wants feeding." He gently slapped her bottom and gave her a kiss, laughing himself.
"Time for a shower," Liz said, sitting up and grinding her pussy against Don's hard-on. He placed his hands on her hips to try and control her movements. Don's stomach rumbled again. "Can't stay here all day," Liz said climbing off him.
She pulled her top over her head and then slid her panties off. "Here catch,” she said throwing the sodden garment at him, "you might need them later."
He caught them and put them to his nose and sniffed.
"Come on you pervert, shower, " Liz said grabbing his other hand and pulling him off the bed.
They went into the bathroom, Liz turned on the shower. "Only got this shower gel I'm afraid. It’s not too scented, “she said as she stepped into the shower cubicle.
Don hesitated but Liz pulled him in under the jets of hot water. She squirted some gel onto his wet hair and then some on her own. They wash, all the time watching each other.
Liz slowly soaped her breasts while Don washed his fantastic upper body. She picked up the gel and Don held his hand out. She squirted some gel in the palm of his left hand then put some into her own hand. She reached down and spread her legs applying the scented gel to her pussy while Don rubbed his gel along his erect shaft, making it foam up. He held his right hand out and Liz deposited more gel.
She watched as he drew his foreskin back exposing his huge red glands that were as big as a baby’s hand. He started to rub the gel on the Liz gasped and dropped the gel bottle onto the shower tray.
She watched as he slowly made the gel foam up making his cock to look like an ice cream cone.
She looked up at his face, water cascading off his head and down his face like a warm rain shower. Drops forming then dripping off his nose and chin.
He smiled so Liz slowly moved her free hand towards his manhood. She got inches away and moves her hand away slightly. She looked at him again; he gave her a big grin so she extended her fingers out and touched his huge swollen glands. She was only just able to wrap her fingers around it.
Don closed his eyes, this was the first time a woman had touched his manhood and it felt wonderful. He lent back and rested his shoulders on the cool tiles. Liz put both hands around his member, gently stroking with one and rubbing his enormous glands with the other. Noticing his eyes were closed Liz stood on her tiptoes and opened her thighs slightly. Taking a deep breath she bent his cock downward and put it between her thighs. As soon as it touched her labia, Dons eyes flew open. The heat from her sex made him shudder. Never before had he been so close to a female's sex organs. Liz placed her hands on his buttocks and slid along his shaft until their pubic areas touched. They both shivered and look at in each other's eyes with a mixture of love and lust.
Don turned off the shower and gently lifted Liz up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he stepped out of the shower, both dripping water on the floor. He carried to the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed then scanned her fantastic body for a few moments before climbing on the bed between her legs and put his nose right against her exposed vagina. She could feel his hot breath and it was making her tingle
Don moved his face and kissed and licked her left thigh just out of reach of her pussy. She could feel his stubble gently scratching her leg. It was a wonderful feeling. He gently bit her thigh then moved to the over one. Hurry up Liz thought, Im going to explode in a minute.
Don moved his face back and let his tongue slide between her pussy lips from the bottom to the top.
"Noooo ssshiiit,” Liz gasped grabbing the sheets and lifting her hips off the bed. Her breathing had got shallow and she could feel her heart racing.
Don spread her labia and inhaled his sister's aroma. It was so sweet and heady. He looked at the pink inners of her sex, which glistened with juice. He started lapping like a cat, sending Liz further into raptures.
He found a hole and slid his tongue inside.
"Fuck me,” Liz screamed as his tongue lit at fuse in her sexual emotions. She was now almost hyperventilating because it was hard for her to breathe and concentrate on Don's actions.
He slowly moved up her opening and when he found her clitoris and licked it. Bang, her head exploded with pleasure. She had several orgasms under Don's tongue. She couldn't stand it any more, so she wrapped her fingers in his hair gently pulling it to try and get him off her pussy.
He continued, so Liz pulled harder. Don got the message and slowly licked his way up her body, paying special attention to her breasts and nipples.
Reaching her face he kissed her. She could taste her own sex juices on his lips and started licking his face, savouring each drop she could. Don shifted position slightly and rested his cock on her stomach. He cupped her head in his hands and slowly started to rub against her body, just like he had done all those years ago.
The feeling was more intense now he was older. Liz was all grown up and could understand what was happening.
Not much was happening for Liz though, even after she had opened her legs, allowing Don's heavy ball sack to gently bump against her pussy. She needed more and asked him to stop.
He lifted his head and looked at her. He was so close to cumming. "Okay," he said and started to get off her. "No,” Liz said and dug her heels into the bed and wriggled up the bed until head pressed against the headboard. She pulled him back on top of her a reached between them both and positioned his cock between her pussy lips.
Liz gave him a sexy smile of approval but Don didn't move. She thrust her hips towards him and whispered "please." Don slowly slid his manhood into his sister, slowly and as gently as possible. She could feel her pussy expanding around him, it didn't hurt, just heat and pleasure. He's is such a gently giant she thought.
Don felt the resistance of her maidenhead and knew he would have withdraw slightly to be able to get past it. He knew now his sister really was a virgin. Started to reposition himself by pulling out slightly but Liz panicked.
"No you fucking don't,” she shouted. "Just fucking do it now."
Don gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and thrust forward with all his lower body weight, smashing through the barrier.
Liz let out one almighty scream. Pain shot though even inch of her body and Don's cock felt like she was being murdered by a red hot poker. She didn't like this at all. Each thrust felt like it was tearing her body apart. How the fuck does people enjoy this she thought as Don plunged in and out of her ruined body. She tried to relax which brought some relief.
Don was now well into his stride and he was working up to the best climax he had ever had.
Liz meanwhile concentrated on relaxing her pussy muscles. Then suddenly she started to experience pleasure. Yes she thought and her body started to enjoy a whole new experience.
Sweat was running into Don's eyes so Liz licked it away. After all, he was her brother she thought. She lifted her legs and he hooked his arms behind them giving more power to thrust into her.
Liz could now feel hid manhood touching the very top of her vagina. It was fantastic.
Don released her legs and gasped "I'm... Liz, I'm going... baby I'm going to..."
Liz put her hands on his buttocks and replied: "Do it." Don didn't need a second invitation and gave one last thrust and released his cum into his sister.
Liz felt his seed pumping deep into her body. It was like molten lava spewing into every part of her. Tears of joy we're welling up in her eyes as she too reached her orgasm, the most intense one she had ever experienced.
Their pleasure slowly subsided. Liz nibbled on his ears and thanking him between short breaths.
Don was now lying with all his weight on his sister; he could hear her gasping for air.
"Oops sorry babe," said and slowly started to roll off her.
"No you don't,” Liz said, rolling with him, keeping a firm grip on his manhood with her vagina muscles.
When they had switched positions they kissed and link each other faces smiling with the experience they had both waited so long for.
Looking into each other's eyes they knew what they had just done was wrong, very wrong but they couldn't wind back time and in any case, they didn't want to.
Liz rested her head on Don's shoulder. He pulled the silk sheet over them both and they drifted off into a very contented sleep.
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Lilith. Rags to Riches -part 1
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