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741 stories found

The Pranksters: 3rd ChapterThe Pranksters: Chapter 3 I may be crazy but I think Uncle Jim got a hard on looking at me that night. OK, so I was completely naked, sitting outside on the porch of the house and we were talking. There was just enough shadow that I am not 100% sure what he could see but as we chatted I kind of relaxed my posture and may have sort of flashed him my goods so to speak, not like on purpose or anything. I know when I caught him kind of staring he pretty much ended the conversation and as he turne...reading time 21 mingenre
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Is it incest if i dont know?Is it incest if I didn’t know? Hello. I am Samantha. Sam for short. I am I am thirty-eight years old but I look much younger. I have lived a sheltered life and not really versed in the sexual practices of modern-day singles. I only had sex one time. It was a disaster. I had just turned eighteen, I was seduced by a twenty-nine-year-old man. No, it wasn’t rape. I never told him no, stop, back off or anything to discourage him. I allowed it to happen. I remember the pain of losing my cherry, I r...reading time 27 mingenre
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Queer bent bastardJason and I had just spent the better part of the afternoon skateboarding all over town. Now, reasonably exhausted, we were lounging around on my back deck, drinking Cokes and munching on some brownies my mom had just finished making. It was a typical Sunday afternoon. For the last six years, Jason and I had spent nearly every free minute together, skateboarding, playing one-on-one, driving my mom or his mom nuts, and just doing whatever. There was nothing we didn’t know about each other…well, a...reading time 52 mingenre
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The Pastor's WifeI got a call from my friend, Sandra, inviting me down for a visit. It so happened that my husband was leaving for a hunting trip with friends and I'd already decided to let the kids go to their grandparents so I said, "Sure, love to!" We live in Oklahoma and I left early on that Saturday morning, eager to begin the five hour trip to Sandi's house in a small, country town south of Austin, Texas. "I've got something special and delightfully nasty planned for us," my friend had said into the p...reading time 19 mingenre
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Susan... Part 10Part 10… ************************************************************** Killing one’s brother is wrong. Right? I mean it is illegal, I know that but it is necessarily always wrong? Here’s what happened… So last night my younger brother and I had a bit of a time teasing each other and I kind of let him take a few pics of me that I had every intention of making him delete. He got a little excited and I managed to make him jerk off for me as proof that he at least sometimes had some rather...reading time 29 mingenre
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Desires For DaddyDesires For Daddy Part I By Dirty Amber Copyright 2012 Laura is a twelve years beautiful daughter who loves her widowed father more than daughter should do. She fails to find ways to express her love as she sees her father find release with regular beautiful women who were getting younger with each passing years. When her fourteen years old cousin arrives the door that had appeared frilly shut on her opens. Strong incest based story with explicit sex of all kinds. Sensitive readers should use ca...reading time 215 mingenre
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Dirty Amber
Enticed Pt. 4 - Moving Pictures This is the fourth part of the story of my time in the early 90s with a gay man about 15 years older than me who saw me as a near-reincarnation of his first boyfriend. Check my post history for earlier installments of the story of an older man’s toy. While shooting the nude stills for Blaise I got the idea that I needed to make a video for him, something he could watch whenever he wanted, whenever I couldn’t be there to give him a show. Besides, why shouldn’t I join the homemade porn industry ...reading time 29 mingenre
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The Bastard "Hey, sis," I said, walking in the door into her house. "How are you?" I pondered, putting my bags down. "I'm good, sis, now give me a hug," she added, before hugging me. "Damn, Alexis, you two are in your forties now, and you still call each other 'sis'?" Louie asked, coming towards us. "Yes," she answered, turning to him. "It's not our fault you're an only child and can't understand why we call each other that, but we do, so deal with it." "Alexis, I didn't say I had a problem; it was just...reading time 44 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 01Vivian Laaning started her life growing up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin. Although the rigors of farm work held no horrors for her, still the tedious repetitive farm chores did not challenge her intellect. One year when she was in grade school, her class took an educational field trip to Chicago to attend the appropriate museums, and provide some educational sight-seeing. From that trip, she knew that she would want to live in that big city, when she was old enough. To fulfill that desire, she d...reading time 31 mingenre
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Little Matriarch Little Matriarch Written by Dirty Amber Note For Readers: Narrator of each part is mentioned at the start. I am sure most readers will find this note superfluous. ********************** Tom has three daughters, Lily [13], Tracey [11] and sam [10]. His brother and him had married their cousins, twins. After freak tragedies men were left alone and brooding. Lily takes over as matriarch. She first takes her father and shares him with her two sisters. Then she takes her grandfather and...reading time 162 mingenre
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Dirty Amber
Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 10The next morning, Vivian woke up with Erki the dog, barking and Maia screaming. She looked at the clock and it showed 6:30 presumably, AM. Two things became immediately self-evident. Eino Tarvas was not in her bed. Either he didn’t sleep with her throughout the night; or she had fallen asleep while he was still in her presence. Or perhaps he had remained with her but had left to tend to the normal daily dairy farming chores which she knew had to commence long before 6:30 AM. The other evident fa...reading time 34 mingenre
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The Plane Crash Chapter 6-12The Plane Crash Chapter 6-12 Chapter 6 - Waiting For Daylight "Listen up girls, I want you to gather round and stay close together. It looks like you have enough palm leaves so huddle together and I will go back into the plane to look for something to build a shelter" It was still a few hours before light so I went back to the plane to see what I could find to use as some cover. The flashes of lightning were the only source of light as the emergency lighting had died. This made navigating a...reading time 53 mingenre
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A beloved son as perfect husbandHi everyone ... my name is Nirmala. Thanks to a husband who prefers to spend most of the year working overseas, my son Ravi and I have been living together as husband and wife for two wonderful years. Both of us won’t have it any other way and look forward to many more years of sexual bliss! We are glad to know that there are many close relatives like us who enjoy sexual intimacy and we wish them the very best in their life together. We will be reading their stories with great interest when t...reading time 42 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 14The wedding reception lasted till the wee hours of the morning as everyone had a good time. The highlight of the reception was the opening solo dance of Vivian and Eino. That ubiquitous, traditional bride and groom dance was a pleasant marveling experience for Vivian and went far beyond what she would have expected. When she had finished law school and acquired her position at Kirkland, Mayer & McDermott, she had taken formal ballroom dancing instructions in order that she wouldn't find herself ...reading time 36 mingenre
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Vivian: Life in Estonia Chapter 13The wedding reception lasted till the wee hours of the morning as everyone had a good time. The highlight of the reception was the opening solo dance of Vivian and Eino. That ubiquitous, traditional bride and groom dance was a pleasant marveling experience for Vivian and went far beyond what she would have expected. When she had finished law school and acquired her position at Kirkland, Mayer & McDermott, she had taken formal ballroom dancing instructions in order that she wouldn't find herself ...reading time 36 mingenre
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Phoenix EnvyCherry blossoms are falling, it's the beauty of the fall. It's a perfect moment in reflection that reciprocates a geisha designated as Phoenix Jade knee down in mediation underneath a cherry blossom tree. It's absolutely spectacular for eyewitnesses, not only because the secluded renown geisha but the beauty of the cherry blossoms falling with the rain dew. Each drip from a cherry blossom leaf represents the Astro Plains which our entire universe resides, and somewhere the supreme goddess but no...reading time 432 mingenre
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Phoenix Envy Glorious Goddess. @
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